the genetic history of the otomi in the central mexican valley

University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons ScholarlyCommons Anthropology Senior Theses Department of Anthropology Spring 2013 The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley Haleigh Zillges University of Pennsylvania Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Anthropology Commons Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Zillges, Haleigh, "The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley" (2013). Anthropology Senior Theses. Paper 133. This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania

ScholarlyCommons ScholarlyCommons

Anthropology Senior Theses Department of Anthropology

Spring 2013

The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley

Haleigh Zillges University of Pennsylvania

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Part of the Anthropology Commons

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Zillges, Haleigh, "The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley" (2013). Anthropology Senior Theses. Paper 133.

This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Page 2: The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley

The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley

Abstract Abstract The Otomí, or Hñäñhü, is an indigenous ethnic group in the Central Mexican Valley that has been historically marginalized since before Spanish colonization. To investigate the extent by which historical, geographic, linguistic, and cultural influences shaped biological ancestry, I analyzed the genetic variation of 224 Otomí individuals residing in thirteen Otomí villages. Results indicate that the majority of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes belong to the four major founding lineages, A2, B2, C1, and D1, reflecting an overwhelming lack of maternal admixture with Spanish colonizers. Results also indicate that at an intra-population level, neither geography nor linguistics played a prominent role in shaping maternal biological ancestry. However, at an inter-population level, geography was found to be a more influential determinant. Comparisons of Otomí genetic variation allow us to reconstruct the ethnic history of this group, and to place it within a broader-based Mesoamerican history.

Disciplines Disciplines Anthropology

This thesis or dissertation is available at ScholarlyCommons:

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Haleigh Zillges



Submitted to the Department of Anthropology University of Pennsylvania

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Theodore Schurr


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The Otomí, or Hñäñhü, is an indigenous ethnic group in the Central Mexican Valley that

has been historically marginalized since before Spanish colonization. To investigate the extent

by which historical, geographic, linguistic, and cultural influences shaped biological ancestry, I

analyzed the genetic variation of 224 Otomí individuals residing in thirteen Otomí villages.

Results indicate that the majority of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes belong to the

four major founding lineages, A2, B2, C1, and D1, reflecting an overwhelming lack of maternal

admixture with Spanish colonizers. Results also indicate that at an intra-population level, neither

geography nor linguistics played a prominent role in shaping maternal biological ancestry.

However, at an inter-population level, geography was found to be a more influential determinant.

Comparisons of Otomí genetic variation allow us to reconstruct the ethnic history of this group,

and to place it within a broader-based Mesoamerican history.

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The use of human genetic variation as a means of studying the dynamics of ancient

human populations is a concept that has been gaining steady ground in recent years.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is particularly useful for these studies due to its rapid mutation

rate (Brown et al. 1979), its maternal mode of inheritance (Giles et al. 1980), and its lack of

recombination (Olivio et al. 1983). Combined together, these traits make mtDNA an excellent

proxy for determining human genetic prehistory, especially when it comes to matters concerning

human population expansions. mtDNA studies have provided substantial evidence to elaborate

on major human expansions, including the movement of anatomically modern humans out of

Africa (Atkinson et al. 2008; Cann et al. 1987), the migration of South Asian ancestors into

Polynesia (Kayser et al. 2006), and the peopling of the Americas (Schurr et al. 1990).

In particular, the peopling of the Americas has been studied by looking at mtDNA

variation within living native peoples. Such studies have found that nearly all Native Americans

belong to four major lineages, denoted by haplogroups A2, B2, C1, and D1 (Schurr et al. 1990;

Forster et al. 1996), and five minor lineages, denoted by X2a, D2a, D3, D4h3, and C4c (Brown

et al. 1998; Tamm et al. 2007; Perego et al. 2009; Kashani et al. 2012). With time, it is likely

that the number of minor lineages will increase; indeed, one such lineage, X2g, was found in an

Ojibwa individual from Canada (Perego et al. 2009). These haplogroups are differentiated by

differences in mutations within the hypervariable segments (HVS1, HVSII) of the noncoding

control region within the mitochondrial genome (van Oven & Kayser 2009). The four major

haplogroups are ubiquitously distributed in varying frequencies throughout the Americas,

suggesting their status as the concomitant founding groups (Schurr et al. 1990). Moreover, the

restriction of variation of only these four major haplogroups suggests a bottleneck event occurred

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as ancient Asian predecessors moved from Siberia, into Beringia, and expanded down into the

Americas (Tamm et al. 2007).

The geographic area that includes modern day Mexico is an important one that can shed

light on questions related to ancient population movements in the New World. Mexico is home

to 10 million native people, many of which still speak their respective native language and

follow traditional cultural practices. Geographically, Mexico is considered the “crossroads” of

the Americas, connecting North America to South America and the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic

Ocean. Additionally, Mexico is likely the area where New World plant domestication evolved,

giving rise to maize, squash, and beans (Benz 2000; Mangelsdorf 1986). Mexico also evokes the

infamous Aztec and Maya civilizations; indeed, the largest pre-Colombian population in North

America resided here (Coe 1994).

This study focuses on the genetic history of the Otomí, an indigenous group in the

Central Mexican Valley. This population represents one of the many groups that comprise

native Mexican diversity. The Otomí individuals presented in this study are from an area that

spans three modern Mexican states, including Hidalgo, Querétaro, and Guanajuato (Figure 1).

However, Otomí satellite groups are also found in Puebla, Mexico, Tlaxcala, and Michoacán.

Together, these areas form the Central Mexican Valley. The Central Mexican Valley, also called

the Mezquital Valley, is an eroded area covering 7,206 square kilometers and part of the central

Mexican highlands in Central Mexico (Fournier-García & Mondragón 2003). The extreme

agricultural sterility of this region is arguably the single most important variable that has allowed

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the Otomí to form and maintain a distinct ethnic identity, one that persists to this day.

In what follows, I present a survey of the history, archaeology and linguistics of the

Otomí, as well as ancient Mexico itself. These details provided the necessary context with which

to address my research questions and explain the results of my genetic analysis.

Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: Shaping the Landscape

Ancient Mexico and the surrounding areas are typically referred to as Mesoamerica, a

term coined by anthropologist Paul Kirchoff in 1943. Specifically, Kirchoff described

Figure 1: Map of Mexico. (Adapted from Wikimedia Commons)

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Mesoamerica as a culturally unified geographical area that included modern central and southern

Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica (Weaver 1972). It is

thought that the unification of Mesoamerica began with the advent of agriculture and the

formation of farming villages around 2,000 BCE (Smith & Saunders 1996). Before

Mesoamerica became culturally unified, however, nomadic hunter-gatherer bands occupied the

area. They are thought to have migrated into the area during the Paleo-Indian period (c.7000

BCE) (Coe 1994; Suárez 1983). The details of this early period are still under debate (Coe 1994),

based on lack of sufficient archaeological evidence.

7000-2000 BCE marks the Archaic Period (Suárez 1983). This period was characterized

by the domestication of plants, the most important of which was arguably maize (Staller et al.

2010). Maize acted as an impetus for the population growth and, eventually, the rise of powerful

civilizations (Coe 1994). The earliest archaeological site with evidence of maize domestication

comes from the San Marcos Cave in the Tehuacán region of Oaxaca, which dates to 5,600 YBP

based on accelerator mass spectrometry (Long et al. 1989). Other archaeological evidence

includes the spread of small farming villages, like Tamualipas in north central Mexico (Smith &

Saunders 1996; Suárez 1983).

The Pre-Classic or Formative Period (1800 BCE-AD 150) is marked archaeologically by

the introduction of pottery, architecture, and writing systems (Coe 1994). Culturally, it is

signified by the rise and dominance of the Olmec civilization, as well as the beginnings of the

Zapotec and Maya civilizations (Coe 1994). The Olmec civilization is substantial because it

further solidified cultural uniformity in Mesoamerica (Suárez 1983). The following Classic

Period (150 AD-900 AD) was the era of city-states, including Teotihuacán (Valley of Mexico),

Monte Albán (Valley of Oaxaca), and El Tajín (Coe 1994), and is archaeologically defined by

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the appearance of large urban centers (Suárez 1983). The rise of city-states was an impetus for

cultural differentiation due to the development of intricate power networks within the emerging


This cultural differentiation reached its height in the Postclassic Period (AD 900-AD

1520) with the rise of governance, warfare, and the evolution of social hierarchies (Suárez 1983).

The Toltec Empire dominated the first half of the Postclassic Period by conquering lands all the

way from the Guatemalan Highlands to northern Yucatán (Suárez 1983). Based on

archaeological and historical evidence, this expansionist group came from the north and

northwest and spoke numerous languages, including Nahuatl and Otomí (Diehl 1983; Suárez

1983). After the Toltecan collapse in c. AD 1160 (Suárez 1983), the Aztecs began their reign of

power by allying themselves with Tlacopan and Azcapozalco and forming the Triple Alliance

(Suárez 1983; Mata-Míguez et al. 2012; Brumfiel 1983). Despite the advancement of these

hegemonic groups, Mesoamerica remained a cultural and linguistic mosaic (Smith & Saunders

1996), with many smaller groups enjoying a large degree of cultural continuity seen to the

present day (Mata-Míguez et al. 2012).

Otomí History

The Otomí was one of the many groups that came out of this cultural differentiation

during the Classic and Postclassic Periods. Otomí is derived from “Otomitl”, a Nahautl word

meaning “wanderer” (Lanks 1938). Thus, it is generally thought that the Otomí migrated to the

Central Mexican Valley as a group of nomadic people around AD 650 (Lanks 1938; Fournier-

García & Mondragón 2003).

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The Otomí are notable for their continued marginalization by numerous historical groups

and resistance to cultural assimilation. The height of Otomí culture began with the founding of

its capitol, Xaltocan, around AD 1100 (Mata-Míguez et al. 2012). Between the 11th and 14th

centuries, Xaltocan acquired enough power to collect tribute from surrounding communities

(Mata-Míguez et al. 2012). However, during the mid-13th century, Xaltocan and Cuauhtitlán, a

city-state of the Tepanec kingdom, fought in a war resulting in the expulsion of the Otomí in AD

1418 (Evans 1988; Mata-Míguez et al. 2012; Hirth 2000). Ironically, the Acolhua king

Techotlalatzin, an ally of the Tepanecs, offered the displaced Otomí refuge in Otumba in the

Teotihuacán Valley (Evans 1988). Historically, Teotihuacán Valley (also known as the Mexican

Valley) was a cosmopolitan locale that provided a home for many groups during the Aztecan

rule of the Postclassic Period (Evans 1988), eventually assimilating them with the Nahuatl-

speaking Aztecan culture (Smith & Saunders 1996). The only exception to this rule was the

Otomí (Smith & Saunders 1996), who not only maintained a strong ethnic identity within

Aztecan rule, but succeeded in being the only group to maintain use of its non-Nahuatl language

up until the time of conquest (Evans 1988).

Spanish colonization in 16th century brought with it the development of the encomienda

and repartimiento systems, which exploited indigenous groups for labor and tribute (Fournier-

García & Mondragón 2003) and forced native peoples to embrace Christian religion and the

Spanish language (Suárez 1983). The repartimiento system was organized by allotting restricted

power to native chiefs, who were then responsible for collecting tribute from their respective

tribes on behalf of the Spanish Crown. As Suárez (1983) explains, this was a formative time in

which tribes began to organize themselves, allowing a kind of cultural cohesion to form.

However, soon, as a result of the drastic decrease in native population size due to epidemic

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diseases in the 17th century, these native chiefs were unable to collect enough tribute to maintain

their positions of power (Suárez 1983). Consequently, this prompted the formation of new

system, one based on peonage. This system, called the hacienda system, was one in which

native peoples fell victim to the vicious cycle of debt-bonded work (Suárez 1983). All of the

native cohesion that the repartimiento system allowed for was essentially erased with the

implementation of the hacienda system.

Although the Otomí did pay tribute, they were excluded from the labor exploitation

through the hacienda system because the lands they occupied were ecologically poor. The only

vegetation that could be grown with reliable consistency was cacti, mesquite, and maguey, and

only to the extent of family-based subsistence (Lanks 1938). Thus, in the eyes of the Spanish

colonizers, there was little profit to be had from conquering the Otomí lands and exploiting

Otomí workers (Alexander 2003).

As Fournier-García and Mondragón (2003) point out, the impoverished fertility of their

lands is likely the reason for the Otomí’s ability to maintain a distinct ethnic culture throughout

the colonization era. Moreover, the environment in which the Otomí lived necessitated the

formation of a distinct ethnic culture in contrast to the surrounding groups. Hirth (2000) points

out that it was likely a shortage of agriculture land in Otumba at the time of conquest that led the

Otomí to develop a traditional craft industry (Fournier-García and Mondragón 2003; Lanks

1938). This traditional craft industry, dominated by maguey fiber textiles and pottery, still

persists today.

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Otomí Archaeology

The archaeological footprint of any ethnic group is, in part, a product of the environment

in which it flourishes. In the case of the Otomí, their settlements tended to be dispersed, based

on the severe limitations of natural resources in the area (Fournier-García & Mondragón 2003).

While this distribution parallels the dispersed pattern of settlement and isolation of present day

Otomí villages, it has still proven difficult to distinguish between an Otomí archaeological site

and that of the dominating Nahua culture. However, there is archaeological evidence of water-

control features and ceramics associated with the extraction of the maguey sap (Fournier-García

& Mondragón 2003) which are unique to the Otomí.


The Otomí speak a language belonging to the large Oto-Manguean language family.

Oto-Manguean is the most diverse language family in Mesoamerica, based on genetic groupings

(Kaufman & Justeson 2009). It consists of seven smaller language families, as outlined in

Figure 2. Glottochronology, archaeology, and linguistic diversity suggest that these seven

families have been split since at least 3500-4000 BCE (Kaufman & Justeson 2009; Suárez 1983).

They also suggest that the Teotihuacán Valley is the area in which this diversification occurred

(Lastra 2006; Suárez 1983). Oto-Manguean is continuously distributed throughout Central and

Southern Mexico, with the exception of various Nahua pockets (Kaufman & Justeson 2009).

This distribution points to a deep temporal history in the area. Indeed, linguists are able to

reconstruct an Oto-Manguean vocabulary that refers to distinctive traits that were around at the

advent of Mesoamerican cultural formation (Suárez 1983).

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Farming and language dispersal hypothesis

It has been postulated that major language groups that arose concomitantly with the rise

of agriculture disseminated with the migration of agriculturalists into non-agricultural areas as a

result of extreme population expansions (Bellwood 2001; Diamond & Bellwood 2003). This

idea, called the farming and language dispersal hypothesis (FLDH), attempts to explain the

uneven distribution of language families not only in Mesoamerica, but also throughout the world

(Kemp et al. 2010). In Mesoamerica, this hypothesis has historically been linked to the spread of

Uto-Aztecan, due to the fact that they are found in the American Southwest and Mesoamerica

(Hill 2001; Kemp 2005). Kaufman and Justeson (2009) take a different stance explaining that

the FLDH does not apply to Mesoamerica due to a continued patchwork distribution of the

eleven major language families during the rise of agriculture.

Figure 2: Oto-Manguean language tree. Constructed using information from Ethnologue

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Effect of Spanish Influence on Mesoamerican languages

At the onset of the 16th century, Central Mexico was home to at least ten different

ethnically distinct language groups, including Nahuatl, Otomí, Popoloca, Malatzinca, Ocuilteca,

Mixtec, Chontal, and Tarascan (Nichols & Charlton 2002). However, a mixture of disease

epidemics and Spanish oppression resulted in a sharp rise of language extinctions (Suárez 1983).

This was slightly alleviated in 1555 when the first Mexican Council demanded that all Spanish

religious friars began converting native peoples using native languages. However, since this

requirement severely limited the efficiency with which friars could convert native groups, they

picked Nahuatl as a sort of lingua franca of Catholic conversion. The ease with which Nahuatl

spread caused the language to become nearly ubiquitous, so much so that a Crown ordinance in

1570 made Nahuatl a “kind of official language” (Suárez 1983:65).

Otomí Language

The Otomí language belongs to the Otopamean branch within the Oto-Manguean

language group. There are nine recognized dialects that are still spoken today (Table 1), many

of which are spoken by monolinguals. Despite its diversity, however, Oto-Manguean is one of

the least studied language families based on the lack of actual written documents by its language

constituents. The Otomí language in particular has only a few codices to represent its rich

history, including the Códice de Huichapan, the Códice de Jilotepec, and the Códice de

Huamantla (Lastra 2006). These codices contain important facts about Otomí prehistory

including an Otomí calendar and drawings (Lastra 2006), but they do not come close to touching

the expansive hieroglyphic records of the Mayan and Aztecan groups (Lastra 2006). For this

reason, linguists must rely on indirect methods to study Otomí language history. These methods

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include examining the distribution of Otomí loan words and speech groups to discern past

interactions, which has been done with the ancient Toltec groups (Suárez 1983).

Dialect Location # Speakers # Monolingual Speakers

Eastern Highland HGO, VER, PUE 49,300 4,700

Estado de México HGO, MEX, MOR, QRO 20,000 440

Ixtenco TLA 460 0

Mezquital HGO, some parts of USA 100,000 Unknown

Querétaro QRO 33,000 1,900

Temoaya MEX 37,000 850

Tenango HGO, PUE 10,000 2,200

Texcatepec VER 12,000 3,000

Tilapa MEX 400 Unknown

Research Questions and Foci

In light of this information, the main purposes of this study were two-fold. The first goal

was to determine whether genetic variation in the Otomí reflected known historical,

archaeological, linguistic, and cultural patterns in Mexico, both on intra- and inter-populational

levels. For example, historical and cultural patterns point to a distinct Otomí ethnic identity, but

it is not clear if this ethnic identity correlates with a distinct genetic pattern. Furthermore, there

is the question as to whether geography or linguistic diversity is more predictive of genetic

Table 1: Listing of 9 Otomí dialects. The number of speakers is reported from censuses spanning from 1990 to 2007. Based on information listed in Ethnologue.

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variation in native Mexican populations, and whether this prediction changes when moving from

an intra- to inter-population focus.

The second goal was to characterize the extent of maternal genetic variation within the

Otomí and add to the growing pool of knowledge regarding Mesoamerican genetic diversity.

Through this analysis, we will be able to provide a higher resolution view of mtDNA haplogroup

and haplotype diversity in central Mesoamerica. Such data would add new and important details

related to the peopling of North, Central, and South America. It also gives the historically

marginalized Otomí people a chance to reclaim another part of their ethnic identity.


Populations and Samples

In 2011, genealogical data and sample collection was carried out in thirteen Otomí

villages from the modern Mexican states of Hidalgo, Guanajuato, and Querétaro (Figure 3). A

set of blood, mouthwash and/or buccal samples was obtained from 224 individuals. These

Otomí villages were approximately 9 km to 234 km apart from each other (Supplementary

Table 1). Of these, Huisticola and San Juan Tlaltepexi were treated as one village due to their

close geographic proximity and to prevent any statistical bias resulting from a low Huisticola

sample size (n=3). Village names were abbreviated for more efficient data presentation (Table

2). All villages identify themselves ethnically as belonging to the Otomí, and all speak the

Otomí language.

Approval for this study was obtained from the University of Pennsylvania IRB #8 under

protocol 803115, the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios del Instituto Politéchnico Nacional

(CINVESTAV-IPN) [Center for Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnical Institute of the

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United Mexican States], and La Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas

(CDI) [National Commission for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the United Mexican States].

All research participants gave their informed consent through written documents and oral

interviews, using translators when necessary.

Village City State Abbreviation

Cieneguilla Tierra Blanca Guanajuato CIE

Cuicillo Amealco de Bonfil Querétaro CUI

Pañhé Tecozautla Hidalgo PAN

Xajha Zimapan Hidalgo XAJ

Yonte Chico Alfajayucan Hidalgo YON

Portezuelo Tasquillo Hidalgo POR

La Lagunita Ixmiquilpan Hidalgo LAG

El Alberto Ixmiquilpan Hidalgo ALB

Bocua Nicolás Flores Hidalgo BOC

La Florida Cardonal Hidalgo FLO

San Juan Tlaltepexi Mezquital Hidalgo SAJ

Huisticola Mezquital Hidalgo HUI

San Miguel San Bartolo Tutotepec Hidalgo SAM

Los Reyes Acaxochitlán Hidalgo REY

Table 2: List of 13 villages with corresponding geographic information

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Laboratory Methods

All DNA samples were collected in the field as either 10 ml blood, 15 ml mouthwash or

buccal swab samples. DNA was extracted following the manufacturer’s protocol for Qiagen

Puregene® Blood Core Kit B. Maternal genetic ancestry was elucidated through the analysis of

mtDNA variation in 224 male and female participants. For all samples, the HVS1 of the control

region was directly sequenced. Due to time constraints, the HVS2 was only sequenced in 114

individuals. For this analysis, a 1160 base pair (bp) segment of the HVS1 was amplified by

polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 0.25 ul of primers 15838F and 429R (10 pmol dilution),

Hidalgo Querétaro


Figure 3: Map of 13 Otomí villages

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and combined with a PCR mix consisting of 1.25 ul 10x Taq Buffer, 0.25 ul dNTPs, 0.05 ul Taq

polymerase, 0.75 ul MgCl2, and 7.7 ul H2O per sample. A 639 base pair (bp) segment of the

HVSII region was amplified using the same method with primes 1F and 639R (Table 3). The

PCR product was then cleaned of single stranded DNA using 0.1 ul of Exonuclease I, 0.1 ul of

tSAP (thermosensitive Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase), and 1.9 ul of ddH2O per sample. A 862

bp segment was primed for sequencing using 0.5 of primers 15977F and 269R (3 pmol dilution),

and a mixture of 0.5 ul of BigDye Terminator Pre-Mix v. 3.1, 2 ul Big Dye buffer, and 3 ul H20

per sample. The sequencing product was then purified of unincorporated ddNTPs using a

solution of 45 ul SAM and 10 ul X-terminator per sample

mtDNA Region Primer Set Function Amplicon (bp)

HVSI 15838F/429R Amplification 1160

HVSI 15977F/269R Sequencing 861

HVSII 1F/639R Amplification 639

HVSII 1F/637R Sequencing 637

Sequence Analysis

Each sequence was read on an ABI 3130xl Gene Analyzer and aligned to the Cambridge

Reference Sequence (rCRS: Anderson et al. 1981; Andrews et al. 1999) using the

SEQUENCHER 4.8 software tool. Mutations determined through comparison with the rCRS

were confirmed for each sample by independently sequenced forward and reverse strands.

Samples were assigned haplogroups and haplotypes based on PhyloTree mtDNA tree, Build 15

(van Oven & Kayser 2009).

Table 3: List of Primer Sets Used

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Haplogroups were confirmed using Custom TaqMan assays that screened samples for

phylogenetically informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that define major

branches of the human mtDNA phylogeny (Table 4). All assays were read on an ABI 7900HT

Fast Real-Time PCR System.

Marker Macrohaplogroup Ancestral Derived

mt3594 L T C

mt7256 L3 T C

mt9540 N C T

mt13650 L3 T C

mt14783 M T C

Phylogenetic Analysis

Median-joining networks were constructed with the mtDNA HVS1 sequences using

Network 4.500 ( To resolve reticulations in the networks, the

C16111T mutation was down-weighted to two, G16274A was down-weighted to two, T16311C

was down-weighted to one, T16325C was down-weighted to two, and T16362C was down-

weighted to one. All other polymorphisms were set at a default weight of ten. Moreover,

polymorphisms T16182C, T16183C, and T16519C were not considered in the phylogenetic

analysis due to their different mutational basis (insertion or deletion) or hypervariable nature.

Times of coalescence were estimated using a mutation rate of 1 mutation per 16,677 years, as

described by Soares et al. (2009).

Table 4: List of TaqMan Assays Used

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Statistical Analysis

Inter-village FST genetic distances were estimated based on the frequency of shared

unique haplotypes using Arlequin 2.0 (Excoffier & Lischer 2010). Two villages (La Lagunita,

n=6; Los Reyes, n=7) were removed from the analysis because of having insufficient sample

sizes. The FST distances were used to create a multidimensional scaling plot (MDS) to visualize

relative genetic distances across these 11 villages (SPSS 9.0). Corresponding FST p values

produced were used to visually map out areas of high inter-village gene flow (P>0.10), using

boldface lines to signify these connections. In addition, a Mantel test was performed with 10,000

permutations of the data to determine significant correlations between genetic and geographic

distances in Arlequin. Two matrices, one based on based on GPS coordinates of each village

(Supplementary Table 1) and another based on FST genetic distances (Supplementary Table 2),

were analyzed using XLSTAT 2013 (Microsoft Office).

Comparative Populations

To address the broader question of whether Mesoamerican genetic diversity reflects

geographic and linguistic boundaries, the Otomí data were analyzed with those available for

indigenous Mexicans in published studies (Table 5). These analyses included comparative

median-joining networks of notable haplotypic diversity, and inter-population FST genetic

distance estimates. The Otomí samples sequenced by Sandoval et al. (2009) are distinguished

from those used in this study by an asterisk (*). Additionally, unpublished data for sequences

from Nahua groups in Central Mexico (Schurr et al.) showed a clear genetic difference between

the Nahua from Hidalgo and the Nahua from Morelos, and are thus denoted as Nahua-HGO and

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Nahua-MOR. Each population varies in the degree of geographic and linguistic proximities to

the Otomí.

Population N Linguistic Group Geographic Area Source

Otomí 224 Oto-Manguean Eastern/Central (HGO, GTO, QRO)

This Study

Otomí* 65 Oto-Manguean Eastern/Central (HGO) Sandoval et al. 2009


67 Uto-Aztecan Eastern/Central (HGO) Schurr (unpublished)


41 Uto-Aztecan Central (MOR) Schurr (unpublished)

Tepehua 43 Totonacan Eastern/Central (HGO) Schurr (unpublished)

Chichimeca 23 Oto-Manguean Central (GTO) Schurr (unpublished)

Mixtec 64 Oto-Manguean Western/Southern (OAX, GRO, PUE)

Kemp 2006

Zapotec 72 Oto-Manguean Western/Southern (OAX)

Kemp 2006

Table 5: List of populations used for comparative analyses

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Out of 224 individuals sampled, 99.1% (n=222) belonged to the five Amerindian

haplogroups. Their mtDNAs belonged to A2 (43.3%, B2 (18.3%), C1 (24.1%), D1 (9.4%), and

D4h3 (4.0%), with none belonging to the minor Amerindian haplogroup X2a. Less than 1% of

them were represented by non-native European lineages (haplogroups U5 and K). A total of 81

distinct HVS1 haplotypes were observed amongst the 224 sequences (Supplementary Table 3).

The distribution of major haplogroup frequencies by village is shown in Table 6.

Village N A2 B2 C1 D1 D4h3 Other

POR 9 4(0.44) 1(0.11) 3(0.33) 1(0.11) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

YON 18 10(0.56) 6(0.33) 1(0.06) 1(0.06) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

PAN 55 28(0.51) 3(0.05) 14(0.25) 0(0.00) 9(0.16) 1(0.02)

BOC 13 5(0.38) 5(0.38) 3(0.23) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

XAJ 27 5(0.19) 6(0.22) 7(0.26) 9(0.33) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

SAJ+HUI 16 9(0.56) 0(0.00) 5(0.31) 2(0.13) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

FLO 13 7(0.54) 1(0.08) 4(0.31) 1(0.08) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

LAG 6 4(0.67) 1(0.17) 1(0.17) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

ALB 17 6(0.35) 4(0.24) 3(0.18) 3(0.18) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

SAM 20 7(0.35) 2(0.10) 9(0.45) 2(0.10) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

REY 7 6(0.86) 1(0.14) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

CIE 10 2(0.20) 6(0.60) 1(0.10) 1(0.10) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

CUI 13 4(0.31) 5(0.39) 3(0.23) 1(0.08) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

Table 6: Distribution of major haplogroup frequencies by village. Values contained in parentheses indicate haplogroup percentages.

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Phylogenetic Analysis of mtDNA Data

Four median-joining network diagrams were created for each of the major Amerindian

haplogroups with the exception of D4h3, due to its being represented by only one HVS1 type.

The haplogroup A2 network was characterized by having two high frequency nodes

(Figure 4). One of these represented the ancestral A2 haplotype (C16111T, T16223C, C16290T,

G16319A, T16362C; lineage 1), and another showed a reversion at C16111T in the ancestral

sequence (designated C16111T!) (lineage 2). Most of the rest of the haplotypes formed a star-

like pattern from the ancestral node (lineage 1). However, two branches had significantly

diverged from the ancestral node with one representing haplogroup A2u (characterized by

T16136C; lineages 10-15), and another extending from lineage 2.

Although lineage 1 had the most equal representation across the 13 villages, lineage 2 was the

highest frequency type for Hg A2. Besides these central nodes, few haplogroup A2 haplotypes

were shared across villages. The exceptions included an A2i type (T16325C, lineage 18), which

Figure 4: Median-joining network of haplogroup A2

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appeared in four villages, and another haplotype with mutations at G16129A and C16234T,

which was shared between three villages. Overall, PAN was the most diverse village, having

haplotypes from all of the major branches of the A2 network.

The coalescence time estimates for the entire haplogroup A2 was 22,481.07 ± 5,916.53

years before present (ybp). Those for the A2u and lineage 2 (C16111T!) branches were

somewhat shallower, being 17,886.54 ± 5632.80 and 16,667 ± 3675.68 ybp, respectively.

The network for haplogroup B2 was also characterized by two high frequency nodes

(Figure 5). While haplogroup B2 showed a star-like pattern of diversity, this diversity was

largely restricted to haplotypes that were 1-2 mutational steps away from the ancestral haplotype

(T16189C, T16217C; lineage 39), on average. The ancestral haplotype appeared in four villages.

The other high frequency haplotype, representing haplotype B2c2b (characterized by C16295T;

lineage 41), was shared between six villages. A third haplotype representing B2a (C16111T,

G16483A; lineage 45) also occurred at a high frequency, although being restricted to one village

(POR), probably due to genetic drift. FLO was the most diverse village with respect to the

number of B2 haplotypes present in it, and these same haplotypes were also the only ones shared

among the villages. The coalescence time estimate for Hg B2 was 19,355.23 ± 6,011.05 ybp.

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Haplogroup C1 network did not display the same star-like branching patterns seen in

haplogroups A2 and B2, and contained numerous high frequency nodes (Figure 5). The

ancestral node (T16223C, T16298C, T16325C, C16327T; lineage 54) appeared in four villages.

The longest branch, whose terminal end is seven mutational steps away from the ancestral node,

represents a conglomeration of C1d types, which are characterized by the A16051G mutation

(lineages 65-69). The highly derived C1d1c type (characterized by the C16188T, T16362C,

C16298T! mutations; lineages 66-69) had four subtypes, one being the highest frequency node

for haplogroup C1. The main C1d1c1 type and its respective subtypes were observed in seven

different villages (Supplemental Table 3). Furthermore, the derived C1b10 type (characterized

by the G16129 and T16172C mutations) appeared in six villages. Although reticulations at this

C1b10 site make it difficult to discern, two other C1b10 types were present, one with a mutation

Figure 5: Median-joining network of haplogroup B2

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at C16189T, and another with a reversion at C16223T. Additional analysis of these mtDNAs

using HVS2 and whole mitochondrial genome sequencing will likely be helpful in resolving the


PAN was the most diverse village with respect to haplogroup C1, having nine different

haplotypes. Moreover, one small branch defined by the G16274A mutation was completely

restricted to PAN. This particular mutation is one of the defining mutations of the C1c4 type

(Kumar et al. 2011), along with the HVS2 mutation at A214G. Further analysis of HVS2

sequences will confirm whether this minor PAN branch is a C1c4 type. Another possible C1c

type had the C16354T and G16526A mutations, and appeared in three villages.

Figure 6: Median-joining network of haplogroup C1

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The coalescence time estimate for haplogroup C1 is 24,638.17 ± 8,004.00 ybp. The

coalescence time estimates for haplotypes C1b and C1d were 60,186.38 ± 17,023.28 and

4,166.75 ± 2,946.33 ybp, respectively. Based on how discrepant these estimates are from that of

the ancestral C1 lineage, it is highly unlikely that they are accurate.

Despite the high occurrence within the Otomí, haplogroup D1 showed limited diversity

(Figure 7). Its network had only three branches emerging from the ancestral node (T16223C,

T16325C, T16362C; lineage 76). Lineage 76 is also the only notable shared D1 haplotype,

appearing in six villages. Interestingly, the G16274A mutation occurred two different times in

this tree, and in four different sequences. Two of these sequences belong to D1h (defined by

T16093C and G16274A mutations) (Kumar et al. 2011), while the other two sequences belong to

an as yet unnamed haplogroup with an additional mutation at A16038G. Since no other

published sources cite G16274A as a defining mutation for any haplogroup besides D1h, it is

plausible that these latter sequences actually do belong to D1h. A reversion mutation at

C16093T would, indeed, place these sequences into D1h. Thus, additional sequencing will

likely help to assign these types to the proper branches.

The coalescence time estimate for haplogroup D1 is 10,317.67 ±4,124.01 years before


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A network for haplogroup D4h3 was not constructed due to its lack of diversity. All

samples belonged to the D4h3a haplotype (defined by the C16301T, T16324C, and A16241G

mutations), and were restricted to the PAN village in western Hidalgo. In addition, every

sequence possessed an extra mutation at C16234G, a transversion that has yet to be described by

other published sources. The HVS2 data confirmed the fact that each of these sequences

belonged to the exact same haplotype.

Inter-village FST Genetic Distance Estimates

The MDS plot of FST genetic distances did not produce any tight clustering of villages,

but did reveal four extreme outliers, namely XAJ, SAM, PAN, and YON (Figure 8). These four

villages corresponded exactly to those that did not display high levels of gene flow (p>0.10), as

seen the map of inferred inter-village gene flow (Figure 9). Conversely, the slightly

ascertainable clustering observed about the origin (0,0) corresponds to the higher levels of gene

Figure 7: Median-joining network of haplogroup D1

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flow, and loosely reflects the geographic clustering of villages in central Hidalgo (ALB, BOC,

FLO, POR, and SAJ). The only exceptions to this pattern were the high levels of gene flow

coming from the geographically distant CIE and CUI villages. SAM was the only geographically

distant village that also lacked significant levels of gene flow.

A Mantel test assessing FST genetic and geographic distances for the 11 villages showed

them not to be correlated and insignificant, with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.032 and a p-

value of 0.809.




















-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1




N 2


Figure 8: A multidimensional scaling plot of FST for 11 Otomí villages. The stress value is 0.0348.

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Figure 9: A map showing patterns of gene flow between Otomí communities. Bold lines are indicative of inferred gene flow based on highly insignificant FST P values (P>0.10)

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Haplogroups and Lineages

The overall distribution of haplogroup frequencies of the Otomí is consistent with those

from modern and ancient Mesoamerican populations. Mesoamerica is generally characterized by

high frequencies of haplogroup A2, and lower frequencies of B2, C1, and D1 (Kemp et al. 2005;

Mahli et al. 2003; O’Rourke et al. 2000; Sandoval et al. 2009). Although the Otomí were no

exception to this rule, they do have a much higher representation of B2, C1, and D1 mtDNAs

than observed in other published studies (Kemp 2006; Sandoval et al. 2009; Gorostiza et al.

2012). No X2a types were detected in this sample set, which is in accordance with a distribution

constrained to northern North America (Brown et al. 1998; Smith et al. 1999; Dornelles et al.

2005). Moreover, the lack of significant European or African admixture is in accordance with

other studies of Mexican indigenous populations (Sandoval et al. 2009).

When overall haplogroup frequencies are partitioned into the 13 villages, they also follow

the typical Mesoamerican pattern (sample size notwithstanding) (Figure 10). Out of the 13

villages, eight had very high frequencies of A2. Of the five villages where this pattern did not

hold, three had a small sample size (n<15). Specific exceptions to this rule include XAJ, whose

highest frequency lineage was haplogroup D1, and SAM, whose highest frequency lineage was

haplogroup C1.

HVS2 sequencing of the D1 types from XAJ reveals that all of them belong to haplogroup

D1i, which is characterized by a G417A transition. The restriction of this haplogroup to one

village points to the effects of genetic drift, although the relative diversity within D1i suggests

that the process of drift was not recent. Three different D1i haplotypes were found in XAJ

samples, including one with a mutation at T489C, and one with mutations at T204C and T489C.

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While Kumar et al. (2011) cites a US “Hispanic” individual as possessing a D1i haplotype, there

is no known published work that has resolved diversity within this haplogroup.

In the case of SAM, a closer look at haplogroup C1 diversity reveals the presence of four

different types there. These include the ancestral C1, C1b10, C1d1c1, and another C1 type with

mutations at C16298T, C16354T, and G16526A. Although most of the C1 individuals from

SAM have the C1d1c1 type, the extent of C1 diversity suggests a temporally deep presence of

these haplotypes within the village.

Figure 10: Phylogeography of 13 Otomí villages

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Haplogroup A2

A2 diversity within the Otomí is largely focused around two distinct sub-branches. The

branching pattern from the most ancestral node (lineage 1) illustrates that there is minimal

sharing of haplotypes among the 13 villages, suggesting that they were locally derived. Two

distinct sub-branches include A2u and a cluster arising from a C16111T reversion mutation

(lineages 15 and 2, respectively). The same pattern was observed by both Kemp (2006) and

Gorostiza et al. (2012) in their analysis of native Mexican populations. The existence of this

pattern throughout Mesoamerica indicates that it arose before significant ethnic differentiation

occurred. This is corroborated on an inter-village level by the fact that lineage 2 (C16111T!) is

present in 23 individuals from six villages.

A more robust piece of evidence to support this interpretation, however, is the

coalescence time estimates of the A2u and C16111T! branches (lineages 15 and 2, respectively).

The estimates for both of them predate the arrival of the earliest Mesoamerican Paleo-Indian

groups by nearly 10,000 years, indicating deep ancestral patterns that arose well before human

expansion into Mesoamerica. Comparative analyses using populations north of Mesoamerica

will need to be conducted in order to determine the geographic location of where these branches

first arose.

In an attempt to tease out the nuances of these sub-branching patterns, an independent

A2u network was constructed using samples from the populations described in Figure 11.

Based on this analysis, A2u diversity is divided into two main branches, A2u1 (defined by the

C16257T and C16344T mutations), and A2u*. While A2u1 has been previously described

(Kumar et al. 2011), A2u* has not, and is thus denoted with an asterisk (*). Both of these

branches show independent losses at the hypervariable site T16311C. Both the Otomí and

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Nahua-HGO groups are represented in both branches, but show little to no sharing of haplotypes.

The Mixtec and Nahua-MOR are confined to the A2u* branch, whereas the Tepehua and

Zapotec are contained to the A2u1 branch. Coalescence time estimates for A2u* and A2u1 were

16,667 and 25,000 years, respectively. Once again, both of these estimates predate the first

human migration movement into Mesoamerica, suggesting that these Mesoamerican founders

already harbored these types as they began to settle the region.

Haplogroup B2

B2 diversity within the Otomí also follows a star-like pattern, but with short branches and

no significant sub-branches. This pattern is characteristic of Mesoamerica and is hypothesized to

represent a bottleneck event that occurred during the peopling of Central and South America

from the American Southwest (Batista et al. 1995; Kolman et al. 1995; Mahli et al. 2003). The

US Southwest is home to the highest extend of B2 diversity within the Americas (Kaestle &

Figure 11: Median-joining network of haplotype A2u using comparative data. Two independent losses of bp 16311 are denoted by 16311A and 16311B.

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Smith 2001), a stark contrast from the restricted B2 diversity seen in Central and South America

(Mahli et al. 2003). The maintenance of these significant genetic differences also support the

hypothesis that a large and rapid population expansion occurred in Central America soon after

this bottleneck event occurred, preventing any further southern dissemination of B2 types

(O’Rourke et al. 1992).

Haplogroup B2c2b

B2c2b, defined by C16295T mutation, not only represents the highest frequency type

within haplogroup B, but is also most equally represented across the Otomí villages. This

pattern indicates that it diverged early from the ancestral B2 type in the Otomí. B2c2b is found

at low frequencies in the Tepehua (n=2), the Chichimeca (n=1), and the Otomí* (n=4) (Sandoval

et al. 2009), while Kemp (2006) and Gorostiza et al. (2012) also observed this type in Nahua

populations. The relatively high frequency and pervasiveness of B2c2b in the Otomí compared

to these other groups point to an Otomí origin for these mtDNAs. However, the inability to

establish a reliable coalescent time estimate for this haplogroup makes this interpretation

speculative. It is also equally probable that B2c2b represents a more ancient lineage that has

been fluctuating at low frequencies in the genetic background, but again, this is speculative at

best. Furthermore, Gorostiza et al. (2012) suggests that this type may be the product of localized

admixture, due to its presence in geographically proximate groups.

Haplogroup B2a

The presence of the Native American-specific haplotype B2a, which defined by C16111T

and G16483A mutations, in the Otomí is also noteworthy (Achilli et al. 2008; Kemp 2006).

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Kemp (2006) reports that this type occurs in the American Southwest and some transitional

populations, but is completely absent in Mesoamerican populations. B2a haplotypes have also

been found in Navajo, Ojibwa, Pima, Zuni, Jemez, Seri, Apache, and Kumeyaay populations, all

of which reside in the American Southwest (Achilli et al. 2008; Mahli et al. 2003). This pattern

is likely a reflection of the underlying American Southwest-Mesoamerican genetic division

described previously (Batista et al. 1995; Kolman et al. 1995; Mahli et al. 2003). Thus, the

presence of this type within the Otomí is puzzling and demands a re-exploration of past

American Southwest-Mesoamerican interactions.

Despite the fundamental genetic differences, there are still ongoing debates about

whether Mesoamerican influence in the American Southwest (and vice versa) were due to actual

population movements or were simply due to the spread of cultural ideas (Mahli et al. 2003; Coe

1994; McGuire 1980). Even if the link between the American Southwest and Mesoamerica was

largely based on the movement of cultural ideas, there are nonetheless confirmed examples of

small population movements. The Turquoise Road linked the American Southwest to

Mesoamerica via trade routes in what can be considered the Silk Road of the New World.

During the Classic Period, turquoise deposits were uncovered in the Southwest and quickly

exploited for trade into Mesoamerica (Coe 1994). These trade routes were maintained on the

Mesoamerican side by pochteca, or “highly organized groups of Mesoamerican long-distance

traders” (McGuire 1980: 4) who are thought to have helped directly with the spread of

Mesoamerican agriculture and pottery into the Southwest (McGuire 1980). Thus, it could be

hypothesized that the presence of B2a in the Otomí reflects the bidirectional trade routes between

Mesoamerica and the American Southwest.

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Haplogroup C1

Haplogroups C1b, C1c, and C1d

The high frequency, equal distribution, and extended branching patterns of C1b and C1d

types suggest the presence of two founding C1 haplotypes in Mesoamerica. Based on the

widespread distribution of these two lineages (in addition to the subhaplogroup C1c), it has been

suggested that they either arose during Beringian occupation or soon after, around 20,000 years

ago (Achili et al. 2009). The mutations that define the C1c branch are G1888A and G15930A,

which fall outside of the scope of sequencing in this study. Additionally, most branches of C1c

are defined by mutations occurring in the coding region of the mtDNA genome. In this case,

whole mitochondrial genome sequencing is absolutely required to paint a clearer picture of C1c


Because the C1d branch in the Otomí was quite diverse, a comparative C1d network

diagram was created to place the Otomí within a broader context (Figure 12). Besides a small

number of Tepehuan types, C1d mtDNAs appear to be distributed solely within the Otomí. This

suggests that, if there were two separate founding C1 branches in Mesoamerica, then C1d was

carried solely by Otomí progenitors.

Figure 12: Median-joining network of subhaplogroup C1d using comparative data.

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Haplogroup D1

The coalescence time estimate for haplogroup D1 is likely not reliable because of its

extreme inconsistency with the estimates for A2, B2, and C1. The traditional model of the

peopling of the New World posits that these four haplogroups crossed the Beringian land bridge

as a part of a single rapid migration event. This robustness of this model has been confirmed

time and time again through numerous independent studies (Schurr et al. 1990; Tamm et al. 2007;

Perego et al. 2010). It is likely, therefore, that the younger time estimate for D1 is simply a

product of the extremely limited diversity seen within the Otomí.

It should be noted, though, that D1h exhibited the most diverse D1 types in this study.

Gorostiza et al. (2012) also found D1h types exclusively within the Otomí, but only reported the

existence of one type, which was characterized by only the G16274A mutation. According to

that study, the coalescence time estimate for this type was 4,145.85 YBP, which would place its

origination at the end of the Archaic Period and the beginning of the Preclassic. Therefore, if

this is an exclusive Otomí haplotype and its coalescence time estimate is accurate, this would

suggest that Otomí identity is based on more ancestral ethnic divisions, ones that possibly

formed during the Olmec reign. It should also be noted, however, that one Tepehua individual

was confirmed as belonging to D1h, and had a haplotype with an additional mutation at

C16260T. Thus, between the Tepehua, Otomí from this study, and the Otomí from Gorostiza et

al. (2012), there are three distinct D1h haplotypes. This limited diversity suggests that D1h has

been around a relatively short time in the area. In order to provide more accurate time estimates,

both for D1 in general as well as the origination of D1h, however, more work on comparative

populations ought to be done.

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Haplogroup D4h3

The presence of the minor haplogroups D4h3 in the Otomí also deserves discussion.

D4h3 is a rare but widely distributed type thought to have been carried by Paleo-Indians from

Beringia 15-17 kya (Perego et al. 2009; Sandoval et al. 2009). Perego et al. (2009) hypothesized

that D4h3 spread from Beringia to South America along the Pacific Coast, and the presence of

these types along this route corroborates this interpretation. However, PAN, the village that

carries these types, is much closer to the Gulf Coast than the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Its

presence in PAN is, therefore, a deviation from the route proposed by Perego et al. (2009).

This pattern could be an indication of a past migration in which a small founding

population carried this D4h3a type from the west into PAN. It could also be indicative of genetic

drift, as suggested by the complete lack of diversity in both the HVS1 and HVS2 control regions

for the Otomí D4h3a mtDNAs. Given what is known about the variation of past migrations into

the Central Mexican Valley, it seems plausible to postulate that the D4h3a type was first

introduced into the area by a group from the west, with stochastic genetic processes allowing it

to rise in frequency over time.

FST Genetic Distance Estimates

Overall, inter-village FST values did not reflect the geographic locations of the Otomí

villages. This finding is corroborated both by the pattern of gene flow between the villages, as

well as the results of the Mantel test. Thus, it can be concluded that genetic differences are not

delineated by corresponding geographic differences, at least at an inter-village level. This

indicates that any degree of village isolation postdates the development of the Otomí genetic

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pattern. Correspondingly, it also signifies that any distinct village-specific types arose by genetic


At the inter-populational level, however, geography plays a more prominent role in

shaping genetic diversity. The MDS plot produced for the Otomí and comparative samples

shows a tight clustering about the origin (0,0) that is comprised of Otomí, Otomí*, Nahua-HGO,

Tepehua, and Zapotec (Figure 13). With the exception of the Zapotec, these populations all

reside within the state of Hidalgo. Conversely, the geographically distant Nahua-MOR and

Mixtec represent two of the three outliers on the MDS plot. The extreme outlying Chichimeca

may represent a special case. Geographically, they are more distant than the groups found in the

central cluster, but they are exceedingly less distant than the Mixtec and Nahua-MOR groups.

Thus, its geographic and genetic correspondence does not hold for the Chichimeca.

Furthermore, the MDS plot failed to produce a pattern that corresponds with linguistic

differences among native Mexicans. The populations from the central cluster, for instance, speak

languages belonging to three major language groups, including Uto-Aztecan (Nahua-HGO), Oto-

Manguean (Otomí, Otomí*, Zapotec), and Totonacan (Tepehua). This finding is consistent with

most other studies, which describe strong geographic-genetic correspondences, but little to no

linguistic-genetic correspondence (Gorostiza et al. 2012; Kemp et al. 2010).

A gene flow map using insignificant p-values (n>0.05) was not created for these groups

because there was nearly no evidence of gene flow, as evidenced by all but one of the

populations having p values of less than 0.05. The only significant p-value was that for Nahua-

HGO and Tepehua, both of which are in close geographical proximity to each other. The

complete lack of gene flow suggests that the observed tight clustering pattern stems from a

shared ancestry of these groups, and not simply because of high levels of recent genetic

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exchange. Similarly, it would suggest that the outlying groups have been following a completely

different historical trajectory than the Otomí.

A table of the distribution of major haplogroup frequencies by population and a

corresponding phylogeographic map are found in the Supplementary Items section, as

Supplementary Table 4 and Supplementary Figure 1, respectively.


The first goal of this study was to determine if genetic patterns of the Otomí mirrored

historical, archaeological, linguistic, and cultural patterns. It is thought that the Otomí were one

of the first populations to distinguish themselves from the highland Mexican gene pool

(Gorostiza et al. 2012). The validity of this hypothesis is loosely corroborated by this study, but

















-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2




N 2


Figure 13: A multidimensional scaling plot of FST values for 8 Mesoamerican populations. The stress value is 0.00729.

Page 43: The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley


contains a few caveats. If this scenario is correct, for example, they should be one of the outliers

in the comparative MDS plot (Figure 12). However, this is not the case. For this hypothesis to

be true, then it would mean that, despite now being ethnically distinct, those clustered

populations did at some point in the past belong to the same general stock of people. The Otomí

would then represent the ancestral ethnic identity of this region, and the rest of the clustered

populations would represent derived ethnic identities.

This brings up the important point that the rich diversity found within Mesoamerica was

not merely a product of demic movement, but it was also very much shaped by fluctuating

cultural influences and the movement of ideas. Thus, although genetic, geographic, linguistic,

and cultural pattern associations do play a prominent role in the area, they do not necessary scale

equally. In other words, the presence and strengths of these associations are highly variable and

are contingent upon a myriad of variables.

That being said, associations can be made when changing the level of focus. Geography,

for example, seems to play a larger role in shaping patterns of genetic variation than linguistics

when analyzed on a more macro scale. This is certainly seen when looking at the genetic

differences between the American Southwest and Mesoamerica, despite the ubiquitous presence

of Uto-Aztecan languages throughout the two regions. To a certain extent, this is also seen in

when looking at our comparative populations: geographically close groups were more

genetically similar than geographically distant groups, irrespective of language. This pattern

does not hold up, however, when analyses were conducted at the village level. These results

demonstrate that different conclusions about the same research questions can arise based on the

scale of focus.

Page 44: The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley


The second aim of this study was to characterize the extent of maternal genetic variation

of the Otomí and to contribute to our current understandings of Mesoamerican genetic diversity.

This study has provided a more resolved picture of diversity for mtDNA haplogroups such as

A2u, B2a C1d, D1h, D1i, and D4h3a. It is also interesting to note that much of the previous

work that has been done to characterizing these mtDNAs has been done from a forensic

approach. As a result, the ethnic identities of the individuals harboring these types are typically

likened to vague terms, such as “Mexican-American” or “Hispanic” (Kumar et al. 2011). This

study, therefore, has provided a clear description of the ethnic associations of these haplogroups,

and will be useful in laying the groundwork for addressing details pertaining to the peopling of

North, Central, and South America.

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The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of all Otomí individuals from

Central Mexico to this project, as their participation made this study possible. I would especially

like to thank also Dr. Rocio Gomez for her efforts in data collection and project management in

Mexico, and Dr. Marco Meraz from CINVESTAV for his intellectual and institutional support of

the Mexico Genetic History Project, of which this study is part; Dr. Miguel Vilar for his much

appreciated help with data and lab analyses; Akiva Sanders and Daniel Brooks for their help in

producing genetic results from the Nahua, Tepehua, and Chichimeca populations; and finally, Dr.

Theodore Schurr for his valuable comments on the thesis. I further express my great

appreciation to the National Geographic Society, IBM, and the University of Pennsylvania for

their support of the project, as well as the Waitt Family Foundation for its support in field


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0 107.




0 233.





0 32.0








0 105.










0 28.4










0 30.2













0 12.2
















0 64.0


















0 34.0


















Supplementary Table 1: Inter-village geographic distances (in Km)

Page 54: The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley



0 58.8






















0 39.2























0 9.04












































POR YON PAN BOC XAJ SAJ FLO ALB SAM CIE CUI POR 0 YON 0.071 0 PAN 0.027 0.068 0 BOC 0.058 0.041 0.042 0 XAJ 0.072 0.110 0.110 0.082 0 SAJ 0.059 0.065 0.043 0.011 0.091 0 FLO 0.064 0.074 0.065 0.027 0.067 0.029 0 ALB 0.019 0.067 0.052 0.042 0.036 0.042 0.042 0 SAM 0.092 0.100 0.090 0.051 0.552 0.051 0.044 0.056 0 CIE 0.056 0.075 0.060 0.012 0.061 0.028 0.025 0.003 0.071 0 CUI 0.003 0.054 0.023 0.033 0.097 0.038 0.051 0.033 0.074 0.048 0

Supplementary Table 2: FST genetic distances in 11 Otomí villages

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# HG HVS1 mutations (+16000)















1 A2 111, 223, 290, 319, 362 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

2 A2 223, 290, 319, 362 3 2 12 1 2 3 23

3 A2 111, 223, 290, 319, 356, 362 1 1 2

4 A2 111, 223, 294, 319, 356, 362 1 1

5 A2 111, 223, 240, 290, 362, 468 1 1

6 A2 223, 290, 319, 362, 526 1 1

7 A2g 111, 223, 290, 319, 362, 391 2 2

8 A2q 111, 209, 223, 290, 319, 362 1 1

9 A2 092, 111, 223, 249, 264, 290, 319, 362 1 1

10 A2u1 092, 111, 136, 223, 257, 290, 311, 319, 344,

362 7 1 8

11 A2u1 092, 111, 136, 223, 257, 290, 311, 319, 344,

362, 468 1 1

12 A2u1 111, 136, 223, 247, 257, 274, 290, 319, 344,

362 1 1

13 A2u 093, 111, 136, 223, 290, 292, 311, 319, 362 1 1

14 A2u 093, 111, 136, 223, 290, 311, 362 1 1

15 A2u 111, 136, 223, 290, 311, 319, 362 1 1

16 A2h1 111, 223, 290, 319, 335, 362, 526 2 1 3

17 A2h1 111, 223, 290, 293, 319, 335, 362, 526 1 1

18 A2 111, 223, 290, 319, 325, 362 1 2 1 1 5

19 A2 111, 223, 274, 290, 319, 362 1 1

20 A2 111, 129, 223, 290, 319, 362 1 1

21 A2 111, 129, 223, 234, 290, 319, 362 1 1 1 3

22 A2 111, 223, 249, 264, 290, 319, 362 2 2

23 A2 111, 223, 290, 316, 319, 362 1 1

24 A2 111, 223, 264, 290, 319, 362 1 1

25 A2g 111, 177, 290, 319, 325, 362, 391 2 2

26 A2 111, 177, 290, 319, 325, 362 3 3

27 A2 111, 223, 290, 319, 335, 526 1 1

28 A2s 111, 207, 223, 290, 311, 319, 362, 400 1 1

29 A2m 104, 172, 223, 240, 290, 319, 362 1 1

30 A2m 153, 223, 240, 290, 319 1 1

31 A2m 153, 223, 240, 290, 319, 362 1 1 1 3

32 A2 153, 223, 290, 319, 362 3 3

33 A2 172, 223, 227, 234, 290, 319, 362 1 2 3

34 A2 111, 223, 290, 319, 362, 533 1 1

35 A2 111, 223, 290, 319, 324, 362 1 1

36 A2 213, 223, 290, 304, 319, 362 1 1

37 A2 111, 223, 289, 290, 319, 362 1 1

38 A2 111, 189, 223, 290, 319 1 1

39 B2 189, 217 1 2 4 2 9

40 B2 189, 217, 256 1 1 2

Supplementary Table 3: List of 81 unique lineages and their distribution by village. Note: “#”=HVS1 lineage, “Hg” means “haplogroup”, and “N” means total number for a haplotype

Page 56: The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley


41 B2c2b 189, 217, 295 1 1 4 1 1 2 10

42 B2 189, 217, 298 1 1

43 B2c2a 189, 217, 319 2 1 3

44 B2 189, 217, 269, 278, 294 1 1

45 B2a 111, 189, 217, 483 6 6

46 B2 189, 1 1 2

47 B2 189, 217, 259, 357 1 1

48 B2 104, 189, 217, 362 1 1

49 B2 189, 217, 278, 357 1 1

50 B2 189, 214, 217 1 1

51 B2 092, 104, 189, 217 1 1

52 B2 125, 189, 219, 319 2 2

53 C1 223, 298, 325, 327, 354, 526 2 1 2 5

54 C1 223, 298, 325, 327 2 1 1 1 1 6

55 C1 223, 274, 298, 325 1 1

56 C1 223, 298, 301, 325, 327 1 1

57 C1 223, 325, 327, 354, 526 1 1

58 C1 086, 175, 223, 298, 325, 327, 381 1 1

59 C1 111, 181, 223, 298, 325, 327 1 1

60 C1c4 111, 223, 239, 274, 325, 327 1 1

61 C1 153, 223, 298, 325, 327 1 1

62 C1c4 223, 274, 298, 325, 327 2 2

63 C1b10 129, 172, 189, 223, 298, 311, 325, 327 1 1

64 C1b10 129, 172, 223, 298, 311, 325, 327 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

65 C1d 051, 223, 298, 325, 327 4 1 5

66 C1d1c 051, 188, 204, 223, 271, 325, 327, 362, 527 1 1

67 C1d1c 051, 188, 223, 325, 327, 362 1 1 2

68 C1d1c

1 051, 188, 204, 223, 325, 327, 362, 527 5 1 1 6 13

69 C1d1c

1 051, 182, 188, 204, 223, 325, 327, 362, 527 1 1 2

70 C1b10 129, 172, 298, 311, 325, 327 1 1

71 C1 153, 298, 325, 327 1 1

72 C1 298, 325, 327 1 1

73 C1 086, 172, 181, 223, 298, 325, 327 1 1

74 D4h3a 189, 223, 234G, 241, 301, 342, 362 9 9

75 D1h 093, 223, 239, 274, 325, 362 2 2

76 D1 223, 325, 362 1 1 9 1 2 1 15

77 D1 223, 274, 325, 362, 368 1 1 2

78 D1 104, 223, 325, 357, 362 1 1

79 D1 223, 325, 362, 368 1 1

80 U5b1g 192, 270, 304, 311 1 1

81 K 093, 224, 311 1 1

TOTAL 9 18 55



13 3

13 6


20 7




Page 57: The Genetic History Of The Otomi In The Central Mexican Valley


Group N A2 B2 C1 D1 D4h3 Other Otomi 224 97(0.43) 41(0.18) 54(0.24) 21(0.09) 9(0.04) 2(0.02) Otomi* 65 26(0.40) 15(0.23) 20(0.31) 4(0.06) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

Nahua-HGO 67 48(0.72) 12(0.18) 7(0.10) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) Nahua-MOR 41 32(0.80) 8(0.20) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

Tepehua 43 21(0.49) 12(0.28) 8(0.19) 2(0.04) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) Chichimeca 23 16(0.70) 1(0.03) 6(0.27) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00)

Mixtec 64 44(0.69) 12(0.19) 5(0.08) 3(0.04) 0(0.00) --- Zapotec 72 34(0.47) 17(0.24) 21(0.29) 0(0.00 0(0.00) ---

Supplementary Figure 1: Phylogeography of Eight Mesoamerican Populations

Supplementary Table 5: Distribution of major haplogroup frequencies by population. Values contained in parentheses indicate haplogroup percentages.