the future of global cerficiation for medical devices

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  • 8/9/2019 The Future of Global Cerficiation for Medical Devices


    01 For more information E:: [email protected]

    IEC 60601

    The 3rd Edition

    Overview of update

    New technology is entering the market at a aster pace than ever

    beore. Medical device technology is no exception. Like consumer

    electronics and other technologies that enter the consumer market,

    there is a need to get sae medical devices to market aster.

    Standards have kept up with the globalization o medical devices,

    such that many o the recognized standards or medical devices

    are internationally harmonized, with national deviations as needed

    or local language and power grid requirements. Where there have

    been challenges is in providing exibility or the introduction o

    new technologies to the market. This is one o the primary benefts

    o the 3rd Edition o the IEC 60601.

    The 3rd Edition, which is in the process o being adopted by countries

    and public health organizations globally, takes away the limitationso the 2nd Edition. It applies to a broader range o products and has

    been revised to acilitate technological advancement and establish

    the oundation or a dierent approach to standards conormity

    assessment. Issued in 2005, one o the most signifcant changes to

    the 3rd Edition is the requirement or manuacturers to demonstrate

    the use o risk management during product development and also

    ater the product is in the marketplace.

    Although it will require a transition, with the incorporation o risk

    management requirements in the 3rd Edition, companies have the

    opportunity to introduce new technologies and develop devices

    that do not ft into the test limits and parameters o the 2nd Editiono IEC 60601. Currently, i a manuacturer submitted a device that

    didnt ft within the 2nd Edition, such as a dental device that exceeds

    patient applied parts limits, the manuacturer would have to apply

    or an exception, thereby delaying testing and extending the time to

    market or the device.

    While the shit in standard methodology to include risk manageme

    has been a major point o discussion among the certifcation bodies,

    assessing and understanding risk is a well-established concept

    within the medical device industry. This is because medical device

    are critical to public health and saety. They are regulated by the

    country or economic area (such as the EU) to ensure each device

    is sae and eective or its intended use. Not only do regulators

    look at saety to the operator, but also eectiveness in providing

    a diagnosis, treatment, therapy and/or physiological unction to a

    patient. As such, regulators have to look at both the product and

    the process by which medical devices are manuactured to ensure

    adequate controls are in place to ensure quality in manuacturing,

    post market surveillance and acceptable levels o risk.

    When medical device manuacturers apply or market approval,

    they oten are required to submit their technical fle documentation

    to the regulator. This fle includes test reports or electrical saety,

    biocompatibility, usability, unctional saety, electromagnetic

    compatibility, instructions or use, packaging, shipping requirements,

    clinical test data, etc.

    While there has been slow movement in adoption o the 3rd Editio

    there is indication that more government bodies will begin requirin

    conormity. In late 2009, Health Canada and the European Union

    announced devices must demonstrate conormity to the 3rd Editio

    by June 2012. As o April 2010, FDA has hinted that it will recognize

    the 3rd Edition, while Japan, the third largest market in the world,

    has remained non-committal.



  • 8/9/2019 The Future of Global Cerficiation for Medical Devices


    02 For more information E:: [email protected]

    Manuacturers must make decisions on what standard to design t

    depending on the market(s) they will enter, the timing o their mark

    entry, and their products lie cycle. As a leader in saety certifcatio

    and standards development, UL is committed to keeping the indus

    inormed o the status o the major medical regulatory markets, in ord

    to acilitate market access or our customers around the world.

    Table 1: Status of collateral standards in 3rd edition

    60601-1-1 Safety Requirements Included in general

    for Medical Electrical standard IEC 60601-1


    60601-1-4 Programmable Included in general

    Medical Electrical standard IEC 60601-1


    60601-1-10 Closed Loop Published as collateral



    60601-1-5 Image Quality and Withdrawn

    Dose for X-ray


    60601-1-6 Usability Will be replaced

    by IEC 62366, IEC

    60101-1-6 converted

    to a TR or guidance


    60601-1-9 Requirements for Published as

    Environmentally collateral, but will not

    Conscious Design be harmonized with

    the MDD or AIM

    60601-1-11 Home Healthcare Published as collateralProducts

    60601-1-2 EMC Published as collateral

    Collateral standard Name Status in 3rdedition

    60601-1-3 Radiation Published as collateral

    60601-1-8 Alarm Systems Published as collateral

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