the future of affiliate marketing


Upload: rick-samara

Post on 15-May-2015




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Great introduction to taking your Internet marketing business offline. The market is explained, and its huge. This followed by a methods of developing relationships with local business using Social Media marketing, Mobile Marketing and performance based local lead generation. This is an untapped market folks, and this is a great free introduction.


Page 1: The future of affiliate marketing
Page 2: The future of affiliate marketing


Welcome to the future of affiliate marketing! Take it from someone who

knows this industry and is a seven figure earner. The future of affiliate

marketing is not in building websites to promote someone else's products or

programs. There is simply too much competition, which means too much

time and effort on your part with very little return.

The future of internet marketing is in helping local businesses grow their

business. Affiliate marketing is dead, but Internet marketing presents

significant opportunity. There is virtually no competition in this market, and

I'm going to show you exactly how to do it. I will show you:

1. Why this market is so huge?

2. How to position yourself in this market?

3. How to identify and target local businesses?

4. What Tools You Need to Succeed?

In other words, I'm going to show you how to build a very successful

Internet business.

1. Why this Market is so Huge?

But, first let me give you some proof on why helping local businesses

grow their business is such a potent market. This is a fantastic success

story. Click on this link and visit This is a huge and

successful business that focuses exclusively on helping local businesses

grow their business. works with local businesses and offers

the business's coupons. The business will honor the coupon if enough people

are willing to purchase them. leverages their massive

memberships to assist local businesses advertise and grow by publishing

these types of coupons. Plus, they use FaceBook and Twitter to spread the


Page 3: The future of affiliate marketing

Groupon is so huge, that Google offered to buy them for $6 Billion! They

said no to this offer! You can read this article at Business Insider to find out

why: Why Groupon Said No to Google. The article explains that Groupon

has grown immensely in two short years. They now have 40 Million

subscribers, up from 1.5 Million last year and 400,000 the year prior. They

employed 124 people in December 2009. In November 2010 they had 3,100


2. How to Position Yourself in this Market?

Let’s face it! This is a huge market; and, not just because Groupon is such a

huge success. Internet industry leaders know they have to reach out and

touch small business. They compete for that potential revenue. They

understand that the future lies in helping small businesses grow their


Let me introduce the concept of Cost-Per-Action (CPA). This is where major

companies essentially reaching out to Internet marketers to advertise a

product on a per-cost lead basis. A spin off of CPA is Pay-Per-Call (PPC). In

this case, the per-cost lead basis is a simple validated phone call-in lead.

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PPC is a cost-per-action (CPA) agreement between an affiliate marketer and

a merchant. Ring Revenue acts as a major "wholesaler" between affiliate marketers and merchants, and Ring Revenue contracts with companies like

Commission Junction to reach affiliate marketers or other publishers. Most of these merchant's offers are national; and these national companies

understand and appreciate that affiliate marketers offer a unique and untapped venue to market their products and services.

Here is an example of the national companies that Commission Junction

manages for Ring Revenue:

Allstate Insurance

Advance Auto Parts DirecTV

DeVry University eFax

Life Lock, Inc.

So, along comes Pay-Per-Call Local Lead Generation. What is it? In a

nutshell, it is a Pay-Per-Call system that pays a commission to an Internet marketer for generating a call-in phone lead to a local versus a national

business. It offers marketers the opportunity to develop relationships in a local market with local business owners to generate leads for that business.

Pay-Per-Call Local Lead Generation is a unique and exciting opportunity for Internet marketers.

Pay-Per-Call Local Lead Generation fills the gap between national and local businesses!!

There are literally hundreds of businesses in a local market that might benefit from these marketing services. In fact, any business that relies on

call-in phone leads to generate a percentage of their sales might be interested for a number of reasons. Here are some examples of local

businesses that might be interested in Pay- per- Call Local Lead Generation:

bed and breakfasts

florists lawyers

dentists plumbers

fencing contractors

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mortgage brokers

windows installers real estate agents

home and auto insurance agents life insurance agents

financial service professionals

Many of these businesses already pay for leads. However, the leads they pay for are a lot different. These leads are purchased in advance. For example,

fencing contractors, window installers, real estate agents, insurance agents and financial services representatives, and mortgage brokers are very

accustomed to paying for leads.

They are collected and built based on specific needs or demographics. These

leads provide information like name, address, phone number and the service desired. The particular business or their employee is then tasked to follow-

up on this lead. This follow-up process is often tedious and non-productive.

There are several things that can spoil the lead. Time is one.

If the lead is old, that person might have already lost interest; or completely forgotten about their request. Or, the need has already been filled; or the

contact information is erroneous; or the person simply cannot be reached.

Purchasing this type of lead places all the risk on the small businesses that pay for these leads in advance.

By comparison, Pay- per- Call Local Lead Generation is designed to produce

a call-in lead. In sales terms, this is a hot lead. A live person has initiated a

call in anticipation of filling their need. An experienced sales representative receiving this call-in knows how to handle this type of lead.

Another major difference between Pay- per- Call Local Lead Generation and

these more traditional lead services is that Pay- per- Call Local Lead

Generation is performance based. With the more traditional lead services, I mentioned that these leads are purchased in advance. With Pay per Call

Local Lead Generation, leads are purchased when a person calls a business. If this hot lead is not produced, the marketer does not get paid.

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The sales conversion rates are much higher for a call-in lead. The risk is

assumed by the affiliate marketer, not the business owner. Pay- per- Call Local Lead Generation presents a new opportunity for affiliate marketers.

Marketers should look for platforms that meet the basic needs of local businesses if they want to venture into this new marketing opportunity.

And, at this time, there appears to be very little or no competition for this marketing service.

Furthermore, small business owners might very well receive this performance based advertising as something that will significantly increase their return on investment and have a positive impact on their advertising efforts. And, why wouldn't they? Since this is performance based advertising, the marketer assumes the risk, not the business owner.

Validating the call is a major challenge. Sponsoring companies want a

targeted lead call. In other words, they do not want someone in

Pennsylvania calling their dental office in California for a dental appointment.

That just doesn’t do it.

Another challenge is being able to track the origination of the call and the

duration of the call. If someone calls a phone number, then hangs up, a

business owner does not want to pay for this type of lead.

Suffice it to say that there are a lot of challenges associated with PPC. A

great deal of those challenges can be overcome by developing a platform

that focuses on targeting local businesses.

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There is a major and brand new platform that I highly

recommend. It’s called ACME Phone Leads (APL). APL

does all the tracking and back room management for you.

The owner of APL is Tissa Godavitarne. Tissa has created a

solid product at a very affordable price.

Here is an outline of how you can make money with APL.

1. The Business Opportunity. This is the MLM. Just refer

people to this business. We will help with the marketing materials.

Join the ACME Phone Leads Group on FaceBook to get started! You

will need to log-in to FaceBook first, but you will be brought directly to

our group.

Here is an Example of the Business Opportunity

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And, here is the good news! If you were a member of the ACME Phone

Leads Priority Notification List, then there a real good possibility that you

already have a 5-member pre-built downline. And, you only need one

top-level member, or someone that you personally sponsor in this

business, to earn those $5 commissions 5 levels deep. But, it is critical

that you sign at least one member. And, we will help!

2. The Product Opportunity. This is simply awesome.

Promote Local Businesses in Your Area with APL. This is where you

negotiate an agreement with a local business to send them phone

leads to help them grow their business. In return, you receive a

commission for every lead you generate.

Your APL back office will register all the calls you generate for this

business. You will be able to produce reports to show a business


This is easier to do if you live in the US. However, we have many

members doing this from overseas as well. Visit the Forum for

ideas: ACME PEOPLE SEARCH FORUM. And, ask questions.

Promote the over 200 Businesses that Tissa has already established

relationships with. The current count is 220 and this number will

grow. The current price structure is up to $50 per lead. There is

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no reason why you can't generate 4-5 leads per week. If you do

not know how, we will teach you how to do it.

These are pre-negotiated leads, and a lot of our overseas members

will likely favor this option.

Whatever option you choose, this is just a starting point. That is, if you

want to really maximize this business.

Join Our Team Today:

3. How to Identify and Target Local Businesses?

This is the really neat part! Let me introduce this with an overview of

Google Places. First of all, Google Places is a great way to advertise your

own business FREE.

34 percent of Google searches are for local search or content. This means

that if someone searches on a keyword that is relevant to your Internet

home business, you have the opportunity to have your business come up on

the first page of the search. You have people in your local area that you can

market to no matter what you are selling.

Google now knows where people are searching from. They do not even have

to enter a 'keyword plus a city' or a 'long tailed keyword string. That means

that your local listing is optimized for generic keywords. You know, the ones

that are really tough to rank for. For example, “Internet Marketing.”

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And, that is exactly what I am showing you below. In this example, I typed

“Internet Marketing” into a Google Search box. I did not have to type in a

long-tail keyword like “find Internet marketing help in White Plains, MD.”

That is where I live.

The top section of the search page is sponsored or paid advertising. The

section below that is my local search. The Number 1 Position on Google is

eInternet Marketing Services. That is my business. This is totally awesome

and it’s totally free!

Google Places is also extremely valuable to you

because it helps you identify local businesses and

their needs!

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Generally speaking, the Google

places registered businesses

probably already have a

website; but, not in all cases.

It does tell you that these

companies are a bit more

sophisticated in their

advertising. These businesses

represent a great target for the

performance based advertising

that the ACME Phone Leads

platform and you can deliver.

By comparison, you might find

that the unregistered business

might first be in need of a

basic website for their

business; and would later be a

candidate for ACME Phone


The small red dots on Google Places indicates unregistered

businesses that Google picks up from other sources where

the business might have registered…

The largest teardrop symbol on Google Places indicates that

a business has registered for Google Places and the

business has been verified.

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Let’s take a look at another keyword and industry type. This time I’ll do a

search for “plumbers.”

Here I pulled up one of the

Google Places registered

businesses. Notice that you

receive their address, phone

number and website.

This is a great start! Now

you have the basic data that

you need to contact the


Next, I pulled up one of the

unregistered businesses. We

find out that this plumbing

company does not have a

website; or it is certainly not


This is a great opportunity to

develop a relationship with

this business. You have all

the basic data to contact this


If you have been building and promoting websites, you already have the

skills. You understand the basic strategies and techniques to advertise,

market and promote your site(s). All you need is to understand how you

can take these same basic skills and apply them to your local business

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market. If you do not yet have these skills, it’s actually very easy to do.

You'll be amazed at how easy it is and how much you will learn in a short

period of time.

4. What Tools You Need to Succeed!

Actually, I’m only going to recommend one tool at this time. That’s a website

or blog. If you want to do this business right, you are going to need your

own website and hosting.

With the HostGator “Baby” account you get unlimited

hosting. As you business grows, this will prove to be a very

valuable business asset. If you pay for three years in

advance, you will pay $7.95/month. If you just want to

pay monthly, then it will cost $9.95/month. I have used

HostGator for quite some time now and simply love it.

Customer service is excellent!!

Use this coupon code to save $9.94 on your first month hosting:


But, the biggest advantage of having your own personal HostGator account

is that you get access to Fantastico Deluxe.

With Fantastico De Luxe you get one-

step installation for WordPress

blog(s). And, WordPress is the

premier blogging software available


Page 14: The future of affiliate marketing

In summary, this is an exciting new business opportunity. It provides you a

platform to start building relationships with local business owners. These

business owners are literally starved for new business. You have the ability

to start driving hot leads to hundreds of businesses in your area.

Or, you can choose from the over 220 pre-negotiated offers that are already

available to you. And, while I mentioned the MLM business opportunity I did

not cover how this will work. I’ll save that for a later edition.

Local businesses are anxious to take advantage of this performance based

method of advertising their business.

This is just the beginning of a more extensive training program on ACME

Phone Leads.

We will be conducting regular webcasts in 2011. If you want to stay current,

I highly recommend you sign-up for my e-mail notifications on webcast

topics and dates.


Rick Samara

Join me on Facebook:

Skype ID: rick.samara

…More Coming Your Way in Part II

Part II: Building Relationships with Local Businesses

1. How to Generate Consistent Residual Income

2. How to Build Relationships with Local Businesses

3. How to Maintain and Strengthen those Relationships