the first church of christ in hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to...

The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a member of the United Church of Christ “A New Covenant” 150 th Anniversary The Trustees of the Warburton Chapel Embracing God’s Presence, Serving the City, Building upon Our Heritage

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Page 1: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632

a member of the United Church of Christ

“A New Covenant”

150th Anniversary

The Trustees of the Warburton Chapel

Embracing God’s Presence, Serving the City,

Building upon Our Heritage

Page 2: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

In Gratitude and Remembrance


Mary A. Warburton, wife of John Warburton. John and Mary married in Hartford and went to St. Louis, where John made a fortune in real estate. They retired to Hartford and joined Center Church in 1832. When John died, he left an estate of $600,000. Mary was described in her obituary as “a lady beloved by all, of great benevolence, kindness of heart and warm sympathies—a devoted Christian, proving her faith by her charitable works” (The Hartford Courant, October 3, 1868.) By the 1850s and 1860s, immigrants were coming to the United States in larger numbers. Many lived in poor situations, not dissimilar to what we find today for immigrant peoples. A mission school had been established in Hartford in 1857 to help meet the needs of children, but it had outgrown its space. A group of Center Church members contributed funds to purchase land on Temple Street (now covered by Constitution Plaza) and Mary Warburton contributed nearly $20,000 to build a chapel in memory of her husband. At first, mostly German immigrants were served. Center Church was very involved and many young people helped to teach Sunday School. Mary Warburton died only two years after Warburton Chapel was dedicated. She had set up a fund of $10,000 to support services at the Chapel and served briefly on the Board of Directors. Mary also made a bequest to Center Church to set up a Teacher’s Library, and that fund currently provides us with about $4,500 income annually.

~ Robin Roy, Center Church Historian

Page 3: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now


Jonas Coolidge Hills, well-known numismatist and churchman, died on November 13 at his home, No. 19 Atwood Street, Hartford, Conn., of heart disease and other complications. He had not been in good health since an illness with pneumonia about two years ago. Last winter he planned to tour Europe this year with Mrs. Hills, and on March 15, he sailed for Europe on a seven months’ trip. He arrived home Monday, October 13, and at once began to fail. While in Munich, he was ill, and was again sick during the last few days of his voyage. He partly recovered from his illness, only to become much worse a few days ago, and since he had steadily failed. Mr. Hills was born in this city, October 18, 1851, a son of Ellery and Nancy (Coolidge) Hills. He was a descendant of William Hills, who came to Hartford about 1635. The names of

fifteen of his ancestors are to be found on the monument in the Ancient Burying Ground in the rear of Center Church. He was also descended on his mother’s side of William Pynchon, founder of Roxbury, Massachusetts, and later, of Springfield, Massachusetts. In Hartford, Mr. Hills was perhaps best known because of his connections with Warburton Chapel, on Temple Street. From the time he was sixteen years old, he took a deep interest in its welfare, and was prominently identified with every movement for its good. For many years, he has been its Librarian and Treasurer, and Mr. Hills has been Superintendent of the primary department in its Sunday School. In addition, he was a liberal contributor to the support of its work. Mr. Hills was a particularly companionable man, and had a host of friends. He was of a somewhat retiring disposition, but of a very sympathetic nature, was widely read, and was noted for his stories of travel. His friends say of him that he was a Christian gentleman, and that as such, all who knew him loved him.

Excerpts from obituary published by The Hartford Courant,

December 1913

Page 4: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST IN HARTFORD An Open and Affirming Congregation of

The United Church of Christ

Welcome ~ Bienvenidos October 16, 2016 10:30 AM

WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT CENTER CHURCH. We are glad you have joined us for this service of worship and the fellowship of this congregation, as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope that you will be both comforted and challenged by the Word of God for us today. If you are new to our community, we hope you will consider making this your church home. Any of our worship leaders or ushers will be able to help with your questions. If you are already a member, be sure to extend a friendly greeting to those around you, starting with someone you don’t know…yet.


“Moving into new ventures of program and faith must be the very genius of the life and work of a great down-town city church such as Center Church….

Our program must be unique in its forward outlook; challenging in its answers to the problems of city life; and creative in its unfolding of new resources in people's lives…”

~ The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Clinchy, Pastor of Center Church, 1948 CHIMING OF THE HOUR and GREETING

Please turn off all cell phones and other electronic devices before the service of Worship begins.

A nursery with capable, nurturing staff is available in the basement of the Meeting House.

Page 5: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

COMING BEFORE GOD PRELUDE Te Deum Marc-Antoine Charpentier 1643-1704

PLEASE STAND. CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: God has blessed us and brought us to this time. People: God has blessed us and brought us to this place. Leader: For 150 years, God has made us God’s witnesses in the world

through the work of the Warburton Chapel Trust and ministries. People: For 150 years, God has placed us in loving relationship with this

beloved city—in this beloved community. Leader: Let us give thanks to our God! All: Let us praise God for God’s faithfulness. HYMN No. 4 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You HYMN TO JOY PLEASE BE SEATED. THE TRUSTEES OF WARBURTON CHAPEL Alvin Thompson

What is the Warburton Chapel Trust, and what does it do? Perhaps the answer to that is still “the best-kept secret” in Center Church;

yet, it should not be, because this is a success story that is celebrating its 150th anniversary.

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING FOR 150 YEARS OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE WARBURTON CHAPEL Robin Roy Congregational Response: We give you thanks, O God.

Page 6: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

LIFE IN HARTFORD, 1800s Bea White-Rameriz, Storyteller

CHORAL RESPONSE All Who Love and Serve Your City Sacred Harmony, 1799


CAC Representative

“David Hawley, the first missionary engaged by the Young Men’s City Missionary Society, set a high standard…Imagine, if you can, a quiet farmer of forty-two moving into the inner

city of Hartford…He became “Father Hawley” to the Roman Catholics he helped and the title eventually became common to all who knew him.”

(Hartford Immigrants, Robert O. Decker)

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING FOR THE CHRISTIAN ACTIVITIES COUNCIL Patricia Anderson Congregational Response: We give you thanks, O God.

Page 7: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

CHORAL ANTHEM Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite George Handel 1685-1750

…ever to sound his praise in endless morn of light. HANDS ON HARTFORD Barbara Shaw,

Executive Director

“What are we as a church doing now? We, with seven other churches, are helping to support the Center City Churches. This is inter-denominational and

they support social programs for the elderly.” (Historical Notes, Center Church Library)


The Rev. J. Alan McLean, Minister Emeritus Nate Fox, Warburton Director of Outreach Ministries

Former Warburton Interns Leader: We give thanks now for the vision of the Warburton Trust, created 150 years ago. People: We give thanks. Leader: We give thanks now that, in 1983, this Trust created the Warburton

Page 8: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

Urban Internship dedicated to the outreach of Center Church to the people and the needs of Hartford residents.

People: We give thanks. Leader: We remember - and give thanks now - for God's words spoken by Jeremiah: "I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah." (Jeremiah 31:31) People: We give thanks. Leader: We remember - and give thanks now - that Warburton Interns throughout the years have sought to help us live out the words Jesus spoke in the synagogue, declaring that the Spirit of God has led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now - that the Warburton Internship continues as a means of following Jesus' calling: "to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, (and) to let the oppressed go free." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. A PRAYER OF GRATITUDE

Page 9: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

MUSICAL RESPONSE Warburton Choral Scholars O Lord, Thy Word Endureth Christopher Tye 1505-1573 … forever in heaven. Thy truth also remaineith from one generation to another. Thou hast laid the foundations of the earth, and it abideth. They continue this day according to Thine ordinance, for all things serve Thee, Hallelujah. MEDITATION A New Covenant The Rev. Dr. Damaris D. Whittaker MISSION MOMENT: Go and Do the Same David Owens THE OFFERING OF GIFTS AND TITHES

(We encourage you to use offering envelopes when giving.) Offertory Anthem I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Leo Sowerby 1895-1968

Greta Moorhead, soloist . . . to the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil, He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Amen. (Psalm 121)


text: Thomas Ken, 1674; alt. music: Louis Bourgeois, 1551

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, you heav’nly host:

Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.

Page 10: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now



Nancy Maclean THE PASSING OF THE PEACE Leader: The love of God, the peace of Christ, and the fellowship of the

Holy Spirit be with you always. People: And also with you. Leader: Since in Christ we have been reconciled, let us share his peace

with one another. POSTLUDE

Trumpet Tune Robert Lau b. 1943

Page 11: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

Our thanks to Deacon Barbara Sanders; Greeters Harold & Joyce Buckingham; Usher Dennis Morin and Reader Jim Oliver.

Our thanks to storyteller Bea White-Ramirez, the Director of the

Hicks-Stearns Museum on the Tolland Green. She is also an adjunct teacher at the Lutz Children’s Museum in Manchester.

Our thanks to Robin Roy, Church Historian, for the great amount of research and

assistance that she provided to create this program.

Our thanks to those who have provided today’s music: Greta Moorhead, mezzo soprano

Carroll Potts, trumpet Center Church Choir

William Ness, Interim Director of Music/Organist

Our thanks to Timothy Otte for providing today’s refreshments, and for coordinating refreshments during the month of October.

Our thanks to Led & Nancy Baxter for making our

Sunday morning Coffee Ministry possible this morning.

The flowers on display in the Meeting House today are given in loving memory of Pat & Bill Renfro, who found a wonderful church family at Center Church,

and many dear friends. Their family joins Center Church in remembering their beautiful lives with gratitude for your friendship.

The flags are on display in the Meeting House today in

observance of Founders’ Day.

After Worship, please remain to sign cards for the Cruz-Reis Family (welcome, Logan Nathaniel Reis), Kathryn Lewis (sympathy, loss of grandfather),

and Joseph St. Amant (speedy recovery.)

Page 12: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

This Week at Center Church

Today - 8:45 Breakfast Program (Church House parlor); - 10:30 Worship Service & Church School; followed

by refreshments and Outreach Fair; - 11:50 Chorister Choir; - 3:00 Sunday Community Meals (WROCC)

Tuesday - 12:00 “D.E.A.R. Ones” lunch;

- 12:30 Staff Meeting; - 4:00 Investment Committee Meeting (off-site)

Wednesday - 7:30 Choir Rehearsal Friday - November Newsletter Deadline

Warburton Outing at Columbia Lake, Center Church Camp

Athletic Field

Page 13: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

OUTREACH FAIR You are cordially invited to attend an Outreach Fair in the Meeting House, immediately following worship. Learn about volunteering opportunities from: Faith Formation. Please find out about becoming a mentor for confirmands, a

teacher of church school, and/or providing transportation for families to worship and church events. For more information, contact Jana Russo-Priestley, Director of Faith Formation, at [email protected] or (860)249-5631 (x 210.)

Center Church Outreach Ministries. We need volunteers for the coffee

ministry, community meals, and the WROCC. Please contact Nate Fox, Warburton Director of Outreach Ministries, at [email protected] or (860) 310-5656.

Hands on Hartford. For volunteer opportunities, please visit their website at or call (860) 247-5177. Christian Activities Council. For volunteers opportunities, please visit their

website at or call (860) 527-9860. Racial Justice Retreat. See Lisa Eleck, Yale Divinity School Intern, for more

information or email Lisa at [email protected]

Page 14: The First Church of Christ in Hartford founded 1632 a ... · led us to "…bring good news to the poor." (Luke 4:18) People: We give thanks. Leader: We declare - and give thanks now

Founding Officers and Trustees

1895: WC Officers Supt. John P. Gavit (Oscar Phelps/1896) Asst. Supt. Solon P. Davis Supt. Infants Mrs. J. P. Gavit (Miss Margaret B. Lee/1896) Lib./Treas. J.C. Hills Ass. Lib. Newman Hungerford (+ Nathan Weeks/1896) Sec. Ferdinand Richter Asst. Sec. Herman Dahm (+Charles Hansell/1896) Chorister Miss Mary Hastings Supt. Home Dept./1896 Mrs. Solon P. Davis WC Trustees Pres. Francis Cooley Sec/Treas. Daniel Howe Joseph B. Pierce, Henry Roberts, John C. Parsons, Solon P. Davis, J. C. Hills

The Warburton Chapel Trustees, 2016 Alvin Thompson

James Oliver Nancy Maclean

Patricia Anderson Priscilla French

The Rev. Dr. Damaris D. Whittaker Robinson Buck

Robin Roy William Gourlie

William Warner-Prouty Gladys Hernandez, Emeritus

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AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING Congregation. "We include into full participation in the life of this church persons of any age, race, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and physical, emotional and mental capacity" (from the statement adopted October 23, 1994.) In recognition of the richness of backgrounds of our congregation, a DIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES will find expression in our worship services. Center Church offers an OPEN COMMUNION. Adults and children from all religious backgrounds are invited to partake.

FREE PARKING is available during Sunday Worship Services at the Travelers Plaza Garage off Prospect Street (next to the Hartford Club.) The garage closes at 1:00pm (12:00pm June through August). Free on-street parking is also available on Gold Street and on the west side of Lewis Street each Sunday. REST ROOMS are located in the basement of the Meeting House. Please use the stairs in the southeast corner of the building. For safety, please have an adult accompany your child to the restroom. CHURCH SCHOOL is held at the Church House (60 Gold Street) for preschool to 12th Grade. Children are to remain with their families in the Meeting House during worship until they depart for Church School following the Children’s Moment. Please pick your child up promptly at 12:00pm. For their safety, children will remain with their Church School instructor until an adult picks them up. CHILDCARE and NURSERY care are provided by trained, capable, and nurturing staff and volunteers, and is available in the Meeting House basement for infants and toddlers (up to two years of age.) A nursery without staff is also located on the second floor of the Church House. ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES are held in the Church House (60 Gold Street) at 8:45am. Announcements regarding Adult Education classes are announced in our publications. HANDICAPPED ACCESS to the sanctuary is via the lift outside at the south end of the portico. If possible, please call the church office in advance for assistance in using the lift. Please feel free to confer with a minister regarding our INQUIRER'S CLASSES for POTENTIAL MEMBERS, BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS or COMMITMENT CEREMONIES. The latest issue of CENTER CHURCH NEWS is available in the literature rack at the back of the Meeting House and at the Church House (60 Gold Street).


A member of the United Church of Christ (UCC) CENTER CHURCH, 60 Gold Street, Hartford, CT 06103

Church Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm Library Hours: Wednesdays, 9:30am to 11:30am, Sunday 9:45am to 10:45am, or by appointment.

P 860.249.5631 F 860.246.3915

Minister: The Reverend Dr. Damaris D. Whittaker (ext. 202)

Minister Emeritus: The Reverend J. Alan McLean Interim Director of Music/Organist: William Ness (ext. 204)

Warburton Director of Outreach Ministries: Nathan Fox (ext. 205) Director of Faith Formation: Jana Russo-Priestley (ext. 210)

Youth Coordinator: Anne Russo-Priestley (ext. 210) Church Administrator: Marie Ferrantino (ext. 209)

Bookkeeper: Charlotte Cardone (ext. 201) Receptionist/Office Assistant: Monique Young (ext. 200)

Office Assistant: Frances Burton Sexton: Thomas St. Amant

Hymns and Service Music reprinted under # A-708141.