the federal reserve balance sheet warren b. hrung monetary projections staff january 13, 2010

The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

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Page 1: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet

Warren B. Hrung

Monetary Projections Staff

January 13, 2010

Page 2: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

The views in this presentation are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve

Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.

Page 3: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

• Primary function is to analyze and project the factors that supply or absorb bank reserves.

• The projections are used by the Open Market Trading Desk in planning and executing both temporary and permanent open market operations.

• The staff name derives from the time when the staff would forecast monetary aggregates and the monetary aggregates were the policy tool.

Monetary Projections Staff

Page 4: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010
Page 5: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010
Page 6: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

4 pages then vs. 12 pages now

Assets Aug 01, 2007 Dec 30, 2009 Liabilities Aug 01, 2007 Dec 30, 2009

Securities 791 1845 Reserve Balances of Banks 17 1025 Treasuries 791 777 Excess Balances 3 998 Bills 277 18 Required Op Balances 14 27 Notes and Bonds, Nominal 473 708 Notes and Bonds, II 36 45 Federal Reserve Banknotes 777 890 Inflation Compensation 5 6 Federal Agency -- 160 Treasury Balances at FRB 5 150 MBS -- 908 Treasury SFP -- 5Repos 25 0 Foreign RP Pool 32 70 Short Term 25 0 Reverse RPs 0 0 Long Term 0 0Swap Agreements -- 10 Other Deposits 0 27Loans 0 166 Foreign Deposits 0 2 TAF -- 76 Other Liabilities 10 16 Other Credit (AIG) -- 22 Capital 34 52 PDCF -- 0 PCF/SCF 0 20 AMLF (Boston/ABCP) -- 0 TALF -- 48Maiden Lane LLC -- 27Maiden Lane LLC II -- 16Maiden Lane LLC III -- 23Preferred Interests in AIA and ALICO Holdings LLC -- 25TALF LLC -- 0CPFF -- 14MMIFF -- 0Other Assets 56 106Special Drawing Rights (SDR) 2 5Total Assets 874 2237 Total Liabilities and Capital 874 2237Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Federal Reserve

Page 7: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

Balance Sheet Assets• Liquidity Facilities

– TAF, central bank liquidity swaps, CPFF, TALF

– Programs that wind down as market conditions improve—have fallen much faster than expected

– Some expire on Feb. 1, but may remain on balance sheet

• Long-Term Assets/Large Scale Asset Purchases– Outright holdings of Treasuries, Agency debt, Agency MBS

– Self-liquidating, but at a much slower pace

• Systemic Lending– Other Long-Term Commitments such as Maiden Lane


Page 8: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

Assets figure













Jan-07 May-07 Sep-07 Jan-08 May-08 Sep-08 Jan-09 May-09 Sep-09

$Bln$Bln Balance Sheet Assets by Category

All OtherLending to Systemically Important InstitutionsShort-Term Liquidity Facilities: TAF, Liqudity Swaps, CPFF, AMLF, MMIFF, PCF, PDCF and TALFAgency MBS, Agency Debt, and Agency Discount Notes HoldingsTreasury Holdings

Page 9: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

Assets Aug 01, 2007 Dec 30, 2009 Liabilities Aug 01, 2007 Dec 30, 2009

Securities 791 1845 Reserve Balances of Banks 17 1025 Treasuries 791 777 Excess Balances 3 998 Bills 277 18 Required Op Balances 14 27 Notes and Bonds, Nominal 473 708 Notes and Bonds, II 36 45 Federal Reserve Banknotes 777 890 Inflation Compensation 5 6 Federal Agency -- 160 Treasury Balances at FRB 5 150 MBS -- 908 Treasury SFP -- 5Repos 25 0 Foreign RP Pool 32 70 Short Term 25 0 Reverse RPs 0 0 Long Term 0 0Swap Agreements -- 10 Other Deposits 0 27Loans 0 166 Foreign Deposits 0 2 TAF -- 76 Other Liabilities 10 16 Other Credit (AIG) -- 22 Capital 34 52 PDCF -- 0 PCF/SCF 0 20 AMLF (Boston/ABCP) -- 0 TALF -- 48Maiden Lane LLC -- 27Maiden Lane LLC II -- 16Maiden Lane LLC III -- 23Preferred Interests in AIA and ALICO Holdings LLC -- 25TALF LLC -- 0CPFF -- 14MMIFF -- 0Other Assets 56 106Special Drawing Rights (SDR) 2 5Total Assets 874 2237 Total Liabilities and Capital 874 2237Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Federal Reserve

Page 10: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

Balance Sheet Liabilities

• Federal Reserve notes is traditional driver of balance sheet growth


• Reserves

Page 11: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010













Jan-07 May-07 Sep-07 Jan-08 May-08 Sep-08 Jan-09 May-09 Sep-09

$Bln$Bln Balance Sheet Liabilities by Category

All Other All Reserve Balances Treasury Balance (TGA + SFP) FR Notes

Page 12: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

Options for Managing the Balance Sheet

– Decrease size of balance sheet• Asset sales

• Composition of balance sheet

– Change composition of liabilities• Treasury’s SFP

• Reverse Repos

– Another liability item

Page 13: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010

Things to Keep in Mind

• Size of balance sheet/reserve balances depends on Fed actions

• Large levels of excess do not necessarily imply hoarding or lack of lending. Even if banks were lending, excess balances would still be high.

• Keister and McAndrews (2009)– Why are Banks Holding So Many Excess Reserves?

• Monetary Base ≈ FR Notes + Total Reserves

Page 14: The Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Warren B. Hrung Monetary Projections Staff January 13, 2010
