the f-block elements: the inner transition elements

1 The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements The f-block elements are those which have partly filled f- sub shells of the third to the outermost (antepenultimate) i.e. (n-2) th energy shells in their elementary or ionic state. These elements are also called inner transition elements. The f-bock elements are divided into two series. 1. The Lanthanide series (4f) (Atomic number Z = 58-71) 2. The Actinide series (5f) (Atomic number Z = 90-103) Lanthanum (Z=57) and the next fourteen elements (Z=58-71) which follow it are called lanthanide or lanthanones. These fifteen elements closely resemble one another and forms a distinct group with lanthanum as the prototype, hence the name lanthanides or lanthanones. The reason why they resemble lanthanum so closely lies in their electronic configuration. The configuration of lanthanum is [Xe]5d 1 6s 2 and 14 electrons are successively added to 4f subshell. Occurrence: Lanthanides were originally called rare earth elements. The word ‘earth’ was used because they occurred as oxide (which is early usage meant earth) and word ‘rare’ was used because their occurrence was believed to be very scarce. Most commonly sources of lanthanides are India, Scandinavia, USA and Russia. Most occurring lanthanide is Cerium which constitute about 0.0003 % of the earth crust. Monazite sand is the most important mineral containing lanthanides (Thorium 30%). It is exist in the form of orthophosphate. Even atomic number Lanthanides are more abundant in nature and they having larger number of isotopes. Odd atomic number Lanthanides are less abundant and they do not have more than two isotopes. Table 1: The Lanthanide Elements and their naturally occurring isotopes. Elements Symbol Atomic Number No. of naturally occurring isotopes Lanthanum La 57 1 Cerium Ce 58 4 Praseodymium Pr 59 1 Neodymium Nd 60 7 Promethium Pm 61 0 Samarium Sm 62 7

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Page 1: The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements


The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements

The f-block elements are those which have partly filled f- sub shells of the third to the

outermost (antepenultimate) i.e. (n-2)th energy shells in their elementary or ionic state. These

elements are also called inner transition elements. The f-bock elements are divided into two


1. The Lanthanide series (4f) (Atomic number Z = 58-71)

2. The Actinide series (5f) (Atomic number Z = 90-103)

Lanthanum (Z=57) and the next fourteen elements (Z=58-71) which follow it are called

lanthanide or lanthanones. These fifteen elements closely resemble one another and forms a

distinct group with lanthanum as the prototype, hence the name lanthanides or lanthanones.

The reason why they resemble lanthanum so closely lies in their electronic configuration. The

configuration of lanthanum is [Xe]5d16s2 and 14 electrons are successively added to 4f


Occurrence: Lanthanides were originally called rare earth elements. The word ‘earth’ was

used because they occurred as oxide (which is early usage meant earth) and word ‘rare’ was

used because their occurrence was believed to be very scarce. Most commonly sources of

lanthanides are India, Scandinavia, USA and Russia. Most occurring lanthanide is Cerium

which constitute about 0.0003 % of the earth crust. Monazite sand is the most important

mineral containing lanthanides (Thorium 30%). It is exist in the form of orthophosphate.

Even atomic number Lanthanides are more abundant in nature and they having larger number

of isotopes. Odd atomic number Lanthanides are less abundant and they do not have more

than two isotopes.

Table 1: The Lanthanide Elements and their naturally occurring isotopes.

Elements Symbol Atomic Number No. of naturally occurring isotopes

Lanthanum La 57 1

Cerium Ce 58 4

Praseodymium Pr 59 1

Neodymium Nd 60 7

Promethium Pm 61 0

Samarium Sm 62 7

Page 2: The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements


Europium Eu 63 2

Gadolinium Gd 64 7

Terbium Tb 65 1

Dysprosium Dy 66 7

Holmium Ho 67 1

Erbium Er 68 6

Thulium Tm 69 1

Ytterbium Yb 70 7

Lutetium Lu 71 2

Table 2: The Lanthanide elements and their electronic configuration & oxidation states.

Symbol Atomic Number

Electronic Configuration Probable electronic Configuration

Oxidation state

La 57 [Xe]4f05d16s2 [Xe]4f05d16s2 +3

Ce 58 [Xe]4f15d16s2 [Xe]4f26s2 +3, +4

Pr 59 [Xe]4f25d16s2 [Xe]4f36s2 +3, +4

Nd 60 [Xe]4f35d16s2 [Xe]4f46s2 +2, +3, +4

Pm 61 [Xe]4f45d16s2 [Xe]4f56s2 +3

Sm 62 [Xe]4f55d16s2 [Xe]4f66s2 +2, +3

Eu 63 [Xe]4f65d16s2 [Xe]4f76s2 +2, +3

Gd 64 [Xe]4f75d16s2 [Xe]4f75d16s2 +3

Tb 65 [Xe]4f85d16s2 [Xe]4f96s2 +3,+4

Dy 66 [Xe]4f95d16s2 [Xe]4f106s2 +3,+4

Ho 67 [Xe]4f105d16s2 [Xe]4f116s2 +3

Er 68 [Xe]4f115d16s2 [Xe]4f126s2 +3

Tm 69 [Xe]4f125d16s2 [Xe]4f136s2 +2,+3

Yb 70 [Xe]4f135d16s2 [Xe]4f146s2 +2,+3

Lu 71 [Xe]4f145d16s2 [Xe]4f145d16s2 +3

Page 3: The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements


+3 oxidation states are the characteristic features in all the lanthanides.

Ce4+: [Xe]4f0 Tb4+: [Xe]4f7

Eu2+: [Xe]4f0 Yb2+: [Xe]4f14

f0, f7 and f14 are stable configuration that’s why Ce, Tb show +4 oxidation state and Eu, Yb

show +2 oxidation states.

Sm2+: [Xe]4f6 Tm2+: [Xe]4f13

Sm and Tm shows +2 oxidation state although they have not attain stable configuration.

These facts explain why these elements exercise oxidation states other than +3 as well. These

arguments, however does not hold good when we find that samarium and thulium show

oxidation state of +2.

Pr and Nd also show +4 oxidation states instead of +5 and +6 (this should attain

f0 configuration). These factors are based on highly complicated thermodynamic and kinetic

consideration which is still not quite certain. Ce4+ ion is as strong oxidising agent as MnO4- ;

Pr4+ and Th4+ are even powerful oxidising agents.

Ionic Radii: Lanthanide Contraction

The expected increase in atomic size, when we go down a group (e.g, from Sc to Y and from

Y to La) disappears after the lanthanides and the pairs of elements. Zr-Hf, Nb-Ta, Mo-W, Ru-

Os, Rh-Ir and Pd-Pt have almost the same size. It is thus a direct consequence of Lanthanide

contraction that elements of the second and third transition series resemble each other much

more closely than do the elements of the first and second transition series.

Cause of Lanthanide contraction

The mutual shielding effect of f electrons is very little, being smaller than that of d electrons.

This is due to the shape of one at each step. Hence, the inward pull experienced by the 4f

electrons increases. This causes a reduction in size of the entire 4f subshell and that leads to

the total lanthanide contraction.

Page 4: The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements


Table 3: Atoms and their atomic size in angstrom.

Atoms Atomic size (in Angstrom)

La3+ 1.15

Ce3+ 1.11

Pr3+ 1.09

Nd3+ 1.08

Pm3+ 1.06

Sm3+ 1.04

Eu3+ -

Gd3+ 1.02

Tb3+ 1.00

Dy3+ 0.99

Ho3+ 0.97

Er3+ 0.96

Tm3+ 0.95

Yb3+ 0.94

Lu3+ 0.93

Colour: The colour appears to depend upon the number of 4f electrons. The colour of ions

containing x 4f electrons as about the same as those with (14-x) 4f electrons. The absorption

bands in the visible region of electronic spectra of rare earth ions in their compounds arise

because of the absorption of light in the visible range resulting in the transition of the

electrons of the ions from the lower energy 4f orbital to the higher energy 4f orbital (f-f


Table 4: Colour of Lanthanide Ions

Ion Number of 4f


Colour Ion Number of 4f



La3+ 0 Colourless Tb3+ 8 Pale pink

Ce3+ 1 Colourless Dy3+ 9 Yellow

Page 5: The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements


Pr3+ 2 Green Ho3+ 10 Pale Yellow

Nd3+ 3 Lilac Er3+ 11 Pink

Pm3+ 4 Pink Tm3+ 12 Pale green

Sm3+ 5 Yellow Yb3+ 13 Colourless

Eu3+ 6 Pale pink Lu3+ 14 Colourless

Gd3+ 7 Colourless

Characteristic features of the spectra of the tripositive lanthanide ions are the sharpness of the

individual bands. Many of these bands are line like and become even narrower as the

temperature is lowered. This is again, due to the fact that the electrons in the 4f orbitals are

effectively shielded from the surrounding by the overlying electrons in the 5s and 5p orbitals

of the rare earth ions and hence absorption bands arise merely from electronic transitions

within the 4f level (f-f transition). Such transitions are more forbidden than the d-d transitions

of the transition metal ions since 4f electrons of lanthanide ions are much less affected by the

ligand electrons than the electrons in the d orbital of transition metal ions in their complexes.

Therefore, the selection rules are more strictly followed for transitions in the compounds of

lanthanides than in the compounds of transition metals.

Magnetic properties:

The La3+, Lu3+, Ce4+ and Yb2+ ions which have 4f0 or 4f14 electronic configuration are

diamagnetic. The rest of the trivalent lanthanide ions which contain unpaired electrons in the

4f orbitals are paramagnetic. The magnetic properties of the lanthanides are different from

those of the transition elements. The magnetic moments arise from two types of motion. The

spin motion of electron around its own axis produces magnetic moment called spin magnetic

moment while the orbital motion of electron around the nucleus produces magnetic moment

called orbital magnetic moment. The observed magnetic properties of a substance are thus the

result of both the spin magnetic moment and orbital magnetic moment.

In the case of transition elements, the d electrons of the metal ions interact strongly with the electrons of the ligands of the ligands (atoms, ions or molecules) surrounding the metal ion. Due to the electric field of the ligands, the orbital motion of the electrons gets restricted and thereby the orbital magnetic moment of these electrons gets almost quenched. The magnetic moment of d block elements thus arises from the contribution of spin motion of the electrons.

Page 6: The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements


µ = √n(n+2)

n is the number of unpaired electron.

The above relationship is not valid in the case of f block elements. In the f block elements 4f

orbital are well shielded from the surroundings by the overlapping 5s and 5p subshells. As a

result the electric field of the ligands surrounding the ion does not restrict the orbital motion

of the electrons. The orbital contribution does not ignore in the case of f block elements. The

magnetic moment in such cases is given by the formula

µ = g√J(J+1); J is coupling constant and g is Lande’s splitting factor.

g = 1+ J(J+1)+S(S+1)-L(L+1)/2J(J+1) and (J is equal to l plus minus s)

Table 5: Magnetic moments (Theoretical and experimental) of tripositive Lanthanide ions

Ions Magnetic moments

Experimental Theoretical

La3+ 0 0

Ce3+ 2.3-2.5 2.54

Pr3+ 3.4-3.6 3.58

Nd3+ 3.5-3.6 3.62

Pm3+ - 2.68

Sm3+ 1.4-1.7 0.84

Eu3+ 3.3-3.5 0

Gd3+ 7.9-8.0 7.94

Tb3+ 9.5-9.8 9.72

Dy3+ 10.4-10.6 10.65

Ho3+ 10.4-10.7 10.60

Er3+ 9.4-9.6 9.56

Tm3+ 7.1-7.5 7.56

Yb3+ 4.3-4.9 4.54

Lu3+ 0 0

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La3+ ion is diamagnetic because of its f0 configuration. The value increases upto Nd3+ ion and

then drops to 1.47 for Sm3+ ion. It starts rising again, becoming maximum for Dy3+ ion when

it is about 11. It again starts dropping zero for Lu3+ (f14 configuration) which is diamagnetic.

Separation of Lanthanides by Ion Exchange Chromatography:

Page 8: The f-Block Elements: The Inner Transition Elements


Dr. Akhilesh Bharti

Department of Chemistry

Kirori Mal College