the expanding role of recruiters in strategic talent management

Broader recruiting roles that leading firms have adopted TriState SHRM Conference April 8, 2010 © Dr. John Sullivan Professor, Author and Advisor to Management THE EXPANDING ROLE OF RECRUITERS IN STRATEGIC TALENT MANAGEMENT

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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Broader recruiting roles that leading firms have adopted

TriState SHRM ConferenceApril 8, 2010

© Dr. John SullivanProfessor, Author and Advisor to Management



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Topics that I will cover today:

1.My role for today

2.Some illustrations on how dramatically Talent

Management has changed

3.The benefits from an expanded role for recruiters

4.The 5 Talent Management areas to consider

5.Recommended areas to expand into first

6.Best practice benchmark firms to learn from

7.Any additional questions

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I was asked to be a provocateur

As a provocateur… my goal is to make you think

2 quick examples of being provocative

Name the most innovative firms in business today?

SecondLife, Genentech, Wikipedia, MySpace, Yelp, Microsoft, Craigslist, Intel, Cisco, Pixar and Oracle

What do they have in common?

And #2, what is this? And where is it located? Swiss

Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube…

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My role for today

I’m from “the other coast”, where firm’s are willing to do anything to capture the best talent

I’m here to expose you to some new possibilities… and perhaps to get you to consider whether your current approach is too conservative in today’s competitive world of talent

How about 2 quick examples to illustrate our different “other coast” approach >

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Competitors use more aggressive approaches here (Yahoo)

Recruiting posters first at Yahoo's entrance & restrooms…


and then across the street

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We also look for “different” kinds of people

What do these people have in common?

Gates Ellison Jobs Larry/ Zuckerberg Sergey

“Other coasters”, & college dropoutsbillionaires

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The 2 coast comparison is a…

tradition based “it’s not broken/ we have always done it this way” vs. a “assume all tools become obsolete, so continually seek out something new”

(80% fail and then learn)

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The other coast approach requires you to move past your comfort zone

It’s important to realize that recruiting is a form of fishing…

And you are not likely to “catch” your fair share of top talent if you use a

And your competitors… Have more aggressive strategiesNewer / more effective fishing gearMore advanced technology And better skilled fishermen/ women

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What are the consequences of using outdated tools?

How can anyone outperform… if they are using 1987 tools?

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What are the 9 characteristics of the “other coast” recruiting approach?

1.A WOW and people virally pass it on

2.Measurably better results

3.Aggressive to keep talent competitors off guard

4.Hard to copy by competitors (Competitive advantage)

5.Personalized or customized6.Measurably faster Prom

7.Uses technology and metrics

8.High ROI not just cheaper9. It is assumed that it will become obsolete

(constantly looking for replacements) (Newspaper ads)

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Lets now shift to a quick view of how dramatically Talent Management has changed

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The leaders in recruiting now openly brag

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Is this bragging?

Zappos publishes a book full of 300+ employee written stories about what it’s like to work there (Available on Amazon)


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Is this bragging?

Deloitte film festival

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Is this bragging?

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The leading firms in recruiting have gotten very aggressive

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Would this be aggressive?

EA vs. Radical entertainment (ASK-EE)

“It’s time to come home” boomerang program

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Aggressively e-mailing a competitor’s employees


I am a member of Microsoft's marketing staffing team…

I know a lot of people from Yahoo! have been reaching out to us lately because they are nervous about the pending layoffs…

You've read this far so you must be at least a bit intrigued by what we may have to offer...

Global Central Sourcing Team, Microsoft >

We’re Hiring! Silicon Alley Insider 1/08


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The leaders in recruiting are using referrals as their #1 tool

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Referrals are #1 (% of all hires)

Reached and maintained a +70% referral rate Edward Jones reached 55% with no bonus Referrals have the highest quality of hire Referrals have higher retention rates No adverse impact Social networks can easily create numerous

referral opportunities21

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A parking lot full of BMW’s will impress


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Best practice example

Referrals - Endeca gave a flat screen TV as a referral bonus for college students referring a friend from Harvard, MIT etc. that gets hired

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The leaders in recruiting are using new finding tools

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A compelling message from Google


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Looking for talent through contests

Used by Google, Yahoo, Sun, Intel and Microsoft

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Facebook’s puzzle page contest


Facebook invites budding computer engineers to try one of their ‘puzzles’…in order prove their worth and attract the attention of the company bosses

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Army, Deloitte, Mitre use video games to recruit


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Web 2.0 can build your image as “edgy”

Bain, HP, IBM, e-bay, Deloitte, Verizon, EMC, Sodexho & Microsoft use SecondLife and it’s “avatars” to recruit

Hyro hired 30 in 2 months in 2007

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Contests find the names of the very best

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MBA poker event

Dell, Microsoft, Harrah’s and Nationwide attempt to recruit over 1000 MBA’s

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Google recruits at public events


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Are you ready for this?Individualized recruiting is here

They plastered their name on billboards, pizza

boxes and gas pumps -- and even aired a commercial on MTV -- in hopes of getting her to

enroll. As one message put it: "We just hope you're on your way to Wilkes University next year." (Domino’s)

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The leading firms have dramatically changed their work environment

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Remote work… sends a brand message

Results Only Work Environment•Pick your hours•Pick where you work•No in-person meetings required

The business impacts:

The cost of turnover is $102k per employee, ROWE teams have 3.2 % lower turnover ($13 million per year)

When workers switch to ROWE, their productivity jumps by 35%


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Zappos is a billion dollar success

Even the best recruiting fails occasionally… so Zappos offers $2,000 to anyone who agrees to quit during their initial training… 2 - 3 % take the cash

Also - Every Zappos’s employee is on Twitter

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W/L balance? Keep them in the office

Facebook offered a $7000 yearly bonus to live close

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Google leads the way in demonstrating...that they are different!

“Pajama day” at Google

Martini “blowout”


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The new Google Zurich office sends a message

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Even HR policies have changed

Our Dog Policy

“Google's respect and affection for our canine friends is an integral facet of our corporate culture. We have nothing against cats, per se, but we're a dog company, so as a general rule we feel cats visiting our campus would be fairly stressed out”


Do you have a “100 foot” rule?

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Internal competitions can build your image

MGM Grand sends a message that talent triumphs over tenure

Picture varies from actual

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The leaders have dramatically changed interviewing

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Firms have shifted to video interviews

Initial interviews are now done live but remotely using a web cam

Firms that have use it include Zappos, HP, Microsoft, Google, Whirlpool, E*Trade and PepsiCo

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Alternatives to traditional interviews

Travelodge and the Salt River Project use the

“speed dating” format to interview candidates

From valleywag

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Simulation to assess team skills

Toyota also puts potential hires in an actual manufacturing team situation (simulation and job

pre-view) and only 10% pass

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Pay for interviews can attract reluctant candidates

Google, Yahoo and Facebook… are bold enough

to pay for interviews with top candidates

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If these examples represent 100 on an other coast scale…

What number does your firm rate?

Now let’s shift to the second topic area…

Expanding the role of recruiters


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It’s not a power grab…

There are many benefits for seeking out

an expanded role for recruiters


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8 reasons for expanding the role of recruiters

Benefits to the firm of an expanded recruiting role

1.The skill set of recruiters have broad applications

and benefits to other functions

2.It provides agility, which is needed because rapid

changes in business needs require all functions… to

be flexible

3.Lean employee levels in other “still busy” functions

require “peak time” or overload help

4.“Fresh eyes” can spot problems/ opportunities

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Reasons for expanding the role of recruiters

Benefits to the recruiting function include:

5.The need to maintain up-to-date recruiting capabilities (and staff) for key jobs even during slack times

6.The need to be able to explode “out of the blocks” when the turnaround comes

7.The cross training, the expanded contacts and their better understanding of their internal customers… will make them better recruiters

8.Increased job security for the recruiting staff

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What are the different areas where recruiters can help out?

Let’s first look at the 5 major elements in strategic Talent Management?


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More productivemake internal talent

more productive

Buildinternal talent

Moveinternal talent

Buy external talent

When managers need more talent / work resources

Use substitutes for labor (Technology or software)

…they have 5 basic choices

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I recommend that you focus on the following high impact areas within TM & HR where recruiter

skills can help the most


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Buy external talent

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Recruiting related possibilities

Within recruiting, resources can be shifted to:Executive recruiting – do more executive recruiting internally

Alumni network – build it for sales referrals, employee referrals and boomerang re-hires

Contract labor – utilize recruiters to find contract / contingent labor… which will add needed flexibility if the upturn is short-lived (MS 54%)

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Recruiting related possibilities

Within recruiting, resources can be shifted to:Provide external succession plan candidates – help your organization expand its succession bench strength possibilities by identifying external candidates and adding them to the plan

Work with compensation to improve offers – work with comp. during this lull to improve the speed and the “accuracy” of the offers that they provide

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Building competitive intelligence

Use recruiting skills for competitive intelligenceCompetitive intelligence – gather information from key competitors about their recruiting approach and possible targets (During interviews and on-boarding)

Competitor analysis – conduct a competitive analysis of your “talent competitors” to ensure that side-by-side, your programs are superior. Use the info to predict their talent management moves and how they might counter yours

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Employer branding related roles

Shift recruiters to employer branding activitiesEmployer branding – utilize their social network and social media skills to build your employer brand, which may be tarnished due to layoffs etc.Identify negative branding information – recruiters teach employer brand managers how to develop a process to identify, counter or “bury” negative info.Exposure coaching – advise managers and employees how they can be more “visible” online, especially on social networks and forums

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Employer branding related roles

Shift recruiters to employer branding activitiesBuilding story inventories – use your knowledge of what makes the firm exciting to provide stories and content for “best place to work” awards, speeches, employee referrals and media inquiriesInternal branding – advise branding on how to keep awareness of the firm’s extraordinary talent programs in the minds of your employeesHelp in winning awards – provide information about what makes the firm great to those preparing the award application >

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Employer branding related roles

Shift recruiters to employer branding activitiesCoach managers on how to make jobs more exciting – advise managers on how to redesign their current and open jobs to make them more appealing to top performers (Remote work, 20% time) >

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Buildinternal talent

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Development related possibilities

Development possibilities:Teaching TM to leaders – coaching and teaching future leaders on the best approaches to attract and retain top talentAssessing high-potential individuals – utilize your recruiter’s advanced assessment skills to identify high-potential individuals for development and promotionRecommend new-hires for development – recommend outstanding new-hires for early or fast-track leadership development programs

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Development related possibilities

Development possibilities:Job rotation programs – support the development team in identifying and filling job rotations for development purposes

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Moveinternal talent

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Internal movement possibilities

Expanded internal movement roles for recruitersIntra-placement team – utilize recruiter's skills for developing a proactive process for faster & more accurate permanent internal movements. Especially between disparate business units and regions (Booz Allen, Microsoft)

Contests for promotions – utilize their knowledge of external recruiting contests to design internal contests for promotion (MGM Grand) >

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Internal movement possibilities

Expanded internal movement rolesRedeployment process – develop a formal process for moving large numbers of employees and teams into new business areas, where their skills can have more impact

“Right job” movement for the succession plan – identify and move individuals on the succession plan to jobs that fit their “right job” factors… in order to increase their development and impact on the business

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Internal movement possibilities

Expanded internal movement rolesShort-term projects for bus needs – develop a process for identifying and recruiting employees to fill short-term project opportunities (Whirlpool, Google)

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More productiveMake internal talent

more productive

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Workforce planning

New workforce planning roles might include:“Explode out of the box” plan – help workforce planning develop turnaround plans for talent management areas

Help to refine forecasts – supplement broad industry or regional forecast, with forecasts customized to your firm that specify its future talent “supply” and “talent needs”

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Retention related possibilities

New retention possibilities include:Prioritizing – help managers and the retention function prioritize high impact jobs and individuals for retentionExtending the role – extend the recruiter’s role beyond hiring to include retention responsibilities for the first six monthsIdentifying who is “at risk” – because recruiters are continually aware of job seekers, alert managers about those employees that are active (Recruiter calls, visibility on-line & at job fairs) >

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Retention related possibilities

More retention possibilities include:Blocking recruiters – use your knowledge of aggressive recruiting to help develop effective blocking strategies (FirstMerit)Career coaching – use recruiters as key individual “career coaches” to help employees create career progression plans, right job placement and to increase retentionOutplacement – utilize recruiter knowledge of great resumes and job search tools to help place employees being let go (Corning/ SW) >

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Retention related possibilities

More retention possibilities include:Retention interviews – utilize recruiter interviewing skills to conduct “Why do you stay” and Post-exit interviews to improve retention and internal brand approaches

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On-boardingNew on-boarding roles might include:On-boarding content – ensuring that the employer brand is reinforced during on-boarding. Also ask new-hires for referrals and “what worked” and “what didn’t work” in order to improve the recruitment processContinue the relationship with the recruiter – In addition to a retention role, also assign recruiters to continuing on-boarding for up to six months. Also “fix” poor “initial placements” >

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On-boardingNew on-boarding roles might include:Actually conduct on-boarding – utilizing the recruiters knowledge of the organization, offering “targeted” on-boarding locally, at the facility or at the departmental level

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Off-boardingNew off-boarding roles might include:Prevent negative brand messages – redesign the process to make sure that they “leave happy” for branding and potential re-hire purposes

Convince departing employees to join alumni networks – use recruiter sales skills to convince employees

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Outside of HR

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Mergers and acquisitions

New M&A focus areas include:Identify firms to target – utilize their knowledge of a firm’s talent in order to recommend to senior management whether the firm would be a good acquisition target based on their talent capabilitiesAssist in due diligence – when firms are targeted, assist in assessing the quality of the talent and what percentage will stay Assisting in redeploying talent – after the merger, assist in assessing and redeploying both your own and the other firms talent

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Advising and coaching manager roles

New manager advising & coaching focus areas:Get managers to prioritize recruiting – advising hiring managers and recruiting leaders on how to identify and then prioritize key positions (revenue, revenue impact, customer impact and mission-critical positions)

Offer coaching to managers – offer online and

face-to-face coaching on interview “selling,”

improving the candidate experience and successful

offer closing >

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Advising and coaching manager roles

More advising & coaching managers focus areas:Social network “coaching” – provide advice on the most effective profiles for recruiting and visibility, knowledge sharing as well as information on the best sites to utilize Facebook. LinkedIn, twitter, YouTube

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Temporarily assuming other business roles

SW Air placed recruiters temporarily in Customer service



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And last

Best practice firms


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Best practice benchmark firmsThe best firms to study include:

Microsoft Corning

Booz Allen DaVita Healthcare

Eli Lilly MGM Grand

WellPoint Intel

Southwest Airlines

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Did I make you think?

How about some questions? 83