the evolution of the international capitalist party

THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CAPITALIST PARTY BY: BARRY BOWDIDGE (C) 1976/2008 by Barry Bowdidge. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, translated, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system for public or private use without the written permission of the publisher.

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Positive Capitalism


Page 1: The Evolution of the International Capitalist Party



(C) 1976/2008 by Barry Bowdidge. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, translated, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system for public or private use without the written permission of the publisher.

Page 2: The Evolution of the International Capitalist Party

Chapter FourPlanting Seeds

MembershipDevelop Classroom Programs

Polit ical NetworkingChapter Five

Priorit iesStarl ife Project (Humanariums)

1984 or 1994 - The Bureaucrats Re-sponsibil ity Act

Expand the United StatesPromote “How to Make Money” Cours-

es in SchoolsMemberships: Backed by Free and

Clear Income PropertiesProperties as a Capital Base

Chapter SixQuestions

Chapter SevenBook of Solutions

Chapter Eight

1996 - The 20th Anniversary

Page 3: The Evolution of the International Capitalist Party

Waiting for Results

Changes and Revisions

New Technologies

Future Marketing

The Time is NowChapter NineMembership

Responsibil it iesOrganization and Flow Charts

Membership Application

BibliographyAbout the Author and Publisher

(c) 1996/99 by Barry Bowdidge. All r ights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, translated, trans-

mitted or stored in a retrieval system for public or private use without the written permission of the publisher.

Page 4: The Evolution of the International Capitalist Party



Human motivat ion determines the direct ion any economy takes. This motivat ion can be manipulated into posi t ive or negat ive direct ions. Leaders of every type understand the double-s ided nature of motivat ion. In America, we cal l i t the carrot- or-s t ick approach. In other words, people are led by giving them ei ther rewards (pleasure) or punishment (pain) .

Every type of pol i t ical system throughout his tory has manipulated society in the name of the people and ended up being for the benefi t of the few. The closest we’ve ever come to t rue freedom is in America. Had we s tar ted a c lear-cut economic system with pol i t ical power, the process of f reedom would have been complete . Capi ta l ism was assumed but not inst i tut ional ized leaving us vulnerable to so-cal led scient i f ic communism.

The industr ia l revolut ion embraced capi ta l ism as i ts code, and the human race prospered and progressed faster than at any other t ime in his tory. However, this progress was per-ver ted by government regulat ion in concert with the monopolis t ic mental i ty of a few. This scenario, which could be termed Negat ive Capi ta l ism, a l lowed a t ruly demonic system of misplaced compassion to take hold. I ts inequi t ies of Negat ive Capi ta l ism were obvious and, so, communism took hold in several par ts of the world.

In America, a s low revolut ion of social ism has produced a mixed society. Government , in col lusion with Negat ive Capi ta l is ts , created the current system of solving problems through government intervent ion. Freedom is f reedom from government , but the march of social ism can be charted in direct proport ion with the s low and devious intrusion of gov-ernment into the dai ly l ives of every American.

Unfortunately, in a democracy, the people have the added insul t of losing their f reedom by fai l ing to choose correct ly on the bal lot . Most of the t ime, they do not real ly have a choice. Instead, the leaders use the dubious “which” close. This is sales jargon: Which would you rather have on your new car--your ini t ia ls pr inted in gold or in s i lver? The presumption is that you already want to buy the car. Similar ly, the leaders take the more important decis ion out of your hands, knowing people fear big decis ion. The classic ex-ample is the income tax. Long ago, Americans voted for this tax as a small emergency measure to help in a war effor t . After the excuse for expropriat ing everyone’s income was voted into exis tence, the pol i t ic ians and bureaucrats s lowly but surely at tached them-selves to each individual as permanent parasi tes . Any social problem is an excuse to take more of the individual’s income. This is the same mental i ty used by feudal lords , dicta-tors , communists , kings and queens, and now, by t r ickery, with consent , by a democracy. The quest ion is never, “Should we abol ish the tax?” I t is a lways a quest ion about who should be taxed the most . The big decis ion has a l ready been made to benefi t the govern-ment and not the individual .

A very good way of judging the freedom factor in a country would be a “Pleasure/Pain” meter or graph. While i t ’s t rue that every government uses the carrot or s t ick method, i t ’s a lso t rue that the degree a government uses the s t ick, i t shows i t ’s negat ive direct ion. A

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government that chooses force as i t ’s method of operat ion shows that i t has l i t t le fa i th in i tself or i t ’s c i t izens. Any government that chooses to inf l ic t pain on i t ’s c i t izens as a way to discipl ine and manipulate is creat ing a sadis t ic , bureaucrat ic , non-free society. The only pleasure, in this type of society, is for the leaders and bureaucrats using the s tandard ploy “for the good of the people ,” as a whip against i t ’s own ci t izens. In America in 1995 we are heading s t ra ight into this common ploy because of the drug problem. They should be legal ized and not taxed. See other sect ions of this book for fur ther explanat ion about the drug solut ion in America.PRESSURE AND ASSISTANCEEvery social problem creates an economic pressure. Every economic problem requires a solut ion. Governments a lways t ry to solve these problems with assis tance. Assis tance is nothing more than an excuse for governments to expropriate assets , involuntar i ly, f rom someone who has earned them. Governments do not need to earn anything because they can use force. They need only f ind a social problem, or create one, to gain power.

The most extreme form of waste by government solut ions is war. The formula is the same for a l l programs, with the except ion of t rue expendi tures for defense against other gov-ernments . The pol ice , i f used to protect l i fe and property rather than to expedi te pol i t ical pol icy, a lso has a legi t imate use by government . Beyond these two s i tuat ions, a minimum government is the best government .

This is not a cal l to overthrow any government but , instead, a cal l for people to f ind solu-t ions without government help. We must a lso be aware of the “straw man”. The problems created by government for the sole purpose of demonstrat ing that government has the only solut ion. These s i tuat ions must be exposed and s topped. Evolut ion and understanding can create this social order without the chaos caused by every other major social change.

Private , individual solut ions must be found when t rue social problems are ident i f ied. Pr i-vate solut ions, combined with pol i t ical power, wil l keep government off the backs of indi-viduals . Prof i t is the fuel , and entrepreneurial abi l i ty can change a negat ive s i tuat ion into a posi t ive one. We must remain vigi lant in this area. Any opportuni ty to achieve power that is missed by capi ta l ism wil l be taken up by someone in the government .

Resis tance to government ass is tance must be made in the name of social matur i ty. Ci t i-zens must grow up and s top taking the easy way out . Every t ime you receive something for nothing from the government , you have paid with the currency of f reedom. Sometimes this loss of f reedom is your own, but most of ten i t i s the f reedom of others that has been sacr i f iced at the al tar of government waste .

Counter-pressure must be placed on government regulators and bureaucrats , because they are the forces of oppression. These people must be given product ive work in society in-s tead of a l icense for pet ty power. The term “publ ic servant ,” instead of “publ ic dictator,” must come back into our system.

Social pressure must t r igger ass is tance from the minds of individual entrepreneurs . This technique of a l ternate solut ions wil l be a major goal of The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty.POLITICS AND PEACEWar requires an enemy. Someone in power has to convince others that they should hate somebody for some reason. These reasons are most ly i r ra t ional , but power manipulators have always been good at convincing others to hate by appeal ing to their dark s ide. The

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poli t ics of hate has a long l is t of i r ra t ional reasons for war. Here is a par t ia l l is t of these reasons:RaceReligionCustomsDifferences in economic systemsNeed for more land for exis t ing ci t izensCombinat ions of the above that create new pol i t ical systems, such as Nazism.

Each of these s i tuat ions is a legi t imate pol i t ical problem. You cannot convert a bigot into a ra t ional adul t without solving the underlying problem of fear or s tupidi ty. Rel i-gious prejudice is of ten promoted with the promise of a preferred af ter l i fe for the fol low-ers . This type of manipulat ive behavior by organized rel igion may have had a legi t imate reason for exis tence in the past , because i t motivated the masses to protect themselves against barbar ians and invaders . Today, with mass personal communicat ion and educat ion, there is no need for an enemy.

Because of mass communicat ions, different customs have become a desirable commodity rather than an excuse for aggression. Unusual customs have become a touris t a t t ract ion instead of something to fear or scorn. Tourism, a product of capi ta l ism, takes fear of the unknown and turns i t in to a thr iving business .

Differences in economic systems seem to be behind most wars today. This is ludicrous. Every economic system has a legi t imate use. I f the government a l lows freedom of choice, the differences wil l become very clear. There are present ly f ive general economic sys-tems:Posi t ive capi ta l ismNegat ive capi ta l ismMixed economyForced communism/social ismFree communism/social ism

Most societ ies are a composi te of these f ive categories . The difference l ies in which sys-tem dominates . Three of the f ive economies can pol i t ical ly coexis t and create peace in the world. They are posi t ive capi ta l ism, mixed economy, and free communism/social ism. The other two are control led by government coercion and force; they wil l perpetuate a nega-t ive environment and open the door for an aggressive war posture . While i t i s t rue that these three systems can coexis t , i t i s a lso t rue that posi t ive capi ta l ism is the best of these three methods. This pol i t ical par ty is an at tempt to perfect posi t ive capi ta l ism.

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Att i tudes toward society are not s ta t ic . They are the essence of pol i t ical evolut ion. The key to successful t ransformation into posi t ive capi ta l ism is the understanding and accep-tance of adul t economic responsibi l i t ies .

Unfortunately, most c i t izens are real ly chi ldren of the s ta te and are t reated so by the lead-ers and bureaucrats . When chi ldren grow up, the mark of their matur i ty is independence from their parents . A lot of people have just exchanged this parental dependence for gov-ernment dependence. Governments encourage dependence because i t vests power in their inst i tut ions.

The perpetual chi ld mental i ty is a product of power manipulat ion. The power ent i ty uses misplaced compassion as a sales tool to extor t money and control f rom the ci t izens. An example of misplaced compassion would be using a poor, cr ippled, bl ind women with twelve kids as a reason to col lect bi l l ions of dol lars for t ransfer payments by the govern-ment . Obviously, such individuals are t rue hardship cases and deserve compassion.

The t r ick here is that governments then t ry to f ind excuses to place as many on the gov-ernment dependency l is t as possible . The weak and the lazy f ind this program very en-t ic ing. The program has a basis for exis tence in society, but government solut ions have never been the answer. Pol i t ic ians are merely buying votes with taxpayers’ money. The pol i t ic ians are supported by the bureaucrats , who have a vested interest in their jobs.

Everyone involved rat ional izes this s i tuat ion by cal l ing i t fa i r. But fa i rness doesn’t in-clude making s laves of the working class for the benefi t of another c lass of people , the weak and lazy. Good people normally want to help unfortunate or unlucky people in need. This noble urge is the idea most exploi ted by governments down through the ages. The song is the same: You wil l sacr i f ice for the good of the masses or e lse , “or e lse” being physical force or e ternal damnat ion. The t rue benefactors are those who advocate this misplaced compassion.

This system of expropriat ion and worker s lavery has three par ts to i t , no matter what i t i s cal led pol i t ical ly or economical ly. Two parts are made up of immature pol i t ical a t t i tudes. The third par t , the vict im consis t most ly of nominals , Gent le cr i t ic ism of this system is a l l that wil l be tolerated by

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Negat ive capi ta l is ts went a long with this program because i t kept the poor in their place and added a new burden on the middle c lass . This is a c lass ic example of a coal i t ion of social is ts , s ta t is ts , and negat ive capi ta l is ts get t ing together to extor t power from the people . The mixed economy gives confusing s ignals to the casual pol i t ical onlooker, but “confuse and conquer” is the method used by this coal i t ion. I t appears to be al l things to a l l people . The net resul t is loss of power by the people and increased power by govern-ment and negat ive capi ta l is ts . The adul t pol i t ical mental i ty used posi t ive capi ta l ism to solve problems. Posi t ive capi ta l is ts do not use government force and coercion.MY GOAL/THEIR GOALEvery other system devised for the good of the people has required that , f i rs t and fore-most , the government must control everyone. These arguments have always been l ike a parent ta lking to a wayward chi ld . The leaders a lways assume that people would per ish without their divine guidance. The opposi te is the t ruth. People e i ther learn to deal with one another fa i r ly, or they per ish natural ly. Governments only dis tor t the natural f low. There is no his tor ical example of a powerful , benevolent government .

Even Marx and Engels , with their supposedly scient i f ic economic system, gave as their f i -nal goal the el iminat ion of government . This was to come about af ter the bui lding of a so-cial is t s ta te . The reason their system wil l not work is because of the negat ivi ty bui l t in to i t . The same parental a t t i tude prevai ls in communism that has prevai led in every other social system. They al l use force and coercion to implement their system.

The people in power wil l a lways feel most threatened by the best minds in their control led society. The most mature and independent of minds wil l a lways resent the lack of f reedom caused by governments .

Leaders must be extremely intel l igent and resourceful to survive in any society. The main problems they have are the bel ief in their own supremacy and the fear that someone else can replace them. This immature intel l igence wil l succeed for leaders unt i l the nominal a t t i tude is made aware of i tself . Individuals’ confidence in their own abi l i ty to choose a posi t ive dest iny wil l be the key to f reedom from government . Communicat ions and tech-nology wil l make evolut ion possible . The present leaders wil l f ind they had nothing to fear and everything to gain. As soon as they real ize that t rue power does not require any vict ims, their happiness wil l be as great as their leadership.

Leaders have always required a vict im to gain power. Their goals have always been achieved by force or misplaced compassion. Their goals destroy freedom, no matter what their s ta ted or intended goals were in the beginning. Their very power wil l destroy some freedom in any system, no matter what i ts professed intent ions are . Every government crushes freedom proport ionate to i ts own power. Mature posi t ive capi ta l ism is the only natural way to a t ta in f reedom. Any col lusion with government is a deviat ion from this pr inciple , with very few except ions. The pol ice and f i re departments have the best chance of not abusing the power of government . The mil i tary wil l be useful unt i l the evolut ionary process is complete . The defense of f reedom is the only noble reason for a mil i tary to ex-is t ; mil i tary rule is r idiculous.

In a t ruly free country, even the pol ice and f i re departments can become a pr ivate venture .

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Posi t ive capi ta l ism is the only pol i t ical system that completely supports personal f reedom for the individual . Every other system wants to control individuals and the assets created by individuals . Capi ta l ism assumes democracy as a method for choosing leaders , but de-mocracy can rob and enslave some individuals for the benefi t of the undeserving.

Redis t r ibut ion of weal th has been going on s ince t ime began. I f weal th is redis t r ibuted natural ly, evolut ion is served. I f , however, any form of force or control is inter jected into this process , the natural f low of evolut ion is s lowed down. In severe cases , society has actual ly managed to go backward. The Dark Ages and the two world wars would be ex-amples of this backward evolut ionary process . In every case, some form of control l ism was`the pol i t ical real i ty.

The fol lowing l is t includes previous types of control l ism that have already occurred and cont inue to abuse ci t izens: Monarchy Dictatorship Rel igious Control Communism Social-ism Democracy with a mixed economy

Each of these systems has the same motives: Control the individual and control his assets and abi l i t ies . Each system has the potent ia l to be as bad as the other. The subjugat ion of the ci t izen to the s ta te seems to determine the degree of damage done to the natural evo-lut ionary process . Freedom is f reedom from government .

The current vogue in backward evolut ion, “for the good of the people ,” is e i ther commu-nism or social ism. A mixed economy, a more subt le form of control l ism, is just as infested with government intervent ion. These systems can take even a s t rong economy, such as England’s , and s low i t down to a third-rate economy. The only t ime they can temporar i ly look good is when a country already has a destroyed or backward economy. The only rea-son they look good for a short while is because they use so much force to motivate c i t i -zens into a s lave economy.

Backward economies could be brought into the natural evolut ionary process i f they would be al lowed to pract ice posi t ive capi ta l ism. Peace and prosperi ty would prevai l i f we could el iminate the negat ive leaders and their negat ive social systems. The removal of the nega-t ive system, rather than the removal of the negat ive leader, is of ten more important but ,

of ten, both must be done at the same t ime.

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There are three types of dissolving businesses . The f i rs t is the type of business a l ready in exis tence to solve a common problem. The best example would be the common problem of t ransportat ion. Over the ages, many types of t ransportat ion have given way to bet ter forms. For instance, the horse and buggy business dissolved to make way for the automo-bi le business . The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty should promote this type of t ransi t ion, or progress , within every industry. Opposi t ion to progress is a lways a volat i le pol i t ical issue that requires a c lear direct ion.

The second type of dissolving business is a social problem that is current ly being deal t with by government or by pseudo governmental agencies , such as publ ic ut i l i t ies and publ ic waste-disposal uni ts . Most of the problems that government addresses are s incere needs that could become capi ta l is t ic opportuni t ies for the creat ive entrepreneur. The In-ternat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l help dissolve government involvement in any type of business . Our pol i t ical chal lenge wil l be to f ind t ransi t ional solut ions to problems pre-sented by pol i t ic ians and bureaucrats , with the ul t imate goal of having pr ivate enterpr ise take over our solut ions. We wil l be a sor t of research and development department for the pr ivate sector. Once we can clear ly solve a social problem and show a reasonable prof i t , the enterpr ise wil l be sold to pr ivate industry.

The third type of dissolving business is any business s tar ted by The Internat ional Capi-ta l is t Par ty during i ts evolut ion. We wil l sponsor many programs to encourage new busi-nesses . (The var ious methods used wil l be discussed thoroughly in other chapters . ) Bui l t into the membership dr ive wil l be var ious businesses . A var iable net income trust deed, secured by real es ta te , wil l provide the capi ta l basis for the ent i re pol i t ical par ty. This wil l be the las t business to be dismantled once the goals of the par ty have been achieved.

There wil l a lso be many businesses , most ly high-tech businesses , involved in the Star-Life project . Once the prototypes have been tes ted, the businesses should be dissolved by The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty and replaced by pr ivate operat ions. The par ty wil l a t-tempt to re ta in a passive f inancial interest in these technologies to create an income for other projects .

The ul t imate goal is to leave business ent i re ly to the pr ivate sector af ter governments have done the same. We do not want to compete with the pr ivate sector, but we do want to

be a condui t f rom government solut ions to pr ivate solut ions.

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The par ty’s money-making courses and classroom programs wil l a lso include the s tar t -up of new businesses by members . Control by The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l dis-solve, but the par ty wil l re ta in a non l iabi l i ty posi t ion in many instances. All monetary in-terests in these ventures wil l be dissolved when the goals of the par ty have been reached.

Some of the solut ion presented in Chapter 7 wil l a lso create new businesses . Once again, par ty control wil l dissolve f i rs t ; then, when the par ty has met i ts goals , the businesses wil l dissolve completely.LESS IS MORE

The i l lusion of weal th is a t rap that many people get themselves into. Some do i t by put-t ing up a f ront that costs them peace of mind. They lose their personal sereni ty because they are over their head in debt . They are working too hard just to maintain an image. Others have the weal th but have been caught in the compulsive behavior of accumulat ing more without benefi t ing themselves proport ionately.

Some of the old cl ichés , l ike “remember to smell the roses ,” “al l work and no play make Jack a dul l boy,” and so on, can be invoked here . This phi losophy has a sound American basis in Henry D. Thoreau’s Walden Pond. Even though his answer is t ranscendental medi-ta t ion, his point that sometimes “less is more” is wel l taken.

In this book, we are t rying for maximum pol i t ical and social f reedom. With this f reedom comes the pi t fa l l of overindulgence. Success i tself can cause ul t imate personal fa i lure without a new set of goals . The perfect ion of something that , in i ts imperfect s ta te , is taken for granted can become a goal for a person searching for fur ther fulf i l lment in l i fe .

We are searching for ways to implement a system with a minimum of bureaucracy. The types of individuals ment ioned above have used capi ta l ism and have already succeeded to some point . We can use their expert ise and perhaps give them addi t ional motivat ion and success . They wil l be the type that can use and maximize both our maxi- level market-ing system and our computer network. They wil l be aware of the “electronic cot tage” and future ramif icat ions. The abi l i ty to communicate and integrate information and ideas wil l f inal ly give individuals t rue unl imited personal f reedom.

Individual members who are properly motivated and equipped wil l be our pr ivate bureau-cracy. A commission s t ructure to create income for our members wil l a lso assure that people are paid according to their abi l i ty and effor t . Non performing middlemen wil l be lef t out and, once again, less is more.

Capi ta l ism is in an imperfect s ta te because i t has never been given pol i t ical power. The reason for this is capi ta l ism’s phi losophy of reducing government of any type rather than t rying to grasp power and control . This s i tuat ion leaves capi ta l ism with al l the work and none of the credi t . Every other pol i t ical system cannibal izes the effor ts of individual capi ta l is ts . When i t comes to a l lowing government growth, you lose the support of anyone t rying for pol i t ical power by bel ieving “less is more.” In America, these are the individu-als who want pol i t ical power: Pol i t ic ians Bureaucrats Union leaders Lawyers Pseudo gov-ernmental agency members (publ ic ut i l i t ies and the l ike) Recipients of t ransfer payments

(purchased votes)

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There are four types of membership offered:

1. Membership including individual uni t t rusts . Anyone that wants to be a member but wants to control the assets placed in t rust with The Capi ta l is t Par ty can use this method.

What this method refers to is a t rust account whereby the new member and The Capi ta l is t Par ty form a l imited par tnership with The Capi ta l is t Par ty being a l imited par tner and the new member placing assets into a numbered t rust account . The new member is the general par tner on terms that are acceptable to the general par tner. The assets must benefi t The Party in some way and must not be assets that would be considered negat ive capi ta l ism such as a business manufactur ing something harmful to others .

The main reason that this type of membership wil l appeal to the advanced capi ta l is t ic type is the freedom to choose a method of promoting capi ta l ism. These individuals have the potent ia l of advancing capi ta l ism much fur ther than I can, even with the help of the passive members . Individual uni t t rusts can include any of the fol lowing: A. Cash B. Trust deeds or mortgages C. Personal property securi ty devices D. Accounts receivable E. Stocks and bonds F. Income producing real es ta te G. Free and clear land H. Pr ivately owned businesses I . Free and clear personal property or s tock in t rade J . Annuit ies K. Other types of t rust accounts L. Leasehold estates M. Any other asset approved by The Capi ta l is t Par ty

Each individual uni t t rust wil l include a contract between The Capi ta l is t Par ty and the new member. We wil l be very open minded as to the s t ructure of the contract but l imited l iabi l i ty wil l be a major factor in accept ing said contract .

These assets can be placed into the t rust and la ter withdrawn at the general par tners re-quest . Maximum flexibi l i ty should be given the general par tner but The Capi ta l is t Par ty should not be placed in any jeopardy.

The prof i t f rom these uni t t rusts can be directed to any of the current projects of The Capi ta l is t Par ty or to any project approved by The Party.

Individual members imaginat ion wil l determine the type of asset placed in the t rust and the method that the asset benefi ts The Capi ta l is t Par ty.

Individual uni t t rusts can be used as a ful l f ledged branch off ice i f they incorporate a l l of the act ivi t ies of The Party. This wil l give someone other than myself the opportuni ty and responsibi l i ty for the growth of The Party in a given area.

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Individual uni t t rust act ivi t ies can ei ther be ent i re ly separate f rom the other members or be incorporated with them. This wil l depend upon the s ize and type or investment the in-dividual uni t t rust member has to contr ibute . I t wi l l a lso depend upon the goals and inten-t ions of the member.

While I ’ l l be the owner of The Capi ta l is t Par ty to emphasize the importance of pr ivate ownership of an idea, the actual control and power should come from the individual uni t t rust members .

The goal here is to recrui t the best and most successful capi ta l is t in the world. We have to be careful to recrui t posi t ive capi ta l is ts or persons wil l ing to change into posi t ive capi ta l is t . In other words we could recrui t a c igaret te magnate provided they succumb to new scient i f ic proof that their product has become negat ive capi ta l ism. We would work with them on a solut ion that provides a new opportuni ty for everyone within the industry and convert their act ivi t ies into posi t ive capi ta l ism. This would be a great opportuni ty to avoid government intervent ion and total destruct ion of a viable organizat ion. Only the act ivi t ies of the organizat ion must be changed not the individuals . This would be a real chal lenge for the problem solving arm of The Capi ta l is t Par ty.

I wil l personal ly a t tempt to recrui t these members . This recrui t ing effor t wil l even be extended to organized cr ime, the Mafia , Cosa Nostra , e tc . These organizat ions abuse capi-ta l ism the most . They cal l i t “Business” while commit t ing some of the most negat ive hu-man act ivi t ies . We wil l need their cooperat ion or ext inct ion to faci l i ta te the evolut ion of posi t ive capi ta l ism. By giving them al ternate methods of earning money and maintaining their organizat ion, we may be able to neutral ize their negat ive effect on society. By tak-ing communism out of society, many of the methods organized cr ime uses wil l correspond to posi t ive capi ta l ism. This concept wil l be the most diff icul t t ransi t ion The Party wil l have to make in countr ies that a l ready profess to be capi ta l is t ic . The only other choice is a complete commitment to maximum force. Negat ive capi ta l ism must evolve into posi-t ive capi ta l ism or be destroyed l ike a cancer. Heal thy brain cel ls or surgical removal f rom society are the only choices .

Most people would agree that this is a naive goal but so was t ravel ing to the moon just a few years ago.

2. Membership including a var iable net income trust deed or mortgage.

This type of membership wil l const i tute the bulk of the members . There is a basic contra-dict ion in giving money to an organizat ion that doesn’t advocate excessive al t ruism. To be consis tent with the pr inciples of capi ta l ism that insis t on a voluntary contract with mutual benefi ts for both par t ies , we have devised this type of membership.

Most individuals wil l want a passive way of par t ic ipat ing in the growth of The Capi ta l is t Par ty. The method we’ve chosen is the safest and the most fa i r way of ra is ing money for The Party and s t i l l g iving a reasonable re turn to the member.

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3. This type of membership is in the form of a grant . These grants can be given to support any or a l l of The Partys’ projects . Grants can be converted to other forms of membership i f the grantor should decide to change direct ion la ter. This conversion wil l have to be done in an order ly manner so as not to disrupt plans and programs already taking place.

4. This type of membership wil l be a beginning membership. Said members wil l receive a book and a membership card that wil l be good for many future special ent i t lements and events . The new member can purchase this for the cost of the book and the card plus a ten percent commission to the person that introduced them to The Party.

As a beginning member you are e l igible for our maxi- level market ing and membership dr ive. Addit ional monies can be added la ter to change your s ta tus into one of the other types of membership. Ful l credi t wil l be given for your ini t ia l membership fee.

Examples of ways to use assets f rom an individual uni t t rust that would benefi t both the capi ta l is t par ty and the member, fol low:

A. $100,000 as a total uni t t rust .

(1) 10% placed in var iable net income trust deeds.

(2) 50% used as s tar t -up money for a problem solving business that creates income and jobs.

(3) 20% used for advert is ing and promotion of new members .

(4) 20% used for investment in exis t ing companies that are a l ready members and pract ice posi t ive capi ta l ism.

B. Pr ivately owned business .

(1) Pledge a port ion of the income from the business to e i ther a var iable net income trust deed or invest in other companies that are a l ready members .

(2) Put some capi ta l is t par ty promotional mater ia l in with your company’s’ advert is ing.

(3) Provide jobs for members .

(4) Use off ices in the evening for membership meet ings.

(5) Help other members s tar t new businesses .

C. Free and clear land.

(1) Develop into income producing property and sel l to the members using the var iable net income trust deed method of f inancing and purchasing of the f inished project .

(2) Plan a Humanarium development using the land as a s i te .

(3) Trade into a var iable net income trust deed posi t ion.

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Most members wil l have more than one type of asset . This wil l cal l for a comprehensive plan of act ion. Each s i tuat ion wil l depend on the commitment that the member has in pro-moting posi t ive capi ta l ism.

Internat ional business concerns with assets in var ious countr ies wil l be more involved in set t ing goals . These internat ional members wil l be the most important l ink in promoting world capi ta l ism. Internat ional law and pol i t ics must be respected and changed peaceful ly within the world community. The experience of internat ional capi ta l is ts wil l be invaluable in this process .

There is a l ready in exis tence in internat ional group of capi ta l is t , The Tri la teral Commis-s ion; see “Tri la terals Over Washington” by Anthony C. Sut ton and Patr ick M. Wood pub-l ished by The August Group. This organizat ion has incredible power and potent ia l . A com-mitment to posi t ive capi ta l ism from this group would advance the evolut ionary process in extraordinary ways. The object ives of this group can easi ly be directed into a major posi t ive force for f reedom. Their own self interests should propel them into this direct ion. The Capi ta l is t Par ty should give them a clear pol i t ical direct ion and publ ic forum. As a group of extremely weal thy individuals meet ing behind closed doors they give an ominous image at the present t ime. By coming out c lear ly and openly, they should be able to a t ta in many of their groups goals . I won’t presume to direct the methods that this group could use to help. They should direct us as to how they would propose to promote posi t ive capi-ta l ism.

DEVELOP CLASSROOM PROGRAMThis is another par t of the book that wil l evolve into several volumes over t ime. The main thing that should be accomplished here is a plan that wil l get the f i rs t c lass operat ing. there are so many ways to approach this subject due to the fact that i t i s par t ia l ly being done already. The approach that should be taken for the ini t ia l t ra ining wil l be t ied into a membership dr ive. This way the two goals can be accomplished at the same t ime.

There eventual ly wil l be three methods developed to get posi t ive capi ta l ism into society. The f i rs t wil l go along with the membership dr ive. When this is far enough along, capi ta l wil l have been raised for the beginnings of an actual inst i tut ion dedicated to the pr in-ciples of posi t ive capi ta l ism. The third method wil l be to organize lectures and classes in es tabl ished inst i tut ions. The third method already exis ts in some classrooms today. Capi-ta l ism is not a new idea by any means but a much abused idea through the ages. By con-centrat ing on capi ta l ism’s fundamentals and giving posi t ive capi ta l ism pol i t ical power for the f i rs t t ime, perhaps we can give capi ta l ism the impetus to be as important as i t should be.

This book wil l act as the text and guide to begin with. Included wil l be a l is t of other books for a s tudent to get an even bet ter understanding of capi ta l is t pr inciples . Some of these books wil l have more of a his tor ical background. Included in some of these books wil l be a lot of mater ia l that isn’t re levant today but gives an insight into past capi ta l is t evolut ion in l i terature . These books were much tougher to wri te than mine because of the prevai l ing lack of knowledge about the subject in the past . The opposi t ion to intel lectual capi ta l ism has always been extremely intense.

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The Capi ta l is t Par ty. Any t ime that the par ty re ta ins an interest in one of these ventures , i t wi l l be in a l imited par tnership capaci ty or as a passive share holder. Control must be in the hands of the members that create the company. These business concerns must not be owned and operated by The Capi ta l is t Par ty. I f the reverse were t rue, the future owners of The Capi ta l is t Par ty would be tempted to abuse the power of the par ty. This pr inciple wil l be a form of checks and balances done in a pr ivate business forum. We don’t want to cre-ate another mixed business/pol i t ical system. Clear cut l ines must be drawn and maintained from the beginning.

The creat ing of new businesses wil l be par t of the “on the job” learning process and used to solve problems. The essence of a business is problem solving. A human need is a prob-lem and a business is the solut ion.A simple example fol lows:Need - HungerProblem - Starvat ionBusiness Solut ions - Restaurant /Grocery Store/Farmers e tc .In “The Book of Solut ions” (Chapter Seven) a lmost a l l of the problems wil l be solved with some port ion of the above formula. Problem solving wil l become a key component in our c lassroom programs. Finding the needs and current problems of a society and then t ransferr ing these problems into a t rade off of mutual advantage to a l l par t ies that shows a prof i t wil l be the t r ick to problem solving by The Capi ta l is t Par ty.

Don’t underest imate the need for prof i t . Prof i t i s the fuel that runs the creat ive imagi-nat ion. Prof i t is very much l ike s i lent applause i f earned using posi t ive capi ta l ism. Our classroom programs wil l emphasize these factors ra ther than harping on pol i t ical propa-ganda. Fluid and f lexible problem solving by individual entrepreneurs , not grandiose gov-ernment plans, wil l be our credo. People solving other peoples problems through a mutual exchange of goods, services or ideas for the benefi t of each par ty wil l be the method.

Each par t ic ipant wil l have to pick a pet project . This project is a problem that needs to be solved and one the member is the most interested in seeing solved. From this point of view, the member wil l have the greatest chance for personal sat isfact ion. This in turn wil l create a greater effor t in problem solving by the member. This greater effor t should maxi-mize the chances for success and prof i ts .

My personal pet project wil l be t rying to create employment in the sect ion of any country that is unduly suppressed because of race or re l igion or government interference. A lot of this movement wil l be par t of that solut ion. I don’t plan on t rying to solve this problem through any al t ruis t ic method but ra ther with posi t ive capi ta l ism.

The f i rs t thing we learn is that the oppressed minori t ies must learn to completely ignore the oppressor. The oppressor wil l never pay at tent ion to pleas f rom the oppressed. These pleas wil l only prove that the oppressed are weak. Hard work, posi t ive capi ta l ism and per-sonal success wil l solve this problem over t ime. Respect for the oppressed by the oppres-sor wil l come automatical ly because of the mutual needs to exchange goods, services and ideas .

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In America in the 1980’s , the oppressed are becoming a vict im of a s i lent economic war. Drugs have become the currency of the third world. This is negat ive capi ta l ism at i t ’s most virulent . Drug lords understand capi ta l ism and perver t i t ’s e thics . Both the sup-pl iers (Third World poor countr ies) and the users (American ghet to chi ldren) exchange goods and services , but not to the mutual benefi t of both par t ies . The drugs are ki l l ing and maiming the chi ldren of America. Most of the prof i t is going to the drug lords . The famous t r ickle down theory keeps the third world suppl iers f rom starvat ion. This is a c las-s ic example of negat ive capi ta l ism. While this can be cal led a business , i t i s in real i ty an extor t ion racket . I t causes good people to poison other good people because of the des-perate needs of the suppl ier and user. This is l ike Hit ler creat ing jobs by hir ing people to ki l l Jews. I t i s a form of social insani ty that must be s topped, no matter what other social problems appear. The r ise of fascism is the inevi table outcome of this scenario. Then we wil l a l l have lost our f reedom.

My personal pet project won’t be able to succeed or even get off to a good s tar t unt i l the solut ions include the solving of the drug problem among the young in America. What good wil l i t do to teach posi t ive capi ta l ism when a person is in the gr ips of drug addic-t ion. This problem must be at tacked at both ends of the spectrum.

You might ask yourself how can I create a business using posi t ive capi ta l ism that wil l solve this problem. This is my chal lenge and this is my goal . The rest of this discussion wil l be in “The Book of Solut ions,” see Chapter Seven. The methods used as a solut ion wil l carry over into the classroom programs.

For the weal thier advanced members , we wil l develop a computer video network class-room program. We wil l develop a sophis t icated group of investments that wil l show a good return for the members and make a pol i t ical s ta tement consis tent with posi t ive capi-ta l ism. This type of c lassroom program or network wil l need a capi ta l basis to support i t in i t ia l ly. I wil l t ry to supply this capi ta l basis myself , but i t may have to wai t unt i l there are enough members . This program wil l require extensive computer and video equipment . We’l l need a permanent headquarters and a large advert is ing budget .

One of the main purposes of this networking program, other than making prof i t for i t ’s members , wil l be the s ingl ing out of the best capi ta l is ts and making them known. They wil l be judged most ly on their problem solving abi l i t ies . They should be the new heroes of society. Most of ten they wil l be the people earning the most money, but not a lways.

The par ty wil l make a l is t of problems that need to be solved. We wil l a lso l is t as many potent ia l solut ions as possible . We wil l then monitor these problems and solut ions on the networking program. The solut ions wil l come from anyone networking with us . I wil l put my two cents worth in , but just because I s tar ted this network doesn’t make me r ight . My opinion won’t be valued anymore than anyone else’s . Resul ts wil l be the only barometer. I just want to be responsible for the s tar t - up of the networking program. I’ l l se t some ini-t ia l goals and then le t i t evolve natural ly into whatever the future dictates . The abi l i ty to be f lexible and creat ive in solving societ ies problems instead of having a system that soon becomes obsolete , l ike communism, wil l be the beauty of The Capi ta l is t Par ty. Solut ions won’t be bureaucrat ical ly decimated by leaders . The individual wil l have more power to change the world than ever before .

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The classroom program wil l a lso teach members how to spot communist rhetor ic disguised in pol i t ical non sequi turs . Anti-capi ta l is t propaganda wil l a lso be exposed. This par t of the program wil l s t rengthen the capi ta l is ts resolve in creat ing social ing techniques. I f this interferes with any laws, the system wil l be adjusted to ac-complish the same end resul ts . The only way the bureaucrats and pol i t ic ians wil l be able to regulate us out of exis tence wil l be to make capi ta l ism i l legal . I f they even t ry that , they wil l show their t rue colors and they wil l self destruct .

Once a person has become a member, the la tes t technology for ident i f icat ion wil l be used to protect the investment for the members . At the present t ime, credi t cards with holo-graphic features seem to be the safest method. We can use plast ic credi t cards for mem-bers that a l ready possess them. We can issue cards to anyone that doesn’t have exis t ing credi t cards . These wil l be good only for par ty membership act ivi t ies .

All of these f inancial t ransact ions wil l be maintained in computer banks and checked pe-r iodical ly by audi tors and rechecked by t rustees to assure the integri ty of the system. In other words, normal business pract ices wil l be employed as is consis tent with good capi-ta l ism.

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The Star Life project name came from an idea that is probably as old as the f i rs t dream of l iving in outer space. The project wil l deal with the commercial izat ion and expansion of the terr i tory of space as a place to l ive and work. Space wil l be the new real es ta te . Float-ing ci t ies wil l be possible in the future . Development wil l no longer be hindered by gov-ernment intervent ion and harassment .

What type of pol i t ical system wil l work when a whole ci ty can just pick up and move? Any system based on force wil l be abandoned by reasonable people . Any intrusive govern-ment wil l just be lef t behind to control i tself .The Humanarium project is a combinat ion of a biosphere and a defense s t ructure . In other words, i t i s l ike a human aquarium, or iented toward human survival and self-suff ic iency.

The s t ructures wil l be bui l t in areas previously unthinkable as human habi ta ts . Places l ike the middle of the deser t , below and above the oceans of the world, mountain tops in re-mote areas , the North and South Pole environments , and f inal ly outer space.

In general , the Humanariums would be s t ructured as fol lows:

1. Round core with at tachment par ts to give i t any appearance desired.2. Have the abi l i ty to a t tach to permanent s i tes .3 . Made with outer wal ls of high-tech plast ic using a pul t rusion extruder, having a hol low skin, with t r iangular and hol low beams.4. Computer ized to control the environment .5 . Equipped with an on-board mini-extruder and crushing machine to make computer ized replacement par ts f rom the old par ts .6 . Equipped with water and waste recycl ing system.7. Equipped with hydroponics plant and f ish food systems.8. Equipped with a self-contained power system, including solar cel ls in the outs ide wal ls ; solar heat ing and air condi t ioning in the outs ide wal ls ; computer-control led, mov-able windmil l type funnels formed from the outs ide wal ls ; and any other s ta te-of- the-ar t power system.9. Recreat ion center complete with exercise equipment including a pool that is par t of the recycled water system.

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In 1984, the year government is suppose to f inal ly complete i ts major goal of control in America according to popular l i terature of the t ime. I t i s more l ikely that we wil l hi t the wal l and turn in the other direct ion towards more individual f reedom. We need to perma-nent ly s top the process of increasing government control . Some pol i t ic ians f rom the l ib-eral lef t never cease t rying to solve al l of society’s problems with government control .

The big problem with government control is the damage done to individuals caught up in red tape. The bureaucrat just blames other bureaucrats or the rules themselves when some-

one is caught up in a r idiculous si tuat ion. The famous Catch 22 is a lot more common than most people real ize . There is no recourse, and there is very l i t t le chance of proving that an individual bureaucrat has caused harm.

We need to draf t laws that control government bureaucrats . These laws wil l force legis la-tors to think of the consequences of res t r ic t ive laws. These laws wil l a lso force bureau-crats to use common sense instead of the le t ter of the law when deal ing with the publ ic .

Most laws are good for most people , but fa i l to take into account the incredible divers i ty of human act ions and their motivat ions. Many t imes a c i t izen wil l be performing a very moral act but fa l l into some bureaucrat’s rule- t rap. Bureaucrats have got to get back to being publ ic servants and not publ ic dictators . This wil l not happen voluntar i ly. A mas-sive awareness program must be sustained unt i l government is permanent ly cut back to the minimum.

More pol i t ical effor t has to be put into el iminat ing old laws and s topping new laws. There are too many vested interests in keeping old laws and making new laws. Laws are to law-yers and bureaucrats what an inventory is to a shopkeeper. Shopkeepers would love to be in the posi t ion that lawyers and bureaucrats are in . All they have to do to increase their business is think up a new rule to res t r ic t something or someone.

EXPANSION OF THE UNITED STATESExpansion of The United States can happen in several different ways. The best way is to include exis t ing countr ies into our char ter, much the same way we did with Texas and Cal i fornia . This is a two-sided problem.

Most people have forgot ten the meaning and purpose of uni t ing s ta tes . We have lost out convict ions about the power and freedom contained within our Const i tut ion. We have replaced them with a contented superior i ty. We are l ike the spoi led, r ich kid in the neigh-borhood. Our parents did a lot of good in the community, but as r ich kids , we are afraid we cannot l ive up to our image. Where once we acted with open-armed fr iendl iness , we now act l ike a pr ivate country club.

This a t t i tude wil l be the undoing of America in the future . Most people in America cannot understand why we are hated and resented even by our a l l ies . I t i s because others cannot join our c lub. America has to s top plying nat ional ism. The words “United States” should become an invi ta t ion to join us wil l ingly.

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The ci t izens can s t i l l have regional pr ide. Witness Texas, the f r iendl ies t s ta te in the Union. I t s t i l l has the r ight to withdraw from the Union by a s imple vote of the people . Texans have an enormous pr ide in their s ta te but recognize the need for a larger par t ic ipa-t ion in the world economic community.

Equal economic opportuni ty is the key to a successful United States . With two hundred s ta tes ra ther than just f i f ty, the system would work that much bet ter. Free t rade would be const i tut ional ly guaranteed. People would s t i l l be Cal i fornians or Costa Ricans or Pana-manians or New Zealanders , but their economic opportuni t ies would be enhanced and guaranteed. Their regional pr ide and customs would remain the same, but their economic power would increase.

Posi t ive capi ta l ism that assures const i tut ional democracy can raise the s tandard of l iving of mil l ions of oppressed people worldwide. Expanding the United States requires a c lear pol i t ical and economic direct ion that assures both exis t ing member s ta tes and possible new states , a successful symbiot ic re la t ionship.

“HOW TO MAKE MONEY” COURSES IN SCHOOLSThe “How to Make Money” program wil l be the cornerstone of the future for The Inter-nat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty. People intui t ively know how to make money for survival . Ne-cessi ty is the mother of invent ion, especial ly when i t comes to personal survival . This necessi ty causes people to turn to capi ta l ism for survival . I t does not mat ter what type of pol i t ical system they are involved with. Their government could be communist or a mil i-tary dictatorship, but their personal solut ion to survival is most of ten of a capi ta l is t na-ture . By formalizing this technique and combining i t wi th posi t ive at t i tudes, changes can be made anywhere.

In the so-cal led Free World, the emphasis wil l be on purif icat ion of pol i t ical systems that emphasize the posi t ive. People wil l have to learn how to free themselves f rom government control . They wil l have to learn how to s top communist , fascis t , and s ta t is t ideas within their own system. They wil l have to learn how to s top negat ive capi ta l ism and to keep rel igion out of direct control of the s ta te without s topping personal bel iefs . These are the keys to making money through posi t ive capi ta l ism.

Business schools and business courses teach the basics but lack a coherent phi losophy that can be put into act ion for a f i rm pol i t ical direct ion. In most cases , they teach the mechanics but not the general overal l purpose. We wil l enhance exis t ing business courses where possible , with a c lear economic phi losophy in the direct ion of an internat ional capi ta l is t par ty.

Where a complete system of business educat ion and motivat ion is needed, we wil l s tar t such an organizat ion. This organizat ion wil l be run very much l ike a f ranchise business . In most cases , we wil l use our regional headquarters as a c lassroom. Using our headquar-ters wil l double usage of the faci l i t ies and wil l enhance investment income for the mem-bers who own the var iable net income trust deed on the headquarters property.

We wil l a lso s tar t a computer network for people who want to be in touch with the newest innovat ions within our par ty. This system wil l be the advanced money- making course that wil l enhance the incomes of those already involved in posi t ive capi ta l ism. I t wil l be l ike a pr ivate s tock exchange, deal ing in par ty owned companies and new enterpr ises s tar ted by

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members . The computer network wil l be a “members only” system that conforms to exis t-ing laws. We wil l work to change restr ic t ive laws with this area. Unti l then, we wil l con-form and evolve into a f ree system.

MEMBERSHIPS BACKED BY INCOME PROPERTIESOther sect ions of this book thoroughly discuss the detai ls of membership. In this sect ion, you wil l f ind out The Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l be funded through memberships backed by free and clear income propert ies . There are many al ternat ives to consider, but the use of f ree and clear income propert ies is the f i rs t choice for the fol lowing reasons:

1. Property ownership is the main indicator of a f ree society. When the majori ty of indi-viduals own real es ta te , government control is less pervasive.

2. Capi ta l ism, by def ini t ion, implies the accumulat ion of capi ta l by an enterpr ise . This ac-cumulat ion of capi ta l wil l give our par ty the power to get i t ’s message across to the peo-ple . This capi ta l wil l a lso fund programs that encourage posi t ive capi ta l ism. The capi ta l wil l be used to f inance problem solving ideas approved by the par ty.

3 . Capi ta l ism is by nature not a l t ruis t ic . We exchange goods, services , and ideas for mu-tual benefi t . The par ty therefore needs an investment medium that gives a prof i t to the people who become members and work for the par ty. The prof i t should be the f i rs t indica-tor of our s incer i ty in deal ing with pol i t ical and economic pr inciples . Star t ing The Inter-nat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty without this consis tency would be hypocri t ical and unethical .

4 . Maximum safety for members’ investment capi ta l is pr imary to a successful investment program. Because we are pursuing a new way of conduct ing pol i t ical business , we need a vehicle that cannot be abuse in the future . Free and clear property cannot be s tolen, put into a Swiss bank, or spent fool ishly, Once these free and clear propert ies are on the books, the t rustees wil l see that abuses of funds earned wil l be kept to an absolute mini-mum. This “checks and balances” system wil l a lso assure that government regulators wil l not have a heyday t rying to put us out of business . The government’s interference wil l be fought on f i rm ground, with high ideals and clear pr inciples . This is a new form of pol i t i -cal power. I t i s to be hoped we wil l be able to convince the people in government that this par ty supports their own best interests as human beings not necessar i ly as a bureaucrat , pol i t ic ian or law maker.

5 . Any pol i t ical par ty needs money to be effect ive. The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty is not in a hurry. We have al l the t ime we need to form a sol id capi ta l base. Evolut ion in a natural way is the direct ion we wil l take to avoid physical violence in the name of pol i t i -cal expedience.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT A PART OF THIS SYSTEM?The only people who wil l not be par t of this system are people with not goods, services , or ideas of any benefi t to others or those who refuse to contr ibute their effor ts to society. They wil l f ind that the “something for nothing/ the world owes me a l iving” at t i tude wil l get them what they deserve.

In American society, they include welfare cheats , thieves , drug dealers , and members of some rel igious cul ts . Obviously, there is some crossover act ivi ty within the groups.

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These are not adul t human beings, but immature personal i t ies . They should be al lowed to s immer in their own juices , with a minimum of not ice by the rest of society. They are l ike spoi led chi ldren who throw a temper tantrum when they do not get their own way. Let them hi t their heads against a wal l unt i l they ei ther destroy themselves or knock some sense into their heads. Otherwise, they wil l gleeful ly drag everybody down to their level .

The choice of being par t of a fa i r system, once i t i s in place, wil l a lways be theirs . They should be al lowed to fa i l whenever they wish. The pain may turn them around into a posi-t ive mode that wil l benefi t everyone. The one thing we do not want to do with fai lure is make i t so oppressive that there is no hope lef t for a person to change.

People who carry their own weight in society, according to their own abi l i ty, should be considered a success . A man or woman who is a conscient ious and hard working laborer is as successful a human being as a br i l l iant scient is t or a movie s tar, provided the person is maximizing his or her own potent ia l . This type of success is an internal , personal type of success that bui lds self es teem. A great scient is t cannot feel more sat isfact ion than the laborer i f both are maximizing their potent ia l . You are born with cer ta in genet ic possibi l i-t ies to work with. You are f ree to choose how well you put your ta lents to use. The system wil l leave you behind i f you do not heed this message. You wil l not be kicked out of the system, but wil l leave i t f rom lack of use.

HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO ORGANIZE THE INTERNATIONAL CAPITALIST PAR-TY?I s tar ted The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty on July 4, 1976 as a bir thday present to Amer-ica .

This seems the synthesis of the pol i t ical problems in The United States: The democrats suffer f rom misplaced compassion, which causes the Democrats , economical ly, to fa l l into the hands of The Communist Par ty. Their contradict ion l ies in the fact that they support individual property r ights to an extent . The Republ icans tend to be bet ter a t economics by espousing the free enterpr ise system, but they are handicapped by their re l igious and racial prejudices .

I s tar ted The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty to give America a c lear, concise force with which to deal with these diverse ideas . Capi ta l ism is the balancing force that a l lows com-passion to f lourish without being abused or used as an excuse to make restr ic t ive rules by government . Capi ta l ism recognizes a l l individuals equal ly, according to their abi l i t ies and effor ts .

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* At this point , you may have a few quest ions. The fol lowing quest ions are those most of ten asked. Answers are presented in the remainder of this chapter. * Why is the world ta lking about an economic system (communism) and the way pol i t i -cal leaders are given power (democracy)? * What group of people wil l benefi t the most f rom a capi ta l is t type pol i t ical par ty? * What wil l happen to the people who are not a par t of this system? * How long wil l i t take to organize The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty? * How much wil l i t cost , and how wil l the f inances be handled? * Wil l the par ty be organized openly in every country? * What individuals or groups wil l be asked to join this pol i t ical par ty? * What method wil l be used to get across The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty message? * Which country wil l be the home base? * Does the par ty have any need for a char ter or by-laws? * What type of res is tance should we expect? * Are there different forms of capi ta l ism? * Can this par ty funct ion in countr ies that are not democrat ic? * How wil l The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty compete with other forms of government?

WHY IS THE WORLD TALKING ABOUT AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM (COMMUNISM) AND THE WAY POLITICAL LEADERS ARE GIVEN POWER (DEMOCRACY)?The reason we are t rying to sel l democracy instead of capi ta l ism as an al ternat ive to com-munism is because the western leaders and bureaucrats have a vested interest in what they cal l a mixed society (social ism and free enterpr ise market mixed together) .

All governments , even the best , keep their eyes on the power s t r ings. They must pract ice as much communism as possible to enhance their power. They t ry not to label economic power communism. Instead, they sof ten the blow by cal l ing i t social ism or a mixed econo-my.The biggest problem with this approach by the western world is that a communist can be elected. Once in power, he or she can enforce communist ideals . The fol lowing is a l is t of communist ideals taken direct ly f rom Karl Marx’s and Friedrich Engels’ Communist Mani-festo, which has been embraced to different degrees by the western nat ions: Graduated in-come tax that supports a welfare s ta te . Publ ic educat ion at taxpayer expense. Confiscat ion and redis t r ibut ion of property. State owned businesses . Central s ta te owned banking con-trol . Regis t ra t ion of a l l c i t izens (IRS and dr ivers l icense) High inheri tance taxes . Control of communicat ions and t ransportat ion.

These are e ight of the ten key points of communism. The other two, es tabl ishment of industr ia l armies and more even dis t r ibut ion of people between town and country areas , have already happened by choice and circumstance in most western countr ies .

Big Brother has not only arr ived, but is ready to turn the whole world over to Mom and Pop, “ the dictators of the proletar ia t .” Then we wil l t ruly be thrown back to the Dark Ages.

We have got to s tar t ta lking about the two basic economic systems -- capi ta l ism versus

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communism -- and qui t hiding behind a defense of democracy. Capi ta l ism assumes democ-racy! Communism does not care about democracy one way or the other because i t only cares about the economic pol ic ies . Communists know that , wi th the above mentioned pol i-c ies , no matter how they arr ive at them, they have achieved pol i t ical control .FREEDOM IS FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT!WHAT GROUP OF PEOPLE WILL BENEFIT THE MOST FROM A CAPITALIST TYPE POLITICAL PARTY?The individual wil l benefi t the most . All groups wil l lose power. This is because govern-ment wil l be less effect ive. The government wil l not control our l ives; therefore , a l l types of lobbying and pressure groups wil l cease to have the abi l i ty to dis tor t society from i t ’s natural path. Individual r ights wil l be s t ronger and special interest groups wil l be weaker when the so cal led mixed economic society is seen for what i t real ly is , a confused soci-ety.

The group of individuals that wil l benefi t the most are the ones fur thest f rom a capi ta l is t l i fes tyle . These people are a lso the ones who think they have the most to lose. They are the people with the most immature at t i tudes toward humanity. They are a coal i t ion of the “something for nothing folks” and the “control addicts .” Both types create havoc with a f ree society. These individuals must be made to become product ive members of society or to support their own bad habi ts . A t ruly needy person wil l f ind no shortage of compassion from a capi ta l is t society.

“Something for nothing people” and “control addicts” must be exposed, chast ised, and then t ra ined to improve their own self-esteem. The “something for nothing people” are the infant i le adul ts of the world. They use the kindness of others to get by, and then they abuse this kindness . They contr ibute nothing, bel ieving the world owes them a l iving. The “control addicts” (negat ive pol i t ic ians , re l igious leaders , dictators and the l ike) uses misplaced compassion as a sales tool . These infant i le adul ts enslave the workers by con-f iscat ing their income, using misplaced compassion as an excuse to support the lazy and unwil l ing potent ia l workers in society. Once these infant i le adul ts of both types are redi-rected into posi t ive capi ta l ism, society wil l have cured a deadly social cancer.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT A PART OF THIS SYSTEM?The only people who wil l not be par t of this system are people with not goods, services , or ideas of any benefi t to others or those who refuse to contr ibute their effor ts to society. They wil l f ind that the “something for nothing/ the world owes me a l iving” at t i tude wil l get them what they deserve.

In American society, they include welfare cheats , thieves , drug dealers , and members of some rel igious cul ts . Obviously, there is some crossover act ivi ty within the groups.

These are not adul t human beings, but immature personal i t ies . They should be al lowed to s immer in their own juices , with a minimum of not ice by the rest of society. They are l ike spoi led chi ldren who throw a temper tantrum when they do not get their own way. Let them hi t their heads against a wal l unt i l they ei ther destroy themselves or knock some sense into their heads. Otherwise, they wil l gleeful ly drag everybody down to their level .

The choice of being par t of a fa i r system, once i t i s in place, wil l a lways be theirs . They

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should be al lowed to fa i l whenever they wish. The pain may turn them around into a posi-t ive mode that wil l benefi t everyone. The one thing we do not want to do with fai lure is make i t so oppressive that there is no hope lef t for a person to change.

People who carry their own weight in society, according to their own abi l i ty, should be considered a success . A man or woman who is a conscient ious and hard working laborer is as successful a human being as a br i l l iant scient is t or a movie s tar, provided the person is maximizing his or her own potent ia l . This type of success is an internal , personal type of success that bui lds self es teem. A great scient is t cannot feel more sat isfact ion than the laborer i f both are maximizing their potent ia l . You are born with cer ta in genet ic possibi l i-t ies to work with. You are f ree to choose how well you put your ta lents to use. The system wil l leave you behind i f you do not heed this message. You wil l not be kicked out of the system, but wil l leave i t f rom lack of use.HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO ORGANIZE THE INTERNATIONAL CAPITALIST PAR-TY?I s tar ted The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty on July 4, 1976 as a bir thday present to Amer-ica .

This seems the synthesis of the pol i t ical problems in The United States: The democrats suffer f rom misplaced compassion, which causes the Democrats , economical ly, to fa l l into the hands of The Communist Par ty. Their contradict ion l ies in the fact that they support individual property r ights to an extent . The Republ icans tend to be bet ter a t economics by espousing the free enterpr ise system, but they are handicapped by their re l igious and racial prejudices .

I s tar ted The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty to give America a c lear, concise force with which to deal with these diverse ideas . Capi ta l ism is the balancing force that a l lows com-passion to f lourish without being abused or used as an excuse to make restr ic t ive rules by government . Capi ta l ism recognizes a l l individuals equal ly, according to their abi l i t ies and effor ts .The f i rs t ten years of the par ty’s exis tence were used for contemplat ion, observat ion, and civi l disobedience. The only overt act ion was the quiet organizat ion of a group of individ-ual sympathizers and pract i t ioners of posi t ive capi ta l ism. This book is the product of that t ime in i t ’s or iginal vers ion.

The next ten years wil l be used to bui ld up a capi ta l base that can be used into the future . I t i s a small beginning on a long road that has to be successful or the spir i t of every indi-vidual wil l have no t rue champion working to f ree the individual f rom government control and abuse. Every other pol i t ical , re l igious, or economic system works for the good of the masses , but wil l cal l for a sacr i f ice of the individual . The pecul iar fact is that the leaders are a lways exempt. They l ive in publ ic mansions, temples , or cast les maintained by their fol lowers .

Only capi ta l is ts earn their l iving s tandard. I t i s t rue that , i f they use negat ive capi ta l ism, they can be some of the worst offenders in society. This dis t inct ion wil l be covered in la ter chapters .

The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l earn i t ’s way into exis tence and pay i t ’s own way. This is what an individual capi ta l is t would expect f rom a pol i t ical par ty that supports f ree enterpr ise . There wil l be dis tor t ions in this organizat ion, because i t cannot be created in a

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poli t ical vacuum. Outside forces f rom al l s ides wil l t ry to compromise the ideal . The or-ganizat ion wil l evolve, but wil l never breach i t ’s own basic pr inciple of wil l ing members to a mutual ly beneficial system. No one needs to be a loser in this process . I t does not re ly on an enemy to exis t .HOW WILL THE FINANCES BE HANDLED AND HOW MUCH WILL IT COST?The total cost to es tabl ish The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty is impossible to even guess . The idea i tself could be powerful enough to make i ts exis tence an almost immediate fact of l i fe . The other s ide of the coin is that res is tance or indifference to formation of the par ty could make i t very expensive.

My abi l i ty and commitment to s tar t up such an unusual concept can also be a major factor. I wil l a t tempt to fund the beginning completely by myself , but that might not be enough.

We wil l probably need a power t r iangle to accumulate the s tar t up capi ta l . The power t r i-angle wil l consis t of the fol lowing:

1. My assets and earnings. As a real es ta te investor and developer, I am in a posi t ion to place real es ta te holdings in the name of The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty. Obviously, I wil l have to l ive from these earnings and assets . I wil l t ry to have plenty lef t over to ac-complish a successful s tar t up program. The money I spend wil l be used at my own discre-t ion, and i t i s the only money I wil l count on.

Those who wish to use their own money and have this kind of discret ionary membership can use what is cal led a convert ible grant . This type of membership gives the member the abi l i ty to control the assets placed within the par ty’s programs. Many people share my concern over the direct ion that the economies of the world are taking. The other two s ides of the power t r iangle wil l give them an opportuni ty to par t ic ipate and benefi t as members of a pol i t ical par ty with a c lear and consis tent message.While i t i s t rue that we would accept outr ight donat ions, this is not the method of ra is ing money that we would prefer. Capi ta l ism is based on a contract between two individuals that is mutual ly beneficial to both par t ies . The other two s ides of the power t r iangle wil l based on this pr inciple , as wel l .

2 . Membership, including individual uni t t rusts . This is the second s ide of the power t r iangle . This method of ra is ing money should appeal to the individual who sympathizes with the pr inciples of capi ta l ism but wants more control of the assets that he or she con-tr ibutes .

What this method refers to is a t rust account whereby the new member and The Interna-t ional Capi ta l is t Par ty form a l imited par tnership, with the par ty being a l imited par tner and the new member placing assets into a numbered t rust account . The new member is the general par tner on terms that are acceptable to the general par tner. The assets must ben-ef i t the par ty in some way and must not be assets that would be considered negat ive capi-ta l ism, such as a business manufactur ing something harmful to others .

These assets can be placed into the t rust and la ter withdrawn at the general par tner ’s re-quest . Maximum flexibi l i ty should be given to the general par tner, but the par ty should not be placed in any jeopardy. Only the individual member ’s imaginat ion wil l determine the type of asset placed in the t rust and the method that the asset benefi ts The Interna-t ional Capi ta l is t Par ty.

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3. Membership including a var iable net income trust deed. This is the third s ide of the power t r iangle . Most individuals wil l want a passive way of par t ic ipat ing in the growth of capi ta l ism as a pol i t ical power. This method is safest and the most fa i r way of ra is ing money for the par ty and s t i l l g iving a reasonable re turn to the member.

We wil l buy apartment houses f ree and clear of loans for maximum safety and then issue var iable net income trust deed cer t i f icates based on the amount the member contr ibutes to the par ty. This way, no one can foreclose on the property, and the income from the in-vestment wil l be paid out to the member proport ionate to member ’s contr ibut ion. With a f i f teen year t rust deed, the ent i re contr ibut ion wil l be re turned at that t ime, provided the property is worth the or iginal amount or more. The var iable net income trust deed wil l benefi t the par ty in the fol lowing ways:

(A) Histor ical ly, apar tment houses go up in value proport ionate to the increase in income. We can place a f ixed-rate loan on the property af ter the ini t ia l f i f teen year membership per iod and have an income streams that can be used to fur ther capi ta l is t pr inciples and ideals .

(B) The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l be the management organizat ion that handles each property. The par ty wil l charge a normal market ra te for this service. At some point in the future , af ter the ini t ia l f i f teen year s tar t up per iod, management wil l be turned over to an outs ide real es ta te management f i rm. The par ty wil l want to keep any competi t ion with pr ivate business a t a minimum. This management fee wil l be the only income derived from the property during the f i rs t f i f teen years , except for the ini t ia l real es ta te commis-s ion that wil l be earned on the ini t ia l purchase of the investment or a re ta ined ownership percentage.

(C) The par ty wil l create jobs by having cer t i f ied membership recrui ters . The maxi- level membership system wil l be self perpetuat ing, with bui l t in management levels . This par t of the organizat ion wil l require a membership recrui t ing manual , which wil l be my next project upon complet ion of this book.The fol lowing is an example of the var iable net income trust deed cer t i f icate of member-ship:




(Payment based on net income of secured property)$_________________ ___________________, __________________, _______.

Amount , Ci ty, State , Zip

In instal lments and at the t imes hereinaf ter s ta ted, for value received, The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty promises to pay to:

or order, a t ____________________________________________________ the

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principal sum of _________________________________________ dol lars , with var iable net income payable monthly based on percent of total debt owned on secured property or more on the _____________ day of _______________, 19____.

The pr incipal amount due and payable f i f teen years f rom the beginning date of this note .

Should defaul t be made in the payment of any of said instal lments when due, then the whole sum of pr incipal and any net income due shal l become immediately due and payable a t the opt ion of the holder of this note . Should sui t be commenced to col lect this note or any port ion thereof , such sum as the court may deem reasonable shal l be added hereto as a t torney’s fees . Pr incipal and net income earned is payable in lawful money of the United States of America. This note is secured by a cer ta in property commonly known as:

________________________________________________ _____________________

Authorized Signature

________________________________________________ _____________________

Witnessed By

WILL THE PARTY BE ORGANIZED OPENLY IN EVERY COUNTRY?The one thing that we must be most careful of is the prevai l ing laws of a country. These must be respected in the beginning, no matter how horr ible they are .

The leaders are the problem in any government , whether e lected or appointed. They must be shown that i t i s to their advantage to change for the good of everyone, including them-selves . People who are ta lented and motivated enough to be leaders must not be discour-aged from using their leadership abi l i t ies . They just have to evolve into bet ter leaders . Their power wil l be more perfect and their self es teem at a higher level i f they embrace posi t ive capi ta l ism.

The capi ta l is t pol i t ical system should be the f i rs t that does not re ly on brute force to change society. A t ruly adul t a t t i tude toward society wil l a l low freedom to prevai l . De-fense is a must , but aggression is a lways counterproduct ive. The problem with aggression is obvious. Governments use aggression in the name of defense by t r icking the populace into bel ieving their reason for aggression. This is an extremely diff icul t problem with which to deal . World courts must be s t rengthened by giving them clear powers to enforce violat ions. This is an easier thing to s ta te on paper than to do in real i ty.

Any method of organizing posi t ive capi ta l ism in a country wil l be acceptable except for the use of force or coercion. This object ive wil l tax the imaginat ion of anyone who be-l ieves in f reedom for everyone.

Technology and ingenui ty wil l probably be the ul t imate answers in promoting the pr inci-ples of good capi ta l ism. Money wil l provide this opportuni ty to embrace freedom forever. People wil l then be free to keep the frui ts of their own labor, ra ther than being s laves to their own abi l i ty. Governments can only exploi t the abi l i t ies of the s t rong. They use the weak as a weapon against the best in humanity. Freedom is f reedom from government .

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Governments sel l misplaced compassion. Open organizat ion is our only weapon against a l l types of government rule . Individual responsibi l i ty must prevai l af ter governments dimin-ish in power. This is the evolut ionary process a t i ts most posi t ive and product ive.

WHAT INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS WILL BE ASKED TO JOIN THIS POLITICAL PAR-TY?Everyone can be a member as an individual . We wil l approve anyone who is interested. Any member can also join our maxi- level membership system and earn an income as a sponsor. Unlike other pol i t ical par t ies , we wil l charge for membership. Also, unl ike other par t ies , instead of asking for contr ibut ions, we wil l put your membership money to work for you. You wil l receive an income from this membership money, and i t wi l l be re turned to you at a la ter date .

In advanced democrat ic countr ies , we wil l act more as an advocate of posi t ive capi ta l ism than as an opposing pol i t ical par ty. I f the par ty grows natural ly over a long per iod of t ime into a par ty with good pol i t ical leaders to place on the bal lot , so much the bet ter. But this should not be our immediate goal in advanced democracies .

In other countr ies , members wil l be more interested in having a pol i t ical par ty that can br ing posi t ive capi ta l ism to the people . Unfortunately, in many places , a member cannot openly oppose the present system, and so i t wi l l be necessary to have numbered member-ship accounts , much as Swiss bank accounts protect individual members . Unlike Swiss accounts , our numbered membership accounts must conform to the investment features of this type of membership.

Democrat ic countr ies can consider individual membership in The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty in oppressed societ ies an export product . Membership in these countr ies wil l be a good barometer of the support for the freedom movement . Foreign pol icy makers wil l be able to judge real support in an oppressed country by the number of memberships in The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty. To quote an old American saying, “Put your money where your mouth is .” Membership wil l act very much l ike a black market vote where votes are not even al lowed.

We wil l publ ic ize the number of members in an oppressed country as a way for f ree coun-tr ies to pressure oppressive governments to change their ways. The advantage of this method is that governments can change for the bet ter without having to change leaders . We wil l be able to show leaders that reform is to everyone’s benefi t . This method should reduce the amount of violence used to change the pol i t ical systems, which has marked hu-man progress in the past .

When we have enough members , membership wil l not be important . Humanity wil l have matured into a posi t ion of responsible f reedom.WHAT METHOD WILL BE USED TO GET ACROSS THE CAPITALIST PARTY MES-SAGE?The promotion of the par ty’s message wil l have to be lef t to the experts once the s tar t up per iod is completed. In the beginning, however, memberships wil l be t reated l ike a prod-uct , because of the investment feature . This method wil l be geared toward people who are a l ready involved in the free enterpr ise system. I t wil l be more of a head count than a con-version process to begin with.

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I wil l be happy to jes t get the s tar t up program going during my l i fe t ime. The conversion process wil l be lef t to others in the future . I ’m more interested in a f i rm foundat ion and a c lear path for natural evolut ion. I t i s a lso possible that the evolut ionary process wil l go faster than can be imagined because of modern communicat ions.

The fol lowing methods refer most ly to the s tar t up process . They should also be helpful during the conversion per iod.

1. The publ icat ion and circulat ion of this book is a beginning in the new direct ion. This book is not meant to be wri t ten in s tone, as so many other master plans for society have been interpreted. Fortunately, capi ta l ism has been used s ince the beginning of t ime, and everyone understands i ts basic forms. With a c lear path of development , capi ta l ism as a pol i t ical power can take i ts r ightful place in human evolut ion. Capi ta l ism is nothing more than a contract between two individuals , f reely given for the mutual benefi t of both par-t ies . This book wil l t ry to ref ine this pr inciple . I t wi l l give a method whereby individuals wil l be f ree pol i t ical ly to pract ice the most natural method of fur ther ing humanity, posi-t ive capi ta l ism. This book wil l be updated as needed to promote the ideals of f reedom from government and economic freedom for individuals according to their abi l i ty and ef-for t .

2 . The formation of the power t r iangle wil l give a capi ta l basis and an income to promote more memberships . We wil l use every type of media for promotion. The number of mem-bers wil l be a s i lent vote of confidence and the measure of success for The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty’s message.

WHICH COUNTRY WILL BE THE HOME BASE?Set t ing up regional off ices in every par t of the country wil l be my next s tep. This wil l be done af ter we have a f i rm foot hold with a good capi ta l basis . We wil l own rather than rent or lease off ice space to give a f i rm foot ing in the area.

The third s tep wil l be an effor t to set up off ices in countr ies that are a l ready democrat ic pol i t ical ly or where we are invi ted to promote capi ta l ism.

The las t and most diff icul t s tep wil l be going where capi ta l ism wil l be met with open host i l i ty. We wil l not go into these areas using force. Reason and resul ts wil l have to persuade host i le societ ies . As the s tandard of l iving in the capi ta l is t countr ies increases and world electronic communicat ion improves, resul ts should create a demand for posi t ive capi ta l ism. So-cal led mixed societ ies s t i l l have a lot of problems to solve before they can even hope to be emulated. Solut ions to these problems wil l come from posi t ive capi ta l-ism’s solut ions.DOES THE PARTY HAVE ANY NEED FOR A CHARTER OR BY-LAWS?Because capi ta l ism is a champion of reducing unnecessary rules and regulat ions, i t seems very hypocri t ical to add more rules to l ive by.

Three s imple facts should be kept in mind while promoting capi ta l ism:

1. Posi t ive capi ta l ism is a contract between two or more par t ies to exchange goods, ser-vices , or ideas wil l ingly, without coercion, for the mutual benefi t of a l l par t ies concerned.

2. Freedom is f reedom from government .

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3. Exis t ing law should be obeyed, except for the use of c ivi l disobedience when laws are pol i t ical ly incorrect according to your conscience. This approach provides for pol i t ical evolut ion rather than violent revolut ion.

Perhaps we could add one more rule for promoting capi ta l ism. This is an old Texas say-ing: “Money ta lks and bul lshi t walks .” This is crude but to the point . Reason and resul ts should determine which direct ion humanity evolves . Posi t ive capi ta l ism is the only fair and sane way for everyone to enjoy l i fe and maximize human potent ia l .

This book can be used as a guide or a plan to help organize pol i t ical power to f ree every-one from the oppression of governments . This book is not any form of Holy Revelat ion or any other type of dogmatic presentat ion. I t i s just an accumulat ion of ideas gleaned from my own studies and observat ion. You wil l recognize many old ideas and hopeful ly some good new ideas . I ’m sure my ideas wil l be improved upon by others , and that’s the way i t should be. That is the purpose of pol i t ical evolut ion.The need for a char ter or by-laws for the par ty can be determined by others . My opinion at present is to do without e i ther to keep from put t ing the future in a s t ra i t jacket . But this is an opinion that could easi ly be changed in the future i f i t i s determined that char ter or a set of by-laws would help promote the ideas of posi t ive capi ta l ism.WHAT TYPE OF RESISTANCE SHOULD WE EXPECT?If we make i t c lear that we are not t rying for a violent revolut ion, we can diffuse a lot of the resis tance. Evolut ion wil l make i t possible to appeal to present leaders . They wil l not need to lose their personal power to embrace an order ly changeover to a system that is beneficial to everyone. No one need be a loser in this process .

I know this is an opt imist ic and somewhat naive expectat ion, but by using the r ight meth-ods, s ignif icant change can be accomplished over t ime. The s igns of social matur i ty are the abi l i ty to plan into the future and the pat ience and pers is tence to see the plan through. We have got to s top youthful passion and misplaced compassion from rul ing our economic l ives . The pr ice is a lways the same. Loss of personal f reedom in the name of the greater good for a l l . This a l t ruis t ic con game has been perpetuated on humanity s ince the begin-ning of t ime. We need to grow up and accept responsibi l i ty for ourselves instead of sel l-ing out to some form of higher power. Freedom wil l only come when this happens.

Leaders who seek power for i ts own sake wil l put up a verbal smoke screen to defeat a system that does not recognize them as the al l knowing soothsayers of society. Negat ive capi ta l ism can even create this type of individual power seeker. Any spokesperson for The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l real ize that most leaders of any group wil l be against him or her. Making these leaders into leaders of The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l be a necessary par t of the evolut ion. The negat ive aspects of their character wil l have to be redirected into the posi t ive. There is no use in losing their other natural ta lents .

There should only be one type of capi ta l ism but , unfortunately, given human nature , devi-ous minds wil l a lways perver t even the best ideas . Immature personal i t ies seek to make government the father or mother subst i tute . In other words, for the immature person’s own good, rules are made that everyone must l ive by, no matter how restr ic t ive and r idiculous they are to others . Leaders promulgate a lot of rules with good intent ions, but the resul ts are l ike a muzzle on mature personal i t ies . Rules are usual ly a t rue invasion of the free-doms of those not want ing to be coddled by government rules and restr ic t ions.

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I f you take this fa ther subst i tute s i tuat ion and add in two other factors , some leaders’ lust for power and the at torneys’ need for rules , the s tage is set to tangle humanity in a web of bureaucrat ic nonsense. To these factors , you can add a dose of re l igious fervor in some countr ies . I t ’s a wonder that f reedom exis ts anywhere.

Responsible posi t ive capi ta l ism is the goal of the par ty’s pol i t ical evolut ion. This pol i t i -cal and economic system wil l maximize human potent ia l . People wil l be f ree , happy, and successful when this system is universal . Capi ta l ism is real ly about the pol i t ical and eco-nomic maturing of humans as a species .The fol lowing is a l is t of types of capi ta l ism in the American society. They may be dif-ferent in other countr ies . Most of the examples could be the posi t ive capi ta l is t ic type i f res t ructured over a per iod of t ime.

POSITIVE CAPITALISM: Any pr ivate enterpr ise that provides goods and services a t a compet i t ive pr ice with reasonable qual i ty or a t least the qual i ty expected by the con-sumer. The fol lowing industr ies are of the type that have the intr insic possibi l i ty to be in this category. However, someone could be in one of these businesses and s t i l l fa l l in to the negat ive capi ta l ism role . Medicine Building and construct ion Banking and f inance Farm-ing and food services Manufactur ing Wholesale and retai l market ing Pol ice and f i re de-par tments


Any enterpr ise usual ly inf luenced by government par t ic ipat ion or over regulat ion, or actu-al ly a pseudo-governmental agency.

Lawyers and judges.

Gas, e lectr ic , te lephone and cable companies (publ ic monopolies) .

All government agencies .

Publ ic school systems.

Tax accountants .

NEGATIVE CAPITALISM: Any type`of enterpr ise that is a lmost a lways hurt ing someone ei ther physical ly, mental ly, or f inancial ly.

Drug dealers

Prost i tut ion

Con games or scams

Exclusionary organizat ions

Cigaret te and alcohol manufactur ing and market ing

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CAN THIS PARTY FUNCTION IN COUNTRIES THAT ARE NOT DEMOCRATIC?As mass communicat ion and the world electronic cot tage becomes a real i ty, i t wi l l be harder for oppressive countr ies to keep pol i t ical f reedom from their c i t izens. Membership in The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty wil l act l ike a popular i ty pol l favoring freedom.

Any way that we can f ind to increase membership in non-democrat ic countr ies wil l br ing thesecountr ies c loser to f reedom. Actual ly funct ioning as a pol i t ical force in these countr ies wil l be a t rue tes t of ingenui ty. The ini t ia l thrust wil l have to come from outs ide forces , much the same way democracy is being sold today. The difference is a c lear cut economic system that people can impose on their government with s t rong black market t rading and civi l disobedience.

This s t ra tegy wil l develop as the par ty gains acceptance. The success in non democrat ic countr ies wil l be proport ionate to the par ty’s s t rength in democrat ic countr ies . I t i s harder to argue with success .

In some cases , the leaders wil l be recept ive to a l lowing posi t ive capi ta l ism into their countr ies as an economic system, even though a par t icular personal i ty may have complete control of the government . Sometimes i t might be a country that has a sham democracy, such as Mexico, that sees capi ta l ism can benefi t everyone, including the leaders . Once establ ished as an economic system, capi ta l ism can evolve into a pol i t ical system that re-duces government control over business and the individual .


Most of the answers to this quest ion wil l come in other chapters of this book. Competi-t ion is the key to solving problems, provided negat ive behavior is not incorporated in the solut ion. The most obvious form of negat ive behavior used by every government is force, whether physical , mental , or economic.

The difference between our solut ions and government’s solut ion is the lack of force. I f we have no viable solut ions, then our exis tence wil l be a mistake.

The “Book of Solut ions” chapter in this book wil l be the most evolut ionary par t of the book. I t wi l l be cont inual ly updated and wil l soon have to be a separate book in i tself . Hopeful ly, others wil l add their solut ions using capi ta l is t ic methods.

Competi t ion should s tar t in countr ies that c la im to embrace the free enterpr ise system. This process is a l ready taking place, but i t needs to be clear ly def ined to give i t pol i t ical s t rength and s tabi l i ty. The constant meshing of pr ivate enterpr ises with government solu-t ions creates a mixed up society. Government interference in the economy should be kept to a bare minimum. The less inf luence a government has over f inancial pol ic ies , the f reer the people .

Pinpoint ing communist economic inf luences in a country and explaining the dire conse-quences of fol lowing these destruct ive pol ic ies wil l be a good s tar t ing place for invest ing pol i t ical moneys earned by The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty. I wil l concentrate on this

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effor t to the l imit of my funds and abi l i ty. This is a torch that must be carr ied on af ter the s tar t up program to complete the evolut ion of posi t ive capi ta l ism and total pol i t ical f ree-dom for everyone.

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LOCAL PROBLEMS, HOUSTONThis part of the book will evolve into a separate book of its own. I will contribute to it as long as possible. If the process proves successful, others will follow with solutions.My method for finding solutions is based on my experience at problem solving in real estate. A multiple exchange of properties is usually the best solution to difficult situations. It has often been said that one person’s problem is another person’s opportunity. By replacing the “person” in this equation with “company,” “country,” “municipality,” “ethnic group,” or any other term for a group, you can see the basis of problem solving. Add positive capitalism with political power to this equation, and natural solutions should follow.

Most social solutions cause other problems. As long as the new set of problems is minor, the original solution can be considered viable. The evolutionary process will gradually refine society to provide a better life for each individual. This list of problems will be updated as events bring new problems to light.

The mission of positive capitalism is to solve problems, and its success as a political party should always be judged by this criteria. Who is in a leadership capacity is only a secondary goal that supports the primary goal.

How often we have heard that the two things we can count on in life are death and taxes. This is very true but very negative. Our political fortunes will be tied to turning this negative reality into positive results. Every solution will have as its primary goal either the extension of life or the elimination of taxes by governments. This will be the acid test for success.

Many of the solutions presented here are drawn from positions that are already being considered as solutions. The party should have as clear a policy concerning issues and problems as possible. These solutions are more of an endorsement than a creative answer to problems.

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How can people learn to accept one another’s common humanity without reservation?

How can universally accepted principles of conduct be established?

How will humanity survive in the future?

How can religion and positive capitalism reconcile their differences?

How will other political systems fit in during and after the evolutionary process?

How can over population be turned into a positive human condition?

How can industrial growth be reconciled with environmental problems?

Is peace possible? If so, how can it be accomplished?

Can science and religion be reconciled?

Can human intelligence be expanded?

Is it possible to reduce cognitive dissonance in individuals?

How can government control of individual rights be reduced permanently?

What role will politics play in space?HOW CAN PEOPLE LEARN TO ACCEPT ONE ANOTHER’S

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The great majority of people already realize the importance of accepting differences in people, but some do not. Acceptance is an emotional response that can be manipulated by negative leaders. This negativity creates power for leaders; it gives them an excuse to exercise power against others. First the leaders create the enemy, and then they use this hatred to enslave their followers.The following is a list of reasons leaders have used to manipulate hate:

1. Racial conflict.

(A) Claims of inferior intelligence.

(B) Claims of inherent evil coupled with religious bigotry.

(C) Fear of miscegenation.

(D) Claims of overpopulation by the other race.

(F) Territorial disputes.

(G) Claims based on old documents and treaties.

(H) Claims based on the need for “lebensraum” (more space for citizens).

(I) Claims based on divine right.

(J) Religious differences.

(K) Claims that the Almighty has chosen a certain group of people as superior by becoming a member of their group.

(L) Claims based on religious territory.

(M) Claims based on a caste system supported by religious dogma.

Most negative leaders use as many of the above as possible to enhance their personal power. Because acceptance is an emotional problem, knowledge and communication are the only defense. Positive capitalism uses none of the above reasons to excuse its existence. We can replace many power systems because of humans’ natural positive nature. Fear will be replaced by knowledge and communication.

Evolution of the human species can be measured by the elimination of negative motives. Territorial claims can be settled by arbitration and monetary settlements. These are merely political real estate deals.

The only remaining political entities will have economics as a basis. If people are free to choose which economic system they want to live under, there will be a natural balance and peace. We will promote positive capitalism as the best system but coexist with any other viable, freely chosen economic system. Remember, freedom is freedom from government!

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These principles will be easy to establish by just taking a common sense approach to organized religion. Remove the religious dogma and references and most of the universal principles will remain. A person can then interject private religious beliefs without interfering with other peoples’ belief. The goal is maximum freedom and minimum interference by religious zealots. Universal principles of conduct should be very much like the Ten Commandments, but without any religious claim. These ideals should not automatically be enforced by law. Some principles will rely on common sense and reason as the enforcement agency. Personal responsibility must be the license to call oneself an adult. Retraining deviant behavior rather than retribution should be the method used to enforce most of the principles.

To establish a set of universal principles acceptable to everyone, a world political body with power to make and enforce laws seems most logical. This has been a goal of many great leaders throughout history, but they have had very mixed results. The larger nations and empires are a product of this type of thinking. The United States of America could very easily have been several different countries without the dream of a common purpose by a few great statesmen.

The problem with forming any world political body is that individuals who disagree with the edicts of such an organization would lack recognition. How can this problem be reconciled to the satisfaction of all concerned? The answer would seem to be that the fewer rules put forth by this organization, the better. Regional or local refinements of these rules could more easily reconcile individual and group differences.


Survival will probably depend on how we handle population growth. There are three ways this scenario can work itself out:

1. Reduce the population with a major war or disaster.

2. Maintain present population with strict birth control.

3. Accommodate population growth with a plan.

A plan is the most reasonable solution to population growth. One of the six major functions of The International Capitalist Party will be solving the future population problem. You will find more detail concerning this plan in Chapter Five, which discusses the Star Life Project. The Star Life Project is basically a survival plan. We will develop Humanariums (biospheres) to test technologies that will be useful politically here on Earth and also in future space colonization. The party will take a strictly commercial interest in their development, using capitalist principles as the best and most efficient method of development.


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The moral demands of positive capitalism are actually in concert with most religious thought. If the moral demands are not met, the capitalist suffers directly. Capitalism is actually more demanding because of the direct ““ause and effect””nature of each business transaction. Such things as talent, effort, and judgment directly affect a capitalist with the best of intentions. Religion and positive capitalism come into conflict in two basic ways. The first is when an old rule or dogma or a particular religious sect contradicts common sense or common knowledge. Capitalism does not have any interest in stopping religious practices. We do have an interest in stopping any type of intimidation or force used to make non believers conform with a particular religious practice. Freedom of choice is our bylaw when dealing with religious thought or action. We do not condone or condemn and religion. We use each religious code in a positive way. Any moral demand that is good within itself and does not harm non believers because of religious hate is an asset. We will embrace these positive thoughts and ideas.

The other way religion and capitalism come into conflict is when individuals use capitalistic methods in a negative way. Drug dealers, pimps, extortionists, and the like would be extreme examples. These people call what they do business, but in fact they are dealing in death and destruction. It is our responsibility to purge society of these parasites. Religion, unfortunately, tries to use force in the form of laws to solve these problems. Capitalist can see the profit motive being abused and would take the profit out of these activities to solve this problem. Resentment against the establishment is often the misdirected reason some people get involved in negative, self-destructive social behavior. These people feel and sometimes know the double standard that society imposes up them. Government and religion could help by removing the element of force in “freedom of choice” activities. They should join in the battle to make these activities unprofitable, not illegal. Participating in these activities would then lose its popularity, creating a minimum amount of negative activity. Positive capitalism and organized religion should always be on the same side concerning these problems. Religion could be the expert in all morally negative behavior, and positive capitalism could provide the practical solutions. This partnership should provide the most obvious and perfect solution to problems that have been with humanity from the beginning of civilization.


Most other political systems will be useful during evolutionary change as an examples of backward societies. There will be exceptions, in which a system will be symbolically retained. A present example is the monarchy in England. It has no political power but has become a great tourist attraction.During the evolutionary process, we will try to dwell on the positive parts of other political systems. A good example would be free communism of the type practiced in Israel. Voluntary groups of people share their lifestyle as evenly as possible. A system like this can work on a limited basis, provided everyone agrees to it without force or coercion.

Without force, you cannot create a class of slaves. A slave is an individual forced to work for others with the sanctions of the government. People’’ right to keep the fruits of their labor are abused. Anyone calling this a fair system must have a gun to his or her head or have a dark, ulterior motive.

Every system that does not include the freedom to withdraw from that system will not be a viable alternative when the evolutionary process is completed. The completion of the evolutionary process will be marked more by this element of freedom than it is by the participation of everyone in positive capitalism. Some people constitutionally are more comfortable in a very controlled situation. A

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professional soldier is a classic example. As long as people are within this system voluntarily, there is no harm. They should not have the right to force others into their controlled environment. Military dictators should become football coaches or professional dance instructors or join other positive professions that require strict discipline and order on a voluntary basis.

Communism can also be a useful system if properly identified as the charity part of society. Voluntary transfer payments from those who have to those who truly need will probably always constitute a small portion of any political system. The fallacy of misplaced compassion should never be the driving force of any society. This is always the hallmark of government control and should be resisted and removed in whatever form it takes so humanity can be finally and forever free.


There is nothing more important in the universe than a human life. The more people who are given a chance to live, the better. Overpopulation is a political problem caused by lack of freedom and knowledge. The only way overpopulation can become as asset is to have a political system that allows private solutions to society’’ problems. A politician or bureaucrat looks at a lot of people and sees a lot of customers. One persons’ problem is another persons’ opportunity. Human ingenuity will solve any population problem. The use of money and creation of wealth, if properly understood, will create solutions.Some of healthiest economies are in highly populated areas with minimum government interference. Hong Kong is a city soon to be blighted with government control. Hong Kong possibly could avoid government interference if negative capitalism was not part of their system. No one could throw stones at the progress made in this great city if the low life element was removed or retrained. Even with this negative element, the living standard is far above that of the giant country that surrounds it. The contrast is so great that the giant, China, will eat this oasis of freedom to perpetuate its big lie.

Japan is another area of high population that uses positive capitalism to solve population problems. It proves that population is not the problem when a country is motivated to solve problems using the profit motive.

Eventually, there will be over population, but if addressed the same way as any problem under positive capitalism, the solution will be obvious. Some examples of these solutions follow:

The Humanarium project will make uninhabitable areas livable by total environmental control.

The Star-Life project will make space an unlimited area of colonization.

A combination of these two projects could even produce a scientific solution: maximum birth. This concept has not yet been addressed because the technology and the supporting ethical and moral philosophy has not been available. Basically, maximum birth is the voluntary fertilization of as many human eggs as possible. A woman could produce twelve or thirteen eggs per year without any technical enhancement. Obviously, each of these eggs would have to be brought to term outside the woman’’ body. Such a baby Humanarium could be very important once the need to populate space becomes apparent. The chief concern is the quality of life for children born into this situation. The challenge will be to combine hi-tech with hi-touch to produce a complete person. If this can accomplished, only the most superstitious and foolish person will have an objection to maximum birth. Voluntary fertilization will

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be the beginning of this high quality, life giving situation. “The Curse” will be turned into a blessing of

unbelievable beauty.


Environmental problems are probably the greatest potential source of new business. The environment is the most important problem today. Positive Capitalism will aim it’’ creative thrust not only at preserving natural habitats but also at enhancing and improving environments. The concept of resource allocation will have a new and more complete meaning when the ecosystems of the universe are understood better.The abrasive technologies of high pollution and questionable output are already being phased out. The politics of resisting change is the only impediment. The pessimists must have their say, just in case a legitimate argument for delay can be produced. If delay can be produced, a new problem solving business

will sprout up to clear the day. The human spirit will not be denied its destiny.


Peace will only be possible on a lasting basis when people are free to move from one type of political system to another. There will never be one system that appeals to everyone. Positive Capitalism and voluntary communism will be the two main choices. There should also be some free religious governments to give everyone a choice. Movement from one system to another by individuals without penalty and by choice will alleviate the pressure for conversion, the main source of tension.Human psychology has shown how different the perception of reality can be from person to person. Some people need total freedom to function at their best, and other people require and freely admit that they prefer to be controlled. Still others want to comply with a religious philosophy that may be a combination of freedom and control. Everyone can be satisfied, provided individuals are allowed to seek their preference without penalty.

In the future, people may try many different systems before making a long term choice. Direct experience living in different cultures would make anyone realize the common humanity in most systems. Friendly competition rather than the wish to convert should be the message presented by the leaders of every system. There is no need for an enemy.

The International Capitalist Party does not need to convert, because capitalism is the oldest form of politics. We only need to give capitalism power until the other systems allow freedom of choice instead of trying to force unnatural politics on individuals.


They will never be completely reconciled until the words “Fact” and “Faith” have the same meaning. When either scientists or religious people can prove their after death theory, the two systems will merge. Until then, they will be natural antagonists.Both systems try to blend for the mutual benefit of everyone. This blending of ideas benefits humanity. The International Capitalist Party need only be concerned with being a good listener.

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The two systems represent the rational and the emotional side of human nature. Either carried to a extreme will probably cause harm to society. Together they can give a natural balance until the universe and all its mysteries are unraveled.

The International Capitalist Party’’ position will be that there is not a conclusive answer. The abuse of power from either of these positions is the only concern the party should have. Individual preferences for ideas are the by-product of a free society. We will try to take the best from both systems to create a

positive economic and political system.


Part of the Humanarium program will be to create an environment that could be considered a brain extender. The Humanarium (biosphere) environment will not only have computers but also private extruders and regenerating energy systems. This combination should be able to adapt to any new technology.Several organizations are already dealing exclusively with this problem. Intelligence can be expanded externally and internally. Artificial intelligence is the current hi-tech solution in the computer field. This type of intelligence should be able to handle more information because of its ability to store unlimited memory. The question will become whether its decision-making process and imagination or innovative facility can surpass basic human capacity. If this happens, the only superior mental activity we will have beyond our emotional lives will be freedom of choice. We will always control the on/off button.

Internal brain improvement should also be taken very seriously in the future. We now have the beginnings of the ability to analyze and define brain parts. By asking the right questions and creating the right tools, any physical problem should be solvable. The new computerized medical machines, combined with our natural curiosity, should help us expand the use of a semi-dormant organ like the human brain.

To be very futuristic, one could imagine an individual brain being used to the maximum in concert with the state-of-the-art artificial intelligence machine. Given the human capacity for always wanting forty percent more, no matter what one has, the cloning of a portable brain to give even more intelligence to the individual may occur.


Cognitive dissonance is the individual’’ ability to know what is right and good but still do the opposite in a very destructive way. Some examples follow:

Smoking cigarettes while knowing the health problems.

Stealing while knowing the likelihood of getting caught.

Driving fast while knowing the statistics of traffic deaths on the highway.

This is not a discussion about making mistakes, but one about deliberately abusing oneself or others knowing the probable consequences. This behavior has been called many things, including negative

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thinking, antisocial behavior, and deviant personality type. We all suffer from this negative behavior to some degree. Mental confusion and misplaced priorities seem to be with all of us. Could there be some general root causes?

To understand how strange this type of behavior is, one needs only think of a dog or a bird killing itself by smoking cigarettes. All of the other species use their limited mentalities to survive the best way possible. For some reason, even when we know better, we forget the most basic rules of survival.

Possible reasons for the existence of cognitive dissonance are:

Psychological – Emotional – Chemical – Social – Economic – Political

Any of these six major categories can be attached and show results over a period of time. The problem will never be solved unless all five categories are in harmony within the individual.

The International Capitalist Party will try to deal with cognitive dissonance by providing a non-contradictory economic and political system that spells out clearly and defends the positive aspects of life. The other two parts of the problem will have to be dealt with from a scientific and medical point of view. The combination of solutions should give us our best chance of lowering the incidence of dissonant behavior.


As an example, laws protecting individual rights will have to be passed in countries that have the ability to pass such laws. Democracies can either put out a clear message of freedom or a mixed message of government interference. Freedom is freedom FROM government, and any excuse to the contrary dilutes freedom. Freedom and positive capitalism set an example that will be an irresistible force in the world. America now sends out mixed messages. Government interferes in every phase of life, and it has a corresponding high degree of negative capitalism. The heavy hand of government causes a lot of negative capitalism. Whenever the human spirit is shackled by rules that assume everyone is the same, a natural and destructive rebellion will always occur. This frustration of being unduly controlled is like a nervous tic. If you force a cure, the problem will just crop up again in a different form. The real cure is always freedom of choice and will never change. Government and the beneficiaries of control will do anything to tighten the noose of restrictions on individual rights and thereby enhance their power and control over individual citizens. The diligence of a political system supported by aware individuals is the only way to stop the loss of freedom that every government tries to force on its citizens. Creative laws against lawmakers’ ability to restrict the rest of us are needed. The individual members of government must also be made accountable personally for the casual way they solve every problem in society with taxation and more restrictions. The end result of each new scheme perpetrated by governments on citizens must be analyzed, and a system of accountability and recourse must be in place to handle the lawmakers’ mistakes. Now the lawmakers can use any harebrained solution to justify their existence. Years later, when they can no longer be held responsible, the results of their meddling will finally come in. This is too late to do anything about their tragic mistakes. We need to bring back the concept of public servant, not the current concept of “public dictator” that now exists in every country to one degree or


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The farther people are from their seat of government, the less they pay attention to the nonsense of state control. Common sense and positive capitalism naturally become the way of life. Sometimes voluntary socialism also arises. Provided force is not the motivating factor used to choose an economic system, there should be very little conflict. Both systems can build a better life for everyone if government force is removed as much as possible from daily life.Religious power should be reduced in space because it has a proven history of causing conflict. Mysticism has always needed someone to point out as the enemy, that is, someone less than human. Private religious thought should neither be encouraged nor discouraged by the political powers of the state. Perhaps when the brain is better understood, irrational hate will be nothing more than a chemical imbalance in the nervous system. Irrational hate will then become a treatable mental illness. If not, then mass communications without political or religious manipulation will be able to stop the influence of mysticism.

Space will allow people the option of escaping from religious and political insanity. This very option could make it almost impossible for a perverted leader to abuse a power system. The Starlife Project will be completely free from political loyalties. Each Starlife community should have its own identity. Distance from their communities, combined with the ability to communicate as if they were next door neighbors, will allow the human spirit a freedom and joy never before experienced by so many people.


What are the duties of The International Capitalist Party in the international community?

How can nationalism be brought under control?

Is the United Nations a solution for conflict?

How can drug commerce be halted?

Is free trade a possibility?

How can Apartheid be solved peacefully?

How can communist countries be converted to positive capitalism?

Will the politics of hunger be solved?What type of national defenses should countries deploy?

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Can anything positive come out of the international arms race?

How can worldwide racial integration be brought about?

Should space be conquered internationally?

How can dictators and fanatical religious leaders be converted to positive capitalism?

Is a worldwide refugee program possible?

Where should The International Capitalist Party purchase land to develop a model society?



The primary duty of The International Capitalist Party`is to give the capitalist economic system political power. Capitalism has been with humanity since the beginning of time, but has never been given credit for its natural perfection. Leaders of every type of government have chosen to diminish or destroy capitalism within their society. Capitalism is the only system that does not need government to exist. This fact does not appeal to leaders seeking power for its own sake.The party’’ appeal will be to the individual within the various existing political groups. If the individual is seeking freedom and fairness in society, capitalism will be the ultimate answer. Bringing the message of economic enlightenment will be the party’’ duty.

Problem solving using the capitalist method will be another duty that the party will owe the international community. The party’’ solutions will be to use a minimum of participation by governments and maximum effort by individual entrepreneurs.

Another important duty will be to make sure that capitalism remains an evolutionary tool and not an excuse for political revolution. Political revolution always translates into violence and death. The system that follows is always concerned first with power and government instead of freedom for the individual citizen. From feudal lords to communism, the game is the same; just the name of the system changes. This is a pitfall into which capitalism must not fall.


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The world economy will soon be so closely knit by technology that even language differences will become obsolete. Education in every part of the world will leave the world’’ population with the realization that nothing matters in determining the worth of a person except for individual effort and ability. The opening of the space frontier will leave the concept of boundaries as nothing more than a legal description for real estate.This sort of natural evolution need only be understood to be a solution. Nationalism is nothing more than an idea. Nationalism is a good idea to give a sense of team spirit. When friendly competition is replaced by hatred of any kind, nationalism becomes a negative social force. This negative force should be scorned by the world community wherever it is found. Fortunately, educated people of the future will be the natural answer to this problem.

The International Capitalist Party will help this process merely by being in existence. All of the party’’ programs, policies, and goals will enhance the natural evolutionary process.


Any world organization is a step in the right direction, but the United Nations does not have a reputation for solving very many conflicts. This is mostly because of the Security Council. The council’’ veto power stops any rational action against aggression. When criminals have the ability to stop enforcement by simply voting against it, there can never be a solution for conflicts. The rules have to be changed before the United Nations will ever be effective.The International Capitalist Party would be useful as an international political party with a clear economic message. We are not an American political party. Because of this fact, Third World and other types of resentment will be absent. We can actually put pressure on the American culture to relieve itself of negative capitalism. With America as a better example of positive capitalism and freedom from government, the hypocritical image America now has would disappear.

The International Capitalist Party can then go into foreign countries separated from ties to the CIA, unstained by American imperialism, and unclouded negative capitalism. Freedom would have a second chance to be heard worldwide with a clear political and economic view. The party has the potential of unmasking every petty commissar or dictator in the world. Their motives and their programs would be bankrupt with the proper message of truth given to the citizens of each country. Their use of force for

revolutions shows the impotence of their ideas.


The illegal drug business is the Achilles heel of America. Drug dealers use normal business practices and advanced technology to promote the sale of human poison. America’’ enemies can be the suppliers from almost any part of the world. We are trained within the capitalist system, and suppliers know we like to make money. We are proud of this fact, because money creates individual freedom. Individual freedom is the main reason for accumulating wealth. Our enemies can pervert this idea by making popular substances that are highly addictive and very destructive. This is a subtle form of chemical warfare. Plus, our enemies can move their drug business anywhere, hoping we will add another problem by attacking those countries that the drug dealers have moved into.The abuses these substances cause in our society become a basis for propaganda. enemies are always pointing out the decadence in America. This decadence is nothing more than negative capitalism.

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Unless Americans want to play into this trap, we have only one choice. The only answer is to take the profit out of the business by partially legalizing the drugs. They not be legalized like two other major human poisons, alcohol and tobacco. They must be legalized like rat poison. They must be properly labeled with skull and bones and extremely strong addiction warnings. Suicide centers should be built for drug addicts. These centers will help take the glamour out of substance abuse. The centers will also help the addict hit the bottom and hopefully bounce back in a controlled environment.

The black eye of capitalism will heal as soon as the profit and glamour is taken out of the drug trade. Several other solutions are presented in other sections of this book in more detail.

The opponents to partial legalization rightfully point to the legalization of alcohol and tobacco have affected society. They also will point to Northern Europe’’ experience with problems created by drugs after they were made legal. It is very obvious that just making drugs legal does not solve the problem. In fact, it creates more health problems. But it does solve criminal problems if the drugs are cheap enough.

Another important point should be made here. It is very tempting to sell this program to the government by suggesting a high tax to discourage use and raise moneys for other programs. However, government should not benefit from human misery the way it does with alcohol and tobacco. There must be no collusion with suppliers to the detriment of society. Poison should be so cheap that any idiot can get as much as he or she wants.

The only other choice is to turn this country into a police state and abandon more of our personal freedoms.


Free trade is a capitalist idea. Any time a government tries to impose any other economic system, free trade breaks down. Currently, free trade is suffering because governments are subsidizing whole industries. They operate these industries at a loss, trying to drive the free competition out of business. They are trying to say this form of competition is fair. The only thing they will succeed in doing is creating a tariff war. They will lose twice. Once when taxpayers subsidize the industry and a second time when the tariffs make cheating ineffective.

Free trade is positive capitalism, whether it is done by two individuals or two governments. The International Capitalist Party can only promote this ideal at every opportunity. The system requires voluntary participation; therefore, any society with a repressive economy cannot participate fairly. A tariff retaliation against its cheating will be the only cure.A tariff should never be used against other free traders just because they are doing a better job. This type of protectionism is actually an act of war. Protectionism would be considered very bad sportsmanship if done at the Olympics. Protectionism is like letting one country start in a foot race before the rest of the teams get the go signal. Fairness is the key to international free trade. If the sportsmanship and fairness of our international games could be brought to the marketplace, we would have worldwide free trade and greater prosperity for everyone.


Apartheid is fueled by fear and unreasonable expectations on both sides. The whites fear the loss of a viable economy with the intrusion of communism or socialism. The so-called redistribution of wealth is

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just an excuse to take property from the owners. The blacks, who fear they will not get full citizenship rights, are falling into the opportunistic hands of the revolutionaries.The only way apartheid can be solved peacefully is for both sides to make a commitment to the capitalist economic system. Freedom and equal opportunity will replace fear and repression. This is actually a great opportunity for capitalist to set an example of peaceful transition.

Apartheid is a classic example of why the West is losing the international struggle. We are trying to sell democracy, which is just a way to elect leaders. Communists and socialists are selling a total political and economic program. Even when democracy wins, they still can get a communist or socialist elected. It is no wonder that the whites are afraid, given the example of government transitions worldwide.

South Africans need to pass a constitution that ends apartheid concurrent with adopting the capitalistic economic system. Such a system will allow the country to have as many black leaders as its citizens want without jeopardizing the life and property of the whites. Everyone will find this a happy evolutionary transition. The other choice is short term confiscation, which will cost lives and destroy a very healthy economy.


The economic success and impregnable defense system of free countries will set the stage for this conversion. Agreements with communist dictators are fairly useless. The communists are like religious fanatics; they think their antiquated system of forced adherence to an economic system is natural and correct. Getting the elements of force and repression out of communism or socialism is the only hope for its long term existence anywhere. The present leaders are so unsure of themselves that any contact with the West causes major paranoia. During the evolutionary process, if the leaders of the communist countries will allow their citizens freedom of movement, their positions as leaders will be strengthened. We do not need to destroy other types of government to have a successful evolution. If groups of people choose to live under the yoke of communism or socialism, provided they have the ability to leave that society at will, positive capitalism can live alongside their systems without conflict.

The evolutionary process will have to become more aggressive if freedom of choice is not forthcoming in communist and socialist countries. Methods of capitalist intrusion must be developed to help people understand the capitalist message. The repression of the communist yoke can only be broken by the will of the people. Communism can stand or fall on its own merit. The freedom of individuals trapped under communist repression is the major concern of The International Capitalist Party. Unless you believe humans should be treated as robots by the state, you will understand this principle.


Technology has assured the world that hunger is a thing of the past. Only government intervention and government control of the methods of production and distribution can cause famine. The spotlight should be placed on the leaders of these countries. The world community must pressure these individual leaders into changing their methods. A leader’’ life is not worth any more than a peasant’’ especially when the leader is misusing power for negative purposes. The capitalist free market system can guarantee food for all. A natural or man-made holocaust is the only way this system can be temporarily disrupted.

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Anywhere there is hunger; The International Capitalist Party will try to put pressure on the government that caused it. Any country with massive hunger should either replace its government or release the means of production to the people and replace their closed economic system with a free market. Famine takes away any legitimate claim to power a government has over people. Famine means a complete breakdown of the government’’ ability to govern properly. The International Capitalist Party will leave the charity aspect of famine to the organizations already formed for this purpose. The party will, instead, concentrate on solving the long term problem of economic evolution.


THE BEST! Humanity will crawl forward until freedom of choice is installed in every corner of the world. After that happens, the pure waste of military might can be turned in a positive direction. Capitalist countries that have to defend against a slave economy have to use coercive communist methods to fight back. The most obvious method is using the income tax to raise money for the military establishment. The income tax is the worst manifestation of communism in a capitalist society. It causes government intrusion into every aspect of an individual’’ life. Unfortunately, no viable alternative has been forthcoming to help the defense effort until now.

The International Capitalist Party will concentrate on the politics of economic evolution. Evolution is the key word here. The income tax, if repealed in America as a constitutional amendment, would disrupt the balance of militarily and guarantee success to communist countries. The problem will be replacing the communist income tax system with a less intrusive method of raising money for the military. There are two possible scenarios that can accomplish this goal.

The first scenario, which almost guarantees results, is a political extension of President Reagan’’ Star Wars program. The difference is The International Capitalist Party position is that it separates the two systems monetarily.

Star Wars is supported by the income tax. Star Wars is a defense against communism. Income tax is pure communism; therefore, communism is fighting communism. If the income tax was used only for defense purposes, which is the reason or excuse for its existence, we will in a short while bankrupt the communist nations, with their own system working against them. (1976)

However, we are using communism (the income tax) within our system for other reasons. The two main items that should not be paid with income tax moneys are transfer payments and interest on nonmilitary debt. The first way to develop a national defense without peer would be to go directly back to the original intent of the income tax and call it a defense tax.

The second scenario incorporates the first scenario but allows for a transition, with alternate solutions to the problems created by transfer payments and interest on national debt.

The transfer payment problems can start to be solved by asking not what your country can do for you but what you can do for yourself. The corollary of this concept is the fact that the more you do for yourself the less you will need your country, and you will free the slaves of taxation.

The national debt should be paid once and for all with a federal land auction. After enough money

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is raised to pay the national debt, Congress should pass laws prohibiting borrowing by the federal government using income tax as the method of repayment except in emergency situations clearly spelled out by law. Certain large blocks of land could be sold to some of the wealthier countries that have everything except room for their people. They could start large ethnic communities that would increase the tax base, pay off the national debt and serve as a tourist attraction. These areas should be in what are now basically rural areas. The land values will be based on a completed community plan, not raw land values. This will give the taxpayer maximum leverage. A fast track solution should be implemented because land planning is the biggest waste of time by bureaucrats in real estate. The land could very easily be some of the deserted valleys in the West. It would probably be best to start with a German community, given the racial stupidity of some elements in the American culture.


Technology is the only by-product of a war machine that can be considered positive. Waste is the main ingredient of war technology. The only way we can turn this waste into something would be to convert a wartime technology into something useful. The atomic warheads could be converted into a power source for space travel. Laser technology is already convertible. Germ and chemical warfare does not seem to have a convertible factor, but perhaps one can be developed. The defense system and its convertibility should become joint projects more often. The space shuttle and interstate highway systems are two great examples of this principle. Defense budgets should be more concerned with this combination to get better public support. The Humanarium project could easily, in its early stages, become a convertible defense system. By selling the positive aspects of the Humanarium project, controlled by civilians for defense of the general population, a Star Life scenario could be developed.


America is the melting pot of the world. By maintaining this attitude and improving on the incidences of racial discrimination, the example set by America will be proof positive that everyone can live together peacefully.Once again, technology will speed up this process with advances in communication and travel. A common computer language and instant translations by lightweight communicating devices should finish the transition of understanding between cultures.

The capitalist political and economic system can make the exchange of goods, services, and ideas a mutually advantageous transaction for every race and culture. The International Capitalist Party will keep racial, religious, and cultural bias out of capitalism. A person need only be fair, honest, and hard working to succeed with positive capitalism.

Integration will be a given factor at the very beginning of the evolution of capitalism. When the process of evolution is completed, integration will have occurred world wide. The very existence of capitalism as a political force will guarantee a solution to this problem.


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Space will be the ultimate in free competition. The last time the world had a new frontier, the English empire exploded, seeking new markets. The Industrial Revolution was born, and human suffering was dealt a major blow. Space will demand political freedom for anyone venturing into its vastness. The politics of force and control, which are so much against human nature, will be dissipated with the new frontier.

Space will be a “first come, first served” society. This will happen no matter what ridiculous rules governments agree upon. Capitalism will rule because it is the natural way for humans to deal with one another fairly. The International Capitalist Party will develop projects to assure that this process has a good start. Even if the party does not succeed in the short run, positive capitalism will inevitably be the economic choice of the future in space. The people of the world will lose every reason for cooperation with governments’ restrictive rules with such a large frontier to conquer. The goal and the possibilities of space are so massive that the self-conscious negative behavior of governments will have little to offer citizens.

Each new world will have a new beginning and an opportunity to live a life of freedom and happiness. This should be an international goal but one free of international government interference. This does not mean international governments should not participate in the development. They should only realize that their power will dissipate in direct proportion to the success of space exploration. A positive government will not mind this assessment. Instead, an enlightened government will take it as a tribute to freedom.


Leaders who use physical or mental force are the last individuals to be converted to anything positive. If their leadership qualities have any use, perhaps a conversion would be possible. The only method of conversion that could possibly work would be one that clearly benefits the leaders. Capitalism can show these leaders, through examples of success in other countries that have adopted positive capitalism, a way they and their citizens can prosper.Conversion probably will not happen. Given this fact, the citizens of these countries seemingly face a long period of hardship. Evolution from the grass roots of these societies, based on a clear understanding of freedom of the individual, will come. The free countries can only set an example and apply economic and social pressure for positive change.

The other possibility is the worst solution but also the most likely. These leaders believe in force, and they will respond to force and respect it. Retaliation against their aggression should be swift and hard. The force of retaliation should be against the leaders of these countries, with minimum damage done to the general populace. This should be the policy against terrorists of any political or religious persuasion.


The refugee program would be a good opportunity to use the Humanarium project in areas not normally populated. These refugees are generally not wanted because of the economic pressures they place on the host government. Conversely, it will be difficult to get people to move into previously hostile climates for the Humanarium project. A trade off between the needs of refugees and the Humanarium project could provide a useful solution for everyone involved. Refugees have historically become the pioneers of any new society. Once again they have a chance to participate in the progress of humanity while saving themselves. The Humanarium project is probably the most important movement of its time for the future

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of humanity. The first stage could easily be pioneered with refugees. This stage of the Humanarium project would be a method to solve the earth’’ population growth problem. The next stage would be the exploration and colonization of space. The International Capitalist Party has a vested interest in helping this evolutionary change in human development. Encouragement, money, and political power will be needed to pursue this positive goal of human survival. The party will add the element of private enterprise as the major contributor to this process. By following this path, it will guarantee that freedom and opportunity will be available to the refugees. Integrated into the Humanarium program will be a cultural retraining computer program to help the refugees adjust to a new culture and environment. This solution would solve a lot of problems in a natural and positive way.


Land will be needed for the Humanarium project. Most of it will be in very isolated areas to test the survivability of the Humanarium. The costs should be minimal, and in some cases there will be no cost whatsoever. In the beginning, Humanarium colonies will be small and will have very little contact with the outside world. Capitalism in communities this small will be a moot point, yet each person will be fully trained in the principles and concepts of positive capitalism. Training of this type will assure a motivated and free society within the Humanarium colonies. The first purchase will be in a desert area to test the solar and wind energy sources. The project will try to establish a recyclable agriculture economy. Water will have to be constantly reused in this controlled ecosystem.

Money I earn form real estate activities will be used to make this firs purchase. But it is not very likely that I will be able to finance the entire Humanarium project; membership income will be required to complete it. Some people and organizations will want to see this project of faster. They can use our convertible grant membership program or the membership including the individual unit trust. The complete power triangle of the membership drive will be used to finance this project.

NATIONAL PROBLEMSHow can The International Capitalist Party fit into America’’ political life?

How can the drug problem be solved?

How can we improve education?

What can be done to reduce government regulation and taxation?

Can America’’ environmental problems be solved?

Can the court system be changed to provide swift justice?

Can transfer payments be restructured?

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Can the prison system be improved?

Should we expunge all communism from American politics?

What is the opinion of The International Capitalist Party on life and death issues?

Are there political solutions to unemployment?

Can the problem of illegal immigration be solved?

Can we improve on the “BUM” situation in America?

Can the nation’’ growing traffic problems be solved without increasing the income tax?


The three main ways for The International Capitalist Party to fit into America’’ political life are as follows:1. Promote positive capitalism as a foreign policy.

2. Provide a PAC-like pressure group or lobby to promote positive capitalism within government.

3. Compete with government in solving social and political problems using capitalistic principles.

The first way The International Capitalist Party can help shape existing policies is to send out a clear message about positive capitalism. Current American policy concentrates on democracy only. Capitalism assumes democracy at the very root. One on one business transactions, voluntarily entered into for the mutual benefit of both parties, require a system that is a democracy to function properly. Both parties vote or agree to do business. Both parties vote or agree to the terms and conditions of the transaction. Both parties are aware that they must both benefit from the transaction if they want to do business with each other again. This is democracy in action at the lowest level.

Democracy is not only how we choose the individuals who form the government, it is also how we chose the type of economic system that will prevail in the country. Our present policy is only concerned with democracy in choosing a leader. With positive capitalism as the economic system of choice, we will have a back-up system to ensure political freedom. The way foreign policy works now, we can create a democracy and end up with a dictator or a communist as head of state. This mockery of democracy happens all too often.

The International Capitalist Party will try to include a political and economic policy to combat this serious oversight by American policy makers.

Another advantage to this approach is the fact that we can proudly and openly promote a system instead of having to use covert, CIA-type activities. This approach will help clear up our Ugly American, “Yankee go home” image. This direct and honest approach to international politics can result in a new respect for

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American institutions.

The second way the party can help in national politics is to become like a political action committee (PAC). Some of the income earned from our capital basis can be used to help elect politicians with the best records for promoting positive capitalism. The party can also fill the gap sometimes created when there is no real choice. Periodically the Republicans and Democrats give the public the choice between two extremists from the same side. This is equivalent to no choice at all. An example would be when two extreme left-wing candidates go against each other. The International Capitalist Party could fill the gap by offering either of these other parties a chance to field a candidate who temporarily carries our political party’’ banner. We do not need to compete directly in American politics, but the party could serve as a safety valve against extremism on either side.

Should one part or both abandon positive capitalism as its economic system of choice, The International Capitalist Party should then move to actively recruit and elect leaders. This is not our goal, because there is no reason to change something that already works well. That does not mean we cannot help improve the American system, only that the party does not need to dominate the system politically. Our best use is in countries that need the capitalist message more than America does.

The third way the party can help includes the first two but refers to problem solving wherever there is a political or economic reason to find answers. The party will apply the methods and ideals of positive capitalism in formulating the answers to pressing questions. “he Book of Solutions” will be an ongoing project of the utmost importance to members. I will start the process, but I do not presume to have all the correct answers to the many problems that confront today’’ world and the world of the future. My effort will only be one among many. The difference will be a clear political and economic philosophy from which others can work. This system has been developed over the ages, and I can only hope to further it along the way briefly. Capitalism’’ real strength comes from the fact that it is the most natural and fair way for humans to deal with one another politically and economically. Life will be better when this fact is formally recognized by as many people as possible.


Drug dealing is a black eye for capitalism. The drug dealers use the capitalist economic system but abuse the principles of a fair exchange for the mutual benefit of both parties. They also deal in an extremely negative product. Their product has mental force built into it. They are the worst problem, domestically, that the party has. America is at the same point that it was just prior to the repeal of Prohibition. The difference is that this time, instead of letting one dangerous substance into society, there is a list of dangerous human poisons. The drug using public uses the excuse that they should have freedom of choice when dealing with these substances. The problem with that argument is that freedom of choice is taken from them because of the addictive properties in all of these drugs. Some would argue further that this addiction is the addiction to pleasure. They may have got away with this argument years ago, but science has proven that disruption of the chemistry in the brain causes physical addiction. The present situation has force on both sides: The government uses force to keep you off drugs, and the drugs themselves use force to keep you on them. The only way to put free choice into the drug problem is to remove force from one side or the other. Government has declared a war on drugs. If they fight this one the way they did Vietnam, the drug dealers will win. This is the ultimate guerrilla war. The expense in life and limb will make America’’ Civil War seem like small potatoes. We have a contingency plan at the local level,

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provided the federal government decides to follow this path of destruction (see “Local Problems: San Diego, California”.

The solution to this problem is to legalize drugs on a limited basis. Make them available cheaply to take the profit out of the business. This policy will stop the crimes associated with drug trafficking. Limit distribution to poison centers where anyone who registers, for public safety reasons, can buy drugs. The drugs should also be labeled with the skull and bones symbol and with full explanations as to the physical and mental consequences of using these drugs. Labeling will create a small black market for drugs, but at least the warnings will be there to make a person think twice. Freedom of choice does not mean that a person will make the right choice.

The only other solution is massive government interference, but it is worse than the problem. It creates three types of criminals: Dope dealers, user/victims, and users who have to commit crimes to support their habit. This solution causes our legal system to break down at every level. The police spend a great amount of their time dealing with government created criminals. The courts cannot even get close to dealing with this problem, and there just is not enough jail space. The net result is less respect for the most important part of our government, the local police department; a great many people in our society see the police as the enemy. This system also makes the police look foolish. They do their job, which is very dangerous, and the criminals they catch are let out with just a warning because of the lack of jail space and the lack of funds to deal with the problem.

Government has a vested interest in perpetuating the drug problem because it gives leaders a moral issue, attorneys more clients, judges more cases, police more work, and social services many more victims. The problem is now beyond their ability to control, and they will have to break this vicious cycle one way or the other, with maximum force or freedom of choice. The choice is in government’’ hands. It will tend toward force, but that solution may backfire in the government’’ face.


The best way for The International Capitalist Party to improve education in America is to support the following:

1. Incentive pay for teachers. This program puts the money where the performance is. Consumers, in this case the children and their parents, evaluate the teacher, and the teacher’’ performance is rewarded accordingly.

2. The voucher system, which allows parents the choice of public or private schools without having to pay for both. When parents pay for private education, they relieve society of a large financial obligation, one that is much larger than what the parents would pay in taxes. Taxpayers without children would also benefit from this system because of lower taxes. Encouraging private schools is a fair program that benefits all parties.

3. More “how to make money” courses at all levels of education. Most such programs are available only through large seminars held at local hotels and convention centers. The purpose of education is to improve the human species. Money is the applause given to those people who contribute the most to improving the species, in most cases. We should not ignore or snub this fact in schools. Although there are glaring exceptions to this fact of life, most people are rewarded in proportion to their contribution to

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humanity in a free society.

In a society that is primarily a capitalist economy and practices positive capitalism, the reward for an individual’’ contribution is in proportion to the benefits to society, with very few exceptions. We need to emphasize the benefits of positive capitalism in our schools to protect students against the sham of abusive altruism.


The primary goal of The International Capitalist Party politically is to reduce government intervention wherever appropriate. The elements of communism that are ingrained in any mixed economic society should be the first concern. The most vicious element of communism, and the first to be attacked, is the graduated income tax. For a society that values performance and effort, we have an inhumane and destructive attitude toward taxes. Any income tax should be structured to motivate high performance rather than punish it.This single attitude shows legislators’ lack of knowledge about the very system that protects and assures their own personal freedom. They are victims of misplaced compassion and dupes of the organized resistance to capitalism and freedom.

The national income tax policy should reflect “donors” for those who pay high taxes. Tax freedom should mean that the top net cash paid to the government in income taxes is $50,000 per taxpayer; adjusted yearly for inflation. Then individuals can earn as much as they please and donate additional cash for honor credits on a voluntary basis. The income from the honors tax should be designated to that area of government that the “donor taxpayer” so designates. If not so designated by the taxpayer, the money should be designated by the President.

Even this type of income tax should be replaced by private enterprise solutions to problems that government has taken on as an excuse for the existence of an income tax. The only exception may be a defense tax for that purpose only. If the party can’’ remove this most invasive of government intrusions and abuse, the rest of our freedoms will slowly erode because of government controls.

All anti-tax groups should join under one organizational umbrella and make a clear statement that cannot be ignored or abused by politicians. The program should include a complete phase out of personal income tax schemes.

The other major area of regulation that should be removed has nothing to do with communism but feeds its propaganda machine by providing another example of negative capitalism. This is government created monopoly.


Pollution of the environment will generate many new businesses. Every business has at its core a problem solving mechanism. You might say that a business cannot exist unless it has a problem to solve. This fact is true. Try to think of a business that cannot be thought of in this way, except for one operating under

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negative capitalism.People should gravitate naturally from businesses, such as farming and dentistry, that have become so successful in providing solutions as to render a massive number of practitioners obsolete. If this migration of effort continues naturally, the solutions will be forthcoming from the market economy.

Government enforcement of pollution laws should be directed toward the many departments and companies that do business either for or with the government. The heavy hand of government on the private sector will do, as always, more damage than good. If government wants to get into the act, let it set a good example and provide some tax relief for companies cleaning up their operations.

Science and business are the most compatible parts in positive capitalism. Together they walk the same path to the many solutions required in cleaning and balancing our environment. The party need only give them political encouragement and freedom to act in their own best interest. The solutions will fall from the tree of knowledge as needed by humankind. Political interference rather than encouragement is the only pitfall in this process.

The Humanarium project has many environmental solutions built into its plans. The many participants are tuned into current technologies that work and that are profitable.


The court system can be helped two ways by The International Capitalist Party. America has had over tow hundred years of our personal freedoms being eroded through rules and regulations, which are the inventions of lawyers and legislators to increase their inventories. Many laws are just plain ridiculous but not overly harmful. These laws could be easily removed. The toughest laws to change are the ones that create monopolies, such as the American Bar Association itself. These monopolies are supposedly created ““or the good of the people, but “the people” are always the practitioners who are benefiting at the public’’ expense, the lawyers and the politicians themselves. The party will try to recruit sympathetic lawyers and lay people to help remove and refine laws that inhibit personal liberty and business freedom. Rule makers should be subject to periodic review because of the irresistible temptation to rationalize and abuse power. This abuse of power is a natural human tendency, “or the good of the people,” in this case the public, a body of law should be founder that recognizes this tendency even in people with the best of intentions.The only thing that will ever destroy this negative tendency within the legal and legislative area is a positive, organized effort to offset this form of negative capitalism. The removal of the inventory of damaging laws will automatically reduce court congestion. This subject is as intricate as the law itself and can only be outlined here to show our basic positions.

The other method to provide swift justice is the movement currently going on to supply private courtrooms and settlement arrangements to relieve congestion. The International Capitalist Party will support these efforts and provide a forum to help decide crimes that may fall into the political arena, for

example, monopoly or tariff laws.


Transfer payments must be restructured if there is to be any evolutionary process at all in America.

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Transfer payments represent government force and coercion against the best in society for the benefit of the worst. This fact alone breaks every natural evolutionary law imaginable and is pure communism, the antithesis of freedom. This is the most classic example of doing something “for the good of the people” at the expense of ninety percent of the population. If force is to be used, it should be used to motivate the ten percent who do not contribute to society. Workfare and retraining programs with real teeth in them, in case of obstinate failure by the participants, and a voluntary one on one program, can change the face of this problem. All those taking advantage of subsidy programs should be properly identified as welfare recipients. Anyone willingly dipping into the government’’ coffers should be placed into this category. This is a broad policy statement, but it shows the direction that positive capitalism will take in resolving any dispute concerning individual programs. No person has the right to another person’’ earnings or property if said earning and property are fairly and legally earned. The one on one voluntary program can solve many of the problems that cause and perpetuate the welfare society. This program will use existing knowledge of the behavior and activities of welfare recipients. A statistical formula concerning the portion of the national budget allocated for welfare divided by the number of taxpayers would give a cost per taxpayer of the welfare program. The taxpayer would be given an incentive to intervene with direct support and training for an individual welfare recipient. The people on welfare should have an incentive program that doesn’t punish them for working. An example would be, where for every three or four dollars earned by the welfare recipient, only one dollar of benefits are lost. This could be on a monthly or weekly basis. This policy would help wean the citizen off government dependency.


The greatest single improvement for the prison system would be to keep single one-time abusers away from multiple abusers. Some convicts are in jail for a single crime or category of crimes, such as drug dealing or thievery. These convicts should be motivated to earn their way out of jail and, where possible, compensate the victims or contribute to a social program that off sets their negative social behavior. Long sentences should be given, with an alternate motivational plan to substantially reduce the time served on a performance basis. These volunteer prisoners should go into a private prison institution with profit as the motive. For a more detailed description of one type of alternative prison system, see the discussion of the drug question in “local Problems: San Diego, California,” following in this chapter.More attention should be paid to the intermingling of social deviants. Sex offenders should be placed only with other sex offenders, thieves with thieves, murderers with murderers, and so on. Each of these social problems can be isolated, and then, if broken into smaller components, the large, so-called impossible job may become manageable. Each type of deviant social behavior can be studied from a scientific point of view. Each behavior type can be treated as a form of mental illness. The cures may even help the general public directly if such things as brain chemical disorders or other direct cause and effect linkages can be identified. We all have a dark side to our nature that could be improved upon. The extreme abusers can perhaps relieve some of these tendencies in society if scientists can treat prisoners as socially ill. This proposal does not mean removing all punishment. For some crimes, punishment may actually prove to be

the cure. Now, recidivism rates show otherwise.


Nothing should be removed from American politics that is just opinion. The problem is one of removing impediments to freedom and justice, not removing particular political leanings. Communism could actually exist in America if done on a local, voluntary level so participants could freely move out of

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the system. The problem with world communism, as it is practiced, is its arrogant belief in the robot mentality and the use of force. America is already swamped with communist programs, but nobody will admit to being a card carrying communist. The reason for having so much communism is that a long stream of legislative salespersons has created bureaucracies in the name of compassion. The price of this misplaced compassion has been the state sanctioned slavery of every taxpayer.The International Capitalist Party will have its hands full just identifying and trying to remove the obstacles to freedom and justice created by our benevolent elected and appointed parent substitutes (bureaucrats and politicians). Their resistance will always come in the form of ““or the good of the people”. Our job will be to expose this myth and show the public who these bureaucrats and politicians are really serving with these well meaning but bankrupt programs.

We can quote page, paragraph, and author of each of the rules of communism and link them directly to these absurd social programs. By merely exposing them in clear, simple English that anyone can understand, we will either remove an enemy within or become as one with our enemy. The latter will cause a loss of freedom and liberty that will make the Dark ages seem a bright time in history.


This section is comprised of the three following issues:

1. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Capital punishment should be an option for very heinous crimes that need to be given every possibility of being stopped through punishment and example. The criminal has taken the life of another by choice and, in this case, has given up his or her own life in return. Only by showing extreme duress can the criminal expect any leniency by the courts. The problem with capital punishment is that we will never be able to prove whether it is a deterrence for murder. A carte blanche attitude toward either murder or capital punishment forgets the many reasons and motivations that go into the crime. Trying to match punishment with a particular crime will be a test of individual judgment by judges well into the future.2. ABORTION. As for abortion, women’’ freedom of choice is the current and correct solution. When the Star life program has been developed further, the unwanted embryos can participate without any harm to the mother or society. Use of force without sufficient knowledge is nothing more than a dogmatic answer to a very personal situation.

3. MEDICAL EXTENSION OF LIFE. Once again, when it comes to the medical extension of life, the choice should lie with the individual or the individual’’ closest relatives. It should not be a mandate of force from the government. Discouraging the termination of life should be the policy, but when termination is chosen freely, the issue should be closed privately and without added harm or punishment

by the government.


If you are talking about one hundred percent employment of those willing to work rather than some arbitrary percentage of those able to work, the solution is a free market economy using positive capitalism. In our unemployment figures, we would include anyone involved with negative capitalism. These people may be technically employed but are actually contributing to the destruction of an economy and therefore would be considered a debit on any reasonable balance sheet. The employment

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of people to dig holes just to have the holes filled the next day is a ridiculous concept that shows a gross misunderstanding of the creation of wealth. People who promote jobs like this think money is just printed, not earned. This category of thinking includes a lot of government activities. Union and minimum wage laws contribute considerably to unemployment problems. License and certification laws also must be put on a very short leash; otherwise, these government created monopolies contribute to unemployment. Tariff and import laws solve short-term problems and create long term suffering in any industry that tries this method. The long-term suffering will come with the loss of international markets, causing unemployment. In all of the above situations, people are trying to get something for nothing or an undeserved profit. Employment will only be stable when people learn that labor is a commodity that goes at a market price set by willing buyers without force or coercion. Quality work will always earn more, and shoddy workmanship will always have trouble with free employment practices. There is no political solution for laziness or lack of ability except for self realization by the individual.


Only by making this country into a less desirable place to live in can the immigration problem be totally solved. Some people will do anything to be free, and as long as this country is perceived to be free, they will persist. The expansion of positive capitalism will create economies in other parts of the world that will foster free citizens with little interest in immigration to a country just because it’’ call America. Freedom from government is the only reason people want to come to this country. If we can help them attain this ideal in their own country, they will naturally prefer their homeland. There is nothing inherently better about America except for its history of freedom from government intervention in the citizens private and business lives. Another way to stop illegal immigration would be to continue our current policy of increasing the size of government. This will make us so much like the Third World countries that those people will lose all motivation to leave their homelands.Free trade agreements will go a long way to accomplish the above goals. Immigration could be a dead issue in the Americas by the turn of the century if trade agreements are properly structured by the participating countries.


At first glance, this seems like a rather heartless question. First one has to define terms. A “Bum” is a person who has chosen a negative lifestyle that is offensive to society. We are not talking about the homeless who are in an unfortunate position through very little fault of their own. The true bum mentality is earmarked by the individual’’ ability to manipulate compassionate systems and people for a quick fix way of life. This behavior is accompanied by a chemical abuse problem that is usually at the root of the antisocial behavior.Human motivation is basically simple. People are motivated by either the carrot or the stick. The true bum isn’t interested in fame or fortune and has given up on success, frequently because of chemical abuse or in conjunction with other personal problems. Jail and poverty level living standards should be enough to motivate a person if the stick approach could be used to motivate a bum. It’s obvious, however that none of these approaches work. So what is the fate of these individuals? Quite simply, it’s an early death. They are really committed to social suicide. They are letting the natural elements of society kill them with little or no resistance. They are almost daring society to do something about their situation.

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This party’’ solution is an attempt to take them up on this proposition while minimizing the cost to society. We will actually attempt to make a profit by starting a “Bum City” with a Humanarium construction project in the center. This city will be in the most remote part of the country that we can find. There won’’ be any road into or out of the area. Everything will be brought in by air. Because the Humanarium community is totally self-contained and independent from local political control, it’’ residents won’’ be able to feed on federal and state programs. Our approach is a basic survival program aimed at training the participants in the art of self-reliance. We will teach them survival techniques and keep them far away from harmful chemicals. They will then be trained in several basic skills that will produce a profit, from which they will pay the party for their training. Upon completion of the program, they will be returned society or be allowed to remain as an inhabitant of the Humanarium community.

The program will require the cooperation of the police and judges in identifying the chronic offenders within each city. The judges will then have to either sentence the individual or get a voluntary statement of participation by the offender. The truly needy should be directed to social service or charity programs unless they feel that a survival program would be helpful in training them for life situations. This will be kind of an adult Boy Scout and workfare program aimed at curing the problem and turning a small profit for everyone involved.


To do so, just give private industry leasehold routes for the airspace, mineral rights, and excess land rights so it can build privately owned and maintained alternate transportation systems. The combination of automation in both the vehicles and the transportation systems will allow for cheaper and better transportation. Use bar code laser technology similar to pricing technology at the supermarket. Citizens who decide to use an alternate transportation system are issued a laser sticker that is applied to each vehicle, for billing purposes. This will eliminate tollbooths and traffic congestion. Overhead laser monitors can register mileage, and script or vouchers can be used for tax rebates for the users.Those who still believe in something for nothing can continue to use federal and state roads and continue to pay for them by paying their regular taxes without a rebate.

The leasehold income that the private companies pay for the right to use the routes can be a source of additional moneys earned by the government and can be earmarked to replace tax income. This program would have the effect of lowering taxes and giving private industry a chance to give us the best possible transportation systems and the best price and a clear profit motive for innovation in the industry.


SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIAThe following are just a sample of existing problems and solutions, included more to demonstrate a format than to exemplify perfect solutions. Local problems are the most sensitive politically because of the many factors involved, including local customs and personalities.

What can be done about population growth in the area?

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Is there a possible solution to the airport noise?

Can illegal immigration be turned into a positive situation?

How can the party tap the resources of the youth gangs and turn their activities in positive directions?

Can the local drug problem be solved?

Can Southeast San Diego be revitalized?


The San Diego area is a natural environment for people due to its mild climate and proximity to recreation of all types. Resistance to natural migration by using government force, which shows a disregard for other people, can be done on an individual basis but should not be forced on everyone. Many people invest in this area because of future growth. The government should not have the right to depreciate natural real estate values with oppressive policies. No bureaucrat or legislator can do a better job of developing property than the owner or developer following the free market system. If you don’’ believe this, all you have to do is go to a state planned country. A voluntarily planned portion of San Diego, with consent or reimbursement to individual landowners, can let government planners ply their trade. What should be required of these planners is a contractor’ license , a degree in architecture, and their own capital invested in their grandiose plans for other people’’ property. The result would be the typical cost overruns, shoddy workmanship, and a mediocre, bland architectural style.

San Diego was a semiarid desert able to support but a handful of inhabitants with very few plants. Because of far sighted developers who were willing to risk everything, San Diego is now a Mecca of beauty and perfection. This beauty, purchased freely by homeowners, is now in danger of being denied to others by tying the hands of the very developers who created the beauty to begin with. A fair balance must be struck to prevent no-growth people from hoarding and controlling their neighbors’ property.

The no growth attitude is particularly devastating to smaller contractors and developers, the backbone of American progress. The no growth policy causes a government created monopoly in construction, with only the very large contractors having any chance to build.

During a period of recession, one doesn’t hear a word from the no growth advocates. With businesses moving out of the area because of government policies, we can see the real results of a no growth attitude

in a community, no prosperity.

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San Diego’’ population is spread throughout the county with very little open space large enough for an international airport. The possible sites all have something wrong with them. This problem is almost impossible to solve without a very large stretch of the imagination. The following is a list of requirements for an airport of international stature: 1. Large enough area

2. Close to downtown and the convention center

3. Safe

4. Minimum flights over populated areas

We also have another controversy in San Diego about offshore drilling. The environmental problems seem to outweigh the huge financial benefits that could be derived from a healthy oil industry in San Diego. The current problems and requirements for offshore drilling are as follows:

1. Drilling rigs are eyesores that offend the esthetic tastes of most people and therefore building them in the middle of San Diego’’ natural beauty could have a negative economic impact.

2. Leaks and accidents could be harmful to sea life and shoreline.

3. Currently, oil costs relatively little but drilling costs a lot.

The answer to both environmental problems could be a combination of solutions. The government could motivate the oil companies to build a futuristic, privately owned, beautiful mini-city around an airport supported by disguised offshore drilling rigs meeting tough safety requirements. By making the total operation privately owned, with major tax breaks, this solution won’t cost the government. The only problem will be for oil companies to find a way to make a profit. The benefits to consumers will be enormous if this plan can be implemented.


People who come to this country illegally realize that the economy of their homeland doesn’t allow freedom of opportunity. They become a problem here only because of the fear we have of being overrun with too many people seeking this economic freedom.The immigrants don’t come here because they love America or Americans. If their country didn’t have oppressive economic laws, most would prefer to stay home.

The American government isn’t in a position to interfere with other countries’ laws except by setting an example of a free economy. The opposition to this freedom has a full body of political and economic theory that can be made to sound plausible. Communism or Marxism can be imported into any country. The system is independent of a foreign government. This gives them a propaganda edge.

The International Capitalist Party will attempt to fill this political gap. San Diego would make sense as a

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base for this attempt in the Latin American countries because of the relatively good relations between the people of San Diego and the Mexican people. One of the best ways to obtain motivated members for our party in some of the countries would be to gain access to illegal immigrants. These individuals are already active in trying to better themselves and their families. The natural direction for them would be to import a system that could change their homeland through evolutionary change.

The party will attempt to get cooperation from officials for a training class for all illegal aliens before they are returned across the border. If this isn’t possible, the party will infiltrate illegal alien groups before they are caught.

The training will include a method of networking that should expand the party’s membership significantly within a short time. The party will give illegal aliens a money-making method that will motivate them to accomplish this goal.



The gang problem is a combination of several obvious situations in society: the drug problem, inadequate housing, and lack of jobs. Areas like Beverly Hills and La Jolla, California may have a large number of drug abusers, but the people living there don’t have the other two problems. Gang mentality is based on so-called pride in local turf. This pride is twisted into a backward and negative type of rock and roll nihilism. To have pride in something and at the same time revulsion for the reality of the slum causes this mental confusion.


Drugs Capitalist sales techniques used to distribute drugs

Run down neighborhood Pride in local turf

Lack of jobs Youthful energy, resourcefulness, flexibility and talent

The drug and housing part of this equation are treated separately following this section. Jobs will be the main concern in this section. If one takes the positive aspects out of the above problems, there is an obvious solution.

The first major solution that will overcome rock and roll nihilism is to take the glamour out of being a gang member. The media must get on this bandwagon with in depth stories of the misery perpetrated by these gangs and show a contrast of the gangs that stay together to accomplish positive things. Perhaps a movie showing the very big possibility of the adult non-gang members of the community banding together in an exaggerated extermination of gang members would show the ultimate and definite end to the gangs’ continued violent existence.

The solution would lie within the gangs themselves. A plan developed with each individual gang would use its positive aspects within the neighborhood to give the members jobs, pride, and a purpose in revitalizing their own neighborhood. Money making techniques, as well as skills, must be developed. An

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actual corporation should be formed, using the gang’s name and colors. Each member would own shares and earn bonuses given in shares for work well done. This method will keep alive the feeling that each gang member talks about, the feeling of belonging to a family.

This program obviously won’t work if the drug problem persists, because chemical dependence causes intense irrational behavior in anyone using drugs. There can be no rational approach until drugs are considered dumb or cool by the members of gangs. This subject will be dealt with in the next section.


The main problem in San Diego is the lack of jail space for drug dealers. The solution to this problem is turning negative capitalist into positive capitalist by using the following methods. Drug dealers abuse capitalist techniques. They use distribution, manufacturing, and sales techniques that would make them successful in most legitimate businesses. They choose to abuse their own talents. Their mentality is very similar to the Nazis. They rationalize their participation in the marketing process by saying their victims would just purchase drugs from someone else if they didn’t supply them.

The only semi legitimate argument the dealers have for pushing drugs is that other negative capitalists manage to get their products, cigarettes and alcohol made legal and popular. These commodities were legalized before the scientific evidence was in place to prove how dangerous they really are. What the world needs is less negative capitalism, not more. The dealers’ argument is like Nazis saying that, because they’ve already gassed three million Jews, we can use that as an argument to kill the rest of the Jewish population.

Drug dealers also are like Nazis in that they not only poison people but torture them first. The fact that most of them also use drugs only shows how insidious the system of drug dealing is. This factor should be taken into account when grading the different types of drug dealers:

A. Nonuser, manufacturer and wholesaler

B. Nonuser, retailer

C. User, small-time manufacturer and wholesaler

D. User, retailer with assets

E. User, retailer to support habit

Each of these dealer types should be treated separately. The more severe treatment should be meted out to those at the top of the list. Most of the laws already conform to this list. The program that follows will also conform to this pattern. Drug dealers are salespeople going in the wrong direction. By redirecting their efforts into our maxi-level membership program, the dealers will pay for their own keep and help pay for their victims’ treatment.

The beginning of this process will be a membership drive, with the proceeds going to the construction of a private jail. The members will be given a unit, in the form of a variable net income trust deed, per one hundred dollars collected. The income will be derived form a membership program with the prison.

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The cost of building a prison of this type will be approximately one hundred dollars per square foot, including the land. The average square footage per dealer, including the inside common areas, would be five hundred square feet. The amount of living area per dealer would be proportionate to the dealer’’ success with maxi- level membership drive. This is an initial outlay of approximately fifty thousand dollars per prisoner. This outlay includes many security devices and a sophisticated telecommunications network within the prison. The initial outlay also includes a private kitchen and bath. Each unit could best be described as a studio apartment.

The telecommunications network will be the way that the inmates will market memberships. The phone system will be programmed with number that the dealer will call. The inmates will have no choice with the dialing system, to prevent abuses. Follow-up and recalls will also be monitored with a computerized security system.

To the initial fifty thousand dollar cost per unit must be added the cost of food, medicine, and security officers. A business run by the inmates that shows a profit would be the ultimate goal. This profit can then be split between drug rehabilitation programs and owner/member of the institution.

Judges will have to decide on their own personal formula for each individual. The program will conform to each sentence.

Just in case you have any doubt as to whether the government has anything to do with the encouragement of drug use in this city and many others, ponder this situation; Every drug offender that is released on parole is given scheduled urine drug tests. Every felone knows that all you have to do is stay clean several days before the test and then they can resume using. They also keep a spare dosage of someone else’’ urine around in case of a surprise visit. Now, you either have to draw one of two different conclusions, either the government is encouraging drug use or the parole officers are some of the dumbest people in the world. You decide who is guilty!


Southeast San Diego is located in an area that should be very valuable residential property. There is only one equitable and relatively fast way to encourage a new look for the area. Because of new apartment projects in the area, a residential single family home designation won’’ work. The other choice is a high-rise area that will attract developers because of the low cost per unit of land. This area would be extremely good for high-rise development because of the natural ocean and city views. The change should be accompanied with a complete explanation of the increases in value so the homeowners are prepared rather than abused by the change. Advance financial planning for these owners should be part of the package to assure a fair market price for their property. There should also be a ceiling price to prevent obstruction by owners. A correct and just balance has to be struck because of the nature of existing government control over the property. If this isn’t done properly, people with political pull will take “advance knowledge” advantage of these owners. Advance knowledge by owners also creates a false value in the minds of the owners and will discourage development. The biggest political problem will come from renters in the area. They will represent a block of voters trying to keep the area distressed, using misplaced compassion as their tool. Two things can be done to defeat this political problem. The first is a “renters moving committee” that concentrates on the relocation problems of tenants. Developers of low cost housing should be the leaders of this group so it provides concrete answers rather than just being a complaint committee. These experts can turn a very negative situation into a positive experience for everyone will to put forth effort rather than just complain. The other solution will be to get active support from voters outside the depressed area. These votes can offset the negative vote from the renters,

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but they shouldn’t cause an impossible situation for the renters. This political power should coordinate with the renters movement committee to assure a compassionate change. The above solution sounds like more government intervention. This is because of the existing controls. If normal transition took place in the market, it would be very similar in nature to this solution. The biggest variable would be the actual prices paid by the developers. Without a master plan for the entire area, individual developers would be taking more of a gamble and would demand lower land costs to offset the uncertainty of conforming projects. In the later stages of development, land prices would be higher for the holdout owners. A balance of values will have to be struck between the owners and the developers because of the intense government control already in place in the area.



Can more population growth be stimulated in this area?

Can the petrochemical industry be expanded?

Should The International Capitalist Party invest in this area?


Houston is the only large city that allows and encourages development with very minimal government interference. This political position has always been the key to Houston’’ success and should continue to be so. Perhaps a direct advertising campaign that emphasizes this heroic freedom in the face of massive federal constriction of rights could get the message across. Creative freedom in business is at a premium in many areas of the country. Sometimes the problem is a direct government measure, such as a no-growth initiative. Creative developers become enemies to society, and many times their personal initiative dies with the dream. The advertising mentioned above should give special attention to these backward areas to reach some of these special people. Another area of expansion would be a worldwide search for creative business people with an emphasis on free positive capitalism as their personal policy. This should attract new ideas into the area.The International Capitalist Party will attempt to purchase an empty or near empty office building and develop percentage leases for new entrepreneurs. The party will headquarter its entire operation in one of these buildings.

One of the Humanarium projects can be constructed in Houston, with encouragement from government rather than resistance. This site should be very commercially oriented rather than pure experimentation like the desert Humanarium. The Houston Humanarium project should be constructed and owned with partners in the local petrochemical business. When this project is successful as an example of a self-contained community, the ideal of a minimally governed community can be situated anywhere without concerns about weather or location. Space will be the ultimate use for commercial, self-contained

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habitats. The Humanarium will be a center for the development of this idea.

Houston is also a natural place to bring in refugees from countries having political upheavals. A conversion program with a profit motive should be implemented aggressively to encourage migration into the area. These people can be trained and housed in Humanarium type structures without assistance from government agencies. This will help stop the political resistance from blocking immigration into this country.

Houston has been pointed out as one of the worst places to live because of environmental health concerns. This situation coupled with fact of minimal government force through regulations gives the local business community an opportunity to clean up their act without being coerced by government officials. The clean up of local water and air pollution or the control of these factors, could give Houston something new to boast about.


Oil is a limited resource. It can’’ be manufactured or grown. So why do we burn it? The long term results will be the equivalent of killing all the fish in the oceans. It doesn’t make sense to abuse this natural asset. The question then is how to make this a market decision rather than a political decision. How can oil become as profitable as a building material as it now is as a fuel? A massive demand must be created for total environmental communities constructed with petrochemical products (Plastic). Once again, the Humanarium project with its integrated scientific systems provides a futuristic answer to this problem.Every part of a Humanarium should be recyclable as indefinitely as possible. Plastic provides the recyclable building and parts material necessary for the success of the Humanarium project. Wood, metal and cement products all have their uses but lack the total flexibility of plastic materials. This specialized use for the self contained recyclable Humanarium project will make domestic oil too precious to burn.

The message to consumers in America could become “build with domestic oil, and burn imported oil”. This policy could be of use until a viable alternate energy system evolves. This change of policy could make marginal oil fields into self contained Humanarium communities. The well could be the center of the community, with a small refinery and computer controlled extruder completing the cycle of construction and perpetual renewal and growth.

These communities can be constructed in former barren areas wherever oil is present. The economies of these communities should also be self contained and independent of other communities as an experiment for space colonization. Later, a product line should be developed for trade as a backup system without jeopardizing the primary goal of an independent community.


Houston will be the primary investment area for The International Capitalist Party at the beginning of its evolution. The reason is the community’’ political attitude and consistent policy of encouraging positive capitalism. In short, the party won’’ have to fight City Hall. Local politicians may not endorse our ideas, but at least they won’’ try to stop them. That assurance is enough to get the party off to a good start. To me, this attitude translates into friendly neighbors and a free political economy. Another major reason for the party’s choice of Houston as a base is the petrochemical business that drives the economy of

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Houston. The party’’ goals are very compatible with this industry. Our commonalty of goals should lead to a remarkable political and economic relationship if properly developed.The party’’ headquarters will be in Houston. Office space is over built in the area, and party should be able to solve some very serious economic problems for the owners of several of these office buildings. A confidential plan to solve some of these problems has already been developed. The party will implement the solution as soon as the time is right. At the present time, the party is checking each individual opportunity in the area.

The next type of investment will be a location that includes an oil well, to be developed as a Humanarium community. This location will be as close to Houston as possible for maximum exposure to our project. If our membership drive interests some professional oil people, we can then recruit their assistance and expertise for the Humanarium project. This assistance will be on a mutually beneficial basis consistent with ideals of positive capitalism.

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The hardest par t of this whole process for me has been just wai t ing to see i f my wri t ings have any val idi ty. While my intui t ion and common sense told me twenty years ago that cer ta in events were inevi table , i f the world was to become a bet ter place, my doubts were on a even scale . I wrote to c lar i fy the issues in my own mind. I set out a plan that could be implemented at any t ime i f i t was needed. My confidence has now matured and I’m ready to proceed as planned.

What has the wai t ing produced? The most important thing to real ize is that i t has proven that posi t ive capi ta l ism has a l i fe of i ts own. No matter what happens, most of what is discussed in this book wil l come to be with t ime and knowledge.

The biggest disappointment has been in the growth of negat ive capi ta l ism. I ts growth has been at about the same rate as the demise of communism. The growth of negat ive capi ta l-ism, mainly i l legal drugs, has made i t perfect ly c lear that the only way capi ta l ism wil l survive as a recognized economic system, is i f the proponents of the free market come to gr ips with this problem of problems. I f they don’t , they wil l have underest imated the tol-erance of the general publ ic .

As I wri te this paragraph the debate has a lmost been won by fascis ts . They want to infuse the system with force. This is an old Machiavel l ian plot to seize power and enslave the populace. The American government , through plan or mistake has le t the drug and cr ime s i tuat ion get out of hand. Many other developed and developing countr ies are experienc-ing the same problems. The only solut ion being put for th is force. The debate is muzzled when i t comes to a real solut ion.

We now have over one mil l ion ci t izens in ja i l in America and the power s t ructure is hop-ing to increase that number to four mil l ion by the turn of the century. This is the new growth industry in America. What i t real ly is , i s one form of negat ive capi ta l ism feed-ing off another form of negat ive capi ta l ism. Posi t ive capi ta l ism has a l i fe of i ts own. No matter what happens, most of what is discussed in this book wil l come to be with t ime and knowledge.

The biggest disappointment has been in the growth of negat ive capi ta l ism. I ts growth has been at about the same rate as the demise of communism. The growth of negat ive capi ta l-ism, mainly i l legal drugs, has made i t perfect ly c lear that the only way capi ta l ism wil l survive as a recognized economic system, is i f the proponents of the free market come to gr ips with this problem of problems. I f they don’t , they wil l have underest imated the tol-erance of the general publ ic .

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As I wri te this paragraph the debate has a lmost been won by fascis ts . They want to infuse the system with force. This is an old Machiavel l ian plot to seize power and enslave the populace. The American government , through plan or mistake has le t the drug and cr ime s i tuat ion get out of hand. Many other developed and developing countr ies are experienc-ing the same problems. The only solut ion being put for th is force. The debate is muzzled when i t comes to a real solut ion.

We now have over one mil l ion ci t izens in ja i l in America and the power s t ructure is hop-ing to increase that number to four mil l ion by the turn of the century. This is the new growth industry in America. What i t real ly is , i s one form of negat ive capi ta l ism feeding off another form of negat ive capi ta l ism.

While i t can be conceded, there is a need for a general c lean up process . Any clear think-ing person should real ize that having four mil l ion felons in pr ison wil l only delay the real problem that wil l fol low. I t ’s obvious that these four mil l ion disenfranchised and angry ci t izens wil l then be release back into society. They wil l be leaner and meaner. Are you sure this is the solut ion America?

The nutso’s reading this would say; No! Lets keep them in ja i l or f ry em! Are we going to le t the Nazi mental i ty take over this country? I don’t think so. This a l l sounds real ly crazy doesn’t i t . Well that’s exact ly what we are deal ing with. The neuropharmacological t ruth is that these drugs are creat ing s ta te sanct ioned crazy people . Translated, that means that i t has been proven that the chemicals that are being ingested by the addicts are not only addict ive, but they are the same chemicals that the body produces natural ly when a person goes psychot ic . Have you ever heard the saying, “Confuse and then conquer”? That’s what’s happening r ight in f ront of your eyes . By hook or crook, the power t r iangle of pol i t ic ian, bureaucrats , and at torneys wil l be the pr imary beneficiar ies of this scenario. They are a lso the ones screaming the loudest against the obvious solut ion. Why? I t wil l put them out of work. Can you imagine them standing in the unemployment l ine. That would warm the cockles of my hear t .


The biggest change wil l be on the emphasis placed on cer ta in pr ior i t ies of the par ty. Orig-inal ly, i t was thought that the main problem was world communism and i ts’ spread. Now that communism has been shown for what i t real ly is , wi th the fal l of the Soviet empire , our work must be directed more towards the developed countr ies that s t i l l have communist features in their systems. The United States is a country that has a populat ion that wants to r id i tself of the giant bureaucracies , but the power t r iangle won’t le t go of i ts s t rangle hold on the economy. Our exis tence can only help end this t ragedy. Technology is win-ning the bat t le by not a l lowing the t r icksters any room to maneuver without the general publ ic being aware of their schnanigans. Life might get back to where i t was, in terms of renewed opportuni t ies in America, in a short while . I f this happens quickly enough, we won’t see the demise of this great cul ture . Many prognost icators have told of the destruc-t ion of the American way of l i fe , but i t s t i l l can be saved.

The biggest disappointment would be the fact that our Space program has come to a near hal t . The reason is s imple. The economy has been sucking up the capi ta l that was going to be used for this purpose. We have a dysfunct ional port ion of our society that ref lects the

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use of communist techniques for managing the economy. We need to revise this method of doing business . Fortunately, the pol i t ical c l imate is good for making these changes. Perhaps in ten years , we’l l look back and see that the evolut ion into posi t ive capi ta l ism wil l have taken another giant leap domest ical ly. In the meant ime, a great opportuni ty is open for pr ivate companies to innovate our way into space. The entrepreneurial ta lent of individuals should take on this chal lenge. The I .C.P. wil l help by developing the Star Life program.

We wil l use a new form of f inancing that hasn’t been done before . I t wi l l be a combina-t ion of the cash world and the bar ter exchange world. We wil l s tar t a company by the name of “Digi ta l Credi t Exchange”. The company wil l deal in network credi ts on a com-puter based on a dol lar value. This is how the Barter Exchanges do i t now between busi-ness owners . The difference here wil l be in the fact that the general publ ic can par t ic i-pate . They wil l be issued digi ta l credi ts for their membership fees . These digi ta l credi ts can only be spend within the membership. This is the safest form of banking there is . The credi ts can’t be s tolen because even i f someone hacks their way into the system, the cred-i ts aren’t cash convert ible and can be restore back to the r ightful owner. The bank can’t get into t rouble by borrowing from the government and the owners of the bank can’t run off with the money. What are they going to do, take the computers with them to South America? These digi ta l credi ts wil l be used to f inance many of the projects within the I .C.P. Cash wil l s t i l l be needed, a t least for awhile . The whole monetary system wil l be revised or substant ia l ly changed by this new technology. Because there are so many bui l t in safety features in this method of banking, maybe we can keep the power t r iangle f rom over regulat ing and control l ing this system. That wil l mean more f lexibi l i ty and innova-t ion. Our vigi lance wil l have to be s t rong in this area. I f they can f ind one crook among us they wil l use that example to ki l l the industry. They don’t l ike businesses that don’t need to be control led. I t makes them seem useless . Maybe we can get them bet ter jobs.NEW TECHNOLOGIESDuring the las t twenty years the new technologies haven’t seemed to be as important as the br inging down the cost of exis t ing technologies . While there has been some def ini te ref inement , the basic computer concepts and communicat ion systems have most ly been aimed at br inging the everyday consumer into the market . This s t ra tegy has accelerated the possibi l i ty of mass market ing the I .C.P.


The market ing of the I .C.P. memberships wil l be the top pr ior i ty of the par ty. I f we don’t have a sol id membership base our capi ta l base wil l never become large enough to fol-low through with the object ives of the organizat ion. At the end of this book there wil l be a recrui tment manual that can be detached and dupl icated by anyone interested in our program. The manual wil l be constant ly updated to ref lect the resul ts of the membership dr ive.

In general , we wil l use every market ing method that proves effect ive. The ini t ia l sales thrusts wil l be on the Internet to make the par ty broad based. Direct one on one recrui t-ment wil l be done to center the system. The ini t ia l team chosen wil l be very crucial to the success of the venture .

The f i rs t thousand members should be par t of the system in the f i rs t year. This wil l be our

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simple goal . After that , we should t ry to double the organizat ion every year. Because of the unknown effect that our market ing wil l have, these goals can be raised accordingly. This is a low end goal that should be reached no matter what e lse is accomplished by the par ty. The year wil l s tar t on July 4, 1996 exact ly twenty years for the incept ion and cre-at ion of the I .C.P.

From these two market ing methods, the capi ta l to go into other areas of expansion wil l be possible . The ini t ia l earning wil l be plowed back into the fol lowing:1. Newspaper and magazine ads2. Direct mai l3 . Radio and TV ads4. Signs and bi l lboards5. Advert is ing special t ies6. Bumper s t ickers7. Special events8. Training schools9. Telemarket ing10. Book sales11. Video sales12. CD and tape sales

The ini t ia l earning wil l come from the over-r ide on the ten percent commission paid the sales force. The other ninety percent wil l go into real es ta te t ransact ions to bui ld the capi ta l base of the organizat ion. I t ’s obvious that there wil l need to be a large number of people par t ic ipat ing to make this plan effect ive. The par t ic ipat ion levels are designed to vary with the individuals c i rcumstances and interest in the process . This is why i t i s im-perat ive that our f i rs t group includes as many commit ted members as possible . The more passive members wil l be needed in the long run, but aggressive entrepreneurs are top pr i-or i ty during the s tar t up per iod.

Keeping the interest level high during an elect ion year wil l be helpful . Most people wil l be tuned into pol i t ics in 1996 in America. A general platform of support for any candidate that encourages posi t ive capi ta l ism and discourages government growth wil l be designed as the candidates l ine up for their campaigns.THE TIME IS NOWBefore July 4th, 1996, we wil l have secured a posi t ion on the internet that wil l a l low us the access to an internat ional market . As of this wri t ing, the net is over subscr ibed and under used. We only need i t for the core group in the beginning. Later, more sophis t icated methods wil l be employed. (July 4th update: Everything we need is now in place with the WEB. The technology moved faster than we could have imagined.)

By the July 4th day, we wil l have one thousand copies of this book and the Training and Recrui tment Manual pr inted. Each book wil l be coded and sold to ser ious new members during the f i rs t year. Hopeful ly, these members wil l be f rom al l par ts of the globe. Our means of communicat ion wil l be most ly over the internet .

I ’m preparing a disk that wil l accompany this book that wil l be upgraded to an interac-t ive compact disc . I ’m personal ly designing the sof tware that wil l be used to keep t rack of everything. The computer programs wil l keep our members and anyone that wants to know about the I .C.P. , wel l informed. The programs wil l be designed so that everyone wil l know

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where the assets of the I .C.P. are being used. The updates wil l be as current as the newest member joining. The program wil l be designed so that any member that has a computer, that is on the internet , can enter new members into the system for an instantaneous update of the ent i re system. The digi ta l credi ts of the new member wil l be logged into the system but they won’t be released unt i l the actual cash is confirmed at designated locat ions in special escrow trust accounts .

The f i rs t year has the potent ia l for set t ing a new path in the pol i t ical arena. I t may be the most important year. The preparat ions for the f i rs t thousand members is completed, but i f we exceed this demand, we are going to need al l the help we can get . When you read this sect ion of the book, take note of the date and t ime. I f you are one of the f i rs t thousand members , please make a special effor t this year. I t could make al l the difference in the world. I f you are reading this af ter that per iod of t ime, then you know that we survived the toughest year for the I .C.P.

If we move fast enough in the f i rs t year, our opponents wil l have a much harder t ime s lowing down the evolut ion of posi t ive capi ta l ism. I f they succeed in s topping the I .C.P. , i t wi l l probably be in the f i rs t year. Our defenses are lower now than they wil l ever be because our capi ta l base is a t a minimum. If we manage to get f inancial ly secure quickly enough, the bureaucrats , a t torneys and pol i t ic ians that make up the negat ive power t r ian-gle can be fought successful ly with our own power t r iangle . “THE TIME IS NOW!” Join the s t ruggle and have some fun with our par ty.

July 4th, 1996 is the off ic ia l s tar t -up date for The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty. This gives us ten months from the wri t ing of this chapter to set everything in motion. Some of the tasks that must be completed before the s tar t -up date are as fol lows:

1. Lease a headquarters locat ion using digi ta l credi ts .

2 . Get on the internet using digi ta l credi ts .

3 . Prepare al l publ icat ions using digi ta l credi ts .

4 . Structure Power Triangle with a few key members .

5 . Purchase digi ta l computer equipment .

Let reason and abi l i ty rule pol i t ics and the market place, please JOIN The Internat i ional Capi ta l is t Par ty TODAY! THANK YOU!

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The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty has very clear responsibi l i t ies to i ts members and to the publ ic in general . The main responsibi l i ty to members is to keep a consis tent pol icy of posi t ive capi ta l ism. This means deal ing at every level by exchanging goods, services , and ideas that are mutual ly beneficial to a l l par t ies . These t ransact ions should be free of force or coercion.

My personal responsibi l i ty wil l be consis tent with this ideal . Unfortunately, I wil l only be involved in s tar t -up procedures and programs. Evolut ion probably won’t a l low me the t ime to see the incredible resul ts that posi t ive capi ta l ism wil l make possible .

The par ty wil l a lso have the responsibi l i ty of cont inuing i ts programs unt i l the desired resul ts are reached. This wil l require monitor ing by the t rustees , and due di l igence by the owner and member par t ic ipants . The par ty’s evolut ion wil l be proport ionate to the effor t and abi l i t ies of these individuals to perform.

Time wil l not be the major responsibi l i ty in the evolut ionary process . Rushing natural processes a lways requires force, int imidat ion, and coercion. The t imetable for evolut ion-ary progress is not something to be forecast . We wil l set goals . These goals require total voluntary cooperat ion and cannot be accurately projected.

Every project ment ioned in this book wil l become a major responsibi l i ty of the Party and act ive par ty members . New projects wil l be added as the s i tuat ion warrants . A par t ia l l is t of these responsibi l i t ies fol lows:

1. Membership dr ive

2. Off ic ia l publ icat ions

3. Investment management of the capi ta l base

4. Oversee educat ional program “How to make money with posi t ive capi ta l ism”

5. Monitor ing, and help change intrusive government regulat ions

6. Star l i fe Program

7. Pinpoint , and help change negat ive capi ta l is t act ivi t ies

8. Promotion of The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty as a viable foreign pol icy opt ion for America

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10. Problem solving through “The Book of Solut ions”

11. Encouragement of f ree t rade among nat ions

12. Help in increasing high-tech communicat ions


Continue the natural evolut ion of capi ta l ism.

The oldest and most natural economic system in the world is capi ta l ism. I t doesn’t seem that anything that good could possibly need any protect ion, but the opposi te is t rue. The reason capi ta l ism is a t tacked from al l s ides is that i t empowers individuals according to their abi l i t ies and effor t . Every other system rewards force not f reedom.

Attempt to enrol l new members .

Our job wil l be to help in the process of the evolut ion of posi t ive capi ta l ism by t ra ining others . We wil l a t tempt to increase the membership in the par ty and you can be rewarded many ways i f you par t ic ipate in this noble endeavor. An informed populat ion cannot be easi ly led into bad pol i t ical and economic decis ions by any master manipulator.

Pr inciples of posi t ive capi ta l ism.

The main pr inciple of posi t ive capi ta l ism is a fa i r exchange of goods, services and ideas between two or more par t ies to a t ransact ions. Others are par t of the discussion.

Involve yourself in the pol i t ical process .

You can’t expect others to involve themselves in the pol i t ical process i f you don’t walk your ta lk .

Teach others what you learn.

Who needs to say more? Digi ta l Credi ts Mania has just s tar ted on the net . Learn the la tes t form of commerce. Digi ta l purchases re turn cash in f i f teen years? Talk about having your cake and eat ing i t too! I t ’s now possible .

Ask for help and support f rom other members .

The Internat ional Capi ta l is t Par ty has begun to make i ts’ mark on the internet with the ad-di t ion of many new elements on s i te . Use the e-mail and chat sect ions to give support to other members with quest ions or concerns.

Learn to evaluate current and past pol i t ical events .

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Try to use this s i te as a guide i f you want to have clear pol i t ical and economic thought .

Inspire others with your act ions.

Show empathy for your opposi t ion, but don’t compromise pr inciples in the process .

Make sure you walk your ta lk .

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The publ ic school system is the most important rule of communism. This is where the foundat ion of a l l future propaganda of dis tor t ion of the meaning and importance of f ree-dom is la id . In a country with a s t rong his tory and understanding of f reedom, this wil l take many generat ions to accomplish. The s ingle most important aspect of this rule is maintaining the mandatory educat ional monopoly over the society you wish to dominate . The second most important aspect of this rule is using the word social in i ts many forms to disguise real communist intent ions unt i l control can be taken from the individual by government . Each word and innuendo must be careful ly directed into the percept ion of group conformity as the ul t imate good. Even sports should be more important as a group. The pr inciples of democracy should be taught without the explanat ion of the tyranny of the majori ty as i ts underlying motive for communism. “Let them vote their f reedoms away”. While this is sarcast ic , i t i s a lso t rue. Both the IRS and the publ ic school system star ted in 1913 inspired by the works of Karl Marx and that is no joke. They’ve become monsters in a f ree society. I ts t ime to s top them and their commucrat ways. A couple s imple adjustments can take the teeth out of their communist intent ions. Al-low publ ic schools and pr ivate schools to compete by using the wel l researched voucher system to give choice back to the parents and chi ldren. Change the tax system to a con-sumer tax instead of an income tax. Qui t punishing people for being good at providing superior goods and services . They should be commended, not punished. The numbers have already been crunched and only difference wil l be that we replace government force with choice. Break through the bonds of tyranny and become free again. Ten we can con-centrate on cut t ing back on government . The las t American front ier. Freedom is destroyed by government power and power is money. The second most im-portant rule of communism is confiscat ion of pr ivate property. This can be inst i tuted in one of two ways. The most direct method is to use Fascis t force at the barrel of a gun in the face of i ts recalci t rant c i t izens. This works best when ci t izens are not a l lowed to bear arms. The other way is more insidious and takes many generat ions to nibble away at a f ree thinking populat ion. By using misplaced compassion to inst i tute a graduated income tax to create c lass warfare , the government can turn ci t izens against each other. This a lsomakes i t harder for the country that is duped into this fool ishness to grow f inancial ly. The higher the taxes on the most product ive individuals and companies the greater the power of government to use other methods of pr ivate property confiscat ion. These meth-ods use s teal th and decept ion to accomplish their goals . America, in the year 2008, is the vict im of two s leazy misappropriat ions of assets . One from the wanna be World Government , commonly known as the United Nat ions and one from their own government . Both methods use fear through control led mass media events to come to the rescue of the cowered populat ion with false solut ions. The f i rs t scenario is the total destruct ion of the planet . Carbon credi ts are the new form of taxa-t ion. The vict ims are those dir ty capi ta l is t that are pol lut ing the world with their useless gadgets . Their act ivi t ies must be punished by giving away their assets through the tax-ing method of carbon credi ts . I thought we had a Declarat ion of Independence to s top taxat ion without representat ion. Only the tyranny of the majori ty could be s tupid enough to throw away their f reedom in this haphazard scam to f leece America’s assets . So far, we’ve resis ted but the clear cut reasons haven’t been regis tered. Instead the media com-plex is s t i l l t rying to sel l this concept using so cal led “Pol i t ical Correctness”.

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The nat ional f inancial cr is is was contr ived by the same sneaky commucrats that sup-port every other government program that confiscates the publ ics money for any imagin-able scheme they can come up with to f leece the American people . Create the problem and then rush in and solve the problem with more taxat ion and social engineer ing that these el i t is t pinheads know wil l give them power. These are the same PHD holding, ex CEO’s that can’t count . They made the rules to extend credi t in fool ish ways that even a second grader would understand. They do this in the name of social engineer ing. AKA communism. They’l l t ry to convince you that an i l legal immigrant laborer making a de-cent l iving of three to four thousand dol lars per month can purchase an expensive new home with a t ickler loan to qual i fy. What do they expect , that these hard working people wil l a l l of sudden become software execut ives and t r iple their income so they can make the payments on their adjustable loans when the obvious happens. Who is kidding whom? These same people are going to rush in and save us a l l . I don’t think so! Throw the bums in ja i l f rom the top down. They’ve abused their power and deserve the same t reatment as any thief would get . I f nothing else , charge them with s tupidi ty and don’t le t them get anywhere near a government or lending inst i tut ion posi t ion. The other 81 t r i l l ion dol lars in the t r icksters schemes should burn to the ground and le t the market adjust natural ly. The t r icksters and fools should loose money, not the pru-dent hardworking Americans. The only way this wil l happen is i f real news comes back to the country, not the l ies passed as information by the current media complex. Complici ty can easi ly be proven in the courts and should be. This is a t ime for courage and leader-ship and not “go along plat i tudes” by commucrats . Cal l your local and nat ional leaders and le t them know you won’t help with your tax dol lars and your vote . You are going to help s top them every way possible . You can also donate to two programs we sponsor to help this growing problem. We need money to hire warr ior a t torneys that understand the gravi ty of this assaul t against f reedom. We’l l take the media to court every chance we can and we’l l sponsor a “Bureaucrats Responsibi l i ty Act” that wil l make these fools ac-countable . Fight ing back for your f reedom is the only sane way to maintain i t .

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