the evening statesman (walla walla, wash.) (walla walla ... · -ilo 'iu'li ii wis otsvvh...

« I ffjfj *1 ; -if .VfUn-ioni aid! -. Good-body 4ft wood Sawed petard ' j " * CalMit yard and pick out ySttt^g^W ca laH l P CashcteliVe^yr"^ 3 * ? w *^« -| _ 1 i ,; *f»n«»l3 Js»m '?>) ? d.-n, .i Eugene Tansiok L >=£'??' f-S |'/ 1,17/ ?'?'"'''\u25a0?' levifl Bidnti/toO A -. russTan Cobles pou j^porms Titled Subjects of Ciar.-Afe Prftrfomi- nan* Element n4 ; Xer)jstvos. v I ? i ;'f i-: f US Hie -v 1 Iv'i \u25ba' f e; present \u25a0 \u25a0r :il thai : a ; i.ilii.y is takin&jjai|^3s nolles have been the dominant ele- .; of the tbe^>r< ganization of t i\ose. bodies, and ( Jhej : i full _ sympathy ..with the, D^ejferiJ attitude of the government. . \u25a0 \u25a0"V It may appear strange that such . .-ad be the . iot cseit- en tight. ~! Kussian knows that the peasant- "mh forms 75; &v ; U . is in siX h-rt i help must come from the privi- leged classes or the peasantry will otthrow the existing - order. - --- -- Uussian history lei-urda...great peas. ant] revolts in the seventeenth and the eighteenth .?*i#£4*Hn t&U£* cen- tuny, also, many loyal peasant dis- turpances took pla< o. ~-Even now riots a I minor revolts are taking place daily in widely separated parts of the emlire, i'""""»J*|lg|YW Khark- ov.! Saratov ynfll ppjrML where the nobility is alarmed, and , ? tios; more land for tlvej)eas- ?f \u25a0 i i.-ss taxaitou. \u25a0 ' ".} l Th.- lmlu'lity of r>#l.^ov^l^and Moscow provinces have declared theaiselves in their assemblies the \\ aijiiiest- During Hi. 'time of the "great reforms" of I Alexander 11., forty years ago, the sanie nobility distinguished itself as the! 'Ktmpioh |of i^ r l r lg^| rn^' ie |; t j :.: i net. lit-rs «?( th- : Tovyr . npbilt|.v were aareatbsxifl an 3 vjsflJfl Via th.- jnobility of, YladyLmir and ?:-! .\l.-xand.-r for Et. consdtaition. Their brothers in Moscow added that if it| should not be : granted' tViey 1 '^ould protest Th.Tt tTTe' aisdlcale.'""TFese /il;\u25a0 men seem likely in the present LARD. 1j \u25a0 t l^^^^li^^^P^^l^ai^^^h was i'y iv.*Weß--<- "ti "ft»«»P Street and Rail road XV«U ue. A short time drefore the fctrrial took place the husband of the woman stated that he was convinced that she -i lO 'iU'li ii WIS OTSVvH was dead, and willing, to proceed with the funeral, were hurriedly made and, the funeral took place at 2:30 o'clock. 'Just before the ?? ?\u25a0 '{Iqxriifi at xtoi*! sifi i caskel was closed the friends, and, ? - hnt alKmla rtfocT Is of the dead woman gathered bsiissfj oni r.'is n: 11 »«« f around the coffin and agaip_Ji,,ii)uupur, of doubt ran through" the crowd. older people in attendance shook fliey of fact that the embalming process Rich the body had" undergone -TltrWrrTrf^x^^ e,p^ n <varfl: i iotoai««&i ,Aitar: a) of which there cannot be the least koubT. b9lßlo^^B 0 ?.- BC BRBIS UiJ lflDOfifd >eiq tol - 8 »dio THR( AT CUT FROM EAR TO EAR. Bute |r Bceemgs"Pcspoi'llfilll rTT rrrr "" ST SE.s rTTLE. Wrffe»^J«)»fc.3*«.?Dan -W'wuwlni. ,iPit>!> Iff" 1 "!.' 1 !^ - relatives live at Benton, com-_ baHiil ' 4kunftr t«W QOd .DOeisnil ? \u2666?« * \u2666 * * kavtS^aa * aatw aaT RJgljß j GRAIN AND STOCK ? BROKERS , has &*nis J W e charge no Interest for oaoftji*- J ryin 9 long stocks. I \u2666 Mmneapohs, A J H B. KERSHAW-, Mgr.? ? _ .- ?~ frcwi; km}i»W e^/-^ompfe\ef^ : severing the''jugular vein. \u25a0 Tfe Veins In his wrist we*e : cut until blood spurted from them. Gallagher 'turned on the gas in - his roorfV,' fay' do\Vn lon "his bed and:tHen' usWl razor. Mfs.«>i ammefptStm? raridfady, Wnelled the gas and iealled 1 Patrolmah' Rib- bach. officer broke'into the''room and there found Gallagher dead. The sight'was ! a ghastly one, the-bedding having"'been" 'shtinated 'with iilobd; had run ott : to the floor -aWd formed- several- pools: I ?-? : I**** itb-m \u2666 +*i&;i#*<9tmm"r asphyxiation, but was pre- vailed b*the JJO^l^amVjiLnS'thp !ady.OSJlOq?lli lends of Gallagher say he has drinking heavily and lost sev- jobs as a result ghat him Jjg f\ \u25a0 $ 1 * 1 ? W. Cookerly, licensed embalmer a Xjk undertaken Babcock ftmk, IV 2 Advertise in the Statesman. * ? Advertise in the Statesman. tykiA WALLA MARKETS f Retail Prices. ~ Iff nirket are: . j jSijfjar?Per* * , l|kese ?Per lb* 20c. jV^jgetables ?Potatoes, per tack; new, BCSS bisons ?Per 100 lbs., $2.00. i?a^-snips? lc per lb. TiSfnips? lc per lb. jJbbage? Pep 100 lbs.., ~5,2,00. jjreen Apples?sl.oo, choice. Algs?Per lb..'l2»i'6'. ?"' ;i ' .^.Cranberries? i*er 50ct>!» Pineapples ?50c each*./ Fruits ?Oranges, per doz., 25c to 50c. Lemons ?Per doz.,' 25c Eg%s? Per dQZ? 40c. ..!; tn Butter?Country, per roll, 55c; creamery, per roll ?oc. FliSjr? Per barrel, $1.40 to $5.00; Graham flour per 50-lb. sack, $1.30; wholewheat pwr \u25a0 saT6T67"TI7BPT roll - ed oafs per lb. sc. Haw ?Baled, per ton; wheat, $13; Brah-^T ) er"onr $T9.50r shorts, per s | 2o ' so; isrmi*frH^«»rti>?r'5 r mi*f r H^«» r ti>?r' Fit per "^t^rtA'^Dib/iO 1111 - --but 14% c; soles 10c; perch, 12% c; rock ;od, lobsters, 25c; flounder, 10c; herring, 10c; crabs, 25c and 30c; smelt, sturgeon, 15c; black cod, 156; shrinms, 50c. Eaaern opsters?7sc a quart. Spijig \u25a0 "%$M and «£?i. A sw e y- 20c - ' /.'oi^rl-ST^iS Sirrfin steak, 10c. Roiflid steak, flc.. ,: .- I ChuX-k steak, 7c $ ... H r.v«d \u25a0 Priise rib roast, 10c. BeeJ roasi. a 7- ftT3 |AM 6SS-TS2-SSS Boil|ng beef. 4c Mutton chops, 9c. iitfcVi7""ste'w.'~. \u25a0 P ir <j steak. Sc. Pji roast. Sc. £flis3*w H ttilburg - H -a J cheese, .c. ? L rer'TTtirsd. Tc. " " [ h B x>d-wurst. -7c. i mil 150 lbs., UyiW IbV, 3fc^ ygocd hogs?Live ScraHsietf r3hee: 4-w^hW' $2; arrrbs, JS. ~ a , .., B v: -rrnrn ??j j t!i-- J>*-< -.?>? \u25a0 ? ? ? 1 MEra A^WOMER. Usie Bis U f"r unnatural '"» v \u25a0 circular §cut oo reqeesi TUB EVIHIIH IWfMMiILH^M^ 1 ' BjEgjßWS«lWgg ' ?. mjm. ? mm,*.? a .#l-11 Am FOR SATiB I - SOIVIE CAi^d¥^Oi?^SA^lTei^ '?FOT (all ' kinds) . ''?' "Wot rtsd oii* s«oj ; t'No (ciotb) ' ' ' " ~ |'Bntte«milk, 5c. v noHeqxa » j .!\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0' ' ). ci mnQ rtwww ijEGAL BLANKS 11 TfOR SALE Al 9 Statesman office. + ?.v - ; v... .. ..? i|OR SALE CHEAP?GOOD"GENTLE 4 buggjF 1 Enqufre'^lO' W. Birch lU- lIpR'^ALE?WALLA-' WALLA ATH- \u25bc letic 'ciub,: ' iiVcld'ding bowiing alley, three pool and billiard tables, gym- Inasium ; THfiur^ n ete M Price A L. Hastings? Walfa Walla. Ij ?'? - -' ' " : '\u25a0' "' ! J 1 ? '\u25a0 \u25a0 ; RBMi'-l*^ATte.' 1 |FOR .BAtITj^TRAOE.""^ agarden land; 15 minutes drive from no rock; stream of spring runs through place. Will, ex- change for city property. Price %800. \u25a0 ", buys a good: 8-roomed house aa.d two lots; close in; $150 downbal- a%see 420 a month till paid. i 31 f] : «i 9 mon farm? ' M an acre bqys 160 acres near $160, down, balance; <?n grfein payments, six years, without in- terest. V \u25a0 j ?w «350 buys a gfW in Ta-gooArlo- cjiefn. awsw WSa $iSOQ BUY'S; GOOD i-ROOM HOUSE <blose in, bathi pantry,. seM'erage con*- Sections, hot and cold water up and Jown stairs, nice..large balls, gopd ?cation; 160Q down, $.400 each year For .SIB.OO, 16P -mVm from atatkoi^, :.a.ty ( -,4arp;ed T «xcept ; .ii..acres; IP acres. ir ays;.ieyel..afld; <can< be-irri- 4jttted from ditch; good well; 2-roorn small barn; terms, $500 down, 'grain payments,, will take aV.' -***-'*. "Utbcu alusw susw rij ps Rnall tract close in or city,,property as part or full paymerit., ISW' WI-JJH B S2^O.. t _pQ>V f V, ! ,pA J L f 3v?pCE ;: f®Vr? ?S r &.S\W h- -dd.« es-« t«Ji 4ii installments*!*' 1 fteAv y 7-r66rfl' ! fi J olise' «qsej ffl-iqeo(fft^Ofli; balanoe ffid ip rarest, »vl»3 D/jMPBELL', ' VVOLF & CAMPBELL, f Rooms 6 and 7 Barrett - Brick. 1 '\u25a0 I Id Rhone 1 Main 333. s Xlabn ii vr . liedj d rJIaVSi .... v CLOSE TO. CITY, SMALL muse good weli; deeded water, .right. A 'bargain. Y \t h\u25a0\u25a0 '? «« ip <:i »l 14* aeW9'' ! 2%'--mile's-' ffOm' town; fine" r - \ r ruh i S niSft»^l f^.' lCr nsrr biiß * ll:oa vi artfiio: "fr»4 Bjft)CM9 acres boMdni 'ldnAiiifn- 1 d :r alth ißiCAJltivation, balance!buttfeh g-asßii ,7**oioßt> hfouse>,''i, ?hkm' a :d o :hard; 75 head-cattle,.'Jß hOr%fes['«o f h ) Bil £»w?m- - 4gf tafcejcife»i*wroß*» gajr.t ;; iU oi I .bSfrgains hijct{iy.:Pi?ope*ty':<. vi; a AiitMn; BKM)W!ELL-, >a . 7 r, .aßa^sor^ijß.uiiding^ VOTE FOR PRESIDENT, i '\u25a0 . ' »j - Defeated ' f^arjter^b'v 2,s46,l69 if '" : Balfots. 1 ' 3 taboi x a ,H ,o pCI Times I *|ys _000 jglfaW aliaW .niaiJ iOisiusM |,A .popn ! iiar Note at.the: last presidentiai eEeJt - i ion, complete. except as,, t tQ,,ope couJtt- y ir four/ cwuptiet* in, #ich i^an.. wb.erf e^ima.^s. are,, giyen,. now b| ttyaA,Present s .Roosevelt . eate | by 2.546,169., Ha, >fjf4e 1 the largest vote ever given a. \u25baresilent of tbe,United States^,7.64o,- -rjfj. This is more than 400,000. in ex.- --900. , ; v ir. noomtsdln <»bnOb 'Th ? officiali figures .for,. Missouri, rib'w R6os*evelt carried that state, .y' l !2i ,800. M Maryland one repuollcan elector evli' cd' 'Vhe ! largest' vole,' *bui his '.coi- eagu demo-, jalfti therefore, will have* even votes in the electoral college. 1 WANTED. * [FIRST QT MB. jjiylMiaif<MTflTnTtlnil Ida Rose St. ?Is era idgii ie \u25a0ha tfaseja?9 uwrtlaM ?i aa gjatatsga?Ed MOVER'S BARBER GODLifiGE-;d3ALI , Dake teaches .the. barfcen: ttreed« iH,^ f! t»»eeks aufd^gnarantees positions | ~: \yrAt.?i..lon-feerms.-:a \u25a0 ioJ .J .A ,i9tolo ; CHILDREN"S.? A KING A BJ l_ YEAR?' BKnTWI '" garden and'*^fee'r i ry , ' , "farm!'' A Famil> preferred. L. B. ZeTl, Milton. - i h WAKTTItD- -TRI'NKSI TO 1 'HAUL \u25a0 SoWiers a specialty. Tti aird from j depots - for 25e. Phone' Main F. msIIII-0 .iM logsiO . j H ni 11 11 * i, i, LUUfIUi I FOR. REXT-OXK NICELY - FUR- , nished. bedrooni, 210 Wesrt Poplar. Phone Main: 266;,. . ... , t. . .; FOR RENT?Ft J R NTSH ED RO OM A T 30T South Fourth, street. . ?TRY THE COAST HOFSE FOR N T EW clean beds, neat rooms and" good ac- DirectTf opposite j;7 iK>swtt&sP * fls f ",Jl ' t ;I FOR RENT VERY CHEAP?Mrs. ,J. Allen's .lovely ho?o portly fur- nished. foam :jrndm;'. and ? R of ?the best- hvnoFiivtue valley is offered JOnly $300! bpap <vy, e ai»; --payable moutbly. I Sfle ius ¥or fwrthet partic- ularSii Baxter Realty Main. i ... t - i . i .. * ;?44 \u25a0 \u25a0 aafcumd?(d?Um j IiOST. LOST?BAY BON Y WITH NEARLY new saddle.- ?Weiglt«e , T6o lbs. "Re- . ??fuii! to , Mt's Ul and receive V ' ma ..,..! | A T »g'. We have moved fo the Guichard ; 'ijuiiarrtg.''' Entrance on stfeef. A 1 .betello noiiieoq. Suit, Spongfing 6? Ptesitng Club ! ' |4 N. 3rd Phone Main 218 las v , jSuiT vi flaai gßawgagipg^ :n .Second St., Phone Main 716. 'THE VIAVI CO. HAVE REMOVED their parlors to the fourth flppr. oj. the Ransom ''"equipped to Bive all kinds of baths. : Phone MainW6. iHSElitr aNATOMYf # Qk 10S1 AuiETST.,SUFEiICISCO,CiL. 7 A ST The *e«t Anatomical Museum In the k r\u25a0 JL World Weaknesses df ltl<f BMBWW T j {ffiflt discas c«rad hy the oldest ' r ' 9'm HI s Pec'J ton the Coast. ; Est. 36 years. # >i»W|OR. , tOAN?OISIASESOF W'K - ' F<YsraH Blr thoriughly eradicated A - ?;?.;! from v em without cfSerrsr; V LI aal Tr' fitted bjr»? Expert. StaSfc ft'"? 7 I\u25a0 ? ? to * mmptwlrm., A quic)?and 7 , V 1/ "dica ure for Pllati. rlinra axQ A ' ,V 1 A )1 >. by Dr. Jor4an's special pain- fl? \ le*is m tods. -CiC j<>Jj OSBI 5, .Cojruultation free 1 strictlyprtrat L pel -Jit 1 T or by letti A Potitivt i IMflu e»w'»caifcdro' A undertaken. Write r Book. t»KIl .OftOPflY mt\ f W«RRIA«K. 1 ILBD FREE, (A Taluab!/- ben I£> \ tor tarn.) Call Ml 1 \\ Mi iet St.. S. F. * f \vbi.!'" the repi Means w 11 have orH%j one., I A .comparisoi with the vote talpje, pf j 1.900 shows a m -ked char gfttmelhfj mUftil cialist vote. I bs, the candidate of | the party lha year, wis also this i year's candidat and his vote shows ' an increase of i >re than 100.000. Wat. son, the popul t candid ite, ran the ! strongest in hi own sta c,. , Georgia,.] vVhere he recei ed 22,63." votes. -He:i most f his v »tes in thej stiiith and west, >ut only ime vote war cast for him in iouth Caiolina. A The total voP is given ks 13,534,119. | and that for es h of the (MpMßtt candidates is g en as ft Hows: Roosevelt, repu lican 7,640,560 Parker, democr : 5,094,3^ Debsi socialist. I 392,857 Swallow. prohißtionist TjH-^I Watson, populij 2 , Corrigan. socialfit labor 33,519 The- electoral Rote will be 336 for Roosevelt and for Parker. k .J h ;: Hit inn -DOils at cost, 605 Elm street, near O. R. & X. depot. Advertise in the Statesman. THO " Q ! £,^ g = * n^-W: ?f? ? | L_j U 4 3V_'g Bp ,i f}i Lt * : ,ff,iJ CWfe ; CtrHrt,''A*' W'CTRb* !FbTR, I^IRST*! A CENT. A#fWORD| FOR 3UBSE- niQU|EIUJ,aIN^RTJOINB% »»|«0 fcnaauoHT enO |f$ ,no*a«im.<i ISO BETTCI? «eDlOm CI 1 FOR PLACING YOUR BUSINESS CARD OR ADVERTISING ARTrjCL?jj& OR jPROPHJLHtS" FOR SALEy FOR RENT, FOR EXCHANGE, "tOST"OR FOUND. WANT ADS IN THE EVENING STATESMAN ALWAYS BRING R%%ULTS. '\u25a0. , \u25a0 mm \u25a0> m m 1 ? 1 '' J \u25a0'\u25a0 " ? 1 * ta .i . .... .-».. .\u25a0..,\u25a0.+ !!,.,,. ..rlf nl hAm 1 fl* .THEfttPLACt] TO BUY is a& the sttore of J. F. McLean, 1J 1 * paiT Alderj street. wjM.j^IEINFiCKE?CABS, EXPRES w&Hmp. f'rtgtnjfff hai| c l \u25a0£>.-. FhoMH j*o\\ :,-2. I i $ _iS? C- yll MJ & CO., 9% NORX Fo/flh strelet, ~y:.LL WOn flitch repairing? * J -2>i 1 C ?1 . _= M. & CO., DEALERS I] iron* brass, copper, bottles, lea< - iain(sf sacks, rubber, hides, furs, et. I ; Main St., Phone Black 99 V , -? \u25a0 \u25a0 ?; -? WEW AND SECOND-HANp FUR NITURE Bought, Sold and Exchanged at 21 . J. ROS£.N, Prop. r-^?i ttnazara PROFESSIONAL. PHYSICIANI AJfD Stjf4#E"ON. T fepfc cial attention 'g^veh' BP diseases 5 °c women and electrical treatment! Office rooms Postoffle bufiding. 441 Residence £aap~c fanT 31 WOH Pl] PROF. O. S. T trie Sanitarium J^V^JI In and Heated A%- Treatments give >iriJdr all diseases. Rooms 2-3- ev Jlidg. h 11 : DR. C P. GAMMON. PHYSICIAN .rj and Surgeon. Office Paine Bldg Specialty-?Diseases of Women am .Children. Phone. Office Main 3U i ' sidence Main . 5.82. .. DRj. J. J. MT~RRAY, VETERINARY . surgeon and dentist; graduate o American Veterinary College, Ne\ . York CitV. Office, Mcßride Bros ..livery stable. Telephone, Main M Walla Walla, Wash. <: - DR. N, G,, .BLALOCK,-M. D., OFFICI in ReesnWinajQs Bldg. Phones: Of j fice, Main 272; residence, Main 342 ''Tffr'K'rKTlE- DAfl'foJf, M. D., 44 T Ar- cade, Seattle. Skin and genito-uri- nary diseases. DR. BRIDGHAM, OCULIST AXE Aurist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Postoffice building. Phone Main 268 T7P. R^oorri^ 3 and 4, Barrett building; Tele- FURNACES. LET tfXQU HEAT. THE Bo'ngal furnaces we - guarat.ifee,tjC> 112 "K. Alder. Black 811. BOOK-. AMD -SHOW" promptly dene.; Prices' Hg-frV. :! Ftrst class work guaranteed. H. Romer, 122 East Alder street. Fire and Accident Insurance, Loans on , City and Farm Property; . Plate : jGlasa Insurance? ' ion IU We become your Surety on Bonds, Wholesale and retail dealers J"*" ?KHfrgs-ef hides, wuul, scrap ironj prassT copper, rubber, lead, zinc, bottles, old rubbeWJfTid seconfl s<%M|i EPSTEIN & YOUDOVITCH PhonaJVlain 360 11 East Main?^ ' WWLa WALLA WASH. Come in anu see our new fall and" winter suiting, trouserings and ovei :oatings. Rook, the tailor, Jones bulld- jTg^^^mni^x^et^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fine new cloths for lady's tailor \u25a0nade suits, cloaks, skirts, etc. Rook, :he tailor. All garments made to order. Zome In and examine our line. Joneß Duilding, Second street. STATE-OWNED RAILWAYS. JJJ OTTAWA. Offltrßec. 15.-Although Canada would Been, to Indicate UhZ iWj^fgigMiaig^jjgaagawgig oonliues t<f^ discussed in the press and on ttidAl strefet with unabated Interest »|j "XJ *R*viejAs wli.-i, appealed intf fheiftlof-FThe Bill wasT !agaatgaMgßHMßE?of Mell ourneS Australia, who was emphatic In his V*' ?.'ond-innalion of government Iwnor-V ship. Under it. he says, -mire isli '"tie or no initiative, the ,are impudent, and a condition oi nation generally marks tjm*manage-.! ment of the roads. They have never? been and never will he a eaß." He* tpbnitied. however, .that- ? ther! had\* been an improvement .in Victoria under Mr. Tart's management, "becausj thatlj gwitleman insis-red 'upon' rh.- tion ol the political element.- Now. he railway*-. tK dunll\ pay- j Rag interest, but for many year.: they \u25a0 . nothing of tlje sort.-- vjr Basmoifr ad- r i!%!jm ' xm\\ '' iw I 'MnrA' ier,son ~o lufpose that government own trship \| tirSuid i>4Mfc4 failure. J 1 The other Interview was with a j jewrmrtst Of STocKnnlm. nanied "fYjorn- r sten, who is entirely in favor of state- * owned railways. "The railways of \li Sweden." he explained, "are operated^ ar? a"d!frinistere«r by honorable men mawtsmUO} cnteTiy'-The dMstumtton 'of"" giving good service to the Htate. The iiim" i'" 1 US ..personal pbjacf 11 Tll^^ < " uu ' Ul ' u 'j.t r the,- 'W^liole/peopy^^^^npt.; thhr -^406 re-' awfe ftLate-o w ned rail lays, that the - state, ; for the benefi j <jf the Whole CO&n.ti ; y. V, ill do in,,, ! 9i 'hv_\vay qi"vdeyeloprric«t than thd li'.ira: . lirsl dWd 1.-uit th. deshJH <>i j am o,ft'y_ a All 1 « 1 iall- suocessl ana for the slm- MM r sßAßaXS>omics are eliminated from the management." Both these interviews very st likine:- Ty- bring out the one real objection to government f \u25a0.< I ifffAfliy of managing them through the state, ?withdut UTHiUe" polf'ficai 1 It was a realization ofl KM* difficulty-- a realization all the more keen In the light of the -ectpenem-e et the inter- : ! colonial »nilway?that was largely in- iStrumeutal -in-:- |iMr*uad*ng the' great ' mass of Canadians to vote' against '\u25a0' stattj ownership in the W^rW'eTWWoiuVj l '\u25a0 ..plf; the «:pu?e|-yative- opp<rsitioii. had .: possessed v Lhe ; a.ewurago to ; come- . out- ft frankiy, f goj:,jtb.e o»Jiy ( : type: of statei-, owned- that-:, would: or- could ? aiuL - that.-:-.-is. railways managed by either an independent WSSSSSR rrrVmrrrrrt by \u25a0 ThP l WeriT- J55 ment, such as the railway commission of which Mr. Blair was chairman, or by a capable and experienced manager, ill ii *** would be given a free hand, and f ar- anteed against interference on the iart of politicians and the appointmei of political employees?the result n ght E* been somewhat different. \s things are. however, it is not )bable that the Canadian people vill ever yote for government ownei Up Kiel al demonstration t f the adv nt- the system under proper c 4di. tions, by the eliminatioi of poll cal copj#pl -froni -Cunuda'-S existing m- npnal t^n, rn jnial, an< its foanagemerrt ttrsc»ri j,i;i< tir ai bus! 988 lines, xmdtfr a competen and im ir- «a7-rfeaa.^ ij . iv ";' ? Newell St. Plione Redp3 You ,w§ nt. We Have it. 9& iW LUMBER YAH John W. McCritk, I'fl tt 1 Hm rl ?rp|nn«i Mam I [ Japanese H I Goods _§\u2666 N* !g^ricy^o^S^^vet?^d^^^^^ Also a fine line of toys. [ SALEM C. KURDY \u2666 [ 115 East Main Street. V

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Post on 22-May-2020




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Page 1: The Evening Statesman (Walla Walla, Wash.) (Walla Walla ... · -ilO 'iU'li ii WIS OTSVvH was dead, and willing,to proceed with the funeral, were hurriedly made and, the funeral took

« I ffjfj*1 ; -if .VfUn-ioni aid! -.

Good-body 4ft woodSawed petard '



CalMit yard and pick out ySttt^g^Wca laH lP CashcteliVe^yr"^ 3 * ? w*^«


1 i ,; *f»n«»l3 Js»m '?>) ? d.-n,

.i Eugene TansiokL >=£'??' f-S |'/ 1,17/ ?'?'"'''\u25a0?' levifl Bidnti/toO A -.

russTan Cobles pou j^porms

Titled Subjects of Ciar.-Afe Prftrfomi-nan* Element n4 ; Xer)jstvos. v

I ? i ;'f i-: fUS

Hie -v 1 Iv'i \u25ba' fe; present

\u25a0 \u25a0r :il thai

: a ;i.ilii.y is takin&jjai|^3s

nolles have been the dominant ele-

.; of the tbe^>r<ganization of t i\ose. bodies, and

( Jhej: i full


sympathy ..with the, D^ejferiJattitude of the government. . \u25a0\u25a0"V

It may appear strange that such

. .-ad be the . iot cseit- en tight.

~! Kussian knows that the peasant-

"mh forms 75; &v; U . is in siX h-rt

i help must come from the privi-

leged classes or the peasantry will

otthrow the existing - order. - -----

Uussian history lei-urda...great peas.

ant] revolts in the seventeenth and the

eighteenth .?*i#£4*Hn t&U£* cen-

tuny, also, many loyal peasant dis-

turpances took pla< o. ~-Even now riots

a I minor revolts are taking place

daily in widely separated parts of theemlire, i'""""»J*|lg|YW Khark-

ov.! Saratov ynfll ppjrMLwhere the nobility is alarmed, and

, ? tios; more land for tlvej)eas-?f \u25a0 i i.-ss taxaitou. \u25a0


".}l Th.- lmlu'lity of r>#l.^ov^l^and

Moscow provinces have declared

theaiselves in their assemblies the

\\ aijiiiest- During

Hi. 'time of the "great reforms" ofI

Alexander 11., forty years ago, the

sanie nobility distinguished itself as

the! 'Ktmpioh |of i r̂lrlg^|rn^' ie |; t j:.: i net. lit-rs «?( th- : Tovyr . npbilt|.vwere aareatbsxifl an 3vjsflJfl Viath.- jnobility of, YladyLmir and

?:-! .\l.-xand.-r for Et. consdtaition.

Their brothers in Moscow added that

if it| should not be : granted' tViey 1'^ouldprotest Th.Tt tTTe' aisdlcale.'""TFese

/il;\u25a0 men seem likely in the present

LARD. 1j \u25a0 t


i'y iv.*Weß--<- "ti "ft»«»P Street

and Rail road XV«Uue.A short time drefore the fctrrial took

place the husband of the woman

stated that he was convinced that she-i lO 'iU'li ii WIS OTSVvH

was dead, and willing, to proceedwith the funeral, were

hurriedly made and, the funeral tookplace at 2:30 o'clock. 'Just before the

?? ?\u25a0 '{Iqxriifi at xtoi*! sifi icaskel was closed the friends, and,? -

hnt alKmla rtfocTIs of the dead woman gatheredbsiissfj oni r.'is n: 11 »«« f

around the coffin and agaip_Ji,,ii)uupur,of doubt ran through" the crowd.

older people in attendance shook

fliey of

fact that the embalming process

Rich the body had" undergone

-TltrWrrTrf^x^^e,p^ n <varfl: iiotoai««&i ,Aitar:a)

of which there cannot be theleast koubT. b9lßlo^^B 0

?.- BC BRBIS UiJ lflDOfifd>eiq tol - 8 »dio


Bute |r Bceemgs"Pcspoi'llfilll rTT rrrr""ST

SE.s rTTLE. Wrffe»^J«)»fc.3*«.?Dan

-W'wuwlni. ,iPit>!> Iff"1"!.' 1!^- relatives live at Benton, com-_

baHiil' 4kunftr

t«W QOd .DOeisnil

? \u2666?« * \u2666


* kavtS^aa*

aatw aaT RJgljß

j GRAIN AND STOCK? BROKERS , has &*nisJ W e charge no Interest for oaoftji*-

J ryin 9 long stocks. I

\u2666 Mmneapohs, AJ H B. KERSHAW-, Mgr.? ?



frcwi; km}i»W e^/-^ompfe\ef^ : severingthe''jugular vein. \u25a0 Tfe Veins In hiswrist we*e : cut until blood spurtedfrom them. Gallagher 'turned on thegas in - his roorfV,' fay' do\Vn lon "his bedand:tHen' usWl razor.

Mfs.«>i ammefptStm? raridfady, Wnelledthe gas and iealled 1 Patrolmah' Rib-bach. officer broke'into the''roomand there found Gallagher dead. Thesight'was ! a ghastly one, the-beddinghaving"'been" 'shtinated 'with iilobd;

had run ott: to the floor-aWdformed- several- pools: I?-?

: I****itb-m \u2666 +*i&;i#*<9tmm"r

asphyxiation, but was pre-vailed b*the JJO^l^amVjiLnS'thp

!ady.OSJlOq?llilends of Gallagher say he hasdrinking heavily and lost sev-

jobs as a result ghat him

Jjg f\\u25a0 $ 1 * 1 ?

W. Cookerly, licensed embalmera Xjk undertaken Babcock ftmk, IV2

Advertise in the Statesman.* ?

Advertise in the Statesman.

tykiA WALLA MARKETSf Retail Prices. ~

Iffnirket are: . j

jSijfjar?Per* *

, l|kese ?Per lb* 20c.

jV^jgetables ?Potatoes, per tack; new,BCSS

bisons ?Per 100 lbs., $2.00.

i?a^-snips? lc per lb.TiSfnips? lc per lb.

jJbbage? Pep 100 lbs.., ~5,2,00.jjreen Apples?sl.oo, choice.

Algs?Per lb..'l2»i'6'. ?"' ;i


.^.Cranberries? i*er 50ct>!»

Pineapples ?50c each*./

Fruits ?Oranges, per doz., 25c to 50c.

Lemons ?Per doz.,' 25cEg%s? Per dQZ? 40c. ..!; tn

Butter?Country, per roll, 55c;

creamery, per roll ?oc.FliSjr? Per barrel, $1.40 to $5.00;

Graham flour per 50-lb. sack, $1.30;

wholewheat pwr \u25a0 saT6T67"TI7BPT roll -

ed oafs per lb. sc.Haw ?Baled, per ton; wheat, $13;

Brah-^T )er"onr $T9.50r shorts, per

s | 2o 'so;isrmi*frH^«»rti>?r'5

rmi*fr H^«» r ti>?r'

Fit per "^t^rtA'^Dib/iO1111 -

--but 14%c; soles 10c; perch, 12%c; rock;od, lobsters, 25c; flounder, 10c;

herring, 10c; crabs, 25c and 30c; smelt,

sturgeon, 15c; black cod, 156;shrinms, 50c.

Eaaern opsters?7sc a quart.

Spijig \u25a0 "%$Mand «£?i.

Asw ey- 20c - '

/.'oi^rl-ST^iSSirrfin steak, 10c.Roiflid steak, flc.. ,: .- I

ChuX-k steak, 7c $ ... Hr.v«d

\u25a0 Priise rib roast, 10c.

BeeJ roasi. a 7-ftT3 |AM 6SS-TS2-SSSBoil|ng beef. 4c

Mutton chops, 9c.

iitfcVi7""ste'w.'~. \u25a0P ir <j steak. Sc.

Pji roast. Sc. £flis3*wH ttilburg

- H -a J cheese, .c.

? L rer'TTtirsd. Tc." "

[h B x>d-wurst. -7c. i


150 lbs., UyiW IbV, 3fc^ygocd hogs?Live ScraHsietfr3hee: 4-w^hW' $2;

arrrbs, JS. ~ a ,..,

B v: -rrnrn??j j t!i-- J>*-< -.?>? \u25a0 ? ? ? 1MEra A^WOMER.

Usie Bis U f"r unnatural

'"» v \u25a0 circular §cut oo reqeesi

TUB EVIHIIH IWfMMiILH^M 1̂ ' BjEgjßWS«lWgg' ?. mjm. ? mm,*.? a .#l-11


SOIVIE CAi^d¥^Oi?^SA^lTei^'?FOT (all ' kinds) .

''?'"Wot rtsd oii* s«oj

; t'No (ciotb) ' ' ' "

~ |'Bntte«milk, 5c. v noHeqxa

» j .!\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0' ' ). ci mnQ rtwwwijEGAL BLANKS 11 TfOR SALE Al9 Statesman office.+?.v - ; v... ..



1 Enqufre'^lO' W. Birch


\u25bc letic 'ciub,: ' iiVcld'ding bowiing alley,

three pool and billiard tables, gym-

Inasium; THfiur^nete M Price

A L. Hastings? Walfa Walla.Ij ?'? - -' ' " : '\u25a0' "' !J 1 ? '\u25a0 \u25a0 ;RBMi'-l*^ATte.' 1|FOR .BAtITj^TRAOE.""^

agarden land; 15 minutes drive fromno rock; stream of spring

runs through place. Will, ex-change for city property. Price

%800. \u25a0 ",

buys a good: 8-roomed house

aa.d two lots; close in; $150 downbal-a%see 420 a month till paid. i 31

f] :«i 9 mon farm? ' Man acre bqys 160 acres near

$160, down, balance; <?ngrfein payments, six years, without in-

terest. .«

V \u25a0 j ?w

«350 buys a gfW in Ta-gooArlo-cjiefn. awsw WSa


<blose in, bathi pantry,. seM'erage con*-

Sections, hot and cold water up and

Jown stairs, nice..large balls, gopd?cation; 160Q down, $.400 each year

For .SIB.OO, 16P -mVm from

atatkoi^, :.a.ty ( -,4arp;ed T«xcept ; .ii..acres;IP acres. irays;.ieyel..afld; <can< be-irri-4jttted from ditch; good well; 2-roorn

small barn; terms, $500 down,

'grain payments,, will takeaV.' -***-'*. "Utbcu alusw susw rij psRnall tract close in or city,,propertyas part or full paymerit.,

ISW' WI-JJH B S2^O.. t _pQ>V f V,! ,pAJLf3v?pCE ;:

f®Vr? ?S r&.S\W h- -dd.« es-« t«Ji

4ii installments*!*' 1fteAvy 7-r66rfl' !fiJolise'«qsej

ffl-iqeo(fft^Ofli; balanoeffid iprarest, »vl»3


f Rooms 6 and 7 Barrett - Brick. 1 '\u25a0I Id Rhone 1 Main 333. s

Xlabn ii vr . liedj d rJIaVSi .... vCLOSE TO. CITY, SMALL

muse good weli; deeded water, .right.A 'bargain.

Y\t h\u25a0\u25a0 '? «« ip <:i »l 14*

aeW9'' !2%'--mile's-' ffOm' town; fine"

r - \ r

ruh iSniSft»^lf^.' lCr nsrr biiß *ll:oa

vi artfiio:

"fr»4 Bjft)CM9 acres boMdni 'ldnAiiifn- 1d :r alth ißiCAJltivation, balance!buttfehg-asßii ,7**oioßt> hfouse>,''i, ?hkm'a :do :hard; 75 head-cattle,.'Jß hOr%fes['«o

f h ) Bil £»w?m- -4gf tafcejcife»i*wroß*»

gajr.t ;; iU oi I.bSfrgains hijct{iy.:Pi?ope*ty':<.

vi; a AiitMn; BKM)W!ELL-, >a .


VOTE FOR PRESIDENT, i'\u25a0 . ' »j -

Defeated 'f^arjter^b'v 2,s46,l69

if '" : Balfots. 1 '3 taboi x a ,H ,o

pCI Times I*|ys _000 jglfaW aliaW .niaiJ iOisiusM|,A .popn !

iiar Note at.the: last presidentiai eEeJt - iion, complete. except as,, ttQ,,ope couJtt-y ir four/ cwuptiet* in,

#ich i^an.. wb.erf e^ima.^s. are,, giyen,.

now b| ttyaA,Present s .Roosevelt .eate | by 2.546,169., Ha,

>fjf4e 1 the largest vote ever given a.

\u25baresilent of tbe,United States^,7.64o,--rjfj. This is more than 400,000. in ex.-

--900. ,; v ir. noomtsdln <»bnOb'Th ? officiali figures .for,. Missouri,

rib'w R6os*evelt carried that state,.y'l!2i ,800.M Maryland one repuollcan elector

evli' cd' 'Vhe !largest' vole,' *bui his '.coi-eagu demo-,jalfti therefore, will have*even votes in the electoral college.


[FIRST QT MB. jjiylMiaif<MTflTnTtlnilIda Rose St. ?Is era idgii ie

\u25a0ha tfaseja?9 uwrtlaM?i aa gjatatsga?Ed


, Dake teaches .the. barfcen: ttreed«

iH,^ f! t»»eeks aufd^gnarantees positions

| ~: \yrAt.?i..lon-feerms.-:a \u25a0 ioJ .J .A ,i9tolo


BJ l_

YEAR?' BKnTWI'" garden and'*^fee'r iry, ', "farm!'' A

Famil>preferred. L. B. ZeTl, Milton.


\u25a0 SoWiers a specialty. Tti aird from

j depots - for 25e. Phone' Main F.msIIII-0 .iM logsiO

. j H ni 11 11*

i, i, LUUfIUi I

FOR. REXT-OXK NICELY - FUR-, nished. bedrooni, 210 Wesrt Poplar.

Phone Main: 266;,. . ... , t. . . ;


30T South Fourth, street. .

?TRY THE COAST HOFSE FOR NT EWclean beds, neat rooms and" good ac-

DirectTf oppositej;7iK>swtt&sP *fls f ",Jl ' t ;I


Allen's .lovely ho?o portly fur-nished. foam :jrndm;'. and ? R of

?the best- hvnoFiivtue valley is offered

JOnly $300! bpap <vy, e ai»; --payable

moutbly. I Sfle ius ¥or fwrthet partic-

ularSii Baxter Realty Main.

i ... t- i . i .. * ;?44 \u25a0 \u25a0 aafcumd?(d?Um j



new saddle.- ?Weiglt«e , T6o lbs. "Re-. ??fuii! to, Mt'sUl

and receive V ' ma

..,..! | A T »g'.

We have moved fo the Guichard; 'ijuiiarrtg.''' Entrance on stfeef.

A 1 .betello noiiieoq.

Suit, Spongfing 6? Ptesitng Club!


|4 N. 3rd Phone Main 218las v ,

jSuiT viflaai gßawgagipg^:n .Second St., Phone Main 716.

'THE VIAVI CO. HAVE REMOVEDtheir parlors to the fourth flppr. oj.

the Ransom''"equipped to Bive all kinds of baths.

: Phone MainW6.

iHSElitr aNATOMYf# Qk 10S1 AuiETST.,SUFEiICISCO,CiL. 7A ST The *e«t Anatomical Museum In the kr\u25a0 JL World Weaknesses df ltl<f BMBWW Tj {ffifltdiscas c«rad hy the oldest 'r ' 9'm HI s Pec'J ton the Coast. ; Est. 36 years. #


' F<YsraH Blr thoriughly eradicated A- ?;?.;! from v em without cfSerrsr; VLI aal Tr' fitted bjr»? Expert. StaSfc

ft'"? 7 I\u25a0 ? ? to* mmptwlrm., A quic)?and 7 ,V 1/ "dica ure for Pllati. rlinra axQ A '

,V 1 A )1 >. by Dr. Jor4an's special pain- fl?\ le*is m tods. -CiC j<>Jj OSBI

5, .Cojruultation free 1 strictlyprtrat L pel -Jit 1T or by letti A Potitivt i IMflu e»w'»caifcdro'A undertaken. Write r Book. t»KIl .OftOPflY mt\f W«RRIA«K. 1 ILBD FREE, (A Taluab!/- ben I£>\ tor tarn.) Call Ml 1 \\

Mi iet St.. S. F.*


\vbi.!'" the repi Means w 11 have orH%jone., I

A .comparisoi with the vote talpje, pf j1.900 shows a m -ked char gfttmelhfj mUftilcialist vote. I bs, the candidate of |the party lha year, wis also this iyear's candidat and his vote shows '

an increase of i >re than 100.000. Wat.son, the popul t candid ite, ran the !

strongest in hi own sta c,. , Georgia,.]vVhere he recei ed 22,63." votes. -He:i

most f his v »tes in thejstiiith and west, >ut only ime vote warcast for him in iouth Caiolina. A

The total voP is given ks 13,534,119. |and that for es h of the (MpMßttcandidates is g en as ft Hows:Roosevelt, repu lican 7,640,560Parker, democr : 5,094,3^Debsi socialist. I 392,857Swallow. prohißtionist TjH-^IWatson, populij 2 ,Corrigan. socialfit labor 33,519

The- electoral Rote will be 336 forRoosevelt and 1» for Parker.

k .J h;: Hit inn

-DOils at cost, 605 Elm street, near O.R. & X. depot.

Advertise in the Statesman.

THO "Q !£,^g

= * n^-W:?f? ? | L_j

U 43V_'g Bp ,i f}i Lt

* : ,ff,iJ CWfe ; CtrHrt,''A*' W'CTRb* !FbTR, I^IRST*! A CENT. A#fWORD| FOR 3UBSE-niQU|EIUJ,aIN^RTJOINB% »»|«0 fcnaauoHT enO |f$



WANT ADS IN THE EVENING STATESMAN ALWAYS BRING R%%ULTS.'\u25a0. , \u25a0 mm \u25a0> m m 1 ? 1 '' J \u25a0'\u25a0 " ? 1 *ta

.i . .... .-».. .\u25a0..,\u25a0.+ !!,.,,. ..rlf nl hAm 1 fl*

.THEfttPLACt] TO BUYis a& the sttore of J. F. McLean, 1J

1 * paiT Alderj street.


w&Hmp. f'rtgtnjfff hai|c l \u25a0£>.-. FhoMH j*o\\ :,-2. I i $_iS? C- yll

MJ & CO., 9% NORX

Fo/flh strelet, ~y:.LL

WOn flitch repairing? * J -2>i 1 C

?£ ?1 . _=


iron* brass, copper, bottles, lea<- iain(sf sacks, rubber, hides, furs, et.

I ; Main St., Phone Black 99V , -? \u25a0 \u25a0 ?; -?


NITUREBought, Sold and Exchanged at 21

. J. ROS£.N, Prop.r-^?i ttnazara


PHYSICIANI AJfD Stjf4#E"ON. T fepfccial attention 'g^veh' BP diseases 5 °cwomen and electrical treatment!Office rooms Postofflebufiding. 441

Residence £aap~c fanT 31 WOHPl]


T trie Sanitarium J^V^JIIn and Heated A%- Treatments give

>iriJdr all diseases. Rooms 2-3-

ev Jlidg.h 11 :DR. C P. GAMMON. PHYSICIAN.rj and Surgeon. Office Paine Bldg

Specialty-?Diseases of Women am.Children. Phone. Office Main 3U

i ' sidence Main . 5.82. ..

DRj. J. J. MT~RRAY, VETERINARY. surgeon and dentist; graduate o

American Veterinary College, Ne\. York CitV. Office, Mcßride Bros

..livery stable. Telephone, Main M

Walla Walla, Wash. <: -

DR. N, G,, .BLALOCK,-M. D., OFFICIin ReesnWinajQs Bldg. Phones: Of

j fice, Main 272; residence, Main 342

''Tffr'K'rKTlE-DAfl'foJf, M. D., 44 T Ar-cade, Seattle. Skin and genito-uri-

nary diseases.

DR. BRIDGHAM, OCULIST AXEAurist. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat

Postoffice building. Phone Main 268

T7P. R^oorri^3 and 4, Barrett building; Tele-



Bo'ngal furnaces we - guarat.ifee,tjC>112 "K. Alder. Black 811.

BOOK-. AMD -SHOW"promptly dene.; Prices' Hg-frV. :!Ftrstclass work guaranteed. H. Romer,

122 East Alder street.

Fire and Accident Insurance,Loans on , City and Farm Property;

. Plate : jGlasa Insurance? ' ion IUWe become your Surety on Bonds,

Wholesale and retail dealers J"*"?KHfrgs-ef hides, wuul, scrap ironj prassT

copper, rubber, lead, zinc, bottles,old rubbeWJfTid seconfl s<%M|i

EPSTEIN & YOUDOVITCHPhonaJVlain 360 11 East Main?^


Come in anu see our new fall and"winter suiting, trouserings and ovei

:oatings. Rook, the tailor, Jones bulld-

jTg^^^mni^x^et^^^^^^^^^^^^Fine new cloths for lady's tailor

\u25a0nade suits, cloaks, skirts, etc. Rook,

:he tailor. All garments made to order.

Zome In and examine our line. Joneß

Duilding, Second street.


Canada would Been, to Indicate UhZ

iWj^fgigMiaig^jjgaagawgig oonliues t<f^&« discussed in the press and on ttidAlstrefet with unabated Interest »|j

"XJ *R*viejAs wli.-i, appealed intffheiftlof-FThe Bill wasT

!agaatgaMgßHMßE?of Mell ourneSAustralia, who was emphatic In his V*'

?.'ond-innalion of government Iwnor-Vship. Under it. he says, -mire isli'"tie or no initiative, the

,are impudent, and a condition oination generally marks tjm*manage-.!ment of the roads. They have never?been and never will he a eaß." He*tpbnitied. however, .that- ? ther! had\*been an improvement .in Victoria underMr. Tart's management, "becausj thatljgwitleman insis-red 'upon' rh.-tion ol the political element.- Now. he

railway*-. tKdunll\ pay- jRag interest, but for many year.: they \u25a0 .nothing of tlje sort.-- vjr Basmoifr ad- r

i!%!jm 'xm\\ ''iw I'MnrA' ier,son

~o lufpose that government own trship \|tirSuid i>4Mfc4 failure. J1

The other Interview was with a jjewrmrtst Of STocKnnlm. nanied "fYjorn- rsten, who is entirely in favor of state- *

owned railways. "The railways of \liSweden." he explained, "are operated^ar? a"d!frinistere«r by honorable menmawtsmUO} cnteTiy'-The dMstumtton 'of""giving good service to the Htate. The

iiim" i'"1 US ..personal pbjacf

11 Tll^^< "uu' Ul ' u ' the,-

'W^liole/peopy^^^^npt.;thhr -^406re-' awfe ftLate-o wned raillays, that the - state, ; for the benefi j<jf the Whole CO&n.ti;y. V, ill do in,,, !9i 'hv_\vay qi"vdeyeloprric«t than thd

li'.ira: . lirsldWd 1.-uit th.

deshJH <>ij am o,ft'y_ a All 1

« 1 iall-

suocessl ana for the slm-MMrsßAßaXS>omics are eliminatedfrom the management."

Both these interviews very st likine:-Ty- bring out the one real objection togovernment f \u25a0.< I ifffAfliyof managing them through the state,

?withdut UTHiUe" polf'ficai 1

It was a realization ofl KM* difficulty--a realization all the more keen In thelight of the -ectpenem-e et the inter- : !

colonial »nilway?that was largely in-

iStrumeutal -in-:- |iMr*uad*ng the' great '

mass of Canadians to vote' against '\u25a0'

stattj ownership in the W^rW'eTWWoiuVj l '\u25a0..plf; the «:pu?e|-yative- opp<rsitioii. had .:

possessed v Lhe ; a.ewurago to ; come- . out- ft

frankiy, f goj:,jtb.e o»Jiy ( : type: of statei-,

owned- that-:, would: or- could ?

aiuL - that.-:-.-is. railways

managed by either an independent

WSSSSSR rrrVmrrrrrt by \u25a0 ThP l WeriT-J55

ment, such as the railway commissionof which Mr. Blair was chairman, orby a capable and experienced manager,

illii ***

would be given a free hand, and f ar-

anteed against interference on the iartof politicians and the appointmei ofpolitical employees?the result n ght

E* been somewhat different.

\s things are. however, it is not)bable that the Canadian people vill

ever yote for government ownei Up

Kiel al demonstration t f the adv nt-

the system under proper c 4di.tions, by the eliminatioi of poll cal

copj#pl -froni -Cunuda'-S existing m-

npnal t^n,rn jnial, an< itsfoanagemerrt ttrsc»ri j,i;i< tir ai bus! 988lines, xmdtfr a competen and im ir-

«a7-rfeaa.^ ij.iv ";' ?

Newell St. Plione Redp3

You ,w§ nt. We Have it.

9&iW LUMBER YAHJohn W. McCritk,

I'fl tt 1 Hm rl ?rp|nn«i Mam I

[ Japanese HI Goods _§\u2666N*!g^ricy^o^S^^vet?^d^^^^^

Also a fine line of toys.

[ SALEM C. KURDY \u2666[ 115 East Main Street. V