the essence of infatuation


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The Essence of Infatuation

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Infatuate verb infatuated; infatuating

1. to cause to be foolish: deprive of sound judgment 2. to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration

—Merriam-Webster Dictionary

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For the individual that seeks to

define the undefined.

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Contents Preface: How This came into Being…………….…...……………………………………1

Introduction: The basic components of infatuation……………………………………….2

Examining Infatuation on a Visual level………………...………………………………..3

Looking at Infatuation on an Auditory Scale……………………………………………..5

Observing Gustatory elements of Infatuation…………...………………………………...7

Tackling Tactile Relations of Infatuation…………………………………………………9

The Scent Attribute Associated with Infatuation………...………………...………..…...12


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Preface: How This came into Being

It has always puzzled me as to what the process of enjoyment and desire produces. What does this process consist of? How it is looked at or discussed? These questions spun around and around in my mind provoking me to really pay attention and interrogate about the construct. This challenged (and in some cases contradicted) my everyday perception of life as I knew it. The unfamiliar territory did not intimidate me, but rather stimulated inquisitive1 thoughts about the subject matter.

As I began to research the topic a little, to my surprise not much was known as to what or how we become infatuated with people or objects whether that be mental or physical. When searched online, usually results of ‘distinguishing love from infatuation’ would appear which then reaffirmed the idea that this idea did not have an accurate depiction or analysis available. With little to no hesitation I began to observe and ponder about how myself and others really experience the sensation of infatuation. This idea was rather foreign and unstructured at first in my mind, but then came the thought of possibly organizing and breaking down the process in a literary form.

Starting with very frail notes and observations jotted down, it became apparent that this process was quite complex. It was not just simply a one-way passage with a stimulus in the middle. There were stages, and various components that depend on which sensation was being observed at the given time. This made for an easy division of the parts for this essay but an in-depth breakdown of each individual sense (for their respective sections). Each section tackles a different way that infatuation is experienced and seen within individuals.

The structure of this essay as mentioned above, is logical. The parts that it is divided into have no particular order. The essay progresses in an analytical format, rather than a thematical style. This was done on purpose to give ease to the mind and remain direct in order to give a proper examination of the material. This also helps the writing by being less bias and does not allow for a subjective2 interpretation.

1 Being curious or inquiring. 2 Influenced by personal feelings, or opinions.

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The basic components of infatuation

When one generally thinks of infatuation the word obsession almost always comes to mind, however these words are quite different. The main area where these words diverge is obsession implies that the individual has a preoccupied thought or idea within the mind, whereas infatuation is more so about having a profound admiration for something or someone. It is also important to note that infatuation is not necessarily about relevant subject matter. The term can be used to represent a silly, or inspirational passion towards respective subject matter. Being infatuated with something or someone sparks a profound sense of interest.

The purpose of this essay is to examine the various elements in which humans find themselves to be trapped in a state of enchantment with concepts, or objects. Through intensive perusal3 this essay will incase the raw essence of infatuation demonstrated through the five senses. This is achieved by diving in to the root of word and discussing the relevance to provide an insightful analysis on the topic. While exploring this term, the individuals mind is subjected to various images and examples of content that are prone to creating a resonating connection. The objective is also to explore the ideology of this word and understand why the human is allured and develops a passion, towards fixating about certain constructs.

As well as generating understanding and reasoning, another objective of this essay is to inspire the mind of the creative. To declutter the brain and encourage the quintessence4 of thought. This can possibly be seen as a mental palette cleanser 5of sorts. Discovering what is at the root is important, but one does not usually consider what the actual root is composed of. The apotheosis6 of understanding the construct and what stimulates the creativity is at the center of discovery as to what infatuation is all about.

3 Reading or examining. 4 The most perfect or typical sort of thought. 5 A method of temporarily changing or altering the environment and or the distractions that surround someone. 6 Highest point of development or climax.

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Examining Infatuation on a Visual Level

Figure 1: Orange Rose in the Garden

To consider explaining how infatuation works on visual level, the image of a rose above will be used as a reference point. This is done to facilitate the process of how the concept is being illustrated. As one even begins to examine this image their eye tends to lead to the main focal point, the rose. This is no coincidence considering that the rest of the photo is darker, and the rose (in focus) consists of a more vibrant color but there are also more underlying elements that make this image appealing.

Color not only draws attention, but it does an excellent job at expressing emotions within ourselves. Seeing the vibrancy and the different shades allows one to appreciate the object and how beautifully natural it is. This growing admiration tends to increase as the subjective part of the mind realized that this is a natural, non-manufactured color. Seeing the brightness of the rose can also spark positive ideas and memories within our heads that can trigger a part within the cerebral cortex7 of the brain and release dopamine8 and serotonin9. This is common phenomenon when us humans experience a pleasurable experience. The spectrum of tones that exist within the rose lures the viewer closer. The variations in the orange itself are in the thousands and span

7 Part of the brain that deals with memory, attention, awareness, and consciousness (among other things). 8 Neurotransmitter that triggers the brain’s reward center. 9 Neurotransmitter contributing to general contentedness.

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from pastel tones to darker pigmented tones blended in with the shadows. Darker green tones in the background contrast the vivid bold tones of the flower. The eye views this image and begins processing this creates detailing. Detailing is the mind’s way of elaborating on what it finds to be interesting. The mind identifies the disguisable or unique features of the subject and creates context to then formulate the depiction of what we see through our eyes.

Texture, the layers within the photo provide its depth and really allows this object to stand out more. The plant itself is delicate due to its frail and soft pedals. These layered pedals form an uneven circular pattern conforming to one central bulb in the center. Each toppling over the other stemming all the way from the base to create the shape of the fruit. Smooth and velvety, compared to its gruesome10 exterior environment. The rose is entwinned in a nest of stems and leaves it emerges with its striking figure. The different surfaces conflict one another allowing the mind to grow more curious about the particular curio11 (in this case the rose). These clashes on the rose’s exterior cause one to grow more and more curious about the composition of the object itself. This provokes the mind to generate a meaning and a purpose for the object.

The central point focused on the flower creates what is known as a depth of field. By darkening and blurring out the background is made to look farther away and to draw the attention onto the rose. This dissolution allows for speculation of the perspective of the object. The detachment with the background reinforces the importance of the central object. Even within the flower there is separation of the pedals giving the plant its shape. These different compositions provide our eyes with a contrast, which makes us experience the photo in a more pleasurable matter.

Although most of image processing is done subjectively by our eyes and our brains, what is important to analyze the reasoning as to why we find this to be appealing. The two main characteristics being the colors and the textures are strong indicators of how we determine if we find the photo or respective subject matter to be pleasing. Humans form a connection between the image and the individual, and at times certain images can be rather engaging and we can be reminded of them for hours, days, or even years. This profound interest and recurring thoughts are directly linked to the outcome of being allured. The attention being given to the subject is a product of fascination and inquiry to possibly utilize what is currently being seen. Thus, to truly overserve objects that we are interested in, the component of infatuation is present not only to understand, but to feel a sense of attachment.

10 Harsh or horrid. 11 Unusual object.

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Looking at Infatuation on an Auditory Scale

The enigma12 associated with the euphoria13 of sounds is somewhat of a mystery. People claim that certain rhythms, notes, or pitches lead to an increase in productivity boosts. Others deduce that it sparks an instant augmentation of creativity. The acquired affect varies person to person. However, the admiration associated with sounds or music remains constant for people who enjoy certain forms of art or entertainment. For some it is almost essential to have or to be heard music daily. It becomes a habit that is part of their routine and cannot be omitted14. Whatever the desired effect might be, the interest that the individual possess within their mind is still very present.

The significance that sounds as a whole play in our life is overwhelmingly unmeasurable, similar to the concept of infinity. It is important to make a distinction as to what makes certain sounds pleasurable for us to hear. The two main categories of sounds that us humans hear in our daily lives are personal and fabricated sounds. Personal sounds maintain the sociable, interactive relations we have whereas fabricated sounds embed themselves within the technological array15 of articles. The two play together play compulsory roles and can sometimes work in unison.

Personal sounds possess a genuine connotation making them more based upon social interactions. When we here a call, or a holler from afar, our attention is almost immediately switched over to the source of the sound. These sorts of sounds are typically familiar to us, and we are able to recognize and associate them with past memories or experiences. Even if we have not clearly heard nor understood nor interpreted it, our focus is now directed at that sound. That natural appeal for these sorts of sounds is instinctive. By nature, we are curious and want to grasp and cling to our surroundings. These platonic sounds can also be more alluring on account of their intimate tones or a familiar environment. These components can make the sound more attractive thus our interest is naturally provoked.

Fabricated sounds represent the artificial noises in our lives. They are manufactured and industrial. The physical representations of these sounds are emitted from digital devices capable of emitting signals. The speed in which these signals are transferred at is extremely swift. Thus, the messages being sent and received are more short, brief and are not written with a sufficient amount of care. These are the notifications, the more distracting, more temporary interruptions that have less of an impact on us. The climaxing point of the interest is at the time of delivery. The attachment we have with these sounds declines quite rapidly. The urge to check or to read that little tidbit of information to uncover the information only to figure out that it is rendered practically useless. The attachment linked to fabricated sounds dissolves at a very rapid rate which is why their importance is inferior in comparison to personal sounds.

12 Something that is difficult to understand, or mysterious. 13 Very pleasurable sensation. 14 Removed or not present. 15 A range of particular things.

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Figure 2: Personal and Fabricated Sounds Graphical Representations

However, there are cases in which fabricated sounds can be essential and seen as very important. One of these instances being music. Music for some serves as a way to pass time, but for others it can orchestrate individuals’ lives by generating inspiration and propelling the mind. The attraction to this form of entertainment can be composed of three elements: rhythm, beat, or lyrics. Rhythm is a systematic arrangement of higher and lower musical elements. This arrangement of sounds gives reason as to why us humans are able to resonate with them. There is a respective pattern present, thus we can comprehend and break down what is happening within the piece. Much like the repetition that is present within the rhythm, the beat also plays an important role and maintaining our attentiveness. The stability and the predictability of it also make it easy to grasp. Although it can be a part of the rhythm at times this element can be separate and can function independently. As well, the lyrics play an essential role in creating a connection between the instrumental, and the vocal parts of a piece. They act as a bridge between the instrumentals and the vocals giving context and can contradict or comply with the mood of the piece. This sort of freedom allows them to shape and tweak the musical direction in whichever way they wish to. These are the features of a musical piece spawn16 the means to relate and resonate with particular pitches and beats. This strong influence can orchestrate a chain of events for some. These mental impedimenta17 can have a profound impact of the lives of some and is seen to be essential in some cases.

Correspondingly, these two types of sounds, personal and fabricated each play key roles in developing the auditory sensation of infatuation that we humans experience. Personal sounds help us keep in touch with our surroundings in live in the present moment. They contribute to our platonic and loving relations in our lives. Rather the fabricated sounds are man-made and are usually diverging our attention. In certain instances, however, such as in music, fabricated sounds have the ability to transport one out of the materialistic word and channel feelings to be quite positive. Where they diverge is the approach, and the importance that each possesses. Both are interconnected and entwinned in each other making them practically inseparable at times. Nevertheless, distinguishing the differences between the two can better help us uncover the mystery of how us humans are infatuated with various types of sounds.

16 Create or generate. 17 Equipment or tools used for an expedition.

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Observing Gustatory Elements of Infatuation

Looking into the fascination that we humans have with eating is a tedious task. In essence, what is being observed and analyzed is the process in which humans are attracted to the gratification of eating. Looking further into this construct involves breaking down the satisfaction part of the experience. Of course, one of the obvious reasons we are naturally attracted to food to satisfy our body’s needs. This is instinctive to quench or fulfil a basic bodily need. Diving further into this sensation there are clear indicators of when food is not only enjoyed but truly savored.

Prior to the consumption of the desired food, salivation occurs naturally when us humans come close or even ponder18 about food. This is the body’s way of letting us know that we have an attraction with the desired edible article. As the item is actually consumed saliva is released to aid with the process of breaking the food down. Depending on the duration of time that it is being chewed for an extra secretion of saliva is then released. This is a satisfactory reaction in response to the enjoyment of the food, this occurs when the desired food group is acquired.

Attributing attention towards foods being savory is crucial to understanding the reason as to why us humans are attracted to them. When a dish is appealing this can be because it appears to be appetizing. It fulfils or satisfies our attention and provides our bodies with input that we have discovered the food. This is the initial step that we take before consuming the target food. We have this pre-existing connotation or thought that we are going to enjoy what is being presented. This proactive mindset is common and manifests itself in people who are extremely open minded when it comes to trying different foods.

The urge to diversify the palette invokes curiosity and gives way to possible further enjoyment of previously undiscovered foods. This unknown territory that are mouths have yet to discover provokes are gustatory sense to want to experience new things. This miscellany19 of various ingredients, spices, or other additives creates a sense of ambiguity20 to this new foreign territory. This gap is one of the main factors as to why we as humans are so interested with trying all sorts of new foods. Our society has diversified much like our palettes. This theory is then reaffirmed by the variety of different cultural or ethnic restaurants that we are surrounded with. With such a rapid decision we are able to pick between ten to twelve different cultures to satisfy our one craving. Due to the convenience of how close these restaurants are, it makes the process of eating all sorts of different foods quite easy and not strenuous21 thus people are more inclined to try new foods. In this sense, infatuation revolving around food is not solely about one particular dish, but rather food as a whole. This fixation with eating and discovering new foods is the passion that makes us so inclined to adoring the foods that we enjoy.

18 To think. 19 A collection of different items. 20 Possibility for something to have more than one (hidden) meaning. 21 Requiring a great amount of effort or force.

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To enumerate, this hidden connection that is present between us humans and food is quite relevant and prevalent in our daily lives. The process in which the infatuation element is presented unfolds in a series of steps rather than one whole event. The initial salivation the body is stimulated and prepares for the possible ingestion of the food. Once consumed the body then savors all of the various tastes and flavors present. Alongside this series of steps there is also the overarching curiosity of the diversification of our palettes. This abyss22 that we call our stomachs and the idea of the unknown is another important factor in explain how us humans are infatuated with gustation and ingestion of foods.

22 A dark and practically never-ending pit.

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Tackling Tactile Relations of Infatuation

When examining and categorizing the various textures that us humans like to feel one must first consider what makes us attracted to them. This premature and uncharted construct is overlooked and simple classifications for textures are supplemented instead to express that we like to feel various finishes. In the same instance a sense fulfilment is gained when one touches a texture that they admire. The pinnacle23 part of the experience is when the feeling is recounted upon unknowingly, we refer back to it as we touch objects in our daily lives. These foreign surfaces we feel are subconsciously stored and are being called upon at almost every instant we grasp or grab something.

Naturally in our daily lives it is essential to touch and feel. This helps us to define and create experiences, and also keep us out of danger. It is a compulsory action that is done without us evening knowing (subconsciously) yet not much attention is attributed towards it. The sensation of touch is very effective at communicating rapid messages of pleasure if aroused. Although there are different and specific areas in which people differ in terms of liking surfaces they handle on a regular basis.

Those who favor soft surfaces crave and want to feel and experience comfort. Whether the target area is the mind or the body. At times there are associations made between the texture they feel and animals which have a friendly nature, this can create a memorable experience. The manipulated strokes create such a slight response upon touching the surface that they shift the fibers from their original state just slightly. This very small change is not drastic nor shocking to most and the response is pleasing to the majority of people who enjoy this type of surface. The connection between the touch and the reaction of the material, fabric, or fur is one that cannot be underestimated especially in regard to soft surfaces. There is also a malleability element present that is: to mold and play with the texture. This is yet another aspect as to why a human would enjoy or experience pleasure upon touching these soft surfaces.

Contrary to soft surfaces, rugged tactile sensations are more so related to the naturalistic and realistic environments of the world. Nature plays a role in influencing these textures because of its disposition of being commonly outdoors. Many rough objects are constructed from items usually found in nature. The appeal for these sorts of surfaces can possibly be linked to the more direct, non-reactive features of it. There is a possibility for movement to be present when touching various things, but it generally stationary and not very responsive. Within these rugged surfaces there also an option for the particles to be separated in order to create inconsistency. This irregularity is stimulating to some because of its odd aura24. It also produces a feeling of alertness due to the small amount of pain it can emit. These informative cues can be crucial towards the understanding the archetypal25 pleasure that some humans experience with these

23 The most successful point. 24 An atmosphere generated by a person that they surround themselves in. 25 Very common of a specific thing.

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bumpy surfaces. The need (or desire) for disorganization and practically no repetition is alluring to those who favor these rough surfaces.

As to why a human would be attracted to or have a preference for smooth surfaces is quite complex. First what must be done is to divide into two sub-categories, these being: silky, and sharp. This will help with analyzing them more effectively. Within these two, the common traits that are present are the element of motion, more specifically the trait of gliding.

With regards to an individual favoring a silky surface it is commonly associated with textiles and materials of a shiny nature. This is not solely due to their luring exterior characteristics but the feeling when touched or rubbed up against. The clothes we wear have a very large impact on our perception of silky. Generally, one prefers to have this silky side facing inwards and having direct contact with the body (or skin). This is much the same in a more intimate environment such as the bed room. Bedsheets are judged almost exclusively on their thread counts as to assess how smooth (or soft) they are. Both clothes and bedsheet sway one’s mind to favor these types of soft surfaces due to the fact that one is almost always covered one of the two for the majority day. The sheer exposure time ne has with these surfaces is almost indefinite.

Smooth in and of itself is related to a motion or gesture. As seen in figure three, the ball present is on the verge of movement. This common commodity glides and rolls, and this is what one associates smoothness with more commonly than an actual feeling. More times than not, smoothness is referenced as an action that is preformed rather than a feeling when touching subject matter.

Figure 3: Movement Ball

Being observant of smoothness as a quality is to realize that the upmost, or most extreme form of it being smoothed is sharpness. When as a point is formed or fabricated (sharpened), it is

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able to take on a new action, slicing. The separation or cutting of objects is the part that the majority of individuals find pleasing whom are usually attracted towards sharp objects. The diverging of a target object can trigger the pleasure center located within the cortex of the brain making the action very enjoyable and thus further continues to develop an admiration for sharp textures. The association between the action and the actual surface (sharpness) are tied extremely close together. They operate parallel to one another.

To sum up, the various textures that one is infatuated with and exposed to are practically invisible and go unnoticed. Softness, relating to general comfort, and the slight response emitting from strokes is a key component in the enjoyment of this surface. On the contrary the rugged feeling experienced and felt after touching an uneven plain, is commonly related to the naturalistic world and is sometimes composed of several smaller segments. Smoothness operating as both an action and a feeling can be one-part gratification and the others represented as traits: silky and sharp (smoothness and its peak). Exhibited and present within the three textures is the exertion of movement. This fundamental characteristic is necessary for the individual to develop their stance on which texture they are unknowingly infatuated with.

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The Scent Attribute Associated with Infatuation

Considering all of the various scents that we smell throughout the day is extremely vast. Certain specific smell us humans identify as being congenial26. The sensation individuals experience as they adore aromas in the air is a reflection of their surroundings or what they have been exposed to in the past. This is better known as a control scent.

This control smell or gray scent is our default scent that is associated with rooms or people. It is the scent that one is exposed to the most often. It serves as the basis for determining whether or not we find smells to be pleasant fragrance or repulsive odor. This gray smell serves as a baseboard to assess the other scents that we come into contract with daily. Us humans compare the exterior (foreign) smells with our familiar gray scent and then make a judgement as to see which scent is favorable or unfavorable.

As for establishing categories or smells that humans tend to pleasure, the spectrum is simply too vast. Since each and every person has a different gray scent the result is almost always different. However, there are scenarios in which multiple people can find a smell to be pleasurable but how the actual aroma is experienced (as for the actual smell) it will vary slightly person to person. The fragrance that one is infatuated with is unique to them, thus the connection and admiration for the absorption of the smell is augmented because it is personal to them.

In closing, a major constituent of the process as to how us humans become attached to a particular scent is determined by our control smell or gray scent. This immensely specific determinant forms the foundation of our infatuation with the scent we are infatuated with. This absolutely essential component is crucial to developing the connection and admiration for the pertaining fragrance.

26 Something that is pleasurable to one’s individualistic taste.

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The original intention of this piece of literature was for it to be a book dedicated to exploring the origin of the word, and how it is used in everyday life. This then took a very different turn as more and more observations were made than concluded that this topic was much broader and more pertained to the various senses. Thus, the decision was to make it into an essay composed of multiple parts, each exploring a different sensation.

One of the most important things that I wish for people to take away from this work (essay) would be that, I wrote this not simply too demonstrate my knowledge on the topic and just prove and justify the material. It was written with the intention to open up the topic for further the discussion about infatuation and to inspire further research and the flowing of new ideas. There is still much more to explore and figure out as modern science advances. This essay serves as a brief synopsis of each component of how infatuation is experienced through the various senses.

Of all things this challenging project has been one of the most rewarding pieces of literature I have ever written thus far in my life. The sheer amount of exploration and the adaptation of a different train of thought to heed27 towards the various senses was sometimes humdrum,28 but the writing up of all the end results (observations) and analyzing, comparing, and contrasting them was extremely gratifying and rewarding.

27 Give attention towards something. 28 Not very exciting.