the equity premium puzzle bocong du november 18, 2013 chapter 13 ls 1/25

The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

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Page 1: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

The Equity Premium Puzzle

Bocong Du

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

Page 2: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data


• Prepare: Interpretation of risk-aversion parameter

• The equity premium puzzle ---- Issue raised

• Two statements of the equity premium puzzle

• A parametric statement

• A non-parametric statement

• The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 2/25

Page 3: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

Interpretation of risk-aversion parameter

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 3/25

• CRRA Utility function:

• The individual’s coefficient of relative risk aversion:

Page 4: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 4/25

• Consider offering two alternative to a consumer who starts off with risk-free consumption level c:

Receive :• c-π with certainty

Receive: • c-y with probability 0.5• c+y with probability 0.5

• Aim: given y and c, we want to find the function π(y, c) that solves:

Page 5: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 5/25

• Taking the Taylor series expansion of LHS:

• Taking the Taylor series expansion of RHS:


Page 6: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 6/25

• In CRRA case, we get:

• Another form:

• Discussion of macroeconomists' prejudices about

Page 7: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 7/25

The Equity Premium Puzzle

• • •

: The real return to stock

: The real return to relatively riskless bonds

: The growth rate of per capita real consumption of nondurables and services

Page 8: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 8/25

A Parametric Statement of the Equity Premium Puzzle

• Starting from Euler Equations:

• Assumption:

Page 9: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 9/25

• Substituting CRRA and the stochastic processes into Euler Equation:

• Taking logarithms:

Page 10: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 10/25

• Taking the difference between the expressions for rs and rb:

• Approximation:

= 0 From Table 10.2 (-0.000193)

• Then we get:

0.06 0.00219

27.40 The Equity Premium Puzzle

Page 11: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 11/25

A Non-Parametric Statement of the Equity Premium Puzzle

: Time-t price of the asset•

• : one-period payoff of the asset

• : stochastic discount factor for discounting the stochastic payoff (price kernel)

Market Price of Risk:

Page 12: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 12/25

• Apply Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:

Market Price of Risk•

: the reciprocal of the gross one-period risk-free return by setting

: a conditional standard deviation

Page 13: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 13/25

Hansen-Jagannathan bounds:

• Construct structural models of the stochastic discount factor

• Construct x, c, p, q, and π

• Inner product representation of the pricing kernel

• Classes of stochastic discount factors

• A Hansen-Jagannathan bound: One example

• The Mehra-Prescott data ---- HJ statement of the equity premium puzzle

Page 14: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 14/25

Construct structural models of the stochastic discount factor

• Construct x, c, p, q, and π







.XJ J×1

J basic securities

x: random vector of payoffs on the basic securities

C= C1 C2 C3 … CJ

1×Jc: a vector of portfolio weights

p = c · xp: portfolio

We seek a price functional q = π(x) qj = π(xj)

q: price of the basic securities

Page 15: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 15/25

• The law of one price:

Which means the pricing functional π is linear on P

• Tow portfolios with the same payoff have the same price:

π(c, x) depends on c · x, not on c

• If x is return, then q=1, the unit vector, and:

Page 16: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 16/25

Construct structural models of the stochastic discount factor• Inner product representation of the pricing kernel

E(y·x) : the inner product of x and y x is the vector y is a scalar random variable

• Riesz Representation Theorem proves the existence of y in the linear functional

Definition: A stochastic discount factor is a scalar random variable y that satisfied the following equation:

Page 17: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 17/25

• The vector of prices of the primitive securities, q, satisfies:

Where C= 1, 1, 1 … 11×J

• There exist many stochastic discount factors

• Classes of stochastic discount factors


The expected discount factor is the price of a sure scalar payoff of unity

Page 18: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 18/25

Classes of stochastic discount factors

• Example 1:

• Example 2:

• Example 3:

• Example 4:

• A special case: Excess Returns

• A special case: q=1

Page 19: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 19/25

A Hansen-Jagannathan bound: Example 4

• Given data on q and the distribution of returns x• A linear functional so y exits

e is orthogonal to x

• We know:


Page 20: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 20/25


Hansen-Jagannathan bound

Two specifications:

• For an excess return q = 0

• For a set of return q = 1

Page 21: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 21/25

Excess Return: a return on a stock portfolio

: a return on a risk-free bond

So for an excess return, q = 0


Page 22: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 22/25

Hansen-Jagannathan bound(This bound is a straight line)

When z is a scalar:

Market Price of Risk

• determines a straight-line frontier above which the stochastic discount factor must reside.

Page 23: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

A Parametric StatementA Non-Parametric Statement Market Price of Risk Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 23/25

For a set of return, q = 1


The Hansen-Jagannathan Bound(This bound is a parabola)

Page 24: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 24/25

The Mehra-Prescott data

• The stochastic discount factor

• CRRA utility

• Data: annual gross real returns on stocks and bills in the United States for 1889 to 1979

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FrameworkInterpretation of Risk-Aversion Parameter

The Equity Premium PuzzleTwo Statements

The Mehra-Prescott data

November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 25/25

Page 26: The Equity Premium Puzzle Bocong Du November 18, 2013 Chapter 13 LS 1/25

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