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GLOBAL METAPHYSICS THE EQUATION OF LOVE Museum of future science José Tiberius

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Page 1: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly






             THE EQUATION

      OF LOVE  






  Museum of future science

José Tiberius

Page 2: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly


José Tiberius is the main author of Molwick publisher books.

With over 40 million visitors and two million booksdownloaded in PDF format, he is surely one of the mostwidely read authors in Spanish of scientific essays in thecurrent millennium.

There are more than 10000 links to Jose's website, where hisbooks on theoretical physics, theory of evolution, quantitativegenetics, cognitive theory, and philosophy of science,metaphysics and children's stories are showcased in fivelanguages. Many of these links –to all these different fields–come from universities, projects done by university studentsand blogs created by teaching professionals and Educationalspecialists.

Moreover, it is interesting to note that these links are usuallytogether with links to Wikipedia or pages such as NationalGeographic.

♦The only antidote for the egocentrism

of pure reason is Love.

Page 3: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly


Page 4: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly

Molwickpedia: molwick.comTittle: The Equation of Love eBook: 978-84-15328-34-6 Paperback: Vol. I - II:

Physics and Metaphysics of Time978-84-15328-84-1 // 978-84-15328-80-3*

(Book series) Global Physics978-84-15328-78-0 // 978-84-15328-79-7*

© 2003 All rights are reserved Editor: Molwick 5th edition: November 2017 Author: José Tiberius Printing

Page 5: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly

José TiberiusTechnical assistant: Susan Sedge

MSci in Physics from King’s College London

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Page 7: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly

Molwick Publishing Catalogue - IISBN (eBook


Conditional Evolution of Life978-84-15328-75-9978-84-15328-13-1*978-84-15365-82-2**

Global Cognitive Theory(Book series)


Brain and Modern Computers 978-84-15328-14-8

Intelligence, Intuition and Creativity 978-84-15328-15-5

Memory, Language and other BrainAbilities 978-84-15328-16-2

Willpower and Artificial Intelligence 978-84-15328-17-9

The EDI Study - Evolution and Design of Intelligence 978-84-15328-18-6

Original Fairy Tales for Children978-84-15328-00-1978-84-15328-76-6*978-84-15964-24-7**

Global Scientific Method 978-84-15328-01-8978-84-15328-77-3*

See Web page, some books may not be edited in paperback, eBook or ePUB

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Page 9: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly

Molwick Publishing Catalogue - II

ISBN (eBookPaper*


Physics and Metaphysics of Time978-84-15328-84-1978-84-15328-80-3*978-84-15964-02-5**

The Equation of Love 978-84-15328-34-6

Theory of Relativity, Elements, andCriticism 978-84-15328-81-0

Global Physics

Global Mechanics and Astrophysics978-84-15328-37-7978-84-15328-83-4*978-84-15964-03-2**

Global Mechanics 978-84-15328-35-3

Global Astrophysics and Cosmology 978-84-15328-85-8

Dynamics and Law of Global Gravity978-84-15328-91-9978-84-15328-86-5*978-84-15964-04-9**

Physics and Global Dynamics 978-84-15328-36-0

Law of Global Gravity 978-84-15328-87-2

Global Physics Experiments 978-84-15328-88-9978-84-15328-89-6*

  • See Web page, some books may not be edited in paperback, eBook or ePUB

Page 10: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly
Page 11: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly



1. Love poema. Global Physics and theory of everything

2. Theory of timea. Classic conceptsb. Modern concepts

Definition of second and meterPhysics and timelineSpeed of time and love

3. Universal Love and gravitya. Universal Love

Parameters of the Equation of LoveThe meaning of love

Love thoughtsb. Gravity acceleration

Formula of subjective gravityUniversal Gravitational Constant

4. Metaphysics of Lovea. Philosophy, science and religionb. Time, space and speedc. Acceleration of timed. Poem of eternal love



Page 12: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly
Page 13: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly

MOLWICKPEDIA Museum of the science of future

Philosophy of evolution, history and lifeNew paradigms of Physics, Biology and Psychology



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Page 15: The Equation of Love - MolwickpediaThe Equation of Love emerged from mind games or contemplations of the parameters that take part in quantifying love. Even when love is not exactly


Before broaching the subject of the Equation of Love andTime, and other relatively easy concepts, let us look at anillustrative example of the complex relativity of poetry throughverses of a typical St Valentine’s love poem. A poem from apalpitating heart to a magnificent mademoiselle, who hasrequested discretion regarding an innocent visit to herlodgings.

What secret verses does the palpitating heart’s love time poemcontain?

The palpitating heart will go toa free translation of the lovepoem in the blink of an eye.

The name of the lady wouldimprove the love poem’sconsonant rhyme, conceptualrhyme, the temporal…, inshort, the global rhyme of lovepoem. It could even be that thelove poem is a real story ofpoetry and madness in animaginary world.

There is another love poem on the page about the familyinterpretation of the Love Equation, although in this case, itrefers to a particular type of love poem and unconditionallove, that is, the paternal/maternal love.

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Love of Physics and Time

The Equation of Love emerged from mind games orcontemplations of the parameters that take part inquantifying love. Even when love is not exactly aquantifying variable but rather the contrary, somesituations modulate or affect it; suffice to recall Romeoand Juliet’s love poem as a classic example.

After discovering the foundation of the ConditionalEvolution of Life, it was quite a surprise to see how thepoetic Equation of Love could have severe repercussions inthe field of Modern Physics. In particular, the analyticalresult of substituting the value of the mass in Newton’sLaw of Gravity for its equivalence in Einstein’s famous E =mc² –originally from Olinto de Pretto.

I had always wanted to write about the poetry of therelativity of time, so it was impossible not to write thebook, The Equation of Love, despite the technical difficultythat it implied. In fact, it was a genuine opportunity tolearn the unintelligible. Afterwards, the book split into fivebooks to better organize and present the ideas, keeping inmind the different points of view about such a versatiletopic.

The present book develops from the perspective ofmetaphysics, and even though I consider scientific timeabsolute, there is always a love poem where it can be asrelative as one wants because we are entering the world ofsubjectivity.

The illustrated love poem is an example of the Plutonicstyle characterized by conceptual rhymes; something like a

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mixture of divergent and convergent thoughts that showthe beauty of the wild intelligence of love.

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1.a) Theory of unification and theory of everything

The most relevant characteristics of the 2nd edition of thebook The Equation of Love were the expanding on the initialideas and the modification or elimination of the imprecise orerroneous elements that accompanied my ruminations abouthow badly relativistic physics is explained. Now in the fifthedition, the intention is to place the various contents,problems, and points of view about the main concepts ofGlobal Physics, the theory of unification and theory ofeverything into different books, including the concept ofphysics itself.

This way the following thoughts about the new theory ofunification and theory of everything (TOE) are structuredmore clearly:

The realm of metaphysics

Criticism of the ideas established by Einstein’s Relativity

The new physical principles regarding concepts of matter,gravity, electromagnetism and the mass in Particle physics

New ideas about Astrophysics and Cosmology

The new physical principles in the theory of movementand energy

The scientific experiments supporting the new paradigm ofGlobal Physics

The bottom line, despite everything, is still pretty much thesame; that is, to set out the need to change specific concepts

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and ways of understanding reality. Recognizing the wisdom ofModern Physics, precisely that of General Relativity and QuantumMechanics; revealing their contradictions –their own, as well ascrossed contradictions– and proposing alternative solutions,not only with a theory of unification but with a theory ofeverything within the scientific method framework.

From another perspective, it is essential to make it clear that,to talk about Quantum Mechanics, Theory of Relativity or theory ofeverything, it is not necessary to be a mathematical genius or toknow about tensors. Since, to talk about evolution, it is notnecessary to know about molecular biology or to have studiedin university to be able to talk about philosophy or to discussreligion in Latin.

We include below a summary of the books about Global Physicsas a new theory of everything.

This division is due to numerous reasons such as metaphysicalor scientific experimental character, mathematical difficulty,the subject dealt with, and presentation on the Internet.

The Equation of Love

This first book about the new theory of everything (TOE)combines perspectives of modern science andmetaphysics; besides the introduction about the relativityof love, there are two titles dedicated to time and the LoveEquation and gravity, respectively.

Title II discusses the different definitions of time,emphasizing the subjective origin of the concept and thenever-ending attempts to obtain its common and objectiveidea.

There is a brief discussion about the new concept used bythe physical sciences and, more thoroughly, the personal

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conception of metaphysical time and the timeline assomething real and subjective in contrast to the imaginarynature of time in Modern Physics.

Title III focuses on the Equation of Love, Newton’sgravity and its interrelations with Modern Physics and, inparticular, with Einstein’s equation of the mass-energyequivalence.

The first section debates regarding General Physics themathematical formula for the Equation of Love and itssignificance.

The second section develops the equation of subjectivegravity from the previous formula and discusses itssignificance apropos Global Metaphysics.

In other words, the new theory attempts to restore thecorrect duality of subjective and objective reality to therealm of philosophy, separating them from other, let ussay, imaginary realities. It is not to say that imaginaryrealities are entirely incorrect, but they do not correspondto the standard and more straightforward form of theoperation of human logic and, as an epistemological result,of the scientific method.

The imaginary solutions can have somewhat medium tolong-term counterproductive effects since they impede thereasoning of the real mechanisms by concealing thembehind a veil of a partial, typically ad hoc, solution, eventhough without recognizing it.

The book ends with a quick recapitulation aboutphilosophy, science, and religion, given that the formulasallow us to develop various interpretations from different–especially from the objective and subjective– points ofview, helping our mind to understand the global model

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Possible approaches ofenlightenment expose the contentof an interpretation of theformulas from a familiar point ofview.

Recently Sir Magicwick received ahot text message from thenebulous Carina that we repeatbecause it is amusing and becauseit has something to do with ClassicPhysics and the new studiedequation:

“The sky called me telling me that they are looking for an angel,

but don’t worry, I didn’t betray you”

In order to make the reader participate, the riddle aboutgravity has a marked intuitive character. Nonetheless, theanswer appears before the reader can think and end upconfirming his unfounded suspicions.

Theory of Relativity, Elements, and Criticism

As expected, the book contains an analysis of the historicalcontext and the misleading causalities that led to theacceptance of the Theory of Relativity.

Afterwards, the postulates and fundamental principles,along with their corresponding scientific and philosophicalcritiques, are also included in the book.

This book argues the misconceptions andmisinterpretations of the numerous experiments, which

EnlightenmentSir Magicwick

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Gravitational Law of Equivalence

g = [ c² * h * R / G ] * n

aim to prove the Theory of Relativity, especially the thoughtexperiments that do not correspond with reality. Scientistsquote experiments that are not experiments due to the lackof real experiments.

Finally, we will find a section about Einstein’s GeneralRelativity and its bipolar relation with Special Relativity, as itcomplements and contradicts it with an impossiblesimultaneity in such a way that contradicting both of themat the same time seems impossible.

Global Mechanics

Among the aspects of the theory of everything in GlobalMechanics that stand out the most, we can cite thefollowing:

A new definition of the reticular structure of matter orglobal aether, which supports of gravity, kinetic energyand mass

Gravity field configuration as luminiferous aether

Unification of gravitational and electromagnetic fields

Unification of gravity force with weak and strongnuclear forces and new model of the atom

Moreover,GlobalPhysicsimplies notonly aGrand Unification Theory (GUT) but also a theory ofeverything (TOE) when adding the gravitational force tothe previous unification. The idea of Global Physics comesfrom the perspective that the new physics principles refute

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both Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics logic.

Astrophysics and Global Cosmology

After developing the Global Mechanics to explain in analternative way the predictions of General Relativity andbeginning to see a theory of everything, we consideredstudying the possible implications of the new theory of thesciences of Astrophysics, Astronomy, and Cosmology.

In this book about the theory of everything there are twomain parts:

These principles of Physics affect some aspects ofAstronomy like the concepts of a star, black holes,supernova, expansion, and contraction of the universe,dark matter and dark energy.

Contemplations on Cosmology about the origin of theuniverse or the Big Bang Theory

Physics and Global Dynamics

In this book, the new theory of everything concerns thesecond group of principles of physics, the movement ofthe reticular structure of matter or global aether, with totalsymmetry or with the longitudinal curvature ofgravitational field, or transversal tension of electromagneticenergy.

The scope of Newton’s Laws of Dynamics changes withthe new concepts of mass, movement, and strength in thenew theory of everything (TOE).

The Law of Global Gravity

The intention is to include constructively the proposedideas by the new theory of everything (TOE), on problems

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Global Gravity Law

of gravitational energy and movement with gravity,although there are suitable comparisons.

The previous points entail alterations to Newton’s UniversalGravitational Law, explaining the components of the atractiscausa and the consequences of gravitational energy onmovement in the new theory of everything (TOE).

Before studying potential, kinetic and mechanicgravitational energies, Global Physics is formally presented,naming and discussing physical laws it states, affected orinvolved physical principals and the most important andimmediate consequences on movement.

Scientific experiments in Global Physics

We suggest new and feasible experiments to demonstratethe inaccuracy of Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity,especially the Far Michelson-Morley.

The design of these new physics experiments on the theoryof unification and theory of everything implies a differentunderstanding of nature. Global Physics is a scientific theorythat puts forth a new non-relativistic paradigm.

* * *

Lastly, the book on the Global Scientific Method tries to

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understand why so many scientific theories are so weak and toreveal the need for new scientific paradigms.

In the case of physics, to optimize brain resources, it would behelpful to eliminate fictitious forces, magical or distant forcessuch as gravity, negative energies, straight and simultaneouslycurved lines, and accelerated time. The same applies toconfusion between magnitude and measurements thatinstruments carry out, especially when the instruments aresensitive to specific conditions.

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2.a) Classic time concepts

2.a.1. The subjective perception of time

Time is a very philosophical concept since each personperceives it differently according to the activity that is takingplace and even the state of mind. It reminds us of thefundamental dichotomy of perception-reality of philosophythat contributes so many discussions, many of which, in ouropinion, are useless because they place themselves outside ofnatural logic or indicate a dead end of themselves.

Moreover, time concept goes with life itself - it is hard toimagine life without the existence of time. Where would wefind the origin of life in such a case?

Time is the global variable that our brain uses to order theinformation it receives o generates.

This concept of time is held by Children so little, that theworld is “their world” and they are the drivers of the time.They think that, when they sleep, the world is waitingimmobile for them to wake up and that everything should bethe same as when they went to bed.

It is evident that the subjective perception of physical timeradically changes. When we are sleeping it is practicallyinexistent, only when we dream are we at all conscious of thepassage of time, but we usually have no idea of how muchtime we have been in a particular dream.

When we are awake, we also have a very variable perception

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of time. When we are busy, it seems that time flies by; on thecontrary, when we feel bored it feels as if time slows down.

Another similar effect in relation to the speed of time occursdue to our mood. It also seems that times goes by quickly ifwe are happy. Meanwhile, if we have a strong desire for anevent in the near future to take place; it seems as if time stops,as if it were trying to go against us.

In short, any activity, whether physical, mental, or emotional,significantly affects the subjective perception of time, withoutus having the means to measure its small variations accurately.

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2.a.2. Absolute time concept as an objectiveconcept

All children go through a phase when they develop theobjective time concept to understand why many events haveoccurred and they were not aware of them. They merely havebeen asleep.

To avoid the subjectivity of theperception of time and to beable to communicate andrecognize temporal aspects, anabstract concept appears inwhich one tries to measure anddetermine time by means thatare independent of the observer:the clock.

The main characteristic of thisconcept of time is to beabsolute. It does not depend on any external or internalvariable to the individual. It is an abstract concept, perhaps itdoes not exist, but as a concept, it is absolute and real like lifeitself.

For that reason, throughout history, humanity has beendeveloping increasingly accurate mechanisms to measureobjective time, ending up with impressive results in thereduction of the margins of error: the atomic clock.

However, an exact measurement is not possible since allmechanisms have limitations due to their nature, including the

Time measurement

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atomic clocks. The only perfect clock would be an invisibleand abstract clock.

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2.b) Modern time concepts

2.b.1. The definition of relativistic time

Modern Physics with Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativityprovides an entirely different time concept, being similar toneither objective nor subjective classical concepts of time.

The current definition of a second is the duration of9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to thetransition between the two mega-thin levels of the groundstate of the isotope 133 of the cesium atom, in specific state andconditions. Also, the definition of a meter is the distance thatlight travels in a vacuum during 1/299,792,458th of a second.

Consequently, the meter definition derives from the seconddefinition. If the duration of second changes, the length of ameter must change to maintain the constant speed of the lightas we explain in the following section.

Just knowing that gravity and speed affect the definition of asecond by changing the palpitations of the Cesium atom, werealize that the relativistic time is dependent on the very samecurrent definition of its unit, which dates back to 1967.

Time is relative due to the Theory of Special Relativity from 1905and, subsequently, by the General Relativity of 1916. However,the latter affects time by establishing an equivalence of gravityand acceleration, therefore, with the supposed temporaleffects of motion in the Theory of Special Relativity.

In order to summarize this section and to finish with theconcept of relativistic time, we want to point out that

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relativistic time detection, even in the atomic clocks, is due toa measurement error. However, it corresponds to an error inthe very same definition of a second that is perfectly adaptedto the prevailing theory in 1967 but not to the concept of theoverwhelming majority of the human population.

In other words, the cesian (from the cesium atom) definitionof a second of 1967 produces non-absolute time because thecesium is affected by changes in gravity and speed. In thisdefinition, if one were to pay attention to the conditions ofgravity and speed concerning the gravitational field where wefind the atomic clock, then the Theory of Relativity would nolonger be formally correct. Easy! Isn’t it?

Like the whole Theory of Relativity, the new concept comesfundamentally from the application of the mathematicalformulas in the explanation about the failure of the anticipatedgoal of the Michelson-Morley experiment; specifically, fromthe Lorentz equations.

Mathematically, Special Relativity prolongs and contracts timeand space while General Relativity, moreover, bends both byaffecting the axis of the dimensions.

A more detailed analysis of the Michelson-Morley experimentand the Lorentz equations, given their importance, appears inthe books Theory of Relativity, Elements, and Criticism and ofScientific Experiments in Global Physics sustaining the GlobalPhysics.

In this experiment, according to its hypothetical premises,light travels unevenly through spaces in the same period.Because of the accepted axiom of the maximum and constantspeed of light, the only alternative that remains is to maketime relative.

This affirmation is a “postulate” of the Theory of Special

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Relativity; I suppose that, beforehand, it can conceal itsunmistakable concept of being an axiom. Indeed, its secondproposition says, “The speed of light in open space has the same valuefor all of the observers, regardless of its state of movement.”

It is a contradiction in terms in which the idea “at the sametime” and multiple “times” exists depending on the speed(space/time) of the observer. We would say that eachobserver uses a different measurement of time, but it may bethat we do not understand this theory very well.

Of course, with space the exact same thing happens as withtime, given that mathematically it is also necessary to alter it soas to be able to maintain the axiom of the constant speed.

If there are any doubts about the relativity of space, theyshould resolve instantly reading the definition of a meter.

It is just as well that it only has two postulates and that at leastsomething is constant!

Now then, there were other elements used by Einstein toestablish the Special Theory of Relativity.

Among them, the following can be mentioned:

The Maxwell equations of electromagnetism, providing amore accurate calculation of the speed of light andpointing to a maximum speed of light

The Lorentz equations that added certain mathematicalcomplexity and declared that the speed of light was alwaysthe same

The relativistic mass together with the mass-energytransformation of the famous equation E = mc² which arereal effects

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Interesting references to the subjectivity of time, such asthe case of the lovers

Artificial examples or thought experiments aboutimpossible situations, such as the twin paradox, a mirrorclock in a spacecraft and limits to simultaneousness byperception such as the case of the train wagon.

Jumping ahead a little of the present confusion, we can saythat the time and speed of a small ball or particle no onlydepend on the point of reference but also on the speed of thepoint of observation. That is, a ball can travel with differenttemporal speed simultaneously and all of them so calmly!

In short, a fair number of bizarre things can occur, and theyoccur because of the excessive philosophical and mathematicalinfluence in relativistic physics.

From an objective point of view, as far as we know not evenone object has yet to travel in time nor suddenly appear ordisappear due to having a distinct temporal speed.

A significant weakness that relativistic physics has is that itdoes not explain what mechanisms affect the atomic clocks ina spacecraft that result in their desynchronization with theirbrothers on Earth and, of course, it does not recognize that itis dealing with a measurement error.

What is certain is that the change in the measurement ofrelativistic time coincides with the mathematical predictions,but that does not take away the fact that according to ModernPhysics the clocks alter by the art of magic.

Interesting! A measurement error coincides with the theory.Actually, a theory that matches with reality because it has beendesigned ad hoc - skipping common sense, adjustingphilosophy and the scientific method to be scientific theory.

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♦When Mª José finishes the page on metaphysics,

she innocently asks Pollwick:

–What do you think about it?–

Pollwick answers her:

–It is quite good but, dunno,I think I see everything from another dimension:

Poor the one who is not proud of what she is and does not appreciate what she is not! –

Somewhat disconcerted and trying to disturb him,Mª José adds:

–I have a faggoty friend who likes vampires.–

But Pollwick continues with his ideas:

–Well, my dear friend Dick suffers from vertigo.–

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2.b.2. Physics, wrinkles of time and timeline

Here, the timeline corresponds to the subjective concept thatwe have seen in the beginning while discussing the theory oftime. It is a timeline of a philosophical nature but trying tosituate it within its real dimension and making a possibleapproximation with the language of mathematical formulasfrom the relations with love in the generic or universal sense.

Our brain needs a reference to work and not go crazy, so thepersonal timeline will always be in reference to a hypotheticaltimeline, straight or corresponding with absolute, constant orobjective time.

Space, time, and love are the essential elements of life.

Time is the fourth dimension and of a different nature thanthe three spatial dimensions; it makes up the concept of life inthe broad sense together with love for any one of them. I amlost and I do not know where; it must mean that I am on the righttrack.

Speaking of poetic licenses and poetry time…

Space and time could be abstract concepts or mentalconstructions and, in turn, the mind as a construction of loveor the final reality.

Love is that desire or feeling of life while traveling together inspace and time.

From the Equation of Love, it comes to that, when thedistance in space is zero or time is infinite, Love is infinite. Seen in reverse, when Love is infinite, then life is eternal.

We believe love affects subjective time and makes wrinkles in

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the personal timeline. Better said, its speed or with even moreprecision, the changes in its speed or acceleration; this is notnew in History since Albert Einstein had declared it to explainits concept of relativity and relativistic time in ModernPhysics. The difference is that it seems that he said it as ametaphor; and we think of it as a reality, although this isMetaphysics, I do not see love in any of his equations!

Going back to the prose of science…

We have all noticed the effect of love on the timeline wrinkles,even children have noticed it, or perhaps they notice it withhigher intensity. In our opinion, they are not changes in theperception of absolute time but instead real variations orwrinkles in time or in subjective time that make up thepersonal timeline.

Let us look at some examples that we believe show real andsubjective variations of the speed of time and, therefore, thedefinition of the proper timeline:


Children are somewhat accelerated or, in other words,their time goes much slower, or their timeline is morecurve regarding adults. To a greater or lesser extent, we allfeel that time passes us by more and more quickly and,simultaneously, we are more at ease with it. As children,occasionally time seems to last almost an eternity.

We are referring to something that we feel but that we donot manage to comprehend because it is one of themysteries of life, although we are getting closer bit by bit.


At times, while playing tennis or a similar sport, it seems as

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if the player will not get to the ball; but, suddenly, it is as iftime stopped and miraculously the person manages toreturn the ball.

In this case, the spectators have also perceived something,they do not know very well what, but they ponder: “Ithought for sure he wouldn’t get it on time”; moreover, it is notabout the fact that they do not know the player becausethey repeat the praise every occasion. Timeline curves toalmost stopping player’s time.

The explanation for the player’s situation should consist inthat, using the change of his subjective time or of histimeline, he will obtain a critical perspective of eachmovement of the ball as well as of his muscles. So theplayer optimizes movements incredibly for a normalprocess.

Another elementto comment on isthat the change inspeed in thesubjective time orwrinkle in timeimplies theunconscioustaking control ofthe movements.The player’sconsciousness is,to put it another way, like an observer outside fromhimself with reduced power, given that a significant part ofor the power operates directly under automaticmechanisms.

The spectators’ ruminations are due to the same reason of

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improbability because, in their opinion, the process wasnormal, given that they have not experienced the variationof the subjective time or timeline of the player. That is,objective time is the same for everybody, and it is anabsolute concept by design.

The figure shows how the absolute time or objective timeis the same for everyone at all times. On the contrary, theindividual temporal scale is different as shown by thewrinkles of the timelines. It is as if the subjective timehad folds throughout the objective or absolute time. Whatwe want to say is that it is not possible to stretch or makethe player’s timeline straight and thereby placing him in thefuture of the hit.

A glass falls on the floor

When a glass suddenly moves and begins to fall to thefloor, it changes our concentration, our perception of theoutside world; it seems that there is only one objectmoving in the air, we can observe how it moves as if itwere a slow-motion movie, it is a beautiful thing! With luck,we can manage to stand up and avoid it breaking. Also, notlike in the other example, we can call it glass love!

We could say that our life rhythm altered, our perceptionby a unit of time has accelerated, the time has stopped, orthe timeline has curved; although it is not always equal, theyare similar ways of saying the same thing.

Another way of explaining what happens with concepts ofGeneral Physics is to imagine that we are driving a car at 100km per hour. If we want to focus more on the houses orthe trees that are on the side of the road, we can do it bygoing slower. That is, reducing the speed –space multipliedby a unit of time–, or increasing the speed of time –time

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multiplied by the unit of space–, given that the last conceptis the inverse of standard speed.

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2.b.3. Speed of time and time concept

The definition and time concept includes not only differencesin the perception of absolute or objective time but also thereal differences in the personal speed of time.

As we have commented, in a certain way the vision of thismetaphysical theory of time can be confused with the timeconcept of the subjective acceptance of the classic concepts oftime. In this case, it is not about differences in the perceptionof absolute or objective time, but rather the real differences inthe dimension of personal time.

Indeed, for everyone else, there is no difference between onereality and another, given that both are of internal nature tothe individual. An exciting aspect of this new concept of time isthat we can all feel it, which is why it is good to tell thedifference, assuming that it is a correct distinction.

Let us look at some specific examples about the importance oflove in the theory of time that almost all of us are familiarwith:

A knife falls

In this case, the change in the timeline, the speed of timeor its acceleration or deceleration shows with much greaterclarity. It is no longer about avoiding a glass breaking butrather to avoid hurting ourselves or having one of our cellsdying violently.

The relevant feature is the change in the speed of personaltime that is precisely due to the love for the knifepoint, thefloor, and our cells.

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However, despite affecting our concept of time, that weknow of, no one proposes altering any clock; or once theknife stops on the floor, the person finds herself in adifferent year, week, or millisecond than the rest of themortals. Perhaps someone could argue that that person isolder than what he or she should be without the knifeevent having occurred.

Where do the physics formulas fit into this case?

Of course, from an outside or objective point of view, wenormally say that a thing has been over-used or that aperson has had a hard life.

Immediate danger of death

When an accident occurs, forexample, a fall or a car accident, atfirst, the subjective speed of time,the perception of absolute time, orboth could change. If there is aperception of a life-threateningdanger, sometimes it produces abizarre and beautiful phenomenon.

One sees the sequences of his ownlife like in a movie; they are inchronological order from earlychildhood to the present, and the images capture in detailmany of the happiest stages or moments or the strongpresence of the time in love.

The most incredible thing is that everything has lastedperhaps a tenth of a second and it seemed that the moviecovered an entire lifetime. It is impossible not to ponderabout love and the definition of time.

Variation of time speed

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This activity was on an emotional scale, at an essential levelof the being. The speed of subjective time increased a lot.If we were the light, –someone said it appears as ametaphor, and we have interpreted it as a reality orsomething of the like– we wonder if we could say that itsspeed had decreased –due to the speed of time, and thespeed of space and standard space being inverse concepts.Therefore, we can maintain the intuitive concepts of space,time, and velocity.

The cause but not the purpose of this physicalphenomenon is evident. Then, we can think of twopossibilities: either it is a farewell and to re-live everythingone last time, or it is a preparation of what one wants tobring to the other world. We think that the latter is moreprobable due to the sensation that one has and theextensive content of the movie and its perfectchronological order.

The bubble of interest

Another case of the variation of the timeline or therelativity of time and space as well is that at times it seemsthat space reduces to a bubble around ourselves and thatonly we are aware of what happens inside the bubble…,but what awareness!

What one remembers is the limits of the spheroid bubble;speed of subjective time alters, but we do not know verywell in what sense, it could be that time undergoes highaccelerations and decelerations. It could also be due to thatit undergoes a constant normal acceleration or with aunitary vector towards the center of the bubble, which isnot normal.

Making love

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We could say many things about this lovely activity, buthere we are interested in highlighting the fact that incertain moments there is a loss of the notion of time. It isnot surprising that it would be this example about love thatcauses the clearer and more intense effect on the speed ofsubjective time.

- - -

It is worth pointing out that whether they are differentperceptions of absolute or objective time or real variations ofthe subjective time, the objective reality does not alter at anytime. If something changes its speed of time of 1 to 2 s/m, it isequal from a mathematical point of view to change at anormal speed of 1 to 0.5 m/s.

When we say objective reality we do not presume that such athing exists, it is enough to say that it exists as an abstractconvention. In this sense, if time and space as objective andabstract concepts are absolute, then any variation of therelation between space and time will have to attribute it to avariation of speed whose definition is precisely the relationbetween space and time. In the case of needing to create newphysics concepts, we think that it would be convenient to usenew words not to muddle ourselves up too much.

On the other hand, one would also be confused with thedefinition of relativistic time from Modern Physics. There areexamples of the perception of the lover’s time even if, later,there is not any relation with lovers in the formulas. Perhapsthey are referring to a type of Greek love in a Pythagoreantime that has been unknown until now.

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3.a) Universal Love

There are many ways of understanding love: the love betweenparents and children, between other family relations,friendship, respect, the sexual love, the love for things, andother feelings of love.

The concept that includes the common element of all thesetypes of love is that which best represents the so-calledUniversal Love, which stands out precisely for not referring toanything in particular.

The only antidote for the egocentrism of pure reason is Love.

There is an interesting parallelism between Universal Love andthe attraction of gravity. Both forces are general, natural,invisible, and powerful. It is the enigma of the gravity of love.

On someoccasions, I hadthought about thepossibleparameters of theEquation of Love asa mentalrelaxationexercise, but Inever thought thatanything morecould come ofthese mathematical games than a precious moment with theUniversal Love. Well, perhaps I thought so, you never know!

Universal love(Public domain image)

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However, when the mathematical Equation of Love occurredto me, I realized that some of the parameters were interesting.Moreover, that they had a particular physical significance and,finally, when I linked the Love Equation by substitution withEinstein’s equation E = m c² –originally from Olinto dePretto–, and the result was Newton’s formula for gravity, itleft me a little perplexed.

It appeared the enigma of the gravity of love again.

So I decided to try to expose this particular enigma of theworld of love to disorient someone some more.

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3.a.1. Equation of Love

The first thing I thought about the parameters of the Equationof Love was that it should have a constant “K” as in theformula for the gravity acceleration; in fact, if there was aformula for love it should be quite similar since in a certainway it is a kind of energy, force or attraction.

The second idea was that this constant could be negative orpositive; apparently, at times the force of attraction isrepulsion.

Rose made of galaxiesUGC 1813 NASA

STScI-Hubble Team(Public domain image)

By observing life, one realizes that one becomes somewhatclose not just to people but things as well, in short, love is a

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journey together in space and time.

Therefore, the gravity of love, friendship, and attraction willhave a directly proportional relation with time, the more timespent together, the more love there is.

Regarding space, the operation would be the opposite: thecloser, the better except in the cases of a negative constantthat would be the contrary. Also, it could be that this inverseoperation was its square, especially seeing the history ofsimilar formulas.

Consequently, the Equation of Love will be quite similar to:

L = K t / s ²

If we wanted to eliminate the possibility of the constant Kbeing negative, to feel better about the beauty of the equation,we would have nothing more than to increase to the square ofthe whole equation, so that we will have:

L² = K² t² / s

Since K² still a constant we can call it G. Regarding its valueand units, I have no idea what they are, but we can assumethat they are the same as those of the Universal GravityConstant of the law of Newton because of the relationbetween gravity and love.

At the time, it was just a beautiful game with the enigmagravity of love. The Equation of Love looks right, which is whyit is universal; later, we will see the usefulness of thisassumption.

We can also define L as L², with which we will finally be leftwith:



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Where G = 6.67 * 10 (m³/kg s²) or (N m² / kg²)

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3.a.2. The meaning of love

By trying to understand the meaning of love throughthoughts and feelings about the parameters of the Equation ofLove, we realize that this equation is a unique because itreminds us of Modern Physics and the Theory of Relativity.

If we take a closer look to the Equation for Love to find themeaning of love, we notice that time divided by space squared,in language terms you would say: “acceleration of time” or “thevariation of the speed of time multiplied by the unit of space.”

The Equation of Love couldrepresent something that exists,perhaps the name of love is notthe most correct when speakingregarding physics but, as I saidin the introduction, that is howthe formula or equation cameabout, and in the Physics ofParticles, there are also oddnames.

At the same time, the meaningof love reflects a type of forceor attraction that depends onthe acceleration of time; it seems a little like the idea of life asthe result of a trip in time through space.

The inverse of the normal speed (space/time) is the speed oftime (time/space), but if we are talking about acceleration(space/time²), the acceleration of time (time/space²) is not itsinverse.

Love light

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I have to admit that as a mental relaxation exercise it is notbad at all because for a while you forget about the tension andthe worries that you may have at a particular moment!

Continuing with the thoughts and feelings about the meaningof love, if we study the physical units contained in the formulaof the Equation of Love we will have:

Accepting that G is the Universal Gravitational Constant,the units will be the same;

(N m² / kg²) == (m³/kg s²)

And multiplying by the units of the rest of the formula,

(s² / m )

The units of love L are:

(1/kg m)

I do not discern its meaning very well; it must be the inverseof a kilogram multiplied by a meter; the inverse concept of themass and space. Weird, very weird!

The interpretation of the underlying units or concepts in amathematical formula is fragile, it can be confusing, and doesnot always makes sense in the strict terms of physics,especially when many units intervene. On the contrary, attimes they can have a profound meaning, in this case, itremains to be seen if we can find it, or if it exists or not, evenin the subjective sense.


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My Mad Cell

Precious Lady Mysterious,marvelous princess,my battle goddess,of my love, ever continuous.

Of your beauty, infatuated.At your feet, a valiant fighter.At your side, a prince enchanted.Of your heart, a brave archer.

I loved you when you were timeless,now we’re in the same space,I love you with disgraceful madness,and, when I go to the other place,I will love you from any universe,defeating the eternity of intense coldness.

3.a.2.a) Thoughts on love in Modern Physics

When we incorporate spatial one-dimension into Love, lightemerges. Moreover, if we add time, life appears in the broadsense, including poetry like this love poem:

I imagine that no onewould have thoughtthat the previousparagraphs are lovethoughts in ModernPhysics. Noticeably weare dealing with a littlepoetic license. On thecontrary, the lovethoughts in thefollowing paragraphscan get deeper intothat concept ofModern Physics.

Before, we had saidthat the inverseconcept of mass *space was a strangeconcept, bizarreindeed. Now we can look at it in its most simplified form asthe container formed by a kilogram and meter together.

The logic of science should force us to look for somethingwith more sense concerning physics and intuitiveness, and tocarry out more love thoughts so that if we multiply and dividethe units of love by 1 Newton, we end up with:

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L = [(N/kg) / (N m)]

Reading the formula literally, the thoughts of love have givenresults because one can see the meaning of love as a functionof the relation between force per unit of mass and energy.Likewise, it can be a function of the relation betweenacceleration and energy.

L = (m/s²) / (N m)

The value that L takes on when the speed of time is 1 s/chere c is the space light travels in a second will be G/c²c²,which is a rather tiny unit and it seems a beautiful thought tocall it “amorcito”, therefore:

1 amorcito = G/c²c² = 8.26069 * 10 (1/kg m)

Continuing with these beautiful thoughts on physics love, letus christen a greater unit of love, it will be Molwick and, not tounderestimate ourselves, and for reasons that are irrelevantright now, it will be the same as:

1 Molwick = 5.43833 * 10 amorcitos

Which is equivalent to:

1 Mw = c /G² amorcitos

1 Mw = 4.49285 * 10 (1/kg m)

That is,

1 Molwick = 1 Mw = c/G (1/kg m)

The reason for the name is strictly personal. It was a time thatbetween mol ~ and ~ wick; there was pure and wild love. TheEquation of Love is the result of amassed experience and thiscoincidence in time, just like the concept of eternal life, whichit mathematically derives from it. Our perception is that, when





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love is infinite, time is infinite, or space is zero or both.Personally, I would say that what is important is the subjectiveperception.

The subjective point of view that we were interpreting bytalking about the squared acceleration of time is excellent as aphilosophical and metaphysical exercise or love thoughts.However, it is not very scientifically beneficial while we do notknow how it can affect the objective reality; perhaps it can beuseful for us to understand the world better and,consequently, broaden our possibilities of intervention.

However, it appears that by talking about the concept of aMolwick we are moving to an objective point of view since wehave used ideas with an intuitive physics’ sense.

In any case, confusing the personal point of view with theobjective reality can obviously have some counterproductiveeffects.

On the other hand, we must recognize that what lovethoughts and metaphysics are, can go on to become physicsdue to the technological advances. What does not reachintuition can end up being intuitive later on. Likewise,someone who dedicates a certain amount of effort to a subjectmatter considerably improves its intuitive command.

Nevertheless, science does not always advance in the rightdirection, an element that helps to identify whether it is takingthe right path is the simplicity with which it explains the newconcepts regardless of the technical difficulty.

Another element is the duration of time of the intuitivecomprehension of the concepts above. This thought couldapply to an individual as well as to a social scale with theproper adaptation of the temporal perspective.

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In the subjective sense, we can analyze love from variousperspectives, such as metaphysics, poetry and others. Anotherone would be included in the story of love about the Sun,clouds, and stars.

In the following section dedicated to gravity, we will continuediscussing the possible mathematical significance of UniversalLove in the future or metaphysical physics, and we will try toestablish a bridge or, sketchy yet important, connections withModern Physics.

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3.b) Acceleration due to gravity

The concept of gravity has two aspects. On the one hand,acceleration *g* which a body exerts onto another within itsgravitational field. It is independent of the mass of the secondbody. Also, it will vary with the distance squared.

acceleration = space / time ² = m / s ²

In other words, gravity as a force of attraction per unit of mass ontoanother object.

Force / mass = accelerationN / kg = m / s²

The second refers to gravity as a force of attraction betweentwo bodies, typically applied to the existing gravity forcebetween planets or other stellar bodies with angularacceleration. In this case, gravity is the total force given thatthe previous concept of force per unit of mass multiplies bythe mass of the body and we have:

Force = mass * force / massforce / mass = accelerationN = kg N kg = kg m / s ²

Logically, the gravity force that attracts them to each other isthe result of the existence of the two masses, but we must notforget that there are two forces, one exerted on a mass andaimed toward the other and a second force exerted on thesecond mass or object and pointed toward the first.

The acceleration of gravity or force per the unit of mass willbe:

g = G mass / space ²

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Where G = 6.67 * 10-11 (m³/kg s²) or (N m² / kg²), by notdepending on its spatial situation nor on the environment inwhich the masses find themselves, it is said that G is theUniversal Gravitational Constant. It is also worth pointing outthat in the different values of the gravity acceleration on theEarth’s surface, we include the effect of the centrifugal forcedue to the Earth’s rotation, even though we have not stated itfor reasons of simplicity.

Gravity as a total force of attraction over another mass will bethe intensity of the gravitational field at one point by the mass:

F = g mass = G mass mass / space²

Newton’s apple has always interested me because it does notmake sense as an explanation for the inspiration for the law ofgravity, even though it seems smart. I think more of thebiblical connotation of the word and that the ideas formed bythinking of those natural forces of attraction such as love,which is why he mentioned the apple.

It is interesting to note that Newton worked in the LondonMint and he also occupied himself with theology and biblicalquestions, leaving some works about this subject matter, hisIsaaci Newtoni Opera quae exstant omnia (1779) published bythe doctor Horsley. Perhaps that is where the name Celestialmechanics comes from?

However, as we have seen, love is more a relationship than aforce.

2 1 2

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3.b.1. The formula for the subjective gravityacceleration

Let us look at another way or formula of defining andquantifying gravity acceleration, energy, and love.

In the Equation of Love, if we substitute time squared with itsvalue in Albert Einstein’s equation –originally from Olinto dePretto– for the relationship between energy and mass E=mc²,we get an equivalence where love is equal to gravity divided byenergy.

A formula for gravity acceleration

Consequently, energy, is equal to gravity divided by love(gravity of love)

Note that by breaking down *c* into *s/t* and clearing t ²from Albert Einstein’s equation, time does not have to beequal to one, given that it is eliminated in the substitution

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together with its corresponding space.

Let us look at some specific values for the acceleration due togravity, energy and love in these formulas that are sometaphysical and so magical (Sir Magicwick thinks the mostinteresting is the last of the following):

The value that the Love Equation (L = Gt²/ e ) takes on,when the acceleration of time is 1 s/c², will be equal to therelation between the acceleration of gravity, exerted by acentral mass of 1 kg to a distance equal to *c*. Moreover,its energy will be equivalent to c2 Jules. Also, it will beequal to the unit amorcito, which was:

L = 1 amorcito = G/c²c² = 8.26069 * 10 (1/kg m) =G mass /s² E

This unit also means the acceleration of gravity induced bythe energy of one Julio with a relation equal to 1 amorcito(g= L * E). Once again we see that Love represents gravityof energy or that energy is the gravity of love.

Another important quantity would be love as a relationbetween gravity acceleration and energy that would resultin a mass of 1 kg of mass to a distance of 1 meter, andassuming that 1 Julio was its equivalent energy, whichwould be equal to:

L = G mass / s ² E = G [(N/kg) / (N m)]

In other words, L would be equal to G if the speed of light*c* were *1 m/s*. We are doing mental exercises so thatthe neurons intuitively understand that the physicsconstants express the relations of unitary equivalencebetween the different physics magnitudes.

Since we are in a metaphysics book, we can play a little



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with physics. We are going to think the Equation of Lovedoes not represent the acceleration of time. As we haveseen previously, it is not equal to the inverse of the typicalacceleration of space but represents the speed of time in aparticular point of squared space; that is, in a location witha specific gravitational intensity.

In other words, the Equation of Love is still the same, but adifferent interpretation allows us to separate the distancec² from a distance *r* in the calculation of gravityacceleration. Moreover, for the earth’s surface it will be:

L = G/c * c²/r² * m/m

1,82502E-41 8,26069E-45 2,20929E+03 1

Furthermore, Love or the gravity/energy relation wouldvary with the square of the relationship between thedistance *c* and the distance *r*; since the mass ofNewton’s formula is compensated by the mass of energy.For example, the mass *m* of the photon emitted by thehydrogen atom on the Earth’s surface.

A degree of greater freedom in the Equation of Love wouldbe what happens with other relations between gravity andenergy even if they were not equal. Since nothing impedesits analysis, so that by calculating the formula of the gravityforce on the Earth’s surface with its mass *M* about theenergy indicated from the photon of the hydrogen atom,we have:

L = G/c * c²/r² * M/m = 1 Mw = c / G [(N/kg) /(N m) ]

An intriguing oddity since it is a rounded number; on theother hand, the value of the formula A adjusted to theearth’s surface coincides with the value of the unit that we



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had defined as Molwick duly advised by Sir Magicwick.c/G = L = G/c * c²/r² * M/m

4,49493E+18 8,26069E-45 2,20929E+03 2,46294E+59

Lastly, by correspondingly rearranging the previousequality, we are left with unquestionable physics equalityand something surprising:

g = E * L

9,79838E+00 2,17987E-18 4,49493E+18

Clearing g in the resulting equality we have that it is equalto energy multiplied by love. We came to the samequalitative result by analyzing the meaning of loveregarding physics by only interpreting its units.

If the previous equality had a general nature, we couldcalculate the gravity acceleration at any point knowing theenergy of the photon emitted at the particular point fromthe hydrogen atom and the constants *c/G*. Assumingthat *c* and *G* were constants, a matter that is becomingdarker every day.

In short, this relation of equivalence between energy andgravity is one of the scientific foundations of the new GlobalPhysics and its Global Mechanics, which directly relate to theGravity riddle and the Gigachron experiment; furthermore,their duty is to substitute the General Relativity and the QuantumMechanics.

The formula for the acceleration of gravity based on energyrefers to the relationship that exists with gravity at themoment and place of the transformation, generation, orcreation of the energy of a photon, and not to the number of


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photons emitted.

However, back to metaphysics, we could say that gravity is theenergy of love!

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The Energy poem(The Power of Angelic Love)

♦When I saw a photo of you, for a moment my heart stopped,

when I first met you, I almost fainted,when you left me, my ... wanted to commit suicide,

when you came back to me, my brain could not believe it,Now I am afraid of waking up and keep dreaming about you.

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3.b.2. The Universal Gravitational constant,Rydberg constant, and Planck constant

The riddle of the Gravity of Love enigma is one of those strangeriddles that, after offering the result of the formula that itrepresents no one seems to be convinced.

The Universal Gravitational constant (G) appears in lots ofphysics formulas, among them, I would like to remark thefollowing:

For the first time in the Law of Universal Gravity by IsaacNewton, where the acceleration of gravity or force permass unit is:

g = G mass / space²Where constant of Universal Gravitation G = 6,67 * 10 (m³/kg s²) ó (N m² / kg²)

Also, the same constant gravitational reappears byintuition, luck or however we want to say it in the loveequation –analytic demonstration is in previous pages–,that is:

Equation of love

Finally, the physics constant G is also present in the riddleof Gravity, together with the Rydberg and the Planckconstants. This riddle is so strange that after offering theresult of the formula that represents it, nobody seems to


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be convinced.

Even though to resolve this problem we only need tomultiply the speed of light *c* with the Planck constant *h*with the Rydberg constant *R* and with a Molwick. Beingconscious that one Molwick is equal to the speed of light *c*divided by the constant of the gravity of Newton *G*.

Among the most surprising comments about the riddle aboutthe Gravity of Love enigma from science experts –Physics,Chemistry, and Telecommunication–, it is worth highlightingthe following:

It is a coincidence.

It could be, but that would be like a proton winning thelottery, not just the first prize but the whole universe sincethe quantities involved in the physics constants exceed thenumber of existing protons in the whole of the universe.According to non-serious quantum estimates, it would be aquantity of the order of 10 –also somewhat metaphysicalwithout a doubt.

Riddle of the gravity

The result of the riddle is not exact because it does notmatch with gravity acceleration *g* on the Earth’s surface.


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Of course, a slight quantum slips up since it is commonknowledge that gravity acceleration on the earth’s surfaceis variable according to the radius, the composition of theearth and the altitude due to the effect of the centrifugalforce of the Earth’s rotation.

We need to verify the decimals of physical constants in theformula for the riddle of the Gravity of Love enigma.

I had a similar comment in the new and much modestexplanation of the anomalous precession of the orbit ofthe planet Mercury. Which told me that the value that Ihad used for the sun’s mass could be wrong because I hadnot used the official charts, despite the fact that I use thesame value as Einstein when explaining the sameprecession stretching time and space.

In the case of the riddle of the Gravity of Love enigma, wewould say that it is just the opposite because theknowledge of this formula can be useful for accuratelycalibrating the decimals of the physics constants thatintervene in it.

There are problems with the dimensions.

If it put directly forth, there can be a problem, but as weshowed on the previous page about gravity acceleration,this problem does not exist. Besides, the problem could bethe dimensions of the current physics constants such asthe units of the constant of gravitation, which do notprecisely take into account the new effect demonstratingthe Equation of Love as well as the Gravity Riddle.

As strange as the origin of the Love Equation and the GravityRiddle may seem, they are independent, three yearsdifference and both are quite fortuitous. So much, thatfrom their origin, one belongs to the world of physics and

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the other of metaphysics.

A fundamental error due to the magnitudes being a vectorand not being included in the formula

It is true, but it is easy to solve just by drawing a littlearrow over the vector magnitudes, as done by the ModernPhysics books.

After these observations, which we have evidence that theyare well-meaning in the majority of cases since it would havebeen easier to say that perhaps the gravity riddle wasimportant. We have concluded that the more educated aperson is in science, the more reluctant is to admit ModernPhysics’ big mistakes and especially if they come from thefield of theoretical metaphysics and not from experimentation.

Of course, they cannot come from experiments because if theevidence of simple addition or multiplication is not accepted,how are they going to accept possible logical reinterpretationsof experiments and known natural phenomena. In otherwords, the riddles and scientific experiments allowed are thosewho confirm the actual paradigm although it is breakingpoorly.

The GigaChron experiment explains in detail the Riddleinvolving the Universal Gravitational constant, Rydberg constant, andPlanck constant. We are now going to cite its main elementsand its connection to the Love Equation.

The Equation of Love does not add anything newmathematically, but it helps the mind understand the possiblerelations between several fundamental constants in GlobalPhysics, such as the Universal Gravitational constant, Rydbergconstant, Planck constant, and speed of light.

However, from the subjective or metaphysical point of view, it

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allows the expression of some nice ideas. Likewise, the time oflove is an inseparable element from life. Time is the fourthdimension and love can be seen as that desire or feeling whentraveling through life.

A trip that, transferred to a mathematical formula, brings us tothat love *L* is equal to:

Equation of love

The most important conclusions of this equation are thefollowing:

The Equation of Love could represent the subjective andobjective points of view of the physical reality if one ofthem exists.

Love, as an objective meaning of the proposed equation, itforms as a property or physics law that relates the force perunit of mass with the total force along a unit of space or energy.

About gravity acceleration and the Equation of Love, we have tosubstitute time squared in the Equation of Love from its value inthe equation E = m c², and in operation we end up withNewton’s equation for gravity acceleration, which would beequal to love times energy.

g = L * E

On the contrary, we would get the same in this formula if inNewton’s equation for gravity acceleration we substitute masswith its value by clearing Einstein’s E= m c² equation –originally from Olinto de Pretto.

g = G * (t² / e ) * E4

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In other words, a relation between acceleration and energyand, in this sense, we could understand love as the gravity ofenergy.

The Equation of Love has been the source of metaphysicalinspiration or the impulse for seeking the relations betweenthe essential physical constants that puts forth the GravityRiddle. Leading to the new physics experiment GigaChron toconfirm the essential formula of the Global Physics since itstates the equivalences and relations between the primarymagnitudes of Global Physics.

We have already seen that the unit of Love of one Molwickwas equal to *c/G*. Also, if we keep in mind that *chR* isequal to the energy of the photon given off by the hydrogenatom on the Earth’s surface; we are left with the solution ofthe Gravity Riddle; once the appropriate multiplication iscarried out, which is the following:

At least one of theconstants involved inthe riddle contains theinformation relative tothe relation betweenthe Earth’s mass and itsradius squared, aslightly variablemagnitude. Which couldit be?

As the speed of lightand the Universal Gravitational constant of Newton seemquite constant in the Solar system, the Planck constant, theRydberg constant or both should have a different value onthe moon in direct proportion to the difference of gravity, thatis, 0.165 times that of the Earth.

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Both the Planck constant as the Rydberg constant do notseem to change taking into account the spectrum of theemitted radiation by the different elements on the Sun andother stars.

In short, gravity riddle shows the existing relation betweengravity and basic configuration of energy. This relation, withwell-known equivalence between mass and energy, E = m c²and the existence of the global ether –reticular structure ofmatter supporting potential gravitational energy, kineticenergy, and mass–, places us directly in the heart of the GlobalPhysics, whose most popular aspects will be that time is notrelative and space does not squash nor stretch.

As it is a real equality as proven on the previous page, it wouldbe necessary to continue thinking.

The numeric calculations and a more detailed study of thisriddle of love are on the page of constant physics of thebook Scientific Experiments in Global Physics.

In the book Law of Global Gravity, an alternative for theTheory of Relativity reappears the Riddle of Gravity but underthe name of Gigachron experiment. It is reformulated topresent the underlying relations or the Gravitational Lawof the Equivalence [ g = ( E c /G) * n ] regarding adifferent perspective of the gravitational interaction.

We are discovering why constant physics are not soconstant. In one case, it is about the modulation of theGravitation constant and the Rydberg constant; the explanation isin the book of Global Mechanics where we study thestructure of the material, its particular elements, and theatomic model.

Of course, *c* is not constant for many reasons, and we

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do not know if *h* will be saved once the artificial andmathematical constancy of the speed of light disappears.

It is also true that the gravity constant *G* allows us toknow the information we commented on related to therelation between the mass of the Earth and its square ratioof the energy of the camp in a point is known.

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4. Metaphysics and physics

4.a) Philosophy, science, and religion

In the realm of metaphysics and philosophy, the duality of thesubjective and objective reality can have substantialimplications given that at the heart of it all we are talkingabout is the underlying mechanisms of life.

The personal experiences where we feel the changes in thetemporal speed or the acceleration of time relate intimately tothe concepts of life, effort, and love, therefore, belonging tothe realm of metaphysics.

We are still far from discovering the latest principle of liferegarding physics or science. However, if energy is alive in thesense of being a bearer of willpower, freedom, and love in ofitself; there is no doubt that advances in the knowledge oftheir behavior and characteristics will bring us closer to theprimary and fundamental mechanisms of Life.

In any case, even though the mutual influence of science,philosophy, and religion are beneficial, it is undeniable thatthey should not blend too much, or at least, not much morethan what this book does with metaphysics and physics.

On some occasions, we get the impression that throughouthistory they have been playing ring around the rosy, and inothers, ring around the tulip, the gladiola, and the daisy!

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4.b) Time, space, and speed

These concepts of Global Physics relate closely to metaphysicsand life - it is hard to imagine life without the existence oftime.

The perception of time is subjective and even inexistent whenwe are asleep. It is also a shared legacy of physics andmetaphysics.

In order to avoid the subjectivity and to be able tocommunicate and recognize temporal aspects, we create anabstract concept, and try to measure and determine it bymeans that are independent of the observer. It is the time ofclocks.

The main characteristic of this concept is absolute. It does notdepend on any external or internal variable of the individual, itis an abstract concept, perhaps it does not even exist in reality,but as a concept, it is absolute and real as life itself.

Together with these classic concepts of time, subjective andobjective, the relativity of time of Modern Physics appears. Itbecomes marked by the mathematical formulas that produce itand by the very same relative definition of a second, which inmy opinion, the only thing that it leads to is conceptualconfusion and loss of its intuitive notion.

In short, for scientific purposes, I think time should be amonotonous, growing, and continuous function and that itsunit definition is not adequate.

Something similar happens with space, it is an absolute andabstract concept, and the definition of a meter should changeto make it independent of time, gravity, and energy.

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The actual relative concept is speed or the relation betweenspace and time.

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4.c) Acceleration of time

While observing the metaphysical-mathematical game with theEquation of Love and obtaining gravity according to love andenergy, the topic changes perspective given that the formulafor love can have implications in the science of physics andnot being a mere exercise of metaphysics and scientific poetryas was my intention at first.

It could be a subjective point of view of the universe. Whilereading the formula, we realize that acceleration, or evenbetter, the speed of time intervenes, which forms part of thefiction, metaphysics, or subjective reality. I have alreadycommented that the subjective or relative perception of thebeings does not affect at all the objective reality.

Specifically, subjective gravity coincides with the objectivegravity as long as the subjective speed of time coincides withthe objective speed.

This thought about beings reminds me of the followingparagraph of the GTCEL: “Despite this philosophical approach tolife, which, in the last analysis, leads us to assume that all beings areliving beings. I will continue using the definition of living beings such asplants and animals, given that it is a useful term while talking aboutgenetics.”

On the scale of metaphysics, we do not have that problem; wecan refer to the subjective character of any object. To theextent that this subjective character can mean a real andpremeditated change in time or the speed of light, we wouldhave life itself or one of the more basic displays of the exerciseof freedom.

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We must be careful with the conceptual comprehension of themathematical formulas since some of them can be moremetaphysical than what one could expect.

For example, we can understand the acceleration of timesquared in the Equation of Love as:

The inverse of the acceleration per meter cubed (s² /mm³).

Another alternative could be (kg / N m³) which would bethe relation between mass and the force times the unit ofthree-dimensional space or volume. Moreover, we alreadyknow that this relation between the mass and force relatesto the speed and acceleration: it is about the concept ofglobal mass or mass at rest plus kinetic mass.

Another is (s s/m m³) which could be read as somethingto with the property of time and speed is added and isjoined together with a three-dimensional spatial container.

However, it seems that the most reasonable physicsinterpretation would be that (s²/m²) is the inverse of the c²and signifies the relation between mass and energy. Also,that the remaining (1/m²) refers to an inverse relation tothe G constant of the Equation of Love, that is, that Lovetimes Energy gives us the acceleration of gravity, which issimilar to the formula for gravity.

Inevitably if we continue looking, other possibilities willappear.

Metaphysics and subjective perception of time

The Love Equation in its initial formulation refers typically

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to time but equally functions with space and indirectly withthe spatial speed and its inverse or temporal speed.

It would be nice to understand the vision of thesubjectivity that brings the acceleration of time to life, aswell as the representation of objective reality by theEquation of Love in its aspect of the relation betweenforce times each kilogram and energy.

It gives us an idea of the importance of the correctinterpretation of the mathematical expressions in whichboth aspects can be apparent.

At the same time, it allows the comprehension of thenecessary coincidence of the two points of view for anygiven moment for the physics variables in the study.

I have to admit that I have never understood this part very well!

Of course, the following paragraphs are not a scientificargumentation of the variability of the speed of light oranything of the like. It is just a personal and more or lessrational interpretation of the capricious perception of time,given that we cannot directly sense the variation of the speedof light because it is an abstract relational concept.

From the subjective point of view of time, our brain detectswhen our vital speed changes and for that reason, we sensethe changes in time. Extrapolating from the case of light, whatI believe that the acceleration of the time in the Equation ofLove implies is the changes in the speed of the light.

Apparently, this change of vital perception comes from withinus; it could even have something to do with the gravitationalvariations in the interior of the objects and, of course, otherpossible aspects that are entirely unknown by us and,therefore, belonging to the world of metaphysics.

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4.d) A familiar interpretation

From a familiar subjective perspective, we may conclude someexciting ideas, although utterly irrelevant for science and thenon-familiar world, such as unfamiliar metaphysics.Nonetheless, as an example of the special relativities andsubjectivities, it seems quite reasonable to me.

On the one hand, from the concept of energy we have to:

1 Julio = 1 Newton * meter

On the other hand, one Molwick [c/G (1/kg m)] is bytautological definition equal to one Susan. Therefore, dividingby kg and clearing (N /kg) from the equality of the previoussection, we are left with:

(N /kg) = N m Mw = Julio * Susan

Moreover, that can only be:

David = Julio * Susan

That is that my three children are related through love. Julio ispure energy, David is with the force and Susan, well, I will tryit with the poetry of eternal love:

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Love poem to Susana

* * *

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