the end of the mill on the floss & jane eyre

The end of the mill on the floss The end of Jane Eyre ( Noura aljasser ) The word to describe each ( Nada- Alhabardi ) Ashhad alsudias

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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The word to describe each The word that describes both novels is (unity-united) . Maggie in the mail and the floss united with her brother at the end , and Jane is united with her love and marry him . But the different between the two ending that Maggie when she united with her brother ,they united in a tragic death. This scene is ironic , because Maggie on the beginning of the novel said(we shall always live together ) they live apart from each other , but died together . Jane united with Rochester by marriage , a romantic happy ending , and she is finally with him . A wedding and a death are pretty good signs that this is the conclusion of the novel.  


Page 1: the end of the mill on the floss & Jane Eyre

The end of the mill on the floss

The end of Jane Eyre ( Noura aljasser )

The word to describe each ( Nada- Alhabardi )

Ashhad alsudias

Page 2: the end of the mill on the floss & Jane Eyre

The ending of the novel is pretty infamous, which means it’s famous in a bad way. The two main characters Tom and Maggie, drown during a flood, which is about as depressing as it can get. To top off all this death and woe, the epilogue is really vague and gives us practically no details at all about how things end up for all the other characters.

This ending is frustrating in a lot of ways. Maggie had a hard time for the entire the novel and, after all her suffering, she ends up dying around the ripe old age of twenty. Plus, the lack of information about everyone else we’ve been reading about for hundreds of pages is kind of annoy ending

this ending didn’t just come out of left field. Floods ,drowning,death and destruction were alluded to from the very first chapter, where Mrs. Tulliver gripes that Maggie is probably going to fall in the river and drown one day

Page 3: the end of the mill on the floss & Jane Eyre

But while we were being prepared for the tragic ending, we still need to ask why it was so depressing and vague. Basically, the tragic death of Tom and Maggie hammers home a lot of the novel’s major themes: the importance of family, the significance of past bonds, the idea that life is filled with suffering. No matter how divided they were in life, Tom and Maggie are pretty much stuck with each other for all the time . It’s also interesting to note that Maggie and Tom only really came together in death. It’s doubtful that they would have ever reconciled had they both lived. In a twisted sense, killing Tom and Maggie was the only way to salvage their sibling relationship and to really emphasize themes like family.

Page 4: the end of the mill on the floss & Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre

Jane at the end of the novel discover that Mr. Rochester who lost his eyesight and one of his hands in the fire, lives at the nearby estate of Ferndean.

Then she finds his place , he is overjoyed when she locates him, and relates his side of the mystical connection that Jane had. He and Jane soon marry. At the end of the novel, Jane informs the readers that she and Mr. Rochester have been married for ten years, and Mr. Rochester regained sight in one of his eyes in time to see the birth of his first son

Page 5: the end of the mill on the floss & Jane Eyre

The major theme - Jane's desire for love and, her need for independence, in different ways. As we have already seen, she has blended love with independence in her marriage with Rochester: "To be together is for us to be at once as free as in solitude, as gay as in company."

Page 6: the end of the mill on the floss & Jane Eyre

The word that describes both novels is (unity-united) . Maggie in the mail and the floss united with her brother at the end , and Jane is united with her love and marry him . But the different between the two ending that Maggie when she united with her brother ,they united in a tragic death. This scene is ironic , because Maggie on the beginning of the novel said(we shall always live together ) they live apart from each other , but died together . Jane united with Rochester by marriage , a romantic happy ending , and she is finally with him . A wedding and a death are pretty good signs that this is the conclusion of the novel.

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