the elk mountain pilot (irwin, (ruby camp), gunnison ...near st. petersburg, russia....

NEWLY FOUND RACE WHITE PEOPLE IN MINDANAO. Perfectly White Race Said to Exist In the Philippines—Semi-Civilized and Partly Christianized —Have Been Seen by Only a Few Outsiders. Ivleut L. A. De Clalrmont. United States army, late of the Philippine scouts, who has returned from Manila, tells of the existence In the interior of Mindanao island of a perfectly white race, semi-civilized, partly Christian- ized, hut cruelly hostile in their dis- couratfement of communication with the outside world. The favored few that have been permitted to penetrate the fastnesses of these exclusive Cau- casians tell of a country rich in vege- table and mineral wealth and of a peo- ple skilled in the various domestic crafts, orderly, gentle and hospitable, but well enough satisfied with the lit- tle world to resent the Intrusion of the strenuous civilization of the outside. Lieutenant De Clalrmont was sta- tioned at Pagbllao, Taijabns province. Mindanao Island, and the story of the white people told to him by one Man- vel Castro, a native of high standing, was corroborated by the local priest and by the president of the province. "Here in Mindanao," he said, “we have one race that is perfectly white. r Efc?y are located In the interior, hav- ing as their headquarters a city of more than 20,000 inhabitants. There are as many more of them scattered through- out the country surrounding their cap- ital." According to Castro the existence of these white folk was discovered twen- ty-five years ago by a Spanish surgeon who took two of the white children to Europe. One of them he adopted and educated as a lawyer. This one re- turned to the Island and afterwards | wrote to the Spanish surgeon. He had | found his parents, and had decided to east his lot with them and their people. | They were Mohammedans, he said, and he proposed to devote his life to Intro- ducing the Christian religion and In other ways to give the people from whom he had been kidnapped the ben- efit of his wider knowledge. The young lawyer, it is said. Is now the ruling sultan of this isolated peo- ple. “I Investigated Castro’s story," said Lieutenant De Clalrmont. "and satis- fied myself that a race of whites really exist on Mindanao island. I had an op- portunity to go in with an exploration party, but the state of my health for- bade. I reported the matter to the gov- ernment tribal bureau, which is en- gaged In trying to find out Just what we have in the Philippines and was in- fornnKl that they also had heard of the tribe but had been unable to locate It. I gave them all the Information I could and expect to hear very shortly of the organization of uu exploration expedition." POOR LO AS HOUSE SERVANT. Indian Boys and Girls Taking to Do- mestic Work. Indian schools all over the Southwest have recently adjourned for the sum- mer. and the students are being em- ployed very rapidly by those who keep aervants. The Indian boys make ex- cellent cooks, while an Indian girl, once trained, is a fine innld of all work, a modish hairdresser and endowed with an Inborn taste which becomes picturesque when combined with a few civilized touches. The system of train- ing now bestowed upon the red chil- dren at school teaches them to become servile to their superior—the paleface, and the present generation In training have become so accustomed to serving their paleface teachers that they nre more than willing to enter the house- hold as servnnts. Herein may He the solution of the servuut-girl question—- for a time, at least. Indian youths are Rtrong, agile, and If brought up by the right kind of methods are perfectly willing to work. They are healthy and quick of limb. This makes an excellent combination for a servant. Statistics of the Indian taken recently show that of the 45,000 workers among the various tribes 3.000 of them are employed as helpers In the houses of the palefaces. You never see the Indian servant at his or her best until you visit the home of an ludian agent on one of the reservations.—Chi- cago Chronicle. Uother Qny's Sweat Powders forCMldrra Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children’s Horae In New York. Cnree Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Dis- orcUma, move and regulate the Bowels and DeJlfoy Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials. At alMrugglsts. 25c. Sample FREE. Ad- draaswxLlan S. Olmsted, Leitoy, N. Y. The Potato Is King. Potates form the world’s greatest dngle crop, 4,000,000,000 bushels being produced annually, equal in bulk to he entire wheat and corn crops. If you don’t get the biggest and best t’B your own fault. Defiance Starch 8 for sale everywhere and there is pos- tlvely nothing to equal it lu quality or iuantity. Free From Headaches. Headaches rarely assail the Bedouin trabs. They are nearly all small aters and six or seven dates soaked i melted butter with a very small uantlty of coarse flour or three or aur tablespoonfuls of boiled rice erve a man a whole day. tats or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, i Lucas Coumtt, (**• Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the :nior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., Ting business In the City of Toledo. County id State aforesaid, and that said llrm will pay »e sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ichand every case of Catarrh that cannot be irud by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my ■esence. this 6th day of December, A. D. 188& [a... , A. W. GLEASON. ISEAI ‘I Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and ts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, a Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Postal Clerk—You’ll have to put an- her stamp on that letter. Miss Pert Why? Postal Clerk—Because It’s erwelght. Miss Pert-But. gracious! nnthur stamp would make It utill •avi^ SHORT TELEGRAMS. Kansas City’s new $500,000 opera bouse was formally opened on the night »f August 25th. Violent earthquake shocks were felt August 22nd ut Andishan and Pavlovsk near St. Petersburg, Russia. It Is stated that strong pressure Is be- ing exerted at Rome to have Arch- bishop Ireland made a cardinal. A fire in the business and residence sections of Uosslaud. British Columbia, an August 25tli dhl $75,000 damage. Mount Allomoute, In Calubria, Italy, has been In eruption since Aug. 22nd, emitting showers of stones and flame6. Sir Thomas IJpton, of yachting fame, had an automobile smashup a short time since, blit escaped with something of a shock and a few slight bruises. The British transport Staffordshire has sailed from Hamilton, Bermuda, for Cape Town with 1,000 Boers who had been prisoners lu the detention :ampg on that island. Eight thousand harvesters have ar- rived In Winnepeg. Of the number about 200 have gone to North Dakota, and It Is snhl the alien labor law ma- chinery may be set in motion. It is reported that the recent experi- mental shipment of two carloads of Georgia peaches to England was high- ly successful. The fruit arrived in fine shape and brought handsome prices. A territorial charter has been granted to the Guthrie, Shawnee and Coal Gate Railroad Company, with $1,000,000 cap- ital, to build a line from Guthrie west- ward to Beaver, a distance of 150 miles. Astronomer William 11. Wright of the nstronomical staff of the Lick observa- tory has been chosen to take charge of the D. O. Mills expedition now being outfitted at Mount Hamilton, to spend . two years in Chile. I The Cuban government has recog- I nlzed the contract made by the Aineri- can military government of Cuba with | Mgr. Sbarretti, formerly bishop of Ha- vana, In settlement of questions of the ownership of church property. The Chinese government has Issued an edict that the murderers of an Eng- lish missionary named Lewis, and an Australian missionary named Bruce be punished. The crimes were committed at Chen Chou, in Hu Nan province. Colorado has n rival ns a presidential hunting ground. When President Roosevelt visits North Carolina this fall he will be given a bear hunt under the leadership of "Big Tom” Wilson, the champion bear hunter of the state. The principal part of Buskin, a little town seven miles west of Waycross, Georgia, was burned on the night of August 25th. The town was formerly the home of the Buskin commonwealth colony of socialists from Tennessee. The White Star line steamer Cedric of 21,000 tons, the largest liner afloat, was successfully launched at Ilarland & Wolff’s yards at Belfast, Ireland, Au- gust 21st. Her carrying capacity Is 18,400 tons and she has accommoda- tions for 3,000 passengers. According to a recent survey ap- proved by the Department of the Inte- rior the Important railroad town of Chickasaw Is located In Oklahoma in- stead of Indian Territory. An appeal will be made to the Supreme Court and protracted litigation Is expected. At South Norwalk, Connecticut, Aug- ust 22nd, the world’s wagon record on a half mile track was broken by a pair of horses driven by their owner, E. T. Bedford of Green's Farm. The time for the mile was 2:lsVj. The previous rec- ord was 2:10*4, made In Toledo, Ohio. Hlrnm Cron, the only soldier of the War of 1812 on the pension rolls, is dy- ing of old age at Dunbrook, Oneida county, New York, In Ills 103rd year. For the past two years he has been drowing a pension of $25 a mouth un- der a special act, having previously re- ceived but SB. The annual report of Wilder S. Met- calf. pension agent at Topeka, Kansas, shows for the first time in the history of the office a falling off in the amount of money paid out for pensions. The total amount disbursed from Topeka for the ftscnl year ending June 30th, was $15,905,135.50. Tlie largest shipment of cattle ever taken across the Atlantic left Portland, Maine, August 23d. on the steamship Norsden of the Dominion line. In all. there were 1,179 head of cattle and 1,- 398 sheep. The ship carried eighteen car loads of hay and grain to feed the stock on their ten days’ passage to Liv- erpool. The city of Tampico, Mexico, In con- junction with the state of Tninaulipas aud the federal government, has com- pleted arrangements for the construe, tion of sewer and waterworks systems, and has appropriated $3,000,000 for general street Improvements. The con- tract for both systems has been let to a New Yorker. A determined effort to increase the stock of chinook salmon In the Colum- bia river is to be made by the state and United States authorities. Fish Warden Van Dusen announces that during the coining year 00,000.000 young salmon will be turned loose from the hatcheries along the Columbia and its tributaries. The Rome correspondent of the Lon- don Dally Mail relates a curious story of a recent agrarian riot at Cassano- murge, near Bari, where 400 peasants seized a large estate and began dividing the lands in accordance with their Ideas of socialism. The rioters only relin- quished their booty after n sharp con- flict with the military authorities, in which one of their number was killed. Skagwny dispatches say that al- though the Skngway-Juueau cable is not broken, the government crew of ex- perts have dropped oi>erations toward repairs and given up the proposition in despair. The Insulation has been broken in so many places that an entire new cable seems necessary. The line is 100 miles long. It was laid last fall but has been operated only a few weeks. An order has been received at Butte, Montana, from Washington, withdraw- ing another 1,000.000 of land in the Great Falls district from entry. The order is in line with the intention of the government to push forward the St. Mary’s canal irrigation project as rap- idly as possible. Three million acres have now been withdrawn and further withdrawals recommended within thir- ty (I»** “The farmer doesn’t have ns much trouble keeping the wolf from the door as he used to.” "No,” answered Mr. Alfalfa, "if he could keep the automo- bile from the road he’d have a pfetty good chance for his life." Ladles Can Wear Shoes Uium vnu One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot- Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot,sweating aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. All druggists and shoe stores •sc. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad- dress Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. It sometimes costs a man six months of rheumatism to catch one little six- inch fish. Defiance Starch is put up Id ounces In a package. 10 cents. One-third more 6tarch for same money. Animals and Music. The ofTect of music on nnlmals was recently tested by a violinist In a Ber- lin menagerie. The influence of the violin was greatest on the puma, which became much excited when quicksteps were played, but was soothed by slower measures. Wolves showed an apparent interest, lions and hyenas were terrified, leopards were uncon- cerned and monkeys stared In wonder at the performer. We never see a nicely dressed girl In summer without thinking what a •lot of tilings she must have In the wush. Plao'a Core cannot be too highly spoken V m cough cure.—J. W. O'Bkixh. 322 Third Ava., 14., Minneapolis. Minn., Juu. 0. lWtt, After a worthless old horse dies the , owner begins to tell of the hundreds of dollars he refused for him. To Cure a Cold in One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists ref und money ifit fails to cure. 36c. “Don't you think that anybody has rights except yourself?” "Certainly.” re- , piled the trust magnate. “There are nu- ; rnerous rights which we do not possess. But we are gathering them in as rapidly as possible.” , Don’t you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely superior to ; any other, is put up 10 ounces in pack- age and sells at same prices as 12-ounce packages of other kinds? It must be tough on the Jailer who has I ( a lot of felons on Ills hands. * Sunday School Teacher—What do you suppose Jon oh thought when he found himself Inside the whale? Little Edgar— Guess he thought he’d been asleep In n folding bed and It closed up. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For childrenteething, softens the mims, reduces !n- fiatutnailon, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2St a bolUa. Politics Is uncertain. To-day a man Is on the stump und to-morrow he may be up a tree. DEFIANCE STARCH should be In ev«*» household, non® so good, besides 4 o*. more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch. I.ittle Edith’s foot had fnllen asleep. “Oh. mamma," she exclaimed, "my foot feels Just like a live pln-cushlon.” AN ITALIAN CAPTAIN Cured by Pe-ru-na of Catarrh of the Stomach After Doctors Failed. Hon. J. D. Botkin, Congressman from Kansas Writes an Interesting Letter. CAPTAIN O. HERTOLETTQ Captain'O. Bertoletto of the Italian Barque "Lincelles," in a recent letter from the chief officer of the Italian Barque Lincelles, Pensacola, Fla., ••I have suffered for several years with chronic catarrh of the stomach. The doctors prescribed for me without my receivlng the least benefit. Through one of your pamphlets I began the use of Peruna, and two bottles have en- tirely cured me. Irecommend Peruna to all my friends. O. Bertoletto. In catarrh of the stomach, as well catarrh of any part of the body, I’eruna is the remedy. As has been often said if Peruna will cure catarrh of one part, it will cure catarrh of any other part of the body. Catarrh is catarrh whever located, and the remedy that will cure it any- where will cure It everywhere. The following letter from Congress- man Botkin speaks for itself: Housk of Rkpkkhentativics, ) Washington, D. C. j Dr. 8. B. Hartman, Columbus, O.: My Dear Doctor—lt gives me pleasure to certify to the excellent curative qual- ities of yournied- and Manalin. 1 4 less for a quarter 1 of a century with 4 IfA * stomach and con- j * creased these j | bot-les of your { * ***** [ medicine have given me nlinost complete relief, and I am sure that a continuation of them will effect a permanent cure. Peruna is surely a wonderful remedy for ca- tarrhal affections —J. D. Botkin. This is a case of catarrh of the stom- ach which had run for twenty-five years, according to his statement, and Peruna has at once come to his relief, promptly accomplishing for him more benefit than he had been able to find in all other remedies during a quarter of a century. It stands to reason that a man of wealth and influence, like a Congress- man of the great United States, has left no ordinary means untried aud no stone unturned to find a cure. If such cures as these do not verify the claim not only that dyspepsia is due to catarrh of the stomach, but also that Peruna will cure catarrh of the stomach, it is impossible to imagine how any evidence could do so. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis. Address Dr. IT&rtman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. DON’T SUFFER! When You Ca rv Buy a Bottle «/ Mexican Mustang Liniment* For MAN O R. BEAST Ward’s Big Bargain Book ards off high prices, by holeeallng good”, tv all. orih a dollar ill save you b.gny dollars. It contains over 1,000 page* quotingwhole- sale prloos on 70,000 different articles— illustrations are used to help ycu under- stand what the goods look like. Send 15 cents for catalogue and learn how to make four dollars do the work of five. 5 CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. KEEP YOUR SADDLt DBYlj THE ORIGINAL ' •OMMEL FLICKER BLACK OSrtLIOW PROTECTS BOTH PER ANP SADDLE .sVWrtEHS; ' in THE HARDEST STORM ioonro»»» CATALOGUES FREE SHOWING rULL LINE Of GARMENTS ANP HATS. i A.J.TOYVER CO. BOSTON. MASS. js I Our free book- Prospect tout own nelahborhooil. THE WEHRLE PKECIOUS STONES MINING CO.. 931 l«th St- Denver, Colo. The Colorado Tent & Awning Co. I orgeat Dealers lu the Went IUI7-2B I-HwrrnceStreet, Denver, Colo. Writefor Catalogue ami Prioe List. Second Hand Machinery *52.!“ p : FOR MINE, FARM AND MILL H«nd for | rr jga tion Plants The S. 11. Supply Co- Slid and Sts. DENVER, COLORADO. CHEAP RATES l«n fciW shippedat reduc- ed rntes. Write for full pnrUouiarn. i U< MOVING AND STORAGE CO., 15tu and Welton Sts., DENVER. DFNVER¥STIrp DRY Absolutely pure. Siml for our New Premium List. The tleyeerlte Soap Mfg. Company. Denver. ■/ij v/ I life a I nura Iteetdeneeand(leecrlptlon or SOB WHT Lift KLUNrf bonorahle women who wtah to marry, and a photo*for ue- Heart A liana, Kaniu City tuaiurn-AGENTB to neli our Flavoring Ex WnniLU tracts. Toilet Artioles and Perfume*. Big profits. Write for term*. A. PEAK- bALL CO- OOS Walnut St., lies Moineit, lowa N. U.—DENVER.-NO. 35. 1002 i wueu Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This ranee. u. im u miia ami inn iiiuius. - - - - —»■ - F PUEBLO. SEPT. A %ne 1 Here &20 j t COLORADO STATE FAIR $ The first day will be preparation day for the exhibitors to arrange their displays, and the big show * i W begins bright and early Tuesday, September 16th. Be there. 7* I |i FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PURSES AND PREMIUMS Horse Races Cattle Rich Minerals Poultry Broncho Busting' Sheep Dairy Products Pet Stoo.K u * Cowboy Relays Swine Bees and Honey All Hinds of Live StocK <0 Magnificent Fruit Display, Farm Products, Art Gallery, School Exhibit, Pantry Stores, Fancy Work, etc., etc. fd A You will learn something at the State Fair, and have lots of fun ai the same time. Jk LOW RATES ON ALL RAILROADS La For Premium List and other information, Address C. A. GALLOWAY, Sec’y, 208 W. Fourth St., Pueblo. V, BE THERE BE THERE BE THERE * DAINTY SUMMER GIRLS USE CUTICURA SOAP assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT for preserving, purifying and beauti- fying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for irritations of the skin, heat rashes, tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. K?— Much that all ahould know about the akin, acalp, and hair la told In the circular with Cuticuka Soap. ( SEND 25 CENTS For an Auditorium Stock Contest Ticket and two chances to win a prize. Over 1,000 prizes will be distributed within next ninety days. >■ Seven Hundred and eight cash prizes, headed by the cash capital prize of $5,000 in Gold contributed by the Defiance Starch Company of Omaha. Three hun- dred other prizes. Including a $3,500.00 house and lot. contributed by the enterprising business men of Omaha. Special cash prizes will be awarded September 16 and October 1. . Twenty-five cents buys one ticket and two chances Five dollars buys twenty tickets and forty chances. Get your friends to Join you. For further information aud tickets, address THE AUDITORIUM CO., J omaha. - - Nebraska, j S $5,000 lIN GOLD—FREE For 1 S Trad© Marks Cut from lOc Packages of DEFIANCE Starch To everyone who DEFIANCE STARCH ■end to the Auditor- / will be sent an Audl- lum Co. or the De- torfum Stock and nance Stnrch Co., Guessing ticket which Omaha. Neb., 15 trade ■eb® for 25 cts.. giving marks cut from 10 ct. you a guess in this or IS ez. packages of great contest to win IIST OOL.D or «ome OTU of the 1.000 other prizes. If you cannot get Defiance Starch of your grocer, we will send It to you express prepaid Including one ticket upon receipt of the price of 15 10c packages of the starch. The Defiance Starch Co.. Omaha, Nebraska. i ED VCATI ONAL. c ■W THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME. INDIANA. FULL COURSES IN Claaalc*. Letters. Eco- nomics and History. Journalism. Art. Scienco* Pharmacy. Law. Civil. Mechanical and Elec- trical Engineering. Architecture, Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Rooms Free to all students who have com- pleted the studies required for admission into the Junior or Senior Year of »Dy of the Collegi- ate Courses. Rooms to Rent, moderate charge to students over seventeen preparing for CollegiateCourses A limited number of Candidatesfor theEccle- siastical state will be received at special rates. St. Edward's Hall, for boys under 13 years, ia uniquein the completeness of Its equipment. The SOth Year will open scptemb«r 9, 1902. Catalogues free A<idre«» REV. A. MORRISSEY. C, S, C- President. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. (One mile we«t of the University of Notre Dime.) Thorough English and (Ta«slcnl Education, including(ireek. Latin, Frenc h and German. On completing the full course of studies, students receive the Itegular Collegiate Degrees. The Conservatory of Muaie is condueied on the plan of the best Classical Conservatories of Europe. The Art Department is modelled after tha best Art Schools of Europe. Preparatory and Minim Departments. Pu- SUs are here carefully prepared for the Aoa- *>mio and Advanced Courses. Gymnasium un- der direction of Graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Bookkeeping. Phonoe- ritphy and Typewriting extra. Every vunetyof Fancy Needlework taught. For catalogue ad- dress DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY. Sc Mjry't Academy. Notre Dame P. 0.. KANBAS CITY. HO. Catalogue A, free. J Thompson's Eye Water SiUEfc¥dXT'l,l*A;J.Bßi UUHfch VrutKt Ail HSI fAUS. BT wt Cough Syrup. Taatoe Good. Uaa HI In time. Sold bv druggists. El

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Page 1: The Elk Mountain pilot (Irwin, (Ruby Camp), Gunnison ...near St. Petersburg, Russia. ItIsstatedthatstrongpressure Isbe-ing exerted at Rome to have Arch-bishop Ireland madea cardinal



Perfectly White Race Said to Exist Inthe Philippines—Semi-Civilized and

Partly Christianized—Have BeenSeen by Only a Few Outsiders.

Ivleut L. A. De Clalrmont. UnitedStates army, late of the Philippinescouts, who has returned from Manila,tells of the existence In the interior ofMindanao island of a perfectly whiterace, semi-civilized, partly Christian-ized, hut cruelly hostile in their dis-couratfement of communication withthe outside world. The favored fewthat have been permitted to penetratethe fastnesses of these exclusive Cau-casians tell of a country rich in vege-table and mineral wealth and of a peo-ple skilled in the various domesticcrafts, orderly, gentle and hospitable,but well enough satisfied with the lit-tle world to resent the Intrusion of thestrenuous civilization of the outside.

Lieutenant De Clalrmont was sta-tioned at Pagbllao, Taijabns province.Mindanao Island, and the story of thewhite people told to him by one Man-vel Castro, a native of high standing,was corroborated by the local priestand by the president of the province.

"Here in Mindanao," he said, “wehave one race that is perfectly white.rEfc?y are located In the interior, hav-ing as their headquarters a city of morethan 20,000 inhabitants. There are asmany more of them scattered through-out the country surrounding their cap-ital."

According to Castro the existence ofthese white folk was discovered twen-ty-five years ago by a Spanish surgeonwho took two of the white children toEurope. One of them he adopted andeducated as a lawyer. This one re-turned to the Island and afterwards |wrote to the Spanish surgeon. He had |found his parents, and had decided to

east his lot with them and their people. |They were Mohammedans, he said, andhe proposed to devote his life to Intro-ducing the Christian religion and Inother ways to give the people fromwhom he had been kidnapped the ben-efit of his wider knowledge.

The young lawyer, it is said. Is nowthe ruling sultan of this isolated peo-ple.

“I Investigated Castro’s story," saidLieutenant De Clalrmont. "and satis-fied myself that a race of whites reallyexist on Mindanao island. I had an op-portunity to go in with an explorationparty, but the state of my health for-bade. I reported the matter to the gov-ernment tribal bureau, which is en-gaged In trying to find out Just whatwe have in the Philippines and was in-fornnKl that they also had heard of thetribe but had been unable to locate It.I gave them all the Information Icould and expect to hear very shortlyof the organization of uu explorationexpedition."


Indian Boys and Girls Taking to Do-mestic Work.

Indian schools all over the Southwesthave recently adjourned for the sum-mer. and the students are being em-ployed very rapidly by those who keepaervants. The Indian boys make ex-cellent cooks, while an Indian girl,once trained, is a fine innld of all work,a modish hairdresser and endowedwith an Inborn taste which becomespicturesque when combined with a fewcivilized touches. The system of train-ing now bestowed upon the red chil-dren at school teaches them to becomeservile to their superior—the paleface,and the present generation In traininghave become so accustomed to servingtheir paleface teachers that they nremore than willing to enter the house-hold as servnnts. Herein may He thesolution of the servuut-girl question—-for a time, at least.

Indian youths are Rtrong, agile, andIf brought up by the right kind ofmethods are perfectly willing to work.They are healthy and quick of limb.This makes an excellent combinationfor a servant. Statistics of the Indiantaken recently show that of the 45,000workers among the various tribes 3.000of them are employed as helpers In thehouses of the palefaces. You never seethe Indian servant at his or her bestuntil you visit the home of an ludianagent on one of the reservations.—Chi-cago Chronicle.UotherQny's Sweat Powders forCMldrra

Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurseIn the Children’s Horae In New York. CnreeFeverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Dis-orcUma, move and regulate the Bowels andDeJlfoy Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials.At alMrugglsts. 25c. Sample FREE. Ad-draaswxLlan S. Olmsted, Leitoy, N. Y.

The Potato Is King.Potates form the world’s greatest

dngle crop, 4,000,000,000 bushels beingproduced annually, equal in bulk tohe entire wheat and corn crops.

If you don’t get the biggest and bestt’B your own fault. Defiance Starch8 for sale everywhere and there is pos-tlvely nothing to equal it lu quality oriuantity.

Free From Headaches.

Headaches rarely assail the Bedouintrabs. They are nearly all smallaters and six or seven dates soakedi melted butter with a very smalluantlty of coarse flour or three oraur tablespoonfuls of boiled riceerve a man a whole day.

tats or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, iLucas Coumtt, (**•

Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the:nior partner of the firm ofF. J. Cheney ACo.,Ting business In the City of Toledo. Countyid State aforesaid, and that said llrm will pay»e sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS forichand every case of Catarrh that cannot beirud by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.

FRANK J. CHENEY.Sworn to before me and subscribed In my■esence. this 6th day of December, A. D. 188&[a... , A. W. GLEASON.ISEAI ‘I Notary Public.Hall’s Catarrh Cure la taken Internally,andts directly on the blood and mucous surfacesthe system. Send for testimonials, free.

F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, aSold by Druggists, 75c.Hall's Family Pills are the best.

Postal Clerk—You’ll have to put an-her stamp on that letter. Miss PertWhy? Postal Clerk—Because It’serwelght. Miss Pert-But. gracious!nnthur stamp would make It utill•avi^


Kansas City’s new $500,000 operabouse was formally openedon the night»f August 25th.

Violent earthquake shocks were feltAugust 22nd ut Andishan and Pavlovsknear St. Petersburg, Russia.It Is stated that strong pressure Is be-

ing exerted at Rome to have Arch-bishop Ireland made a cardinal.

A fire in the business and residencesections of Uosslaud. British Columbia,an August 25tli dhl $75,000 damage.

Mount Allomoute, In Calubria, Italy,has been In eruption since Aug. 22nd,emitting showers of stones and flame6.

SirThomas IJpton, of yachting fame,had an automobile smashup a shorttime since, blit escaped with somethingof a shock and a few slight bruises.

The British transport Staffordshirehas sailed from Hamilton, Bermuda,for Cape Town with 1,000 Boers whohad been prisoners lu the detention:ampg on that island.

Eight thousand harvesters have ar-rived In Winnepeg. Of the numberabout 200 have gone to North Dakota,and It Is snhl the alien labor law ma-chinery may be set in motion.It is reported that the recent experi-

mental shipment of two carloads ofGeorgia peaches to England was high-ly successful. The fruit arrived in fineshape and brought handsome prices.

A territorial charter has been grantedto the Guthrie, Shawnee and Coal GateRailroad Company, with $1,000,000 cap-ital, to build a line from Guthrie west-ward to Beaver, a distance of 150 miles.

Astronomer William 11. Wright of thenstronomical staff of the Lick observa-tory has been chosen to take charge ofthe D. O. Mills expedition now beingoutfitted at Mount Hamilton, to spend

. two years in Chile.I The Cuban government has recog-I nlzed the contract made by the Aineri-• can military government of Cuba with| Mgr. Sbarretti, formerly bishop of Ha-vana, In settlement of questions of theownership ofchurch property.

The Chinese government has Issuedan edict that the murderers of an Eng-lish missionary named Lewis, and anAustralian missionary named Bruce bepunished. The crimes were committedat Chen Chou, in Hu Nan province.

Colorado has n rival ns a presidentialhunting ground. When PresidentRoosevelt visits North Carolina this fallhe will be given a bear hunt under theleadership of "Big Tom” Wilson, thechampion bear hunter of the state.

The principal part of Buskin, a littletown seven miles west of Waycross,Georgia, was burned on the night ofAugust 25th. The town was formerly

the home of the Buskin commonwealthcolony of socialists from Tennessee.

The White Star line steamer Cedricof 21,000 tons, the largest liner afloat,was successfully launched at Ilarland& Wolff’s yards at Belfast, Ireland, Au-gust 21st. Her carrying capacity Is18,400 tons and she has accommoda-tions for 3,000 passengers.

According to a recent survey ap-proved by the Department of the Inte-rior the Important railroad town ofChickasaw Is located In Oklahoma in-stead of Indian Territory. An appealwill be made to the Supreme Court andprotracted litigation Is expected.

At South Norwalk, Connecticut, Aug-ust 22nd, the world’s wagon record ona half mile track was broken by a pairof horses driven by their owner, E. T.Bedford of Green's Farm. The time forthe mile was 2:lsVj. The previous rec-ord was 2:10*4, made In Toledo, Ohio.

Hlrnm Cron, the only soldier of theWar of 1812 on the pension rolls, is dy-ing of old age at Dunbrook, Oneidacounty, New York, In Ills 103rd year.For the past two years he has beendrowing a pension of $25 a mouth un-der a special act, having previously re-ceived but SB.

The annual report of Wilder S. Met-calf. pension agent at Topeka, Kansas,shows for the first time in the historyof the office a falling off in the amountof money paid out for pensions. Thetotal amount disbursed from Topekafor the ftscnl year ending June 30th,was $15,905,135.50.

Tlie largest shipment of cattle evertaken across the Atlantic left Portland,Maine, August 23d. on the steamshipNorsden of the Dominion line. In all.there were 1,179 head of cattle and 1,-398 sheep. The ship carried eighteencar loads of hay and grain to feed thestock on their ten days’ passage to Liv-erpool.

The city of Tampico, Mexico, In con-junction with the state of Tninaulipasaud the federal government, has com-pleted arrangements for the construe,tion of sewer and waterworks systems,and has appropriated $3,000,000 forgeneral street Improvements. The con-tract for both systems has been let to aNew Yorker.

A determined effort to increase thestock of chinook salmon In the Colum-bia river is to be made by the stateand United States authorities. FishWarden Van Dusen announces thatduring the coining year 00,000.000young salmon will be turned loose fromthe hatcheries along the Columbia andits tributaries.

The Rome correspondent of the Lon-don Dally Mail relates a curious storyof a recent agrarian riot at Cassano-murge, near Bari, where 400 peasantsseized a large estate and began dividingthe lands in accordance with their Ideasof socialism. The rioters only relin-quished their booty after n sharp con-flict with the military authorities, inwhich one of their number was killed.

Skagwny dispatches say that al-though the Skngway-Juueau cable isnot broken, the government crew of ex-perts have dropped oi>erations towardrepairs and given up the proposition indespair. The Insulation has been brokenin so many places that an entire newcable seems necessary. The line is 100miles long. It was laid last fall buthas been operated only a few weeks.

An order has been received at Butte,Montana, from Washington, withdraw-ing another 1,000.000 of land in theGreat Falls district from entry. Theorder is in line with the intention of thegovernment to push forward the St.Mary’s canal irrigation project as rap-idly as possible. Three million acreshave now been withdrawn and furtherwithdrawals recommended within thir-ty (I»**

“The farmer doesn’t have ns muchtrouble keeping the wolf from the dooras he used to.” "No,” answered Mr.Alfalfa, "if he could keep the automo-bile from the road he’d have a pfettygood chance for his life."

Ladles Can Wear ShoesUium vnu

One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder. It makes tight or newshoes easy. Curesswollen,hot,sweatingaching feet, ingrowing nails, corns andbunions. All druggists and shoe stores•sc. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad-dress Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y.

It sometimes costs a man six monthsof rheumatism to catch one little six-inch fish.

Defiance Starch is put up Id ouncesIn a package. 10 cents. One-third more6tarch for same money.

Animals and Music.

The ofTect of music on nnlmals wasrecently tested by a violinist In a Ber-lin menagerie. The influence of theviolin was greatest on the puma, whichbecame much excited when quickstepswere played, but was soothed byslower measures. Wolves showed anapparent interest, lions and hyenaswere terrified, leopards were uncon-cerned and monkeys stared In wonderat the performer.

We never see a nicely dressed girlIn summer without thinking what a•lot of tilings she must have In thewush.

Plao'a Core cannot be too highly spoken V m• cough cure.—J. W. O'Bkixh. 322 Third Ava.,14.,Minneapolis. Minn., Juu. 0. lWtt,

After a worthless old horse dies the, owner begins to tell of the hundreds ofdollars he refused for him.

To Cure a Cold in One day.Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alldruggists refund money ifitfails tocure. 36c.

“Don't you think that anybody hasrights except yourself?” "Certainly.” re- ,piled the trust magnate. “There are nu- ;rnerous rights which we do not possess.But we are gathering them in as rapidlyas possible.” ,

Don’t you know that Defiance Starchbesides being absolutely superior to ;any other, is put up 10 ounces in pack-age and sells at same prices as 12-ouncepackages of other kinds?It must be tough on the Jailer who has I (a lot of felons on Ills hands. *

Sunday School Teacher—What do yousuppose Jonoh thought when he foundhimself Inside the whale? Little Edgar—Guess he thought he’d been asleep In nfolding bed and It closed up.

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.For childrenteething, softens the mims, reduces !n-fiatutnailon, allays pain, cures windcolic. 2St a bolUa.

Politics Is uncertain. To-day a man Ison the stump und to-morrow he may beup a tree.

DEFIANCE STARCHshould be In ev«*» household, non® sogood, besides 4 o*. more for 10 cents thanany other brand of cold water starch.

I.ittle Edith’s foot had fnllen asleep.“Oh. mamma," she exclaimed, "my footfeels Just like a live pln-cushlon.”

AN ITALIAN CAPTAINCured by Pe-ru-na of Catarrh of the

Stomach After Doctors Failed.Hon. J. D. Botkin, Congressman

from Kansas Writes an InterestingLetter.

CAPTAIN O. HERTOLETTQCaptain'O. Bertoletto of the Italian

Barque "Lincelles," in a recent letterfrom the chief officer of the ItalianBarque Lincelles, Pensacola, Fla.,

••I have suffered for several yearswith chronic catarrh of the stomach.The doctors prescribed for me withoutmy receivlng the least benefit. Throughone of yourpamphlets I began the useof Peruna, and two bottles have en-tirely cured me. Irecommend Perunato all myfriends. O. Bertoletto.

In catarrh of the stomach, as wellcatarrh of any part of the body, I’erunais the remedy. As has been often saidif Peruna will cure catarrh of one part,it will cure catarrh of any other part ofthe body.

Catarrh is catarrh whever located,and the remedy that will cure it any-where will cure It everywhere.

The following letter from Congress-man Botkin speaks for itself:

Housk of Rkpkkhentativics, )Washington, D. C. j

Dr. 8. B. Hartman, Columbus, O.:My Dear Doctor—lt gives me pleasure

to certify to the excellent curative qual-ities of yournied-

and Manalin. 1 4

less for a quarter 1 •of a century with 4 IfA *

stomach and con- j *

creased these j |bot-les of your { * ***** [medicine havegiven menlinost complete relief, and Iam sure that a continuation of themwill effect a permanent cure. Perunais surely a wonderful remedy for ca-tarrhal affections—J. D. Botkin.

This is a case of catarrh of the stom-ach which had run for twenty-fiveyears, according to his statement, andPeruna has at once come to his relief,promptly accomplishing for him morebenefit than he had been able to findin all other remedies during a quarterof a century.

It stands to reason that a man ofwealth and influence, like a Congress-man of the great United States, has leftno ordinary meansuntried aud no stoneunturned to find a cure.

If such cures as these do not verifythe claim not only that dyspepsia is dueto catarrhof the stomach, but also thatPeruna willcure catarrhof the stomach,it is impossible to imagine how anyevidence could do so.

If youdo not derive prompt and satis-factory results from the use of Peruna,write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving afull statement of your case, and he willbe pleased to give you his valuable ad-vice gratis.

Address Dr. IT&rtman, President ofThe Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,Ohio.

DON’T SUFFER!When You Carv Buy a Bottle «/

Mexican Mustang Liniment*For MAN O R. BEAST

Ward’s Big Bargain Bookards off high prices, byholeeallng good”, tv all.orih a dollarill save you b.gny dollars.

It contains over 1,000page* quotingwhole-sale prloos on 70,000 different articles—l7.oooillustrations are used to help ycu under-stand what the goods look like. Send 15cents for catalogue and learn how to makefour dollarsdo the work offive.

5 CHICAGOThe house that tells the truth.






Our free book-

— Prospect toutownnelahborhooil. THE WEHRLE PKECIOUSSTONES MINING CO.. 931 l«th St- Denver, Colo.

The Colorado Tent & Awning Co.Iorgeat Dealers lu the Went

IUI7-2B I-HwrrnceStreet, Denver, Colo.Writefor Catalogue ami PrioeList.

Second Hand Machinery *52.!“p:

FOR MINE, FARM AND MILLH«nd for | rr jgation PlantsThe S. 11. Supply Co- Slid and Sts.


CHEAP RATESl«n ■ fciW shippedat reduc-ed rntes. Write for full pnrUouiarn. i U<v.Nz.itMOVING AND STORAGE CO., 15tu and WeltonSts., DENVER.


Absolutely pure. Siml for our New Premium List.The tleyeerlte Soap Mfg. Company. Denver.

■/ij v/ I life a I nura Iteetdeneeand(leecrlptlonor SOBWHT Lift KLUNrf bonorahle women who wtah tomarry, anda photo*for ue- Heart A liana, KaniuCity

tuaiurn-AGENTB to neli our Flavoring ExWnniLU tracts. Toilet Artioles and Perfume*.Big profits. Write for term*. A. PEAK-bALL CO- OOS WalnutSt., liesMoineit, lowa

W» N. U.—DENVER.-NO. 35. 1002

i wueu Answering Advertisements KindlyMention This ranee.u. im u miia ami inn iiiuius. ■ - - - - —»■ -


The first day will be preparation day for the exhibitors to arrange their displays, and the big show * iW begins bright and early Tuesday, September 16th. Be there. 7* I|i FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PURSES AND PREMIUMS

Horse Races Cattle Rich Minerals PoultryBroncho Busting' Sheep Dairy Products Pet Stoo.K u

* Cowboy Relays Swine Bees and Honey All Hinds of Live StocK <0Magnificent Fruit Display, Farm Products, Art Gallery, School Exhibit, Pantry Stores, Fancy Work, etc., etc. fd

A You will learn something at the State Fair, and have lots of fun ai the same time. JkLOW RATES ON ALL RAILROADS La

“ For Premium List and other information, Address C. A. GALLOWAY, Sec’y, 208 W. Fourth St., Pueblo.™


DAINTY SUMMER GIRLS USE CUTICURA SOAP assisted byCUTICURA OINTMENT for preserving, purifying and beauti-

fying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for irritations of the skin, heatrashes, tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness and sorenessincidental to outdoor sports, for sanative, antiseptic cleansing, and forall the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery.

K?— Much that all ahould know about the akin, acalp, and hair la told Inthe circular with Cuticuka Soap.


For an Auditorium Stock Contest Ticket and two chances to win aprize. Over 1,000 prizes will be distributed within next ninety days. >■

Seven Hundred and eight cash prizes, headed by the cash capitalprize of

$5,000 in Goldcontributed by the Defiance Starch Company of Omaha. Three hun-dred other prizes. Including a $3,500.00 house and lot. contributed by

the enterprising business men of Omaha. Special cash prizes will be

awarded September 16 and October 1. .„

Twenty-five cents buys one ticket and two chances Five dollarsbuys twenty tickets and forty chances. Get your friends to Join you.

For further information aud tickets, address


Nebraska, j

S $5,000 lIN GOLD—FREEFor 1 S Trad© Marks Cut from lOcPackages of DEFIANCE Starch

To everyone who DEFIANCE STARCH■end to the Auditor- / will be sent an Audl-lum Co. or the De- torfum Stock andnance Stnrch Co., Guessing ticket which

Omaha. Neb., 15 trade ■eb® for 25 cts.. giving

marks cut from 10 ct. you a guess in thisor IS ez. packages of great contest to win

IIST OOL.Dor «ome OTU of the 1.000 other prizes. If you cannot get Defiance Starchof your grocer, we will send It to you express prepaid Including oneticket upon receipt of the price of 15 10c packages of the starch.

The Defiance Starch Co.. Omaha, Nebraska.i



FULL COURSES IN Claaalc*. Letters. Eco-nomics and History. Journalism. Art. Scienco*Pharmacy. Law. Civil. Mechanical and Elec-trical Engineering. Architecture,

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Rooms Free to all students who have com-pleted the studies required for admission intothe Junior or Senior Yearof »Dy of the Collegi-ate Courses.

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Alimited numberof Candidatesfor theEccle-siastical state will be received atspecial rates.

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The SOth Year will open scptemb«r 9, 1902.Catalogues free A<idre«»

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(One mile we«t of the University of Notre Dime.)Thorough English and (Ta«slcnl Education,

including(ireek. Latin, Frenc h and German. Oncompleting the full course of studies, studentsreceive the Itegular CollegiateDegrees.

The Conservatory of Muaie is condueied ontheplan of the best Classical Conservatories ofEurope.

TheArt Department is modelled after thabest Art Schools of Europe.Preparatory and Minim Departments. Pu-

SUs are here carefully prepared for the Aoa-*>mio and Advanced Courses. Gymnasium un-

der direction of Graduate of Boston NormalSchool of Gymnastics. Bookkeeping. Phonoe-ritphy and Typewriting extra. Every vunetyofFancy Needlework taught. For catalogue ad-dress

DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY.Sc Mjry't Academy. Notre Dame P. 0..

KANBAS CITY. HO. Catalogue A, free. J

Thompson's Eye Water

SiUEfc¥dXT'l,l*A;J.BßiUUHfch VrutKt Ail HSI fAUS. BTwt Cough Syrup. Taatoe Good. Uaa HIIn time. Sold bv druggists. El