the element of teaching and learning (the learner)

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. The Elements of Teaching and Learning
  2. 2. Introductio n The Principal elements that make teaching and learning possible and attainable are the teachers, the learners, and a conducive learning environment. The teacher serves as the prime mover of the educational wheel. The learners are the key participants in the learning process. The favourable environment provides essential features and ingredients that
  3. 3. The Learner Every child is a potential genius Chapter I:
  4. 4. The Learner as an embodied spirit The learner is an embodied spirit. He/she is the union of sentient body and a rational soul. His body experiences sensations and feels pleasure and pain. His/her soul is the principle of spiritual acts, the source of intellectual abstraction, self- reflection, and free rational volition. Body and soul exist in
  5. 5. The Fundamental Equipment of the Learner
  6. 6. Cognitive Faculties 1.Five Senses. Are part of the learners sentient body for effective and efficient learning, it is important that his/her senses function normally. It is said that there is nothing in the mind which was not first in some manner in the senses.
  7. 7. 2. Instincts . The word Instincts comes from the Latin word instinctus which means impulse. 3. Imagination. It is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. 4. Memory. This is the cognitive faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences.
  8. 8. 4. Intellect. By his/ her intellect, the learner can engage in cognitive processes such as forming ideas or concepts, reasoning out and making judgment. The use of syllogism in logic illustrates the 3 cognitive processes of conception or concept information, reasoning and judging. Here is an example: All men are rational Pedro is a man.
  9. 9. Appetitive Faculties 1. Feelings and emotions. Emotion is the on/off switch of learning. Positive feelings and emotions make the teaching-learning process an exciting and joyful, fruitful affair. Negative feelings and emotions make the same
  10. 10. 2. Will. The learners will serves as guiding force and main integrating force in his/her character. By his/her will, the learner wills what his/her intellect presents as good and desirable. This means that the degree to which the learner is influenced by his/her environment depends ultimately the strength of his/her
  11. 11. Factors that contribute to the differences among learners. All learners are equipped with cognitive as well as appetitive faculties however, they differ in the degree to which they are utilized and expressed on the account of the learners abilities, aptitudes, interests, values and
  12. 12. 1.Ability. The students native ability dictates the prospects of success in any purposeful activity. It determines their capacity to understand and assimilate information for their own use and application.
  13. 13. 2. Aptitude. It refers to the students innate talent or gift. It indicates a natural capacity to learn certain skills. The powers of memory, imagination, concept formation, reasoning and judgement on matters related to the arts functions best for those who exhibit special inclination for the arts such as painting and designing crafts, propensity for music and flair for dramatics.
  14. 14. 3. Interests Learners interest in learning makes learning no longer a task but a pleasure. Learners have varied interest A physically robust student would go for athletics, while an artistic and stylish student would pursue hobbies that are fascinating. Interest are not inherited. They
  15. 15. 4. Family and cultural background. Students who come from different socioeconomic background manifest a wide range of behaviour due to differences in upbringing practices.
  16. 16. 5. Attitudes and Values. A positive attitude will enhance the maximum and optimum use of the learners cognitive and affective faculties for learning. A negative attitude towards learning robs them of many opportunities for learning.
  17. 17. Howard Gardner Howard Earl Gardner (born July 11, 1943 is an American developmental psychologist who is a professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard University ,Senior Director of Harvard Project Zero and author of over twenty books translated into thirty languages. Since 1995, he has been the co-director of the Good Work Project. He is best known for his theory of
  18. 18. 1.Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence 2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence 3. Spatial Intelligence 4. Bodily-Kinesthetic 5. Intelligence 6. Musical Intelligence 7. Intrapersonal Intelligence 8. Interpersonal Intelligence Naturalist Intelligence 9. Existential Intelligence
  19. 19. Reporters: Tupaz, Verna Ruth P. Celis, Claire Joy Pading, Pearl Shanelou A. THANK YOU