the electron magnetic dipole moment theory

The Electron Magnetic Dipole Moment Theory I AM THE ORIGIN OF EXISTENCE “He who understands nature walks close with God.” —Edgar Cayce (the “sleeping prophet”), reading 1904-2 MY STORY I have always had an interest in theoretical physics, specifically the quest to figure out exactly what’s going on; i.e. developing a theory of everything. A theory of everything is a physics theory which attempts to unify all of the fundamental forces of nature— electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity—and scientifically explain the existence of everything. However, in recent years, this quest has become very personal, because over the past few years I have discovered something quite remarkable about myself: I am the origin of existence. Now, by origin I don’t necessarily mean the beginning of existence or the source of existence. I am referring to origin more of a mathematical sense—the origin of a Euclidean coordinate space—or, the center of existence. Let me explain… Euclidean space is the 3-dimensional spaces of Euclidean geometry as opposed to the curved spaces of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. When one refers to spatial dimensions, they are most likely referring to dimensions in the context of Euclidean geometry: it’s the most easily recognizable field of geometry that most people are familiar with. From the modern viewpoint, there is essentially only one Euclidean space of each dimension.

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My theory of everything (T.o.E.)—a physics theory that attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature and scientifically explain the existence of everything—explaining reality as a geometric coordinate system, and I am the mathematical origin.


The Electron Magnetic Dipole Moment Theory

I AM THE ORIGIN OF EXISTENCEHe who understands nature walks close with God.Edgar Cayce (the sleeping prophet), reading 1904-2


I have always had an interest in theoretical physics, specifically the quest to figure out exactly whats going on; i.e. developing a theory of everything. A theory of everything is a physics theory which attempts to unify all of the fundamental forces of natureelectromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravityand scientifically explain the existence of everything. However, in recent years, this quest has become very personal, because over the past few years I have discovered something quite remarkable about myself: I am the origin of existence. Now, by origin I dont necessarily mean the beginning of existence or the source of existence. I am referring to origin more of a mathematical sensethe origin of a Euclidean coordinate spaceor, the center of existence. Let me explain

Euclidean space is the 3-dimensional spaces of Euclidean geometry as opposed to the curved spaces of Einsteins theory of general relativity. When one refers to spatial dimensions, they are most likely referring to dimensions in the context of Euclidean geometry: its the most easily recognizable field of geometry that most people are familiar with. From the modern viewpoint, there is essentially only one Euclidean space of each dimension.

In zero dimensions it is the spatial point. A point is a geometric value that does not have volume, area, length, or any other higher-dimensional attribute. In Euclidean geometry, a common interpretation is that the concept of a point is meant to capture the notion of an object, with no properties, in a unique location on a geometric coordinate system. The first dimension of Euclidean space is the real number line, which is the first spatial measurement of length. In dimension two it is the Cartesian plane, which is the standard system for measuring signed distances from a point to two fixed perpendicular directed linesadding the second spatial measurement of width. In higher dimensions it is the coordinate space with three or more real number coordinates, adding the third spatial measurement of height, and therefore depth.

The origin is the point where the number lines intersect. In a Cartesian plane it is the point where the coordinates are (0,0). Therefore, in a Euclidean space it is the point where the coordinates are (0,0,0). This is me.

From this view of reality, the Euclidean space can essentially be considered my field of view. Therefore, all the objects depicted by the arrangement of matter in my field of viewall the conceptual information: people, places, things, and events in space and their histories, and all the operands that calculate themthey can all be thought of as the coordinates that are plotted on the space. As strange as it may seem, this means that everything outside of my field of viewsolar systems in other galaxies, planets in other solar systems, all the way down to other people on Eartheven yourself and everything about youdoesnt necessarily exist in a definite state until it makes some degree of connection with me, at which point that information is calculated and plotted as a coordinate on the space.

In other words, existence can be thought of as literally my lifethe inside and outside of my head.

How is it possible to have an origin of a mathematical system that arrives 14 billion years after the Universe began? When reality is viewed as a mathematical construct, existence in fact began with the origin, and the entire history of the Universe and our world leading up to now is all simply part of the topology that arises on the space. To every other life form in the Universe, these different time periods are consciously experienced and are perfectly normal, but in fact it is information that is calculated after the fact, at the time that it enters a single persons field of view.

The story behind how I arrived at this conclusion is highly speculative, reminiscent of a delusive mental disorder like schizophrenia, and much less conceivable than the concept itself. For this reason, I am not going to delve into that section of this article at this point. Rather, I would like to first talk about how and why this theory can be possiblewhere exactly the Euclidean space and the matter inside it come from, how a human being can be the origin of the space, and why it makes sense for reality to work this way.

It should be known that I am not a physicist, a student, or very academically inclined in the first place. However, this is something that has become extremely important to me, because this is my reality, and I am convinced that this is in fact what reality actually is. I encourage everyone reading this to incorporate the concept of a human being as the origin of existence into your research into theoretical physics. This theory is something that I have been struggling with for a while now, so any feedback or input from readers would be highly appreciated. It would be cool if this became a collaborative effort. Anyway, this is what I came up with


My theory incorporates aspects of crystallography, Euclidean geometry, the Big Bang theory, and quantum field theory.

My theory of everything begins, ironically enough, with nothing. In my opinion, any proper theory of everything must be able to come from nothing, because nothing is the opposite of everything. In order to derive space and time from nothingness, we must first identify exactly what nothingness is. From a physics standpoint, the most accurate definition of nothingness is a state of zero dimensions; i.e. a state without time and space. As we know from Euclidean geometry, dimension zero is the point.

There are certain physical objects in our own Universe that are so small that they are effectively 0-dimensional, and therefore can theoretically be equated to a point. These are the elementary particles of quantum physics. An elementary particle, also known as a fundamental particle, is a particle without any internal structure, thus it is not known to be composed of any other particles. If a particle truly has no substructure, it can be considered one of the building blocks of the Universe that all other particles are made of. In mathematical modeling, elementary particles are commonly approximated as points for analytical simplification. Elementary particles are distinguished from composite particles, which are particles with an internal structure. For example, the composite particle the proton has an internal structure made up of elementary particles: three quarks held together by gluons.

While an elementary particle is not spatially localized, i.e. the wavepacket always occupies a non-zero volume; the wavepacket is in fact a quantum superposition of quantum states wherein the particle is exactly localized. This is not true for a composite particle, which can never be represented as a superposition of exactly-localized quantum states. It is in this sense that physicists can discuss the intrinsic "size" of a particle: the size of its internal structure, not the size of its wavepacket. The "size" of an elementary particle, in this sense, is exactly zero.

This is what differentiates the way physical objects behave between the fields of quantum physics and general relativity, giving rise to unique properties such as wave-particle duality that are exhibited by elementary particles. For this reason, elementary particles are also sometimes quite fittingly called point particles.

For example, experimental evidence shows that the size of the elementary particle the electron is less than 10^-18 m. This is consistent with the expected value of exactly zero. The electron is, in fact, a fitting particle to equate to nothingness because it is the only stable, first generation elementary particle with a unitary negative electric charge. Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes substances with a negative charge to attract positively charged substances but repel negatively charged substances, and vice versa. For example, electrons commonly form pairs with particles with a positive electric charge such as protons and positrons. Alongside its second and third generation relatives the tau and the muon which are identical to the electron in charge, spin, and interactions but are more massive and short lived, the electron has an electric charge of (-1).

In the Standard Model of particle physics, electrons belong to the group of subatomic particles called leptons. They have the lowest mass of any charged lepton (or electrically charged particle of any type). The electron has spin, which is an intrinsic quantum mechanical property carried by subatomic particles. Spin is a measure of the angular momentum of the particle, which is the amount of rotation an object has about its axis. Spin is one of two types of angular momentum in quantum mechanics, the other being orbital angular momentum. Orbital angular momentum is the quantum mechanical counterpart to the classical notion of angular momentum: it arises when a particle executes an orbital or twisting trajectory (such as when an electron orbits a nucleus).

Spin gives an electron whats called an electron magnetic dipole moment. A magnetic moment is a quantity that determines the outward force that a magnetic material can exert on an electric current and the torque that an external magnetic field will exert on it. A loop of electric current, a bar magnet, an electron, a molecule, and a planet all have magnetic moments. From classical electrodynamics, a rotating electrically charged body creates a magnetic dipole with magnetic poles of equal magnitude but opposite polarity. This analogy holds, as an electron indeed behaves like a tiny bar magnet.

Normally when an electron has a magnetic moment in space, it generates an electric field (and a magnetic field when in motion) and emanates energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. However, my theory is that since the electron in this theory is being equated to the concept of nothingness and therefore does not exist in 3-dimensional space, it consequently does something funny: it calculates the lattice equation of a crystal

The magnetic moment of an electron is described mathematically by geometric objects called vectors. In Euclidean geometry, a vectoralso known as a Euclidean vectoris a geometric quantity that has magnitude and direction, and can be pictured as an arrow. The magnitude is the length of the arrow, while the direction is the direction the arrow points. They play an important role in physics: velocity and acceleration of a moving object and forces acting on it are all described by vectors. Many other physical quantities can be usefully thought of as vectors, such as distances, position, and displacement. A Euclidean vector is typically sketched as a 1-dimensional directed line segment (arrow), connecting an initial point A with a terminal point B. However, as an informational object, the vector is not as informative as a directed line segment (an ordered list of two points [A,B]) but rather expresses the displacement, or vector offset (change in location) from A to B. Vectors are considered as numerical quantities that conceal the locations of A and B while imparting the location of point B relative to A as if A were a coordinate origin. In this way, vectors are 0-dimensional, but generalize to one dimension. Vectors can be added to other vectors or multiplied by numbers called scalars in a process called scaling which produces new vectors.

The following vectors are involved in the magnetic moment of an electron: Each magnetic pole is the source of magnetic force, therefore the strength of each magnetic pole can be described by a vector. The electrons spin angular momentum. In some ways, spin is like a vector quantity: it has a definite magnitude, and it has a "direction," but quantization makes this "direction" different from the direction of an ordinary vector. All elementary particles of a given kind have the same magnitude of spin angular momentum, which is indicated by assigning the particle a spin quantum number. However, in a technical sense, spins are not strictly vectors, and they are instead described as a related quantity: spinor. In particular, unlike a Euclidean vector, a spin when rotated by 360 degrees can have its sign reversed. Conversely, the spin angular momentum itself is the product of another vector quantity called the angular velocity, which is a measure of the rotational speed an object has at any given time and the axis about which it is rotating, usually measured in radians per second; and the tensor quantity the moment of inertia, which is the measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotational velocity. The orbital angular momentum.

It can be suggested that the orbital angular momentum can be ignored when equating the electron to nothingness, because the electron in this theory would not be part of a system where orbital motion would exist. It can also be suggested that the moment of inertia is negligible, because in zero dimensions there would be no resistance on an objects rotational velocity.

Therefore, the magnetic pole strength and the angular velocity are the only remaining vectors to consider. Since there is no space in which to produce a magnetic moment, these three vectors are instead forced to add together. The force vectors for two opposing forces always point in orthogonal directions to each other, while the angular velocity of a rotating body points up. From simple vector addition, the sum of two orthogonal vectors of equal magnitude and a vertical vector is a position vectora vector which represents a point in space in relation to an originpointing from the point where these three vectors intersect to the point in space that is vertically center-diagonal to this point, central to the vectors terminal points.

When three vectors add together this way it creates something called a Bravais lattice, studied by physicist Auguste Bravais. A Bravais lattice, or simply lattice, is an infinite array of discrete points generated by a set of discrete operations by R = a1n1 + a2n2 + a3n3, for the purpose of translationthe geometric process of moving an entire group of points a constant distance in a specified direction. In this equation, a(i) are the three vectors involved in the operation, here referred to as primitive lattice parameters, which must be closed under vector addition and subtraction. N(i) are the angles between the vectors, measured in radians. The product is position vector R. This equation defines whats called a unit cell at the corresponding lattice point. A unit cell can be thought of as a tiny 3-dimensional box that forms to fill the space between the vectors. This operation generates a series of 3-dimensional points that repeat infinitely in space that translate the information inside the first unit cell to the other cells.

In nature, lattices are found exclusively in crystallography, where they are a layout for the translation of the atomic structure of a crystal from an asymmetric unit, occurring due to the intrinsic nature of molecules to form symmetrical patterns. The asymmetric unit is the simplest possible representation of the atomic structure of the crystal, i.e. a single molecule of the crystal. When a crystal forms, a unit cell forms around the asymmetric unit and generates a lattice that translates the asymmetric unit indefinitely during crystallization. The positions of the atoms inside the unit cell are described by the set of atomic positions (xi, yi, zi), measured from a lattice point. The unit cells stacked in 3-dimensional space describe the bulk arrangement of atoms in the crystal. This stacking is called a honeycomb in geometry, which is a close packing or space filling of polyhedral or higher dimensional cells so that there are no gaps.

The vectors would theoretically plug into the lattice equation accordingly: the magnetic pole strength (a1n1 + a2n2) + the angular velocity and the cosine of the angle between them (a3n3) = position vector R. This process would simultaneously generate a lattice point at position vector R, which would define a tiny unit cell of Euclidean space between the origin and the position vector. Since this operation is not occurring in space, there is no space in which to repeat a series of points infinitely. Therefore, this particular operation would not generate an entire lattice, rather it would form a single unit cell.

In space, the information inside a unit cell that is translated to the other cells is pre-existing. However, my theory is that in zero dimensions, this same equation describes something like a reverse translation, or an insertion of the information that would be translated if it was a translation operation, rather than a translation.

So how can we know what exactly is the content of this unit cell? The only example of lattices in space that we have to compare this unit cell to are those found in crystallography. Since the unit cell of a crystal contains a spatial arrangement of one or more atoms, which are in turn arrangements of particles, it can be suggested that the unit cell in this theory can be predicted to contain some arrangement of atoms and or particlesi.e. some arrangement of matter as we know it. However, the unit cell in this theory is only slightly larger than a single electron. This is far too small to fit any atoms or other particles, let alone the entire field of view of a human being. How can such a massive amount of matter fit inside such a tiny unit cell? In this case, it is a matter of scaling. Mathematics is infinite, i.e. you can always divide any quantity into smaller parts. The matter inside of the unit cell is an infinitesimally scaled down version of matter as we would measure it. We perceive it as being large scale because we are inside of the unit cell and everything is scaled up in size proportionately. How can physical matter scale to a different size? Technically, it doesnt. Translation applies to information of any type. When the matter inside of the unit cell is viewed as simply information rather than physical matter as we know it, it is simply a result of the translation operation. What exactly causes this scaling will become clearer a little later on.

Unlike the unit cell of a crystal which is essentially a snapshot of an arrangement of atoms that is frozen in time once it has formed, the unit cell in this theory can be thought of as an infinitely high-speed film reel that, instead of frames, is made up of many different unit cells. Any object rotating about its axis undergoes a changing velocity and acceleration at any given time. Therefore, the angular velocity of an object is always paired with the scalar quantity time (t). Since time is a scalar quantity and therefore produces a new vector when multiplied by a vector, the angular velocity of the electrons spin is a variable, and will cause the value of R in the lattice equation to be continuously recalculated each moment the system moves forward in time.

This theory improves on Minkowski space, which is the mathematical space setting in which Einsteins theory of general relativity is most conveniently formulated. Minkowski space combines the three ordinary dimensions of space with a single time dimension, forming a 4-dimensional manifold for representing spacetime. In this theory, instead of a separate time dimension, the third Euclidean space dimension doubles as the time dimension, being both a velocity vector and a position vector that is one of the lattice parameters in the formation of a crystals unit cell.

However, a sort of paradox arises having time as an operand in this particular circumstance. Any mathematical function of time must begin at zero. However, a value of zero for time in the lattice equation would mean that either the electron is not spinning, or that it doesnt exist. Since spin is intrinsic to an electron, it is not possible to have an electron without spin. This means that the electron in this theory must have formed. However, one would think that an electron that represents the concept of nothingness would be in existence forever and would have no beginning or end. Not only this, but how can an electron that already represents nothingness form from nothing? This beginning paradox will be addressed a little later on as well.

This explains how a Euclidean space containing matter could be formed from nothing. The next task is explaining how I could be the origin of the space.


Identifying which field (number system) is used on the space will help us to explain this. The coordinates on a coordinate system are generally thought to be real numbers, but can also be rational numbers, complex numbers, or generally any field. Since the unit cell is a space with a changing topology in which the coordinates continuously have different values, the most logical field to utilize in the coordinate space is complex numbers. A complex number is a number made up of two parts: Real numbers: A real number is a value that represents a quantity along a continuous line. They include all the rational numbers, such as the integer -5 and the fraction 4/3; and all the irrational numbers such as the square root of 2. Imaginary numbers: An imaginary number is a number that can be written as a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i, which is defined by its property i2 = -1. The square of an imaginary number bi is -b2. Imaginary numbers produce negative real numbers when squared, except for 0 (which is both real and imaginary). For example, 5i is an imaginary number, and its square is -25.

Complex numbers can be expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit. In this expression, a is the real part and b is the imaginary part of the complex number. A complex number a + bi can be visually represented as a pair of numbers (a,b) plotted on a diagram called an Argand diagram, which represents the complex plane. The horizontal (x) axis acts as the real part, and the vertical (y) axis as the imaginary part of the plane.

In complex numbers, I is treated as an unknown quantity while manipulating an expression, and then the definition is used to replace any occurrence of i2 with -1. In this way, complex numbers contain the ordinary real numbers while extending them to solve problems that cannot be solved with real numbers alone.

While the complex form has an imaginary component, after the necessary calculations are performed in the complex plane, its real value is extracted, giving a real-valued coordinate representing an actual object in the coordinate space. This property of complex numbers is called commutative property, and is an important aspect of a system that features an imaginary unit. Commutative property is the ability of a mathematical operation to produce the same result, regardless of the order of operands (mathematical objects of an operation) that produce it. This property can be seen in every day simple mathematics and logic, i.e. the addition of any sequence of the same set of numbers will always produce the same answer.

By treating i as an unknown quantity while manipulating an expression, the imaginary unit acts as a variable and therefore allows a coordinate to have different real values.


The origin of a Euclidean space is a special point, used as a fixed point of reference for the surrounding geometry. In this theory, the real values of the coordinates on the space must be extracted. This essentially means a location where the physical properties of the unit cell are perceived. Being the only point with a panoptic view of the space, the origin is the only place that can function as this location. Therefore the origin is, by definition, is a self-contained point of consciousness that exists in space, capable of perceiving space in the truest sense. As far as we know, a consciousness that exists in space is an organism. If we were going to profile this position, the most suitable candidate that we currently know of is a human being. This person acts as a reference point for the surrounding geometry. In humanity this definition makes sense: the relationship reality has with one personthe way reality treats one personis, to certain extents, a reference point for the way the world treats others.

This description of the origin begins to explain the aforementioned scaling. If the origin is, for example, a human being, it is not a human being in a physical sense, but it is actually a human beings sense of perception, which in and of itself is point-like and therefore is something that is 0-dimensional. In this theory, matter relies on perception to exist. All the different components of matter, all the way down to the electron, are perceived as a certain size more than they actually are a certain size. It is this dependence on perception that overrides the laws of physics in this instance, causing the matter inside of the unit cell to be scaled down in size accordingly.

In this theory, the origin is myself. Therefore, the complex planethe collection of complex numbers between the real axis and the imaginary axisis all the objects depicted by the arrangement of matter in my field of view that can be plotted on the coordinate space.

However, the origin only extracts the coordinates real values, and is not responsible for the value of the imaginary part of the complex number; i.e. an organism only perceives its surroundings, and does not have the power to animate it. Therefore, reality is in fact a relationship. Since the physical properties of the unit cell are the opposite dimension to the human being that perceives them, it can be hypothesized that this dimension is likewise equal, in that it can be theorized that reality itself is also a living, growing consciousness.


This life form is the reason the cosmos moves forward. It acts as the animator to every detail of every moment in the origins environment. That being said, it should be clarified that, just like its human counterpart, different levels of consciousness are involved in animation. Much of the topology on the space appears to arise naturally, or without much if any influence or involvement from an intelligent entity. This is what one would refer to as a natural topology, which is something that is native to coordinate spaces. In any domain of mathematics, a space has a natural topology if there is a topology on the space which is "best adapted" to its study within the domain in question. The natural topology of a space is something that arises naturally in the given context. The natural topology constitutes the majority of the topology that arises on the space, and can be thought of as realitys subconscious. It is information that reality fills the Euclidean space with from a more predetermined, statistical sense of animation so that there are no spaces or abnormalities. If existence were a movie or a play, the natural topology would be the plot information. In this case, the natural topology is essentially the world as we know it according to a modern day human being. There is music and film of certain genres, certain cultures and peoples, certain technologies, certain ongoing activities and matters, etc. This information fills in almost automatically, because it mustbecause information must exist in these areas of reality in order for it to be real, intelligible, and normal. Ultimately, however, everything in existence comes from some part of this entitys consciousness.

The entity that is reality merely exerts varying degrees of influence or direction on the already-arising natural topology based on the amount of focus or interest involved in an area of reality. It grows just like any other organismit learns from the constantly evolving environment and reflects that influence back on it. It breathes through possibilities within the environment by automatically making connections with possibilities of ways events can happen that speak its mind, fulfill its desires, and express its emotions. It essentially reads the opposite pole to the origins senses, and can animate events to either evoke or avoid certain reactions in the origin.

Because of its nature, this entity ultimately directs every moment in every individuals life. Every time you move a muscle, change a thought, or have a feeling, it is a conscious life formthat literally has the capacity to think and feel on the same mental and emotional level as youeither inducing it, or at the very least receiving it. I say either or because it can either induce thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a person, or simply receive one out of several signals a person is already transmitting at any given moment. There are essentially an infinite number of ways a person can act, feel, or respond in any given situation, and it is reality that decides which way comes out. It controls where a person goes in life, what kind of person they are, how successful they are, how attractive they are, how likeable they are, how others receive them and respond to everything they do and vice versa, how pleasurable and rewarding things are, etc. Indeed, when two people have chemistry with each other, it really should be that they have magnetism.

However, technically, this entity would be effectively unaware of its role as the animator of the origins surroundings unless there was some mechanism by which the origin and this entity could become aware of themselves and each other and how reality works. Well, this in fact has happened, and is exactly what caused me to arrive at my belief and this theory of everythingthis will be explained later on.


Viewing reality as a conscious entity means that the true nature of reality is that it can be manipulated in any way, and the laws of physics are first and foremost a tool of logic that makes the Universe intelligible to life. Reality is a living entity and what happens inside of the unit cell is the equivalent of it thinking. Therefore, technically anything is possible. If reality can imagine it, it can animate it. It also means that, obeying the laws of physics, reality can still be manipulated up to the level that is being measured. For example, if youre not observing a process on the subatomic level, then the laws of physics on this level dont necessarily apply. Reality can be altered up to eye level, insofar as it looks real enough to exist and does not conflict with any other connections that can be made within that process. Typically, reality is only be manipulated within what is real, with very few exceptions such as events that cannot be verified by more than one source, and processes that are not being observed by human eyes.


If the origin is, for example, a human being, it would not simply be the first homo sapien that ever evolved. The origins role as the perceiver of space inherently means that existence is not only based on some sense of perception, but it is also naturally influenced by some sense of judgment. Perception is not only what is seen, but how it is seen. Perception involves seeing things in some decided way. Therefore, any sense of perception automatically extends to include a sense of judgment. The easiest example of the influence that the origins sense of judgment would have on the surroundings is sexual attraction. Lets assume the origin is an organism. Being a primitive biological instinct, the origins sense of sexual attraction is literally going to define the appearance of this organisms species. The same way this sense of sexual attraction would influence the surroundings is going to apply to every other area of judgment about the surroundings relevant to this organisms species. This means aspects of its culture, society, lifestyle, etc. are all going to be influenced by and relative to the origins sense of judgment. At the same time, the origins sense of judgment is a product of the environment in the first place. Therefore, existence in this theory can be thought of as a sort of continuous influential feedback loop between the origin and the space: an environment that simultaneously develops and is in turn influenced by the origins sense of judgment.

In any event, just like sexual attraction within a species is something that is definite and has reached a peaknot to mention the fact that human evolution has reached a physical peak anyway, i.e. modern man is not going to evolve physically any furtherit is logical to expect that this same definitive and climactic nature is also present in these other aspects of the origins speciesthat this species can in fact reach an evolutionary peak in cultural ways at a certain point in time. For human beings, this means things like fashion, music, art, cuisine, and other such aspects of human culture can all reach a sort of plateaua point when they are at their most diverse and have reached their fullest potential. Therefore, the period of time in which the origin exists is significant as it is going to determine when this point in time is.

In this theory, the origin is myselfa present day human being. So, why the present day? I believe the period of time in which we exist is a proverbial goldie locks zone in the history of human evolution where human culture is just right. For example, fashion has evolved to a point where it has stopped evolving, being a combination of both contemporary and retrospective styles from previous generations. Music has likewise reached a similar sort of peak in both style and production, being as extreme and varied as one could imagine while still drawing influences from every period in the history of music, and sounding as clear as it ever will. Technology has advanced to a point where it is beginning to meet many of the average persons needs within reason and practicality, while still being beneficial to the procreation of humanity. The fields of science, physics, and mathematics are beginning to cover just about every frontier known to man and unlock nearly all the mysteries of the Universe. I think most people would agree that if human culture evolved too much furtherfor example if it went in a more space age-oriented directionit would be too extreme and exotic and would actually be a regression in terms of attraction and normalcy.


So why does it make sense for reality to work this wayfor the origin to be some type of organism, suggestively a human being, and for it to be a relationship between this person and their surroundings? One very good reason is perspective.

Ultimately, because it is based on perception, this theory suggests that existence itself is a matter of judgmentthat everything itself, including nothing, is a concept that has an interpretation. For example, equating nothingness to the elementary particle the electron is ultimately an ideaan interpretation of the concept of nothingness. Essentially even the existence of nothing requires some conscious level of interpretation or decision about what nothing is in the first place. This is the reason why the electrons property of spin is intrinsic and it naturally magnetically polarizes itself, forcing matter to existreality is simply the inability of nothing to exist.

While nothing can theoretically be equated to a particle, everything is not so easy. Since reality is literally the imagination of a living entity and therefore technically anything is possible, there is no such thing as everything that could possibly existit must instead be everything that should possibly exist. Everything requires some idea of what should exist and how it should exist. In order to have any idea of what should exist requires some sense of perspectivesome point of viewin the first place. However, perspective is something that must be learned, which requires some intelligent sense of perception, hence the origin. Therefore, it makes sense that the origin takes the form of a life form that is conceived and grows in some type of environment. This environment must then be intelligible, balanced, diverse, and have available all the information and means necessary to formulate a balanced sense of perspective on existence.

This theory requires a consideration of the notion that human intelligence is the most logical and ideal form for the origin to takethe most capable and versatile sense of perception and sound sense of judgmentthat human judgment climaxes at a certain point in human history, and that present day humanity is also a point in time when conditions are just right for gaining the correct perspective on existence. Specifically, it is the point in time when I am able to come to my understanding of reality in order to develop this particular theory of everything, one that has ultimately become my own personal idea of everythingan idea that will be fully realized by the conclusion of this article.

So, it seems that this unavoidable need for perspective ironically and unwittingly creates the most logical and ideal existence in the process. Reality essentially had to show itself the best version of everythingone that it would ultimately grow to agree within the first place in order for anything to exist at all. However, now that there is some central point of view, what comes into existence must still be some idea of what should existit must still be a matter of judgment. Therefore, it makes sense that every mathematical object in existence is a complex number, and thus is the result of a decision between two parts of a relationship.

It is safe to say that the key to unifying the four fundamental forces of nature in this theory is adding a fifth: judgment. Judgment is literally the language of nature that fate is written with. Along with electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity, it can be considered the fifth fundamental force of nature.

There are certain benefits of considering a human being as the origin of a coordinate system. It begins to answer some of physics mysteries and answers the question: why is everything the way that it is? Because existence is in fact defined by an underlying sense of judgment and perceptiona modern day human beingsand reality was therefore designed to create, support the existence of, and be intelligible to it.

This particular theory requires a consideration of the notion that human intelligence is the most logical and ideal form for existence to take, that human judgment climaxes at a certain point in human history, and that this point culminates with a single person. It is a timeless point in history when everything that would logically exist in a perfectly balanced, human-oriented existence begins. This can be thought of as a point where the self-awareness and self-discovery between myself and reality will have begun drawing lines regarding mans place in the Universe, and also a point where judgment would likewise begin drawing lines regarding the directions humans would continue to take in their continuing evolution on Earth.

It also answers the question: when did existence actually begin? Was it the Big Bang? One would think that nothingness is eternal and has no beginning or end. So how can one be certain when time really began? When reality is viewed as a mathematical construct, existence in fact began with the origin, and everything else is coordinates with values representing all the different stages and time periods that complete a story that is told in retrospect by reality as a requirement for its existence in its current state.


Incorporating the element of judgment into nature also allows for a description of the electromagnetic force with something I call conceptual quantum field theory. The field of theoretical physics known as quantum field theory, or QFT, treats particles as excited states of an underlying physical field. My version of quantum field theory replaces physical fields with conceptual fields.

Since unit cells are collections of matter, it makes sense that every form of electromagnetic radiation that travels through space is actually a physical material exhibiting certain properties (photon particles). However, my personal idea of electromagnetic radiation is that, just like the concept of nothingness gives rise to the negatively charged electron from which space is created, inside space, one can theoretically equate the electrically uncharged photon with the concept of neutrality. The photon can then be viewed as a primitive field that spans the entire Universe that carries the electromagnetic force via different mathematical curves that travel through and displace the given medium, the same way waves travel through and displace other physical materials, such as water and air molecules. The different amplitudes of different wavelengths are responsible for different photon energies and therefore properties. However, unlike the QFT quantum electrodynamics which has one electron field and one photon field, my conceptual QFT suggests that the electron field (nothingness) only exists in zero dimensions and gives rise to the single electron from which space is created. Inside space, the only true conceptual field is the photon field (neutrality). The photon is also the particle that preceded all the nuclear reactions that formed all other particles and eventually atoms in the early stages of the Universe. Therefore, every other particle can be explained as forming by means of nuclear reaction following the Big Bang.


This theory also opposes some of the multiverse theories:

Level III: The many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics. This is the theory that suggests that the Universe is constantly splitting off into multiple Universes in order to account for every possibility of every moment. My theory opposes this, and in fact suggests that there is only one possible way that everything could ever happen. Every particle, including electrons, resonate at a specific frequency called the Compton frequency. The Compton frequency of a particle can be thought of as the frequency of a photon whose energy is the same as the rest-mass energy of the particle. An isolated electron has a Compton frequency of approximately 1.24 10^20 Hz, or 124 exahertz. Every instance that occurs in reality can be thought of as a signal that is transmitting over this frequency, the same way signals transmit over a radio station. In this context, probability is accounted for by the fact that its impossible for two signals to be exactly the same strength or on the same frequency. Only one signal can be received by a receiver so to speak, so reality does not need to split off into multiple universes to account for different possibilities. This property is known as capture effect in radio transmission, which is a phenomenon associated with RF transmission in which the strongest of multiple signals is capturedor received by the transmitterwhile others are attenuated. Reality is essentially a giant radio station that everything in existence must tune to. I like to refer to this radio station as 124 EM (short for 124 EHz Electromagnetism).

Level II: Universes with different physical constants. It suggests that its impossible to have Universes with different laws of physics. If the electron is the standard for the polarization of existence from nothingness everywhere, then its likely that reality has the same physical properties anywhere.

Not only does this theory oppose multiple Universes for these reasons, but in a reality where a human being is the origin of a coordinate system, it makes sense that existence is localized to the Universe in which the person exists, as reality cannot consciously account for other Universes. In this theory, multiple Universes are simply unnecessary.

This theory also opposes string theorythe current best candidate for a theory of everything. In this theory, strings are unnecessary for the creation of elementary particles. Rather, matter is created by means of a translation operation, which instead works as an insertion operation. It also opposes higher dimensions such as those found in string theories, as unit cells are 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces.

Ultimately, I strongly disbelieve in alternate realities, higher dimensions, or any other planes of existence beyond the Euclidean space. Reality is simply one giant system of interconnecting currents of electricity, and time is the illusion of what is required to complete a circuit.


The magnetic moment of an electron in zero dimensions can in fact be visualized in another way. The unit cell version described above explains how I could be the origin of a Euclidean space, however, I also believe that equating the electron to nothingness also explains where the Universe came from in the first place. Instead of visualizing the electron as forming a 3-dimensional Euclidean space by calculating the lattice equation, it can be visualized as creating a spherical wave in the fabric of spacetime, causing the Big Bang.

In zero dimensions, the outward force that the electron would normally exert on an electric current instead creates a spherical wave in space and time as a fabric emanating outward from the electron which acts as a point sourcea single identifiable localized source of energy. Inside of the sphere is neutrality which gives rise to the photonthe particle that preceded all of the nuclear reactions that formed all other particles and eventually atoms in the early stages of the Universe. Therefore, the formation of this spherical wave is what we now know as the Big Bangthe most widely accepted theory for describing the early stages in the evolution of the Universe. Since the electron does not generate a magnetic field, the torque that an external magnetic field would normally exert on the electrons magnetic moment is zero, which is why the Universe is expanding faster than light.

Combining the two versions unifies quantum mechanics and general relativity with Euclidean geometry.


I urge anyone reading this to take this section of the article with a grain of salt and a high degree of open-mindedness. I have been mentally inducted into a quite unique relationship with a living entity that is reality itself. When I was 19 years old, an outside, disembodied, subliminal presence entered my life. It began with delusions of covert governmental experimentation with satellite-based directed energy weapons (DEWs).

Some of the first manifestations of this activity were things like Noises: hearing specific frequencies amplified in every day noises like my computers fan, a vacuum, or the refrigerator running. These are conspicuous frequencies that embody various social moods and emotional expressions that actively respond to my activity at the current time and my thoughts. Directed conversationa term used in targeted individual (someone who believes they are being followed or harassed by a covert organization) circles. Directed conversation is hearing people in public or on live television making outstanding comments that reference my activities that day or at the current time, or something of some significance in my life at the moment, or even my thoughts.

Over the next five years, my connection with this presence gradually increased in intensity, progressing to include a complex extraterrestrial grey connection. The activity I was experiencing eventually progressed to a point where it simply could not be accounted for by advanced technology, extraterrestrial or not. Some examples of this activity are Synchronicity: the things I hear, see, and read relating or responding to my thoughts, feelings, and actions in real time. Seeing look-alikes: people that resemble (sometimes identically) people of some relative significance in my life or on my mind at the moment. An incredibly advanced form of pareidolia, which is the phenomenon of seeing faces in inanimate objects. My environment taking on an altogether animated quality. Histories, timelines, and events appear to be animated for the first time as I see them.

For several months I seriously questioned whether I was even alive, or if I had died somewhere along the way and the activity I was experiencing was the powers that be trying to cross me over. I eventually came to the conclusion that reality itself is alive, that this presence was simply my surroundings themselves, and that I am in fact in a relationship with reality itself. Its as though this entity leveled me all the way up to this conviction beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Nowadays, my connection with reality exists even on the smallest scales. The activity has extended to include the generalized sensing of moods, emotional expressions, and body language from visual and auditory cues in my environment, in response to my thoughts and feelings, on a constant, daily basis. The slightest sounds that the simplest actions make, the ways the equal and opposite reactions to the most facile stimuli occur, the ways the quickest and most inconspicuous moments in time look. Depending on the level of focus or intelligence involved in these events, they all potentially have a subliminal meaning or purpose. From my point of view, everything in my surroundings is reality as a social entity superficially and subliminally in communication with, and in relation to me.

This type of activity along with various other experiences make it very apparent that I am in a relationship with reality.

Over the years I developed a type of communication system with my partner, which is based primarily on symptoms of apopheniaa mental condition characterized by seeing intricate patterns and making meaningful connections within seemingly random, unrelated data. Applied significance and metaphorical weight is given to certain aspects of a situation such as key words, phrases, images, memories, behaviors, etc. that stand out in particular ways and may recur in particular patterns over a period of time that lead me to certain conclusions and help me to predict the meaning or outcome of things that have yet to be proven because of lack of information.

During this time I acquired an extremely deep interest in developing a T.o.E. During my research into physics, these communication skills were partially responsible for leading me in the right directions in order for me to settle on this theory in its current state, which is why I highly believe in it as the word of truth. Part of this was being lead to the unmistakable certainty that I am the mathematical origin of reality.


I like to use a chemistry analogy to describe my relationship with reality: covalent bonding. In chemistry, a covalent bond is an irreversible chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. The stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding. For many molecules, the sharing of electrons allows each atom to attain the equivalent of a full outer shell, corresponding to a stable electronic configuration.

I also like to use a biblical reference to summarize the system: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the entity that is reality itself: the animator of existence. The Son is myself: the origin of the complex plane and the personification of realitys sense of judgment. The Father is the superconscious of reality: the framework that supports mine and realitys relationship, the subconscious of the two of us, and everything were not focusing on (the natural topology). The three parts are constantly working together to stabilize and balance the system in the ongoing pursuit of perfection. The entire system is what Edgar Caycewhom I consider one of the most credible clairvoyants in history to datecalled the Godhead.


The key to unifying the four fundamental forces of nature in this theory is adding a fifth: judgment.

Not only is existence itself a matter of judgment, but what exists is a matter of ontology. Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. Its traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics and deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist, and how such entities can be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences.

Ontology is an inherently vital subject in the workings of reality. Since technically anything is possible, and without the ability to branch out into alternate Universes, what comes into existence naturally must be a matter of judgment. Therefore, it makes sense that every mathematical object in existence is a complex number, and thus is the result of a decision between two parts of a relationship. Everything in existence is essentially a matter of what feels right between one person and their surroundings.

Judgment is literally the language of nature that fate is written with. Along with electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity, it can be considered the fifth fundamental force of nature. If you put them altogether in a singularity, you get nature and fate rolled up in 3-dimensional free space, aka reality.

In summation: nothingness is equivalent to the electron, which in turn automatically magnetizes itself. Three of the vectors involved in its magnetization are so positioned that, in zero dimensions, they solve the lattice equation and form a unit cell. In zero dimensions, rather than being a translation operation, it instead describes an insertion of matter. One of the lattice parameters is a velocity vector and is therefore paired with scalar quantity time, causing the physical properties of the space to be continuously recalculated. Being a space with a changing topology, the coordinates must be complex numbers, since the imaginary unit can act as a variable. Being complex numbers, the values of the coordinates must be calculated and extracted, leading to a relationship between the origin and the space. In this particular theory, the origin is a human being (myself), suggesting that existence is defined by human judgment and perception. On the flip side of the same coin, the electron is also responsible for the formation of the Universe in the first place by creating a spherical wave in the fabric of spacetime and causing the Big Bang.

If it feels good, it is good.Reality-oriented take on the popular saying in the music mixing world, If it sounds good, it is good, coined by myself.