the egyptians at home

The Egyptians at home

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Post on 19-May-2015




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Page 1: The egyptians at home

The Egyptians at home

Page 2: The egyptians at home

Food and DrinkFoodThe Egyptians ate many things. They also ate well. They ate calves and ducks a lot. Meat was expensive because there were very little grazing spots for the animals. BreadMost people today would take our bread over Egyptian bread. It had a hard rough feel to it because when they were grinding the flour, sand would mix in with the grain. They couldn’t take it out before they baked it so the bread tasted kind of rough, like your eating dirt. Eating this gritty bread caused an Ancient Egyptians teeth to wear down to the roots.Drink Drinks were an important part of the meal. The rich drank wine and almost every body else drank beer. . To make their beer, they would half bake loaves of barley, crumble it into barley and water. To make wine they picked a bunch of grapes and squeezed all the juice out of them by stepping on them in a big trough.

Page 3: The egyptians at home

Ancient Egyptians date candy recipe

1 cup of fresh dates

1 tbs of cinnamon ½ tbs of kardemam seed ½ cup of fresh ground walnuts small amount of warm honey dish full of fine ground walnuts method mix the dates with some water to paste mix in cinnamon and kardemam seed kneed in the walnuts form balls, spread with honey and cover in the ground almonds

Page 4: The egyptians at home


Wood was almost non existent in Egypt. They used mostly mud and sand and papyrus reeds. Mud bricks were made of straw and mud. The mixture would dry and bake in the sun. The mud might have been plentiful but it was not particularly sturdy. In usually just a few years an Ancient Egyptians house constructed of mud brick would begin to crumble.

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Hunting, Fishing and Fowling

Hunting was kings and mainly a thing for kings and courtiers. In the desert they could hunt wild bulls, gazelles, Oryx, antelopes and lions. King Amenhotep The Third was proud of killing over 100 fierce lions in ten years. He also killed 90 wild bulls on one hunting expedition. As well as animals, the rivers were plentiful in fish which could be caught with hooks or nets. The papyrus reeds also offered a variety of birds and geese. The technique here was to hurl a throwstick as the wild fowl flew up from the thickets.

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ancient Egyptians grew every thing they needed to eat. They grew crops such as barley, figs, melons etc. the most important crop was grain. The ancient Egyptians used grain to make bread, porridge, and beer. Grain was the first thing they planted after the flooding season. Once the grain was harvested they grew vegetables such as onions, leeks, cucumbers and lettuce. The Egyptians planted there crops along the banks of the river Nile, or kemet left behind after the floods.

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Buying and selling

On market days, the whole town heads for the large open space by the quayside. Farmers from miles around come by boat to sell and trade their cattle, ducks and other produce. Families stock up wheat or barley, to bake bread or brew beer, and linen for making clothes. Traders use copper weights, in units called Deben (about 91 grams). Egyptians have no money. An item is weighed, then traded for another item, or items of equal value.

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The Nile

Most Egyptians lived near the river Nile as it provided food, water, transportation and excellent growing soil. Ancient Egypt could not have existed without the Nile. Since rainfall is almost non existent in Egypt, the floods provided the only source of moisture to sustain crops. Every year , heavy summer rain in the Ethiopian highlands, sent a torrent of water that overflowed the Nile.