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Page 1: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,



(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Islam At

Taqwa Pamulang)









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Page 3: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,


The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Educational Science certifies that

the ‘skripsi’ (scientific paper) entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Synonym in

Learning Vocabu1ary”, written by Kuswatun, 1110014000059, was examined

by the Committee on July 31st, 2017 and was declared to have passed and have

fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in Department of

English Education.

Jakarta, 29th



Chairman : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.

NIP. 19690912 200901 1 008

Secretary : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

Examiner I : Drs. H Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl, Ed.

NIP. 15002279

Examiner II : Desi Nahartini, M. Ed.

Acknowledged by

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KUSWATUN. (NIM: 1110014000059). The Effectiveness of Using Synonym in

Learning Vocabulary (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Eighth Grade Students of

SMP Islam At Taqwa Pamulang). Skripsi of Departement of English Education,

Faculty of Educational Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,


Advisor I : Dr. Atiq Susilo M.A,

Advisor II : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of using synonym in

learning vocabulary for the eighth grade students of SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang.

The method used in this research was a quantitative method and the research design

was a quasi-experiment. The sample of this research was the eighth grade of SMP

Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang. They were 8.2 class as the experimental class, whereas

8.2 as the control on. Each class consisted of 23 students. For sampling technique, the

researcher used quota sampling. The instrument used in this research was a written

test on the pretest and posttest. The data is served by numerical and tested by

statistical formula of t-test. Based on the calculation of the data, after using synonym,

the mean score of the experimental class was increased. It means that using synonym

is effective to apply in learning vocabulary and based on t-test, using synonym has

significant effect in learning vocabulary for junior high school. The researcher used t-

test to examine the research hypothesis. The result shows that the value of t-test is

3.953 while the value of t-table significant degree of 5% (α = 0.05) , t count was 1.680.

It means that t-test is higher than t-table or tobserve > ttable. It indicated the null

hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. In conclusion, based

on the difference of mean score between pre-test and post-test, using synnyms is

effective to apply in learning vocabulary. Based on t-test, using synonym has

significant effect in learning vocabulary in junior high school.

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KUSWATUN. (NIM: 1110014000059). Keefekifan Penggunaan Sinonim dalam

Belajar Kosakata (Sebuah Penelitian Kuasi-Eksperimen dikelas 8 SMP Islam At-

Taqwa Pamulang). Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Ilmu

Pendidikan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017.

Advisor I : Dr. Atiq Susilo M.A,

Advisor II : Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd.

Key words : belajar vocabulary, sinonims, kata

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat keefektifan menggunakan sinonim

substitusi terhadap peningkaan kosakata siswa pada siswa kelas 8 di SMP Islam At-

Taqwa Pamulang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode

kuantitatif dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen. Adapaun

sample dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas 8 SMP Islam At Taqwa

Pamulang, kelas 8.2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas 8.1 sebagai kelas kontrol.

Masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 23 siswa. Untuk teknik pengambilan sample,

peneliti menggunakan teknik sampling kuota. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini adalah tes tertulis dalam pretest maupun posttest. Data yang disajikan

berupa angka dan diuji dengan menggunakan rumus t-test secara statistik.

Berdasarkan perhitungan data, setelah menggunakan synonym dalam belajar

kosakata, terdapat peningkatan pada nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen. Ini berarti

bahwa menggunakan synonym efektif untuk digunakan dalam belajar vocabulary

pada sekolah menengah pertama. Peneliti menggunakan t-test untuk menguji

hipothesis peneliannya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai t-test adalah 3.953 pada

derajat signifikansi 5% (α = 0.05), sedangkan t tabel adalah 1.680 atau t hitung > t tabel.

Disimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan perbedaan nilai rata-rata antara pre-test dan postest,

penggunaan sinonim efektif digunakan dalam belajar vocabulary atau kosakata dan

berdasarkan pada hasil t-test, menggunakan sinonim mempunyai dampak signifikan

dalam belajar kosakata di sekolah menengah pertama.

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حیم حمن الر بسم اللھ الر

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

All praise be to Allah the Lord of the world, who gives blessing and mercy upon

the writer completing this skripsi. Peace and blessing from Allah always be upon

to His messenger, Prophet Muhammad, his families, his relatives and all his


The writer has finished her skripsi entitled “The Effectiveness of Using

Synonym in Learning Vocabulary (A Quasy-Experimental Study at the Second

Grade Students of SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang”. It is presented to the Faculty

of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of

Strata (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education.

The writer would like to express her greatest honor and deepest gratitude to

her beloved parents, her father Rasma’un (Alm.) and her mother Darsiyah, and

also to her three sisters and her three brothers who always give their materials,

prayers, and motivation to finish the writer’s study.

The great appreciation are delivered to her advisors, Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A

and Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd, for their patience in providing of guidance,

comments, helpful corrections and suggestion in finishing this skripsi

Her deepest gratitude also goes to those who have helped her in finishing

this skripsi, to:

1. All lecturers, especially those at Department of English Education, for

their knowledge, motivation, and patience during her study at Department

of English Education and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of


2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasyi, M. Hum., the Secretary of Department of English

Education and the Academic Advisor of English Educational B Class of


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4. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of the Faculty of Educational


5. H. Budi Waluyo, S.Pd., the principal of SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang,

who has allowance her doing to research. Also, all teachers at SMP Islam

At-Taqwa Pamulang, especially Tami Asriani, S.Pd. who has helped her to

conduct this research.

6. The second grade students of SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang who has

assisted to collect the data for this research.

7. Her friends, Finah Triyanah, Tami Asriani, Alfiyah Nur Fauziyah, Yusri

Nur Fadhilah, Nurhilaliyah, Septia Ayu Handayani, and all friends in

Department of English Education B class who always offer her happiness,

patience, sharing, and support.

8. All people who give contribution to finish this study whose name cannot

be mentioned one by one.

Finally the writer truly realizes that this skripsi cannot be considered as a

perfect masterpiece. Therefore, the writer who expected with pleasure, hopefully

to get suggestion and criticism to make it better.

Jakarta, July 2017

The writer

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ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... i

ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. v

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... viii

LIST OF APPENDICES............................................................................... ix

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study .................................................. 1

B. Identification of Problem .................................................. 4

C. Limitation of Problem ....................................................... 4

D. Problem Formulation ........................................................ 4

E. Purpose of the Study ......................................................... 5

F. Significance of the Study .................................................. 5

CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................... 6

A. Vocabulary ........................................................................ 6

1. Definition of Vocabulary .......................................... 6

2. Kinds of Vocabulary ................................................. 7

3. The Importance of Vocabulary ................................. 9

4. Learning Vocabulary ................................................. 11

B. Synonym ........................................................................... 14

1. Definition of Synonym ............................................. 14

2. Types of Synonym .................................................... 15

3. Features in Synonym ................................................ 17

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C. Relevant Previous Study ................................................... 18

D. Conceptual Framework ..................................................... 20

E. Research Hypothesis ........................................................ 21

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................... 22

A. Place and Time of Research ............................................. 22

B. Population and Sample of the Study ................................. 22

C. Method and Design of the Study ...................................... 23

D. Instrument of the Study .................................................... 24

E. Data Collection ................................................................. 25

F. Data Analysis .................................................................... 25

1. Normality Test .......................................................... 25

2. Homogeneity Test..................................................... 26

3. The Technique of Data Analysis .............................. 26

G. Statistical Hypothesis of the Study ................................... 28

CHAPTER VI : RESEARCH FINDINGS .................................................. 29

A. Research Findings ............................................................ 29

1. Data Description ....................................................... 29

a. The Data of Experiment Class ....................... 29

b. The Data of Controlled Class .......................... 31

c. Summary ......................................................... 33

2. Analysis of the Data ................................................. 32

a. Test of Normality ............................................ 32

b. Test of Homogeneity ....................................... 35

3. Test Analysis ............................................................ 37

B. Discussion ......................................................................... 40

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................. 42

A. Conclusion ....................................................................... 42

B. Suggestion ....................................................................... 42

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REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 43


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Table 3.1 Research Description ………………………………………………. 24

Table 4. 1 The Score of the Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Class …... 31

Table 4. 2 The Score of the Pre-Test and Post-Test in Controlled Class ........... 33

Table 4. 3 The Summary/ Frequency of Experimental and Controlled Class … 35

Table 4. 4 The Result of Normality Test of the Experimental and the

Controlled Class’ Pre-Test ………………………………………… 36

Table 4. 5 The Result of Normality Test of the Experimental and the

Controlled Class’ Post-Test ………………………………………... 37

Table 4. 6 The Result of Homogeneity Test of the Experimental and

the Controlled Class’ Pre-Test ……………………………………. 38

Table 4. 7 The Result of Homogeneity Test of the Experimental and

the Controlled Class’ Post-Test …………………………………… 38

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Appendix 1 : Frequency distribution of Pre-Test

Appendix 2 : Frequency distribution of Post-Test

Appendix 3 : Statistical Hypothesis Test Calculation

Appendix 4 : Normality Test

Appendix 5 : Homogeneity Test

Appendix 6 : Lesson Plan of Experimental class

Appendix 7 : Lesson Plan of Controlled Class

Appendix 8 : Instruments test Pre-test

Appendix 9 : Instruments test Post-test

Appendix 10 : Surat Bimbingan Skripsi

Appendix 11 : Surat Keterangan Penelitian

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A. Background of the Study

Teaching English as foreign language has a big charge. To be communicative is

one of the aims of learning English. Children could speak well if they master the

words of English language. If they have varied words, they will speak anything what

they want since it is better.

In English teaching and learning process, it will be better if the students learn

about the words earlier or they know the vocabulary for the first time. How important

is vocabulary? The writer thinks if there is no vocabulary, the students will find

difficulties in other language skill proficiency. For instance, in reading skill, the

student will be hard enough to comprehend the text if they find unknown words. As

Rapley and Nichols thought that it is important for children to learn vocabulary to

improve their reading comprehensions. Students will struggle to comprehend the text

if they are lack of vocabulary.

David Wilkins claimed about the vocabulary importance. “Without grammar,

very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.1 He also

said that by learning more words and expression will result more improvement. With

words, people can say anything they want, but with grammar people can only say

little thing because they speak with words most not grammar.

Qi Pan claimed, “Vocabulary is the crucial element in learning well a foreign

language as one of three basic parts (phonetic, vocabulary, and grammar)”.2 As

foreign learners, the students have to learn the words first. Mastery of the words

meaning can help to understand sentences, passages, or courses.

1 Scott Thurnbury, “How to Teach Vocabulary”, In Jeremy Harmer (ed), (England: Longman)

p.13. 2 Qi Pan, Vocabulary Teaching in English Language Teaching, Theory and Practice in

Language Studies, Vol. 1, NO. 11, 2011, pp. 1586 – 1589.

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There are many ways to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery, such as learning

by using context clues, pictures, games, semantic mapping, paraphrasing, or using

lexical items; synonym, antonym, and collocation. According to June Preszler, it

needs to focus on ways that can help student improve their vocabulary. She suggested

that there are four practices that educator focuses so that the words will be alive in the

students’ mind; 3developing word awareness and loving the word, developing explicit

rich instruction to build vocabulary, building strategies for independence, and

engaging students actively with wide range of book.

Students’ words knowledge should be noticed while learning language. One of

the four practices is developing word awareness. As the writer observed, many

students of junior high school have weaknesses in vocabulary. It was possible

because of they are lack of vocabulary knowledge. In Richards’ book, it is mentioned

that the frequently amount of the words students must know is 2000 or so the words

frequently occurred on the written text learned.4 The teacher just gave them

vocabulary based on the textbook, and then asked to look for the meaning on

dictionary. The students will not know that the other words has same meaning, they

seldom hear because the teacher just focuses on what the goal that must be achieved.

Generally, students were not aware of whether they find the new word that exactly

has the same meaning with other words or not. In this research, the writer gave

limitation in the words that must be mastered only about 40 words.

The writer tries to develop the junior high school students’ knowledge of

vocabulary in paraphrasing by finding the synonym of the words as the key words.

Based on Pleszer’s statement, one of the ways to enhance students’ vocabulary is

using lexical items, such as synonym and antonym. Vocabulary and reading has a big

relation. So, the writer focused on students’ reading description text to know and

teach the students’ vocabulary especially adjective words. She also focused on the

3 June Preszler, On Target: Strategies to Build Students’ Vocabulary, (Rapid City: Black Hill

Special Service Cooperative), 2006, p.2. 4 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Method in Language Teaching,

(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 32.

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synonym of the words because the student have some difficulties to mention the

meaning of words, some difficulties to mention the other words that has same

meaning, and they were also still confused about the synonym of the words. They got

some difficulties in comprehending the passage and did not be able to response the

question that using different words. So, she suggested by giving synonym in learning

vocabulary can help the students to know the other words in the text to comprehend


As written in the syllabus on reading skill “Students should able to response the

meaning on the simple essay or text accurately and fluently related to daily-

environment in descriptive and recount text” which means students should be able to

comprehend the meaning of the text they read. The students were expected to be able

to response the meaning of the simple text by answering the questions based on the

text correctly. In fact, the students of SMP Islam At-Taqwa get difficulties in

answering the question if the question uses another word in describing what in the

text is. They only could answer the question that written on the text. In other words,

they were still confused to answer the implied simple question. The words they knew

will help in comprehending the text. It is necessary to develop their vocabulary. In

this technique, the writer used synonym to develop their vocabulary knowledge. By

learning the synonym, the students not only know one word but also other words that

have nearly same meaning on the text. Such as Stuart Webb stated on his journal that

in learning words, it may be easier by learning the synonym of the known words that

without known synonym.5 As the writer mentioned above that student still have some

difficulties about synonyms, so she used synonyms in learning vocabulary. It has

been also mentioned in Vicki L Cohen and John Edwin Cowen’s book that the

5 Stuart Webb, The Effect of Synonym on Second-Language Vocabulary Learning, Reading

in a Foreign Language, Vol. 19, No. 2, October 2007, pp. 120 – 136.

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teacher is able to help students learn about words by giving the word part and word

relationship, such as synonym, antonym, homograph, and idiom.6

Therefore, based on the explanation above, the writer is eager to conduct a study

about the effectiveness of using synonyms in learning vocabulary (A Quasi-

Experiment Study at the Third Grade Students of SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang) as

her “skripsi” title.

B. Problem Identification

Considering the importance of problem identification, problems were identified as


1. The students get difficulties in comprehending the passage

2. The students are not able to response the question that using the different


C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, problem the study was focused on

this study in learning vocabulary at the junior high school students by using synonym

at SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang.

D. Problem Formulation

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problem of the study was there

any effect of using synonym in learning vocabulary give effect the students’

vocabulary improvement. The formulation of the problem is: Is using synonym

effective in learning vocabulary at SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang?

6 Vicki L. Cohen and John Edwin Cowen, Literacy for Children in an Information Age;

Teaching Reading, Writing and Thinking, (Singapore: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009), p. 227.

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E. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to find out empirical evidence in the effectiveness of

using synonym in learning vocabulary. The students are expected to know the

meaning of the words by knowing the synonym of the words.

F. Significance of the Study

The finding of the study can be used by teachers, students, and other researchers

in increasing students’ vocabulary. For both teachers and students, this study can be

useful as a technique in teaching vocabulary since the treatment of this technique is

conducted continuously, it will make the students comprehend the words easily. The

teacher as a facilitator guides the students to improve their vocabulary by knowing

the other words that have same meaning. Later, it is for other researchers who may

need to use and apply by using other technique in teaching synonym vocabulary.

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A. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

When talking about vocabulary, it must be about the words. There are many

definitions of vocabulary given by experts. Vocabulary is related to word or lexis.

Vocabulary is list of words and its meaning. John Read stated that vocabulary is

about knowing the meaning of the words, accordingly the aim of vocabulary test is

to expose whether the learners are able to match each word with a synonym, an

equivalent word in their own language or not.1

The word “vocabulary” generally represents a review of the words or their

arrangements in a particular language. As Joklova stated that one item of vocabulary

can consist of more than one word.2 For instance, the word „bookstore‟, it consisted

of two words „book‟ and „store‟ and still express an idea. The idea showed the place.

That word is called as word phrase.

The writer summarizes that vocabulary is not just about words or lexis but also

about the expression of its word and the meaning of the word that people known in

the language. A language will not be communicative if the people do not know what

the meaning of its words is with the expression they showed.

Joseph Mukoroli defines vocabulary as the whole stock of words fitting to a

branch of knowledge or known by personal. He also claimed that the lexicon of

language is its vocabulary included the expressions.3

1 John Read, Assessing Vocabulary, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.16.

2 Katerina Joklova, Using Pictures in Teaching Vocabulary, Bachelor’s Thesis of Masaryk

University, Brno, 2009, p. 7. 3 Joseph Mukoroli,”Effectiveness Teaching Strategies for the English for Academic Purposes

ESL Classroom” Thesis of Master of Art in Teaching degree at the SIT Graduate Institute, Brattleboro,

2011, p.6.

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2. Kinds of Vocabulary

The words that people produced are not only words, but also their own types.

The scientists mentioned their own ideas in identifying the types of words or


Harmer mentioned in his book, in frequently vocabulary was distinguished into

two types, there are;4

a. Active vocabulary

It means the words that student have been taught and learned and able to use.

They recognize the words and able to produce in spoken or written language as well.

In other hand, active vocabulary is the words that can recall and use at will when the

situation requires it the words can be choose and used actively from memory.

b. Passive Vocabulary

It means the words that student was going to recognize but when they find them,

they get difficulty in producing. In other hand, passive vocabulary is the word that

can be listened and understand used prompts to recall its meaning.

Beside the two types of vocabulary above, John Read mentions two kinds of

word or vocabulary, there are:5

a. Function words are the words used to make sentences grammatically correct.

The words of this kind are article, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions,


b. Content words are the words that give the contents of the story and tell the

listener where to focus his or her attention. They are nouns, verbs, adjectives,

and adverbs.

It can be concluded, the two types of vocabulary which John claimed included in

types of active vocabulary which Harmer stated. In other words, the types of

vocabulary mentioned above have continuity each other. When students learn about

4 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman

Publishing, 1991), p. 159. 5 Read, op. cit., p. 18.

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function and content words, it can be active vocabulary if they can use and produce

the words properly in daily conversation spontaneously. It might be passive

vocabulary if the students cannot recall the words from their mind spontaneously.

They have already learned about the words but they find difficulties to produce it.

Kamil and Hiebert distinguish between the words and the knowledge of the

words. According to them, the words or vocabulary itself comes in two forms; oral

and print words while the knowledge of word also divided into two forms; receptive

and productive vocabulary.6

a. Oral Vocabulary is set of the words for which the meaning is known when

speak or read orally.

b. Print vocabulary is the words for which the meaning is known when write or

read silently.

c. Receptive vocabulary is set of the words that the meaning can be assigned by

individual when listening or reading.

d. Productive vocabulary is set of the words that can be used by an individual

when writing and speaking.

They argued, receptive vocabulary is larger than productive vocabulary. For

instance, in the teaching and learning process, the students more often listen to the

teachers‟ instruction that will give them many new words to receive. For beginning

readers, oral vocabulary exceeds print vocabulary. They will comprehend easily with

more simply oral instruction.

Different from Kamil and Hiebert, Pikulski and Templeton and classified the

vocabulary onto four types based on The American Heritage Dictionary that defines

vocabulary as “the sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command of a

particular person or group”, there are:7

6 Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil (ed), Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (New

Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, 2005), p. 3. 7 John J. Pikulski & Shane Templeton, Teaching and Developing Vocabulary: Key to Long-

Term Reading Success, Houghton Mifflin Reading, (USA: 2004), pp. 1 – 2.

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a. Expressive Vocabulary

It is used to refer to the vocabularies we use to express ourselves.

b. Receptive Vocabulary

It used to refer to the vocabularies of listening and reading

c. Meaning or Oral Vocabulary

It is combination of listening and speaking vocabulary.

d. Literate Vocabulary

It is about the combination of reading and writing vocabulary.

It can be concluded, there are not only two types of vocabulary mentioned

before, but there are many types such as Kamil and Hibert also Pikulski and

Templeton mentioned. They were classified the types of word based on the word and

knowledge, also based on the sum of words used by. According to Pikulski and

Templeton, vocabulary was classified into four types such as oral vocabulary, print

vocabulary, receptive vocabulary, and productive vocabulary. It is classified based

on the words itself come and the knowledge of the words. In other hand, Pikulski

and Templeton have their assumption about the types of the vocabulary. They were

classified the four types of vocabulary; expressive vocabulary, receptive vocabulary,

oral vocabulary and literate vocabulary. There is similarity on the types that they

were mentioned between oral vocabulary and receptive vocabulary but it has

different definition based on their own assumption.

3. The importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary, much more than grammar, is the key to the students understand

what they heard and read; and to communicate successfully with other people.

Without sufficient vocabulary people cannot understand others or express their own

ideas. Language learning usually involves a large number of different literacy

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activities and practices, and without some breadth and depth of vocabulary

knowledge these are difficult to grasp or do.8

Thurnbury claimed about the vocabulary importance. “Without grammar very

little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.9 He also said

that by learning more words and expression will see the more improvement. With

words people can say anything they want, but with grammar people can only say

little thing because they speak with words most not grammar. People can understand

what they read or listen if they know the meaning of words, though the speaker has

incorrect grammatically. It is more difficulties to understand the passage or speech if

they did not know the meaning of the words though spoken grammatically correct.

Vocabulary helps students understand and communicate with others in English. The

students who have unlimited vocabulary will be more easy to get and learn what

they read.

Vocabulary is obviously a very important element within a language as the

knowledge as the overwhelming majority of meaning is carried lexically; and,

therefore something to be taken into consideration both in second and foreign

language teaching, although not only one that conveys meaning. Rosa‟s opinion

about the importance of vocabulary, she said that the students need to be made

aware of the importance of vocabulary because, in general, there is a tendency to

concentrate on grammar, paying little attention to vocabulary.10

Such as the writer‟s

experiences, from the elementary school until senior high school, when learning

English concern in grammar, it less about vocabulary. When talked about

vocabulary, it only about looking for the meaning of the difficult words.

8 Ibid, p. 1.

9 Scott Thurnbury, “How to Teach Vocabulary”, in Jeremy Harmer (ed), (United Kingdom:

Longman, 2002) p.13. 10

Rosa Ma López Campilo, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: An Introduction for English

Students, p. 36.

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4. Learning Vocabulary

One of the factors bringing to the unsuccessful in learning English is the

students‟ lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the vital elements in constructing

meaningful communication. Without knowing the words needed to convey their

ideas and feeling the learners cannot speak and write well. The student who masters

a good structure seems to lose its function whenever it is not supported by the

abundance of words. In other words, it can be said that no matter how well students

learn grammar and sounds of words, without words to express wide range of

meanings, communication will become meaningless.

Learning vocabulary is one of the efficient ways in improving the English

students‟ comprehension. “The more complex the information is, the more likely the

students are to misinterpret it”.11

It is because, for comprehending the information

students must be told step by step. If they get complexion in the information, they

will get difficulties in understanding.

In Clouston journal, it stated that vocabulary learning is an incremental process,

both for sheer numbers of words and for specific lexical items.12

In learning

vocabulary, the significant point is the selection of words the teachers want to give

to student. In the beginner, it is quite easy to teach concrete words and then become

more abstract and complex.

Learning vocabulary is a rather more complex process than it might in first sight


It might be simple when we heard about learning vocabulary. It may be

thought that only learn about word and it was easy. In fact, learning vocabulary is

more complex because it does not mean acquiring the same amount of knowledge

for every word in a language.

Vocabulary learning is often divided between intentional learning and incidental

learning. Intentional learning as being designed, planned for, or intended by teacher


Paul Nation, Teaching Vocabulary, The EFL Professional’s Written Forum, 2005, p.1. 12

Michael Lessard Clouston, Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: Pedagogy, Research, and

Resourses, Teaching with Excellence Strand, 2012, p. 2. 13

Campilo, loc. cit.

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or student. While, incidental learning is unintentional or unplanned learning. Hatch

and Brown mentioned based on Ramsey stated, a 12-year-old in Spain knows

approximately 135.000 vocabulary words in the first language. High school students

studying English in Spain are introduced to 800-1000 English words in first year

EFL classes, 1,700-2,000 more in second year classes, and another 2,500-3,000 in

third year. So in three year might acquire 6,000 words in English.14

There are five essential steps in vocabulary learning;

a. Encountering new words

It means having a source for words. Learning new words could be done by

reading books, listening to radio, watching television, or reading newspapers or

magazines. Dictionaries are also used as source to find the new words or the old one.

The students also can be encouraged to generate their own word list.

b. Getting the word form

It is the second step in learning vocabulary visually or auditory or both to be

getting of clear image of the form of vocabulary item.

Based on the classic study done by Brown and McNeill the importance of having

representation of the form of the word becomes apparent when the students think

about what happen when try to retrieve words. The importance of getting the words

form appears when the students are asked to give word definitions. A major problem

for the language learners and given name synophones identified problem for learners

arising from words similar in forms.

c. Getting the word meaning

It is the third essential step in the learners‟ reported strategies is the one most

often associated with the idea of vocabulary learning. It includes such strategies as

“asking native English speakers the words mean”, “asking people who speak native

14 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education, (New

York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 368.

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language the meaning in my mind”, and “explaining what I mean and asking

someone to tell me the English word”.

With the requirements of the task or situation and also with the level of the

learners showed the level of distinctions. Sometimes, language learners need

different kind of definitions and distinctions depend on the words being learned and

the reason for needing them. Learners often get close to the meaning of the English

words, choosing meanings that have some of the features of the test word. For

example, a windshield is a window, but it is a particular kind of window. The other

words are strong and hard, share some features with heavy, but distinct in some

ways. Some ways to get the word meaning are by using dictionaries and by having a

bilingual friend or teacher explanation. One very popular to get the words meaning

practically and incidentally is through context.

d. Consolidating word form and meaning in memory

Many kinds of vocabulary learning drills, such a flashcards, matching exercises,

crossword puzzles, and so on, strengthen the form-meaning connection. It was

mentioned as the example of consolidation word form and meaning in memory.

Cohen claimed that the more words learners can get through this step, the more

words they will know overall.15

e. Using the word

It is the final step in learning words. According to Brown and Payne, some

would argue that this step is not necessary if the goal is receptive knowledge word.

Such an argument, people may not understand the word being used, but they are able

to comprehend the meaning by the context.


Ibid, p. 391.

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B. Synonym

1. Definition of Synonym

In discussing synonym, the relation of meaning identity, an initial distinction

needs to be drawn between lexical synonym (synonym between individual lexemes)

and phrasal synonym (synonym between expressions consisting of more than one


When talk about synonym, it is about the meaning of the words.

Synonym is the other word that has the same meaning. Like example the word

„pretty‟ has same meaning with the word „beautiful‟, those are pleasant to look. It

must be able to differentiate between the lexical and phrasal synonym.

So, what the definition of synonym? Many scientists and writers gave their own

perception about the meaning of synonym. Synonym is the relation that holds

between bound morpheme, lexemes, lexical units, phrases, clauses, sentences, and

preposition. Stanojevic also stated about synonym, he said that synonym is a

paradigmatic relation that enables lexically simple units to have the same meaning as

lexically complex units, and vice versa, e.g. ophthalmologist and eye specialist.17

Based on his statement known that synonym is simple words allowed to have the

same meaning as complex words. The writer assumed that synonym that one or

more words that have the same meaning.

According to Hatch and Brown, synonym is one of the semantics features. They

determine the meaning of synonym as the words that share meaning. They assumed

that synonym refer to the same entity. If all features are the same, the words should

be interchangeable.

All of the authors have different ideas about the synonym. Such as Stanojevic‟s

ideas, he said that synonym is about relation between the simple and complex lexical

which has same meaning. Meanwhile, Hatch and Brown stated that synonym is


Nick Riemer, Introducing Semantics, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010) , p.

150. 17

. Maja Stanojevic, A Cognitive Synonym: General Overview, Linguistic and Literature

Series, Facta Universitas, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2009, p. 194.

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about share meaning. It means that synonym is the word which has same meaning

with another word, one meaning for one more words.

In traditional grammar, synonym accounted as relationships between lexical

items that share a meaning.18

Same as Hatch and Brown statement, synonym is

about share meaning. Franklin and Chander stated on their book that generally, there

are no complete synonyms in modern linguistics. If two forms are phonemically

different, then their meanings are also different. Thus, the word “buy” and

“purchase” are similar in meaning, but different in their level of formality and not

completely interchangeable. Though in some contexts words may appear completely

synonymous, there are likely to be different in other context. When cases of

synonym are looked at carefully, it usually turns out that differences of this type are

present. Thus this assumption of modern linguistics has so far turned out to be


Furnas mentioned that synonyms are word identical in meaning.19

Such as

Furnas‟ statement that synonyms are the same meaning of words. According to all

statements above show that synonyms are about word meaning. Synonyms are

words similarity.

2. Types of Synonym

There are two types of synonyms; they are lexical synonym and propositional

synonym as following:20

a. Lexical Synonym is a sense relation that holds between two or more lexical units

with the same sense in the given context in which they are interchangeable. For

example is the word sleeping and asleep.


Franklin C. Southworth and Chander J. Daswani, Foundations of Linguistics, (Canada: The

Free Press, 1974), p. 180. 19

Edith Furnas, The Study of Synonyms as an Aid in the Acquisition of a Vocabulary, The

School Review, The University of Chicago Press, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2013, pp. 115 – 118. 20

Stanojevic. loc. cit.

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b. Propositional synonym can be explained by means of paraphrase when the

propositional contents of sentences are identical.

According to Furnas, synonym is divided into two types between lexical and

propositional synonym. So the point is the lexical synonym concern on the same

sense of lexical units in the context, while propositional synonym is paraphrase

meaning of the words or sentence identically.

Different from Furnas, Stanojevic mentioned on her journal based on Cruse

statement that a scale of synonymy can be established. The scale has been set up

consists of absolute synonym, cognitive synonym and near-synonymy. As the

explanation as follow:21

a. Absolute synonym is set as the complete identity of all meaning of two or more

lexemes in all contexts are same meaning. However, it is untypical for a language

to have absolute synonym. Firstly, the function of one of the words would

gradually become unessential and unmotivated. As a result, it would soon be

abandoned or dropped. Secondly, their interchangeability in all the contexts can

neither be demonstrated nor proved, for, on one hand, the number of context is

infinite, and

b. Cognitive Synonym is what most semanticists would regard as synonym. Furnas

mentioned that many theories of semantics would restrict the notion of synonyms

what he calls descriptive which is the identity of descriptive meaning. It is also

known as descriptive synonyms, propositional synonyms or referential synonyms.

Furnas also mentioned that cognitive synonyms is sometimes describes as

incomplete synonyms, or non-absolute or partial synonyms. The examples are:

liberty/ freedom, statesman/ politician, hide/ conceal, thrifty/ economical/ stingy.

There are two definitions of cognitive synonyms and both of them should be equally

taken into account:22


Ibid., p. 194. 22

Ibid,. p. 195.

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1. Cognitive synonyms imply sentences with equivalent truth-conditions and

propositions which are mutually entailing.

2. Cognitive synonyms are described as word with the same cognitive meaning and

as words with the same sense. Therefore, cognitive synonym is regarded as a

sense relation.

c. Near-synonyms are lexemes whose meaning is relatively close or more or less

similar. The examples are; mist/ fog, stream/ brook, dive/ plunge. In certain

context, near-synonym can be contrast. Such as “He was killed, but I can assure

you he was not murdered, madam”. It was the words kill and murder, they have

same meaning. They have differences alphabetically. Regularly, near-synonym

found in dictionaries of synonym or thesauri where most of the term listed under a

single dictionary entry are not considered to be cognitive synonym.

Cruse concluded the most underline between cognitive and near-synonym is in

principle clear, although it may appear a challenging cases but it is much harder to

figure out between near-synonym and non-synonym.

3. Features in Synonym

Synonym is the words that share meanings. Brown and Hatch assumed that

synonym refer to the same entity. If all features are the same, the words should be

interchangeable. However, native speaker will consistently select among them in

similar ways. For example, we might assign the same features to cease and stop and

yet realize that cease is most often selected in legitimate discourse.

Synonym does not usually share all of the features. Synonym often used to make

the lexical choices more appropriate. Although dictionaries list synonym as words

with similar meaning the fact that A is a synonym of B does not mean that B is

required as synonym of A. For example, the Dictionary for American Synonyms lists

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murder as a synonym for kill but does not list kill as synonym for murder.23

According to Hatch and Brown one the most important ways that make text hold

together is with the use of synonym or chains of related words. For example, in

talking about a problem at school, might be use school, university, college, campus,

or other words interchangeably as synonym.

C. Relevant Previous Study

There were two relevant or previous studies which were conducted related to the

study the researcher would like to do. The first study was written by Stuart Webb,

titled “The Effect of Synonym on Second-Language Vocabulary Learning”. The

objective of the study was to know the effect of synonym on word knowledge in a

study of 84 japanese students learning english, especially in learning words with and

without high-frequency synonym that were known to the learners. The study was

conducted to the 84 Japanese students of English as a foreign language from two

first-year classes at a university in Fakuoka, Japan. The method used in the study

was experiment. He used pre-test and post-test in measuring the scores of the

students before and after get treatment. He determined the material as a target word;

twenty low-frequency words were selected from the fifth frequency band in the

COBUILD dictionary. The target with high-frequency synonym were locomotive,

visage, lane, abode, boulder, crave, doze, sob, abhor, and dagger. The target words

without high-frequency synonym were lick, spear, recluse, pawn, landfill, mourn,

convent, pier, reef, and marinate.

In the study, he found information that learning synonym for known words may

be easier than learning words that do not have known synonyms. From result of the

study showed that the learners had significantly higher scores for the words that had

known synonyms on productive knowledge. The result indicate that the learning

burden for synonyms of known words is less than for non-synonyms because


Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education, (New

York: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 19.

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synonyms represent knowledge of syntagmatic association that has been acquired. In

other words, the students have no burden in learniing vocabulary about synonyms

that the words have been known. It will make the students to thinks twice if they

learns the words synonyms that they have been not know before.

The other previous study came from Le Thi Thuy Trang, entitled “Synonym

Substitution in English and Vietnam”. The objective of this study is to identify

different types of Synonym Substitution in English and Vietnamese, to describe

some linguistic features of Synonym Substitution in part of syntax, to find out some

similarities and differences of Synonym Substitution in English and Vietnamese in

the fields of syntax and semantics, ans to offer some suggestions to the teaching and

learning of English to Vietnamese teachers and learners.

This study used the combination of both qualitative and quantitative approach.

The researcher used statistic and descriptive methods, analytic and synthetic method,

the comparative and contrastive method. The study was conducted to Vietnamese

learners and English teacher. The steps involved in the study was collecting samples

on synonym substitution in English and Vietnamese from novels, literacy works and

short stories in English and Vienamese, picking out and classifying samples of

synonym substitution that they satisfy the criteria mentioned in the study,

presenting, describing and analyzing various kinds of synonyms subtitution used in

English and Vietnamese, finding out the syntatic and linguistic features of synonym

substitution in English and Vietnamese, and discussing the findings and suggesting

some implications for learning and teaching English. The result of the study was

The writer used both of the study above as the relevant previous study because of

same variable about synonym. She has same perception as Webb claimed about

using synonym. By using synonym can help students in learning vocabulary. It also

help students to improve their known words.

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D. Conceptual Framework

There are two variables in this research, the independent variable of this study is

using synonym and learning vocabulary is as the dependent variable. This research

is intended to know whether using synonym is able to give a positive effect in

students‟ learning vocabulary or not and to know whether the students‟ vocabulary

by using synonym is better than without using synonym.

Using synonym can help students in developing their vocabulary. It also help

them in their vocabulary learning. In SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang vocabulary is

not taught by itsefl, so the students have problem when they were asked about the

meaning of a word. Some of them know the word but do not know what the meaning

of it is.

There is an increase in their English understanding after they learniing

vocabulary by using synonym. Not only one word they know, but by using

synonym, they know more some words. Because when they learn about one word,

they are also looking for the other words has same meaning. It really helps them to

expand their vocabulary. Besides, knowing more vocabulary can help them to

comprehend text or passage easily. Vocabulary is one of important English elements

that must be mastered.

With using synonym while learning vocabulay, it will help students improve

their vocabulary. Not only the meaning of the words, but they can also know the

other words that have same meaning. There are many techniques in teaching

vocabulary, in this study the writer used drilling in her study to improve students‟

vocabulary by using synonym.

If students learn vocabulary by using synonym, it will improve their knowledge

about synonym of the words. It will improve their vocabulary mastery also. They

will know more vocabulary, and it will make them comprehend sentences or

passages more easily.

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E. Research Hypothesis

In this research, the researcher states the hypothesis as follows:

1) Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no positive effect of using synonym in

learning vocabulary.

2) Alternative hypothesis (Ha/H1): There is positive effect of using synonym in

learning vocabulary.

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This chapter presents the methodology of the research. It covers place and

time of the research, population and sample, method and design, instrument of the

study, the technique of data collection, and the technique of data analysis.

A. Time and Place of the Study

The research of this study was conducted at Junior High School; the focus of the

research was the 2nd

grade students. The writer conducted the study at SMP Islam At-

Taqwa Pamulang located on Jl. Benda Timur No.13. It was conducted on April- May


B. Population and Sample

In this study, the writer took the population of 2nd

grade students at Junior High

School of SMP Islam At Taqwa Pamulang. The population was 50 students from two

classes and each of class consisted of around 23-25 students.

The writer used two classes of second grade students as a sample. The writer used

quota sampling in taking the sample from the population because she took the sample

based on the sample that was determined. Sugiyono said that quota sampling is one of

sampling techniques to determine sample from the population which has certain

criteria as amount desired.1 So, the writer determined the two classes of second grade

as experimental class and controlled class; 8.2 as experimental class and 8.1 as

controlled class based on English teacher’s recommendation. After the writer had

given the classes pre-test, it is resulted the similar result. The mean score of pre-test

from both classes was not much different. It means the class with lower scores of pre-

1 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan(Pendekatan Kuantitatif, kualitatif dan R&D),

(Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012), p.124

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test would be the experimental class because the class needed improvement in


C. Method and Design of the Study

This study belongs to quantitative research. It is categorized as a quasi-

experimental design which discuss about the effectiveness of paraphrase using

synonym substitution especially in adjective vocabulary in description text. William

Wiersma stated that quasi-experiment is an estimation of true experimental which the

sample was taken systematically. The design used in this research was nonequivalent

control group design in which both of experimental and controlled groups were given

pre-test and post-test systematically.2

The experiment was designed as follows:

Table 3.1

Research Description

Sample Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental Class




Controlled Class





XE: The treatment in experimental class by using synonym

O1: Pre-test (the experimental class test before given a treatment)

O2: Post-test (the experimental class test after given a treatment)

O3: Pretest {the controlled class test)

O4: Post-test (the controlled class test)

2 Sugiyono, op. cit., 116

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D. Instrument of the Study

The writer collected the data by giving two tests. The tests were divided into pre-

test and post-test; pre-test before the treatment given and post-test after the treatment

given for both of classes. The tests were given for both of the experimental and

controlled classes.

The writer used the same test for both of classes. The test consisted of 25 items of

multiple choice questions; the scale 4 is the score of each item for the correct answer.

On the other hand, the writer used ANATES program to measure validity and

reliability of the test.

1. Validity

Validity is needed to measure the validation of the instrument. In other words,

validity is important in this research to determine the accuracy of the test as the

instrument on what want to be measured.

In this research, the writer used ANATES application program to know validity

of the test which consisted of 40 items multiple choice. After she had measured the

validity by using ANATES, there were 25 items of multiple choices valid in pre-test

and post-test which would be used in both of classes.

2. Reliability

Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and

consistent result.3 The writer used similarly, Hughes adds that to be valid, a test must

provide consistently accurate measurement. It must therefore be reliable.4

It means that reliability is necessary in the research to assess whether the

instrument is good or not. To achieve the reliability instrument, the writer used

ANATES program. From 25 items the writer got 0.72 reliable of the instrument.

3 Colin Phelan and Julie Wren. Exploring Reliability in Academic Assessment, Graduate

Assistant, UNI office of Academic Assessment.2005-06.

4 Op. cit, p. 50.

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E. Data Collection

1. Pre-test

The pre-test was given to both of classes; experimental and control classes. It

functions to ensure that both of classes have same level and achievement in

vocabulary mastery especially in synonym adjective.

2. Treatment

The writer taught the synonym adjective of vocabulary both of experimental and

controlled classes. In experimental class, she taught paraphrase by the synonym and

just giving explanation in controlled class.

3. Post-test

The post-test was conducted after the treatment given to know whether the

treatment from the writer gave effect to the students’ vocabulary or not.

F. Data Analysis

After the writer had got students’ scores of pre-test and post-test between

experimental and controlled class, the writer analyzed the data by requirement test

before. It consists of normality test and homogeneity test.

1. Normality Test

Normality test is the test to determine the sample of the research from normal

population.5 In other words, normality test is used to determine whether sample is

normal or not. Normality test used in this research is Lilliefors test because the

sample taken was less than 30 participants. The writer tested normality test by using

SPSS 18. The criteria of the testing follow:

5 Dr. Budi Susetyo, Statistik Untk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Aditama:Bandung, 2010),


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If Lvalue < Ltable it means that the sample is lower from the population, Ho was

accepted and H1was rejected (normal distribution). If Lvalue > Ltable it means Ho was

rejected and H1 was accepted (not normal distribution).

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is used to see whether the population variance from both of

experimental class and control class is similar or different.6 In this research, to

measure homogeneity the writer, would use Fisher test. The formula is follow:

The criteria of homogeneity test are as follow:

1) If , H0 is accepted, it means that sample has homogenous variant.

2) If , H0 is rejected, it means that sample does not have homogenous


It seemed on both of two group pre-test result. Homogeneity test is only used in

pre-test because it functions to know whether both of groups have the same ability

before being given a treatment or not.

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

Analyzing the data is the last step of the research as one of the procedure of a

quasi-experiment research. The writer analyzed the data taken from both classes. She

used T-test formula as a technique of data analysis in this research. It is used to know

the effectiveness of paraphrase use by using synonym substitution on students’

vocabulary by analyzed the data of T-test and see the significant difference of

6 Op. cit, p. 160

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students’ scores from both experimental and control classes. The formula is as


With the explanation:

= Mean of the differences of Experimental Class

M2 = Mean of the differences of Control Class

SE = Standard Error of Experimental Class

SE = Standard Error of Control Class

X = Experimental class

Y = Control class

In order to get the calculation of T-test, there are several steps to be taken as


1. Determining Mean of variable X, with formula:

M1 =

2. Determining Mean of variable Y, with formula:

M2 =

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of variable X, with formula:

SD = √

4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, with formula:

SD = √

5. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable X, with formula:

SEм =

6. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable Y, with formula:

7 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2009),

p. 314.

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SEм =

7. Determining Standard Error of Different Man of Variable X, with formula:

SEм -м = √

8. Determining t₀ with formula:

t₀ =

9. Determining Degrees of Freedom (df), with formula:

df = (N + N ) – 2

G. Statistical Hypothesis of Study

The statistical hypotheses of study are:

- Ho = X1 < X2 (The mean score post-test of experimental class is smaller than

score post-test of control class; it means that using synonym on students’

vocabulary is not effective).

- Ha= X 1 > X2 (The mean score post-test of experimental class is higher than score

post-test of control class; it means that using synonym on students’ vocabulary is


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This chapter presents the data description which consists of the score of pre-test

and post-test of the experimental and the control class. Moreover, the discussion of

the research finding is also explained in this chapter.

A. Research Finding

1. Data Description

In the following description, it presented the research finding. The finding was

gained from the result of pre-test and post-test score from the experimental and

controlled classes.

a. The Data of Experimental Class

The following is table presented pre-test score from the experimental and the

controlled classes.

Table 4.1 The Score of the Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Class


Number Pre-Test Post-tes



1 56 84 28

2 52 76 24

3 52 80 28

4 48 84 36

5 44 68 24

6 44 72 28

7 44 72 28

8 44 60 24

9 40 72 32

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Number Pre-Test Post-tes



10 40 64 24

11 36 72 36

12 36 60 24

13 36 60 24

14 32 56 16

15 32 48 16

16 32 52 20

17 28 44 16

18 28 64 36

19 24 64 40

20 24 56 32

21 20 44 20

22 20 52 32

23 16 44 28

Total Score 828 1448 616

Mean Score 36 62.96 26.78

Max 56 84 28

Min 16 40 28

According to the result of pre-test and post-test from the experimental class in the

table above, it could be seen from 23 students in the experimental class, the total

mean of pre-test was 828 which consisted of mean score 36 and the total score of

post-test was 1446 which consisted of mean score 62.96. So, the average of gained

score was 26.78. Before the treatment of using synonym, the lowest score was 16 and

the highest score was 52. Then after being given the treatment, the lowest score was

44 and the highest score was 84. This class was really low in knowing the synonym

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of words. It showed from the score of pre-test. No students got above 60, their scores

were under 60. Then, almost 52% of the students increased and got score above 60.

b. The Data of Controlled Class

Table 4.2

Score of Pre-test and Post-test in the Controlled Class


Number Pre-test Post-test



1 60 64 20

2 56 52 -4

3 56 68 12

4 52 60 8

5 48 68 20

6 48 64 16

7 48 64 16

8 48 56 8

9 44 52 4

10 44 44 0

11 40 52 12

12 40 60 20

13 36 48 12

14 36 60 24

15 32 32 0

16 32 52 20

17 32 56 24

18 28 48 20

19 28 52 24

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Number Pre-test Post-test



20 24 28 4

21 24 48 24

22 16 60 44

23 16 52 36

Total 888 1240 364

Mean 38.61 53.91 15.83

Max 60 68 8

Min 16 28 12

According to the result of pre-test and pos-test from the control class, it could be

seen from 23 students, total score of pre-test was 888 which consists of mean score

was 38.61 and total score of post-test was 1240 which consists of mean score was

53.91. So, the avearge of gained score was 15.83. Before the treatment of

paraphrasing using synonym, the lowest score of pre-test was 16 and it is the same as

the experimental class and the highest score was 60. Then, after the treatment had

been given, the lowest score of post-test was 28 and the highest score was 68. In this

class, all of students got the scores under 60 in the pre-test, but there was only one

student got 60. There was an increase in their post-test score, eventhough it was less.

Their maximum score only 68.

Therefore, based on the both scores from experimental and control classes, the

average of score from the students who got treatment by using synonym was higher

than students from control class.

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c. Summary

The following is a summary table of pre-test and post-test:

Table 4.3

The Summary/Frequency of the Experimental Class and Control Class

Experimental Class Control Class

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Mean 36 69.91 38.61 53.91

Median 36 64 40 52

Mode 44 72 48 52

Minimum 16 44 16 28

Maximum 56 84 60 68

Sum 828 1448 888 1240

Variance 76.52 77.04 84.61 70.87

Standard Deviation 8.75 8.78 9.19 8.42

The table 4.3 above shows that students’ learning outcomes in both classes

increased. Yet, the experimental class increased more than the control class. For the

complete statistical calculation, it can be seen in the APPENDIX

2. Analysis of the Data

Before calculating t-test, the writer tested normality and homogeneity of the data.

The table as follows:

a. Test of Normality

The result of normality test on both the experimental and control classes’ pre –

test and post – test score was gained from Lilliefors test using IBM Statistics SPSS

18. The results are as follow:

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Table 4.4

The Result of Normality Test of the Experimental and the Control Classes’ Pre

– test Score

Tests of Normality



Statistic Df Sig.

Pretest Score Experimental .123 23 .200*

Control .157 23 .200*

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

*This is a lower bound of the true significance.

From the Table 4.4, it can be seen that the value of normality in pre-test of the

experiment class was 0.200 with significance 0.05. It means the data of pre-test in the

experiment class is normal because the value of pre-test of experimental class is

bigger than the significance 0.05 (0.200 > 0.05). Meanwhile, the value of normality

in pre-test of control class is 0.200 with significance 0.05. It means the data of pre-

test in the control class is normal because the value is bigger than the significance

0.05 (0.200 > 0.05).

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Table 4.5

The Result of Normality Test of the Experimental and the Control Classes’

Post-test Score

Tests of Normality



Statistic Df Sig.

Posttest Score Experimental .173 23 .`200*

Control .097 23 .111

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

From the Table 4.5, it can be seen that the value of normality in post-test of the

experimental class is 0.200 with significance 0.05. It means the data of post-test in

the experimental class is normal because the value of pre-test experimental class is

bigger than the significance 0.05 (0.200> 0.05). Meanwhile, the value of normality in

post-test of control class is 0.111 with significance 0.05. It means the data of post-test

in the control class is normal because the value is bigger than the significance 0.05

(0.111 > 0.05).

b. Test of Homogeneity

Similarly, after finishing the normality test, the homogeneity test is also required

as a pre-requisite analysis test. To calculate homogeneity test, the researcher used

Levene Statistic Test from IBM Statistics SPSS 18 software. The following is the

result which was obtained from this calculation:

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Table 4.6

The Result of Homogeneity Test of the Experimental and the Control

Classes’ Pre-test Score

Homogeneity Test of Variances


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.599 1 44 .443

From the Table 4.6, it can be seen that the value of homogeneity in pre-test

was 0.443 with significance 0.05. It means the data of pre-test was homogeny

because the value of pre-test of experimental and control classes was higher than the

significance 0.05 (0.443 > 0.05).

Table 4.7

The Result of Homogeneity Test of the Experimental and the Control

Classes’ Post-test Score

Homogeneity Test of Variances


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.736 1 44 .194

From the Table 4.7, it can be seen that the value of homogeneity in post-test

was 0.194 with the significance 0.05. It means the data of post-test wass homogeny

because the value of post-test is bigger than the significance 0.05 (0.194 > 0.05).

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c. Test Analysis

After finishing the statistical analysis of pre-requisite test including the normality

and homogeneity test, the writer calculated the t-value of the observation and the

writer also would like to calculate the gains (d).








(X – MX)


(Y – MY) x

2 y


1 28 20 1.22 4.17 1.4884 17.3889

2 24 -4 -2.78 -19.83 7.7283 303.2289

3 28 12 1.22 -3.83 1.4884 14.6689

4 36 8 9.22 -7.83 85.0084 61.3089

5 24 20 -2.78 4.17 7.7284 17.3889

6 28 16 1.22 0.17 1.4884 0.0289

7 28 16 1.22 0.17 1.4884 0,0289

8 24 8 -2.78 -7.83 7.7284 61.3089

9 32 4 5.22 -11.83 27.2484 139.9484

10 24 0 -2.78 -15.83 7.7284 250.5889

11 36 12 9.22 -3.83 85.0084 14.6689

12 24 20 -2.78 4.17 7.7284 17.3889

13 24 12 -2.78 -3.83 7.7284 14.6689

14 16 24 -10.78 8.17 116.2084 66.7489

15 16 0 -10.78 -15.83 116.2084 250.5889

16 20 20 -6.78 4.17 45.9684 17.3889

17 16 24 -10.78 8.17 116.2084 66.7489

18 36 20 9.22 4.17 85.0084 17.3889

19 40 24 13.22 8.17 174.7684 66.7489

20 32 4 5.22 -11.83 27.2484 139.9489

21 20 24 -6.78 8.17 45.9684 66.7489

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(X – MX)


(Y – MY) x

2 y


22 32 44 5.22 28.17 27.2484 793.5489

23 28 36 1.22 20.17 1.4884 406.8289

∑ 616 364 1005.9132 2895.3047


X : Gained score of the experimental class

Y : Gained score of the controlled class

(X – MX) : The result of the gained score subtracted by the mean score of

experimental class

(Y – MY) : The result of the gained score subtracted by the main score of

controlled class


: Quadrat result from the gained score minus the main score of

experimental class


: Quadrat result from the gained score minus the main score of

controlled class

The formula of T-test was expressed as follows:

The calculation can be seen as follows:

1. Determining Mean of variable X:

2. Determining Mean of variable Y:

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3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X:


4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:


5. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable X:

6. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable Y:

7. Determining Standard Error of different Mean of Variable X and Mean of

Variable Y, with formula:

= √

= √


8. Determining to with formula:

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9. Determining Degrees of Freedom (df), with formula:

= 46 – 2

= 44

10. The Testing of Hypothesis

After calculating the data, the writer tested her hypothesis based on statistical

hypothesis test states:

a. If , it means that H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected.

b. If , it means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.

As the result of the writer calculating, the writer gained the tvalue was 3.953 while

ttable was 1.680. Moreover, it is concluded that tvalue (3.953) > ttable (1.680) or H0 is

rejected and Ha is accepted. Therefore, there was a significant effect of using

synonym memorizing on students’ vocabulary mastery.

On the other words, after the writer found the result of t-test, there was a

significant effect of using synonym memorizing on students’ vocabulary mastery.

B. Discussion

From the descriptions above, the mean score pre-test (experimental class) was 36.

It changed in post-test after being given a treatment and it was 69.91. The mean score

pre-test (control class) was 38.61. It changed in post-test 53.91. Thus, the increasing

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mean score in experimental class was 26.78 but in control class only 15.83. Both of

classes from pre-test and post-test score got a normality and homogeneity data which

the value (p) < significance (α =0.05). The gained of hypothesis of test using t-test

with significance 0.05 showed that tvalue (3.953) > ttable (1.680). It is concluded there

was a significant effect by using synonym in learning vocabulary as a treatment in the

experimental class on students’ vocabulary knowledge.

In learning process of students’ vocabulary using synonym, the students seem like

difficult to understand for the first time. It is caused that most of them have not

known yet about the synonym of the words more. They only know the meaning for a

word. They do not understand that the words with the same meaning are called as

synonym. The students were so enthusiastic in learning vocabulary synonym.

Based on the explanation about the result on the table above, the writer can

conclude that using synonym in learning vocabulary is success in increasing students’

vocabulary score. From the data above, students’ score increased after using synonym

in learning. Moreover, it can be said that using synonym affects students’ vocabulary


By using synonym, it increased significantly in learning vocabulary. Compared to

other technique currently used by English teachers, synonym memorizing can be

effective technique for teaching. The effectiveness of using synonym in learning

vocabulary can be seen from the score of experimental class students that increased

after the treatment that was applied in the class.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the result of using T-test formula, it can be interpreted from the

result of research analysis, it is proven that the students’ vocabulary scores taught

by using synonym is better than before or when they were not taught by using

synonym. It can be seen from the score of to is higher than ttable. Besides, the

students know more the vocabulary from the synonym of the words which can

make their vocabulary knowledge increase.

From the result of statistically calculation, it can be seen that the value of to or

ttest is 3.953 and degree of freedom (df) is 44. In the table of significance 5%, the

value of degree of significance is 1.680. Comparing those values, the result is

3.953 > 1.680 which means to score is higher than tt scores.

The result shows that t-test (to) > t-table (tt) (3.953 > 1.680). It means that Ho

is rejected and Ha is accepted. It is concluded that using synonym is effective in

learning vocabulary in SMP Islam At-Taqwa Pamulang.

B. Suggestion

Based on the writer’s research and observations, here are some points that she

might suggest;

1. Teachers can use synonym in learning vocabulary with their own strategy or

other subject to enrich students’ knowledge of English vocabulary.

2. It is the best when the teacher has prepared lesson plan and known the

interesting techniques in teaching in order to make students do not get bored.

3. Students should be given stimulation before teaching to get their attention, to

make them focus and interested in learning English.

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4. Students can use synonym in learning certain subject when the aim of their

learning is comprehended.

5. For other researchers, they can make a research about synonym in teaching

and learning other material or in teaching and learning synonym of the words

using other techniques.

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Campilo, Rosa Mª López. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: An Introduction for

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Clouston, Michael Lessard. Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: Pedagogy, Research,

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Cohen, Vicki L. and Cowen, John Edwin. Literacy for Children in an Information

Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking. Singapore: Wadsworth

Cengage Learning, 2009.

Furnas, Edith. The Study of Synonyms as an Aid in the Acquisition of a Vocabulary.

The School Review. The University of Chicago Press. Vol. 16. No, 2013.

Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman

Publishing, 1991.

Hatch, Evelyn and Brown, Cheryl. Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education.

New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Hiebert, Elfieda H. and Kamil, Michael L. (ed). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary.

New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, 2005.

Joklova, Katerina. “Using Pictures in Teaching Vocabulary”, Bachelor Thesis of

Masaryk University, 2009.

Mukoroli, Joseph. “Effectiveness Teaching Strategies for the English for Academic

Purposes EFL Classroom”. Thesis of Master of Art in Teaching degree at the

SIT Graduate Institute. Battleboro, 2011.

Nation, Paul. Teaching Vocabulary. The EFL Professional’s Written Forum, 2005.

Pan, Qi. Vocabulary Teaching in English Language Teaching. Theory and Practice in

Language Studies. Vol. 1. No. 11, 2011.

Phelan, Collin and Wren, Julie. Exploring Reliability in Academic Assessment,

Graduate Assistant, UNI office of Academic Assessment, 2005 – 2006.

Pikulski, John J. and Templeton, Shane. Teaching and Developing Vocabulary: Key

to Success. Houghton Mifflin Reading. USA, 2004.

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Preszler, June. On Target: Strategies to Build Students’ Vocabulary. Rapid City:

Black Hill Special Service Cooperative, 2006.

Read, John. Assessing Vocabulary. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Richards, Jack C. and Rodgers, Theodore S. Approaches and Method in Language

Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Riemer, Nick. Introducing Semantics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Southworth, Franklin C. and Daswani, Chander J. Foundations of Linguistics.

Canada: The Free Press, 1974.

Stanojevic, Maja. Cognitive Synonym: General Overview. Linguistic and Literature

Series. Facta Universitas. Vol. 7. No. 2, 2009.

Sudijno, Anas. Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,


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Thurnbury, Scott. How to Teach Vocabulary. Jeremy Harmer (ed). England:


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Frequency Distribution of the Experimental Class’ Pre-test

Score (xi) Frequency

(fi) fixi x(xi – χ) x


16 1 16 -20 400

20 2 40 -16 256

24 2 48 -12 144

28 2 56 -8 64

32 3 96 -4 16

36 3 108 0 0

40 2 80 4 16

44 4 176 8 64

48 1 48 12 144

52 2 104 16 256

56 1 56 20 400

∑ 23 828 1760

Mean (χ) :

= 36

Modus : 44

Median : 36

Variance (s2) :

= 76.52

Standard Deviation: = = 8.75

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Frequency Distribution of the Experimental Class’ Post-test

Score (xi) Frequency

(fi) fixi x(xi – χ) x


44 3 122 -18.96 359.48

48 1 48 -14.96 223.80

52 2 104 -10.96 120.12

56 2 112 -6.96 48.44

60 3 180 -2.96 8.76

64 3 192 1.04 1.08

68 1 68 5.04 25.40

72 4 288 9.04 81.72

76 1 76 13.04 170.04

80 1 80 17.04 290.36

84 2 168 21.04 442.68

∑ 23 1448 1771.90

Mean (χ) :

= 62.96

Modus : 64

Median : 72

Variance (s2) :

= 77.04

Standard Deviation: = = 8.78

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Frequency Distribution of the Controlled Class’ Pre-test

Score (xi) Frequency

(fi) fixi x(xi – χ) x


16 2 32 -22.61 511.21

24 2 48 -14.61 213.45

28 2 56 -10.61 112.57

32 3 96 -6.61 43.69

36 2 72 -2.61 6.81

40 2 80 1.39 1.93

44 2 88 5.39 29.05

48 4 192 9.39 88.17

52 1 52 13.39 179.29

56 2 112 17.39 302.41

60 1 60 21.39 457.53

∑ 23 888 1946

Mean (χ) :

= 38.61

Modus : 40

Median : 48

Variance (s2) :

= 84.61

Standard Deviation: = = 9.19

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Frequency Distribution of the Controlled Class’ Post-test

Score (xi) Frequency

(fi) fixi x(xi – χ) x


28 1 28 -25.91 671.33

32 1 32 -21.91 480.05

44 1 44 -9.91 98.20

48 3 144 -5.91 34.93

52 6 312 -1.91 3.65

56 2 112 2.09 4.37

60 4 240 6.09 37.09

64 3 192 10.09 101.80

68 2 136 14.09 198.53

∑ 23 1240 1629.95

Mean (χ) :

= 53.91

Modus : 52

Median : 52

Variance (s2) :

= 70.87

Standard Deviation: = = 8.42

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The criteria of the testing follow:

If the value (p) > significant (α = 0.05) it means that the sample from the

population, Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected (normal distribution)

If the value (p) < significant (α = 0.05) it means that the sample from the

population, Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted (not normal distribution)

The steps were using SPSS 18 to measure normality test as follow:

- Open file

- Click analyze → Descriptive statistics → Explore on menu toolbar

- Click and input score → dependent list and input the other variable in the

factor list

- Click Statistics and choose 95% as descriptive confidence interval for mean

- Click continue until it came back in the menu

- Click plots (checklist normality plots with test)

- Continue and OK

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a. Sample of total (n) 23

b. If the value (p) > significant (α = 0.05), Ho is accepted, it means that

sample has homogenous variant which means, the students had the same

characters n learning vocabulary by using synonym, moreover the data

was valid.

c. If the value (p) < significant (α = 0.05), Ho is rejected, it means that

sample does not have homogenous variant which means, the students had

the same characters n learning vocabulary by using synonym, moreover

the data was valid

The steps were using SPSS 18 to measure homogeneity test as follow:

- Open file

- Click analyze → Compare means → One-way ANOVA on menu

- Click and input score of the students → dependent list

- Click the other variable → factor

- Click option and choose homogeneity of variance test

- Continue and OK

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Nama Sekolah : SMP Islam At Taqwa Pamulang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semster : 8/2

Tahun ajaran : 2014/2015

Materi Pokok : Deskriptif teks

Skill : Reading (Vocabulary)

Pertemuan Ke- : 1

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 35 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menanggapi dan mengamalkan agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai periaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun,rasa

ingin tahu, percaya diri, toleran, motivasi internal, pola hidup sehat dan

ramah lingkungan) dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengn lingkungan social

dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaan.

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan proseduraal) dalam

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan humaniora dengan wawasan

keagamaa,kebangsaan, kenegaraan dan peradaban terkait fenomena dan

kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji, berbagai hal dalam ranah konkrit

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifokasi, dan membuat) dan

Page 66: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai denganyang dipelajari disekolah dan dari berbagai sumber

lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Memahami fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsu kebahasaan dari teks

deskriftif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang dekripsi orang,

binatang, benda, dan alam sekitar sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

2. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis

3. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi social

, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Indikator

a. Memahami definisi dari teks deskriptif.

b. Mengidentifikasi struktur umum dan ciri kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif.

c. Mengidentifikasikan kata-kata adjektif yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif.

d. Menentukan synonym dari kata-kata adjektif yang diidentifikasi.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

a. Siswa dapat memahami definisi dari teks deskriptif.

b. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur umum dari dan ciri kenahasaan dari

teks deskriptif.

c. Siswa dapaat mengidentifikasikan kata-kata adjektif yang terdapat dalam

teks deskriptif.

d. Siswa dapat menentukan synonym dari kata-kata adjektif yang


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E. Materi Pembelajaran (Rincian dan Materi Pokok)

Descriptive text

A descriptive text is a text that describe the features of someone, something or

certain place.

A descriptive text has the generic structure:

1. Introduction

Introduction is the part of the paragraph that introduces the character.

2. Description

Description is the part of the paragraph that describes the character.

The language features of descriptive text:

1. Using adjective

2. Using simple present tense

3. Using particular nouns

4. Two seasons in Indonesia

Indonesia lies in the equatorial line. So, it has tropical climate. A third

of our territorial is land. And two third of our territorial is water. Because of

this, Indonesia has rich natural resources from the sea, and natural resources

from the forest.

There are two seasons in Indonesia; the dry seasons and the wet

season. Dry seasons is also called hot seasons. And wet seasons is also called

rainy season. It is sunny and hot in the dry is cloudy in the rainy

season. Dry season causes the drought for some place the rainy season causes

flood and landslide.

There are two winds called monsoon, make wet and hot season. One

monsoon blows toward Indonesia from Asia. It crosses to South China and

brings the rain. From Australia toward Indonesia brings dry air.

Page 68: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan ilmiah

Tanya jawab

G. Media Pembelajaran

Buku LKS


Teks deskriptif dari sumber lain; internet, buku yang relevan, dll.


H. Karakter yang Diharapkan


Percaya diri

Memiliki jiwa bekerjasama

I. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

a. Kegiatan Awal (15 menit)


1. Guru masuk ke dalam kelas memberi salam dan langsung menyapa

menggunakan bahasa inggris agar English Environtment dapat langsung

tercipta di petemuan pertama, kemudian meminta ketua kelas untuk

memimpin berdoa bersama sebelum proses belajar mengajar dimulai.

2. Guru bertanya materi sebelumnya dan mengaitkan dengan materi yang

akan dijelaskan.

3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

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4. Guru memberikan ice breaking kepada para siswa berupa game. Game

inii bertujuan untuk melatih konsentrasi siswa, guru memberikan

instruksi kepada siswa untuk berdiri degan mengangkat kedua tangan ke

depan, kemudian guru menyebutkan salah satu anggota badan (dalam

bahasa inggris) dan siswa harus memegang anggota tubuh dengan tepat.

5. Guru memberi penjelasan kepada siswa mengenai tujuan pembelajaran

yang akan dicapai.

b. Kegiatan Inti (60 menit)

Mengamati (Observing)

1. Guru membagikan satu lembar kertas dengan contoh paragraph teks


2. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam 5 kelompok.

3. Guru menanyakan kepada siswa tentang pemahaman teks deskriptif

melalui teks paragraph yang dibagikaan.

4. Guru membacakan teks tersebut, dan siswa memperhatikan dengan

melihat teks yang dibagikan.

5. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk membacakan teks tersebut dengan


6. Guru bertanya tentang apa isi dari teks paragrap tersebut.

Menanya (Questioning)

7. Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari kata-kata yang sulit mengenai materi

teks deskriptif

8. Guru meminta salah satu anak untuk menuliskannya dipapan tulis.

9. Guru menjelaskan kata-kata yang sulit tersebut.

10. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan materi yang belum mereka

mengerti seputar kata-kata sifat dan synonym.

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Mengasosiasikan (Associating)

11. Siswa diminta untuk membuat beberapa kalimat dari yang sulit tersebut.

12. Siswa diminta untuk membuat teks descriptive secara sederhana.

Mengkomunikasikan (Communicating)

13. Siswa diminta untuk mempresentasikan hasil teks deskriptif yang telah

mereka buat

14. Kemudian hasil kerja siswa dikumpulkan.

15. Setelah itu guru bertanaya kepada siswa mengenai sinonim kata tersebut

tanpa melihat tuisanhasil kerja sebelumnya.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

1. Guru bertanya kembali kepada siswa terkait materi hari ini. Hal ini

bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa.

2. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa saja yang telah dipelajari hari ini

3. Siswa diberi tahu materi yang akan dpelajari untuk pertemuan


4. Ditutup dengan mengucapkan salam.

J. Format Kriteria Penilaian

Criteria Rating Score Explanations



There is no mistake in spelling



There is one until two mistakes

in spelling written

Page 71: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

1 There is more two mistakes in

spelling written



The sentences is meaning full

and suitable with the context


The sentences is only

meaning full or suitable with the


1 The sentences is unmeaning full

or unsuitable with the context.

Score =

Page 72: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,



Nama Sekolah : SMP Islam At Taqwa Pamulang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semster : 8/2

Tahun ajaran : 2014/2015

Materi Pokok : Deskriptif teks

Skill : Reading (Vocabulary)

Pertemuan Ke- : 1

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 35 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menanggapi dan mengamalkan agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai periaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun,rasa

ingin tahu, percaya diri, toleran, motivasi internal, pola hidup sehat dan

ramah lingkungan) dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengn lingkungan social

dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaan.

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan proseduraal) dalam

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan humaniora dengan wawasan

keagamaa,kebangsaan, kenegaraan dan peradaban terkait fenomena dan

kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji, berbagai hal dalam ranah konkrit

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifIkasi, dan membuat) dan

Page 73: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan

mengarang) sesuai denganyang dipelajari disekolah dan dari berbagai sumber

lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Memahami fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsu kebahasaan dari teks

deskriftif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang dekripsi orang,

binatang, benda, dan alam sekitar sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

2. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis

3. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi social

, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Indikator

a. Memahami definisi dari teks deskriptif.

b. Mengidentifikasi struktur umum dan ciri kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif.

c. Mengidentifikasikan kata-kata adjektif yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif.

d. Menentukan sinonim dari kata-kata adjektif yang diidentifikasi.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

a. Siswa dapat memahami definisi dari teks deskriptif.

b. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur umum dari dan ciri kenahasaan dari

teks deskriptif.

c. Siswa dapaat mengidentifikasikan kata-kata adjektif yang terdapat dalam

teks deskriptif.

d. Siswa dapat menentukan synonym dari kata-kata adjektif yang


Page 74: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

E. Materi Pembelajaran (Rincian dan Materi Pokok)

Descriptive text

A descriptive text is a text that describe the features of someone, something or

certain place.

A descriptive text has the generic structure:

1. Introduction

Introduction is the part of the paragraph that introduces the character.

2. Description

Description is the part of the paragraph that describes the character.

The language features of descriptive text:

1. Using adjective

2. Using simple present tense

3. Using particular nouns

Two seasons in Indonesia

Indonesia lies in the equatorial line. So, it has tropical climate. A third of

our territorial is land. And two third of our territorial is water. Because of this,

Indonesia has rich natural resources from the sea, and natural resources from

the forest.

There are two seasons in Indonesia; the dry seasons and the wet season.

Dry seasons is also called hot seasons. And wet seasons is also called rainy

season. It is sunny and hot in the dry is cloudy in the rainy season.

Dry season causes the drought for some place the rainy season causes flood

and landslide.

There are two winds called monsoon, make wet and hot season. One

monsoon blows toward Indonesia from Asia. It crosses to South China and

brings the rain. From Australia toward Indonesia brings dry air.

Page 75: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan ilmiah

Tanya jawab

G. Media Pembelajaran

Buku LKS


Teks deskriptif dari sumber lain; internet, buku yang relevan, dll.


H. Karakter yang Diharapkan


Percaya diri

Memiliki jiwa bekerjasama

I. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

a. Kegiatan Awal (15 menit)


1. Guru masuk ke dalam kelas memberi salam dan langsung menyapa

menggunakan bahasa inggris agar English Environtment dapat langsung

tercipta di petemuan pertama, kemudian meminta ketua kelas untuk

memimpin berdoa bersama sebelum proses belajar mengajar dimulai.

2. Guru bertanya materi sebelumnya dan mengaitkan dengan materi yang

akan dijelaskan.

3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa.

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4. Guru memberikan ice breaking kepada para siswa berupa game. Game

inii bertujuan untuk melatih konsentrasi siswa, guru memberikan

instruksi kepada siswa untuk berdiri degan mengangkat kedua tangan ke

depan, kemudian guru menyebutkan salah satu anggota badan (dalam

bahasa inggris) dan siswa harus memegang anggota tubuh dengan tepat.

5. Guru memberi penjelasan kepada siswa mengenai tujuan pembelajaran

yang akan dicapai.

b. Kegiatan Inti (60 menit)

Mengamati (Observing)

1. Guru membagikan satu lembar kertas dengan contoh paragraph teks


2. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam 5 kelompok.

3. Guru menanyakan kepada siswa tentang pemahaman teks deskriptif

melalui teks paragraph yang dibagikaan.

4. Guru membacakan teks tersebut, dan siswa memperhatikan dengan

melihat teks yang dibagikan.

5. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk membacakan teks tersebut dengan


6. Guru bertanya tentang apa isi dari teks paragrap tersebut.

Menanya (Questioning)

7. Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari kata-kata sifat dari teks paragraph

tersebut, dan menliskannya dibuku masing-masing.

8. Guru meminta salah satu anak untuk menuliskan hasil kata-kata sifat itu

dipapan tulis.

9. Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari makna/arti dari kata-kata sifat


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10. Guru menjelaskan terlebih dahulu mengenai apa itu synonym.

11. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan materi yang belum mereka

mengerti seputar kata-kata sifat dan synonym.

Mengasosiasikan (Associating)

12. Siswa dimnta untuk mencari sinonim-sinonim dari kata-kata sifat yang

mereka temukan dengan menggunakan kamus.

13. Siswa diminta untuk membuat beberapa kalimat dari sinonim kata-kata

sifat tersebut.

14. Siswa diminta untuk menghapalkan sinonim dari kata-kata sifat tersebut.

Mengkomunikasikan (Communicating)

15. Siswa diminta untuk mempresentasikan hasl pencariannya mengenai

sinonim kata dengan menyebutkan dan menuliskannya di papan tulis

setiap perwakilan kelompok

16. Kemudian hasil kerja siswa dikumpulkan.

17. Setelah itu guru bertanaya kepada siswa mengenai sinonim kata tersebut

tanpa melihat tuisanhasil kerja sebelumnya.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

1. Guru bertanya kembali kepada siswa terkait materi hari ini. Hal ini

bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa.

2. Guru mengulas secara singkat apa saja yang telah dipelajari hari ini

3. Siswa diberi tahu materi yang akan dpelajari untuk pertemuan


4. Ditutup dengan mengucapkan salam.

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J. Format Kriteria Penilaian

Criteria Rating Score Explanations



There is no mistake in spelling



There is one until two mistakes

in spelling written

1 There is more two mistakes in

spelling written



The sentences is meaning full

and suitable with the context


The sentences is only

meaning full or suitable with the


1 The sentences is unmeaning full

or unsuitable with the context.

Score =

Page 79: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,



Choose the best answer among a, b, c, or d!

1. I have a friend, Ken is his named. He

loves food, so his body is grease.

The word “grease” has the same

meaning as…

a. big c. lazy

b. fat d. little

2. Tiny baby is crying. The underlined

word has the same meaning as…

a. Giant c. pretty

b. Small d. large

3. The bedding should be light and give

enough protection against the dump


The underlined word has same

meaning as…

a. Wet c. stony

b. Dry d. rude

4. “…after for she knew I would be all


The word “all right” has same

meaning as…

a. Fine c. good

b. Well d. kind

5. The hotel was amazing. The word

“amazing” has same meaning as…

a. Good c. calm

b. Dirty d. secure

6. “Her bright skin, chubby cheeks, and

lovely smile.”

The underlined word has same

meaning as…

a. Dark c. brown

b. White d. light

7. The word “lovely” in the 6th


has same meaning as…

a. Love c. nice

b. Gorgeous d. like

8. He decided to leave home and go far

away into the woods.

The underlined word has same

meaning as…

a. Recent c. close

b. Distant d. away

9. There is big garden in my house.

The word “big” has same meaning


a. Tiny c. wide

b. Large d. narrow

10. The growth of electronic postal

services has been a major

development. The word “major

development” has same meaning


a. First development

b. Main development

c. Single development

d. Initial development

11. My children like learning a new

thing. The underlined word has same

meaning as…

a. novel c. previous

b. ancient d. last

12. He is very handsome. The synonym

of handsome is…

a. Horrible c. nasty

b. good-looking d. foul

13. They hit a huge stone in the

mountain. The synonym of huge is…

a. small c. tiny

b. big d. thin

14. His spoken was very bad. The

underlined word has same meaning


a. kind c. rude

b. nice d. pleasant

15. The room looks comfortable. The

synonym of comfortable is…

Page 80: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING SYNONYM IN LEARNING … · 2017. 10. 9. · Key words : vocabulary learning, synonyms,lexical,

a. scenic c. relaxed

b. flexible d. enjoyable

16. Rita and Dina are in traditional

market buying fruits.

What is the synonym of the

underlined word?

a. Innovative

b. Progressive

c. Conventional

d. Modern

17. Daffa fells anxious when the teacher

mentioned his name.

The word “anxious” has the same

meaning as…

a. Nervous c. relaxed

b. Calm d. happy

18. Please, don’t show me your foolish

action. The underline word has same

meaning as…

a. Wise c. clever

b. Silly d. prudent

19. My father bought the most expensive

car in my town.

The word “expensive” has same

meaning as…

a. Cheap

b. Discounted

c. Economical

d. Luxurious

20. This book is heavy.

The underlined word has same

meaning as…

a. Thick c. long

b. Thin d. short

21. As children, we must be polite to

everyone older.

The word “polite” has the same

meaning as…

a. Rude c. naughty

b. Foul d. kind

22. This is my mother’s favorite TV


The word “favorite” has same

meaning as…

a. Enjoyed c. interested

b. Preferred d. liked

23. You have limited time to go there.

The underlined word has same

meaning as…

a. Narrow c. boundless

b. Little d. some

24. “The Three Musician” is one of the

two famous cubits’ Picasso painting

after 1977.

The word “famous” has the same

meaning as…

a. Remarkable

b. Worthy

c. Well-known

d. Great

25. The most important thing is that it

can satisfy their curiosity about the


The underlined word has the same

meaning as…

a. Main c. trivial

b. Crucial d. essential