the effectiveness of using interactive...


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A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers‘ Training

in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language



Anang Tri Wahyudi








Anang Tri Wahyudi (1110014000031). The Effectiveness of Interactive

Learning in the Teaching of Descriptive Text Writing.

The objective of this study is aimed at gaining evidence whether or not

interactive learning is effective in teaching descriptive text writing of SMPN 2

Kelapa Dua Tangerang. In this research, the writer used quantitative research

employing quasi experimental method. This research method relies on a test. It

focuses on the collection and analysis of numerical data and statistics. In this case,

the writer combined two classes using two different treatments. The first class was

given an interactive learning as a treatment in the experimental class, and the

second class was given a conventional teaching as a treatment in the control class.

Then, the writer gave pre-test and post-test to both classes. The test was same and

it was given to know which class got a better learning achievement. Next, the data

collected in this research was analyzed by using t-test. According to the result of

statistical calculation, the M-Pre test of experimental class is 57.77; M-Post test is

70.28; and M-Gained is 12.51. Meanwhile, the M-Pre test of control class is

55.88; M-Post test is 63.71; and M-Gained is 7.82. In addition, the result shows

that the t-observation ( ) of this research is higher than t-table ( = 2.00). So

that, > , it proved that the students who were taught descriptive text writing

through interactive learning got the higher score than those who were taught

without using interactive learning. Then, it can be concluded that using interactive

learning is effective in learning descriptive text writing to the first grade students

of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.



Anang Tri Wahyudi (1110014000031). Keefektifan Pembelajaran Interaktif

dalam Pengajaran Menulis Teks Deskriptif.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh bukti apakah

pembelajaran interaktif efektif atau tidak dalam pengajaran menulis teks deskriptif

di kelas satu SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis

menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode kuasi eksperimen. Metodologi

ini bersandar pada kegiatan tes. Metode ini fokus pada pengambilan dan analisa

data secara numerik dan statistik. Dalam pembahasan ini, penulis membandingkan

dua kelas dengan menggunakan tindakan yang berbeda. Kelas yang pertama

menggunakan pembelajaran interaktif yang dijadikan sebagai kelas eksperimen,

dan kelas yang kedua menggunakan teknik pembelajaran yang sudah ada

sebelumnya yang dijadikan sebagai kelas control. Bentuk tes yang diberikan

sama, hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelas mana yang mendapatkan nilai

tertinggi. Selanjutnya, pengumpulan data dalam penelitian dianalisa dengan

menggunakan t-test. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan statistik, didapatkan nilai M-

Pre test pada kelas eksperimen adalah sebesar 57.77; M-Post test yaitu 70.28; dan

M-Gained yaitu 12.51. Disamping itu, M-Pre test pada kelas kontrol sebesar

55.88; M-Post test yaitu 63.71; dan M-Gained yaitu 7.82. Selanjutnya, nilai t-

observation ( ) lebih tinggi dari pada nilai t-table ( = 2.00). Maka dari itu

> , hal ini membuktikan bahwa siswa yang diajarkan teks deskriptif dengan

menggunakan pembelajaran interaktif mendapatkan nilai yang lebih besar dari

pada yang siswa yang tidak menggunakan pembelajaran interaktif. Maka, dapat

disimpulkan bahwa pengajaran dengan teknik interaktif adalah efektif di dalam

pembelajaran teks deskriptif di kelas satu SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praised be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, who has given the writer His love

and compassion to finish the last assignment in his study. Peace and salutation be

upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his


In this occasion, the writer would like to express his greatest appreciation,

honor, and gratitude love to his beloved parents, who always give his support,

motivation, and moral encouragement in finishing his skripsi.

His gratitude should also be addressed to his advisors, Drs. Bahrul Hasibuan,

M. Ed. and Devi Yusnita M,Pd., for their patience, valuable guidance, comments,

and suggestions in accomplishing his skripsi.

The writer‘s sincere gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers of FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department.

3. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Chairman of English Education Department.

4. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA., the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiya and

Teachers‘ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

5. All of the teachers at SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

6. Kasiman, S.Pd., the Head Master of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

7. Wahyudi Sutanto, S.Pd., the English Teacher of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua


8. His beloved parents who always prayed the best thing to him.

9. His beloved friend, Ade Maulina Fazrin who supported him to finish his


May Allah. The Almighty bless them all, so be it.


Finally, the writer does realize that skripsi is still far from being perfect.

Critic and suggestions would be acceptable to make it better.

Jakarta, February 25th


The Writer



ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………. i

ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………………………… ii

ACKNOWLEGMENT ………………………………………………………… iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………… v

LIST OF THE TABLES ……………………………………………………… viii

LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………………. ix

LIST OF APPENDIXES ……………………………………………………….. x

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION …………………………………………. 1

A. The Background of the Study ………………………….. 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ……………………… 2

C. The Limitation of the Study ……………………………. 2

D. The Formulation of the Study …………………………… 3

E. The Objective of the Study ……………………………… 3

F. The Significance of the Study …………………………… 3


A. Writing …………………………………………………… 4

1. The Understanding of Writing ………………………… 4

2. The Characteristics of Good Writing ………………….. 5

3. The Process of Writing ………………………………... 7

4. The Objectives of Writing …………………………….. 8

5. Assessing of Writing ………………………………….. 9

6. Types of Writing Text ………………………………… 12

B. Descriptive Text …………………………………………. 14


1. The Understanding of Descriptive Text ……………… 14

2. The Objectives of Descriptive Text ………………….. 15

3. Types of Descriptive Text ……………………………. 16

4. The Linguistic Features of Descriptive Text …………. 17

5. The Schematic Structures of Descriptive Text ……….. 17

C. Interactive Learning ……………………………………… 18

1. The Understanding of Interactive Learning ………….. 18

2. The Characteristics of Interactive Learning ………….. 19

D. Teaching Descriptive Text Writing Using Interactive

Learning …………………………………………………... 20

E. Previous Study …………………………………………… 25

F. Conceptual Framework …………………………………. 25

G. Theoretical Hypothesis ………………………………….. 26


A. The Place and Time of the Study …………………………. 27

B. The Method of the Research ……………………………… 27

C. The Population and Sample of the Research ……………… 27

D. The Instrument of the Research …………………………… 28

E. The Technique of Data Collection ………......................... 28

F. The Technique of Data Analysis ………………………….. 29

G. The Statistical Hypothesis ………………………………… 30


A. The Description of the Data ……………………………… 31

B. The Analysis of the Data ………………………………… 39

C. The Tests of Hypothesis …………………………………. 42

D. The Interpretation of the Data ………………………….. 42


A. Conclusions ………………………………………………. 43


B. Suggestions ………………………………………………. 43

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………….. 45

APPENDIXES …………………………………………………………………… 48



Table 2.1 : The Purpose of Descriptive Text ……………………….. 15

Table 4.1 : The Scores of Students‘ Test in Experimental Class ….. 31

Table 4.2 : Table frequency of pre-test …………………………….. 33

Table 4.3 : Table frequency of post-test ……………………………. 34

Table 4.4 : The Score of Students‘ Test in Control Class …………. 34

Table 4.5 : Table frequency of pre-test ……………………………. 36

Table 4.6 : Table frequency of post-test …………………………… 37

Table 4.7 : The result of calculation of the test both experimental

class and control class ……………………………………` 38



Figure 3.1 : The Process of Experiment Class ……………………… 25

Figure 3.2 : The Process of Control Class …………………………… 25

Figure 3.3 : An Analytic Scoring Rubric for Writing………………… 29



Appendix 1 : The Instrument of Research (Pre-Test and Post-Test) .............. 48

Appendix 2 : The Lesson Plans (RPP) ............................................................ 49

Appendix 3 : Surat Penelitian




A. The Background of the Study

Descriptive text is a text that describes the feature of someone, something, or

a certain place.1 It gives sense impression such as feel, sound, taste, smell, and

look of things. Therefore, when it is read, the reader can visualize and understand

the scene, person, sensation or emotion of the text.2

Actually, the objective of teaching descriptive text in Indonesia is to make

students be able to state and ask description of something both in the spoken and

written form.3 However, in fact, this objective has not been achieved yet by most

of Indonesian students, particularly students in SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

As observed by the writer, some students in that school find writing descriptive

text is difficult. It was proved when the writer did an observation at that school on

December 8th

, 2014. The result of the observation shows that many students do

not know how to write and what to write in descriptive text writing. They are still

confused about what they have to write in their text. They also still do not know

the text structure of descriptive text. Therefore, the students get difficulty to write

descriptive text. It happens because the students do not really pay their attention to

what is being learnt. Their motivation to learn is low because the activities in the

classroom are lecturing and doing task only which then make students passive and

not interested in learning. Such this teaching technique is dull, uninteresting, and

ineffective for them since it makes students become passive and not motivated to

learn descriptive text writing.

The alternative teaching technique that can be used to make students become

active and interested in learning descriptive text writing is interactive learning. In

1 Artono W., Masduki B. Jahur, and M. Sukirman Djusma, English in Focus for Grade VII

Junior High School, (Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008), p. 115. 2 George E. Wishon and J. M. Burks, Let’s Write English, (New York: Litton Ed. Publishing,

Inc, 1980), p. 128. 3 Kurikulum 2013 Kompetensi Dasar Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) / Madrasah

Tsanawiyah (MTs), (Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan, 2013), p. 68.


interactive learning, students are encouraged to be a part of the lesson instead of

passive observers who are quietly sitting at a desk taking notes or memorizing

information.4 Here, the students should interact with the material, each other and

the teacher in an active way. It will give students meaningfulness in their learning.

It also creates a friendly-relaxed learning environment which will motivate

students to learn.5 In brief, interactive learning provides a friendly-relaxed

learning environment in which students are asked to actively participate and

interact with each other in the classroom activities so that it will give them

meaningfulness and enjoyable learning experience which will increase their

learning motivation to learn.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to conduct a research

about the effectiveness of using interactive learning in the teaching of descriptive

text writing to the first grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

B. The Identification of the Problem

From the background of the study, the writer highlights three things that are

regarded as problems that can cause students‘ difficulty in learning descriptive

text writing:

1. The ignorance of students‘ knowledge about how to write and what to write.

2. The low of students‘ learning motivation in descriptive text writing.

3. The use of ineffective teaching technique that makes students become passive

and not motivated

C. The Limitation of the Study

This study is limited on examining the effectiveness of interactive learning in

the teaching of descriptive text writing to the first grade students of SMPN 2

Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

4 Wilga M. River, Comprehension and Production in Interactive Language Teaching, The

Modern Language Journal, Vol. 70, No. 1, 1986, pp. 6. 5 Jim Scrivener, Learning Teaching: A Guide Book for English Language Teachers, Second

Edition, (South Yarra: Macmillan, 2005), p. 84.


D. The Formulation of the Study

In this section, the writer will analyze the use of interactive learning in

teaching descriptive text writing to the first grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa

Dua Tangerang. The problem of this research can be formulated into specific

problem as stated below:

―Is interactive learning effective in teaching descriptive text writing?‖

E. The Objective of the Study

This study is aimed at gaining evidence whether or not interactive learning is

effective in teaching descriptive text writing.

F. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study hopefully benefits to the writer and further researchers

in giving wide information about the teaching of descriptive text writing using

interactive learning.




A. Writing

1. The Understanding of Writing

Definition of writing is so various. The various definitions of writing may be

caused by different viewpoints in seeing the nature of writing. Commonly, people

see and understand writing through its functions. Generally, there are three main

functions of writing that can be used to lead our understanding about the nature of


The first is writing as a way of communication. Through writing, writer can

communicate with readers. The writer can express and share his/her ideas to the

readers by a means of writing. The readers then may give their response about the

writing to the writer. However, this interaction happens in a solitary act. It means

that the writer communicates with the readers indirectly by using words and

punctuations alone. In addition, the readers cannot give their response to the

writer or ask the writer‘s clear about his/her writing directly. It may be caused by

the distance between the writer and the readers. So that, the writer cannot clear

his/her writing at the same time the readers ask him/her. Such this perception then

may lead Heffernan and Lincoln to define writing as a way of communication that

happens in a solitary act.6

The second is writing as a way of remembering. Writing helps us remember

something and make the thing be remembered. Sometimes, when we are as

students, we write down any note about the lesson that the teacher gives us. By

making that note, the students can make their memory endurable to be

remembered. That writing will give the students hints to trace back their memory

whenever they read it again. This explanation then leads writing to be defined as a

way of remembering.

6 James A. W. Heffernan and John E. Lincoln, Writing: A College Handbook, (New York:

W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1986), p. 3.


The last is writing as a way of thinking. It helps us to think about something

systematically. When we want to write, we are asked to think about a topic. We

then develop that topic systematically and make it become a good writing. That

writing then shows the readers about our way to think of the topic. So, writing can

also be defined as a way of thinking.

To sum up, the understanding of writing may relate to its three main

functions i.e. as a medium of communication by sharing idea into a written form,

as a medium of remembering by making note which can be reread, and as a

medium of thinking by making an organization of the idea. This is in line with

what James C. Raymond states that writing can act as a medium of

communication as well as a way of remembering and thinking about something.7

2. The Characteristics of Good Writing

In language teaching, most teachers ask students to write their writing. From

those writings produced by the students, there are only some writings that can be

said as a good writing. Generally, teacher can say students‘ writing is a good one

if it includes certain characteristics of a good writing. According to Maxine

Hairstone, the characteristics of a good writing are significance, clarity, unity and

organization, economy, adequate development, as well as acceptable usage.8

While, Newsom and Wollert said that a good writing should be concise, concrete,

specific, positive, organized and use familiar words.9 Actually, these two versions

are similar and support each other. They can be simplified into the following


The first is significance. Writing can be said ―good‖ if it is worth to write and

has significance for the readers. It should provide something to learn so that the

readers will fill some need by reading it.

7 James C. Raymond, Writing is an Unnatural Act, (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers,

1980) p. 2 8 Maxine Hairstone, Contemporary Composition, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,

1986), p. 2. 9 Doug Newsom and James A. Wollert, Media Writing, (Belmont: Wadsworth, 1985), p. 54.


The second is clarity. Good writing should be clear. It should be easily

understood by the readers so that they do not have to waste their time to figure out

what the writer is saying. To make a writing be clear, the writer should make it

specific. They should give specific examples which support the idea of their

writing. In addition, the words that the writer uses should be concrete instead of

being abstract. It is because abstract words could refer to many different things

that can make the message is vague.

The third is unity and organization. Good writing should be systematically-

well developed. It should stay directly on the topic and move purposefully from

one point to the other without jolts, interruptions, or digressions. In other word,

the sentences and paragraphs in the writing should come in the right order. They

should make a point clearly, support the point and then make a smooth transition

to the next point.

The fourth is economy. A good writing should avoid wordiness that is more

likely annoying the readers. It should be concise and strive to get message across

in the fewest possible words. If a sentence has more words than it needs to be

clear, we must cut them out.

The fifth is acceptable usage. A good writing should be in the well-

grammatical form. By grammatically-well formed, the writing will be easily


The last is familiarity. Good writing should use words and terms that are

familiar to the readers so that they will easily understand our writing. If we use

unfamiliar words, there will be a great chance for the audience to misunderstand

our message. Even if they can figure out what an unfamiliar word means, it will

require some effort and time.

In conclusion, writing will be good if it has certain characteristics of a good

writing. It should be significant for the readers, clear, well-organized,

grammatically-well formed, economic, and use words that are concrete and

familiar to the readers.


3. The Process of Writing

Writing is a process that is not spontaneously and easy to make with little

preparation. It is because writing consists of some stages that writers should do.

According to Braine and May, writing process happens through four stages.10


first stage is planning. It includes a process of choosing and narrowing a topic that

interests the writer, analyzing the writing purpose, deciding the writer‘s point of

view in his writing, and also analyzing the readers‘ knowledge, interest, and

expectation. The second step is research. It is a process of gathering information

that is appropriate to the writer‘s paper. The next step is drafting. In this step, the

writer writes sentences and paragraphs that will later be refined for final

manuscript. It is a started-point for the writer to record his ideas and add

information from his research and experience. Draft is like a skeleton to develop

the whole writing ideas. Further, on drafting, it‘s the content that‘s important not

polished writing. The last step is reviewing and revising. It is a process of

ensuring that the writing meets the goals and receive a favorable response from

the readers. In this stage, what the writer does is checking the content, style,

grammar and mechanics of his writing. In conclusion, the writing process of

Braine and May‘s version includes the proses of planning, researching, drafting as

well as reviewing and revising.

On the other hand, Betty stated that writing process includes prewriting,

drafting, revision and editing/proof reading.11

Actually, her writing steps are

almost the same as the previous above. However, in her writing steps, she added

prewriting as the first step in writing process. This step is regarded as a time for

writer to discover his unearthing ideas. The objective of this step is to produce as

many ideas as possible. There‘s no need to think about order or correctness. The

writer just needs to pour his thought into words on paper.12

Further, if we look

more carefully, the weakness of this version is there‘s no step for planning.


George Braine & Claire May, Writing from Sources: A Guide for ESL Students,(Houston:

Mayfield Publishing Company, 1996) p. 17-32 11

Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning & Writing Well: a Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader,

and Handbook (New York: McGraw-Hill:2003), p. 9 12



Consequently, the students do not know the purpose and reader of their writing. It

will make them inconsistent in writing.

Furthermore, Sukino added that writing process not only includes the process

of prewriting, drafting, revising and editing, but also the process of publishing.13

He explained that publishing is the final process of writing. It can be defined as a

process to communicate writing to the readers. In publishing writing, we can use

various media such as book, news, paper, and so on. It depends on the writer and

the appropriateness of the writing to the intended media.

From those explanations above, it can be concluded that some stages that are

included in writing process are planning, prewriting, drafting, revising, editing

and publishing.

4. The Objectives of Writing

In writing, there are a lot of purposes to be achieved. Usually between one

author and others have different purposes. In the writing process, students need to

decide the purpose of their writing. According to Martha Heasley Cox, writing has

four purposes. They are to inform, to amuse, to satirize, and to persuade.14

a. To inform

In this purpose, you wish primarily to convey information. You attempt to

inform the knowledge you have accumulated to the readers.

b. To amuse

In this purpose, the writer tries to entertain and be funny to the readers. Miller

added that the aim of this writing is to bring pleasure to the readers. Its primary

object is to make readers enjoy themselves.15

c. To satirize

Satirize is often a form of humor, but it is always humor with a serious

purpose — to effect reform. Such satire is also called irony because of the


Sukino, Menulis itu Mudah: Panduan Praktis Menjadi Penulis Handal, (Yogyakarta:

Pustaka Populer LKiS Yogyakarta, 2010), p.20 14

Martha Heasley Cox, Writing Form Process Purpose, (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing

Company, 1962), p. 261-330. 15

Robert Keith Miller, Motives for Writing, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005), p. 570


contradiction between the literal and intended meaning, between what is said and

what is implied.

d. To persuade

If your purpose in writing is to persuade, you desire to influence your

reader‘s thoughts or actions. Therefore, persuasion incorporates argument as it is

used in logic.

In short, the purpose of writing can be to inform, amuse, satirize, or persuade

the readers.

5. Assessing of Writing

Written language is a way to convey the idea in agile and strong. Each person

needs to have an adequate language, arrange the words into a variety of clear

sentences, and use language effectively. In assessing a written language, we can

use analytic scoring method. According to Ken Hyland, analytic scoring method

is a scoring procedure which requires readers to judge a text against a set of

criteria as important to good writing.16

The criteria that are made will help the

readers determine which one are the weak text and the strong text. Commonly in

analytic scoring method, the criteria that are used for assessing writing include

five aspects such as content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics.

The following is an example of an analytic scoring rubric for writing.

Mark Format and content 40 marks


Excellent to

very good

Fulfills task fully; correct convention for the assignment task;

features of chosen genre mostly adhered to; good ideas/good use

of relevant information; substantial concept use; properly

developed ideas; good sense of audience.


Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996),

p. 229.



Good to



Fair to poor

Fulfills task quite well although details may be underdeveloped

or partly irrelevant; correct genre selected; most features of

chosen genre adhered to; satisfactory ideas with some

development; quite good use of relevant informant; some concept

use; quite good sense of audience.

Generally adequate but some inappropriate, inaccurate or

irrelevant data; an acceptable convention for the assignment task;

some features of chosen genre adhered to; limited ideas/moderate

use of relevant informant; little concept use; barely adequate

development of ideas; poor sense of audience.

Mark Organization and coherence 20 marks


Excellent to

very good


Good to



Fair to poor

Message followed with ease; well organized and thorough

development through introduction, body, and conclusion;

relevant and convincing supporting details; logical progression of

content contributes to fluency; unified paragraph; effective use of

transitions and reference.

Message mostly followed with ease; satisfactory organized and

developed through introduction, body and conclusion; relevant

supporting details; mostly logical unified paragraph; possible

slight over- or under- use of transitions but correctly used; mostly

correct references.

Message followed but with some difficulty; some pattern of

organization – an introduction, body and conclusion evident but

poorly done; some supporting details; progression of content

inconsistent or repetitious; lack of focus in some paragraphs;

over- or under- use of transitions with some incorrect use;

incorrect use of reference.

Message difficult to follow; little evidence of organization –




introduction and conclusion may be missing; few or no

supporting details; no obvious progression of content; improper

paragraphing; no or incorrect use of transitions; lack of reference

to comprehension difficulty.

Mark Sentence construction and vocabulary 40 marks


Excellent to

very good


Good to



Fair to poor


Effective use of a wide variety of correct sentences; variety of

sentence length; effective use of transitions; no significant errors

in agreement, tense, number, person, articles, pronouns and

prepositions effective use of a wide variety of lexical items;

word form mastery; effective choice of idiom; correct register.

Effective use of a variety of correct sentences; some variety of

length; use of transitions with only slight errors; no serous

recurring errors in agreement, tense, number, person, articles,

pronouns, and prepositions; almost no sentence fragment or run-

ons; variety of lexical items with some problems but not causing

comprehension difficulties; good control of word form; most

effective idioms; correct register.

A limited variety of mostly correct sentences; little variety of

sentence length; improper use or missing transitions; recurring

grammar errors are intrusive; sentence fragments or run-ons

evident; a limited variety of lexical items occasionally causing

comprehension problems; moderate word form control;

occasional inappropriate choice of idiom; perhaps incorrect


A limited variety of sentences requiring considerable effort to

understand; correctness only on simple short sentences; improper

use or missing transitions; many grammar errors and


inadequate comprehension problems; frequent incomplete or run-on

sentences; a limited variety of lexical items; poor word forms;

inappropriate idioms; incorrect register.

6. Types of Writing Text

There are many types of writing text. However in Indonesia, the teaching of

writing includes teaching the following writing text types:

a. Narration

Narration can be defined as a storytelling which tells about an event

happened in its order plot.17

b. Exposition

Exposition is used in giving information, making explanations, and

interpreting meanings. It includes editorials, essays, and informative and

instructional material.18

c. Argumentation

Argumentation is used in persuading and convincing. It is closely related

to exposition and is often found combined with it. Argumentation is used

to make a case or to prove or disprove a statement or proposition.19

d. News Item

News Item is defined as a text consisting of an event that is proper to be

known by public.20

It is used to inform to the readers about important and

factual events of daily occasions.21

e. Recount


Sukino, op. cit., 2010, p.57 18

George E. Wishon & Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, (New York: Litton Educational,

1980), p. 382 19

Ibid., p. 383 20

Ir. Fahmi Sofyan M.Hum, Kiat Sukses Lulus Ujian Bahasa Inggris, (Jakarta: Pustaka

Tarbiyah Baru, 2009), p. 156 21

Drs. Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, Detik-Detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris, (Klaten: PT.

Intan Pariwara, 2009), p. 12


Recount is a text that is used to tell about someone‘s past experience or

journey of life.22

. It is used to retell or report events in the past to inform

and entertain readers.23

f. Spoof

Spoof is like recount text but ended by surprised and funny things called


g. Anecdote

Anecdote is like recount text but it is a text consisting of funny things of

someone‘s events or occasion.25

h. Report

Report is a text resulted from systematically observing of something as

what it happens.26

i. Procedure

Procedure is a text to give guidelines to do, create or make something

trough a set of procedures.27

j. Explanation

Explanation is a text to give explanation about process happening in

forming natural phenomena and the related action.28

k. Discussion

Discussion is a text to prompt readers to take certain attitude towards a

problem or issue. 29

It is used to intercede on a problem or issue which is

considered in two points of views before concluding it.30

l. Review

Review is a text to give critics of an event or art to the readers.31

m. Description


Ibid., p. 11 23

Ibid., p. 26 24

Ibid., p. 11 25

Ir. Fahmi Sofyan M.Hum, op. cit., 2009, p. 151 26

Drs. Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, op. cit., 2009, p. 29 27

Ibid., p. 38 28

Ibid., p. 37 29

Ir. Fahmi Sofyan M.Hum, op. cit., 2009, p. 159 30

Drs. Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, op. cit., 2009, p. 36 31

Ibid., p. 40


Description writing is a writing that describes someone or something. It

gives the readers a vivid and real picture in words. The words used in

description writing appeal to the readers‘ sense (sight, hearing, taste,

smell, and touch). In addition, description writing needs sharp, colorful


In conclusion, the types of writing text taught in Indonesia include narrative,

news item, recount, spoof, report, descriptive, exposition, discussion, explanation,

procedure, review, and anecdote. Further, because the purpose of this study is to

examine a variable about descriptive text, the researcher wants to explore more

about descriptive text in the following sub chapter.

B. Descriptive Text

1. The Understanding of Descriptive Text

Description is defined as ―a mode of perception,‖ or a means of knowing.33


is a recording of concrete details that you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. In other

word, description tries to make the subject matter become real for readers and

stimulate their imagination to form sensory responses from all five senses.34


is a way to impose order upon the confusing complexity of the real world and to

understand it, at least partially. Consequently, in description, the readers are urged

to employ their imagination as they are reading. To provide deep understanding,

authors often include an impression of an experience and its significance. Vivid

details are also the key that authors give to enable the readers to picture and

experience as what authors describe.35

James then added that to write descriptive

writing, authors also describe about the way of persons, animals, or things



John Langan, College Writing Skills, Sixth Edition, (New York: The McGraw-Hill

Companies, 2005), p. 170. 33

Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning & Writing Well: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and

Handbook, Fourth Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), p. 140. 34

Donald Pharr, Writing Today, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005), p. 136. 35

James A.W Heffernan & John E. Lincoln, Writing: A college Handbook, second edition,

(New York: W.W Norton & Company, 1986), p. 83-84. 36



Based on the explanation above, it can be synthesized that descriptive text is

a text that describe about the way of persons, animals, or things appear by

involving the five senses in giving vivid detail about the thing so that it will make

the subject matter become real for the reader, then stimulate their imagination to

form sensory responses.

2. The Objectives of Descriptive Text

Langan stated that the objective of descriptive text is to make readers see—

or hear, taste, smell, or feel—what authors are writing about. He explained that

vivid details are the key to descriptive text which enables readers to picture and

experience in way what authors describe. 37

Moreover, Barbara added that the

purpose of descriptive text can be as in the following table:38

Table 2.1

The Purpose of Descriptive Text

Purpose Sample Description

To entertain

To express feelings

To relate experience

To inform (for a reader

unfamiliar with the subject)

An amusing description of a

teenager‘s bedroom

A description of your

favorite outdoor retreat so your

reader understands why you enjoy

it so much

A description of your

childhood home to convey a sense

of the poverty you grew up in

A description of a newborn

calf for a reader who has never


Ibid. 38

Barbara Fine Clouse, The Student Writer, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008), p. 154.


To inform (to create a fresh

appreciation for the familiar)

To persuade (to convince the

reader that some music videos

degrade women)

seen one

A description of an apple to

help the reader rediscover the joys

of this simple fruit

A description of a degrading

music video

In brief, when writing a descriptive text, author may have a purpose in their

mind, either to entertain, express feeling, relate experience, inform, persuade, or

make the readers see—or hear, taste, smell, or feel—what authors are writing


3. Types of Descriptive Text

Description is writing about the way persons, animals, or things appear.39


stated by James and Lincoln, it normally takes one of three forms as follows:

a. Informative Description is used to simply enable the reader to identify an


b. Analytical or Technical Description is used to enable the reader to

understand the structure of an object.

c. Evocative Description is used to re-create the impression made by an


However, according to Donald Pharr, the description essay comes in two

basic forms i.e. objective and subjective. Objective description is used to describe

their subject without including their personal responses. Subjective description, on


James A.W Heffernan & John E. Lincoln, loc. cit., 1986 40



the other hand, allows the writer to show a personal connection to his or her

subject. 41

To sump up, descriptive text can be in the five forms, either as informative,

analytical, evocative, subjective, or objective description. Yet, commonly in

Indonesia, the teaching of descriptive text only includes three types of descriptive

text i.e. informative, subjective, and objective description.

4. The Linguistic Features of Descriptive Text

According to Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Descriptive paragraph

usually includes the following linguistic features:

a. Verb in the present tense

b. Adjectives to describe the features of the subject

c. Topic sentences to begin paragraph and organize the various aspects of the


In other word, to write a good descriptive text, students should know how to

use present tense and have sufficient knowledge of adjectives to describe

something. Moreover, teacher should provide them a topic and also teach them to

organize their writing.

5. The Schematic Structures of Descriptive Text

The schematic structure of descriptive paragraph consists of identification

and description. Identification mentions phenomenon to be described, while the

description describes the parts, the qualities, and the characteristics of what has

been described.43

Such this theory is in line with what Anderson and Anderson

stated. They said that to construct a description writer usually uses an opening

paragraph introducing a subject of the description, followed by a series of


Donald Pharr, op. cit., 2005, p.137. 42

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra: MacMillan

Education Australia, 1998), p. 26. 43

Pardiyono, Teaching Genre-Based Writing, Metode Mengajar Writing Berbasis Genre

Secara Efektif, (Yogyakarta: CV. Andi Offset, 2007), p. 34.


paragraph each describing one feature of the subject. There can also be a final

concluding that signals the end of the description.44

In short, to write a descriptive text, students have to mention what they are

going to describe in their writing. This is a part of opening paragraph. After that,

they also have to put the characteristics of the thing. Finally, they should close

their text with a conclusion about the thing. That‘s the schematic structure of

descriptive text.

C. Interactive Learning

1. The Understanding of Interactive Learning

Communication derives from interaction, i.e., sharing something of interest

with someone else.45

In the classroom, communication happens between teacher

and students. However, it often occurs in one way. Teacher directs students and

dominates the classroom atmosphere. Whereas, the students just sit and take a

note during the classroom while the teacher is lecturing them. Such a

communication is not a genuine interaction since an interaction by its nature may

be two-way, three-way, or four- way, but never one-way.46

Actually, in genuine

interaction, teacher are asked to understand and appreciate every individuals of

students, not manipulating or directing them or deciding how they can or will

learn, but encouraging and drawing them out (educating) by building up their

confidence in what they are doing.47

This interaction then promotes real learning

environment and encourages students to be active participants in the learning


In the interactive learning, a real learning of language is taking place as the

students are comprehending, communicating, creating language that is

meaningful, and in an atmosphere of trust and confidence that develops their own


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, op. cit., 1998, p. 26-27. 45

Donna Reseigh Long, Interactive Language Teaching by Wilga M. River, American

Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Vol. 71, No. 3, 1988, pp. 566. 46

Wilga M. River, Comprehension and Production in Interactive Language Teaching, The

Modern Language Journal, Vol. 70, No. 1, 1986, pp. 6. 47




In this situation, the real messages being shared in authentic,

exciting, and exhilarating interaction by students.

Further, the active learning of language means that learning process is

dominated by the students or what is called as students-centered learning. In this

situation, students are engaged in the learning activities. It is because the learning

process is less emphasized on transmitting information but on developing the

student's problem-solving and formulation skills.49

It enhances students to be

active to explore the knowledge to solve the problem. Commonly, the activity in

the interactive learning requires students to work in group so that they can actively

interact with each other and share their idea to solve the problem. This then makes

a relaxed-learning environment for the students.

From the definitions above, the writer synthesizes that interactive learning is

a technique that promotes a real and active language learning in which students

are actively engaged in learning activities that require students to share their idea

with each other in authentic, exciting and exhilarating interaction. This technique

then can make students‘ motivation increase because of its fun and relaxed-

learning environment.

2. The Characteristics of Interactive Learning

In the interactive learning, there are five characteristics as stated by Bonwell

and Eison:50

a. Students are involved in more than listening and transcribing notes from

the blackboard.

b. Less emphasis is placed on transmitting information and more is placed on

developing the student's problem-solving and formulation skills.

c. Students are involved in higher-order thinking (analysis, synthesis,



Ibid. 49

Pedro Arce, The Colloquial Approach: An Active Learning Technique, Journal of Science

Education and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1994, p. 146. 50



d. Students are engaged in activities (i.e., checking materials from the library

for additional reading, discussion, and writing).

e. Greater emphasis is placed on student's exploration of their own attitudes

and values such as preconceived ideas and physical intuition.

In short in interactive learning, students are engaged in learning activities

which can develop students‘ higher order thinking and emphasize on students‘

exploration. Such an activity ignores students to be passive such as only listening

and transcribing notes from the blackboard. Further, another characteristic of

interactive learning is a real communication. Here, students are asked to share

their information or idea with each other in authentic, exciting and exhilarating

interaction. This is like a collaborative exchange of thought, feeling, and idea

between students so that it enables them to negotiate meaning from various

contexts. Thus, it can create a friendly and relaxed learning situation for students

which will then motivate students to learn.

However, when using interactive learning in the classroom, teachers

sometimes find students are more concentrated on the learning activities rather

than the learning materials. It is because the learning activities that the teachers

use in the interactive learning can be so interesting for students till it disturbs

students‘ concentration on the learning material. As a result, after teaching and

learning process is over, what students remember is not the content of the material

rather than the activities of the material. Therefore, the writer is interested to

examine whether the use of interactive learning is effective in this study.

D. The Teaching of Descriptive Text Using Interactive Learning

The teaching of descriptive text using interactive learning can be conducted

through many strategies. But, not all strategies and activities are equally effective.

Some will be more effective in providing content information and developing

students writing skills than others. The use of teaching strategies and activities,

therefore, should be suited with the intended objective of the lesson in order the

objective can be achieved effectively. In this study, the teaching strategies that


will be used and considered as being suitable to achieve the intended objective of

teaching descriptive writing text are:

a. Truth Statement

Truth statement is a strategy often used at the beginning of a lesson unit or

topic. Ask individuals or small groups, of students to generate three facts they

already know about the topic.

b. Asking Questions

Asking question activities are used to know the level students‘

understanding of a problem. According to Nurhidayati, they are three types of

asking question activities i.e. focus questions, prompting questions, and

probing questions.51

Focus question is used only to know students‘ care and

understanding toward a certain topic being learnt. While prompting question

is used as a tool to make students remember the topic. So, in doing prompting

question, teacher should give students a hint or clue to emphasize the part

that should be remembered by students. The last type is probing question. It

is used to prompt students to give their answer more detail.

c. Reaction Response

Reaction response is a quick strategy where the teacher, after presenting a

controversial topic, asks students to write or orally respond to a question,

such as the following: what information do you question? What information

is new? Students can complete this individually or in small groups. Ask for

volunteers to share their responses.

d. Who am I?

Who am I is a strategy to help students identify name and characteristic of

things. Students should be divided into some groups. Each group should

create characteristic of something, then the other groups should identify the

name of the things. This activity is like a quiz.

e. Assignment with Choice


Nurhidayati, Metode Pembelajaran Interaktif, 2014, p. 8-9, (



This activity allows students to decide how they will demonstrate that they

have learned the required information of skill.

f. Minute Paper

This activity provides students with the opportunity to summarize their

knowledge of the subject they have learned and to ask unanswered question.

g. Discussion

Discussion is a teaching strategy that centers the learning process to

students. This strategy is often used to make the students active and gain

knowledge from their finding. According to Jeremy Harmer, there are three

types of discussion activities i.e. the buzz group, controversial topic, and


h. Think-Pair-Share

This activity needs students to share their opinion with their partner. It is

used as students feedback to what has been taught. The steps of this activity

are thinking, pairing, and sharing. First, students are encouraged to think about

a given problem that has already presented by the teacher. Then, they have to

work in a pair. Finally, every pair shares their opinion about the problem.

Such this activity needs teacher tasks to guide the discussion to the main

problem as well as to add the material that has not been talked by students. At

the end, the teacher should make a conclusion with students.

For more detailed information about how to teach descriptive writing text

using interactive learning, below are the teaching procedures of this study.

Preliminary Activities

Teacher Students

Teacher greets and asks

students condition.

Students give response to the

teacher‘s greeting and asking.

Teacher prepares students to be

ready to learn by showing them a

picture of an animal: a rabbit.

Students look at the picture


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman,

1991), p. 124.


When all students look more

focus and ready, teacher then try to

connect the picture with the current

material by asking, ―what is that?‖,

does it has big ears?, ―how about its

teeth?‖, ―what food they eat?‖,

―what they usually behave?‖, ―why

people have them as their pet?‖, etc.

Students answer, ― that is a picture

of rabbit‖;‖ ―yes, it has big ears‖; ―its

teeth is big and long‖, ―it eats grass‖,

― it usually jump‖, ―people have it

because it is cute and can be eaten as


Teacher then gives students a

puzzle question, ―Ok students, I

have a question for you, what is it?

It eats grass; it has four long feet

and a long neck?‖

Students answer, ―I know, Mam. It

is a giraffe, isn‘t it?‖

Teacher then tells students what

they are going to learn.

Students then know what they are

going to learn.

Main activities

Teacher Students


Teacher shows students a video

then gives them a clue of what

should be highlighted: how to

describe things and how to ask

someone to describe things, as well

as some common adjectives to

describe things.

Students observe the video to know

how to describe things and how to ask

someone to describe things, as well as

some common adjectives to describe


Teacher gives students some

descriptive texts to read in order to

enrich their vocabulary to describe


Students read some descriptive text

to gain many vocabularies to describe




Teacher gives students a chance

to ask any question related to

descriptive text.

Students ask and answer question

related to descriptive text.


Teacher divides students into a

pair then gives equipment for

collecting data. After that, the

teacher gives the rule of the


Students are divided into a pair.

They are given a task. The task is the

first student in a pair should take a

right picture as what the second

student describes. The second

students should describe it by making

spoken descriptive sentence.

After that teacher asks each pair

to make 5 puzzle questions that

should be answered by the other

pairs. This activity is like a quiz.

Who pair that can answer a lot and

rightly, He will win the quiz.

After that each pair should make 5

puzzle questions that should be

answered by the other pairs. This

activity is like a quiz. Who pair that

can answer a lot and rightly, He will

win the quiz.


Teacher gives the students a

chance to describe their favorite

things or people.

The students are asked to describe

one of their favorite things or people


Teacher asks some volunteers to

present their descriptive text.

Students present their descriptive


Teacher asks students to write

journal about what they have learnt.

Students write summary of what

they have learnt.

Closing Activities

Teacher Students

Teacher asks some students to

read aloud their journal then,

Students read their journal then

make a conclusion of what have been


together, make a conclusion about

what have been learnt.

learnt with teacher.

Teacher gives evaluation of

today activity process

Students accept teacher‘s critique

Teacher suggests follow up

activity of the current lesson

Students are suggested to do a

follow up activity at home

Teacher take a leave by greeting Students answer teacher‘s greeting

To sum up, in teaching descriptive writing text using interactive learning, the

writer will use several teaching strategies such as truth statement, asking question,

reaction response, who am I, assignment with choice, minute paper, discussion,

and think-pair-share.

E. Previous Study

There are two related previous study of interactive learning. The first study is

a research that is conducted by Nur Ajeng Solekha about The Effectiveness of

Interactive Learning in Teaching Narrative Text at the second grade of SMA

Muhammadiyah 8 Ciputat. In this research, she found that teaching narrative text

by using interactive learning is effective for students in learning narrative text. It

was proved by the students‘ improvement result in learning narrative text. Further,

the effectiveness of interactive learning is also examined by Eka Pratiwi Septiana

in her research about the Effectiveness of Teaching Passive Voice of the Present

Perfect Tense by using Interactive Learning at the first grade students of SMAN

24 Kabupaten Tangerang. However, in her study, she tried to examine the

influence of interactive learning in teaching grammar i.e. passive voice instead of

text writing. She found that the use of interactive learning can effectively increase

students‘ grammar mastery about passive voice. From the two related previous

study, it can be concluded that using interactive learning is effective in teaching

either grammatical aspect or text writing. For the purpose of this research, the

writer prefers to continue the study of interactive learning but with a different


variable. The variable that will be examined in this study is descriptive text


F. Conceptual Framework

English as an international language becomes as a school subject that has to

be taught in Indonesia. It includes the teaching of descriptive text writing in which

students are asked to be able to write a text that describe about the way of persons,

animals, or thing appear by involving the five senses in giving vivid detail about

the thing so that it will make the subject matter become real for the reader, then

stimulate their imagination to form sensory responses. However, in learning

descriptive text writing, students often find difficulties. They often do not know

not to write and what to write. It happens because students do not really pay

attention to what is being learnt. Their motivation to learn is low because the

activities in the classroom are lecturing and doing task only. Such this technique

then makes students bored and not motivated. To make students motivated to

learn, teacher may use interactive learning technique which is defined as a

technique that promotes a real and active language learning in which students are

actively engaged in learning activities that require students to share their idea with

each other in authentic, exciting and exhilarating interaction. It provides students

with fun and relaxed-learning environment which can increase students‘

motivation to learn. Thus, students‘ motivation will be increasing if the teachers

use interactive learning technique. As a result, it can be predicted that interactive

learning may be effective in the teaching of descriptive text writing to the first

grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

G. Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on the above explanation, the writer makes a hypothesis that

interactive learning is effective or not effective in teaching descriptive text writing

to the first grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang.




A. The Place and Time of the Study

This study was held at the first grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua

Tangerang which is located in Kelapa Dua, Tangerang. This study was conducted

from January 26th

, 2015 up to February 12th

, 2015.

B. The Method of the Research

The method of this research was a quasi-experimental research. The writer

used quasi experimental because the writer faced as situation in which the writer

did not have a possibility to assign individual students to groups randomly, since

it could disturb the classroom learning. The writer taught different classes

employing two different teaching techniques. In experimental class the writer

employed the interactive learning, while in control class the writer employed the

conventional teaching (without using interactive learning).

Figure 3.1: Process of experiment class

Figure 3.2: Process of control class

C. The Population and Sample of the Research

1) Research Population

The population of the research was the first grade students of SMPN 2

Kelapa Dua Tangerang. The first grade students of this school were divided into

eight classes with 40 students in each class. So, the population of this study was

320 students of the eight classes.





2) Research Sample

In taking a sample for this study, the writer used purposive sampling

technique or which is called as a judgment sampling. It is a sampling technique in

which the researcher selects the sample using his consideration about group there

are representative to be a sample.53

In this study, the writers‘ consideration is

about the quality of the sample which should be similar before the treatment.

After conducting a pre-test to the eight classes, the writer found that VII-F and

VII-D have similar quality. So, the writer chose VII-F as an experimental class

and VII-D as a control class for this study. However, when delivering pre-test and

post-test to the classes, there were some students who did not come. Therefore,

the writer could get only 35 students for each class as a sample.

D. The Instrument of the Research

The instrument of the research is a test. It is used to collect data about

students‘ score in each group before and after treatment. Such data is needed to

know the difference achievement between the experimental class and control class

after the treatment was given.

E. The Technique of Data Collection

As stated on the above explanation, the writer used a test to collect data.

While, the technique that were used to collect the data were as follows:

a. Pre-test

Before the treatment, the writer gave a pre-test to the students to check the

extent of students‘ similarity, especially their competency in writing

descriptive text. In this test, students were asked to write a descriptive

paragraph about their favorite food.

b. Post-test

After the treatment, the writer gave a post-test to the students to see students‘

growing score. The instrument of this test was like in a pretest but it was

given after treatment.


Edward L. Vockell and J. William Asher, Educational Research, (New Jersey: Pearson

Education, 2009), p. 135-136.


Further, to facilitate students to write a descriptive text, the writer gave

students guided questions in both pre-test and post-test. The writer also made a

limitation for students‘ writing. The limitation is students should write a

descriptive text consisting of minimal three paragraphs (around 100 words). The

aim of making such limitation is to facilitate the writer to assess students‘ writing.

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

After getting the data, the writer analyzed the data by using statistical

calculation of t-test formula with the degree of significance 5%. This calculation

was used to compare the mean score between the experimental and control group.

The result of this calculation determined the truth or false the null hypothesis and

showed the effectiveness of interactive learning technique in the teaching of

descriptive text writing. The formula of this calculation is as follow54


a. Determining Mean of Variable X:

= ∑

b. Determining Mean of Variable Y:

= ∑

c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X:

= √∑

d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:

= √∑

e. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable X:


f. Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable Y:



Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2004), p. 284.


g. Determining Standard Error of Different Mean of Variable X and Mean of

Variable Y:

= √

h. Determining with formula:


i. Determining t-table in significant level 5% with degree of freedom, with


df = + – 2

G. The Statistical Hypothesis

1. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): teaching descriptive text writing using

interactive learning is effective to the first grade students of SMPN 2

Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

2. Null hypothesis (Ho): teaching descriptive text writing using interactive

learning is not effective to the first grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua





A. The Description of the Data

In this study, the writer used interactive learning as a teaching technique that

was used in the experimental class while in the control class the writer did not use

interactive learning technique. When using this technique, the writer used eight

activities to encourage students to be active and motivated to learn descriptive text

writing. The activities were truth statement, asking question, reaction response,

who am I, assignment with choice, minute paper, discussion, and think-pair share.

Before and after giving the students treatment, the writer delivered pre and

posttest to both groups to know whether interactive learning is effective in

teaching descriptive text writing. From the students‘ pre-tests and post-tests, the

writer got a whole description about students‘ gained scores both in the

experimental and control groups. To summarize of the whole description that can

be gotten from students‘ pre-test and post-test, the writer made the following


Below is table 4.1. In this table, the writer summarized the scores of students‘

pre-test and post-test in the experimental class as well as their gained scores.

Table 4.1

The Scores of Students’ Test in Experimental Class



Number (N1)









Number (N1)







1 56 67 11 18 55 64 9

2 55 63 8 19 36 55 19

3 54 62 8 20 58 69 11

4 58 64 6 21 28 58 30

5 56 64 8 22 88 95 7


6 56 71 15 23 48 64 16

7 53 70 17 24 60 68 8

8 65 75 10 25 92 98 6

9 53 70 17 26 86 92 6

10 52 68 16 27 50 62 12

11 53 68 15 28 64 67 3

12 57 66 9 29 57 71 14

13 59 70 11 30 54 67 13

14 42 75 33 31 73 78 5

15 57 70 13 32 38 62 24

16 60 68 8 33 77 87 10

17 56 70 14 34 56 67 11

35 60 75 15

∑ 35 ∑ 57.77 ∑ 70.28 ∑ 12.51

From the above table, it can be seen that the average score of students‘ pre-

tests in the experimental class is 57.77 and the average score of their post-tests

is70.28. From the pre-test and post-test scores, the writer then got the average of

students‘ gained scores that is 12.51.

For further detailed description, the writer added the following analysis to

show the interval both of pretest and posttest in the experimental class and also

the number of students which got a certain score in the same interval. This

analysis will show the interval score which the most students got.

The following are the calculation of pre-test interval score in the

experimental class and its frequency:

a. Pre-test Statistic Data of Experimental Class

1) The number of class (N), ratio (R) and interval (I) as follow:

C = 1 + 3.322 log N

= 1 + 3.322 log 35

= 6.12 ~ 6


Ratio (R) is the highest mark (H) minus the lowest mark (L) plus 1

R = H – L + 1

= 92 – 28 + 1

= 65

Interval (I) is derived from ratio (R) divided number of class (N)

I =

I =

= 10.8 ~ 11

Table 4.2

Table frequency of pre-test

Score Frequency

28 – 38 3

39 – 49 2

50 – 60 23

61 – 71 2

72 – 82 2

83 – 93 3

Total 35

The above table shows that most of students got scores which fell in the

interval ―50-60‖ and the number of the students which got the score is 23.

Further are the calculation of post-test interval score in the experimental class

and its calculation:

b. Post-test Statistic Data of Experimental Class

1) The number of class (N), ratio (R) and interval (I) as follow:

C = 1 + 3.322 log N

= 1 + 3.322 log 35


= 6.12 ~ 6

Ratio (R) is the highest mark (H) minus the lowest mark (L) plus 1

R = H – L + 1

= 98 – 55 + 1

= 44

Interval (I) is derived from ratio (R) divided number of class (N)

I =

I =

= 7.3 ~ 7

Table 4.3

Table frequency of post-test

Score Frequency

55 – 61 2

62 – 68 17

69 – 75 11

76 – 82 1

83 – 89 1

90 – 96 3

Total 35

As stated above, most of students got scores around 62 – 68 and the number

of the students which got the score is 17.

Furthermore, the writer also summarized the scores of students‘ pre-test and

post-test in the control class as well as their gained score in the following table:


Table 4.4

The Score of Students’ Test in Control Class





















1 57 77 20 18 45 61 16

2 52 60 8 19 64 80 16

3 63 70 7 20 54 65 11

4 44 52 8 21 78 81 3

5 55 58 3 22 54 61 7

6 80 93 13 23 52 60 8

7 44 65 21 24 51 56 5

8 56 58 2 25 46 50 4

9 25 50 25 26 64 66 2

10 62 64 2 27 57 48 -9

11 65 71 6 28 54 60 6

12 26 49 23 29 56 56 0

13 69 71 2 30 83 85 2

14 55 62 7 31 54 62 8

15 65 69 4 32 53 58 5

16 64 71 7 33 51 60 9

17 46 51 5 34 76 78 2

35 36 52 16

∑ 35 ∑ 55.88 ∑ 63.71 ∑ 7.82

The above table shows that the average scores of students‘ pre-test and post-

test in control class are 55.88 and 63.71. Then, the average of students‘ gained

scores between pre-test and post-test is 7.82.


For further detailed description, the writer added the following analysis to

show both pre-test and post-test interval data in the control class as well as the

frequent number of students which got a certain score in the same interval.

The following are the calculation of pre-test interval data in the control class

and its frequency:

a. Pre-test Statistic Data of Control Class

1) The number of class (N), ratio (R) and interval (I) as follow:

C = 1 + 3.322 log N

= 1 + 3.322 log 35

= 6.12 ~ 6

Ratio (R) is the highest mark (H) minus the lowest mark (L) plus 1

R = H – L + 1

= 83 – 25 + 1

= 59

Interval (I) is derived from ratio (R) divided number of class (N)

I =

I =

= 9.8 ~ 10

Table 4.5

Table frequency of pre-test

Score Frequency

25 – 34 2

35 – 44 3

45 – 54 12

55 – 64 11

65 – 74 3


75 – 84 4

Total 35

The above table shows that most of students got scores which fell in the

interval ―45-54‖. The number of the students is 12.

The below are the calculation of post-test interval score in the control class

and its calculation:

b. Post-test Statistic Data of Control Class

1) The number of class (N), ratio (R) and interval (I) as follow:

C = 1 + 3.322 log N

= 1 + 3.322 log 35

= 6.12 ~ 6

Ratio (R) is the highest mark (H) minus the lowest mark (L) plus 1

R = H – L + 1

= 93 – 48 + 1

= 46

Interval (I) is derived from ratio (R) divided number of class (N)

I =

I =

= 7.6 ~ 8

Table 4.6

Table frequency of post-test

Score Frequency

48 – 55 7

56 – 63 13

64 – 71 9

72 – 80 3


81 – 88 2

89 – 96 1

Total 35

As stated in the above table, most of students got scores around 56-63 and the

number of the students which got the score is 13 students.

After that, the writer compared the description analysis in the experimental

and control group by making the following table:

Table 4.7

The result of calculation of the test both experimental class and control class



Number (N)

X Y x y

1 11 20 -1.51 12.18 2.28 148.35

2 8 8 -4.51 0.18 20.34 0.03

3 8 7 -4.51 7.82 20.34 61.15

4 6 8 -6.51 0.18 42.38 0.03

5 8 3 -4.51 -4.82 20.34 23.23

6 15 13 2.49 5.18 6.20 26.83

7 17 21 4.49 13.18 20.16 173.71

8 10 2 -2.51 -5.82 6.30 33.87

9 17 25 4.49 17.18 20.16 295.15

10 16 2 3.49 -5.82 12.18 33.87

11 15 6 2.49 -1.82 6.20 3.31

12 9 23 -3.51 15.18 12.32 230.43

13 11 2 -1.51 -5.82 2.28 33.87

14 33 7 20.49 -0.82 419.84 0.67



15 13 4 0.49 -3.82 0.24 14.59

16 8 7 -4.51 -0.82 20.34 0.67

17 14 5 1.49 -2.82 2.22 7.95

18 9 16 -3.51 8.18 12.32 66.91

19 19 16 6.49 8.18 42.12 66.91

20 11 11 -1.51 3.18 2.28 10.11

21 30 3 17.49 -4.82 305.90 23.23

22 7 7 -5.51 -0.82 30.36 0.67

23 16 8 3.49 0.18 12.18 0.03

24 8 5 -4.51 -2.82 20.34 7.95

25 6 4 -6.51 -3.82 42.38 14.59

26 6 2 -6.51 -5.82 42.38 33.87

27 12 -9 -0.51 -16.82 0.26 282.91

28 3 6 -9.51 -1.82 90.44 3.31

29 14 0 1.49 -7.82 2.22 61.15

30 13 2 0.49 -5.82 0.24 33.87

31 5 8 -7.51 0.18 56.40 0.03

32 24 5 11.49 -2.82 132.02 7.95

33 10 9 -2.51 1.18 6.30 1.39

34 11 2 -1.51 -5.82 2.28 33.87

35 15 16 2.49 8.18 6.20 66.91

∑ 12.51 ∑ 7.82 1440.74 1803.45


X = the students‘ gained score in experimental class

Y = the students‘ gained score in control class

x = X – MX

y = Y – MY


From the above table, it can be seen that the average of students‘ gained score

in the experimental class is higher than those students in the control class. The

students in the experimental class got average gained score 12.51 while those in

the control class got 7.82 as their average gained score.

B. The Analysis of the Data

After describing the data that the writer got from students‘ pre-test and post-

test, the writer then analyzed the data by using statistical calculation of t-test

formula with degree of significance 5%. The following is the analysis:

a. Determining Mean 1 ( )

= ∑

= ∑

= 12.51

b. Determining Mean 2 ( )

= ∑

= ∑

= 7.82

c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X ( )

= √∑

= √

= 6.41

d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y ( )

= √∑

= √

= 7.17


e. Determining Standard Error of Mean Variable X ( )



= 1.09

f. Determining Standard Error of Mean Variable Y ( )



= 1.22

g. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and

Variable Y, the formula is:

= √

= √

= √

= √

= 1.63

h. Determining with formula:




= 2.87

i. Determining t-table in significance 5% with degree of freedom, with


df = (N1 + N2 – 2) = (35 + 35 – 2) = 68

The writer gained t-table


= S.L. 5% = 2.00

j. The comparison between t-score with t-table:

t-score = > = 2.87 > 2.00

From the statistical analysis above, the writer got 2.87 as a value of t-

observation and 2.00 as a value of t-table with significance degree of 5%.

C. The Tests of Hypothesis

Further, as resulted on the above analysis, the t-observation score i.e. 2.87 is

higher than t-table score i.e. 2.00. It means that the Null hypothesis ( ) is

rejected and the Alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. The followings are the

Null and Alternative hypothesis of this study:

3. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): teaching descriptive text writing using

interactive learning is effective to the first grade students of SMPN 2

Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

4. Null hypothesis (Ho): teaching descriptive text writing using interactive

learning is not effective to the first grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua


In other word, this study accepts hypothesis which states the teaching of

descriptive text writing using interactive learning is effective to the first grade

students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua.

D. The Interpretation of the Data

According to the test of hypothesis above, it shows that the value of t-table on

degree of significance of 5% is smaller than the value of t-observation. So, it can

be inferred that the teaching of descriptive text writing using interactive learning


is more effective and more appealing to the first grade students of SMPN 2

Kelapa Dua Tangerang.

It can be seen on the table of the students‘ score that the students who were

taught by using interactive learning in learning descriptive text writing generally

got higher score than the students who were taught without using interactive


Therefore, the writer interprets that the use of interactive learning in teaching

descriptive text writing is effective to the first grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa

Dua Tangerang.




A. Conclusion

Learning descriptive text writing still becomes as a difficult thing for

students, particularly the seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua

Tangerang. Based on the result of the writer‘s observation, the students in that

school still do not know how to write and what to write in descriptive text. It is

because they do not really pay attention to what is being learnt since the teaching

technique that is used is not effective for students. Such teaching technique makes

students bored and not motivated to learn descriptive text writing. Further, to

make students be motivated to learn descriptive text writing, teacher may use an

alternative teaching technique such as interactive learning. This technique

encourages students to be active participants and makes classroom situation be

friendly and relaxed for students. Therefore, students‘ motivation to learn

descriptive text can increase. To examine whether using interactive learning in

teaching descriptive text writing is effective for students, the writer did a quasi-

experimental research employing pre and posttest design. The experimental class

of this study was VII-F while the control class was VII-D. Then, the writer gave a

treatment only to the experimental class and pre as well as posttest to both classes.

The result of the test shows that (2,87) is higher than (2,00). It indicates

to reject the null hypothesis of this study. In other word, the result of this study

accepts the alternative hypothesis which states that using interactive learning is

effective in the teaching of descriptive text writing.

B. Suggestions

At this point, the writer would give some suggestions to enhance students‘

ability in writing descriptive text by using interactive learning. The suggestions


1. The English teacher should be more creative in presenting the material in

order to make the learning material be motivating to students.


2. The English teacher also needs to be creative in designing classroom

activities which can engage students learn descriptive text writing in an

active way. For instance, the teacher may use who am I strategy like a

quiz to make the students actively participate in the learning process. The

teacher may also use think pair and share strategy to make the students

interact with each other. Therefore, it can encourage the emergence of a

friendly-relaxed learning situation in the class.

3. Further, the English teacher is also suggested to include the teaching of

vocabulary to facilitate students express their mind for their writing.

4. The last is the teacher should include the teaching of present tense

grammar to make the students write their text correctly in the term of


Based on the writer‘s experience in conducting this study, those all things

above are regarded as aspects that can influence the effectiveness of interactive

learning in teaching descriptive text writing.



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Topic : Favorite Food

1. What is your favorite food?

2. What are the characteristics of your favorite food?

3. Why do you like it?

Write a descriptive text consisting of minimal 3 paragraphs (around 100



Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang

Kelas/Semester : VII-F/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik/Tema : Describing Animals

Materi : Teks Deskripsi

Pertemuan Ke- : 1

Alokasi Waktu : 1 jam pelajaran

I. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


II. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2.1 Menghargai perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menghargai perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menghargai perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.5 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyebut nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4.5 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda,

dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

III. Indikator

1. Spiritual

Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Sosial

Melakukan sikap jujur dengan tidak menjiplak pada kegiatan menulis

teks deksripsi.

Melakukan sikap bertanggung jawab dengan mengerjakan tugas yang


Menghargai guru dan murid-murid dengan tidak mengganggu ketika

proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

Menunjukkan sikap percaya diri dengan berani memberikan argument,

dan bertanya atau menjawab pertanyaan.

Melakukan sikap gotong royong dengan bekerja sama ketika belajar

dalam kelompok atau berpasangan.

3. Pengetahuan

Menyebutkan nama binatang, benda, dan bangunan public yang dekat

dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Mengidentifikasikan dengan benar tentang jumlah hewan, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4. Keterampilan

Mengimplementasikan penggunaan struktur secara lisan atau tulisan:

Pronouns (It, They, This, That, These, Those, dll) + to be (is / are) + the

name of the noun, untuk menyatakan nama binatang, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Menerapkan dengan benar penggunaan struktur kata benda tunggal

(singular) dan jamak (plural) untuk mengekspresikan jumlah binatang,

benda, dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-

hari dalam bentuk lisan maupun teks tertulis.

Menerapkan penggunaan kosakata (near, in front of, besides, between,

on, in, above, etc) untuk menunjukkan hewan, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Mengimplementasikan penggunaan kata Tanya: What? How many?

Which one? Untuk menanyakan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

IV. Tujuan

1. Spritual

Setelah proses pembelajaran, siswa menjadi bersyukur atas kesempatan

dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi


2. Sosial

Selama proses pembelajaran sedang berlangsung, peserta didik dapat

secara konsisten untuk jujur, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri, toleransi,

dan bekerjasama untuk komunikasi funsional.

3. Pengetahuan

Setelah mengamati teks lisan dan tertulis untuk mengekspresikan dan

bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau bagunan public

yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, peserta didik dapat

menjelaskan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur-unsur bahasa secara


4. Keterampilan

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan tentang teks untuk menyatakan

dan bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, peserta didik

dapat mengembangkan dan membuat dalam bentuk teks lisan dan

tertulis untuk menyatakan dan bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah

binatang, benda, atau bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan

siswa sehari-hari.

V. Materi Pembelajaran

Dibawah ini materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk teks lisan dan tertulis untuk

mengekspresikan dan menanyakan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau

bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari:

1. Fungsi social

a. Memperkenalkan

b. Mengidentifikasi

2. Struktur teks

a. Kata benda tunggal (singular) dan jamak (plural)

b. Kata ganti / pronouns (It, They, This, That, Those, These, dll.) + to be (is

/ are) + nama binatang, benda, atau sebuah bangunan publik (s)

c. Kata tanya / question words (What?, Which one?, How many?) + to be (is

/ are) + nama benda / kata ganti (It, They, This, that, Those, These, dll.) +


3. Unsur bahasa

a. Nama bangunan publik: the post office, the bank, the hospital, etc.

b. Nama binatang: lion, elephant, bird, zebra, etc.

c. Nama benda: chair, bed, table, clock, etc.

d. Kata tanya: What? Which one? How many?

e. The mention of a singular noun with 'a' and 'the' and the plural (-s)

f. Kata ganti: It, They, This, That, Those, These

g. Adverb location (near, in front of, besides, between, on, in, above, etc)

VI. Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Sumber:

Guru : membuat video

2. Media Pembelajaran: laptop, karton, gambar, proyektor, video, speaker, dll.

VII. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan : Pendekatan saintifik

2. Metode : Project-based learning

3. Teknik : Interactive learning

VIII. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal

Guru Siswa

Guru menyapa dan menanyakan

kondisi siswa

Siswa memberikan respon terhadap

ucapan guru dan menanyakan

kondisi guru

Guru mempersiapkan siswa untuk

siap belajar dengan menunjukkan

mereka gambar binatang seekor


Siswa melihat gambar

Ketika semua siswa terlihat lebih

fokus dan siap, guru kemudian

mencoba untuk menghubungkan

gambar dengan materi yang sekarang

dengan bertanya: ―What is that?‖,

Does it has big ears?, ―How about its

teeth?‖, ―What food they eat?‖,

―What they usually behave?‖, ―Why

people have them as their pet?‖, etc.

Siswa menjawab, ― That is a picture

of rabbit‖, ― Yes, it has big ears‖, ―

Its teeth is big and long‖, ― It eats

carrot‖, ― It usually jump‖, ― People

have it because it is cute and can be

eaten as food‖.

Guru kemudian memberikan siswa

sebuah pertanyaan teka-teki, ―Ok

students, I have a question for you,

What is it? It eats grass; It has four

Siswa menjawab, ―I know, Sir. It is

a giraffe, isn‘t it?‖

long feet and a long neck?‖

Guru kemudian memberitahu siswa

apa yang mereka akan pelajari.

Siswa kemudian mengetahui apa

yang mereka akan pelajari.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Siswa


Guru menunjukkan siswa sebuah

video kemudian memberi mereka

petunjuk tentang apa yang harus

disorot: Bagaimana cara untuk

mendeskripsikan benda-benda dan

bagaimana cara untuk menanyakan

seseorang untuk mendeskripsikan

benda, dan juga kata sifat yang

umum untuk mendeskripsikan


Siswa mengamati video untuk

mengetahui bagaimana cara untuk

mendeskripsikan benda dan

bagaimana cara untuk menanyakan

seseorang untuk mendeskripsikan

benda, dan juga beberapa kata sifat

yang umum untuk mendeskripsikan


Guru memberikan siswa beberapa

teks deskripsi untuk dibaca agar

dapat meningkatkan kosakata

mereka untuk mendeskripsikan


Siswa membaca beberapa teks

deskripsi untuk mendapatkan

banyak kosakata untuk

mendeskripsikan sesuatu.


Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan

untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang

berhubungan dengan teks deskripsi.

Siswa bertanya dan menjawab

pertanyaan yang berhubungan

dengan teks deskripsi.


Guru membagi siswa menjadi

berpasangan kemudian memberikan

peralatan untuk mengumpulkan data.

Setelah itu, guru memberikan aturan


Siswa dibagi menjadi sepasang.

Mereka diberi sebuah tugas.

Tugasnya yaitu murid pertama

dalam pasangan harus mengambil

gambar yang tepat seperti apa yang

siswa kedua deskripsikan. Jadi,

siswa yang kedua harus

mendeskripsikan dengan membuat

kalimat deskripsi secara lisan.

Setelah itu, guru meminta setiap

pasangan untuk membuat 5

pertanyaan teka-teki yang harus

dijawab oleh pasangan lain. Kegiatan

ini seperti kuis. Siapa pasangan yang

bisa menjawab paling banyak dan

benar, maka pasangan itu yang akan

memenangkan kuis ini.

Setelah itu, setiap pasangan harus

membuat 5 pertanyaan teka-teki

yang harus dijawab oleh pasangan



Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan

untuk mendeskripsikan benda atau

orang yang mereka sukai.

Para siswa diminta untuk

mendeskripsikan salah satu benda

favorit atau orang yang mereka



Guru meminta beberapa sukarelawan

untuk menyajikan teks deskripsi


Siswa mempresentasikan teks

deskripsi mereka.

Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis

jurnal tentang apa yang telah mereka


Siswa menulis ringkasan dari apa

yang telah mereka pelajari.

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru Siswa

Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk

membacakan jurnal mereka.

Kemudian, secara bersama-sama

membuat sebuah kesimpulan tentang

apa yang telah dipelajari.

Siswa membaca jurnal mereka.

Kemudian membuat kesimpulan

dari apa yang telah dipelajari

dengan guru.

Guru memberikan evaluasi proses

kegiatan hari ini

Siswa menerima kritik guru

Guru menunjukan tindak lanjut

kegiatan sekarang

Siswa disarankan untuk melakukan

tindak lanjut kegiatan di rumah.

Guru meninggalkan dengan ucapan. Siswa menjawab ucapan guru

IX. Penilaian

Dibawah ini adalah rubric penilaian praktek:

Kriteria Jika respon

benar, ucapan



benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

benar, ucapan



salah, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

kurang tepat,

ucapan salah,

intonasi salah,



tidak lancar.

Nilai Excellent


Very Good








Tangerang, 30 Januari 2015


Anang Tri Wahyudi

NIM. 1110014000031


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang

Kelas/Semester : VII-F/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik/Tema : Describing Fruits

Materi : Teks Deskripsi

Pertemuan Ke- : 2

Alokasi Waktu : 1 jam pelajaran

X. Kompetensi Inti

5. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

6. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

7. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

8. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


XI. Kompetensi Dasar

1.2 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2.4 Menghargai perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

2.5 Menghargai perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.6 Menghargai perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.6 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyebut nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4.6 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda,

dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

XII. Indikator

1. Spiritual

Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Sosial

Melakukan sikap jujur dengan tidak menjiplak pada kegiatan menulis

teks deksripsi.

Melakukan sikap bertanggung jawab dengan mengerjakan tugas yang


Menghargai guru dan murid-murid dengan tidak mengganggu ketika

proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

Menunjukkan sikap percaya diri dengan berani memberikan argument,

dan bertanya atau menjawab pertanyaan.

Melakukan sikap gotong royong dengan bekerja sama ketika belajar

dalam kelompok atau berpasangan.

3. Pengetahuan

Menyebutkan nama binatang, benda, dan bangunan public yang dekat

dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Mengidentifikasikan dengan benar tentang jumlah hewan, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4. Keterampilan

Mengimplementasikan penggunaan struktur secara lisan atau tulisan:

Pronouns (It, They, This, That, These, Those, dll) + to be (is / are) + the

name of the noun, untuk menyatakan nama binatang, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Menerapkan dengan benar penggunaan struktur kata benda tunggal

(singular) dan jamak (plural) untuk mengekspresikan jumlah binatang,

benda, dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-

hari dalam bentuk lisan maupun teks tertulis.

Menerapkan penggunaan kosakata (near, in front of, besides, between,

on, in, above, etc) untuk menunjukkan hewan, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Mengimplementasikan penggunaan kata Tanya: What? How many?

Which one? Untuk menanyakan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

XIII. Tujuan

1. Spritual

Setelah proses pembelajaran, siswa menjadi bersyukur atas kesempatan

dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi


2. Sosial

Selama proses pembelajaran sedang berlangsung, peserta didik dapat

secara konsisten untuk jujur, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri, toleransi,

dan bekerjasama untuk komunikasi funsional.

3. Pengetahuan

Setelah mengamati teks lisan dan tertulis untuk mengekspresikan dan

bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau bagunan public

yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, peserta didik dapat

menjelaskan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur-unsur bahasa secara


4. Keterampilan

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan tentang teks untuk menyatakan

dan bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, peserta didik

dapat mengembangkan dan membuat dalam bentuk teks lisan dan

tertulis untuk menyatakan dan bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah

binatang, benda, atau bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan

siswa sehari-hari.

XIV. Materi Pembelajaran

Dibawah ini materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk teks lisan dan tertulis untuk

mengekspresikan dan menanyakan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau

bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari:

4. Fungsi social

a. Memperkenalkan

b. Mengidentifikasi

5. Struktur teks

a. Kata benda tunggal (singular) dan jamak (plural)

b. Kata ganti / pronouns (It, They, This, That, Those, These, dll.) + to be (is

/ are) + nama binatang, benda, atau sebuah bangunan publik (s)

c. Kata tanya / question words (What?, Which one?, How many?) + to be (is

/ are) + nama benda / kata ganti (It, They, This, that, Those, These, dll.) +


6. Unsur bahasa

h. Nama bangunan publik: the post office, the bank, the hospital, etc.

i. Nama binatang: lion, elephant, bird, zebra, etc.

j. Nama buah: banana, grape, durian, mango, etc.

k. Kata tanya: What? Which one? How many?

l. The mention of a singular noun with 'a' and 'the' and the plural (-s)

m. Kata ganti: It, They, This, That, Those, These

n. Adverb location (near, in front of, besides, between, on, in, above, etc)

XV. Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

3. Sumber:

Guru : membuat video

4. Media Pembelajaran: laptop, karton, gambar, proyektor, video, speaker, dll.

XVI. Metode Pembelajaran

4. Pendekatan : Pendekatan saintifik

5. Metode : Project-based learning

6. Teknik : Interactive learning

XVII. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal

Guru Siswa

Guru menyapa dan menanyakan

kondisi siswa

Siswa memberikan respon terhadap

ucapan guru dan menanyakan

kondisi guru

Guru mempersiapkan siswa untuk

siap belajar dengan menunjukkan

mereka gambar buah kelapa.

Siswa melihat gambar

Ketika semua siswa terlihat lebih

fokus dan siap, guru kemudian

mencoba untuk menghubungkan

gambar dengan materi yang sekarang

dengan bertanya: ―What is this?‖,

‖What is the color of the fruit?‖,

―Does it has a peel?‖, ―It has seed,

isn‘t it?‖, ―What does it taste?‖,

―Does it has flesh?‖, and ―What else

it has?‖.

Siswa menjawab, ― That is a picture

of coconuts‖, ―The color of the

coconut is green‖, ―Yes, it has a

peel‖, ―No, it has not seed‖, ―it tastes

sweet.‖, ―Yes, it has flesh‖, etc.

Guru kemudian memberikan siswa

sebuah pertanyaan teka-teki, ―Ok

students, I have a question for you,

What is it? I am a fruit. I have a peel.

Siswa menjawab, ―I know, Sir. It is a

durian, isn‘t it?‖

My peel is green, hard and sharp.

The peel is like thorn. Inside the peel,

there is my flesh. The flesh is yellow

and has a seed. It tastes sweet and

smells fragrant.

Guru kemudian memberitahu siswa

apa yang mereka akan pelajari.

Siswa kemudian mengetahui apa

yang mereka akan pelajari.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Siswa


Guru menunjukkan siswa sebuah

video kemudian memberi mereka

petunjuk tentang apa yang harus

disorot: Bagaimana cara untuk

mendeskripsikan benda-benda dan

bagaimana cara untuk menanyakan

seseorang untuk mendeskripsikan

benda, dan juga kata sifat yang

umum untuk mendeskripsikan


Siswa mengamati video untuk

mengetahui bagaimana cara untuk

mendeskripsikan benda dan

bagaimana cara untuk menanyakan

seseorang untuk mendeskripsikan

benda, dan juga beberapa kata sifat

yang umum untuk mendeskripsikan


Guru memberikan siswa beberapa

teks deskripsi untuk dibaca agar

dapat meningkatkan kosakata

mereka untuk mendeskripsikan


Siswa membaca beberapa teks

deskripsi untuk mendapatkan

banyak kosakata untuk

mendeskripsikan sesuatu.


Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan

untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang

berhubungan dengan teks deskripsi.

Siswa bertanya dan menjawab

pertanyaan yang berhubungan

dengan teks deskripsi.


Guru membagi siswa menjadi

berpasangan kemudian memberikan

peralatan untuk mengumpulkan data.

Setelah itu, guru memberikan aturan


Siswa dibagi menjadi sepasang.

Mereka diberi sebuah tugas.

Tugasnya yaitu murid pertama

dalam pasangan harus mengambil

gambar yang tepat seperti apa yang

siswa kedua deskripsikan. Jadi,

siswa yang kedua harus

mendeskripsikan dengan membuat

kalimat deskripsi secara lisan.

Setelah itu, guru meminta setiap

pasangan untuk membuat 5

pertanyaan teka-teki yang harus

dijawab oleh pasangan lain. Kegiatan

ini seperti kuis. Siapa pasangan yang

bisa menjawab paling banyak dan

benar, maka pasangan itu yang akan

memenangkan kuis ini.

Setelah itu, setiap pasangan harus

membuat 5 pertanyaan teka-teki

yang harus dijawab oleh pasangan



Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan

untuk mendeskripsikan benda atau

orang yang mereka sukai.

Para siswa diminta untuk

mendeskripsikan salah satu benda

favorit atau orang yang mereka



Guru meminta beberapa sukarelawan

untuk menyajikan teks deskripsi


Siswa mempresentasikan teks

deskripsi mereka.

Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis

jurnal tentang apa yang telah mereka


Siswa menulis ringkasan dari apa

yang telah mereka pelajari.

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru Siswa

Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk

membacakan jurnal mereka.

Kemudian, secara bersama-sama

membuat sebuah kesimpulan tentang

apa yang telah dipelajari.

Siswa membaca jurnal mereka.

Kemudian membuat kesimpulan

dari apa yang telah dipelajari

dengan guru.

Guru memberikan evaluasi proses

kegiatan hari ini

Siswa menerima kritik guru

Guru menunjukan tindak lanjut

kegiatan sekarang

Siswa disarankan untuk melakukan

tindak lanjut kegiatan di rumah.

Guru meninggalkan dengan ucapan. Siswa menjawab ucapan guru

XVIII. Penilaian

Dibawah ini adalah rubric penilaian praktek:

Kriteria Jika respon

benar, ucapan



benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

benar, ucapan



salah, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

kurang tepat,

ucapan salah,

intonasi salah,



tidak lancar.

Nilai Excellent


Very Good








Tangerang, 2 February 2015


Anang Tri Wahyudi

NIM. 1110014000031


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang

Kelas/Semester : VII-F/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik/Tema : Describing Food

Materi : Teks Deskripsi

Pertemuan Ke- : 3

Alokasi Waktu : 1 jam pelajaran

XIX. Kompetensi Inti

9. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

10. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

11. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

12. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


XX. Kompetensi Dasar

1.3 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2.7 Menghargai perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

2.8 Menghargai perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.9 Menghargai perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.7 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyebut nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4.7 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda,

dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

XXI. Indikator

1. Spiritual

Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional.

2. Sosial

Melakukan sikap jujur dengan tidak menjiplak pada kegiatan menulis

teks deksripsi.

Melakukan sikap bertanggung jawab dengan mengerjakan tugas yang


Menghargai guru dan murid-murid dengan tidak mengganggu ketika

proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

Menunjukkan sikap percaya diri dengan berani memberikan argument,

dan bertanya atau menjawab pertanyaan.

Melakukan sikap gotong royong dengan bekerja sama ketika belajar

dalam kelompok atau berpasangan.

3. Pengetahuan

Menyebutkan nama binatang, benda, dan bangunan public yang dekat

dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Mengidentifikasikan dengan benar tentang jumlah hewan, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4. Keterampilan

Mengimplementasikan penggunaan struktur secara lisan atau tulisan:

Pronouns (It, They, This, That, These, Those, dll) + to be (is / are) + the

name of the noun, untuk menyatakan nama binatang, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Menerapkan dengan benar penggunaan struktur kata benda tunggal

(singular) dan jamak (plural) untuk mengekspresikan jumlah binatang,

benda, dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-

hari dalam bentuk lisan maupun teks tertulis.

Menerapkan penggunaan kosakata (On the right, on the left, in the

middle, in the background, next to, behind, in front of, etc) untuk

menunjukkan hewan, benda, dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan

kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Mengimplementasikan penggunaan kata Tanya: What? How many?

Which one? Untuk menanyakan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan

bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

XXII. Tujuan

1. Spritual

Setelah proses pembelajaran, siswa menjadi bersyukur atas kesempatan

dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi


2. Sosial

Selama proses pembelajaran sedang berlangsung, peserta didik dapat

secara konsisten untuk jujur, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri, toleransi,

dan bekerjasama untuk komunikasi funsional.

3. Pengetahuan

Setelah mengamati teks lisan dan tertulis untuk mengekspresikan dan

bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau bagunan public

yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, peserta didik dapat

menjelaskan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur-unsur bahasa secara


4. Keterampilan

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan tentang teks untuk menyatakan

dan bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, peserta didik

dapat mengembangkan dan membuat dalam bentuk teks lisan dan

tertulis untuk menyatakan dan bertanya tentang nama dan jumlah

binatang, benda, atau bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan

siswa sehari-hari.

XXIII. Materi Pembelajaran

Dibawah ini materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk teks lisan dan tertulis untuk

mengekspresikan dan menanyakan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, atau

bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari:

7. Fungsi social

a. Memperkenalkan

b. Mengidentifikasi

8. Struktur teks

a. Kata benda tunggal (singular) dan jamak (plural)

b. Kata ganti / pronouns (It, They, This, That, Those, These, dll.) + to be (is

/ are) + nama makanan (s)

c. Kata tanya / question words (What?, Which one?, How many?) + to be (is

/ are) + nama benda / kata ganti (It, They, This, that, Those, These, dll.) +


9. Unsur bahasa

o. Nama bangunan publik: the post office, the bank, the hospital, etc.

p. Nama binatang: lion, elephant, bird, zebra, etc.

q. Nama makanan: Meatball, Soto, Pizza, Fried Rice, etc.

r. Kata tanya: What is your favorite food? What is the characteristics of the

food? What does it taste?

s. The mention of a singular noun with 'a' and 'the' and the plural (-s)

t. Kata ganti: It, They, This, That, Those, These

u. Adverb location: (On the right, on the left, in the middle, in the

background, next to, behind, in front of…, etc.)

XXIV. Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

5. Sumber:

Guru : membuat video

6. Media Pembelajaran: laptop, karton, gambar, proyektor, video, speaker, dll.

XXV. Metode Pembelajaran

7. Pendekatan : Pendekatan saintifik

8. Metode : Project-based learning

9. Teknik : Interactive learning

XXVI. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Awal

Guru Siswa

Guru menyapa dan menanyakan

kondisi siswa

Siswa memberikan respon terhadap

ucapan guru dan menanyakan

kondisi guru

Guru mempersiapkan siswa untuk

siap belajar dengan menunjukkan

mereka gambar makanan Fried Rice.

Siswa melihat gambar

Ketika semua siswa terlihat lebih

fokus dan siap, guru kemudian

mencoba untuk menghubungkan

gambar dengan materi yang sekarang

dengan bertanya: ―What is that?‖,

―Where is it from?‖, What does it

taste?‖, ―What else the characteristics

of fried rice?‖.

Siswa menjawab, ― That is a picture

of Fried Rice‖, ―It is from

Indonesia‖, ―It tastes delicious‖, ―it

looks brown and it is cooked by


Guru kemudian memberikan siswa

sebuah pertanyaan teka-teki, ―Ok

students, I have a question for you,

What is it? It is from America; It is

Siswa menjawab, ―I know, Sir. It is

a Pizza, isn‘t it?‖

delicious and it looks round?‖

Guru kemudian memberitahu siswa

apa yang mereka akan pelajari.

Siswa kemudian mengetahui apa

yang mereka akan pelajari.

Kegiatan Inti

Guru Siswa


Guru menunjukkan siswa sebuah

video kemudian memberi mereka

petunjuk tentang apa yang harus

disorot: Bagaimana cara untuk

mendeskripsikan benda-benda dan

bagaimana cara untuk menanyakan

seseorang untuk mendeskripsikan

benda, dan juga kata sifat yang

umum untuk mendeskripsikan


Siswa mengamati video untuk

mengetahui bagaimana cara untuk

mendeskripsikan benda dan

bagaimana cara untuk menanyakan

seseorang untuk mendeskripsikan

benda, dan juga beberapa kata sifat

yang umum untuk mendeskripsikan


Guru memberikan siswa beberapa

teks deskripsi untuk dibaca agar

dapat meningkatkan kosakata

mereka untuk mendeskripsikan


Siswa membaca beberapa teks

deskripsi untuk mendapatkan

banyak kosakata untuk

mendeskripsikan sesuatu.


Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan

untuk mengajukan pertanyaan yang

berhubungan dengan teks deskripsi.

Siswa bertanya dan menjawab

pertanyaan yang berhubungan

dengan teks deskripsi.


Guru membagi siswa menjadi

berpasangan kemudian memberikan

peralatan untuk mengumpulkan data.

Setelah itu, guru memberikan aturan


Siswa dibagi menjadi sepasang.

Mereka diberi sebuah tugas.

Tugasnya yaitu murid pertama

dalam pasangan harus mengambil

gambar yang tepat seperti apa yang

siswa kedua deskripsikan. Jadi,

siswa yang kedua harus

mendeskripsikan dengan membuat

kalimat deskripsi secara lisan.

Setelah itu, guru meminta setiap

pasangan untuk membuat 5

pertanyaan teka-teki yang harus

dijawab oleh pasangan lain. Kegiatan

ini seperti kuis. Siapa pasangan yang

bisa menjawab paling banyak dan

benar, maka pasangan itu yang akan

memenangkan kuis ini.

Setelah itu, setiap pasangan harus

membuat 5 pertanyaan teka-teki

yang harus dijawab oleh pasangan



Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan

untuk mendeskripsikan benda atau

orang yang mereka sukai.

Para siswa diminta untuk

mendeskripsikan salah satu benda

favorit atau orang yang mereka



Guru meminta beberapa sukarelawan

untuk menyajikan teks deskripsi


Siswa mempresentasikan teks

deskripsi mereka.

Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis

jurnal tentang apa yang telah mereka


Siswa menulis ringkasan dari apa

yang telah mereka pelajari.

Kegiatan Penutup

Guru Siswa

Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk

membacakan jurnal mereka.

Kemudian, secara bersama-sama

membuat sebuah kesimpulan tentang

apa yang telah dipelajari.

Siswa membaca jurnal mereka.

Kemudian membuat kesimpulan

dari apa yang telah dipelajari

dengan guru.

Guru memberikan evaluasi proses

kegiatan hari ini

Siswa menerima kritik guru

Guru menunjukan tindak lanjut

kegiatan sekarang

Siswa disarankan untuk melakukan

tindak lanjut kegiatan di rumah.

Guru meninggalkan dengan ucapan. Siswa menjawab ucapan guru

XXVII. Penilaian

Dibawah ini adalah rubric penilaian praktek:

Kriteria Jika respon

benar, ucapan



benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

benar, ucapan



salah, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

kurang tepat,

ucapan salah,

intonasi salah,



tidak lancar.

Nilai Excellent


Very Good








Tangerang, 6 Februari 2015


Anang Tri Wahyudi

NIM. 1110014000031


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang

Kelas/Semester : VII-D/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik/Tema : Describing Place

Materi : Teks Deskripsi

Pertemuan Ke- : 1

Alokasi Waktu : 1 jam pelajaran

XXVIII. Kompetensi Inti

13. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

14. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

15. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

16. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


XXIX. Kompetensi Dasar

1.4 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional.

a. Menghargai perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.8 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyebut nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4.8 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda,

dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

XXX. Indikator

1. Spiritual

mensyukuri anugerah Tuhan akan keberadaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional

2. Sosial

melakukan sikap yang bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama dan cinta

damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional secara konsisten

3. Pengetahuan

memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan

dan tulis untuk menyebut nama bangunan publik yang dekat dengan

kehidupan peserta didik sehari-hari

4. Ketrampilan

menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda, dan

bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan peserta didik sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

XXXI. Tujuan

1. Spiritual

Setelah proses pembelajaran peserta didik mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa Internasional secara konsisten.

2. Sosial

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan teks lisan dan tulis tentang deskripsi

tempat, peserta didik berperilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama dan

cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional secara konsisten.

3. Pengetahuan

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan teks lisan dan tulis tentang deskripsi

tempat, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan secara tepat.

4. Ketrampilan

Setelah memahami dan mendiskusikan teks interpersonal lisan dan tulis,

peserta didik dapat menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama

bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan peserta sehari-hari, dengan

unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks secara baik

XXXII. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis tentang mendeskripsikan tempat

1. Fungsi sosial

a. Mengenalkan

b. Mengidentifikasi

2. Struktur teks

a. Tempat yang digambarkan

b. Ciri ciri apa saja yang ada di tempat itu

3. Unsur kebahasaan

a. Nama bangunan umum: the post office, the bank, the hospital

b. Kata tanya : What? Which one? How many?

c. Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan ‗a‘ dan ‗the‘ dan plural (-s)

d. Kata ganti ‗it, they, this, that, those, these

e. Ungkapan There is/are ....., Are there .....?

XXXIII. Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

7. Sumber:

Buku paket siswa ‗When English Rings The Bell‘ diterbitkan oleh

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

8. Media Pembelajaran: White Board, Board marker

XXXIV. Metode Pembelajaran

10. Pendekatan : Pendekatan saintifik

11. Metode : Project-based learning

12. Teknik : ceramah, tanya jawab, pemberian tugas

XXXV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran




a. Peserta didik merespon salam dan pertanyaan dan guru dengan

kondisi dan pembelajaran sebelumnya.

b. Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang keterkaitan

pembelajaran sebelumnya dengan pembelajaran yang akan


c. Peserta didik menerima informasi kompetensi, materi, tujuan,

manfaat, dan langkah pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

5 menit



a. Mengamati

Peserta didik mendengarkan dan melihat apa yang guru

jelaskan teks deskripsi tentang sebuah tempat.

b. Menanya

Guru mengarahkan peserta didik untuk bertanya mengenai

materi atau bahan ajar tentang fungsi sosial, ungkapan yang

terkait dengan materi, dan unsur kebahasaan

c. Menalar

Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengidentifikasi nama-

nama tempat umum berdasar gambar yang diberikan guru

Dengan bimbingan guru peserta didik mendiskusikan ciri-

ciri tempat umum yang ada di gambar dengan bantuan

preposisi semacam near, next to, in front of dan behind

d. Mencoba

Peserta didik secara berkelompok membuat peta kota yang

berisikan tempat tempat umum dengan bantuan platform

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

yang diberi oleh guru.

e. Mengkomunikasikan

Peserta didik mempresentasikan secara singkat peta kota

yang telah mereka buat secara lisan.

Peserta didik memperoleh balikan dari guru dan teman

tentang performa presentasi yang disampaikan.

10 menit

Penutup a. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran.

b. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


c. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru

5 menit

XXXVI. Penilaian

Dibawah ini adalah rubric penilaian praktek:

Kriteria Jika respon

benar, ucapan



benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

benar, ucapan



salah, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

kurang tepat,

ucapan salah,

intonasi salah,



tidak lancar.

Nilai Excellent


Very Good








Tangerang, 29 Januari 2015


Anang Tri Wahyudi

NIM. 1110014000031


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang

Kelas/Semester : VII-D/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik/Tema : Describing Animals

Materi : Teks Deskripsi

Pertemuan Ke- : 2

Alokasi Waktu : 1 jam pelajaran

XXXVII. Kompetensi Inti

17. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

18. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

19. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

20. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


XXXVIII. Kompetensi Dasar

1.5 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional.

a. Menghargai perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.9 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyebut nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4.9 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda,

dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

XXXIX. Indikator

5. Spiritual

mensyukuri anugerah Tuhan akan keberadaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional

6. Sosial

melakukan sikap yang bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama dan cinta

damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional secara konsisten

7. Pengetahuan

memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan

dan tulis untuk menyebut nama binatang yang dekat dengan kehidupan

peserta didik sehari-hari

8. Ketrampilan

menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda, dan

bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan peserta didik sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

XL. Tujuan

5. Spiritual

Setelah proses pembelajaran peserta didik mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa Internasional secara konsisten.

6. Sosial

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan teks lisan dan tulis tentang deskripsi

tempat, peserta didik berperilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama dan

cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional secara konsisten.

7. Pengetahuan

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan teks lisan dan tulis tentang deskripsi

binatang, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan secara tepat.

8. Ketrampilan

Setelah memahami dan mendiskusikan teks interpersonal lisan dan tulis,

peserta didik dapat menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama

binatang yang dekat dengan kehidupan peserta sehari-hari, dengan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks secara baik

XLI. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis tentang mendeskripsikan tempat

4. Fungsi sosial

c. Mengenalkan

d. Mengidentifikasi

5. Struktur teks

c. Binatang yang digambarkan

d. Ciri ciri apa saja pada binatang itu

6. Unsur kebahasaan

f. Nama binatang: bird, fish, cow, etc.

g. Kata tanya : What? Which one? How many?

h. Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan ‗a‘ dan ‗the‘ dan plural (-s)

i. Kata ganti ‗it, they, this, that, those, these

j. Ungkapan There is/are ....., Are there .....?

XLII. Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

9. Sumber:

Buku paket siswa ‗When English Rings The Bell‘ diterbitkan oleh

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

10. Media Pembelajaran: White Board, Board marker

XLIII. Metode Pembelajaran

13. Pendekatan : Pendekatan saintifik

14. Metode : Project-based learning

15. Teknik : ceramah, tanya jawab, pemberian tugas

XLIV. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran




d. Peserta didik merespon salam dan pertanyaan dan guru dengan

kondisi dan pembelajaran sebelumnya.

e. Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang keterkaitan

pembelajaran sebelumnya dengan pembelajaran yang akan


f. Peserta didik menerima informasi kompetensi, materi, tujuan,

manfaat, dan langkah pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

5 menit



f. Mengamati

Peserta didik mendengarkan dan melihat apa yang guru

jelaskan teks deskripsi tentang binatang.

g. Menanya

Guru mengarahkan peserta didik untuk bertanya mengenai

materi atau bahan ajar tentang fungsi sosial, ungkapan yang

terkait dengan materi, dan unsur kebahasaan

h. Menalar

Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengidentifikasi nama-

nama binatang berdasar gambar yang diberikan guru

Dengan bimbingan guru peserta didik mendiskusikan ciri-

ciri tempat umum yang ada di gambar dengan bantuan

preposisi semacam near, next to, in front of dan behind

i. Mencoba

Peserta didik secara berkelompok membuat kalimat

tentang ciri-ciri binatang yang telah diberikan oleh guru.

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

j. Mengkomunikasikan

Peserta didik mempresentasikan secara singkat ciri

binatang yang telah mereka buat secara lisan.

Peserta didik memperoleh balikan dari guru dan teman

tentang performa presentasi yang disampaikan.

10 menit

Penutup d. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran.

e. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


f. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru

5 menit

XLV. Penilaian

Dibawah ini adalah rubric penilaian praktek:

Kriteria Jika respon

benar, ucapan



benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

benar, ucapan



salah, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

kurang tepat,

ucapan salah,

intonasi salah,



tidak lancar.

Nilai Excellent


Very Good








Tangerang, 3 Februari 2015


Anang Tri Wahyudi

NIM. 1110014000031


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 2 Kelapa Dua Tangerang

Kelas/Semester : VII-D/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik/Tema : Describing Food

Materi : Teks Deskripsi

Pertemuan Ke- : 3

Alokasi Waktu : 1 jam pelajaran

XLVI. Kompetensi Inti

21. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

22. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan

pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

23. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

24. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


XLVII. Kompetensi Dasar

1.6 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional.

a. Menghargai perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.10 Memahami tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan dan

tulis untuk menyebut nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan

public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

4.10 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda,

dan bangunan public yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

XLVIII. Indikator

9. Spiritual

mensyukuri anugerah Tuhan akan keberadaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional

10. Sosial

melakukan sikap yang bertanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama dan cinta

damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional secara konsisten

11. Pengetahuan

memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks lisan

dan tulis untuk menyebut nama binatang yang dekat dengan kehidupan

peserta didik sehari-hari

12. Ketrampilan

menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama binatang, benda, dan

bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan peserta didik sehari-hari,

dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

XLIX. Tujuan

9. Spiritual

Setelah proses pembelajaran peserta didik mensyukuri kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa Internasional secara konsisten.

10. Sosial

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan teks lisan dan tulis tentang deskripsi

makanan, peserta didik berperilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama dan

cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional secara konsisten.

11. Pengetahuan

Setelah mengamati dan mendiskusikan teks lisan dan tulis tentang deskripsi

makanan, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan secara tepat.

12. Ketrampilan

Setelah memahami dan mendiskusikan teks interpersonal lisan dan tulis,

peserta didik dapat menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan nama

makanan yang dekat dengan kehidupan peserta sehari-hari, dengan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks secara baik

L. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis tentang mendeskripsikan tempat

7. Fungsi sosial

e. Mengenalkan

f. Mengidentifikasi

8. Struktur teks

e. Makanan yang digambarkan

f. Ciri ciri apa saja pada makanan itu

9. Unsur kebahasaan

k. Nama makanan: pizza, fried rice, etc.

l. Kata tanya : What? Which one? How many?

m. Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan ‗a‘ dan ‗the‘ dan plural (-s)

n. Kata ganti ‗it, they, this, that, those, these

o. Ungkapan There is/are ....., Are there .....?

LI. Media/Sumber Pembelajaran

11. Sumber:

Buku paket siswa ‗When English Rings The Bell‘ diterbitkan oleh

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

12. Media Pembelajaran: White Board, Board marker

LII. Metode Pembelajaran

16. Pendekatan : Pendekatan saintifik

17. Metode : Project-based learning

18. Teknik : ceramah, tanya jawab, pemberian tugas

LIII. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran




g. Peserta didik merespon salam dan pertanyaan dan guru dengan

kondisi dan pembelajaran sebelumnya.

h. Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang keterkaitan

pembelajaran sebelumnya dengan pembelajaran yang akan


i. Peserta didik menerima informasi kompetensi, materi, tujuan,

manfaat, dan langkah pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan

5 menit



k. Mengamati

Peserta didik mendengarkan dan melihat apa yang guru

jelaskan teks deskripsi tentang makanan.

l. Menanya

Guru mengarahkan peserta didik untuk bertanya mengenai

materi atau bahan ajar tentang fungsi sosial, ungkapan yang

terkait dengan materi, dan unsur kebahasaan

m. Menalar

Peserta didik secara berkelompok mengidentifikasi nama-

nama binatang berdasar gambar yang diberikan guru

Dengan bimbingan guru peserta didik mendiskusikan ciri-

ciri tempat umum yang ada di gambar dengan bantuan

preposisi semacam near, next to, in front of dan behind

n. Mencoba

Peserta didik secara berkelompok membuat kalimat

tentang ciri-ciri makanan yang telah diberikan oleh guru.

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

o. Mengkomunikasikan

Peserta didik mempresentasikan secara singkat ciri

makanan yang telah mereka buat secara lisan.

Peserta didik memperoleh balikan dari guru dan teman

tentang performa presentasi yang disampaikan.

10 menit

Penutup g. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran.

h. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


i. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru

5 menit

LIV. Penilaian

Dibawah ini adalah rubric penilaian praktek:

Kriteria Jika respon

benar, ucapan



benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan



Jika respon

benar, ucapan

benar, intonasi

benar, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

benar, ucapan



salah, dan


tidak lancar.

Jika respon

kurang tepat,

ucapan salah,

intonasi salah,



tidak lancar.

Nilai Excellent


Very Good








Tangerang, 5 Februari 2015


Anang Tri Wahyudi

NIM. 1110014000031