the effect of using a self development video …

THE EFFECT OF USING A SELF DEVELOPMENT VIDEO MATERIALS TOWARD STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY ( A Pre-Experimental Research in Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 7 Selayar) A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment on the Requirements for the Degree of Education in English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Makassar Muhammadiyah University BY SILVA LIANI 10535 6475 15 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2019

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( A Pre-Experimental Research

in Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 7 Selayar)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment on the Requirements for the

Degree of Education in English Education Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of

Makassar Muhammadiyah University



10535 6475 15





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Nama : Silva Liani

NIM : 10535 6475 15

Program : English Education Department

TITLE : The Effect Of Using A Self Development Video Materials Toward

Students’ Writing Ability

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Makassar, September 2019

Yang membuat perjanjian

Silva Liani




Nama : Silva Liani

NIM : 10535 6475 15

Program : English Education Department

TITLE : The Effect Of Using A Self Development Video Materials Toward

Students’ Writing Ability

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Makassar, September 2019

Yang membuat perjanjian

Silva Liani


SILVA. 2019. The Effect of Using A Self Development Video Materials Toward Students’ Writing Ability at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 7 Selayar ( an experimental research ) supervised by Dr. Muh. Arief Paturusi, M.Pd. and Wildhan Burhanuddin, S.Pd., M.Hum. The research aimed at finding out the significance of using a self development video materials in teaching writing. A self development video materials means the researcher designed the material into a video form. The material designed was a report text. The scope in this research was focus to analyze students’ writing ability in terms of content and organization. The data of the research were collected by using test. The test divided into pre-test and post-test. Based on the result of pre-test and post-test, it was found that the ttest was 6.580 by applying 0.05 level of significance with 29 degree of freedom (df = 30 – 1 = 29, the researcher got ttable value 1.699. It shows that a self development video materials has significant effect toward students’ writing report text in term of content and organization.

Key Words : A Self development video materials, Writing ability, content and organization, report text.


Silva Liani. 2019. Efek menggunakan pengembangan materi dalam bentuk video terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa kelas sebelas SMA Negeri 7 Selayar (Pnelitian experiment) yang dibimbing oleh Dr. Muh. Arief Paturusi, M.Pd. and Wildhan Burhanuddin, S.Pd., M.Hum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan signifikansi dari penggunaan video sebagai hasil pengembangan materi dalam mengajar writing. Pengembangan video materi sendiri berarti bahwa peneliti mendesain materi ke dalam bentuk video. Materi yang didesain dalam penelitian ini adalah report text. Batasan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah focus untuk menganalisis kemampuan siswa menulis report text terkait content (isi) dan organization (struktur). Data penelitian diperoleh melalui tes yang terbagi menjadi pre test and post test. Berdasarkan hasil dari pre test and post test, ditemukan thitung 6.580 dengan menggunakan 0.05 sebagai level signifikan dengan degree of freedom 29 (df = 30 – 1 = 29, maka dipeoleh ttabel 1.699. ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan materi dalam bentuk video yang dilakukan sendiri oleh peneliti memiliki efek yang sigifikan terhadap kemampuan menulis report text siswa terkait content (isi) dan organization (struktur).

Kata Kunci: Pengembangan materi dalam bentuk video sendiri, Kemampuan

menulis, Content (isi) dan Organization (Struktur), Report Text (teks laporan)


حِيْمِ اللهِ بسِْــــــــــــــــــمِ حْمَنِ الرَّ حِيْمِ الرَّ الرَّ

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

First,let uspraise our praise be to Allah SWT who has blessed and

empowered me to accomplish this thesis and Shalawat and Salam are addressed to

the final chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW as his

followers in this world.

As the researcher, I want to express my gratitude, respect, and appreciation

to the following people who have supported me and made this thesis possible.

1. The first to my beloved parents, Andi Nurdin and Lina Wati who support

me until today and encourage me when I feel down in every situation.

Hopefully, one day I could be like themselves.

2. Big appreciation for rector of Muhammadiyah Makassar University, Prof.

Dr. Abd.Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M, his guidance as a leader is helpful.

3. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of Teachers Training and Education

Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his motivation and

academic advisor to the researcher during this research.

4. Dr. M. Arief Paturusi, M.Pd. as the researcher’s academic advisor as and

consultant I, and Wildhan Burhanuddin, S.Pd.,M.hum. as the consultant II

who has provided continues directions, guidance, correction and

motivation in the accomplishment of this thesis.

5. The researcher thanks to the Head of English Education Department,

Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, also for all lecturers and staffs of

English Education Department for giving the knowledge, support and

guidance during this research.

6. The researcher also appreciate to Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd,

Sujariati, S.Pd., M.Pd, Dr. Saiful, M.Pd. and Wildhan Burhanuddin, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. as her proposal examiners who have given beneficial knowledge

and experience.

7. The deepest thanks to our Brother, Ayyub Baharuddin, S.Pd who has

given guidance, suggestion, and information for all the English Education

students, include the researcher.

8. Thank to Drs. Sidi as the headmaster of SMAN 7 who has given her the

chance to conduct this research at the school.

9. Thank you for the English teacher of XI IPA, Drs. Suardi who has let and

given guidance in the class.

10. Big appreciation for all of my beloved students of class XI IPA SMAN 7

Selayar in helping the researcher to finish her research.

11. Thank you for all the researcher’s friends at English Education

Department, and a big family of Greatness Class 2015.

12. The last to the owner of PATTAYA THAI TEA, who gives me chance to

work in his own. I am grateful to be able to work while studying and for

all members of PATTAYA THAI TEA, specially my work partner since

October 2018 kak Ulfa.

Finally, I hope this thesis could be used as an alternative reference in

conducting research with the same field. However, I realize that this thesis is still

far from being perfect. Therefore, any criticism, ideas and suggestions for the

improvement of this thesis are greatly appreciated.

Makassar,September 2019

Silva Liani


PAGE TITLE ......................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................... iii

COUNSELING SHEET 1 ................................................................................... iv

COUNSELING SHEET 2 ..................................................................................... v

SURAT PERNYATAAN ..................................................................................... vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN ....................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ viii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................ ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... x

LIST OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... xii

LIST PICTURES ............................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xv

LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................. xvi

LIST OF GRAPHICS ....................................................................................... xvii

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xviii


A. Background .................................................................................................. 1

B. Research Problem......................................................................................... 5

C. Objectives of the Research ........................................................................... 5

D. Significances of the Research ..................................................................... 5

E. Scope of the Research .................................................................................. 6


A. Previous Related Research Findings ............................................................ 7

B. Some Pertinent Ideas .................................................................................... 9

1. General Concept Of Writing .................................................................... 9

2. Report Text ............................................................................................. 15

3. Self Development Video ........................................................................ 17

2. Materials ................................................................................................. 24

C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 27

D. Hypothesis ................................................................................................. 27


A. Research Design ......................................................................................... 29

B. Population and Sample ............................................................................ 30

C. Research Variable ...................................................................................... 31

D. Research Instrument ................................................................................... 31

E. Technique of Data Collection .................................................................... 31

F. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................................................... 34


A. Findings ...................................................................................................... 39

B. Discussion .................................................................................................. 50


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 56

B. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 56

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................ 58

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 61

CURRICULUM VITAE .................................................................................... 122


Picture 2.1 Initial display of the video ................................................................... 18

Picture 2.2 Explains about the items will be explain in the video ......................... 19

Picture 2.3 Show the example of report text “cactus” ........................................ 20

Picture 2.4 Question to measure student comprehension....................................... 20

Picture 2.5 Example of report text “cat” ............................................................... 21

Picture 2.6 Explanation about language feature in report text “cat” ..................... 21

Picture 2.7 Question based on report text entitled “cat” ....................................... 22

Picture 2.8 Example of report text “earthquake” .................................................. 22

Picture 2.9 Explanation about structure in report text “earthquake” .................... 23

Picture 2.10 Question based on report text entitled “earthquake” ........................ 24

Picture 2.11 The last view of the third video ......................................................... 24


Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................ 27

Figure 3.1. Research Design .................................................................................. 30


Table 3.1. Scoring Rubric For Content ................................................................. 34

Table 3.2. Scoring Rubric For Organization ........................................................ 35

Table 3.3 Criteria For The hypothesis Testing ...................................................... 38

Table 4.1.The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

in Term of Content (Pre Test) ............................................................... 40

Table 4.2 The score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

in Term of Content (Post Test)............................................................. 42

Table 4.3 The Mean Score of The Students’Writing Report Text

(Content) ............................................................................................... 43

Table 4.4 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

in Term of Organization (Pre Test) ....................................................... 45

Table 4.5 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

in Term of Organization (Post Test) .................................................... 47

Table 4.6 The Mean Score for The Students’ Writing Report text

(organization) ...................................................................................... 49

Table 4.7 The T-Test of Students’ Achievement ................................................... 49


Graphic 4.1 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

In Term of Content ( Pre Test) .......................................................... 41

Graphic 4.2 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

In Term of Content ( Post Test) ........................................................ 43

Graphic 4.3 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

In Term of Organization ( Pre Test) .................................................. 46

Graphic 4.4 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text

In Term of Organization ( Post Test) ................................................ 48


Appendix 1 Lesson Plan ........................................................................................ 61

Appendix 2 Pre-test Worksheet ............................................................................. 93

Appendix 3 Post-test Worksheet ............................................................................ 95

Appendix 4 Frames of the video ............................................................................ 97

Appendix 5 Findings in Chapter IV ..................................................................... 102

Appendix 6 Research Documentation .................................................................. 119




A. Background

Nowadays English becomes an important part of every aspect of social

life. Therefore, English as an in termational language is prosecuted to teach in

Indonesian school. English is taught in Indonesian as a foreign language. The

output in learning English is students able to master four skills of it. Those are

listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Writing is a skill of language that put after listening, speaking and reading.

Altought writing put in the last part, it has as importance as another skill in

language. In writing, all language skills must be fully consentrated in order to

produce writing which maximally fulfill the writing rules. Rijaasdam (2004) states

that writing is a very complex activity because many processes occur at the same

time : decisions on infromation, meaning construction, language information,

editing the product and contrast monitoring of the process. In the same line,

Suwandi (2016) states that writing process consists of four stages namely

planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Therefore, the writer have to pay

attention toward the aspects of writing. Those are content, form, vocabulary,

grammar and mechanics.

Teaching writing is not easy. The process of writing makes it

complex. There is no doubt if students still think that writing is the most

difficult skill of foreign language to master. In this case teacher needs to be


creative in teaching, include the media will be apply. According to

Ghaedsharafu and Bagheri (2012) saidthat media can classification became three :

visual, audio, and audio visual. In visual there are line, picture and symbol. In

audio there is radio, and in audio visual there is a video.

Video is an audio visual media because can watch picture and hear a

sound. A content of video has a big influence in teaching process. It because

student feel more realistic and make learning will be more fun. According to

Deakin (2014:5) audio and video material can be used to deepen learning

resources by explaining, concepts, observing social group, and acting. There are

lot benefit of video as media in teaching, especially in writing ability. The teacher

can allow students to practice writing a report text based on the video instruction.

The other benefit of video is avalaible use for all skills in language. Students may

improve their listening by hear the audio, improve their speaking by retelling the

content of video, improve their reading by read the text that provide in the video,

and they can improve their writing by write down what are the content in the

video. In other words, a video can integrated in four skills of language.

Meanwhile, in this research the researcher only focus on writing.

Learning writing skill by using video is a variety and innovative learning

system to be developed the students writing skill. It gives a nice effect in attract

the English language. In this case, the writer has an idea to give treatment the

student by using video as a result of material design in syllabus based on k13.

According to Ashaver and Igyuve (2013:44) audio visual may present information

trough the sense of hearing as in audio resource, sight as in visual resource or


through a combination of sense. Thus, we can concluded thatteaching using video

for students could give them much information and they more enthusiast.

In processed of self development video material there are some application

needed by the researcher to make the result of material design. The main

application used namely kinemaster. Kinemaster is one of many applications

which has function as a video maker or video editor. The researcher chose the

application because it provides some tools which appropriate with the concept of

video will be design. The other reason wasbecause kinemaster easy to use and

available in android. Besides the application there werealso supporting tool in

process of making the video. In this case, the important tool isEnglish syllabus of

senior high school for grade X.

There are some preceding studies that related with the present study. The

first study which related to the present topic was coming from Yukselir and

Komur (2017) in their investigation entitled Using Online Videos to Improve

Speaking Abilities of EFL Learners. The researchers were conducted their

research by took participants at Osaniye Korkut Ata University. They were 20

students which have low level in speaking. 10 of them were asked to watch the

online videos and complete the exercises which relevant with the video. They

were called as a treatment group. The online videos are taken from youtube, BBC,

VOA, and TED with completted by subtitle.

The second is Rulia and Alhafiz (2014) in their investigation entitled

Teaching A Recount Text by Using A Mr. Bean Video to Junior High School

Students. The way to get the result by the researcher mostly similar in teaching


process as general. There was teaching preparation, consists about the content of

video selected by the researcher. After that there were teachig process which

consists of pre-teaching activities, whislt-teaching activities and the last is post

teaching activities. During the teaching process students more enthusiatic and

fully attention because the video is funny and interesting. In collecting the data,

the researcer used three different contens of Mr. Bean video and asked the student

to choose one of it in writing recount text.

The third is Gokturk(2016) in his research entitled examining the

effectiveness of digital video recordings on oral performance. Something unique

from this study was about the participant took by the researcher. The participants

were not coming from English department. They were from Computer

Department, Mining and Electronic Engineering, In termational Relations and

Business Administration. All of the participants had been learning English as a

foreign language for approximately 8 years. In determine the result the researcher

gave pre test and postest. The researcher provides eight videos assignments to

complete by the students by using video recordings.

The reason to conduct the research was lies on the researcher experience

in how to make the time more effective in teaching and students feel pleasant

during the teaching and learning process. Another reason was the design of

material into a video will be useful for students. The students get easy to learn the

material independently outside of teaching and learning process by using their

mobile phone. The researcher in this research try to facilitate students by design

the material, as a demand of K13 in which the students have to learn


independently and teacher only a facilitator. Based on explanations above, the

researcher interested in conducting aresearch, entitled ”Improving Students

Writing Ability Through Self Development Video Material”

B. Research Problem

Based on the background above , the problem of this study as follows:

Does self development video material improve students’ writing ability in

term of organization and content ?

C. Objective of the research

Based on the research problem, the study is intended:

To know if there isimprovement on students writing ability using a self

development video material.

D. Significance of the research

1. Teachers

The finding of this research expected able to use by the teacher as an

effective media in teaching report text. The researcher expectation, this

research can give contribution to create teaching and learning process

better and more efficient.

2. Other researchers

The result of this study can be used as reference and researcher also

expected to give consideration and postulate to conduct further research.


E. Scope of the research

The researcher conducted a research at the eleventh grade Senior High School

by using a self development video materials as a media in teaching writing. The

video was about report text as a result of material design based on syllabus. In this

study, the researcher focus to asses students writing ability in report text in term

of organization and content.




A. Previous of Related Research

There are some research findings about the using of video in teaching

which is related to the present research :

The first is Alvarado (2017) in his research entitledteaching English using

video materials : design and delivery of a practical course.a practical course

meant for listening, speaking, reading and writing. The researcher stated that

teaching using a video is an integrative process in which several skills are

introduced simultaneously, andpractice in one skills can reinforce other skills. The

researcher formulates the aim of his research is to offer tools to the TEFL teacher

in order to design new course material by using video. In collecting the data the

researcher has different way for every skills. In writing, the researcher asked the

students reporting the facts mention in the video they had watched.

The second is Lin (2015) in his investigation entitled English learners’

Incidental vocabulary acquisition in the video-based CALL program. It was a

comparison study of different English proficiency groups. Therefore the

researcher classified the participants into three groups before conducted the

research. The first group namely RHLH group in which participants have high

reading and listening English proficiency, the second group namely RHLL in

which participants have high reading and low listeningEnglish proficiency and the

last group namely RLLH group in which participants have low reading and high



listening English proficiency. The researcher done his investigation by eight

periods for data collection in which using a video clips from 2006 CNN news

archieve. It was divided into practice sessions, vocabulary follow –up tests,

vocabulary pre and post test.

The thirdis Maryam (2014) in her research entitled Improving Students

Writing Report Text by Using English News Video” The research used a

classroom action research toward the participants or subject. The subjects here

were the ninth grade students of MTsMambaulUlumJenggawah, which consist of

22 students who become the subjects. The researcher concluded that the

implementation of English news video as a media of teaching report could

increase students writing report text. The other result is student teaching and

learning process were active in developing their ideas and knowledge by watching

the video given.

The similarities between those previous related research and the present

research is the using of video in teaching. Moreover, the differencesbetween the

previous and the present research is lies on the video will be apply. The present

topic would like to make a video based on written material in syllabus which

based on K13. It means the video will be original by the researcher referring to the

material learn in Senior High School general.


B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. General Concept of Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the essential skills in English which should

becomprehended by students. Writing skill is a language skill that needs a really

significant attention to be taught by the teacher. Some experts have proposed their

ideas about the definitions of writing. Firstly, According to Alamargot and

Changuoy (2001:1), writing is a complex task that needs a coordinated

implementation of a large set of mental activities. Writers have to clearly

delimitate the nature, the goal, and the communicative function of the text.

Secondly, Nunan (2003:88), explains that writing is the physical act of

committing words or ideas to some medium whether it is hieroglyphics inked onto

parchment or an e-mail message typed into a computer.

Elbow (1980) in his book stated that writing is like two skills in which

they are so different which usually conflict each other. Skills meant are creating

and criticizing. In other words, writing calls on the ability to create words and

ideas out of yourself, but it also calls on the ability to criticize them in order to

decide which ones to use

Based on the previous explanations, the writer concludes that writing is a

form of communication in human life. It is a unique combination of thought and

activity in which everyone can express their feeling in written form. In addition,

writing is really effective to use because it will make people easily to talk with the

other people by ignoring their sentiment. People can use the more polite languages


to deliver their desirable or undesirable felling with someone by using a good

order of sentence or paragraph, correct grammar, idiom and spelling. At least,

writing is an extraordinary activity that can make a link of life in every periods of

humans‟ life. It also the vehicle for communication and a skill mandated in all

aspects of life.

b. Aspects of Writing

In order to write well, there are several aspects which should be considered

by students. First, from Harris (1979:68), he proposes aspects of writing, namely

grammar, form, vocabulary, mechanic, and style. The following aspects can be

explained as follows:

1. Grammar

Grammar is employment of grammatical form and syntactic pattern. It

means that sentence is another aspect that should be considered.

2. Organization

Form means the organization of the content. We should clarify our idea

and make it clear. So, the reader can deduce some organization well. Organization

means there is a communication between the reader and the writer.

3. Content

Content is the presentation of information for a purpose to audience

through t channel in a form. Content can be delivered via many different media

including the in termet, cinema, television, radio, smartphones, audio CDs, books,


e-books magazines, and live events, such as speeches conferences, and stage


4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the important aspect in teaching a language. Vocabulary

refers to the selection of words which are suitable with the content. It begins with

the assumption that writer wants to express the ideas as clearly and directly as

he/she can. As a general rule, clarity should be his/her prime objective.

5. Mechanic

Mechanic refers to the use of conventional graphic of the language, the

step of arranging letters, words, paragraphs, by using knowledge of structure and

some others related to one another. We have to pay attention to the use of the

punctuation and applying of the word of sentences.

6. Style

Style means the choice of structure and lexical items to give a particular

tone to the writing. It should be noted that the choice of lexical item to be used in

writing must be accordance with the readers.

c. Process of Writing

Writing for students in Indonesia mostly like translation activity in

which they produce writing by translate from the source language to the target

language. It because English still as a foreign language. The process done by

students do not fulfill the writing process in the reality. The fact, Writing is a very

complex activity which proved through the process of writing. According to


Birnie (2014: 2) says that there are six stages that use in the writing process, they


1. Prewriting. This stage involves thinking about the writing ahead, perhaps

choosing or narrowing a topic; selecting a point of view, approach, or

framework for presenting the subject; and even thinking about details,

anecdotes, or images that will develop the subject. Activities that frequently

occur during this stage are reading selections that contribute to the writer’s

grasp of the subject; viewing films, DVDs, or pictures that deal with the topic;

jot listing, clustering, or mapping ideas; and talking to other people about the


2. Planning. The planning stage, while still “prewriting” in the sense that it

usually occurs before the actual writing, involves recording a plan for the

finished piece. The plan may be as formal as an outline or as informal as a list,

a diagram, or a map to guide the writing.

3. Drafting. In the drafting stage, the writer creates a flow of thought,

connecting ideas into phrases or sentences on paper and perhaps, if the plan

works, moving directly to paragraphs or even chapters. The writer is not

preoccupied with correctness at this point; it is more important to get the ideas

down on paper than to maintain adherence to the plan or to be concerned with

mechanical aspects of writing such as spelling, punctuation, or capitalization.

4. Revising. By revising, the writer makes the piece better. Depending on the

condition of the draft, this stage may require anything from Band-Aids

(refining word choice, amplifying a detail or two, or combining sentences) to


major surgery (reordering chunks of writing, filling gaps left by the drafting,

or deleting whole sections).

5. Editing. By editing, the author (or editor) makes the writing mechanically

correct. In this stage, attention turns to the details of variety in sentence length

and structure and the conventions of language: spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, and standard usage.

6. Sharing. In this stage, the writing reaches its intended audience. If the

composition fulfills its purpose, this stage concludes the process.

d. Purpose of Writing

In writing something certainly there are some goal that to get


According to McMahan, et al. (1996: 8) mentions the purposes of writing as


1. To express the writers’ feeling

The writer wants to express his feeling and thought through the written form, as in

a diary or a love letter. It is what is so called as expressive writing.

2. To entertain the readers

The writer intends to entertain the reader through written form, and he usually

uses authentic materials. It is called as literary writing.

3. inform the readers

It is used to give information or explain something to the readers. It is a kind of

informative writing.


4. To persuade the readers

The writer wants to persuade or convince the readers about his opinion or concept

or idea. It is called as persuasive writing.

In addition, Byrne (1997: 2) in his book “Teaching Writing Skill” states

about the purpose of writing: “it is helpful to keep in mind some of the many uses

we are likely to make of writing”. On a personal level, people use writing to make

a note of something, for example shopping list, diaries, etc., and use to keep

records of things to be remembered. Writing is also used to send messages in the

forms of letters and many kinds of writing to deliver the messages from one to

others. Therefore writing not only arranging word in sentences or paragraph,

relation sentences with other into paragraph in a text, but it is also there is relation

with grammatical and lexical knowledge.

e. Types of Writing

Brereton (1978) states that there are four types of writing. They are :

1. Narration

A narrative tells a story, a series of connected incidents or an action. In

narrative, the incidents that make up the story are usually told in one order in

which they would really happen. In writing a narrative text, it is best to relate

events chronologically. The general outline for stories should be as follows (1)

before the events, (2) the event, and (3) after the event.


2. Description

A descriptive text gives sense impressions about feeling, sound, taste, and

lock of things. It helps the reader to imagine what the writer talks about. Through

their imagination to visualize a scene or a person or to understand a sensation or

an emotion. In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the word

descriptive defined as describing ho a language is used. While a descriptive text

refers to a text which say what a person or thing like with the purpose is to

describe and reveal a particular person, place or things.

3. Argumentation

For argument, we must discover a tone that uses fact when it is relevant.

We insect opinion modestly and reasonable. Allows time and spaces the doubts,

and builds a segment argument by paragraph steps that the reader can follow.

4. Comparison and Contrast

Comparison and contrast is a kind of essay developed by comparison

emphasizes and similarities or likeness between people, places or abstraction.

2. Report text

a. General Concept of Report Text

There are many kinds of text that can be taught in classroom, for example :

narrative text, procedure text, descriptive text, and report text. In this paper, the

writer chose report text that implemented using video as a result of material



Some experts explain definition of report text. According to Barker

(2000:23) report text is a piece of writing which aims to describe something in a

general way. Often it is non-chronological and written in the present tense. This

theory implies that report text refers to kind of text that describes the information

by explaining the general information which is used to report the information.

Furthermore, it is kind of text which is written in chronological order and

constructed in present tense.

Then, Mustafa and Sundayana (2006:125) explains that report text is to

describe the way things are related to history, science, geography, natural

resources, man-made and environment phenomenon. It is explained that report

text must include important information that is considered to write as a report

form. Something that is considered to be important to report is in a text.

The conclusion by the researcher, report text is a text that contains

information that describe something in reality, from sources like ; natural, man-

made, and social phenomena in our environment. In writing a report text, the

writer must describe the subject in correct information as it is observed.

b. Generic Structure of Report Text

The generic structures of report text are :

1. Title, a title states a subject to be discussed,

2. General identification or classification of subject, this part as a introduction to

the main discussion,

3. (series of ) descriptions , the phenomena in whole paragraph involved.


Based on the topic opinions above, the writer concluded that generic

structure of report text consist of two main points, they are; General

Classification, and Description. General Classification is to state classification of

general aspect of thing like ; animal, public place, plant, etc. Then, Description is

to describe a thing that will be discussed in detail part per part, customs or deed is

for living creature and usage for materials.

c. Language Features of Report Text

- Use of general nouns,

For example : hunting dogs, rather than particular nouns, our dog

- Use of relating verbs to describe features,

For example : Molecules are tiny particles

- Some use of action verbs when describing behavior

For example : Emus cannot fly

- Use of time signal present tense to indicate usualness,

For example : Tropical cyclones always begin over the sea

- Use of technical terms,

For example : Isobars are lines drawn on a weather map

3. Self Development Video Material

In process of making the material design into a video there is an


which really has a big role, namely kinemaster. Kinemaster is a video editor for

android smartphones. This is the most popular application to make the video. It


has so many features. You can see more than 1.000 features on this kinemaster.

Kinemaster is free to use, but a watermark is added to videos and premium assets

and some tools are not available .with the purchase of a monthly or annual

subscription to kinemaster premium, the watermark is removed, all the editing

tools are unlocked, and all items in the kinemaster may be downloaded.

This application released on 2013rd. Kinemaster is launched by a famous

company in Seoul, South Korea, namely Next Streaming. It has several branches

throughout the world, such as in the United States, Spain, China and Taiwan.

Winarso (2018) in his article gives a review about the kinemaster. He

states that kinemaster is very easy application for android or iOs users.

Kinemaster completed by professional features which are very fantastic to apply

in making a video.

Beside an application, in process of material design into a video there is

also namely a supporting media. This media called a syllabus. In this case, the

researcher specially uses English syllabus for grade XI.

Below are some pictures of self development video material

Picture 2.1. Initial display


Picture 2.2. Explains about the items will be explain in the video


Picture 2.3 Show example of report text “cactus”

Picture 2.4 Question to measure student comprehension


Picture 2.5 Example of Report text “cat”

Picture 2.6 Explanation about language fearure in report text “cat”


Picture 2.7 Question based on report text entitled “cat”

Picture 2.8 Example of report text “earthquake”


Picture 2.9 Explanation about structure in report text “earthquake”


Picture 2.10 Explanation about the language feature in report text “earthquake”

Picture 2.11 The last view of the third video

4. Materials

The material will be applied is report text. According to syllabus, in senior

high school students are learn some themes of report text. Such as report text

about plant, animal, and natural event. Therefore the researcher determined that

there will be tree videos for treatment. The first video contains about report text

explanations start from definition until the language features. It will be consists of

an example which is the theme will be about plant. The second and the third video

are consist of another example of report text but in different theme which is

completed more explanations how to write a report text well. Below are the

example of report text will be consisted in the first, the second, and the third video

4.1. Report text themed plant (The first video)



A cactus in latin namely cactaceae is a plant that has adapted to very dry

conditions. Cacti originated in North and South America.

Cactus roots spread out close to the surface of the ground, absorbing

rainwater quickly before it dries up, or evaporates. The water is stored in the stem

of the plant. The outside of the cactus is thick and waxy , which keeps the water

from escaping. In other plants water is lost through the holes, or pores, in the

leaves, but cactus have very few pores, helping keep water in. the cactus often has

spines to protect it from animal.

4.2 Reporttext themed animal ( The second video)


Cats are the most popular pet and can be found everywhere on the earth.

They have a Latin name Felis Catus Silvertis. They have become tame animals

and humans were functioned them as pets since 6000 BC. In ancient times, the

Egyptians used them as an animal to hunt the rats.

When they were born, they are blind and deaf. Then, they opened the eyes

when they have aged between eight to ten days. Furthermore, their sexual

hormones are active at the age of ten to fifteen months. On average, they have a

weight ranging from two point five kg to seven kg. Meanwhile, the length of them

is varies, but mostly they can grow from fifteen to thirty cm. Cats are lazy animals

where they just spend time at home to sleep

Cats are omnivore because we are very often seeing them eat fish, meat,

rice, and even vegetables. Nevertheless, many people also refer them as a

carnivore. They have small teeth and claws that are not harmful to humans. But,


you have to be careful because a cat bite can cause rabies and their claws are so


4.3. Report text themed natural events (The third video)


Earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface that often causes a lot of

damage. It is the result of a sudden release of stored energy in the Earth’s crust

that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes may happen naturally or as a result of

human activities. Smaller earthquakes can also be caused by volcanic activity,

landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments.

At the Earth’s surface, earthquakes can be seen from the shaking or

displacement of the ground. Sometimes, they cause tsunamis, which may lead to

loss of life and damage of property. There are two types of earthquake that occurs

naturally, they are tectonic and volcanic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquakes are

earthquakes that are caused by tectonic plates getting stuck and putting a strain on

the ground. The strain becomes so great that rocks give way by breaking and

sliding along fault planes.

Volcanic earthquakes are earthquakes which are caused by the movement

of magma in volcanoes. In volcanic regions earthquakes may be caused both by

tectonic faults and by the movement of magma in volcanoes. Such earthquakes

can be an early warning of volcanic eruptions

The size of an earthquake is usually reported using the Richter scale or a

related Moment scale. Earthquakes which are 3 on the Richter scale or lower are


hard to notice. Whereas, those which are 7 on the Richter scale causes serious

damage over large areas

C. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework

D. Hypothesis

Hypothesis of this study are :

a. Ho ( Null hypothesis ) : There is no significant effect of using self

development video material in teaching report text

b. Ha ( alternative hypothesis ) : There is a significant effect of using self

development video material in teaching report text


Self Development Video Material


Pre-Experimental Design


Improvement of students’ writing ability




A. Research Design

The researcher applied pre-experimental method, with one group pre-test

and post-test design. It investigated students’ writing report text in term of content

and organization using a self development video materials.

The researcher conducted pre-test, treatment and post test for insvetigating

the result of using a self development video materials toward student’s writing

ability. The pre-test is conducted to get initial data of students writing ability.

Furthemore, treatments were conduct in order to get significant result in the end of

research. During the treatment, the group have to write a report text which has

some themes able to choose. There were report text about plant, animal or are

natural events. The last was post-test which conducted to examine the result of

material design into video toward students’ writing ability. The following was the

spesific description in conduct the research by the researcher :

First, the researcher designed the material into a video form based on

written material from syllabus in K13. The researcher used some interest features

that provide in the application as a video maker. The second,selected the class at

the eleventh grade in Senior High School in Selayar, but before that, there was a

an interview toward the teacher to find information about student’s ability in

writing. So, it can represent the population on the average ability on writing. The

third, gave treatment by using a self developmentvideo materials in teaching



writing a report text. The last procedure, the group was given a posttest to

determine the result.

Figure 3.1 Research Design

Notes :

01 :Pre-Test

X : Treatment

02 : Post-Test

Source: Sugiyono (2015:111)

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA 7

Selayar in academic year 2019/2020. The number of population 94 students

consist of three classes.

2. Sample

Sample is a part of population. In this case, the data will be obtained from








population by using purposive sampling technique in one class. The total of

sample in this research consist of 30 students.

C. Research Variable

There were two variables using in conduct the research,. There was a self

development video materials as an independent variable and students writing

ability as the dependent variable

D. Research Instrument

In collecting the data, the researcher used writing test as the instrument of

the study. The test used to measure students’ ability in writing report text. It was

done twice, before and after treatment (pre-test and post-test). Then, the

researcher set up analytic scoring rubric which included the criteria like as (1)

content and (2) organization. The complete form of writing scoring can be seen in

the table 3.2. scoring rubric.

E. Technique of Data Collection

There were some steps to collect the data by the researcher :

1. Pre-test

Pretest was given in the beginning of this research. The researcher

gavean instruction before write a report text.Students finished the pre test

around 60 minutes.


2. Treatment

The treatment conducted by using video as result of material

design. There are tree videos provided by the researcher. The first video

contains the detail explanation of report text which completed an example

of report text. It has duration 9 minutes and 33 seconds. The theme of

example was about a plant. Below are some frames contained inthe first


a. The first frame introduces about the items of report text.

b. The second frame of video shows the explanation about report text.

Those are about definition, purpose, generic structure, and language

features in report text. The explanation is completted a text which

help studentscomprehend the materials.

c. The third frame shows the example of report text which has theme,


d. The fourth frameof video shows the sturure of thereport text example.

It consisted of general classification and description.

e. The fifth frame shows the language features in the example of report

text. It consists of general noun, relating or linking verbs, action

verbs, present tense, and technical terms

f. The sixth frame shows some questions to measure student

comprehension toward the video.

The second video contains the example of report text which

completed explanations about generic structure and language features


used in the example. The theme of example will be an animal theme. It has

duration 5 minutes and 24 seconds. The last video also contains the

example of report text but in different theme. It will be about natural event

as a one kind of report text.It has duration 4 minutes and 22 seconds.

Every video were applied in different meeting. It based on the steps of


The treatment conducted in four times, which is outside from the

pre test and post test. The first meeting explainedclearly about the report

text by using video. The second meeting will be the review of explanation

in the first meeting. The researcher gave the students an example of report

text and they analyzed the structure and language features used in the

example given. The third until the fourth meeting showed the example of

report text in a video with different themes in the previous meeting. Every

video completed a worksheet that should done by the students.

3. Post-test

The test given in order to know students achievement after they taught

by using a self developmentvideo materials.In this test, students asked to

write a report text based on the three tasteless choices pictures which are

relevant with the previous materials given.


F. Technique of Data Analysis

In completing the data, the next step of this research was analysis the data,

which function to determine the result of the research. In which, the researcher

focus to analysis whether there was a significant difference between students

ability in writing report text before and after give the treatment. To describe the

students ability in writing report text, the researcher employed the formula as


1. Scoring The Students’ percentage writing of Pre-test and Post-test

P = x 100%

(Gay, 2006)

The following is a reference in giving a score :

Table 3.1. Scoring Rubric for Content

Score Classification Performance Description

85-100 Very Good Knowledgeable. Substantive. Through

development of thesis .relevant to assigned


75-84 Good Some knowledge of subject. Adequate

range. Limited development of thesis.

Mostly relevant to the topic, but lacks detail

65-74 Fair Limited knowledge of subject. Little

substance. Inadequate development of topic.

55-64 Poor Does not show knowledge of subject. Non-


substantive. Not pertinent. Or not enough to


≤55 Very Poor All knowledge are errors.

Glencoe (2000: 175)

Table 3.2 Scoring rubric for organization

Score Classification Indicators of report text organization

85-100 Very Good 1. the ideas are-well organized in spatial


2. The ideas of general classification are


3. The ideas of description are coherent

75-84 Good 1. the ideas are adequate organized in spatial


2. The ideas of general classification are

adequate cohesion

3. The ideas of description are adequate


65-74 Fair 1. the ideas are generally organized

2. Few ideas of general classification are a

break out cohesion

3. The ideas of description are generally



55-64 Poor 1. The ideas are almost loosely organized

2. The ideas of general classification are

inadequate cohesion

3. The ideas of organization are inadequate


≤55 Very Poor 1. The organization are loosely organized

2. The ideas of general classification and

description are confuse and disconnected.

2. Calculating The Mean Score

The calculating of the students’ writing skill by using the following


= ∑


X = Mean score

∑ = The sum of all score

N = The number of students

3. To know how improvement of the score in literal comprehension

The improvment of the students’ score in main idea and supporting


P = x100



P = Percentage of the students

X1 = The mean score of pre-test

X2 = The mean score post-test

4. Finding out the significant different between the pre-test and post-test


t = ∑ ∑


T = The significance

D = The mean of the different

= The sum of all score

N = The total number of score

5. Testing hypothesis

After got the students’ significance scores (value of t) it was

compared with the value of t-table. When it was found that the value of t-

test was equal or greater than the value of t-table, it means that Null

Hypothesis (H0) was rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) was

accepted because there is significance difference between pre-test and

post-test and after taught writing by using a self development video

materials. The criteria for the hypothesis testing as follows:


Table 3.3. Criteria for the hypothesis testing



H0 H1

t-test >t-table Rejected Accepted

t-test <t-table Accepted Rejected

(Sugiyono, 2014:317)




This chapter presented the result of the data. The researcher obtained two

kinds of data; score of pre-test and post-test.

A. The Findings

After conducting the research, the researcher obtained two kinds of data;

the score of pre-test and the score of post-test. Pre-test was given before the

treatment and post-test was given after the treatment. The results presented as


1. The Improvement of Students’ Writing Ability On Report Text In

Term Content

The findings will present the result of score percentage of students’ writing

ability on report text in term of content and comparing the score percentage

between pre-test and post-test.

a. Pre-test

In the pres-test, the researcher presented the result of the

percentage of students’ values in writing report texts in content terms

before using a self development video materials as a media in teaching.

This study involved 30 students and was conducted at the eleventh

grade students of SMAN 7 Selayar.



Table 4.1. The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text in Term of


No. Classification Score


Frequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 0 0%

2 Good 75-84 6 20%

3 Fair 65-73 9 30%

4 Poor 55-64 13 43%

5 Very Poor ≤55 2 7%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.1. shows from 30 students who followed the pre-test there were

only 8 students (20%) got good score. Meanwhile 9 students (30%) got fair, 13

students (43%) got poor score and the balance were 2 students (7%) got very poor

score. It means that the students score and percentages in pre-test were still low

because half of students got poor score.

To see clearly the students score the percentage of content in writing

report text, the graphic will be shown the pre-test result.


Graphic 4.1 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text in Term

of Content

Graphic 4.1 indicates the score percentage of students’ writing ability on

report text in term of content were too low. Before using a self development video

materials as a media in teaching., some of students felt difficult to write the report

text. It was show by the graphic that there were 13 students from 30 students got

poor score and in fact there were 2 students got very poor score.

b. Post-Test Results

In the post-test, the researcher presented the results of the percentage

of student scores in writing report text in content terms after using a self

development video material as a media in teaching. This study involved 30

students and was conducted at the eleventh grade of students of SMA

Negeri 7 Selayar









0 0 0 0 0

Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Pre Test

F %


Table 4.2 The score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text in Term

of Content

No. Classification Score


Frequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 16 53%

2 Good 75-84 9 30%

3 Fair 65-73 4 14%

4 Poor 55-64 1 3%

5 Very Poor ≤55 0 0%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.2 shows that from 30 students who followed the post-test; 16

students (53%) students got very good score, 9 students got good score, 4 students

got fair score. Meanwhile, there still was a student (3%) got poor score.

Based on the data in pre-test, it means that the score and the percentages in

post test was better and higher. It because in the post test there were 16 students

got very good score from 30 students, while in the pre test were not. The other

result was in post test no found students in very poor score.

Too see clearly the students’ score percentage of content in report text, the

graphic will be shown the post-test result :


Graphic. 4.2. The score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text in

Term of the Content

In post-test result, graphic 4.2 indicates the score percentage of students’

writing ability on report text in term of content were better and higher than in the

pre-test. After using a self development video materials in treatments, the

students’ ability in writing report text was better than the pre-test. It was shown by

the score of percentage of students was averages very good (57.69%).

1.1 The Students’ Mean Score in Writing Report Text in Term of


Table 4.3 The Mean Score of The Students’ Report Text

Indicator Pre-Test Post-Test Improvement

Content 66.36 79.43 20 %



41 0





Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Post Test

f %


Table 4.3 The Mean Score of The Students’ Writing Report Text in term

of Content. The students’ score improved after using a self development video

materials as media in teaching and learning process. It was proved by comparing

students’ score in pre-test and post-test.

The students for content in pre-test was 63,86 score and the score of

students in post-test was 74,93 and the percentage of improvement between pre-

test and post-test was 20%. So, the use of a self development video materials was

improving the students’ writing report text in term of content.

2. The Improvement Of students’ Writing Ability On Writing Text In

Term of Organization

The findings will presented the result of score percentage of students’

writing ability o writing text in term of organization and comparing the score

percentage between pre-test and post-test.

a. Pre-test Result

In pre-test, the researcher presented the result of students; score

percentage in writing report text term of language use before using a self

development video materials as media in teaching. This research involved

30 students and conducted at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 7



Table 4.4 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text In Term of


No. Classification Score

Pre Test

Frequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 0 0%

2 Good 75-84 5 17%

3 Fair 65-74 9 30%

4 Poor 55-64 3 10%

5 Very Poor ≤55 13 43%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.4. shows from 30 students who followed the pre-test there

was on 5 students (17%) got good score. The balance were 9 students (30%) got

fair score, 3 students (10%) got poor score and 13 students (43%) got very poor

score. It means that the students score and percentages in pre-test were still low

because half of students got poor and ever very poor score.

To see clearly the students score the percentage of content in writing

report text, the graphic will be shown the pre-test result.


Graphic. 4.3 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report Text in Term

of Organization

Graphic 4.3 indicates the score percentage of students; writing ability on

report text in term of organization were very poor . before using a self

development video materials, some of students felt difficult to write the report

text, especially in mastering the well organized of report text. It was about 3

students got poor score and 13 student gor very poor score from 30 students.

b. Post-test Result

In post-test, the researcher presented the result of students’ score

percentage in writing report text in term of organization after used a self

development video materials. This research involved 30 students and

conducted at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Selayar.











0 0 0 0

Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Pre Test

f %


Table 4.5 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing on Report Text in Term

of Organization

No. Classification Score


Frequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 21 70%

2 Good 75-84 8 27%

3 Fair 65-74 0 0%

4 Poor 55-64 0 0%

5 Very Poor ≤55 1 3%

Total 30 100%

Table 4.5 shows that from 30 students who followed the post-test; 21

students (70%) students got very good score and 8 students (27%) got good

score. The balance was a student (3%). got very.

It means that the score and the percentages in post test was better and

higher than in pre-test, because in the post test there were 21 students got very

good score from 30 students. Meanwhile, in pre test there was no find students

got very good score.

For more clear, the graphic 4.4 will present the result of students’ score

percentages in post test after using a self development video materials in writing

report text.


Graphic 4.4 The Score Percentage of Students’ Writing Report text in Term

of Organization

In post-test result, graphic 4.4 indicates the score percentage of students’

writing ability on report text in term of organization were better and higher than

the pre test. After using a self development video materials in treatments, the

students’ ability in writing report text better than pre test especially in mastering

the organization of report text . it was shown by the score percentage of students

was very good.



0 0 1



0 03

0 0 0 0

very good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Post Test

f %


2.1 The Students’ Mean Score in Writing Report Text in Term of


Table 4.6 The Mean Score for The Students’ Writing Report text

Indicator Pre-test Post-test Improvement

Organization 58.83 75 28%

Table 4.6 the students’ ability in writing report text in term of

organization. The students’ score improved after using a self development video

materials as a media in teaching. It was proved by comparing students’ score in

pre test and post test.

The score of students for organization in pre test was 58.83 and post test th

75 and the percentage of improvement between pre test and post test was 28%.

So, the use of a self development video materials was improving students’ writing

report text in term of organization

2.2 Test of Significance Testing and Hyphothesis

In order to know whether or not the mean score was different from two

test (pre test and post test), the researcher used the t-table. The table 4.7 shows the

result of the t-test calculation

Table 4.7 The T-Test of Students’ Achievement

Variable t-test t-table

Using a self development video materials 6.580 1.699

Table 4.7 indicates that the values of the t-test was higher than the value of

the t-table. It was indicated that there was a significant difference between the


result of the students’ pre test and post test by using a self development video

materials as media in teaching.

c. Hypothesis Testing

The researcher used t-test analysis for the level of significance

(p)=0.05 and with the degree of freedom (df)= 29 and the t-table was

1.699 Meanwhile, the value of t-test 6.580 It means that the value of t-test

was higher than t-table. So there is an improvement of students’ writing

ability on report text in content and organization by using a self

development video materials. It means that the null hypothesis (H0) was

rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted.


The description of data collected from the students’ writing report text

ability in term (content and organization) as explain in the previous section

showed that the students’ writing ability was achieved. It was supported by mean

score and the total score, also the percentage of the improvement of the students’

pre-test and post-test result. Based on the finding above, the using a self

development video materials made students had mean score was higher before and

after the treatment done.

Based on the findings of the students’ score, the mean score of writing

report text in term of (content) pre-test was 66.36. Meanwhile, after the treatment

done, the mean score of post-test was 79.43 after. The total of improvement was


13.07 (20%). The mean score of the students’ writing ability in term of

(organization) pre-test was 58.83. It shows the achievement of students’ before

treatment and the mean score of post-test was 75. The improvement was 16.17


From the result of calculation, it is obtained the value of the t-test both

content and organization calculation was 6.580 with the degree of freedom (df) is

29 (obtained from N-1) = (30-1=29). The researcher used the degree of

significance of 0.05 the value of degree of significance was 1.699. If the test

compared with value of the degrees of significance, the result was 6.580 >1.699.

Since t-test score obtained from the result of calculating, the alternative

hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected.

1) If the result of t-test is higher than t-table (t-test>t-table), the null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. It

means that there is a significance difference between variable X1 and

variable X2.

2) If the result of t-test is lower than t-table (t-test<t-table), the null

hypothesis (H0) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (H1) is rejected. It

means that there is no significance difference between variable X1 and

variable X2.

Based on the result of the data analysis, it is proven that the students’

improvement in writing report text in term (content and organization) taught by

using a self development video materials. It means that the effectiveness of a self

development video materials in teaching writing can achieve. Another reason


based on the students’ responses, because most of students found that learning

English could be more fun by learning using a video which were completed an

interest sound effect and transition every frames. When the researcher compared

with previous research finding from The Maryam (2014) in her research entitled

Improving Students Writing Report Text by Using English News Video. She

concludes that, using English News Video is effective way to to improve students’

writing skill. The experimental class showed significant improvement after they

learnt using the media given. The students problem in writing report text

especially the language us was solved and the writing scores were significantly


1. The achievement of the students’ writing report text in term of


One of the important things in writing is the content. A content in

writing have to relevant with the topic. The teacher needs many examples

to show the content with the different topic discussion. The use of a self

development video materials as a media was helping to show some

contents with different topic in report text.

The table 4.1 indicated that the students’ pronunciation in post-test

is greater than pre-test (79.43>66.36). The process that could be explained

from pre-test to post-test and giving of treatment as follows:

At the first meeting when the researcher gave a pre-test for the

students, there were some findings that researcher could find, they were:


a. Most of students still confused to make the topic and content relate

each other.

b. Some of students’ write a report text which is the content mostly

similar with the descriptive text. For example, the title of pre test

was “FRUITS” but some students make a content with descriptive


Therefore, most of them were done the pre-test based on their basic

comprehension. As a result, the mean score of the students’ writing ability

in pre-test was still low. After the researcher gave treatment by tusing a

self development video materials, the findings were:

a. Most of students wrote the content with the relevant topic.

b. Some of students’ writing completed the content with the

technical terms in write a report text.

The explanation above indicates that, the effect of a self

development video materials can achieve the students’ writing ability in

term of content. It because the students have prepared their idea before the

post test done. In this case, the media given totally help students to build

their idea because students’ had watched too many examples of content. In

relation to this point, Nurhabi (2016) states that teaching is about give too

many examples to provoke students’ ideas. By looking to the examples,

students get easy to comprehend the general concept in materials given.

Moreover, the examples given were in a video form. Thus, students get

easy to repeat the examples given in their home.


2. The achievement of the students’ writing report text in term of


Organization is one of writing aspects that help the readers easy to get the

point in our writing. Every text has their organization or usually called

generic structure. For example, narrative text begun from orientation,

complication, resolution and re-orientation. Meanwhile for report text,

there are title, general classification and the last is description.

The use of a self development video materials toward students’

writing ability in report text term of organization was increased. The table

4.6 indicated that the students’ writing report text in term of organization

showed that post test was greater than pre-test (58.83>75). The process

that could be explained from pre-test to post-test and the giving of

treatment as follows:

At the first meeting when the researcher gave a pre-test for the

students, there were some findings that researcher could find, they were:

a. Some students’ only wrote general identification of the topic

without any descriptions.

b. Some students’ confuse to start their writing based on the topic


c. Some students wrote the general identification which were

resemble of descriptive text characteristics, or the result were too



Example: Banana is my favorite food. It has sweet taste.

Meanwhile, the instruction in pre test there were “write

down a report text based on the picture above entitled “FRUITS”

Therefore, most of them were getting fair to very poor score. As a

result, the mean score of the students’ in pre-test was 58.83. After the

researcher gave treatment by using a self development video materials

then gave a post test, the findings were:

a. Students already recognize what have to write first in report text,

because they were already got the organization using in report


b. Students were creatively to describe the topic in well-organized.

The explanation above indicate that, the use of a self development

video materials can improve the students’ writing report text in term of

organization. It is make the students’ increased and can make the students

be active in the classroom. In relation to this point, Lestari (2017) found

that students in teaching and learning process more active. Moreover, they

did not feel worry to ask something misunderstand for them.




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of data analysis and the discussion of the result in the

previous chapter, the researcher concludes that:

1. The students’ writing skills for report text in term of content and

organization English of the Eleventh Grade at SMA Negeri 7 Selayar can be

achieved after using a self development video materials as a media in

teaching writing. It is shown by the significant difference between the post-

test and the pre-test. The mean score of post-test in accuracy (content and

organization) is higher than pre-test.

2. The students’ comprehension in writing report text of the Eleventh Grade

at SMA Negeri 7 Selayar can be achieved after using a self development

video materials as a media in teaching writing. It is shown by the significant

difference between the post-test and the pre-test. The mean score of post-test

in comprehension is higher than pre-test.

B. Suggestion

The successful teaching does not depend on the lesson program only, but

more important is how the teacher presents the lesson and uses various media to

manage the class more comfortable and regarding to the teaching writing by using a



self development video materials, the researcher gave some suggestion for the teacher

and students.

The teacher should be more creative to enrich their teaching media and

material. Due to K13, teacher have to facilitate students to be independent in learning.

Teaching using video is an effective way. The materials are presented in an

enjoyable, relaxed and understandable way. That’s why; it is suggested for the

teacher to use a self development video materials in teaching English.

The students are hoped to be more active and creative in enriching their ideas

in do a writing. They have to comprehend the general concept of the main material

clearly before do a writing. Thus, they should ask the teacher if there is something




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(Lesson Plan)




Nama satuan pendidikan : SMA Negeri 7 Selayar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/1

Materi pokok : Report Text

Alokasi waktu : 4 JP (4 x 40 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan nmengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayatidan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsive dan pro-aktif

dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam serta

dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secaraman diri,

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.


B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1 1.1. Mensyukuri

kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa

Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi

intenasional yang

diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar.

1.1.1 Menulis learning log yang mengungkapkan

rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat belajar

bahasa Inggris

2 2.2. Menunjukkan

perilaku tanggung jawab,

peduli, kerjasama, dan

cinta damai, dalam


komunikasi fungsional

2.2.1.Bertanggungjawab atas tindakan

anggotanya saat menjadi pemimpin


2.2.2. Mengakuiketikamembuatkesalahan.

2.2.3.Tidak menyalahkan orang lain atas

tindakannya sendiri.

2.2.4 Melakukan hal-hal yang dikatakan akan

dikerjakan tanpa diingatkan orang lain.

3.9. Menganalisis

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks ilmiahfaktual

(factual report)dengan

menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang teks

ilmiah faktual tentang

3.9.1 Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks.

3.9.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks.

3.9.3 Mengidentifikasi unsure

Kebahasaan dalam teks


orang, binatang, benda,

gejala dan peristiwa alam

dan sosial, sederhana,

sesuai dengan konteks

pembelajaran di pelajaran

lain di Kelas XI.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks secara berkelompok berdasarkan

pertanyaan pengarah dari guru;

2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks secara berkelompok berdasarkan pertanyaan

pengarah dari guru

3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian masing-masing dari kalimat.

4. Memperhatikan dan menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan,

dan tata tulis dengan benar.


D. Materi Pembelajaran :

1. Fungsi social :

- Mengamati alam

- Menulis paparan ilmiah mengenai benda, binatang, dan gejala/peristiwa


2. Struktur teks :

- Klasifikasi Umum tentang binatang/ benda yang ditulis,

- Penggambaran mengenai bagian, sifat dan tingkah lakunya

Report text is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as a

result of systemic observation and analyses

The purpose : Presenting information about something. They generally describe an

entire class of things, whether natural or made.

Language feature uses in report text

1. Using general nouns

For example : Hunting dogs. It called general, but if you say “my dog” it called

specific or include as a “descriptive text”

2. Using relating verbs or linking verbs.

For example : the dogs are black. are here has function as a linking verbs

3. Using action verbs.

Action verb means the subject in a report text that explained do an action.

For example : The cat climb the fence. Climb is an action verb.

4. Using present tense

Characteristics of present tense are :

a. using infinitive verb or commonly called V1

b. using time signal : usually, sometimes, often, etc.

5. Using technical terms


Technical terms refers to the topic written in report text.

For example you report about music, so there will be some terms about music.

Example of report text about thing “plant”


Generic Structure Text

General classification

A cactus in latin namely cactaceae is a plant that has

adapted to very dry conditions. Cacti originated in

North and South America.

Description Cactus roots spread out close to the surface of the

ground, absorbing rainwater quickly before it dries up,

or evaporates. The water is stored in the stem of the

plant. The outside of the cactus is thick and waxy ,

which keeps the water from escaping. In other plants

water is lost through the holes, or pores, in the leaves,

but cactus have very few pores, helping keep water in.

the cactus often has spines to protect it from animal.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Model pembelajaran : Discovery Learning (pembelajaran Penemuan)

Metode : Ceramah, diskusi, penugasaan

F. Media Pembelajaran

- Video bahan ajar


- Proyektor

- Sound system

- Worksheet

- Laptop

G. Sumber Bahan Ajar

- Buku Bahasa Inggris “Stop Bullying Now” SMA/ MA/SMK/MAK/ Kelas XI

- Bersumber dari internet yang relevant dengan materi

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama

Kegiatan Mendeskripsikan Alokasi Waktu



Guru menyapa siswa dengan

mengucapakan salam dan

menanyakan kabar.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa .


Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan

yang akan dilakukan dengan

pengalaman peserta didik dengan

materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya

Mengingatkan kembali materi

prasyarat dengan bertanya

Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada

keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang

10 menit


akan dilakukan


Memberikan gambaran tentang

manfaat mempelajati pelajaran yang

akan dipelajari

Pemberian acuan

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran

yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan

saat itu

Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan

pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan

langkah-langkah pembelajaran.

Kegiatan Inti


Guru menayangkan video yang

berkaitan dengan materi


Guru menanyakan pemahaman peserta

didik mengenai video yang


Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

menyampaikan kesulitan dalam

memahami materi yang ditayangkan

melalui video

Siswa menanyakan lebih lanjut

mengenai materi yang ditayangkan

60 menit


Mengumpulkan Informasi

Siswa menulis inti-inti materi yang

ditemukan dalam video

Siswa menjawab frame terakhir

dalam video yang terdiri dari 4



Siswa mendiskusikan secara

berpasangan hasil jawaban yang

diperoleh berdasarkan 4 pertanyaan

dari video yang ditayangkan


Siswa mengumpulkan jawaban yang



Guru meminta satu orang siswa untuk

menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan


Guru menyampaikan materi yang

akan dipelajari untuk pertemuan


Guru mengucapkan terima kasih atas

partisipasi siswa selama

pembelajaran berlangsung

10 menit

Pertemuan Kedua


Kegiatan Mendeskripsikan Alokasi Waktu



Guru menyapa siswa dengan

mengucapakan salam dan

menanyakan kabar.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa .


Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan

yang akan dilakukan dengan

pengalaman peserta didik dengan

materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya

Mengingatkan kembali materi

prasyarat dengan bertanya

Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada

keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang

akan dilakukan


Memberikan gambaran tentang

manfaat mempelajati pelajaran yang

akan dipelajari

Pemberian acuan

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran

yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan

saat itu

Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi

10 menit


inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan

KKM pada pertemuan yang


Pembagian kelompok belajar

Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan

pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan

langkah-langkah pembelajaran.

Kegiatan Inti


Guru menayangkan kembali contoh

report text dengan tema “Cactus”

yang terdapat dalam video

Siswa mengamati structure yang

digunakan dan language feature

yang berlaku unuk report text


Guru menanyakan pemahaman peserta

didik mengenai contoh report text

yang ditayangkan

Mengumpulkan Informasi

Siswa menambah catatan mengenai

language feature yang digunakan

dalam report text


Siswa menulis report text secara

60 menit


sederhana berdasarkan 3 pilihan

gambar dalam video yang ingin

dibuatkan report text. Recount

Textdengan menggunakan pola

kalimat Simple Past Tenseyang telah



Siswa memperlihatkan hasil

tulisannya kepada guru dan juga

rekan sebangkunya

Antar siswa saling memberikan

masukan terhadap tulisannya


Guru meminta satu orang siswa untuk

menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan


Guru menyampaikan materi yang

akan dipelajari untuk pertemuan


Guru mengucapkan terima kasih atas

partisipasi siswa selama

pembelajaran berlangsung

10 menit

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. Jenis penilaian :Test tulis

2. Bentuk penilaian : Essay

3. Instrument penilaian


a. Answer the question below based on the video above

1. Definition of report text is. . . .

2. The difference between report text and descriptive is

3. Structure of report text are …… and …….

4. Report text uses ….. tense

b. Make a report text based on the picture that you’ve chosen.

Gambar b.1. Laptop Gambar b.2. television Gambar b.3. smartphone


Kriteria Score

Isi substantive, ide jelas, tata bahasa tepat, pemilihan kata yang tepat,

tidak ada error spelling


Isi cukup substantive, penjelasan kurang, tata bahasa kurang tepat,

pemilihan kata yang kurang tepat, ada beberapa error spelling namun

masih bisadipahami


Isi membingungkan, ide tidak jelas, tata bahasa tidak tepat, pemilihan

kata yang tidak tepat, terdapat banyak error spelling





Nama satuan pendidikan : SMA Negeri 7 Selayar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/1

Materi pokok : Report Text

Alokasi waktu : 2 JP (2 x 40 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan nmengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayatidan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsive dan pro-aktif

dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam serta

dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secaraman diri,

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi


No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1 1.1. Mensyukuri

kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa

Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi

intenasional yang

diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar.

1.1.1 Menulis learning log yang mengungkapkan

rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat belajar

bahasa Inggris

2 2.2. Menunjukkan

perilaku tanggung jawab,

peduli, kerjasama, dan

cinta damai, dalam


komunikasi fungsional

2.2.1.Bertanggungjawab atas tindakan

anggotanya saat menjadi pemimpin


2.2.2. Mengakuiketikamembuatkesalahan.

2.2.3.Tidak menyalahkan orang lain atas

tindakannya sendiri.

2.2.4 Melakukan hal-hal yang dikatakan akan

dikerjakan tanpa diingatkan orang lain.

3 3.9. Menganalisis

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks ilmiahfaktual

(factual report)dengan

menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang teks

ilmiah faktual tentang

orang, binatang, benda,

3.9.1 Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks.

3.9.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks.

3.9.3Mengidentifikasi unsure kebahasaan dalam



gejala dan peristiwa alam

dan sosial, sederhana,

sesuai dengan konteks

pembelajaran di pelajaran

lain di Kelas XI.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks secara berkelompok berdasarkan

pertanyaan pengarah dari guru;

2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks secara berkelompok berdasarkan pertanyaan

pengarah dari guru

3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian masing-masing dari kalimat.

4. Memperhatikan dan menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan,

dan tata tulis dengan benar.

D. Materi Pembelajaran :

1. Fungsi social :

- Mengamati alam

- Menulis paparan ilmiah mengenai benda, binatang, dan gejala/peristiwa


2. Struktur teks :

- Klasifikasi Umum tentang binatang/ benda yang ditulis,

- Penggambaran mengenai bagian, sifat dan tingkah lakunya

Report text is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as a

result of systemic observation and analyses


The purpose : Presenting information about something. They generally describe an

entire class of things, whether natural or made.

Language feature uses in report text

1. Using general nouns

For example : Hunting dogs. It called general, but if you say “my dog” it called

specific or include as a “descriptive text”

2. Using relating verbs or linking verbs.

For example : the dogs are black. are here has function as a linking verbs

3. Using action verbs.

Action verb means the subject in a report text that explained do an action.

For example : The cat climb the fence. Climb is an action verb.

4. Using present tense

Characteristics of present tense are :

a. using infinitive verb or commonly called V1

b. using time signal : usually, sometimes, often, etc.

5. Using technical terms

Technical terms refers to the topic written in report text.

For example you report about music, so there will be some terms about music.

Example of report text about thing “animal”


Generic Structure Text

General classification

Cats are the most popular pet and can be found

everywhere on the earth. They have a Latin name Felis

Catus Silvertis. They have become tame animals and

humans were functioned them as pets since 6000 BC. In


ancient times, the Egyptians used them as an animal to

hunt the rats.

Description When they were born, they are blind and deaf. Then,

they opened the eyes when they have aged between

eight to ten days. Furthermore, their sexual hormones

are active at the age of ten to fifteen months. On

average, they have a weight ranging from two point five

kg to seven kg. Meanwhile, the length of them is varies,

but mostly they can grow from fifteen to thirty cm. Cats

are lazy animals where they just spend time at home to


Cats are omnivore because we are very often seeing

them eat fish, meat, rice, and even vegetables.

Nevertheless, many people also refer them as a

carnivore. They have small teeth and claws that are not

harmful to humans. But, you have to be careful because

a cat bite can cause rabies and their claws are so


E. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Model pembelajaran : Discovery Learning (pembelajaran Penemuan)

Metode : Ceramah, diskusi, penugasaan

F. Media Pembelajaran

- Worksheet

- Lembaran contoh report text


G. Sumber Bahan Ajar

- Buku Bahasa Inggris “Stop Bullying Now” SMA/ MA/SMK/MAK/ Kelas XI

- Bersumber dari internet yang relevant dengan materi

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ketiga

Kegiatan Mendeskripsikan Alokasi Waktu



Guru menyapa siswa dengan

mengucapakan salam dan

menanyakan kabar.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa .


Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan

yang akan dilakukan dengan

pengalaman peserta didik dengan

materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya

Mengingatkan kembali materi

prasyarat dengan bertanya

Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada

keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang

akan dilakukan


Memberikan gambaran tentang

manfaat mempelajati pelajaran yang

akan dipelajari

10 menit


Pemberian acuan

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran

yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan

saat itu

Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi

inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan

KKM pada pertemuan yang


Pembagian kelompok belajar

Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan

pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan

langkah-langkah pembelajaran.

Kegiatan Inti


Guru memberikan contoh report text

dengan tema animal “cat” yang

berkaitan dengan materi

Siswa mengamati penggunaan

language feature dalam contoh

report text


Guru menanyakan pemahaman peserta

didik mengenai materi yang sedang


Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

menanyakan kesulitan dalam

menangkap material yang dijelaskan

60 menit



Mengumpulkan Informasi

Siswa mencatat hal-hal penting dalam

menentukan generic structure dari

sebuah report text


Siswa menentukan generic structure

dari contoh yang diberikan


Siswa memperlihatkan hasil

identifikasinya kepada guru dan juga

rekan sebangkunya


Guru meminta satu orang siswa untuk

menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan


Guru menyampaikan materi yang

akan dipelajari untuk pertemuan


Guru mengucapkan terima kasih atas

partisipasi siswa selama

pembelajaran berlangsung

10 menit

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. Jenis penilaian :Test tulis

2. Bentuk penilaian : Essay

3. Instrument penilaian


a. Identify the generic structure of report text based on the video above !

b. Make a report text based on the picture that you’ve chosen.

Gambar b.1. The Cow Gambar b.2. The Goat Gambar b.3. The Mouse

J. Penilaian

Kriteria Score

Isi substantive, ide jelas, tata bahasa tepat, pemilihan kata yang tepat,

tidak ada error spelling


Isi cukup substantive, penjelasan kurang, tata bahasa kurang tepat,

pemilihan kata yang kurang tepat, ada beberapa error spelling namun

masih bisadipahami


Isi membingungkan, ide tidak jelas, tata bahasa tidak tepat, pemilihan

kata yang tidak tepat, terdapat banyak error spelling





Nama satuan pendidikan : SMA Negeri 7 Selayar

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/1

Materi pokok : Report Text

Alokasi waktu : 2 JP (2 x 40 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan nmengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayatidan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsive dan pro-aktif

dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam serta

dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang

kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secaraman diri,

bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.


B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1 1.1. Mensyukuri

kesempatan dapat

mempelajari bahasa

Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi

intenasional yang

diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar.

1.1.1 Menulis learning log yang mengungkapkan

rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat belajar

bahasa Inggris

2 2.2. Menunjukkan

perilaku tanggung jawab,

peduli, kerjasama, dan

cinta damai, dalam


komunikasi fungsional

2.2.1.Bertanggungjawab atas tindakan

anggotanya saat menjadi pemimpin


2.2.2. Mengakuiketikamembuatkesalahan.

2.2.3.Tidak menyalahkan orang lain atas

tindakannya sendiri.

2.2.4 Melakukan hal-hal yang dikatakan akan

dikerjakan tanpa diingatkan orang lain.

3 3.9. Menganalisis

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks ilmiahfaktual

(factual report)dengan

menyatakan dan

menanyakan tentang teks

ilmiah faktual tentang

3.9.1 Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks.

3.9.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks.

3.9.3Mengidentifikasi unsure kebahasaan dalam



orang, binatang, benda,

gejala dan peristiwa alam

dan sosial, sederhana,

sesuai dengan konteks

pembelajaran di pelajaran

lain di Kelas XI.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks secara berkelompok berdasarkan

pertanyaan pengarah dari guru;

2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks secara berkelompok berdasarkan pertanyaan

pengarah dari guru

3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian masing-masing dari kalimat.

4. Memperhatikan dan menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan,

dan tata tulis dengan benar.

D. Materi Pembelajaran :

1. Fungsi social :

- Mengamati alam

- Menulis paparan ilmiah mengenai benda, binatang, dan gejala/peristiwa


2. Struktur teks :

- Klasifikasi Umum tentang binatang/ benda yang ditulis,

- Penggambaran mengenai bagian, sifat dan tingkah lakunya

Report text is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as a

result of systemic observation and analyses


The purpose : Presenting information about something. They generally describe an

entire class of things, whether natural or made.

Language feature uses in report text

1. Using general nouns

For example : Hunting dogs. It called general, but if you say “my dog” it called

specific or include as a “descriptive text”

2. Using relating verbs or linking verbs.

For example : the dogs are black. are here has function as a linking verbs

3. Using action verbs.

Action verb means the subject in a report text that explained do an action.

For example : The cat climb the fence. Climb is an action verb.

4. Using present tense

Characteristics of present tense are :

a. using infinitive verb or commonly called V1

b. using time signal : usually, sometimes, often, etc.

5. Using technical terms

Technical terms refers to the topic written in report text.

For example you report about music, so there will be some terms about music.

Example of report text about natural event



Generic Structure Text

General classification

Earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface

that often causes a lot of damage. It is the result of a

sudden release of stored energy in the Earth’s crust that

creates seismic waves. Earthquakes may happen

naturally or as a result of human activities. Smaller

earthquakes can also be caused by volcanic activity,

landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments.

Description At the Earth’s surface, earthquakes can be seen

from the shaking or displacement of the ground.

Sometimes, they cause tsunami which may lead to loss

of life and damage of property. There are two types of

earthquake that occurs naturally, they are tectonic and

volcanic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquakes are

earthquakes that are caused by tectonic plates getting

stuck and putting a strain on the ground. The strain

becomes so great that rocks give way by breaking and

sliding along fault planes.

Volcanic earthquakes are earthquakes which are

caused by the movement of magma in volcanoes. In

volcanic regions earthquakes may be caused both by


tectonic faults and by the movement of magma in

volcanoes. Such earthquakes can be an early warning of

volcanic eruptions

The size of an earthquake is usually reported

using the Richter scale or related Moment scale.

Earthquakes which are 3 on the Richter scale or lower

are hard to notice. Whereas, those which are 7 on the

Richter scale causes serious damage over large areas

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Model pembelajaran : Discovery Learning (pembelajaran Penemuan)

Metode : Ceramah, diskusi, penugasaan

F. Media Pembelajaran

- Video bahan ajar

- Proyektor

- Sound system

- Worksheet

- Laptop

G. Sumber Bahan Ajar

- Buku Bahasa Inggris “Stop Bullying Now” SMA/ MA/SMK/MAK/ Kelas XI

- Bersumber dari internet yang relevant dengan materi

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ke-empat


Kegiatan Mendeskripsikan Alokasi Waktu



Guru menyapa siswa dengan

mengucapakan salam dan

menanyakan kabar.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa.

Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa .


Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan

yang akan dilakukan dengan

pengalaman peserta didik dengan

materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya

Mengingatkan kembali materi

prasyarat dengan bertanya

Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada

keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang

akan dilakukan


Memberikan gambaran tentang

manfaat mempelajati pelajaran yang

akan dipelajari

Pemberian acuan

Memberitahukan materi pelajaran

yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan

saat itu

Memberitahukan tentang kompetensi

10 menit


inti, kompetensi dasar, indikator, dan

KKM pada pertemuan yang


Pembagian kelompok belajar

Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan

pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan

langkah-langkah pembelajaran.

Kegiatan Inti


Guru menayangkan contoh report

text dengan tema natutal events


Siswa mengamati penggunaan

structure dalam contoh report text


Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya seputarb cntoh materi yang


Mengumpulkan Informasi

Siswa mencatat contoh report text

yang ditayangkan dalam video


Siswa mengidentifikasi language

feature yang ada dalam contoh report

text tersebut.

Siswa menemukan general noun,

60 menit


linking verb, action verb, penggunaan

simple present tense dan technical

terms yang ada pada teks



Siswa memperlihatkan hasil

identifikasinya kepada guru dan juga

rekan sebangkunya


Guru meminta satu orang siswa untuk

menyimpulkan hasil kegiatan


Guru menyampaikan kegiatan yang

akan dilaksanakan untuk pertemuan


Guru mengucapkan terima kasih atas

partisipasi siswa selama

pembelajaran berlangsung

10 menit

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. Jenis penilaian :Test tulis

2. Bentuk penilaian : Essay

3. Instrument penilaian

c. Identify the language feature use in report text entitled “earthquake”

J. Penilaian

Kriteria Score

Isi substantive, ide jelas, tata bahasa tepat, pemilihan kata yang tepat, 100


tidak ada error spelling

Isi cukup substantive, penjelasan kurang, tata bahasa kurang tepat,

pemilihan kata yang kurang tepat, ada beberapa error spelling namun

masih bisadipahami


Isi membingungkan, ide tidak jelas, tata bahasa tidak tepat, pemilihan

kata yang tidak tepat, terdapat banyak error spelling






1. Make a report text base on the picture above entitled “ FRUITS “ !






1. Write down a simple report text based on the picture had selected above !

2. Determine the structure of report text on yours !



(Frames of the video)



Picture 1. First video “explanation about report text”


Picure 2. First video “example of report text entitled Cactus”


Picture 3. Second video “example of report text entitled Cat”


Picture 4. Third video “example of report text entitled earthquake”



(Findings in Chapter IV)


Alamat :Kahu-kahu Kec. Bontoharu Kab. Kep. Selayar

Daftar Hadir kelas XI IPA Tahun Pel.2019/2020.1





1 2 3 4 5 6

1 18245 Arman

2 18251 Andi Fajrianti

3 18252 Adelia Nur

4 18255 Andi Firda Januarti

5 18256 Aima Riana

6 18261 A. Salsa Inaya Fahira

7 18263 A. Surtika Putri

8 18264 Andi Umrah

9 18281 Jamaluddin

10 18269 Dwi Wulan Ningrawati

11 18273 Erik Daniel

12 18274 Ernawati

13 18275 Fani

14 18277 Fitrah Ramadhani

15 18286 Kiki Angraeni

16 18287 Kurniati

17 18297 Muh. Isning Nur

18 18289 Lisna Sapitri

19 18293 Muhammad Fikri

20 18284 Mulpi Gita Cahyani

21 18302 Nabila Esterfaniae

22 18303 Nurul Hidaya

23 18302 Nirta Sari

24 18307 Pandi

25 18315 Riskawati




Code Score

Total Content Organization

1 A-01 60 50 110

2 A-02 70 65 145

3 A-03 60 50 110

4 A-04 60 50 110

5 A-05 60 50 110

6 A-06 80 80 160

7 A-07 70 65 135

8 A-08 78 75 153

9 A-09 78 75 153

10 A-10 60 50 110

11 A-11 65 55 120

12 A-12 65 55 120

13 A-13 65 55 120

14 A-14 60 50 110

15 A-15 70 65 135

16 A-16 70 65 135

17 A-17 75 70 145

18 A-18 75 70 160

19 A-19 80 80 160

26 18318 Salwati

27 18321 Serlianti

28 18325 Surniati

29 18327 Tistayanti

30 18268 Dimas Wahyudi


20 A-20 50 30 80

21 A-21 70 65 135

22 A-22 70 65 135

23 A-23 80 80 160

24 A-24 60 50 110

25 A-25 60 50 110

26 A-26 60 50 110

27 A-27 70 70 145

28 A-28 60 50 110

29 A-29 60 50 110

30 A-30 50 30 110

Total 1.991 1.765 3.816

Average 66,36 58,83 127,2




Code Score

Total Content Organization

1 A-01 85 80 165

2 A-02 85 80 165

3 A-03 60 50 110

4 A-04 75 70 145

5 A-05 80 80 160

6 A-06 80 80 160

7 A-07 85 80 165

8 A-08 85 80 165

9 A-09 75 70 145

10 A-10 85 80 165

11 A-11 75 70 145

12 A-12 70 65 135

13 A-13 70 65 135

14 A-14 70 65 110

15 A-15 85 80 165

16 A-16 85 80 165

17 A-17 85 80 165

18 A-18 80 80 160

19 A-19 85 80 165

20 A-20 85 80 165

21 A-21 75 70 145

22 A-22 85 80 165

23 A-23 85 80 165

24 A-24 78 75 153


25 A-25 85 80 165

26 A-26 80 80 160

27 A-27 85 80 165

28 A-28 85 80 165

29 A-29 70 65 135

30 A-30 70 65 135

Total 2.383 2.250 5.499

Average 79,43 75 183,3




Code Score of



Score of



D = (X2-


D2 = (X2-X1)2

1 A-01 55 82,5 27,5 756,25

2 A-02 72,5 82,5 10 100

3 A-03 55 55 0 0

4 A-04 55 72,5 17,5 306,25

5 A-05 55 80 25 625

6 A-06 80 80 0 0

7 A-07 67,5 82,5 15 225

8 A-08 76,5 82,5 6 36

9 A-09 76,5 72,5 -4 16

10 A-10 55 82,5 27,5 756,25

11 A-11 60 72,5 12,5 156,25

12 A-12 60 67,5 7,5 56,25

13 A-13 60 67,5 7,5 56,25

14 A-14 55 55 0 0

15 A-15 67,5 82,5 15 225

16 A-16 67,5 82,5 15 225

17 A-17 72,5 82,5 10 100

18 A-18 80 80 0 0

19 A-19 80 82,5 2,5 6,25

20 A-20 40 82,5 42,5 1.806,25

21 A-21 67,5 72,5 5 25

22 A-22 67,5 82,5 15 225

23 A-23 80 82,5 2,5 6,25

24 A-24 55 76,5 21,5 462,25


25 A-25 55 82,5 27,5 756,25

26 A-26 55 80 25 625

27 A-27 72,5 82,5 10 100

28 A-28 55 82,5 27,5 756,25

29 A-29 55 67,5 12,5 156,25

30 A-30 55 67,5 12,5 156,25

Total 1.908 2.222 396 8.721

Average 63,6 74,06 13,2 290,7



A. The Rate Percentage of Pre-Test Score

1. Content

No. Classification Score


Fequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 0 0%

2 Good 75-84 6 20%

3 Fair 65-73 9 30%

4 Poor 55-64 13 43%

5 Very Poor ≤55 2 7%

Total 30 100%

Calculate the frequency and the rate percentage using this formula :

P = x 100%

For “Good” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,2 x 100%

P = 20%

For “Fair” category

P = x 100%


P = 0,3x 100%

P = 30%

For “Poor” Category

P = x 100%

P = 0,43 x 100%

P = 43%

For “Very Poor” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,06 x 100%

P = 6,66 %

P = 7 %

2. Organization

No. Classification Score

Pre Test

Fequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 0 0%

2 Good 75-84 5 17%

3 Fair 65-74 9 30%

4 Poor 55-64 3 10%


5 Very Poor ≤55 13 43%

Total 30 100%

Calculate the frequency and the rate percentage using this formula :

P = x 100%

For “Good” Category

P = x 100%

P = 0,16 x 100%

P =16,6 %

P = 17%

For “Fair” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,3 x 100%

P = 30%

For “Poor” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,1 x 100%


P = 10%

For “Very Poor” category

P = x 100%

P = x 100%

P = 0,43 x 100%

P = 43%

B. The Rate Percentage of Post-Test Score

1. Content

No. Classification Score


Fequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 16 53%

2 Good 75-84 9 30%

3 Fair 65-73 4 14%

4 Poor 55-64 1 3%

5 Very Poor ≤55 0 0%

Total 30 100%


Calculate the frequency and the rate percentage using this formula :

P = x 100%

For “Very Good” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,53 x 100%

P = 53%

For “Good” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,3 x 100 %

P = 30 %

For “Fair” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,13 x 100%

P = 13,33%

P = 14 %


For “Poor” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,03 x 100%

P = 3 %

2. Organization

No. Classification Score


Fequency %

1 Very Good 85-100 21 70%

2 Good 75-84 8 27%

3 Fair 65-74 0 0%

4 Poor 55-64 0 0%

5 Very Poor ≤55 1 3%

Total 30 100%

Calculate the frequency and the rate percentage using this formula :

P = x 100%

For “Very Good” category

P = x 100%


P = 0,7 x 100%

P = 70%

For “Good” Category

P = x 100%

P = 0,266x 100%

P = 26,66%

P = 27%

For “Very Poor” category

P = x 100%

P = 0,03 x 100%

P = 3%



A. Mean Score of The Pre-Test

1. Content

1 = ∑

1 =

1 = 66,36

2. Organization

1 = ∑

1 = .

1 = 58,83

B. Mean Score of The Post Test

1. Content

2 = ∑

2 = .

2 = 79,43


2. Organization

= ∑

2 = .

2 = 75

C. The improvement score

1. Content

P = x 100

P = , ,, x 100

P = ., x 100

P = x 100

P = 0,196 x 100

P = 19,69 %

P = 20%

2. Organization


P = x 100

P = 58,

58, x 100

P = ,58, x 100

P = 0,274 x 100

P = 27,48%

P = 28%



A. T-Test Value

t = ∑ ∑

t = ,∑ 8721 ∑

t = ,∑ .30

t = ,∑ 8721 . ,

t = ,. ,870

t = ,√ , t = ,, t = 6,590


B. Degree of Freedom (df)

df = N – 1

= 30 – 1

= 29











Silva Liani was born in Selayar October 12th 1997

for the marriage of her parents Andi Nurdin and

Lina Wati. She is the first child in her family. She

has three sisters and no brother. She began her

elementary school at SDI Tanabau in 2003 and

graduated in 2009. She continued her study at SMP Negeri 1 Bontoharu

and graduated in 2012. After finishing her study in junior high school

level, she continued at SMA Negeri 1 Benteng and graduated in 2015.

Then she continued her study in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

in 2015 as a student of English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education.