the ecology of currency - integral urban practitioners

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

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Post on 24-Jan-2017



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Page 1: The Ecology of Currency - Integral Urban Practitioners

The Ecology of Currency:Integral Urban Practitioners

Page 2: The Ecology of Currency - Integral Urban Practitioners

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

• Introduction of the "case clinic", "case giver", and each of the "coaches"

• Co-sensing and reflection of the shared social field

• "Intention Statement" by case giver

• Stillness

• Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

• Generative dialogue

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

Page 3: The Ecology of Currency - Integral Urban Practitioners

The Ecology of Currency:Introduction of the "case clinic", "case giver",

and each of the "coaches"

Page 4: The Ecology of Currency - Integral Urban Practitioners

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

• Introduction of the "case clinic", "case giver", and each of the "coaches"

Panel participants (coaches) take a minute to “check-in” and are invited to share a “movement” or “gesture” in reflection of their current reality.

• Co-sensing and reflection of the shared social field

• "Intention Statement" by case giver

• Stillness

• Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

• Generative dialogue

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

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The Ecology of Currency:Co-sensing and reflection of the shared

social field

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The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

• Co-sensing and reflection of the shared social field

– Moment of stillness to co-sense the shared social field.– Invitation to express or share any reflections.

• "Intention Statement" by case giver

• Stillness

• Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

• Generative dialogue

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

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The Ecology of Currency:"Intention Statement" by case giver

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The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

• "Intention Statement" by case giver

Take a moment to reflect on your sense of calling. Then clarify these questions:

– Current situation: What key challenge or question are we up against?– Stakeholders: How might others view this situation?– Intention: What future are we trying to create?– Learning threshold: What do we need to let-go of -- and what do we need to learn?– Help: Where do we need input or help?

• Stillness

• Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

• Generative dialogue

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

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The Ecology of Currency:"Intention Statement" by case giver

Current situation: What key challenge or question are we up against?

How can we effectively credit value within the Commons?

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“Economic Crisis: The U.S. Political Leadership Has Failed”

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Money & Life

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Capital in the Twenty-First Century

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Inequality for All

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Current situation: How can we effectively credit value within the Commons?

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Current situation: How can we effectively credit value within the Commons?

Code of Virginia § 6.2-202(A) Issuance of currency and related prohibited acts. “No individual or entity, unless

authorized by law, shall:  1) Issue any note, bill, scrip, or other paper or thing with intent that the same be circulated as

currency; or 2) Otherwise deal, trade, or carry on business as a bank of circulation.”

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The Ecology of Currency:"Intention Statement" by case giver

Stakeholders: How might others view this situation?

Let's explore that question from the view of a prospective stakeholder. . .

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Stakeholders: From the view of a prospective stakeholder. . .

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Stakeholders: From the view of a prospective stakeholder. . .

"In 2012, Virginia Western received a nearly $200,000

grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) . . .

The NSF PACE ME project is building connections between

industry and educational institutions so we can focus on growing the technician pipeline

by aligning engineering competencies, skills and


excerpts from:

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Stakeholders: From the view of a prospective stakeholder. . .


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Stakeholders: From the view of a prospective stakeholder. . .


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The Ecology of Currency:"Intention Statement" by case giver

Intention: What future are we trying to create?

We’re creating happier, healthier, more robust communities . . .

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Intention: What future are we trying to create?

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Intention: What future are we trying to create?

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The Ecology of Currency:"Intention Statement" by case giver

Learning threshold: What do we need to let-go of -- and what do we need to learn?

We need to let-go of the “ego’s” (individual) limitations and learn to actualize “eco-” (collective) potentials . . .

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Learning threshold: Letting go of “ego” to actualize “eco” . . .


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The Ecology of Currency:"Intention Statement" by case giver

Help: Where do we need input or help?

We’d like you to be fully “present” for the ensuing discussion!

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Help: You’re invited to be “present” . . .


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The Ecology of Currency:Stillness

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• Stillness

– Listen to your heart: Connect with your heart to what you’re hearing.– Listen to what resonates: What images, metaphors, feelings and gestures come up

for you that capture the essence of what you heard?

• Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

• Generative dialogue

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

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The Ecology of Currency:Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings

(Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

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• Mirroring: Images (Open Mind), Feelings (Open Heart), Gestures (Open Will)

– Each coach shares the images/metaphors, feelings and gestures that came up.– Having listened to all coaches, the case giver reflects back on what s/he heard.

• Generative dialogue

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

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The Ecology of Currency:Generative Dialogue

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• Generative dialogue

– All reflect on remarks by case giver and move into a generative dialogue on how these observations can offer new perspectives on the case giver’s situation and journey.

– Go with the flow of the dialogue. Build on each other’s ideas.

• Closing remarks

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

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The Ecology of Currency:Closing Remarks

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• Closing remarks

– By coaches– By case giver: How do I now see my situation and way forward?– Thank you: An expression of genuine appreciation to each other.

• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

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The Ecology of Currency:Individual journaling to capture the

learning points

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• Individual journaling to capture the learning points

"Case Clinic" - Outline

The Ecology of Currency: Integral Urban Practitioners

Page 41: The Ecology of Currency - Integral Urban Practitioners

The Ecology of Currency:Integral Co-Evolution