the east texan: september 2, 2010

JARED WATSON DIGITAL MEDIA EDITOR Construction projects around the campus of A&M-Commerce, including the new Music Building, construction of a new residence hall and upgrades to the pedestrian walking mall, continue as classes begin for the Fall 2010 semester. The new Music Building is open and hosting classes to begin the semester, with only a few projects remaining to be completed. “[Students and teachers] are occu- pying most of the building,” Facilities Project Manager Jim Patton said. “No activities are being conducted at the old building.” The music building is more than simply a concert and practice space for music students, according to the Mu- sic Department Head Dr. Chris White. White said it reflects a sense of profes- sionalism that the previous building lacked. “[Monday, Aug. 30] was the first day of classes and the faculty and student responses have been delightful,” White said. “I had one student tell me that it was like Extreme Makeover: Music Department.” According to Patton, the only re- maining work left in the site is the com- pletion of the concert and recital halls, which he estimated would be complete by the second week in October. “The site should be fully operational by the beginning of November,” he said. While the concert and recital halls aren’t finished, the building fully func- tions as a practice and educational space for the music department. “We finally have a building worthy of our students,” he said. “It gives you a sense of wonderment and delight that is unique to good architecture.” The music building, which cost in excess of $29.5 million, will officially be dedicated on Feb. 4, 2011. The construction of a new 258-bed residence hall began with the demoli- tion of several of the West Halls, which was completed over the summer. The un-named hall, a three-story building expected to be used to house incoming freshmen, is due to be com- pleted by the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester. “[A&M Commerce President] Dr. Jones made the decision to make A&M- Commerce a more residential campus,” Interim Director of Residential Living and Learning Dennis Koch said. “He wants us to be up to 3,000 students in the near future because he believes that students have a better college experience if they live on campus.” According to Koch, the living units in the new hall, which he referred to as See MUSIC on page 3 The East Tex an The East Tex an STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-COMMERCE SINCE 1915 Christine Evans removed as dean JAMES BRIGHT EDITOR Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Christine Evans was removed from her position this summer and of- fered a job as a professor in the agriculture department. Professor in the Literature and Language department Dr. Sal Attardo will hold the position while a national search is conducted to fill it, Provost Larry Lemanski said. Evans said although there was obvious planning involved in her re- moval, she had no part in it. “From my side this was entirely a surprise,” she said. Questions as to whether Evans’ sexual orientation played a role in her dismissal were raised, but Evans said she does not think it was a factor in her removal. “I am openly lesbian, and have made no attempt to either trumpet or hide that orientation,” she said. “I’m quite certain that most people on cam- pus and in Commerce who have inter- acted with me to any extent are aware of that. I can also add that I have had no direct experience of mistreatment or different treatment related to the issue.” Even if her orientation was the reason for her removal, Evans said it would have been legally irrelevant. “I don’t believe that Texas or the A&M University system include sexual orientation on their list of character- istics with specific civil rights protec- tion,” she said. Calls to confirm this information with the A&M University system’s human resources department were not returned as of press time. “My personal opinion is that my sexual orientation was probably not See EVANS on page 3 Construction almost complete XCV, No. 1, 8 pages Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 PAGE 6 “Brains” brings intelligence to zombie genre Sound off How do you like the campus look? Sound offs updated Friday night Thursday H: 94 L: 75 Construction gives campus face lift FREE! TAKE ONE ADDITIONAL COPIES 25 CENTS LSC loses five universities CALEB SLINKARD MANAGING EDITOR The Lone Star Confer- ence Council of Presi- dents gathered Wednes- day, Aug. 25 at Texas Women’s University’s Parkland Campus in Dallas to discuss the exit date of the five Okla- homa schools leaving the Lone Star Conference. The Council agreed on a plan that will have all five schools exit the LSC by the end of the 2010-11 athletic seasons. “Today’s decision reflected a desire of our member institutions – the 11 that will remain and the five withdrawing – to move forward and look to the future,” LSC Com- missioner Stan Wagnon said. “Starting anew with the 2011-12 athletic sea- sons will allow everyone to get started down the respective paths that were made known earlier this summer.” Three Oklahoma schools- Southeastern Oklahoma State Uni- versity, Southwestern Oklahoma State Uni- versity and East Central University- are leaving the LSC to join with six Arkansas schools and create a new Division II conference. The name and headquarters of this new conference have yet to be decided. The six Arkansas schools are the Univer- sity of Arkansas-Mon- ticello, Arkansas Tech, Harding, Henderson State, Ouachita Baptist and Southern Arkansas, all of which are currently members of the Gulf Coast Conference. According to a press release by Southwestern Oklahoma State Universi- ty, the universities “plan to submit a conference strategic plan, a confer- ence constitution and conference by-laws to the NCAA by Dec. 1, 2010.” “The intent of the conference is to group together similar institu- tions in terms of budgets and goals,” said the presidents, chancellors and directors of athletics from the universities in a joint statement. “Further- more, the conference is intended to be made up See LSC on page 3 KAT HUFFINES / THE EAST TEXAN Construction of the new music building will finish early next semester with the unveiling of the building scheduled for Feb. 4. Texas A&M University-Commerce has several construction projects going on around campus, all of which will change the layout and design of the university. Friday H: 94 L: 71 Saturday H: 93 L: 72 Online Poll Are you happy to be back at school? Polls updated Wednesday night Nationial search to be held for replacement

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The East Texan: September 2, 2010


Page 1: The East Texan: September 2, 2010

Jared watsonDigital meDia eDitor

Construction projects around the campus of a&m-Commerce, including the new music Building, construction of a new residence hall and upgrades to the pedestrian walking mall, continue as classes begin for the Fall 2010 semester.

the new music Building is open and hosting classes to begin the semester, with only a few projects remaining to be completed.

“[Students and teachers] are occu-pying most of the building,” Facilities Project manager Jim Patton said. “No activities are being conducted at the old building.”

the music building is more than simply a concert and practice space for music students, according to the mu-sic Department Head Dr. Chris White.

White said it reflects a sense of profes-sionalism that the previous building lacked.

“[Monday, Aug. 30] was the first day of classes and the faculty and student responses have been delightful,” White said. “i had one student tell me that it was like extreme makeover: music Department.”

according to Patton, the only re-maining work left in the site is the com-pletion of the concert and recital halls, which he estimated would be complete by the second week in october.

“the site should be fully operational by the beginning of November,” he said.

While the concert and recital halls aren’t finished, the building fully func-tions as a practice and educational space for the music department.

“We finally have a building worthy of our students,” he said. “it gives you a sense of wonderment and delight that is unique to good architecture.”

the music building, which cost in excess of $29.5 million, will officially be dedicated on Feb. 4, 2011.

the construction of a new 258-bed residence hall began with the demoli-tion of several of the West Halls, which was completed over the summer.

the un-named hall, a three-story building expected to be used to house incoming freshmen, is due to be com-pleted by the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester.

“[a&m Commerce President] Dr. Jones made the decision to make a&m-Commerce a more residential campus,” interim Director of residential living and learning Dennis Koch said. “He wants us to be up to 3,000 students in the near future because he believes that students have a better college experience if they live on campus.”

according to Koch, the living units in the new hall, which he referred to as

See MUSIC on page 3


Christine Evans removed as dean

James Bright eDitor

Dean of the College of arts and Sciences Christine evans was removed from her position this summer and of-fered a job as a professor in the agriculture department.

Professor in the literature and language department Dr. Sal attardo will hold the position while a national search is conducted to fill it, Provost

larry lemanski said.evans said although there was

obvious planning involved in her re-moval, she had no part in it.

“From my side this was entirely a surprise,” she said.

Questions as to whether evans’ sexual orientation played a role in her dismissal were raised, but evans said she does not think it was a factor in her removal.

“i am openly lesbian, and have

made no attempt to either trumpet or hide that orientation,” she said. “i’m quite certain that most people on cam-pus and in Commerce who have inter-acted with me to any extent are aware of that. i can also add that i have had no direct experience of mistreatment or different treatment related to the issue.”

even if her orientation was the reason for her removal, evans said it would have been legally irrelevant.

“i don’t believe that texas or the a&m University system include sexual orientation on their list of character-istics with specific civil rights protec-tion,” she said.

Calls to confirm this information with the a&m University system’s human resources department were not returned as of press time.

“my personal opinion is that my sexual orientation was probably not

See EVANS on page 3

Construction almost complete

XCV, No. 1, 8 pages Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010PAGE 6“Brains” brings intelligence to zombie genre

Sound off

How do you like the campus look?

Sound offs updated Friday night

ThursdayH: 94L: 75

Construction gives campus face lift



LSC loses five universities

CaleB slinkardmaNagiNg eDitor

the lone Star Confer-ence Council of Presi-dents gathered Wednes-day, aug. 25 at texas Women’s University’s Parkland Campus in Dallas to discuss the exit date of the five okla-homa schools leaving the lone Star Conference.

the Council agreed on a plan that will have all five schools exit the lSC by the end of the 2010-11 athletic seasons.

“today’s decision reflected a desire of our member institutions – the 11 that will remain and the five withdrawing – to move forward and look to the future,” lSC Com-missioner Stan Wagnon said. “Starting anew with the 2011-12 athletic sea-sons will allow everyone to get started down the respective paths that were made known earlier this summer.”

three oklahoma schools- Southeastern oklahoma State Uni-versity, Southwestern oklahoma State Uni-versity and east Central University- are leaving the lSC to join with six arkansas schools and create a new Division ii conference. the name and headquarters of this new conference have yet to be decided.

the six arkansas schools are the Univer-sity of arkansas-mon-ticello, arkansas tech, Harding, Henderson State, ouachita Baptist and Southern arkansas, all of which are currently members of the gulf Coast Conference.

according to a press release by Southwestern oklahoma State Universi-ty, the universities “plan to submit a conference strategic plan, a confer-ence constitution and conference by-laws to the NCaa by Dec. 1, 2010.”

“the intent of the conference is to group together similar institu-tions in terms of budgets and goals,” said the presidents, chancellors and directors of athletics from the universities in a joint statement. “Further-more, the conference is intended to be made up

See LSC on page 3


Construction of the new music building will finish early next semester with the unveiling of the building scheduled for Feb. 4. Texas A&M University-Commerce has several construction projects going on around campus, all of which will change the layout and design of the university.

FridayH: 94L: 71

SaturdayH: 93L: 72

Online Poll

Are you happy to be back at school?

Polls updated Wednesday night

Nationial search to be held for replacement

Page 2: The East Texan: September 2, 2010


OPINIONOPINION www.theeasttexan.comThursday, Sept. 2, 2010Page 2

The East Texan, official student newspaper of Texas A&M University-Commerce, is published 12 times per semester during the Fall and Spring by students in reporting and editing classes. Content is solely the responsibility of the student editors and writers. The comments and views expressed in The East Texan do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of other students, staff, faculty, administration, or the Board of Trustees. The East Texan is located inside the Journalism building on the east side of campus in room 113. Single copies are available in Journalism 113 for an additional 25 cents.

Letters to the Editor are welcome and should be limited to 250 words. They will not be edited for spelling, grammar and libelous or malicious statements. We reserve the right to refuse publication. Letters should be typed or e-mailed and must include a signature, classification (grade level) and telephone number. Mailing address is The East Texan, P.O. Box 4011 Commerce, Texas 75428.

Established 1915

The East TexanThe East Texan








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My weight is some-thing that I’ve dealt with for years. It’s not like I have ever been largely overweight, but I have never considered my-self to be in good shape by any means. So, here are some tips to help keep off those dreaded “Freshman 15.”

As far as working out goes, all students have free access to the Rec Center, which has plenty of options when it comes to having a fun workout session.

Another tip when it comes to working out is to take your roommate with you as a workout buddy. You are sure to have more fun than if you were to work out by yourself and it will give you an opportunity to get to know your “room-ie” a little better.

Now, to this day I still have a problem with over-eating. I contribute this in large part to the fact that I am the child of a single parent who sometimes had trouble making ends meet, mak-ing it taboo to not clear my plate. So, if you are an over-eater like me, eating at the cafeteria will go a long way to remedying that. As a

freshman, you are re-quired to have a meal plan and, I guarantee, if you eat every meal there for a week, you will like-ly swear off food for the following week.

If that little jaunt down the porcelain river does not help to curb you over-eating habit, then it may be time to take some more drastic steps – chemical dependency. Granted, it is not the most savory of options and I would certainly never endorse such an action but, clearly, there must be some merit to the practice. It is never too early to start to develop a “big boy” addiction. And for those who doubt this method, I have one question: have you ever seen a morbidly obese crack addict?

Now, I realize that there may be some of you out there – you tragically fated few – who will not be helped by my advice up to this point. You are probably reading this and saying to yourself, “But Chance, I don’t like lifting heavy stuff, I love stuffing my face with crappy food and I don’t want to start using drugs or alcohol cause they are bad for me.”

For you folks, I have one more fail-safe, idiot-proof strategy: bulimia. I know it is not very pleas-ant to talk about, but it may be the only option for some people. It may seem kind of gross and, yeah, you may end up losing a tooth or two but you are just going to have to weigh that against how much you want to be thin.

I hope this has helped. You’re welcome.


Bed sheets: check. Computer: check. Clothes: check. The rest of my ma-terialistic items I can’t live without: check!

I loaded up my little red car all by myself, filled up with gas and headed to Commerce for a semester of classes, work and mem-ories I will most likely never forget.

I pulled into my new residential parking lot

straddling a huge pothole. The big red brick build-ing looked lonesome and the parking lot was dead. After lord knows how many loads from my car to my dorm, I finally took a break and sat down on the little blue chair in my jail cell sized room.

My first night here I hardly got any sleep, con-sidering I had no pillow! When I woke up in the morning, I went straight to the bathroom door only to find I was locked out. Grabbed my keys, ran downstairs and found a sweet, young woman to help me. When I told her my dilemma, she re-sponded with, “So basi-cally you’re telling me you have to pee,” which made me laugh.

As a junior transfer student, I am learning a whole new campus, new people and how things work around here.

Just about everyone I have met is welcoming and inviting.

When I moved here last week, I not only got a new “home,” but a new job, new school and I have met so many new people. It’s amazing how moving an hour away from home can seem like you’re living a whole new life.

Friday night, I realized I was not the only one in this position. All of the other transfer students and freshmen are in the same boat I am. In order for us to meet people we all need to get out there and push ourselves a little bit further. Introduce your-self to a stranger, smile at someone walking by and don’t be afraid to go out just because you don’t know anyone.

My new job in the weight room has allowed me to meet tons of people. In just six days, I went

from knowing just one person in this town, to meeting handfuls of indi-viduals just like me who make me feel at home.

I encourage all of the new students to get in-volved. Don’t just sit around in the dorms wait-ing for something to hap-pen… because it probably won’t. Use your recourses; visit the library, rec center, bookstore, Grill 155, Mex to the Max, Einstein Bros. Bagel, The Bistro, The Club or any other place on campus. If you don’t know where anything is, explore; take a walk. A little exercise won’t hurt you.

For this new fall semes-ter, I challenge each stu-dent to make a new friend (or many), try something they have never done be-fore, and live life to the fullest. Just don’t get too carried away and forget to finish homework.

Editor excited about CommerceWriter gives freshmen “healthy” living tips

While Provost Larry Lemanski’s firing of for-mer Dean of the Col-lege of Arts and Sciences Christine Evans was done by the book, the man-ner in which it was done conveys a lack of respect to Dr. Evans, students in the College of Arts and Sciences and the A&M-Commerce student body in general.

Lemanski is not legally required to provide a rea-

son for Evans’ dismissal, and the fact that he provid-ed one is reassuring. The reason he gave, however, is unsatisfactory.

Of course the col-lege wants to move in a new direction but that doesn’t mean anything. Any personnel change by necessity involves a new direction. Evans de-serves to know why she was fired and the stu-dents of A&M-Commerce

need to know that the administration in place has legitimate reasons for removing an individ-ual in an important place of authority.

We are not interested in offhand political state-ments that don’t provide relevant information.

Without an explana-tion for Evans’ dismissal, we’re left with only un-answered questions and speculation, which is pre-

cisely what such vague explanations are designed to do.

Clearly the A&M-Commerce administration considers Evans worthy of being an A&M-Commerce faculty member since they extended a job to her as a professor in the agricul-ture department. Perhaps in the future they will consider A&M-Commerce students worthy of the entire truth.

Editorial: Reason for Evans’ dismissal leaves more questions than answers

Check out for more up-to-date news, video, polls and much much more!!

Page 3: The East Texan: September 2, 2010


and Success Center as one such example. He said the cost of creating the center was $1 million and that other universi-ties have paid upward of $20 million for similar buildings.

“Our university lead-ers had the wisdom to look at a facility like the former print shop and envision what it could be – a great resource for the student body,” he said.

Vice President for Business and Adminis-tration Bob Brown said utilities underwent a $200,000 cut.

The addition of the chilled water loop has aided the university in saving money, and such efforts will not stop there.

“We are always look-ing for ways to be more energy efficient and improve our operations,” he said.

Lemanski said several other updates have been made in campus build-ings in order to increase energy efficiency, such as waterless urinals, ligh-ing, sun screens, boilers,

chillers, cooling towers and new air conditioning systems.

Brown said he expects to cut $225,000 from the utilities budget next year.

The removal of certain positions was another way Lemanski said the university was able to meet the required budget cuts. He said 16.8 posi-tions were eliminated from state funding. Most of these positions were in the Provost’s division, but none resulted in the removal of an A&M-Commerce employee. Eight positions were reassigned to other fund-ing sources, 8.3 positions were unfilled vacancies and .5 was from unfilled retirement.

Lemanski said the money saved from these cuts is required to be returned to the state, and that the university will likely face additional cuts next year. He said Texas leaders have already asked state agencies to lower their next two-year, non-formula funding requests by 10 percent in preparation for the 2011 legislature. Thursday, Sept. 9, 2010 Page 3



the reason for my dis-missal,” reaching their goal of enrollment set in the University Strategic Plan set in place to reach 10,000 students by 2010.

“Meeting our enroll-ment goal allows us to

remain dedicated to our university values, vi-sion and mission while recruiting, retaining and graduation qualified students who are then prepared to contribute to our economy and our world, while providing

for their families,” Hol-ley said. “In hitting this mark, everyone wins”

Interim Director of Undergraduate Admis-sions Jody Todhunter said this large popula-tion of students changes the whole environment

of the campus. “It’s an exciting time

for this university as a whole to see our enroll-ment surpass the 10,000 mark,” he said. “Hav-ing this many students on campus infuses that collegiate atmosphere

that helps students enjoy their time on campus daily.”

Hendrix said physical improvements on cam-pus are a contributing factor to the enrollment increase.

“I think all of the changes we have been able to make in the campus and the energy is making a difference, and it’s everyone work-ing together and real-izing how important it is to change,” she said.

Hendrix also said the connection between the Student Access and Suc-cess Center and students plays a beneficial role in recruiting and retaining students.

“We’ve been estab-lishing strong rela-tionships with public school partners as well as community college partners,” she said. “I think having our One-Stop-Shop [gives us] the opportunity to focus on each individual student.”

Graduate enrollment is up as well. Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Dr. Allan D. Headley said being in

public eye helps A&M-Commerce’s graduate programs gain notoriety.

“Factors that con-tribute to the increase in graduate enrollment include the continued dissemination of infor-mation about the high quality of our graduate programs and inter-nationally recognized faculty through various avenues, such as our Graduate Expo, which was held this past spring in the metroplex,” he said.

A&M-Commerce President Dan Jones said the enrollment increase is helping make A&M-Commerce more well-known as a whole.

“Our record-breaking enrollment this fall is the result of many great things coming together: a campus that has never looked better, caring faculty and staff, and most importantly, an educational experience of unparalleled quality,” he said. “We’re no longer ‘the best-kept secret in Northeast Texas.’ Big things are happening at A&M-Commerce, and people are noticing.”

...enrollment sees dramatic jump

Provost Larry Lemanski said despite the budget cuts the education of students is still the top priority at A&M-Commerce.


It looks like a small-college football sta-dium,” he said. “We’re pleased with the way it turned out and excited to start playing in it. It’s taken a long time to get here.”

Morriss said he likes the idea of hosting high profile high school games, and he also said A&M-Commerce has already been contacted by interested parties.

“I think that’s good any time we can get

those types of student athletes on our cam-pus,” he said. “That’s a plus for us, and that’ll certainly be the case once everybody finds out we’ve got a visitors side now.”

Cooper admitted there was talk about eventually switch-ing the current home section to the new bleachers, but he said that would not be hap-pening anytime soon. However, fans of Com-merce Tigers will be in the new seats.

“Right now, we’re

going to stay where we are,” he said. “It’s the best place for us.”

Morriss has his own idea about what to put in the new stands.

“What I’d like to do is talk about putting our band behind their bench, maybe a couple of student section over there,” he said. “When you go to College Sta-tion, that’s where the chore is and where the band is, they raise holy heck, and it’s a distrac-tion. I’ve been down there twice as the head coach of Baylor. That’s

kind of what I had in mind.”

New lights and newly laid rubber in the synthetic turf com-plete the current reno-vations. Cooper said smaller additions will be added at a later date.

“There are still some things we’re work-ing on, some cosmetic things to tie it all together,” he said. “That’ll be work in progress. They’re not necessarily things that needed to be there be-fore we played our first game.” stadium adds to Lion pride


The football stadium features several new additions such as opposing team benches and a new scoreboard. The scoreboard also several spots available for advertising, which will create a new revenue stream for the university.


...budget cuts continue

...fresh money brought through grantsCONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

engineering and technology, received an $18,000 grant for the “2010 Engineering Summer Program (ESP),” which hosted middle school students from Commerce and Cooper from June 7-18 this summer.

“The students were introduced to robotics, given challenges, and de-signed and planned their own robots, which they demonstrated on June 14,”

Donham said.The students were

also taken on a tour of L-3 Communications in Greenville during the camp.

“L-3 is a major col-laborator on various programs,” Lemanski said. “Including our new computational science program.”

Dr. Vanessa Huse, a mathematics instruc-tor, received a $60,434 continuation of a grant for “Measurement in the

Middle Grades,” a Teacher Quality Grant Program. The award will be used for teacher training for middle school mathemat-ics in the Athens area.

“We’re trying to improve all the science and mathematics areas in the grade schools, middle schools, and of course high schools, so students in the United States are better prepared when they come to college,” Lemanski said. “In other

words, they won’t find al-gebra so difficult. They’re good at it.”

However, Lemanski stressed that though he is enthusiastic about the advances in research at A&M-Commerce, he does not want to see the university sacrifice its educational base.

“We want to main-tain excellent teaching as well,” he said. “But also bring up the research and scholarship component of our institution.”

The above graph shows enrollment numbers for undergraduates by classification for 2009 and 2010, and shows each had a significant increase.

Page 4: The East Texan: September 2, 2010

www.theeasttexan.comThursday, Sept. 2, 2010Page 4 Campus LifeCampus Life


While most universities recognize that preparing their students for life in the “real world” is their most important goal, cer-tain aspects of this well-rounded education tend to be ignored. That’s where certified financial planner Jared Pickens steps in.

A graduate of Texas Tech and Kansas State with an undergraduate and master’s degree in per-sonal financial planning, Pickens will be teaching a personal finance class dur-ing the 2010 fall semester at A&M-Commerce. The class, officially Finance 497: Intro to Personal Finance, began as a thesis project at Kansas State.

“Instead of doing a tra-ditional thesis for my mas-ter’s degree, I was allowed to design and implement a personal finance class,” Pickens said. “I also was part of a volunteer pro-gram at Texas Tech where I did financial planning and financial counseling for students. That was the inspiration for this class.”

Pickens approached A&M-Commerce with the help of current A&M-Commerce CFP Director Dr. Nathan Harness, one of Pickens’s professors at Texas Tech, and the school quickly latched on to the idea.

The class, which is completely online, is designed to provide stu-dents with a comprehen-sive understanding of personal finance.

“Our biggest goals are to educate students on every aspect of finan-cial planning, encour-age people to live within their means and to teach students to save some money,” Pickens said. “By the end of the class, you should be able to put your own personal finance plan together before you earn your first paycheck. We teach everything from money management to debt to investment to real estate. Anything you want to know, we cover it.”

This class provides A&M-Commerce students with a unique opportunity for a university of A&M-Commerce’s size.

“It’s relatively new and I think you’re going to see classes like this more and more needed as things like what happened in 2008 continue to occur,” Pickens said. “We’re slowly seeing classes like this come in, but it’s rather slow.”

As the financial world becomes more and more

complicated, students will need to seek educational opportunities to remain up-to-date on everything that’s going on.

Since personal finance is such a daunting topic, many students simply ignore it.

“I think all students should have a basic understanding of per-sonal finance,” Harness said. “The financial world is becoming increasingly complex and the respon-sibility for understand-ing that complexity falls square[ly] on the individu-al. College students today need a basic understand-ing of retirement funding, student loans, credit card debt, employee benefits, and a plethora of other financial concepts.”

Without a sound finan-cial education, many stu-dents exit college loaded with debt. For students who aren’t making that much money coming out of college, this is a questionable strategy.

“The average student graduates with up to $3,000 to $4,000 in debt,” Pickens said, “and that doesn’t even count student loans. Because we live in a consumer-driven society, we want everything now. We want what our parents have now.”

This “need-it-now” attitude leads to poor financial decisions by stu-dents, which can impact their appreciation of their education and their ability to give back to their university.

“I get a number of par-ents and alumni who tell me they wish they had not learned personal finance the “hard way”- through making the wrong finan-cial decisions,” Harness said. “Understanding basic finance has become a necessity to function in the complex financial environ-ment we live in.”

News of the class has spread quickly among faculty and staff, and Pickens is confident that the class will continue to be offered at A&M-Commerce. While there are hopes of adding it as a minor or to the univer-sity’s core curriculum, for now the class is open to all students.

“I encourage students to check with their advis-ers to see if the class will give them credit towards their degree plans,” Pickens said. “[But] the class is open to anyone. I’m hoping that the class goes so well that we can add sections and even-tually see a live class in A&M-Commerce.”


In April, Texas A&M Universi ty-Commerce launched Cash4College, a state-funded scholarship program that targets new undergraduate and grad-uate students in certain academic disciplines.

According the Cash4College web page: “Cash4College is a Texas A&M University-Commerce scholar-ship program open to eligible graduate can-didates and under-graduate candidates who have not attended Texas A&M University- Commerce before.”

According to Vice-President for Student Access and Success Dr.

Mary Hendrix, “The Cash4College initiative is a special initiative designed to maximize our base funding from the sate.”

Hendrix said each state university receives “performance incen-tive funds,” which are allocated based on an institution’s perfor-mance on “key indica-tors” such as retention, graduation rate and time to degree.

A & M - C o m m e r c e President Dan Jones has approved use of these incentive funds for scholarships.

“These scholarships are targeted as classifi-cations and degree pro-grams that will gener-ate the most weighted

funding for the next two years,” Hendrix said. “For example, we receive more funding from the state for master’s and doctoral programs and for degree programs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).”

The Cash4College initiative will continue through the Spring 2011 semester, with scholar-ships being awarded to approximately 300 students, according to Hendrix.

“We are providing 50 two-year, $2,500 per semester scholarships for students transferring to our university and major-ing in the STEM disci-plines,” she said. “We are investing $1,000 for 50

of our current students who want to pursue their graduate degrees. The remaining scholar-ships will target over 200 graduate students.”

According to Hendrix, students transferring to A&M-Commerce for the Fall 2010 semester who are majoring in a STEM discipline have been notified of Cash4College scholarship options.

For further informa-tion contact Dr. Hendrix at Mary_Hendrix@t a m u - c o m m e r c e . e d u . Cash4College scholar-ship requirements and applications can be found at d m i s s i o n s / t u i t i o n -C o s t s / f i n a n c i a l A i d /cash4College/scholar-shipProgram.

A&M-Commerce unveils new scholarship program

A&M-Commerce will begin an online personal finance class, Finance

497: Intro to Personal Finance, this semester.


Starting as a news-paper in 1953, Latson’s Printing & Office Supply, Inc. is now one of the old-est retail and printing ser-vice stores in Commerce.

The owner of Latson’s, Dick Latson, belongs to the second genera-tion of Latsons to own the business.

“My father moved here from Texas Tech in west Texas in 1953 – it was his dream to own a small-town paper,” he said. “He and another man owned the Commerce Journal up through 1966. I took over in 1977. It was just a little old chop shop and then we expanded the business to include office supplies and copies.”

In the beginning, Latson never intended to own the company on a long-term basis.

“The family turned it over to me back in the late ‘70s because there wasn’t anything really to sell,” he said. “So I was going to school at the university [in Commerce] and decided that I would run the business for a few years, then sell it and continue on with my education. Obviously, that didn’t happen and I ended up keeping it for 33 years now.”

Although he was not running the company in the early years after its formation, Latson thinks that it would have been easier owning a “baby” company back then.

“Business in the early days was a lot easier than it is nowadays,” Latson

said. “Back in the early days, we made a lot of mistakes and took on too much debt and came close to losing the business. But there was lot of business to be had and so the mis-takes weren’t as costly. If I were starting in the business today, I doubt if I could make it. It’s just a lot tougher these days.”

One thing Latson enjoys about his business is serving others.

“The thing that keeps me going and the satis-faction I derive from it is being somewhat of a service industry,” he said. “I’m passionate about our customers and get great satisfaction from helping people solve their prob-lems, helping people out of binds – that probably drives me more than the money. A lot of decisions made in the industry are based on how we can help the customer as opposed to how we can make more money.”

This satisfaction from helping others is apparent to anyone who visits the company’s website. On the opening page, Latson has clearly stated what his company will do for you that others may not.

“At Latson’s, customer service is not only our top priority, it is our pas-sion,” the website reads. “We strive to be your one source for all of your office supply and busi-ness and needs. One ven-dor, one call. Simplify your life.”

A Commerce native, Latson also enjoys feeling like he is giving back to his community.

“The thing I’m most

proud of is just survival and being able to pro-vide payroll for 14 fami-lies,” Latson said. “It’s pretty awesome when you think about the fact that the survival of your business provides sup-port for many different families within your com-munity. I’m proud that we’re able to provide a place of employment for those people.”

Like most business these days, Latson’s was affected by the recession.

“Business here was down, but it wasn’t as bad as the industry as a whole, so I’m kind of proud of that,” he said. “We didn’t have to lay anybody off. We’ve pretty much been able to hang on to our payroll.”

However, this level of recession resistance has come with a price, accord-ing to Latson.

“It has taken its toll on us,” he said. “It’s going to take awhile to dig out of this. Our cash reserves are depleted. So it’s going to take another year or two to pull out of this recession for us.”

After 44 years, Latson’s still receives a good deal of business on a regular basis.

“We get quite a bit of retail downtown,” Latson said. “We probably get more retail business than the few of us that are around down here.”

Senior sociology major Kerry Hendricks – who used Latson’s engrav-ing services to create a humorous nameplate as a gag gift for a profes-sor – spoke highly of his customer experience.

“The customer service I received at Latson’s was really awesome,” Hendricks said. “They really value their custom-ers and really want you to keep doing business with them. I went in to get a custom nameplate made for a prank on one of my professors, and the lady that helped me was really helpful. She was able to help me pick out what I needed and even offered come constructive chang-es. As opposed to other larger businesses, I felt a real personal and friendly experience. Granted, the selection may not be as broad as Staples, but the customer service really makes up for it.”

Latson’s has expanded its business to Sulphur Springs. However, Dick said he does not really have a desire to expand the business further at present.

“We did expand a couple of years ago, and we had opportunities to do some more expansion and, probably if I was younger, I’d consider it, but a lot of that cash flow becomes a lot more criti-cal the bigger you get – you take on a lot more risk,” he said.

Latson wants to focus on securing his assets.

“We decide to pull in the reins a little bit and try to get a good handle on this to where we’re taking care of what we have and then, maybe down the road, if my manager wants to look at expanding again, we might consider it. But, for now, we’re going to hold on to what we have.”

Personal Finance class debuts in fall

Latson’s Printing & Office Supplies provides personal service to customsers and has been a downtown Commerce fixture for over 50 years.

Latson’s values service above all

Courtesy of Marie Claire

JasMin Brown/ the east texan

Page 5: The East Texan: September 2, 2010 Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 Page 5Campus Life

Page 6: The East Texan: September 2, 2010

Art SceneArt Scene www.theeasttexan.comThursday, Sept. 02, 2010Page 6

The East Texan welcomes two new editors


There’s a reason no one has ever tried to replace the rat pack. Every mem-ber of the group were tal-ented actors, singers and entertainers. Paul Walker’s new film “Takers” makes an effort, but falls incredibly short. The movie is your basic run-of-the-mill bank rob-ber story with a different group of actors. They are the best at what they do. They’ve robbed several banks over the last five years. They are looking for the big score. Yadda yadda you get the picture. At first the movie appears to have promise. An eclectic group of actors fill out the cast. Each one has their own back story, which the movie spends a decent amount of time explaining. It looks at mul-tiple perspectives through-out the movie includ-

ing those of the thieves’ and the police. Sadly this movie fails to capitalize on any of these potential high notes. Matt Dillon, Chris Brown and Tip ‘T.I.’ Harris are a small sampling of what this movie brings. The problem is, out of these three only Matt Dillon can act. Brown is whiny and generic throughout the film. He never really con-nects to the audience and therefore it’s really hard to care what happens to his character. Compared to Harris though, Brown is a master of the craft. Fresh out of prison – in real life and in this film – Harris is a single-note tough guy who seems to be stron-ger than anyone else in the movie. The guy is maybe 130 lbs and somehow man-ages to flip someone twice his own weight over his shoulder. Plus, every time he’s on the screen his accent makes it close to impossible to understand

anything he says. Something every movie needs are back stories for its characters. “Takers” is no different. Everyone gets at least a little bit of back story. The problem is they are all boring, generic and limited. There is no ingenuity in any of these tales. No real reason as to why these people act the way they do. Hayden Christensen, who is the brains of the operation, is covered in tattoos, but dresses like Frank Sinatra. The reason why is never given. Chris Brown has a 10 minute scene where he leaps over cars, buildings and even a six story park-ing garage. Yet there is no way to know where he acquired these ninja skills or why he has them. This is what makes the movie so weak – excessive plot holes. The film does make an effort to give the audi-ence multiple perspec-tives, but no one really

cares. The cops –played by Matt Dillon and Jay Hernandez – are one-note characters at best. Dillon plays the older, agitated by-the-street officer while Hernandez slips into the young, trying-to-do-it-by-the-book-but-failing-at-it cop. Every police film in the world has these arche-types and these two do not do them justice. What is worse is the lack of cli-max in the police side of the story. At the end of the movie, it just kind of trails off and ends with no real resolution one way or the other. There is just no reason to spend money to see this movie. There are several others just like it. If you are feeling the high stakes crime movie jones watch any of the “Ocean’s” series, or “The Italian Job” or even “Maverick.” Any of these films is far and away better than this one-note piece of garbage.

Star-studded cast robs audiencesEven with a cast stock full with big names like Paul Walker, TIP “T.I.” Harris and Chris Brown, Takers still fails audiences and robs audiences of precious time and money. This is T.I.’s first post-jail time film.



Robin Becker’s debut novel showcases an array of randomly talented zombies with particular human traits.


Robin Becker must have been using her head when she noticed the soaring popularity of zombies and chose the shuffling, liv-ing dead as the basis for her debut novel “Brains.” While it is true that during the past year zombies have been a tad overdone, her novel takes the once misun-derstood and hard to relate to race, and attempts to make them human. In this daring and crazy attempt, I think Becker was a wild success. The novel revolves around middle-aged pro-fessor Jack Barnes, who is forced to join the infected masses that contracted the zombie virus created by scientist Howard Stein. When Barnes regains con-sciousness after his trans-formation, he immediately starts to write. Granted, the word he writes is ‘Brains!’ but it is this event that is Professor Jack Barnes’s first clue of his sentience. The first aspect of the novel that caught and held my attention was the imme-diate and oft placed media references. Some of them were so obvious anyone could understand them, such as the first association on page four of George Romero, who is practical-ly the Father of Modern Zombies (in film at least). Then a remark will throw me for a complete loop where I actually have to put my book down and look it up on the Internet. For example, on page 151 Becker references a story and an author I have never heard of, Shirley Jackson

and her 1948 short story “The Lottery.” Scattered in between these two references is a score of allusions from Frankenstein to remarks on books I have heard of and meant to read but never had, like Kurt Vonnegut’s novel “Galapagos.” In my opinion, these references throughout the novel add to Becker’s credibility as an author. Against all odds, and my expectations, Barnes’s ragtag team of zombie misfits become verifiable and relatable characters, which prompts the reader to care about them. Joan, nurse of the zom-bie-human war, can fix any zombie situation, from reattaching a detached, decaying digit, to stitch-ing up some guts with a needle, thread and duck tape. Guts is a young boy who never does the zom-bie shuffle and can actual-ly run. Annie had a mean, quick draw while alive, and after death, becomes the first and only zombie who can handle a gun and hit her target every time. Last, but certainly not least, is Ros, short for Rosencrantz, who beyond all expectations can talk and understand words. These zombies set out on a quest with a goal in mind and put aside their zombie instincts to achieve what they wanted. Sure, they fell off the wagon a few times, their human chauffeur was kind of jerk and deserved to be eaten, but what human being doesn’t mess up? They are human, or as close to human as zombies can get, and the ride to this realization is enjoyable and mysteriously hopeful.

“Brains” communicates heartfelt, vulnerable tale

Editor’s Picks

“An emotional journey into an unexplored period in the 20th century.”-Caleb Slinkard

“Witty with a dry, awkward humor and I’ll continue watch-ing.”- Chance Mills

“ It was one of my favorite cds when I was growing up--it was awesome.”-James Bright





The East Texan has two additions to their edito-rial staff, Campus Life Editor Stephanie Norman and Graphics Editor Kat Huffines. Norman said she took this editorship to help develop and sharpen her skills as a reporter. “My ultimate goal as a member of the staff is to enhance my journalism skills and use this as stepping stone in furthering my career,” Norman said. “I would real-ly love to be the editor of Vogue magazine.” Norman was selected as the campus life editor for The East Texan earlier in the sum-mer. She has an associates’ degree in applied science from Paris Junior College

(PJC) and transferred to A&M-Commerce as a junior to major in journalism and minor in photography. She has been working in the journalism field for a total of four years – two years in high school and two years in junior college. After graduating in 2008 from North Lamar High School in Paris, Texas, Norman was contacted by The Paris News, the local paper, to write for them. In addition to working at The Paris News, Norman attended school at PJC and served as the editor of col-lege newspaper, The Bat, for two years. Norman earned a several Texas Intercollegiate Press Association (TIPA) awards including first place for the on-site contest two-person photo essay, second place

for the on-site contest for magazine layout and a $400 TIPA scholarship. Norman said she really enjoys layout, photography and writing opinion pieces. With two years of jour-nalism background and an associates’ degree of Art in Communications, The East Texan welcomes Kat Huffines from Mount Pleasant as the Graphics Editor. She is a junior transfer stu-dent from North East Texas Community College (NTCC), where she was a staff writ-er one semester, Arts and Entertainment Editor one semester and Editor of The Eagle one semester. She grad-uated in 2008 from Chapel Hill High School. In 2010, Huffines received first place in a Sports Action photo contest at TIPA, along

with a first place front-page design, first place feature photo, third place photo illustration and an hon-orable mention for a news feature article. Some of her work has also been published in the Mount Pleasant newspaper The Daily Tribune. “I like the camaraderie of the newsroom and the team-work between the staff and editors,” Huffines said. “The newsroom is a great place to bounce off each other. You can just feed off of each oth-ers creativity.” In the future, Huffines hopes to work as a graphic designer at a metropolitan newspaper. With the addition of Norman and Huffines, The East Texan staff now consists of nine editors.





Page 7: The East Texan: September 2, 2010 Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 Page 7


A&M-Commerce vol-leyball enters the 2010 season with a heightened expectation because of their success last year. Former head coach Mark Pryor saw the team achieve a 25-10 record and a conference tour-nament appearance. The offseason was more a story of losses, however, as Pryor accepted a job at Baylor and all-Ameri-can Lauren Flynn gradu-ated along with other top senior Lions. Perla Faudoa, Amy Addison, Morgan Ballard and Alyssa Oberle are only a few of the names new head coach Craig Case will not be able to use in his squad because of graduation, but he said they may have a lasting effect on his current squad. “I think those are great players,” Case said. “But you need players like that to turn things around and create something new, and then you need the players like we have to carry on that tradition. You need people who understand that tradition and what has been accomplished.” One such player Case may have in mind is senior Terra Ousley. Case is her third coach in four years, but Ousley said

she doesn’t let it affect her game. “It can be difficult sometimes if you’re a per-son who doesn’t adjust well to different coaches, but I’ve had experience with that in high school,” she said. “I played club, so every year I had a dif-ferent coach. I’ve had the experience of having to adapt quickly to someone else. As long as they’re a good coach, it shouldn’t bother you at all.” The experience Ousley brings to the team could prove to be invaluable, and she said she knows her role as a senior. “I think my job is to just lead by example, just do the best I can do and help anybody that asks me questions about any-thing,” she said. Despite losing talented players, Case said he is satisfied with remaining ability coupled with that of new recruits. He also said freshmen may need to step in immediately to start in certain positions. “Mark (Pryor) did a great job of bringing in a couple of really talent-ed players,” Case said. “We’ve got a couple of positions where we just need a freshman to jump in and play it. We got really lucky we were able to recruit two liberos late, and they look really strong. I think we have

a well-rounded recruit-ing class. It’s created a lot of depth.” The two new liberos, Dakota Crockett and Kallie Carpenter, will be taking Flynn’s old posi-tion. Bringing those play-ers in is not the only way Case hopes to combat los-ing the all-American. “From everything I’ve been told about her (Flynn) and seen in match film, if it went to her, they were in system and could do whatever they want-ed,” he said about Flynn. “It was pretty automatic, and we’re not there with anybody yet. If anything, the biggest change we’ve made is that we’re expect-ing everyone to handle the ball more. Through that, I think we can spread out those defensive touches that she had to get.” One thing that might help the Lions even fur-ther is for a first-year player to have as success-ful a season as sophomore Rachel Robertson had last year. With 67 total blocks and 2.19 kills per set in 2009, Robertson heads into her second season with even higher expecta-tions. “Since I had a good sea-son, I expect that of myself and I know other people expect that as well,” she said. “So, there’s kind of pressure, but I have con-fidence in and trust my

teammates. I think they can push me as well as I can push myself.” With the LSC predictors ranking A&M-Commerce fifth in the preseason poll, Robertson said the team’s goals are much higher. “We want a champion-ship,” she said. “We think we have the talent, and because we’re young that means in the future it’ll just increase our chances since we’ve been playing together. But, we think it’s possible this year.” The same goes for Case. While he admits not being too put off by the LSC rankings, he said his squad’s eyes are still on the national stage. “We want to get into the national tournament,” he said. “The simplest route there, and the only one you have the most control over, is to go out and win the conference and the conference tour-nament. You get your own bid. You don’t have to worry about somebody letting you in. I think that’s where Mark was trying to get this team, so the play-ers he recruited have the same expectations that I do.” A&M-Commerce vol-leyball begins the sea-son on Friday, Sept. 3, when they host Southern Arkansas at 1 p.m. and Oklahoma Panhandle at 7 p.m.


The A&M-Commerce women’s soccer team goes into the 2010 season with a preseason ranking of 7th by the Lone Star Conference, just outside of conference tournament contention. For head coach Neil Piper, this is not as daunting as it seems. He said history shows pre-season rankings seldom predict how the Lions end up performing. “Most people who do those rankings, they try to do it as fast as they can, and they just look at who

finished where last year,“ he said. “Every year we won a conference, we were picked fourth, fifth, or sixth. Every year we’ve been picked first or sec-ond, we finished fourth.” The Lions placed 6th last year, grabbing the last tournament spot before falling to Texas Women’s University on penalties in the first round. They fin-ished with a 10-8-1 record overall, 5-5-0 in the LSC. Many of their wins were behind the exploits of Meagan Lasley, as she lead the team with 15 goals. She has since grad-uated and Piper said it is a

blow to the team. “It’s always tough when you lose one of the best players in your pro-gram’s history,” he said. “I felt that way when we lost Erin DeWolfe years ago, we seemed to man-age, and I feel that way now. I think with the freshmen we’ve got com-ing in, plus the returners, we’ll be okay.” Among those returners is Lasley’s striking part-ner, senior Chelsey Haight. With eight goals and four assists, Haight was second on the team in points with 20, behind Lasley’s 36. She said the attack appears to

be coming together well. “We have new incom-ing freshmen and for-wards that are stepping up, so I think we’ll do pretty good this year,” she said. Most of the five incom-ing freshmen are attack minded, and Piper said this was an area he wanted to work on in the offseason. “We needed to be a bit more aggressive than we were last year, we need-ed to be a little bit more athletic across the field than we were last year, and I think these four or five will do that for us,”

he said. “Some of these freshmen are pretty good athletes. Although we lost a great one in Meagan (Lasley), we’ve got four or five pretty good athletes that can hopefully fill in and take her spot.” Defensively, the Lions have a bit more experi-ence. The back line is lead by team captain and senior Megan Monroe, and she said while the team suffered big loss-es, she believes they can pull together. “The girls that we lost were a big loss, but it’s a team effort and right now the team’s coming together really well,” she said. “The girls are talking really well, we’re working on meshing together, and it’s looking really good. Hopefully it’ll all click and be one unit.” Another loss A&M-Commerce has dealt with is in goal. First-choice goalkeeper for the past two years, Taylor Jordan, has exhausted her eli-gibility, leaving junior Randi Hafele in charge of the number one spot. Hafele said she is looking to use what she learned from Jordan. “She has taught me well, and I look up to the way that she played,” Hafele said. “It is pressure, but we have a good team. We have a good defense, and I’ve learned a lot over the last two years.” With the starting spot settled, there were ques-tions about who would deputize Hafele this sea-son. Freshman Elizabeth Lanier would normally be an automatic number

two, but back-to-back ACL tears has given Piper something to think about. That’s why he brought in Stacey McDaniel, a gradu-ate student who served as the Lions’ goalkeeper from 2003-2005. “She graduated after three years and only played those years,” Piper said. “We had been talk-ing for almost a year now about her being a graduate assistant. I just happened to wake up one morning and thought wait a min-ute, she’s got another year left. So I called her up, she said that was some-thing she was thinking about, too. It kind of just worked out.” Piper didn’t rule out Lanier getting playing time, however, and said the young goalkeeper had done well in training. “I was a little bit weary of her being a backup, but she surprised me and has done quite well,” he said. “So, it’s a good battle for that number two spot behind Randi right now.”Women’s soccer starts play on Sept. 4 with a 2 p.m. kickoff against Tusculum at home. Despite numer-ous departures and a change in goal, Piper said the goal this season is the same as any other for his squad. “Our goal is always to win a national champion-ship, and mostly a confer-ence championship is just a step to that goal,” he said. “If I didn’t think we could do it, I wouldn’t put us there. Our forwards, they play as good as any-body, so we’re definitely not afraid of anybody.”

Women deal with Lasley loss in 2010 season


Volleyball coach Craig Case will be returning to Division II when he takes the reins of A&M-Commerce’s team start-ing in the fall. He is suc-ceeding Mark Pryor, who coached the Lions to one of their best seasons in recent years last fall. Case said he wants to continue the suc-cess brought by Pryor and his players. “Things are going in the right direction based on the great work Coach Pryor put in,” he said. “My goal is to build on that, not implode it and start from scratch. In order for us to have another suc-cessful season and sustain that success year in and year out we need to have a team culture that not only promotes success, but also supports it.” During the announce-ment of the hire on May 20, Athletic Director Carlton Cooper said he felt Case was the right choice. “We are very excited to have Craig Case join our Lion athletic family,” Cooper said. “He brings a wealth of experience and strong national recruiting ties to our program. We were looking for a volley-ball coach to take our pro-gram to the next level as a nationally recognized pro-gram. We have selected the right person by choos-ing Craig Case to lead our volleyball program.” Case comes to A&M-Commerce after spend-ing four years coaching at Valley City State University in North Dakota. He said coming to Texas was a fac-tor in his acceptance of t he job. “Being in Texas is great and having access to some of the best players in the nation is tough to match,” Case said. “It’s been inter-esting to see the flood of emails I’ve gotten from players throughout Texas who have gotten offers elsewhere, but want to stay closer to home. There is an incredible amount of talent and passion for the

game of volleyball here in Texas and I’m excited to have access to that.”Case also said he was impressed with the attitude of the athletic department. “When interviewing and visiting with Mr. Cooper and [associate athletic director] Judy Sackfield I felt like they were commit-ted to winning,” he said. “The best part about that is I felt like they are even more supportive of a great student-athlete experience. Both things are important to me and it’s tough to find schools that are sup-portive of both of them.”Upon arriving for pre-season training, Case will bring a new system and way of playing. He admits getting the players used to this new order will be the first hurdle. “I think the first obsta-cle we’re going to face is for them to buy into the things that I do different-ly,” he said. “I’m confident the players are able to do this, but we’ll see how that ends up going.” After this, Case said he plans to build the team to be “good” all around, not in just how they play. “I think good teams win matches, good teams win titles,” he said. “My philosophy is that ‘who’ we are is more impor-tant than ‘what’ we do. Everyone I’ve met with on the team is equally com-mitted to winning and being successful.” Case and the Lions start this new season against Southern Arkansas on Sept. 3, and they’ll be with-out top players Lauren Flynn and Perla Faudoa after both graduated. While he said this will be a challenge, he is confident his team has the ability to continue building on a good season. “I’m looking forward to working with this team,” Case said. “We have our work cut out for us, but everyone seems both excited and capable of overcoming any obstacles that we might have in front of us.”

Lions welcome Case

Expectations high for young LionsSophomore Rachel Robertson goes up for a kill during the Lone Star Conference tournament in Canyon, Texas, at the end of last season.

During a preseason match against an FC Dallas youth team, junior Devon Herrman goes up for a header off of senior Megan Monroe’s cross.

Page 8: The East Texan: September 2, 2010

sportssports www.theeasttexan.comThursday, Sept. 2, 2010Page 8

QB Adam FarkesQB Lulke WagnerQB J.J. HarpRB M. GrahamRB L. Hamilton RB Jamar MosleyRB A. WingfieldRB Derek LeeRB L. WitherspoonRB Joe Paul PryorFB C. BrownWR Taylor ForeWR Adam Jones

WR Blake PattonWR Darrin BrownWR K. JacksonWR Tevin GodfreyWR Kevin BevansWR Damian DavisWR A. ArthurWR T. ThompsonWR JoJo BradburnTE Dakota BurchOL John MarshallOL D. SudderthOL Nick Cannon

OL Brad AutryOL Velani KautaiOL B. HinnrichsOL Brian CourtneyOL Zac JesterOL Josh HoweOL Zach RiceOL Jose MartinezOL Connor WizeOL D. MorrisonOL Ray ArguetaOL Gary AguilarK Abo-Mahmood

2010 Texas A&M University-Commerce Football Roster

DL O. SimmonsDL C. FreemanDL Tristan DavisDL Tevin MooreDL James ConyersDL D. HubertDL A BooherDL Evan BooherDL L. SchwertnerDL B. TurnerDL Jeremy DotsonDL Jake WilliamsLB C. Whitefield

LB Danny MasonLB Isaiah CobbinLB Austin BrewerLB S. DeGrateLB Joshua JonesLB J.T. BatesLB Matt AbramsLB Dan JacobsLB Matt ClaggettLB Aaron ShawLB Jacoby VealsDB M. ClevelandDB Joel Wren

DB Todd PattonDB Marcus ForeDB B. JacksonDB Israel HughesDB L. JacksonDB C. CageDB Chez ThomasDB Marlin TerrellDB Alan Beatty DB Dre’ DunbarDB C. CraigDS Louie CapraP Cameron Frosch

Offense Defense

2010 A&M-Commerce Football Preview

•LB Stephen DeGrate While Cory Whitfield fills the stat line, DeGrate will have a huge role in the 3-4 defense. Expect the senior to have an all-LSC year. •RB Marcus Graham With a strong offensive line and a year in Morriss’ system, Graham has a chance to shine. Morriss is committed to running the ball more, and Graham will get the Lions’ share of the carries.


Team OverviewLast Season: 5-5, Lone Star Conference North Division ChampionsHead Coach: Guy Morriss

Offense:2009 Statistics: 24.5 points per game, 76.1 rushing yards per game, 222 pass-ing yards a game. Key Returning Players: OL John Marshall, QB Adam Farkes, RB Marcus Graham, WR Taylor Fore, WR Adam Jones, and OL David Sudderth Key Losses: OL R.J Brisbon, QB/TE Reid Herchenbach

Overview: The offense got off to a slow start last season in their first year under Morriss, only scor-ing a total of 21 points in their first three games. A 56 point effort against Eastern New Mexico in Week 4 jump-started the offense as Adam Farkes established himself as the starting quarterback over Reid Herchenbach. A&M-Commerce won five out of their next six games en route to a 2009 LSC North Division crown and with the Lions return-ing almost all of their key offensive players from last season, they look to continue improving. “We expect to be an explosive, high scoring offense,” Farkes said. “During the season we won’t ever start a pos-session without thinking we’re going to finish in the endzone.”Grade: A-

Quarterbacks: Adam Farkes (1,953 passing yards, 12 TDs, 14 INTs, 51.8 completion percent-age) proved that he was a playmaker last season and enters the 2010 year as Morriss’ unquestioned starter. He’ll be playing his second year in Morriss’ offense and will be throw-ing to a familiar group of wide receivers. In order for the Lions to have a successful sea-son, Farkes will need to cut down on his turn-overs and improve his completion percentage. 2009 Starting Day quar-

terback Reid Herchenbach is gone, and transfer J.J. Harp will have to sit out the year because he trans-ferred within the LSC, so Morriss will only have two quarterbacks going into the season. Much of the Lions offensive promise lies in Farkes remaining healthy the entire season. “We’re in a dicey situ-ation at quarterback,” head coach Guy Morriss said. “We may have to go through the season with two guys and that is a scary thought.”

Running Backs: First team all-LSC Marcus Graham (677 rushing yards, 7 TDs) returns to lead a rushing attack that showed flashes of bril-liance but was inconsistent in 2010. Junior transfer Jamar Mosley rounds out a very deep, if somewhat undersized, unit.

“We have a gifted bunch of runningbacks,” Morriss said. “Marcus Graham is our starter, London Hamilton saw a little bit of action last season and Jamar Mosley has looked good in practice. There’s three guys right there who have decent speed and are slasher-type rushers.”

Wide Receivers: All lead-ing receivers return to the Lions this season, includ-ing Taylor Fore (491 receiv-ing yards, 4 TDS), Adam Jones (33 receptions, 349 receiving yards) and Blake Patton (28 receptions, 359 receiving yards). This is an experienced and deep group that will provide Farkes with plenty of scoring opportunities.

“Our receivers are bet-ter and we added some young freshman that will help us,” Morriss said. “We have some depth of good guys so we can keep them fresh and keep them rotating.”

Offensive Line: Almost across the board Lions players and coaches are excited about this season’s offensive line. Anchored by fifth year senior John Marshall and all-LSC redshirt junior David Sudderth, assistant head

coach and offensive line coach Jake Peavy’s squad is confident in their abil-ity to push their oppo-nents off the ball and create openings for the running game.

“We’re more comfortable in the system now and we’ve gotten a year stron-ger,” Morriss said. “So far what I see in practice, and it’s only practice, is that we’re knocking people off of the ball better. We feel pretty good about it.”

Defense: 2009 Statistics: 28.5 points allowed per game, 34 sacks, 8 interceptions, 13 fumble recoveries Key Returning Players: LB Cory Whitefield, LB Stephen DeGrate, DB Israel Hughes, DB A.J. Billings Key Losses: DL Willie Green, LB Chad Washington, DB Alex Contreras, DL Anthony DeGrate, DB Shea Rodriguez

Overview: The Lions’ defense won many games for them in 2009 and always seemed to force a turnover or make a tackle at just the right time. Unfortunately for them, many of their key start-ers graduated last season, leaving the Lions with tre-mendous holes at defen-sive line and secondary. There are plenty of young players ready to fill those gaps, but the jury is still out on wheth-er they will be able to step up in time. Morriss switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4 defensive scheme because of defensive line losses and the number of playmakers he has at the linebacker position. Thankfully for Morriss, LSC Linebacker of the Year Cory Whitfield will be returning. The senior linebacker led the team with 111 total tackles and will have to have an even better 2010 season if the Lions expect to be as good as they were last season. “I think our defense is really going to be solid this year,” Whitfield said. “Ever since we switched to the 3-4 guys have been

flying around and [the defense] looks pretty good. We’re going to have to play like we have a chip on a shoulder and that every turnover should be ours.”Grade: B-

Defensive Line: With LSC Defensive Lineman of the Year Willie Green (9 sacks) and Anthony DeGrate (9 sacks) both gone, the Lions have little experi-ence at the defensive line position. Morriss’ switch to a 3-4 will take some of the pressure off of the line, but the Lions will have a hard time repeating last season’s success. “We really struggled to find the kind of d-line-man we wanted to fit our system or we would have stayed in the 4-3,” Morriss said. “We signed some good players and they’re going to be young and if they grow and develop we may mix in a 4-3.”

Linebackers: This is the strength of the Lions defense and will have to shoulder much of the defensive load. With the only two defensive seniors, Whitfield and Stephen DeGrate (58 tack-les, 3 forced fumbles), the linebackers should be up to the task. “We really feel good about our linebacker corps,” Morriss said, “Right now they’re the strength of our defense. Secondary: Leaders Alex Contreras (41 tackles) and Shea Rodriguez (54 tack-les) are both gone, which means that returning start-ers A.J. Billings (41 tackles, 2 INTs) and Israel Hughes (43 tackles, 2 INTs) will have work even harder to stop attacking quar-terbacks. Unfortunately for the Lions, Hughes is injured right now and could possibly miss the whole season.

Prediction: This is one of A&M-Commerce’s most favorable schedules in a long time, and Morriss’ squad has a chance to record double-digit victo-ries. A more realistic finish is 8-3.

Listen to From the Bench Friday nights from 6 to 6:30 p.m. on your station 88.9 KETR

with Jared Watson and Caleb Slinkard

Players to Watch

FridaySept. 3

Lions Sports Week

vs.U p p e r

Iowa6 p.m.

vs.Southern Arkansas

1 p.m.Okla.

Panhandle7 p.m.


2 p.m.

vs.Fort Hayes

1 p.m.Ark..-

Monticello7 p.m.

vs. SoutwestBaptist4 p.m.

@DallasBaptist7 p.m.

SaturdaySept. 4

SundaySept. 5

MondaySept. 6

TuesdaySept. 7

Wed.Sept. 8

Thurs.Sept. 9

Lions players exit the tunnel prior to the 2009 Harvey Martin Classic.