the dual language professional nabe 2006

The Dual Language Professional Dr. Carmen L. Lamboy Prof. Luis J. Zayas Dr. Luis A. Burgos Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

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Page 1: The Dual Language Professional NABE 2006

The Dual Language Professional

Dr. Carmen L. LamboyProf. Luis J. ZayasDr. Luis A. Burgos

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

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Who we areAna G. Méndez University System

School for Professional StudiesAccelerated Learning Program

Dual Language Accelerated Learning

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The Need for Dual Language Professionals

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• 58% increase in the Latino population in the United States (1990-2000)– Largest and fastest growing minority group– 20% of the US population will be Latino by 2020

The Need for Dual Language Professionals

US Bureau of the Census, 2000

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The Need for Dual Language Professionals

• Purchasing power of Latinos has reached $700,000 million (US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce)

• Globalization and international trade– Free trade agreements between the United States

and Latin America (México, Chile, Central America, Dominican Republic)

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The Need for Dual Language Professionals

• Educated bilingual professionals have more and better employment opportunities– Florida study indicates that they make an average

of $7,000 more annually

Creating Florida's Multilingual, Global Workforce, 2000UF, UM & FLDOE

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The Need for Dual Language Professionals

• Latinos represent 15% of the US population-–Only 10% of university students

US Bureau of the Census, 2000

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The Dual Language Model in Higher Education

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Our Mission – Our Model



Use of both languages and both cultures for professional proficiency.


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Five Basic Elements• Placement testing in both languages• Development of both languages through

coursework (4 levels)• Use of both languages in all content courses• Computerized language lab for skill

development• Bilingual Faculty and Staff

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Definition• A Dual Language

Professional will demonstrate professional competencies confidently in their field of study in Spanish and English.

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Conceptual Interpersonal Communication

Professional Competencies



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Professional CompetenciesConceptual Skills:

1. Generate Ideas2. Create Projects3. Analyze/Interpret

Data4. Critical Thinking5. Synthesis

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Professional CompetenciesLanguage Skills:

1. Spelling & Grammar2. Translates3. Summarizes Information4. Use of Varied Vocabulary5. Technical Jargon6. Reads & Understands

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Professional CompetenciesCommunication Skills:

1. Making Coherent Presentations (reports, proposals)

2. Support Opinions3. Express Ideas (hypothetical

& situational)

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Professional Competencies

Interpersonal Skills1. Team-work,

cooperative/collaborative2. Interpersonal Interaction

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Professional Competencies Skills and Objectives

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Competency Matched to Objectives

A DLP will be able to develop ideas in order to address problems in an effective way.

1Generate Ideas

ObjectivesProfessional Competencies


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Objectives Matched to Competency

After reading a selection, a DLP will be able to summarize the main ideas using correct grammar and spelling in English and Spanish.

6,8,11Spelling & Grammar

Summarizing Information

Reads & Understands

ObjectivesProfessional Competencies


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Conceptual Skills #5 Synthesis

MDLPs will submit proposals withinnovative solutions such as

charts, diagrams, etc. in two languages.

BA Management – Synthesis

Given a work-related problem,the DLP will propose an

innovative solution throughintegration of new

information with current knowledge in

Spanish and English.

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#1 Generate Ideas#9 Use of Varied Vocabulary

#10 Technical Jargon#14 Express Ideas

The ADLP will be able to write clear and accurate reports using

specialized technology in both languages.

BA Accounting – Several

Given a work-related problem scenario, the DLP

will compose an essay proposing a solution usinga variety of vocabulary,

including technical jargon in an appropriate manner.

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#16 Interpersonal Interaction

The TDLP will be able to establish a dialogue with somebody else in

English or Spanish coherentlyand without code switch.

BA Tourism – Interpersonal

Given short dialogues,the DLP will

adequately paraphrase the content of what

each party states in English and Spanish.

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Conceptual Skills #1 Generate ideas

A DLP will generate ideas in order to solve problems


After analyzing two classroom situations- one in

English and one in Spanish- EDLP will develop strategies and action plans

in the corresponding language

BA Elementary Education – Generate Ideas

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How do we achieve this?• Strictly follow 50/50 formula

• Modules– Specify language to be used in each workshop,

assignments and evaluations

– General information in both languages

– Workshops in the language that will be used in that workshop

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EDUC 355Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation of the

Educational Process • Activities

– Students are required to complete a Case-Study Diagnostic Profile (Spanish)

– Students are requested to design a remedial plan for a student (English)

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EDUC 355• Assessment Example Middle Point

Assessment (Program Level)– Designed by Faculty Experts– Rubrics and Evaluation Criteria developed

specifically to measure program outcomes and language outcomes

– “Graded” by other Faculty Experts (not facilitator of the course)

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Activities, Accomplishments and Lessons Learned

The Orlando Experience

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Metro Orlando University Center (MOUC)

• Accelerated Dual Language studies for adults– Associate Degrees (2)– Bachelor Degrees (12)– Masters Degrees(5)

• Enrollment growth – 152 - Academic year 2003– 645 – Academic year 2005

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4 3 4 20










Instructional Resources

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8795 94

933 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 2





Faculty and Classroom

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Self-Evaluation Language Confidence

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Thank you.

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

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Contact Information: Dr. Carmen L. Lamboy,

[email protected] Prof. Luis J. Zayas, [email protected] Dr. Luis A. Burgos, [email protected]

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez