the drummer talked too much. ladies machine …...march 11, 'ss—1y ono extra...

:•:&•?? k5-x : -ja~.~L : ii.- •1511 VOLUME XIX. WASHING-TON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, MAT 20,1886. NUMBER 20. : commun-eifiui-, Ut «oJ 3nl ThurnUy* In ...*. month. MiM>iilcllill. Wiwhlnntud. Xtctrtaty i, E. Fulper, Waihimctan. X J . • n a n . * CHipTKR, y n , 1 9 . It. A, M.-Matnt VIM iilun*. tiii't .Tim«liy 1" oncli inoijtli =•» vimicll-.ll, WdiLHik'lon. Secretary. J. \- Fol- pur, Wnihltiutiin, N. J. WiRniNiiTOsCorxciL, No. 7, Royal and Hvi Hitter*.—"i&toil mu-mbilo»,;irtl Friday In «i immth. iliifimlc Hall. Wnthtnijton. It rent 4 ,-,.7.1!. Cnlpcr. Wu»h»Bioti, h . J . . . DtitoLtrC<iMX*!fv*Kr,i*o.O, K.T.—SlnicJc ckvts, Slid nncl-lth WiniiiLTi1iiyi> In citcli mini Jln#.iDic II ill. WVMi.L-ton. Jtcciinltr, M. Hanb.Wimlilostou.X.J. W i t N i - CoffKciL, No.10. Jr. O, U. A. 5I.-M* Imp. every Mmidny evinlDtr- siiIeM** r H ' Wnfhlnutua: Hi-creury, LucUn Shrupo, \V« lucton, N. J, ; WHIIISIITON LnixiR, No. n, K. & I>. nr thefl.S.— Hinted" inri'llni'i', lit nml :ird FrM-ty in Hirli 1 •' noiuli, Slu'hmiU' Il»l|, WophiuiiKiri. M. K, Jennings. StxrtiUry, V\'»ililnitluii, K. J. LtHRRTT Oonxrii,, Nn. 15, O, U. A. M. Mecllr « « y TiiBMh-cVtnlM.''.. Hull. N. rotary, W, K.ienntn.!*, Wdvhtti^ioii, N. J. limn ESOAMTXIIST, No li, I. 0 . 0. r*., mid* Hnrt ill. Tlnirnrliiyi'TL'riiin:*i>l eneli i-ionili, OJil Fellow*' Ihll, Wftnliliiutoii,. bcdbc, Tlim "."' iMTsjburn, WiHiinj'tm, » , , ! , • MA*imi.D Loi'iiB, «o«,I.O.O F, mrt - ovtri'Snttirdnyi'vciiliii'lti Oil I IMIIUVM' Hn Wflfblnuton. -saerotary, T, II. On lick, Wat . ;• ln«lon,».J.' MDicoxiTcoNoCocseit. So. I01D. Amerfenn I, > KlOD of Honor, ineaif every -2ai mid 4(li .Miinili OVUHIDIM In t';iou tnimtli, si H o'clock. Scci Wry, .Miner F. Ilnty, Washington. N, J. JOHK P. RBV.<«»1.I>I 1'iMT. Nil. C>, <!. A, It. mi'l' let * aril Monday cv'nt-i of each muiitn. Id.. July Ut lo Oct. 1^1 only un lot .Monday tnotitU.) MtcniiHk* Hill. AUjulanl, J. ' ' PROFESSIONAL V-y-M. A. STUl'KElt, Civil and Criminal Law Practit'oner, ..• . Notary Public, Master in Chancery. . WASHINGTON, II. J. JOHN M. VANl'lTKK, /. -WllAlllllKtOU, N.JM Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Solicitor, Muster J: Kx<unincr in Chancery, PRAtlTITIONEU IN THE UNITED STATES COUJ1TS, Ami in all the Courts of\2fea Jersey Physician & Surgeon. WASHINGTON, N. J. Ufllto Oppose 1'oMO'ice. ' TUrvIionc at JIHIcr' (jives INSTRUCTIONS in MUSIC on PIANO or ORGAN at Ills lioiiu 1 , nr nl residence of pupils. Spi - . . attention '.iiulil to niiltniiints. Already 1ms . 1uri-e elms, tiwl muL'ti with grunt etuiuM. S IT. ULOUU HOTKL, WASIIISGTOSAVn., WASlllSnTUS. N*. J. iu Location, Acuuiiiuiountioti nnil Mniiti^- went. Permanent und Transiout '• GwaU well entertniui'il. _ .... .i. vi ,. r iu-t<«».tt»i'.iv;,: ;.. A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached. C. K Sl'AATEli, ft-oprhior. Keystone Restaurant. UXDKH HKA1TV -first-Class DiMing Saloon. l'OSTEll F. JdltCH, - l'ltOI'illETOH, . HASLTACTCHElt OK Stonm llolloM, t-iiiokn Siituksi, Illmit I'liwn, W 5li«lliniwbrk. AUklinl»or*-on.l linn'" "»• rhd:urem«rJ{yt»!n«^v!|MJt^ «V lV>r8l.<iiiU~nitiiUit> Mnnfor.1 Hfnn: lof Iiisuniin:fO>..fri.'onfi;1iarpt. Tin- IK.1I.TWUI IM tiisiiiii-'ti'il'Vlnjii IJUIMIII" nml tlit-..* times I'fifti your Unit tlio i-olluy la In fordi. « ' ly NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Bli'ull from" tlibiiiiU*tn)ttpiiri;ti.>ii'L,.'il lit .ri^iwsfi- i n u o i i t l u ' l i i m l s H ' f tlii.''T!', nr diner of tH.-ni, in tliu uoiim- ot Wnrron. wheitu.T lo Hunt, or IMi, jilL'k Itprrliy, fruit or mils, or for nny oi HIT i.iir|,oai! for wliKU tlti-y haw m. lawful warrant J>c tliu ujiiw'iit of tlio lnnil owner, will Iw j.row- cutcl H. ttui full ustoiit of tlio Inw jirovld«il fi- l'ETKH \V. WKI.I.EII.- •IOI1MVIVTA. .I0I1.S SUKUHKH. K. L UftWMAX. '' WJI. (i. DL'FfOlllt. WSI. VltlTTS. l'KTKU KlSSKMASi' -.Mrs. KLr/AiiCTH WKI.I.E1 Cl.UiK UlllSK. Kl.lSH.. I'KIU.V. •il Octolicr latti, 1K.SV ••'-' YARD. Monuments, HcuiMoiic-, Tiililda, etc. Ceme- tery plots (jiidiwnl, L!ii;(| .Miliafucllon giuinui- ffirc'inircliiisiiif: i-t •vwlicru. Doslsjns furnished cheerfully tutill piTious im uppllctitloii. r~~--}OS: C. .-THOMPSON,'-• '.., ATJCTIOITEEE, WASHINGTON, N. J. •- William J. Mahon .. ..WASHINGTON, N.J. Tcacli^f of n'nno and Organ. TrtlUon given in Vocnl music nlea. 1'iipHs titlcnrtcd at . ; tli(!lr invn rcBidcncc. More limn 10 years lixpcrlcnuc. Terms icusouiiblc. PURE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS, S : T : FORBALEis:s==== dD cncli. - :•: . WASHINGTON FOUNDRY "" .' -""—-ANr—-- " ".. "'" Machine Shops, BOWERS &MITCHELL, Prop's, yowwr toS I' Itnwi-M Mftimfncturpre «r nml |i-oliTi In nil kinds ot Gastings & Agrioiltiiralluiplements We call epcclM ullcntioii lo OIIP ncw tik-ii uro liiinin of Hie !'c*t ivhlle Irtisi. nml wurrmitw] (»scour t<|iiii1 lochill or Mvel in nil kliul* of noil. DiHit lor^cl iimnutuciurc LIGHT andHEflVY FftRM WAGONS nml »['IUN(f TltrCKS, till vl wlileli nr« mtiilii f tlio hvtt iniifi'tlal^ iiiul Biiiirnntml. We HI Imvi! on lmml nt nil riw a full ri(iek• of I'lllttV, " nnd 1'law Cuntlnir^ tn lit all plows in gcncnil lieu. Churn l'imur<9. Clover IIiilleiK. Loud \UA\cre. liny Uiiki.", Furrowing Sicily (imli itoml Semper;', U'lili'r Wheul*. Iron Koiidn(,% Cn»t Iron t'ecil nml Mi\lni::lioxes, liny Cut- lero, Sli'tl Mlioeh nndu of tliu best While Inin. Al«* uyents for uck~)'c MoiFcrs, Reapers and l?eIP-BiH(lcrs. frmi Work forllullilliiicmiii uoneriil Foundry Wink. All order* tuul rfpalrlni,' iirrmipLly ul- slow as lliu lowest. Olvu us n cnll, na w HL'iiutot;ivui>mUfuctio:i- : Bowers & Mitchell, At the old Uowcra Foundry, "VASIUMJTO.V, S. J. March 11, 'SS—1y Ono extra (.'tinruvancK for frlcnilii furnlsliol fn» iif diurpi. TIIK iindi-r.Mu'iinl lmvlnir luul - . . _ .neu In the UndertiikliiL'liiirlue^. nml peeliiL' Ihc mrd of un Uiidi-nitku in till* vlcinltv. linvo oiietied nu I'stnlillsliuiciit nt. I'OItT .MUlt- ItAV. uml'ttiku thl» itiLttiod of InforiiiliiL' their ' uls nml the i>ui>lic Hint th'-y are IUIWprc- it to do L'lulertuklii'' In tin; ni'ift sijiprovcil i nml tit VLTV, low ralB?. Wv. I m o pur- -!i:i-rd n hani^oiui: lit-nreu und provhk'd our- •ulv.'it with nil tliu most apimrvtl ii;>|i i ir!iln.-» i .< [IT tin.- pnniitrt nml siitlsfnetory «roiulucl of oin- !.ti*liK'.«i!. We urn- .1. U. Taylor.<; Son'ii I'atcul Jlili'.'i'.ti. nir. ' ' ' '• . '•" " ' ' ••'- We <ik» do cmlnhninij in the he-it manner. Our etnbitlmimi kce/m the Unlit /or tiny 'I'dintiry length of. time desired, irilltntit nfo hi tier than when lint emhdmol. Any mli: of n.llln or'wi!*ki.!t van he furnl?!,- l ut !<liiirt inrtlru. t-'urnll ilhtaiictn within lfl ;rMiiuUto^ by U W|l i wlili n-iiVKi'Sibsu cnAUor.^ I J MD HV US. '' Our Terum nnd Price* itrc wry, very ' Vurv HuMwulfullv, THOMPSON. &" CO., Proprietors, .WllS W.'l-'OHKEi:, "•' : FISH AND OYSTER You will Iind tlinl in •' i>ln«! U IlKADQ^Ut- TKKS lorntiytlilu^iViti«:ll.-li or orskT line, nnd Unit prli&s ure us 'ow u tliu lowi^t. I do liolfsule nml r«t».I trailu uiul l;ei{» thu LovskTs tube had. Krcslii ? ish Always on 1 [and. The patroiiago ol tliu public Is Invited. JOHN BAILEY, liltlikni'.Avuiuo, Washington, Sew Jcraj Teetli Extracted For 25 Cents. Fresh Gas'Every Day. Gold Fillings a Specialty, J.ILGribbs, Dentist. PATENTS t'AVKATS, T1UUK31AUKS AXD COI'VUIUHTS OlilnliiL'il. uml nil othi-r luminous In H»* I'. & l**t- oiit unii-iM.lVwHleil 10 for MOPBItAT KKK8. ...OuronK'elsoiiiim.ti'.tlu'-l'.'.S t'uK'i.t. Oiaco romo'u'Iroiii \VASHIN(ii()N. Kyiiil MODIiLUH itltAWlSCl. Woii'lvlwiiwto liiilonUitiiHly frt^o of eliar^o i uuil wo niako 2\O J11AUOH HKLKSS WB 011TA1N l'ATBST. Wo rrtur hi'rn lo UH> I'ostiniwler, tlio Hiipu o( Mn.n<yOr<liT niv-,Miil Inonii-lnlnofthoU $. I'ut- ont ORlco, For i^lrfiilur, nilvlco, lernm nml rofiT- i lo iictiuil clients Inyour own S*t»to or comity, CA.SiV0W.liCO,, Op'posllo Pttti'iit Office, WnHhliteton, I). C. d-o TO Mrs.K. M. Skinner's v Q OnoArliil will show tlint . : These Goods c;ve\thc Best «IVHT11K.1I ATBIAIt.'"".' ,4-30-ly . " .-,-. : . e ; LADIES \ AreyouiMklcMenmwlitoTenturo! IfBonond twoccnUIn etnmps to tho Mack PubUthina Co., 628 and 630 WttsliJiDrton Street. NEWYork, for cno of their beautiful I [lustrated » I n d i e s ' IloobH." It fi d novel, unique, ana Interest- ing worlc to CTcry person or rcflneincnt. On »colpt of ten cents Inutamiw thoy will jend postpaid a full set of their fntnotu houoo- ]I*jj)O»t popular tougr, togelhcrnllh tenexqulallo QUINEPTUS! A very piconlnc, linrmlCBs Blyejrrhlzcd nromatle compound for dkgnli-lng tliu t»*(o of (lulnino and otlierblUprdniCTTdllicrBoll.lornul.]. 1 l'rlre. 76 Cfnt< per Pint firnie. Prcacrlbt-dbythouswiiSior phyildans In Rurotw and Anwrlcfl- Kornuiln nc* companies «cry hoille. For Solo by DmfglBtB. Wnnufnctnrod by The Academic Fhannacentio Co,, 1: LONDON A\D NEtY Y0UK. S 3 2 - 5 3 6 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. ' •' Oh, For a Manl Oh, for (i man! llio dear volco nan AliiitnrouKli Hut ulitirdi llio mint t)h, for n innn! nlni HIIIIR nj-nln— t1 I How couM HUCII M i>tcw1 In vnln? ELIXIR. An clcf-ont EDRILIII plinrmaccutfo prcparntlon for bilious, inalnrlal nml blood troubles; tlio ro- Biilt of over twenty-11 vo years of most eminent BClentfllc resonrch. Approved by tlio htplirst iricdlcnl authorltlcfl. In use In thotioanltniB In pverj" pnrt ot Europe. Esppctntly Jielpful to ladles, clilUrcii and peo- ple of sedentary habltB. Entirely vcgutable; free from harmful drug*. In Handsome Packages, Price 50 CtSi Prepared solely by : Tito i(oyhl ^ LONDOK AND NEW YORK, Chemists by npiwlntnicnt to ncr Majesty tho Queen and to tbo Roynl Family. ' ' N E W YORK BRANCH:' 130, 132, 184 CharltonSt. ROYAITPILLS. SomcmodlcInalpropertleBiifl ROYALELITHI, la boscd, 30 pills to box, for 25 cents. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR! •Vinegar Bittsrs COBDIAI;{ dc S™} 50c, Vinegar Bitten F0WSEBB, mdoses, G0c( Vinegar BltwrE, nwsijle, | P 'S™' \«1.00 Vinegar Bitten, oldstyle, bitter taste, $1.00 The World's Great Blood Purifier and Life Giving Principle. Only Temperance Bitters Known. B. H. McDonald Drug Co., proprietors, Jj^ SANFEANC1SCO ASB KBW YOKE. _ BUY IT AND TRY IT. Try it for earache, Try it for headache, Try it for toothache, Try it for backache. ---Tor ah ache or a. pain Thomas' Eclcctric' LOH is excellent.—Chas.K.Mccller.bosayj, 1 Schencctady. N'.Y. ' •••• Thomas" Eclectric Oil is the best thin)? going:, pnsays. Cured him of rheumatism and me of earache—two drops,—Ma3tcr Horace I3reni:cr, Clinton, Iowa. - ---..•• Try" it'for'a'limp'/ 1 " : Try it for a lameness,. Try it for a pain, " Try it for a strain. - From shoulder to ankle joint, and for three months, I had rheumatism which yielded to nothing but Thomas' Eclcctric Oil. Thomas' Eclcctric Gil did what no physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured me.—John N. Gregg, Supt. of Rail. way Construction, Niagara Falls. .;Try it,for a scald, Try ifior a cut, Try, it for a bruise, Try it for a burn. Price 50 els. and $x.oo* FOSTER, M l l J R M CO., Prop's. JJ OFFAZO. If. 3*. . /CARPETjNGS AND Upholsters pods INVITE ATTKSTION TOTUB ATTRACT- IVE TKICES-AT WMIUII TIM-UK EX- * ""iNa'ot'KERED^ AXMINSTKI1S from *2.00 jrer yd. upwuril .WH.T0NS—"-•friiiiiMiTOiiuryil.-iipwrnl M0QUETTE3 from I.ariimryil. upwiinl VELVETS from l.:r. pur yd. ii|.wiird IIODY HIIU3SEI.S from .IW pur yd. iipwnnl TAI'KSTUV " i from .H) |i«py<l^.ii]nv;ird INCI1AINS fi'niu .50 per yd. ninvurd SWISS LACIC UUKTAlNd^ MADUASLACBCUUTAINS 1 ' 01 ^ ' llpV>m from iW.fil) linr imlr upwnrd ANTIQUE iiml'FUKNCH-l-AUK Ol'HTAJNS-- NOTTINGHAM LAUl" CL'UJI'A WS ' ' ^ ' ^ nnd: tml: AUU UUNS: from .75t»orimlptt|iwn«l •fUUOOMAN CURTAINS with UnmlsomUit f ?500 l ...HU- froiu ?5.00 per imlr upwurd TAl'liSTIlY COVKUIN(iS frmn $i.00 jier yd, upwurd GIIETONNE COVKKINtlS • : from ,. .85 pur yd. ujm'ard Window ShailcB nmilu on PIIIHI liolico or inn- " ' furnished.- ' " SAMPLES SENT .WHEN DK3TRED AND rilOMl'T ATTENTION PAID TO ALL MAIL OllDEUS. •-:•• Corrpftijoiiilt'iico Invited. Broadway & 19th"St., Tim t-H'11«y» Krimicil WTOM llio ftlaU% ; Tho ili'ACtiii'H fri)wiin wcruclmiiitiM t»i Bintivfl, ThofliliC'r'fl chci'k turtinl il-4'jH'st j.Ink . At b.-wo nn<\ V:MT'» vrluLcl wink. t Tim drlii lliii Iwro llio nllo imrt Then look (lie atrnlrt wllli nil tln-lr tioirt; Ol>, torn mnii, n twin,n mini— And tlR'ii llio tull choir Ix'Knn Tosliifi with till llirfr inlditninl tmilit TlmiliiUVJtlinKlrl'rtr.-frulf.; . Uli, furn maii!tlo:i In Ilinsklra, : 'A rimii—n nmtwlmi In Urn s k l i * . -M. G\ llunerr/onl In llio J m l c . . , . Rcgrot. ..;' , I il-Miiil tiiniirii, tiwci'l wlfunf inhm, IUo-;iufi» tli'mn rnhy U[M of tliliio— TJtut innrlilu hrow- WcnVk la-icl liy nun wlin ml«lit have IKVII, , llit'l I nil L-hniiiiii I't Htc|> iH'livii'ii, Thy litulmtul now. 1 ilo not srloyo iWmitw thy licnrt, Kru UiipM loiichml It wlili myOnrl, for htmwould iK-nt, : Nor ttmt tlio hmi'l wliidt owtia my rinff c hid K[rt.'n u .MIx|inh n tiling. ltw Hbut II em i'liv.f.1 ;iul your wnlHt, All, no, my tovul ihu woe, ymi mv, •• Innti'ml <il him. rvKAVNE l^~wlio" 'rented 1>y day wllli no months, um S Jta caiiaesJnniUcrirc,". 1*: ,on« wa9 "ilciif 7n; twonty-elclit"•• years: ost of tlio noted epuciulists of ttic bciie(lt.l"(JiiM.:(l binisclf in three IiKH! tiiun lutiulrcds of tlicm by ll l l ; d encoB , mlsIiKH! tiiun lutiulrcds of t y Btimc prociisn, Apluln, fslutplo; and enccosB fill Victim Ircatmciit. Addrcsn T. S. PAGE, IgSKnstSQUiSL, NewYork Cliy. ". *•« mmummmmmmM GRA03 OHALONER'S HEART. "Tlion you do not lovo me?" Thoy stooil HU"or tlio ULiplos in llio fronl ynnl of tlio ul>l farm homo, nml tlio »tnrs looliinl ilowii frimi llio .Scptt'iubor fiky with A swett, culm pence upun two—Horace Wooilwortli nml Oriico Clmbucr. Slio wn. ucily bonuty, {nonti iiml liigh-brcil, win liui been spending tho Riiinuicr with lie mint in tho country—n girl tall mill graceful with glorious, fair Imir, clicclw liko mnrblu, ntitl eyes of proud mill nmvo IIKUTL 1 , n <iucci nuioug women. And slio wns n queen, nny, inori', n BOililoss to the 111.111 Iwslilelier, who, iltossed iu coiuinou country gnrh, wai look- in": tluwm into Unit fm-o thnt for him huhl nil (here wftK in c;irth nml honveii. .'heilollL-ntL', fuir f.-ifc ihishe.l siiflly, nml tin ii ;lit ro^al lirow.i cnnlMck'il iw HIIC nn '[til witlmtit jiity: u Lovo you Hurui'u? » .m not. How ntannl! .'iilo not think I sli ill over lovo ntiyliotly." . . 'Da not «iy that, tlrnco," lie saiil with alniihlor, while \m honctl, hnniliouie fnc ''(I. "I thought you ini^ht porlinp lovo lo stay in Ihu country. Wo linvo been very hippy L-ut Ouw niontlH." 'Pjthtvw! ! Ainl so you thought bee .Id myself it^rcenblu to uiiclu nml mint and my iiwuy friemls llmt I shouM bo 0011- tuutotl ti> livu'hero iuul bo a country milk imul nil my life. ; Xo, tlinnk you, Iloruco Wooilivorth, I linvo oilier nsj life.".. . " ' •••.". •j-ive 1110, you n:tn havo nnno nnlilfr, Yinir nioiht'r n -fiiniier'H »l;tuyhtor, nm tiicro is 1101 letter woi mm in tiie wide world thai orcas. It si'i-iifi to nm (is conipnTiii' with li:r sweet, liibjrions, usotnl life tliost city l»dicM nre vain ami frivotuu-i bnlterllit'H.'' "Tluit is bcenuse you do not uiulorstaii tlwiti. I nmnWiltiMy sick of tlw mono tuny, the lalior of eoiuilry life. It sounds •, but th:r« is un two try in the reality, tot lib' Aimt IJorisw ; I coiihl hnppy here." . I [0 siyhetl n tk-op bit-h, but rumnined silent, ul sho went ou: "l);iy nftur day it IH tlio snine dull routine, •okiuy, sowing, ironing, eloiiniii^. I won tr liow nny one can imduro it. And whci look nt you nnd ser- you contont nnd silLi lied with yoiir lot I nlniost hnteymt." The hnnl, cruel words hurt him moro thnn die knew ; his fnco grow 1011 yenra older in .its look of .wounded priile nud love...,.-. I diiViK.Vknfiwiliiirwo'nif'n' worn' sV fcrent," lio s:uil IMhe •ijowcd.jBniynly thnnlt you for telling me. Good bye." Tho jiiihicd look in h\n face touched her just 11 little, nnd sho put out her hnnd. I nu n hnfiiiliftiMmiul, KIOIIIW, but' ,-liite, nml it meat, ruby glistened upon it. - "I did not mean to wound yon, Horace— Mr. Wootlworth," she sniil in a low, tone. "I pri/.uyonr friciulslup very highly, and I think you nro n noblo man. I never sliouli 1)0 n proper inntc for you in the world. V,\ wero brought up diiTeruiitly, Yon like tho country, tho smell of the nioiwlow, tho blent lot'ks nnd kinc. '• I loye city life; I must hnve gayety, splcmlor, chnugo.' 1 "You would "non qttccn nny where,'"... mur- nnred her lover, gnzinf; nt her benntiful Iguro nml kindly eyes with nu nduiirntioi] :hnt wan nlmost mlorntion. Sho snw tlio passion iuhis fnco, nnd was too much of womnn to simre him. Yon should never hnve loved me, Hornco, it wns wenk in you; n Htr3iig, noble niftn ' your simple ways) to think of ninrrying 111 ilight.tjiddy yirl of 18, But you will forgot in 1'ou will find somo ono who—" "Xevor! never ouo whom I ndoro M I do you/'hosnul.. ''Iinny befooiibh, but it is Ihu lovo of my life." "Oh, you will chmigc; men always do, •I:r.!ir.ll:b3;brii!c-:iwid nt your wcddiin;. At my rate I liopo HO, for I nm not worth iroken heart," nnd HIIO lnujjliod a cold, cruel, "it denied ns if aheiricd to "hurt, liim Ml iho could. ' " You" lenvo to-niorrow,"' observed the iinn. " "I Khnll not bo iililo loaeoyDii in.tli uoruiiiK. Mny GWVB migolH enre for. you JKI hnve yon in (heir keeijing." Ha kinsed tho litllo wlnjiJ hnud reverently H n knight of old timo miyht hnvo ilouo thnt if 11 sovereign qucou, murmured nlowiuliou, .hd [hu iiuxl nioiiieiiL hu WiiHyOUo.":-:---;,.-:. -. " Hi) left nm on tin! silorii ralil const, ; • Ana IalmUiiuvi!r«mliunnyiiHjr»j.» . . : She lintmucd, shu'weut within nnd linn- tcncil n\>totlio little room thnt hnd sheltered her Hid last tlirco '.iiiontha. Did sho lovo iim? sho asked licra'elf, nnd her lips curled with scorn as fiho drovo tho thought nwny. Love him? She, tho proud heiress nnd bennty, \lovo (.this i>oor country fnrmer, who hnd hnpjicaeil lo crosH her life 1 _ . Of conrse HIIO did not lovo him. Butslio'wns not BO iiro' after nil. Sho hnd not lived thoso last O:rco inonthn for nothing, nnd aho hnd BbOn in Hornco Woodworth," country fnrmer Uio' tcr thnt sho hnd not soou in.nny; of: lior^city ndmirers. Ho vrtifi iinndsunjo nftor ft coffin typo,"too—"ft tnll, strong;"brond-ahouldorod foiled who could hiiyo wtriod'jiorjftmile; in his arniB without being.•Wflftriod.t^' :..-j\-".:'..- . Sho : thought ; ;of\ all \tlio .-rides; and yritisa Jioy' iiad iind togcllior, .*tliojr:;_yory Vmaoy! .totes. *I[ornco wns nn clegnnt ilown nt her cseritoiro nud wrote n few lines convorsntiounllst, nud well educated na ho on n sheet of gilt impcr with n nionogrnmIn wiw ho Jiiul nppenlcd strously to her youat;, j anil directed it to Dr. Itnshlfigh. Tn it roinnntic imturc. lliero wiw 111H0I11 Mntd: "Au unox[)cctc(l accident calU ino nliotit his dinmctcr tlwt wou her deepest re-1 nwny.' Hut I can tell you my inlntl to-dny. •pact, dcHpito herself, would like tohuvn hin Kho felt thnt ulio I da not lovo you." Tlut won nil nko snld. for' . strong brother, but to bo IIIH wife, no, thnt could never be. Ho Kho tliotight then. To Uvo iuthnt tlull otii-ot'tluiAVity plnce, whon every tiny noth- ing but lalkH of plnuting, of sowing, of hnr- vest, of tlio yield of wool nud Uio prico of milk; to spin, to mend, to cook, to rock tho crndlo, her heart grow' Hick nt tho thought. 'THhoitld hato it, I Hhouhl hnd him," KIIO inunnureil. "I nm cut out to h moro thnu i\ fivrmcr'H wife. " [tut Ih'rrn"wcrutmnt In her l)lnu oyiM iw «1 foil uhli-^p, nnd intho morning an her nnc ilrovn hiTtotho ilo^wt HIIO f.mud licrac ItKiking nnxioiiHly nmoiig tliu crowd of facts for the noble brow and i'nniiwt cycH slin knew HOwell. The thought tlmt ho might IHI there to say another good-bye Hushed li checks nud mndo her own oyes shino like Htnru. Imtliownx not there. Ho Iind not dared to undergo tho pnin of another mcc ing, another parting when tiicro would 1 Mtrnngcrs toobocrve. : . Whnt 11 foot I ami" nliaHiouglit, "loenre whether ho wns hero or not. Whnt Ls H< ice "VooiUvortli lo 111c? " Ah, ninny times iu the future U1.1t (\nc& tiim will mritft to t'-niuo Ulmloiier'H heart. The inontha wont by. Ornco wn" busy ii IHT cily lioiiii-. Kho wn.s fjnceii in tho Kwit-t iu which KIIO mnviiil, and, of courxo, hr mud was souf-ht by iiiitny. Soinn of th •licst nmtuhiM" liid their hearts at lu<r foct, but shn would n^.^pt nono of them. Sli was not tlio woman lo beatow her hand whci .sho could not hor heart, lluforo sho uuir- ricd a nmu aho lnust lovo him. Sho was old. finhioucd enough to ba govorncl' by. thLn soutimcut. Hut why could uho uot lovo; Sho could not toll. Sometimes HIIO though! It WIHbociiHo slio had no licurt. Oiiuo wlulc the thought of Hor- neo Woodworth enmo tolier mind. Sho ro- iiioii'iboroil thoso summer ilnya putscd nt Woodside, tlio Wiillw, tho ljontinfr, tho pic lie t, tlio long cliabi under tho trees. Wli otild not souio of bar city ndiiiirer-i hnvu the lu'iirt, tho manly proHonco of thnt con try former? Mora thnn 0110 sho utid to her- self: "Ho fciuonUlmu nllnf tliom together. Ktill Hhij'WiLs nlwnys nngry nt hcwolf foi thinking of him nt nil. "Wlmt U hu to me?' dm would K:iy to liorwlf, nnd tlion to drown ill plunge inndly niiew into the whirljioolof society. Slio Ilirtud du.spm hnlf uml. It w.vs Iwc-.tna slu 1ml 110 heart, she said. 1 . Unther wns it not becnuso Hhu AV not know her ownhonrt ? . ; Tho second winter W.HIUI iintntinjly brtl limit Hcasou iu th-j city. Thero wew ball- iocinblas,'nnd ciitcrtiiininciit.H, every ni^bt, iuul Oh:donJr wits tho 'bright pnrtic nlnr stiirnt every g-itlicriug, nnd by her Kid> w,,S Guy Ilnshloigl., » Bny, (tailing youu, iiaian who lisi-1 jmt taken soiAaty by sti'inn, .He w:is n.very hnudsomo 111111, rich tnl<>ute<l, ton, nnd hit attention from th lint undo n marked impression ou Mim Ihilouer. At rumor hnd it thnt thuy :oro engaged ; but thmi.ns you km nlwiiys knows a thing Itofore nnyono U coy. linnnt.iif the fnot. Ji'o, it hnd not gone an far as an engngu Lieut, (tr.ico \vmwry miu.-h iutcrest-'d ii Dr. Knsuloiyh; lie pleased hor and sh.; wn proud of hit nttcutioiiH.lmt M1:O wns uot <niit< sure she lovud him. Wheu hi4 dark ••lo- ipicnt cycj lo,)l:-;d into hers s!to felt thnt shi couldfollow him nnywheru iu tho wido world nw.iy from him nuothor form, niiotlie fueo would nrLsc up Iwtweeu—thnt of Hornet Woodworth. Do whnt sho would sho couhl not. banish that memory, . . . . Why dots ho always haunt mo ? Do '. love tiint tttiin ? wlic would ask herself. 0 not forget him ?.... Sho had not soon him since the night ;.lin -bid .linr.grwd-byo-under ..tin innnlfiH, nud she found herself wouduriug il lie hud uot forgotten her. One day aho saw bw name in print. A 3C'.v volume ot pj'cin,-—lyrics and lovo songs had just been issued, and tlio author, u Hor- nco Woodworlh, was rouuiving high prnii in nil tho press notices nnd reviews. Her icurt told her it was him. Sho went out ai: ptirchiLHud' a voluino, aud aa sho ylniict Ihrough tho contents sho roml hu lieiirt i lis poems. "Hohasuot forgotten 1110—li loves 1110 ntill," wlw iiiunuuri'il, nnd sho won- dered why Iho thought gave her pleasure. Lute iu the ovuiiiug of that smnu dny sit- :iug imdor the orange blossoms intlio dimly lighted "conservatory, Dr. llnshloigh nskec hor-to bo his wife, . . ' . •Von must know that I havo long loved you, Grace," ho fluid. "Whnt can I hope iu return ?" And looking him frankly in tho faco Graco answered, while n pink Hash crept iuto hor cheeks: "Dr. Itnsbldgh, you will think it •cry strange, but I cannot nnflwer' 3 light. ..I must linvo time to decide." doctor kindly. ' "My" action iuny snoni suit- don, but I liavo wnited n groat while ; I cer- tainly would not hurry you against your , I shiill hope for a fnvornblo nuswor, Grnco—Miss Ohalouor, for I lovo you." "llusli, doctor; no moro'to-night. To- oiiusv you shall hi"iVu"iiiy"iiLBWt.T.-'-L«ud nio out, our set is forming," iwo nriHii Into tlio uoxt mnruing, paler thnn usual, fluttered, unousy. Dr. llnsh- loigh would bo there nt 10 o'clock, mid answer him ono way or tho other? Whnt should she do ? Sho wannovcr so norvoua in nil her Iifo. Whilu sho was waiting for her coffee nnd wallloH, HIIO took up tho morning pnpcrw nud gliincod Uirongli.tlipni cnmlesslyrliuddonly usiitlo ciuighl horeyo, huld it llmro whilo ic road witli suspended breath and chocks int woro colder than ninrble, tho HOWH of n locking railroad acoidant. Among tho list >f tlio injured ones which conoludcd tho ar- 3I0 wns his uiuno—Hornco Woodworth. "GrontGodl ho will tlio and novor know iat I lovo him." BIIO crio'^'ns aho throw nsido thopanrtniidpncO'VJiQ room, wringinj" hor hands. "i-'^^W/iio is dying now, and niri hero.- Oh, my heart, my lovol " Bbo tinkled n boll nnd n burvnnt outorcd. ' 'Hayo Jftinca got tho conch rontly to drive fl|tn : Wy'nhvillci^%hp.snid.. .^"A ilcnr friohtl of mino is 0110.of .tho victims of that horriblo iilroad 1not.lo IOHO 0 vnsBlook of :uniittcr.ililo!'nngui8hj ito"£ftcc Ska wna holebosiilo'lior^ on her,\yhito"£ftcc. Ska wna Tlion nlio nipped n glaus of wine nnd went down to tlio conch.. ^'" Wynnvllle, tho aceiio of tho disastor,' wns only a dozen miles from tho city, and order* od hoi coticliumn to drivo directly to tho ho- tel of tho phtco, where ninny of tho miiTcron had been convoyed. Sho never know how thoy got there. Sho never know anything till Hhu Htood in hinroom nnd ~nw him lying pato us denth nnd hin teeth clinched In ngony, upon Iho bed In n chamber of tho hotel. JIIH leg wns broken nt tho knoe, nnd ouo (in- Itlo wna fractured. Ho hnd suffered terri- bly. Slio liMtitalod n inoment, then who wulkcd up to him nnd lnid her hmid gently upon his. "Homcp, mylovo, nftcr nil these mimllu, I hnvo como to you.; Kuow thnt I lovo you." Tlio -voice wns ino-prcssihly BWcet nnd tender, nnd every word hnd tho endeuce of n silver boll. He opened hh tired oyos, nnd his fnco grow transfigured with grant Joy. "After nil them moutlw. It cnmiot be! " ho gnnpud. "It cannot." ••Y'IIII, I love you. I loved you MIPII. but I did not know it, nr I wn" too proud toown it. Oh, my lovo, myking, I linvo lunrned there is none liko you." And thecountry life, Grnco? forlnm n runner mill." 'Say twilling , Horace. Tli.;t wns long ago, ami I wns very foolLnh. I slinll l>e linppy iiiiywhera with you." "Denr (Irnce, you hnvo dono mo more thnu nil tho nurgeoiw, nud I do lovo you. I will make it ng ensy ns possiWo for you." Teoplo Inher world of HIIQW [ nud faHhton wondered nnd'iihook their licnds, nnd talked of howwell Grnco Clmloiicr vu't/tit havo done. JJitt Mw. .Wooiiwbrth, living among tho birds nnd brooks and Ktniliug Holds or the ConiiPcticut farm, : would not hnve :hnuged her lot with that of n roynl princess. The Drummer Talked Too Much. 1 An ninbitioit~ i'oung commcrcinl tounut li mm twcnino ncqiinintcd with a ;*ounglndy at- tending n well-known Kciniftnry.wlioso father is un hiflueiitlid citizen r«f nno ot tho ."tViu.ii* ingtou county towiia, mid is reputed to Iia a solid'bank Recount. Having progressed his ncqiiainlnnco with the young Indy HO na to scflt and rccelvo nn invitation to v her nt her Iiomo during her school vacntioi ho ciwnycd to ri«k the i r Hint might Philosophical Fashion Notes. Commou KCUSO Bto ba worn a." little u~ •er. It will Iw used only by UKJSO who nro mstdcrcd "behind the timorf. " • . Economy prninlscs to bo in demand by nil nsMcM. Tho i»oor must use it, mid those who wish tonpi^nr rich nnd nru not will bring it into requisition where its employ- nut will bo hidden. Faith nnd trust hiive not so strong i\ hold upon tliu public ILS formerly. A spuriuus articlu put upon tliu market iu grout epiautity last yuiir teudud't dfstroy confidence ii ic imitation,'will ho pop- thoso goods. Verncity, or a eli itar ns ever, mndo up in very loose which can bo thrown nside or hiddeu ut the couvtiatcuco of tho wearer. lIoiiL'tity is now woven of n moat ehistic uaterial, whii:lt will stretch nud twist iuto so iiniiy f(ir'»M as 'to IJJ totally utirecognixablo .1 nssociatod until tlio old-Htylcd fabric so lAlllQtl. Hrnin holds n-s n favorite incertain circled, •lit tliu "Eu™lLsh, you kuow, " sot have "cut it" entirely. Honor U un favorite among thnt wealthy class which ^composedrif nmnopolists, KIIOII- ilyitcs, politicians nud cortiiiu bank ofllcinR It in'considered i[uito nutiqtintud in style, and souio parties who nt ouo timo gave it countenance now pretend never to have ienrd of it. . .Orthodoxy retains its hold, but not firmly. From Puck. A Heavenly Wonder. "When lha rain censed the other overling, MI elegantly nttired youug mnn planted Inrgo tolcacojia ntthb 0^0 01'; tho :"aidowVilk on Market St., near Dupont, nnd nt once be- yuii.i-i'Stflp this wfiyylndien nnd geiitleinen, nml without any charge whatever, behold the beautiful orbs of Ihu liouvciw in nil their iinynifieenec. Tho ruin linn cleared tlio tend liis reception at tho paternal domicil Having cuyngi'il tho fiuUwt trotters nnd tl .ImL tnniont of.Iho villngo UTcr~inm our tonri-stfict out. : : The rido was almut sAx iiillos, and after hnd journeyed about half thnt>tliMwicn ,-prlixik a podrslrlnn nnd iiuuiinjd if ho v on tho^iiglit rond to Sir. Smith's fni limise?". Iteceiving nn alllnnnlive reply, tl drummer asked tlio farmer toride. Tliola ler got in Iho buggy, andaHSooiiiis ho \vi sented tho young mnn pulled out his fli nndnHkcdhU iiow-mndo friend to imbili Itjwas dccliucd, nudthcprofTLTcdluignrclic cd tho response tlint ho uoithcr drank Hqi nor smoked nor chewed tobacco. To t tho Hhnrp young mnn rejoined, by nvowii his l«lief that there never was n man bi what was nddiclcd to HOIIIO of tho vice: Meeting with no contradict 1011 on this poini ho inquired nf Iho stranger if ho knew Mi Smith und Ins standing iu tbo community. VYw," "plied ho, "I know him wry nd Uhiukheis'pritor.iir with hU town "Hn's well honked up, ain't Iiu r 1 " "UVII, hi'owns one of tlit; hiwl fiirms the town, and hcpriili'HhiiiiMelfonliiMHloc] 'Ho hami daughter I'" ; 'Yen, three of them.'' 'Well, I nieiui tho ono Hint In at Echnot ? I hnvo met her nnd nm invited l>y hi to cnll nnd spend tho evening. 1 *. 'Ah, is that so? Shots nu excellent girl, 'Well, ahc is elenr mashed on mo, nud intend to do my level beat tomarry her am aud get a alinro of the old iiinu'H money net mo up In business. Don't you thiul thnt n bright luwimss iden?" Well, as I said, Nho is n good yirl,, nn ouo thnt loves her futlicr dwirly, nnd oho; him in everything. You could nut obti her hand without the fntht'r's consent.". "I'll tico ulxmt thnt. I'd give mure to 1 tnia thedaiightur's thnu tho old ninn'H con Kent, 1 ' replied theinipotuoiu but nudwccni inn yomig fellow. At this uioiiient they wero ajiproacliing utately farm lumso, nndns they reached frout tin' fiirmii'hnid: "I live lime, and wi got out, if you please." The cunmicrcinl . mnn gently bulled tin trotters, nnd, us the old gontlcuinn renchci tlio ground, ho.said to him: '"Now, ho- much further is it toMr. Smith'*?" "I an. Mr. Kmith, sir," replied tho fam er, fitern'/y, "and you can drivo ou, for will nut i^miti you Iu stop on iny premises —Albany(AryiiA. . . ...... itinosphbro and tho ndrousi glory of the ni verso above is revealed to tho nduiiring )yo through this perfect telescope. " Ho pointed the tubo at 0110 of jtho Inrgcr stars, gazed through it a moment, and then resum- ed his di-coursc, diluting on tho splendor it Venus, nndgiving a history of.- tho iiiyn- :ical goddess nftcr -whom tho planet was mined. Soon one- man stopped to peer Llirough tho instrument. Another followed liis example, nnd before long there v:ns nn Mended Huo of poopla of both sei'is wait- ing their turn to soo. Meautimo tho orator continued his fervid eloquence, whilo ouo stnr-gazer nfter another glued his oyes to tho opening. Areporter who observed tho po- iiiliar way iu which till of them woro nffected, mil tho solemn way 111 which thoy skipped, mitcd for five minutes in tho line, nud when to finally got up to thetelescope and looked in, saw, ingreatly enlarged characters, these- words: "Jluy BlowhnriVs Soap. Sec thnt t ac-'A'rniic-Marlris=on~ every" Unr.°-'—' i'tt it h'rancim Call. . . ,-[ Words of Wisdom. "Thnt opportunity Utho cream of time. Thnt tho sunniest lives hn shadow. That the more yon say the less people n member. . That a mother's tears are the sniiio iu r languages. . That a man cannot go where tomptntif ciiiiuot iluil liim. That good breeding is n letter of credit 1 over the world. •'•'. That lio who depends oil another dines iind sups worse, Tliat good is slow; it climbs. That evil swift; it descends.' That ho who docs good to another un- does good to himself. That thero is uot n single moment in lil that w can nllurd to lose. . That publicity is tha bamnloor miou .wluc fools.ioWtni'lini'k^h^ir iinfiiW;'; •"-.•-'"" That tho plant nf happiness cannot thriv without the nir nf riiivrfulnoiN. Thnt tho noblest aud most oxceilent chai nctar Ls the tcuderost and most helpfi ,...,Tliat\liL'.iuan.w)io stirs .his. cup iciclo both spoils tho tea mid'chiHs" his 01 tiiigor. . . That the easiest way to outwit the wot Ls to let it believe thnt it is .smarter thnu yi are. -.' • - •-. ; : -., --.. - -'..--. .- • '• That indiving to thobottom of pleasure e nro likely to bring up moro gravel thai pearls. That promises mado in hours of nftlicti require 11 bettor memory than peoplu co iiiouly possess. That peojilo seldom improve when the; have > betlur model than themselves t< copy after.—Uood Jfouxfkeeping. Tho Fable of,the Boycott. Ouo dny a I)oycott~8trollcd into tho tool lionso nnd sat down for a chnt. Tho hnui- mor nud jho saw, n pcyyiug awl nndji t si, ixint other houest tools, took ndvuutngo of 3 entranco offtboy, looking for something had no business to take, to muvo a I 'nrthor nwny. ' " W h y d o y o u avoid 'me?" isked tluPlioycott, "nm I not a friend 1 of inbor, nud nm I not its mightiest weapon? Un I not your common defender?" "Ex- JUHQ.US," replied an old .Sledge, who wiu luven np in thocivil ficrviee lists, "you lon't.eccm to be one of na.- Thero is namel! if Hussion prisons nbontyon, a Ktilling tniut )f Qormnu op[>ression, a Htcncli of English opresaiou, nud a foul odor of Ilungnrii >anpcrisni, n general decayed ilnvor of ig- lornnco nud brntnlity nnd n senseless ferocity hat wo don't liko. ~A'o k n o w it isn't your .nit— it wns born of tyranny nud helpless. less — but it isn't' American, nnd it isn't ilonsnut. You linvo n foreign nir about you inl mnkcR a room close nud offotisivo. Go tut nnd wndo nrnutid nml hunt for tho "Oro- ;ou" for nbout BIS months, nud you'll coino :k as. clean ta a Chinnmnn. - Go soak uiraolf, boycott yoiirself, nud sco how glnd 'U'Ub^to^wolobmfl: you rato-'tho'aliop 11 .Illegitimate Journalism. An nbnlmneut of what nil niun ackuo edge tolio rt public nuisnnco is greatly need- d just now in tho interests of rdspeotubli 311.n11Uii.1n. Kvery eouductor'uf a 1 paper is desirous of obtaining news. It is business to buy it nnd sell it to bii road- . But that is nut respectable journalism whoso highest ambition ia to overhear n con- Lvcrsntiou on a private telephone wire, print it nnd boast of tho achievement as a triumph of nowspnpor enterprise. Yet just this kind of inquiry into the privacies of life constitutes tho;bu3mc33 of somo of tho lowci class newspapers of tho day. Tho news- paper which steals nud prints n innttcr personal or family privney, deserves as t vero punishment :w tlio corporation which utenls public money, or tbo pickpocket who npproprintes a watch. In'tliu interest of tho no\\ apaper business aud tho editorial profession it is greatly to bo desired that this sort of journalism boEiiiuiuinriiy dealt with, howforo tjonso.. to- bo -pi'olltablo - to iLt coudiictors,': • • ; : , . . . ..••. -.-: .-."- A Pair-Mindod Partisan. Gov. Abbott hn.- been mndo the subjoct of critiuism IJUIXUISC huiasuod n .'proclnmntion incoming potiijiouH, in which ho taudorod his services inprocuring pensions for those ontitlod to tliom. Whether ho did this for popularity, solflshly or n nsnltlsbly, if by this momis lio will bo nblo to prevent. Ihoso soldiers or their widows, to whom of right pousiouR tiolong, from falling into tho hniids of tlio pension sharps, ho is entitled to credit. 1 p, Lotus not bojso.bittcrly.pnrtishu ns,.jiot-to d L tii th Q d IIo had boon courting a West End girl for somo timo, but ho'lias quit now. It bappentHl on Sunday night after church. They wciu willing As clow together as tha :. sofii would poniiit. Slio looked with iucf- fable tenderness into liln noblo blue eyes. "Georgo," sho murmured, with n tremor ' in licr voice, "didn't you toll mo oiico yoa would bo willing to do nny groat deed ot heroism for my finite? " • ," - , ; .-•'.'';.•• '1'es, Pnnnio; and I Kindly rcitornto tlint statement now," Lo replied ia confidant to'ucst. ' 'No noblo ltoman of old>'ns llrcd with a loftier ambition, a braver resolution tliniil." ,''. !'Well, Georgo, I want you to do some* thing real heroic for mo. " "Spnak darling; wluit Ls it ? " ; - "Askmo to bo your wife. W0V0 been fooling long enough." '.'• •' ' . Tho sci-piel I* Hliited in the : prefaco.— Two Eloquent Pauses., .'•^^f- Two pretty muck-wittcd minds enrno to contact when tho Itov. Dr. Vincent introduc- ed nt Chiuitnuqun a Chlcngo clt.-gj-ninu who . wns loIccluro on "Fools." Tho preliminn- rics nro thmreported : : "Wo nro now Iu linvcftIccluro oil fools by ono (fi very long pmtsc nnd loud lnnghter from the nudieucc, wheu tho president con* eluded with the fiaving clause) of tho wisest en in the country. ' •. :' Tim lecturer ndvnnccd to tho desk nnd re-. sponded: I nm not hnlf no big n fool ns Dr. Vincent (unothcr vciy long pause, nud still morn hearty laughter from tho nndienco) would have you SIIIUHWC—Unidentified..'. '•• Making His Father Feel at Home. Tho 'nvcrngo small boy of tho pronent dny in seldom nt n loss for foiuething to sny even 111 tho* most cmbnrriLssii]}; situations. Bobby, - n precocious youth of sixsummers, hnd been indulging in profanity, nud in order to cs- enpo the punishment fur which IUH mother hnd mndo preparations, ho ..crawled under n bnrn nnd remained there iu n stnto of BICRO for tho greater part of uu afternoon, Wheii his father returned nt ni^ht nud lenrnod how matters stood, homndo his way with much dillleulty ui'der the ham in search of the boy. , "Hello, pn,"snid llobby cheerfully, ns his sire nppronched, "you been Bwenring too?" JiMtttm Jieeord. '.-,-. " Hum," unid Mrs, Sombre, looking nt ft wHimper illustrntiou ot n crematory, bn- side which stood n codm: "1thought tho expense of 11 colllu was dispunsod with when tL}.bod;;,wns iuciucmted." " Well, so it is," replied the husband : "tho coffin 13 not lurncd ; it is returned ami used to convoy tho next corpse to tho furnace." "Ugh," shuddered Mrs. S.;'" that settles it j I will cremated. Just think of being put ^ in 11 coflin in which a person who has died ot - smallpox or some other contagious disease win!" Why,;'_! might cntch it." V m Conjugal Infelicity. Three yenrs of coujugnl infelicity nro tcr- Bc!y.da;sribcd ia this ~epitaph,"-":Tth;c!i~wii5 1 '.r. written by an English womnn for hor hus- ind: llymeii blundered whou 'twas done. ii blundered wh 1831. Oft It tlitinaurvil, HO Jl«t yo Dentil kimllyuuinluruil you aua me, —Uoaton Jou day, The Colonel is Arch. Dim," said tlio President tho other e you engaged just now?" Nn, your Excellency," said tho Colonel, with an arch expression, "arc you?" , ' , . A rubescunt tHiyo wiuidercd in a fierpentiuo irve around tho Bolf-bhnved rresidcnlinl cheeks. There wns no pic for' dinner that day.—AuburnW Y.) J)i*patc?<. ".'Among tho advorliscmonts iu-'a iGcrtnan^. [mper appeared tho following;: "Tim.yen- ;leman who fruind a pin^n.. .with ...inonny iu . ;lie HlunieiiKtrnsso is requested toforward it :o the nddrcssTof tlio loser, ns ho is rccog- lizpil, v.A fewduys afterward the-reply: was ::• inserted: "Tho recoyniitcd gentleman ww picked up a purso in tho IHunieiistnisso re- qi!csts : thc loser tocnll at.his house." "' 'Mother, VRaid n littlo girl toher parent, who takes n grent interest in charitable in- stitutions, "I wish I wero nu orphan." . "Whyso, my dear?":."Uectiuso I should. noro of yon, for you are nil tho timo joing to Iho orphnu nsyhihi."—JJoston •urnal. Customer in restmmint-^'TIero wniter, ,1ns stenk is too tough to ent.'' .Waiter— 'Sorry, snh. Iso to busy, to nrguc- 'bout Int stenlt now. If yo' wnu's to nrguo wif a liter ,'bout do toughness of steak, yo' inns' lomo iu when do noon rush am obcr.'' Tbc'inntcrnnl Justiuct—"Look 'ero now. ial! " yelled a Travis county, LTesns] woman a tho oldest girl, don't you bond over thnt well m fiir. You'll full iu" there' ono of ; ;boso days and thon we'll hnvo to got oiir riukin' wnler from tho crook.'' A11 editor who wns pushed out of bed by n nggressivo bedfellow wns heard to niut-, or''B6iii 1 eiliing"hbout" ; "owiug T tO"tt~pres^ 1 *6£-- :;:: latter," something or other wns "uunvoid- jly crowded out."—Burlington FrccPrm. A. miuistor not long ngo preached from lio text: "Ho yotherefore, steadfast." Hut lie printer mndo him expound from "13o there for breakfast,"— S(ftOigs. '.' ; ". "Grant men often rise from emnll begin- iigs", 1 'says'a" writer; 1 ' 1 Tlioy oftci'friso from"'" mil otidings nlsb—0. g., tho point or/apm. : •JJurittngton Free Press. Aflyis Bnid tohnvo 16,000 oyea. Thnt {3 : .ho rensou why nflyisn't put out whou ho lnppcns touiislny his noso-glasscs, Thoroisnn nrt inputting ou EIOVCS, snj-n "* fashion paper. It is onsyenough nftoryou etyour hnndiu. * : .1 . ; V " '- 1 -"> i A movable feast—timing 111 n, pali\eo cnr.,; •Philadelphia Call. ' < /'• :, ('- ' : W 1 '. ThcToiily reliiiblo catnitUTroineil iiinrltct to-day Ls Ely's Cream Balm, hciug .. It has cured t'jousaads of ncuto and .\ ~~" ' remodica, linya; ;

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Page 1: The Drummer Talked Too Much. LADIES Machine …...March 11, 'SS—1y Ono extra (.'tinruvancK for frlcnilii furnlsliol fn» iif diurpi. TIIK iindi-r.Mu'iinl lmvlnir luul - . . _.neu


k5-x:-ja~.~L:ii.- • 1 5 1 1


: commun-eifiui-, Ut «oJ 3nl ThurnUy* In ...*.month. MiM>iilcllill. Wiwhlnntud. Xtctrtatyi , E. Fulper, Waihimctan. X J .

• n a n . * CHipTKR, yn,19. It. A, M. -Matn tVIM iilun*. tiii't .Tim«liy 1" oncli inoijtli =•»vimicll-.ll, WdiLHik'lon. Secretary. J . \- Fol-pur, Wnihltiutiin, N. J .

WiRniNiiTOsCorxciL, No. 7, Royal and HviHitter*.—"i&toil mu-mbilo»,;irtl Friday In «iimmth. iliifimlc Hall. Wnthtnijton. It rent 4

,-,.7.1!. Cnlpcr. Wu»h»Bioti, h . J . . .DtitoLtrC<iMX*!fv*Kr,i*o.O, K.T.—SlnicJc

ckvts , Slid nncl-lth WiniiiLTi1iiyi> In citcli miniJln#.iDic II ill. WVMi.L-ton. Jtcciinltr, M.Hanb.Wimlilostou.X.J.

W i t N i - CoffKciL, No.10. Jr . O, U. A. 5I.-M*Imp. every Mmidny evinlDtr- siiIeM**r H

' Wnfhlnutua: Hi-creury, LucUn Shrupo, \V«lucton, N. J , ;

WHIIISIITON LnixiR, No. n, K. & I>. nr the fl. S.—Hinted" inri'llni'i', l i t nml :ird FrM-ty in Hirli

1 •' noiuli, Slu'hmiU' Il»l|, WophiuiiKiri. M . K,Jennings. StxrtiUry, V\'»ililnitluii, K. J .

LtHRRTT Oonxrii,, Nn. 15, O, U. A. M. Mecllr« « y TiiBMh-cVtnlM.''.. Hull. N.rotary, W, K.ienntn.!*, Wdvhtti^ioii, N. J .

l i m n ESOAMTXIIST, No l i , I. 0 . 0 . r*., mid*Hnrt ill. Tlnirnrliiyi'TL'riiin:*i>l eneli i-ionili,OJil Fellow*' Ih l l , Wftnliliiutoii,. bcdbc, Tlim

"." ' iMTsjburn, WiHiinj'tm, » , , ! , •MA*imi.D Loi'iiB, «o « , I . O . O F, mrt

- ovtri'Snttirdnyi'vciiliii'lti Oil I IMIIUVM' HnWflfblnuton. -saerotary, T, II. On lick, Wat

. ;• l n« lon ,» . J . 'MDicoxiTcoNoCocseit. So . I01D. Amerfenn I,

> KlOD of Honor, ineaif every -2ai mid 4(li .MiiniliOVUHIDIM In t';iou tnimtli, s i H o'clock. ScciWry, .Miner F. Ilnty, Washington. N, J .

JOHK P. RBV.<«»1.I>I 1'iMT. Nil. C>, <!. A, It. mi'l'let * aril Monday cv'nt-i of each muiitn. I d . .July Ut lo Oct. 1 1 only un lot .MondaytnotitU.) MtcniiHk* Hill. AUjulanl, J . '


Civil and Criminal Law Practit'oner,..• . Notary Public, Master in Chancery.


J O H N M. VANl ' lTKK,

/. -WllAlllllKtOU, N . J M

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Solicitor, Muster J: Kx<unincr in Chancery,


Ami in all the Courts of\2fea Jersey

Physician & Surgeon.W A S H I N G T O N , N . J .

Ufllto Oppose 1'oMO'ice. ' TUrvIionc at JIHIcr'

(jives I N S T R U C T I O N S in M U S I C onP I A N O or ORGAN

a t Ills lioiiu1, nr nl residence of pupils. Spi - . .attention '.iiulil to niiltniiints. Already 1ms

. 1 uri-e elms, tiwl muL'ti with grunt etuiuM.



iu Loca t ion , Acuuiiiuiountioti nnil M n i i t i ^ -

went. Permanent und Transiout'• GwaU well entertniui'il.

_ . . . . . i . v i , . r iu-t<«».tt»i'.iv;,: ;..

A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached.C. K Sl'AATEli, ft-oprhior.

Keystone Restaurant.UXDKH HKA1TV

-first-Class DiMing Saloon.

• l'OSTEll F . JdltCH, - l'ltOI'illETOH,. HASLTACTCHElt OK

Stonm llolloM, t-iiiokn Siituksi, Illmit I'liwn, W

5 l i « l l i n i w b r k . AUklinl»or*-on.l linn'" "»•r h d : u r e m « r J { y t » ! n « ^ v ! | M J t ^

« V lV>r8l.<iiiU~nitiiUit> Mnnfor.1 Hfnn: l o fIiisuniin:fO>..fri.'onfi;1iarpt. Tin- IK.1I.TWUI IMtiisiiiii-'ti'il'Vlnjii IJUIMIII" nml tlit-..* times I'fiftiyour Unit tlio i-olluy la In fordi. « ' ly


• Bli'ull from" tlibiiiiU*tn)ttpiiri;ti.>ii'L,.'il lit .ri^iwsfi-inuoii t lu ' l i imlsH'f tlii.''T!', nr d i n e r oftH.-ni, in tliu uo i im- ot Wnrron. wheitu.T lo Hunt,o r IMi, jilL'k Itprrliy, fruit or mils, or for nny oi HIT

• i.iir|,oai! for wliKU tlti-y h a w m. lawful warrant• J>c tliu ujiiw'iit of tlio lnnil owner, will Iw j . r o w -

c u t c l H. ttui full ustoiit of tlio Inw jirovld«il f i -


l'KTKU KlSSKMASi'-.Mrs. KLr/AiiCTH WKI.I.E1Cl.UiK UlllSK.Kl.lSH.. I'KIU.V.

•il Octolicr latti, 1K.SV

••'-' Y A R D .Monuments, HcuiMoiic-, Tiililda, etc. Ceme-tery plots (jiidiwnl, L!ii;(| .Miliafucllon giuinui-

ffirc'inircliiisiiif: i-t •vwlicru. Doslsjns furnishedcheerfully tu till piTious im uppllctitloii.

r~~--}OS: C. .-THOMPSON,'-• '..,


William J. Mahon.. ..WASHINGTON, N . J .

Tcacli^f of n'nno and Organ. TrtlUon givenin Vocnl music nlea. 1'iipHs titlcnrtcd a t

. ;tli(!lr invn rcBidcncc. More limn 10 yearslixpcrlcnuc. Terms icusouiiblc.

PURE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS,S : T : F O R B A L E i s : s = = = =

dD cncli. - :•: .

WASHINGTON FOUNDRY"" .' -""—-ANr—-- " ".. "'"

Machine Shops,BOWERS & MITCHELL, Prop's,

y o w w r toS I' Itnwi-MMftimfncturpre «r nml |i-oliTi In nil kinds ot

Gastings & AgrioiltiiralluiplementsWe call epcclM ullcntioii lo OIIP ncw

tik-ii uro liiinin of Hie !'c*t ivhlle Irtisi. nmlwurrmitw] (»scour t<|iiii1 lo chill or Mvel in nilkliul* of noil. DiHit lor^cl w« iimnutuciurc

LIGHT and HEflVY FftRM WAGONSnml »['IUN(f T l t rCKS, till vl wlileli nr« mtiilii

f tlio hvtt iniifi'tlal^ iiiul Biiiirnntml. WeHI Imvi! on lmml nt nil riw a full ri(iek• of

I'lllttV, "

nnd 1'law Cuntlnir^ tn lit all plows in gcncnillieu. Churn l'imur<9. Clover IIiilleiK. Loud\UA\cre. liny Uiiki.", Furrowing Sicily (imli

itoml Semper;', U'lili'r Wheul*. Iron Koiidn(,%Cn»t Iron t'ecil nml Mi\lni::lioxes, liny Cut-lero, Sli'tl Mlioeh nndu of tliu best While Inin.Al«* uyents for

uck~)'c MoiFcrs, Reapers andl?eIP-BiH(lcrs.

frmi Work forllullilliiicmiii uoneriil FoundryWink. All order* tuul rfpalrlni,' iirrmipLly ul-

s low as lliu lowest. Olvu us n cnll, na wHL'iiutot;ivui>mUfuctio:i- :

Bowers & Mitchell,At the old Uowcra Foundry,

"VASIUMJTO.V, S. J .March 11, 'SS—1y

Ono extra (.'tinruvancK for frlcnilii furnlsliolfn» iif diurpi.

TIIK iindi-r.Mu'iinl lmvlnir luul - . . _.neu In the UndertiikliiL'liiirlue^. nml peeliiL'

Ihc mrd of un Uiidi-nitku in till* vlcinltv.linvo oiietied nu I'stnlillsliuiciit nt. I'OItT .MUlt-ItAV. uml'ttiku thl» itiLttiod of InforiiiliiL' their

' uls nml the i>ui>lic Hint th'-y are IUIW prc-it to do L'lulertuklii'' In tin; ni'ift sijiprovcili nml tit VLTV, low ralB?. Wv. I m o pur-

-!i:i-rd n hani^oiui: lit-nreu und provhk'd our-•ulv.'it with nil tliu most apimrvtl ii;>|iiir!iln.-»i.<[IT tin.- pnniitrt nml siitlsfnetory «roiulucl of oin-!.ti*liK'.«i!. We urn- .1. U. Taylor.<; Son'ii I'atcul

Jlili'.'i'.ti. nir. ' ' ' '• • . '•" " ' ' ••'-We <ik» do cmlnhninij in the he-it manner.

Our • etnbitlmimi kce/m the Unlit /or tiny'I'dintiry length of. time desired, irilltntit

nfo hi tier than when lint emhdmol.Any m l i : of n.llln or'wi!*ki.!t van he furnl?!,-l ut !<liiirt inrtlru. t-'urnll ilhtaiictn within lfl


U W | l


n-iiVKi'Sibsu cnAUor. IJMD HV US. ' 'Our Terum nnd Price* itrc wry, very

' Vurv HuMwulfullv,

THOMPSON. &" CO.,Proprietors,

.WllS W.'l-'OHKEi:, "•' :


You will Iind tlinl in •' i>ln«! U IlKADQ^Ut-TKKS lorntiytlilu^iViti«:ll.-li or orskT line,nnd Unit prli&s ure us 'ow u tliu lowi^t. I do

liolfsule nml r«t».I trailu uiul l;ei{» thuLovskTs tube had.

Krcslii?ish Always on 1 [and.

The patroiiago ol tliu public Is Invited.

JOHN BAILEY,liltlikni'.Avuiuo, Washington, Sew Jcraj

Teetli Extracted For

25 Cents.

Fresh Gas'Every Day.Gold Fillings a Specialty,

J.ILGribbs, Dentist.


OlilnliiL'il. uml nil othi-r luminous In H»* I'. & l**t-oiit unii-iM.lVwHleil 10 for MOPBItAT KKK8....OuronK'elsoiiiim.ti'.tlu'-l'.'.S • t'uK'i.t. Oiaco

romo'u'Iroiii \VASHIN(ii()N.Kyiiil MODIiLUH itltAWlSCl. Woii'lvlwiiw to

liiilonUitiiHly frt o of eliar^o i uuil wo niako 2\OJ11AUOH HKLKSS WB 011TA1N l'ATBST.

Wo rrtur hi'rn lo UH> I'ostiniwler, tlio Hiipu o(Mn.n<yOr<liT niv-,Miil Inonii-lnlnofthoU $. I'ut-ont ORlco, For i^lrfiilur, nilvlco, lernm nml rofiT-

i lo iictiuil clients In your own S*t»to or comity,

C A . S i V 0 W . l i C O , ,

Op'posllo Pttti'iit Office, WnHhliteton, I). C.

d-o TOMrs.K. M. Skinner's

v Q OnoArliil will show tlint . :

These Goods c;ve\thc Best«IVHT11K.1I A TBIAIt.'"".'

, 4 - 3 0 - l y • . " • • • • .- ,- . : . e ;

LADIES \AreyouiMklcMenmwlitoTenturo! IfBonondtwoccnUIn etnmps to tho Mack PubUthina Co.,628 and 630 WttsliJiDrton Street. NEW York, forcno of their beautiful I [lustrated » I n d i e s 'I l o o b H . " It fi d novel, unique, ana Interest-ing worlc to CTcry person or rcflneincnt.

On »colpt of ten cents In utamiw thoy willjend postpaid a full set of their fntnotu houoo-

]I*jj)O»t popular tougr, togelhcrnllh tenexqulallo

QUINEPTUS!A very piconlnc, linrmlCBs Blyejrrhlzcd nromatlecompound for dkgnli-lng tliu t»*(o of (lulnino andotlierblUprdniCTTdllicrBoll.lornul.].1 l'rlre. 76Cfnt< per Pint firnie. Prcacrlbt-dbythouswiiSiorphyildans In Rurotw and Anwrlcfl- Kornuiln nc*companies «cry hoille. For Solo by DmfglBtB.

Wnnufnctnrod by

The Academic Fhannacentio Co,,1: LONDON A\D NEtY Y0UK.S32-536 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY.

' •' Oh, For a ManlOh, for (i man! llio dea r volco nan

• AliiitnrouKli Hut ulitirdi llio mintt)h, for n innn! nlni HIIIIR nj-nln—

t 1 IHow couM HUCII M i>tcw1 In vnln?

ELIXIR.An clcf-ont EDRILIII plinrmaccutfo prcparnt lon

for bilious, inalnrlal nml blood troubles; tlio ro-Biilt of over twenty-11 vo years of most eminentBClentfllc resonrch.

Approved by tlio htplirst iricdlcnl authorltlcfl.In use In tho tioanltniB In pverj" pnrt o t Europe.Esppctntly Jielpful to ladles, clilUrcii and peo-

ple of sedentary habltB.Entirely vcgutable; free from harmful drug*.

In Handsome Packages, Price 50 CtSi

Prepared solely by :

Tito i(oyhl ^LONDOK AND N E W YORK,

Chemists by npiwlntnicnt to ncr Majesty thoQueen and to tbo Roynl Family.


130, 132, 184 CharltonSt.

ROYAITPILLS.SomcmodlcInalpropertleBiifl ROYALELITHI, la

boscd, 30 pills to box, for 25 cents.


REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR!•Vinegar Bittsrs COBDIAI;{dcS™} 50c,Vinegar Bitten F0WSEBB, m doses, G0c(

Vinegar BltwrE, nw sijle, | P 'S™' \«1.00Vinegar Bitten, oldstyle, bitter taste, $1.00

The World's Great Blood Purifierand Life Giving Principle.

Only Temperance Bitters Known.

B. H. McDonald Drug Co., proprietors,J j ^ SAN FEANC1SCO ASB KBW YOKE. _

BUY IT AND TRY IT.T r y it for earache,

T r y it for headache,

T r y it for toothache,

Try it for backache.

---Tor ah ache or a. pain Thomas' Eclcctric'

LOH is excellent.—Chas.K.Mccller.bosayj,1 Schencctady. N'.Y. ' • • • •

• Thomas" Eclectric Oil is the best thin)?going:, pn says. Cured him of rheumatismand me of earache—two drops,—Ma3tcrHorace I3reni:cr, Clinton, Iowa. -

---..•• • Try" it'for'a'limp'/1 " :

Try it for a lameness,.Try it for a pain,

" Try it for a strain. -From shoulder to ankle joint, and for

three months, I had rheumatism whichyielded to nothing but Thomas' EclcctricOil. Thomas' Eclcctric Gil did what nophysician seemed able to accomplish. Itcured me.—John N. Gregg, Supt. of Rail.way Construction, Niagara Falls.

.;Try it,for a scald,Try ifior a cut,Try, it for a bruise,Try it for a burn.

Price 50 els. and $x.oo*

FOSTER, M l l J R M CO., Prop's.JJ OFFAZO. If. 3*. • .


Upholsters pods


* "" iNa 'ot 'KERED^ •AXMINSTKI1S from *2.00 jrer yd. upwuril.WH.T0NS—"-•friiiiiMiTOiiuryil.-iipwrnlM0QUETTE3 from I.ariimryil. upwiinlVELVETS from l.:r. pur yd. ii|.wiirdIIODY HIIU3SEI.S from .IW pur yd. iipwnnlTAI'KSTUV " i from .H) |i«py<l^.ii]nv;irdINCI1AINS fi'niu .50 per yd. ninvurdSWISS LACIC UUKTAlNd^


from iW.fil) linr imlr upwnrdANTIQUE iiml'FUKNCH-l-AUK Ol'HTAJNS--



AUU U U N S :from .75t»orimlptt|iwn«l

•fUUOOMAN CURTAINS with UnmlsomUi tf ?500 l

. . . H U -froiu ?5.00 per imlr upwurd

TAl'liSTIlY COVKUIN(iSfrmn $i.00 jier yd, upwurd

GIIETONNE COVKKINtlS • :from ,. .85 pur yd. ujm'ard

Window ShailcB nmilu on PIIIHI liolico or inn-• " ' furnished.- ' "


MAIL OllDEUS. •-:••Corrpftijoiiilt'iico Invited.

Broadway & 19th"St.,

Tim t-H'11«y» Krimicil WTOM llio ftlaU%; Tho ili'ACtiii'H fri)wiin wcruclmiiitiM t»i Bintivfl,

ThofliliC'r'fl chci'k turtinl il-4'jH'st j.Ink. At b.-wo nn<\ V:MT'» vrluLcl wink. t

Tim drlii lliii Iwro llio nllo imrtThen look (lie atrnlrt wllli nil tln-lr t ioirt ;Ol>, torn mnii, n twin,n mini—And tlR'ii llio tull choir Ix'Knn

Tosliifi with till llirfr inlditninl tmilitTlmiliiUVJtlinKlrl'rtr.-frulf.;

. Uli, furn maii!tlo:i In Ilinsklra, :

'A rimii—n nmtwlmi In Urn skli*.

- M . G\ llunerr/onl In llio J m l c .

. , . Rcgrot. ..;' ,I il-Miiil tiiniirii, tiwci'l wlfunf inhm,IUo-;iufi» tli'mn rnhy U[M of tliliio—

TJtut innrlilu hrow-WcnVk la-icl liy nun wlin ml«lit have IKVII, ,llit'l I nil L-hniiiiii I't Htc|> iH'livii'ii,

Thy litulmtul now.

1 ilo not srloyo iWmitw thy licnrt,Kru UiipM loiichml It wlili my Onrl,

fo r htm would iK-nt,: Nor ttmt tlio hmi'l wliidt owtia my rinff

c hid K[rt.'nu.MIx|inhn tiling.

l t w H but I I

em i'liv.f.1;iul your wnlHt,

All, no, my tovul ihu woe, ymi mv,

•• Innti'ml <il him.

rvKAVNEl ^ ~ w l i o "'rented 1>y

day wllli nomonths, um

S J ta caiiaesJnniUcrirc,". 1*: ,on«wa9 "ilciif7n;twonty-elclit"•• years:ost of tlio noted epuciulists of ttic

bciie(lt.l"(JiiM.:(l binisclf in threeIiKH! tiiun lutiulrcds of tlicm by

l l l l ; d e n c o B, mlsIiKH! tiiun lutiulrcds of t y

Btimc prociisn, A pluln, fslutplo; and enccosBfill Victim Ircatmciit. Addrcsn T. S. PAGE,IgSKnstSQUiSL, New York Cliy. " .

* • « mmummmmmmM


"T l ion you d o not lovo m e ? "

Thoy stooil HU "or tlio ULiplos in llio fronl

ynnl of tlio ul>l farm homo, nml tlio

»tnrs looliinl ilowii frimi llio .Scptt'iubor fiky

with A swett , culm pence upun two—Horace

Wooilwortli nml Oriico Clmbucr. Slio wn.

uc i ly bonuty, {nonti iiml liigh-brcil, win

liui been spending tho Riiinuicr with lie

mint in tho country—n girl tall mill graceful

with glorious, fair Imir, clicclw liko mnrblu,

ntitl eyes of proud mill nmvo IIKUTL1, n <iucci

nuioug women. And slio wns n queen, nny,

inori', n BOililoss to the 111.111 Iwslilelier, who,

iltossed iu coiuinou country gnrh, wai look-

in": tluwm into Unit fm-o thnt for him huhl nil

(here wftK in c;irth nml honveii.

.'heilollL-ntL', fuir f.-ifc ihishe.l siiflly, nml tin

ii ;lit ro^al lirow.i cnnlMck'il iw HIIC nn

'[til witlmtit j i i ty : uLovo you Hurui'u? »

. m not. How n t ann l ! . ' i i l o not th ink I

sli ill over lovo ntiyliotly." . .

'Da not «iy that, t l rnco," lie saiil with •

alniihlor, while \m honctl, hnniliouie fnc

''(I. " I thought you ini^ht porlinp

lovo lo stay in Ihu country. Wo linvo been

very h i p p y L-ut Ouw niontlH."

'Pjthtvw!!Ainl so you thought bee

.Id myself i t^rcenblu to uiiclu nml mint

and my iiwuy friemls llmt I shouM bo 0011-

tuutotl ti> livu'hero iuul bo a country milk

imul nil my life. ; Xo, tlinnk you, Iloruco

Wooilivorth, I linvo oilier nsj

life.".. . " • ' • • • . " .

•j-ive 1110, you n:tn havo nnno nnlilfr,

Yinir nioiht'r n -fiiniier'H »l;tuyhtor, nm

tiicro is 1101 letter woi mm in tiie wide world thai

orcas. It si'i-iifi to nm (is conipnTiii'

with li:r sweet, liibjrions, usotnl life tliost

city l»dicM nre vain ami frivotuu-i bnlterllit'H.''

"Tluit is bcenuse you do not uiulorstaii

tlwiti. I nm nWil t iMy sick of tlw mono tuny,

the lalior of eoiuilry life. It sounds

•, but th :r« is un two try in the reality,

tot l i b ' Aimt IJorisw ; I coiihl novtr .be

hnppy here." • .

I [0 siyhetl n tk-op bit-h, but rumnined silent,

ul sho went o u :

"l);iy nftur day it IH tlio snine dull routine,

•okiuy, sowing, ironing, eloiiniii^. I won

tr liow nny one can imduro it. And whci

look nt you nnd ser- you contont nnd silLi

lied with yoiir lot I nlniost h n t e y m t . "

The hnnl, cruel words hurt him moro thnn

die knew ; his fnco grow 1011 yenra older in

.its look of .wounded priile nud love...,.-.

I diiViK.Vknfiwiliiirwo'nif'n' worn' sV

fcrent," lio s:uil IM he •ijowcd.jBniynly

thnnlt you for telling me. Good bye ."

Tho jiiihicd look in h\n face touched her

just 11 little, nnd sho put out her hnnd. I

nu n hnfiiiliftiMmiul, KIOIIIW, but'

,-liite, nml it meat, ruby glistened upon it.

- " I did not mean to wound yon, Horace—

Mr. Wootlworth," she sniil in a low, tone.

" I pri/ .uyonr friciulslup very highly, and I

think you nro n noblo man. • I never sliouli

1)0 n proper inntc for you in the world. V,\

wero brought up diiTeruiitly, Yon like tho

country, tho smell of the nioiwlow, tho blent

lot'ks nnd kinc. '• I loye city l ife; I

must hnve gayety, splcmlor, chnugo.'1

"You would "no n qttccn nny where,'"... mur-

nnred her lover, gnzinf; nt her benntiful

Iguro nml kindly eyes with nu nduiirntioi]

:hnt wan nlmost mlorntion. Sho snw tlio

passion iu his fnco, nnd was too much of

womnn to simre him.

Yon should never hnve loved me, Hornco,

it wns wenk in you ; n Htr3iig, noble niftn '

your simple ways) to think of ninrrying 111

ilight.tjiddy yirl of 18, But you will forgot in

1'ou will find somo ono who—"

"Xevor! never ouo whom I ndoro M I do

y o u / ' h o s n u l . . ' ' I i n n y be fooiibh, but it is

Ihu lovo of my life."

"Oh, you will chmigc; men always do,

•I:r.!ir.ll:b3;brii!c-:iwid nt your wcddiin;. At

my rate I liopo HO, for I nm not worth

iroken heart ," nnd HIIO lnujjliod a cold, cruel,

" i t denied ns if ahe i r icd to "hurt , l i im Ml

iho could.

' " You" lenvo to-niorrow,"' observed the

iinn. " " I Khnll not bo iililo loaeoyDii in.tli

uoruiiiK. Mny GWVB migolH enre for. you

JKI hnve yon in (heir keeijing."

Ha kinsed tho litllo wlnjiJ hnud reverently

H n knight of old timo miyht hnvo ilouo thnt

if 11 sovereign qucou, murmured nlowiuliou,

.hd [hu iiuxl nioiiieiiL hu WiiHyOUo.":-:---;,.-:.

-. " Hi) left nm on tin! silorii ralil const, ; •

Ana IalmUiiuvi!r«mliunnyiiHjr»j.» . . :

She lintmucd, n» shu'weut within nnd linn-

tcncil n\> to tlio little room thnt hnd sheltered

her Hid last tlirco '.iiiontha. Did sho lovo

iim? sho asked licra'elf, nnd her lips curled

with scorn as fiho drovo tho thought nwny.

Love h i m ? She, tho proud heiress nnd

bennty, \ lovo (.this i>oor country fnrmer, who

hnd hnpjicaeil lo crosH her life 1 _ . Of conrse

HIIO did not lovo him. B u t s l i o ' w n s not BO

iiro' after nil. Sho hnd not lived thoso last

O:rco inonthn for nothing, nnd aho hnd BbOn

in Hornco Woodworth," country fnrmer Uio'

tcr thnt sho hnd not soou in.nny; of: lior^city

ndmirers. Ho vrtifi iinndsunjo nftor ft c o f f i n

typo,"too—"ft tnll, strong;"brond-ahouldorod

fo i l ed who could hiiyo wtriod ' j iorjf tmile; in

his arniB without being.•Wflftriod.t^' :..-j\-".:'..- .

Sho : thought ;;of\ al l \tlio .-rides; and yritisa

Jioy' iiad iind togcllior, .*tliojr:;_yory Vmaoy!

.totes. *I[ornco wns nn clegnnt ilown nt her cseritoiro nud wrote n few lines

convorsntiounllst, nud well educated na ho on n sheet of gilt impcr with n nionogrnm In

wiw ho Jiiul nppenlcd strously to her youat;, j anil directed it to Dr. Itnshlfigh. Tn it

roinnntic imturc. lliero wiw 111H0I11 Mntd: "Au unox[)cctc(l accident calU ino

nliotit his dinmctcr tlwt wou her deepest re-1 nwny.' Hut I can tell you my inlntl to-dny.

•pact, dcHpito herself,

would like to huvn hin

Kho felt thnt ulio I da not lovo you." Tlu t won nil nko snld.

for' . strong

brother, but to bo IIIH wife, no, thnt could

never be.

Ho Kho tliotight then. To Uvo iu thnt tlull

otii-ot'tluiAVity plnce, whon every tiny no th-

ing but lalkH of plnuting, of sowing, of hnr-

vest, of tlio yield of wool nud Uio prico of

mi lk ; to spin, t o mend, to cook, to rock tho

crndlo, her heart grow' Hick n t tho

thought. 'THhoitld hato it, I Hhouhl hnd

him," KIIO inunnureil . " I nm cut out to h

moro thnu i\ fivrmcr'H wife. "

[tut Ih'rrn"wcrutmnt In her l)lnu oyiM iw «1

foil uhli-^p, nnd in tho morning an her nnc

ilrovn h i T t o t h o ilo^wt HIIO f.mud licrac

ItKiking nnxioiiHly nmoiig tliu crowd of facts

for the noble brow and i'nniiwt cycH slin

knew HO well. The thought tlmt ho might

IHI there to say another good-bye Hushed li

checks nud mndo her own oyes shino like

Htnru. I m t l i o w n x not there. Ho Iind not

dared t o undergo tho pnin of another mcc

ing, another par t ing when tiicro would 1

Mtrnngcrs toobocrve. : .

Whnt 11 foot I a m i " nliaHiouglit, " l o e n r e

whether ho wns hero or not. Whnt Ls H<

ice "VooiUvortli lo 111c? "

Ah, ninny times iu the future U1.1t (\nc&

tiim will mritft to t'-niuo Ulmloiier'H heart .

The inontha wont by. Ornco wn" busy ii

IHT cily lioiiii-. Kho wn.s fjnceii in tho Kwit-t

iu which KIIO mnviiil, and, of courxo, hr

mud was souf-ht by iiiitny. Soinn of th

•licst nmtuhiM" li id their hearts a t lu<r foct,

but shn would n^.^pt nono of them. Sli

was not tlio woman lo beatow her hand whci

.sho could not hor heart , lluforo sho uuir-

ricd a nmu aho lnust lovo him. Sho was old.

finhioucd enough to ba govorncl ' by. thLn

soutimcut. Hut why could uho uo t lovo;

Sho could not toll. Sometimes HIIO though!

It WIH bociiHo slio had no licurt.

Oiiuo in ft wlulc the thought of Hor-

neo Woodworth enmo to lier mind. Sho ro-

iiioii'iboroil thoso summer ilnya putscd n t

Woodside, tlio Wiillw, tho ljontinfr, tho p i c

lie t, tlio long cliabi unde r tho trees. Wli

otild not souio of bar city ndiiiirer-i hnvu

the lu'iirt, tho manly proHonco of thnt con

try former? Mora thnn 0110 sho utid t o her-

self: " H o fciuonUlmu nllnf tliom together.

Ktill Hhij'WiLs nlwnys nngry nt hcwolf foi

thinking of him nt nil. "Wlmt U hu to me?'

dm would K:iy to liorwlf, nnd tlion to drown

ill plunge inndly niiew into the whirljioolof

society. Slio Ilirtud du.spm

hnlf u m l . It w.vs Iwc-.tna s lu 1ml 110 heart ,

she said.1. Unther wns it not becnuso Hhu AV

not know her own honrt ? . ;

Tho second winter W.HIUI iintntinjly brtl

limit Hcasou iu th-j city. Thero wew ball-

iocinblas,'nnd ciitcrtiiininciit.H, every ni^bt ,

iuul Oh:donJr wits tho 'br ight pnrtic

nlnr st i irnt every g-itlicriug, nnd by her Kid>

w,,S Guy Ilnshloigl., » Bny, ( ta i l ing youu,

iiaian who lisi-1 j m t taken soiAaty by

sti'inn, .He w:is n.very hnudsomo 111111, rich

tnl<>ute<l, ton, nnd hit attention from th

l in t u n d o n marked impression ou Mim

Ihilouer. At rumor hnd it thnt thuy

:oro engaged ; but thmi.ns you km

nlwiiys knows a th ing Itofore nnyono U coy.

linnnt.iif the fnot.

Ji'o, it hnd not gone an far as an engngu

Lieut, (tr.ico \vm wry miu.-h iutcrest-'d ii

Dr. Knsuloiyh; lie pleased hor and sh.; wn

proud of hit nttcutioiiH.lmt M1:O wns uot <niit<

sure she lovud him. Wheu hi4 dark ••lo-

ipicnt cycj lo,)l:-;d into hers s!to felt thnt shi

couldfollow him nnywheru iu tho wido world

nw.iy from him nuothor form, niiotlie

fueo would nrLsc up Iwtweeu—thnt of Hornet

Woodworth. Do whnt sho would sho couhl

not. banish that memory, . . . .

Why dots ho always haunt mo ? Do '.

love tiint tttiin ? wlic would ask herself. 0

not forget him ?.... Sho had not soon him since

the night ;.lin -bid • . l inr .grwd-byo-under ..tin

innnlfiH, nud she found herself wouduriug il

lie hud uot forgotten her .

One day aho saw bw name in print . A

3C'.v volume ot pj'cin,-—lyrics and lovo songs

had just been issued, and tlio author, u Hor-

nco Woodworlh, was rouuiving high prnii

in nil tho press notices nnd reviews. Her

icurt told her it was him. Sho went out ai:

ptirchiLHud' a voluino, aud aa sho ylniict

Ihrough tho contents sho roml h u lieiirt i

lis poems. " H o h a s u o t forgotten 1110—li

loves 1110 ntill," wlw iiiunuuri'il, nnd sho won-

dered why Iho thought gave her pleasure.

Lute iu the ovuiiiug of that smnu dny sit-

:iug imdor the orange blossoms in tlio dimly

lighted "conservatory, Dr. llnshloigh nskec

hor-to bo his wife, . . ' .

•Von must know that I havo long loved

you, Grace," ho fluid. "Whnt can I hope iu

return ? "

And looking h im frankly in tho faco Graco

answered, while n pink Hash crept iuto hor

cheeks : "Dr. I tnsbldgh, you will th ink it

•cry strange, but I cannot nnflwer' 3

light. . . I must linvo time to decide."

doctor kindly. ' "My" action iuny snoni suit-

don, but I liavo wnited n groat while ; I cer-

tainly would not hurry you against your

, I shiill hope for a fnvornblo nuswor,

Grnco—Miss Ohalouor, for I lovo you."

"l lus l i , doctor; no moro' to-night . To-

oiiusv you shall hi"iVu"iiiy"iiLBWt.T.-'-L«ud

nio out, our set is forming,"

iwo nriHii Into tlio uoxt mnruing, paler

thnn usual, fluttered, unousy. Dr. l lnsh-

loigh would bo there nt 10 o'clock, mid

answer him ono way or tho o the r?

Whnt should she do ? Sho wan novcr so

norvoua in nil her Iifo.

Whilu sho was waiting for her coffee nnd

wallloH, HIIO took up tho morning pnpcrw nud

gliincod Uirongli.tlipni cnmless ly r l iuddon ly

usiitlo ciuighl horeyo , huld it llmro whilo

ic road witli suspended breath and chocks

int woro colder than ninrble, tho HOWH of n

locking railroad acoidant. Among tho list

>f tlio injured ones which conoludcd tho ar-

3I0 wns his uiuno—Hornco Woodworth.

" G r o n t G o d l ho will tlio and novor know

iat I lovo h im." BIIO c r io ' ^ 'ns aho throw

nsido thopanrtniidpncO'VJiQ room, wringinj"

hor hands. " i - ' ^ ^ W / i i o is dying now, and

niri hero.- Oh, my heart , my lovol "

Bbo tinkled n b o l l nnd n burvnnt outorcd.

' 'Hayo Jftinca got tho conch rontly to drive

fl|tn:Wy'nhvillci^%hp.snid.. .^"A ilcnr friohtl

of mino is 0110.of .tho victims of tha t horriblo

iilroad 1 not.lo IOHO 0

vnsBlook of :uniittcr.ililo!'nngui8hj

ito"£ftcc Ska wna holebosiilo'lior^on her,\yhito"£ftcc. Ska wna

Tlion nlio nipped n glaus of wine nnd went

down to tlio conch.. ^ '"

Wynnvllle, tho aceiio of tho disastor,' wns

only a dozen miles from tho city, and order*

od hoi coticliumn to drivo directly to tho ho-

tel of tho phtco, where ninny of tho miiTcron

had been convoyed. Sho never know how

thoy got there. Sho never know anything

till Hhu Htood in hin room nnd ~nw him lying

pato us denth nnd hin teeth clinched In ngony,

upon Iho bed In n chamber of tho hotel.

JIIH leg wns broken nt tho knoe, nnd ouo (in-

Itlo wna fractured. Ho hnd suffered terri-


Slio liMtitalod n inoment, then who wulkcd

up to him nnd lnid her hmid gently upon


"Homcp, my lovo, nftcr nil these mimllu,

I hnvo como to you.; Kuow thnt I lovo


Tlio -voice wns ino-prcssihly BWcet nnd

tender, nnd every word hnd tho endeuce of

n silver boll.

He opened hh tired oyos, nnd his fnco

grow transfigured with grant Joy.

"After nil them moutlw. It cnmiot be! "

ho gnnpud. "It cannot."

••Y'IIII, I love you. I loved you MIPII. but

I did not know it, nr I wn" too proud to own

it. Oh, my lovo, my king, I linvo lunrned

there is none liko you."

And the country life, Grnco? for lnm n

runner mill."

'Say twilling , Horace. Tli.;t wns long

ago, ami I wns very foolLnh. I slinll l>e

linppy iiiiywhera with you."

"Denr (Irnce, you hnvo dono mo more

thnu nil tho nurgeoiw, nud I do lovo you. I

will make it ng ensy ns possiWo for you."

Teoplo In her world of HIIQW [ nud faHhton

wondered nnd'iihook their licnds, nnd talked

of how well Grnco Clmloiicr vu't/tit havo

done. JJitt Mw. .Wooiiwbrth, living among

tho birds nnd brooks and Ktniliug Holds or

the ConiiPcticut farm, : would not hnve

:hnuged her lot with that of n roynl princess.

The Drummer Talked Too Much.1 An ninbitioit~ i'oung commcrcinl tounut li

mm twcnino ncqiinintcd with a ;*ounglndy at-

tending n well-known Kciniftnry.wlioso father

is un hiflueiitlid citizen r«f nno ot tho ."tViu.ii*

ingtou county towiia, mid is reputed to Iia

a solid'bank Recount. Having progressed

his ncqiiainlnnco with the young Indy HO

na to scflt and rccelvo nn invitation to v

her nt her Iiomo during her school vacntioi

ho ciwnycd to ri«k the i r Hint might

Philosophical Fashion Notes.Commou KCUSO B to ba worn a." little u~

•er. I t will Iw used only by UKJSO who nro

mstdcrcd "behind the timorf. " • .

Economy prninlscs to bo in demand by nil

nsMcM. Tho i»oor must use it, mid those

who wish to npi^nr rich nnd nru not will

bring it into requisition where its employ-

nut will bo hidden.

Faith nnd trust hiive not so strong i\ hold

upon tliu public ILS formerly. A spuriuus

articlu put upon tliu marke t iu grout epiautity

last yuiir teudud't dfstroy confidence ii

ic imitation,'will ho pop-

thoso goods.

Verncity, or a eli

itar ns ever, mndo u p in very loose

which can bo thrown nside or hiddeu ut the

couvtiatcuco of tho wearer.

lIoiiL'tity is now woven of n moat ehistic

uaterial, whii:lt will stretch nud twist iuto so

iiniiy f(ir'»M as 'to IJJ totally utirecognixablo

.1 nssociatod until tlio old-Htylcd fabric so


Hrnin holds n-s n favorite in certain circled,

•lit tliu "Eu™lLsh, you kuow, " sot have "cut

i t" entirely.

Honor U un favorite among thnt wealthy

class which ^composedrif nmnopolists, KIIOII-

ilyitcs, politicians nud cortiiiu bank ofllcinR

It in'considered i[uito nutiqtintud in style,

and souio parties who nt ouo timo gave it

countenance now pretend never to have

ienrd of it. .

.Orthodoxy retains its hold, but not firmly.

—From Puck.

A Heavenly Wonder."When lha rain censed the other overling,

MI elegantly nttired youug mnn planted

Inrgo tolcacojia ntthb 0^0 01'; tho :"aidowVilk

on Market St., near Dupont, nnd nt once be-

yuii.i-i'Stflp this wfiyylndien nnd geiitleinen,

nml without any charge whatever, behold

the beautiful orbs of Ihu liouvciw in nil their

iinynifieenec. Tho ruin linn cleared tlio

tend liis reception at tho paternal domicil

Having cuyngi'il tho fiuUwt trotters nnd tl

.ImL tnniont of.Iho villngo UTcr~inm

our tonri-stfict out. : :

The rido was almut sAx iiillos, and after

hnd journeyed about half thnt>tliMwicn •

,-prlixik a podrslrlnn nnd iiuuiinjd if ho v

on tho^iiglit rond to Sir. Smith's fni

limise?". Iteceiving nn alllnnnlive reply, tl

drummer asked tlio farmer to ride. Tlio la

ler got in Iho buggy, and aHSooiiiis ho \vi

sented tho young mnn pulled out his fli

nndnHkcdhU iiow-mndo friend to imbili

Itjwas dccliucd, nudthcprofTLTcdluignrclic

cd tho response tlint ho uoithcr drank Hqi

nor smoked nor chewed tobacco. To t

tho Hhnrp young mnn rejoined, by nvowii

his l«lief that there never was n man bi

what was nddiclcd to HOIIIO of tho vice:

Meeting with no contradict 1011 on this poini

ho inquired nf Iho stranger if ho knew Mi

Smith und Ins standing iu tbo community.

VYw," "plied ho, " I know him wry

nd Uhiukheis 'pritor.iir with hU town

"Hn's well honked up, ain't Iiu r1"

"UVII, hi'owns one of tlit; hiwl fiirms

the town, and hcpriili'HhiiiiMelfonliiMHloc]

'Ho hami daughter I'" ;

'Yen, three of them.''

'Well, I nieiui tho ono Hint In at Echnot

— ? • I hnvo met her nnd nm invited l>y hi

to cnll nnd spend tho evening.1*.

'Ah, is that so? Shots nu excellent girl,

'Well, ahc is elenr mashed on mo, nud

intend to do my level beat to marry her am

aud get a alinro of the old iiinu'H money

net mo up In business. Don't you thiul

thnt n bright luwimss iden?"

Well, as I said, Nho is n good yirl,, nn

ouo thnt loves her futlicr dwirly, nnd oho;

him in everything. You could nut obti

her hand without the fntht'r's consent.".

"I'll tico ulxmt thnt. I'd give mure to 1

tnia the daiightur's thnu tho old ninn'H con

Kent,1' replied the inipotuoiu but nudwccni

inn yomig fellow.

At this uioiiient they wero ajiproacliing

utately farm lumso, nnd ns they reached

frout tin' fiirmii'hnid: " I live lime, and wi

got out, if you please."

The cunmicrcinl . mnn gently bulled tin

trotters, nnd, us the old gontlcuinn renchci

tlio ground, ho.said to him: '"Now, ho-

much further is it to Mr. Smith'*?"

" I an. Mr. Kmith, sir," replied tho fam

er, fitern'/y, "and you can drivo ou, for

will nut i^miti you Iu stop on iny premises

—Albany(AryiiA. . . . . . . . .

itinosphbro and tho ndrousi glory of the

ni verso above is revealed to tho nduiiring

)yo through this perfect telescope. " Ho

pointed the tubo at 0110 of jtho Inrgcr stars,

gazed through it a moment, and then resum-

ed his di-coursc, diluting on tho splendor

it Venus, nnd giving a history of.- tho iiiyn-

:ical goddess nftcr -whom tho planet was

mined. Soon one- man stopped to peer

Llirough tho instrument. Another followed

liis example, nnd before long there v:ns nn

Mended Huo of poopla of both sei'is wait-

ing their turn to soo. Meautimo tho orator

continued his fervid eloquence, whilo ouo

stnr-gazer nfter another glued his oyes to tho

opening. A reporter who observed tho po-

iiiliar way iu which till of them woro nffected,

mil tho solemn way 111 which thoy skipped,

mitcd for five minutes in tho line, nud when

to finally got up to the telescope and looked

in, saw, in greatly enlarged characters, these-

words: "Jluy BlowhnriVs Soap. Sec thnt

t ac-'A'rniic-Marlris=on~ every" Unr.°-'—' i'tt it

h'rancim Call. . . ,-[

Words of Wisdom.

"Thnt opportunity U tho cream of time.

Thnt tho sunniest lives hn


That the more yon say the less people n

member. .

That a mother's tears are the sniiio iu r

languages. .

That a man cannot go where tomptntif

ciiiiuot iluil liim.

That good breeding is n letter of credit 1

over the world. •'•'.

That lio who depends oil another dines

iind sups worse,

Tliat good is slow; it climbs. That evil

swift; it descends.'

That ho who docs good to another un-

does good to himself.

That thero is uot n single moment in lil

that w can nllurd to lose.

. That publicity is tha bamnloor miou .wluc

fools.ioWtni'lini'k^h^ir iinfiiW;'; • " - . • - ' " "

That tho plant nf happiness cannot thriv

without the nir nf riiivrfulnoiN.

Thnt tho noblest aud most oxceilent chai

nctar Ls the tcuderost and most helpfi

,...,Tliat\liL'.iuan.w)io stirs .his. cup

iciclo both spoils tho tea mid'chiHs" his 01

tiiigor. • . .

That the easiest way to outwit the wot

Ls to let it believe thnt it is .smarter thnu yi

a r e . -.' • - •-. ; : -., --.. - - ' . . - - . .- • '•

That in diving to tho bottom of pleasure

e nro likely to bring up moro gravel thai


That promises mado in hours of nftlicti

require 11 bettor memory than peoplu co

iiiouly possess.

That peojilo seldom improve when the;

have > betlur model than themselves t<

copy after.—Uood Jfouxfkeeping.

Tho Fable of,the Boycott.Ouo dny a I)oycott~8trollcd into tho tool

lionso nnd sat down for a chnt. Tho hnui-

mor nud jho saw, n pcyyiug awl n n d j i t

si, ixint other houest tools, took ndvuutngo of

3 entranco of ft boy, looking for something

had no business to take, to muvo a I

'nrthor nwny. ' " W h y do you avoid ' m e ? "

isked tluPlioycott , " n m I not a friend1 of

inbor, nud nm I not its mightiest weapon?

Un I not your common de fender?" " E x -

JUHQ.US," replied an old .Sledge, who wiu

luven np in tho civil ficrviee lists, " y o u

lon't.eccm to be one of na.- Thero is namel!

if Hussion prisons nbontyon , a Ktilling tniut

)f Qormnu op[>ression, a Htcncli of English

opresaiou, nud a foul odor of Ilungnrii

>anpcrisni, n general decayed ilnvor of ig-

lornnco nud brntnlity nnd n senseless ferocity

hat wo don't liko. ~A'o know it isn't your

.nit— it wns born of tyranny nud helpless.

less — but it isn't' American, nnd it isn't

ilonsnut. You linvo n foreign nir about you

inl mnkcR a room close nud offotisivo. Go

tut nnd wndo nrnutid nml hun t for tho "Oro-

;ou" for nbout BIS months, nud you'll coino

:k as . clean ta a Chinnmnn. - Go soak

uiraolf, boycott yoiirself, nud sco how glnd

'U'Ub^to^wolobmfl: you rato-'tho'aliop11

.Illegitimate Journalism.An nbnlmneut of what nil niun ackuo

edge to lio rt public nuisnnco is greatly need-

d just now in tho interests of rdspeotubli

311.n11Uii.1n. Kvery eouductor'uf a 1

paper is desirous of obtaining news. It is

business to buy it nnd sell it to bii road-

. But that is nut • respectable journalism

whoso highest ambition ia to overhear n con-

Lvcrsntiou on a private telephone wire,

print it nnd boast of tho achievement as a

triumph of nowspnpor enterprise. Yet just

this kind of inquiry into the privacies of life

constitutes tho;bu3mc33 of somo of tho lowci

class newspapers of tho day. Tho news-

paper which steals nud prints n innttcr

personal or family privney, deserves as t

vero punishment :w tlio corporation which

utenls public money, or tbo pickpocket who

npproprintes a watch. In'tliu interest of

tho no\\ apaper business aud tho editorial

profession it is greatly to bo desired that this

sort of journalism bo Eiiiuiuinriiy dealt with,

howforo tjonso.. to- bo -pi'olltablo - to iLt

c o u d i i c t o r s , ' : • • ; : , . . . .• . • • . -.-: . - . " - •

A Pair-Mindod Partisan.Gov. Abbott hn.- been mndo the subjoct of

critiuism IJUIXUISC hu iasuod n .'proclnmntion

incoming potiijiouH, in which ho taudorod

his services in procuring pensions for those

ontitlod to tliom. Whether ho did this for

popularity, solflshly or n nsnltlsbly, if by this

momis lio will bo nblo to p r e v e n t . Ihoso

soldiers or their widows, to whom of right

pousiouR tiolong, from falling into tho hniids

of tlio pension sharps, ho is entitled to credit.1

p ,

Lotus not bojso.bittcrly.pnrtishu ns,.jiot-to

d L t i i th Q d

IIo had boon courting a West E n d gir l

for somo timo, but h o ' l i a s quit now. I t

bappentHl on Sunday night after church.

They wciu willing As c low together as tha :.

sofii would poniiit. Slio looked with iucf-

fable tenderness into liln noblo blue eyes.

" G e o r g o , " sho murmured, with n tremor '

in licr voice, "d idn ' t you toll mo oiico yoa

would bo willing to do nny groat deed o t

heroism for my finite? " • ," - , ; . - • ' . ' ' ; . • •

'1'es, Pnnnio; and I Kindly rcitornto tlint

statement n o w , " Lo replied ia confidant

to'ucst. ' 'No noblo l toman of o l d > ' n s llrcd

with a loftier ambition, a braver resolution

t l i n i i l . " , ' ' .

!'Well, Georgo, I want you to do some*

thing real heroic for mo. "

"Spnak darling; wluit Ls it ? " ; -

" A s k m o to bo your wife. W0V0 been

fooling long e n o u g h . " '.'• •' ' . •

Tho sci-piel I* Hliited in t h e : prefaco.—

Two Eloquent Pauses., .'•^^f-Two pretty muck-wittcd minds enrno to

contact when tho Itov. Dr. Vincent introduc-

ed nt Chiuitnuqun a Chlcngo clt.-gj-ninu who .

wns lo Iccluro on "Fools." Tho preliminn-

rics nro thm reported : :

"Wo nro now Iu linvc ft Iccluro oil fools by

ono (fi very long pmtsc nnd loud lnnghter

from the nudieucc, wheu tho president con*

eluded with the fiaving clause) of tho wisest

en in the country. ' •. :'

Tim lecturer ndvnnccd to tho desk nnd re-.

sponded: I nm not hnlf no big n fool ns Dr.

Vincent (unothcr vciy long pause, nud still

morn hearty laughter from tho nndienco)

would have you SIIIUHWC—Unidentified..'. '••

Making His F a t h e r Fee l a t Home.

Tho 'nvcrngo small boy of tho pronent dny

in seldom nt n loss for foiuething to sny even

111 tho* most cmbnrriLssii]}; situations. Bobby, -

n precocious youth of six summers, hnd been

indulging in profanity, nud in order to cs-

enpo the punishment fur which IUH mother

hnd mndo preparations, ho ..crawled under n

bnrn nnd remained there iu n stnto of BICRO

for tho greater part of uu afternoon, Wheii

his father returned nt ni^ht nud lenrnod how

matters stood, ho mndo his way with much

dillleulty ui'der the ham in search of the boy.

, "Hello, pn,"snid llobby cheerfully, ns his

sire nppronched, "you been Bwenring too?"

JiMtttm Jieeord. '.-,-.

" Hum," unid Mrs, Sombre, looking nt ft

wHimper illustrntiou ot n crematory, bn-

side which stood n codm: " 1 thought tho

expense of 11 colllu was dispunsod with when

tL}.bod;;,wns iuciucmted." " Well, so it is,"

replied the husband : " tho coffin 13 not

lurncd ; it is returned ami used to convoy

tho next corpse to tho furnace." "Ugh,"

shuddered Mrs. S.; '" that settles it j I will cremated. Just think of being put ^

in 11 coflin in which a person who has died ot -

smallpox or some other contagious disease

win!" Why,;'_! might cntch it." V

mConjugal Infelicity.

Three yenrs of coujugnl infelicity nro tcr-

Bc!y.da;sribcd ia this ~epitaph,"-":Tth;c!i~wii51'.r.

written by an English womnn for hor hus-


llymeii blundered whou 'twas done.ii blundered wh1831. •

Oft It tlitinaurvil, HO Jl«t yo

Dentil kimllyuuinluruil you aua me,

—Uoaton Jou

day,The Colonel is Arch.

Dim," said tlio President tho other

e you engaged just now?"

Nn, your Excellency," said tho Colonel,

with an arch expression, " a r c you?" , ' , .

A rubescunt tHiyo wiuidercd in a fierpentiuo

irve around tho Bolf-bhnved rresidcnlinl

cheeks. There wns no pic for' dinner that

day.—AuburnW Y.) J)i*patc?<.

".'Among tho advorliscmonts iu-'a iGcrtnan^.

[mper appeared tho following;: "Tim.yen-

;leman who fruind a pin^n.. .with ...inonny iu .

;lie HlunieiiKtrnsso is requested to forward it

:o the nddrcssTof tlio loser, ns ho is rccog-

lizpil, v.A few duys afterward the-reply: was ::•

inserted: "Tho recoyniitcd gentleman ww

picked up a purso in tho IHunieiistnisso re-

qi!csts:thc loser to cnll at.his house."

" ' 'Mother, V Raid n littlo girl to her parent,

who takes n grent interest in charitable in-

stitutions, " I wish I wero nu orphan." .

"Whyso, my dear?" :."Uectiuso I should.

noro of yon, for you are nil tho timo

joing to Iho orphnu nsyhihi."—JJoston


Customer in restmmint-^ 'TIero wniter,

,1ns stenk is too tough to en t . ' ' .Waiter—

'Sorry, snh. Iso to busy, to nrguc- 'bout

Int stenlt now. If yo' wnu's to nrguo wif a

liter ,'bout do toughness of steak, yo ' inns'

lomo iu when do noon rush am obcr . ' '

Tbc'inntcrnnl Justiuct—"Look 'ero now.

ial! " yelled a Travis county, LTesns] woman

a tho oldest girl, don't you bond over thnt •

well m fiir. You'll full iu" there ' ono of ;

;boso days and thon we'll hnvo to got oiir

riukin' wnler from tho crook. ' '

A11 editor who wns pushed out of bed by

n nggressivo bedfellow wns heard to niut- ,


latter," something or other wns "uunvoid-

jly crowded out."—Burlington FrccPrm.

A. miuistor not long ngo preached from

lio text: "Ho yo therefore, steadfast." Hut

lie printer mndo him expound from "13o

there for breakfast,"— S(ftOigs. '.' ;".

"Grant men often rise from emnll begin-

iigs",1'says'a" writer;1'1 Tlioy oftci'friso from"'"

mil otidings nlsb—0. g., tho point or/apm. : •

•JJurittngton Free Press.

A fly is Bnid to hnvo 16,000 oyea. Thnt {3 :

.ho rensou why n fly isn't put out whou ho

lnppcns to uiislny his noso-glasscs,

Thoroisnn nrt inputting ou EIOVCS, snj-n "*

fashion paper. It is onsyenough nftoryou

etyour hnndiu. *: .1 . ; V" '-1-">i

A movable feast—timing 111 n, pali\eo cnr.,;

•Philadelphia Call. ' < /'• :, ('- ' : W 1 ' .

ThcToiily reliiiblo catnitUTroineil

iiinrltct to-day Ls Ely's Cream Balm, hciug ..

I t has cured t 'jousaads of ncuto and .\

~~" ' r emod ica , linya ;;

Page 2: The Drummer Talked Too Much. LADIES Machine …...March 11, 'SS—1y Ono extra (.'tinruvancK for frlcnilii furnlsliol fn» iif diurpi. TIIK iindi-r.Mu'iinl lmvlnir luul - . . _.neu


La'Boo./&> •Blovsor,;: / LMTOIW AM' I'Uin.lBliKUS.

« . p .m w. OUII

• $1.50 p«Yoar, In'

.WASIItNCfOS, S. J.i MAV 30,15Si.

,;".-"JJymoluiit letter'* should havo Wenndded to TIWUUUJ'H alleged letter, in

• N . Y . TiMf*. • • ' _ ' . _

• A • iwiitlviuu Hhonld fowclimci. a«l(liiuiHclf tho iiiiestiou, "willHl>ay uuboiwlitio?"

Me. Albright'* kjom tar the Govern*. orahip don't BLom to IJO itrogresdiiiB very

; rapidly tmtBidu i>f Chcsilhiirat,

; Tho bills iu tho Tillio Smith mmcase paid by tin) ..lioinl of IWUolint their last meeting, amotuitod tu over

s o o o . : , • • - ; .

•;: '-Under tho heading o( Xow jersey.' fittxto Government tlio .S'owurU DJotmutt still priuts tlio liaino ot P . H,Lavcrty as State Prison Keeper.

Tho Chicago police hn'vo n mnu incus-toily, oneiLotiia Lings, whom they wii-versidly iteeluro to bo tlio man who threwthe bomb into their ranks two ivei-Iiaago.

iVrhiladelphin exchange Hays " I t istimidly ventured that the Chicago 'bombnifty have been thrown by tho same manwho hit tiui lamented William' Patter*

-r-,.:.... Vjt^ Mnsk IVomoywl.Tor Boiuo timd a writer from this place

inn been inntMiuorntliiig under a IIMH ticntumc, aitucltins our citizens nnd cover-ing up his tracks very nuceesntidly. Aii-atlior letter appeared liiHt Sunday nnd it

BO unmistakably a personal defenso byTlimnnH IJyrnc himaclf, tlmt :,ono can

uko no error In chnrRtug hiih with itsfttithoi-Bhlp. Heretofore ho has frequent-ly oflcrml to inalco ndidavit tlint holot the author, but his oflcM have tiuon

reji-cted, douhtlcsfl, because tlio partiesdid not wink him to add tho erimo of

crjury to the long list of oll'onccs for,-htcli ho will have to answer hereafter.

Our few remarks lust week elicited tliowarmest approval of tho public in gen-wil, but wo were blamed for not discuss-iu# tho Hiibject nioro rally. We wild wowould not neeoiit dichtitm from u inn»who Iiiis not done an honest d.iy'n workiu ten years. This covered tho period of>nr nctiiuuutariee with Mr. llyrno, lmttho older residents inform ua\th:itwocould havo gone further bftok^y.'Ci'llothe date 'of his birth.

Mr.-Byrne attempts to explain bwpo-litinn and actions, and uses insinuationsnrhcro ho cannot license. Hirt explaim-Liona are unsatisfactory and hfs insinua-tions fail iu their dVoet." Iu explaininglie fails to state wliethor any of the in-dictments against him wore ever pisoon-holed, and whether the lines on all tinsiiidictmeuU found against him have everIJCOII paid. Whcii last indicted ho pleadlike a baby and whined like a whippedcur. to be imitated :u a line, instead ufIJeingaent lo tho penitentiary,1 promisingnevur agftin to uigiiga in the buaiuiws,Did ho doit? Xoj 'hocaiau homo and

i vur.v bhoi-L [lino wash

D. T. Patterdon, a sou-in-hw of Es-• President tTohiiHo'u and at 0:10 time aUnited States Senator, has been appoint

.-oil by tho Postmaster General as Votl-master at Homo, Greene eotutty, TennTho oillco pays SMO a year.

If overy tbiug is tnic Hint w reported eoncorning Thomas Byrne, he e.urno Ion-ger ho a r^'iglit of luior. Is bo bottlingbeer at Ms house? U a <iucsticu tliat 1

, baen asked a number of times. I.l he is,other persons besides tliu membersthe organization need to look after him

Oeiieral Muster Workman Povvilerlyhas tailed a general. assembly of tliKuighU ol Labor uf the United1 Stales

' and tho Dominion of OiirnuU to meet. Cleveland, on May 2.1. This wilt be

'-special meeting to consider • Uio gi'iic. "labor troubles in this country,1 nnd i

proposed legislation with refovetieosome system o£ nrliitrntion iu diapiibetween employers and employees.

' ."• Mr. Keely, of motor fume, _ uiiido npromistt"tlmt his• ougine should 1.hibitcd and set iu motion on Sattirda;

. last, but tho pmmfofi ytw brclu'ii.:_.triiiHoitk place. To ftppouo those who

had nsstiiablcd given.- thiit the'eugiini would surely IJ"J 'start ud

this week. Jle says the various juris ofthe motion are cotupleled ami all tlmt

-"~ is now•'necessary is to ptoiw-iiieiii iii tn>-fiition. So mote it be-

l t irf alleged that ut the coming Pro-hibition convention nu effurt will bemndo by the ]{jpfiblw.«w to LOiitrol tliueonvenliun. They «ro genius fjivatly

:: wni-ried over (ho toinpoijuuv vote tlmt" -fins Ei'.-.tic fnui'i thi'ir nuiks to (be I'mlii-

bition'iiariy, ami how to get it l.»aei; isihe i|iio.stioii. I t tln'j- hope to attainiiieir'ohjeet by duplicity they will xiirdy

- - .muut wit Ii defeat, and it is very;, iiaiirob-; ublo flint they will be in any men-iiirc


- ... ',1'Ue trial ol .Incline, tin1 lirst of tlio so-•__-?flli,.,V'<boo|l!t«V Aidormeii of Xew York

vitv, has eudeil iu his conviction. Tho

>*u!glw?d all the. cviilonee, and who areI'liiniliir.with fiio jury systonv pmcticediii Xew I'ot-k."'.Tudge'JJarret't put ' ilio"jury in a dilemma. IU mombevs Jiud

' 1\iillier'to]convict :.)aoliiie"ot -|)i-ibovy"'orthey had to 'declare Inspector Byrnesami his iletcclivw: (juilly of perjury,They chose to do the fumiLT.

The oiliee of Stute Prison Keeper is a*~^ right clever one. The Keeper receives:.1*

. salnrv

Justice iiovor overtook him, or ho wouldbe where Chief Jiwtico Beasluyiscd lo send him if he ever e:imo lic-

fore. him ngaiu.During the last year that lio kept his

saloon did ho sell such lirpiors as lie hudlicense tosellV Bidlio havo lieeu.o tosell whibky? Why would lie buy over_:J5 worth* or tliis article? Certainlynot to give away and we hardly think liowould lisa so largo « quantity hWe know that ho purchased whiskey, forjudgiueut linn been .entered on .SquireSlowntt'i: docket only recently, for n billof this kind. I t )»ay bo rememberedwhat a very Muttering notice Squire Stow-ait received two weeks ago. Ji was onlytlio week bi-ibre that Squire hud isiiiuiltliu siinitaons for the whiskey .bill, andThumiis, iu In; ulwuyd duos, hail a littleidt.-a of lib own iu li.kling the Squire1

vanity, just at that time. .

Tim Si.ih is prepared to st*iud "I1 l o

imy position it 1ms taken ut »uy timeupon any matter connected with UioKftijjhts of L.tbor. It cared nothing forthu objections of Thouiasl3yr«e,althoitgliho has said with'an air of great bruv.ulo" with the power I have n.lire nutugoiibomo." He forgets hisown ullurtiiicfa .suiiictiiiWi; nud Uics to:ittributo (hem to others. .. He 'says ( kKitights of Ivilior were not in ell'jet call*cd upon to boycott tlie MaminotULot him refresh Ifis memory by re

to a letter of Doc. i:j, 83... ._'" il-; U"a valiant Kiiight, oppoisod

tu slrikea and l«;ycctts, yet bitter uguiasthe riwtbs nnd scabinstUutioiWf-bulnevsr

lilt' jQtlet in tho Xeiv York Thii'-t is eori-tx't, and providud it be a poijiti-ju wht-'ie

i little mnimid huior is required.It is »lue [o the Assembly of Kuights

intliHijliieetoslftto tlmt Mr . Uyninut ii tnoiiil-ci- of their oryiiiiizi.itio:i1 butiusinuatcd. himself iu the order while liv-ing ut another place. r l ie can be classeduuioiig tho kind of lfibor men of wlio.i3lr. 1'owilerly wnrna the oipg:;iiiv,atioa 1'biiware, who lead them into unwise mitt"ill-considered actions and who use thcor-fjauiz:itioirfor personal gain. " •

Tlio Central1.1; Lease to Tenninato.1 vAl t he fe1ceiit~amTiirU"7n^tj:tiiiy"pf'"f ReDirectors of the Cei.trarii;1 It." «'>f'"Xr.T,7rt'-sol ut ions were passed requeslinjjJim. ili roc tow to prevent aiiy. .furl her f'usuof the coinpaiiy's'lVncks and termini "bytliH.Koail.iiig. ..Xortii.ltouiis,yl_vai^DeiawRro ami IJ.miui. Brock companies,unless they promply enter into such coit-trftct therefor as will secure the .TciwyCentral adcfiuate reniuneration. I t wannlso resolved that the company hereaftermake no contract, with any..other com-panv to last nioi-j than fine ypar without

-.;*-..,;. i.:. Our Poor -Children. L , . , ; ,.Ono year iigo tho matter of providing

nu Orphans' Homo for the poor orphanchildren o/ Warren County, was prevent*otl to tho Board of Freeholders, hut noth-ing xvm tlouo boyoud tho appointing of acommittee. ,

The uiatter was ogniu piesontuil i» tlioBoartl ; last week in an cxceodiuGlywell written appeal by Mr. J . T. John-Ktoii, of this pluct1, whoso fcelinjjrt to-wardtt poor people nto well known, andwhoso motived cannot ho impugned.He ia not a man that ncekn notmiely, andtho plan proposed by him is in keepingwith hit; nalnro and philaiithnpie dis-position.

There |K no reason why Warren County,with il» wealth nml resource**, slmiild rutprovldo a homo for tho poorunfortntmli'!'with pleasant Kurrniiniliiig mid cduca-tioiml ndvnutngoH, iiiHtcail 'if ciriug fuithem at tho pirdr hoiiso nimtug Iho dus^of iimmtea to bo usunlly f.mnd in «udiiiiHtiUitiohH, Tho company in whichthey nro placed in certainly not naleu-latod'.^L*;r.o!U them niorallv, and it is aquestion whether tho establishment of nionic would not be for tlio linnnciitt iti-:erost of tho comity.

I t in list bo tiilmitted Hint tlio cliiS.laroil iu th» poor house has almost im->ssiblo diiuunllie^ t» hurm«.iuitand ovor-

coma, nnd iU cfiiirlo are RCnomlly to a;reat uxteut a failure. A large nuuibcr

aro forced to return to tlie p<u>r hciuoor their maintenaiicp, while fillers coni-1

mit fiomo crime mid iirofccul lo tho ptmi-e t i l t a r y . • -•' ' . ' • ' ; ' ' . .

In a homo, away fium i.iii'h Kiimitiml-ngH, and Kubjci:tcd'l.o proper iiiilut>n<

reared, nu pliililri'ii shmiM bo reineddifferent result.H may bo oxiio-'lod. - ••-•'--

orris oounly in proud (if thu Tfomo ilestablished, and the ])apL'M of (hat

comity that havo noticed Mr. Juliiifcdm'*iil, give it Ihoir wavinest npprovn!

We trust thai the citizens of Warreiwill respond to the appeal made to them,and heaitly support thu good work.

My 11 >oi- tffe so fi'iirfully disorilorcd iiiul 1It no fed ilt- find limuuiit 11 ml I SHAU

took iut.'rost In nnvtliing,' Triwl uK (lie.lle.l rifiiifiifd withi'iit )vl!',f until 1 u

tiTd'lViiuv, wlncliiiirvcM.u ytcur».—DavKI Iliuh, Little Jtwlt, Ark;




Tho .Tailor,]r.i» iw (liio n full Block of WOO'tENS

for HEN'S SOU'S n» nuo can find in

tho city. Ho lins liolli *" "

; Foreign aHfl Doiuestic ClooQsof "Worsted, nnil CnHsimors, of (ho

most fiLsliionublo r i a u l s , CliediH,

Dingomilt;, Koi-Hcys, CitincliilliiH, J t c -

(OnH, Piu1 Boiivtii'tf, etc.

Ho*cuts tiiflm in tho r

Leatsl Stylesniull gtinmiilcos a lit. Call ami cx-

amiuo his stock tit , •' • ;

154 Washington Ave,-


Th+'iafi^t. nurr*l. iiulvkett nuil tn.*rt euro for Conw,

GiaiiDIAN'S SAI.'li

iSflB'ER" LAND.liyf.plt'rt'f tlwOriilMHiV iv.iirt «t tin* Oniiiily

uf Wnrrt-ii, N". •'.. l«'iirlnt; ditto April •.', 1W1,1will H I - , , ' r..r sill.- in intMk- vi'inliin, uu

. - . ' • •'ft:i-M*AV. JLiSK H, iSiil, . ; '•ll.-twtviUlu-li"itr!.»r 1'JMIIII.VI.V1(K* In tho nf-

n if"o"'! i ''tt^'^VlUrtsl-"* oV^Uri wiri*w«y. i - W n y " ' " 'Wnrrl-ii itit.I Smt.M.r N. iv Jt-wi-y, the umllvl-tfil

ViVVili-'f<-It.Vwil!::*!IiUc-rt("Vl1 i">r!»["-riy,'vl/.iU '"'"""'.A'UJiiii H'ti-'l.oi'iiitn-fl ».•( w.ii-.l luM sltn.'tl*1.

lyiiii; uii-l l»I:»: in tt-i> loivu-'lili; of Knisiklln,

r.[iV*ij ±"r****I. H'VHiiVrt ininU nfl*NI--liiH|.-rnux

: A Silk Mill For Washington.It is currently reported on tlio «treels

thut pai'tiifl.aro inakiiig iirrangeinents tlociiti) a silk iiitli Iu t!;ij j.ilii'je, On investijjatinjt wo 11 ml a gentlemen . J'r-ti.I'litci'don hiitt been tu towu Inoliisig nt theBontty factory with a viuwtu pui'e!it fur this purpose. Tho sitine . _ _ _...ivus here ouu year ago, and would llion j JH1,'",",1,!',1,iih,!;firirtr'n, Z*r lV.n**ii.'w'!"!iii'l(it!liave purchased tho iteatiy property amilocated Ihom the siljt mill that has sincebeen lyeated at l'hiliipsbiuj{. It will'ml upon how soon thu properly is suld "'^JJ ^ami ho"1 clear a title can be {jivun, ^ | r

) ' !-r" i

! j \whether the purchase will be made ami !ivi; i-iinin-the mill established. il'tV'Iwr^s,'*

Tho Ueatty matter will Hooirjiu 'ilt.- j ^"'l1.'6..Ht'VC;i-»ty--t'Jiii.tiu 'iu'iL'iV.Vnr- urt'i'uV

Olmncery will be settled cm M'^mlny, tho y.-iin- *-• »•••• .t"^ > -_*i>»"*i*r* ''i/'''.".'^''",'1"^ *""» •If}21th, ami the Uhaneellur will the:i — '"-1"111 *" '"'•"•'"-"" "''-' -1'111' "'• iy '"•*'doubt oriU'i* the jirojieity sokl and t

iii-l liny ii

"Mr. Wiu. Higyins nml MI« IlnuiialiGit-oy sire ttj l.>e uititod in the Holy bondsi't •Miitrimony. at jit. .loscph'a Oluireb

t thU i»limo on Thursday night,

. roBidenco, free of rent, iiud tlic honso'.isfully rurmshud, except beils, . bcildiugaiiil table liuen. Tho table .is iilso iur-nishetl by iho Hfalc. Wise polilieiann•Btnle that thii position fs w.&i'lh a^ muchJW a $10,000 public ofticci in Wft'shingtoti.

"oi-tiitT/V/ft/rirr^-M, Now York, has np-;-poaleil to his rcatleiy and to all friend:) of

g --"""-"iift-liiljrt for contiibulious to Uio fumiuc.iiuidwhuih.ho is raising for-Iho deuti-

. tuto iioople of the coa'it1 of Oalwny, Muyo,....aiiiVDoiiceal. I t i i i'earcd Ihjil. there

itturvatiou in this aiHieted region..unless. relief is promptly seat.. The Archbishop

ofTuam aud Michael JJavitt, "ilio Xat-iounlist leader, testify to (lie worthiuosaof thin appeal for aid ami all uiomiyspaid to Mr. 3?ord for this puvpoao aro

-fonvartleil to Mr. Davitt for distributionamong tho famiuo sufferers.

•=... . l?rct1 pduglasa wna written tho follow-ing letter respecting Mr. Cleveland's ac-tion towards him :

. " I am iv Republican, aiid ,ilid all Icould to defeat the cleutioii of Mr. Ulovo-land, ;'• Ho was niider no political oblifja-

y tion-lo me. whatever,' yet I hold the olliubol ltecordcr for nearly a whole year un-

,... dor his administration, an ollico by la\. hold not for any term, but snlely at tin

pleasure of iho lVesident. While in of..... lice President Clovelmiit treated mo asjii.

treated oilier oillcc-holdorsiu tho Dis-trict. He was bravo enough fo invite

.' Mrs,"Douglass1 and myself tp.^ill hisgrniul roeeptibns, thus rebuk"-'^ ^ t i n i -

'^^lOity—I-jvill ^jt-'suytyowtir'.?;™1^^'1"*1'1 .dice— -of^his pvodccoHaor . '•.,1'

(he road iudopemlwit of.lhe li>:iiling..7. S. Kennedy will bo thu controllingdirector. President Little said tlmt holelieved Mr, Kennedy intended to de-

velop the property and keep it out of thoa of a";receiver.. Ho says that tho

Grape Vines,4 T•J^"SOW IS.1'HK'-


iffliloii, mi early Kcd dnipctN>iitMH'<I, an cnyly JJluu!; f!r«po.Hiu ly , hn onvly "While Grape.

ulUtvnre , Into; tlio best vt ournative vaiiolics.

Tlio above me all thrifty 1-yonv-olii vinos, l'ritc -•"> cents cnclr

: S/..E.-CRAFT.

i . AV*.

^ im-lor siteWlJlIn) 1x4111.til oi'wliiuiVis

-i; (1II.-III.I1J

il.lofc.bli> Iii-y tititl iiivi

HlVtMlWIIIii-ltTiltlll'i-lliailt'Q In. i.limkrMU

inTty linv i>r


tilt; Uti'.Tty "fWyi.i; wilt k!n

ly i..rwtl.j•CM. m:t<l.>fii.-llhl.- f..<-Himrkct t l i

t "luluitlliwj J-MIII

- •



it. u

•A. •

,,[ j



r..l 1

tic litIL j

Wo; inur-

' • > •


' l l v


FI •u



Posli.-i's,Oil WIs,

Bill Uomls,Note I

j e t ,Blanks,


OllASYTlllSn ELSK IIMnill-'l!TI1K l'HI.STI.Vfi I.l.Vfi'.

During tho next four weiilw \y« shall nuiko extra.' elTorfs itiour Citi'ii.ut Dupii'lment iind OIIVJI* aome special burgtiins whichwill bo worthy of inimctliatu and fjjirel'iil attention JNenrly every*,,.Itoiisokoupcr needs a new ciu'iiet after lioxisti cleaning and now i jtliat time. ': :

They are Cheap.Largo stock ami prices gimi'.int(H«l lower than New York or

Phii:ulul]}liiii. Strange but iru<;. Comu aiul we will sliow you ::lilenty of gooils 10 cenls.per ymil liws.

All the best grades of Tapestry Brussels at90 cents, price at most stores $ 1.00.

Brussels as low as 60 cents.Body Brussels and Velvets from $ I up.Ingrains 25 to 75 cents per yard.

Come iuul sue our line. We ure] (he great headquarters intliiy section. :

WM.LAUBACH,:t>0 and :WS Nortlnimptou 81.. 'EASTON, PA.

},°_ .Ll'iAST 1110H.9.Y:,, JAlPJOil*". (li'SJJl.?! :.I nfini'iiiicosiisnot ii"niim of

Our prices 'a nil Ihtf qu:llily oli^o -cipc-iiila Mimicli iiioiwy ,for:gvo=" ' ; \ ., cci'ios ns the Ihslbut is not so pnv-

uur goods must suit, any reason- jiai^v j n pureL^in^muiconseqiiont-slblo purcliaser. ,. \y iieithui'K0^ tin nmny, nor us good

"Wliulever voii1 need llien liny; goods us tho liral nml cim't you seci,r i'i ' ' i^ici. II ,.1-u i.J ho is losingHCHII (luilv, poor mull !

Ot US. 1'1-0111 1'l.Sll .IIOOU IO j f y o | ; - m . e „ r l ^ O R , i y o ,,.,„,Pil ls , , i'.ioni I'lfctlllBS VO hlllVBS, jool: wcn"ni tho moiiil iu li;o nbovoIi-om Soda Water to Books ourstock is complete.

Tlio Witrruii County Brugread wiil bo out of Utejhaiida o[UIL1 Kead-j f-ifcorc invitps evqi'Vbculy's jiil-

S.—This concern has inetiou with Mint in Trillion

story, ami when .you" "look ftvouiul"to HGU where you'cfiu buy tho IUOBLiUid best ^ood« for tho losiftt moneydo not miss Hockufcllow's Cash Store.

honor oianliticss whe „I found it in Fnisident![

George Ii. McKcnsio one of Uioiroetors, said l!mt it wao the intention

to put tho road on a solid basis, but Hintit would tidio Konio tiino to do tt;is, andrlivideuds might not be ikclarcd for HOV-oval years.

I t was reported in Wall street' that atraffic arrangement would pmbnbly bonimlo ivith the Huadiug, anil that tholiftltimorb and Ohio would very likelyiwo Iho tracks of,tho Jeiaoy (Jcntml. un-til its own liiio into Staten Island is com-pleted. • ; •

Strangely Inconsistent.•TKO.Hoard of^Frccholdcra-is composed

of. a body oi-,.well-iutending-;ineii, 1»ntthey aoiuoliinoa become ovei'.zealous "hisaving money for thu county.1' Uiicent-ly a potitioii wan presented to ' them toerect a headstone over the grave of JohnJones*,'of this placo, §1700 of wliosomoney had escheated to the county. Thepetitioniva.4 refused on Uio.ground Hintthere.was no law existing, that wouldmthoriso thocxpnnditurc, and,lho gravo

is still unmarked while the county is1 us-ing tho dead mail' In .ordering

Statement' imb-lishcdphistnictions nro given the CountyCollector to condonso liia report, iirviolfi-"' " ' " wjiich. ilirects.that, it

\i amountsclaiiboil nnd ' nmoiuitshoy fear to do an

Lthero ia uo lajR..L; nnd in tin

h>']»y UKJ .l April aofli.

"_ _ • _ DUMBER FOR SALE." I=iiav(j"("in liuuil uhcsluut nml oak liniiln

Iso nil liimls of hard wood. Oliuslnut fun)Bt,8, mils mill litcheU. Posts l'S- ecu1

ckuU^l rui1 liuiulruil. Call at. KSIW mill...AllTllUlt llKATTV,. • ; '

. • ; ' •Puinvcll, N. J.1*. 0 . nildrcss, Anderson, N. J, • ' , ,

, . , IS cilAN.CEUYrbl' NEff .TEK9fiY.

llotivoon ].":\V.']2iiKirii»i;iiiiil.-..T. Witlter.Tlioinji-itau, Coniplatnnuts, uuiU.tno Dinilol P.-lloiittyOruan ft I'lano Compmiy,- DofuiiawiUi. - Ouu m cic- • • • •• (A * <•Orua

Jum, iilolnbolmlfoflho nbovo iod lo tako jilnco nt tUo SU Cl


More Money-Needed,'.Tlio.0omiuillcol|iclui of Uio oorostruclKm

" • s tntuo,

l, fiimdelfunilsliral hy [\m nrttsUn i>cifedfm-eimileSiliilulurw Stnliwlto, whlcli tlwy uro dcHvorlnittu Hiilisui'Ibtra Uivuui;lioilt tliu Unltuil Strites utlliu followIiiKprlucs: ,

. ' N o . l.-HlutiifiUo, fix InCtsJn he}fiht,


llt-ttfiviitliftliiiiirscir i-Jaii't ."i fiVlnrk' In lli.>nf-liTiKMJii, iu tht-tCiiiin ll-.iis.-, In i l io i iwu i>f ]ii-l-x'lij*"ri?, Comuy *tf \\":irr*'ii Jiml Slutu of Xovv.liTrt.'j-. tl»> fnlliiM-iii); iitiiiMTly, via.:

Alt Uu- rlKln. liili- nml ln!-n>nt. of Uio wii.l •!.•.fi-mlinti. in tl!r lumln im.l iir-misow >liiiiit.i In Ui.-iowii,-lil]inf IIit|n>, h i t l in i -vunty (if Wurr.'ii urn!Sim,' ut NVw jL-rwy. ix<lni; kin.ivii•«« Um-lul.,

of AmnrwI i l cM.o . i l l j i jR . J j l , J-a\J .^aj!! . l | . . luVn»ai) ; C o H t u i l l S . - U l l . l l l C . K K \ V 8 . o l . t l


. . . . . by [mills nf (.'liiirli>;*.\Srlwd nrt'tlio i.nn-iriy nt Hit- <h-ronitiiiit,ninl

tiktm Into I'x.vuikm ut iho -milt of Uio i.liiiuUlT,

jho . iSTuws.oi'.thopvisiiig";oiiiiiy- :ii

cnl Items,

Hailoii & fficKiifii1.



e n ^ o i l i u. 2 StutHutlo. in

hhih, li'jaiitlfnlly !>tj . H v o D o l l n i ' H c u

No. ;i Slntiioltc, tdolitwcd, SUittin lininHUvoi'l'li-

i, dcllvcrufl.uiuiul, twite inches

' nickeled, ntM e ivo l i , (IDIIVUI'C'I.twelve JncJien high,: ilnolp;rt, Pedcsliil, I Io iw l l y


n o l i , dellvored.Jlucli tiino nml iiic ~~l>wffioiliiK tlio SlntiintleCi nnd tlioy nro inucnhniirovcd over ilio flrsl. sent out. . Tlio Com*mitt oo liavo; noclvod •• tmm- HubBCribora many.leitoraof cominunilntioii. .•TliojVew rorMVorlil Fund ot 8100,000 com-

-lilpl^tlio-l'chOstnl, lmt it ts catliunted that; 510,000 la vet1 iiceik-d to imy for tho irou fuatcn-• - •>! (mil tV Pvncitkin ofVlm Stntuo. :--.JL •

iilolnbolmlfoflho nbovo imrttes stnmlBod lo tako jilnco nt tUo SU Cloiia, Jlotol iuoiigU ol.Wnahlngton, on Sntunlny, J«no

"tlmerlrr1^ fSecretary,

KNOW THYSELF,1A Great Medical Work on JIanbood, Kotvoim and

tbyBtcal Debility, rrcmatura ,15ccilno In Man,Eihausted Vitality, Jtc, Jtc, aad Hie nntoU mis-'erica resulting from indiacrctioVbr CXCCBSCS'; BOOiwga, Bubstantlally lwund In |;llt, nimihu Con-taliiB mora than 123 Invnlunblo proscriplloiiB, cm-bracing every vcfictnbio icmcdy In1 tlio. nliarma-copecia. tot t\\ &cnlo nnd clironio diseases. ItlacmpluUcallynboote foe every mnn. Prlco'oniyflby mall, poat !/i£d, concealed In ylnin wrw.jior.ILlUSTO-lTlVE SAML'J.13 FK13H TO AT.Tia'oung and middlo-aijod men Tor tlio nest ninetydaya. Bend now, or cut tills out, ns you

:K0It nKain.--AddressDr.'-WH. PARKl l l l t B t l I

' ' :/'\ NOTICE.

incuts, l duslro to Inform tliq»ifiiceilliijjservices, us mi undertaker, thut all orikrs leftat liy rcTldonco oa Wartilr""- '•'"row—anyliour daring tho •'"•'tetebfo immoltato uwnuc-m,- 0lAWUiy


. Valvalile' Advertising Meira.


Special from B. &..B.

• AUliottgli wo .-•have boon carelessabout niitkiiigiintiiHiucL'inen/'.-^receiilly,wi; .hayii'.buen booinin^ tlib^biissini-'ss,bolh liuri) iind nt our othui: stores, asno\'i'L'-buforu. Dun'tl'ail tu call ut

- Before making Lpurcinises ,of .SILKS,: -.'.DltESS... 60pl)S,. _. SATTEENS ;.or...AVlll'I'K OOOfiS, or PAltASOLS. Ke- ~nionibur, wo always carry the largeststuck and oll'er the greatest bargains.

li^. iiuii isss JIM mm 11

Easton, Pa, Williamsport, Pa, Rochester, N. Y, Watartowit, N, Y,

Crevelin|&rCo,'s Mammoth Bazar.

ltugs, Druggets, Oil Cloths, Etc.

'? • . • .

ot every .(Inscription. Largest stock ot Crockery in town. -.: L^"•.^•;:^::issoi'tiuent;ol::.yilvenvaRva!id^,v<^^^

' • . • . ' . Hoiisekeephig.1 . .'.-. '/.n u - i i i a , i y , • , . • • • • " • • , , : ' . ' • \ i > ,

k NEW AND FINE LOT OE TEASand Choice Roasted Coffees <

, JUSTHEOUVED.IT—-• ct ;•' -. \s>?'

: G. CREVELiNG & BRO.'S^GRQCERYTogcthci with a full slock ol Giocorics, Provisions, 'Camicd" Vegetable^ \ M ••'•.-••:

" Canned Fruits, Tobacco, Oigara, etc. ' T-\

o *• ' • ' **•.'; ;i


, , ;1 :

j - . y 'v

- . ' •

I* O; Molasses a Specialty.

Page 3: The Drummer Talked Too Much. LADIES Machine …...March 11, 'SS—1y Ono extra (.'tinruvancK for frlcnilii furnlsliol fn» iif diurpi. TIIK iindi-r.Mu'iinl lmvlnir luul - . . _.neu

%'0^^^^l¥^i^i^?^^^^^^^^^^ i iSIlpS^

The Washington Slar,WASHINGTON, N. J., MAY SO, 1

C O A . 1 - . J V T 1113O7.A.1I*.M ttin 1>. I- .t W. It. It. Co.'* rI^!,l^l,r

lj!lJ|JiJ-VJ,1 ' ""'.'."'.'..*... 11.85 iwr toi

J SIOVJ:.'.V.'.':.V. : : . . . . j " 2 " " ! ?

K::^:::-::::::::::::::::::::::S!:;SCF*lleal nnnlitlcrt ftiwnyn on luuulilry (ini'K

Ciml'lrtailM illreet from HIIUU'S (over scnt'ii:


It fit tlio iirlvll<>gi» of nil tlio Kxpcutora, Ailniln-iHlmmn, (munliMifl, oh-., wlio Imvo viinrpn of tlioniHLU'inrht of i'»t:in<H )*.-foru Hid Kumwnte of \Vnr-runcounty t<> 11nvc nil tli« li'itril notice* rilntltheri'tn iirliitol nmi imlilhluil In itin ST.lii n(IIIF frleiula lu'lln^ In niiy of tlio nJiovu t>cuiU[<>

irnto to neiul thi* milk-en ami wlvortlsi'mnLB tolUIsonk'OforjriiMlwiilQii, •• •

NOTICE.Tin.' STAH In mi (ifv

Blnti'l, en WellingtoIM lrlttuil

Star-Ijiglits.Wo nro "still bcalcn on canned peaches.

Catch black haaa aftor.Jiino. 1st, Jjiit. be

Kiiro eni-li one is Kcvcn inclicn long. :

Tim mttionncoiiioiit is nimlo that brook

trout will liito (jiwilily nt potato biu^s.

Jlr.J.Calviii Winters is erMcnllyill at bis residence on Ilolvidorc avenue.:

Thcte nre tho tlnys when the reductivejumping rope turns rosy Iittlo girls into pre-innturu invalids.

. Mr. Jeromo. llnrtpeuco, of llnntevdoucounty, w visiting his BOH Dr. Win. ltnrt-'pence of tins place, :

Tlio fourth annual encampment of theSons of Veterans, of New Jersey,was held atOamdeii ou Saturday last. :

Sir. Itichanls him been Mayor of Doverover since its incorporation in 18IV.) wilh theexception of one term of two yearn.

This is tlie time of jvar when the news-paper nml;es the annual Ktatemcut that tliis the year for novcntecn-yeur-olil U)cu<tn. _

Mr. II. "W. Allegcr had the misfortuiio tolacerate the first two rtugow on his left handIn a moulder at bis orgun factory, one day

• lust week. -

Kill bed-spreads, inside out of the baclw ofdiscarded kid-glow* nud th.i piunllcU of

; long ours, have cast crazy patch work int<the shade. •' , '

Thirteen mrload-t of emigrants and scveicarloads (if United States express passedwestward on tbo 1). L. .t W. railroad onSaturday evening,

The amount of school money apportioned' lo each child of school ago iu nlldistriets

having 70 pupils and upwards, for Iho nextKuhool year is :>i.o:)G.

lion. .To*. Stewart, Chief of l'oljeo ofrhiladelphm, and wife, spout the Hablmthwith Mrs'. Win. Snields anil Mrs.-I. W. John-

: stou, the General's sisters-Cull and see the new styles ot cane seat

chairs and. tho general assortment of wal-nut parlor mul be'droom furniture, ut. 1'it-tcngcr's, below the St. Cloud. ]Josl in themarket. Our new patent rocker is attrneliugmuch intention.

. •.... Chief .Justice IVnslcy Ii^orncy-fifiicrnl Stockton t«> fis-sM in th.- trialof Titus f«»r the murder or Tillio Smith andtho Attoniey-f ieuerul lias consented.

It will he of interest to our readers tu riwi.v;.U!e:'.ilvert!]!«al! & ISiill.m.thi-M-

Kite. The adv. wiw intended for IiM week'spaper, but arrived too late for insertion.

Ask your niiisie dealer for "Itm-ing Downtho llsipith," nr scud to tho i-omposcr, F. W.Lawrence, WsitseKsini;, X. J. Price,discount lo piano tuning piitrons. (ii

Mr. I1. T. 1!. VniiUnrcn is'lying ver.v ill atthe Winder House. He lias Wen d.

• iu strength for two or three weeks and hisfriends entertain grave fears as to bis ulti-mate recovery.

All the passenger traiubngigige-musters nndbrakemen on the 1). L. &. W. JIailt'oadto lie uniformed ^ifter June 15th. It is .said

niroi-ms \nll hohitnilar to those worn.

fiheotmusic, C cMitf.nt.AllcRcr'fl inuateitorc.Always oilhand. * inllf.

Castor Oil for tlio .loga! ]>nt Dr. Hnud'sl'lcnsaiit I'hynlea for children niiil ndultn.

Minnie Sluioffor'H baby that Wiw tho foim*dntion of tliu Laverty impcauhini'iit trlid isdead. •

Thu full ndverliaomeiit of-Mr. l'orkcr'ttsale of iKrHounl property nppcars lu thisi s s u o . .. . . ' • ' . . . • . . . • . ' . ; .

Mr. E. M. Peiuier U opening ft new print-ing ofitco in the room vacated by Uro. Shawpnuore. ' . " • ' : ' .

Tho Odd FUIIOWH of SomervlIIc nro goingto hold n big Fourth of July celebration onthe Soincrvillu fair ground*. " ;

wnr between tlio: ?icwsboyn on themile of Sunday pnpm detract* couttidiTifrom tho tranquillity of our last Sundaymorning imp. "•: ."..'•''

It will please many to know that tlmolK mid : courteous Mr, Uoyer will lio his

own'successor an manner of thu Washingtonproas depot.

A district moiling of delegates of thoKnight* anil Ladies of tho Golden Star will

lu'I'.l iu tbu room or Washington Lodge iuthis placo on Friday, May 21st. ! • ;

Tlic burlier polo'hi front of linn. Whip-crt'« shop is being repainted. A Lumber oftasty improvements havo been Hindu iu that?!>tablitihn]ent (hiring tlio past fewweeks. -;

W't! learn from the Jhn'ne Visitor that thoW, 0. T. U. of tliiH place propose to publishtbo nnnies of the persoin who wgncd npi>lic»-tioua for liconso in tho borough this spring.

Wo understand that another new time-table is to be issued by the 1). L. A W.railrond next Monday. The buys wiy sleep-

ig truiu No. 7 coming ciwt is lo be abird."

Major Herrick tuiyx the Tendon edition of10 Ihtnu't Free J'rcnn is lumrly ius largo as

the American edition. The paper has a large,priutlug in Unit city and its success Insomething mnrvelous.

Tbo Junior Mechanics hsive determinedupon Friday and Saturday ^veiling. May

aud 2'Jlh, us tho timo for theirMraiberry and ico cremu festival. It will boheld in Shields' I tall.

Counterfeit silver dollars, of the ilate of1S83, arc being extensively circulated. Tit-coins nre poorly' milled, and the lettering oi

is very imperfect. They aro light nnda little thicker than the genuine coin.

Tho delegates, nf the Prohibition Stat.Convention from HaelictMown are J. C,Allen, 1!. Q. Bowers, J. S. Niinkinsoii. John0. 1'ark, II. II. Tiinison. Geo. .Tobnsoiiwelected till to any vacancy tbat might occu

The IJrlnlier vs. Frltts hoisi- trial isbe tried for the third timo before -liutice

irvillu nnd a jury of twelve men tl'ort Murray• ou the 3rd oi Ouno. TliJustice refused to cliaugi1 the venue tWashington.

Jtuulio, ihe niaiiiniolh Cmuberlauit countyhteer, was slnughtM'cil at Uridgeton on Til"day. itwas'llye.tKold anil weigheil 'J50O

It required tliiity-six blows of the

[)auy extends over UIIPH of milrcml In nlimwtII pnrtH of tho Untied State* nml Canada.ixxLi emmet ho scut to every jiulut underH jitrlwlictlt)Q fur one chnrgn, liuwever, ivsID HVKtcm consists of Kcivcml divKinns. Tlieimit, wo believe, for ono clmrgu fromIlls placo i.-t Chicago, whilo uiidur tlio 1). Ii.W. Co. itWiLH Itulfid'). Good* -will IHI

raybillcd to nny KtaLion tin thu Vliiladel-ind Heading rnilroad without cxtm

chiirgc, nx heretofore. The V. S. Co, has•out ml of all express tnitllo ou Urn 1). Ii. A:iV. lluiboad and all iU lirnncluM,

tliu windier divisions In Xow York State,;he Utica, Clinton und l!lnKhamtnii Division,hieb is controlled by the National^mjiaiiy. Tim change was made,erHtaud ou account of the. munll matter ofiJHlU pfr day. The Express Company bad

been paying the. IMelliiilroad ConI'IOO per day for Iho i\m\ of ilsliiu*, and lb»itter desired the amount iiicrrascd t

per tiny. ThoIVL. A- W. llailroad Com-isiny offered to nccuminoiiatfl the U. S. Cotn-

|iiiny for the former amount, hcuca (lit:hnugo. It wsiiid lliuj'.rio railroad has re-•Ived 'from tlio Kxpress Company wwiie -*!).-

DOI»,0()0 xiuce tliu latter U'gau lm."iin>w.

A new company bus Leon fiiriiicd, kntuin tho Erio Kxpress (Toiupuuy to conduct

3 trallie over tho Erie line. Nearly nilrnier eiuployen will bo retained by tlieii! Company, nud thiMo engaged ou thees of tho 1>. L. ,t W. will uko IN! relain

>y the Uuitoil States Coui[)iiuy, tbercf<lio patrons will hardly know a ..change- 1een made. • • ;Tin- only H 111110 made In the niilroail

iine-tuble is thu additioii (>f ouo train cmlii;ay per day. which passes Wasliingtou going

ciust at iljl'J .1. «. aud going w'ost nl U»:*J."i i\, wbiu-li train accommodates United Kttitt-s

:prcss only.We lenin that the whole-force of Iniiuls atirantou is now at work const met ing new

;xprcss cars. . . -


titA v. vontiirius bom on bis f:*tli»:r*ri farm near JKIIHSOHSurg, in thU county, on May i"it1i, KSli; Hi•as married to .Margiireltii ?ii. Strad.T 01Tavch Ctli, ls:J". who .Hal on July :I, 1S77even children wcn» born to tliutu, of whonireosurvive—Jiu-obS., Aaronll,, Imtb res-

dents of WuMitUKtoii, and Mary C , thvife of W, C. Vaudurcn, of Vlrgluln. ThkjiViised tool: up a residence in Wm«liiiyton at the tmtl.ivak uf thf l;,tu war au<nus liveil h.-re ever since. IIi> w.iN a nieinicr of thn lir.-t Coniuum Cinuieil nf Wash-ngtoii after it« incorporatto

ral monthsuld iiotiee ii decline in hiiil an increased unsteadine

and about four weeks ago he.

axe to fell th uniinid. .The skinnch in thickness.

Who says that eupitnlWs don't bi-Heve instrilif*? Tbi» Evio road, which .wiw ydtiug•§lfiiKl per day from the U. S. Kxpross .Com-pany Mniclt for a r.iiac to tbo pitifnl sum$l$(\0 \wt day. The Express Company.Ijitratod with'the 1). L. A W. road.. Hftbbiti'!} foap imd Tulip M«ip have b

•utlv Alt-l\veeli pn-st. The former noap wns reprcscby ;i two horse team and four men uud 1hitter liv one horse and two uniformed nnlioth parties had yaudily paint^l wii^ons.

All Xew York Sunday papers sell in toiiuw at "> cents per copy. S. C. Thoniii-annoiiuoed iu last week's STAU that he wouldsell on the following Sunday nt that' priiand Chas. Edgertim amiounced by circulnron Saturday that lie would be . preparedfurnish papers at » cents ou Sunday.

Ollteei-Thompson desires to yivo.thvoutig nii'ii who spend their eveningstile eait:d iupn

nos, pr

.sta'ilosmid indulge inifunity aud. raising Caintheir 1

. by the conductor?.-—-. I b-euomlly . a gentle ™<1 timely wai

'• arciiStts/ Hiilsizer ,t Mershon, hardware tho serious couseimencea that must IIWInievdmnts in the Iteatty building on Kroa.l sarily follow if the practice h cmtiuue.l.,

•sr.liogitniii^rwiic o£-i»iv;sr'""'W."-"l«*iyiiri

sent on Saturday lust. > Mr. II. will continuethe business at the old stand.

Henry S. Little, President of tho New-rju-L-su-.V Ceillml-ll»ili-,.lll,-al<ill-a llmt Iliu iviid1 will be iirllio-hands of its stockholders again~ witliin1 thirty-days;1 and-mll be nin to avoid

such etitangleiiionts as it found in ils associa-tion with the Koading. •_.

While we like to see our young men ofbiisebiill inclination practise thi; giiiue irhen-ere;1 opportunity iillbrds, wecnniiotconuneudtho practise ichvrcFer opportunity affords, usball throwing in tho streets exposes tlie show.

-wiiulows to too much" clanger.':""""™ '•

...•Vliiineutiughehl at Aslmry'on Saturdaycveiiing last the following delegates wereeleeted to represent Franklin Township at

. the Prohibition State Convention, lo be Car-penter, Hev. Walter Chtunberlatn, llobert

1 Kiiiichoy.11;;: • •• :

: ;;-A Prohibition meeting will be held in thePort Colden Hehoolhouse on Friday evening,ul 7:30 o'clock, to he addressed by Mr. Wm.II. Morrow, of ]Jelvidcrc. After the addre^two delegates' will be elected lo represent

ducti le dentis-t, residing on Main street,I'hillipsbiirg, ou Saturday evening fell down

flight of Ktairs,limke her right nr'ui it1

the'-wrist, dislocated thu wrist juint, uiulivuised heiwlf about the head and face.Jim WIIB pltikod up niicouscioiu,"'wt'sooii re:overcd. • .. : '"- • ' •' ••

The anuual meeting of tho W.. C. T. Uwus held hut Wednesday afternoon, end Uu

ed by

following officers w eleeted for.thog y Piesidi'nt, Mrs. I). Spaugenberg

1st Vice l'iv,-.idL-ni, Mrs. Dr. Hartpence; '2ndVice President, Sits. Juints Cyphers; Hecro-tary~Mi1s.l':m!ua".Jolnrstou';'::'J.1reasurer, Mrs"

Mia Johnston.

Win. Andrews hits ttikeu the ngeiicy ftHakh's Heady Reference liook. We adviseill people desirous ot informing-lln-niselvespon practical subjueUt generally to examine

thu work carefully and wo think they wil*The work is tho cream of '"2 vnl

elected by tho editor ol]»irchase.nnblo volu ythe Philadelphia Jtemnl aud his s6ii-in-Ia\

Mrs. Henry Johnston,""'u's • prwidenl ofcommittee of ladies who hpreparations for tlio Junio

rested i

7:!)0 tilmbe appo

Anuandale. lie has a i

" <

Stiitc Couvculion.

The Governor has wiguecl the bill pthe last Legislature prohibiting any perhaving or catching black bass lew than soi

"• "iimb-ija in lengthi-or trout less tliiui'six,under[ festival ill!Jn_ p_enal ty.—AVfl/(«nf/(,i,,...yes.jjeroro cat chin t'VX. „.' .. ,-•-•(,ivn trout" ofMiciri^; you"; musrin^'w'i i ;!*v A l ' "h l t < j l i (

we proHUiiie from tip'to tip, and aeo that it1

hrw attained tho full lawful length. Other-.' wise your oxperioneo in llshjng may, result

disastrously to your pocketboolr.Last Friday 'night, at iibout'.)J30 o'clock n

looso wheel on a coal car cansetViin aeeidcutat the culvert in this placo by which fourem's were thrown from tho track, Ouc oftho ears, falling down tho embankment on

1 the northern ssidu;- knocked down three or".""'four telegraph poles.- The wires had to.-.bc.- cut to open the l'ort Colden nublio road as~- they had obstrnulcd Iho passage. There wus

no wiro north for.tho nso of the tolograpbconipiiiiy uulil the next afternoon. Cornice

L tioii was severed about' 2(V houi-s.' Nobodyhurt.1 No trains.delayed, C**

'.-' A post mortem Wits made 011 tlio horao he-lonBiiig lo G. II. Nute, tho grocer, on'*Col-logo Hill, which died Wcducsilay, and in itsstoniadi worn found twenty-ono stones, tho

•\ largest of which weighed -1A pounds. t Sever-al 'other horses have boon, similarly nffeclcd

r:'oii..thc.liill, and thctro is an hnprossioii. that' soapHkuio ia mixed with the '"'cliopi'Twi^r.jnnnj": IIWRO..owners; vso, it being ready for

-/use. : Tho 80ii]wUnio cannot bo clUtiitgufot:;;. and aa it is luSavy mul is choap itmiikes

very pscellcnt ailuHornlioiir: for llio unprin-cipled dealer. , It is said there iiinvestigation prlvatoly of tho chop which ia.sold in town.—: lI'iTmvi JhmomiL'

ve in chargMechanics'

y f c.sti vr*lf r,i-cq'ucat a - nil •(hat Order to attend a laceting

in Shields II nil this Thursday evening,

, qd kicked the end of one of his lingers oil.

The brakeinan, whose names is Tom, liv

X which tiniteil and mnlti



ib-coiiimitteos willpertaining to th

rdaylasUVOehnkctiinii oii-llin'Cciitral It. 11. underluo'ilitub ujiou a iu which somH were being tranBportcil. One of th

cowa saw tho netion, and noticing that !iiftiigers reached through tho slnts ns ho eliiul;ed, KIIQ squared herself, took a (illicit aim

a quick'motioned man, being abicUo jump inktfet;from a It'ain that IH'uniting 'JO miles iti

i1"," but lie"wasn't'qiuck enough to dod{.tho houf of old brindle. Shu' didn't evegive him time to say "So, Cushy," bofoislm had her. work put in'.—IFitnlcrduDcuwcnit. •

If you havo looked about you, you haillworvofl Hint nil vegetation is this year iiul mice- of what it was lust year or Iho yenbo-tore, or even the year before thut, Thlilac trees wero in blotinl' on April 2"»th, lastwhile in 1885 it was May 15 beforo theyblobmod.nnd in 188-1, May i. Horao chest-nuts bloomed this 'yuar ou May 1; in 183ii ouMay ;J7, nmliii lSalon May 7; • 1'uan beganto bloom Llust 'Thursday, anil com -wiusphuilttd ou April Ufl in Houib paris"ot theState'. . Lust year there was a heavy frost onMfiy Olli mid ico to.llto.thickness of window.glftsa wns Airmail; On Juno il, last year,thorn was a slight frost in low plnces.—Euu

:_Tlio TJ..S. Express ..Company.Tho Uulte.1 States Exjiress Company on

latiirday Inflt transferred its Imalurca fromIn Now Yurie, Uko Erio nnd Western Itnll-ond to tho Uehiwaio, LftcknwniniA nnd

rni l^iilroad, Tho Wi of tliU com

j _ : rreblioldora* Proccodincs.TliO Hoard met : on ThiifHday lawti' pur-

unlit to adjoiirniucnt, at 111 "c't'cloclt. Tlioiitinutert v/ero rt<ml and npprovcil,' aud Attor-noy lleanloy gavo liU ojiiiiiun that the, bills _ _ .. .In tho Tillio Smith murder cane, eerlitled l o ' u h brolhtr Himon on tho I>nmoenlur nnil Chlnf Jtuttoc; mul | M n W i K t A u t ( l c ,, r Nowton, a typo in tlioybo pahl


ubliged tn

lake to hi* bed fro which he .fis death occurred nn .Saturday last, jusl be-re noon, at the residence "if bis suit Anton.. on Stewart street, nt Avbicb place ,tli<.lu'ral serviivs were held on Tuesday at '.Hock. Interment in VWhiugH*!!cemetery,r. Vough's csiii'l nf't! was 7-1 years1, 11ontbs ami '.in dnys. : lioth he and- his wif.LT« ivnsisteiit members of long standing nie Presbyterian clmivli.


S"ili1O:.'"j''>lliT'OFl'lCK BOYCOTT —Ti l l !11 up A W1AKB WK UKi: — A

TESIrr.itAWI: Jim-rnsu.

Mr. M. l i . Xiiuii of UnclwtUtowii vi-iited

0 bllU prescutud aniotuiti-d l<

was presotil-'

in town last Sal-

The boud of Collector llaiiid, Tiiiti; tmd approved. 1H-cxt talaiii up, voticiii'm cuuiparod in

Itoanl aud referred lit Hi« prupt-r conuniltc11 (tliowi-d a biilauci; oil luitid of v>V:>S<'i.Hl.

Suttluiueut was mtiilo with tho ShcrifT for:i bill of over$Gl)0. . . . ' . '

*A bill nti'2 van prcHtutcd by K M. Itow"ley, dcnliHt, for uxtriicting pmoncr'H tcclliwhich wns rejwtcd, :

?''rv 'Adjournwl till 1 nVlocb.

:.' .•..,irrr.iii."o*)NBJSuitos,.:'- • ;/* • :trpou oililiit,' fli« li-.-ml (..order .Ur. Mi.-

Crncltuu proseiiU'd a petition [ircp:ueil byMr. .Jacob T. Johmton, ot ibis placK wlilisli

u [iuhlinhc.1 last week, t^liing 'nnl"'appn>*priatiou ot .*5fK10 to entablish nn (Vpbaiis'lloiuoin tlilt county. I , .

Tlio petition was read runt ordered iwivedaud placed on (lie.

Mr. McCrAckcit offered 'if-ir<w!ultf;ii!'- t"havo the nl.l Orphans' Hoinu Commillic con-tinned another year, and authoriziiii,' the

•W oftto,day and Sunday. '; • ;*'_•. : 1 '. • :

. t Mr. S. W, Niiun paid a llylnR visit lo New""it Wl t lj Yl(rk Monday. Kuinor hiw it Hint ho went

elect a site, to make stimate, uf the.bnitdin;.', ti<id

irdering an appropriation of $51)01) ain the petiliUni. A motion that the rmtiou I«j adapted was lost, only llneoboldew vi.ting in favor »t it—licnrili-r,Ilillmi.lMcCraeken.

Mr. MiiOrauken itiwid n strong andOUK HJICWII in fuvor of thu nwilntlon, sbuw.

ingntend.r .solicitude for tbo poor wtif>that ant eart'd tlio pour lmuse, and

iking niiiiiy strong points in favor of w-blisliinii.lho Iliinio. ...AtterwardH Mr. McCraclieir ani'oeduil m

having tbe. ei'iniuittee n.utinued numberyear, with instruct ions to maku cslima'.<H

id report at next ipiaiti-rly uieeliiig.Kcltlemciit with ex-Couuty Clerk Hon».

laud was made, and a draft ordered for-*l',0.-in fcttUunetil nf liis bill fur indexing,

when properly certillcd to by tho committee.Tho atinuariinancial slaicinout WILS or.

den-d printed in all tho county [tapers inwiidmx'it form..

lu order to provide fur inmates t» betakenfrnm tin1 A*ylum and luaiulained hi tin1

County. Mr. McCracktu umved that unaddition of Hi) feet, be built to the, 'I lio motion WILS lost" by u uiian-iiiioiu vvnc. TI-,« Diredor and Collectorwereaullioii/rdtc Imrrow niouey al ." prrcent in ;i!itifipaiiou of taxe.i.

Mr. M^.'iiwlivu reported that there badb.-on I-i..tubing at the emmty bou-o .inlywyciL tim->.within tbo, pa.-t thivi- ni'inilw.lie wa-. -.ii'i'l'inli'd a cuiiiiiiiliee, witlmitt pity,tosi'L'th's! riligiimssirrviciM wcru held thcrurogiiturly -^Vry Sunday.

The li.t paare of Sh.-rill"Tlie on thellio Tillic Siiiilh

cimsiiUT.:d and a

pliuvil under themipeii.'TotK'r's jury bill t$'<ii)urder e,w wasor-L'tvil

draft uiderwl fin' thu

Mr. .T.iliu I,iin;;.'r " look a day off." lastWeiliicsday mul went down In Newark, l iewas heuctlteil no doubt by lui trip.

We hear the snmll boy discus.ting tli*-,t r<l-rl';ty of siiviiig up IIIH 'pennies. ItoO.01eltuVs it L-t iibout time to begin asl ' imuiwilt toon bu lime, * \

M r . . ) . I;.-WonUton has fhiuhed H I P \ «ilifiou to hix farm lmiuc. It Isi iitiite nil itn-provcuient. Mr. Vansyckle, his new touiiut,t.<u:iiiH to Im 11 Itvu and pushing fan

KWudy.) .Morr.iw cif IVlviilisro will lectureiu tlui chapel thiH place I'riday night nu

Tlio Jmlyii Is an entortaiuing:il ami liiglcal~btit has more

Mian niicu iu our hearing committed otiofault sn ciJiuui'ui to pnlilii; s-'pisikris,-spokonto-i long. It is n grout inliilako to tire an

tlividual enlcre<I thn H1I«I> nlnf St. Ur'w|itii,- Mr.-rhlHji

(ttirey, last Saturday night, and fitolo all ofhU toohi. 'Mils i.4 the second timo ho Iib.cii robbed. They did not even leave bis gold wjioctnclOH. It is a higlaw to him. Who's the thief V "Ketchbim and liuld him."

Mr. Jno. F. 't'olau of llio Xow York Liftiisnranci! Conipiiiiy wftsiirotind last Fridaynd Insured f-oino of our citizens. Tlio liein>t Asliahel (laylonl, decea.-'ed, havo aboutj21W rf»miiig from- thw cniupauy,- whidiwill bit paid, llio agent WIVH, as soon us gtiar

uc .ijijioiiito-l for the children who ani. Tlu-ro aro three who ans undei

liligrnt search tho immisitivo news-!>.H»or lots found a young umn at Loclqiortj\'. V., who admits that he Was -it one timeitUklivt. io Mki I'uLrtiii, but thut. the uu-ucrtttis relalioiH of Iho lady mado tbingnrt-ry unplfsisaul fur hi in and eoiiNeqiiQutlyM'tlltr." ClltllC of it. ]l,) niiy.4 In. ill•nvy Mr. Cluvvlaml !mt i uu congratulntflliin ii]i-)ii securing for a-bridti.ns accoiu»li-ltclt beautiful and lovnbht 11- liuly.'iw tinnaliw iHVords. ". •

It h(t.s lit-tn ihcrcnl by tho powers Hint bi,h:it.ihi-l.ivk Ifimse must bo rejiaiivd amiimM-ilinyly Ihf work will NOOU lio commenced,'lhisis tln« trrrat rt-stirt for "our. boys'* 01

-. Tbc yarns t!i [ are H»:n and talk)that art: told outrival in their 'simplicity ami

the famoasAra1>imi nights,Wi) that our frwtnl of Uiu switch house,who drives tin.' «piitl witli stiuh foi'ce and vig

Our Public School Scholars'.'"•In addition to young l.«mierso:i whu grsul

uit.-s this yeur at Cullegiittc.n.-titnto. tlicie are two oilier former pupils»f thu Washington pnblitf m-hoiil wl»i are

'itig eredit to themselves this ymir.,Iiss Annie Miller, i>f >:t, radimtrs h«>ii'>rs. at Win.lsnrCull.-g.'. .M.I. Miss\nita Hvildcii. wl«i iimhl IIIIVH gradaatud

;rc tliU jviir. w tiboiit t.t Kr.Mlu:itt' in Nownrk City, wcidid iti hercliL^. II.Tinvnig.-si month Wits W. In three wvks s-hu willy the exaiiiiiiiitum for i;tttr«i:»\! U> the >Ci.r-al college. Thu teaehcis in thu Sitme:hool where Mii« Anita has been are grent-'

ly plfinwd with her work in map drawing,mil have .spcciiucnsof her maps fiiuiu-d t»..; left on the, walls. They wore surpris.'dLhfttiilUtlo villnge like Wabbinglou omld


Thopayri>ll amoimtin;; to wiwadwptwl itntl the lioard adjotirin-il.., ...

Teri 'sicliorcan. -•

Washiu»l'm's young people had iK-casit.nto enjoy tlii-iiis«lvf!f t» the utniitst »n Ttt<>-ilay evening, the .Wrsof Mrs. King's |VM-ilunei'. the .Sullivan niittL-iiuu.-ljeiu^. IhmwniilVii at t! tilt tiuitl \» tib'.uL f.Vvly 'vrh.'i had"allu-rcdfurthcpnrpowof cn^agiii'; in Hieformu'.t of .voting tV.lw' i-lea^iinK ili.ii.-inj;.l'h..> oii|iortuni!y for a gocd iimu wn^ eta-

iliiya!!]in-s.-nt. Mrs. King a.- li<Mr.-,s

ftMiirfvd l.v Mltw

The May Examinations.H.icKrrreiws, N. J., May 10, I8SU.

To the.. Ttnther* of Warren Counts:In the teae-hera' examination to be helduckdUiuWH this month; the following rule!^ te i ! by tho State Board of Educuliiui

will be btrictly observed:

'At the May examinations, those for FirstGrade and Second Grade are to be commen-

)ii l-'riday May 28tli, aiid completed ou3»turday-Mny 2!)th. . Third Grade exainin-itions lire not to be commenecd nor ijues.iui^given uut until Saturday. " • - :

There will be an examination for ThirdGrade on Saturday, August ilStli, iu tlil'ublic Hchool Uuildiug nt Washington.

itOHKIlT S. 1V.ICK,' Cuiuily Snpt. of Seho'ctls.

Murder Will OutIt is now probable that the murder of the

Uilteuljcnder girl near Ktroudsburg, lit.',which occurred several years ago and wliicli

since been involved iu mystery, will becleared up. . One Louis Schwcnk, for whoso

t t i e d n anoiler hargent wan issued on anoilier charge' J V S t i T

then Schwenk's wife has UHHIO affidavitthat on the nigbl Miss URtendoiuler was

ilercd-'Hchwenk came home withclothing bespattered with blood. He toldhis.wife all "b^yh^^rime^auiUthreatS ;tolVi'irhcr*jrKhe'"ove'r,.1ilivulged the secret.She has now made affidavit against I101hnsbn

mi .1d, wbe says,'tlmt he may. be.

- Major S. \V. llerrick returned hoLondon on Saturday. :-; His:' return

b iiiiioy

a surprise, to nil, bis family nothi \ \ t tb "bi

.iiiio was a surprise, to nil, bis f a yknowing that ho was ou this w\<z\>t tbo "bigwater" until they received n telegram on thday he. arrived here. !L'be Major luis Ihid nn aiulionee whenever aiijunthe public p!iicon in town. They, "all•. Illicitaround to hear all about London nu.l Eng-land. I [o'hafi promised to give, (ho BTOrenders nest week nit iutoresting article oiLondon accordin" to observations made, by

What is more disagreeable lo a lady thailo kupw. that hor hair has not only lost itMcolor,' but is full of dandruff'? Yet auuh wa:Ihu coso with mino until I used Parker's HailDalMiim. My hair ia now blaclt and perfect-ly clean and (jlussy.—Mrs. E. Sweeny,U h i c n g o ? " - ' ^ - — ^ ' - - - - - - •" --•-—••-••


evening.,of:this' week Thomascharacter uvtSussoxy,

fm(t;>Vnrren cCunlies.'-ws instantly killc(«i Uw ,Sussex Ituilroad, wbilo wiuidoringalong the track near tbo Dig Spring, outhe meadows below Xcwlon,

e I..-




in tin:t-vi 1,1

1 wasud







nnd 1tnalitur ii.



v.i aWiiv

lid IV..

ic enter.

T!nw pri.-st.-ut. wlmi)w, wen-: i lr . mid Mrs. Ueo. ('. Camy.-

'(vll, Mr. ami Mrs. \V. \ . . Stryker,' Mr.ami J I K . I'. W. Illawir. Mr. and Mm..1. F. rieivy. Mr. aud Mrs. A. P. I hum:'.lcs.-rs. I-rank Ka-c, -Jue '1'hatclici-, Joe;i«U-rf ,t..!in C. Ibjif, Kimoh handling,Vili Miiiti-init," Wrlliiiyioti liihlik-, <Ti>lm>nl)yki-T A... \V. Smith, Wilbur Ultue,

/*.'J>:i.-,->K!i',"1!i"i:..:.-.\V! I1--.-II- -•^:il!'111"!'- • • ) " h ""nmr*, l!o). Wrmdiiiifj, l-:dwnrd kiiig, Clif'in-d Loscy; Mk«« lltij^v >'«" " ° « i . Clam[•.rimth, Cora Hoover, Kitty Mclick, Jcuuii-

k-.-r, Atiui.i WclK;i, Sue Sweeny, Kutheny, Kate l.nsfly, J.mirii ]Ia:ui!toii.m i'ickfl,..Alice liuffonl, 1'ewitic VIIOU "Laura Croveling, Kiln Johni

itou. Iliilono-Liisey.1 •._

Still Another School Meeting.Aniithcr school'meeting was held l.t tha

ichool house-, last Tuesday eveniny, amilie iinstees made a report that J t would

cost (1011 in- morn to.put in proper shapelie only mom thai could bo routed. T!:i\vigreed that it would Iw cheaper to builtlmil pay the interoht ou Hie 'lolit incurredban to uiiiku.Hiiiih an outlay. -Mr. _(.'.-llalni. ' tribtei', Kitid he would gimmiiLlmt the proposal aildition to tho schooliioiiHu can lio built for S-l'JW, witli:hing eouipkle and lvmly for miv«uld lind a man lu lake Urn contract.Mr. .McCraekou at Ihu Ii.'ginui!)',' o( tin.neetiug mado KCUIO diMurhauon about iheiii'iiules of tho former inci.-ting uud hi;

report, but he again fo ud him-•K'in'lho minofily'muUliad to succumb."

• 'On inoii.m itWsir6hlerltl;Hli«l-lb«'li-lees liu author',W:il to form a phtu tolarge the school house and procmo antiinate of wlint thu cost..will lie, including1

heating aud furnishing, anil. report Jit"'ftiiKieliMg/t'/;].i»:.hcU'ii1'.T.'W!.'i.w|!!'Hs.^-•'•'!"'uiebtiiiK.tliuu adioiirned till TiieMlity,:J.inic1 s t . ' • ' " • ' '

Observance of Memorial Day. -Joint F. lleynolilit VmU No («. 'if Hti.s jilacc,

U nmklng extensive prupiinilloiix for tliculi-dtirvuiicu ot..Mcmorliil Ua.v im Muy .SleU 'I'lii;ijicakers eii^igci; fur lli'ci (icc:i>i(iti urc Jatiic."lliiehiinniiii, Dsifcot Trcntiiii; Kuv. It. !'• t'.ri-lius, of \ViisliIii;r,l(m; Ituv. Win. .!. Itoiinvun,of Washiiigtoiii Cliauu«i)' II. llunduj.'of l!ul-•iiicre. Slii*kMvlll 'biii'fiimlslK'il 'IJycUic In-IcpctiOcnct: Cnruct Ilimd and Hie Ww»1ilM|rl<iriitui-ic'tie. "ThuaitptiintciUillleurd' of tliu tlsijire, Marshal, 'jjiipt. U. V. Sliial^; (JUIKUIIS

Marslial..!(W. K.rr!ialeliciv>!astor of Coro-im*-n'n;*, ilayor J*»liiisti)ti Corulsli. The Hue. wilform at-I i-. si. 011 Hdviilci'eiiveiiuu.rl^lit re.slInf! in front of,Ti»vn Hall, In the following or-iler: Cltlof Murslml,J Ttiiiupoiuiuttco CornciiTaml, Koystouo'-Vlrc Coiii]iany, punulc: o1

ictinul chtlilrcn, JICVIKIMH l'nst, Hffiiiul/ilnin.•oriw, ein-i-lairu 'willi -Mayor ami speaker:1.•;avriflKO witli Uoiiimon Council, iisuTliigt! willituuclww i»f nulilli! school, line «f uitlKuiis' •ctli-r\aw*. The line of inarch will he frr;?. TownHull, aloiiU'llclvWcroaiul Wunlilngton uvcuuci:toSr. K. Church yard, whcrevKnives of com-rmlcs will bo ilteoratiid and rnijur oucrcd;t liciieo nltiiig "Juckwrn'-' street,-- Olmrelv'^lrucl,'und Holvhlero avenue, to I'ubllo Square, KwonMior iieriullfl, - speeches will mtiilo onimitforin erecleu on Shielila' lot—It stonnyntnlatfonn erecleu on Shielila'lot—It stormy utlleatty Hull.0A Uclnllof comrailea fromIho1 ' t l h r t C l l i ill d t com

i>r. at times furnishing i ik-rtaiuii :ut to all,it npjtiveiatii thin rival resort. Well,

' a white man isn't tu W trusted" and poo-ile wil! go whuv the best enteitainment forin' lrtisl niuiipy i> provided nud wo hca

d by l

..11 i l l .

I rh^:a . Imwi* with a mat-i^r..- in-* :i gimd. lu-arly grip.luv.i •.WtMliu.-- ei.hl. Hubby fclluH•uployiHi and automatically .*i«d«dc*« liit,.;,'i-s as though the•rriiscsigivsit favorott yon. Wbev,„....i' lt.,,-.i 1I1.U.M1V.. t'ii..-in»a ili-

soiyiiiir.rho.Ml IIL-,1

.iitisig! Wbi.t 11 .;.uilr.i-t ln-twiu-n my frit-iiimiii mid M:i-h 1V1'(.TS. Wiiy it u as goi a Kduw I.:I fri..iirWii|> ioslrnkft with hiiN it tint n Martin l.-ivi lli-M.rt uf grip whiuli

iI.>itbUt:» man up iiViWi»h lit- bud tiu.:i-:iiap!i ainliiiiilii-.-. him '.Itink he has ratigh,iis linnets iu « vio?. lut a frank, maul;

A in/in wan 111 t!iiiitiMdu.-iitg hiin-tilf a-* 11 j-jvi'miiiunt tlet.iiw and sayina Unit Im was sent here b,the departli'ient lo Itisirn tin) H:;isi)i;-"of tlibm-cuUiuH of ibfi Wit.hiiifAou runt ollicet.slusltiroiili.'iit'd, wtilnar, tnlstlce thi) ot-ice awiy it mail from \V,,,hifjgtou is not re-•used at this oilKv.' W« li-.iVt Relieve th-Post OJlke l.icp:ii-t;iictit would bo guilty 1

:li an net ot tla^rAut :i»juMii-i\ ' 'I'lw IVwtsUT at this pliivc'JiM nut .solicited tho pat-


;outil*L ' l l l


1 is in i!.liliou 1L> the inDlU linnin the

10 v.-ay

L>f thill;

mil.. Ij iiinoo.-; chiin

msj.' ^ i . •

i pt,cut1 thi

tii-i.i. oLCu



i iblu for the ple rightshtiKtit i.iust botildt«tt'»uffcr.Uawc i is'asilenish-.A: Co.. mi


to rec unit-

Tint partd ClU

lleatty H u l l . A Ucnllof1'ontwlth rontCliaplftin,.

ia'*irravea • in tlio ccmeua gencrnlly nrC


omrailea oill, decorate- com

try , i ; a t 10 AV.M.tcil lo closo an

d as. trom 1 to i v. 11., nnd asivfinleutly do so. will plcas«

riagca iu the proecsslwu-X; •

1 . . : ; ' -

. i . i in ...thus take advantage of their mail itialte.We. believe iUii real £imse.1i;iiii"bc uscrii;d to lack <>f huaulity in defeat. It is »nud lo yield. Under tins usisting laws wton't seo how thoJAwl Ollice Dopartmcnt cainl'.'l'f*.'!1''. Tiicir (inly ivn.cdv would Im Iremove tho present 1'iistmsisU'r. Hid he ^

any hnw by wire-pulling or civil .scrvicctlwU?

Tin: .M.uun's UUOTHI:II.

Uncle Aaron has a very line cult.

Miss HUn (iarcy of Jtoonloii U home.

Oar Kunday-Slnwl is to. have a new Iibmry. •

Our II. |J. C. will ilon it., now uniform before lo i i - . . . . ; ..„._ _:.-Vr.-:.?.-.•.•...•_,•_;.„-.-•;

•,5Lr. Andrew-.irtiurpr •ol'-'ltrooksitle-^spo'.iSunday honied

Jlr. Linden Cailuut spout Sunday atriiillipsburti.

., Mr. Win. J I. Hhrnpa hns Iho rtniuCViy" priicli'.iii: ti iiivn:^ i-HSi^-'-'Siu-; Mr. Jo.iopii Dciits who has: IJCL;;-arlmiB tiui« I« riromnl. :;*'

• (;. I,. Vansictil.i of Xuwton wiw 1or liLs brother last work.' ' • *'

Undo IJOW wont to (juanl Lock, Instwcek,and cmiKht a lino lut nf pickerel., Mrs. llenjui.ihi Kritts, who baa been visit-in» out here, bus returned homo to UaritiN. -I. • '

• Mr. .1'iwoh WyckolV and wifo, of I'orl Cilcu, wore, thu tiucht of iniim host Ititnii, hwHundiiy. - . , . . . . • -

Mr. lluiiii, our holul propvietor, has iiall hw rooniH papered and furnished aneJlitssre. lliil'muHitSeiirfcJsH, of Wtishiiujlrdid (lie work. . (1'

Dun Covfcll is iwintiiui Edward Hotnow building on tho mountain. Ur. V. h

iiiii-.rov'cnientrt itnd^his- ljuildiujjilook very nice/; ",^'- -. • • .

Tho Uriiilser and Fritls law suitat l'ort Murriiy, hut Thursiliiy, boforo JiulgiSoiiioryille. -ThoJury wan. out until mil:piwt'lHr^:'a:iiil-"V^riic(l' t o." il way K ^ S idleKlood l . l jo 1 favor of.Urlnke,-.,. This ' "*second time, ; Wo uiidorutnnil it is too f f "Stryker'for plaintiff...for dofI'llditiit. ••' '-

ff liext Saturday, lit, •\yaHhington, La\vjT<trykor1For pliuutuT...iinil\!l>ros.coulor'-Sini1



Wo noticed lit. Wni. Lunger, of Stnuhopo,. tovn on Monday, \ ;

Mrs. Stiruicl AlbcrUou, ot'this plncc, vis-ed frlcnili in llaugor, Pn,, this wcok.Our looil lbhonii!<n viitit BudiVs Lnko fro-

lucntly and ttoino lar^o fish nrobcin({ cAiig'ut.Mr. VnA Cook ' vlnU«l friends lii-NuW

i'orlc and Newark the wrly part of Ibo week.Attorney.Slryker nud Landlord Hoover,

if your village,'were in towu1 on Monday,a Hay Welsh's ttchool, nt Hazon's

conierH, clonett wttli thlH month whou fihe'111 return homo. " . ' '•

Four "cbitnuoyHWtoiw'1 wcro to bo accntu uurHtroetri Huturday. Quito nu untiHual[•lit for thirt place. •?IY. Xulsou JlIKelictl, wlio lia» IIQCU mnU-

g an extondod visit muou^ friends hi KeW-k, Is n^niu in town.

Dr. Johnston, of Vienna, who recentlysettled nt Delaware Station, bought ft llni

JWO of IJvcryiiuiii McCracken. : ••'•.'.

Mr, W. Kr Palmer, of tho Institute, hasItcon appointed to tho chnrgo of tho .folm-

ituburu'M. E.'Cliiircli until next dill.Tulip soup has liecn well advertised iu

tliH placo this week, by uniformed men'n'wlth it very showy and ucntly loitered

w a y o n . - • • .• ' • : ' . - : • • . . \ . : v „•

Mr. Alfred Browu'H IIOUKO 011 Cburclistreet - i* roceiviti^ 11 frciib coat of paint niitl:lit> Hidewall: fa beiny repaired and new curb.»«I ' " ' »»•

A few tinned piyuonfl wcro rclcasctl at thedepot 0110 day recently. .They are expected

a l u m iMlhcir'cotKritp-atcrAOu nud will! limed by their owner.Tho Alert IlftHC Hall club is belug organ-

[zed, and nn opportunity will probably bo[jiven for your Washington club to measure

iU with them during tho coming KIAti intorctitiug gnuio of luiso-bull was play-

ed at the Institute campus Mouday afternoonjetweeii thu first ami second uinuH. Fivoiii-mjs were playcil mul tbo score stood 1 to 1,The I'eithosopbinu Society of tho Instituti

"Will colet>rnto its sixth nnnivtirsary iu tho Tliilitnto chnpcl to-morrow (Friday) evening,ivhcn 11 very interesting program hi expected

»hu rendered. :

'lluv. S. H. Kooney, an old Pastor, prenoliil in tho Methodist church onSuudayinoru-ig to a largo nml nttentivo nudicuce. l!ovUiuuey i-i now Htutioncd nt Jtemnnlsville

where how well liked. : •-._

Tho trustees of the Institute havo decidci.0 build a liliorntory in tho rear of the' Inititute. Tito new building will be of briclaud will bo ready for u*o when the scho»ipi'iis next full, ','jtryker ISros. havo tinjoulract.

Prufs. Thomson and StiVLT'siumuiilcoucc-rit the Institute will bo hold ou Friday, Juno -tth, this year, audit iy propose:o present a better pro^nuu than cverlicfore,•iij-, Vittili', the 'iotebrtitod violinist, hr,iwii secured njjam this year ami a dii.IliKiiisliitl harpist, Siy. Kunelli.

The 100th unuivcrsary of the incorpon:ion of tin- Presbyterian church of tins placejcciiwuii August -"it Ii, and will bo eulu-ItniU'd in an nppropriato mnnuer.. Ail,i,'iil wlilrm will, be dt-livered ' ii:he iitiiruiiii,', and several old pastors wil|iiirlic!i[wilt< hi the esvrcisos in Iho afti-rnoourim Haei-iinient of Uu' Lord's supper will b

.•isis proiniso to be wry iii(.<'routing in then•Units uud every offurt will !«• mude to roi

.•r the oeciwion n most joyous nml happ

Thu lawn siiciahlu at thu residence of Mr.enr-u W. JolniAiu for the bcn.Hit of th.•uilitig room on Tuesday evening wus look

cil forward to by the young people withgreat deal of interest, but thu cool woath111 Tuesday cast n dumper on the spiritsivery one. apparently. A few young p(i!e were present, but the ostcnsiJo prep

ai-ations warranted u large ..crowd. A very-lea-Siuit time wus spent by those pri

ami a.fair sum added to the fund. TinIndies «lo«urv« much ereilil for thiiir effi

this diruction, a u d i t is . to be hopeiwill b>s hotter encouraged next time.._'l'hi!, geutlt!]aen's prcliniiiiary^ contest»mtory tit the Institute last I'ridny'VifteriiCioi11 place (.t the regular FriilayjifteriioouexmUiw, wiw well attended by the persons in

terested itijthc school aud students. Thir-young men entered tho contest j»u\

each did well, but the Judges, Mc.ssx^-J. D.l-ldcki T.-S. VauHoru.iud^iVT.v' Sutphiii,«¥RWuui)(WeK(l--!c" sole"ct only six.. Theladies' contest in the evening probably drew'a larger crowd, as several of our town stu-dents participated. The contest for theprize by the cluwou six of each hex ....will bolield in about four weeks before coinme.iie.e-iiient - , - . • • '

The Biggest Man in Now Jersey.William Mains, of Lineotn l'ark, who has

been eouuticil to his bed for a short time,ilieil suddenly at tlml plucO Ou Ktllidiiy, Kuwas one of tlie largest men Kew Jerseyeotild boiust of, a.s ho tipped tho scales atnearly four hundred pounds aud was as sprymil supple iis ft school boy. The funeralservice took place at the late residence underthe dii-ectoi-Khip of Messrs Ii. 11. Itichards &linithcrs, funeral dirocturs of Pompton.The remains reposed in a •'liuissivesnt in-lined

11a cedar uiidliut tjovtsl'wl'with a - COU.'-biuat ion • of v heavy '"broadcloth -•- ami™ satiii,,:hieb in style, workmanship and finish

would be. hard to excel. ' It required the

ii'vices of ton .pnll-bcarciii to convey themiuns to the henrse, nftor which tho largeWnMi'iim Wi»llilii|lliliii|-,.Wiiy.|^lVli>Pr;'ii l'laina ceiuetory.—-Jim. ;

To Improve The Road,

Tim Do!aware, Lackuwanna and Woslomltitilrond Company havo iu conteiuplatioii 11uuutbor of iinprovei'uenlH and additions to

linoH.-.-Threo now .spurs aro nlreadyciintiaefed for and now waiting the linal fiig-jlii.lnres. il'l'ho is to run from ,Mimtcliiirto Monistown via'Oaldwcll; the second fromMorrislown to Meiidlumi, eight.. iuili-s/wcst,nniVlhci third from tho main Hue betweenBrakcsvillo and llopatcoiin station tu uudalong tho lalto to thu lai^o hotels alongIho northerly end. Those additions willgi'outly improve property,'espqeially in Calil-well, anil innUo IHooiulleld one o^tho lead-

gsumuiot' rtaorts along Iho l-o^.tcs? :a ,:

' • y . Notice. (. • • ^

Notico kberoliy givcu that tho partiiDr-Hhip herctofoi'o i?sisting'< between Fniulc P.

nud Jonb Moi-slion, known aa thoIbn of HulsiKyr & Mcrahon, is'this day dis-. g-VfeL ky, mutiml conacnt. All Uip books'tiu«\tlio"nccoiiufiTbl Sid"lirni""nrer"]ibw'' iuthofeosnesaioa juid ownership of said Frank1>;. tpl.sizer, who naaniuea all /the liabilitiesof and firm, mid wiUi whom' all settlementsmustbo miidii.':."'."' " ' T 1 ' " " - " - ; ^ " 5 ^ " - ' " - ' " "

1\ HuijSIKElt,



1,V MIIOT— lUllTil UK JOHN CttAIO— ,-,',,VtllA,' FITCH 0IIATK ?

Tho tcmpcrniico folka oipud to colobmtelio -ltli of J-;Jy by npprojtriato exorcises iu

pnrl;, nnd tlio firemen nml Ornii'l Armyitoj-s talk of UuUtiuy a pltulo nt Dntlcr'u

IKKU,1"; :'.'...• ;\ - . . : . " - ." ' . , .. 1 ',/ ' . ~rMr. Jiovl Uclirer and MLw Elba llccrs,

luglitcr nt Kdwurd lteurs, (>t llnnnouy,,vero innrried, on Tucsilay inornlng. They

I will titukc n 'l cxteiidutl bridjd t«mr throughL'cnnnylvania.

If poor Tillio Smitl>'s iiiuuumcut depend-ed on tho money Hiilwrik-il by tho peopk

. .if llclvidoro It would not bo n wry imposing|slinft. Our injoplogftm vxcecdingly slowabout responding. , .

wifo of liov. Mi1. Ouiupbi'11, n I'rcsby-turian pronelicr uvcr. In Ivuver.Mt. Itcttiei,L'a., presented her licgn lurd willi triplet-*, a'cwdayHngo. 'llio ]MKir man has tho sym-pathy ut the cotnmmiity.

Jacob I'roiiiiiti'r, recently deceased, badlifo iuHitrnnco policy in tho Now YorkMutual, for *2,I)(H>, on wm'cii Iwlind just

nrto his 3(1 iiunuiil iiiiyiitent Of iW. Tlioiduw reei-iveil, H fuW 'duyo' hiiice,' n ch'Jel:ir*-2,021.(!l. .

It was rumored un our htredt, 011 Mouday, that thu Mm'. Win, Tully, of Jackfon-,-ilk', Florida, lind been ni'.-i.l.'iilally-Miot,day or two before, whilo riding ou tho earn.

I Mr. Tully -formerly rallied hero nnd ijii-iu-law of Wm. Wliito,]-:*!.Cliailoy LnUtj (iwns Ihe fastest piece

horxcilcsh in Ilclvidore. Tho animal luw 11record ot 'i:22\t and it is very exciting toChnrley and WVnver of tho Warren HDUHO,speed their nagn. pillcer Ifii)-rt will bo call

0 put 11 stop tJ fast driving iii'thiI streets before long. '.

T. H. Yulter had 11 Halo of wagons and \W<stoelc, 011 Haturduy lust. Kverytluiig HOIIlow. It win atnuMt impo^ilili^ to glv<plows, cultivators and wngons awny, Ilors

].sold nt §1130, !?IW mul • ? % . MeCnmnon it l'erry, hardwire dealers, bought tli

best horso nt tho best price. ; . ;, '

Otirold friend and fellow townsman, J0I1.Craig, liiu departed this life, u»ed fiU years.Tlio deceased Was nflliclcd with u. ciuicer oi

faco, whicb proved ini-nnJ lio, and whicltsod his death, limtlly. lie lnul Ueu con

llued to tho house for ti jiuiuWr of weeksIlls funeral tool; pluco last Friday.

Will Sloan, colored, wiw in juil ovtr Sim-duy for stealing asparagus of Mr. KverettIt appears that he was tho capttiin of aif kids that iiindo a practice of going into Hit

patch and helping themselves. Thu "coonlvictnil aud Juliet! .Simofcwn ginjvero lecture. '. .Sentence was suspend-

ed.. •, .- - '

M, Sinitli, Jls'j., threatens the arrestIt. V. Peuningkiii, of Allentowu, 1'a., on tincharge of perjury. I'enniugtoti luul Si

,tud 011 the charge of otnbozKloitSmith says th'1 couipimy of which I'dining-

iniuiagi-i-, mvt-vi him a cousiderablThe ruso has gone over .to court

Sept. term. : . • • . . . • •:..

.\v Fitch, of tin.! Ih'im'rnt, «nys hwill orate in Melvidca-. -Inly -ltli, if .Sitnersou,of the .Jvitriiitl, will promise; not to makifaces at him. . Or he will challenge fsiiuersoito 11 joint discussion, subject, ••Tom Ti

my -first winter at Troutcm," nolusiou to be land.? to iho "Warren cou

rug store,",Tiviitoti .branch.TlwGmiidAniiy buys wilh-lwervo Decora-'

tiou Day mul arc- aeranging Cur n denton-stration that will U- iu ke.-ping with the oc-luiuiu It is expected'thai the C.001I Will

boys will turn out and do honor .to the dnyd the Iwrouj tliat sleep their last sleep.

'L'lio lion. II. Si. Harris and olhors ,,f ourtowiLituoti will .k-livoi- short addresses.

iio'iiroinuuif Uolviiluie desire to express,through tins columns of thu HTAH, theirhearty thauUs to the M. J. Vunl l'ai>cr WUMWorks for fuvots extended them. This Co.

wised the buys a lot of their excel-lent paper pails, tu hang on t!:?:r,r.QV truck,and Mr. JJavis. forontan of the factory, saysif the boys were not till c-ohl-watcr devotees!u> would till Mth.i pails with beer.1'rnul; Miller,. jowek-r, h:u givuii the lireluddies an alarm clocl;, for their hosu. room,m\,\ (lm-1i.w-i.Wvo vol.-.d«liiin..ii -royjilfellow. The miw' truclr for tho firemen v

it finished, and now whut bothers thtiiit*^-|£j'j, jtiu>vv where to get the besJW. Chief I J rUtoTluwigCt i fa -^ i l^

up for the eledriu bell alann, and is novarranging tho butteries. Tho hells will.bfplaced in position wo believe the preieji'lweek. • '

Mr. (.i.'i,irg(j tiivens has decided • to teardown tiic IWviderc House (Fisher's), and re-plact- it with a large and liimd-.oiue hotel.TliQ estimate.for a brick atruutuplittle top high and ho concluded "to build ofwood''instead. The.building will bething like 5(1 x 100, and will coutaui not lessthan ;JO rooms. M'ayor King lias dmwu thelilans and specifi«itions, and it is expectedthat work will be. begviu about Juuo 1st,Tho .leaving away of.tliu old hold 'will be•luilo nu iiuilettakiny and will involve con-siileraUe. labor. The bouriU'W, of which"tli'hnusn is full, ut prest'nl, will bo »u«»niindated nt thu oilier hotels aud at tho privateboiirditig houses. I t is hoped by Mr. Fisherthat Iho workuill be so far along by tho 1stol" Bt'ptcniljei1 Unit he ejin lumoimcc to thepublic that luVis-roiidy .to;.;entertain themrrmir that ' . i^ i^^wny. l^ j rH^fii-st-cihss iti liTl itii iiiiiiiiUilu^iiti"."™]bus long needed just such n house. .

Oommunlcatod! • "Mr.fidttvr: ^1.....,,:,',.,.,;.... :•;...•„..-!.::......:!

"Xlio nctlon of tho'ofllcitil lionnl of t init. E, Church conKregfttioii with their pastoru refiuiug to nnito with tho Prrsbytcrinulougrcgntiou la tho Sunday evening unioniiouthjy tempcrnnco meeting docs not meetllio approval of U10 W. 0 . T. U. or most ofmr tcinporntica itcoplc. This action may

(ilenno tho rmnselfor anil tuiloon keeper, butit llud.4110 reHponHo in tho [rioniLi of reform."

I cut the, nlwvo item from tho coiumunicit- '••>•Ion from Wiwliin^tou in Ibo Ihunt YhiUn'. "".X It unfortunate for tho CHUKQ of tcmpcnuicolicre llmt tho intolerant spirit of tho pnrtUaniiovcmnnt inanifmU Itmlf •;*-iHlch on insult

and nt tho HWUO tlrao i ."10 show a fulsolufcrcucv;. Tlio Krouud upon which tho re-

ud to nnito in tbo union sen'ico wiw tho•X Hint it was not right to close tho church,

as it should lto open for gospel ucrvicett, nudthere wiu uothlug uuiuiial nt tho timo iu thotcni]x>rauco movement to call for Bitch nuict. Tliu wholo b-)fird wan uuuuimom on

thin point, and for tho benefit of tho JfvtneYit!U>r I will say thnt among tho niembcni •of thnt olliciid Ilonrd who wcro present were <itrong ndvocntca of tho third party movo-ineut. Hut Uiera fa Houietblng hidden intbU item which HIIOWH R spirit of bigotry;hat tihould not bo unnoticed, .

l»t. A dictiition tliat 11 clirislinn cliurchihouid closo its <lonr» liccnuso nu ndvocato .of their Hpccinl view of temperance work ,wai to Hpoak nnd bcctitiso tho church boardmiw tho matter iu a different light it must ho

;il nmoug the allies of tlio rum power;Who is tht) dictator? ,:

2nd, It tthou'H 11 dis[>ositiou to resort to uipecicH of falsehood by insinuating thnt thachurch is not true to tho Hpirit of' Thorn certainly in 11 lack of ;:hrirtlinii eliarity in tho spirit that dictatedmd published tho item. '••-. - . . : • ' J , . .

:ird. Thcro has becu no monthly union;eunierance ineotiiigs in tbw placo for »ov.oral yenrs nud to iutiuiato the contrary OH U

UIU iu the item is hot truthful, to -say', tbo :

« f c t . •• • •. • •• -.-

1'ev. Mr. Collins, tho pastor, U nu ulile,eloquent nud. fearlcsn cbriHtinu niinistur, ntrue friend of tliu teiupermico reform no itHtund.1 rcittted tochrtstaiu work, nnd will notdevinlo from wlmt hu believes to be bis duty

I an a minister. The object of thin letter is to,H1IO\V that tho nlmvo itum does not rcceivothe approval of MI tho third party fiioml-i.mul Li a fulso ami uncalled for lliug. J.


Perfect HairIndicates n natural and healthy condi-tion uf the aciilp, and of llio gkinddthrough which uDtirisliuieiit is obtained.

AVIieii, iu cuiisetiueuw of ago and, the liulr becoim.-.-i weak, tliin, undgray, Aycr's Hair Vigor will striiiigthuuit, restore Its original color, promote iW

; rapid nnd vljjorou* growth, und Impure- to It the lustru and frushnes.-i uf y u t h . .

f have used Ayer's I fair Vigor for nlong time, and am convinced o( itsvuluo. When I wa.i 17 years nf ago myhair beRan tn turn uruy. I coinmencifiUusing tliu Vigor.'and wiw surprlsad attiio good eflect.-i it [iroiitictil. It nutonly restored tho color to mv linlr, butHO stimulated its growili, that I havonow inoco liair than ever Ijcfuru,—J. W. Edwards, Coldwutur, Miss.

Ayer's Hair Vigor,Bold IIJ ill Drust-lili aod I'crfumsti.

I F YOU AUK 3U7FEH1N0 from debilityand loss ot appetite; if your stomach Uout ot order, or your mind contused;take Aycr's Samparilla. This medielnawill rcstorn physical force ami elasticityto tho system, more surely and speedilytban any tonic yet discovered. ••"'

For six months I suffered from liverand stomach troubled. My food did notuou.-ish inn, and I became weak mulvery much ntnaciated. I took six bottlfl.4ot Avor'.s Sarsaparilla, and was cured.- J . i l . ttiliwtr, S|irlngflold, -Mass. •

', liny i'5,1880;

Chipf-.Tlinnipson has been at Jtorrislo-this week, working on the casc_of the

u"lliter,-rianimilT'eacoclf ^ i u i n i h s jod snnid wenks. agc^i Jij^*.-——--1~.~

Household Goods.


In !'n

Truu lo name anil of the best quality.

A bsol utel JLPU re-... A marvel 0:,

...jflo.-^Morov.amtllniicy- klihl," ami cannot Via #

illitudo ot low t(

Mrirket (itirilciicra can buy nl liutterlaire.uf nie.tlmn liy._KeiiilhiK.1to_I'liilafor Uiclr supplies;'" * ""

Vegctnlile find Flowei-iiisj I'lanls in Seiwon.



- Celery, EtcAll of my own growth mul true to n.iiuo.

Peruvian Gunuo (tho best,., fertilizer forflowering plimts). Pure Bono Bust. •/

S. E. CRAFT.• . , «

Daniel Wliipcrfc,

Toiisorial Ailist,

•Washington, N . .T.

* I

Page 4: The Drummer Talked Too Much. LADIES Machine …...March 11, 'SS—1y Ono extra (.'tinruvancK for frlcnilii furnlsliol fn» iif diurpi. TIIK iindi-r.Mu'iinl lmvlnir luul - . . _.neu


T B o y r - : • • • • - • • • • • •

My son, drop tbnt dimo uovel or flnshpapw' find It-fa liavo n little chnt.

Yes Indian nml ilotectivo stones nro, tLrillinff, l>«t ' W IP too mat. TheRhauouM uro that you will never HM n hvoImltoti mitHulo or it d raw «r a Rlruct j> a

'• rude, nnd n« for killing 'em-dou't.Ko douU you could strap n Iwwlo

kuifn nud revolver niouud your wawt,mitl tftko n loaf of lirwul uuder ono nrm

: • nml tlio pniiipWet lifu of IJtiftuIo Bill nu-ilDr tho other, nnd j;o wost »ud slay In*dinns by tho cord, but don't think of it.

AH ludinn hits fueling!* tlio snmo nn nivhito man, nnd ns but tavt of them lmvo

•'•'•: lnul by any liondajw mortgages, or in-vented to nny groat extent "in lifo iusnr-nnoo yon must realize tlmfc tho widows

''aud orphaan'ot your''victims 'would be.Icft'iu a Mil plight.

As tor detectivo sinrics, go ami talkwith a real detectivo or a county sheriff.

: Ask 'em about "Old SlctifhV disjjniscnnml exploits nnd mngm luck, nnd then

• listen carefully while they tell you wlmtn fool: you nro limiting of yourself by

'•"'";kgi;itidiit({ - tlio oiitl of your nose ngn:ust'••••- pages'ol Mtch trnahy fiction. Wo want

you to rend, but fur the lnud's ssilta look; nbout for ooniethinj diilVrent. Tliero

• .wo goal hoy books, your father taken, tho daily papers,1 nnd if yon should rend

ri jingo or two of history now. nnd thenyou wouldn'tjWnsto your tinio. :

Tlio crowd of Now York publishers: who aro flocdiog tho country with flush

papers nud dimo novels nro your worstcuouiies. No matter to them whether

. ' you grow up n respectable mnn or a mur-derer HO long ns they got your monoy.Their stories nro tho basest lies, too Billyeven for n boy toh'Vau'8 old to believe.

Now then look nbout you nud seehow many men in our stores cml fnctor-ics nud ofllccs nnd upon tho streets nrogetting gray nnd wrinkled and old,Twenty • years from now not ono in tenof us whom yon sco in business to-dnywill bo ablo to put our shoulders to tliowheel. Even n decade will rotiro tens ofthousands of us. "Wlint then? Why,my sou, this is a world that knows noRtops, This is n lifo that knows no'restuntil old ngo compels it. :

When tlia men of to-day nro laid up indry dock tho boys of to-duy will bo tliofresh set of hands cnllcd on deck to worktho ship. They will bo tho merchants,farmers, manufacturers and professionalmen of the future." You will have to

. benr tho burdens nud anxieties of keep-ing tliis couutry on tlio trncls of pencemid prosperity, nud your voices willsound from the halls of congress nndyour pen write words to bum in the

'• memory of future geuerntioiis,

Come now, begin riglit, Don't get it. into your head tlint mi ludmu-killer ia

'• r- nbout four pegs above a stnto senator.Don't imagine that n detective wouldn't

'. . trade places with a lawyer very quickly,' if ho hnd his say nbout it. Don't you- believo Hint nu embezzler, burglar or

• - murderer is n hero, and tlmt men admire: him. Drop your novels nnd flash papers

ns a sturtor. 'J Tho boy who feeds ou such.. itnisli gets false impressions of the world, -:i.j 'fl'itl.:" pi<ww»/»Ttnin:tn bring up in Stale

prfcoa than iu respectable employment.If you have a pistol lay it aside. The

•(man who csirrries one nbout tho Utrecht"is a coward, nud men mark him as imch.If you have it bowio knife on hand turnit over to your mother for n meat or breadknife.J. If you hnvo a sand club lying

• mound lociso shy jt into tho ditch befure. anybody finds how empty your head lms

been. That pair of brass knuckles canbe tossed into the river; "Old Sleuth"nnd "Buffalo Bill" will make n good bon-fire, nud then you nro ready to begin lifunnd ask yourself what trnde^or profession

. • slinll bo yours when dune in the pjhool.•^ —Detroit Free J'rcss.: : • • ; o-<u>.-«» .

. Why The?; Struck. „..„.,..„„""•"' Tliero""wasj iigrotip^of striking pnintevs

the corner of Michigan avenue andii n farmer, with his

*vr. A Man of Many;Disguises. .:: ..A prominent figuro at tho recent Tlon-

nu carnival waa n. well known bnll fre-quenter, a banlter'ri clerk by profession.This year ho han mai'.o it a point to at-tend nil tho festiviticH witiiont paying for

on, and entered into a Bolcmu•.vnger with tho various comniitteea ofpnblio entertainments that lio wouldgain access, frco of charge, to cadi oftho bulls and concerts iu spito of thostrictest watch ou tho part of tho door-

keepers. Ho has won his wager, so far,iu every instance. Ouco lio nppoared iutho uniform of a poHcemnu, another timous a detectivo ofllccr, with tho cnglu buttonhole, and so olovcrly disguisedthat nobody dared to refueo him adtnis*siou. Wheu tho first opera ball was givenat Viunun nud tho carriages wcro stnud-ing in lino toadwtauco of n mile, two

»u, bearing n covered Utter, suddenlybroko through the row of carriages. I twas Etipp<»cd that a misfortune had hap-pened in tho ball-room, and thoy were al-lowed to puss. Or. reaching tho vesti-Ditl» our f reo guest arose from tho stnitch-pr.-fnnltlrfisly nttirod in .cyeninRulresa.The fourth time, n groom wearing thoimpeiial livery and c;irryiu'g his plumedhut under his nrm appeared nt the top oftho slnlra, making n wny; for • himselfthrough tho crowd with a short staff thathe held in his hand. "Who is herufrom court?" iutpu'red hundreds of voices.

His Imperial Highness --:•—-," Thoremaining words were lost in tho throngwhich swept through tho doors takingtlio groom with them, who was no otherthnn our banker's clerk. '"Hnuco, Indiesnnd gentlemen, nnuco 1" exelnimcd n nim-ble fjnnymc'lo cii'rryiug ft tureen in bothhands, nnd proudly our ingenious friendpassed in again in tho phnrapter of awaiter, right under the noacs of the tiukistcollectors. At ono of tho lust maskedballs n cab driver, to tho horror cf themnnngiiiK comniitlco, created n' violentriisturbnnco by mailing into tho ante-room, shouting at tho top of his voico,"I say, I want my money, d'yo hear?Where is that genlleman llmtcamoiuhero without paying his fare ? all! thereho i s ! " Jio said, point,iiig with his whipIn 4he direction of tho ballroom, whither,in spite of all attempt? ID stop him hofollowed tho suppositions defaulter. Theuinnagers found out too Into that theyhnd again been "dono" by tho frco visi-tor, and hnd consequently lost their bet.

Tliero is no dnngor to human life moreto be drended than tbnt which nrises froivitiated blood. Dyspepsia, rheumatism,heailnche, nnd general debility, all resultfrom it and are cured by tho use of Ayo'r'sSarsapnrilln. Take it this mouth. Sixbottles, $o.

How John L. Would Be Made Useful.;3r.r. iTolm L. Sullivan dropped into

the Chicago,polico headquarters on Wed-nesday night nnd expressed n desire to

tlio four nrrcsted Anarchists, Iliarrrmest was nt onco granted, and, afterwalking slowly by tho cells and lookingclosely nt tho prisoners, ho turned to theadmiring policemen who surrounded him

KHiiirked: "Well.- Iu them the fel-lers that's bin killin' everybody? I'd liketo tnke a contract to lick do hull party."-X. )'. Sim.

wl.iV inJuuS>SB!S1rJ^Ullaa^. " I s th i sas tnko?"

•w.;-'.'.Yes,.sir,".replitsdone.of'the myn.- ••'. "What Hctms to lie tlie trouble nil over

the couuty. just now?".. "Well, sir," replied an oldish man with

• innuy spots of paint on his vest, "thetrouble is there are too many men in thecountry." •'.- • .

"All bosh, Jim 1" exclaimed a youngman who was "cleaning his finger-nailswith n putty knife. " I toll you the

"' whole thing coiuca nbout from the effortsof a few to build up an •aristocracy."

"Well, you must be green 1" sneereda third one. "This crisis was precipitat-ed upon us ns a combined effort of thecapitalists to draiii us of our lifo blood."

• "Life blood bo hanged ! " exclniaied nfourth an ho enmo to the front. "Anyninn with brains knows that tho troublestarted with Jay Gould. Ho wantsi to

1 own tlio.United^Slatea^':.,..,'

er ?." sarcastically remarked the last of?-, the--group. - "The .trouble is nil politicians, ..wlio: want, to..,wind us

it: around-the Jr^:,ii]]gcrs.'-~^\Vo~.w6n'ti*.'btj;•. wound,-.henco tliis.cxeitcincnt.".-..••.'—,-.. ••.-.

"That's tho trouble, ch ? ' queried, the

"Yos, sir," answered the fivo together',each one speaking for Ins own theory.

"Glad to know it, Much oblecRod,gcutlcnicn. I knew it must bo suthin' orother, and I'm glad T found out,"—De-troit Free /ifces.

Eucklen's Arnica Salve.• • Tlic Jlest Sulvo in tlio world for Guts

• Bruises, Sores, Ulcoia, Snlt. llbcuin, Fever. Sores, Tetter, Olmppcd Hands, Ciiillilnins,

Coma, mut nil. SiiV Eruptions, nml positively,cures" Piles, or no pnyrcipiived.1 It is gnnr*nutcod to give perfect satisfaction, or monoy

:' 'rofnmletl Price 25 cents per box. ForBfilo by Warren County Drug Store.

An Enterprising Reliable House.The Warren Couuty Drug Store enn

always be relieil upon, not only to carryin stock the best of everything, but to se-cure tho Agency for such articles as have• ell-known merit, and nro popular with

the people, thereby sustaining tho repu-tntiou of being always enterprising, andever reliable. Having secured;.- thoAgency for the celebrated" l}r. King1!Xcw Discovery fur Conmiiupton, will sellit ou a positive guarantee. It will surelycure any nnd every affection of Throat,.Lr>:igs;"r.iiiliCiieat,1 and to BIIGW our:ccn-fidt'uee, we invite you to cull nud get nTrial Jiottle Frco. At the Warren Coun-ty Drug Store.

-.: Customer—"WbntliavoyoulhiBmorn-ing?" Waiter—"Beefstcnlt^ and fish ;fisli^ftll gone, Whal'll you have." —'JiaJf/oT . •' . !;, " , •' ..

"•-Ho^-"Jove 1 I'd like to bo one I" SliO—;_(!On.o ivhftl?'*. He—"Cesiaus. I t em-

es-17,000,000 w o m e n . 7 . - - ^

TV Creaking Hinge: Isilryaml turnslinril,until oil iaapplied,. nttor which It moves cosily. Wliim tliojoints, oi hinges, of tuo body oro stiffenedand Inflamed \>y Rheumatism, they can-not 1)0 moved wltliout causing lho mostcxcruciattDRpnlns. Aycr's Snrflaparllia,hyjts action on tlio Wood, relieves thiscondition, and rcatorca tho joints to goodworking order. \

Aycr's Snrennariiia hai o(Toctcil,!n ourcity, many most rmnnrkaliln cures, Iticues which liafllcil Ibo cfTorts of tliomost experienced physicians. AVcro Itnecessary, I could u\\a tho tuimcH ofinanyindivldiinb who have been curedliy taking this incclicitin, In my ciwo Itlias worked woudurs, ml loving uiu ol

Rheumatism,ftftor bolnn troubled with it for yearn. Inthis, ami nil othnr dlHnaicji nriHliiR fromImnuru hloml, thorn h no renicily withwhich r am nefniniiUciI, that afford* Michrd io t -M A.vcr'M Snrnnpnrilln. — It, J[ .Lawrcucc, M. D., HaiUinorc, K.l. >•

Ayer'B Sarnaparill.i cured mo of 'Oon'tond ItlioimiJiUain, when tiotliiiiR CIHUwould. I t has eradicated cvory tnico uiiliseaso from my ftvntcni. —It, H. Short,llanager Hotel Ilufitiuiit, Lowell, HASH.

I TrflMlurttiK many month<t, nBiifTcrrrfrom chronic ltliitiunatisin. Tlio dl-sciiso•diluted ma {•ric.vtmnh-. In spilnof all tlmrciiicdioH I could tliul/imtll 1 rommenccd(isiiiR Aycr'H Sarxa|iarilla. 1 to.ik ncv- 'cral bottler of thl.<t |iri>]>aratfou, nml wn.-t *Bpoodily restoriiil tu liuultli. — J . Freain.IudupcnLlciicc, Va. *

Ayer's Sarsapar i l la ,

JEWELRY.Gold and Silver Watches,

Clocks, Jewelry of the Latest

Styles, Silverware In every

variety, Piamoiul, Amethyst,

Cameo, Pearl and Wedding

Rings, Gold and Silver Specta-

cles, and everything usually

found in a First-class Jewelry


Agents for the Rockford

Watches. ;

x ik. 5i

345 Northampton St.,




Ladies1 college, Prepares yonijr mooFor college, - Best fuuilitiea for niusic, "iirland commercial brunches, TliorougliucFin every ilopartment. Ij«st building of its

class, with steam-lienlor, lina, hot and cold•aler, etc. Close attention to innntitrs,

morals ami bualtli. Location jiloasnut tnullicaHh1" Catalogue Font free u» run|tli-cation. Year opens September 5.


"Too much absorbed in his business,"

death "[ a brewer wlio was louud drown-ed in a tauk of his own beer.— FrcnvhJoke.

Wonderful Cures.W. IX Hoyt «t Co,, Wlinlcsitlc and He-

tail Druggists of Homo, Go., say: "Wohave been selling Dr. King'a 2fcw Dis-covery, Electric Bittera and Biicklon'sArnica Salve, for two years. Have neverhandled remedies'that sell as well, orgive Hitch universal satisfaction. Therehave been some wonderful cures effectedby these medicines in this city. Severalcases of pronounced Consumption havebeen entirely cured by uso ot a low bot-tles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taltoniu counection with Electric Biuucrs, \ Woguarantoo them always, Sold_ at "Waiflniintiy'-Brng Storo".-' .'"^1' ;"','.1' !'"!";•

A Itondout mnu of small statiiro givesLS a reaGOii for liia stunted growth thatliei was'lironghttii) when ababy"6u cou-deused milt,—Kingston Frccnian.

For ladies who frequently need a regu-lator iu the many liltlo colds, nick bend-nclics, nervous complaints and othertroubles incident to suddon exposure- andto indoor lifo, nud yet do nuot oed aregular physician, Roynl Elixir ia an in-vnlnnblo iclief. Tho Elixir is a house-hold remedy, nud it OCIB like a charm iucliildrou'u ailments. , •

y ^ y said I could not live.My liver out of order, frequently vomit-ed greenish mucons, skin yollow, amalldry humors on fnco, atomncli would notretain food. Burdock Blood Bittera cur-ed mo." Mrs. Adolnid 0'Broiiv373 Ex-chaugo St., Buffalo, N. Y.

K(\v, Sam .Tones has lifo insurance, invarious compnnics to the extent of $12,-000". All firo risks ho tnkca himself.—Free Press,

AvCard. .™"Ti) sll^lio arc.' Huffuringi.rprs and iudiBcreiioris,pI.youth, :n_ervc_wealina 'vfierly^Qowiv^loiag of"manhood*tc • I will "GDnil 'ii rccipt tn£t will'iCnro

AH who buy meat will findit to their advantage to pat-?0Ri?e my market located ont h e , r S § T ! M A R T ^ L O T , : onWashington "avtuiue^ __;_I keepnone but the best. meats~anclkillithe best stock to be liad inthe market. Give me a trialand be convinced as others are,

Jacob Myers,Washington, N. J.

x. sProfessor of Drawing&. Painting,

•Formurlv u tcnelicr of free linml dniwlnirIn the Emscoiml MIsjli School lit Witshlntj-ton, X. J. A gueu'tHful tixliibllur ut lliu

Centennial Exhibition 1876, .Portraits I.ainlseniws, .Marino Viuws. Ac.1, InOil.'I'ustuhor- Crayon. •;Crnyoii V<irli-«lts"!M)

'M*!.imlj!C,,-witho«L.rniiin!...1J10.G0. drawn

inii'h i>f r(iseml)hiin!U mill urlisiiu ullcct, Sut-isfoetlon ifunriiiiUwil to purwma liiivlng ]>lu>:os•jf ilcccuseil vcl.Hlvcfl tn. l iu unlarffei]; ultum-•ims mutlu hi di'CES to fiiiW euBtomem-or new

New Hnmptou, Himtcraon Co., Ni J.



CleniiBes llio

Inikmiufttion. ,

Restores t lie'Senses of Taste,Sinc-11,"-Healing.A quick Relief.

HAYrEEVER A fsitivo Ciu'(Ainilym pnrtlelo of tho Itnfm' Into onch iinatrll,

A'i tow niiiilifiitloiiH rellnvo. 'A tli«roii(,'li trwit-muntwill uiiro. AfsrcoaMi^to uw, •' (iSomlforclruiilnr. 1'rico Bl.1'i:oiila, liy mtuVor ni

Rogers' Grapoline!-Tlila iiropafntlou Is I

mild nml Kouiln HHIIWl t l H t l l_.ithftrttc,iiUoriiUvo ar.

wnlc It is most cn»>illy lircimred lir ifn





Stairway & Sons, Kranicti • & Bach,J. &C. Fischer, &c.

| i.ic;fn'|.tV)

irnntralporlMniumd olomirrtntlAn toiinrtrindpnl tl»<\7o.n, ut lultlnt iincl tc.-mllMl nolntu, conmitutca tlio most Impoitmit mltji^nWUInl; ia that ovotoiu ol iMrotiali truitiportittloii whlcli InvitoJ nmi!-.:oJtr.ivctrtnnt tmllle botwcoa cltl '

15I1 trijitiportittloii whlcli InvitoJ iind fticlll-itmt tmllle botwcoa cltfo;i or tlio Atlantfc fttut 1'aclHj (.'oiihta. It

, . nl.'JO tlio ftivorlti] nutl boat rotuo to and fioni i*.otnt:i Unst,' IlorthcnDt nudt'ouMio^iC, r.nd corr«spontlln<r points W esc, Kortliwoat nnd yoiltnwcfU.

Tlio Hock it!l3iiil cyai'im Includes In itn main lino mut rmw.'hcK, Chlcntfo,.ToIXl, O:t:iv,'.i; LaUiMr), l'»37!:i. Uonccco. Mnltno imd Hoc!:•Irtnnt!. In Jlli"pl«:]}•<.?ttiit)Ot*t( Mu^ciiliio, wnptiln^toii, Fntrttcld, (jUtimu'r.. OtilmlooHH, WcBt.Aiulubcn, Ilarljn, Ciutin-lu Cutitro und Council • Uliiliu. In Iownj (Jiillntln,Trr.ut^u, Cameron un;l Itoisns City, In Mlpsonrl; Lonvt.'nworth niul Atchiaon,Sn )I '.nsa.i: Alliors I^oi, Ml!inj:ipolla ontt at. Paul, in nucsom; Wntortown Inmicou, unil luinctrccUoi'tiitonnodittto cities. tov.T.3 vlllncca nnd atntlong.

THE C»££AT'R0CK ISLAND ROUTECiii.iriv.itc:ia Its pntrona tlu>t foneo of poraonnl eccurltjr iiirordocl by n solid,

n/hlv hiltivitotl ro^d'ocd; Hinootli trneka or contlmtoitd fitoul rnll: sub-[.'i and uriilcoo; -*- ' " "

nil Cjnncctlnir nolnW in UnionJii^miojt of its i\iiit!CJi'?of I'qiiipnionc.

Tlio Fust Espro."v=» Tmin'J i)s:iv«oii Chicafro nnd tho Mifpourl Bivornrn com-jm-wdor v.Milvimtllat.vl.nnoiy iniliolatcrcd DnyConctict?. MnKnlUcent Piillmnni'.ilnco Slnt'iiora or t!iu hitcsc tlorlRn, nntl numptiioiiji Dinlntf Cum in whichdnborntoly cnut:o:l ir.onU nro iRicurcly union, "ifootl I)!«o»tlon wnttintr on/ippttittc. mid Hunlth nn lioth." Uotwoon ClilcnKo mid KniiHi'.n ciiy untlAlclihjn, nro n!.)o run tlio Oilubrntncl n»c!in!ti{; Chulr Curd

TtlU FMilOUQ ALBERT LEA ROUTEIs tlio dtrocfc nnd Tuvorito llr.o uctv.von Ciiicairo nnd Mlnncnpolln and n t . rnu l .v;!ur:v) fti:iu!>i:t!(tus nro nnultt in Union 1).-I>OUJ for nil polntrt.ln tliu Llrltiali r'ro\*lnco^.' Ovor t!;li route, Kxproaa TrotiW i»r.» rim ui lliu\viiti'flR:.r plarc't. sumra'T "esoptrf. titctun^nuo locjlllli-d, »HK1 imntlnirnnd lls*n-Uvt [,'i-ounrtri uf lowii niul Mli:nw.'t't. It I-J iileri tli" most tU-sirnblo routo to tlio;-k,U whKii, ilc-ldd nml ii'iur.or-il [nm\n ofintorior I)fl:ota.

'.Hlill nuolltar. tJlitKUT LINK, vlu Honucii and Kunkukoo, has boon openedliauvmrn Mowyort Nowy. Rlclt'nond. Chicinnntl. Inrllnnnpollfl. nnd Ltifiiyotto umlCouncil mull.'. Knnsnii City, MinnoiHKilln und at. Paul and intennoillure i.oiir-S.

Kor L'.Q'. -M'j-.i Infnriuutlun r.ue ?Japa nnd Koldt-m uutnlnnblu. ty» well iiaTlclryl.'!. tin nil principal Tlckut OlUCut) l:\ «iu Unltod Bttitoa imd.Cur.udtti or.

R. R. CABLE,i"rijsit.'«r.t nntl Ocncral Manarjor. Chleago.

E. ST. JOHN,General Ticket anil Passuntjer Aoen), Chlcaco.

223'& 235 Korthamptori St. Eactoni

Jhiindolphin &_Roncling 11. R.JS'i'M-Jcl'MI'y 4.?«'Ilt I'llt 1)1 V.

TIMI:TMH™H:T. vu isti-..1 TruiiiK l.rnre.hinHhiii . • -

••\7 A. M.-Ciii.iwi'itttKiit SfitniTvlllu for I'lem-iL-f.n; nt l! llr.K.K r»r Tr<-nt»ii nml riillii-"Ijililn. nt i:i|»tlK.>lli fof Jjmf llmncli, Oa-nii

l'.:j'i'.\. 'M.—(riiiiiiii-iliiR m l I lull IlrMKD foi;<'lir>nli>y'>i .Vniititnlii, Illu-li llri'lti't ltnnioli. &•:.,L.-'i>iii'-nlll<>f"r I'ti'siilimtiiu; nt llnuii'l llrtwik foi

AHegerdrganSTYLE O. Uo. 32,

Only *80.00,

.H3C.H AfvK!





_ ..'..Backward


S U R P A S S E S E X P E G T A T S O K . >••For Sals' By A. B. GROFF & CO., Washington, N..J.

••• At ihe Rare Bargains now offered by-

HI>IJ. I t is our iiliuiKimi lo iiiinoimcc tlio Invgo now stock ol b p n n g fal.vloHof IMiulilo Furiiitui'n of lho Lntcst Kijsigna. ... •;:


- • JUSTBmliv DiiiUinR, next ilour to tho post office Hooms lnrjo t..A commnjinus. TnMranow »i«l innmirnolurccl by tlio cclobraloiVJ. M. Hnrismck & Bulko U o . , . N . Y.V willarc iironoimooi! by good iudgOB to bo tlio brat in tlio world.,, Oomo niul HOC ovon 11 youdon't play. .'No pny 1 ltoom Tor nil. Uost bramla.oF cigars nlwiya on liniul.

JOHN S CSSTOHP rbpristor

AN I LU. tln'lroivnli<«nc».97topmr<-ok win i» mnntiy m.i>iD.;,No ui.oio ™i»


j./tlon(iim euro." joiis 11. AicAi.vis,Muss., II years Tax Collector. Boot In>ti i i W r o B s . , : - • . • • .• • "



H:inik6ti. PIQHES ~anii Organs


[itiiII<fiul l

: nt llnnt Kli

'1ES^5'VSil'S^ riAiS?'*1^:. | .-\V,iy.

T.l-J A. .11.- K.a-.MiHti'l. IIKIUI:.

l'l.* ' A.' >'(• —t-vr S'f/.tur ''(, .Vt".: l J l ' M 1 ' M t riiinit:..:.:. I. M.r<.rK.nintiu. * .i l l V. H.-1-ur Mim-.'li, A

•,M'I.S.I.-I*.\. .»[.: i.t"u."ti, ' l.H'.'i-^i, *i-1*>, V.HI, I'iaiT. M. - Hiimliiv-. -i.ti! A. M.. :>••'•" I". M.- ••

Ni-wnrk. HIIJCI Sir.'.'t M.-nimi, T.IK), H.l\ A.M.; Lift, l.iio.' l.iw, •i,:a, 'i..V, 'i.i!."i, V.iiV I'. ,M. .-''• - ;..;r. i*. Ji.( __ _ _ ^ ^ ^ .

ri.m.'ii.i«, T .K 'M^ ' I ' 1 ' M. Vuii'iaj-s uTi, \.'"i\.

'"'liihiiM-li -".in. T,:1:, i'.:;7 ;,. "M.; ifis,iiii, 3.1M,

s,:i«r.>i. Ni'ti-rjv«i5:'r»A,Al.tT-ii'iV..\i," "' '•

(.•.U.JIANViH'K.C.n. I'JI^. ATkt. Atfi.

-l.V:. VWlTii^V'j'-ut'ntl'iliiiiaijor.

T'OBB of appetite, Dowels coiilve, P»1D latho hcaJ, TTitb a dull •ensatlon In thol>:icli~p(irt.-i ininiiuucr tun •uouluci-blndci Fullno«n nftrr catlne, vrllh nUlt-lnclIiinUoato exertion of body ortnlaJ,Irritu.'iilitr of temper, LoTT»piritii(TjUhafccllDK* riinvlneiicslcctcd lomo dutViWenrincjs, DI7.1lnens, Flut tcr lns attliQHeart . Docs befbrctho eyes,Ilcadftchoover tho r l jh t eye, Reatlcsinana, withCtful tlrcnms, IHablr colored Urtac ( and

CGNSTSPATIOH. . .." TCTT'S l ' lLL3ato especially atlaptcflto such cascH, ono closo oiTccrg saoL itclnnK(ioffcn!tTif;'iati>H3luni»litlioautroron- Thcylnctensetlin Ai>(]etitc,ftmlcause tboVody "> Take on Flcili.tliiw tbo fystcra isnourisheil.nnd by their Tonic Action onUiumKMtlveOrcanB.KeBiilBrStooliBroprniliictl. I'rlf« •!.• Murray S1..W.Y,

S9V liLxCIi by a slnglo application of_Dre. I t Imparts a natural color, aota

Instantaneously. Sold hy Drucs'otB, 0?cent by czprem On receipt of 9 1 .O?iic0j44 ?i/)«rraySt., Now York.


; 'PARASOLS; •;::: : ::

And SUN UMBRELLS:Our stock is lsirger limn any fornior season,

m i d p r i c o l o w e r . ••••

Two ©x3®0^21! Bargains

To the People of Washing-ton and Vicinity.

i tal;o great.pleasure in calling .your nttonlion to our'Inrgo and cow-.'••••' plcto stock rf general

Dry Goods and Oarpetings.•Ivorj* department stocked with tho clioicost novelties nud readv for tlioJpriiig tnulo. Our

DRESS GOODSIcpaitinQiib embraces all tlio now eftWfl iu Cottnu, "Wool and Silk stuilkS'evor before Imyo we sliowed such nit clcgfint lino as wo aro this sonson.n CAIUM'JTINGS our atock ia equal Io nianv in tho l:ii"ci' cities. OUItL'JIICES "WE CiUARANTKE MUCH LOWElt. Our snleB are largouougli to wnrraiit us to carry full lines of

Ingrains, Tepestry, Bodys and Velvetsith !miult>oiiiG Jjfirdcis to ninteh. .. IN'GIiAlNS from Me to Too BODYS from $1.00 to $1.50.

TAl'E.STJiY " 680 to $.1.00.. . . VKLVETS ". ?1.2u to ?l.Bn. .

A Lifo Esporlonco. Komarkablo nndquick euros. Trial Packages . Sondotamp for aoalod pftrtloulars. AddrosaOr. WARD & C O , L o u i s i a n a , Nlo*


- I N -

Eliadame and Surah Silksin nil lho leading .slindos. <••.

JSIack Silk and Black €ash-nicrciUcpartmcnt

well Jilleil with bargains. Ciissimores for Men and Boy's wear.Suits made to order at short notice.'"


1AT. \V. Cor. Centre Square, Easton, Pa.

•I - taa r i •sor-B•:-%# B s y

Tlio Loiicliiig Dry Goods and Cmpot House in this Section of tho Country.. Apr ]—1>- • .

Extra Good Bargains Now Being Offered!

A spceiul purcliiiso o[ now :mil dusimlilu !DRKSS GOODSbought :it:i grail, bacril iuc^Oiisloiuers gut (lio liunolit. "

"-=-" '--I31nck: Silks nfcugrai t Kodnotion. -."-•-.-•.-;.- ••-.-••; •-:-•;Smnmur Silks oii'c-quui'loi' less tliiiij last yciir.Silk Gloves '1'.) cents, woi-tk HO cents. rKill Gloves f>0 .cents, worth 75 cents.Corsets BO cents, worth SO cents.'Siitteens la cents, worth MO cents.Panisols and Jerseys at low prices.

229 Northampton St. Easton.

Only H- blocks from Delaware bridge. •

§yraguse=and Wiard Wood and Steelr Beam Chiilea Plows -=" - :

For Sale Very Cheap atHulsizer Ss Mershon's, Washington,

; : New Jersey. ; ,*,„.,;

a descrlptfons end [llustrdtlohs3, Mill bo palled on rccnlpt of

(P . O. B o x 2094),

35 Goiilanat St., flsw York.