the driver license compact

dlc THE DRIVER LICENSE COMP ACT (Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Administrators) Administrative Procedures Manual 1994 U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in cooperation with the Executive Committee of the Driver License Compact Commission and American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators Original Publication Date: 1990 (Revised April, 1994)

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THE DRIVER LICENSE COMPACT(Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Administrators)



Manual 1994

U.S. Department of Transportation

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

in cooperation with the

Executive Committee of the Driver License Compact Commission


American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators

Original Publication Date: 1990 (Revised April, 1994)

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The Driver Lic ense Compac t (DLC) is a ma jor step nec essa ry to m aximize lawenforc em ent effo rts aga inst drunk drivers and othe r serious traffic o ffenders. Seri-ous offenses suc h a s d runk d riving , vehic le manslaug hte r, rec kless d riving , etc ., a reno less serious when c om mitted in som e o ther jurisd ic tion than when c om mitted inthe d river’s home Sta te.

The Driver Lic ense C om pac t Com mission me mb ership c onsists of the Comp ac tAd ministra tor, or his designee , from ea c h jurisd ic tion tha t is pa rty to the Comp ac t.The Exec utive Comm ittee o f the Com mission is c ha rged with d irec ting and super-

vising the a ffairs, co mm ittees, and pub lic a tions of the Comm ission; p rom ot ing itsob jec tives; and sup ervising d isbursem ent of its fund s. The Americ an Assoc ia tion ofMo tor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) serves as the Sec retariat.

The informa tion p resented in this Ad ministra tive Proc ed ures Ma nua l expa nd s uponthe p reviously pub lished op erations ma nua l of the Driver Lic ense Com pac t.


This pub lic a tion is the result o f a joint effo rt betwe en the Exec utive Co mm ittee o fthe Driver Lice nse Compac t Commission and sta ff of AAMVA and NHTSA. We wishto express tha nks to the Co mm ission me mb ers who so g ene rously donated theirtime a nd efforts in the ir review and prep ara tion o f the revised administra tivep roc ed ures p resented herein.


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1.1. Purpose 11.2. The Driver Lic ense Compac t 11.3. Definitions 4


2.1. Issuance of a License

2.1.1. App lic a tion 52.1.2. Surrender of Lic ense 52.1.3. Affidavit of Non-Lic ensure 62.1.4. Verifica tion of Sta tus 62.1.5. NDR/ CDLIS Check 62.1.6. Who Sha ll Not Be Lic ensed 7

2.2. Notification and Exchange of Records

2.2.1. Notice to Prior Jurisd ic tion of Residenc e 8 Manua l Transmission2.2.1.2. Elec tronic Transmission2.2.1.3. Destruction Agreeme nts2.2.1.4. Affida vits

2.2.2. Ac tion Upon Rec eip t of Notifica tion 9 Dete rmina tion of Prior Rec ord2.2.2.2. Rec ord Entry Upon Notifica tion2.2.2.3. No Existing Rec ord

2.3. Driver History Record

2.3.1. Form of Rec ord 92.3.2. Da ta Transmitted 102.3.3. Length of History 102.3.4. Inc lusions of Prior History 102.3.5. Timeliness 102.3.6. Head ing 102.3.7. Certifica tion 10


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Page2.4 Reports of Conviction

2.4.1. Convic tion Reports Required 112.4.2. Timeliness 112.4.3. Form of Report 112.4.4 Data Content 11

2.5 Administrative Actions

2.5.1. Adverse Ac tions 12 Supp orting Doc ume ntation2.5.1.2. Ac tion Upo n Rec eipt of Notific at ion

2.5.2 Timeliness 12

2.6 Clearances

2.6.1. Clearanc e Required 12

2.6.2. When Sta tes Sha ll Issue Clea ranc e 13

2.7. Withdrawals and Restorations

2.7.1. NDR Notifica tion Required 132.7.2. Timeliness 132.7.3. Content of Notices 13


3.1. Forma ts for Manual Transmission

3.1.1. Affidavit of Non-Lic ensure (See 2.1.3.) 143.1.2. Transmitta l of Licensure (See 143.1.3. Clearanc e Form (See 2.5.) 143.1.4. Convic tion Report (See 2.4.) 153.1.5. Sta tement of Withd rawa l/ Reinsta tement (See 2.7.) 15

3.2 Forma t for Electronic Transmission

3.2.1. Driver History Record 153.2.2. Convic tion Report 153.2.3. Withd rawa ls/ Restora tions 15



A. Model Legisla tion 22B. Notic e of Confirmation 24C. Definitions 25D. Formats 27E. Compac t History 30


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1.1. Purpose

The information presente d in this Administra tive Proc ed ures Ma nua l should p rovide grea teruniformity amo ng the memb er jurisd ictions whe n excha ng ing information with othe rme mb ers on c onvic tions, rec ords, licenses, withd rawa ls, and othe r data pertinent to thelicensing process. Uniformity should ea se a dministrative c osts c onsistent with the concep twhich forms the b asic tenet within the a greeme nt that ea ch d river, nationw ide, have onlyone d river lic ense a nd one d river rec ord.

1.2. The Driver License Compact



(1) The party States find that:

(a) The safety of their streets and highwa ys is ma terially affec ted b y the d eg reeof c omplianc e w ith state laws and loc a l ordinanc es relating to the op eration o fmo tor vehic les;

(b) Violat ion of such a law or ordinanc e is evidenc e that the violator engag es inc ond uc t which is likely to end anger the safety of p ersons and p rop erty;

(c) The continuance in force of a lice nse to drive is predicated upo n comp li-anc e with laws and o rd inanc es relating to the op eration of mo tor vehic les, inwhicheve r jurisd ic tion the vehicle is op erate d.

(2) It is the policy of each of the party states to:

(a) Promo te co mp lianc e with the law s, ordinances, and a dm inistrative rules andreg ulations relating to the operation of moto r vehic les by their op erato rs in ea ch ofthe jurisd ict ions where suc h op erators drive mo tor veh icles;

(b) Make the rec iproca l rec ognition of lic enses to drive and e ligibility thereforemo re just a nd eq uitab le by c onsidering the o verall comp lianc e w ith mo tor vehic lelaws, ord inanc es, and administra tive rules and reg ula tions as cond ition prec ed entto the c ontinuanc e o r issuanc e o f any license b y rea son o f which the licensee isauthorized or permitted to o perate a motor vehic le in any o f the p arty state s.


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DEFINITIONS—As used in this com pac t:

(1) “ State ” means a state , territory or possession o f the United State s, the Distric t ofColumb ia, o r the Com monwea lth of Puerto Rico.

(2) “ Home state” means the state which has issued a nd has the power to suspend orrevoke the use of the license o r permit to op erate a motor vehic le.

(3) “ Convict ion” mea ns a c onvict ion of any offense related to the use or operation of amo tor vehic le whic h is p rohibited by sta te law , munic ipa l ordinanc e, or administra -tive rule or reg ula tion, or a fo rfeiture o f ba il, bond , or other sec urity dep osited tosec ure a pp ea ranc e b y a pe rson c harged with having committed a ny such offense,and which convic tion or forfeiture is req uired to b e reported to the lic ensing author-



REPORTS OF CONVICTION—The licensing authority of a party sta te sha ll rep ort ea chc onvic tion of a person from anothe r pa rty sta te oc c urring within its jurisd iction to thelicensing authority of the hom e sta te o f the lic ensee . Suc h rep ort sha ll clea rly identify theperson convicted; describe the violation specifying the section of the statute, code, orordinance violation; ide ntify the court in which a c tion w as taken; indica te w hether a p leaof g uilty or not g uilty wa s ente red or the c onvic tion wa s a result of the forfeiture o f ba il,bond , or other sec urity; and sha ll include any spec ia l find ings ma de in co nnec tion the re-




(1) The lic ensing a uthority in the home state , for the purpose of suspe nsion, revoc a tion,or limitat ion o f the license to op erate a m oto r vehicle, sha ll g ive the same effec t tothe c ond uct rep orted, pursuant to Artic le III, as it would if such c ond uc t ha d oc -curred in the ho me sta te, in the c ase o f co nvic tions for:

(a) Manslaughter or negligent homicide result ing from the operation of a motorvehicle;

(b) Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverag es or anarco tic to a deg ree which renders the d river incap able of safely driving a motorvehicle;

(c) Any felony in the c ommission of which a motor vehicle is used; or

(d) Failure to stop and render aid in the event of a motor vehic le ac cidentresulting in the dea th o r persona l injury of another.


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(2) As to othe r convictions, rep orted p ursuant to Artic le III, the licensing a uthority in thehome state shall give such effec t to the c ond uc t a s is provide d by the law s of thehome state.

(3) If the law s of a pa rty state d o not provide for offenses or violations de nominated ordesc ribed in prec isely the w ords em ployed in sub d ivision (a ) of this artic le, suc hparty sta te sha ll construe the deno mination a nd desc rip tion a ppea ring in subd ivi-

sion (a) he reo f as being a pp lica b le to and ident ifying those o ffenses or violat ions ofa sub stantia lly simila r na ture, and the laws of suc h party sta te sha ll c onta in suc hprovisions as ma y be nec essary to ensure tha t full force and effec t is g iven to thisarticle.


APPLICATIONS FOR NEW LICENSES—Upon a pp lic a tion for a license to d rive, the lic ensing

authority in a p arty sta te sha ll ascertain whe ther the a pp lica nt ha s eve r held , or is theho lder of, a lic ense to drive issued by any othe r party sta te. The lic ensing a utho rity in thesta te w here a pp lica tion is ma de sha ll not issue a lic ense to drive to the a pp lica nt if:

(1) The ap plica nt has held such a l icense, but the same has been suspended byreason, in whole or in part, of a violation and if such suspension period has notterminated.

(2) The ap plica nt has held such a lice nse, but the sam e has be en revoked by rea son, inwho le o r in p a rt, of a violation a nd if such revoc a tion ha s not te rminated , exc ep tthat after the e xpira tion o f one year from the d a te the lic ense w as revoked , suchperson may make ap p lic a tion for a ne w license if permitted b y law. The licensingauthority ma y refuse to issue a license to any suc h a pp licant if, a fter investiga tion,the lic ensing authority dete rmines tha t it will not be safe to grant to such p erson theprivilege o f driving a mo tor vehic le on the pub lic h ighwa ys.

(3) The ap plica nt is the holde r of a lic ense to d rive issued b y another pa rty state a ndc urrently in forc e unless the app lic ant surrenders suc h lic ense.


APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAWS—Except a s expressly req uired by p rov isions of this c om -pa c t, nothing c onta ined herein shall be c onstrued to e ffect the right o f any pa rty state toapp ly any of its othe r laws relating to licenses to d rive to any person or c irc umstanc e, norto invalida te o r prevent a ny driver lic ense a greement or other coop erative a rrang ementbe tween a pa rty state and nonpa rty state.



(1) The head of the lice nsing a uthority of eac h pa rty state shall be the ad ministrator ofthis com pac t for his sta te. The a dministrato rs, ac ting jointly, sha ll ha ve the pow er toformulate all nece ssary and proper proced ures for the excha nge of informationunde r this compa c t.


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(2) The a dm inistrator of eac h pa rty state shall furnish to the a dm inistrator of eac h otherparty sta te a ny information or doc ume nts rea sona b ly nec essary to fac ilitate theadministration of this compact.



(1) This com pa ct shall enter into force a nd bec ome effec tive as to any state when ithas ena c ted the sam e into law.

(2) Any pa rty state may withdraw from this co mpa ct by enacting a statute repea lingthe same, but no suc h withdraw a l sha ll take effec t until 6 months a fter the exec u-tive hea d of the w ithdraw ing state has given notic e o f the withdraw al to theexec utive hea ds of a ll othe r party sta tes. No withdrawa l sha ll a ffec t the va lidity orapp lic ab ility by the licensing a uthorities of sta tes rem aining p arty to the com pac t ofany repo rt of c onviction o c curring prior to the w ithdrawa l.


CONSTRUCTION AND SEVERABILITY—This c om pac t sha ll be libera lly construed so a s toeffec tua te the p urposes thereof. The p rovisions of this com pac t sha ll be severab le; and ifany phrase, c lause, sente nc e, or provision o f this c om pac t is dec la red to b e c ontrary tothe c onstitution o f any p arty sta te o r of the United Sta tes or the a pp lica b ility thereof to anygove rnme nt, ag enc y, person, or circ umstanc e is held invalid , the va lidity of the rema inderof this compac t and the a pp licability thereo f to any government, age ncy, person, orc ircumstanc e shall not b e a ffected thereb y. If this c ompa c t shall be held c ontrary to thec onstitution o f any state pa rty thereto , the c ompac t shall remain in full force and effec t a sto rema ining sta tes and in full force a nd effec t as to the sta te a ffec ted as to a ll seve rab le


1.3. Definitions

The d efinitions ap pea ring in Artic le II of the compac t a re used throug hout the p roc ed uresma nua l and w ill rem ain as defined in that sec tion. In ad d ition, the follow ing d efinitions areto be a pp lied:

1.3.1. “ Withdrawa l” mea ns that the licensee’ s privileg e to op erate a motor vehic lehas been withdraw n from tha t pe rson b y a sta te lic ensing authority. The w ithdrawa lcan be the result of a suspension, revoc ation, or ca nc ella tion.

1.3.2. “ Co mm erc ial Driver’s Lice nse” me ans a license issued by a Sta te or jurisd ic-tion, in ac corda nc e w ith the standards conta ined in 49 CFR Part 383, to an indi-vidua l to ope rate a c lass of a commerc ia l vehic le.

1.3.3. “ Hazardous Ma teria ls” me ans any substanc e o r ma teria l which ha s bee ndete rmined by the sec reta ry of the United Sta tes Departme nt o f Transportation tobe c apab le o f imp osing a n unrea sona b le risk to hea lth, sa fety, and p rop erty. Thisterm also includes hazardous waste.


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1.3.4. “ Notifica tion” mea ns that a do c ument has be en sent from one jurisdiction toanother notifying anyone rec eiving the informa tion of the withdraw a l of the d rivingprivilege or the restoration of the privileg e.

1.3.5. “ Violation,” as used in Artic le V of the Comp ac t, mea ns the c om mission of anoffense rela ted to the use o r opera tion o f a mo tor vehic le, even if there ha s be enno c onvict ion. A suspension by rea son o f a violat ion inc ludes a suspension for failure

to a ppea r in court or c om ply with a c ourt order or suspension for violating a nimp lied consent law .

1.3.6. “ Ad ministra tive Ac tions” me ans ac tions by an a genc y responsib le fo r thelicensing of d rivers which remo ves the driving privileg e from an individua l throug hthe issuanc e o f either a suspension or revoc ation order. These a c tions genera lly arenot sta tutorily mandated but are disc retiona ry with the age nc y. Examp les of suc hac tions a re refusa ls to sub mit to breath, b lood or urine tests; suspensions for violationof a set a mo unt o f a lcoho lic c onte nt in the b loo d; med ic a l suspensions; suspensionsfor being inca pab le to o perate a mo tor vehic le a nd suspensions for failing to

c omply with ag enc y direc tives.


2.1 Issuance of a License

2.1.1. Application

An a pp lic a tion form is req uired of e very pe rson who req uests the issuance of ad river license in orde r to c rea te a rec ord for that individua l. In order to p reve ntlicensure by more than one sta te, the ap p lic a tion form should c onta in the follow ingor simila r language.

Do you have in your possession or under your control a valid driver license issued by this or any other state? 

If “yes”, where was it issued? Date of expiration? 

Type or class of license? Driver license numbe r? 

Have you had a driver license, permit or privilege to operate a motor vehicle suspended, revoked or canceled or an application for a license denied in this state 

or elsewhere? 

If “ Yes” , has your license, permit or privileg e been restored or your ap p lica tion for alicense d enied in this sta te or elsew here?

2.1.2. Surrender of License

An a pp licant sha ll be req uired to surrender any and a ll va lid d river lic enses issued tothe app licant by any other state .


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2.1.3. Affidavit of Non-Licensure (See Sec tion 3.1.1.)

If an a pp lica nt ha s no license to surrend er or sta tes tha t he/ she has neve r held adriver license, or doe s not no w ha ve a license in his/ her possession or unde r his/ hercontrol, tha t ap p lic ant sha ll submit a no tarized or ce rtified sta tem ent a ttesting tothe fa c t tha t he/ she ha s neve r bee n lic ensed in any jurisd ic tion, or otherwise d oe s

not have a lic ense to surrend er.

This a ffidavit should c onta in lang uage w hich ide ntifies the situa tion, a he ad ingidentifying the jurisd iction issuing a license, the prior jurisd iction from which theap p lic ant ha s moved , the signa ture o f the ap plic ant, and the signa ture o f theexaminer a ttesting to the a pp lic ant’ s state ment and a state ment of wa rningconcerning p ena lties for ma king fa lse sta teme nts. It is the responsibility of the issuing

 jurisd ic tion to cond uc t a ny further inquiry or investiga tion p rior to the issuanc e of alic ense. The issuing jurisd iction may deny the app lica nt a lic ense b ased upon theirinvestiga tion. NOTE: This req uirem ent wou ld not be a pp lic ab le to those personsunde r 18 years of a ge whom the e xam iner believes wo uld have never held alicense.

2.1.4. Verific a tion of Sta tus

Upon a pp lic a tion for a driver license, the issuing jurisd ict ion sha ll chec k with othe r jurisd ic tions to o b ta in the sta tus of the app licant’ s driving privileg e. At a minimum , achec k must be done with the last jurisd iction of issua nc e. To the extent po ssible andprac tic al, these chec ks should be ac c omplished electronically, via a teleco mmuni-ca tions network; suc h a s NLETS or AAMVAne t.

2.1.5. NDR/ CDLIS Check The issuing jurisd iction sha ll c heck the Nationa l Driver Register(NDR) to d etermine if an a pp licant has be en repo rted to the NDR by a nother jurisd iction. Simultaneo usly or imm ed iate ly a fter the NDR c heck, if the a pp lic ant isap p lying for a c ommerc ial d river license, a further chec k will be ma de w ith theClea ringho use esta b lished to sup port the Co mm erc ial Driver License Issua nc eSystem (CDLIS), to d ete rmine if the app lic ant ha s been issued a com merc ia l driverlic ense b y any othe r sta te. If the chec k is not d one a t the time of lic ense a pp lica -tion, it sha ll be done w ithin 30 days of the app lic a tion. Approp riate me chanismssha ll be in p lace to p revent the issuanc e o f a perma nent d river license if the resultsof the NDR chec k indica te tha t the app licant’ s lic ense has be en suspe nde d,revo ked, or withdrawn in ano ther jurisd ic tion. If the CDLIS c hec k ind ica tes a com me rc ia l lic ense ha s bee nissued to a n app lica nt, ap prop riate a c tions sha ll be ta ken to sec ure tha t license,notify the issuing sta te a nd the Clea ringhouse o f the ne w sta tus, and issue the newlic ense in ac corda nce w ith the former lic ense in ac c ordance w ith the formerlic ense c lassifica tion un less or until new examina tions a re g iven. An exce ption to issuanc e o f a license to a n ind ividua l ma y takeplac e when the person has the co mmercia l op erating p rivileg e withdraw n/d isqua li-fied and app lies for a license to o perate non-commerc ial vehic les. If the commer-


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c ia l p rivilege has been withd rawn in one jurisd ic tion a nd an individua l is app lying fora d river lice nse in anothe r jurisd iction , that person ma y be issued a d river lice nse solong a s it do es not a llow op eration of a c om me rc ia l mo tor vehic le. In this instanc e,however, the privileg e to op erate non-co mmercia l vehic les must b e valid in theprior jurisdiction.

2.1.6. Who Sha ll Not Be Licensed

The licensing authority in the jurisd ic tion where the app lic a tion is ma de sha ll notissue a license to drive to the app licant if: The a pp licant’ s driving p rivilege is suspended or revoked inwho le o r in part as a result of a violation of one o f the follow ing. Suc h viola-tions are not limited to those listed .

Ma nslaug hter or neg lige nt hom ic ide resulting from the o peration o f a mo torvehicle.

Driving under the influence of Alcohol/Drugs (DUI).

Felony in which a motor vehicle is used.

Lea ving the sc ene o f an a c c ident or failure to stop and rend er aid at ape rsona l injury ac c ide nt or fatal ac c ident. The app licant’ s license has bee n suspend ed , by rea son, inwho le o r in p art, of a violation a nd such suspension period has not termi-nated. The a pp licant’ s license has been revoked , by reason, in whole

or in p art, of a violation a nd such revoc ation p eriod has not te rminated ,excep t that a fter the expiration of one yea r from the d ate the license wa srevoked , such p erson ma y ma ke applic ation for a new license if permittedby the laws of the state in which the app lication is being ma de. The licensing authority dete rmines tha t, unde r the laws and / orregulations of the issuing jurisdiction, the applicant has habitually violatedvehicle and traffic laws. Suc h ap p lic ant ma y rea pp ly for a license in a timeframe consistent with the laws and regulations of the issuing state, providedtha t the app lic ant is eligib le to be reinsta ted in the prior licensing jurisd ic tionor the jurisd ic tion in which the d riving p rivileg e ha s been suspend ed orrevoked. The licensing a utho rity may refuse to issue a license to a nyapp lic ant if, a fter investiga tion, suc h a s a review of the d river history rec ord ofanother sta te, the licensing authority dete rmines tha t it will not b e safe togrant to the a pp licant the p rivileg e to drive on its pub lic stree ts and h igh-wa ys. This refusa l ma y result from the app lic ant’ s driver history rec ord con-taining violations, restrictions, medical indicators, and/or incidents whichwould have resulted in a current suspension, revocation, or restriction hadthe viola tions, co nd itions, and / or inc idents oc curred in the jurisd iction o f thecurrent licensing authority.


8/14/2019 The Driver License Compact 12/36 The excep tion spec ified in has a suspension, revoc a tion,or canc ella tion of the basic d riving p rivileg e appea ring in his driver historyrec ord. The app licant may be licensed if his c om me rc ia l p rivileg e has beenwithdrawn b ut the und erlying p rivileg e rema ins va lid. This sec tion sha ll be libe rally co nstrued by an issuing authority soas to g ive the g rea test force a nd effec t to the p romotion of highw ay safety.

2.2. Notification and Exchange of Records

2.2.1. Notice to Prior Jurisd iction o f Residenc e

Each issuing jurisd iction sha ll notify all other jurisd ictions in which the app lic ant iscurrently licensed . This ma y be done in one or two wa ys, either ma nua lly or elec -tronica lly. Reg ard less of the m ethod o f inq uiry used to req uest transmitta l of arec ord, the surrend ered license, or an a ffidavit, must be returned to the forme rsta te, excep t a s outlined in and Ma nua l Transmission

All d river lic enses or affida vits surrend ered by an a pp licant when app lying fora d river lic ense in a new jurisd iction sha ll be returned to the jurisd iction tha tissued the lic ense. These licenses may be returned by U.S. Posta l Servic e o rby othe r me ans and ma y be in a loc a l issuing office or in a c entralizedloc ation, but in no c ase should the ac cum ulation exce ed one c alendarmo nth. The returned licenses sha ll be a c com panied b y a form (3.1.2.) whichsta tes the na me and address of the jurisd iction returning the lic ense a nd ma yconta in a sta tem ent req uesting transmission of the existing record to the new

 jurisdiction. Elec tronic Transmission

In lieu of m anua lly transmitting lic enses or a ffidavits, a jurisd iction ma y elec -tronica lly not ify the p revious jurisd iction of the issua nc e o f a license a ndrequest transmission of the e xisting d river histo ry rec ord. Suc h elec tronicnotifica tion sha ll inc lude the follow ing information: name , sta te o f issuanc e,d river license numb er, sex, da te of b irth a nd soc ia l sec urity numb er (if a va il-ab le), as well as an indica tor for transmission of the driver history rec ord andthe state to which the rec ord w ill be transmitted. Destruction Agreements

While surrendered lic enses should as a rule be returned to the issuing jurisd ic-tion, there ma y be oc c asions whe n they should b e d estroyed b y shred d ingor cutting rathe r than be ing returned. This c an oc c ur whe n two jurisd ictionshave entered into a n a greeme nt to de stroy one a nother’s lic enses rathe rthan returning them to the fo rme r sta te o f lic ensure. Affidavits

Affidavits of no n-licensure in ac corda nc e w ith Sec tion 2.1.3. ma y take thep lac e of surrend ered licenses.


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2.2.2. Ac tion Upon Rec eipt o f Notifica tion Dete rmination o f Prior Rec ord

When any jurisdiction receives from another jurisdiction a surrendered driverlic ense, a ffidavit or elec tronic req uest, the jurisd iction sha ll determine if adriver history rec ord exists for the individua l na me d. If a rec ord c onta ining

history is loc a ted , tha t rec ord sha ll be sent to the jurisd ic tion from which thenotifica tion wa s rec eived . If a record c onta ins no d river history, it need no tbe sent in a ma nua l transmission; howe ver, som e ind ic a tion of rec eipt of thereq uest a nd the e xistenc e of a rec ord shall be returned throug h elec tronic orma nua l mea ns. The m anua l transmission c ould be a listing ra ther than anind ividua l rec ord. Notifica tion o f rec eipt o f a req uest must be sent to thereq uesting sta te within 30 da ys of rec eipt of req uest. Record Entry Upon Notification

Upon rec eipt from another jurisd iction o f a notifica tion, a jurisd ic tion sha llente r into its rec ord the name of the jurisd iction where the person is nowlic ensed and the d ate of entry of the notation. No Existing Record

Upon receipt from another jurisd ic tion of a no tifica tion, and a review o fexisting rec ords ind ic a tes tha t a rec ord for tha t p erson does not exist, arep ort will be sent to the requesting jurisd iction tha t no rec ord exists. This ma ybe in a form or forma t a s desired by the send ing jurisd ic tion, but sha ll beprovide d reg ard less of whethe r the req uest wa s in ma nua l or elec tronic form.

2.3 Driver History Record

Each jurisd iction sha ll ma inta in ind ividua l rec ords for those persons to whom it has issued ad river lic ense o f any kind . This rec ord , as desc ribed in 2.3.2., should c onta in ba sic informa -tion sufficient to identify the p erson to whom the lic ense w as issued as we ll as informationc onc erning driver ca pab ilities or problems. Ac c ident involvement a nd c onvic tions oftra ffic o ffenses should a lso be a p a rt of suc h a record. Ad d itiona l da ta , suc h as me d ica linformation, c om munica tions, nota tions, or other convenient or req uired information maybe a part of this rec ord a s desired by the issuing jurisd iction . This record m ay be in manua lor in a utoma ted fashion as d ic tate d by the jurisd ic tion m a intaining the record.

2.3.1. Form of Rec ord

While e ac h jurisd ic tion ma y keep their rec ords in wha teve r form o r fashion theydesire, c ertain da ta is req uired whe n manua lly transmitting a d river history rec ord toanothe r jurisd iction. This data will include the na me of the sta te send ing the d ataand identific a tion o f the Burea u, Offic e, Dep artme nt, or Division responsib le forma inta ining the d river history rec ord. No c od es sha ll be used and a ll informationshould b e p rinted in Eng lish language. Standard a bbreviations sha ll be in ac cor-danc e w ith ANSI D-20 stand ards. When e lec tronic t ransmission of rec ords ta kesp lac e, the ANSI D-20 da ta elements and proposed amendm ents which c onstitutethe CDLIS d river histo ry rec ord sha ll be used . (See Sec tion 3.2. for forma t).

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2.3.2. Data Transmitted

The d ata t ransmitted sha ll be in ac corda nc e w ith the late st version o f the AAMVAstandard for driver record history.

2.3.3. Length o f Histo ry

Data transmitted sha ll inc lude a ll ac tivity oc c urring within ten yea rs immed ia telyprec ed ing the d a te o f req uest. If ten yea rs of history is not a va ilab le, a ll ava ilab leda ta sha ll be transmitted . If desired , data fo r a p eriod long er than ten years ma ybe included , but the m inimum time p eriod is ten years for spec ified convic tions andthree yea rs for all othe r convic tions and for ac c idents. Spec ified convic tions arema nslaug hte r or neg ligent homic ide , DUI, rec kless d riving , hit a nd run, fa ilure to stopand rend er aid, and any felony in which a motor vehicle is used . When co mp utingthe time p eriod for transmitting history information on convic tions for tra ffic relate dinformation o n c onvic tions for tra ffic relate d offenses, the c onvic tion da te sha ll beused.

2.3.4. Inc lusion of Prior Histo ry

The jurisd ict ion c urrently licensing the individua l sha ll, within thirty d ays of rec eip t o fthe d river history rec ord of the p rior sta te, enter informa tion from the prior rec ordonto its rec ord for tha t ind ividua l. Any da ta rec eived o n co nvic tions of tra fficoffenses, acc idents, suspensions or revoca tions within the past te n years sha ll bep laced in the new rec ord, co nsistent w ith Sec tion 2.3.3. All othe r data rec eivedma y or ma y not be included in the new rec ord at the op tion of the rec eiving

 jurisd iction. The d ata should b e reta ined as a part of the d river history as if it werean offense c om mitted in the hom e jurisd ic tion.

2.3.5. Timeliness

Upon rec eipt o f a surrend ered lic ense o r a ffidavit, the former sta te o f residenc eshould respond by send ing its rec ord to the ne w sta te o f residenc e w ithin thirtydays.

2.3.6. Heading

Any rec ord transmitted from one jurisd ic tion to a nothe r sha ll have a prop er head ingso a s to identify the send ing jurisd ict ion. This head ing sha ll not only identify the

 jurisdiction b y nam e b ut shall also c onta in the na me of the de pa rtment o r age ncyresponsib le for ma inta ining a nd supp lying the rec ord. The d ate the record wa sprinted shall either be a pa rt of the hea d ing or shall be inc lude d as a pa rt of the

rec ord itself.

2.3.7. Certification

Certific a tion ap p lies only to manua lly transmitted rec ords. Any rec ord ma nua llytransmitted from one jurisd iction to a nothe r sha ll be c ertified in som e ma nner. Thiscertification ma y be in the form o f a m ac hine imprint at the time the form w asprinted, throug h a rubb er stamp imp rint, an origina l signa ture o f the c ustod ian ofrec ords of the send ing jurisd iction , affixing o f the sea l of the jurisd iction , or by anyothe r me ans in co mm on usage. When transmitting rec ords elec tronica lly, authenti-


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c ation c od es will be used so as to verify transmission from a send ing jurisd iction.

2.4 Reports of Conviction

2.4.1. Co nvic tion Rep orts Req uired

Eac h jurisd ic tion sha ll rep ort ea c h c onvic tion o f a person from anothe r jurisd iction

oc curring w ithin its bound aries to the hom e jurisd iction o f the lic ensee .

2.4.2. Timeliness

Eac h jurisd ic tion sha ll rep ort ea c h c onvic tion to the hom e jurisd ic tion of the lic enseewithin fifteen d ays after rec eiving a rep ort of the c onviction from a court.

2.4.3. Form of Report

The form of the repo rt of c onvic tion m ay b e a ny of the follow ing: A c op y of the ab strac t of c ourt rec ord. A c op y of the tra ffic c ita tion show ing fina l disposition. Any pape r do c ument, mag netic medium, or electronic trans-mission which c onta ins the minimum data desc ribed in sec tion 2.4.4.

2.4.4. Data Content

Eac h report sent to a jurisd ic tion sha ll c lea rly identify the rep ort as a rep ort ofc onvic tion and identify the jurisd ic tion that is the source of the rep ort. If the report isother than an ab strac t of court rec ord, all da ta e lements must mee t ap plic ab le

ANSI D-20 sta nd ards. Data fo r ea ch convict ion sha ll: Clearly identify the pe rson convic ted . Minimum d ata req uire-ments are, na me , ad dress, sex, da te of b irth, driver license numb er, and anyava ilab le identifying numb er, suc h a s soc ia l sec urity number. Desc ribe the violation. Data sha ll inc lude the sec tion of thestatute , c od e o r ordinanc e violated along w ith a c ommon English langua gede sc rip tion o f the o ffense a nd c od ed in a cc ordance w ith ANSI D-20. Ide ntify the c ourt in whic h a c tion w as taken. Spe c ify yea r, month and day of b oth the a rrest and the c onvic -tion. Indica te w hether a p lea of g uilty or not g uilty wa s entered, orthe c onvic tion wa s a result of the forfeiture o f ba il, bond or other sec urity;and inc lude any spe c ial findings ma de in c onnec tion therewith. Indica te whe ther the violation wa s committed in a c ommercialmo tor vehic le.


8/14/2019 The Driver License Compact 16/36 Indica te whe ther the violation was c ommitted in a mo torvehic le ca rrying hazardous materia ls.

2.5. Administrative Acts

2.5.1. Adverse Actions

All adverse administra tive a c tions and dec isions by a jurisd ic tion o ther tha n thehom e jurisd ic tion o f the licensee should be forwa rded to the hom e jurisd ic tion. If an a dministra tive suspension has bee n enforce d on a lic -ensee, all doc umenta tion supp orting tha t ac t must be forwa rded to thehom e jurisd ic tion. This inc ludes the d eta ils of the law e nforce ment o ffic er’sstop, the results of the b reath, bloo d , or urine test or the refusa l to take thetest, the results of any hearing held, the license confiscated, the order issued,and any other relevant information or do c uments. Upo n rece ipt of d oc umenta tion reflec ting ad ministrative

ac tions, the ho me jurisd iction should take ac tion aga inst the lic ensee inac corda nc e w ith its ow n laws just as thoug h the a c t causing the a dministra-tive ac tion to ok plac e w ithin its ow n bo rders.

2.5.2. Ad ministrative a c tions of the d river lic ensing a utho rity in one jurisd ictionshould p rec ipitate a c tion ta ken by the hom e lic ensing jurisd ic tion of the lic ensee .

2.6. Clearances

2.6.1. Clearance Required

No jurisd ict ion sha ll issue a driver license to any p erson identified in any of the

situations outlined below until the issuing jurisd iction rec eives a c learanc e from the jurisd ic tion which ha d previously w ithd rawn the d riving privileg e. Any d river who , at the time of a pp lica tion d isc loses tha t his orher driving p rivilege has been w ithd rawn as a result o f a tra ffic violation b yanother jurisd ic tion, and who se p rivileg e ha s not bee n restored . Any d river reported b y the Na tiona l Driver Reg ister as ha ving hisor her driving p rivileg e c urrently withdrawn b y another jurisd iction a s a resultof a traffic viola tion. Any driver for whom a notifica tion has been rec eived fromanothe r jurisd ict ion a s outlined in Sec tion 2.1.4. and 2.2. of this ma nua l,ind ic a ting tha t the p rivileg e o f suc h d river has been withd rawn a s a result ofa traffic violation. Any d river who , at the time o f app lic a tion, disc loses or is dete r-mined to be under suspension for failure to sa tisfy the judgm ent of a c ourthaving civil jurisdiction over findings of liability arising out of an accidentinvolving a mo tor vehic le.


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2.6.2. When Sta tes Sha ll Issue Clearance A sta te sha ll issue a c learanc e fo r a person w hose d rivingprivileg e ha s bee n withdrawn a nd who no long er lives in the sta te if theperson me ets a ll reinsta tem ent req uirem ents, inc luding p ayment o f reinsta te-me nt or restora tion fees. If the sole reason fo r c ontinued withdrawa l of the d rivingprivileg e is the fa ilure o f the p erson to c om plete one or more o f the items in2.6.2.3., the sta te sha ll issue a c lea ranc e if the person presents sa tisfac toryevidenc e that a leg itima te chang e of reside ncy has oc c urred and the d riveris eligible fo r a license from the lic ensing a utho rity in the new sta te of resi-dence. The p roc ed ure in app lies to the fo llow ing reinsta teme ntrequirements:

1. Vision, knowledge or behind the wheel tests,2. Remed ia l school o r tra ining ,3. Medica l, a lcoho l o r o ther eva luat ion, and4. If allowed under state law, to waive the SR-22 filing requirement. Excep tion: A sta te sha ll not b e required to issue a c lea rance ifan eva lua tion p erforme d in the ne w sta te o f residenc e a s provide d in tes tha t the person is not fit to d rive safely.

2.7 Withdrawals and Restorations

2.7.1. NDR Not ifica tion is Required

Jurisd ictions sha ll no tify the NDR of a ll lic ense withd rawa ls as a result of traffic viola-

tions or physical or mental disabilities (suspensions or revocations), license restora-tions (reinsta teme nts), and resc issions of p rior withd rawa l ac tions.

2.7.2. Timeliness

Notifica tion of w ithdrawal or restoration sha ll be rep orted to the NDR within fiftee ndays after the driving privilege is withdrawn or restored.

2.7.3. Content of Notices

Notifica tion req uired under this sec tion sha ll c onta in a t a minimum the fo llow ing: The c lea r identity of the d river involved , inc lud ing but notlimited to the follow ing: name, sex, date o f birth, driver license num ber, andif ava ilab le, the soc ial sec urity number. The d ate of the w ithdrawa l. The d ate of a c tual restoration o f privileg e, when tha t d ate



8/14/2019 The Driver License Compact 18/36 A clea r identific a tion of the rea son for withd rawa l, inc lud ing b utnot limited to the c od es utilized by the NDR.

NOTE: Onc e the NDR’ s Problem Driver Pointer System has been implem ente d by t he Sta tes, substantive d at arelated to a license w ithdrawa l (rea son for withdrawa l, da te o f withdrawa l, etc .) will no longe r be repo rtedto the NDR.


3.1 Formats for Ma nual Transmission

3.1.1. Affidavit of Non-Licensure (See 2.1.3.)(A notarized statement)

3.1.2. Transmittal of Licensure (See Append ix D - Forma ts)

3.1.3. Clea ranc e Form (See 2.6.)(Sample Append ix D - Forma ts) General

Clea ranc es com mo nly rep lac e the surrend er of a d river’s license up on achang e in reside ncy. Clearanc es take on an ap pe aranc e throug h typewrit-ten letters, teletype messages, phone calls, and form letters.

A clea ranc e in any form should be treate d in the sam e wa y the ac tualsurrender of a lic ense is trea ted . The a utho riza tion to lic ense a d river shoulda lso e nab le the new lic ensing jurisd ic tion to substantially dec ide w hethe r ornot to g rant a license b ased on the rec ord in your jurisd ic tion. While it is

rec ognized the c lea ranc e form ma y take a minute to c omp lete, the informa -tion is c ruc ial to the new lic ensing jurisd iction to d etermine e lig ibility. Form Conte nt

The d ra ft c lea ranc e fo rm is designed for req uesting a nd submitting informa-tion for both jurisd ic tions. It can be ea sily co mp leted by hand , or ad ap ted toa PC program. Some ag enc ies ma y p refer to type them. The da ta c a tego-ries p rovide a deta iled summ ary of the person’ s d riving rec ord, a nd if sus-pe nde d or revoked , what is need ed for reinstate ment. Purpose

To ensure consistenc y and uniformity am ong jurisd ictions to determine if alic ense is autho rized for a new resident. Universa l use of this form c an simplifythe screening process completed by hundreds of state employees nation-wide. Procedure

Always req uire the d river to surrend er the d river’s license or ac cep t o nly theatta ched c lea ranc e form. If a state a ccep ts pho ne clea ranc es, the same


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informa tion should be rec orded by the c aller on the form a nd b ec ome apart of the sta te’ s rec ords.

Trea t the c lea ranc e a s a license surrend er. Update your rec ords and g ene r-ate a notice to the p revious state of rec ord of a c hang e in residenc y andlicense sta tus.

Investiga te a nd communica te b etween jurisdictions for any “ no record”responses.

3.1.4. Co nvic tion Rep ort (See 2.4.)(Samp le Appendix D - Forma ts) Artic le III requires ea c h jurisd iction to report convict ions. Dataspe c ified by the Com pa c t a s nec essary to e ffective rec ordkeep ing inc lude s:

*Ide ntity of the p erson c onvicted .*Desc ription o f the violation.*Identity of the court.*Any spec ial find ings. Ma ny da ta elements conta ined in va rious state s’ convictionrep orts a re com mo n a nd it is c rucia l that sta tes seriously co nsider minimizingthe a mo unt of information exc hanged which is unnec essary and using aform such a s presc ribe d by the C ompa c t. Use o f a stand ard c onvictionrep ort ca n red uce labo r req uired to e xtrac t only critica l informa tion to keyinto a system , to identify a c ourt, sta te, etc ., and to e nsure the convic tion isrep ortab le under the Comp ac t.

3.1.5. Sta teme nt of Withd rawal/Reinsta teme nt (See 2.7.)

3.2. Format for Electronic Transmission

3.2.1. Driver Histo ry Rec ord3.2.2. Conviction Report3.2.3. Withdrawals/Restorations


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The name of th is Joint Boa rd sha ll be the Driver License Com pac t Co mm ission and Nonresi-dent Violator’ s Comp ac t, Exec utive Boa rd , herea fter referred to a s the Boa rd.


The Co mp ac ts have b een orga nized for the follow ing purpo ses:

(1) to ad minister the provisions of the Driver Lice nse Com pa ct a nd Nonreside nt

Violator’s Com pac t as am end ed , herea fter referred to a s the “ Com pa c ts” ;

(2) to serve as a g overning b od y for the resolution of all ma tters relating to the op era-tions of the Com pa c ts;

(3) to reco mmend revisions to the Comp ac ts that would enhance their objectives,go a ls and bene fits;

(4) to publish, amend a nd maintain each operat ions manual for the Compac ts;

(5) to publish, amend and m aintain, either as a sepa rate p ublica tion or as a p art of theop erations ma nua l, a list of Co mp ac t Administra tors and conta c t persons;

(6) to provide a nd promote reasonable and uniform reporting systems betweenme mber jurisd ictions;

(7) to promote closer personal contacts between m embe r jurisdict ions for the ex-chang e o f informa tion a nd solution o f mutual prob lems relating to the Co mp ac ts;

(8) to reco mmend the ad option of solutions to mutual problems relat ing to the Com-pacts;

(9) to ac tively solicit the me mb ership o f nonpartic ipa ting jurisdictions into the Com-

pacts; and

(10) to assist a ll nonpa rtic ipa ting jurisd ic tions in a ny ma nner necessary or req uested inob taining m embe rship in the Co mp ac ts.


Section 1 - The Comp ac ts shall be c ompo sed of one representa tive from ea ch mem be r


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 jurisd iction. A me mb er jurisd ic tion is any jurisd ic tion that ha s adop ted either comp ac t andha s filed a Resolution o f Ratifica tion with the Sec reta ria t. The m em ber jurisd iction sha llappoint the rep resenta tive a nd the representa tive sha ll serve and b e sub jec t to remova l inac corda nc e w ith the law s or rules and reg ulations of the m em ber jurisd ic tion. The repre-senta tives sha ll be known as the me mb er jurisd ic tion’ s Comp ac t Ad ministra tor.

Section 2 - A Comp ac t Administrato r ma y app oint an a lternate to p erform the Com -

pac t Adm inistra tor’s func tions. The appointment of an a lternate sha ll be effec tive whe nwritten notice is g iven to the Sec reta ria t.

Section 3 - Each member jurisdiction shall have equal rights and privileges and shall beentitled to o ne vote.


Section 1 - The o fficers of the Boa rd sha ll c onsist of a Cha ir and Vice Cha ir, eac h

electe d b y the Comp ac t mem be rship, and a representa tive of ea ch of the four reg ions asdefined by the Am erican Assoc iation o f Moto r Vehicle Ad ministrato rs, eac h elec ted bythe me mb ers of the respec tive reg ions. These six officers, and the imm ed ia te past Cha ir ofthe Boa rd , co llec tively sha ll com pose the Boa rd Exec utive Comm ittee .

Section 2 - These officers sha ll ho ld o ffice for two yea rs with the Reg ion I and Reg ion IIIrepresenta tives ha ving te rms expiring in eve n yea rs, and Reg ion II and Reg ion IV rep resen-ta tives having terms expiring in od d yea rs. Any person w ho rep laces an officer during theterm of the office sha ll serve the rema inder of the unexp ired term.

Section 3 - Officers of the Boa rd sha ll be from jurisd ictions ha ving mem bership in bo th



Section 1 - Elec tion of office rs sha ll be a t the a nnua l me etings of the C om pac ts.

Section 2 - The nom ina ting c om mittee sha ll consist o f four mem bers, a Cha ir and threeme mb ers, one from e ac h AAMVA reg ion, as appointed by the Cha ir. After solic itingsuggestions from members who wish to express themselves, the nominating committee,

with two o f its me mb ers c onstituting a q uorum, sha ll nom inate a c and idate for Cha ir andVic e Cha ir. The Cha ir sha ll ma ke those no minat ions known a t the a nnua l me etings.

Section 3 - The Chair and Vic e Chair shall be e lec ted by the Com pa c t me mb ers inatte nda nce a t an a nnual meeting. The Cha ir and Vice Cha ir shall be from differentregions.

Section 4 - Reg iona l rep resenta tives shall be nominate d by Com pac t membe rs of therespe ctive regions and elec ted by regional Com pa c t mem be rs in attend anc e a t a nannual meeting.


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Section 5 - An office r sha ll assume office imm ed ia tely upon elec tion. The Cha ir and ViceCha ir sha ll not b e e lec ted to the same office fo r c onsec utive terms.


Section I - The Vice Cha ir sha ll fill any vacanc y in the o ffice o f Cha ir. The Executive

Comm ittee sha ll then selec t a ne w Vice Cha ir to serve the rema inder of the unexpiredterm. The new Vice Cha ir sha ll be from a reg ion o ther than tha t of the Chair.

Section 2 - In event of va canc y in the o ffic e o f reg ional rep resenta tive, the Cha ir sha ll,

follow ing c onsultation with the Compa c t mem be rs of the region, app oint an ac tingrep resenta tive from tha t reg ion to serve the rema inder of the unexp ired term.


Section 1 - The Cha ir sha ll be the Executive Boa rd ’s c hief exec utive offic er and sha llc arry out the follow ing duties:

(a) ca ll and preside at all meet ings of the Compacts;(b) ca ll and p reside a t all meetings of the Executive Committee;(c) create, app oint and provide direct ion to all commit tees;(d) consult with regional memb ers before ap pointing interim

reg ional rep resenta tives to e xisting vac anc ies;(e) serve as official spokesman for the Comp ac ts, represent the

Comp ac ts at official meetings and c onference s, and co nduc t

business on b eha lf of the Comp ac ts;( f) guide the Secretariat ’s work in support of the Compac ts;(g) perform such other duties as may be authorized and a pp ropri-

ate; and(h) provide the Compacts an annual report concerning the

ac tivities and the sta tus of the Com pac ts.

Section 2 - The Vice Cha ir sha ll assist the Chair in d ischa rging his duties.

Section 3 - The reg iona l rep resenta tives sha ll ca rry out the following duties:

(a) to serve a s liaisons with mem be rs of their respe ctive regions;(b) to fac ilitate effective communica tion with their regions;(c) to insure that the interests and views of regional mem be rs are

conside red as the Exec utive Co mm ittee c ond uc ts business;and

(d) to invest igate and at tempt to resolve compliance disagree-me nts betwee n jurisd ictions within the ir respec tive reg ions.


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Section 1 - The Exec utive Co mmittee shall be the e xec utive b od y of the Co mp ac ts. Assuch, the Exec utive Co mm ittee sha ll direc t a nd supervise the a ffairs, com mittees, andpub lic a tions of the Comp ac ts; promo te its ob jec tives; and supervise d isbursem ent of itsfunds. The Exec utive Committee may ad op t suc h rules and regula tions for the c ond uc t of

its business as sha ll be dee me d a pprop ria te . Spec ifica lly, the Executive Comm ittee sha llca rry out the fo llow ing d uties:

(a) conduct the business of the Compact between meet ings ofthe Comp ac ts;

(b) determine general polic ies during periods between annualmeetings, such p olic ies to b e subjec t to Com pa c t c onfirma tiona t its next annua l me eting;

(c) authorize purposes and a mounts for which funds of the Com-pa cts may be expende d;

(d) def ine the duties, app rove the contract and reimbursement of

the Sec reta ria t for services to the Comp ac ts;(e) authorize solicitat ion for, and receipt o f, grants, endowments,g ifts, and a ll other offers of a ssistance and c oo peration fromappropriate sources;

(f) to have the Secretariat annually audit all ac counts of receiptsand e xpe nditures of funds of the Co mp ac ts, and to p rovidec op ies of suc h aud it to the Exec utive Committee m em bers;

(g) ac t as necessary and app ropriate to implement all resolutionsand rec omm enda tions ad op ted b y the Comp ac ts at theirmeetings;

(h) to research new matters of interest to the Compa cts; and(i) to investiga te and attempt to resolve issues dea ling with non-

c omplianc e with the Com pa c ts and their op erations ma nual.

Section 2 - The Exec utive Committee sha ll me et a t lea st onc e eac h ca lend ar yea r, withothe r me etings a t suc h times and p lac es as the C ha ir ma y direc t. These m ee tings sha ll beheld in ac c ordance w ith the follow ing rules:

(a) the Chair shall give reasonable notice o f all meetings ca lled;(b) memb ers present shall co nstitute a quorum for the transac tion

of b usiness;(c) vot ing shall be by members present ;(d) members may vote by mail or telephone conference if the

Cha ir determines tha t a n issue must b e resolved without delaybetwe en m ee tings; ma iling and counting ba llots shall be theCha ir’ s responsibility or tha t of the Sec retaria t, if so d irec ted bythe Cha ir; and(e) the minutes of the Executive Committee shall be submitted to

a ll jurisd ic tions in eac h Comp ac t.


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The Sec reta riat sha ll ha ve the fo llow ing d uties:

(1) to ma intain a m aster memb ership file including na mes, tit le, add resses, andtelephone numbers of all Compact Administrators, alternates and opera-

tiona l contac ts; to no tify mem be rship of c hang es;(2) to ma intain all Ratific ation Resolutions filed by mem ber jurisdictions;(3) to take and publish minutes of meet ings;(4) to h and le c o rre sp o nd enc e ;(5) to prepare and d istribute an annual report of eac h Compact ’s previous

yea r’s ac tivities, business and financ ial sta tus;(6) to receive notif icat ion of problems which c annot be resolved by member

 jurisdictions, notify all member jurisdictions about the problem and presentthe p rob lems a t a nnua l mee tings for d isc ussion and resolution;

(7) to rec eive individua l interpretations for informa tion and discussion at a nnualmeetings;

(8) to arrange t imes and p lac es for annual meetings in coop eration with theChair;(9) to p rovide informa tion, as req uested , from sources expressing interest in

 joining the C ompa c ts; and(10) to p erform o ther duties as ma y be spe c ified by the Cha ir, Exec utive Com mit-

tee or other Comp ac t com mittees.


Section 1 -There sha ll be a t lea st one me et ing held a nnua lly. The Cha ir sha ll determine

the time, place and da te of the annual meeting.

Section 2 - Add itional meetings of ea ch C omp ac t ma y be held as sched uled by theCha ir or at the req uest, in writing, of thirty pe rc ent o f the me mb ers of the Com pac t.

Section 3 - General notice o f any meeting sha ll be g iven a t least thirty (30) days prior tothe meeting. The no tic e shall c onta in a state ment of the p urpo se a nd tenta tiveage nda of the meeting. The a ge nda shall ad dress ea ch Com pa c t’s issues sep a rate ly.

Section 4 - Forty pe rc ent of the m embe rship of ea ch Com pa c t shall constitute a quo -rum.

Section 5 - Exce pt as spec ifica lly prov ided for in these b ylaws, all ma tte rs sub jec t to avote shall be de c ided by a p lurality vote o f the Co mp ac t members.

Section 6 - All me etings of c om mittees, the Boa rd a nd the membership sha ll be g ov-

erned by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, except as otherwise provided herein.


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Section 1 - The Compa c t funds shall be ma intained in a n interest b ea ring bank ac countin the na me of the Joint Exec utive board . All c hec ks and withdrawa ls sha ll be signed bythe Sec reta ria t and either the Cha ir or Vic e Cha ir.

Section 2 - Memb er jurisd ictions sha ll be a ssessed annua l dues, in an amo unt to beap proved by the memb ership, to financ e the Com pa c ts and its Sec reta ria t services.Annua l dues will be a n itemized pa rt of the jurisd ic tiona l dues from AAMVA. Dues for newme mb ers sha ll not be assessed until the fisca l year follow ing entry into the Comp ac t.

Section 3 - A memb er jurisd ic tion shall be conside red in g ood stand ing when the duesreq uirem ent o f suc h me mb er jurisd ic tion has been me t und er terms of the se Bylaws. Onlyme mb er jurisd ic tions in go od stand ing sha ll be entitled to vo te a nd hold o ffic e.



Ame ndme nt of these Bylaws sha ll be p rop osed and submitted to the Cha ir inwritten form. A prop osed ame ndment sha ll req uire a tw o-thirds ma jority vote o f theme mb ership fo r adop tion. Memb ers sha ll have thirty (30) days to respond to the a mend-ment, after the ma iling date of the am end ment(s) by the Sec reta ria t. A non-response b ya m em ber jurisd ic tion sha ll be c ounte d a s a “ yes” vote for ame nd ing the Bylaws.


In the eve nt either Com pa c t is dissolved, unexpend ed and unob liga ted fundsprovide d by memb er jurisd ic tions sha ll be returned to the m in prop ortion to their c ontribu-tions. Any rem aining funds from othe r source s will be g iven to a non-p rofit or cha ritab leorga nization or organizations having a ims and ob jec tives simila r to tho se o f the Com pac t,as determined by the Exec utive Co mmittee at that time.


If either Compac t is d issolved by ac tion o f its me mb ers, by a c tion of the UnitedSta tes Congress or by any jud ic ia l bod y, the rema ining Comp ac t sha ll have a nd b e g ivenfull forc e a nd e ffect.


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Model Enabling Legislation 


The p urpose o f the enab ling a c t is to fit the Comp ac t into the existing pattern of law in theparty Sta te. Exc ep t for the te xt of the Com pac t, which should b e identica l in all sta tes, thelang uag e o f the enab ling a c t ma y be varied by ea ch enac ting state to fit its own law andpolic y. Som e p rovision should b e ma de for a ll ma tters c overed in the model ac t; othe rp rovisions ma y be ad ded if they are need ed . Ma terial enc losed in brac kets should b erep lac ed by spe c ific lang uag e to a cc omplish the d esired purpose.

Suggested Legislation[Title should c onform to sta te req uirem ents]

Section 1. The Driver License Co mp ac t is hereb y enac ted into law and ente red intowith a ll other jurisd ictions lega lly joining therein in a nd form substa ntially as follows:


(At th is point insert the exac t text of the Driver Lice nse Com pac t as set fo rth in Sec tion 1.2.of this Ma nual. The text of the Com pa c t should be e nac ted in identica l lang uag e by allratifying states.)

Section 2. As used in the Co mp ac t, the te rm “ licensing a uthority” w ith referenc e to thisSta te, sha ll mean the [na me of a pprop riate Sta te a genc y]. Sa id [ agenc y] sha ll furnish to

the a pprop ria te a uthorities to a ny other pa rty sta te a ny information or doc ume nts rea son-ab ly nec essary to fa c ilita te the administra tion of a rticles III, IV, and V of the Comp ac t. [Ifp rov isions of e xisting law restric t the furnishing o f any suc h materials, sufficient ame nd me ntto them should be ma de to p ermit co mp lianc e w ith the letter and the sp irit of the Com-pact. ]

Section 3. The Com pac t administra tor provided for in article VII of the C om pac t sha llnot b e e ntitled to a ny ad d itiona l com pe nsation on a c count o f his service a s such a dminis-tra tor, but sha ll be entitled to expe nses inc urred in c onne c tion w ith his duties and responsi-b ilities as suc h administrato r, in the same ma nner as for expe nses incurred in connec tionwith any other duties or responsibilities of h is office o r em ployme nt.

Section 4. As used in the C om pac t, with referenc e to this Sta te, the te rm “ exec utivehea d” shall mean the Governor.

Section 5. Any c ourt or any o ther agenc y of this Sta te, or a subd ivision thereof, whichha s jurisd iction to ta ke any ac tion suspend ing, revoking, or otherwise limiting a license tod rive, shall rep ort any such a c tion a nd the a d judica tion up on w hic h it is ba sed to the[Sta te driver license a uthority] w ithin [five] d ays on forms [furnished by] [a pprove d by] the[Sta te d river lic ense a utho rity].


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APPENDIX A continued

Section 6. [Use this sec tion to identify spec ifica lly those prov isions of sta tute to wh ich thefour items enum erated in artic le IV(a) are eq uivalent and which will be g iven e ffec t withinthe p urpose o f artic le IV(a) a nd (c ). Also use this sec tion to a dd add itiona l offenses orviolations, if any, to b e g iven effec t und er artic le IV(b).]

Section 7. [This sec tion may be used if it is necessary to ame nd other sta tute s to avoidpossible c onflict with subd ivision (3) of a rticle V.]*

Section 8. [Insert effec tive da te.]

 ______________________________ *Subdivision (3) of a rtic le V ap plies the “ one -license p rinc iple” t o the issuanc e o f new licenses to a pp lic ant sfrom othe r Sta tes. It p rovides tha t a pe rson w ho ho lds a va lid lic ense in one p arty Sta te m ust turn it in befo rehe m ay be issued a license b y ano ther pa rty Sta te. Problems ma y arise unless suitab le cha nges are m ad e inothe r stat utes tha t might c onflic t with this subdivision. For exam ple, a pe rson m ay reside in party sta te A andbe ga infully emp loyed in pa rty sta te B. Under the Com pa c t, he may not ho ld licenses from b oth Sta tes at

the same time. In this situation, a p roblem w ould a rise if the ot her sta tutes of the two p a rty Sta tes requiredboth residents and gainfully employed persons to be licensed.


(Title, enac ting c lause, e tc .)

Section 1. The Motor Vehic le Administrato r (or other de signa ted offic ial) is autho rizedand direc ted to exec ute a ll doc uments and pe rform a ll other ac ts nec essary to enter intoand ca rry out the p rovisions of the Driver License Com pac t.

Section 2. (Use th is sec tion to certify to the fo ur requirem ents for entry into the Co m-pact .

1. State statute must clearly authorize the a dministrat ive official/ dep artment toenter into a rec iproc al a greeme nt such as the Driver License Com pa c t.

2. State statutes must be in co mplianc e with the four major provisions of theCom pa c t with no other state statutes in c onflic t with any Compa c t provi-sions.a . One lic ense,b . One record ,c . Uniform and predic table t reatment of drivers, andd. Exchange of driver record informat ion.

3. An off icial letter, preferab ly in the form of a state attorney general 's opinion,must b e submitted a ttesting to p rovisions 1 and 2 just mentioned .

4. The state indica tes, in writ ten agreement, its intention to c omply with allp rov isions of the Driver Lice nse C om pac t.)

Section 3. (Insert effec tive date.)


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WHEREAS , The Driver License Com pac t wa s formed to p rovide me ans through w hic h

the seve ra l jurisd ic tions ma y pa rticipa te in a rec iproc a l p rog ram to e ffec tua te the sta tedpo lic ies and purposes of the Co mp ac t, and

WHEREAS , autho rity to ente r the Com pac t is conta ined in Pub lic Law 85-684 (TheBea me r Resolution), a nd

WHEREAS , the Com pac t will serve to mutua lly benefit the residents, and the opera-tion of g ove rnme nt in the party jurisd ic tions.

NOW THEREFORE , in consideration o f the mutua l and rec iproc a l bene fits to flowtherefrom , and p ursuant to the a uthority co nta ined in: (insert sta tutory cite of authority)

the “Driver License Compact” is hereby confirmed.

FURTHER PROVIDED tha t the d esired da te of entry is */ was ____________, 19____, and

FURTHER PROVIDED tha t this jurisd ic tion a grees to c om ply with the terms and p rovi-sions of the Com pa c t.

Authority for ad ministration of this Co mp ac t w ithin this jurisd iction is vested in theoffic e of________________________________________________________________________________ 

 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 

DATED: _________________, 19 ____ 

For the Sta te/ Prov inc e of_________________________________________________________ 

NAME ________________________________________________________________________________________ 

TITLE __________________________________________________________________________________________ 

SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________________________________ 




For Secretariat Use:Notic e Rec eived ____________________ (d a te )Not ice sent to Co mpac t m embers __________________(date )


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AAMVA - Ame rican Assoc ia tion of Mo tor Vehic le Ad ministra tors, an o rganiza tion of Sta teand provinc ial offic ia ls in the United Sta tes and Ca nada, responsib le for the a dministra tionand enforcem ent o f law s pertaining to the motor vehic le a nd its use.

Conviction - inc lude s the forfeiture o f ba il dep osited to sec ure a defend ant’ s app ea r-anc e in co urt, a p lea of nolo c ontende re a cc ep ted by the co urt, the pa yment of a fine, ap lea o f guilty, or a find ing of g uilt on a tra ffic -violat ion c harge . Tra ffic infrac tions a re a lsoincluded within this definition for the jurisdictions that have decriminalized their trafficviolations.

Highway safety compact - agreeme nt entered into by Sta tes for the express purpose o fresolving mutua l prob lems in intersta te highwa y traffic .

Home State - Sta te tha t ha s issued and has the pow er to suspend or revoke the use o f thelicense o r pe rmit to op erate a motor vehic le.

Interstate compact - a forma l and c ontrac tual agreement b etwee n two or more Statestha t may include the U.S. Gove rnme nt a s a party; autho rized by the Constitution; usua llyreq uires the c onsent of Congress; enforced by the Supreme Court o f the United Sta tes;rec og nized as taking p reem inenc e over any o ther ordinary and / or co nflic ting Statestatute.

License revocation - the canc ella tion of a person’ s d river lic ense, not sub jec t to renew al

or restoration exce pt up on a pp lic ation for a ne w license a nd a c tion b y the motor vehicledep artment after the expiration of the ap p lic ab le period of time.

License suspension - the temp orary withdrawa l of a person’ s driver lic ense, for a spec ificpe riod o f time d esigna ted b y the motor vehic le de pa rtment.

NDR - Nationa l Driver Reg ister, a na tionw ide file of information provide d voluntarily b y theSta tes on d rivers with licensing sanc tions for d runk d riving and other serious traffic violations,tha t p rovide s Sta te licensing officials with a central index; administered by the Departme ntof Transporta tion’ s Nationa l Highw ay Traffic Safety Ad ministration.

Restoration - reinsta tem ent of the driving p rivileg e follow ing a suspension or revoc ation.

Specified offenses - offenses spec ified in the Comp ac t a re universa lly rec og nized asdangerous and sub jec t to the provisions of the DLC:

(1) manslaughter or negligent homic ide;(2) driving while intoxica ted;(3) convict ion of a felony in which a motor vehic le was used; and(4) convict ion of failure to stop and render aid in an ac cident

resulting in death o r persona l injury (hit and run).


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APPENDIX C continued

State - Sta te , territo ry, or possession o f the United Sta tes, the Distric t o f Co lumb ia, or the

Com monwea lth of Puerto Ric o.

Withdrawal - suspension or revocation of the driving privilege.


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The enc losed driver licenses we re surrendered by forme r residents of your sta te whoha ve been issued “ XXXXXXXXXX” drive rs’ lic enses.

These lic enses are returned to you in ac c orda nc e w ith the “ one license” princ ip le o f theIntersta te Driver License Com pac t. We wo uld apprec ia te rec eiving a ny existing d rivingrecords including accidents, convictions, revocations, or suspensions on any of theseforme r residents. Please forward these rec ords to :

Agency NameStreet Ad dress/ Box Numb erCity, Sta te Zip




The enc losed driver licenses we re surrendered by forme r residents of your sta te whoha ve been issued “ XXXXXXXXXX” drive rs’ lic enses.

These lic enses are returned to you in ac c orda nc e w ith the “ one license” princ ip le o f theIntersta te Driver License Com pac t. We wo uld apprec ia te rec eiving a ny existing d rivingrecords including accidents, convictions, revocations, or suspensions on any of these

forme r residents. If the d river has a “ c lear rec ord” in your sta te, it is not necessary toforward a d riving rec ord. We will consider no response to me an the individua l has ac lea r rec ord. Plea se forwa rd these records to:

Agency NameStreet Ad dress/ Box Numb erCity, Sta te Zip

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APPENDIX D continued (3.1.3)




This c lea ranc e/ sta tus isva lid for 30 days from thedate issued.



I am now a resident of ___________________________ and am app lying for a _______________________ d rivers license. I req ue st ve rifica tion of my lic ense sta tus.


Name: Last First Midd le

License Number

Date of Birth

Ad dress on Lice nse

Signa ture o f App licant


Full Name Lic ense Exp ira tion

Lic ense Number Lic ense Type

Date of Birth License Restric tions

Add ress Lic ense Endorsements


No rec ord of a XXXXXXXXX driver Ac c ident Reportlicense.

Ac c ide nt sec urity co mp lianc e.Clea r in this sta te. Not und ersuspension/ revoc a tion. Financ ia l Responsib ility,

SR-22, etc .Pending suspension/revocation,

ac tion effec tive______________________. Reinstatement fee of $_____________.

Lic ense c anc elled . Rea son: Other_____________________________. _____________________________________.

Other_____________________________.License denied . Rea son:

  _____________________________________. Off icia l Co mp leting Authoriza tion

Motorcyc le qua lified only. Address

Other_______________________________. Date


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APPENDIX D continued




Licensing Agency Address:

Telep hone Numb er:


Name Drivers License # Sta te

Add ress D.O.B. Sex

City, Sta te, Zip Ht. Wt. Eyes


Vehic le License # Sta te Year Ma ke


Cita tion # Da te of Offense Loc ation of Offense

Description of Violation

Court Convic tion Da te Fine/ Not Guilty

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An interstate co mp ac t is a forma l and c ontrac tual agreement b etwee n two or moreSta tes, and ma y inc lude the U.S. Government as a p arty. It originated in the c olonialperiod , and is authorized by the Constitution. Intersta te c om pac ts usua lly req uire thec onsent o f Cong ress, and C ong ress a lwa ys has the a uthority to forbid a c om pac t byspec ific ena c tme nt. The Suprem e Court of the United Sta tes enfo rc es intersta te c om -pac ts, and rec og nizes them as taking p reem inenc e o ver any ordina ry and / or co nflic tingState statute .* Interstate compac ts a re enac ted into State law in each partic ipa ting

 jurisd iction , usua lly with identica l word ing.

Highwa y safety c om pac ts are a gree me nts ente red into by Sta tes for the express purposeof resolving mutua l p rob lems in intersta te highw ay tra ffic . Intersta te m oto r vehicular travelc rea tes com plex prob lem s tha t ma y be suc cessfully overcom e through the use o f inter-

state c omp ac ts.

In 1958, Congress adop ted the Bea me r Resolution (Pub lic Law 85-684), which grantedc ong ressiona l ap prova l in a dva nce to interstate c ompa c ts to further highw ay tra fficsafety.

The first m ajor response to the Bea me r Resolution came in 1960, when resolutions urg ingthe fo rma tion o f the a greeme nt we re pa ssed by the Western Interstate Com mittee o nHighway Policy Prob lems and the Western Go vernor’ s Co nference. The Counc il of Sta teGove rnments then beg an drafting w hat w ould bec ome the Driver License Co mp ac t, inc lose c oo peration w ith Sta te mo tor vehicle a dministra tors, the Interna tiona l Assoc ia tion ofChiefs of Police (IACP), the American Assoc iation o f Motor Vehic le Administrato rs

(AAMVA), the Insuranc e Institute fo r Highwa y Safety, and othe r nationa l sa fety o rganiza -tions. Assistanc e and com me nts on subseq uent dra fts we re p rovide d by leg isla tors from avariety of State s and from the Interstate Com pa c t Committee of the Na tiona l Conferenc eof Co mmissione rs on Uniform Sta te Laws.

The Driver License Co mp ac t be c ame a rea lity in 1961, when Neva da bec ame the firstSta te to a dop t it. Mississipp i ente red the DLC in 1962 and the com pac t bec ame a viab leintersta te instrument. Ten a dd itiona l Sta tes joined in 1963, and the num ber grew to 20 by1966.

In Ma rch 1965, the Boa rd of Direc tors of the Ame ric an Assoc ia tion of Moto r Vehicle Ad min-

istra tors approve d a rec om me ndation tha t AAMVA serve as the Sec reta riat for Sta tespartic ipa ting in the Compac t. The Compa c t State s ratified this ac tion.

How eve r, the p rom otion of the Co mp ac t languished for ma ny years. This wa s ove rcom eby NHTSA in 1980 when a contrac t wa s awa rded to the Counc il of Sta te Governme nts tostudy and p rovide rec ommenda tions on how the C ompa c t should be streng thened . Theprima ry rec ommenda tions from the study w ere that a Com pa c t Co mm ission should b eorganized , bylaws ado p ted , and long-term funding a chieved .

*Green v. Bidd le, 21 U.S. (8 Whea t.) 1 (1823). The C ourt held tha t an intersta te c om pac t is superior in force to b oth p rior and subseq uent stat utory law that is in conflict w ith the co mp ac t.


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APPENDIX E continued

In 1982, NHTSA p rovide d funds to AAMVA to (1) ca ll a me eting o f Comp ac t me mb erSta tes, (2) form a C om pac t Comm ission a s a g overning b od y along with the o ffic ers andbylaws of tha t Comm ission, (3) develop an op erations ma nua l, and (4) promo te theCom pa c t am ong nonme mb er jurisdictions.

A Driver License C om pac t Co mm ission (DLCC), ma de up of m oto r vehic le a dministra torsfrom Comp ac t me mb er Sta tes, was estab lished in 1983 to a dminister the DLC a nd deve lopa long -term p lan to increase me mb ership a nd servic e.

In 1990, the Exec utive Boa rds of b oth the DLCC and the Nonresident Violato r Compac t(NRVC) initia ted ac tion to am end bo th Com pa c ts' Bylaw s. The p rop osed amend mentwa s a ime d a t estab lishing one joint Exec utive Boa rd tha t wo uld rep resent a nd ac t for theme mb ership o f both the DLCC a nd the NRVC. The ame ndme nt to the Bylaws wa s ap-proved by ma il ba llot August 1990.

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Driver License Applicant Identification and Licensing System Security(1979)

State Medical Advisory Boards and Problem Drinker Drivers(1986)

Dealing with Drinking Drivers(1986)

Improved Driver Entry System for Young, Novice Drivers(1989)

Driver License Examiner Certification Instructor's Lesson Plan(1985, Revised 1990)

Driver License Examiner Certification Program(1985, Revised 1990)

Driver License Compact Operations Manual(1985, Revised 1990)

Nonresident Violator Compact Ope rations Ma nual(1985, Revised 1990)

Administrative Per Se -- Summary of State Forms and Procedures(1986, Revised 1990)

Comparative Data - - State/ Provincial Licensing Systems(1986, Revised 1990)

Motorcycle Operator Licensing System(1990)

Mode l Driver Screening and Evaluation Program(1992)

ORDER THROUGH: American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)

4301 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400Arlington, VA 22203