the divine man - samuel oyelese.pdf


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The Understanding of the times is the greatest thing that can happen to every man. Wakeup, the Aquarius age is come.


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• The Outer Court … 14 • The Brass Altar … 15 • The Brass Laver … 15 • The Holy Place … 16 • The Table of Shewbread … 16 • The Menorah … 18 • The Golden Altar … 19 • The Most Holy Place … 20 • The Mercy Seat … 21 • The Ark of The Covenant … 22 • The Cherubim of Glory … 25

Chapter 2: Apokalupsis of Jesus Christ … 27 Chapter 3: William Branham – A sign of the coming Kingdom … 30 Chapter 4: The Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil … 40 Chapter 5: Stages of Growth of the divine life … 43 Chapter 6: The Fruits of the Tree of Life … 47 Chapter 7: The Rainbow Covenant … 53 Chapter 8: The Melchizedek Priesthood … 61 Chapter 9: Jane Leade – A Prophecy to The Sons of God … 67 PART 2 - THE MYSTERY OF DIVINE BIRTH Chapter 10: The Nature of the Logos or Word-seed … 74

• Structure and Content … 75 • Male and Female – The generative principle of the word-seed

… 76 • The Word in types, shadows and substance

… 78 Chapter 11: The Divine Birth … 82

• The Promise of the Man child … 82 • The Celestial mystery of the creative word

… 82 • Three males and females bring forth the creative word

… 85 • Moses – The first Man child … 86 • Christ - The Second Man child … 87 • The Church – The last man child … 89 • Birthing the complete Word … 90

Chapter 12: Governing through the image of God … 96


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PART 3 - THE MYSTERY OF DIVINE PERFECTION Chapter 13: Our reasons of this study … 101 Chapter 14: Understanding the Mystery of perfection … 104

• Perfection measured in the cycles of life … 105

• The use of prophetic time cycle of 360 days … 107

• Perfection manifested in the life of Christ … 110

Chapter 15: Perfection measured in the temple model … 114

• The Outer circuit – twelve gates of the sun … 117

• The Inner circuit – thirty chambers of the moon … 119

Chapter 16: The revelation of Christ in the perfect or divine man … 122

Chapter 17: Operations of the Divine Man … 126


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DEDICATION “The word that came unto Jeremiah from of the lord saying thus speaketh the lord God of Israel saying Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book. For lo the days come saith the lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the Lord: and I will cause them to return to the land I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it”

Jeremiah 30:1-2 Just about the time the material in this book was completed, I woke up in the night after a dream. In the dream, I was with a friend and we were embarking on a journey, then the friend was asking if the material I had written was ready and I said “yes, the material contains basic information about the revelation ”, then I woke up. As I woke up I asked the Lord for the meaning of the dream and I spontaneously opened the bible (as I do many times after requesting for guidance). And my eyes fell on the above chapter of Jeremiah and then I realized that the Lord was indicating that he wanted this material published. I then remembered that I had the previous day had a conversation with the person I was with in the dream. And we had been discussing about how Israel was a type of the kingdom. The following is a synopsis of the conversation we had – The Land that God promised the children of Israel (See Deuteronomy 7:1-2) was not completely possessed from the days of Joshua and the judges until David became King. The last land to be possessed was Salem, which was being occupied by the Jebusites. Salem (meaning peace) is a mountainous city that was originally ruled by Melchizedek, the royal priest of God (Hebrews 7:2). Because it is a mountainous terrain it was difficult to overcome. Therefore for generations this land remained in the hands of the Jebusites. Salem is a type of the fullness and immortality for it represents a height in the spirit that is difficult to possess and it was originally ruled by a priest who was without beginning or end, but continues by the power of an endless and incorruptible life (Hebrews 7:3,16,24). David represents a generation that would take the challenge to possess the unclaimed land of immortality (See 2 Samuel 5:9). As the children of Israel in each generation had seen the land yet did not embark on possessing it, likewise we have been reading scriptures such as “Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” (John 11:26). Jesus underscored the weight of that statement by asking Martha “believest thou this?” Till this day many interprete that scripture by saying it refers to spiritual resurrection, yet Jesus was talking about his absolute power over death that was why he raised Lazarus physically from the dead on that same day - not on judgement day as Martha thought. Therefore I realised in the morning of the dream that the lord was indicating that the promise land of the kingdom (i.e. righteousness, perfection and immortality) would be possessed by this generation (read Jeremiah 30:1-2 again). Therefore this material is dedicated to the Lord, My mother who has been a great Support Mrs. B.M. Efunkoya, Mr. and Mrs. Azino-Eboh and the family of God who have in one way or the other inspired, assisted, in the preparation of this material and particularly the “rainbow fish” – the elected, bride church who are destined for the throne. The King James Version of The Holy Scriptures has been used in this book. In order to amplify the meaning intended in a specific verse I have placed my thoughts in square brackets. Samuel Oyelese. September 15th 2007 (Feast of Trumpets).


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THE DIVINE MAN INTRODUCTION “…a perfect man which is the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…”

Ephesians 4:13 “… Through these precious promises we have become partakers of his divine nature…”

2 Peter 1:4 Who is a divine man? Simply put, a divine man is one who has attained to the fullness of the divine nature. Even though we can define this subject easily, the truths relating to this subject concerns the deepest aspects of the nature of God. This is the realm that Jesus Christ operated in and overcame all things including death. Therefore we are dealing with a realm that is a deep mystery. By “divine” we mean - not subject to natural or spiritual laws, but capable of higher dimensions of power and also perfect expressions of life, incorruptibility and holiness. Before we proceed further we must recognize that the divine man is not just a spiritual man. A spiritual man understands spiritual matters and can exercise spiritual power, but he is not necessarily divine. This is because the spiritual man is still imperfect as he is limited by his human nature. He still makes errors in judgement though he is progressively entering into higher levels of discernment and power in the spirit. He may also have the divine nature at work in him, but that does not mean he has entered the realm of fullness where his humanity has been completely submerged into divinity. Furthermore, a spiritual man is capable of sin because he has not fully entered into union with God for GOD IS THE ONLY DIVINE REALITY. But a divine man CANNOT sin because he can only function from a place of union with God. From the realm of God he has access to omnipotent power, omniscient wisdom and omnipresence. Therefore though angels are spiritual and even celestial, they are divine only to the degree they relate with God. It is an illusion to think that spirituality is the sole preserve of Christians. Magicians, occultists, evil spirits and fallen angels all function within the context of the spiritual realm, therefore they are also spiritual, yet they are devoid of the divine nature, because they operate independently from God. Therefore spiritual people can perform supernatural acts of power, yet they still commit sin. We hear of “lying wonders” that will be performed by false messiahs through the power of lying spirits. Finally, a spiritual man operates on a level higher than the natural man. A natural man is ruled by reasoning, emotions and physical desires like sex etc. A natural man does not understand the realm of revelations, open visions, miracles etc. Carnal Christians, liberal theologians (who do not accept Christ’s Immaculate Conception), this world’s philosophers, scientists and those that don’t believe in supernatural phenomena fall in this category. The divine is the realm of the sons of God that will be manifested in the earth in a short while, therefore it is required that we understand certain aspects of this mystery. From the foregoing the subject of the divine man is one that requires much understanding, yet little is fully understood about this subject.


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Nevertheless, we believe this is the period of the awakening and manifestation of the true light and revelation so we press on into clearer light on the subject as the Lord gives grace to His ministries in the body. This material is therefore just an attempt to assist the student of the word of God to find insight for his own personal studies in the mystery of Christ – the model divine man. This material is divided into three parts. In the first part called divine union, we laid a foundation for understanding concepts associated with the tabernacle which speaks of the dimensions of our relationship with God. We used this foundation to explain that the revelation of Jesus Christ to the bride of Christ coming into divine union as an event taking place in the holy place. We then indicated that the period of the preparation of the bride of Christ is coming to climax and that God sent a man –William Branham, as a sign that we are at the end of this period. We explain the significance of the twelve degrees of light or the revelation of Christ that the bride of Christ must receive for the complete union to happen and for us to become partakers of the divine nature. We further analysed the divine nature as twelve fruits that represent the natures of Christ such as perfect sight (the eyes of God), perfect hearing (the ears of God), perfect feeling (the heart of God) and all the expressions of wisdom and righteousness of the divine nature. Finally, we examine the mystery of the rainbow covenant as it relates to the Melchizedek priesthood and how this was the message of the seven seals that William Branham was given to perfect the church. In the second part called divine birth, we explained the process of divine conception which is the natural consequence when the wife takes the seed of the husband in union. This conception is what produces the Melchizedek sons of God. The spiritual conception is the evidence that we have been in the marriage chamber with Christ in the hour we are in. Finally, we explained the ministry of the sons of God called the “man child company” which is to deliver mankind and creation from the bondage of satan. In the third part called mystery of perfection we examine the full mystery using Christ as the pattern of the divine man and we also examine this mystery in the light of the Tabernacles of Ezekiel and Moses. We finally examine the divine nature as it functions within the divine man who is also the Melchizedek priesthood or the Sons of God. If you want to ask questions please send a mail to [email protected].


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Chapter One -Tabernacle Of Moses

INTRODUCTION: “And let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof even so shall ye make it”

Exodus 25:8-9 The tabernacle of Moses is the foundational doctrine that establishes the core aspects of man’s relationship with God. It is the pattern that shows the dimensions of our relationship with God and the regulating laws and ordinances. This teaching ultimately shows that God desires to dwell with man and that man is the dwelling place of God. When man has been instructed and righteousness and thoroughly groomed according to the pattern given in the tabernacle the man enters into full divine union with God. “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.”

Rev 21:3 When this is fully done then will be fulfilled the prophecy that the Tabernacle God with man. The tabernacle is divided into three courts arranged progressively with subsequent courts being concealed by veils so that a person had to enter the tabernacle from the outermost court and passing through a veil to reach the inner court and passing through another veil to reach the innermost court where God’s presence was revealed.


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This is to show three progressive realms that man has to pass through before reaching the presence of God concealed in the innermost court. The idea communicated by the names of the courts starting from the outer court to the holy place and then to the most Holy Place is that higher levels of holiness/ purification would be demanded from a man as he progressively moves from the outer court into God’s presence in full divine union. The last court is called the most Holy Place because it is the place where the presence of God is revealed and no man can reach this realm until he has reached a state of perfect holiness or he has become thrice holy. We must remember that the Angels in the presence of God say “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts…” (See Isaiah 6:3). They repeat the appellation “Holy” three times to indicate that God is Thrice Holy meaning he is perfectly holy for three is the number of excellence. This is why God told Moses that those that approach him must be sanctified. Therefore, we must begin our journey into intimacy with God from the outer court passing through certain preparations involving cleansing and washing processes. After this purification, we can progress beyond the first veil into the holy place where we are prepared for our priesthood glory and then rise beyond the second veil into the immediate presence of God in the Most Holy Place! - A realm beyond death. Let us now study further to understand this mystery. THE OUTER COURT “Having therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he has consecrated for us, through the veil that is to say His flesh; And having a high priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.”

Hebrews 10:19-22 This is the realm of the man that has just come to Christ – The natural man. As he receives by faith the promises of salvation given to us by God in Christ he boldly begins the process of approaching God in the Most Holy through the sprinkling of the conscience with the blood of Jesus and the application of the washing of his inner life with the pure water of the word of God. This imagery about the sprinkling of the blood and the washing process is in reference to the articles of the outer court which are the Brass Altar and the Brass laver. These were the articles used in the cleansing of the people from their sins for worship in the outer court and the preparation of the priest for the services of the sanctuary both Outer Court and the Holy Place. The outer court therefore represents the first dimension of relationship we come into when we become accepted in the beloved – a part of the household of God. This realm involves a purification process that we must go through in order to bring our life in harmony with God’s desire as it is written, “Be ye holy as I am holy” and also “without Holiness no man shall see God” (See 1 Peter 1: 16, Hebrews 12:14) The Brass Altar The brass altar was the place where sacrifices were made to the Lord. We find that the sacrifices on the brass altar are animal sacrifices with the strong odors of their flesh being washed or burnt on the altar. The nature of the sacrifices has to do with sin offerings, burnt offerings, and trespass offerings all which speak of the process of judging the flesh. In the opening of the fifth seal (See Revelations 6:9-12), we find that the souls of those that have been


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sacrificed on the brass altar are clothed with white garments. This shows that after the purging of the flesh is done in our lives we are then clothed with purity and our inward passions become redeemed from carnality. Those that really want to see the glory of God must pay the price of going beyond this realm of carnal Christianity. The Brass Laver (See Exodus 30:18-21) The brass laver was used by the priests to wash their selves before they started the work of the sanctuary or enter into the holy place beyond the veil. This washing of their hands and their feet with water as a purification process represents the use of the word of God to cleanse the people of God in terms of their works symbolised by the hands and also their walk with God by faith symbolised by their feet (See Ephesians 5:26). If this principle was violated the presence of God within the Holy Place would judge them and they would die. “And Moses brought Aaron and his sons and washed them with water and he put upon him the coat and girded him with the girdle and clothed him with robe…”

Leviticus 8:6-7 The washing process was part of the consecration ceremony for those that would be brought into the priesthood (See Leviticus 8). Only after the washing was done was Aaron clothed with white linen garments and other articles of priesthood which symbolised purity and be permitted into the Holy Place beyond the veil. In like manner those that will move beyond the Outer Court experience of relating with God into the Holy Place of intimacy and become spiritual men must have to be spiritually clothed with the glory of a spiritual life and grace that can sustain in them a lifestyle of purity. THE HOLY PLACE The Holy Place is the second realm in God where all saints are perfected. Those that have successfully passed through the processing in the Outer Court can break the veil over their heart and ascend into the next realm called the Holy place. At this level Christians are now spiritual and have their hearts circumcised therefore they can discern spiritual things more easily. So this is the realm of the spiritual man. Therefore, the light from this realm comes from the Holy Spirit and through anointed ministers who walk on the life of the Spirit. Only spiritual people are qualified to serve in this realm of ministry because any activity by a natural man in this realm will be a carnal impersonation for they cannot understand the reality of this realm but will only be going through outward motions to imitate priests. In this realm there are three articles which include the Table of Showbread, The Menorah and The Golden Altar (See Hebrews 9:2). This realm also represents the dispensation of grace which the church is presently in where the priests of God are being prepared for the Kingdom Age. The Table of Showbread (See Exodus 25:23-24, 30) The Table of showbread was a table made of wood and covered with gold upon which was placed the holy bread called showbread. This bread was only eaten by priests as it was considered Holy because it was placed inside the Holy Place before the presence of God. The bread would be left on the Table for one week during which the shafts of light radiating from the divine glory in the Most Holy place would soak the bread with


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holy life - God’s spiritual essence. Of course the only reason the bread was kept there was not because they did not have common bread but it was pointing to the need of the priests to be sustained by spiritual energy in order to maintain their relationship with God. This means that people that are called to ministry need to continue to feast on revelation knowledge lest they lose their spiritual energy and begin to serve God with carnal human strength – all such ministries being unacceptable before God. This conclusively shows that the showbread represents revelation knowledge that releases divine life or spiritual energy into our inner beings imparting to us a divine nature and the mind of Christ. Finally, we find that there are twelve loaves representing the twelve tribes of Israel that the priest must serve. Since Israel is a type of Christ spiritually, each loaf represents a specific aspect of the nature of Christ. If there are twelve natures suggested by this bread, it means that when we are in the holy Place as ministered we will receive the complete impartation of God’s divine nature as we continue to feast on revelation knowledge. What are these twelve natures? We will find them further elaborated on the breastplate of Judgement which the high priest wears before going into the most Holy Place to commune with God. The twelve degrees correspond to the original twelve names of the tribes of Israel which are: 1. Reuben – Sight (Divine Sight) 2. Simeon – Hear (Divine Hearing) 3. Levi – Joined (Divine feeling or relationship) 4. Judah – Praise (Divine Leadership) 5. Dan –Judge (Divine Judgement changed to Manasseh meaning to forget - to replace judgement with mercy is a part of the nature of God) 6. Naphtali –Wrestler (Divine strength) 7. Gad –Troop (Divine Community) 8. Asher – Happiness (Divine Joy) 9. Issachar – Wages (Divine Riches) 10. Zebulon – Dweller (Divine Stability or Estate) 11. Joseph – To Add or increase (Divine fruitfulness) 12. Benjamin – Son of Right Hand (Divine Authority) The Menorah (See Exodus 25:31 – 37) The seven-branched candle stand called the Menorah is actually the source of light in the Holy Place. The menorah is filled with olive oil from which the wick inside uses as fuel for light. In the visions of Zechariah (See Zechariah 4), the olive trees seen giving oil to the lamp is interpreted as the anointed ones, therefore the oil is actually the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is why the message given Zechariah by the angel is “Not by power or might but by my Spirit says the Lord”. With this understanding we realize that the Menorah represents spirit-filled churches and the churches give light or revelation because of the unction within. Therefore when John said “the unction you receive shall teach you all things”, he was indicating that the Holy Spirit is the source of all divine revelation. “The Mystery of the seven golden candlesticks… the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches”

Revelations 1:20 In the New Testament church these seven branches also represent the seven churches in body of Christ. Because there are seven lamps it means that Gods design for the church is that there will always be perfect illumination for the saints through the corporate ministry symbolised by the lamps. At any period in the church history we have seen that many of the churches have fallen into darkness just as


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Christ warned the church of Ephesus to repent so that their lamp will not be removed (Revelations 2:5) This is why the apostate church called Babylon is describes as being without a candle (Revelations 18:). This means that though in God’s design the church was meant to give perfect light symbolised by the seven –branched lampstand or Menorah in practice the corporate body ministry has fallen short of this. The Golden Altar (See Exodus 301- 4) The golden altar was primarily used to burn incense which is a type of fellowship offering. Unlike the Outer Court where there were foul odors of flesh being washed in this realm the atmosphere would be filled with the sweet smell of incense. In other words the golden altar is a place of sweet aromas of spiritual sacrifices such as prayers, worship and fellowship that was acceptable to God. “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God”

Revelations 9:13 “And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden center and there was given to him to offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne”

Revelations 8:3 “And the Lord said to Moses, take unto yourself sweet spices, stacte and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each shall there be like a weight: And thou shalt make it a perfume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy. And thou shalt beat some of it very small, and put it before the testimony in the tabernacle of the congregation, where I will meet with you: it shall be unto you most holy. And as for the perfume which thou shalt make, ye shall not make unto yourselves according to the composition thereof: it shall be unto thee holy [dedicated or exclusive] for the Lord”

Exodus 30:34-37 The altar represents the heart of man and the fires burning the incense represents the desires that burn within the man such as divine zeal. The desires of man have been clothed with white as the souls crying from under the Brass altar in the opening of the fifth seal shows (See Revelations 6). Therefore being holy desires that are clothed with purity all prayers represented as the voice from the golden altar made here are acceptable to God. Furthermore, the preparation of the incense was such that the sap of different trees was used to get the basic ingredients. These trees were pierced in their barks and “bled” to collect the sweet smelling sap needed for making the ingredients. This means that to get spiritual incense requires the piercing of our flesh like the trees. We must therefore make some sacrifices such as fasting and self-denial like giving which represent the incenses to accompany our prayers. THE MOST HOLY PLACE. “After the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein as the golden pot that had manna and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; and over it the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy seat…”

Hebrews 9:3-4 The Most Holy Place is goal of this teaching – the realm of the divine man. This is the final realm in God where all saints who are perfect can commune face to face with God. The people that come to this realm have successfully passed through the processing in all realms and now bearing the same nature as God they can stand before the father with complete purity and commune with God like Christ does. These have entered the realm of immortality and having received immutable righteousness symbolised by the breastplate of


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judgement worn by the high priest they are divine or celestial men. These are the sons of God called into the Melchizedek Priesthood who will rule with Christ in the Kingdom Age on Earth. The light in this realm of the tabernacle comes from the Shekinah glory of God therefore they do not need any ministry from men any longer like in the Holy Place. Rather all mysteries have been removed and they are beyond the realm of deception which satan can still operate in the Holy Place. Finally dispensationally, this realm is the Kingdom Age when God will rule the nations through His sons. The articles here are the Cherubim of glory, the Mercy Seat and the Ark of Covenant. The Mercy Seat The Mercy seat is the place of the sacrifice of Christ where his blood remains as an eternal testimony to the price he paid to redeem mankind and creation from sin and death. The ministry of the mercy seat is what will enable the church to move into the most holy place realm as the Lord Jesus Christ our high Priest will intercede for the saints to come to the place of perfection. “For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

Heb 9:24-28 “By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.”

Heb 10:10-14 The Ark of the Covenant The Ark of the Covenant was the place the glory of God rested upon and was a terrible sign of the Almighty’s power. “And when the philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, what meaneth the noise of this great shouting the camp of the Hebrews? And they understood the ark of the Lord was come into the camp. And the Philistines were afraid; and said God is come into the camp. And they said woe unto us! For there hath not been such a thing heretofore”

I Samuel 4:6-7 Anytime the children went into battle the children of Israel had priests from the family of kohathites of the Levitical order to carry the Ark, and once the enemies of Israel saw the Ark they would cry out in terror and panic because they recognised the almighty power that could be easily unleashed from the Ark. In God’s plan since man is becoming His Temple therefore man is the Ark upon which the glory of God will


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rest. Therefore the contents of the Ark represent certain qualities that will be found in those men that will become the final Tabernacle of glory. The articles of the Ark of the Covenant consisted of the golden pot of manna, the rod of Aaron that budded and the Tablets of the Ten Commandments. 1. The Golden Pot of Manna: “To him that overcomes I will give to eat of the hidden manna”

Revelations 2:17 b The golden pot of Manna represents the incorruptible Manna which was collected on the sixth day in the wilderness. Since God commended the children not to collect Manna on the Sabbath, they were expected to collect twice their normal ration on the sixth day. This was not the normal way because every other day they collected ration for only one day and any leftovers would become infested with maggots by the next day, but on the sixth day there was an exception and the Manna collected that day did not decay when left till the next day – the Sabbath. The manna represents the word of God as God said that he fed them with manna that they did not know or heir fathers that they may learn that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (See Deuteronomy 8). Therefore each day represents a season we walk with God towards the promise land of perfection and each season God gives us a revelation to sustain us during the journey to perfection. But we must receive fresh manna for we cannot sustain ourselves by the truths we received at the start of a season that is now passing away. This is the problem with the Pentecostal movement now, for they are feeding on the old manna of teachings that no longer have the power to produce holiness in the people of God. The only manna that does not decay is the final revelation of Christ to the church which is the mystery of immortal life. This takes us into the Sabbath rest realm where we no longer labor to manifest righteousness. This power of immortality has been promised by Christ, but it will only be given to the overcomers that transcend every realm of the flesh and come into the Most Holy realm. 2. The Rod of Aaron that budded: “He that overcomes and keepeth my works to the end to him will give power to rule over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron…”

Revelations 2:26-27 The Rod of Aaron speaks of kingdom dominion. What we find is that at the time when Aaron was being chosen as the one to represent God as High Priest - a type of royal priesthood, God asked all the leaders of Israel to bring their rods and Moses placed them the Ark. At the end of the process, only Aaron’s rod budded. This showed that he was the one chosen by God. The principle we find here is that the process of divine selection would be that those chosen by God will be vindicated by resurrection power. This will forever remove any controversy about the true church (See Numbers 17) 3. The Tablets of the Ten Commandments or Decalogue “And one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him… if thou will enter into life, keep the commandments”

Matthew 19:16 -17 “Forasmuch as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with


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ink, but with the spirit of the living God; not in tables of stones but on fleshly tables of the heart” 2 Corinthians 3:3

The Ten Commandments remain the key to eternal life and the basis of our relationship with God. When the rich young man wanted to know the way to eternal life he was not asking about going to heaven for in Jewish thought eternal life has nothing to do with heaven but rather immortal life in the age to come. We therefore find that even in heaven – a perfect society, the Ten Commandments remain the basis for the coexistence of the angels and celestial host because they are also moral beings. Furthermore, we find that the tablets are no longer the stone tablets of the Old Testament that God is interested in, but that God wants to write his truths into our hearts so that we naturally act out of that nature of perfection (See 2 Corinthians 3:1-3). Therefore those who will carry the glory of God and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth will already be living by this reality, if not how would they be able to act as examples and establish this reality in the Earth as Gods representatives? Therefore in the Kingdom Age the nature of Christ which the Ten Commandments are symbolic of will be the basis of society and all evil will be removed from the Earth. The Cherubim of Glory There were two cherubim that were facing each other on the Ark of the Covenant. These cherubim speak of the celestial estate of God that we are being called to share in so that we may commune with God face to face. In this realm there are no more veils hindering our communion with God so we can relate with God in the reality of divine glory without the use of types and shadows. All obscurity is removed as we function in the same realm of divine perfection with our heavenly father sharing in His divine nature.


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Chapter Two –The Apokalupsis Of Jesus Christ

The Greek word for revelation is APOKALUPSIS and it speaks of the coming or the approach of the Lord Jesus. This coming is on different levels starting from the spiritual manifestation of the divine presence of the Lord to the physical appearance of the Lord. We are primarily concerned with the spiritual revelation of Christ for this must precede the physical or visible appearance. Actually it is the spiritual revelation that prepares the bride for his final physical appearance. As the bride of Christ which is the overcoming church is being prepared for the ultimate experience which is complete nuptial consummation called the marriage of the lamb, we therefore expect a deeper revelation of Jesus Christ to perfect the church. The true meaning of this marriage of the lamb to the bride church is a mystical or divine union where the Lord Jesus will fully gain dominion within the saints. This will be manifested as a divine union in which Christ will be seen in the firstfruits saints that pioneer this move (See Revelations 14:1-4).In the final harvest called the Feast of Tabernacles, the firstfruits represent the fruit that quickly matures and begin the harvest season (See John 7:2-39, Leviticus 23:34-44 , Revelations 14:14-16). This is part of the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the kingdom of God to come. Nevertheless, the kingdom of Christ will not manifest in the nations visibly until this race of divine men that have been fully regenerated emerge. They will be able representatives of the visible kingdom as they will have their inner kingdoms manifesting the reign of Christ. These are the sons of God that the whole of creation awaits. At the present moment the apokalupsis or the revelation of Jesus is taking place hidden from the world’s view. In the parable of the foolish and wise virgins, the true bride has her lamp full of oil (which is the holy spirit) and therefore can see in the night (Matthew 25).The purpose of the oil is that she may see, in other words revelation knowledge. A wise virgin therefore represent the spiritual man in Christ, who has capacity to discern the light of revelation. He can see Christ the groom as he approaches in the spirit. He functions from the Holy Place and receives the revelation in secret. A foolish virgin is a natural or carnal man in Christ married to worldly pleasures and distractions and spiritually blind. He is unable to see the groom in the spirit. He is in the outer court and does not know what happens beyond the veil. When the consummation between the groom and bride happens, Christ will take the true bride into the consummation chamber in the spirit beyond the veil, where Christ will reveal the deepest mysteries of his person just like a groom has to be naked when he consummates with his bride. This is the significance of the table of showbread. These mysteries of Christ have to do with his divine nature which we will show is the tree of life. As we begin to explore the hidden riches of secret places in the scriptures by the spirit of revelation, we shall find a new vista of understanding unfolding as pertaining to the mystery of this divine union and immortality.


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Chapter Three –William Branham: A sign of The Coming Kingdom

Those who do not know about the person of William Marrion Branham are advised to do some research about this prophet of God by perusing the site or Or reading the book GOD’S GENERALS VOL 1 by Roberts Liardon. All that is necessary to understand here is that he was a sign to this generation and he was sent with a message about the mystery of the seven seals to perfect the bride. Though his message was not received because there were certain erroneous teachings he got into, yet the main thing to recognize is that he came as a sign to warn this generation of the imminent judgment of the world and the final revelation of Christ that will usher in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the message of the mystery of the seven seals is still a relevant message to the bride church. Another modern day prophet Rick Joyner has brought this to our attention in the Book FINAL QUEST, where he mentions that he had a vision where he saw William Branham at the judgment seat of Christ. He does not mention the name of William Branham, but the surrounding details of this personality reveals that this is the person being mentioned. The main point here is that the Lord reiterated the fact that the message William Branham brought must be recovered and delivered to the church (See Final Quest, pages 144 -145). The ministry of William Branham was like that of John the Baptist in that he came as a friend (best man) of the groom (Christ).To understand this better, we must understand some facts:

1. THE FIRST COMING OF CHRIST WAS MEANT TO BE A MARRIAGE. The role that John the Baptist played was as a Best Man to proclaim to the bride that the groom had arrived. The bride was Israel and Christ was the Groom.

“Ye yourselves bear me witness that I said I am not the Christ that I am sent before him. He that has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bride groom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled”.

John 3:28-29 Here John clearly gives testimony that he came to declare to Israel that their wedding with Christ was ready. “The kingdom of heaven is like a King which made a marriage for his son. And sent his servants to call them that are bidden to the wedding: and they would not come…But they made light of it and went their ways…, and the remnant took his servants and entreated them spitefully and slew them. When the King heard thereof he was angry and sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. Then he said to his servants THE WEDDING IS READY, but they that were bidden were not worthy. Go ye into the highways and as many as ye shall find invite to the marriage”.

Matthew 22:1- 9 Here Christ bears the same testimony that the wedding was ready but that those invited (i.e. the Jews) were not worthy, now the invitation goes to the gentiles. 2. IN THE PARABLE OF CHRIST, BECAUSE THE JEWS REJECTED THE WEDDING

INVITATION AND KILLED THE SERVANTS OF THE KING (GOD), MEANING THEY KILLED CHRIST, THE DISCIPLES AND JOHN THE BAPTIST, THEY WERE JUDGED. What Christ said in Matthew 22 - that the King sent his armies to destroy them and burn their city


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down was fulfilled. This happened forty years later in AD 70 when Titus, the Roman General with the army of Rome marched against Jerusalem and destroyed the city completely killing the Jews.

“And when you shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flea to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out … for these are the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword and they shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the gentiles…”

Luke 21:20-22,24


“And they shall fall by the edge of the sword and they shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the gentiles UNTIL THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES BE FULFILLED…”

Luke 21:24 This happened in 1948 when the nation of Israel was granted independence and declared as a sovereign state to be occupied by the Jews again. Since this time there has been a migration of Jews from all over the world back to Israel.

4. ONCE THE AGE OF THE GENTILES IS COMPLETE A FRESH CALL WILL BE MADE AS A SIGN INDICATING THE CLOSE OF THE WEDDING INVITATION. Since 1948 is the time when the Jews received back their land indicating the close of the age of the gentiles, we should check to see if a fresh call started at the same period. History shows that this time coincides with the emergence of the ministry of William Branham into international prominence when he was commissioned by an angel in May 6, 1946. Even though William Branham had been in ministry in obscurity since 1930s it was in 1946 that his ministry began to receive international prominence just about the time when the age of the gentiles began to end. Also, the latter rain movement called the sonship move started in 1948. Below is the writing of Gary Sonmore about the sonship move extracted from his article called Reflections on Azusa Street Revival. Gary is the son of Clayt Sonmore – a ministry associate of William Branham. SONSHIP / LATTER RAIN REVIVAL “There was another great move of the Spirit of God that occurred in the last century that is as much or more crucial to the overall plan of God. This is the Latter Rain Revival that broke out in a small Bible school in North Battleford, Canada in February of 1948. In this move, God began to establish prophetically the message of the “Overcomer” and of “Sonship.” Some of the key individuals were George and Ern Hawtin, P. G. Hunt and George Warnock. George Warnock was in his early thirties and was not necessarily a part of the main ministry there; however, God anointed Brother Warnock to capture in his book, The Feast of Tabernacles, the essence of what God was speaking in the midst of those gatherings. Though written in 1949, this book is still central in my heart and I believe plays a key role in this same five hundred year plan of God. Each of these three feasts were but types and shadows, and correlated directly with the three courts of the Tabernacle itself. God was physically expressing the pattern through these elements


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and events. God was hiding Himself in plain site. And to those that would seek it out, He was revealing clearly His ultimate plan when He would finally restore man to a place where He could tabernacle Himself within man”. For more information - [email protected] (303-412-2145).


WILLIAM BRANHAM AS THE BEST MAN. WHEN HE WAS COMMISSIONED, HE WAS TOLD THAT HIS MINISTRY WOULD BE JUST LIKE JOHN THE BAPTISTS WHO CAME AT THE CLOSE OF THE DISPENSATION OF THE JEWS. The account of a public angelic visitation of William Branham when he was a little known pastor in 1933 tells of his call. According to the narration, he was baptizing converts in 1933 in the Ohio River when he saw an angel descending in a pillar of fire from the skies. And he was told by the angel that as John the Baptist was the herald of the first coming of Christ, he was being SENT WITH A MESSAGE to herald the second coming of Christ. (For more info. visit

The similarity of him baptizing converts in water just like John was baptizing converts in the River Jordan when he received this commission which was publicly witnessed and historically confirmed shows that William Branham’s ministry was a replica of John the Baptist’s ministry. Only this time it was to the gentiles as John was sent to the Jews.



As mentioned earlier, William Branham’s ministry had problems and the last phase (also called the third pull) of the ministry was not concluded. This last phase had to do with his teaching of the mystery of the seven seals. The vision indicates he would be removed from the scene just like John the Baptist. This vision is called the tent vision. Below is the narration of the Tent Vision by William Branham himself – THE TENT VISION

I felt myself go higher, way up (in the vision). And when I was set down, there I was beneath and standing up above a great tent [1]; I never seen such a tent. And I'd just made an altar call, seeming like, down at the altar; and when I was down there, I looked, and there were hundreds of people standing around the altar weeping because they had accepted the Lord Jesus. And they were just weeping out loud. And I said, "Oh, that's more like it," like that. And a real kind gentleman walked out to the platform, said, "While Brother Branham's a-resting just a few moments," [2] he said, "we'll call the prayer line." And said, "Everyone with prayer cards beginning with a certain number, stand over on to the right." Well, I noticed the prayer line, seemed like it went all around the tent and out and down the street, such a prayer line. And I looked over (which was then to my left, and there it would be to my right if I was standing on the platform, would be that way), there's a piece of canvas stretched there, and in there be--behind this canvas was a little square building about twelve foot across and twenty foot long [3], something like that. Well, I stood and looked at that. And I seen them bringing a lady upon a stretcher, and there was a lady there taking her name and things with a--on a--on a paper. And so, there was a--a someone come and got her


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and pushed her through. And the next man came through was with crutches. I see them go through that little building, and on the outside the lady come out screaming to the top of her voice, pushing this stretcher. And the--and then there was another lady on the other side, looked like kind of a dark-haired woman, and she said, "What happened?" She said, "I just don't know." She said, "I couldn't tell you what happened." She said, "I've been paralyzed for twenty years, and look, I--I feel like I--I--I never was sick." [4] And just then out come the man, leaping and jumping with his--with his crutches in his hand. And I--I looked at that. And just then...Now, here's something. Notice close. There's a difference between the Angel of the Lord and that Light, because I heard something a moving, as it does when it comes here at the platform at night, kinda like a--[Brother Branham makes a sound "whew"--Ed.] and like a fire whipping around--licking blaze. And It left me, and it went right down over the top of that audience and went and stood over the top of that little building, and then settled down on top of it. And then when It did, this One that was standing by me, behind me, the same voice, the Angel's voice, He said, "I'll meet you in there, and this is the third pull, but nobody will know nothing about it." [5] And I said, "Well, I don't understand why in there. Why there?" He said, "It will not be a public show this time." [6] And I said, "I don't understand going into that closet, like that." And He said, "Is not it written by our Lord, 'when thou prayest, be not like the hypocrites who like to be heard before men, but enter into the secret closet and pray to the Father Who seeth in secret, and He Who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly?'" It's perfectly to the Scripture; every time it is. And I said, "I understand." Then He took me to this place and set me down in this room where I was at, and then He told me what to do for the third time. Now, Christian friends, when I leave this world, that'll still be in my bosom. [7]… THE MEANING OF THE VISION To clarify the vision, I have highlighted and itemised a few of the statements in the vision and below is my interpretation

There was a Great Tent [item 1] – In the vision, he was having a tent meeting in a large tent. This is a type of the outer court where all the people gathered. He described the tent as great, occupying large masses.

There was a little square building within the large Tent [items 3 & 4] – Those that

came for prayer were pushed within the small tent so that the crowd did not see what happened. This is a type of the Holy Place. The angel said this was not going to be a public show [item 6] meaning the outer court crowd never knew what was happening. This is also is a type of the consummation chamber that the bride would enter in secret while the religious world is playing church outside.

The announcer said that William Branham was resting. After this the prayer line

was attended to [items 2 & 7]. This means that William Branham was going to die (Jesus referred to death as sleep or rest in John 11 about Lazarus’ death). This is why the narration ends with William Branham referring to leaving this world with the full meaning of the vision kept secret to himself.


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The woman healed was completely healed and said she did not know what happened [item 4] – This is a type of the true bride that would receive the fullness of Christ while others do not know what is happening.

The implication of all this information is that William Branham was a forerunner of Christ and that the final revelation of Christ is going on in secret this very moment after his death. This final revelation that would unveil the sons of God is a secret and will soon be over. Are you a part of this APOKALUPSIS (REVELATION)? “…Through these great and precious promises we become partakers of his divine nature having escaped the corruption that is the world through lusts…”

2 Peter 1:3 The manifestation of the divine man will only happen as we take on the nature of Christ and die to the self-life that proceeds from the fallen nature we inherited from Adam. The marriage of the Lamb is as said the process by which we attain to the fullness of divine life. At this point we have completed the process of taking on of the life of Christ. A man who has completely taken on the life of Christ is a divine man or a perfect man. The divine union spoken of as the marriage is the expression of this divine nature called the tree of life in the man that has woken up to this nature within.


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Chapter Four–The Stages of Growth of The Divine Life

“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof, you shall surely die…”

Genesis 2:17 “And the Lord called unto Adam, and said unto him, where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was of naked; and hid myself. And he said, who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded you that you should not eat?

Genesis 3:9-11

The nature of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was that it produces death from its fruit; therefore man was commanded not to eat from it. When Adam took of the tree he made a remark that he saw his nakedness and God’s reply is interesting. He asked “how did you know that you were naked or have you taken of the tree I commanded you not to eat from?

This shows that THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL GIVES KNOWLEDGE OF SELF e.g. self-righteousness, selfishness etc. All false religion, humanism – which looks to self for wisdom, self-sufficiency etc and all attempt at self-covering is the fig leaves of Adam to seek a covering independently of God (See Genesis3:5-7).This knowledge of self is what led to independence as man began to look to self rather than God and this led to SEPERATION RATHER THAN UNION. This shows that the root of the separation we have from God is self. Therefore there must be a complete death to self experienced by those who want to manifest perfection, for if there is any remnant of the self-life and self-interest still present in the flesh of these men they cannot stand to represent the government of God which is coming to the world visibly. THE WAY THEREFORE TO DIVINE UNION IS DEATH OF THE SELF. “…except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit. He that loves his life [the self-life] shall loose it; and he that hates his life [the self-life] in this world shall keep it unto life eternal”

John 11:24-25 As Christ said in this scripture the only way to preserve our life unto eternal life and immortality is to cast it into the ground of death. As we begin the process of dying to self then the divine life buried within us will germinate and grow until we take up this new nature completely. When self is taken away then Christ will manifest His divine life in us. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the source of self or will worship which is the source of all mankind’s suffering today and it encompasses all aspects of man’s life. This tendency to cover self that started to manifest from the days of Adam when he wrapped himself in fig leaves (See Genesis 3:7) is the source of all false religion or worship which manifested in Cain when he brought the works of his hands as a sacrifice rather than the lamb demanded for the cleansing of his sins (Genesis 4:1-7) assuming that his works would be an acceptable basis to relate with God. This also manifested in the days of Nimrod (the name “nimrod” means rebel) when he built a tower (Ziggurat) called Babel and decided to create a system of worship (Genesis 11:1-9). The relics of this false religion which can still be seen in archaeological ruins has grown into the false systems of worship seen today which also is what is called MYSTERY BABYLON in the book of revelations (See Revelations chapters 17 and18). This false religious system is seen as a harlot boasting that she has daughters and is the wife of God (Revelations chapters 18:7), yet she knows nothing of divine union and only carries the seed of man-made traditions that cannot give divine life to its members. It is the source of all false governments called the beast systems seen in Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7) and the book of revelations (Revelations chapters 13:1-18). All political systems today are founded on this knowledge of good and evil that man uses to order society.


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The visions of Daniel and John show that eventually these imperfect systems will be judged and the Kingdom of God will manifest in the nations of the Earth. In Daniel’s vision the Kingdom is eventually given to the saints (See Daniel 7:18-28) and in John’s vision the Kingdoms of the Earth become the kingdom of God and his Christ (Revelations 11:15-18). The present call of the Spirit is to come out of these fallen systems called Babylon (See Revelations18:4).


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Chapter Five–The Stages of Growth of The Divine Life

In the parable of the growing seed Christ said about the divine seed that is cast into the earth that it will grow “first, the blade (leaves), then the ear (buds), before the full head in the corn (fruit)” (Mark 4:26-29). This shows that the divine life passes through stages to mature before we can attain to complete divine union.

1. DEATH: This involves the process whereby we die to the old adamic nature of self and its lusts. The dying process is in degrees and cannot be attained overnight. This is why the Paul said “I am always bearing the dying of Jesus in my body that the life of Christ might be made manifest in me…”(2 Corinthians 4:10-11).As mentioned in the parable of the sower, the divine nature is sown in us as a seed. The planted seed is the Christ life that is pure, holy and incorruptible. As a seed is cast into the earth must die before it springs to life again and breaks out of the earth, the divine nature is buried deep within the human earth-nature of Adam. The trials we past through are deliberately tailored by the divine master to break us and facilitate our separation from earthly passions. This makes us begin to hate this self-life and its corruption. This is the basis of the cross in our life.

2. RESURRECTION: After a period of time in the earth, the divine seed receives the divine rains of the

spirit –called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As the divine-seed planted within us drinks from the divine springs of the rivers of living waters flowing from within our inner man this energises the seed-nature and it then breaks forth from within the earth-nature of man and begins to manifest its potentials in stages.

3. ILLUMINATION: The divine seed of the tree of life develops leaves by which it receives sunlight of

revelation. Trees need sunlight in order to produce fruit and without it they grow weak and die. Photosynthesis is the process whereby growing plants develop and produce fruits. This photosynthesis involves sunlight which the plants absorb through their leaves and combine with the water from the trees sap and air to produce fruit. Likewise as the divine plant of God’s nature within us receives the light of revelation and combines with the waters of the spirit and the air of God’s life, the fruit of the divine nature begins to develop.


“A rod shall come forth from the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall come from his roots. And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, and the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord and shall make of him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord, he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes nor reprove after the hearing his hears…”

Isaiah 11:1-3 This prophecy by Isaiah the prophet describes the powers of the divine tree. In the conception stage the branches of the divine tree within us grow and begin to bear divine fruits. The man who has attained to this dimension manifests resurrection life and walks beyond the natural man’s capability. This means that the fruits of the divine tree which include spiritual discernment such as spiritual sight, spiritual hearing and divine faith manifests. This shows that the man is no longer being ruled by his earth nature which includes his intellect, emotions and bodily senses. As we have said the natural man looks to self so he makes decisions by his physical senses such as what he sees, hears, feels and by logic from his intellect, the spiritual man makes decisions through divine insight coming through his spiritual senses and divine faith which are growing within.


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5. PERFECTION “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations”

Revelations 22:1-2 “but he that received the seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word and understands it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundred fold, some sixty, some thirty”

Matthew 13:23 The bringing forth the fruit unto perfection is the last and final stage which seals us in full divine union. As a tree’s fruit cannot be eaten until it is ripe, this divine tree must mature fully before we shall see complete divine perfection in man. The divine man is completely ruled by the divine nature that is fully developed. As there are twelve degrees of light which indicate uttermost illumination and perfection, there are twelve fruits that a divine man manifests. With each rising degree of revelation-light we shall experience one degree of resurrection until we attain unto perfection which relate with the twelve degrees of resurrection. Before sunlight is darkness and as there are twelve hours of day, there are also twelve hours of the night. The night is the time of sleep which symbolizes death, therefore by divine decree there are twelve degrees of dying to be experienced before we come to the place of perfect death.

As earlier mentioned the kingdom of Christ will not manifest in the nations visibly until a race of divine men that have been fully regenerated emerge. This is the royal priesthood of Melchizedek which will be priests and kings unto God, ruling in the Earth and Heavens.