the discovery learning space: developing the science classroom of the future

1 BALKAN SUMMER INSTITUTE – Trends in Modern Physics 19-21 of August, 2011 The Discovery Learning Space: Developing the Science Classroom of the Future Sofoklis A. Sotiriou Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece

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The SEENET-MTP Seminar: Trends in Modern Physics19–21 August 2011, Niš, SerbiaTalk by Sofoklis A. Sotiriou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Pallini, Greece)


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BALKAN SUMMER INSTITUTE – Trends in Modern Physics 19-21 of August, 2011

The Discovery Learning Space:Developing the Science Classroom of the Future

Sofoklis A. SotiriouEllinogermaniki Agogi, Greece

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• In recent times fewer young people seem to be interested in science and technical subjects. Why is this?

• Does the problem lie in wider socio-cultural changes, and the ways in which young people in developed countries now live and wish to shape their lives? Or is it due to failings within science education itself?

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300 350 400 450 500 550 600


New ZealandAustralia


GermanyUnited KingdomCzech Republic



United StatesSlovak Republic




PISA 2006

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The ROSE study of students’ attitudes to science inmore than 20 countries has found that students’ response to the statement ‘I like school science better than other subjects’ is increasingly negative the moredeveloped the country. In short, the more advanced a country is, the less its young people are interested in the study of science.

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Double Eurobarometer survey

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The Rocard Report on Science EducationThe Rocard Report on Science Education (2007) (2007)Science Education in Europe:Critical Reflections (J. Osborne, J. Dilon, 2008)

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As students become absorbed with technology-based games, educators grapple with how best to use technology. Immersive simulations represent one way in which new media can enhance traditional learning experiences.

Redefining Science EducationThere is a major mismatch between opportunity and action in most education systems today. It revolves around what is meant by "science education," a term that is incorrectly defined in current usage. Rather than learning how to think scientifically, students are generally being told about science and asked to remember facts. This disturbing situation must be corrected if science education is to have any hope of taking its proper place as an essential part of the education of students everywhere.

Bruce Alberts, Science, January 2009

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Current Trends Science Education

A reversal of school science-teaching pedagogy from mainly deductive toinquiry-based methods provides the means to increase interest inscience.

Inquiry-based science education (IBSE) has proved its efficacy at bothprimary and secondary levels in increasing children’s and students’ interest and Attainments levels while at the same time stimulating teacher motivation. IBSE iseffective with all kinds of students from the weakest to the most able and is fullycompatible with the ambition of excellence. Moreover IBSE is beneficial topromoting girls’ interest and participation in science activities. Finally, IBSE andtraditional deductive approaches are not mutually exclusive and they should becombined in any science classroom to accommodate different mindsets and agegroup preferences.

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Renewed school’s science-teaching pedagogy based on IBSEprovides increased opportunities for cooperation betweenactors in the formal and informal arenas.

Due to the nature of its practices, IBSE pedagogy is more likely toencourage relationships between the stakeholders of both formal andinformal education. And it creates opportunities for involving firms,scientists, researchers, engineers, universities, local actors such ascities, associations, parents and other kinds of local resources.

Current Trends Science Education

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Current Trends Science Education

Scientific disciplines in school have to be enlarged.

The introduction of problem oriented fields of studies insteadOf more traditional disciplines would attract the interest ofmore young people.

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The role of teachers

Teachers are key players in the renewal of scienceeducation. Among other methods, being art of a network allows them to improve the quality of their teaching and supports their motivation.

Networks can be used as an effective component ofteachers’ professional development, are complementary to more traditional forms of in-service teacher training and stimulate morale and motivation.

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Re-imagine science education

The message is clear.

There are shortcomings in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, but the deeper problem is one of fundamental purpose. School science education has never provided a satisfactory education for the majority. Now the evidence is that it is failing in its original purpose, to provide a route into science for future scientists.

The challenge therefore, is to re-imagine science education: to consider how it can be made fit for the modern world and how it can meet the needs of all students; those who will go on to work in scientific and technical subjects, and those who will not.

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The vision

We should point to a hybrid classroom thatbuilds on the strengths offormal and informalteaching and learningstrategies in ways that cansupport learning of allstudents.

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Introducing Inquiry Based Activities in the Classroom

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KLIC:Kick life into classroom

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0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,40






Height Z vs Time t

Y =34,63+608,78 X-497,32 X2

Height z(t) % Parabola Fitting



t Z(c


Time t(s)

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Prater, Wien (28.6.2011) Rotor (Object Prater 4)

Technical Data: Height-12 MetresRevolutions-30 per minute

Physics Context: Centrifugal Force

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Prater, Wien (28.6.2011) Super 8 Bahn (Object Prater 5)

Technical Data: Height-21.03 MetresLength-779.9 Metres

Physics Context Gravitational Motion


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Science Center To GoWave propagation- Doppler Effect

Quantum Physics – Young’s Double Slit


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Kinetic Theory of Gases- Air Molecules Wing Dynamics- Bernoulli Principle

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Modeling „Problem solving competence“ in PISA

Structure model

• Problem solving process

1. understand the problem2. characterize the problem3. representation of the

problem4. solving the problem5. reflection of the solution6. communication of the


Level model

• LevelsIII„reflective and

communicative problem solver “

II „advanced problem solver“

I „beginning problem solver“

< I “no problem solver”

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Structuring Educational Activities

understanding the problem

characterizing the problem

representing the problem

solving the problem

reflecting on the solution

communicating the solution

Partial abilities

understanding and

characterizing the Problem

representing the problem

solving the problem

reflecting and communicating

the solution

Partial abilities



Problem solving



(r = .81 – .92)

PISA 2003 Koppelt & Tiemann 2008, 2009

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Creating effective links between schools and the research


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DISCOVERY SPACE & COSMOSAccess to unique scientific resources

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Access to Real Data…

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…and high quality content

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Access to advanced infrastructures…

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Does the Sun Rotate?

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Asteroids Rotation

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Learning@CERNConnecting Schools and Scientific

Research effectively

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Conservation of Momentum

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3 2





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OpenScienceResources & Natural Europe: Towards thedevelopment of a Common Digital Repository for Formaland Informal Science Education

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Virtual Visits and field trips to museums and science centers

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Visualizing the Invisible

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The E/M spectrum

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Sound Mirrors

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Natural Europe will be a state-of-the-art, hands-on natural history resource available to the educational community. Students become scientists and explore the processes of science. Museum staff will encourage them to ask their own questions about hundreds of real specimens. With everything from dinosaur fossils to butterflies and rare minerals, students can explore some of the diversity of the natural world with scientific equipment and computer resources.

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Educational Pathway Authoring Tools

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Create your own pathways

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Effective Community Building

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Building a community of practice

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• ••••

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