the discover sailing program club implementation guide

TITLE DATE The Discover Sailing Program Club Implementation Guide Mar (1) Program Introduction & Purpose 1b) Planning & Prioritising (2) The gemba Report Apr (3) Tackers (4) Inclusion 4b) Sailability May (5) Discover Sailing Days & Hosts June (6) Risk and Safety July (7) The Sailing Pathway Aug (8) Club Promotion Sept (9) Discover Sailing Experiences & Courses Sept (10) Crewing Oct (11) Summary & Future Plan

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The Discover Sailing Program Club Implementation Guide. TITLE. DATE. The Discover Sailing Program Club Implementation Guide Program Introduction & Purpose Chapter 1 . TITLE. March 2013 . DATE. Welcome . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation


The Discover Sailing ProgramClub Implementation Guide

Mar(1) Program Introduction & Purpose 1b) Planning & Prioritising(2) The gemba Report Apr(3) Tackers(4) Inclusion 4b) Sailability May (5) Discover Sailing Days & HostsJune (6) Risk and Safety July(7) The Sailing PathwayAug(8) Club PromotionSept(9) Discover Sailing Experiences & Courses Sept(10) CrewingOct (11) Summary & Future Plan1TITLEDATE

The Discover Sailing ProgramClub Implementation Guide

Program Introduction & PurposeChapter 1 March 2013

Welcome This presentation has an accompanying soundtrack you should now be hearing if not check your audio and ensure you are in slideshow (full screen) modeThis presentation is for all club members with Gold Cards the valued volunteers who lead our sport This is Ross Kilborn, Sport Development Director at Yachting Australia, and this Program and presentation has been put together by the Sport Development Team at Yachting Australia, especially Participation Manager Daisy Brooke

Overview This is the first of a series of 11 Chapters that will be released, one each month in 2013, that will go into the detail of the Discover Sailing Program that was launched in 2012. There are explanatory materials and resources available to complement each Chapter For further information your first contact should be your State Association or the Yachting Australia website under the tabs for ParticipationEducation & Training

Launch Communications 2012 December 2011 Sport Development Plan 2011-14January 2012 gemba Report March 2012 Gold Card Newsletter Q1 March 2102 - Letter to YATCs April 21012 - Letter to Commodores June 2012 Renewal Letter to YATCs becoming DSCs June 2012 Gold Card Newsletter Q2 July 2012 Instructor NewsletterJuly 2012 Discover Sailing UpdateOctober 2012 Gold Card Newsletter Q3 December 2012 Gold Card Newsletter Q4 Communications from your State Association Promotion through the sailing media

Outline of this Chapter Introduction Introduce the Discover Sailing Program Present background data

8Discover Sailing - Program Definition The Program is an Australia wide initiative that engages Yachting Australia, the State Associations and Clubs in a common objective of increasing participation in safe sailing at member clubs. It is primarily an attraction strategy and includes everything Yachting Australia does that services Australians who are not yet sailing at clubs.

Prioritising Participation Clubs indicated growing their membership is a priority

States want to assist clubs in increasing the numbers of people entering the sport

Yachting Australia aims to achieve the same success for States and clubs in the things that are important to them as it has achieved for high performance

Prioritising Participation 2010 Australian Sports Commission funded three majorpriority participation programs for Yachting Australia:

Tackers the Australia wide roll-out of a 7-12yo junior programSailability inclusion of people of all abilities on the sailing pathway at clubsA new entry brand / program, subsequently called Discover Sailing

Professional Market Research Federal Government provided additional resource to conduct professional market research through gemba to inform the development of the Discover Sailing Program.The gemba Report provides important information about the public perception of the sport and gives us an indication of what our existing members think about sailing. More on the gemba Report in a later presentation

Opportunity to engage the public Success at the Olympics has sparked interest in sailing The Discover Sailing Program was launched in time to help pro active clubs convert this interest into participation 2013 is about a broader and deeper implementation of the professionally developed Australia wide Programs that we believe will help clubs grow participation and membership

Consultation with State AssociationsThe Discover Sailing Program was developed in consultation with all the State Yachting Associations

Clubs point of contact for support in implementing the Discover Sailing Program is their State Yachting Association

Statistical Background (Program Rationale) 350 sailing clubs in Australia - 120 of these clubs have more than 100 registered membersTotal of 65000 on-water members sailing at clubs50% (half) of Membership is at the Top 25 clubs.66% (two thirds) of Membership is at the Top 50 Clubs 80% of Membership is at the Top 100 Clubs Approx. additional 45000 people participating in sailing who are not registered as participating at clubs (ABS Statistics).

Statistics for those under the age of 20 Under 10,000 (15%) of the registered club members are under 20yo.Only 14 clubs have more than 100 registered members under 20yo Only 120 have more than 20 members under 20yo.

Statistical Conclusions Generational decline in participation

30% Increase in the size of the Australian population in the same timeframe

Even accounting for inaccuracy in measurement and increased in compliance of registering members, participation in sailing is not growing

Comparison with other sports 90 recognised sports competing to get participants

Sailing is ranked 30

Sailing is ranked lowers than badminton, boxing, & water skiing

Sailing is a great sport gemba confirmed that sailing is a sport Australians want to get into. Its seen as:Fun Friends Adventure Responsibility

Sport Development Plan 2011-14Provides a systematic approach to growing and strengthening sailing at clubsSport Services (competition management, officiating, risk & safety, & information technology) Education & Training (Instructor education & training, public courses from introductory to advanced (including RYA) , Coach DevelopmentParticipation programs (Discover Sailing, Tackers, Sailability)

Premise of the Discover Sailing ProgramViewed from the customer perspective Developed in response to professional market research Considered in relation to successful participation programs offered in other sports Recognises the need for significant change in the way sailing is presented and delivered to the public Requires a commitment to focusing on participation

Program ComponentsDiscover Sailing Days Australia wide day and at clubs as often as they chose (2013 National Day is 27th Oct) Discover Sailing Experiences first step new Discover Sailing Courses dinghy & keelboatTackers juniors the highest priority (+ families) Sailability - including 20% of the population who have a disability Crewing for someone most people dont own a boat Sailing Holidays Sailing Pathways for retention and mapping of participation

Summary Where Discover Sailing Fits The backgroundWhat it includes Next ChaptersPlanning and Prioritising The gemba Report

Suggested Club Actions At the end of every Topic well suggest the actions Club Committees may want to consider taking. For this one we suggestTaking a look at the public face of the Program Take a look at the overview of the Program for Clubs on sure your Club Committee are all aware of this initiative

The Monthly Chapters

Mar(1) Program Introduction & Purpose 1b) Planning & Prioritising(2) The gemba Report Apr(3) Tackers(4) Inclusion 4b) Sailability May (5) Discover Sailing Days & HostsJune (6) Risk and Safety July(7) The Sailing PathwayAug(8) Club PromotionSept(9) Discover Sailing Experiences & Courses Sept(10) CrewingOct (11) Summary & Future Plan