the dimensions of brand equity

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Page 1: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


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Page 2: The Dimensions of Brand Equity
Page 3: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


lp3l{sndwo;);)e 3q S!q:J. pynOM MoH lpue.1q SNt q:J!M 3:J3dWO;).10 'S.13wnsuo;) M3U pug 'S3HteAOl ~UHS!X3 3:>.l°J\I!3.1 O:J S3~3:Je.I:JS roOA JO :JynS3.I e se MOU WO.IJ ~UOwX!S 13poW 1e:Juaw 3l{:J U! 335 O:J am nOA pynOM se3P! M3U :Jel{M 'S!:Je\{.L l13poW re:Juaw 3q:J. ".I33~ua-3.1" nOA pynOM MOl{ 'pnpo.1d ~UH3dWO;) e .10 S!q:J. JO .l3~eueW e se 'O'S[V "U3:t:J0 3.10W :J! asn O:J

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Page 4: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

5OO-G83 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

Executive Summary

Brand equity is the value of the relationship between a consumer and a brand. Consumers'orientations toward a brand are based on what they think of a brand and what they believe the brand(or company) thinks of them. This research seeks an understanding of how consumers orientthemselves to a brand. It asks the question, "What are the dimensions of such a relationship?" Theexample used is the Nestle Crunch Bar.

People's orientations toward a brand define their relationship with it. These orientationsoccur as constructs, i.e. basic ideas, emotions and feelings, attitudes, intentions, and actions withrespect to the brand. Almost invariably, there are multiple constructs characterizing a relationship.They generally complement one another, to the point of forming a mental model, also called aconsensus map. Therefore, an important first step in understanding how people value theirrelationships with a brand is to surface their mental models, i.e., their set of inter-related constructswhich describe their orientation to the brand. Understanding what the constructs are and how theyinfluence each other provides an important platform of insights for developing marketing mix


Extensive research in the biological and social sciences and in the humanities indicates thatanalogies, and particularly metaphors, are central to the creation of thought, and to the expression orrepresentation of thought. Accordingly, by understanding consumer metaphors it is possible tounderstand what consumers are thinking and how that thinking might be shaped. A special researchtechnique, the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET), has been developed based on thisimportant premise. The technique was used here with 10 people who buy and eat a Nestle CrunchBar at least once every 6 weeks.

The application of ZMET produced 18.constructs describing how people orient themselves tothe Nestle Crunch Bar. The 18 constructs are dimensions of the relationships people have with NestleCrunch Bar. The more fully the brand satisfies these constructs, the more valued the relationshipwith the brand and the greater the equity in the brand. The 18 constructs represent, on average, 85%of the constructs elicited from anyone consumer. This represents a high degree of consensus amongthese consumers.

A subset. of these constructs are highlighted by the research team as being particularlyimportant. This subset (defined elsewhere in the report) consists of: product attributes, taste, evokedmemories, indulgence, enjoyment, escape, and emotional comfort. For example, the bundle ofproduct attributes in the candy bar creates a sense of indulgence which creates a sense of escape andenjoyment. These constructs, in turn, provide emotional comfort. The more effective the brand is increating this sequence of experiences, the more valued it is by consumers.

The constructs are elicited from participants on the basis of the metaphors they provide.Additionally, the research team identified a set of metaphors which seem to capture certain themescutting across constructs and the various individual metaphors brought by participants. These arereferred to as deep metaphors. They include: time, motion, vehicle, nature, and container (a state).

The 18 constructs and 5 deep metaphors are the template or mental model through which anexperience with Nestle Crunch Bar is evaluated. They are the orienting lens used to value therelationship with the brand. This means, for instance, that all communications should be evaluatedin terms of the cues they provide about these constructs and deep metaphors.


Page 5: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


° Aes 0:J papadxa uaaq aAe\{ :J4:~1W Aa\fJ :JeqI ~U!AeS :JOu aJ-e s.lamnsuo:J :JB\{A\. 0:J ua:JSH O:J :Jue:J.lodUI! os{e

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Aq p3pa{a5-axd :JOu a.Ie 'ua\fJ 'sa~'eW! a1.U. "SUOJ1I1P.ldla1UJ pull sasuodsa.t umo .t.lal{1 apJD.OJd pull ma,za.ta1UJauo-uo-auo aJt1 01 nnUlHs um.o .t.lall1 Su.uq S.laUlnSUOj :J.e\{l S! .L1WZ Jo 3.1TqeaJ :JUBPodW! uy

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Iesne:> aAIoA~ lp!"l{M. syapow Jeluaw aAel{ s.zawnSUOJ

.p;}ssa:>:>e aq ue:> :Jq~no\{J 10 sampnj:Js daaa

.re~aAUOU S1'%06 s~ tpnw se sd~q.Iad 'UOge:>!llnWWO~ uewnq tsoW

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~!nb3 PUBJB

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asodJnd 4:)Jeasa~

ase3 II~Jeasa~ 'It :Jeg II~UnJ3 9RsaN JOJ AIInb3 PU8J8 ~o suo!suaWIO aqJ. £8Q-OOS

Page 6: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-083

Exhibit 1 Letter of Instruction to Participants


I am pleased that you will be participating in our market research study. Ithink you will have fun with this project. As I mentioned on the telephone, we areinterested in understanding your thoughts and feelings, both positive andnegative, about Nestle's Crunch candy bars.

For your interview, you will need to bring at least twelve pictur~s thatillustrate your thoughts and feelings, both positive and negative, about Nestle'sCrunch candy bars. Some examples from past projects of pictures used toillustrate thoughts or feelings have included: an egg to represent the desirability ofsmooth, sleek lines in an automobile design, a cookie cutter to express the aspect ofconformity in having to wear hosiery in an office setting, and skin divers exploringas an example of the wonder and excitement of teaching grade school children.

Your pictures may come from any source such as magazines, newspapers,family albums, or photos you take specifically for this assignment. These picturesneed not have meaning to anyone but you, and we encourage you to use yourimagination in choosing images that express your own thoughts and feelingsabout Nestle's Crunch candy bars. Since we are interested in your personalperspective, please try not to discuss this project with anyone until after yourinterview. You will be paid $80 for your participation.

As we discussed, if you would like to take photos and have no cameraavailable, we can provide a single use camera for this purpose. It is essential thatyou bring developed photographs to your interview. We will reimburse you forany film and/ or development expenses. Please bring receipts with you at the timeof your interview.

I will call you within a few days to answer any questions you might haveand to schedule our interview. I can be reached at [phone number]. If I am not in,please leave your name, phone number, and indicate that you are callingregarding the Nestle's Crunch bar study. I will return your call promptly.

I am looking forward to meeting you.


After. being recruited, participants received a letter of instruction (see Exhibit 1) asking themto locate and bring to the interview at least 12 pictures expressing their thoughts and feelings aboutNestle's Crunch Bar. Most people brought in more than that number.. A follow up phone callestablishes the specific appointment date and time and addresses any questions participants might


One-on-one interviews were conducted with most interviews rwmirig about 2 hours.Additionally, most participants reported spending about 4 hours thinking about their assignmentand collecting images for their interview. All interviewing was done at the Mind of the MarketLaboratory at the Harvard Business School. The 10 participants .were employed men and womenbetween the ages of 31 and 55. The average age was 41; average income was $35,000; and most hadpost-secondary education. .


Page 7: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


.~U!puet~apun uowwo:) pue podde.I fBmnw Aq pa'){.IeW UO!:Jes.raAUO:)e }o 4!renb :)!:JS!.IapeIelp a\fl S1 1nq uo!:Jd!.I;)Sue.I:J a~ue.I:Js .IO} sCJ){P;w A.xe:Juawwo:) Pa:JU!ofs!alU!.Id U! pa:paT.J~ Ara.xe.I tnq U°!:Je~aAUO;) JeW.IOU U! paure1uo:) 4!fenb patU!ofsw a\fl aA~ ua:I:JOAI1uanbasuO:) pue pa1waun ~e asa\U .:J.Iod~ S!\fI1nol(a'no.I\fl pa1uas~d satanb W!:Jeq.Ia A

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JO S){U!lIt .IaSeuem zeg q:>UnI:) ~FsaN e :j.el[M saq!.l:>sap :j.Ul{:j. aSe\n! UV os

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He:> I.I~Jeasa~ y :JBS l.I~unJ:> ~1~aN JOJ ~lnb3 PU8J8 Jo suolsuawlO alll &80-005

Page 8: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

500.083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

00 ," "'

'V;Data Analysis'

Each interview is transcribed and the data analyzed. Construct pairs and the causalreasoning connecting them are noted. The research team spends considerable time reviewingconstructs and developing meaningful categories. In this project any construct mentioned by at leastfive individuals was considered potentially important. A construct that is causally integrated into a'system of constructs is likely to be more important than one which is isolated. Thus, constructs wereconsidered particularly important if they were directly related to other constructs via a reasoningprocess described by at least three participants.

An initial set of 27 consh"ucts was identified based on their being mentioned by 3 or mo~people. This list was reduced to 18 cons~cts'mentioned by 5 or more people and connected to thesame construct by at least 3 respondents. For instance, at least 5 people had to mention "indulgence"and at least 3 people had to directly associate indulgence with "enjoyment."

There are also invisible connections among constructs that add to the connectedness amongthem. For instance, indulgence is related to other constructs in Figure A but in no single instartce bymore than 2 people, The same is true for most constructs in Figure A. The visual absence of theseconnections tends to understate the full extent of direct and indirect associations among theseconstructs.

Figure A is called a consensus map because it represents most of the thinking of most peoplemost of the time. On average, the constructs in Figure A capture 85% of the constructs mentioned by


Figure B presents another way of understanding the degree to which people in individualinterviews converged in their thinking. After all coding is done, participant files are selected atrandom and the number of new constructs each file adds, i.e., those not found in previous files, isnoted. Two curves are shown in Figure B. One is for the initial set of 27 constructs and the other forthe final set of 18. With respect to the full set, the first rand.omly selected file contributed 19cons~cts while the second and third contributed an additional 3 constructs each. After 5 files, nonew constructs were added. The set of 18 constructs in Figure A was elicited after the 4th randomlyselected file. This process was repeated several times with no basic change in results: the plateau ofno new constructs occurs with between 3 and 6 files drawn at random. '


Page 9: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

dew snsuasuoJ tpun.IJ ~ItSaNV~!d

He:) ~~JeasaH y :Jeg ~~unJ:) ~1~saN JOJ ~nb3 pueJg ~o sUO!SUaWIO a~.L

Page 10: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

500..083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

Figure B Number of New Constructs Added by Each Additional Participant

282624222018Number of 16

New 14Constructs 12

Added 10




0 0 0 0 0 0


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Respondents (Selected at Random)

-+- constructs mentioned by 2 or -0- constructs mentioned by 5 ormore participants more participants


Page 11: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


pauo!\{SeJ PIo I.:>!ssep .~WH Jo tsat a\fJ puetS .p~~Uet:pun .(e.xa ue) s,Ol, a\{J \fJ!.M pa:Je!:>osse ..IeffiUIeJ .:


3Woq 3)ffi S{33l .:>~re:JSOU .

S3!.1°W3W S3"3[OAa

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{enBUas .a.mseaId .tuawAofua .ssausnOAIaU .~ue .:>poqdna .Addeq .peq IaaJ/poo~ J33l .


Mau ~U!raaJ .pateuaAn.ra.l. am}O nnJ .~Ha~.laua.AxeD aUI a)[eUI t,usaop .auop tOl e ta~ .~!l.{ .a.lOUI op ..ladAq aUI sa)feUI .~.laua .

I .3!Rle1{1aWHa8.laUH

awosaIoqM .ap!SU! UUBM .atets reap! .a:>uap!JU°:> .ta~b .wre:> .~U!masun .AlauoI .awoq 'a'UI .AIPPn:> .~U!:Jet!-U! .P3XeJa.I

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SAep!Ioq I~UO9!Pe.Jt .tU3WOW yepads .5-eUItS"!-I\D .~U!A~S'JU2\{.L .uaaMoneH.sAepHoq / SUO!5e:>;)O {\?pads .tp~3q 31.IJ' t~ .3Jeyd3JY ~ }O tU~ U! .~~ .dwe:> t~ .

SUO!ft3JO S~!tea Aw 1I! 133,J poo~ 3wes 3q:J. sA~Mre .3~uetp :J.,UOM:J.! .

..<t!(enl) aIQepuad3Q

~uo tnO\fl!M ~U!O~ ~m:p!d hue:> I .~W uo tuna:> ue:> A~1.fI ..AtI2AO'} .laumsu°:J

tU3!\JaAUO:> .aAe\{ Ot paM°u-e tau .aWR Aue tea 'P~b ..<sea .AtmqeI!eA V

~UP9ua .t1 tnoq~ ~~aIp .auo aAe\{ °t ~U!do\{ .t! tnoq~ ~~ .UOge:padxa .__u~~ed,~!t~

V 3Iqe.L spn.J:tSUOJ \{:>UNJ s,~nsaN

.pa:JuasaJd S1 su°!:Je!:>osse J!a4:J pue seap! asaq:J Jo uo!:J!uyap /.,xosuas Jal{:JO pue renS1A 'Ja\f:>p e uo!:J;:>'as

:Jxau aq:J UI "V 3lqej, U! pa:JuasaJd S1 spqel pn.qsuo:> se uaso1p asoq:J O:J uoj4!ppe U! SJ,uapuodsaJ

Aq pasn ~3:J JO UO:>!X31 V "aJaq pa:JuasaJd S1 S:J:>n.I:JSUO:> reJ:Jua:>SI a:'n JO uoH!uyap req.IaA V

uo:)!xa1 leqJaJ\ pUB UO!J,!Uuaa J,:)nJJ,suo:)

an:) Lf~Jeasay 'V' :J8g Lf~UnJ:) 'IJsaN JO~ AJlnb3 pU8Jg ~o suO!SuaWIC aLfJ. eeo-oos

Page 12: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-083

Giving/Receiving.sharing. romance. someone cares about you. expression of love. enchantment. closerelationships. mysterious. romantic ingredients

Image of the Company.Swiss. Pesticide contaminants. affecting the environment. infant formula use

Image of the Product.All American. not sophisticated. naive. innocent. less grown up .child's product .adult's product. grow out of it .for all walks. less sophisticated. middle-classed.simple. basic. freedom. classy

Indulgence .treat. vice. crave. attention getting. want to eat more. irresistible. guilt.conscience. eat too many.sweet tooth. restrict self

Product Attributes.smoothness. crunchy. richness. creamy. sweetness. sugary. chocolate. milkchocolate. wann .natural ingredients

Taste.good. delicious. not overwhelming. appealing

Unique Product.stays with you. different

Constructs are basic or core ideas that capture the common elements of particular thoughtsand feelings. Each construct may have different shades of meaning often missed by verbaldefinitions alone. Each construct may have positive and negative associations for different peopleand sometimes for a given person. For this reason, constructs are to be thought of as bi-polar even if

they are not labeled to express this quality.

Anticipation This refers to the enticing quality of looking forward to the experience of eating aNestle Crunch Bar. It involves the experience of hoping to have one and even daydreaming about it.The prospect of having an intimate relationship with a Nestle Crunch Bar is captured by thisconstruct. For example, one participant, when asked what question was being asked about NestleCrunch Bar by their picture of a pair of lips responded:

The question would be, 'how pleasing are you going to be?" because thisevokes the smell of chocolate, the texture in your mouth and 'are you going to be


Availability This refers to the ease with which the product can be obtained and eaten. It alsoentails the idea that the product is something one is not always allowed to have or should not beallowed to have. Hence the notion of a relationship with Nestle Crunch Bar being readily available orentered into also has raised the opposite notion of not doing so.

Consumer loyalty A feeling of commitment to the product much as one is committed to family,

friends, pets and country.


Page 13: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


°t xeq Apue:J ~tfJ .fo ~ atfJ BaAIoAU! Pn.I:J.SUOO 51\{t 'JIa5 S.~UO °t SU!A!S ~ S! 1.pNM a:JuaSJnPU!a:>mun ..leg 1.pUn.IJ ~FsaN a\{l Jo i4nenb ~'ffi ~ a\{l> Pn.ttSUO:J S!\U 6U!/t.!8:)8J,&U!/t.!9r'-~. "


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"lq8nos S! ~U![aaJ aA9SaJ e a.lal{M sAepHoq .l°J UCJAa .10 ~UPn1I~ \{:>ns SUO!Se:>:>o ~U!:Jea .l°J tue:J,IodW! Anepadsa axe teqt 5a!tnenb a.le asa1.J.L °auop tOI eta~ ot Atffiqeue pue lam-Jo-nnJ ~U!aq Jo asuas e 'q~N e ~unaaJ M3U e 'uoHeuaAnfa.l sap!Ao.ld U °ApaWCJ.I Ot pasnS! tI te\{J atetS :>~.m\{J3I 3\{1- Ot .10 sap!Ao.ld xeq Apue:> 3\{1- tSooq JepadS 3\{1- at S.I3J3.1 S!\U ABJau3

"sa:>JOJ asa~ JO lIB JO a:>uapadxa ~pads a~ JO a:>uanbasuo:> e se sas~ :Jel[!, PU!\n

JO a:Jets anb~ a~ Ia~eJ :Jnq 'sa:U°J asa~ JO uoHewwns a~ :JOU S!:JI "jU!A!a:>aJ/~U!A~ pue 'pnpoJda~ JO ajeW! a~ 'sapowaw pa'{OAa 'ade:>sa 'tuawAofua 'atse:J 'sa:Jnq!.I:Jte pnpoJd I.q pateaJ:> a:Jets

Jap.IO Jal{j!'1:l a~ S! p°}W°:> reuoHowa 'Pn.Itsuo:> :Jlle:J.IodW! tSOw al{:J sd'e\{Iad lJoJwo:J IBuollow3

lued!:>! s~ Aq uoHuaw snoo~uods lue~eM Ol se (a:>uasqe S:J.!

Aq) luas~d AnuapY..JnS geM uo!se:>;)O ~UH~a repads e 10 eap! 3\{:J 'aJaq U3Ag:

UO!5e;);)O ~Uge~ ~UOl~(q°.L e ~q pynoM~1~\{.L .UO!Se;);)O ~Uge~ lpuw:J ou S! ~ ...tual~mp ~J:e OMt ~\{:} tng

:3UOJ3Iqo.L l[J.!M JBg \f'~J ~ps3N p3:JSB~UOJ uos;z3d

3UO 'aldwex3 Jo,1 "UO!SBJJO IBp3ds OU 1°. :j,uaW!poqwa 3l[J. 3q ABW:J! :aJuasqB S:J! Jo 3~!A Aq :Juas3Jd

3q Aem UO!SB:>;)O gUHe3 IBP3ds Jo :j,d3:>UO:> 3l[J. 's:j,uedp!tJed 3WOS JoJ 'aW!:j. awes 3l[J.:j,V "S:JU3WOW

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'dwe:>:j,e gU!aq 'gU!'{!\{ SB \f'ns p3seq At!A!Pe aJe StX3tUO:> 3S3\:[1- saW!t3woS 'suo!se:>Jo pue S:j,X3:JUOJ

uo!:j,dwnsuo:> anb~ 3'1°A3 .IP.g \f'unI;) ~ps3N l[J.!M sdNsuo!:j,BI3J ,Stuedp!tJed suo!se~~o 6une3

.A;J~J JO PnItsuo:> 3\fJ saAloAU!~t!\fJ ss3:>o.Id SU!Uost!'a.I t! JO :J.It!d St! ~uo1tu'am u'aUo S! PnItSUOJ ~ 'sn1U lU'aScud ~U!3q SAt!Mlt!s'a~nq!.I:J:It! ~Jnpo.Id 'ames 'a~ uo Alcu Ut!;) S.I'aumsuo:) .~! p'aPt ~S.Iy 'A'a~ U'a1.{M pt!\I Aaq:l ~t!1.{t 'a.I~nJ'a~ U! aJuapadxa a~st!t amt!s 'a~ 'ap!AO.Id roM pnpo.Id a1U "aSUt!1p ~IUOM 'aJu'a~'adxa uOHdmnsuoJ

pnpo.Id 'a\fJ ~e\fJ aAt!\{ 'aldoad 'aJU'apYUOJ a\fJ O~ S.I'aJ'a.I PnItSUOJ S!\U A:J!lenb 81qepuadaa

eaR:> ~OJBasaH V :JB8 ~OUnJ:> ~1~aN JoJ ~!nb3 PU8J8 Jo suo!suawlC a~J. eso-oos

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500.083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for NesUe Crunch Bar: A Research Case

express a relationship with someone else. It involves such dimensions as sharing, romance, someonecaring about you, expressions of love, enchantment, closeness, and mysteriousness (of anotherperson). This stresses the instrum~ta1 role of Nestle Crunch Bars in interpersonal relationships.Thus the relationship a person has with the candy. bar is ~t of a tool, a way of expressing orreceiving affection and caring:

Your mother gives you a chocolate bar and there's the association with love. ...It's a simple thing, Chocolate as a gift from someone evokes a warm, simpleemotion ...

Image of the product This construct is one of the most complex. Like physical taste anduniqueness, it emerges from the product attributes but represents a type of conceptual taste orsummary judgment that is more artistic or stylistic in nature. Terms used to represent the imagewere: all American, not sophisticated, naive, innocent, less grown up, child's/adult's product, for allwalks of life, middle class, simple, basic, free, and classy. Again, each of these qualities varies: it isnaive versus innocent; it is for all walks of life versus middle class, and so on. The image of theproduct is connected with that of the company:

...I feel in connection with the Nestle Company. It has a splendidreputation for the integrity of its products. I wouldn't worry about a Nestle productin this respect.

However, a few participants recalled the infant formula controversy indeveloping countries.

Indulgence This refers to the product's being viewed as a treat, a pleasurable and permissiblevice, an irresistible candy, and a gift to one's self and particularly one's sweet tooth which apparentlyis the embodiment of indulgence.

I feel Nestle Crunch is something that you do to treat yourself as an adult

At the same time, the construct contains guilt, pangs of conscience, the need to restrict one's self andcurb the tendency to eat too many. One of the vignettes described later in this report contains anespecially vivid concern about this.

Product attributes This is the bundle of salient features of the candy bar. For instance, somepeople referred to its smooth texture while others referred to the wrinkled quality introduced by therice and yet others mentioned both qualities at different times. A central premise of semiotics is thatevery quality has embedded in it its opposite. Thus, when someone discusses smooth there is at leastan implied offsetting opposite quality which can be imagined as a benchmark or referent point inarriving at the judgment of smooth.

Satisfaction This captures both the physical feeling of sinking your teeth into it and thepsychological feeling of completeness upon doing so.

Taste Taste captures the summary judgment about the experience of product attributes.Descriptors of taste include good, delicious, appealing, and not overwhelming. It is what happensafter the bodily intrusion of product attributes and is thus separated from product attributes. It isworth noting that, in general, people forgive or forget auditory, visual, and tactile affronts far morequickly than they do those to the taste and olfactory systems. Taste, it seems, has a long memory.

Unique product This refers to the fact that it is perceived as different and special. This is anemergent quality that is different from, although connected to, product attributes. A salient aspect ofuniqueness is that the product experience stays with you, much as a loyal companion or pet.


Page 15: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


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SD0-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

Nestle Crunch Visual Dictionary

Crunch Visual dictionary Verbatim &. Pictures

1. Girl in Box

It's the playful, fun but childlike aspect to this. This has a sense of memory to it like a place Iwant to go back to. This is very safe, it's home, this definitely is in your front yard, yourneighborhood. It's your front yard. It's a home experience. It's something familiar you grew up with.


Page 17: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


.~uoz p°Jtn°:> ~\fJ-at~S IeuoHOw~ ue Jo ~U!PU!Wa.IJO ~upue\{U3: .suo91PeJt ~U!m:J.Inu pue suo9!peJt '~tnt9sqns ~AoI e s;J.!-,~AOI S! 3te{O:>O\Q,

peaH ateI°;)oq:> S!H "'l



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Soo-o83 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

3. Woman in Jeans

I think of it as American as apple pie. I grew up with Nestle and not only does it evokememories of your childhood-it's American. You're eating chocolate it brings you to all thesememories you have.


Page 19: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


°a.Iaql SI:J! puB awoq aWO;) nOA ~U!WO;)JaMSA! puB IpOO~ sllaws :J! PUV °am amoq puB pe~q ~U!){eq :Jnoqe sapowaw poo~ Jo :JaI e aAe\:[ I ,o.ap!SU!:JJ°s aql Jo a~pa aql uo Alle.Ia:J!I sl:JI °pea;xq aq:J Jo Apoq a\{:J °:J re.Iaqd!.IiJd Jo PU!){ S! :JSnD a\{:J la:j.eI°:>O\pa\{:J °:J re.Iaqdpad a.Ie sa\pUnI:> a\{1 :Je1.fJ, AeM iJwes a\{:J UI .o°.I°PO p~q Jo PU!){ ~U!doIaAua ~U!1e.I:Jauada;)!U Auea.I e seq:JI °W.IeM s;J! lpa'{"eq sl:JI o~xa:J A\pUn.I;):JeqI seq peiJ.Ig ..ope~q pa'[eq am

pea.lH p~){eH .n~ms .y


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The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500.083




5. Dreamlike Woman

It has a similarity to love. Your mother gives you a chocolate bar and there's the associationwith love. It's a simple thing, it's not like someone gave you a big huge diamond or a house orsomething. It evokes a simple emotion. Chocolate as a gift from someone evokes a warm, simpleemotion that's easy on you, it's not an adrenaline rush-it's smooth and cool.

Page 21: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


"AeM. AWO:> e U! pale:JHS!\{dos ~!M. sao~ le\{l amosal°l[M. s;JI"l! lnoqe ssaUJU!tmh e:JO~ s;J! 'ue:>!.Iamy-ne sJI °aldmexa poo~ ~ S,naM.'[;)OR ueuuoN .A~M. AWO:> ~ U!pal~:>HS!\{dos sJI ° ~U!l[:J.amos pU!l pue ~~~ .laAO pue .laAO 1p1~M..l0 p~a.I ue:J nOA ~UN:Jamos SJ!pue a~s a~ paA~s sJI o:>!SWP ~ s,Aal[S.IaH a'ffi :J!SS~P ~ s;JI "S.IeaA Jo su°!ffiZ asa~ fie .l°J p~U2l[:>un

~U!aq 1U.I°J req a\U °aIAlS 'alsel U! aA!:J:>aJJa Alq~puadap S! le\{l ~U!\{Jamos S! ,,:J!SseP'f V

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gase:) 40JeesaH 'It :JB8 40UnJ:) ",SaN JOJ ~!nb3 PUeJ8 ~o suo!suaWIO e4l. £8Q-OOS

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The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-083


7. Young Girls

It's a place that you go to, when you escape from the world that's around you now-anystresses you have in your daily life. It's an area of your time, a memory that you have and can alwaysgo back to.


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"~nlq pue ~:JNM. 'p~.I ~\fJ '.reg \pUN;) s,~1:J.saN~ S'e 5.1°1°:> ~~S ~\fJ ;u~ aso\fJ asne:>~q OO:J 'AUU"J S,:JI ":>!21e:JsOU :JSnf S;JI ll!:Js s,:Je\{:J-~I°;)!sd~cI PI° ~'4+ aas "saW!:J poo~ ~\fJ pue I.:J,pnd1U!s PauoNs~J-PI° :Jsnf ~\U °:J p~:Juasa.Id~.I :Jsnf :JI

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500-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

NO Picture for NOT TASTE

9. Not Taste. Lima Beans

Lima beans, which are very nutritive and which you can almost get to enjoy after years ofexposure, but it tastes kind of horrible when you're first exposed to them. Some foods suggest duty,lima beans suggest duty. You ought to do it.

10. Monk

Unique, because it's two sides of the food world. There's the Buddhist Monk who eats rice asa staple and probably loves chocolate as a luxury. Even in tenJ\S of east and west, white and black.Friendly dualities, dovetailing dualities.


Page 25: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


os! atel°:>Ol.p aqJ.poo~ MOl{ S,le1fi .~al{ dn ~al AW .J:J° ~UHea S! auoawos teql- ~UP!.:Jou tON 1! tnoqe ue waqJ. ~um3t tsn~w,l pue "oo°..<telo:>ol.p 'ffi\U SA! MOl{ ~u!q!.Dsap :Jsn~WIi pUB feU°!.:J1!suas s,l! 'Mau s,ll" 'waqJ. ~umat wlipue t! Otu! ~UH!q tsn~ w,l l{° ~U!Aes a:)ffi w,l pUB 't3~~nu ~!q e Otu! l.pUn.I;) apew Pel{ s,apsaN

a}e.I!d on

°xeq 3:j.el°:JO1pe ue\{1 3.IOm ~m!I e :ta~ noA-dn :j.! uado nol.-nol. S~S! J! 'a.In:JxaJ JU~.I3mP e am stneO

swe13 .3tS8.L "II

~SV.l JO} aHIU.Jld oN

£80-005ase:) 40JeasaH V :J8S ~ounJ:) ~llSaN JoJ /4lnb3 PU8JS Jo suoIsuawIC a4l.

Page 26: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

500-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

13. Forest

The obvious is crunch-the sound of the forest in autumn, the multitude of leaves. Everysquare inch is different both on the ground and on a Nestle Crunch Bar. Flavor wise that's what oneexpects from it-one expects to walk into the light. Those are my expectations and that makes me feelit's a rewarding kind of food item.


Page 27: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


"S!~! ~e\{M S! ~I "poo~ AI~ua~S!suo=> sJI"3UO peq e tO~ 13AaU aA,I """pnpold 4!{1!nb e sJI '~U!:J-l3~ m,l ~e\{M MOlI'{ I "\{1l0M s,A3uom Am ~~~

W,l l~~odW! ~1?\F S! A\{M "aWH JO ~sa~ 31.l:J pOO~S 'MOU'{ nOA ""-UaAOld aW!t 'reuO!:j.!pel.L

){;)°I:J 'Sl

°lOA'eIJ U! lp!.lAu.reSSa:>aU lOU ~ l! lnq ss'eI:J pU'e alp'e:J seq 'e!das asne:>aq e!das a{'ed

2!das al2d ..t°l°;:) .vr

.1°1°:) .10} ~IcI ON

a88:) LI:lJ8asa~ V :J88 LI:lUnJ:) ~ltSaN JoJ At!nb3 PU8J8 JO SUO!SUaWIO aLl.L£8Q-OOS

Page 28: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

500-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case


16. Dancers

You can stop time and these people are defying gravity. Take the middJe of the day-you'rehaving your chocolate bar and no one can bother me right now.

NO PICIURE for Smell

17. Smell. Home, Mother

Home, the way home smells, you know. Like how your mother smells, things like that... It's areassuring homecoming kind of experience.


Page 29: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


"""aw "O:J :J~ Op :J,uop oN jxeg tpunI:) s,apsaN ~ :J~a O:J aAeq I 'ou qa" 'A~S ApOqAue pxeaq .IaAaU I 1~q:J,a'ffi 8U!q:J,awos op O:J aIq~ aq O:J :J~~ ~ s,:JI 'ueWMOUS ~ pnnq O:J Un} s,:JI l~a.I:J ~ am s,:JI ';s;eq Apue:) eaA~q o:J poo8 S~M. :J! pue ". MOUS aq:J, U! ap!S:Jno 8U!AeId P!'I e seM. I uaqM. :Jnoqe 8U!'IU!1.IJ S2M I



: c

sse:) 4~Jeese~ V :J8B 4~UnJ:) ~"saN JOJ AJ!nb3 PU8JB JO Suo!suew!() e4.l E8o-ooS

Page 30: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

500-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case


19. Emotion. Satisfaction

Satisfaction-you crave it, you eat it and you're satisfied,


20. Emotion. Warm, Pleasurable, Rejuvenated

Warm, pleasurable, simple... a rejuvenating emotion.


Page 31: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

:1pnot Jo asuas iJ\fI- ~U!Sgn:)S1P U! spn.qsuo:> P°]W°:> reu°!:J°wapue t~wAofu3 3\{J t~ne:> uo~d .I3\f1-OUY "uaAO iJ\fI- U! Jaaq tseO.I JO naWS iJ\fI- :JOU tnq pea.xq

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uOH!uyap .Ia~ ap!Ao.Id sa~~ f...Iosuas al{1 'Moraq ~p a.IOW U! pm! uaas S'eM sy

.~U3~adxa aso~ sadeqs Osre ssa:>O.ld a~ U! pue ggU!IaiJJ pue SJt(Jno~ ~U!ssa.ldxa.l°J w~m .lofem e sap!AO.Id a:>ua~ad:xa re;)!SA1{d IS! t2'U ~t(Jno~ peIlsqe ~U!ssa:>:)e .lQJ e1.Ua1psse smatSAS .l°tOm pue ren:Jd~ad JO a:>ue:>~!S aql, U! sa!! dats S!t(1 JO a:>uepodUl! a\li

.watn °t InJ:SU!UB3W 3xe \:P!\{M. S.I3M.sue ~U!P!Ao.ld 3lqnO.It OU 3A'e'{ pue t! AofU3Ane~!dA1 :Jnq d3tS s!\{:J. Jo :J.m:J:s 3tn :Je tU3W3sn~ 3WOS pue 3S!.JdmS 3I:ttn e sSaIdx3 U3:JJ0 S:Juedpwed.uoHeposse lpe3 .l°J p3;J!~n3 geM. uoHeueldx3 UV .W3tn tn!M. 3tepoSse :JOU PJn°M. A3tn .1°10:>

:J'e'{M. U3tn pue SJ:eg lpuru;:) ~Its3N Jo S~un33J pue S:J~notn neIaAO .I!3tn tn!M. 3:Jeposse PJn°M. A3tn.l°10~ t'e'{M. p3){se 3.13M. A3tn 'a:>ue:).sU! .l°d .uo!U!do ne.l3AO S!q:J. qI.!M. 3;Jeposse taU op pue op ql.°q A3q1.

Sun33J reuoHowa pue 'punos 'lpnOt 'n3WS '3tSe:j. '.1°1°:> 3tn JO SW.I3t U! tpUn.I:J ~PS3N JO ~un33J pueS:J~noql. ne.l3AO .I!3q1. tnoqe '[U!4t °t p3t!AU! 3.13M. S:Juedp!:J.Ied M.3!A.I3:JU! 3tn U! :JU!od 3UO tV


.Puet.I~!MS °t pa:JeJa.I S~M t! tB\{t }~!Iaqa\{I pass~.Idx~ °sre A~t{t sas-e:> ~WOS U! \[~not{t uaA~ pnpO.Id ue:>!.I~wy ue se mg lpUn.I:> ~ns~N }OJ\[~not{t A~t{t tB\{t p~tOU StuedpH.I~d ~.I~Aas l:p~} ur .uue:>!.I~WY}O tmd s~ mg lpUn.IJ ~nsaN uoHuawsaop £# ~.m:p!d ~so1:p O\[M tuedp~d ~t{t '.I~A~MOH .M~!AratU! ~'It U! tU!od s!l{t t~ tuedp~dS!l{t Aq P~uoH~w taU s-eM lp!t:[M ~~TJ ue:>!.I~WV ue ~uo:> 1# aIn:p!d te\:[t ~:>Ho N

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'reg \pUN:) ~nsaNtnoq~ ~U!){U!\{t U! tuaU!Wo.1d are (a.1np1d aqt fO txatuo:> aqt) S.IOOptno aqt jo pue tuawaAOlD fO SUOHQuaqt 'Ma!A.IatU! a~ ~U!.Inp pat~aJ:) Aa~ sa:I:Ja~1A pUB sa~~W! ret~!p aqt fO pue ttI:8nO.1q StuedpHIe'dsa~'e\n! .1aqtO JO S!SAfelm ue mo.I:J ;Jag ffiM aM SV 'puno~){:)~q aqt"U! ~U!UUn.1 Pn\I:> ~ S! a:la\:[:l, puB'tS~J A.zaA ~unaA~.It s-eM .10 at~.zaIoo:>e °t ~~aq tsnf a.IaM alls J1. se AIttI:8HS preM){:>~q tuaq S! a~yS,Pn\I:> al{:J 'aI:>!"qaA ~ ~U!tuasa.Ida.1 xoq ~ U! pat~:>OI S! puno~a.1oJ al{:J U! Pn\I:> aqt '1# aIn:p1d UI

'~un33} reuoHowa iJIqemSUiJId e SiJp!AO.Id °s[B d!\{SUOHeIiJ.I piJnreA e }O (.<.IowaW)~U!PU!WiJ.I iJ\fJ z# i}.tn:p!d UI 'dew snsu-asuo:> rew.xO} iJ\fJ }O :J,fed tau S! t! iJ:>U!S iJU!I PiJ:J;J°P e Aq UMO\{SS! u°!:j.e!:>Osse S!lll 'p°}W°:> reuo!:J.OWiJ iJP!Ao.Id Ot sIeiJdde osye UOS.IiJd S!\fJ .IO} At!Iemme:I 'ulf11lndn ma0t.8 noli .lZ1.l11tUl1jSU1lfPWD5 5,11" 'At!Ieffi\UeJ pue tUi}wAofua}o SPn.IJ.suo:> iJ\fJ iJIe tUiJW3tets iJ\UeSS11{J U! pauoHuawosyy .uatUOlf 5,11 'ajvs .Ii:laa" 'poJW°:> reuoHowa P~ (poo\IP1!1P }o) A.xOUIiJW piJ){OAiJU33A\tiJq u°!P3uuo:> P3.I!P e iJpew UOS.IiJd S!\fJ ~.In:J:>!d iJ\fJ ~U!ssn:>S!P UJ .p~P!Ao.Id °sre ~ uo!:j.d!.I:>S~pW!l~q.x~A sJuedp!ped ~\U .xoq PIeoqPIe:> e U! I~ e SMO\{S 'P!\{M 1# ~!d .raP!suo:)

sse:) 4~eesaH 'V' :J88 LI~UnJ:) 'l~aN JOJ ~lnb3 PU8J8 Jo suO!SUaWIO aLl.L eso-oos

Page 32: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case50O-Q83

Soft blanket with a fringe that tickles, cause chocolate is a comforting kind offlavor or experience. But the crunches in the Nestle's Crunch Bar are kind of like alittle extra that can be annoymg [the fringe that tickles] but it's not bad, you can putup with it.


The polar opposite of emotional comfort is provided by yet another person who describedwhat is not the touch as:

Like putting on a wet bathing suit, ...Like clammy and cold and it just giveyou shivers, it is not appealing.

Synesthesia is the phenomenon that occurs when an image related to one sense may entail orevoke images involving other senses. For instance, a certain sound may evoke a visual image or acertain taste may evoke a particular sense of touch. It is important to understand whether or notparticular sensory stimuli evoke other senses and, if so, whether this has a positive or negativeassociation. For instance, the color purple, the notion of off-white lace, and certain shades of blue areassociated in this study with the tactile sensation of soft and in some instances warm. (Tactilityactually involves a number of dimensions such as texture, pressure, temperature, etc.) These colorsevoke positive feelings with respect to Nestle Crunch Bar. On the other hand, black and gray evokeexperiences that contradict the experience of Nestle Crunch Bar. Care might be taken when usingblack and gray prominently in visual stimuli; it might be advisable to avoid them altogether. Azureblue, cream, off-white, or even brown might reinforce a message of softness and warmth if theconstruct of emotional comfort is to be stressed. On the other hand, if energetic/lethargic were to bestressed, the colors red, gold, or icy-blue would be reinforcing.

A sample set of responses is provided below.


Purple, it's a warm color, and a soft color. Soft makes me feel good and so

does candy.

Blue. Smooth, soft you know like calm like you know how the water and theocean and the sea and stuff, how blue it is. That soft feeling, that soft texture. Whenyou think of blue, you think of something that's calming you.

Soft or suede, brown suede, but sort of a soft, smooth-I guess I chose suedebecause it's also a fabric that is warm and has these elements as well, not fur, couldn'tbe fur, but brown suede. ...The texture of the chocolate and the way it tastes. Thetexture of the material. Suede has the color and the texture.

Red and is cool, red is warm and lively and they are the colors onthe wrapper. ...Identity and the kind of almost a long time relationship to the


It tastes good.Azure like a sky blue because it's pleasant. .

It's a break-Cream color.. soft, quiet

Gold-exciting, notice it, Red-bold, invigorating, full-of-life.

Similar to lace. I never really liked bright white lace, I like off-white antiquelace on you. It looks pleasing to the eye and it always makes you feel warmer, there's

a softer color to it. Creamy.


Page 33: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


"a:>U3!.Iadxa }O PU!'l ~U!WO:>aWO\{ 'aWO\{~~ssea.I e S.JI " ." l~ ~ s~U!q:J. 'SYIaws J:aq:Jow .InOA MO\{ a'[!1-Ae5 O~ pmq

S,~! 'asaq:J MO\{ MO\D{ nOA ~nq oN "MO\D{ noA 'snaws awot{ AeM aq:J 'awoH

.~U!1:[:JaWOS JO AtSJ!\fl '~un1.{noA S3)[ew IncA OJ JXau SJi3~ AueaJ Jsnf J~lfl ~U!l.{Iawos Jsnf sAI 1~~ os gnaWS

J..ueaJ Jsnf 'saW!:JaWOS O;);)~qOJ Je\:[J JO ~mOJ~ a\{J pue 'O;):>~qOJ nag J..a\fl aJa1.{M. do1.{Sa'){ows e OJU! o~ ue:> no}.. .SO;);)~qOJ ~umams poo~ awos aIe aJalU .0;);)~q°.L

.awn a\lt Ie ~U!opa.IaM aM I1?l{M puB PPI e s-e SIeq aIeyo:>oq:> P1?l{ I U3tIM saW!:j: a\lt OI J'eI1Im;s a.IB asa1ppuB mJeJ B UO SpoOM a\lt U! Ino dn Ma.fJ I "aU!d a\lt 'I! U! S.IaMO{J pUB 'SpooM a\lt ';J;J;el3l1I8!1 a\lt- suretunow 'nams ss-e.fJ a\lt 'ss-e~ a\lt In:> nOA law "Haws al!d

'~U!:JsnJ:J pueaIq~oJW°:> .lope} SS!MS a~ }O a8nB:>aq ...tueseaId pue ~U!1BaddB pUB ssaUlIsaI:J B .

..SU!e:tunow aU!dIV 1[6no.I\.{t azaa.xq B P1es I J! ~U!:JBa\p aq PJnOM I asoddns I

"l.{S;}Jl ~U!aq :J! uo :Juno:> Ue:> I~ 'I8a.Id

."" "ap!Stno SU!aq aAoI I 'dn {33} am sa)[eW ",Ife qsaJd

"mB: \pUN:> ~11~N Jonaws a\{:J, tau S! te\{M tnoqe Stuamatets I..q pa:>.IoJUl;a.I °sre a.Ie saH!{enb asalU "SaH!{enb aAH!Sod .Ia\{1oI..uem pug 'sapomaw pool.{p{!lP 1Sn.I:J 'pofWo:> 'paseaId ~U!aq , i..tmqepuadap 'poom dn ue U! ~U!aq

'ssaUl{sa,I:J l..aAuo:> S.Io\{de:Jaw f...Io:P~.JIO 'suoHe!:>Osse f...Io:P~.JIO .I!a\{1l..q pa:>.IoJU!3.I S~M S!lU 'sa~e\n!

Iet~!P Jo SUO!pn.Itsuo:> .I!a\{1 U! pug Ma!A.IatU! .I!a\{:j. °t tlJSno.Iq S:Juedp!:J.Ied sa-Seill! renS!A a\{:j. JOI..uem U! papalJa.I S! S!\U '.leg \Pun.J:> ~I:J.saN \{1!M uoHe!:>Osse tUet.IodUl! ue S! S.Iooptno a\U


.AWOO[IJ pUB Axe~.Ip 't! tnoqe ssausnOAIaU 'SS~\D[Iep-'I:>e[g

"Uo!ssa.ldxa .10 i:Jnenp!AWU! Pe\.{ auo ou 'awes a~ pasSa.Ip seM aUOA.IaAaP~ S:J.I!:){s I..e~ aso~ j~aM Ie11:[:)O.led °l jU!oj SP!){ a~ j~ .l3qwawa.lI ~d S! I..e.l~ "ssa1D{.Iep 'ssaupe:>s-lllj!U 0:1. .Ien:w!s s.'l:>eIR "UO!;J°wa .10 uo!ssa.IdxaJo P!OA a.le letI:J s.l%J ojuneadde aq °:1. waas l,usoop lsnf >pelq sJe~ jU!l{lawosSUHe3 MOqaWOS "a:>p°:>!1 'l:>eyq pa'ffi uaAa .laAaU I-'l:>elq/ I..e~ .lallS.IeH

.j~ jU!\fJ.OOS e se :JU!W a:>U3p~dx~ :J. uop I .~oIOJ jU!1{:JO°S ~.I~1fJe.I jUHeyn\1I9S jU!Wow hI.Iea S! :JU!W puB Io1fJU3w :Jse~I te ~w °:J 'Jo pU!'! jU!U.IowhI.IP.3: .~t!soddo yetO:J 'M°\D{ noh ':JU!\II 'Io1fJU3w sJ'e\[t-anIQ A:>I .~nIg

'S!l{l tI:J.!M.:j.! 'a)ffi l.UOP I lnq JOl°:> alqepadsaJ B 51 'PBIS: ..tSOmre :pnpoJd yepxawmo:>-uou B a)ffi 8'1°°1 :j.! pUB UB:> atI:J. uo asya afHH AJaA pUB xoq B U! )10 'PBlq B aAB\:[.{atI:J. lBl{i 'a~BJaAaq )I 0 atI:J. tI:J.!M. swalqOJd a\:[:J Jo auo SJ! pawa:>uo:> S! ~~e){:>BdSB JBJ SB PUV 'f4mqwaU! ':j.OJ 8alB:>!PU! 'PBlq '.{nuanbaJ::I "'!:>Blq S! OlBlOd atI:J. Joped pBq atI:J. 'SpooJ \:[:J!M. u°H:>auuo:> U! lOU :j.nq 'asmo:> Jo a:>Bld SJ! ~ ){:>BIS:



U! lp!.I An-mSS;}:)3U tOU S! t! tnq SS~p p~ ;}tp~:> Se\{ ~!d;}s ;}Sn~:>;}q e!das ;}Jed

eseo 4~JeasaH 'It :Jee 4~UnJO 'IJSaN JoJ ~lnb3 PUBJ8 Jo suo!suawlO a4.L eso-oos

Page 34: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500.083

It reminds me of malt balls-it's old-fashioned.

Coffee. Grabs your attention, extra surprise you're going to receive.

Not Smell

Vinegar. ..It's sharp and pungent and irritating, intrusive, not chosen.

Diesel Fuel, the smell of the dump, pungent, sour, subway smell. They'revery uncomfortable smells, unappealing, and you just can't wait to get away fromthem.

The smell of baking bread would be more like my feelings about Nestle'sCrunch than the smell of a roast beef in the oven or a turkey roasting or somethinglike that. ...I just associate when you come right down to it one of the pleasant non-essentials of life and this stuff the opposite. Those smells are more pedestrian andexpected in life as part of our diet.

Pizza ...Because it's something that at first thought one might associate withthings like Nestle's Crunch, because of the fact that eating pizza isn't usuallyregarded as a meal. It's regarded as a temporary pleasure. And it's very enticing, thesmell of pizza, for a lot of people. It's like the smell of popcorn. But the reason that Iwould not associate it with a Nestle's Crunch is that I would feel that if I had a pizza,I would feel that I had had a meal. But if I had had one or more Nestle's Crunch Iwouldn't feel that I'd had a meal. And that's why they would not be associated.They'd both be on the pleasurable side, they'd both be positive. It wouldn't be thatit's a negative smell and therefore rules out candy. ...


Sounds of movement, especially of water, appear in assoc~ation with Nestle Crunch Bar.Auditory associations of movement (even the movement of chewing) have a smooth, soothingquality. Movement in the outdoors is prominent.

Waterfall, it's soothing.

Quiet. Because that's how chocolate makes you feel. A nice smooth soundalmost like taking a nice smooth ride in a car or something.

There's a sound I once heard, when I was at Yellowstone National Park, ofthe mud pots which is a bubbling goopy kind of thick muddy sound. It was madefrom ..volcanic ash mixed with water with hot bubbles coming up through it. Youknow, bloop, bloop, bloop-that kind of thing. That's something that I wouldassociate very strongly with it ...It's just chocolate has that kind of like-it's kind offattening and thick and warm. ..You know and also there's a free associationbetween chocolate and clay because I know that clay is sometimes used as anemulsifier in cheaper brands of chocolate. Do they have it in here? I don't think so.

Yeah, no.

That little crunchy sound when you bite it ...Which I think is what makesthe Crunch Bar more attractive to me than like a Hershey milk chocolate without thealmonds, just has the chocolate. It's almost an unmitigated, unrelenting kind of


Page 35: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


ipa1~~aJfB:Jap SA! asn-eJaq fun ~W ~'[eW 1,usaop 11 "ap!SU!dn am SWJ~M 1! ~AIll:JOOWS A.I~A UMOp sao2 1! '~M SAl "~~1 JO dro p008 V

.AamOl{ pue 'sauiaJtxauaaM;J,aq U! ~~mos ~\nIeM 'ssaUqtooms 'POJ1D°;) JO saHntmb aA!:J.Isod Isa~~ns S.Iol{d'e:j.awaIS-e:j. a\fi .ssaUl{1,oows pue 'h:).!P!\nnq '~xal Alpun.l:> 'iJJn:J~.IadwaI Jo S.Ia:j.:j.etn PIP s-e 'aso.IP.h:).!Je{nue~ al{t Jo h:).!'fenb aI!:J.:>et a\{l'.Ieg \{;)Un.I:) ~PsaN ~ Jo aISe:J 3\{l IOU sI pue S! IeqM ~\I!~P \I!'aydw-exa .10,1 "\{:>nol pue a:j.Se:} UOJaM.t3q ~IsalflsauAS ayqe.1apISUO;) geM iJJa\{l' AY~U!SPd.mS ION

"pnpoJd (iJJSet) POOl e JIiJS:J! S! J! asne:>aq S! SJ\{J POO\{!{iJ'nI fiB UJ .SPn.I:JSUO:> Jo JiJS tuaJiJmPe tpniJ IOU PIP sasuas iJS3lfJ 'pafoJd S!lfJ U! 'JiJAiJMOH "J~!S puB UiJWS 'punos uelfJ iJ:>ue:>~!SJo PUP{ tUiJ.lamp e :J~iJI te .10 iJ:>ue:>~!S JiJte~ iJAB\{ Aew iJtSet puB \pnoJ °t pateIiJJ SJo'fdetaw

tB\{1 'a.I°Ja.IaqJ 'piJ:JSiJ~~ns uaaq seq tI "JOsu-as iJq:J. uo AJC)tB!PiJWW! taU tSBaI te JO iJIOWa.I Aue:>!dAta.IOW aJe spafqo ~U!:J~!.IO JO SiJ:>.mos .11iJq:J. 'SW;J:JSAS A.xosuas pedW! osye sa:>ue.l2e.IJ puB SiJAeMpunos 'SUO!sS!WiJ J~n iJINM "WiJJSAS AJosuas iJq:J. uodn Afie:>!SAlJd Anenm S! 'patpnot JO patSet ~U!iJqpa~qo iJ\fl 'snynW!Js iJq:J. Jo ~:>.mOS iJ\{:J 'S! JB\U "asuas iJJe!paWW! aJow e S! 'tpnot iJ'ffi 'iJJ~.L


°I! mo.IJ A~M.~ :ra~ °I IueM. 'Iues~OJldun 'AS!OU 'ffiIP =>!:j.'eumOJUd

"'I2{q JO pas S,~! ~nq SaA!{ ;roo U! sn.I°J pOO~ s.~! MOlD{ aM 'a~s-e~ ~.UOP aM ~U!1GaWOS S! .Ia~eM ...~U!MOIJ .Ia~eM

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":tau S! .reg \:[;)UnI:) ~[JsaN J~M \[l!M pa~ef;)Os~ aJ:e spunos paJ~pos~ pue spafqo apew uew

punos JoN

..{uOM Ino\{J!M 'sass~J:J.S tnO\{J!M saW!:J un; 'Jat~nU'J

~nu A~S :j..UOP :j.nq U1dwns MO\D{:j.snW °aJal{M AUt! :tag O:j.{ ~ U1 :j.OU ~U1AOW MoTS' 0 .°a:j.eT°=>Otp p~bH am:j.;)!d

pyno:> auo pUt! :j.Ut!seaTd sJI o~UN:J.}O ap!s aA!:J.!sod al{:J. Uo sM 0 0 ..IaA.~ e }O punos a\U

.aSH.IaA.p~o:j. pam Aal{:J. sd!tp Ot~tOd asol{:J. .10 .0 ° °aPJ:>!d ;)!S'BJA e a:)ffi tau SJI °\pUnI:> e}O 1:pnw :j.2l{:J. :j.,US1 aJal{:J. \pUn.I:) sl~nsaN e :j.ea noA uaqM Afi2a.1 asn~;)aq ° 0 .p.10M. al{:J.

°t pateTa.1 aJow Sit! 'oN. ...punos ~u!\pun.I;) al{t wo.IJ A~M~ A~:j.S Ot PIe\{ SJI


auo tea °1\I ~d Sot! asne:>aq ~\I!Ma\fJ}O punos a~

'\pUN:) '~Tqe~:j.~ pue ~Tq!pne \fJoq S! :j.e\{J 'TU!lT:JI .req ~l{:j. U! a:Jp ~l{:j. ':j.uaw~T~ \{J~ ~\{:j. 'noA SWT3qMJ~AO :j.Eq:j. ss~ua:j.eT°;)o\p

He:) 4~Jeasa~ 'V' :JB8 4~UnJ:) 'ItS8N JOJ ~!nb3 PU8J8 JO SUO!SUSWIC S4.L eao-oos

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The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-083

Not too tart but not too sweet, like a semi. You want it like a good blend iriYou would want something that would be iri between that won't overwhelmthere.


Like baked bread. ..Bread has that crunchy texmre. It's baked, it's warm. Ithas a really nice penetrating enveloping kind of humid odor. ...The texture of thesoft part of the bread, not the-In the same way that the crunches are peripheral tothe chocolate, the crust is kind of peripheral to the body of the bread. It's literally onthe edge of the soft inside. ..And I have a lot of good memories about baking breadand home life. And it smells good, and it's welcoming, you come home and it'sthere.. .

Bread and I like bread. We buy our bread generally from the bakery ratherthan from the supermarket and I feel I can rely on it. ..

A cross between ginger ale and orange... because we had this drink when Iwas growing up in England called Luko's Aide and it was probably glucose andwater. ..but it's color was a cross between ginger ale and orange and I think thewhole purpose of Luko's Aide was to give you energy.

Clams are a different texture, it surprises you-you open it up-you get alittle more than a chocolate bar.

Not too sweet not too bitter -just right in the middle there are some thingsyou can put on the tip of your tongue and enjoy better. Real mashed potatoes--it hassome chunks in it. put a little salt in it for taste and a little butter on it -it's justright-you can hold it in your mouth for a long time.


Not Taste

Lima beans, which are very nutritive and which you can almost get to enjoyafter a year of exposure but it tastes kind of horrible when you're first exposed tothem. Some foods suggest duty, lima beans suggest duty, you ought to do it.

Mushrooms, they're usually considered a side dish to a main course. Onedoesn't usually say eat your mushrooms, you'll get strong or they'll give you energy...One could even take it one step further and if the mushrooms were magic you'dprobably be drifting as opposed to hyped up.

Cigarettes. Definitely that's not the taste. Oh, just dirty and very gray and ill

and habit fonning.

Sand. ..the granularity. The crunch in the Nestle's Crunch is a very, veryfine crunch as opposed to big chunks.


As noted with taste, touch is a more immediate sense. The object must rest against the touchsensory system. This is one reason why terms such as "touching" and "feeling" are used to conveyinner emotions. Soft, mild unevenness, smooth, tender, mild temperature, are qualities evoked bymetaphors involving this sense. However, not every soft or smooth surface will convey theappropriate quality. For instance velvet and ice do not capture the desired qualities.


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'AS~ts;)3 'Ssna

sa~aIdt~q:J .8U!qJawos g~SUO;) JO Ma!A JO tU1od aq:J wo.I.J u°!P~JsH~s ssan8 I

a.Iaq:J ssatipes awos S,a.I3l[.L 'a~uetp tda:>:>e JO PU!)[ °t aAet( noA .pa~ue1paAet( S~U!ll:J pue ){:>eq awo:> t,UOM :J! pue tSOI Sot! tel{:J ~ aq:J s,a.Ia\{J tnq A.r.OwaUI:JueseaId e Sot! pue ~U!q:rawos .IaquxaUI3.I noA ...~MS.Ia»!q JO pOS ..:>~re:JSOU t!q am!Ie Sot! ':>~re:Jsou ...A.r.owam PIa a:>!U e a'ffi SotI ...lse3I :Je S.leaA 4uaM:J .I°J puno.zeuaaq Sot! 'M3U tel{:J tau Sot! 'a'ffi UI,I pue ~unpxa pue Mau se ~U!\{J :J3'I.Iem-a.I °t ~U!A.ItsAeMre 3.I.Aa'll .~U9Pxa pue M3U fie Sot! ~U!-J'eat[ Jo p3.I!:J mIl pue pnpo.Id .zemmeJe Sot! 'PIa Sot! 'I! MOU){ I asne:Jaq ...~unpxa pue Mau ~U!\:(t3mos S! :JOU Sot! teq:J ~U!\{J

a'll ...~~wos ~~aAo:>S!paI pue ~ll!A:JSHeS pue amot[ ~ll!UIO:> Jo ~ e Jo pOS:Jng ." .I°J ~U!){OOI w.I :Jel.{M AIPex3 :JQU sote\{J Inq 'uo!peJSHes Aes °t IueM I

teaqdn 'dn 13a} am s~m '~U!13a} poo~ e am saA~ sAeMle t! ':)~o\{dn3:

'asuasS!4:J \[J!M tuap!Aa AI.lmp a.IP. S.Ia\[Jo ~uowe ~.laua pue 'Atmqepuadap 'Un:J '~.laua'uo!tedpHue '/..xowaw 'At!.IP.!UilleJ Jo S:J:>nItsuo:> .10 sa!t!renb a'll .Ma!A.latu! a\[J JodaIs SNt U! papnpU! S! u°!t°wa 'asuas Ie:>!Utpat ~ se pat~a.It SA~MI~ IOu an:\IM


l{:JOOlUS "il:>!


sot! '3l~O:>O\p Sol! 3Sne:>3q 3A!Se.Iqe '3S.Ie°J

".I'BU\n!S S.1! SS3U1:JOS}O M.3!A }O 1U!od 3lfJ WO.Id "Apue:> WO.IJ :J3~ nOA 1e\{:J U°!:J~SU3S 3Iq~113w '3I~Sn:J

}O PU!'l 1~\fJ 3A~ 1,USaop 1! 1nq 3Iq~Hd pue HoS S! :J3A{3A asn~:>aq ':J3AI3A


l~~ tsnr 8M .0 ° re~ Aqeq g iJ'ffi '\n.IeM. s,tetp ~U!\{tiJWOS °WIeM.

OOt tOU pug :!:Jos a.I,Aatp 'Addnd :!:Jos e iJ'ffi ~unaaJ JO 1.pno;J JiJpua;J e Sa"{OA:3:

.~:>!U pUB\{100WS os S.tI .f.~p pmq ~ JO pua 31:[1, t~ t~~J roof. uo .I~ttnq ~O;)O:> .8U1QqnH

..I3dedpues }O ape~3S.Ie0:> e }O 3m SPU!l.Da.I 3.I3\{ mo:J:JQq 3tf" UO JJTqS renp!S'a.I 31fi ...SS3uuaA3un PUUI

}O UORS3~~ns ;}I!P'Bt :Jetf" seq .xeq 3tf" }O 3:>eJ,InS ;}tf" '.I3dedpues e ~:J~b :JON

.SU!feadde tau S! t! 'SJaANs noA saA~ tsnr SJ! pUB PIa:> puBAtnmep 'a'>In lSU!iles wJ :JB\{M MoU'{noA I:J~S SUNteq:JaM B uo Sumnd am

1! ~!Mdn tnd U2;) no!. 'p~q tau sJ! tnq g~o~ aq ue;, t~~ ~J:JXa amn ~ a'f!1 Jo PU!'I am

mg ~uruJ s.9I:JsaN a~ U!' satpUn.I:> a~tng -a;,ua!.Iadxa..Io .IOA~TJ JO p~ gU!'doyaAuagU!:j.IOJWO:> ~ S! ateyo;>o\{:> asn~;, 'sappH ~e1.{l agU!.IJ ~ \It!M ta){ueyq tl°S

(.J'" I .

as~ 4~Jeasa~ "V' :Je8 4~unJ:> 91JsaN JoJ l.I!nb3 pueJ8 Jo suO!SUaWIO a4.l &80-00S

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The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-083

I think the one that comes to the top would be an emotion of simple pleasure...Simple pleasure in that it doesn't involve any other people, so there is nocommunication necessary. ..It is inexpensive, readily available. It is pleasurable.Doesn't take a whole lot of work to achieve the result.

Satisfaction-you crave it, you eat it and your satisfied.

Warm, pleasurable, simple. ..075 a filling emotion, a rejuvenating emotion.

Not Emotion

The thing that it's not is something new and exciting. ..because I know it ,it's old, it's a familiar product and I'm tired of hearing it's all new and exciting.They're always trying to re-market things as new and exciting and I'm like, it's notthat new, it's been around for twenty years at least.

I think above all I do not distrust them which is the same way of saying that I

have confidence in them.

Hostility, stress, hate. They're all very harsh, negative feelings--emotionally

drairring feelings.


Page 39: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

"S.Ioqde:Jaw daap p~ sawa~ :>!seq JO a:>.mos poo~ e ua:ijO a;te sa~eW! asa~ "~aq patuas~d s! sa~eW!re:J~!P JO tCJs aydmes V "a.reM:ijos atfJ Jo saHmqede:> al{J tnoqe tsnepads aq:J I.q ~W.I°JU! am I.a~"Ma!A.Iatu! atfJ °t t~no.lq sa.m:p!d al{J I.yuo am Stmldpwed '1.1I8:>!rlI..L °.latndwo:> e uo a~eW!~s atfJ ~UHeaD U! ~u!-88W1 re:J~!P U! tsntapads e :j;)a.I!p S.I3wnSUO:> '{se:J S!l{J tnoqe ~UPIU! ".reg l[.:>~ ~nsaN Jo uo!U!do 118JaAO .I!aq:J SSaJdx3 p~ ~U!'lU!l{J JT;aq:J Jo !..lotS a\{t uat pynoqsa~8W! aq:J tet:{J pa5!Ape am 1.3~ 'p~SSa.ldX3 3Aeq Aa~ tel{J seap! tmlpodW! 3q:J Jo 3WOS s3,Intde:> tet:{Ja~8W! 3t!sodwo:> ay~U!s e ~!sap °t p3'{se 3.Ie St~dpwed M3!A.13tU! al{J Jo UO!sny:>uo:> a\{t tV

se6ewi le'l!6!c

sse:) 4~JeSsS~ 'It :Jeg 4~unJ:) 'lISeN JoJ Atlnb3 PU8JB Jo SUO!SUSWIQ sLIJ. e80-00s

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The Dimensions of Brand Equity fclr Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case5~

Nestle Crunch Digitallmage!s



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'Pulp e se l{t!M dn MO~ nOA gU!\{JaWOS 'ue:>pawy Afiet1IawepUnJse paMa!A S! 'Auedwo:> SS!MS e t!~qre 'paM~!A S! ...~ge S! pnp°.Id ~l{t tel{t tda;>x~ ,ggunaaJ re:>HHod

gUO,I:JS aAe\{ l,usaop II .At!.In:>a8 Jo asuas U!ep~:> e p~ ~nlq pue '~I!\{M 'pa.I ~~e){:>ed ~l{t uo amleqI S.I°IO~ al{t S,ll <z.gey ue:>pawy) ".pooqpUl{;) W°.IJ sa:>uap~dxa t1Ia.I~!p gU!a'aS a:>eJ A.zowawal{t se.IaAO pug .1aAO gupeadde a:>eJ ~wes S!\{l aAe\{ PJn°:> nOA 'sag~ JO sapas e op PJn°:> no X "'!U°.IJ awe:>

t! 3.I3\{M ag~ al{t papn.IlSUO:> gU!Ae\{ mo.IJ M°\D{ I lng .~geW! Ie{";)!:J.Ied S!l{t U! ~e{n:>ads AfietOI °laAe\{ p~noA 'a.ta1.{ teqJ °l pagaUApd IOU S! .1aMa!A ~~ .neqaseq al{t tnoqe A.zowam e seq '{:>eq gU!'IOOIuemoM gunoA al{t teqJ ~U!geW! PJn°=> noA AIU!e:J.Ia:> ~.1~\{ lng .gU!ss!W S! agelli! 1S.I!J al{t 1I! p~.I.m:>;)o

neqaseq ~\fI, tp!\{M U! txatUO:> ~l{t ~U!SS!UI S! sseJg ~\fI, ~sne:>aq ~g~ S!l{t U! .I~AO pa!.Lle:> :JOU s,te~.a.1a\{MCJS{a sselg 1Ia'{O.Iq pue Pn\P e se neqaseq p~Aeld pe\{ Aal{t 1Ia\{M Jo noA gU!PU!WaI s,lel{t gU!l{tauo s,leqI pue sSeJg uCJ'{O.Iq Jo txaluo:> a\fl, U! 'neqaseq e 'POOl{PI!1p .I!al{t wo.IJ mat! pamsea,I:J e saasIJnpe ue S! leqI '.'p~uadde\{ pe\{ teqI gU!\fl,~wos Jo noA gU!pU!Wa.1 pue neqaseq e llaaM;Jaq uoHe!:>QSsea\fl, lnoqe ~U!){e~ds 3.I~M aM ...°SW .ggunaaJ poog pug tsed ue:>!.I~wy pug lreqaseq JO uo!:j.e!:>QSseal{t Jo asne:>aq AIJIed papnpU! neqaseq a\fl, ~Ae\{ °t patueM I '..lleWOM IJnpe ue ~q pJno:> ~\{S teqIS! a~~ s,easJa\O gU9.101S!P tnoqe ~U!\fI, aJ!U a1,I0 .'a;>ua!pne Jypads A.zaA e SlCJgmll:e\f.L .P!'l amH e3.IaM noA Ua\{M S~W!:J l~~ asal{t ne Jo noA papU!Wa.1 pue p.1~pueIS PIa ue seM leqI mq ~leJ°JO\{:> S!\{l

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tuawala pooqplllp al{t PUV .pug PJn°=> I leqJ S.IaqIo uel{t .1anaq.leg 1pUnIJ s,ansaN U! ~eyoJO\{:> JoS.I°l°:> pue sa.In:JX;}t aqI papIe:> t! SSO.1:>e un.I aA,I ageW! .Ia\{lo Aue ueqt 3.IOW asne:>aq Ane:>yp~ds .100p~ ago\{:> I .AeM ue:>pawy-nv ~qI.J° pas U! saAlaswa\{l gU!AOrU~ Pn\P e ~.1aM Aa\{l ua\{M JO 'lsed.I!a\{l U! a=>uapadx~ ue JO wa\{l spU!Wa.1 leqI ~loqACJ'{ e Pue .100P e \(ano.I\fl. gU!'I°OI ~.1IA~\{l'~g~ a\{lJo ped news e leqI pue A.tOW~W e SIt! leqI s~HdW! I! l~ifl AeM e 1pns U! AZZn;J s,:J.! tnq , A.towaw S!\{l

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() UOHd!.I:>Saa- t

&80-005as8:) 4~Jeasa~ V :J88 4~UnJ:> 911saN JoJ AIInb3 PU8J8 Jo suoIsuawIO a4j.

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500-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case


The mountains and the trees and the snow represent the rocks and the mountains, to me,represent the crunchiness of the candy bar; and the altitude of the mountains represents the 'high'that I get from this chemical inside, having consumed it. The presents surrounding the 'KooI' signrepresent rewards that 1... This is how I would reward myself by having crunchy, chocolate, candy.The blanket, comforter around the 'Kool' sign, was that I always thought that it was cool to be able toeat this kind of substance with other kids my age when I was growing up... to be like everybody else.The food itself was a comfort for me. The closet represents my hiding the food when I was told that Ishouldn't have it because it would make me gain weight. The baby inside of the crib represents, fromthe time that I was little, food was used in a lot of ways. Not all of which I felt, now looking back, wasgood for me.


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He:) 4':1Jeasa~ V :JBS 4':1UnJ:) 'llsaN Jo. AI!nb3 PU8JS .0 suO!SUaWIO a4.l esD-OOS

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The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-0s3


Obviously there's a little party going on here, in the right hand comer I have a bag of groundcoffee that is very rich in flavor, it has a richness to it, it's dark as in chocolate...if you move on up yousee Snoopy holding a record album which I picked basically because vinyl was flat and smooth but tofeel it it has a roughness to it. Popcorn basically is very filling. This picture as a whole gives me theidea that there's a party going on in your mouth and basically that's what Nestle Crunch makes mefeellike--it's very invigorating and exciting, lively. It's an exciting surprise. Exciting meaning thatyou look at it as though you're getting a chocolate candy bar but you find out that there's somethingmore to it.

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ase:> 4~Jeesa~ V :Jes 4~UnJ:> ,"saN JOJ IJ.!nb3 pueJS Jo suo!suaw!o a4.L eso-oos

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500-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

4- Description

These people are at a beach. Let's say this is a beach, and these people are out in the water,relaxing, having fun. He's swimming. And this little boy sees them all and everything, you know,him and his father. And so this little boy is talking to his father about the Nestle's Crunch -about thecandy. This guy here feels that maybe this boy's trying to get his attention... and he's swimmingtowards him to see what the little boy's saying. Then the little boy's saying "Well, I have this candyand I want to give him some". So the father says, "It's a little something for everyone to enjoy". So themoon is... it's getting like dark now, not dark, dark but... and the moon has started shining andglaring over the sky and it's coming down on them. So it's like really smooth.

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.am U! m;J:JO 1e\{1 saq~.1:> Aue 01uoNsro roOA ~ lpUn.IJ apsaN aA'eq pue am roOA U! aUIH aIqeroseaId .10 am roOA U! .\.Iowaw .1a\{1oue01 ade:>sa pue aroseaId re:>!sAqd 'a.mseaId reuo!:JOwa 'am~aId amH e :Jaj ue:> noA aq"-ew JIasInOA:pa:JO.1d 01 aAeq noA suoNsn:> a\[l Jo aUO-AeM roOA jUNse.1:> spuas am JaAa1eqM saznOqwAS a.IaqajeW! S!\{1 OS-lpUn.IJ aflsaN jU!A'eq poJW°:> e s.11 'aW!:J U! a:>eId .1a\{1Oue.1o aj~ [S'1U3W .1a\{1Oue01 ade:>sa JIasAW I "1fnpe ue ~ nasmOA 1ea.I1 01 op noA 1e\{1 jU!l{tawos S! 1pUn.I:J aflsaN {C}aJ I


ase:) 4~8asa~ V :J88 4~UnJ:) ~nsaN Jo. .<J!nb3 PU8J8 .0 suoIsuawIC a~.l £8O-OQS

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The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-083



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.pnpo.Idpal{S!1I!J a't:} pUB SrePa:j.ew Me.I JO UOHe:j..Iodsue.q .I°J :j.U'aUIa;11nba.I a't:} ~U!MO\.{S punO.I~a.IoJ a't:} U!){:)n.Q a't:} pue '.IP.q a't:} U!!P~U! .Ia\DO aq:J JO a:>mos aq:J MO\.{S O:j. sPlay .IO sa!pped a:>p pa:>e.I.I;}:j. a't:}

'a:j.9J°:>Otp Jo a:>.mos ue:>pawy aIPPM aq:J ~UHe:>!pu! a~y ;}')ffi a.IoW\.{sn}l :j.unow a't:} 'puno.I~){:)eqsS1M5 a't:} nexaAo MOqs ue:>aM 'aas t,UB:> noA tpNM 'as.xaAa.I aq:J uo ~ua!pal2U! yemteu-ne Afle:>!pe.Id~1 JO :j.S1f ~! 't:}1M. .IP.g q:>uruJ a\{:I, MO\.{S °t ado\{ aM "yye.IaAO!d aq:J JOJ a:>a!d apH e sn aA~ Jopas roM S1\fJ pue 'aU1U xaqwnu a.In:p!d Jo dot aq:J :j.e uaas 'xadde.IM. tpun.I:> aq:J aq pyno\.{s a.Ia't:} a~'eW1AIewumS a't:} Jo :jIed re.qua:> tqip aq:J UO .,. 'S:)a:Jzv aq:J q:J!M S! ~po S.:J! tnq PI.IOM am JO StIBd AueW

U! pateAHJro ~~q S,t1 MOU pUB '.IiJq:Je.I '~ueId iJ't:} pue iJdo.ln3: °t t~no.Iq U'a\{t seM pnpo.Id iJ't:} PUV'iJ:j.eI°:>Otp 0:j.U! passiJ;)o.Id pue ~zv aq:J Aq auo~ seM t2q:J tueyd oe:>e:> aq:J 'iJt2{O:>Otp Ire Jo ~!.10 iJ't:}stsa~~ns s!'D PUV .amteaJ a'ffi a.IoW\.{sn-a tunoW e Jo PU!){ e se tqi!.1 aq:J U21{J Jaq:Je.I :ijal iJq:J °t ~upeJs.:J! os Si}i}~iJp 081 pa~ ){U!q:J I 'iJUO .IiJqwnu U! iJ~eW! iJq:J tnd °t iJ'ffi P ,aM 'S'feiJd uretunow a't:}JO do:j. iJq:J p.IP.MO:j. iJ:>eld :J,UiJ1U'aAUO:> e U! dn 'a.IOW\.{sn}l tunow Jo t1.I1ds iJq:J U! AUeuy ua't:} PUV .ams

taU m,l liJ:>p ue:)pawy aq :J,qi1W t1 \.{~no\{ 'S!'D iJ'ffi ~umas e mo.I.J samo:> AIqeqo.Id pue tpunc a't:}t1 saA~ te\{:j. i};)p ~ S1 q:>NM '.leg tpunJJ iJq:J U! :j.Ui}!P'a~U! "'yeHuasSiJ puo:>as '" aq:J :j.SiJ~~ns roM :j.e\{:j.

MON 'moJ .I'aqwnU iJ.m:p1d U! UMO\{S Play a:>p iJp1SU!"2tunom pa:>e.I.Ia:j. iJq:J 10 uoH.Iod e .IaJsue.q O:j. a~

p,aM liJ.m:p!d UJetunow a't:} Jo uoH.Iod .IiJtU'a:> Jo :ijal tsn{ '..:J,a'f.lem O:j. ~:>npoJd pUB ~ueld °t yepa:j.ewMe.I ~uma~ ~AuedmoJ iJPSiJN iJ't:} se uOHe.IiJdo ~unU-.IeJ e tpns U! reHUiJssa os S! te\{:j. uoHepodsue.qJo tuaUIala ~ MO\{S O:j. S! S1q:J PUV +\{~!iJ ..I~qwnu mo.I.J S! tpNM 'Pn.It e UMO\{S S! a.IiJ\{:j. .IiJtUi}:>

'puno~a.IOJ a't:} U! PUV .Auedmo:> iJpsaN a't:} Jo :J,U'awa~eUBm pUB A.IOtSN Iye.IaAo a\{:J. U! uowauu.o:>SS!MS aq:J PiJUiJ.I °t S! s1\{:j. .IO} uosea.I a~ 'iJ~ell°:> aJHU'a a\{t .IO} puno~'f:>eq yyexaAo ue asn ll,aM

q:>NM 'iJua:>s aU!dIe iJ't:} 'U"aAas..Iaq\miu a.m.p!d S!- aSeW! A.IP.UIUInS. iJ't:} U! tuawaIiJ :>!seq alll~


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Page 50: The Dimensions of Brand Equity

500-083 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case


We've been able to take three images and extract the essence of each one; chocolatesymbolizes love and good will. And crunch is not only a soothing, sociable feel good kind of luxuryfood. It's not just a candy it's also got real rice in it which is frankly why I wanted to see the HarvardDivinity School Far Eastern community of monks represented and the central image of the fireworksis the crunch is both the source of the spark the flavor exploding in the mouth and in the mind in thecase of the heart it represents affection among people. The affect of chocolate is social comfort,romance and a very traditional kind of medicinal value so that's it's a healing of the nations in a way.




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.Anensn sjU!IaaJ pooj nOA saA~ t! pUB tuaUIl{S~OUpooj taj nOA ~qM a;)uyd S Stuasa.lda.l UCJ\pt!:){ aq+ pUB a.mtxat pooj e t! sai\~ t! 'nOA .l0} pooj S! a;)!.IMOU){ nOA 'nOA m'I t,UOM a;)rn 'POOJ JO W.l°J ~ sJ! 'POOl pooj SJ! oj noA cuaq ASS tsnr pJnOM I


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Page 53: The Dimensions of Brand Equity


"SreHllasSa a\fJ aAet{ aM a'>ffi :JSnf sreHllassa aqt seq aq tnq 're9llassatou S! t'ell:J )[;)eus aIqeneAe I..upea;r e se 'op aM l..eM aq:l: q:>Un.I:) s,apsaN aAB\{ °t aIqe a.I~M. enaJ amnS!q:J .J! aq prnOM t! PI;roM. ~ e tet{M. ){U!\:I:I: °t S! a~e\n! P.I!\{I. e ){U!\:I:I: I PUV "aAge~au aq prn°;) t! waq:l:;roJ 'saH!ssaJau J!seq aq:l: 'S;)!seq aq:l: aAet{ t,UOP O\{M. aIdoad °t uaA~ S,t! JI ".a{qemseaId j~wos st! Jo ){U!\P aM '){:)eus e se t! Jo ){U!\:I:I: aM. 'S!q:J a'ffi ~~wos q:I:!M. ssalD{J!s atB!JQsse t,uop 1..IU!-e:J.Ia:> aM'q:I:!M. t! ate!JOsse aM. a;ra\{M. OS "){:)!S a;row awoJaqprnOJ sjU!\:{:j: ;raq:l:o Jo peatsu! 'q:>uro;) s,apsaNa'ffi s~U!\:{:j: waq:l: aA~ .J! t'ell:J aI~ssod SJ! 'a:>ueuatsns ;roJ tea °t aIqe aq °t ateun:l,;l°J :JOU axe OqMaIdoad ;roJ t'ell:J S! PU!W O:J sawo;) teq:l: a~e\n! ;ra\fJoue PUV .auore pea;rq I..q aA!I taU saop UBW, 'a~ep~PIa a\fJ asn OJ. .spOOJ I...mxnI aq °t ;rap!SUOJ aM. :J'elI:J sPOOl aAet{ tOUUBJ oS{~{1 t'ell:J ueaw :J,usaopt! 'sPOOl J!seq aAet{ °t S! ~~tS am OqM aIdoad ;roJ paau l...xeW!.Id al{1- qjnoq:l: uaAa tel{1- S! O:J s2U!U1!aw re;raAas Set{ s!q:J PUV lea 0:J ~U!q:JaWOS ~U!A!a:>a;r I..ll'BUY S! aq t~q:I: pu-eq S!\{ U! mgq:>un.1;) ~ q:I:!M. ~U!AIe:JS S! OqM .PUq:> UeJ!.IJV am!i aq:l: sau!qWOJ \p!l{M a~~W! ue CJ'{Bw no}...


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The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case500-083


In the bottom, it's important that it's frozen broccoli, it just makes me think of how we wantthings done quickly without having to work for them. The picture of the bed and the cow; the bed tome is something that's of comfort. I like to read in bed. I eat a chocolate bar in bed and then I read sothat is something that gives me pleasure. And the cow, I just find the cow very appealing and it givesme a sense of goodness, a feeling of closeness, of family, of warmth and so those two images arethings that I find satisfying. If you looked at life overall it has very little meaning, eating a chocolatebar, it has very little reward, it's instant gratification. It doesn't have much to it, little substance.


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aaj:J e uo J:P.adde ~UJ:q:J asa~ Jo OM.L j~U!g j~U!g 'uoHej:Jua:>uo:> Jo .IaMod SN q~no.I\fJ

pue t! tnoqe S'{UN:J aq pue ){;)eu5 .Ia~oue aAe\{ °t StueM aq .IateJ an:qM aUlas 'U!"e~ePUV ".IaAO sa~~ ames a~ asn>!seg "tpnUl OOt aJJ:nba.I t,usaop t! asne:> UIIYpat~ 3'{eUI 011..sea ue I..nea.I S,1! pue ~uoye ~un:>l..:>!q s,aq pue 1U!od S!lfJ 1e UIIYpa1e~ a~ 01U! spuo:>as U3:J .IO aAY 1noqe a.I,aM os PUV "sanUHuo:> aq: pue ~.Iaua

a1.fJ seq aq: pue t! Stea aq pug JJO Sta~ aq: pue a~q SN sdOts aq Os 'paseaId /..;p,a.Ids,aq: I..oq PUV "aUO awn ~ 'aa.I:J ~ uo .I~g tpuru:) s,~IJsaN amn ~ saas aq j~NIg uappns~ }O ne 't1{8no~ 1eq+ ~~ }O an:J.I1A I..q pue MOU :Jnoq~ :JSnf ){:)eus ~ asn I..nea.IpJno:> I I..og 'SJ3aJ aq tU!od U!~a:> ~ t~ pue ~uoI~ l..n-uaUl ~UJPI..:>!q pue apl..:>!q ~uo p~ aI:J:J.n ~ SMOqS tpNM UIIY pateUl!ue ue I..Iam 15OUl 'aq pJnOM S1\fI- naM

...malfJ m'lO:J gU!og :J.US! ~q APue:) JO aIdno;) ~ 'MO\D{ noA P~:J~ ~ SJ! aJ1:1{M~ U! a;)UO :J1(a!.II~SJ! gU!A~S aw P~ AP~;) \{:>nm OO~ aAel{ O~ Sp!'){ a\{t .l°J poog tau S.~! aqA~m \{O ~~\{t

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"OP Ol .lal{ lueM I lel{M51 s!\{1 pue 'am saX'ela.l l! leq:J S! mq al~I°:>O\f' a\{llnoq~ a.In.P!d ~.laAO AW lMOU'{no}... "AOfua pue X'ela.l pue ~U!U"dAa a:>!U ~ aAel{ Ol .laq fial pue mg \f'Un.I:) ~ .laJJoI 'a5{a auo~wos.lo am s;J.! ~qA~UI .I~q:Jal{M 'UOM leq+ sn JO ~UO tp~~ UOJaMlaq ~unaaJp~q OU ~m a.lal{1l2l{1 MOqS Ol pue 'ame~ ~l{1 UOM ~A~q I .10 aqs .I~\{l!a pue .laAO S!awe~ ~\{l asn~:>aq PI~Y ~l{1 JJo ~M Ol Ap~a.I :Ja~ ~M ~.l°J~q lsnf PUV "mal{1 all! puel{pue \PUn.I:J s,~IJsaN ~ lno find I pueq S,UOS.lad l~\{l ~U!'[eqs Jo P~~lSU! '~uoamos\F~ tpl~ ~:>!U ~ ~S!U9 .la:jfB pue qnp S!UU"al ~\{ll~ ~we~ S!\nral ~:>!U V

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500~83 The Dimensions of Brand Equity for Nestle Crunch Bar: A Research Case

and he thinks, Oh this is great. So he takes them and eats them both at the sametime, gets back on his bike, bicycles off, and it becomes almost like a geometricprogression. Every time he stops he wants a Crunch and he thinks about it andthere's double the number of the previous one. And he simply eats them all eachtime. And slowly over about the course of this thirty second video he's not aware ofit, but you see" this little kid getting larger and larger until just before the end of thevideo he's about the size of this character here (indicates fat man in picture #4). He'sstill riding a little bicycle so he's hanging over the bike but he's not aware of it, andhe comes to a tree and he thinks and this whole great big bag appears on the tree andhe reaches up for the bag and just as he puts the first one in his mouth he explodesand then the credits roll. ...And the moral of the story is 'Be careful what you prayfor, it may come true'. ..Budget, make a good thing last. ...

Show the average American going to work-you can show someone going toan office job and all this could be with music in the background that's really fast andharsh and in fast motion too. The chaos of the work around you-the world aroundyou. Show them getting up and goirig to work the fact that they have to get up by acertain time they have to take public transportation maybe it's cold outside they getto the office they may be a few minutes late their boss gives them a look. Their day,the noise, the fact they couldn't get to lunch, and their vacation was denied. Thenhave them come home and whatever time of the year it is have them run into thepool and do a cannonball run, jump in the pool and enjoy the simple pleasures of lifeand then have them eating their chocolate bar. Or if it's winter time it's a businesswoman in a suit maybe she went home and outside her window she could see thekids across the street going down the hill and she decides to go over there and maybeshe takes one of the sleighs and slides down and laughs and enjoys the simplepleasures and at the end a little kid gives her a chocolate bar. it's a simple thing in lifeto enjoy it's right there in front of you.

A YOWlg couple in a sports car who have driven all the way down one ofthose peninsulas in Maine where there's no lodging and it's getting towards theevening and their energy level has slowed do~ and their hWlgry for snack food.They say let's get some milk and chocolate at a country store and they find that thestore has only M&M's, Hershey's and Nestle Crunch. The milk comes in little bottlesand they buy two bars and the girl starts eating one in the store and the boy pays forthe milk and chocolate. ..they try the Nestle's crunch because they couldn't care lessabout M&:M's or Hershey's because they're so boring. The girl says 'this is good' andshe offers him the same bar and he feels guilty because now he's diminished hersupply of chocolate so he buys a few more. So now they're ready to travel to an oldIndian meeting groWld and they want to enjoy the sunset and they don 't want to getinto any complicated picnic thing and it's convenierit it's packaged and they discoverthat "they like something. The last scene would be their finding a very romantic bedand breakfast and watch the sunset. They feel at peace with one another and with theworld as a whole their minds are bubbling with nice thoughts.