the digestive system includes the mouth

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  • 8/13/2019 The Digestive System Includes the Mouth


    The digestive system includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine. Every

    part of the digestive system has a very important role to play. If any one part of the digestive system does not function

    properly, the entire system can fail. This can lead to diseases or illness. Have you ever thought how every bite of your

    food is digested? Or where exactly does the food go once, it is consumed? Well, many of you may not have thought

    about that.

    Main Digestive System Parts

    The Mouth

    This is the first part of digestive system and also a very important organ of communication and respiration. The mouth iscalled the oral cavity. When food enters the mouth, it is broken into small bits and pieces by chewing. The saliva helps

    the food get softer and acts as a lubricant to help swallow. Saliva contains digestive enzymes which break the fats and

    some of the starch in the food we eat. The food that is broken, softened and swallowed is known as bolus. As the bolus

    enters the esophagus and then, the stomach, here is where the process of digestion starts.

    The Esophagus

    A 25 to 30 cm long muscular tube that connects the mouth and the stomach is known as the esophagus or esophagus.

    The esophagus is one of the main parts of the digestive system, as everything that we eat passes through this muscular

    pipe. It is commonly known as the food pipe. It is located in the throat between the stomach and the mouth. Food from

    the pharynx passes to the esophagus. Pharynx is situated right after the mouth in the neck. The normal function of the

    esophagus is to carry the bolus, other liquids and saliva from the mouth to the stomach, where the actual process of

    digestion begins. This transportation process that takes the solid food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach is


    The Stomach

    The stomach is 30.5 cm in length and 15.2 cm wide and hollow. The location of the stomach lies between the esophagus

    and the small intestine. The stomach is the main part of the digestive system and is divided into 4 parts, namely the

    cardia, where the bolus enters first; the fundus, which is the top curve of the stomach; corpus, that is the central part of

    the stomach and the pylorus, the lowermost part of the stomach from where food enters the small intestine. When the

    food enters the stomach, the enzymes and acids start breaking the food and turn it into semi-liquid form, which then

    pass into the small intestine.

    The Liver

    The liver weighs around 1.5 kg or more. It is the second largest organ in our body and located at the right side of theabdominal cavity behind the lower ribs. It is reddish-brown in color and the largest gland in the human body. The liver

    plays an important role in detoxification. Bile produced by the liver helps in the digestion and absorption of fats. It plays

    a pivotal role in the process of metabolism. It is very difficult to survive without a liver, as this is one of the important

    parts of the body, without which the body cannot function.

    The Pancreas

    The pancreas is about 6 in long and is located behind the stomach. It produces pancreatic juices and hormones, such as

    insulin, and enzymes, and helps to pass on the food to the small intestine. The pancreas help break down fats,

    carbohydrates and proteins, so that they can be used by the body. The pancreas also neutralize the acids in the stomach.

    It produces insulin, a hormone, and absorbs the sugar from the blood.pancreas help break down fats, carbohydrates and

    proteins. If enough insulin is not produced by the pancreas, a person can suffer from diabetes.

    The Small Intestine

    The small intestine measures between 6 to 7 m in length and 2.5 to 3 cm in diameter, and lies between the stomach and

    the large intestine. The small intestine is divided into three parts, namely, duodenum, the first section; jejunum or the

    mid part, and ileum, which is its lowermost part. In the small intestine, chemical digestion takes place. It protects the

    body against any infections, and secretes intestinal juices too. Food that is liquefied in the small intestine enters the

    large intestine, where absorption of water takes place.

    The Large Intestine

    The length of large intestine stretches up to 1.5 m long. It absorbs water and salts, and helps in the excretion of solid

    waste material. The waste or feces is in solid form, as the large intestine absorbs the water from the food. The large

    intestine maintains the fluid balance in our body. Some disorders of the large intestine are constipation, diverticulitis,

    diarrhea etc.

    Every part of the digestive system has a role to play in its own way. One should eat healthy to think better and work

    better. Proper intake of nutrition is a must. Digestive system is also affected with diseases and to keep away from the

    diseases, we should always take care of our body.

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