the design and implementation of intermediate codes for...

The Design and Implementation of Intermediate Codes for Software Visualization Andrés Moreno García 2005-01-02 University of Joensuu Department of Computer Science Master’s Thesis

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The Design and Implementation of IntermediateCodes for Software Visualization

Andrés Moreno García


University of JoensuuDepartment of Computer ScienceMaster’s Thesis


Esta tesis es parte del proyecto Jeliot 3. El fin del proyecto es crear una herramienta

modular para visualizar la ejecución de programas escritos en Java. El diseño de la

herramienta debe permitir que ésta sea fácilmente ampliable. La visualización ha de

ser similar a la mostrada por la herramienta precedente, Jeliot 2000 (Ben-Bassat Levy

et al., 2003), pero incrementando el número de características animadas, con especial

énfasis en animar programas orientados a objetos.

Esta tesis presenta el código intermedio usado en Jeliot 3, el MCode. MCode es un

código que representa la ejecución de un programa. MCode es generado por un in-

térprete del lenguaje a animar, en nuestro caso DynamicJava (Koala Project, 2002).

MCode es puesto a disposición de diferentes intérpretes para crear diferentes anima-

ciones a partir del mismo código. Esto es posible porque MCode sólo expresa infor-

mación semántica, en lugar de gráfica.

Por último, esta tesis intenta clasificar y crear una taxonomía de los diferentes códigos

intermedios y de los lenguajes usados en el campo de la "Visualización del software"

(Software Visualization). Para ello se han revisado diez sistemas o lenguajes; desde el

lenguaje intermedio de cuartetos propuesto por Aho et al. (1986), hasta los puramente

gráficos como Jawaa (Pierson and Rodger, 1998) y Animal (Rößling et al., 2000).

El desarrollo de la taxonomía permitío observar como los diferentes códigos interme-

dios proporcionan un eqilibrio entre las posibilidades para ser personalizado y para ser

reusado. Por ejemplo, la generación de MCode depende exclusivamente del intérprete

que lo genera, sin poder ser modificado, sin embargo, puede ser reusado con libertad.



Software systems make use of intermediate codes to translate one problem into another

one manageable by the system. Software Visualization systems have also followed this

principle. We have reviewed SV tools and built a taxonomy based on their implemen-

tation aspects. Most tools provide advanced technical solutions to animate one single

concept. But most of them fail to provide ways to extend themselves. A good tech-

nical solution cannot be reused, because it cannot be adapted to different teaching

approaches. Jeliot 3 is a Program Visualization tool that has been designed with ex-

tensibility in mind. MCode is an intermediate code that represents the execution of a

program. It is generated by an interpreter and it is made available to different inter-

preters. These interpreters can produce different visualizations of the same program.

It is possible because MCode only conveys semantical information about the running

program rather than graphical. Semantical information can be reinterpreted satisfacto-

rily. Finally, the design of MCode eases the addition of new instructions that can extend

the learning capabilities of Jeliot 3 beyond the simple program execution animation.

ACM-Classification (ACM Computing Classification System, 1998 version): K.3.2

[Computers and Education]: Computer and Information Science Education –Com-

puter Science Education; D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Testing and Debugging –

Tracing; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors –Code generation, Inter-

pretersH.5.1 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Multimedia Information

Systems –Animations; I.6.8 [Simulation and Modeling]: Types of Simulation –Ani-

mation, Visual

Keywords:Software Visualization, Program Animation, Jeliot 3, Novice Programmers

List of Publications

Paper I Andrés Moreno and Niko Myller, “Producing an Educationally Effective and

Usable Tool for Learning, The Case of the Jeliot Family”.In Proceedings of

International Conference on Networked e-learning for European Universities,

Granada, Spain 2003, CD-ROM.

Paper II Andrés Moreno, Niko Myller and Erkki Sutinen, “Collaborative Program

Visualization with Woven Stories and Jeliot 3”.In Proceedings of the IADIS

International Conference on Web Based Communities, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004,

pp. 482–485.

Paper III Andrés Moreno, Niko Myller, Erkki Sutinen and Moderchai Ben-Ari, “Vi-

sualizing Programs with Jeliot 3”.In Proceedings of the International Working

Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces AVI 2004, Gallipoli, Italy, May, 2004,

pp. 373–376.

Paper IV Osku Kannusmaki, Andrés Moreno, Niko Myller, and Erkki Sutinen, “What

a Novice Want: Students Using Program visualization in Distance Programming

Course”. In Proceedings of the Third Program Visualization Workshop. War-

wick, UK, 2004, pp. 126–132.

Paper V Andrés Moreno, Niko Myller and Erkki Sutinen, “JeCo, a Collaborative

Learning Tool for Programming”.In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Vi-

sual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Rome, Italy, September, 2004.



It has been more than two years I have been involved in the Jeliot 3 project. It all began

in 2002 when I arrived to Joensuu as an Erasmus student. Erkki Sutinen opened me

the door to Finland and offered me a reason to stay here. He and his family has been

my reference during all this time, both academically and personally. And I am really

thankful to them and to their kindness and hospitality.

I would like to thank, as well, the “Israeli team”. Moti Ben-Ari and Ronit Ben-Bassat

Levy have visited Joensuu and it has been a pleasure to meet them. Moti has been

guiding and pushing for my thesis to come to a happy end. Ronit has been the constant

colleague and, most important, dear friend that has supported me when I needed. I

wish the best to both of you and I hope to meet you soon.

I have no words to thank Niko Myller. All I can say is that he has been the most

important person in Finland during these 2 years. He has always been there when I

needed, and when I did not. Jeliot 3 is still part of our lives and we will not miss those

long bug-hunting nights. Thanks

These two years in a foreign land, I have met lots of different people. But fate and luck

had led me to gather an impressive set of friends. To all of them, I just wish that time

will make our bonds stronger.

Finally, my family. I dedicate this work to all of you. My parents, for everything

they have done through the years and offering me the possibility to study abroad; my

brothers, because we have already walked together a long distance, and we are ready

to be together till the end.


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Why is Jeliot 3 needed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Why Is an Intermediate Code Needed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Why a Taxonomy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.4 Thesis’ overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Literature Review 4

3 Jeliot 3 8

3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.1.1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.1.2 Jeliot 3’s User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1.3 Jeliot 3’s System Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.2 Description of Jeliot 3’s graphical features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 Taxonomy of Intermediate Codes 17

4.1 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.2 Characterization of Software Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.2.1 Aho’s Intermediate Code Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.2.2 Pascal and P-code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4.2.3 Java and Java Bytecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.2.4 Dynalab and E-machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2.5 Leonardo Visualization System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.2.6 Javavis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.2.7 Jawaa and Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.2.8 Viz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.2.9 PVML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2.10 Jeliot 3 and MCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


4.3 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.3.1 Taking into Account Price’s Taxomomy . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.3.2 Extending Price’s Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.3.3 Getting All Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5 MCode explained 39

5.1 Definition of MCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.2 MCode in Jeliot 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.3 MCode Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5.4 MCode Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5.5 Generating MCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.5.1 DynamicJava . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.5.2 MCode Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

5.6 Interpreting MCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.7 MCode Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.7.1 Procedural Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.7.2 Object-oriented Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

6 Discussion and Conclusion 58

6.1 On MCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6.2 On Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6.3 FutureWork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Bibliography 61

Appendix 1

A Intermediate Code Specification 1


Chapter 1


This thesis is part of the ongoing Jeliot 3 project. This project tries to develop a modular

program visualization tool that can be easily extended. It aims also to explain object

oriented concepts by means of visualization paradigms that integrate with the previous

paradigms used in Jeliot 2000 (Ben-Bassat Levy et al., 2003).

The thesis introduces the intermediate code used in Jeliot 3, theMCode. MCode is

explained in depth and compared with other similar approaches. Further development

of MCode, or applications using it, should refer to this thesis and the Appendix A.

This thesis aims to classify the different intermediate codes and scripts used in Software

Visualization as well as those used in real and in formal compilers, as described by Aho

et al. (1986).

1.1 Why is Jeliot 3 needed?

Jeliot 3 is a program animation tool. Program Animation is a a subdiscipline of the

Software Visualization field. Software Visualization tries to represent software sys-

tems in ways that helps the user, developer, or student, to understand it. Jeliot 3 dis-

plays how a Java program is executed in an exposed virtual machine. Everything that

happens inside the virtual machine is animated and the correspondent source code is


Jeliot 3 is the result of the re-implementation and extension of Jeliot 2000 in order to


achieve further goals after assuring the usefulness of Jeliot 2000. Ben-Bassat Levy

et al. (2003) suggested a way to use Jeliot 2000 that was beneficial for novice students,

especially those who showed mediocre scores in the beginning. The main goals that

were set up in the beginning of the development of Jeliot 3 were the following:

• Modular design. The system should be extensible both internally and externally.

Allowing the system to be internally extensible we guarantee that future require-

ments will not imply a complete redesign. The possibility of getting aid from

developers is easier to support with a good external extensibility. Developers

can program their own extensions to the system improving the final product.

• Object oriented features. The system should support the visualization of an

as large as possible subset of Java programs. Currently, the object-oriented

paradigm is part of many introductory programming courses. Despite being

closer to human reasoning than procedural programming, it has been shown that

fundamental concepts such as inheritance, generalization and encapsulation are

still hard to grasp. In order to make Jeliot useful in those courses, support for

object oriented concepts is needed.

1.2 Why Is an Intermediate Code Needed?

An intermediate code allows the modularity of the software, establishing the bound-

aries between the code interpreter and the proper animation generator. Myller (2004)

explains in further detail the reasons behind the “decomposition” of the tool in its sep-

arate parts.

However, the MCode makes possible a new range of applications. On one hand, it sets

a standard language understood by the animation generator, or visualization engine,

thus different language interpreters could produce valid MCode that can be rendered

by the same director. On the other hand the same intermediate code can be rendered

into animation by means of different directors that understand the MCode.


1.3 Why a Taxonomy?

There are already different taxonomies on Software Visualization: Price et al. (1993),

Brown (1988b), Stasko and Patterson (1992), Myers (1986, 1990). These taxonomies

focus mostly on describing the visual properties and visual capabilities, rather than

describing the technical implementations used to achieve it. With this thesis we try to

cover that point. Thus we provide a taxonomy of the approaches taken to implement

the different Software Visualization tools and compare them to the solutions taken by

programming languages compilers.

1.4 Thesis’ overview

The thesis is divided in five more chapters. Chapter 2 introduces similar work done

both in the field of Software Visualization tools and in the different taxonomies of the

field. Chapter 3 introduces Jeliot 3, it summarizes Myller (2004) in order to understand

the environment where MCode belongs to. Before describing MCode in Chapter 5,

Chapter 4 includes a taxonomy of systems that have made use of intermediate code or

that are similar to Jeliot 3. Conclusions and discussions of this work can be found in

Chapter 6.


Chapter 2

Literature Review

Related Work

Jeliot 3 is not the only program that helps students to learn programming, more con-

cretely in Java. The most widely used system isBlueJ(Kölling and Rosenberg, 2001).

BlueJ is a project manager oriented for novices. It shows the class diagrams and main-

tains anobject bench. The object bench is a useful idea. Students can instantiate

objects one by one, and they will be placed in the bench for future use. For example,

after objects are created, their fields can be accessed and their methods can be called.

DrJava (Allen et al., 2002) orjGRASP(II et al., 2002) are also interesting tools that

try to make learning Java easy. DrJava is intended to help students with their first

programming projects. It also uses DynamicJava, a Java interpreter, like Jeliot 3 does

(see Section 5.5), but for DrJava it serves as a dynamic interpreter that can be used to

test the already implemented classes. jGRASP aims to ease the use of a debugger to

novices when they start with object oriented concepts. Another Java teaching tool is

ProfessorJ(Gray and Flatt, 2003). It provides a simple environment to implement Java

programs similar to the one in DrJava. Its most remarkable feature is its adaptability.

The set of Java language allowed constructs and compiler error messages are adapted

to the declared user knowledge. Finally, Javavis (Oechsle and Schmitt, 2002) is a tool

oriented for novices that emphasizes visualization (see Section 4.2.6).



Many different taxonomies have been proposed for the field of Software Visualization

(SV) and Program Visualization (PV). They pursue to sort the field and to open new

directions for research. The five most important taxonomies are Myers (1986, 1990),

Brown (1988b), Stasko and Patterson (1992), Roman and Cox (1993) and Price et al.


Myers (1986) outlined the first taxonomy of Software Visualization Tools and revised

later (Myers, 1990). He classified Software Visualization tools under two simple cate-


• What they animate -aspect: code, data or algorithms.

• How they animate it -display style: static or dynamic.

This was the seminal work for future taxonomies; Stasko and Patterson (1992) and

Price et al. (1993) extended Myers’ taxonomy. Stasko and Patterson (1992) added two

more properties to Myers’ taxonomy:

• Abstractness: It describes how close the visual representation of a concept is to

that concept. For example, if a boolean variable were represented like a text tag

(“true” or “false”), its abstractness would be quite low. If it were represented

like a switch, with on and off states, its abstractness would be higher than in the

previous case.

• Automation: It describes the level of automation, e.g. the degree of user effort

needed to produce the visualization.

Price et al. (1993) constructed a taxonomy in a more structured way than previous

works. Its six main categories are deduced by reducing every SV tool to a black box.

Further subcategories are derived from these 6 main categories in a hierarchical way,

to sum up a total of 53 subcategories. The six main categories are:

• Scopedescribes what kind of software can be accepted by the tool -the input to

the black box. Systems can be useful for only one programming language, or

only for small toy programs.


• Content: The subset of the scope that is actually visualized. For example, one

tool will focus only in method calls, while another one can only visualize the

data containers.

• Form describes the properties of the visualization -the output of the black box.

The output can be displayed in paper, video or a graphical workstation. Each

kind of medium can have different properties, as animation, position or sound.

• Methoddescribes how the visualization tool works, how the animation and visu-

alization is produced—the internals of the black box (see Section refsec:Classification).

• Interactiondescribes the way user can interact with the system. And how the user

can modify its behavior. It will enumerate some used techniques as zooming,

selectivity and abstraction.

• Effectivenessmeasures how close the proposed goals and basic properties (e.g

clarity and goodness) are met. It also reports the evaluation and actual usage of

the tool.

Price’s taxonomy is designed to allow the inclusion of new subcategories. Yehezkel

(2002) has adapted and extended it to represent more faithfully computer architecture


The taxonomy of Roman and Cox (1993) also approached the classification in a struc-

tured way. They defined Program Visualization as a mapping from programs to graph-

ical representations. They extracted three roles from the definition, theprogrammer

who writes the program to be visualized, theanimatorwho defines and constructs the

mappings, and theviewerwho actually uses the visualization. The definition and the

roles are the basis for the six proposed categories.

• Scope: Like in Myers (1990), the aspect of the program visualized by the tool.

• Abstractiondescribes the level of abstractness of the visualization, from simple

highlighting to complex graphs describing different properties.

• Specification Methoddescribes how the mappings are specified. Similar to Stasko’s

automation. It is also similar to Price’smethodproperty. However, Price’s prop-

erty is more detailed than Roman and Cox’s one.


• Interfacerelates to the mechanisms the system has to let the viewer cope with

the visualization. Similar to Price’sinteractionproperty.

• Presentationis a property related to the animator or visualizer and the way he

produces the animation. Roman emphasized the importance of the message

rather than the appearance of it.

Brown (1988b) described three axes in his taxonomy. Brown focused on the visual

properties of animations, and how Balsa-II (Brown, 1988a) performed in the different

categories. Animations can be classified under the following properties:

• Content: Roman and Cox’sabstractionproperty was inspired by this one and

they are quite similar. Brown only differentiated between direct and synthetic

representations, but Roman included structured representation that Brown pre-

ferred to classify in the direct category.

• Persistence: This property describes how long the information stays on display.

From those that only show the current state to those that keep a history of data

or events.

• Transformation: It describes the method of changing the information on the dis-

play. It will be incrementalif the changes are animated smoothly ordiscrete


All these taxonomies have been of great help to locate and improve the different tools.

However, despite of being around for a long time, most of the open questions and

problems presented by the taxonomies remain unsolved. For examplePrice et al. (1993)

found out that one of the most missed features in current visualization tools was the

ability to switch between an algorithm-level animation and a program-level animation.

We believe that with a correct intermediate code it is possible to implement such a

switch with ease.


Chapter 3

Jeliot 3

3.1 Overview

This section gives an overview on Jeliot 3. It summarizes Myller (2004) and the inter-

nal documentation on Jeliot 3 (Moreno and Myller, 2003). Niko’s thesis describes the

design of Jeliot 3 and the reasons behind the decisions made during its development

process. This chapter and the thesis provide a background of Jeliot 3, needed for a

better understanding of the MCode.

3.1.1 History

Jeliot 3 belongs to a family of visualizations tools, known as the Jeliot family. This

family comprises four different tools: Eliot, Jeliot I, Jeliot 2000 and Jeliot 3. We can

split the family into two main branches: the one oriented to visualize data flow in al-

gorithms and the other one that visualizes the runtime behavior of programs, including

both data and control flow.

The Jeliot family is not only crowded, it has also been long-lasting. Since Eliot, the first

in the family, was developed more than ten years ago, when Erkki Sutinen and Jorma

Tarhio found a lack of easy-to-use tools to animate algorithms involving data types,

e.g. strings matching algorithms. Eliot provided a visual interface to edit the visual

appearance properties of some previously defined self-animated data types, see Fig-

ure 3.1. Eliot used the theater metaphor introduced in Halsa++ (Lahtinen et al., 1998)


and its related vocabulary in order to explain and assist the learning of its complicated


Figure 3.1: Eliot windows. The big main window let the user chose which variables

to animate. The other two are used to set up the visual properties of the animated


The theater metaphor describes the application by relating theater specific vocabulary

to the application internals. This way the program code that defines the algorithm

constitutes the script of the play. Like in every script there is a plot played by some

roles; by roles we mean the data contained in the data structures the algorithm makes

use of. However, a script and its roles are just a piece of paper, nothing people can

watch or interact with. To make that possible, a director must take the script and direct

some actors to represent its interpretation. In our case the director will interpret the

script, by choosing the roles she wants to appear on the stage, and how actors move on

the stage. The stage, then, is something real, what the audience will finally watch.

The director role can be assumed by a predefined computer algorithm, making the

program self-animating, or by the tool user, and thus making it manual, or by both, a


Figure 3.2: Main window of Jeliot I

semi-automatic visualization tool.

The theater metaphor has been used throughout the whole Jeliot family; for a detailed

explanation refer to Myller (2004).

Jeliot I (see Figure 3.2)was the follow-up application to Eliot. It tried to solve some

of the problems found in Eliot (Lattu et al., 2000). While Eliot ran as a native X

Window application, Jeliot I runs as a Java client-server applet. While Eliot animated

C programs, Jeliot I animates Java programs, thus the “J” in Jeliot I. Thanks to its

architecture, Jeliot I is available online, and any Java enabled browser can run it and

test it (Haajanen et al., 1997). Despite the huge improvement in accessibility Jeliot I

provides, it still poses problems to novices when trying to understand Java programs.

However, Jeliot I has been used in Data Structures Courses due to its self-animated

data types (Lattu et al., 2000).

The research performed with Jeliot I (Lattu et al., 2000) led to conclusions that pro-

vided the basis for the next generation, Jeliot 2000 (Ben-Bassat Levy et al., 2003). It

was found that Jeliot I was not suitable for novices. They could not understand the

logic behind the algorithms without a more detailed visualization of the program flow.

Moreover, the very detailed interface of Jeliot I made them get lost even before the

animation had started.


Figure 3.3: Jeliot 2000 window

Jeliot 2000 (see Figure 3.3) was developed by Pekka Uronen at the Weizmann Institute

of Science under the supervision of Mordechai Ben-Ari. Jeliot 2000 remained with

the theater metaphor, though modified. It was built from scratch to solve the problems

that arose in Jeliot I and to orient it towards the novice users. The interface was re-

duced to a single window, with VCR-like control buttons. The animation shifted its

focus from the data structures behind the program to the program itself: method calls,

loops, variables and expressions were fully animated. All these included features were

direct consequences of the premises that guided Jeliot 2000: the visualization must

becompleteandcontinuous(Ben-Bassat Levy et al., 2003). It is complete because it

animates every single step with a clear and stable semantic, so as to reduce the cogni-

tive load on the user. Continuous means that there is a clear relationship between the

current visualized event and the previous one. No intermediate step is omitted or made


The usefulness of Jeliot 2000 was studied by Ben-Bassat Levy et al. (2003), who con-

cluded that Jeliot 2000 was really valuable to teach mediocre students or those who had

difficulties with understanding abstract concepts of programming. It also showed that

Jeliot 2000, with its predefined visualization behavior, provided a common language

between students and teachers. This common language helped students to explain bet-


Figure 3.4: Jeliot 3 window

ter their difficulties and to build basis for their programming knowledge.

Despite all these features, Jeliot 2000 came with some limitations due to its implemen-

tation. Java was not fully supported, not all operators and, more importantly, object-

oriented features were non-existent in Jeliot 2000. Jeliot 3, the latest member of the

Jeliot family, intends to overcome the limitations of Jeliot 2000 without changing the

reasons that led the development of Jeliot 2000. Jeliot 3 is the result of redesign-

ing Jeliot 2000 to provide a better framework for future development and incorporate

object-oriented support.

3.1.2 Jeliot 3’s User Interface

The design of Jeliot 3 was carefully thought out in order to avoid repeating the same

problems that appeared in Jeliot I and Jeliot 2000. However, Jeliot 2000’s improved

interface and graphical features were kept. The main work carried out was in the

implementation, see Section 3.1.3. As it can be seen Figure 3.1.2, Jeliot 3 resembles

Jeliot 2000 (Figure 3.3).

The interface is divided into two main parts. The editing panel consists of the editor

bar, containing the buttons to access the most used functions while editing. The editor


can be found below its button bar. The text editor has been enhanced, and it supports

syntax highlighting and brace-matching. The editor is blocked during the animation.

If we keep on moving down in the main window, we will reach the animation bar,

containing the buttons that control the animation, whether to start it, pause it, stop it,

or rewind it. The slider below them corresponds to the speed selector. The right side

of the window contains the theater, animation area, all the animation occurs there. The

theater is complemented by a console terminal that will print out the system output of

the animated program.






Figure 3.5: The structure of the animation frame (theatre) in Jeliot 3.

The theater (Figure 3.5) is divided into several areas. The placement of the areas

is unchanged during the whole animation process. However, the size of the areas is

dynamically changed to accommodate the new objects placed in them. In Jeliot 3,

the areas have been clearly differentiated by means of lines in between them and their

titles. Although its aim is to make the whole animation area clearer, it can also cause

misunderstanding as the process of animating one actor from one area to the other is

shown but the underlying reason is not explained.

3.1.3 Jeliot 3’s System Structure

As stated before, one of the main reasons of developing Jeliot 3 was to improve the

system structure and design. One of the keywords is modularity. The possibility to


add, either internally or externally, new features to the core of the application was

meant to be an important requirement. Fulfilling this requirement induced a modular

design, where new features can be added in an external module and, thus, not affecting

the behavior of other modules.




User interface





Source codeof the program

Interpretationof the program






of the programexecution







-2. -3.











Figure 3.6: The functional structure of Jeliot 3. From Myller (2004).

From Myller (2004):

The structure of Jeliot 3 is shown in 3.6. The user interacts with the user

interface and creates the source code of the program (1). The source code

is sent to the interpreter and the intermediate code is extracted during the

execution of the code (2 and 3). The intermediate code is interpreted and

the directions are given to the visualization engine (4 and 5). The user

can control the animation by playing, pausing, rewinding or playing step-

by-step the animation (6). Furthermore, the user can give input data, for

example, an integer or a string, to the program executed by the interpreter

(6, 7 and 8).

This thesis takes into account the steps 2 and 3 and their related states and compare

them with different approaches.


3.2 Description of Jeliot 3’s graphical features

This section will explain the graphical features that used in animation in Jeliot; it is

recommended to examine one of them before reading this section. An example of an

animation is shown in Figure 3.7. Seven different phases of a class allocation are dis-

played. First,new Side() is shown, marking the beggining of the class allocation.

In 2 and 3, the object and its field are created. The next frame shows the constructor

frame with the reference to the object just created. In frame 5, field initialization is

shown. The reference of the object is then returned as the result of the constructor.

Finally, the reference to the object is assigned to the fieldw.

The animation background consists of a canvas or main stage. Actors, in our case

boxes, that can contain values, operators, messages or other actors, move around the

stage describing the execution of the program. The animation starts with one actor of

the type static method call invoking the main method of the program. This one and the

rest of the method calls will be shown in Expression Evaluation Area. The invocation

of a method produces a new method frame in the Method Frame Area. Method frames,

an example of a compound actor containing several actors, contain a title, with the

name of the method and a list of actors that hold the values for the local variables to

that method in a UML fashion.

Input instructions are displayed as a box-shaped actor in the Expression Evaluation

Area, where users can type in the value they are asked for. Values contained on actors

are animated smoothly from their original place in the theater to where they are needed

during the animation. These animations are used to form expressions or to reflect an


References to objects and arrays are shown with arrows from the corresponding value

actors to the actual object in the Object and Array Area. Access to an array element is

visualized with a line from the value actor containing the index to the corresponding

element in the array.

The source code listing takes part in the visualization as well. During the animation

the editor is disabled and the director takes control of it. The source code of the current

animated step is highlighted in the editor window. Thus, users can follow the execution

in both views, in the source code view and in the animation frame.


1 2

3 4

5 6

7public class Side { public int length; Side(){ length=0; }}

public class Square{ Side w,h; Square(){ w = new Side(); h = new Side(); }}public class MyClass { public static void main() { Square square = new Square(); }}






Figure 3.7: Different phases of a Jeliot 3 animation.


Chapter 4

Taxonomy of Intermediate Codes

4.1 Method

The taxonomy is explained after ten systems have been reviewed. These ten systems

help to explain better the choices of categories and the different possible attributes of

the categories. The ten systems have been chosen by their particular architecture and

its relation with Jeliot 3.

4.2 Characterization of Software Systems

Subsections 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 introduce the intermediate code used by compilers.

These intermediate codes generated are meant to be executed by a target machine,

sometimes a virtual machine. They show how previous “mainstream” efforts have

been taken into account when developing new visualization tools.

Subsections 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 introduce two systems that use their own virtual machine

to dynamically generate the animation. Both machines feature the possibility of going


Subsection 4.2.6 presents a system that visualizes a program interpreting the events

fired by the JVM.

Subsection 4.2.7 explains two different scripting languages used to generate anima-


tions. These scripts can be created by hand, as the result of executing a program, or

with a graphical editor.

Subsections 4.2.8, 4.2.9 and 4.2.10 present three intermediate codes that trace the exe-

cution of a program.

4.2.1 Aho’s Intermediate Code Generation

Intermediate codes are used in everyday compilers to ease the creation of compilers

for different architectures. It is the last representation of the source code before opti-

mization and machine code generation.

A good description of different intermediate codes can be found in Aho et al. (1986).

Instructions usually consist of an operator, and references to other instructions, that

will act as the operands.

The intermediate code, as well as the obtained machine code, is not a representation of

the execution of a program or trace, but just a more concrete, or low level, representa-

tion of the program.

Quadruplesconsist of an operator, two arguments and the place where to store the re-

sults; these three last operands are memory references that will change during compile

time. For example, Figure 4.1 represents the quadruples corresponding to the code

x = a + 3 * c .

r1 := 3

r2 := r1 * c

x := a + r2

Table 4.1: Quadruples, where x, a, r1 and r2 are registers.

In Section 5.4 a comparison between Aho’s intermediate code and MCode is described.

4.2.2 Pascal and P-code

The Pascal language was developed by Jensen and Wirth (1974) atETH, Zurich. Pascal

was designed as a completely structured programming language, focusing more in


the readability rather than optimization; teaching programming is its primary field of

application. However, it gained some momentum and was used also as a commercial

programming language.

One of the developed compilers for Pascal was Pascal-P (Nori et al., 1981). The

Pascal-P, or P, compiler presents a set of features that makes it an interesting com-

piler. The most interesting feature is its design that aims to ease portability. This goal

was achieved through modularity and the use of a virtual stack computer as the runtime

environment for the compiler. Modularity means to follow the standard practices on

compiler construction at that time (Ammann, 1974). Ammann (1974) describes the

six steps that composed the compilation process: syntax analysis, syntax analysis with

context-free error recovery, generation of compiler tables, processing context sensitive

errors, addressing assignment to variables, machine code generation. By replacing the

last two steps it was possible to port the compiler to a different target architecture.

Originally, the P compiler was a proof of concept of such guidelines that ruled the

design and implementation of the Pascal compiler at ETH, Zürich. Porting the Pascal

compiler to a virtual stack computer was the origin of the P compiler.

The P compiler compiles programs into an object code (P-code) to be run by the stack

computer. Moreover, the P compiler can run on that same stack computer. People in-

terested in porting the P compiler had different options. One of them was to implement

the stack computer into their own architecture. This way the stack computer will in-

terpret both the compiler and the compiled source program. Nori et al. (1981) claimed

that this is efficient enough when using the system for teaching purposes. A second

option was to translate the P-code of the compiler to the assembly language of the tar-

get machine by means of a macroprocessor. Obviously, this solution would depend on

the similarities between both computers.

P-code is intended to be as close as possible to assembly language, while trying to

retain the portability. For example data types’ properties are not fixed. They would be

set up by the virtual stack computer running in a certain machine. P-code instructions,

apart from the ones related to the stack handling, also reflect some of the particularities

of Pascal, e.g. set related instructions. However, this is logical, as it is intended to be

compiling only Pascal.

P-code instructions consist of an opcode, an opcode modifier, and two parameters. The

opcode modifier commonly indicates the instruction data type. One of the parameters


is used as a direct value and the other as pointer to a memory address. To ease the

implementation of the virtual machine or interpreter for this P-code, all the fields have

a constant size, the total size of one instruction being 30 bits.

The P-code was an important step in making Pascal and new compilers available in dif-

ferent machines. Nelson (1979) makes a summary about the two different approaches

to modify it. First, P-code was adapted to compile Pascal in fairly small (reduced

memory size) computers by the University of California, San Diego. Secondly, P-code

was the basis for a new programming language object code,MODEL, developed at

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. This final P-code, while trying to remain portable,

was significantly dependent upon the CRAY-1 architecture, for whichMODEL was

originally developed.

As we can see, P-code has been the groundwork for many different systems that other-

wise would have carried much more effort to develop, due to its openness and “porta-


4.2.3 Java and Java Bytecode

The Java programming language was released in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. It has

gained a lot of popularity and usage since then. This is thanks to its wide set of fea-

tures. The most important feature of Java is that finally you can write one program

and run it anywhere a Java platform is installed, from mainframes to mobile phones.

Moreover, Java is an object oriented programming language that supports most of the

modern features asked by the developers by design, like incorporating threading and

network primitives into the platform. Despite of not being the perfect programming

language the education community has mostly adopted Java as a language of choice

when teaching (Association for Computing Machinery, 2004).

Java programs are compiled intobytecodes. These bytecodes resemble those instruc-

tions from the assembly language and P-code. Java bytecode specification counts more

than 200 different instructions, while most of the instructions are memory or stack man-

agement related, some higher level instructions are found, for example instructions to

handle objects (new) and arrays (arraylength ). These examples show that byte-

code is highly optimized to cope with Java particularities, e.g. arrays are not truly

objects. Thus, compiling other languages into bytecode will probably produce an in-


Virtual Machine







Figure 4.1: Architecture of JPDA

efficient code. Microsoft’s new language, C#, overcomes many of the problems found

in Java. It introduces the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), and compilers for

different languages that produce “efficient” code in that language.

Java bytecode is interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine that is available in different

platforms. The Java Virtual Machine interprets the bytecode and generates machine

code that can be executed by the underlying machine. Meanwhile, Microsoft proposes

the Common Runtime Library, which compilesjust-in-time the MSIL into machine

language for the MS Windows platform.

The Java platform has developed a complete debugging environment for programs

written in Java. The Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) lets programs in-

teract with a running JVM and query about their state and even modify it.

The structure of the JPDA is quite simple, but powerful (Figure 4.1). The running

virtual machine provides a debug interface, Java VM Debug Interface (JVMDI), that

the virtual machine has to provide in order to be debugged. The visible layer is the

Java Debug Interface (JDI). Applications make calls to it to retrieve and modify the

run-time behavior of the program. Both ends, JVMDI and JDI, are connected through

the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP). This way JVMDI and JDI can be running in

different virtual machines, and in different machines.

JPDA has been used already in many visualization projects (see Sections 4.2.6 and

4.2.9). It provides Java visualization tools with a platform where they can inspect the

state of a running program and visualize the obtained information as they like.


However, the JPDA details status changes and accesses to object fields, methods called,

threads started, etc. This amount of information is not enough for certain purposes. Ex-

pression evaluations are not considered and array information is not easily obtainable.

Thus, very detailed information is complicated to be obtained.

4.2.4 Dynalab and E-machine

Dynalab was a project developed at the Montana State University by Rockford Ross.

It was intended to be a dynamic environment “for supporting formal laboratory exper-

iments in the introductory computer science curriculum” (Ross, 2004a,b). The main

contribution of the project was theEducation Machine(E-Machine), and its E-code. A

program animation tool was built upon the E-machine system. This system was highly

platform dependent and was temporarily abandoned, but now a new prototype version

is available. This time the system is implemented as a Java applet, making it platform

independent and suitable for teaching. Compilers for Pascal, C and Ada have been

produced to generate E-code. Thus, those languages could be animated; however, a

Pascal compiler is currently the only one fully usable.

This animation system is one of the closest to Jeliot 2000 and Jeliot 3. It allows users to

follow the execution of a program, showing how assignments and method calls modify

the state of the program. It features backwards execution: users can go backwards in

time an arbitrary number of steps. This is one of the achievements of the E-machine

and the E-code.

The E-machine is a stack based system (Patton, 1989; Pratt, 1994), with some extra

features and stacks to make visualization and, specially, backwards execution possi-

ble. Besides, the commonly found evaluation stack (where values from logical and

arithmetic operations are stored) and the index register (used in instructions that need

an offset), the E-machine uses different stacks to keep track of the program execution.

These stacks are designed to minimize the data stored for the backing up.

E-code instructions are, again, normal assembly instructions, but with a flag that de-

termines whether the instruction iscritical or noncritical. Critical instructions will

destroy information needed for the backward execution, and thus, that information

should be saved in the multiple stacks of the E-machine. For example each variable,

constant or parameter will have for itself a stack, whose elements point to another stack


to each instance of the variable (e.g. a parameter can have several instances in the case

of a recursive call). These second-level stacks will store the history of the variables’

values of that particular instance.Noncritical instructions do not change the state of

the program. Therefore, four different behaviors are set for each instruction, depending

on going forward or backward, and whether critical or noncritical.

To make forward and backward animation consistent with each other, sets of E-code

instructions are packed to form a single animation unit. Patton (1989) defines a packet

as “the smallest element a user of the dynamic display interface would find interesting”.

The E-machine executes one packet and updates its state. Theanimatorwill check for

the modifications on the E-machine and will tell the E-machine which packet should

be executed next (Pratt, 1994). This is an elegant solution to determine exactly a step,

and how many instructions are needed to roll back when going backwards.

When discussing MCode (see Section 4.2.10) a comparison between E-code and MCode

will be made.

4.2.5 Leonardo Visualization System

Leonardo(Crescenzi et al., 2000) is an integrated development environment developed

at the University of Rome. Its main feature is the ability to visualize algorithms by

means ofAlpha, a “logic visualization language”, in a reversible way. Leonardo con-

sists of an editing-compiling part and a run-time part. The first part includes compilers

for both C andAlpha and a linker that merges both into an intermediate code. The

run-time part will execute this intermediate code in a virtual CPU.

The Alpha language defines visualization primitives, from graph related ones like

nodes and arcs, to general ones like rectangles. Users will declare their own Alpha

objects just before the program code and place them in aview (hence, different views

can be defined). These objects can have their own properties, e.g. shape and position,

which are defined by those program variables that the user chose to be relevant. Thus,

modifications on these variables during the execution of the algorithm will change the

visual properties of the objects. TheAlpha code is inserted anywhere in the C code

delimited by special comment tags, and it follows the same scope rules than C. So, for

example, global predicates are defined outside functions, and local predicates inside

the corresponding C function.


Alpha contains a set ofstandardpredicates, which will be called automatically when

executing the program, if they are found by the environment. Thesestandardpred-

icates are simple headers that the user can add to his C code. Users can complete

them withAlpha code, in order to declare the behavior of such predicates.Standard

predicates are divided into animation control ones and the ones that actually define the

visualization of the algorithm (Demetrescu, 2004b). There are two animation control

predicatesInferenceOnand VisualUpdateOn. They tell the system whether to stop

the computation of Alpha predicates or to stop refreshing the visualization, so they

normally are spread in the source code to avoid problems when initializing data or to

avoid displaying unnecessary steps. Visual predicates that enumerate the objects to be

displayed are declared at the beginning. As said before objects can have some of their

properties attached to the program variables, and changes to their properties can be

placed in different parts of the program. The following code shows a simple animation

where the width of two rectangles (standard predicates) are modified by the program

variablesi andj .

int main( int argc, char * argv[]) {long j;long i;

/ **View(Out 1);// declare a window with ID 1// make a rect with ID=0, left=20, top=10,// width=i, height=10 in view=1:Rectangle(Out 0, Out 20, Out 10, Out H, Out 10, 1) Assign H=

i;// make a similar one to track jRectangle(Out 0, Out 20, Out 25, Out H, Out 10, 1) Assign H=

j;** /

for (i=0; i<100; i++) {j = (i * i) % 100;


When Leonardo compiles both the C code and the Alpha code, it generates its own in-

termediate code to be run by itsvirtual CPU. The virtual CPU is a stack machine, and

its execution is completely reversible. Its instructions are divided intodestructiveand

non-destructive, similar to critical and noncritical instructions from e-code. Destruc-

tive instructions are those that modify the memory. Modified locations are stored in one

stack. This stack is implemented as a “circular RAM cache” with a temporary file in


the secondary storage. This setup tries to maximize the amount of information that can

be restored, and to increase the execution speed thanks to the cache. Leonardo’s virtual

CPU does not have the possibility of reversing a “macro-step” or high-level instruction,

as the E-machine does. Both of them are only limited by the amount of physical mem-

ory. The Leonardo visualization system allows the user to decide whether to make the

execution reversible or not.

The virtual machine normally executes the code in user mode, but when evaluating

Alpha predicates it enters in its supervised mode. The Alpha predicate will cause

the visualization system to update the knowledge base.. Back in the user mode some

instructions will cause the Virtual CPU to send events to the visualization system that

will decide if they aresignificant, e.g. they affect any of the Alpha predicates in the

knowledge base. Relevant events will trigger an interruption, asking the Virtual CPU to

reevaluate those predicates affected by the relevant event.. The result of the evaluation

will be sent to the visualizer that will modify the properties of the graphical objects

according to the predicates.

The Leonardo virtual machine has evolved, and it is now part of theLeonardo Com-

puting Environment(Demetrescu, 2004a). This improved machine focuses more in the

reversibility of the virtual machine and its debugging consequences rather than the vi-

sualization of algorithms through Alpha predicates (Demetrescu and Finocchi, 2004).

Nonetheless, this new version of the virtual machine provides optimizations for the

reversible computing. A new instruction is defined,leave, that passes the control to

the system’s virtual machine every time it is found.Leaveinstructions act like “check-

points”, a state were the virtual machine can trace back. When compiling the code, the

number ofleaveinstructions added to the code can be set up by defining one of the

four levels of granularity of stored information.

The Alpha language is a very powerful formalism. Its modular design allows for re-

use of the code. Once the correct graphical predicates have been defined, users can

animate different, but similar, algorithms by locating and identifying the relevant vari-

ables. Still, both procedures (implementing the predicates and identifying relevant vari-

ables) can be a source of errors. Thus, the Leonardo system can be good for advanced

algorithm animation when a customized solution is wanted. Otherwise, automatic ani-

mation of common algorithms can be easily achieved with MatrixPro (Karavirta et al.,

2004). Matrix Pro provides a environment to create visualizations of a set of algorithms

when given an input data set.


4.2.6 Javavis

Javavis (Oechsle and Schmitt, 2002) is a program visualization tool that shows the

execution of Java programs by means of two standard UML diagrams, the sequence and

the object diagram (Booch et al., 1998). Users will compile their programs through the

normal Java compiler, i.e.javac , with thedebuggingflag. Later, they can visualize

the execution by invoking their programs throughjavavis command. Users will

be presented with a graphical user interface, which will allow them to visualize their

programs with controls similar to those of a debugging tool. Users can set the speed

of the visualization, and, more importantly, the level of detail of the visualization, by

selecting whether to enter a method or step over it.

Javavis is implemented following theModel-View-Controllerpattern. It connects itself

directly to theJDI (see Subsection 4.2.3). The JDI provides Javavis with the events re-

sulting from the program execution, the events are filtered and processed by themodel

component. The model component acts as the center of the system. Thecontrol com-

ponent will react to GUI events and notify the model component. Events, either from

the control component or JDI, will make the model component to update theview

component when appropriated.

The view component is based on theVivaldi Kernel (Kim and Philipps, 2004). The

Vivaldi Kernel is a graphical library that tries to overcome the limitations of Java 2D

class library. It was designed with a pure object oriented approach. Thus, properties

like color could be properly set and inherited for grouped graphical objects. More-

over, graphical objects register mouse events and calls to all registered events. This

makes possible a greater level of interaction within the visualization. Graphical primi-

tives are lines, shapes, text, animated images or any group of them. Animated images

are supported for previously-designed animations composed of classical graphical file

formats, such as GIF’s and JPG’s.

The other remarkable feature of the Vivaldi Kernel is its smooth animation. This is

achieved through the use of transitions. Transitions are also objects that refer to an

unique graphical object. A time dependent function will define the coordinates of

the graphical object during its animation. As the graphical objects, transitions can

be grouped together, making possible the use ofmacro-stepsthat can affect different

graphical objects.


Javis (Mehner, 2002) is similar to Javavis that visualizes concurrent Java programs

through the UML sequence diagram. Javis creates a textual trace from the events

generated by the JDI on method entry and method exit. By stopping the JVM they

can also check which methods are suspended and why. In a second phase, it parses

the trace and constructs the visualization with the Together Open API of the UML

Case Tool Together Borland Software Corporation (2004). The history trace allows

backwards and forwards stepping. While Javis avoids the limitations of the JDI, its

developers found the Together Open API limiting, showing that it can be worthwhile

to develop an own visualization library.

4.2.7 Jawaa and Animal

Jawaa (Pierson and Rodger, 1998) andANIMAL (Rößling et al., 2000) are both script-

ing languages designed to create animations.

Jawaa aims at students from different backgrounds, as the uses of Jawaa vary from

a simple graphical animator tool, i.e. displaying how a traffic light works, to an ad-

vanced algorithm animator, i.e. animating advanced parsing algorithms. Jawaaaction

commandsmake this wide range of applications possible. Apart from the common

graphical primitives, it supports more advanced data structures (arrays, trees, stacks,

queues lists and graphs). Advanced algorithm visualizations requires inserting printing

calls in the algorithms source code. These calls will generate the Jawaa script that will

be later interpreted by the Jawaa visualization engine. The engine is implemented as

a Java applet, and thus it can be used within any web browser with the Java plug-in.

Jawaa visual animation is done by the special instructionmoveRelative , that ani-

mates the object moving from the original position to the new one. All visual properties

of graphical elements can be changed by the instructionchangeParam .

ANIMAL ’s scripting possibilities are more extensive than those of Jawaa, the array of

graphical primitives is broader, providing primitives for points, polylines and ellipsis

that Jawaa does not have.ANIMAL support for advanced data structures is limited to

arrays and lists. On the other hand,ANIMAL provides a more detailed set of instruc-

tions for moving objects around the layout, e.g.move along will move one or more

objects along the path defined by another object. Finally,ANIMAL can display and

highlight source code by special instructions.


Commands from both of these systems are similar. They consist of one or more key-

words, an object identification string and the parameters of the command.ANIMAL lets

some parameters be optional, while Jawaa requires all parameters to be present.AN-

IMAL expressiveness come at the cost of more complicated parameters and optional


Both systems provide a visual editor to generate the scripts graphically.. This is espe-

cially recommended for novices to generate their animations, or for experts to prepare

the initialization of their scripts, that can be completed with the output of the algorithm.

Modifying Jawaa graphical behavior and animation of data types in Jawaa requires

deep changes to its source code.ANIMAL ’s architecture allows the extension of the

tool with little modification of the original source code and extensions can be added

even at run-time. Such extensions not only can modify the visualization of existing

primitives, but they can add new primitives; either by combination of existing ones, or

a completely new one. InANIMAL , graphical effects or transitions applied to objects

are decoupled from the objects itself, as in Javavis (see Section 4.2.6). This separation

eases the creation of new animation effects.

From the user point of view,ANIMAL requires downloading a viewer, while Jawaa is

designed to be viewed in the web by loading an applet, allowing its integration with

existing web pages. The navigation support of Jawaa proves to be more restricted. It

only allows one way execution.ANIMAL , apart from a complete bidirectional execu-

tion, can set a slide mode, where steps takes place in a user-defined speed. Moreover,

animation window can be zoomed in and out, to accommodate to small displays or

large animation layouts.

Jawaa andANIMAL scripts tend to be difficult and time consuming to debug when their

size increase. However, they provide the easiest way for beginners to create their own

visualizations, as they do not require any programming language knowledge.

As a final note,ANIMAL has recently turned into version 2 (Rößling et al., 2004). This

version provides complete backwards compatibility and adds more expressiveness to

its language. Common programming language statements and expressions, such as

loops and conditions, have been added. Moreover, variables of different types (integer,

boolean and string) can be used and modified through assignments. These changes

make it possible to write a an intelligent script, e.g. capable to sort and animate an








History View


History calls


(Manually or


History data

History searching

and filteringHistory calls

sent during

the execution

of the program







Visualization output


from the user

Figure 4.2: Architecture of the Viz framework (Domingue et al., 1992)

array without leaving theANIMAL environment. This incremented expressiveness can

reduce the size of the scripts, and make them easier to maintain and debug. However,

the increased in expressiveness will be always far from a real programming language

annotated with calls toANIMAL API.

4.2.8 Viz

Viz is a framework for building software visualization tools developed by Domingue

et al. (1992). Apart from the practical implications of constructing such framework,

they thought that by providing a framework, subsequent program visualization tools

will be classified in relation to the architecture the framework defined. However, its

main purpose was to “visualize the execution of programming languages”. Thus, it was

possible to animate different programming languages, even from different paradigms.

Actually, it was used to reconstruct existing visualization with ease, proving its success

as a framework.

Domingue et al. (1992) built their framework (see Figure 4.2) around the concept of

history events. History events are the result of a program execution. They form the

histories, and they are called and generated byplayers. Players are an abstraction to

something real in the program or source code: e.g., a line of code or a data structure.

Players can also be a group of other players.History callsare added to the source

code or hooked to the interpreter running the program. Players have registered some

history events, so when the events occur player’sstatemay change. All the changes


to a certain player’s state are stored in thehistory, with information about the events

that caused the changes. Once the trace of the program is stored in the history module,

three more modules take part in the visualization: view, mapping and navigator.

Theviewmodule will contain different sets of rules. Each of them will define a view.

Each view will determine the style used in the visualization, e.g. text based, tree.

Domingue et al. (1992) considered that physical coordinates were the most relevant

feature in graphical representations of information Mackinlay (1986). Thus, they let

the view module that has the broader information of the visualization pick the best

position for the visual containers. Themappingmodule will choose the visual and

auditive properties to the elements that the view module decides to visualize. The

selection of properties will try to convey the “maximum amount of information while

imposing the least possible cognitive load on the user”. Again, each mapping will

contain certain number of rules that will refer to one or a set of elements.

The interface is part of thenavigatormodule. This module connects the user with the

view module; user commands made from the navigator will tell the view module to

retrieve events from the history, e.g., to go backwards in the animation.

4.2.9 PVML

The most advanced intermediate code for visualization purposes, and debugging, is

the one proposed by Stratton (2001, 2003). He proposes a Program Visualization Meta

Language,PVML, based on XML. PVML is a central part in his ideal decoupled sys-

tem, where a machine (visualization engine) can visualize and debug a program exe-

cuting in a remote machine (visualization target). Thus, PVML allows the communica-

tion between both machines by exchanging XML documents. As shown in Figure 4.3

PVML stands in between both sides of the communication, and allows a clear identi-

fication of tasks. PVML tries to be language independent, so it not only allows free

interpretation of the generated XML document, but also any programming language

interpreter or debugger can generate documents in PVML. PVML is intended to just

cover the most used features of common procedural, declarative and logical program-

ming languages. However, if some of the features of a given programming language

are not covered by PVML, PVML can be extended with XML standard methods to

accept it and to describe the execution of a program in that language.














Figure 4.3: Model for program visualization system by Stratton (2001).

The set of instructions, or XML, tags are designed for both directions of communica-

tion. There are three kinds of possible communications, the visualization engine can

send requests to the visualization target. Visualization target’s response message will

be always a reply to one engine request. Finally, the visualization target can send a

request asynchronously with updated information on objects the engine is interested

in. The following code is the message sent to the engine about the data contained in

var1 . We can see how nested data is correctly encoded with XML.








<type>java.lang.String</type><val>Sample String</val>




The engine requests to the target match with common debugging tasks. Program exe-

cution control (run , compile , cont ) and managing breakpoints and watched vari-

ables (watch andbreak ) are the bulk of the instructions. Moreover, Stratton also

takes into account the stepping problem. He is aware of the different functionality of

such tools amongst the different paradigms and even different debuggers. His basic

definition of step is the execution of one line of source code. An optional parame-

ter will request the target to execute the program until the current context terminates.

He also defines a more advanced instruction/request,stepi , that will execute source

code expressions instead of lines, thus making it more appropriated for novices.

The target will respond to previous requests by sending back certain instructions. The

most important instructions arebreakresp andlocation . Both of them will indi-

cate the success of a break request or of an execution control instruction.Location

will indicate the currently executed line of the program after the control instruction.

For example, this information can be used for source code highlighting.

The third kind of communication is for those asynchronous events at the target that the

engine has asked to be informed about. There are actually two of them,dataandframe.

A data instruction will contain the information and value of variable, and it will be

transmitted only when the engine has placed a “watch” upon it, and its value has been

modified. Aframe will indicate to the engine when the current context changes.

The implementation of PVML on the target engine will take advantage of already de-

veloped debuggers and interpreters. They will be wrapped within a driver that gener-

ates the correct PVML documents and manages the communication with the engine.

Summarizing, PVML manages to define the required communication between two sep-

arated systems. It makes possible to design a visualization engine that can be used to

debug or visualize programs written in different programming languages. However,

due to inherent nature of several programming languages, the results of the request to

different engines could lead to unexpected visualizations. While Stratton defines the

minimum set of instructions expected to be accepted by all programming paradigms,

the semantics of those instructions can differ.


4.2.10 Jeliot 3 and MCode

Jeliot 3 introduces the MCode. MCode is the trace of a program, as a list of instruc-

tions, that details step-by-step the result of interpreting the program.

Section 5 explains MCode in great detail. In this section, we will compare MCode with

the intermediate codes proposed by Patton (1989) and by Stratton (2003).

E-code (see Section 4.2.4) and MCode produce the same result: a visualization of a

running program, step by step, by graphical means. However, their intermediate code

differs. E-code is the result of compiling a program, just like Java bytecodes, and its

execution is tightly coupled with the visualization engine (animator), which decides

what to execute next. MCode is the result of the interpretation of the program, a trace

of its execution. Jeliot 3’s visualization engine is separated from the program logic

interpretation. However, it needs to keep the information it might need for processing

the following MCode instructions.

PVML (see Section 4.2.9) and MCode share the same goal: to provide the visualiza-

tion tool with a trace of a program’s execution. PVML maps program state changes

into a well formed XML document. Its information is gathered from the JPDA (see

Section 4.2.3), so it is not as complete and detailed as the one that MCode provides,

gathered from DynamicJava. PVML was not used in Jeliot 3 for this reason, and for

its XML format. It was a problem to generate valid XML documents that could be

processed when a program contained user input method calls (Myller, 2004).

The Leonardo system (see Section 4.2.5) and Jeliot 3 are aimed at different classes of

users. However, there could be a way to produce a Jeliot-like animation in Leonardo

by defining the required Alpha graphical predicates and by setting every variable as

relevant. This solution though seems infeasible. Again, the system will only detect

when a variable has changed, but not the expression that modified it.

4.3 Classification

As Yehezkel (2002) did (see Section 2), I have decided to extend Price’s taxonomy

to adapt it to my needs: to reflect the use of intermediate codes and technical issues

concerning the implementation of the tools.


4.3.1 Taking into Account Price’s Taxomomy

Price’s taxonomy (Price et al., 1993) addresses a part of the problem of classifying sys-

tems from a technical point of view. He does so by hisMethodproperty. The method

property emphasizes thevisualizertask. According to Price’s words, the visualizer is

“the person who created the visualization from the original program”.

In Price’s taxonomy, the use of intermediate code is evaluated through the different

subcategories of the property. For example, the visualization style points out the dif-

ference between those tools that produce animation automatically (Dynalab, Jeliot,

Javavis) and those that require a certain graphic library to produce it (Leonardo) or

those that require the visualizer to write an specific program to visualize it (Jawaa,

ANIMAL ). Another subcategory is “how the connection between visualization and the

actual source code is made”. Price distinguishes different possibilities: some programs

like Jawaa andANIMAL are instrumented: they require the visualizer to modify the

source code to add visualization commands at certain interesting points. Others re-

quire the source code to beannotatedwith semantical information (Viz). And others

useprobes: they execute the source code trough a special compilers, interpreters or

debuggers, which retrieve the information available from the execution environment

(e..g.Jeliot, Javavis).

4.3.2 Extending Price’s Taxonomy

While Price’s taxonomy deals with the technical point of view, reviewing these systems

we have identified some other subcategories. Due to Price’s hierarchical taxonomy

design, it is possible to integrate them into it, see Figure 4.4.

The information gathered in the intermediate codes can differ in the level ofcomplete-

ness, property D.1.3. While this is closely related to the ultimate goal of each tool,

future revisions of such tools will find it easier when the smallest details have been

taken into account during its design.

The data transferred between source code and the visualization engine can carry se-

mantical information or pure graphical representation. This affects thereusabilityof

the efforts involved in generating the intermediate code or constructing the visualiza-

tion, property D.1.4. If the conveyed information is purely graphical it will be harder to


Figure 4.4: Method property: New subcategories are in bold


abstract it and construct a different visualization. On the other hand, if the information

is only semantical, different interpreters produce different visualizations, and we only

need to modify one side of the visualization tool.

Finally, most of the reviewed tools make use of avirtual machine, property D.2.3.

However, some of them use it to generate the visualization instructions and some others

to interpret the visualization instructions.

4.3.3 Getting All Together

Table 4.5 categorizes the reviewed systems. Each category is ranked or an attribute

is given. Ranks go fromnoneto high, going through little and medium. Attributes

depend on the category; and when the category is taken from Price’s taxonomy, they

are the same as in Price’s taxonomy.

D.1 D.1.1 D.1.2 D.1.2.1 D.1.3 D.1.4 D.2 D.2.1 D.2.2 D.2.3


Name Vis

























ty o











Code I










al M



Aho's High High


pcode High High both sides

Java High Medium Executing

Dynalab Automatic Little None High Medium probes visualizing

Leonardo library High




dependant Little




e High visualizing

PVML Automatic None Medium Medium probes Little both sides

Jeliot 3 Automatic Little Little High High probes Medium visualizing

Javavis Automatic Little Little Medium High probes Little compiling

Viz library None


dependant High


probes Medium High visualizing

Jawaa hand-coded Normal






dependant Little instrument Little High visualizing



coded High






dependant Little instrument Little Medium

Figure 4.5: Table of properties and systems

The three programming language systems, Aho, Java, and Pascal-P, have an interme-

diate code that is complete or almost so. They cannot lose any information in the

compilation if they want programs to be valid. As said before, Pascal-P compiler and

its generated executables can both be interpreted in a virtual machine. Java executes

the program in its own virtual machine, JVM. Aho’s intermediate code and P-code


prove to be able to be openly adapted, extended or modified to accept new languages.

Java makes this more difficult.

Automatic specification occurs on Dynalab, PVML, Jeliot 3 and Javavis. The intelli-

gence associated to such systems is low. They are not able to identify algorithms or

particular high-level data types. All automatic systems’ connection technique is by


Tailorability is another discrete feature, only Leonardo andANIMAL deliver a high

degree. Leonardo’s Alpha language andANIMAL script provide several ways to adapt

the visualization. Jawaa’s scripting language is more limited.

The completeness of the generated intermediate code is mostly user dependent in those

systems that are highly “tailorable”. The completeness of the other systems depends

mostly in their original goals. Thus, Jeliot 3 scores high due to its completeness objec-


Systems with high tailorability are too close to the algorithm’s implementation, mak-

ing the reusability low. The architecture of other systems make it easy to reuse the

generated code by adding plug-ins or different interpreters. That principle holds true

for Jeliot 3, Viz, PVML and Javavis.

Leonardo and Viz offer a mixed connection technique: probes and instrumented code.

The user will instrument their code, with declarative primitives (Leonardo) or history

events (Viz). The execution or interpretation of the instrumented code will send infor-

mation to the visualization engine.

The only system that allows a certain level of code-ignorance is Viz. Its history events

can be placed without much knowledge of what the algorithm does. On the other hand,

scripting languages and Leonardo require a high level of knowledge of the algorithm

to instrument the code with proper calls or primitives.

The system-coupling occurs when the program to be visualized is closely attached

to the visualization tool. PVML, for example, can have two completely separated

systems, one producing the XML document and the other interpreting them. Javavis

uses a similar design. Leonardo, Viz and Jeliot 3 are “tightly coupled” with the program

code to be visualized.

As we have seen virtual machines are used in almost every tool. While most of the


tools use it exclusively to maintain and to produce the visualization, PVML generates

its documents through a virtual machine. Jeliot 3 generates its MCode through an


Most of the current visualization tools use the Java platform. In last Program Visu-

alization Workshop (Korhonen, 2004), about half of the presented tools were related

to the Java platform. Systems were designed to teach Java using the Java platform,

both to acquire the information and to present it in different ways. All this accumu-

lated expertise in designing Java visualization tools lets Java as the platform of choice

when designing a new tool. While Java is a natural option when implementing a tool to

be executed in different systems, it is important not to exclude different programming

languages of being animated with those systems.

This taxonomy has shown different approaches taken when designing a visualization

tool. Developers of new tools should use this information when designing them, avoid-

ing common mistakes and reusing the shown ideas.


Chapter 5

MCode explained

5.1 Definition of MCode

MCode is a general language, so that interpreters of any programming language can

generate valid MCode. It was developed with object-oriented features in mind, but any

imperative language can fully render its execution in MCode.

MCode is the intermediate language used in Jeliot 3. It communicates program inter-

pretation information to the animation engine, providing the animation engine with the

information needed to generate an animation of the running program.

MCode is a text-based language. It consists of text lines or MCode instructions, where

each is divided in several tokens. It can be saved in a file and later restored and ani-


5.2 MCode in Jeliot 3

MCode is the solution adopted in Jeliot 3 to separate the program interpretation from its

visualization. The system structure of Jeliot 3 (see Subsection 3.1.3) implies the need

for a method of communication between both sides of the animation system. Differ-

ent approaches to implement the communication were studied (Myller, 2004), such as

using the intermediate code proposed by Stratton (2003). Finally, a new intermediate


code was designed from scratch.

As we were designing a visualization tool for the Java language, another possibility was

to make use of the information given by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), accessible by

means of the Java Debugging Interface (JDI). This method proved to be successful in

the development of Javavis (Oechsle and Schmitt, 2002) (see Section 4.2.6). However,

Jeliot 3 had different requirements that the JDI did not fulfill. Additional information

not provided by JDI was needed to produce the animation. The main disadvantage of

using the JDI was that we could not extract detailed information about the expression

being executed. JDI mainly informs when and how the states of the virtual machine

structures change, e.g., objects and method stacks. Obviously, to detect if a change is

due to the execution of an “if” branch or an “else” branch is out of the scope of the JDI.

Moreover, expressions (e.g. “3+1”) will not inform JDI of themselves being executed.

As the obtainable debugging information was not enough, we focused on using a Java

interpreter. The interpreter would execute step by step, traversing a syntactical tree.

This interpretation would provide a much more detailed transcript of a program’s exe-

cution. Three Java language interpreters were already available when designing Jeliot

3: Iava(Richter, 2000),BeanShell(Niemeyer, 2003) andDynamicJava(Koala Project,

2002). All of them add scripting features to Java; unfortunately, some Java features

were not fully implemented. Myller (2004) has a detailed discussion about the selec-

tion of the most suitable interpreter. Summarizing, DynamicJava was chosen because

it closely followed the Java specifications. Thus, Java students do not need to learn the

details of the new scripting additions to Java that will not work when compiling their

programs with a common Java compiler.

5.3 MCode Specification

MCode Specification is a separate document and it has been published online (Moreno

and Myller, 2004) and can be found as Appendix A. It includes the formal information

that defines a valid MCode program. Following sections will explain how to generate

and interpret a valid MCode program.


5.4 MCode Details

MCode resembles intermediate codes used in current compilers. We can compare

MCode to the intermediate languages proposed by Aho et al. (1986),triplesandquadru-

ples(see Section 4.2.1). It is important to mention that even though the syntax can be

similar, MCode instructions do not need to be evaluated; they are the result of an eval-

uation, while thetriples andquadruplesare a translation of the original source code,

where nothing has yet been executed or evaluated.

The format of MCode instructions is not fixed as different constructs need special in-

formation. Nevertheless, the bulk of the instruction set follow a similar pattern, and

different operands or tokens can be identified. Table 5.1 shows an example of MCode

instruction and identifies each field of it. Fields are explained later.

ASSIGNMENT 4 5 6 1 int 6,9,6,20

Statement Code Reference Related Ref. Related Ref. Value Type Location

Table 5.1: Different elements that compose an MCode Instruction

Expression/Statement code A mnemonic for every Java statement or ex-

pression is used: e.g.AEstands for Add Expression. Auxiliary MCode instruc-

tions also have a mnemonic. The chosen names are heavily related to the ones

used by DynamicJava. However, they are close to the common notation used in

procedural and object oriented languages. The meaning of this token is the same

as the operator in the quadruples. It identifies the operation and helps the in-

terpreter to process other instructions. The difference is that quadruples are self

contained, while some MCode statements require of other auxiliary statements

to be meaningful and interpretable.

Reference Every instruction (except the auxiliary ones) produced when interpret-

ing a program is identified by an unique number. This is needed because in-

structions need to be identified before being produced. A physical identification

is not possible, because we can not guess how many instructions will occur be-

tween the auxiliary instructions and the actual instruction. In the quadruples,

their references are assigned consecutively. Previous instructions will be refer-

enced to form another one, e.g. both operands of and Add Expression can refer


to two Literal instructions. Temporary results may be retrieved by requesting

their reference numbers.

Related References Most of the MCode sentences refer to previous MCode

instructions that build the operation up. As said before, Add Expression will re-

fer to the operand references of both sides of expression, rather than their value.

Flow-control statements will refer to a condition expression, and so on.Quadru-

plescontain as well references to the arguments of the operator.

Value Most sentences will contain the value resulting from an expression evaluation.

If it is a flow control statement, it will contain a boolean value indicating the

result of the condition. When the value of an object or array is needed, an unique

identifier for the object is returned. In the case of Java, this is thehashcodeof

the object, while in other languages, this could be the physical memory location

or any other unique identifier. The compiler’s intermediate languages do not

contain information aboutValue . Value will be obtained in run-time and it

will replace the quadruple.

Type Every expression that contains aValue must specify its type. The compiler’s

intermediate languages do not contain information aboutType . Information

about types is gathered in the first stages of the compilation, and used when gen-

erating the target machine code. The machine instructions will carry information

about the type, whether having a different instruction for each type and operation

or in a special field of the instruction. MCode currently supports the following

types: boolean, byte, short, int, long, char, float, double, string, void and refer-

ence. Reference is used for objects. An interpreter for a different language (e.g.

C) could use it to implement pointers and structures. Arrays are also supported

and they are described following the Java notation, e.g. one-dimensional integer

array will be described as “[I”, “[” denoting an array and “I” standing for an

Integer object (Lindholm and Yellin, 1999).

Location This contains the location of the expression in the original source code

file. This is a requirement for the visualization. Intermediate languages, like

quadruples, do not carry this information. However, modern languages can at-

tach location information to its compiled code to help debugging.

The following example shows how the previous information applies to a normal MCode

instruction:AE 9 7 8 4 int 9,4,9,11 . AE is the code for the Add Expression.


9 is the reference of this instruction, while7 and8 refer to previous instructions, most

probably two literal instructions.4 is the result of the operation of typeint . Finally,

the location of the expression is expressed.

While this organizationproves to be true for common MCode instructions, special

instructions have been defined to fully express the result of the evaluation. For exam-

ple, scopes are created explicitly. Others require a lot of information to be faithfully

represented. As an example, Array Allocation requires dimension values, dimension

expression references that are specific to Array Allocation.

Console INPUT/OUTPUT requires special treatment. First, they are normal function

calls from the point of view of the interpreter, but their visualization is far from being

straightforward. INPUT requires the user toentersome data, normally through some

window drawn by the animation engine. That data needs to be passed back to the

interpreter, as it should modify its state and following instructions. OUTPUT prints a

string in the console. However, we need to know which functions are actually doing

that. The source code interpreter should be modified to report an OUTPUT instruction

when such a method or function call is called.

5.5 Generating MCode

This section explains how MCode is produced by DynamicJava. Thus, it is specific

to the Jeliot 3’s implementation. However, it aims to guide those that would like to

generate MCode from their own interpreter or to understand the Jeliot 3 source code.

5.5.1 DynamicJava

DynamicJava is implemented by Stéphane Hillion, and is part of the Koala Project

(Koala Project, 2002). The Koala Project has been developing high quality open source

tools and libraries related to Java and XML technologies.

DynamicJava is written completely in Java and supports different methods to be started,

so it was not a problem to integrate it in Jeliot 3. Figure 5.1 represents the structure or

the execution flow of DynamicJava.



-sourcecode Parser -

tree NameVisitor

-tree Type











Tree ClassInfo ClassFile

Figure 5.1: Execution flow in DynamicJava (Moreno and Myller, 2004).

First of all, the source code is parsed into asyntax tree, consisting of nodes. Each node

would represent the actual construct from the source code (e.g. variable declaration,

array allocation). The tree would be complemented with the result of compiling the

source code of the classes. This way DynamicJava supports objects, as every object

is a true instance of its compiled class. Information at run-time is accessed by means

of the reflection abilities of Java. For example an object method call will execute the

bytecode corresponding to such a method. But the bytecode is modified to traverse the

tree created by DynamicJava of that method instead of the actual body of the method. It

is when executing/traversing that tree when we can obtain all the information we need

from the different node. This makes it difficult to retrieve certain information per-

taining the object creation, as the real objects are constructed outside the scope of the

DynamicJava evaluation visitor. This will be treated in more detail in Subsection 5.5.2.

5.5.2 MCode Production

MCode is produced mainly in the Evaluation Visitor, where the interpretation is carried

out. However, some information required to produce the complete MCode is found in

other DynamicJava classes. Here we will explain how and where the most relevant

information is gathered and processed.


Evaluation Visitor

As previously noted,EvaluationVisitor was the main class that needed to be

modified. In the next subsections, we will describe how MCode is produced for certain

subsets of Java expressions and statements:

Method Calls

The visitor methodStaticMethodCall is the entry point in Jeliot 3 to the evalu-

ation visitor. It is the method called when invoking the main method of a class from

TreeInterpreter . The visitor will generate the instructions about the method

call. The method call will be opened with anSMCinstruction detailing the name of

the method, the number of parameters and the calling object. Parameters will then be

evaluated to form the method call. Finally, DynamicJava will invoke the method with

all the information. When the invocation ends a special statement is produced to indi-

cate the end of static method call (SMCC). Similar instructions are produced for object

method calls,OMCandOMCC.

Two problems have been solved in order to make the MCode obtained from Dynamic-

Java coherent. First,StaticMethodCall andReturnStatement visitors main-

tain a stack in order to manage multiple method calls, as done in the statementreturn

object.method() . A reference number is pushed into the stack in every method

call. The return statement visitor will pick it up from the top of the stack and that will

identify the return statement.

Second, when a static method call refers to a foreign method, meaning that no source

code is provided for it (e.g. from Java API), the normal invocation will only return the

value, if it is not a void method. But we need to generate the MCode instructions to

visualize the call properly. Thus, we simulate the MCode instructions corresponding

parameter passing and method declaration. Finally, the value returned must be inside

a return MCode instruction, so it is simulated too.

It is in the Static Method Call visitor where most of the I/O calls are detected. They

are handled in such a way that Jeliot 3 can support, with minor modifications, the

visualization of different Input methods. Jeliot 3 supports standard output (e.g. Sys-

tem.out.println()) and it also supports the output method provided in Jeliot 2000, Out-



Return Statement

Return statements complement method calls. A return statement can contain a value

to return or nothing at all (a void method or function). If there is something to be

returned aBEGIN statement is produced before visiting the expression to be returned.

Otherwise a simple return statement is produced with the special constantCode.-

NO_REFERENCE, so Jeliot 3 interpreter will not look for an expression.

Simple Assign Expression

Assignments are divided into two steps. First, the right-hand side of the expression

is evaluated and then the identifier is evaluated and resolved. ABEGIN statement is

produced to mark the beginning of a new assignment. After the right hand side has

been evaluated a special statementTO is produced. It marks the beginning of the left-

hand side expression, where the value obtained interpreting the right expression will

be stored. This left expression was not evaluated in the original DynamicJava, as it is

not needed to modify the context. However, we need to visualize that expression, so an

“artificial” visit was added to retrieve the information about it. Anevaluating flag

is set to show that it is an “artificial” visit. Finally, we produce the assign instruction

with references to the both sides of the expression.

Qualified Name

Qualified Names are the names already declared (e.g. variable names and any other

identifier) and they are used in expressions. Its visitor was modified to take into ac-

count theevaluating flag. The reason for having two different behaviors is that

DynamicJava throws anExecutionError when visiting an uninitialized qualified

name. That occurs when an assignment method (asSimpleAssignExpression )

visits its left hand side for visualization purposes before it has a value. When the

evaluating flag is false, DynamicJava invokes thedisplay method to avoid un-

necessary exceptions. However, both methods (visit anddisplay ) produce the

same MCode.

Variable Declaration

Generating the MCode for variable declarations is straightforward, as DynamicJava

provides all the needed information. Those variables that have an initialization expres-

sions are treated normally. Only if an initialization expression for the variable is found,


we have to modify the normal process to visualize the initialization. This is done by

simulating an simple assign expression after the variable is declared. This will make

easier to develop a visualizer, but it also means a semantic loss. And while it is not

important for visualization, it can be meaningful for further processing of the MCode

from other tools.

Flow Control Statements

All flow control statements work similarly. Here, we will explain how awhile state-

ment produces its MCode.

First of all, theWhileStatement visitor keeps the reference to the condition that

will be visited and will determine whether to enter the body of the statement. If the

condition holds the visitor produces aWHILEstatement withTRUEas a value. Then

the body is evaluated, producing its own MCode.

Break or continue visitors throw exceptions to be caught by the flow control state-

ments. When they are caught their corresponding MCode statement is produced. This

statement reflects where the break or continue has happened (WHILE, FOR, DOand


Boolean and Bitwise Unary Expressions

This group contains the not (! ) and complement (˜ )operators. There are two differ-

ent possibilities. On the one hand the expression can be constant and no evaluation is

performed by DynamicJava, so the generation of MCode is straightforward. However,

as there is no expression to be referred, there is no node containing that constant, only

a value is returned.Code.NO_REFERENCEis used to indicate this fact to the inter-

preter. On the other hand, when there is an expression to negate, aBEGINstatement is

produced before the expression to be negated is visited. Finally the unary statement is

produced returning the value and referring to the expression it affects.

Unary arithmetic expressions

This group contains increments and decrements (++, -- ). No special modifications

were carried out in these visitors. They just generate aBEGINstatement and their own

statement (PIE , PDE, PRIE, PRDE), that returns the modified value and the type.

Binary Expressions


This group comprises all boolean, bitwise and arithmetic binary operators. As usual,

a BEGIN statement is produced, anticipating what the operator will be. Then both

sides of the expression are visited and their values are collected. Before each of these

two visits, there is one special MCode statement: aLEFT statement, for the left side,

and aRIGHT statement for the right side. Finally the binary statement is generated

referring both sides and the value resulting of applying the operator to both sides of the


Compound Assignment Expressions

This group contains all bitwise and arithmetic compound assignments. Compound

operators are for example+=, -= , * = and/= . The visitors of these compound assign-

ments have been modified to produce MCode that decomposes the compound assign-

ment into a simple assignment and a binary operation. For examplea+=3-b will be

interpreted asa=a+(-b) .

Then, the code of the visitors is just a composition of an assignment and a binary

expression as its right hand side. This binary expression has as its sides the same ones

as the compound assignment. As a result, two fake or artificial visits are done to the

left-hand side of the compound assignment.

Again, as in the variable declaration case, some information is lost. The result of

decomposing the compound assignment makes the visualization for novices easier, but

the real expression is lost.

Array Allocation and Access

Arrays are treated different than classes, as their interpretation and visualization re-

quirements differ from the classes ones. Arrays in Java are very flexible in their content

and structure, thus the information gathered and passed to a visualization engine must

be rich to be able express them.

As said before, array allocation requires a big amount of information in order to show

the complete process of allocation. First, the expressions to calculate the dimension

values are evaluated. The references to the expression and the actual dimension value

are kept. Once the array is created by the interpreter we can produce the array alloca-

tion instruction (AA) with its hashcode that will identify it.

If the array declaration contains an initialization expression, then another visitor will


be calledArrayInitializer that will create the array with the values provided.

This time we have preferred to create a new instruction to indicate the initialization

AIE , rather than simulate multiple assignments, to allow a differentiated, and faster,

visualization of the array initialization.

Class Allocation

Class allocation MCodegeneration is dealt with in Section 5.5.2.

Field accesses

Two field accesses are supported by the MCode, object field access and static field

access. The main difference is that we need to obtain the information about the object

or the referring class depending on the access. In the first case we need to resolve the

object before we can refer to it.

Tree Interpreter

This class contains methods to interpret the constructs of the language. This class is

the one called from Jeliot 3 to start interpreting a program or a single method. There

are two main methods that have been modified.

interpret(Reader r, String fname)

This method receives the source code and invokes the three visitors of DynamicJava:

NameVisitor , TypeCheker andEvaluationVisitor . This method catches

the execution and parsing error exceptions and generates MCode to notify Jeliot of

the possible lexical, syntactical or semantical errors that are found during the inter-

pretation. The instruction Interpretation errors generate an exception that is caught by

this method. The instruction,ERROR, contains both the explanation provided by the

interpreter and the estimated location of the error.

interpretMethod(Class c, MethodDescriptor md, Object obj, Object[] params)

Whenever the source code of a method is available to the interpreter, and it is invoked

by the interpreter,interpretMethod will construct everything needed to interpret

it. The MCode generated by this method provides the names of the formal parameters

so they are added to the method frame as the variable names by the Jeliot 3 interpreter.


It also indicates the location of the method declaration in the source code by means of

a special MCode instruction:MD, method declaration. This information is artificially

generated inStaticMethodCall if the method is a foreign one. The flaginside

is set to indicate that the currently interpreted method parsed tree is available and, thus

it can be interpreted. For library methods or any precompiled classs, we need to fake

the MCode instructions to simulate its method declaration and return information.

Constructor calls are also methods and information about their interpretation is found

here as well. However, its visualization requires special MCode instructions. Unfor-

tunately, DynamicJava’s interpretation of constructor invocation and inheritance is not

the best for visualization purposes.

The behavior of DynamicJava when allocating a new object is to call the construc-

tor outside the normal interpretation of the evaluation visitor. It is called by reflec-

tion, the bytecode of the class is loaded and its constructor is invoked. The class

will contain a modified version of the original constructor. This modified construc-

tor starts by asking the TreeInterpreter to interpret the original arguments of the con-

structor callTreeInterpreter.interpretArguments . Later, it calls its su-

per methodsuper() . If the original super method call had some arguments they

are interpreted and passed in the super method call. Finally, it interprets the body

of the constructor (TreeInterpreter.interpretMethod ). This particular be-

havior causes certain problems. First, when producing the MCode for the method call,

done ininterpretMethod , the information about parameters cannot be obtained

there because it has been interpreted before ininterpretArguments . Thus, a data

structure is kept to hold the parameters information to be used later. Second, the actual

super method call interfers with the visualization order, as it will produce the MCode

related to its invocation and interpretation before the MCode of the first constructor. As

a result, the obtained MCode produces a wrong animation, where the super methods

are animated before their calling constructor. Future revisions of Jeliot 3 will correct

this incorrect behavior.

5.6 Interpreting MCode

Jeliot 3’s architecture and implementation allow different kind of interpreters to pro-

duce their own visualizations. Jeliot 3 provides an interface to handle MCode instruc-


tions, so visualizers do not need to implement a parser for it. They just need to ex-

tendMCodeInterpreter class and implement the abstract methods that handle the

MCode instructions. Finally, they need to register themselves as a secondary inter-

preter, because the primary interpreter is Jeliot 3’s standard animation engine. This

way Jeliot 3 GUI will recognize the new interpreter and add a new tab to the visualiza-

tion windows list. Users can click in the tab to view the visualization generated by the

new interpreter.

Currently, Jeliot 3 distribution comes with one secondary interpreter. It visualizes the

call tree. Every method call is shown and displayed as nodes tree graph. Creating this

new simple visualization was straightforward and a proof of concept of the viability of

the design.

5.7 MCode Examples

This section contains two examples. Both examples shows the Java source code, the

valid MCode generated, and explanations of the different instructions.

5.7.1 Procedural Program

This is a simple procedural program that just copies the String"Word" to all cells of

an array.

1 import * ;2

3 public class ProcExample {4

5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 int size = 1;7 String[] wordsArray;8 wordsArray = new String[size];9

10 int i = 0;11

12 while ( i < size){13 wordsArray[i] = "Word";14 i++;15 }16 }


17 }18

In this example we can see how the MCode initializes the MCode interpreter with the

main information about the classes, their fields, methods and constructor. Following

some snippets of the produced will be shown and explained with more detail. More

concretely they will show:main methodcall, avariable declaration, anarray alloca-

tion, a while loop, and anarray access. MCode mnemonics have been replaced with

more descriptive names.

• Initialization





These instructions correspond to the initialization of the MCode interpreter. It details

the name of the different classes contained and its correspondent super classes. For

each class, its methods, constructors (no one this time, default constructor is displayed),

and fields.

• ProcExample.main(new String[0])








Then the main method call, that starts the program generates its MCode. This call

is generated by Jeliot 3, and can be modified. By default and in this case, it is the


main method (ProcExample.main(new String[0]) ). Static method call in-

struction requires the name of the method and its class. Method calls, both static

and non-static, follow the same way. Parameters are evaluated. For each parameter

a PARAMETERinstruction is generated, its beginning is marked by aBEGIN instruc-

tion. This time we have an array allocation,new String[0] , this will be dealt

later. When all parameter have been dealt with, a list comprising the names of all of

them is generated,PARAMETERNAMESLIST. And finally theMDinstruction gives the

location of the source code of the whole method, useful for highlighting it.

• int size = 1;







Next in the code, we have a simple variable declaration with an initialization expres-

sion. The variable declaration simple returns the name, the value (unknown), and

whether if it is final. The initialization is a simple assignment. Assignments are also

started with aBEGIN instruction. TheBEGIN instruction shows what is beginning

and its reference, “ASSIGNMENT” and “4”.ASSIGNMENTinstruction identifies it-

self with the reference “4”, and refer to both sides of the expression, “5” and “6”.

• new String[size];




This array allocation first evaluates the dimension expressions, only one with refer-

ence number “12”. TheARRAYALLOCATIONinstruction contains the reference that

identifies the instruction and the hash code that identifies the array itself. The rest of

parameters are filled, “1” dimension, defined by the instruction “12” of size “1”.


• while ( i < size)








These instructions correspond to the first iteration of the while loop in the example.

In the MCode section of a while loop, the condition is evaluated first. This time we

have a less-than expression. Both sides are evaluated, and the expression instruction

is composed of the reference to itself ("17"), and to both sides of expression (“17”

and “18”). The result of the expression is returned as well, the value is “true” of

type “boolean”). Finally, theWHILEexpression refers to the condition and repeats the

result, indicating whether its body is going to be evaluated or not.

• wordsArray[i]






An array access will visit both the variable that contains the array, "25", and the ex-

pression that refers to the accessed cell, "26". With theARRAYACCESSinstruction

the MCode interpreter has all the needed information to identify the right cell and to

visualize its access.

5.7.2 Object-oriented Program

This is a more complicated example involving object-oriented concepts. This example

allocates a Square object. Rectangle is the super class of Square, and contains some


fields and methods.

1 import * ;2

3 public class Rectangle {4 int width,heigth;5 Rectangle(){6 width=0;7 heigth=0;8 }9 Rectangle( int w, int h){

10 width=w;11 heigth=h;12 }13 public int getArea(){14 return width * heigth;15 }16 }17

18 public class Square extends Rectangle{19 int side;20 Square(){21 side=0;22 }23 Square( int s){24 super (s,s);25 side=s;26 }27 }28 public class MyClass {29 public static void main() {30 Square square = new Square(3);31 int area = square.getArea();;32 }33 }34

In this example we will pay attention to theinitialization of the MCode interpreter, a

class allocation, asuper method call, and areturn statement

• Initialization









These are the initialization instructions of the rectangle class, the different constructors

information can be better appreciated than in the previous example. As well,FIELD

information is displayed. All this information will be of great help when allocating new

objects, as the MCode interpreter needs to know in advance the fields of the object, so

it can initialize them properly.

• new Square(3)








Allocating a class differs from an array allocation in that we need to pass the infor-

mation about the constructor call, as we will do in any other method call. This time

we have an special instruction,CONSCNor Constructor Call Number. This instruction

is placed to overcome the problems of DynamicJava. When the call allocation ends

(CLASSALLOCATIONCLOSE) it returns the hash code that identifies the class in a

similar way than array allocation does.

• super(s,s)














This method call corresponds to a super method call (this.super), and it is embedded

in the body of the class allocation. It is just like a normal object method call. In the

MCode instructions all location information is null (0,0,0,0). This is due to the fact

that DynamicJava processes the super and this methods outside the interpreter.

• return width * height;











This is the return expression from the method call get area. First, the MCode indicates

that we are in a return expression, that consists of a multiplication. Both sides of the

multiplication are object field accesses. As with object method calls, it first resolves

the object,QUALIFIEDNAMEand then the special instruction,FIELDACCESSrefers

to it and returns the value, "3" in both sides. Finally, the multiplication is evaluated and

it is referred by theRETURNexpression.


Chapter 6

Discussion and Conclusion

6.1 On MCode

MCode is another tool for developers. Its very detailed instruction set is a good starting

point to create new program visualizations. Moreover, as an MCode trace represents

what programming language construct the user is currently viewing, future tools can

make use of this information and interact with the user. For example, automatic “Stop

and Think” questions could be inferred on-the-fly, as an MCode interpreter processes

the MCode instructions.

There is, as well, the possibility to store MCode traces of chosen examples. These

traces can also be preprocessed in order to create material that accompanies the exam-

ple. For example, it could retrieve explanations of the different concepts used, or new

examples that are relate to the contents of that one.

6.2 On Taxonomy

We have extended Price’s taxonomy to include categories related to intermediate codes

in Software Visualization and updated its Method property to reflect the new categories

and how the reviewed systems fit in the new Method property.

We have observed that current intermediate codes provide a trade-off between tai-


lorability and reusability. Reusable codes do not let the visualizer to make extensions

or modifications that affects the visualization to it in a simple way, this is partly due to

their automatic generation. As Price et al. (1993) noted intelligence in automatic sys-

tem was low, and we have seen it is. Automatic systems only show certain intelligence

when they have to create the graphical display. They make no attempt to try to guess

what kind of algorithm it is, or what data structure they are using. Since all of them are

Java-oriented tools, every data structure except for arrays is displayed as an object.

On the other hand, the meta-study carried out by Hundhausen et al. (2002) criticizes

current taxonomies because they “encourage system roulette”. Some systems, he

claims, try just to cover some properties not yet implemented by other system. Then,

because of the focus of current taxonomies, systems are implemented based on increas-

ing expressiveness, instead of focusing in actualeffectiveness. He expects a higher

usage after effectiveness problems have been solved. Thus, Hundhausen et al. (2002)

proposes deeper studies in effectiveness, and finally designing new systems based on

the findings of such studies. The study of Ben-Bassat Levy et al. (2003) have been our

guide while working on Jeliot 3 and designing its new capabilities. Ben-Bassat Levy

et al. (2003) found that the main benefit of Jeliot 2000 is that its animation provides

a concretemodel of execution that helps in understanding programming. We have

retained such a concrete model, and provided a framework where new visualization

paradigms can be built. Thus, comparative effective studies can be carried out with

Jeliot 3 and future extensions to it.

6.3 FutureWork

Now that MCode has reached maturity, we are ready to integrate different interpreta-

tions of it into Jeliot 3. Jeliot 3 and its documentation is open source under the General

Public License, so Software Visualization developers are free to modify and use the

source code of Jeliot 3 in their own developments. However, we are open to integrate

and provide support for extensions made by other researchers. This will make Jeliot 3 a

more complete tool, where students can refer to different materials and visualizations.

Another idea is to integrate Jeliot 3 into an adaptive learning environment. Myller et al.

(2004) examined the effectiveness of Jeliot 3 with second year programming students.

That experiment revealed that novices’ requirements change at a fast pace and that a


basic tool, like Jeliot 3, proved to be ineffective because it could not adapt to students’

individualized learning needs. The adaptive environment would guide students through

their first steps in programming. The material would consist of lessons, corresponding

exercises, and interactive animations of the examples. The environment would be self-

adapting in order to cope with students’ progress. Processing of MCode and user

interaction would be fundamental to obtain student’s knowledge.

Integrating Jeliot 3 into BlueJ has been an anticipated goal, and now Jeliot 3 is also

available as an extension to BlueJ. Creation of objects at BlueJ can be automatically

animated at Jeliot 3. Thus, Jeliot 3 benefits from the advanced visual editor of classes

that BlueJ incorporates, and BlueJ offers a more complete system with the possibility

of animating the projects. Some glitches in the interaction have to be solved before

the BlueJ philosophy of no main method (Kölling and Rosenberg, 2001) can be prop-

erly visualized in Jeliot 3. Another advantage is that this extension will increase the

awareness of Jeliot 3 amongst the Java teaching community.

The integration of Jeliot 3 and a modern IDE is also sought after. Students would ben-

efit of the advanced features of the environment, e.g. debugger, and also an animation

of their code. Eclipse (Eclipse Foundation, 2004) is an IDE that could be used together

with Jeliot 3. Different research projects have used Eclipse. For example the GILD

project (Storey et al., 2003) has modified the interface of Eclipse to adapt it to novice

students who may find themselves overwhelmed by Eclipse’s user interface. Previous

visualization tools have already been integrated in Eclipse (Lintern et al., 2003). A

combination of GILD and a Jeliot 3 plug-in would create a helpful tool for novices.

Animation would be integrated in an modified professional environment. Then, the

shift from novice to expert programmer would be easier to accomplish.



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Appendix A

Intermediate Code Specification


This document contains the specification for the MCode, intermediate language code

used in Jeliot 3 program visualization system.


This document main intention is to lay a solid ground for MCode, so future modifica-

tions, additions and queries to it will have a clear reference within this document.


This document is part of the documentation of Jeliot 3. MCode was developed in order

to provide the execution information to an interpreter, which manages the visualization

scene. The interpreted language is Java and the interpretation is done by DynamicJava.

DynamicJava is a Java interpreter written in Java. Java and DynamicJava imposes some

properties to the MCode. Furthermore, the original target users (programming novices)

and their programs, also delimits the Java features that are currently supported by the

MCode, such features as threads and reflection utilities are not supported. More on this

will be explained in the following chapter.



Interested readers should point to the master theses written by Niko Myller and An-

drés Moreno, both can be found at Jeliot 3’s webpage:

jeliot/ . Niko’s thesis (Myller, 2004) describes Jeliot 3 system and its implemen-

tation. Andrés’ thesis (Moreno, 2004) explains further the decisions that shaped this

intermediate code and compares it with different solutions, describing a taxonomy.


This language will be used to transfer evaluation information between Dynamic Java

and Director class of Jeliot 3. The information flows to one direction, from Dynamic

Java to Director (with a possible exception of the Input statements). Section A will

provide a background, introducing Jeliot 3 system and some features of MCode.


Overall Description

Jeliot 3 System Structure



LauncherDirectorJeliot pipe





Terminate thread12:







write( end )9: read10:

MCode functions

MCode is the intermediate language used to communicate the visualization engine

and the Java interpreter (DynamicJava). It mainly flows from DynamicJavato the Di-

rector. The information that carries along within is not only the information about

modified variables and modified method stacks, but also the operations that produce

such changes. and the results of those operations. This is the biggest difference from

normal compiler intermediate codes; they only indicate what operations to perform to

the assembler. In our case all operations are performed and the every result is sent to

the Director.


User Characteristics

This document is addressed to the following people:

Developer of Visualization SystemsThis document may provide ideas and solutions

to developers of new visualization systems, as well as provides of an existing

solution that can be merged into their ongoing projects.

Maintainer of Jeliot 3 Future developers and maintainers of Jeliot 3 should refer to

this document when modifying its source code, specially those files referring to

DynamicJava and Jeliot 3’s interpreter. They should incorporate here all changes

done to MCode to provide a state of the art document as well.

Features and Constraints

While trying to produce the more generic intermediate code some features and con-

straints where placed due to several reasons. The most important ones are the following


Java Being Java the language of choice, MCode supports most of its characteristics

and abilities. It is object oriented, so things as method calls, objects and, to some

extend, inheritance are supported.

DynamicJava Because of using DynamicJava as an interpreter from which to extract

the execution information, some of the specified ordered sequences of instruc-

tions may be too constrained to the particularity of DynamicJava. However that

is not the case for the most of instructions explained here.

Targeted audienceMCode was designed to support the development of MCode, thus

it was important to address their specific problems: MCode has a great detail

in the evaluation of expressions and the normal flow of program, so novices will

grasp the programming fundamental issues. Meanwhile, more advanced features

are not within the scope of the MCode and have not been implemented. Those

features include threads, reflection utilities and exception handling.



Right now MCode is only produced through the modified version of DynamicJava in-

cluded in the distribution of Jeliot 3. However it is up to anyone to create a new high-

level interpreter to produce its own MCode to be run by Jeliot 3’s MCode interpreter or

by one they develop. There is also the possibility to store the MCode a single text file

and be retrieved later by a MCode interpreter to produce visualization orders. How-

ever, this configuration would not allow INPUT/OUTPUT operations as they provide

information to the evaluation needed to carry on with following instructions.


MCode Language


MCode is defined to be an interpreted line by line and each line can be divided in

the smaller pieces or tokens. Here we define all the commands that are part of MCode.

First of all, we will introduce the notation used in this specification. as it is not standard.

In our notation each token is now separated by single ’§’ character, this token will not

be shown here instead a blank space will be used to help readability. Each token is first

introduced as an English name. Later a sample instruction is given, consisting of the

different tokens that build that particular instruction. If the token is in big letters it is a

preserved word. If it is in small letters it will be replaced by variable value or integer.

Table A.1 shows the abbreviations used in the specification to refer to some common


Name Abbre-



Instruction Reference ir Used to keep track of instructions used in

the past.

Left Instruction Reference lir A reference to a previous instruction used

as the left operand.

Right Instruction Reference rir A reference to a previous instruction used

as the right operand.

Instruction Counter ic Counter of expressions, making instruc-

tions unique and easily referenciable

Type of instruction ti Refer to some MCode instruction (e.g.


Location lo Variable that holds the location of the ex-

pression in the source code, defined by

“beginning of line”, “beginning of col-

umn”, “end of line”, “end of column”.

Table A.1: Token Abbreviations.

The usual MCode sentence will consist of:

Expression/Statement code A shortcut for every Java statement or expres-


sion is used: e.g. AE stands for Add Expression. The chosen names are heavily

related to the ones used in DynamicJava.

Reference Every Expression/Statement sentence is identified by a number. This

way nested statements and expressions can be formed up from previous MCode


Related References Most of the MCode sentences refer to previous MCode

sentences. One Add Expression will refer to the references of both sides of

expression. Flow-control statements will refer to a condition expression, and so


Value Most sentences will return the value resulting from the executing of an ex-

pression. If it is a flow control statement it will return a Boolean value indicating

the result of the condition.

Type Every expression that has a result must specify its type.

Location This contains the location of the expression in the original source code



The following grammar expresses the syntactic properties of the MCode. It describes

how to get a sintactically correct MCode program, that can be parsed by the interpreter

provided Jeliot 3 to produce the right visualizations. This grammar has been obtained

by modifying the Java BNF sintactic grammar.

Tokens within "<" and ">" are Non-Terminal symbols, capitalized words are Terminal

symbols, basically MCode commands; you will find a more detailed description of

them in the follwing section. "?" means that the preceeding symbol is optional, and "|"

separates the different possibilities.

<program> ::= <classes info> <static method call>END1

<classes info> ::= <class info>

| <classes info> <class info>

1The beginning Static Method Call it is supposed to call the Main method of the program



<static method call> ::=SMC<method call info> <method body>SMCC

<object method call> ::=OMC<method call info> <method body>OMCC

<method call info> ::=PARAMETER MD<parameters info>?

<parameters info> ::= <parameter info>

| <parameters info> <parameter info>

<parameter info> ::=BEGIN <expression>P

<method body> ::= <block statements>

<block statements> ::= <block statement>

| <block statements> <block statement>

<block statement> ::= <variable declaration>

| <statement>

<scoped block> ::=SCOPE 1<block statements>SCOPE 0

<statement> ::= <simple statement>

| <if statement>

| <for statement>

| <while statement>

<simple statement> ::= <scoped block>

| <statement expression>

| <switch statement>

| <do statement>

| <continue statement>

| <break statement>

| <return statement>


<statement expression> ::= <assignment>

| <pre expression>

| <post expression>

| <method call>

| <class allocation>

<if statement> ::= <expression>IFT <statement>?

| <expression>IFTE <statement>?

<while statement> ::= <expression>WHI<statement>?

<switch statement> ::=SWITCHB<expression>SWITCHBF<block>?SWITCH

<for statement> ::=SCOPE 1<variable declarations> <expression>FOR<statement>?


<do statement> ::= <block> <expression>DO

<break statement> ::=BREAK

<break statement> ::=CONTINUE

<return statement> ::= <expression>?RETURN

<expression> ::= <assignment>

| <binary expression>

| <unary expression>

| <primary>

<assignment> ::=BEGIN<expression>TO<left hand side>

<left hand side> ::= <identifier>

| <field access>

| <array access>

<binary expression> ::=BEGIN LEFT <expression>RIGHT <expression> <binary


<unary expression> ::=BEGIN<expression> <unary operator>


<primary> ::= <literal>

| <field access>

| <array access>

| <class allocation>

| <array allocation>

| <method call>

<literal> ::=L

<identifier> ::=QN

<variable declaration> ::=VD

<field access> ::= <primary> <identifier> OFA

<array access> ::= <identifier> <dim expressions> AAC

<dim expressions> ::= <expression> |

<dim expressions> <expression>

<method call> ::= <static method call>

| <object method call>

<array allocation> ::= <dims expressions>AA

<class allocation> ::=SA<method call info> <method body>SAC

<variable declarations> ::=<variable declaration>

| <variable declarations> <variable declaration>

<pre expression> ::= <identifier>PRIE | <identifier>PRDE

<post expression> ::= <identifer>PIE | <identifier>PDE

<unary operator> ::=PLUS| MINUS| COMP| NO


<binary operator> ::=AE | SE | ME| DE| RE






Table A.2 contains the constants used in the implementation of MCode to support

portability and maintainability.

Constant Meaning

DELIM Used to separate tokens on a single instruction. They have

to be explicitly added to the MCode instruction

LOC_DELIM Used to separate the different coordinates that locate some

source code.

UNKNOWN When some variable value cannot be accessed it is given


NO_REFERENCE If a reference to another instruction is not needed in the

current MCode instruction,NO_REFERENCEis given.

REFERENCE When a type cannot be determined a reference type is

given, “null” in the current implementation.

NOT_FINAL Indicates that the declared variable is final.

FINAL Indicates that the declared variable is not final.

TRUE String that represent theTRUEBoolean value in the work-

ing environment.

FALSE String that represent theFALSE Boolean value in the

working environment.

Table A.2: Constants.


Auxiliary Instructions

Some auxiliary instructions are defined in order to ease the interpretation of the MCode.

These instructions are not related to any particular Java construct and are used by those

that need them.


BEGIN ti ir loc

Instruction used to mark the beginning of those instructions that admit instructions to

be encapsulated within them. Those instructions are Assignment, Return, Parameter,

Array Access and all unary and binary operations; and they are referred through it. The

referred instructions get theyir assigned in theBEGIN instruction.



These instructions are similar toBEGIN. Both of them are used to mark the beginning

of the left /right side of a binary operation. Their obeys the same reason than in

BEGIN, “reserves” the reference number for the following instruction.


TO ir

This instruction is used in assignments and reflects the movement of the value to the

left hand side of the assignment. Their points to the qualified name that will hold

the value. As said before, this instruction is used in assignment and more concretely in

Assignment, Variable Declaration (those with initializer) and Compound Assignment.



ERROR errorMessage loc

Parser and execution errors are reported to the visualization engine with theERROR

instruction. TheerrorMessage is a string that can containHTMLand it is what will

be visualized.



END is produced at the end of the MCode program and indicates the visualization to




New blocks of Java code are delimited in MCode throughSCOPE. This instruction

second token indicates whether it is opening a new one (1) or closing one (0).

CONSCN (Constructor Call Number)


CAUTION! This instruction is implementation specific and the need for the usage of

this instruction depends on the implementation of the interpreter. If your interpreter

traverses the tree in the right order there is no need to use theCONSCN. The usage of

the instruction is next described in DynamicJava.

This instruction is created because in DynamicJava the super method calls in the begin-

ning of the constructor are handled before the actual constructor invocation and thus

the information is not extracted in the correct order. The constructor call number is

used to correct the order so that during the simple allocation visit in EvaluationVisi-


tor the constructor call number is send for the first time. When all the super method

calls are finished and the constructor is really invoked the constructor call number is

printed out again. The MCode interpreter collects all the commands between the cor-

responding constructor call numbers and executes them after the constructor is really

invoked that is two lines after the second constructor call number is read. However this

instruction is due to DynamicJava drawbacks. If your interpreter traverses the tree in a

different way, you should not use the CONSCN instruction.


A (Assignment)

A ir rir lir value type loc

The assignment instruction is composed by its own reference (ir ) and the references

to the left and right hand sides (lir , rir ). Furthermore it contains the assigned value

and its type.

It is worth to mention that compound assignments are decomposed into the operation

and a simple assignment.

VD (Variable Declaration)



When declaring a variable the corresponding the MCode instruction needs to be com-

plemented with its name, value, type and the modifier (FINAL or NOT_FINAL). In-

struction reference (ir ) is given if the variable has an initializer otherwise aNO_REFERENCE

value is written.

Binary Operations

binaryCode ir rir lir value type loc


Binary instructions are composed by itsbinaryCode , its own reference (ir ) and the

references to the left and right sides of the expression (lir , rir ). Furthermore, it

contains the assignedvalue and itstype . ThebinaryCode can take any of the

values shown in Table A.3

Table A.3: Binary Operators that can be assigned to thebinaryCode .

Boolean oper-


MCode Arithmetic op-


MCode Bitwise oper-


































Unary Operations

unaryCode ir reference value type loc

As with binary operations the unary instructions (unaryCode ) take the similar to-

kens. The only difference is that there is only onereference to another instruction.

Thevalue , type andloc maintain the same meaning. As before there are several


Java unary operators that can be assigned to theunaryCode , all of them are listed in

Table A.4.

Table A.4: Unary Operators that can be assigned to theunaryCode .

Boolean Oper-


MCode Arithmetic op-


MCode Bitwise opera-






















Literal constant and variable access

Qualified Name

QN ir name value type

Qualified names are all the local variables. MCode instruction contains the reference

(ir ) of the instruction and the name value and type of the qualified name. If the

variable is not initialized value will beUNKNOWN.


L ir value type loc


Literals are the constants values in the source code (e.g.3 is one integer literal and “3”

is one string literal). The MCode instruction contains all the information needed for

the visualization as well as its reference (ir ), value , type andloc .

Control Structures

If Statements

IFT/IFTE condition value loc

There are two possible instructions for an “If” statement.IFT is printed if there is not

an else statement orIFTE if there is an else statement. The composition, however, is

similar. Thecondition is the reference to the instruction that evaluate the condi-

tion. Thevalue holds the result of the evaluated condition and will tell which branch

execution is following. Theloc as usual contains the code location.

While For and Do-While Statements

WHI/FOR/DO condition value round loc

These statements produce a similar to the previous one. They only differ in the round

token. This token holds the number of iterations the loop has made.


Three MCode instructions are related to the switch statement.


Switch statement interpretation begins with this instruction. The location of the whole

switch block is given as the parameter.

SWIBF selector ir loc

The SWIBF instruction is written when one of the cases is selected as the matching


case. The selector gives a reference to the selector expression. The instruction refer-

ence gives the reference for the case expression. If the default case is selected then the

instruction reference is set to-1 . The location explains the location of the found case



This statement is used when the switch statement is exited if the break instruction (BR)

is not given. The parameter forSWITCHinstruction is the location of the whole switch


Break and Continue

BR/CONT statement loc

Break and continue asserts instructions only specify which statement they are in. The

allowed values forstatement areWHI, FOR, DOor SWITCH.

Input and Output


INPUT ir type loc

The INPUT instruction indicates the visualization engine to produce some data of the

type specified and return it to Java interpreter. This data will be written in a dedicated

pipe that connects both sides. The next instruction indicates the obtained value from

the pipe.

INPUTTED counter value type loc


OUTPUT ir value type breakLine loc


OUTPUTinstruction is the resulting one of a call to any of the Output methods provided

by Jeliot 3 or System.out.print and System.out.println. They only accept one argument,

and it is reflected in the instruction by its value and its type. A flag (breakline is

added to indicate wheter to break the line (value1) or not (value0) in the output.

Array Handling

Array Allocation

AA dimension dimensionsReferences dimensionsSizes


Array allocation instruction is a complicated one, as it carries a lot of information

about the array. As usual air is provided. Following thearrayHashCode of

the object created to allocate it. It can be any other number that identify one-to-one

the allocated object on the interpretation. Thetype contains the type of the array

components. ThedimensionReferences is a comma separated list with the ref-

erences to the instructions that evaluated the sizes’ expressions of the array. Finally,

the dimensionsSize is another comma separated list where each element is the

size of a dimension. An expression “new Integer[4][5] ” will produce a follow-

ing line of MCode “AA ir 456744 Integer 2 ir1,ir2 4,5 loc ”. Where

ir1 andir2 must be references to the literal instructions of “4” and “5” respectively.

Array Access

AAC ir arrayNameReference deep cellReferences

cellNumbers value type loc

Array accesses instructions consist on different tokens. The common ones (ir , value ,

type andloc ) are also present. But we can find very specific ones.

The arrayReference points to the instruction produced when visiting an array

name, normally a qualified name. deep refers to the level of deepness of the array ac-

cess. This is useful for multidimensional arrays when they are not accessed till the last

level, the one holding the data value. ThecellReferences and thecellNumber


meet the same purpose thandimensionReferences anddimensionsSizes in

array allocation (AA) instruction. ThecellReferences points to the instructions

that evaluated the value of each cell pointer. ThecellNumbers are the actual values

of the cell access. Both of them are presented as a comma separated list. For example

in “array[3][5] ”, cellReferences will point to the literal instruction of “3”

and “5” andcellNumbers will contain “3,5”.

Array Length

AL objectCounter "length" value type loc

Object Oriented

This section contains the instruction related to methods and object oriented program-

ming. Here we will just summarize its properties and main arguments. However,

following chapters will explain you how to glue the different instructions together to

form meaningful MCode programs.


PARAMETERS parameterArray

ThePARAMETERSinstruction will provide the visualization engine a list of the types

of the parameters used in the method declaration.

P ir loc

This instruction declares a new parameters in a method call.

Method Declaration

MD ir loc


A method declaration instruction will indicate the location of the called method code

and the beginning of its evaluation.

Static Method Call

SMC name declaringClassName numArgs loc

TheSMCinstruction consists of the actual name of the method, its declaring class name

and the number of arguments this method call consists of.


This instruction indicates the end of a call to a static method.

Object Method Call

OMC name numArgs objectReference loc

TheOMCinstruction is similar to the static method one. However it contains a reference

to an object, this reference points to the instruction that holds the variable access to the

object that is making the method call.


As before it just closes the object method call.

Class Allocation

SA ir declaringClass constructorName numArgs loc

The class allocation instruction happens every time anew appears on the source code.

It will provide the information needed for the constructor: declaring class, constructor

name and the number of arguments it is being called with.

SAC ir ObjectId loc


Object Field Access

OFA ir objectReference name value type loc

This instruction accesses to the value of an object field, thus it references to the instruc-

tion that evaluate the object (objectReference) (normally a Qualified Name (QNone).

It contains the name, the type and the value of the accessed field.


R callIr loc

This first return instruction is just used for the "void" return, those that does not return

anything. ThecallIr is the reference for the return value of the method and thus

connect the return command to the specific method.

R callIr valueIr value type loc

This second instruction is used when a value is returned. Thus, we need a reference to

the evaluation of the expression corresponding to the returned value (valueIr ) and

the result of this expression, its value and type.