the democratic advocate (westminster, md.) 1865-12-28 [p ] · 2017-12-14 · cent of the...

cent of the co.fftcrfeit fitly cent notes are so well cufcvted that they are like- ly to Jjceive eVeiMhebaat) \ “experts.’' The following inforun*ion will be found useful in aiding our refers to dieted them:—Tbs' cottiaS&arfeil T& aEotf as eightbfbfair incdPlrteKiKii tiJPge# nine. words “United States” in the counterfeit are not quite as clearly defined as in the genuine. The sword held by the female in the vignette ap- pears as a,white streak in the genuine. Ib the counterfeit it is more heavily en- graved. Under the word “and” in the right upper corner there is a flourish in the genuine which is entirely'absent, itt the counterfeit. This last defect is one of the simplest mean£ of 4 detecting 1 the bogus notes. Petite Meeting in 3ltßr York. The New York correspondent of the Phil- adelphia: ledger writes r-*—‘H/eading H&} publican politiciaup. takipg their eve from Washington, are initiating tie preliminaries of k pubic -meetlag at the Cooper Institute on Monday evening next. Democrats* as well' as adminis tration men, will be invited to parti- cipate. Among the speakers will be Hon. Henny perhaps, Hen. Jas. Broors. Thi!?- Movement will, no doubt, impel the radicals to get P MM# oti^^^r-demon- stration. MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s father, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. H C Holloway, Mr. Adam GRA.s<ftoMlsii Lavra ORjmbink, both of this County. On the 30th of November, in Taneytown, by the Rev. NFGihfi, Mr. JiPdlIH Koo.vrz | to Miss Phoebe Kiser, both of this County. I On the 19th ofDecember, in the Ger. Ref. Parsonage, in Taneytown. by the same, Mr. I SamuseH. Crawford, of. Frizzlesburg,. to] MARTHA Rahman, of New Windsor. . 1 On the 14th instant, by Rev. W M Mcra- minger, Mr. Solomon Penn and Miss Epith Ann Pickett,' both of this County. v< DEATHS. On the 10th of Decoipber, near , Frizzles- burg. Peter Hesson, aged J B2years'4 months and 25 days. On the "thof December, at Union Bridge,. George Washington Crabbs, agod29 years 8 months and 15 days. At Myersville, this County, on the 12th instant, of Consumption, AHthony Myers, aged 31 years 6 months and 2 days. ; Departed this life on the 9th of December, after a long and painful illness, Levi T. Bek- nett, aged 50 years. TO COXSryiPTITES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple reme- dy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his felioW-sdffeters the means of cure. i To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription nsfed ’(free' with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Conghs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the adver- tiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to? be invaluable, and; he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will tU no*i>;p. ond may prove a blessing. Panties wishing,the pcwpnptuop, by return, mail, will please address . Rev. EDWARD A7WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings' Go.NewYork. dee2B*ly v s nil v , •’ iRROIIS OP YOUTH. A'Hentlcnlau for yedrS from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and-ail the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of spffermg .humanity, send free to all who need it, Ine recipe 'and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sui&rbra wishing to profit tby the advertiser’s experience, can do so by ad- dressing .6a.r. AQHN B. pGpEN, . ? No. 13 St., New York.' dec2B-ly t STRAWCE, BIT TRI E Every young lady and gentleman .in the United States crii hear something vervmuch to their advantage by return mail ; of charge,) by addressing the undersigned.—*- Those having fears of being humbugged will not noticing this card. AH, others, will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New .York. : dj2B-lye < - -fo-Cmu, ' K ; t:m W)J ; TiK^ritoßß'.t:: ntt' West Butt eroee^v undersigned beg leave to inform the X ekizdnsfof Carroll coanty that they Kdve opened a GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE in. : ¦ Westmjnster, ;• jaeax Mr. J. fa Reifeniders fUra -at .the West. End, and have on hqpd the best. Meats, Sweet and lrish Potatoes, Catsitp/Pickles; KfoUt, Mifree Meat, Oystfer#, FVnits of all kinds, Sn£fe, ¦ Coffee,. M Cattle Powders, Cheese r every artiole in the grocery ,hno. , worthpf-yotil- mtmey. TlSrti-att profits tand . .. 80S at.l'sfSSt 8$ for rent. T-^f£,-4ftairfY! ; rir h' .JMMIj JLejpes,. OFLIME STONE -AND BLUE SLATE n >ossess * on lP v ®n on the first of April LIBBiiL. . ANTHONY KIMMEL. "TeSS"" B c °-> “• pAME to the residence oC^aa***®^ !? Westminster, dec2B-3t* F O UN D ¦kwtvt mtmk Receipts, Ac. Xhe.Pppket Book was found about two mileS' tfbgrmv Westminster. The owner can have the property by paying for this advertisement. -ana iHai>imcgTifirsMrßY f ia Union Mills P. 0., Carroll county, Md. rtes No. 850 I q 4 : •.pri', j• i i h Lithe Circuit Court fir'Carroll county Isaiah E. Mehring&pthtk \ /~NRDEBED her 1805, that the Audit_Xd in the above causebe &nßlly end tifirm.ed, unless contrary be 6hA, lon 0r before the 1M day of January, JR., Provided a copy of this order be paper printed, in Carroll cpunUor two suc- cessive weekp previous to the lAnamed dav WM. A. McKEvjp Qjjj True copw-^Test^, \ In the Circuit Cmhf or Carroll county s Ell Fuhrman and o\ rs v JIDERED a T r 1, VS' f A fV/ this 18th, Ameha Fuhvman & Q% J day of Decem- ber, -1800, that the Audfc] e d m the aboye cause be finally ratified unconfirmed, unless cause to.the contrary bet.wn on or before the uth day of January, W); Provided a copy of this order be p*; s hed in some newspaper printed in Caku county, tqr two successive wgeks prgA g to the last named day. ' * 7, ' WM. A. McKEijip, cik. 1 rue copy, —Test: , ~*l ‘Wm. A. McK,4P ; cik. dec2l-2t. $ . Estate of Peter Froun/eltcr, * C eaecl, N| OTfpE is hereby given thafthe’ Sub-1 scriber has obtained from thai r phans’ , Court of Carroll county r letters on the Personal Estate ofPeter F% sfee . \ teb, late of Carroll county, decease ai>. ' persons havingclalms against said esi e are t hereby warned to exhibit the same i thin L six months from,this date, otherwiseihey , may by law be excluded from, ail bench [ said Estate. Those indebted are requeued to make immediate payment. , ; m \ : JOSHUA FROUNFET.TER, \ C dec7-4t.* bf Executor! ;*“? ~'T' •/ ¦-I f H<M. V. j Estate qt Anna Prized, deceased J ij hereby given that the sub - ObtainedfromtheOrphani* Court of Carroll bounty,’ letters Testa men i tary on the personal estate df Anka Entz I ell, late of Carroll 1 county. Md...deed; AH r persons having claims against said (istaie>art ) hereby warned to exhibit the aaind with th( r vouchers to the subscriber within six months 5 from this date, Otherwise they may by law be s excluded from the benefits of said estate.— ¦ Those Indebted ire requested to make im mediate payment. 1 'in. o: ~ JOHN e. FRIZELL, dec7-4t. a Executor.® ¦¦¦¦ ¦ -^5 Great Improvettieutln Sewing | - machines, f: Empire Shuttle Miaeliinc. t ifale&r-oem, 53 § J&madtcny, v i. 250 Washington Sf./hoston. . 921 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Patented February 14, 18G0. fTSHIS MACHINE is constructed on en- X tirely new principles of rpeqhanism, pos- sc sang many rare & valuable improvements, .having been examined by the most profound and pronounced to be . Simplicity girf^m^cfan^mriined! ¦ It has a straight-needle, , perpendicular asiiftasrti . i CVerydesermJioriTtfWaterial, from ', Leather to the finest Nansofik Muslim *vith 1 oottoh.ljnen or silk the coarsest to W'ifipdgt’ number. ! Havinftneithar CAM tfe ! and r ihe feast possible fricjSun, it smooth as glass, and i? emphatically a ; NOISELESS .MAbuiKJB! a : p requires fifty per cent. loss-pOwer to A girl twelve years of age can wq*t ily, without fatigunarmbpr to health; n hr- Its strength and. wopdertul "StipldtT haf construction, readers it to get and is guaranteed by the satisfaction. r , -j themMves with aeupetior xan^n t^*is riv;uif ' ri fm h&f hovrts i Hnsfriidiow is sufficient io mdtib tiMy peris&h. fo’Oorlt 'ikis MdcMnetO theh- entire satisfaction: A,^ ED for towns in the -hto consignments' made EntyitiiScviing gotXikem/'gflo , 19( 19j| Jjgf 0 r.n i - TWO MULES^^ s°f vj. >. ¦ . D J { m- TREIStRV RHPARTMEKT.. , Office CowrßQLLmijirfßE Ocbbenct. 1 y D. C., Oct. 28d, 1805. / TT is helbby certified that fhe Bank 6f 11 Westminster, located in-tbe-City of West- -uiinstr,'66jmtydf Carrbll, State has been converted into a National Banking Association under the pro visions of .an Act “an Afctip provide ajNdsofial JCaT|- rency sefrifeiTuy a pledge of 'United Statffi , Bonfis, and to provide for th|) ;yculation mid redeption thereof. approved June 3d, lfo4, with the The Mpion National Bank of Westm^Her;* 3 and certificate authorizing Jwnikin® AssocaffiAn to commence of is- the pth day-of Odtuber, 1805, from 7 ' LAW COPARTNERSHIP. E. F, GROUT &~REIFSMDER, {ATTORNEYS-ATLAW AND &QU- -11 CITORS IN CHANCERY, Westminster, Mu. TTTE have formed a copartnership in the W pyactipc of. Law in the Courts' of Carroll ahd J 1 Howard Counties, and will ¦promptly attend to all business entrusted to our care. Partijpplar f attentipq paid to Cpl-, , lections and procuring Decrees for the sale of Real Estate. Also, Applications filed for Back Pay and Bounty due hers of deceased soldiers.; t Office adjoining the residence of Chas, T. . BfIFSXIDEK. no3o-tf TOWN PROPERTY ¦ f :. t WILL be SOLD lit PRH'ATE SALE - the : . Yi Mvl B - HQISE and LOT jrectly opposite “GRASS’ HOTEL.” The location is central and the HOUSE a ibstantiah three-story... Frame Building, enpa/qvprahle topurcjiaser. . . = F. H. ORENDORPF. Any in relation to - the above' Property can be' obtained at the office of Chas.B. Roberts, opposite Court House. no3o-tf > w | REAL ESTATE and Collecting: Agency. IETI ¦Westsiixster, Mb., i .... ..... '• Office a( / MilcesdTs Store,: froem 9A.M.t 0 3P.3L, TTAVJNG, made fbr'-4hc prdsecutaou of the business of buying and selling Ileal Estatej (offers Ids services to the citizens of Carroll county w.ho may wish any business transacted in his line-T A large amount of Real Estate always on hand. Persons having property to dispose of wiU find liim the best medium for Its sale. all collections promptly attended to. . dcc7-tf. :>•/ ;. ¦ r i ia llollldayPresents. JUST feceivjjdacewandbeautiful assort- ment' hr Goods, consisting of' DINNER AN!) ijRUAip’AST ’' CASTORS, r Cake Ba-Aetß, Butter Dishes/ Jewelry of all styles, especially for f\ Holliday Lifts. rVIiL AND EXAMINE. H i 1 WM. MOORE, 0 i Few Doors East of the Railroad. - CHODS FOR THE , MaMdays . S of all varieties, Raisins. AlmobUs, Cranberries, Citron, .Wms for Children,*'Toy Whistles, &c, &c, .ipWe varieties. lam prdb IQ< j at'all times to bake of ¦ . manufacture anything in my line at the (Shortest notlT^ .Having juA rran ged a gcfdd assortmenp- ' * t^ in my line for the' ; f Holidays, I W<d flMboctfußw invite a call 5 r ; Ink MARY BLASSfe- J,.' dec2l-4t hoiforTYhe f H()L|)AYS. ,T ¦ 1 ~V- ¦ -j.j ]M T WOULD call ti attention of those. 18 X needibg goods for We Holidays to my n large crf a Toys for j Children, &ci I We .ako Figs/Curranta. Almond Raisins, Citron, ,[ and Fruits in a>d varietv. . XI ; I , Parties supplied at sboctefit - Cake of eveTy kind. uG , aV'E, "fo d -C .-sin lam stiH al the 'cldl will be happy to serve all callers. \ v W|' ¦ rSTJj;.) imUJeB | “¦ -JAmP®'IHvSIJI S B.'-Oysters :j,> style, by experienfeed Caterers c. 1 1 n Tmm t ? \c;- ?5 . ; ssfM&si | HOWARD & DASSAf AV. fFLOUR DEALERS ,r * . {gj Commission merchant^, Jj, the Sale (tf CotttvtHf 'PA>dUce,^ e No. 95 South St., Baltimore ; Ma I',' 1 ',' f | dec2l-6m.* 1 JOHN ! WAMPLER JfJOTJICE ¦ OjFxitE WlJjtFSdih hid’Office aHhe ConlftHduhe' dally/mVrfAA. 91 deo2l-4t r.vl* isdpjaJ to agral , ¦ -TTOOTS AND SHOBBP^-Mens 1 Calf - JD Bodta, also extfa Heotie Kip and Scotch ffi Boots, Boys arid Youths i(fo.y l*o Ladieß , ? Morocco arid-Calf Boots : of -extra grades, £ CRilda superior Balmoral BoOtsy Shoes, &c.‘, V fot'saipibF of >< E S^Geruand.ii: fe . f ayri.4 9Qiia estray. T '•." a 1 *'• i.j 1.7 i bnat .yMurii :pi AME-to the Jm I \J the Subscriber, living on ? .ftb, l the Washington APWftd/f half mile from Bird -flili.' r or about ;jEhe Ist day of* December, R1 |Way SOW. Slie white and.blapk Snot 3 ted, witha cut - I - a^,.31 ,-rt>aN. BECK®, German. 1 A krge twsoffmei -ft Jti of Capes and Muffhj-’frvr sale at lbj price*. ' i ¦ rii ?.>faHcifaHid<kJ . v- y .w>: ¦ ' rTwawsst Subscriber intendSiifc to move West, I (FARM on -wfifeYi K#%Qtr 'Situated [ metweefL" the lifttidStoWfi -J Roads.’ 2 miles from TaneVtown, Gari* a roll County M'd.','; and adjoining lands of I Sterling Galt, Janies and Robert Knox, and others., j 208 mirn jftore or less, under good fencing', laid offin- m Convenient sizecTfields, and in a high mat 4 of cultivation, it|\atihg had over 25,000 brLime thereon within the last few y4ars. This Farm is well wpicrcd. Having ; £wo never-failing Springs ofWww l teskr the or. There is an excellent .AftWNG ”OI?CHARD of every Xanety TteeS[ vrttb Pea&fi Pear, A|/f!ps' Plqte, 'and- J&eSprL , TJSere is a sufficient 'quantity of 4 liir’V j * TOOIMjAND, also quantity bfexcellentMEA DOW LAKD. ;(, ; ThelmpioXeteentsconsist of a ROUGHCAST 'v-'i D WELLIHG tWOSEi::^. a large Weatberboanded/ q, SHED, 7 •SMO&E &KISE j -i necessary out-lmildipgs, a./' -’; * 'ifi n P seU rWQjpoqq., £tsu,a hm t ioaafi ii woop containing eabhncßOUß AND Aft HALF- j ACRES, m’o’reorfesti [situated near* Sett's j' Mill. Any person tvisbfcg! tt> sdlaw the propy erty can dbsodriany trtic. Possessongiton i April ! st. - BSy Terms made known on day x>f: sab?.. 'vdi SAMUEL NiUMi ~ d nok(Mk*iM qgi d [York Gazette copy ts andsetfd laUtotthiS- office for collection.J Xi L H ' ¦ <.• L ,to c. ¦ ).. iv snnL 1 ’to r <h —rise ? ijOW TO SAVE MQNEXJPIo inuso-yuf XJL uf <ie rffr./J, 'V:; ,p .Jiliw oil , Bit THE BABD 1 OP MARBLE 3Aif..,, -, fl7 >] ’The times are hand; yoifid'llHc td know Ho-* wop mayrsane yoiiß dolUmsjs. ; ,q n i g.i -i The teraytei dd it t will-show, : If you willkead what fdllowsjnlir.; F.V. ! i r d j . A man who lived not far from here, ,n Who worked hard,at his tfadtyafn -. .>>; oil But had aehousehold to support 'to , That sqikndercd alLlfr JiadeO T ;•¦; J / him once* says he,- “My friend,, ; . ' I look threadbare aad I'ough; ’iduit a . , * I; ve tried to get myself a suit; . >v. ~a ii: . Ratdari't save up' endoglk-Ve* I'm ¦u-’ai or L ¦ omd -'os ¦¦ paieatfn' r Savs I, ‘ify ttiend,; how .iauebi L I'll feliyou to-go •: w *q > Aml - To get a suit that’s sound and cheap-7-'., - ( p-. . At SMITH - BROTHERS & CO. f ¦. > : -t-i- , n ts.ibt.-r) baa'.. ! 'o—B He took whai little he hod saved tu. ,;b; - And went to Smith & Brothers, . . And there ho zpt For halfiie t ald td ‘others." '*• * ¦ifhwjie is home; he_looks '• And their respect is such, That when thev take their daily mhals 0 They don’t eat half so much. ‘<B i .a i .p e*JTOJ2Br.;n And now he finds on Saturday night, i With all their wants supplied, That bg left to.fpgndy r \ \\ And some to lay aside. j ,m;a-' /.p-.k jr.mxv.ok k .His good success, with cheerful He-gladly...teds*tp -all: , v.'’.’*. 1 ‘lf yomd save money, go ahd htf - 'Your clothes , ing Hm(. goha^ r W had to knit every teste &nd[in dybry eWtc. at 51 38 and. l< L j*mk tWA DENTAL CARD. Dr. CUARLGS . ' d : :t. K Vq N;T°t ; , Oo VO or wiOl (m $ K \ vxi ;-d t . J k ¦'¦’’QP-FIOE—CfARftOLti Wcsfmiasfer, 31 <l. He will also visit the following places, viz,; Union Bridge. —lst Wednesday .of, .teach. •''month from noon to.Farid3ydjPw (I New u Windsor. c *-2td - Wednesday of'ea^i- ; month from Ooon to Friday,aAH- Mb n t Utfiontmm. —3rd : Wednesday each month. ; friim noon to Fciday afterimbEu . | - 1. ; ' until iaHowing. '.ifE - j dec7*lyv ban Jaatvoqfair jo'S mocnavis jon;. ¦ -.'j ¦¦¦¦fUaufi- bna i ir. a : Fair I Fair ! Fair ! . p ¦ i THB.bbcrality generOjUfa rkSnflly extended;at..our. Fair twqveofs, sjrce, to aid in the erection oTa Cathonff Chch at. thißq)lßee,kh s ¦ -ahother ; , ! ¦'HsH'a'tWestiptestCß, copteiqteng QU { ha- mm*& .2isx;,oß ; dggoHWßkß.; ,?m'—' A*%bj*.thcjippny elegant to he-ofibye4 ,iq a jgdradid; SUvm- Tea Sej^>. .for cpffjte,. J&gm; Grover cS* •. i worked] an Opera Sobj ’^ver (pastors, Spoons asd^Fp^fsp-fourelegan- Silk.Qujlts and a great variety of other mat " tprial,.together 'tv'ith' &' lifrge stssortfiieHf m I)rejs .goods’ fb’t yOHrig Rtid o\d. *’PonfficKtjn- ery eyery" variety,’ice Create, Oystei-s, and eatables WgStehtiyto be hade' 1 i c n i T 7 900 ..-J. •SRO.B-,ir <00/lr j . I 'll'< mHlqga ming r,j ¦We/bidg'o ;(I mMI Jo ¦¦ J _ ftYHE Snbscxibor sell at Jinva^a, palpi' ® * tt Valnable-Fhrmofc L .kaJ llmriw . fcal# froitf ‘i\ steriVheTdrnpikorilitoihgithrcKigh iha’farau. The l\pd is under excellent cultivation. The [; buiWife arfegbWJy smdte thtdmAgbfordhr. . i i: Poiste&fen giveh 'Ptetas-iaittadi. HyckG.nH>itu Ij y on 6reeh Street, in rear of Odd &lXd^s[ de -y h AKOmH ,aLMVg %AV ¦ "nFoEtBETOSSA^sTT" 1 CTPTCES, Raisins,"" CTamntg:- “Sttperiot Ba&iig : dec2l. •Vitf’MiW EiKGdmand 1 $, in' i >—tiki iTTA jl LLkinds of Job Vdik * I A^t6e^BiMocß*i!cAirebc*tteiafflbtt 13 “¦- ..nir.rh; , ¦ VALUABLE AT PUBLIC SALE. - [ t> r^ifeS^STwifeS^KSSStli T) of Cflhid Marshall, l5Je of Raltyoore V W W # ordejf o/theOrp <<?teHpf said County, arc i naerslOTed.tesEsWmPffof satoContaa i 'ft MOWZ>AY, Jxtntmry Sth, 18G6, S' A. M., .1 •; v [;i, Tft 5 Valuable rroperty on i hich the said Conrad MarHiall resided at tl e time of his’death, r m'. a ¦ -’ A S id Real Estate is situated part in Balti- ¦ moi s Coufttyand part ¦* Oarroll Coontyp * adjc ntng the county' road: fleading from Hat pstead to Beckleysville, aboui l| miles fror thftpriueftf *nd 2i mylea from the iaßte* pla< s, cOiitaMcte' 44 Squ re Petolliof L A'N : lJjj more or 1 of v iich about d ijeres are;in a :res in-3keaiSow;and the bidteic#, Atebloj Ear I in a good*state of-cultivaubti, fsaivi- ded nto convenient and '.dnder good fen< ng. *7’;- A 55JA 'fttterOvements consist o >sfjj A domfortafale LOG wea herboarded. So .feet longby-2| wit) a the whdre^lefigth-Tif the luilding, aiog-Barn, Granary, Ho se, a CaVe, two; HonSibs -And’ oth r nedessaly ¦pht-bteioii^sp'aQ ; jn good %ep ir, wSInS Teni Water near tite SMEaA large and thrifty APPcK o KGriAft!), of differ- ent rarietie'S, of cxOblvent f -io;.!o h/' r ,; i substantiallybu\lt,HlLL : B i AYL ? I<W#-''. ing ibout 3J Acres of grdmnd, oft r Miphy's , ajji&tef failing slVeaYh, supplies the ' |§® .Miich is high, 40 |eet long feet wkj?> 'the fewer * story built of e, 1: a fraine.- weatherboardeA,'; r ¦pin 1 2 pair atonis. lids blervators, stent'tea* ¦' ;chi e, hbcl otHdr, mbdjfeni' ito{k , o r bte^titS J l is* in ! sod repair. and'Tias ' an excellent rhn ef ,cps om at this time. '• Ibe Tfettbs, as prescribed'by 'the^\Contt, : ' are is follows! ' (fee-third of thp pnrehak; mo ey shall be paid by the pufChasOrfto the* pm ersigdei?,'' On-the day of-Sale, araa thu rat ication thefedf'hMiho Court‘aforosAid, X)i balanee irt twb equal annual payments f bes -ing Iptetesl from the day of Sale. 'Hie ere lit payteertts 1 to be secured by The notes fflf he pqrtSmgdr, with security to be ap- I prdk'ed bythC’-ExeCutorp (or, ifdeaired, the [wh de of the pSrChase money can be'paid' , ipi: ledMely upon the ratification of the Sale •by heGonrtj. J*i i i Aor rat 1 will be given on the Ist ; da; of Apyil next.-and upon the payraent otf- (he whole of tl# purchase raonter the undetff rig ied : \vhl Execute i’ good and sufficient tit! s, fi-fee from alf incumbrances.* a .1. 1 Persons desirous of viewing the! PI OPERTY' lyeftire tho dnv of Sale will p}c ise call oU ilia Yvicloik of Conrad Ma'r- shi 11, residing on the premises, who will tali 3 pleasure irfriihwVng the same. , )’ > HENRY E. RELTZ, ¦- <ecl4-ts ’Executor. F ÜBLIC SALE OF valuable Woot> lots. ¦ -• V" 1 ¦"¦-< > M-.'--: -;h.G . ' ’HE SuVseribdt-. witi ariPnblrc Skfej on the [premises, situat ed iu Manchester Di trjetj. and lying bn foarfleadr ' .inf from, Manchester Jb , Bh'chfean’s;’ 'Mill; 1 , an 1 abbuCthree- of a ipife ffoitx 1 Mmi- ! chi ster, on M>nda’/. fJ<r l*f dan of Jaifitan/. I'SOC, ,Ni ic Splendid “Wood Lpte, witli ex- 'ce lent growth,pf-Hicko it, .heavy thrifty W nte Qjik, Slack Oak, ' Chcstrtnt' Oak and Cliesfntit 1 . —The iJafifl'is-all of good quality. Tile Lots are described' as follows: Lot 550 S 1 cdnfeihs'2 r Acres, % Roods, fe Per- chfes. , Lot,N'o contains 2 A’dres, 1 R6od, Perches.*' Lot No 3 cqntains' ‘2 v> AdrcS, 2Pguchps. Lot No 4 contains 2 Acres, 2 l Rbods, 53 Perches.".,Lot.No 5 contains 2’ Aires, % Read's,: 33, Ecrches. [ Lot con- ! da|ns2 Acres,' 2 Roods,’ 17 Perches; Lot' Np 7-contains.2 Acres, 1 Rood..l6Perches:; lit No S’contaferiS Acres, Pqrehes. , Lot No P contains 2’ Acfw'f 3' Rfco^,7Pcrd^.; di flMPldl of Lots will be shown at [grty time, and will be exhibited on day of The Subscriber, livlnginil^jchestejr,, Will cheerfully,show the premises to U pepd §dnsdesiring toiyiew them. .56 Sale to commence at 12. p ; clock, M*? I- - Terms made known .on,.day of. sale. ¦ Adam smiwßß. id jaeewrgt* Henry MoHer, AuHirmeer. Ciounty Commission eir a’ Bf otjee! V -.,'T till . ¦ Tlr; j. I ''HE Conhty Commissioners fbr j (^ar r bTl T I Cbuhl/' VilLin'eet' at thciif -da ‘iVvestminstCr, oh tHe' First MoxbaY ok ¦Tax uary, * 1860, for v tlie . tvpnsaction of business. '9 J By Order,y<v>kl x. ->A iV 1 - t s -A . LEVI VALLXTIXE. ¦[ Nov 30;—tm Clerk. 1 PEREMPTORY NOTICE ; A LL persons' indebted' to FRaxcis H. 9|9bxdokff, arc heireby notified that ,tf mdy do- not, -on or before the- First da# hf Ffebrnan/, '.or propprPr 1 sdeai-e ihete, IhaPtHe rfnddrsign- 1 bd, who has thenr -fpr Colldcfibri: will hntoe-'\ Aiatcly thereafter brifig s 'Hits' foritheTriWCiW-O fefy. , *-; f 'iW.A. BAUMGARTNER. ¦ . -Lj !/.u m. .~.:c .iiirL.- ; >f li—<,i lio. POSITIVE NOTICE, i": n : .’-fitci drloJr. nrr+roi r.os.Ubi' a iiix - ®® d ; lAj persoae; iadohtcd’io.r. MAiaufeiA Heitjxa, ftether by Ntee.w. Book Accounts, are hereby acAkfedrLhfd. said r.-dabna ransJli peid, Kw-properiy sCcarfel, on .-or before the First dap .tf, .E&rfmTf 'H9t y otherwise the -same-,wdl be dteteeted by law; las the Estate of Mm. Mathias, ifidst be closed., n Its Loos A.A. RAUMUARTNE^ ; d 'Nov. 30,—-4ht '• -- ¦¦ -. - J ¦ . , G | WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. 3 f gYfr •_ -a> ! On and after MONDAY, December 11th. iaesMs.‘>! sbt.tefl i)B tek- riofii Leave Westminster at 5:40 A. M. dnd 9 L > q^Oi4clla^ls^)M;, and 3:30 P. M. jSa& "*9Z mhP I IMPROVED 3IETAL-TOP LAMP \\Z OEMBTRJTS 1 T7OR P.eteb B- Mixesell, Sole ] JO Agent Ydrk 'UbtepWny ; will ! not break or crack from sudden changes of . last ViMm wbrnhAtite used, ; ibe furnftllied'st iTP timear!^ n 6ie ! Adbfectiber [ jat New York¦ Wholesale Freight and !¦, tow.n-uroi?pji¥t,a.t PRIVATE SALE. The site is one of.the hsklrnttett 'Section 0 r Town. Lots singl; or win surf the purchaser. Th property fronts on tiro Streets, and i has ai Allffirdn the rear. .1 A w d-mv* i,. \rAp?k . John mm®, i1 a&U-n 'r - r * ‘* u " *•' w’cr'i' 'treat £ cfldt Tilted beqxm ¦ < ¦ * - f’* ‘Vr AA/xn J>art m and ’yn both sides of the Baltimore, ReisteVs- fow£xand Hanger tampiko, fro tat tffeTown of same off in Lots suitable for'Builtfiog or Farming purpose* to suit .purtlbafiertF? andwiff crßans I the following'detdrfttflLdts’bii' adtto alto* j Mild##, the Ist dayaf \ A- tOT 'M I 4•* i ~ . . .. - •¦• i -uuqtn of asp4*n hi i SUCRES OF LAJfJ). more 'foufe**; . and fronts sbnte 40 Rodsdn sMd'Turtibfß'ef 1 ' A*kmZ toWFitm m-szas&to. ., # -H.’j.; :o bun .uoitoolx* ij ,on it, a new BARN.lately, built, some. 40 - feet front,, and < excellent wdVflf Wbter, never fading, add also an excellent; ... *.• i>; . |0 >.t. v Apple Orchard, in of choke Fruit, and' •• other Fruit. itt-uf" -> 5 -a more <w lesfe, tod has an Wof-lfet to 'shad Tump'kb Sbttd some,6o febt front,' and;has : aWo a' LOG 'HOUSE Oh itptmd a Spring of TreesDO’SlP'l to ad/- msy r.a aoon " n ' -CeWlmW t ariifrTliild I 8 Acres', 1 ' Rood and G Perches of raore orM and haatolutJe(6r!FiAHc, ; Read oft& Rods. Jr-na'c *d bh.'oefa ¦ , No. 4 CoWiiß‘* : nt*Jr * more <ir less, and has a front on said; Turn- a Jtike p. - bn,* unbir;aqG*o3Hi li ;Lot No. b-CbntaW -oiboaT * rfibro >or less, andias a frbht to said Tr- 'ftipe Road sopF 1.27 .Rods, and has. some Fhiit Tcees on k. u*- . , .i , y •itda, i m / , ' 6‘ Toiitaius * , ‘JA&fA 1 T IX) vTl.l .swf <'f t'i T;; -vj¦*. uri *r ,y-a* .1 2 .^ort*r,: 1 Rood & 17 Perches of Land, loss, mIA has fr front fb; sdid' 31frn i! * wkeß‘oa‘4 solfilW Kofts, and also' pas hr- .LOG DWELLING on it, and also ISffle Fruit Trees of choice Fruit . ¦ '' •'" >3 L ' i‘''l m i ¦ ,r- Ui ~ 1 1 ,i>; .’luj.' 3 I At the same time T will offer another Tnjct , ' of Land, ,&ituatefd. about ahalf a mile.Bbnth West from.the above Lots; jiart and , port ,clm:ed Land, which I have laid off in , Lots, viz: Lot No. 1 Contains .- v ; Vn; fi ¦ .U' r t .-mite-mii: ?.•. . n Jh- it ACRES, 3 ROODS and 3 PERCfIKB f ,of TIMBER LAND;’ tooto' or iessj i iai& is about 100 yards from tbe 'turnpikb’ Road.’ Tot No. ’2 joirts No. 1. and Contains 2 ACHES , 2 nOOJ)S y r.S PERCHES OF WOOT> LAXD. more or less. •Lot 3, joins Wood Lot No. 2 k Contains 7 ACRES and 34 PERCHES of Vetoed on; o/i-l '.Land,; raoreforlfijs. ; i , ,na 'U *’¦ > All riew call on iby Ityes oh isaid property', and lie'wiffgiirelhem aft tHemfoii- 'niatSonthey vJimtttbdtft* t’W‘£k)tsj : 'oS>A the l ' 1 ¦3iibJdriber; liviim' 'bbafi ShaftibtfrgoP's .• Mill, i oh the Weslefti Md.- Rtdlrblid.* ' >d a< -hr i Sale'to ebfritWence'WTO o'cJpdypA. M.oid Terms \nade *ort day oil' I' -< h r ¦ ¦ dec7:ts. fy .3m; eatWnj,: Wi ~7 i ; it s~s aMt " [ ?p -r.ii ire ¦•!-¦ !•¦'r-;QF -, ;:m vino ; v H(] -ttEAl’-U STATE.-i ' .71230 'fr.a ?L} V..1 . 4 i K7l s ¦ T>Y. virtue of a dearee 'of tUb 1 iffi.dulmE. Smith, Jadgeof- the Girco j fCoifrtifoa-Harroll Court ; I iof Equity.? the undersigned. as. yilL > seU SALE, ON/flUh) PR^MT 1 "SES, : ~.9 j iyj d, 93r j ! On .&ttkrdajjt, Pteembet'§Qtfi, 1865) 'i: f At l Aeldek, P. Mjj " 'tj .zeeVoh KtiA oao . f.n*j, ; >,{ .-•fi’TpbvJ!Ja vT...of j;f-, 9r! n V L A- 1\ 1) w ' .’ : ThcT mprovement s consisfofi' ' t'OG Dwelling Bouse, FRAME BARN; iW.ORK: SH’OT, &c, 1% FIELDS are otHivonjenUy Jaid off. and well sujtoUed-wdth water. There is an ORCHARD,', on the! and from 10 to , covered with TIMBER. 1 This FARM situated in rniontown District, 2 or ,3 mile* from apff abot,mia!haif;mlltl from, 1 Mans’) Mih,'aud,ia oouveaient to Churches^, . (MiHdi Schools,-^C.• -h,.:;,v t CoiiA lij '' ¦ The jLand is,goqd gtatc of cnifr- 7 L Thisfftpopcrty ianow m ,thc ocqupa^cy-<^. ; Nbah Fonnw/uli, ihose desiqng;tft;view.|L ¦¦ t C, utC Jter possession of the Land will be.jjsm immediotdj'v; JSh£d . ,# .Wq, r .T THE TERMS OF SALE, by the Court, are f nn ( day of Sale, or the QNrEv THIRDcIb twelver months, ana the other L ONE-.THJRD in two yearsffrqm the dftf off ; Payments to be secured by from day of'e/’ t :m&st . ¦imJsl'JtlLrr CjA&SQ>r ZL T Qn tkc mm&da& m ffa sow ttffaai, Jj ¦ ¦ : Hfey %Ri ¦ M ’i.vwn. g mB , ' I ~-• ¦• > qoo Acrhs 'MbyFor'!fes#utr(r;, ip the occupancy oflfff'. s®dhgeSi ; ;: The Hohk Thbre WORK and _ This balancetwelve frtto ’day of j ?. deeT | B P- CT & AttOTOeys;, TT ON. Peter IV. Crainj of Baltimore city, { ' -the Circuit Court 1 g k-^ 5 d^^ td /; ; j y them V r . i *w * wt-> •.*! •..•;• - to! -.xthiV. h'<!t sdOfiD !*} J ! miwgOC e’lwptA mo-tf lOLI K7I 1865 AOyiM6, JCwiaat* .a Aw E. K WHMMW Offers to tbe examination of tM Puhlic i tA I large'toff Well ¦ . X *>* stock m-imm** ' 'feed for the m^Mde, *j: ,apjd will embra&AlfiflPiSW Tol- .^ ig^! DRY GOODS, , , j - lwo- ¦ N\)TIONS, bflß <lswii 9 ' mm 1 jrmwmMtf-heL VVj ; . . QUEENSWARE, lIV BOOTS, SEmtUMfa OILS, ¦ GROc^nfifi,:;; iVtA-U of which whV jaarket rates. ,7f r> > Call and y,eJ.!efore; f no3o-tf corner SASH, BLIND, tiOOr AND l ;Purniture S*actdty; SHORE, Tf/fAIN StreeL'Westoillthe tave ; if I on hand and Manufacture to ojd r SASHES ? oiw Jbaa .fiysirooTO d: p f I ' BLTMiXS, .’mod mhd ,¦/. POin 7.,. n/ivipc lsCib : ! lit yea - traa every article a Bailamg. n everystyte- and vanity. ’' feving had- ia our frud- .pessi we feel satisfied in saying we Can, sell ’our (JBdßm thbir licWfalae^ }]i?i aiv"h mbisrq a&ro odl ~ axil ofodw lud T ‘il->gtid II iw *WSISFr i* aT oh n-J r 4 , 6chqoj, •XA. Sdioolptatibnery. Blank and Memo- randum fe; TMtfefJlJM > and Note Papers, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, Ac, vuJ Harpqr ! s - 1 * J ' ; ins. G6dby , y?^dy i w lyJk Lady’s Friend, MadamDeHyqrßt’aßjfJp.,^ L , Of Fashions. , , , •pkotograpK 1 Albums ! Phofoafaph At&uliii^l A hatUlsome assortment? of-Photograpb ; Afr?o bf holding 12tfr?900TidtoMttijiia lo modi nan vo ¦ £ Picture ddt II (lyti Rosewood and Walnut, all sizes. Syfrrtd* . adli moi modi hfiwi&b od , i 0003 ® n t i>am f •ufo? dso.Tiil uor 13 iflpiSr Shtil'tiww *?• j - c s >m sif>. 1. ; or .all ydnfi:vcf>iO‘ . lie! vLU 1 fa" l bae >oix .if u LOW .oiaiog mwa / * oi ebxfrdr.f not Boa, 3?d) si6idi,i,-w?umm ¦ .WA tSdisAjl'ill—Tone ¦ > Alake antf Triiu (sood, l la tl#Je^ fi Sest 8 4f5ffe, RAVS^dT XAmnat '' anisod , -,,- aorvq Bp V bf'o£B BMW orit tidiin Javaalways kept on hand. /canfteh**. A,.aiv\* oi ' as ,hlol 01a aw y.ldi i:- oaiq r sm ¦“¦'<'* '> dnotno odl sr. aoou es had noino >1 nH alwafv-s ow hand. d id Cut _JteS*;A £ efiW*is yi<}v4cffdllyroqtoetod* idh/J edi I 7 1,,? od-t oan iforT 'jfLmo -nq aidt -vwpnmicj- Coun*eU*f jfr rc t £! . vwaaji dfoiffb LAW, BL£LDINGf BTi 7sat<i99sf ’tf> ai>om TMr.' mflhdSeffW f Lhbil* Wui > Adtocus* iqiaib ' T Woftsaoh si olqu 1 Bobtori mida **^6-:. ed ' - atfe Ohtrebyi notified -t*,.! -Jthe ! sam^ a ov-,”par hto ,vi oob t oT*od II odo Audi io w oils €HAfttES i, fIOB£RTS, ; , ifrOTMiwsah^-^ofii , t \ ~&poo* fep#.de9i! ,13|0/ w :;.| ;i f 4hoH odl ,os vheaa to .Kamil IL. la aid, !flSH€R;frSCHffßk,i * Id- y o A‘kf¥% 1 it'Jir'j;W; ll . attend lo all bunneas entroitafr to torfK. lf r^f E^ b ? |rr 0 '-sniipiß l i - ¦LJ are offaaad halaTT ¦gmer Main ani ¥ c * fertitfpo t sai^^wgy 7||i ° Sd^Jala

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Page 1: The Democratic advocate (Westminster, Md.) 1865-12-28 [p ] · 2017-12-14 · cent of the co.fftcrfeit fitly cent notes are so well cufcvted that they are like- ly to Jjceive eVeiMhebaat)

cent of the co.fftcrfeit fitly cent notes

are so well cufcvted that they are like-ly to Jjceive eVeiMhebaat) \ “experts.’'The following inforun*ion willbe founduseful in aiding our refers to dietedthem:—Tbs' cottiaS&arfeil T& aEotf aseightbfbfair incdPlrteKiKii tiJPge#nine. words “United States” inthe counterfeit are not quite as clearlydefined as in the genuine. The swordheld by the female in the vignette ap-pears as a,white streak in the genuine.Ib the counterfeit it is more heavily en-

graved. Under the word “and” in theright upper corner there is a flourish inthe genuine which is entirely'absent, ittthe counterfeit. This last defect is oneof the simplest mean£ of4 detecting 1 thebogus notes. •

Petite Meeting in 3ltßr York.—The New York correspondent of the Phil-adelphia: ledger writes r-*—‘H/eading H&}publican politiciaup. takipg their evefrom Washington, are initiating tiepreliminaries ofk pubic -meetlag at theCooper Institute on Monday eveningnext. Democrats* as well' as administration men, will be invited to parti-cipate. Among the speakers will beHon. Henny perhaps,Hen. Jas. Broors. Thi!?- Movementwill, no doubt, impel the radicals to

get P MM#oti^^^r-demon-stration.


At the residence ofthe bride’s father, onthe 19th instant, by the Rev. H C Holloway,Mr. Adam GRA.s<ftoMlsii Lavra ORjmbink,both ofthis County.

On the 30th ofNovember, in Taneytown,by the Rev. NFGihfi, Mr. JiPdlIH Koo.vrz |to Miss Phoebe Kiser, both ofthis County. I

On the 19th ofDecember, in the Ger. Ref.Parsonage, in Taneytown. by the same, Mr. ISamuseH. Crawford, of. Frizzlesburg,. to]

MARTHARahman, of New Windsor. . 1On the 14th instant, by Rev. W M Mcra-

minger, Mr. Solomon Penn and Miss Epith

Ann Pickett,' both of this County. v<

DEATHS.On the 10th of Decoipber, near , Frizzles-

burg. Peter Hesson, aged JB2years'4 monthsand 25 days.

On the "thofDecember, at Union Bridge,.George Washington Crabbs, agod29 years8 months and 15 days.

At Myersville, this County, on the 12thinstant, of Consumption, AHthony Myers,aged 31 years 6 months and 2 days. ;

Departed this life on the 9th of December,after a long and painful illness, Levi T. Bek-nett, aged 50 years.


The advertiser, having been restored tohealth in a few weeks by a very simple reme-dy, after having suffered for several yearswith a severe lung affection, and that dreaddisease, Consumption—is anxious to makeknown to his felioW-sdffeters the means ofcure. i

To all who desire it, lie will send a copyofthe prescription nsfed ’(free'with the directions for preparing and usingthe same, which they will find a sure Curefor Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,Conghs, Colds, and all Throat and LungAffections. The only object of the adver-tiser in sending the Prescription is to benefitthe afflicted, and spread information which

• he conceives to? be invaluable, and; he hopesevery sufferer will try his remedy, as it will

tU no*i>;p. ond may prove a blessing.Panties wishing,the pcwpnptuop, by

return, mail, will please address .Rev. EDWARD A7WILSON,

Williamsburg, Kings' Go.NewYork.dee2B*ly v s nil v ,

•’ iRROIIS OP YOUTH.A'Hentlcnlau for yedrS from

Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and-ailthe effects ofyouthful indiscretion, will, forthe sake ofspffermg .humanity, send free toall who need it, Ine recipe 'and directions formaking the simple remedy by which he wascured. Sui&rbra wishing to profit tby theadvertiser’s experience, can do so by ad-dressing .6a.r. AQHN B. pGpEN, . ?

No. 13 St., New York.'dec2B-ly

t STRAWCE, BIT TRI EEvery young lady and gentleman .in the

United States crii hear something vervmuchto their advantage by return mail ;ofcharge,) by addressing the undersigned.—*-Those having fears of being humbugged not noticing this card. AH, others,will please address their obedient servant,

THOS. F. CHAPMAN,831 Broadway, New .York. :

dj2B-lye < - -fo-Cmu, ' K ; t:m W)J ;

TiK^ritoßß'.t::ntt' West Butt eroee^v

undersigned beg leave to inform theX ekizdnsfof Carroll coanty that they Kdve

opened a GROCERY AND PROVISIONSTORE in. : ¦Westmjnster, ;• jaeax Mr. J. faReifeniders fUra -at .the West. End, andhave on hqpd the best. Meats, Sweetand lrish Potatoes, Catsitp/Pickles; KfoUt,Mifree Meat, Oystfer#, FVnits of all kinds,Sn£fe, ¦ Coffee,. M CattlePowders, Cheese r every artiolein the grocery ,hno. ,

worthpf-yotil- mtmey. TlSrti-att profits tand. ..

80S at.l'sfSSt 8$

for rent.T-^f£,-4ftairfY!;rir h'


n>ossess *on lPv ®n on the firstof April


"TeSS"" B c °-> “•

pAME to the residence oC^aa***®^

!? Westminster,



¦kwtvt mtmkReceipts, Ac. Xhe.Pppket Book was foundabout two mileS' tfbgrmv Westminster. Theowner can have the property by paying forthis advertisement.-ana iHai>imcgTifirsMrßYfia

Union Mills P. 0., Carroll county, Md.


No. 850I q 4 : •.pri', j• i i h

Lithe Circuit Court fir'Carroll countyIsaiah E. Mehring&pthtk \ /~NRDEBED

her 1805, that the Audit_Xd in the abovecausebe &nßlly end tifirm.ed, contrary be 6hA,lon 0r beforethe 1M day of January, JR., Provided acopy ofthis order bepaper printed, in Carroll cpunUor two suc-cessive weekp previous to the lAnamed dav

WM. A. McKEvjp QjjjTrue copw-^Test^, \

In the Circuit Cmhf or Carroll county sEll Fuhrman and o\rs v JIDEREDa T r 1,

VS'f A fV/ this 18th,

Ameha Fuhvman & Q% J day of Decem-ber, -1800, that the Audfc]ed m the aboyecause be finally ratified unconfirmed, unlesscause to.the contrary bet.wn on or beforethe uth day of January, W); Provided acopy of this order be p*;shed in somenewspaper printed in Caku county, tqrtwo successive wgeks prgA g to the lastnamed day. ' * 7,


WM. A. McKEijip, cik.1 rue copy, —Test:

, ~*l ‘Wm. A. McK,4P ;cik.dec2l-2t. $ . ~¦ ’

Estate of Peter Froun/eltcr, *C eaecl,N|OTfpE is hereby given thafthe’ Sub-1scriber has obtained from thai r phans’

, Court ofCarroll county r letterson the Personal Estate ofPeter F% sfee .

\ teb, late of Carroll county, decease ai>.' persons havingclalms against said esi e are

t hereby warned to exhibit the same ithinL six months from,this date, otherwiseihey

, may by law be excluded from, ail bench[ said Estate. Those indebted are requeued

to make immediate payment. , ; m \

: JOSHUA FROUNFET.TER, \• C dec7-4t.* bf Executor!

;*“? ~'T' •/ ¦-I ,¦ f H<M. V. j

Estate qt Anna Prized, deceased J ijhereby given that the sub

- ObtainedfromtheOrphani*Court of Carroll bounty,’ letters Testa men

i tary on the personal estate df Anka EntzI ell, late of Carroll 1county. Md...deed; AH

r persons having claims against said (istaie>art) hereby warned to exhibit the aaind with th(

r vouchers to the subscriber within six months5 from this date, Otherwise they may by law bes excluded from the benefits of said estate.—¦ Those Indebted ire requested to make im

mediate payment. 1 • 'in. o: ~

JOHN e. FRIZELL,dec7-4t. a Executor.®

¦¦¦¦ ¦ -^5Great Improvettieutln Sewing

| - machines,f: Empire Shuttle Miaeliinc.

t ifale&r-oem, 53§ J&madtcny, vi. 250 Washington Sf./hoston. .

921 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.Patented February 14, 18G0.

fTSHIS MACHINE is constructed on en-X tirely new principles of rpeqhanism, pos-

sc sang many rare & valuable improvements,.having been examined by the most profound

and pronounced to be. Simplicity girf^m^cfan^mriined!¦ It has a straight-needle, , perpendicular

asiiftasrti. i CVerydesermJioriTtfWaterial, from', Leather to the finest Nansofik Muslim *vith

1 oottoh.ljnen or silk the coarsest• to W'ifipdgt’number.

! Havinftneithar CAM tfe! and rihe feast possible fricjSun, it

smooth as glass, and i? emphatically a ;NOISELESS .MAbuiKJB!

a : p requires fifty per cent. loss-pOwer to

A girl twelve years of age can wq*tily, without fatigunarmbpr to health; n hr-

Its strength and. wopdertul "StipldtT hafconstruction, readers it toget and is guaranteed by the

satisfaction. r , -j

themMves with aeupetiorxan^n t^*is riv;uif'ri

fm h&f hovrts iHnsfriidiow is sufficientio mdtib tiMyperis&h. fo’Oorlt'ikis MdcMnetOtheh- entire satisfaction:

A, ED for towns in the

-hto consignments' madeEntyitiiScviing gotXikem/'gflo

, 19(y£ 19j| Jjgf 0 r.n

i - TWO MULES^^s°f

vj. >.¦

. D J { m-

TREIStRV RHPARTMEKT.. ,Office CowrßQLLmijirfßE Ocbbenct. 1 y

D. C., Oct. 28d, 1805. /TT is helbby certified that fhe Bank 6f

11 Westminster, located in-tbe-City of West--uiinstr,'66jmtydf Carrbll, Statehas been converted into a National BankingAssociation under the pro visions Act

“an Afctipprovide ajNdsofial JCaT|-rency sefrifeiTuy a pledge of 'United Statffi

, Bonfis, and to provide for th|) ;yculationmid redeption thereof. ” approved June 3d,lfo4, with the The Mpion NationalBank of Westm^Her;* 3 and certificateauthorizing Jwnikin® AssocaffiAn tocommence of is-

the pth day-of Odtuber, 1805, from

dec2l-.it7 '



-11 CITORS IN CHANCERY,Westminster, Mu.

TTTE have formed a copartnership in theW pyactipc of. Law in the Courts' ofCarroll ahd J 1Howard Counties, and will

¦promptly attend to all business entrusted toour care. Partijpplar fattentipq paid to Cpl-, ,lections and procuring Decrees for the saleof Real Estate.

Also, Applications filed for Back Pay and• Bounty due hers of deceased soldiers.; t

Office adjoining the residence ofChas, T.. BfIFSXIDEK. no3o-tf



- the : . Yi MvlB -

HQISE and LOTjrectly opposite “GRASS’ HOTEL.”The location is central and the HOUSE aibstantiah three-story... Frame Building,enpa/qvprahle topurcjiaser. . . =

F. H. ORENDORPF.Any in relation to - the above'

Property can be' obtained at the office ofChas.B. Roberts, opposite Court House.

no3o-tf> w |

REAL ESTATEand Collecting: Agency.

IETI ¦Westsiixster, Mb., i....


'• Office a( / MilcesdTs Store,: froem9A.M.t0 3P.3L,

TTAVJNG, made fbr'-4hcprdsecutaou of the business of buying

and selling Ileal Estatej (offers Ids servicesto the citizens of Carroll county w.ho maywish any business transacted in his line-TA large amount of Real Estate always onhand. Persons having property to disposeof wiU find liim the best medium for Its sale.

• all collections promptly attended to.. dcc7-tf. :>•/ ;. ¦ r i ia


JUST feceivjjdacewandbeautiful assort-ment' hr Goods, consisting of' ‘


CASTORS, rCake Ba-Aetß, Butter Dishes/ Jewelry of

’ all styles, especially for

f\ Holliday Lifts.rVIiL AND EXAMINE.H i 1 WM. MOORE,0 i Few Doors East of the Railroad.

- CHODS FOR THE, MaMdays .

S ofall varieties,Raisins. AlmobUs, Cranberries,

Citron, .Wms for Children,*'Toy Whistles,&c, &c, .ipWe varieties.lam prdb IQ<j at'all times to bake of¦ . manufacture anything in my line at the

(Shortest notlT^.Having juArran ged a gcfdd assortmenp-

' * t^ in my line for the'; f Holidays, I W<d flMboctfußw invite a call

5r ; Ink MARY BLASSfe-J,.' dec2l-4t

hoiforTYhef H()L|)AYS.,T ’ ¦ 1 • ~V- ¦ ’ -j.j ]M

T WOULD call ti attention of those.18 X needibg goods for We Holidays to myn large crfa Toys for jChildren, &ci I We .ako

Figs/Curranta. Almond Raisins, Citron,,[ and Fruits in a>d varietv. . XI ;

I , Parties supplied at sboctefit -Cake of eveTy kind. uG , aV'E, "fo d -C .-sin

lam stiH al the 'cldl will behappy to serve all callers. \ ‘ v ‘

W|' ¦ rSTJj;.) • imUJeB | “¦ -JAmP®'IHvSIJIS B.'-Oysters:j,> style, by experienfeed Caterers ™ c. 1 1n Tmm t

? \c;-

?5 . ; ssfM&si| HOWARD & DASSAf AV.

fFLOUR DEALERS,r * .{gj Commission merchant^,

Jj, the Sale (tf CotttvtHf 'PA>dUce,^e No. 95 South St., Baltimore ; Ma I',' 1 ','f | dec2l-6m.*


WlJjtFSdih hid’Office aHhe ConlftHduhe'dally/mVrfAA.

91 deo2l-4t r.vl* isdpjaJ to agral ,¦ -TTOOTS AND SHOBBP^-Mens 1 Calf- JD Bodta, also extfa Heotie Kip and Scotchffi Boots, Boys arid Youths i(fo.y l*o Ladieß ,? Morocco arid-CalfBoots : of -extra grades,£ CRilda superior Balmoral BoOtsy Shoes, &c.‘,V fot'saipibF of ’ >< E S^Geruand.ii:fe . fayri.4 9Qiia

estray.T '•." a 1 *'• i.j 1.7 i bnat .yMurii

:piAME-to the Jm I\J the Subscriber, livingon ? .ftb,

l the Washington APWftd/fhalf mile from Bird -flili.'

r or about ;jEhe Ist day of* December, R1’ |Way SOW. Slie white and.blapk Snot3 ted, witha cut-

I -

a^,.31 ,-rt>aN. BECK®, German.

1 A krge twsoffmei-ft Jti of Capes and Muffhj-’frvr sale at lbj

price*. ' i ¦ rii ?.>faHcifaHid<kJ. • v- y .w>: ¦ '

rTwawsstSubscriber intendSiifc to move West, I

(FARM on -wfifeYiK#%Qtr 'Situated [metweefL" the lifttidStoWfi -JRoads.’ 2 miles from TaneVtown, Gari* aroll County M'd.','; and adjoining lands of ISterling Galt, Janies and Robert Knox, andothers., j

208 mirnjftore or less, under good fencing', laid offin-m Convenient sizecTfields, and in a highmat 4 of cultivation, it|\atihg had over 25,000

brLime thereon within the last fewy4ars. This Farm is well wpicrcd. Having ;£wo never-failing Springs ofWwwlteskr theor. There is an excellent .AftWNG

”OI?CHARDof every Xanety TteeS[ vrttb Pea&fi •Pear, A|/f!ps' Plqte, 'and- J&eSprL ,TJSere is a sufficient 'quantity of 4 liir’V j* TOOIMjAND,

also quantity bfexcellentMEA DOWLAKD.;(, ; ThelmpioXeteentsconsist of a


D WELLIHG tWOSEi::^.“ a large Weatberboanded/ q,


•SMO&E &KISE j -inecessary out-lmildipgs, a./' -’;

* 'ifin P

seU rWQjpoqq., £tsu,a hm tioaafi iiwoop

containing eabhncßOUß AND Aft HALF- jACRES, m’o’reorfesti [situated near* Sett's j'

Mill. Any person tvisbfcg! tt> sdlaw the propyerty can dbsodriany trtic. Possessongiton iApril! st. “ -

BSy Terms made known on day x>f: sab?..'vdi SAMUEL NiUMi ~ d

nok(Mk*iMqgi d[York Gazette copy ts andsetfd laUtotthiS-

office for collection.J Xi L H '¦ <.• L ,toc. ¦ ).. iv snnL 1 ’tor <h —rise ?ijOW TO SAVE MQNEXJPIo inuso-yufXJL '¦ uf <ie rffr./J, 'V:; ,p .Jiliw oil

’ , Bit THE BABD 1 OP MARBLE 3Aif..,, -, fl7 >]

’The times are hand; yoifid'llHc td knowHo-*wop mayrsane yoiiß dolUmsjs. ; ,q n i g.i -i

The teraytei dd it t will-show, :Ifyou willkeadwhat fdllowsjnlir.; F.V. ! ir d j


A man who lived not far from here, ,n

Who worked hard,at his tfadtyafn -. .>>; oilBut had aehousehold to support 'to

, That sqikndercd alLlfr JiadeO T ;•¦;

J /him once* says he,- “My friend,, ; .

' I look threadbare aad I'ough; ’iduit a . , *

I;ve tried to get myself a suit; . >v. ~aii:. Ratdari't save up' endoglk-Ve* I'm ¦u-’ai or L¦ omd -'os ¦¦ paieatfn' rSavs I, ‘‘ify ttiend,; how .iauebi L‘ I'llfeliyou to-go •: w *q > Aml -

To get a suit that’s sound and cheap-7-'., -(p-. .At SMITH- BROTHERS & CO. f’

¦. > : -t-i- , n ts.ibt.-r) baa'.. ! 'o—BHe took whai little he hod saved tu. ,;b; -

And went to Smith & Brothers, . .And there ho zpt

For halfiie t ald td ‘others." '*• *

¦ifhwjie is home; he_looks'• And their respect is such,That when thev take their daily mhals 0

They don’t eat half so much.‘<B i .a i .p e*JTOJ2Br.;n

And now he finds on Saturday night,i With all their wants supplied,

That bg left to.fpgndy r\ \\

And some to lay aside.j ,m;a-' /.p-.k jr.mxv.ok k

.His good success, with cheerfulHe-gladly...teds*tp -all: , v.'’.’*.

1 ‘lfyomd save money, go ahd htf ‘ -

'Your clothes


ing Hm(. goha r Whad to knit every teste &nd[in dybry eWtc. at 5138 and. l<


Dr. CUARLGS .' d : :t. K Vq N;T°t

; , Oo VO or wiOl (m $ K\ vxi ;-d t . J

k ¦'¦’’QP-FIOE—CfARftOLtiWcsfmiasfer, 31 <l.

He will also visit the following places, viz,;Union Bridge. —lst Wednesday .of, .teach.

•''month from noon to.Farid3ydjPw (INew u Windsor. c*-2td - Wednesday of'ea^i- ;

month from Ooon to Friday,aAH- Mb n tUtfiontmm.—3rd : Wednesday each month. ;

• friim noon to Fciday afterimbEu .

| -1. ; ' until iaHowing. '.ifE -

j dec7*lyv ban Jaatvoqfair jo'S mocnavis jon;.

¦ -.'j ¦¦¦¦fUaufi- bna i ir. a :

Fair I Fair ! Fair !. p ¦ iTHB.bbcrality generOjUfa

rkSnflly extended;at..our. Fair twqveofs,sjrce, to aid in the erection oTa CathonffChch at. thißq)lßee,kh s

¦ -ahother ; ,

! ¦'HsH'a'tWestiptestCß, copteiqteng QU {

ha- mm*& .2isx;,oß ; dggoHWßkß.; ,?m'—'A*%bj*.thcjippny elegantto he-ofibye4 ,iq a jgdradid; SUvm- Tea Sej^>.

.for cpffjte,. J&gm;


cS*•. iworked] an Opera Sobj ’^ver

(pastors, Spoons asd^Fp^fsp-fourelegan-Silk.Qujlts and a great variety of other mat

" tprial,.together ’ 'tv'ith' &' lifrge stssortfiieHf mI)rejs .goods’ fb’tyOHrig Rtid o\d. *’PonfficKtjn-ery eyery" variety,’ice Create, Oystei-s,and eatables WgStehtiyto be hade' 1 i c;° n

i T 7 900 ..-J. •SRO.B-,ir <00/lrj . I 'll'< mHlqga ming r,j

¦We/bidg'o ;(I mMI Jo ¦¦J_

ftYHE Snbscxibor sell at Jinva^a, palpi'® *

tt Valnable-Fhrmofc L .kaJ

llmriw. fcal# froitf ’

‘i\ steriVheTdrnpikorilitoihgithrcKigh iha’farau.The l\pd is under excellent cultivation. The

[; buiWife arfegbWJy smdte thtdmAgbfordhr.. i i:Poiste&fen giveh 'Ptetas-iaittadi.


Ijy on 6reeh Street, in rear of Odd &lXd^s[

de-yhAKOmH ,aLMVg %AV¦ "nFoEtBETOSSA^sTT"1 CTPTCES, Raisins,"" CTamntg:- “Sttperiot

Ba&iig: dec2l. •Vitf’MiW EiKGdmand 1$,

in' i >—tiki iTTAjl LLkinds of Job Vdik

* I A^t6e^BiMocß*i!cAirebc*tteiafflbtt13 “¦- ..nir.rh;



t> r^ifeS^STwifeS^KSSStliT) of CflhidMarshall, l5Je ofRaltyoore

VW W #ordejf o/theOrp <<?teHpf said County,arc i naerslOTed.tesEsWmPffof satoContaa

i 'ft MOWZ>AY, Jxtntmry Sth, 18G6,S' A. M., .1 •; v [;i,

Tft 5 Valuable rropertyon i hich the said Conrad MarHiall residedat tl e time of his’death, r m'. a ¦ -’ A

S id Real Estate is situated part in Balti- ¦moi s Coufttyand part ¦* Oarroll Coontyp *adjc ntng the county' road: fleading fromHat pstead to Beckleysville, aboui l| milesfror thftpriueftf *nd 2imylea from the iaßte*pla< s, cOiitaMcte' 44Squ re Petolliof L A'N :lJjj more or 1of v iich about d ijeres are;ina :res in-3keaiSow;and the bidteic#, AteblojEar I in a good*state of-cultivaubti, fsaivi-ded nto convenient and '.dnder goodfen< ng. • *7’;- •

A 55JA 'fttterOvements consist o>sfjj A a¦ domfortafale LOG

wea herboarded. So .feet longby-2|wit) a the whdre^lefigth-Tifthe luilding, aiog-Barn, Granary,Ho se, a CaVe, two; HonSibs -And’oth r nedessaly ¦pht-bteioii^sp'aQ ; jn good%ep ir, wSInSTeni Water near tite SMEaA largeand thrifty APPcK oKGriAft!), of differ-ent rarietie'S, of cxOblvent f -io;.!o h/'

r , ; i substantiallybu\lt,HlLL : BiAYL?I<W#-''.ing ibout 3J Acres of grdmnd, ’oft '¦rMiphy's

, ajji&tef failing slVeaYh, supplies the '|§® .Miich is high, 40 |eet long

feet wkj?> 'the fewer * story built ofe, 1:a fraine.- weatherboardeA,'; r

¦pin 1 2 pair atonis. lids blervators, stent'tea* ¦'

;chi e, hbcl otHdr, mbdjfeni' ito{k,orbte^titS J l is* •in ! sod repair. and'Tias ' an excellent rhn ef,cps om at this time. '•

Ibe Tfettbs, as prescribed'by 'the^\Contt, : 'are is follows! ' (fee-third of thp pnrehak; •mo ey shall be paid by the pufChasOrfto the*pm ersigdei?,'' On-the day of-Sale, araa thurat ication thefedf'hMiho Court‘aforosAid,X)i balanee irt twb equal annual payments fbes -ing Iptetesl from the day of Sale. 'Hieere lit payteertts 1to be secured by The notesfflf he pqrtSmgdr, with security to be ap-

I prdk'ed bythC’-ExeCutorp (or, ifdeaired, the[wh de of the pSrChase money can be'paid'

,ipi: ledMely upon the ratification of the Sale•by heGonrtj. J*i i i Aor rat

1 will be given on the Ist ;da; of Apyil next.-and upon the payraent otf-(he whole oftl# purchase raonter the undetffrig ied : \vhl Execute i’good •and sufficienttit! s, fi-fee from alf incumbrances.* a.1. 1 Persons desirous of viewing the!PI OPERTY' lyeftire tho dnv of Sale willp}c ise call oU iliaYvicloik of Conrad Ma'r-shi 11, residing on the premises, who willtali 3 pleasure irfriihwVng the same. , )’ >

HENRY E. RELTZ,¦- <ecl4-ts ‘ ’Executor.

F ÜBLIC SALE OFvaluable Woot> lots.¦ -• V"1 ¦"¦-< > M-.'--: -;h.G

. • ' ’HE SuVseribdt-. witi ariPnblrc Skfejon the [premises, situat ed iu ManchesterDi trjetj. and lying bn foarfleadr '.inf from, Manchester Jb , Bh'chfean’s;’ 'Mill;1,an 1 abbuCthree- of a ipife ffoitx1 Mmi- !chi ster, on

M>nda’/. fJ<r l*f dan of Jaifitan/. I'SOC,,Ni ic Splendid “Wood Lpte, witli ex-'ce lent growth,pf-Hicko it, .heavy thriftyW nte Qjik, Slack Oak, ' Chcstrtnt' Oak andCliesfntit 1.—The iJafifl'is-all ofgood quality.TileLots are described' as follows:Lot 550 S 1 cdnfeihs'2 r Acres, % Roods, fe Per-chfes. , Lot,N'o contains 2 A’dres, 1 R6od,

Perches.*' Lot No 3 cqntains' ‘2 v> AdrcS,2Pguchps. Lot No 4 contains 2 Acres, 2 lRbods, 53 Perches.".,Lot.No 5 contains 2’Aires, % Read's,: 33, Ecrches. [Lot con- !da|ns2 Acres,' 2 Roods,’ 17 Perches; Lot'Np 7-contains.2 Acres, 1 Rood..l6Perches:;litNo S’contaferiS Acres,Pqrehes. , Lot No P contains 2’ Acfw'f 3'

Rfco^,7Pcrd^.;di flMPldlof Lots will be shown at[grty time, and will be exhibited on day of

The Subscriber, livlnginil^jchestejr,,Willcheerfully,show the premises to U pepd§dnsdesiring toiyiew them.

.56 Sale to commence at 12.p ; clock, M*? I- -Terms made known .on,.day of. sale.¦ Adam smiwßß.

id jaeewrgt* Henry MoHer, AuHirmeer.Ciounty Commission eira’ Bfotjee!

V ‘ -.,'T till . ¦ Tlr; j.I ''HE Conhty Commissioners fbr j (^ar rbTl

T I Cbuhl/' VilLin'eet' at thciif -da‘iVvestminstCr, oh tHe' First MoxbaY ok

¦Tax uary,* 1860, forv tlie . tvpnsaction of

business.'9 J By Order,y<v>kl x. ->A iV 1- ts -A . LEVI VALLXTIXE.¦[ Nov 30;—tm Clerk. 1


; A LL persons' indebted' to FRaxcis H.9|9bxdokff, arc heireby notified that

,tf mdy do- not, -on or before the- First da# hfFfebrnan/,

'.or propprPr 1sdeai-e ihete, IhaPtHe rfnddrsign- 1bd, who has thenr -fpr Colldcfibri: will hntoe-'\Aiatcly thereafter brifig s 'Hits' foritheTriWCiW-Ofefy. , *-; f 'iW.A. BAUMGARTNER. ¦

. -Lj !/.u m. .~.:c .iiirL.- ; >f li—<,i

lio. POSITIVE NOTICE, i":n : .’-fitcidrloJr. nrr+roi r.os.Ubi' a iiix-®®d ; lAjpersoae; iadohtcd’io.r.

MAiaufeiAHeitjxa, ftether by Ntee.w.Book Accounts, are hereby acAkfedrLhfd. said

r.-dabna ransJli peid, Kw-properiy sCcarfel, on.-or before the First dap .tf, .E&rfmTf 'H9t y

otherwise the -same-,wdl be dteteeted by law;las the Estate of Mm. Mathias, ifidstbe closed.,n Its Loos A.A. RAUMUARTNE^ ;d 'Nov. 30,—-4ht '• -- ¦¦ -. - J ¦ . ,


! On and after MONDAY, December 11th.iaesMs.‘>! sbt.tefl i)B tek- riofii

Leave Westminster at 5:40 A. M. dnd9

L> q^Oi4clla^ls^)M;,and 3:30 P. M.

jSa& "*9Z mhP I


\\Z OEMBTRJTS1 T7OR P.eteb B- Mixesell, Sole] JO Agent Ydrk 'UbtepWny ; will! not break or crack from sudden changes of

. last ViMm wbrnhAtite used,

; ibe furnftllied'st iTP timear!^ n 6ie ! Adbfectiber[ jat New York¦ Wholesale Freight and

!¦, tow.n-uroi?pji¥t,a.tPRIVATE SALE.

The site is one of.the hsklrnttett 'Section 0

r Town. Lots singl;or win surf the purchaser. Thproperty fronts on tiro Streets, and ihas ai

Allffirdn the rear. .1 A w d-mv*i,. \rAp?k . John mm®,i1 ’ a&U-n 'r

- r * ‘*u " *•'w’cr'i' • 'treat £ cfldt Tilted beqxm ¦ <

¦ * - f’* ‘Vr AA/xn

J>art m and’yn both sides of the Baltimore, ReisteVs-fow£xand Hanger tampiko, frotattffeTown of sameoff in Lots suitable for'Builtfiogor Farmingpurpose* to suit .purtlbafiertF? andwiff crßans Ithe following'detdrfttflLdts’bii'adtto alto* jMild##, the Ist dayaf \

A-tOT 'M I 4•* i~ . . ..

- •¦• i -uuqtn of asp4*n hi iSUCRES OF LAJfJ). more 'foufe**;

. and fronts sbnte 40 Rodsdn sMd'Turtibfß'ef 1' A*kmZ‘toWFitm m-szas&to. .,


-H.’j.; :o bun .uoitoolx* ij,on it, a new BARN.lately, built, some. 40 -feet front,, and <excellent wdVflfWbter, never fading, addalso an excellent; ... *.• i>; . |0 >.t.

v Apple Orchard,in of choke Fruit, and' ••other Fruit. itt-uf" -> 5

-amore <w lesfe, tod has an Wof-lfet to 'shadTump'kb Sbttd some,6o febt front,' and;has :aWo a' LOG 'HOUSE Oh itptmd a Spring of

TreesDO’SlP'l to ad/- msy r.a aoon"n ' -CeWlmW t ariifrTliild I8 Acres', 1 ' Rood and G Perches ofraore orM and haatolutJe(6r!FiAHc, ;Read oft& Rods. Jr-na'c *d bh.'oefa ¦

, No. 4 CoWiiß‘*: nt*Jr *

more <ir less, and has a front on said; Turn- aJtike p. - bn,* unbir;aqG*o3Hi li‘ ;Lot No. b-CbntaW -oiboaT *

rfibro >or less, andias a frbht to said Tr-'ftipe Road sopF 1.27 .Rods, and has. someFhiit Tcees on k. u*- . • , .i ,y •itda,

i m /

, ' 6‘Toiitaius ‘*

, ‘JA&fA •1 TIX)vTl.l .swf <'f t'i T;; -vj¦*. uri *r ,y-a* .1

2 .^ort*r,: 1 Rood & 17 Perches of Land, loss, mIA has fr front fb; sdid' 31frn i! *wkeß‘oa‘4 solfilW Kofts, and also' pas hr-.LOG DWELLING on it, and also ISffleFruit Trees of choice Fruit . ¦ ''

•'" >3 L ' i‘''l m i¦ ,r- Ui ~ 1 1 ,i>; .’luj.' 3 IAt the same time T will offer another Tnjct ,

' of Land, ,&ituatefd. about ahalf a mile.BbnthWest from.the above Lots; jiart and ,port ,clm:ed Land, which Ihave laid off in ,Lots, viz:

Lot No. 1 Contains.- v ; Vn; fi ¦ .U'r t .-mite-mii: ?.•. . n Jh-it ACRES, 3 ROODS and 3 PERCfIKB f

,of TIMBER LAND;’tooto' or iessj i iai&isabout 100 yards from tbe 'turnpikb’ Road.’

Tot No. ’2 joirts No. 1. and Contains2 ACHES , 2 nOOJ)S y r.S PERCHES OF

WOOT> LAXD. more or less.

•Lot 3, joins Wood Lot No. 2 k Contains7 ACRES and 34 PERCHES of Vetoed

on; o/i-l '.Land,; raoreforlfijs. ; i , ,na 'U*’¦ > All riewcall on iby Ityes oh isaidproperty', and lie'wiffgiirelhem aft tHemfoii-

'niatSonthey vJimtttbdtft* t’W‘£k)tsj: 'oS>A the l '1 ¦3iibJdriber; liviim''bbafi ShaftibtfrgoP's .• Mill, ioh the Weslefti Md.- Rtdlrblid.* ' >d a< -hr i

Sale'to ebfritWence'WTO o'cJpdypA. M.oidTerms \nade *ort day oil' I'

-< hr ¦ ¦dec7:ts. fy .3m; eatWnj,: Wi

~7 i;it s~s aMt


[ ?p -r.ii ire ¦•!-¦ !•¦'r-;QF -, ;:m vino ; v H(]

-ttEAl’-USTATE.-i' • .71230 'fr.a ?L} V..1. 4 i K7l s ¦• T>Y.virtue of a dearee 'of tUb1 iffi.dulmE. Smith, Jadgeof- the Girco jfCoifrtifoa-Harroll Court ;

I iofEquity.? the undersigned. as. yilL> seU SALE, ON/flUh) PR^MT

1 "SES, : ~.9jiyj d,93r j! On .&ttkrdajjt, Pteembet'§Qtfi, 1865)

'i: fAtl Aeldek, P. Mjj" 'tj .zeeVoh KtiA oao . •


; >,{ .-•fi’TpbvJ!Ja vT...of j;f-, 9r! n

V L A- 1\ 1) w'’ : ThcT mprovement s consisfofi'

' t'OGDwelling Bouse,

FRAME BARN; iW.ORK: SH’OT, &c, 1%FIELDS are otHivonjenUy Jaid off. and wellsujtoUed-wdth water. There is an ORCHARD,',on the! and from 10 to

, covered with TIMBER.1 This FARM situated in rniontown

District, 2 or ,3 mile* from apffabot,mia!haif;mlltl from,

1 Mans’) Mih,'aud,ia oouveaient to Churches^,. (MiHdi Schools,-^C.• -h,.:;,v t CoiiA lij

'' ¦The jLand is,goqd gtatc ofcnifr-

• 7L‘

‘ Thisfftpopcrty ianow m ,thc ocqupa^cy-<^.; Nbah Fonnw/uli,

ihose desiqng;tft;view.|L ¦¦ t C, utCJter possession of the Land willbe.jjsm

immediotdj'v; JSh£d . ,# .Wq,

r .T THE TERMS OF SALE,by the Court, are f nn (

’ day ofSale, or the QNrEvTHIRDcIb ‘ twelver months, ana the other

L ONE-.THJRD in two yearsffrqm the dftf off; Payments to be secured by

from day of'e/’

t :m&st. • ¦imJsl'JtlLrr CjA&SQ>r ZL TQn tkc mm&da& m ffa sow ttffaai, Jj¦ ¦

: Hfey%Ri

¦ M’i.vwn.gmB ,

' I ~-• ¦• > qoo

Acrhs 'MbyFor'!fes#utr(r;,ip the occupancy oflfff'. s®dhgeSi ; ;:

The Hohk Thbre


_ This

balancetwelve frtto ’day of


deeT |BP-CT & AttOTOeys;,

TT ON. Peter IV. Crainj ofBaltimorecity,

’ { ' -the Circuit Court1

g k-^5 d^^td


j ythem

Vr . i


wt-> •.*! •..•;• - to! -.xthiV. h'<!t sdOfiD !*} J

! • miwgOC e’lwptAmo-tf• lOLI K7I

1865 AOyiM6,JCwiaat* .a Aw

E. K WHMMWOffers to tbe examination of tM Puhlic i

tA I large'toff Well ¦ . X*>* stock m-imm**'

'feed for the m^Mde,*j: ,apjd will embra&AlfiflPiSW Tol-.^i“g^!DRY GOODS, , , j -

lwo- ¦ N\)TIONS, bflß <lswii 9 'mm 1 jrmwmMtf-heLVVj ; . . QUEENSWARE,


¦ GROc^nfifi,:;;iVtA-U of which whVjaarket rates. ,7f

r> > Call and y,eJ.!efore;

f no3o-tf corner

SASH, BLIND, tiOOr ANDl;Purniture S*actdty;


Tf/fAINStreeL'Westoillthe tave;ifI on hand and Manufacture to ojd rSASHES ? oiw Jbaa .fiysirooTO d: p fI '

BLTMiXS, .’mod mhd ,¦/.POin 7.,. n/ivipc

lsCib : ! lit yea -traa every article a Bailamg.

n everystyte- and vanity.’ ' feving had- ia our frud-.pessi we feel satisfied in saying we Can, sell’our (JBdßm thbirlicWfalae^ }]i?iaiv"h mbisrq a&ro odl~

axil ofodw lud

T ’ ‘il->gtid

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*WSISFri* aT oh n-Jr 4 , 6chqoj,•XA. Sdioolptatibnery. Blank and Memo-randum fe; TMtfefJlJM >

and Note Papers, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, Ac,


Harpqr ! s - 1* ‘J '; ins. G6dby ,y?^dy i wlyJk Lady’s Friend, MadamDeHyqrßt’aßjfJp.,^ L,OfFashions. , , ,

•pkotograpK 1Albums ! Phofoafaph At&uliii^l ’

A hatUlsome assortment? of-Photograpb ; Afr?o bf

holding 12tfr?900TidtoMttijiia lo modi nan vo

¦£ Picture ddt II(lyti Rosewood and Walnut, all sizes.


. adli moi modi hfiwi&b od

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iflpiSrShtil'tiww *?•j - c s >m sif>.

1. ; or .all ydnfi:vcf>iO‘ .

lie! vLU 1 fa"l bae >oix

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* oi ebxfrdr.f not Boa, 3?d) si6idi,i,-w?umm ¦.WA tSdisAjl'ill—Tone¦ > Alake antf Triiu (sood,

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la tl#Je^ fi Sest 84f5ffe, RAVS^dTXAmnat

’ ' ' anisod , -,,-

aorvq BpVbf'o£B BMW orit tidiin’ Javaalways kept on hand./canfteh**. A,.aiv\* oi ' as ,hlol 01a aw y.ldi

i:- oaiqr sm ¦“¦'<'* '> dnotno odl sr. aoou es had noino

>1 nH alwafv-s ow hand. d idCut

_JteS*;A £efiW*is yi<}v4cffdllyroqtoetod* idh/J edi

I 7 1,,? od-t oan iforT 'jfLmo -nq aidt

-vwpnmicj-Coun*eU*f jfr rc

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dfoiffbLAW, BL£LDINGfBTi

7sat<i99sf ’tf>ai>omTMr.' mflhdSeffW fLhbil* Wui >

Adtocus* iqiaib'T Woftsaoh si

olqu1 Bobtori mida **^6-:.

ed ' - atfe Ohtrebyi notified -t*,.!

-Jthe !sam^ a ov-,”par hto ,vi oob toT*odII odoAudi io w oils

€HAfttES i, fIOB£RTS, ;

, ifrOTMiwsah^-^ofii,t \ ~&poo* fep#.de9i! ,13|0/ w :;.|;i f4hoH odl ,os vheaa to .Kamil IL. la aid,

!flSH€R;frSCHffßk,i* Id- y o A‘kf¥% 1it'Jir'j;W;ll

. attend lo all bunneas entroitafr to torfK.

lf r^fE^b? |rr™0 '-sniipiß l•i


¦LJ are offaaad halaTT¦gmer Main ani¥ c* fertitfpo t sai^^wgy 7||i° Sd^Jala