the definite article and wero article

Grade:The 8 th grade The 29 th of October 2014 Subject:English Teacher:Ionescu Simona The definite article-THE is used: The zero article (no article)is used: 1.pentru a ne referi la un substantiv deja mentionat in context sau care ne este cunoscut : e.g. I met a nice boy yesterday.The boy ‘s name is Tom. 2.inainte de nume de tari si state la numarul plural: e.g. They went to the Netherlands and the USA . 3.inainte de nume de lanturi muntoase ,oceane, mari,rauri : e.g.We saw the Himalayas ,the Pacific Ocean and the Mississippi River. 4. inainte de nume de teatre,cinema si hoteluri : e.g. We stayed at the Grand Hotel in England. 5. inainte de parti ale zilei + prepozitii: e.gThey arrived in the morning. 6.inainte de adjective la gradul superlativ : e.g.It’s the best thing /the nicest place I have ever seen ! 7.inainte de obiecte considerate unice: e.g.The sun is up in the sky .The moon is big and beautiful. 8.inainte de instrumente musicale,inainte de verbul play+ instrumentul respectiv : e.g.He plays the violin/the quitar/the piano very well. 9.Inainte de prepozitii: E.g Listen to the radio /The cat is under/on/ in the box. 1.inainte de prepozitia by+ mijloace de transport : e.g.They went by bus/by car/by train. 2.inainte de nume de institutii : e.g. I’m starting school,college next week. 3.inainte de substantive care denumesc mancaruri,preparate: e.g. We had chips for lunch. 4.inainte de materii ,stiinte studiate la scoala si limbi straine: e.g She is studying Biology/French . 5.inainte de sporturi si jocuri: e.g.John plays tennis/cards every day. 6.inainte de nume de strazi,orase tari: e.g She lives on Saxon Street in London. 7.inainte de nume abstracte,sarbatori,zile ale saptamanii: e.g.Knowledge of languages is important. e.g.See you on Friday. 8.inainte de substantive care nu au forma de plural:substante,concepte,nume abstracte : e.g.Do you like sugar/money ?

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The definite and zero article


Page 1: The Definite Article and Wero Article

Grade:The 8 th grade The 29 th of October 2014 Subject:English Teacher:Ionescu Simona

The definite article-THE is used: The zero article (no article)is used:

1.pentru a ne referi la un substantiv deja mentionat in context sau care ne este cunoscut :e.g. I met a nice boy yesterday.The boy ‘s name is Tom.2.inainte de nume de tari si state la numarul plural:e.g. They went to the Netherlands and the USA.3.inainte de nume de lanturi muntoase ,oceane, mari,rauri :e.g.We saw the Himalayas,the Pacific Ocean and the Mississippi River.4.inainte de nume de teatre,cinema si hoteluri :e.g. We stayed at the Grand Hotel in England.5.inainte de parti ale zilei + prepozitii:e.gThey arrived in the morning.6.inainte de adjective la gradul superlativ :e.g.It’s the best thing /the nicest place I have ever seen !7.inainte de obiecte considerate unice:e.g.The sun is up in the sky .The moon is big and beautiful.8.inainte de instrumente musicale,inainte de verbul play+ instrumentul respectiv :e.g.He plays the violin/the quitar/the piano very well.9.Inainte de prepozitii:E.g Listen to the radio/The cat is under/on/ in the box.

1.inainte de prepozitia by+ mijloace de transport :e.g.They went by bus/by car/by train.2.inainte de nume de institutii :e.g. I’m starting school,college next week.3.inainte de substantive care denumesc mancaruri,preparate:e.g. We had chips for lunch.4.inainte de materii ,stiinte studiate la scoala si limbi straine:e.g She is studying Biology/French.5.inainte de sporturi si jocuri:e.g.John plays tennis/cards every day.6.inainte de nume de strazi,orase tari:e.g She lives on Saxon Street in London.7.inainte de nume abstracte,sarbatori,zile ale saptamanii:e.g.Knowledge of languages is important.e.g.See you on Friday.8.inainte de substantive care nu au forma de plural:substante,concepte,nume abstracte :e.g.Do you like sugar/money ?

The definite article and zero article

Complete the blanks with the definite article or with the zero article:

1) My grandmother likes      cats very much.

2) I love flowers.     flowers in your garden are very beautiful.

3) See you on      Wednesday.

4) I always listen to      radio in the morning.

5) Alex goes to work by      bus.

6) Don't be late for      school.

7) Listen! Dennis is playing      trumpet.

8) We often see our cousins over      Easter.

9) She hasn’t added     sugar.

10) What about going to      Australia

in      February?

11)       Mount Everest is  highest mountain on earth.

Page 2: The Definite Article and Wero Article

Grade:The 8 th grade The 29 th of October 2014 Subject:English Teacher:Ionescu Simona

12)      Loch Ness is      most famous lake in Scotland.