the decrees of god

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  • 7/30/2019 The Decrees of God


    Title: TH103: The Decrees of God

    Submitted by: Bobby Long

    Student ID: 1737-805Date: Thursday, January 22, 2009


    It is interesting to find that, when disaster strikes or some event captures a nation, citizens

    of that nation will tune in to any media source they can find when the leader of that

    nation speaks to the circumstances of that event. The United States recently elected a

    new president, and during the campaign speeches, millions were captivated by the

    speeches of each candidate as they put forth their evaluation of current events, their

    promises and plans for the future.

    I find it equally astonishing that when the God of Universe decrees His eternal purposes,

    that very few take notice, when it is these decrees that are destine to come to pass. The

    definition of a decree is, a formal and authoritative order, esp. one having the force of


    The prophet Isaiah says, The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have

    thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand: Isaiah 14:24

    KJV. In this one verse, we see the power and surity of the purposes of God.

    III. TH103 - The Decrees of God1. The Definition of the Decrees

    The Westminster Shorter Catechism states that, The decrees of God are his eternal

    purpose, according to the counsel of his will, whereby for his own glory He hath

    foreordained whatsoever comes to pass.2

    It is difficult to properly speak of Gods eternal

    purpose in the past, present, and future tense, when eternity itself cannot be properlyaddressed in any increment of time. God is the creator of time itself so we, as His

    creation, can have a point of reference. In this manner, God shows Himself to be God,

    declaring the end from the beginning. Isaiah 46:10A.

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    This paper will explore the single purpose of God which is to glorify Himself through His

    Son Jesus Christ. John 6:29 says that, Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the

    work of God that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. KJV. The work or enterprise of

    God is that we believe on Jesus Christ. When one believes on Jesus Christ for

    redemption, that same person will glorify God for His Son as the one and only Savior of

    mankind and King of the Universe; worshipping God in Christ and through Christ which

    is the purpose of God.

    Dr. Williams Ames says,

    The decree of God is his firm decision by which he performs all things throughhis almighty power according to his counsel. Ephesians 1:11, "He does all things

    out of the counsel of His own will."3

    God does not counsel as we would interpret counsel. It is true there is a Trinity;

    however, because they are of the same substance, nature, and essence, their counsel will

    always be in agreement in every situation. Because they is One true God, they have the

    same mind acting in perfect harmony. We can trust the will of God to be perfectly just

    and His actions and purposes to be good and true meaning us no harm, but drawing us to

    the Son to be transformed by the Son so we can be like Him through adoption.

    An adaptation of Chapter 13 of Boyces Abstract of Systematic Theology by Dr. James P.

    Boyce of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary states this pertaining to mans

    relation to the decrees of God;

    It is our duty, therefore, (1.) to seek to learn all the facts made known by reasonand revelation, (2.) to accept them, (3.) to recognize them as the testimony of

    God, (4.) to admit that our knowledge is still imperfect, (5.) to believe that further

    information will still further remove the difficulties, (6.) to refuse on account ofthe difficulties to reject what God has actually taught, and (7.) amid all, to believe

    that whatever that teaching is, it must accord with justice, wisdom and holy

    perfection, because it is God of whom these things are affirmed.4

    Dr. Boyce brings a great teaching to forfront when discussing the decrees of God. God

    knows all and has set His purpose in the heavens before time began. We are finite beings

    and therefore have no reason or grounds to dispute the living word of God which was

    with Him and was Him from before the beginning. This being said, it is true that we are

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    to accept what Gods word teaches as difficult as it may seem to our understanding. At

    the same time, we must become Bereans toward the scripture. It is true that if you torture

    the text, it will admit to anything. We must accept the true teaching of scripture as it is in

    accord with the justice, wisdom, and holiness of the entire counsel of God as put down

    inscripture. For example, the Bibles says that Judas went out and hung himself.

    Scripture also says to go yea therefore and do likewise; conclusion, the Bible vindicates

    suicide. This, of course, is totally false, but it does prove the point. There is a way that

    seems right to man but it only brings death and destruction. Our goal is to openly accept

    the whole councel of God as truth as we seek that truth in the humble submission to Holy

    Spirit as He reveals truth to us.

    2. The Proof of the Decrees

    In proving these decrees, the presupposition that will be foundational is that the Word of

    God is infallible, indestructible, and totally trust-worthy for every doctrine and teaching.

    In the beginning was the Word and Word was with God and the Word was God. If the

    presupposition is doubted, then there are more serious problems to address other than

    proving the decrees.

    The sovereignty of God is a scriptural truth that cannot be denied. John Piper explains,

    The sovereignty of God means that God freely does whatever he pleases to accomplish

    all of his pleasure, and this is the foundation for Christian hope.5

    If our hope lies in any

    other person, thing, or belief, then we of all men should be pitied. The sovereignty of

    God is with malice and free.

    Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory,

    and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is thekingdom, O LORD, and Thou art exalted as Head above all" (1 Chron. 29:11).

    There is a perceived conflict between the sovereignty of God and the free will of man.

    The good thing about this is that the conflict is only in the minds of men; God is perfectly

    at ease with the relationship between the freewill of men and His sovereignty. The

    conflict is that if God predetermined the course of man according to His purpose, then

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    man had no choice to follow, it was predetermined that he would choose God when it

    was also predetermined that others would not. So the question is whether or not the

    sovereignty of God determines who will accept Christ and live in glory and who will

    reject him and spend eternity in hell?

    A.W. Pink writes,

    6To say that God the Father has purposed the salvation of all mankind, that God

    the Son died with the express intention of saving the whole human race, and that

    God the Holy Spirit is now seeking to win the world to Christ; when, as a matter

    of common observation, it is apparent that the great majority of our fellowmen aredying in sin, and passing into a hopeless eternity; is to say that God the Father is

    disappointed, that God the Son is dissatisfied, and that God the Holy Spirit is

    defeated. We have stated the issue baldly, but there is no escaping the


    Pink indicates that to believe that the will of God is that none should perish and then to

    see men perish is saying that the will of God is disappointed, Christ is dissatisfied and the

    Holy Spirit is defeated. John Piper has written that Romans 9 is a raging tiger devouring

    free will thinking men. Piper, like other Calvinists, sees that Gods foreknowledge is

    founded on His pre-determination of events. In other words, Gods decrees are all-

    inclusive by nature of being all-determinative; that is God determines everything. There

    are no free acts of man because God had determined every action ahead of time. We in a

    sense are just playing out the role and script God has given. This is at error with the

    teaching of scripture and can lead to a fatalistic mindset.

    This would negate the fact that God is not a respecter of persons and if salvation was not

    free to choose, then salvation is only available to those whom God elected and God

    would not be a loving God in the eyes of those who did not have a choice to begin with;

    when in fact Romans 9 is a celebration of the inclusion of the saving grace of the gospel

    by the inclusion of the Gentiles. The God of the Bible is sovereign, loving, and just. God

    provided the means of salvation to all men who believe. God even gives the gift of the

    faith of Christ to every man for the purpose of believing the gospel. Men can reject or

    accept the gospel thereby being accountable for their own decision. God knows the end

    from the beginning and knows the choices that were made. This in no way conflicts with

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    the ability for man to choose and the sovereignty of God. Gods sovereignty is, in no

    way, harmed by the free will of man being included in the will of God, as a matter of fact,

    it actually works better; God is sovereign and man is responsible and God knows the free

    actions of man prior to him making them, and has taken them in account before they ever

    were a reality in time.

    These are respectful God fearing men. The scripture calls us all to examine the

    scriptures. In listening to a sermon preached by David Guzik. Mr. Guzik is the director

    of Calvary Chapel Bible College Germany, near Siegen, Germany. He stated that some

    reformed theology is correct in what they confirm, yet errors in what they deny. God is

    sovereign yet scripture is clearly indicates mans choice to accept or reject the Gospel.

    This is evident in the very words of Pink himself in the observation that men are dying

    without Christ, yet Matthew states that, Even so it is not the will of your Father which is

    in heaven, that one of these little ones shouldperish. Matt. 18:14 KJV.

    One of the most inclusive verses of the entire Bible is found in John where he writes,

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever

    believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV. All

    mankind can be found in the category of whosoever making mankind a candidate for

    salvation. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness;

    but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any shouldperish, but that all should

    come to repentance. 2 Peter. 3:9 KJV. The plain reading of the text states clearly that it

    is the heart of God that all men repent. The plain observation is that all men do not.

    Does this reduce the power of God to save; absolutely not. The power of God is mighty

    to save those who call on His name.

    Gods purpose, decrees, and will do not occur in sequential order but rather, was

    established in eternity. With man, we have a purpose, then we decree according to that

    purpose, then our will struggles to make those decrees a reality so as to fulfill our

    purpose. God does not work that way. God is outside of time, therefore his purposes,

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    decrees, and will cannot be seen in sequential parameters, although to man, they happen

    in a sequence.

    God in essence pre-determines according to His foreknowledge as is stated in the word;

    Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the

    Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and

    peace, be multiplied. 1 Peter1:2 KJV. Also Acts 2:23 declares plainly that, Him, being

    delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by

    wicked hands have crucified and slain: KJV.

    To deny that God knows everything; even the course that men will take would be do deny

    Gods omniscience. Romans 8:29 and 8:30 indicates this when it states that,

    For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to theimage of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover

    whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also

    justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Rom. 8:29-30

    What can we say? I hold the belief that scripture teaches that within the pre-determined

    sovereignty of God, He has allowed man to choose to believe or not believe on the gospel

    of Jesus Christ. Man is without excuse and is responsible for his choice in the God he

    will serve. Christ has made the way of redemption by shedding His own blood and the

    word of His testimony and has outlined the consequences of each decision. True love

    can only be demonstrated by those with a free will. One cannot confuse the sovereignty

    of God and the power of God. Sovereignty speaks to the ability to do a thing and power

    speaks of the resources to achieve that which is decreed. God is sovereign and at the

    same time there are things that God will not do. The only restraints to God are those that

    deal with His promises to men and those actions that violate His nature.

    Gods plans and purpose cannot be thwarted. Isaiahs revelation from the Lord makes

    this very well known when he states, The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I

    have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, [so] shall it stand: Isa.

    14:24 KJV. Nations may rage and make vain plots against God the Father and against

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    His anointed, but the Lord sits in the heavens and laughs according the Psalm 2. For the

    LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul [it]? and his hand [is] stretched

    out, and who shall turn it back? Isa. 14:27. KJV

    Another proof of the decrees of God is found in the book of Ephesians. God will carries

    out his will according to His good pleasure which is in complete harmony with His will.

    Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good

    pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: That in the dispensation of the

    fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which

    are in heaven, and which are on earth; [even] in him: In whom also we haveobtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who

    worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the

    praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. Ephesians 1:9-12 KJV.

    It is also seen that the pleasures of God are good and are not meant for harm. Paul states

    that, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them

    who are the called according to [his] purpose. Romans 8:28 KJV. The purpose of Godis to receive glory from those who have received an inheritance through Jesus Christ by

    means of trusting and believing in Him as a propitiation for our sin. It should be a

    comfort to realize that all things, good and bad, work together for good to them that love


    3. The Bases of the Decree

    As we look at the characteristics and attributes of God and His decrees, we need to keep

    in mind the character and nature of the decree will reflect the character and nature of the

    decrier. We need to remember that God is all-wise, good, righteous, sovereign, perfect,

    and omniscient. Knowing these things about God, we can know that whatever God

    decreed in eternity past would be within the confines of, and reflected by, His character.

    The bases or foundation of the decree or purpose of God is monumental in this

    discussion. We have put forth that the decrees of God are all-inclusive meaning that they

    encompass all aspects of creation and morality. This does not mean that every decree is

    all determining. The Calvinist would say that every choice made by man was actually

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    made by God before hand and thus, the actual cause of choice is not man but God. The

    presupposition of this train of thought is that for every action to be all inclusive, it must

    also be pre-determined by God. This, I believe is the error. An all inclusive decree does

    not necessitate it to also be pre-determined. This does not necessarily mean that God has

    determined all things after the counsel of his will in the sense just described. It may

    legitimately be interpreted to mean that whatever comes to pass happens the way God

    planned it. If man has free will; that is the way God planned it. Man's free acts are within

    the counsel of God; this is the very decree, that man should have the power of free

    choice. God's decree may thus be all-inclusive without being all-determinative. Conttrell

    explains when he writes,

    Every detail may be included in God's decree without everything's being

    determined or effectuated by God, and God is no less sovereign if the decree bethought of in this way. God is still absolutely sovereign on the basis of an all-

    inclusive, though not all-determinative, decree.7

    God's decrees are good. Isaiah 46:10 says: Declaring the end from the beginning, and

    from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, 'My purpose will be

    established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure. From the creation when God

    said that it was good, then He made man and said that it was very good, God is love and

    all He does is just and holy and good.

    Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God,

    he [it is] that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Deut. 31:6 KJV.

    Gods goodness reach to man in a most intimate way in that, if we are His, then He

    promises that He will be with us always and he will not forsake us. Numbers 23:19

    make it very clear about the absolute truthfulness of God nature when scripture states,

    God[is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath

    he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Num.

    23:19 KJV.

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    If God is holy and just, never lies, will never forsake us, we can trust that His decrees

    toward us will have the same nature and character. Philippians 2:13 says: "for it is God

    who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." KJV. We can

    delight and find joy in the decrees of God, for as we walk in them, God is glorified and

    we are most satisfied. In God's decrees He accomplishes His pleasures or desires which

    are good. God cannot do anything less than this since He is good, and no evil dwells in

    Him. For You [are] not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, Nor shall evil dwell

    with You. Psalm. 5:4. KJV.

    The basis for Gods decrees is His foreknowledge. Wisdom is not only the accumulation

    of facts, but the way in which this knowledge is utilized for good. God has all knowledge

    and all wisdom; such is the wisdom of His decrees. We see that God does the things that

    He does out of His wisdom. Psalm 104:24 says: "O LORD, how many are Your

    works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your possessions." KJV.

    And Proverbs 3:19 tells us: The LORD by wisdom founded the earth, by understanding

    He established the heavens. The wisdom of the Lord is eternal in scope and absolute in

    nature because God is eternal in scope and absolute in nature. Proverbs 8 points to the

    fact that creation was out of wisdom and this wisdom which was Gods was in God from


    God's decrees are carried out free from influence or coercion. We see this in Daniel who


    And all the inhabitants of the earth [are] reputed as nothing: and he doeth

    according to his will in the army of heaven, and [among] the inhabitants of the

    earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou? Dan. 4:35KJV.

    In the book of Isaiah, he prophetically writes, Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD,

    or [being] his counsellor hath taught him? Isaiah 40:13. God is all knowing and is

    independent of His creation. God can be in total and absolute control and still yet offer

    freedom to man in his actions. The Father does all things in accordance with His eternal

    purpose; therefore the decisions made were formed in eternity. Who hath saved us, and

    called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own

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    purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, 2 Tim.

    1:9 KJV.

    Since God knows everything and cannot learn, this forbids His plans being made within

    the constraints of time. If God formed his plans because of influences due to past

    decisions, then God would then form future plans due to an increase in knowledge, which

    is not possible. Therefore, the plans of God are eternally founded and springs from His

    will alone. If Gods plans were not eternal then they would have to be formed in time.

    These plans formed in time would be in direct conflict with the nature of the God forming


    God has an effectual will in which that thing is purposed and a permissive will. The

    purposes of God reach to every part of creation knowing every drop of rain and where it

    will hit. It is a hard thing to comprehend the fact that God can and does effectuate some

    things such as creation, but permits other things to occur based on the actions of free

    men; and all these actions being known before time began and all these actions, both

    effectively caused by God and/or permitted by God, but chosen by man, are all within the

    scope of his eternal purpose and decree. God effectively caused the creation by a decree,

    and at the same time, and within the same sovereignty permitted Adam to freely choose

    to sin. God did not cause the sin, but permitted it to happen. This can be seen by the

    statement in Matthew 13:35 where it if found that the prophets of God were slain from

    before the foundations of the world, in Hebrews 4:3 we see works being completed

    before the foundation of the world, and in Revelation 13:8 we see Jesus Himself as a

    lamb slain before the foundation of the world. In this line of thought, God causes some

    things directly, and allows others to happen, yet knows exactly the course of all events

    and all decisions and has made those events certain.

    It is certainly a fact that what God says will happen; will happen. The disagreement

    comes in to play, as we have discussed earlier, on God being pre-determining all actions

    or God, in His sovereignty, giving man free will in actions, yet including these actions as

    part of the overall decree. In that sense, every free action of free men is certain before

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    they were ever executed. God is in control of every situation and every action, however,

    control of a situation does not mean that God must be determinative in every action of the

    will of the one whom He sovereignty gives choice.

    It is like my children. Their freedom is given by me. They have parameters that they live

    by. I allow them to roam freely within the yard. I could, if I wanted to, decline them

    from playing in the yard. I, as a parent, have freely chosen to give my children freedom

    to move within the parameters I have set. Am I any less sovereign in my free choice to

    allow my children to have freedom from my determinate will? No. Cottrell states that,

    The self-limitation is itself a sovereign and free choice on the part of God; hewas not forced in any way to limit his control. The fact that he freely chose to so

    limit himself shows that he is sovereign, that he does have control over the entire

    situation. Thus it is not that God cannot control man's will; in this case God wouldnot be sovereign. It is the case rather that God freely chooses not to control man's

    will, and thus maintains his absolute sovereignty. It must also be remembered that

    this sovereignty self-imposed suspension will one day be lifted when God sits as

    sovereign judge over all.8

    4. The Purpose of the Decrees

    The purpose of the decrees of God is to reflect back on the single purpose of God which

    is to give glory and honor and praise to God. All things are to Gods glory. Everything a

    believer in Christ does should be done to glorify God. Paul indicates this in the book of

    Corinthians when he states, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do

    all to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31. KJV.

    In the book of Revelation chapter 4, we see the throne room of God where constant praise

    and worship is offered God. In the midst of this worship, we see the twenty-four elders

    representing the believers who are royal priests, worshipping God and saying, Thou art

    worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things,

    and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Rev. 4:11 KJV. We find that God is

    worshipped and given glory and praise for being the Almighty Creator. Scriptures

    declares in Psalm 19:1 that the very heavens themselves declare the glory and handy

    work of Gods hand.

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    It is the good pleasure and will of God to predestined believers for His glory by means of

    adoption in and by Jesus Christ. Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children

    by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the

    glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Eph. 1:5-6 KJV.

    Paul, in Romans 8:29, states that God pre-determines according to His foreknowledge.

    Yet, Calvinists, insist that Gods foreknowledge is founded on and springs from Gods

    all-inclusive pre-determining acts. If these acts were not pre-determined, the Calvinist

    would they say the outcome would not be know until it happens. Yet this is not the case.

    God is omniscient. He knows all outcomes of all scenarios. To say that God has to

    determine to know is actually limiting the sovereignty of omniscience of God.

    As believers, we look forward to the day that we will see our Redeemer and God face to

    face. Gods decree is for His glory and in Philippians; we find that every knee will bow

    to Jesus to the Glory of God.

    That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and

    [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue shouldconfess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phil. 2:9-10.

    KJV.It is interesting that every knee, just not the knees of those who believe, but every knee.

    Those who are not saved, those who mocked him and rejected him will one day admit

    and bow their knee to God; saint and sinner; lost and saved.

    5. The Content and Order of the Decrees

    In the material and physical realm

    God is alive and active in the lives of men and in the order and sustaining of His creation.

    In the six days of creation, God said and there was. God looked at it and said it was

    good. God determined that there would be man made in his own image giving man

    dominion over every thing in the sea and land.

    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them

    have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the

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    cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the

    earth. Gen. 1:26 KJV.

    God declares that as long as there is an earth, there will be seasons. While theearth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter,

    and day and night shall not cease. Gen. 8:22 KJV

    God makes a covenant with Noah to never destroy the earth again in Genesis 9, inPsalm 119 He establishes and keeps the earth, He sets boundaries for nations in

    Deut. 32:8, and the list goes on. In John 21:9, Jesus was speaking with Peter and

    stated that, This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. Andwhen he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. KJV. God declare to

    Peter how he would die.

    In the moral and spiritual realm

    God is not only in control of the physical and material but also decrees and establishes

    His good pleasure in the moral and spiritual realm of men and angels as well. In Genesis

    3, we see God declaring war on Satan and establishing the devils downfall by declaring

    that the seed of the woman would crush Satans head. As a believer, we can firmly

    believe that the battle that Christians have is founded more in the spiritual than in the

    physical for our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the power and

    principalities of the air.

    Other examples of Gods determining and decreeing power in the spiritual realm can be

    found in Romans 6:23 when God declares that the wages of sin is death. God not only

    declares the wages of sin, but is currently restraining sin by the Holy Spirit of God alive

    in the church in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 KJV. Those that believe are saved according Gods

    purpose according to 2 Timothy 1:9 KJV. It is certainly true that God does work all

    things together for good to those who are called by His name.

    God controls the demonic realm as well. When Jesus stepped foot out of a boat, he was

    met by a man living in caves and overran with demons. As Jesus approached, they ran to

    Him and said, And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus,

    thou Son of God? art thou come hither to tormentus before the time? Matt. 8:29 KJV.

    In this one statement we find that the demonic realm is subject to Jesus, we learn they

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    have a destiny that is appointed and determined by God, and we find this destiny has a

    specific time; all determined by God.

    God determined to permit sin

    Berkoff states that,

    The decree merely makes God the author of free moral beings, who arethemselves the authors of sin. God decrees to sustain their free agency, to regulate

    the circumstances of their life, and to permit that free agency to exert itself in a

    multitude of acts, of which some are sinful. For good and holy reasons He renders

    these sinful acts certain, but He does not decree to work evil desires or choicesefficiently in man. The decree respecting sin is not an efficient but a permissive

    decree, or a decree to permit, in distinction from a decree to produce, sin by

    divine efficiency.9

    God is not the author of sin nor does God tempt man. Within the purposes of God and

    sovereignty of God, lies the free will of man. This free agency of man allows for man to

    act in a way that is his own, while still being under the sovereignty of God which is no

    less sovereign if God allows for the free acts of man, for in this lies the true meaning of


    God determined to overrule sin for the good

    Time and time again we see that God overrules sin for good. This principle is most

    dramatized in the story of Joseph. Sold into slavery by his brothers, thrown in to prison

    by Potifar, interpreted the Pharaohs disturbing dream and in the end, put over all the

    resources of Egypt for the purpose of eventually saving not only the inhabitants of Egypt,

    but his family as well.

    In the moving scene where Joseph reveals who he really is to his brothers, he stated that

    what they had meant for evil, God meant for good. But as for you, ye thought evil

    against me; [but] God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as [it is] this day, to save

    much people alive. Gen. 50:20 KJV.

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    Romans 8:28 rings true again as Paul writes, And we know that allthingswork together

    for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

    Rom. 8:28 KJV. All things mean all things; the good and the bad.

    Gods process for salvation occurred at the time of his determination for the free will of

    man. Knowing our propensities the cure was also determined before the foundations of

    the world. In Revelation, we find that before the throne stood a lamb.

    And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in themidst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and

    seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. Rev.

    5:6 KJV.Previously, John wept convulsively due to the fact that no one in heaven was worthy to

    open the seven sealed scroll written upon and on the back side which is the title deed to

    the earth. There was one worthy and he was the Son of God. Gods redemption was

    hidden in accounts in the Old Testament. Such a story is found in the book of Ruth

    which gives us great detail into the Goel or Kinsmen Redeemer. God had to become man

    to redeem man because of the stipulations of redemption. God was able, willing, took on

    all the debts of the one being redeemed, but also had to be kin. No angel could redeem

    man kind, only a man; only a perfect man.

    God determined to reward His servants and punish disobedience

    Reward and punishment was a key theme for Paul. Paul saw himself in a race to win

    crowns. Never did he doubt his salvation; he was concerned with finishing strong and

    finishing as an Olympian would in competition. John speaks very plainly about the

    future of those that believe and those that dont believe when he says, He that believeth

    on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but

    the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36 KJV.

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    God determines In the social and political realm

    God has made determination and decrees that reach to the social and political realms.

    God ordains family relationships and human governments; He makes decrees according

    to structure of both the family and governments; their purposes and their position.

    God has a plan and sets the path for the future of nations God has determined the rise

    and the fall of many nations. He has determined and prophesied the rise of nations such

    as Greece and Rome. He has declared the capture of Israel and the deportation. In all

    this God has remained true and trustworthy

    [1] For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the

    captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, [2] I will also gather all nations, and will bringthem down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my

    people and [for] my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations,and parted my land. Joel 3: 1-2 KJV

    [21] And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth

    up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that knowunderstanding: Dan 2:21 KJV

    The king's heart [is] in the hand of the LORD, [as] the rivers of water: he turneth

    it whithersoever he will. Prov. 21:1

    God declares that man should be subject to governments. It was not the early churches

    desire to be at odds with government. As a matter of fact it was just the opposite. It is

    the responsibility of the Christian to be a model citizen when the laws do not conflict

    with the clear teaching of scripture.

    For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil,be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a

    revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil. Romans 13:4

    And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are

    Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him. Matt.

    12:17 KJV

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    The family and human government

    God establishes and ordains the family The family is very important to God. Within

    the very Ten Commandments, we told to honor our mother and father and our days will

    be lengthened. Parents are told to be a student of their children teaching them to obey

    and the fear and admonition of the Lord. From the very beginning, God ordained the

    family and marriage and used it quite frequently as analogies that would relate to the

    family of God.

    [18] And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; Iwill make him an help meet for him. Gen 2:18 KJV

    God wills that man should not divorce. Because the family and marriage was ordained

    by God, what God has brought together, who is man to try and destroy. Divorce is an

    example of Gods permissible will. It is Gods will that man would not divorce, but

    divorce happens. These events are not caused by God, but have been permitted by God

    and these actions are taken in account within the purpose of God.

    [5] And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall

    cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? [6] Wherefore they are no

    more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not manput asunder. Matt. 19:5-6

    God tells man to multiply upon the earth. God tells man to fill the earth. God wants a

    creation that will be filled with His worship and praise.

    [1] And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and

    multiply, and replenish the earth. Gen 9:1 KJV

    God makes declarations concerning the call and mission of Israel-

    The call of Abraham was in essence a call for a nation to come forth. Abram was an idol

    worshipping Gentile from the land of Ur. More that likely Abram worshipped the pagan

    gods of his fathers. God, however, showed grace to Abram and called him out of the land

    of Ur and into a covenant relationship with Him forever.

    [1] Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from

    thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: [2] AndI will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;

    and thou shalt be a blessing: [3] And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse

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    him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (Gen

    12:1-3 KJV)

    Israel is Gods chosen people; not because of their superiority, but out of grace. It is true

    that God has called us all to be a kingdom of kings and priests, but the future of the

    church and of Israel are two different destinies. We see this in the Book of Ruth when

    Naomi (a picture of Israel), teaches Ruth, (a picture of the church) about the Redeemer

    (Boaz) but it was Ruth who actually won the heart of Boaz after being introduced to Boaz

    by an un-named servant, and in the end became the Redeemers bride and Naomi got back

    the land.

    [5] Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then

    ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth [is] mine:

    [6] And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These [are]the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. Exo 19:5-6 KJV

    In these next verses, God actually calls Israel His people and His heritage and the land is

    His land. Christ will come and set up the throne of David in Jerusalem again. God has

    put his stamp on this particular part of the world and has especially called it His own.

    [1] For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the

    captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, [2] I will also gather all nations, and will bring

    them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my

    people and [for] my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations,and parted my land. Joel 3:1-2 KJV

    The founding and mission of the Church

    The founding of the church was a mystery hidden in the Old Testament but that mystery

    was revealed in the New Testament and came to pass in the book of Acts. As Jesus was

    preparing to leave, he told his disciples to,

    Goyetherefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,

    and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Matt. 28:19

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    The work of the church is everlasting because it is the will of the Father through Jesus

    Christ. There is church work, and then there is the work of the church. Church work will

    one day end, but the work of the Church is the work of Jesus Christ and him living and

    moving in the lives of His own. This work will have eternal fruit because the one

    working in the church is eternal.

    Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye shouldgo and bring forth fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye

    shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. John 15:16 KJV

    The final triumph of God

    From Genesis chapter 3 to Revelation Chapter 22, we see the hand of God working in the

    lives of people and nations both determinatively and permissively. We have seen Godly

    men fail, and we have seen God forgive and show mercy and pour out His wrath. Satan

    has tried to delay or debunk his destiny only find it frustrated by Gods plan. The devil

    has tried everything from polluting the gene pool in the pre-deluvial days of Noah and

    Genesis six, to the killing off of the majority of the nation of Israel. Great people of God

    have risen up to do what was right such as David, Ester, and Joseph. All theses were

    chosen for such a time as theirs in order to maintain their race and their heritage while at

    the same time finding the decisions wrenching in the moment, but the outcome already

    known by God.

    After the rapture of the church, God will once again turn His attention to Israel and call a

    nation back to Him. The nation of Israel will realize their mistake and call upon Christ as

    who He is as a mother crying over a son. Jesus will return and save his people setting up

    a thousand years of perfect justice and rule. Then at the end, nations will rise in rebellion

    and God will judge raising up those again for destruction. Then there will be no more sin

    and no more shame. And He will wipe away every tear and we will forever be with the


    And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God

    [is] with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God

    himself shall be with them, [and be] their God. And God shall wipe away all tears

    from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And

    he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto

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    me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I

    am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is

    athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. Rev. 21:3- 6 KJV.

    In summary, the decrees of God are yes and amen. They are everything God is. We can

    trust God to work on our behalf, therefore we can count on the decrees of God to do the


    We need to remember that God is all-wise, good, righteous, sovereign, perfect, and

    omniscient. Knowing these things about God, we can know that whatever God decreed

    in eternity past would be within the confines of, and reflected by, His character.

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    1 Extracted from on 1/16/09.

    2 Hodges, Charles.(1797 1878), Systematic Theology Volume 1., Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics

    Ethereal LibraryCh. 10., Sect.1., Pg. 400

    3 Ames, William. The Decrees of God. Extracted from ., A Puritan'sMind, McMahon, Dr. Matthew C. All Rights Reserved, 1998-2008

    4Founders Journal Fall 2001 pp. 25-28. Extracted from

    on 1/16/09.

    5 Extracted from,

    on 1/19/09.

    6 Pink, A.W., The Sovereignty of God., Ch. 1, as extracted from on 1/189/09.

    7 Cottrell, Jack., Sovereignty and Free Will., Vol.X1. Number 3, Spring 1963. Pg. 39-51. All Rights

    Reserved: The Cincinnati Bible Seminary

    8 Cottrell, Jack., Sovereignty and Free Will., Vol.X1. Number 3, Spring 1963. Pg. 39-51. All Rights

    Reserved: The Cincinnati Bible Seminary

    9 L. Berkhof, Systematic Theology (London: The Banner of Truth Trust, n.d.), pg.103

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    Q1: What is a decree of God?

    The Westminster Shorter Catechism states that, The decrees of God are his eternal purpose,

    according to the counsel of his will, whereby for his own glory He hath foreordained whatsoevercomes to pass.

    Q2: According to Boyce, what is the responsibility of man concerning the decrees of God?

    Boyce of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary states this pertaining to mans relation tothe decrees of God;

    It is our duty, therefore, (1.) to seek to learn all the facts made known by reason andrevelation, (2.) to accept them, (3.) to recognize them as the testimony of God, (4.) toadmit that our knowledge is still imperfect, (5.) to believe that further information will

    still further remove the difficulties, (6.) to refuse on account of the difficulties to rejectwhat God has actually taught, and (7.) amid all, to believe that whatever that teaching is,

    it must accord with justice, wisdom and holy perfection, because it is God of whom thesethings are affirmed.

    Q3: What should be our goal toward what God decrees?

    Our goal is to openly accept the whole councel of God as truth as we seek that truth in the humblesubmission to Holy Spirit as He reveals truth to us.

    Q4: How does Pink view the free will of men concerning the soveriengty of God?Pink indicates that to believe that the will of God is that none should perish and then to see men

    perish is saying that the will of God is disappointed, Christ is dissatisfied and the Holy Spirit is


    Q5: Concerning Romans 9, What does Piper say toward the free will of men?John Piper has written that Romans 9 is a raging tiger devouring free will thinking men.

    Q6: What verse support a permissive will of God at the same time the free will of men?

    Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should

    perish. Matt. 18:14 KJV.

    Q7: Would it be wise to have a premise that denies knowledge of God uless the actions are


    NO: To deny that God knows everything at all times; even the course that men will take would

    be do deny Gods omniscience. Romans 8:29 and 8:30 indicates this when it states that,For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of

    his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he didpredestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom

    he justified, them he also glorified. Rom. 8:29-30

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    Q8: For a decree to be all-inclusive, does it have to be all-determining?

    We have put forth that the decrees of God are all-inclusive meaning that they encompass allaspects of creation and morality. This does not mean that every decree is all determining.

    Q9: What can we understand concerning the decrees of God from the nature of God?

    If God is holy and just, never lies, will never forsake us, we can trust that His decrees toward uswill have the same nature and character. Philippians 2:13 says: "for it is God who is at work inyou, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." KJV

    Q10: What is the basis for the decrees of God?

    The basis for Gods decrees is His foreknowledge. Wisdom is not only the accumulation of facts,but the way in which this knowledge is utilized for good. God has all knowledge and all wisdom;such is the wisdom of His decrees.

    Q11: Did God cause Adam to sin?

    God effectively caused the creation by a decree, and at the same time, and within the samesovereignty permitted Adam to freely choose to sin. God did not cause the sin, but permitted it

    to happen.

    Q12: Does control necessitate the determining of every action within a situation?

    God is in control of every situation and every action, however, control of a situation does not

    mean that God must be determinative in every action of the will of the one whom He sovereigntygives choice.

    Q13: What is the purpose of God in all He does?

    The purpose of the decrees of God is to reflect back on the single purpose of God which is to give

    glory and honor and praise to God.

    Q14: What is an example of a decree that reaches to the earth?

    God declares that as long as there is an earth, there will be seasons. While the earth remaineth,seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not

    cease. Gen. 8:22 KJV

    Q15: Give a Biblical example of the decrees of God reaching to the demonic?

    And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? artthou come hither to tormentus before the time? Matt. 8:29 KJV. In this one statement we find

    that the demonic realm is subject to Jesus, we learn they have a destiny that is appointed anddetermined by God, and we find this destiny has a specific time; all determined by God.

    Q16: Is God the creator of Sin?God is not the author of sin nor does God tempt man. Within the purposes of God and

    sovereignty of God, lies the free will of man. This free agency of man allows for man to act in away that is his own, while still being under the sovereignty of God which is no less sovereign ifGod allows for the free acts of man, for in this lies the true meaning of sovereignty.

    Q17: Give an example of a story in the Bible that shows God determines to overrule evil

    with Good?

    This principle is most dramatized in the story of Joseph.

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    Q18: What should Christians know concerning the plans of God?

    Romans 8:28 rings true again as Paul writes, And we know that allthingswork togetherforgood to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. Rom. 8:28KJV. All things mean all things; the good and the bad.

    Q19: What does the Bible say concerning Gods actions toward those that believe and thosethat do not?

    John speaks very plainly about the future of those that believe and those that dont believe whenhe says, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall

    not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36 KJV.

    Q20: What can we gather from the whole counsel of God concerning his purpose?

    From Genesis chapter 3 to Revelation Chapter 22, we see the hand of God working in the lives ofpeople and nations both determinatively and permissively and ultimately His purpose concerning

    His glory is fulfilled.