the danbury reporter (danbury, n.c.) 1938-02-17 [p page...

Contagious Diseases Ed and empowered to exclude juh mediately irom school any pup> snowing indications of the a. sense, ioi fourteen afcys or untu the symptoms have subsided, satisfactory certificate is present- ed, signed by a physician or the health officer. Rules and regulations that are made by the State Board of Health i n Raleigh controling the spread o'- diseases, are given be- low a«d they apply to doctors, nurees, school authorities, ana parents. REPORTING DISEASES: Wheneve,- any physician exam- ines or treats any pei-son known or suspected by him to have a contagious disease he sha'l with i n twenty-four hourg report to the heaith officer o r quarantine officer, the name, age, and e>l- drees of each such pe'sons. Whcf. no physician is in attendance, the parent, guardian, the head of the household or the proprietor 01 person in charge of any hotel or lodging house wherein any perse, resides who is apparently or pre- iumat!y effected with a. conta- gious di-iease must report to the heaith officer or quarantine office" the name, age and address of each sucj, persons, within twenty- four hou'S. RULES GOVERNING PARENTS 1. No parent, guardian, or :.<fult shai ( |>ermit any child or mir.or who has a contagious di- sease to attend a"y public or pri Wite school, Sunday school, or church or any public assemblage or to appear upon a public street unless riding in ta private convey- ance, wlii e the house is in quar- antine. 2. N«» parents, c* adult shull permit any child or minor who has never haj u con- tagious disease and has been ex- posed to it to attend any private or public school or any public gathering unless given permission to do so l»y the quarantine offi- cer or the health officer. 3. Each parent o r guardian or C. He or she must report, within twenty-four hours to the quarantine officer the name oi any child excluded and the name and address of the parent, house- holder, or guardian with whom | the child resides. | D. He or she must have cal ! ci frequently to the attention of the children the signs, symptoms, and the dangers of the disease, and read aloud before the assembled school such letters, references, o r lectures, and send to the homes by the children such lit- erature as he or she may receive from the quarantine officer dea'- ing with the disease. E. He or she, within four hours after receiving notifi- cation from the quarantine offic.r of the presence of the disease i' his or her school district, mu3t notify, by letter or otherwise, the superintendent of the Sunday schools, church, officials, or some responsible person, and have an- nounced at any public meeting which is being held the preva'encc of the disease in his or he r school district, its signs, symptoms, dangers, and precautions to be taken so as to prevent the spread. F. He or she must not permit the use of the common dipper, drinking cup, or open bucket when a contagious disease is in in his or her school district. i Unfortunately so many parents take th«? attitude regardless of i how serious or slight a disease may be that if it was contracted in school that the child has a right to continue in school and I i give it to as many others as POJ- ??ibie. The mother or father that j takes pn attitude of this kind does rot have a very friendly ( feeling for his or he r neighbor, I are they show much, if any consideration for younger child- , re n that might be in the family. In Stokes county we are having sever; 1 cases of chickenpox, j mumps, whooping cough, scarlet lever and measles in practical l *' 'al! townships, and the spread of these diseases the parents are' nine-tenths icsponsib'e for. First,' I because of the above mentioned attitude. Second, they never stop Ito think about cruses of illness jand frequently take their child- lien to visit a sick neighbor that has a contagious disease-. It i.j nice to help out our sick friends, but let's le> ve the children jv home when we go v! a hor.ic where there is illness. I tntious diseases are serious am? can bo made more so by un- necessary exposure. If everyc i would abide by the pbove men- tioned inles and regulations we woulj have fewer sick children. ; I w 'nohnvjn Co. Complete Line Feeds, Field anl Seeds. 512 N. T"P'de Street, WINSTCW-SALEM. N. C "Complete line of Slate's To- bacco Reeds for salo bv Oo>:' S'»d Store, Winston-Salem, N. C., Corner Trade and fith Sts' 16dec8\vs householder shall notify in some way the teacher it" a child or minor living in his or her hou:>o fcp.s a contagious disease. RULES GOVERNING TEACHERS: 1. Whe. « teacher has reason in suspet that a"V person re3iJ inn i" hi* "r ber school district U.s a c«.n:laiii«»aß disease ot «?!.» n' any child is absent from school cause c-f what may be a c «-" ! tvgious c'i-. 'ase, he or she must it-port tn their priitiipul and IJ ti;e ijiiiii .utiae o-icer withi.i, f.vcnty-: l.vjrs the nuine, age. irtid address of such putienta. J 2. No teicher who has ever 1 been intiiu tely exposed to a dis- 1 a"J has never had the dis- shju'.l not conduct or attend! any o. public gathering J 1.,r fail: teen days unle33 given permission to do so by the heul'i officer. 3. When the principal of a pchoo! libeen notified that j; contagious disease exists in his or i school district they aru re- quired t<> <»hey and '' en- force the fallowing ru-c.r A. Me or she mu« e c.-lude fittm his i>i her schroi ouch fh.ld jiving in tV» t house, npaitmeut, or room who has not had the ijsea e, and any other cK Itnown t > have been intimately, exposed, !' T « period of fourteen ;;iys afto: its last exposure. B. I Ir- or -he must have oh served <! ily the children in Mi; o»* her school who have not In j t' e ('w;ifor si;,'ns and s.vmii- terns of the disease, ;nd i< ovdo''- The Tiniest Pigeon. BY GERALDIM£ BLAKE. Joan and Joey were visiting their grandmother. It was ahno oedtime, and of course they he. to hear a story before going 1 bed. So they gathered around tl. glowing fire and grandmothci began; I Once upon a time hundreds of yeara ago, a pretty pigeon built her nest away up high in the Wangled vines on the waU of ; old p a 'ace in the city of Rome. By a n d by the>e were three t«ny white eggs and by and by if.ere v/ere two baov pigeons. But the third egg was still un-j broken.. "Push it out," said father pigeon. But mothe r pigeon tried J to keep it warm a few more days j By the fourth day the eggshell i broke and a tiniest pigeon poke. it« head out into the sunshine. ? "He will soon grow and catch; up with the others," thought the! mother pi»on« 1 But he remained the tiniest pigeon, although his feathers grew to be bdautiful. There seemed to he no work at all in the world for a tiniest pigeon. Now in the old palace lived the best ioved man in Rome, good Bishop Valentine. Every day the Bishop sent love messages to his many frienda. The good Bishop and the tiniest pigeon became very good friends. But the wicked King Claudius hated Valentine, because every- | body loved him. One day ClauOiur ordered, "Go to Valentine's palace, and put him in prison.'" Of course, the so : diers had to j obey. But the Bishop was very lone y and p-ad because he had no way to send his dail; love messages. In the meantime the tiniest pigeon flew every- where looking for Valentine. Then he heard the people talking of him being i n prison. So the tiniest pigeon flew right down to : the prison by the river. He say/ a window near the ground, and he looked in. There sat the goo., Bishop smi'ing up £ t him. The tiniest pigeon squeezed through the bars that only the tinie3t could have gotten through. Ha flew to the good Bishop and drop- ped a lovely feather in his hand. Then the tiniest pigeon picked; ;onie green, heart shaped violet leaves and took them to the Rishop. The Bishop pinned the j leaves together with the rather J and scratched I LOVE YOU 011 the leaves. Then the tiniest pigeon delivered the messages every day he did the same. By and by the wicked King died, and Valentine wss set fre.'. When Valentine died the peo- ple celebrated his birthday by sending messages of love ani rood will on February 14th. NOTICE. Having qualified as administra- tor of the estate of S. P. Jones, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims said estate to present the same to me duly authenticated for payment On before the 20th day of Feb , 1939. or this will be pleaded in bar of 1W covery. A«d all pe"?or«r indebted to said estate must * - ke im- r'.vmont to mo. This Feb. Ifi. 19<R E. F. STONE, Ads;-!-. JMnnaclc, N, C. r>. T V-n" V«. v Poultry School In Greensboro The poultry department of N. C. Stfcte College is holding a o'- 1 ] 4 * day poultry school at Greensboro on Tuesday, February 22. Tha meeting will be held in the Ag- ricultural Building on West Syca-I more Street in Greensboro. West Sycamore Street runs East and. West on the south s'.i-j ><l ti.; courthouse and the Agricul'iua Building is just one or two blocks west of the courthouse on this street. The school will begin promptly *t 10 o'clock and wi>l adjourn at ! 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. A | very interesting and instructive program has been planned. Dis- ' cushion on the various poult'y subjects will be in charge of the staff of the poultry department at State Col'ege. Each man on the program is well informed on the particular subject that h.> discuss. The following ;<? probably the program which will be discussed: 10 to 10:30 ?Insuring success with poultry?C. F. Pa'rish. J J0: rso to 11- Piedmont North Announcement BY EDWARD CHATHAM BIVENS. fk SBBS3HHHHHH * <tSj i f +^^BKjgm I wish to announce that I w*" of the district and I invite their be a candidate for Judge of the investigation. 21st Judical District composed of 601,1 °f my °PPonents come the counties of Caswell, Rocking from Rockingham count y and un " ham. Stokes and Surry. tH reCe " t yearß this COUnty "" honored with a representative on when thi ß new distr> ; w a « .. . . . .. the bench in the person of Judge created, Governor Clyde R. Hoov u ? T . , , ur y\mz ,V. n<* y Henry P. Lane, and fo r the laic appointed me as the first r * ... .. r * ,t , n four years with the solicitor of Judge and I have been c'lifiisrci .. ? .. . w . . «. district. My own county of in the duties of the office sine, Surry haß nQt represealed Ju>y, 1937. During this time it on the since the days of has been my pleasure to hold th, Judge Gpaves with the excoptiorl courts of Ashe, Alleghany, Cas- of the short term by the Honor . well, Davidson. Forsyth, Guil- able A. D. Fo'ger. ford, Macon, Rockingham and My duties require my servicc-s Stokes counties, and to hear, dc- ea ch week until the prima., and tennine an d dispose of huadreu, it wt u be impossible for me to of cases. Only two cases *n/n make « campaign. Suca r,oi?"eal these courts have reached th* S,- £cUvlty 0n my fj ? of . preme Court on appeal a nd K- flce wou , d fee dista3tefu , now have been affirmed. By the would be contrary to a/ cor.c-p- June primary I will have had al- tion of the Judiciary. Therefore, most one year of 'valuable ex- my cauß e will be left to the in- pmence on the bench an d the telligent men an d women of the ritirenshin of my district will be 21st Judicial District and I will in n position to determine from f w! BUre that if my record justi- fy record whether I em suitable fie, their confidence they will re- nnd rc-eptable i n this most im- turn me to this office and I will n-rtant position. My record, not fail them in sincere service in therefore, is open to the voters this position of trust and honor. Carolina needs in marketing?T. , T. Brown. j 11 to 11:30?Solving our dis- ease problems in N. C. ?R. S. Dearstyne. i 11:30 to 12?Breeding pro ' r,rpm for Piedmont M. C . 1 Maupin. | Lunch. 1 j 1 to 2?Round Cable discussion of poultry problems. 2 to 3 ?Demonstrations in dis ease diagnosis work and egr grading. 1 I feel ti«t every farmer in 1 Stokes county who is interested in the poultry business will fin<! thi3 meeting to be botjj interest, ing and worth while snd I hopf that you will make your plans to attend. J. F. BROWN, Co. Agt. I _ NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. 1 North Carolina, i; Stokes County. 'I In the Superior Court *| Before the Cleric 1! Tl*ttie Helium, Administra- trix of the Estate of King ! Smith, deceased, s vs. Ida Smith (Widow), Dora Davis and husband John Davis, nnd nthe r*. i The defend?nt§ John Davis sr.- Dora Davis will take notice that *n actio n entitled as above ha* been commenced in the Superirr N»urt of C)i!iU}, N. C.. before the undersigned for the purpose of asking for the sale of certain '<?al estate lying and being in Stokes County, N. G, fully set forth in the petition filed in the above entitled pro- ceeding, the said defendants be- ing necessary parties to this ac- tion end interested in the real estate described; and the said defendants hereinabove named will further take notice that they ?re requiied to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County; N. C. at a Court to be held at Dan- bury, N. C., on the 7th day of March, 1938, at the court house door of said county and gnawer or demur to the complaint filed in the above entitled proceeding or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This Feb. 8, 1938. J. W. TUTTLE, Cterk of the Superior Court. It Is Dangerous It is dangerous to sell a SUB- STITUTE for 666 just to make ; three or four cents more. Cus- tomers are your best assets; lose them and you lose your business. 666 is worth three or four time® jas much a s a SUBSTITUTE. Subscribe For The Reporter THE DANBURY BEPOBR THURSDAY, FEB. 17, IMS. Page Two

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Page 1: The Danbury Reporter (Danbury, N.C.) 1938-02-17 [p Page Two] · 2014-02-07 · nurees, school authorities, ana parents. REPORTING

Contagious Diseases Ed and empowered to exclude juh

mediately irom school any pup>

snowing indications of the a.

sense, ioi fourteen afcys or untu

the symptoms have subsided, o»

satisfactory certificate is present-

ed, signed by a physician or the

health officer.

Rules and regulations that are

made by the State Board of

Health in Raleigh controling the

spread o'- diseases, are given be-

low a«d they apply to doctors,

nurees, school authorities, anaparents.


Wheneve,- any physician exam-

ines or treats any pei-son known

or suspected by him to have a

contagious disease he sha'l with

in twenty-four hourg report to

the heaith officer or quarantine

officer, the name, age, and e>l-

drees of each such pe'sons. Whcf.

no physician is in attendance, the

parent, guardian, the head of the

household or the proprietor 01

person in charge of any hotel or

lodging house wherein any perse,

resides who is apparently or pre-

iumat!y effected with a. conta-

gious di-iease must report to the

heaith officer or quarantine office"

the name, age and address of

each sucj, persons, within twenty-


1. No parent, guardian, or

:.<fult shai ( |>ermit any child or

mir.or who has a contagious di-

sease to attend a"y public or pri

Wite school, Sunday school, or

church or any public assemblage

or to appear upon a public street

unless riding in ta private convey-

ance, wlii e the house is in quar-


2. N«» parents, c*

adult shull permit any child or

minor who has never haj u con-

tagious disease and has been ex-

posed to it to attend any private

or public school or any public

gathering unless given permission

to do so l»y the quarantine offi-

cer or the health officer.

3. Each parent or guardian or

C. He or she must report,

within twenty-four hours to the

quarantine officer the name oi

any child excluded and the name

and address of the parent, house-

holder, or guardian with whom

| the child resides.

| D. He or she must have cal !ci

frequently to the attention of the

children the signs, symptoms, andthe dangers of the disease, and

read aloud before the assembled

school such letters, references,

o r lectures, and send to the

homes by the children such lit-

erature as he or she may receivefrom the quarantine officer dea'-

ing with the disease.E. He or she, within

four hours after receiving notifi-cation from the quarantine offic.rof the presence of the disease i'

his or her school district, mu3t

notify, by letter or otherwise, the

superintendent of the Sunday

schools, church, officials, or someresponsible person, and have an-

nounced at any public meeting

which is being held the preva'encc

of the disease in his or her school

district, its signs, symptoms,

dangers, and precautions to betaken so as to prevent the


F. He or she must not permit

the use of the common dipper,

drinking cup, or open bucket

when a contagious disease is inin his or her school district.

i Unfortunately so many parents

take th«? attitude regardless ofihow serious or slight a diseasemay be that if it was contractedin school that the child has a

right to continue in school andIigive it to as many others as POJ-

??ibie. The mother or father that

j takes pn attitude of this kind

does rot have a very friendly

( feeling for his or he r neighbor, are they show much, if any

consideration for younger child-

, re n that might be in the family.

In Stokes county we are havingsever; 1 cases of chickenpox, jmumps, whooping cough, scarlet

lever and measles in practical l*'

'al! townships, and the spread ofthese diseases the parents are'nine-tenths icsponsib'e for. First,'

I because of the above mentionedattitude. Second, they never stop

Ito think about cruses of illness

jand frequently take their child-

lien to visit a sick neighbor thathas a contagious disease-. It i.j

nice to help out our sick friends,

but let's le> ve the children jv

home when we go v! a hor.ic

where there is illness.I

tntious diseases are serious am?

can bo made more so by un-

necessary exposure. If everyc iwould abide by the pbove men-

tioned inles and regulations we

woulj have fewer sick children. ;

Iw 'nohnvjn Co.

Complete Line Feeds, Field anlSeeds.

512 N. T"P'de Street,


"Complete line of Slate's To-bacco Reeds for salo bv Oo>:'S'»d Store, Winston-Salem, N.C., Corner Trade and fith Sts'


householder shall notify in some

way the teacher it" a child or

minor living in his or her hou:>o

fcp.s a contagious disease.


1. Whe. « teacher has reasonin suspet that a"V person re3iJ

inn i" hi* "r ber school district

U.s a c«.n:laiii«»aß disease ot «?!.» n'any child is absent from school

L« cause c-f what may be a c «-" !

tvgious c'i-. 'ase, he or she must

it-port tn their priitiipul and IJ

ti;e ijiiiii.utiae o-icer withi.i,f.vcnty-: l.vjrs the nuine, age.

irtid address of such putienta. J2. No teicher who has ever 1

been intiiu tely exposed to a dis- a"J has never had the dis-

shju'.l not conduct or attend!any o. public gathering J1.,r fail: teen days unle33 given

permission to do so by the heul'i

officer.3. When the principal of a

pchoo! libeen notified that j;

contagious disease exists in his or ischool district they aru re-

quired t<> <»hey and '' en-

force the fallowing ru-c.r

A. Me or she mu« e c.-lude

fittm his i>i her schroi ouch fh.ld

jiving in tV» t house, npaitmeut,

or room who has not had theijsea e, and any other cK

Itnown t > have been intimately,exposed, !' T « period of fourteen;;iys afto: its last exposure.

B. I Ir- or -he must have oh

served <! ily the children in Mi;

o»* her school who have not In jt' e ('w;ifor si;,'ns and s.vmii-

terns of the disease, ;nd i< ovdo''-

The Tiniest Pigeon.


Joan and Joey were visiting

their grandmother. It was ahnooedtime, and of course they he.

to hear a story before going 1


So they gathered around tl.

glowing fire and grandmothci


Once upon a time hundreds of

yeara ago, a pretty pigeon builther nest away up high in the

Wangled vines on the waU of ;

old p a 'ace in the city of Rome.

By an d by the>e were three

t«ny white eggs and by and byif.ere v/ere two baov pigeons.But the third egg was still un-jbroken..

"Push it out," said fatherpigeon. But mothe r pigeon tried Jto keep it warm a few more days jBy the fourth day the eggshell ibroke and a tiniest pigeon poke.

it« head out into the sunshine. ?

"He will soon grow and catch;up with the others," thought the!

mother pi»on« 1But he remained the tiniest

pigeon, although his feathersgrew to be bdautiful. There

seemed to he no work at all in

the world for a tiniest pigeon.Now in the old palace lived the

best ioved man in Rome, goodBishop Valentine. Every day the

Bishop sent love messages to hismany frienda.

The good Bishop and the tiniestpigeon became very good friends.But the wicked King Claudiushated Valentine, because every-

| body loved him. One day ClauOiurordered, "Go to Valentine'spalace, and put him in prison.'"Of course, the so :diers had to

j obey. But the Bishop was very

lone y and p-ad becausehe had no way to send his dail;love messages. In the meantimethe tiniest pigeon flew every-

where looking for Valentine.Then he heard the people talkingof him being in prison. So the

tiniest pigeon flew right down to: the prison by the river. He say/

a window near the ground, andhe looked in. There sat the goo.,

Bishop smi'ing up £ t him. The

tiniest pigeon squeezed throughthe bars that only the tinie3tcould have gotten through. Haflew to the good Bishop and drop-ped a lovely feather in his hand.Then the tiniest pigeon picked;;onie green, heart shaped violetleaves and took them to theRishop. The Bishop pinned the jleaves together with the rather Jand scratched I LOVE YOU 011

the leaves. Then the tiniestpigeon delivered the messages

every day he did thesame.

By and by the wicked Kingdied, and Valentine wss set fre.'.

When Valentine died the peo-

ple celebrated his birthday bysending messages of love anirood will on February 14th.

NOTICE.Having qualified as administra-

tor of the estate of S. P. Jones,deceased, notice is hereby givento all persons having claims

said estate to present thesame to me duly authenticatedfor payment On before the 20thday of Feb , 1939. or thiswill be pleaded in bar of 1Wcovery. A«d all pe"?or«r indebtedto said estate must *

- ke im-r'.vmont to mo.

This Feb. Ifi. 19<RE. F. STONE, Ads;-!-.

JMnnaclc, N, C.r>. T V-n" V«.v

Poultry SchoolIn Greensboro

The poultry department of N.

C. Stfcte College is holding a o'- 1 ]4


day poultry school at Greensboro

on Tuesday, February 22. Tha

meeting will be held in the Ag-

ricultural Building on West Syca-I

more Street in Greensboro. West

Sycamore Street runs East and.

West on the south s'.i-j ><l ti.;

courthouse and the Agricul'iua

Building is just one or two

blocks west of the courthouse on

this street.

The school will begin promptly

*t 10 o'clock and wi>l adjourn at

! 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. A

| very interesting and instructive

program has been planned. Dis-

' cushion on the various poult'y

subjects will be in charge of the

staff of the poultry department

at State Col'ege. Each man on

the program is well informed on

the particular subject that h.>

discuss. The following ;<?

probably the program which willbe discussed:

10 to 10:30?Insuring success

with poultry?C. F. Pa'rish.

J J0: rso to 11- Piedmont North



i f +^^BKjgm

I wish to announce that I w*" of the district and I invite theirbe a candidate for Judge of the investigation.

21st Judical District composed of601,1 °f my °PPonents come

the counties of Caswell, Rockingfrom Rockingham count y and un"

ham. Stokes and Surry.tH reCe "t yearß this COUnty ""

honored with a representative onwhen thiß new distr> ; wa «

... . . ..

the bench in the person of Judgecreated, Governor Clyde R. Hoov u ? T .

,,ur y\mz ,V. n<* y Henry P. Lane, and for the laic

appointed me as the first r * ... ..r*,t

, n four years with the solicitor ofJudge and I have been c'lifiisrci .. ?

.. . w . .«.

district. My own county ofin the duties of the office sine, Surry haß nQt represealedJu>y, 1937. During this time it on the since the days ofhas been my pleasure to hold th, Judge Gpaves with the excoptiorlcourts of Ashe, Alleghany, Cas- of the short term by the Honor .

well, Davidson. Forsyth, Guil- able A. D. Fo', Macon, Rockingham and My duties require my servicc-sStokes counties, and to hear, dc- ea ch week until the prima., andtennine an d dispose of huadreu, it wtu be impossible for me toof cases. Only two cases *n/n make « campaign. Suca r,oi?"ealthese courts have reached th* S,- £cUvlty 0n my fj? of.

preme Court on appeal and K- flce wou ,d fee dista3tefu ,

now have been affirmed. By the would be contrary to a/ cor.c-p-June primary I will have had al- tion of the Judiciary. Therefore,most one year of 'valuable ex- my cauß e will be left to the in-pmence on the bench an d the telligent men an d women of theritirenshin of my district will be 21st Judicial District and I willin n position to determine from fw! BUre that if my record justi-fy record whether I em suitable fie, their confidence they will re-nnd rc-eptable in this most im- turn me to this office and I willn-rtant position. My record, not fail them in sincere service intherefore, is open to the voters this position of trust and honor.

Carolina needs in marketing?T.

, T. Brown.

j 11 to 11:30?Solving our dis-ease problems in N. C.?R. S.


i 11:30 to 12?Breeding pro' r,rpm for Piedmont M. C . 1Maupin.

| Lunch.

1 j 1 to 2?Round Cable discussionof poultry problems.

2 to 3?Demonstrations in dis

ease diagnosis work and egrgrading.

1 I feel ti«t every farmer in

1 Stokes county who is interestedin the poultry business will fin<!thi3 meeting to be botjj interest,

ing and worth while snd I hopfthat you will make your plans toattend.

J. F. BROWN, Co. Agt.I _


SERVICE BY PUBLICATION.1 North Carolina,i; Stokes County.

'I In the Superior Court

*| Before the Cleric

1! Tl*ttie Helium, Administra-trix of the Estate of King

! Smith, deceased,s vs.

Ida Smith (Widow), DoraDavis and husband JohnDavis, nnd nthe r*.

i The defend?nt§ John Davis sr.-

Dora Davis will take notice that*n actio n entitled as above ha*been commenced in the SuperirrN»urt of C)i!iU}, N. C..

before the undersigned for thepurpose of asking for the saleof certain '<?al estate lying andbeing in Stokes County, N. G,fully set forth in the petitionfiled in the above entitled pro-ceeding, the said defendants be-ing necessary parties to this ac-tion end interested in the realestate described; and the saiddefendants hereinabove namedwill further take notice that they?re requiied to appear before theundersigned Clerk of the SuperiorCourt of Stokes County; N. a Court to be held at Dan-bury, N. C., on the 7th day ofMarch, 1938, at the court housedoor of said county and gnawer ordemur to the complaint filed inthe above entitled proceeding orthe plaintiff will apply to theCourt for the relief demanded inthe complaint.

This Feb. 8, 1938.J. W. TUTTLE,

Cterk of the Superior Court.

It Is DangerousIt is dangerous to sell a SUB-

STITUTE for 666 just to make; three or four cents more. Cus-tomers are your best assets; losethem and you lose your business.666 is worth three or four time®jas much a s a SUBSTITUTE.

Subscribe ForThe Reporter