the dalles times-mountaineer. (the dalles, or.). (the dalles, or.) … › lccn › sn93051669 ›...

" r n MOCSTAISEEE, Volame XXX VIII CONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES, OKEGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1889. NUMBER 12 IIBE8-HOISTAIXEE- POINTED EVERY SATURDAY BY John Mickell, Editor auo Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, one year Biugle copy six months 1 strictly in aavanre Entered at the Pmtoffiee at The Dalles, Or., at Seajnd Clast Matter for Uamuiuuiun Uiraujh the mailt. LIST OF STATE AND CO'JHTY OFFICIALS. Governor ....S. Pennover of dtate G.W. McBride Secretary " "" Geo. W. Webb Treasurer Superintendent oi V'iihiiciiiii'uQclion..K.P.:McElroy J J. N. Dolph Senators i.U. liitcnell B. Hermann BUte Congressman frinter '.".'. ."..'. . .".V Frank Buker Sheriff Geo. nerbcrt Clerk .". i. H. Thompson Treasurer Geo. Kuch i George A. Young Commissioners 1 n. A. Leuveaa Assessor H. Gourlay Surveyor E. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Scliooi .... A. C. Connelly Coroner William Michall Professiona Ca tU. R. J. G. BOYD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. i he Dalles, Oregon. Offico Booms S and 6, over Moody & McLeod's store, corner 2d and Washing ton su. Residence North side Fourth St., near Lincoln. Calls in city or country answered at all hours. 1. B. COX DON. . COXBCII. ' & CONDON, QONDON Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court House, The Dalles, Or. K. THOMPSON, 'Attorney and Counselor at Law, Omen Next door to U. S. Land Offlce. Will practice in all Courts, and in the U. S. land Office. Collections promptly attended to. SlDDALL D. D. S. D Kitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas Given For rainless extraction of Teeth. Rooms, sign of tie Golden Tooth, Second Street. B. H. LOGAN. D Officii: Rooms 2 and 8 in Land Office Building. C. HOLL1STER, 0, Phvsipiiin anil Snrsfton. Rooms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours-- 10 A.M. to It M., and from 2 to 4 P.M. Residence West end of Third street. D. DOASE, M. D., o. Physician and Surgeon, TheDalle3, Oregon. Okfick r French & Co.'s Bank. , Remdksck Over McFariand & French's. R. S. B. WALTER. D Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskinsville Bheiman Co., Oregon. j. F. DICKSON, GRADUATE OF TOR-out- o Dr University. Canada, office room, 4 oyer Moody's store. Oitice hours 8 to 10:39 A. M.; 2 to 4 P. M. Couutr) calls prcmptly attenJcd. rrauvs g HUHTISOTOB AYS & HUNTINGTON, M Attorneys at Law, Office In French's Building, Second St, between Washinirtoii and Federal. p. HOKE. ATTORSEV AT LAW. Room 5, B . over Postofflce, The Dalles. apSdaw ATWATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, THE JE. Ore-e- apr tf K. B. DtTUR. 0E0.WATK1NS. & W ATKINS, Attorneys-at-taw- . NOTARY PUBLIC. Rooms over Moody St McLeod's store, next door to Fistafc Bardon's, Washington St. & WILSON, JJEXNETT Attorneys at Law, Office in Schanno's building, The Dalles ... Oregon. J. L, STOUT. W. L. BKADSOAW. TORY & BRADSHAW, s Attorneys at Law. The Dalles, Oregon. G. KOONTZ, J Ileal Estate, Insurance and Loan A. cent. Agents for the Scottish Union and National In- surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital S 0,000,000. Valuabio Farms near the City to sell on easy terms. Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or. cCOY b MoCOY, BARUER3, Second Street, next door to MacEarcliern & MacLeod's. The cleanest shave, the nobbies hair-cu- t nd moat health-fu- l baths. ipM&w L. WATERS, M. D., ' Ui"menTatuic Physician t nd Snrseon. Graluate of the nJinemsn 1'e lical College of Philadelphia. Cniee in Max Vogt & Co. s block, npstairs. GEO. ANDERSON, DaaUUt ALL KINDS OF GUNS, Revolvers. Ammunition. FUhin Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc., etc. Repairing and New Work done to Order. Second Street THB DALLES OREGON ladies, Attention! A Xhv Invention for Dress CuttUne. A. Self-Instruct- or That can be used by a man or woman, and which gives a perfect fit. Price of scale, includins a key of full instructions, 83 SO. Can be had by calling on or addressing au3-S- MRS. C. L. I HILL1PS The Dalles, Or, OREGON-:-BAKER- Y, A. KELLER, Prop'r, Washington street, next door llow Ceo. Ruch's. Dalles, Oregon. n.vrin; the Bakery formerly owned by Ceo. Rnch, I am preiarcd to furnish families, hotels and with the choicest Bread. Cakes and Pics. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & CommisslGn fvlsrclisnts 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. ryCtfh advance made on eonsiirnment. T FAGAM MERCHANT TAILOR Suitings of all kinds, imported and domestic on band. FIT VARRANTED. Nona but the best of labor employed and satis ction guaranteed Jerome Liner, ' Proprietor of the Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and Cieara. Leave your orders, as they will receive prompt tenuon. ... . . Miscellaneous. WANTED! lly old friends and the public, one and all to come and see me in the if 8w Goiiimpia Hotel UNION AND RAILROAD STS, Where one can tret all the comforts of Home. My rooms are furnished iVith Spring Beds, and the Tables second to none in the city. Price same us before. Meals 25 cents; Lodging 25 cents. T. T. NICHOLAS, Prop'r, Mm Mm d U Eois, 110 Front Street, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON CHAS. FRAZER. PROP R 1ST None but the most Hkillful artists em' ployed. Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfoit of patrons. At the old stand of E. Lusher. L. ROEDEN & CO., DEALEHS IN Crockerv& Glassware LAMPS CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES Rogers Bros'. Platedware, IXL PocEet Cutlery, J. Russell & Co's Table Cutlery, Keen Kutter Shears aud Scissors, ggTEvery One Warranted.,! CIGARS AND TOBACCO, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Fancy Goods and Notions, Iron Wlioel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Canjes; Agents for the New Home, White and Royal St.John Sew- -- iug Machines, Needles and Attachments for every Machine, picture Frames in stock or made to order. Larson & Hkmk, AT THE EfiST ill STOCK TIBS, WILL PAY THE HidiestCasli Price for Hay and Grain. 3THEY HAVE AMPLE FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to TDOS. JOHNS & CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Tee Dalles, - - - Oeeqon. DEALKRS IS ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. HAHtrrACTUBSKS OF BOOKS. WINDOWS, Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. Trees! Trees! Trees! FRUIT TREES I Ornamental Trees, Shade Trees and Timber Culture Trees . Ornamental SHrobliery, Roses! Itoses! Greenhonso Plants, We hive on hand at this date a few hundred Italian and Pettc Primes, which wo offer at reasonable prices by the hundred. THE CELEBRATED NEW PLUM, 23 Z 3xE We offer ib cents each. Don't be hnmbngged by pavincr HI for them, for we warrant ours to be Kcuuiue M aki aji a. Also. CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in large supply. Send for Catalogue and prices. Auarcss, THE JEYETT HURSERIES 10se White Halmnn.lV.T. C IU. Bayard, EealEstateJnsnrance Collection Agency. Ko. 113 Third St,,la Masonic UuUdinK. Agent for the Northwest Fire aud Marine InsuraEccCo., Best Ilome Company on the Coast. Also Agent for Aetna Life and Pacific Surety, Accident Insurance .Companies. Having been appointed correspondent lor he Lombard Investment Co. I am prepared to make Loans on good Eca Estate Security in ivasco anu l.uiiam iuuuues, uau lu WashinL-to- Territory. Ii you WANT MONEY Call on or address C. E. BAYARD, The Dalles, Qtcu. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Wash-urto- n Teniwrv. J. P. JOMSON, Saccost or to Eenfert Bros., Proprietor of liiiisanjlite! 3ZCOND STREET, And dealer In Fish, Fruits, Vegetables, Prcvisiens, Etc fynighest Price paid f ir Country Produce. FOR ICE CEEAM AND ICE COLD SODA WATER, -- GO TO- - The Golnmbia Candy Factory 104 Second Street. Cram & Corson, Props. Sanies. The Dalles National Bank, OF DALLES CITY, OR. President, ...Z. F. Moody, Gasnier, ...M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges sold o NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, OR. aC5T Collections made on favorable terms at all a esiltle points. Prencli& Co., Bankers. THB DALLES, OREGON. Transact a General Banldng Business. Collections Made at all Points on Favorable Terms. Letters or Credit issued, available in all parts of the United States. farsight Exchange and TolcKinphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Kan Fiancisco, Portland, Seattle and Walla Walla, W. T., and va- rious points in Uicjron and Washington Territory. D. P. THOMPSON', J. S.SCUENCK, President. II. SI. BEALL, Cashier, FIRST NATIONAL BANK. tJF TUB DALIiS (Successor to) SCIIENK & BEALL, BANKERS, TRANSACTS A REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS, BUY AND SELL EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS CAREFULLY MADE AND PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED FoR. DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FHANCISCO AND PORTLAND. Directors I D P THoiirso.v, T W Spakks, J S ScusHCK, Ckorgk A Lie be, ii M Bkall. fehj SXiscellaixeona E. BECK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Next to 1st Nat. Bank 1 Alwavs on band the latent Btyles of jewelry, clocks, watches, etc., at the lowest prices. If you wane something lasting and handbome. give Beck the leweler a call. menzi J. FREIMAN, THE LEAIER IN THE- - Boot - and - Shoe Trade. SOLE AGENT FOl LAIRD, SCHOBER & MITCHELL, HANAN & SON, EDWARD C. BURT, and the W. L. DOUGLASS Celebrated S3. 00 Shoe. W.LDOUGLASr e0TTQ tar Goods sold Cheaper than ever. Call and xainine the fine stick ou hand. J. Freiman, tiehanno'H Uric It. Hecontl street We Are Here And to Stay AT OUR HEADQUARTEES With a Large Stock of Staple Bams, etc., etc. -- ALSO- Tiinotiiy, Wheat and Wild Baj OATS, BARLEY, Bran, Rolled Barley, etc. rVK STOCK IS A 1 IN OUAUTY AND J quantity, widen wo are pleased to offer you at very low prices iur casn or counuy prouuee. Call and see for yourselves. Wc mean what we say auu you will not be sarry. BROOKS d BEERS cpr TELEGRAPHIC. LATTIN CONVICTED. Tacoma, Oct. 25. The jury in the David Latten case, for the murder or U G. Grant, brought in a verdict of guilty, and Laltm received a sentence of twenty years in the penitentiary. After the sen- tence Lattin turned to his counsel and whispered that it was as cold-bloode- d a murder asjwas ever committed. He after- wards gave the details. He met Grant at Pasco. There Grant showed a $100 bill. At Tacoma he made up his mind to rob him. lie bought a bottle of whisky, drugged it and gave it to Grant, who did Dot drink it but set it on the dresser, He also procured chloroform, a billy and a large revolver. After Grant bad been asleep an hour, fatten arose and struck him a heavy blow with the billy, expecting to knock him insensible. .Lattin also hart chlorform ready to Rsep him quicf.inteudingto take all the money of Grant and tell the landlady he was not feeling well, and not to wake him in the morning. This would have given the murderer time to get out oi the country. The billy broke and Grant awakened and sprang out of bed. Lattin had a large revolver in his hand and in the struggle for the possession of it Lattin shot at Giant and missed him, then got away and ran out of the room. Grant followed to the door, when Lattin shot through the door, and killed him. TRIAL OF CLARK. The trial of P. E. Clark for the murder of Flomuce Dicksrn is in progress. The evidence is the same as the preliminary beanpg. NEWSPATER SALE. The Morning Globe closed its sale to day to a Republican syndicate, with Charli's IT. Boynton as business manager. Colonel Will vischer remains editor in chief and is one of the new company. Bovijton is now in Chicago ana will (ptnd $25,000 for a perfecting press and material to make it one of the leading newpipem in the state. The price paid for the paper is not known, but is sup-pns- erf to be ?30,000. Boynton takes con- trol November 1. The Globe was already a phenomenal success and the transfer iusuica even greater. CXITED STATES OUT OF THE RACE. London, Oct. 25. The Daily New prints a aispatch from its Madrid corres- pondent, stating that the Spanish govern- ment has been assured by Chili aud the Argentine Republic that those countries are not at all disposed to agree to any proposal on the part of the United States ror a zollverein. According to these rep- resentations, the governments of the two republics named are satisfied that their people can obtain more substantial, ef- fective and advantageous support from European tiade and capital than they are likely to obtain by becoming the mere satellites of the gnat northern republic KO ONE CLAIMED HER. San Francisco, Oct. 25. Liliie Kilsby a old child, arrived here on the overland train to-d- ay lroru New York, having made the journey alone and depending upon charitable passengers ior her meals. She carried a letter from the general Eastern passangcr agent of the New York Central & Hudson River railroad, commending her to the care of the conductors along the route. No one met her here, and she was taken in charge by Police Sergeant Kavanaugh, who found her wandering about the ferry. THE CRONIN TRIAL. Chicago, Oct. 25. The taking of evi- dence on the identification was resumed in the Cronm case this morning. The identification is vey perfect and very positive. The next matter taken up was the find- ing of the body in the catch basin by two sewer-cleaner- who notified the poiice of the fact. The policemen who were sent out and assisted in removing the body, were sworn as to this point, and described the proceedings. Lawyer Forrest, for the defense, made the n on this head very searching and rigid. They were followed by Dr. Lewis, the dentist, who made a set of false teeth for Cronin. He identified the plate taken from Cronin's mouth as the one he had made. He said that a cast for another set exactly fitted the dead man's mouth. A recess was then taken. At the afternoon session. Dr. Egbert stated the facts revealed by the autopsy, describing the wounds at great length, and giving it as his opinion that death had resulted from them. All of the wounds were on the head, but the skull was not broken, except that a small piece of bone was chipped off at the corner of the left eye. The stomach and some of its contents were exhibited, and Dr. Eg- bert said that Cronin was killed within three hours after having eaten. The of Dr. Egbert devel- oped the iact that none of the wounds were such as would necessarily cause death. It was Impossible, he admitted, to say whether the wonnds were inflicted before or after death. If death bad re- sulted from the skull wound it would, in aU probability, have been caused by con- cussion of the brain. The question was put to the doctor: "Is it not scientifically tiue that the physicians found no evi dence in that body that were certain and conclusive of the cause pf death?" Dr. Egbert replied: "That is true." He was of the opinion that death had occurred through excessive loss ot blood, but there was no certainty of it, he said. Dr. Ferkms, who assisted in the post mortem, thought that death resulted from concussion of the brain. That organ, however, was too much decomposed to afford any iu formation. IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS MISSING. Chicago, Oct. 25 It is announced this evening that important papers are miss-io- g from the state's attorney's office, upon which the county was larjrely dependent to combat the old "boodie" claims, ag- gregating $250,000. The decuments are supposed to have been stolen. They are needed chiefly to light the bills of con- tract ot Varnell, Frey and the American Stone and Brick Preserving Company. The last named claimant is now represented by Lawyer Frothmann, who was assistanc state's attorney when the papers were turned over to the present incumbent of the state s attorney 8 oliice. Mr. Long-neck- has no clue as to bow the papers disappeared. It is said that if the miss- ing documents are not recovered it may result in the loss of many thousands of aol.ars to the county. THE KENTUCKY FETJD. LocisviLLK, Oct. 25 A dispatch from Pineville says: The iorce of Wilson How- ard, the outlaw, worked a neat flank movement on the forces f County Judge Lewis jet.terday. The latter party left the court house early to make an assault on Howard's camp. How- ard's forces moved around to the flank, got into the town, took possession of the court houe, and are holding the to. Judge Lewis's psrly are camped outside, and it is expected that they will make au effort to recapture the town, when a bloody battle is expected. Later, The report to-ni-ght says that the outlays did not capture the court- house and that Judge Lewis is gaining recruits. FROM OFFICE. Washington, Oct. 27. A letter was made public y from Secretary Noble to Coionel J. E. Smith, until a few days ago chief of the certificate division of the pension office, from which it would teem not improbable that those employes of the pension office who were are stated 'to lose their places. The letter says in pait: ' I deem it to the best in terest of the service that men who were d in the bureau should not con- tinue there to exercise an influence in that direction either by their presence or council, aud that the new commissioner should have a better opportunity to cor- rect the evils which I consider of the grossest character." BATTLE AT A BARN RAISING. Dubuque, la., Oct. 26. A iued of twenty vears' standing culuminated in a battle j'esierday near Newhampton, the county seat of Chickasaw county, two men bemg killed and several others wounded'. Thomas Doud, his two sons, Peter McKeuna, and a number of other farmers Ussembled at the farm of Albert Smith to assist in a barn-raisin- g. A feud has existed twenty years between the Doud and McKenna families over the ownership of land. A quarrel took place yesterday afternoon when, without warn ins, Thomas Doud shot and killed Mc Keuna. A friend of the murdered man then killed Doud after which the battle became general. How many others were wounded has not been learned. A posse of officers was sent out from Newhamp ton and Doud's two sons and Mulvihil!, who shot Thomas Doud, have been brought to town and locked up. rOSTOFFlCES ON STEAMSHIPS. Washington, Oct. 27. Postmaiter- - General Wanamaker in his forthcoming annual report will recommend that post offices be established on the principal steamers that ply between the poits of the United States and Europe, simuar to the postal service on the railway trains. This would greatly facilitate delivery on both sides of the Atlantic, as the pack ages could be all arranged for distnbu tion with the rapidity of the steamer's arrival iu port. MANAGER 1IOLCOM3 INTERVIEWED OMAnA, Oct. 27. In an interview here Vice President Holcomb, of the Union Pacific, again makes the statement that the combination between his road and the Northwestern is limited to ten years. He says that under the new arrangement the Union Paiitic will furnish 50 per cut of the rolling stock required in the through service, and no contract with the palace car company will be affected. The Union Pacific will continue to run Pullman cars, and the Northwestern will continue its Wagner cars. When asked it the Kansas divssion, or Union Pacific, was not included in the combination, flolcouib said that the Kansas division wa3 eliminated from " the agreement owing to a deal that is pend- ing with the Chicago & Alton. He stat ed, however, that nothing definite in tins direction had been accomplished. it is reported on good authority that Superintendent Swobe, of the hotel de- partment of the Union Pacific, is to be retired iu a few days, and that General Purchasing Agent McKiblan, who has jurisdiction over that department, wiil reorganize tne force. W. I). .Bennett, who has been local superintendent of the hotel department, will be relieved on Monday, and be succeeded by W. W. Burner, a youDg man now connected with the supply department. It is stated that Superintendent Swobe will be re- lieved on or before November 1. ED JOHNSTOWN. JonNSTOWN, Pa., Oct. 27. The pros pects of Johnstown being again under water are good. Rain has been, frilling almost continually for the past 3G hours and a great many of the streets arc al- most impassable to pedestrians. FIVE MEN SENTENCED TO RE HANGED. Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 27. The state supreme court has affirmed the verdict of the lower court in finding John Anderson, John Barnard, H. Barnard, Elisha Barn ard and C. Barnard guilty of the murder of Henry Sutton last January. They will be hanged November 23. Tbe killing was the outcome of a feud in Hancock county, which has long been noted for DIoody Efijirs. It is believed that this derision will have a reforming effect on the county. DAVID PARDUN'S BODY FOUND. Seattle, Oct. 27. The body of David Pardun, a well-know- n steamboat man who so mysteriously disappeared from the steamboat Slate of Wat7iinglon of which be was chief engineer, on the trip between Seattle and Tacoma last Sunday night, was found on the beach at Alki Point early this morning. The discovery was made by O. A. Johnson ol the Alki Point Brick and Stone Company. The body was partly decomposed, although the features were perfectly recognized. It is supposed that Pardun fell from the steamer opposite the point where the body lloated ashore, and that he was struck by the paddle, olhcrwiso being an excellent swimmer he might have reached the shore. Pardim's sou Harry, living iu Portland, was to-d- notified of the dis- covery. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE, Colfax, Wn , Oct. 27. A. Eisley, of Whitman county, is supposed to have met with foul play at Sprague as be was enroule to the mountains on a recreating tour. At Sprngue,jon tbe 24th instant, his pocketbook, an account book with the Second National back of Colfax and a note drawn in his favor for ?C41 were found near by the town in the brush. Hearing no tidings of him bis relatives are becoming alarmed. Sheriff McLean dispatched a messenger to his brother, who lives near Almota. He will go to Sprague at once. DIED FROM HIS WOUNDS. Dan Candy, who was shot in saloon at Farming ton by Youug Knsscll, the son of Charles Rusell, of Walla Walla, died A CLEVER SWINDLER. Tacoma, Oct. 27. A number of the prominent business men of tbe city have been victimized by a clever swindler known as Lucius Reynolds, who disap- peared during the past week. He ar- rived iu Tacoma last spring in an "utterly broke" condition, and sought employ- ment as a carpenter of a contractor noted for his sympathetic disposition and de- sire to give the needy assistance. Tbe newcomer soon evinced enterprise by tak- ing contracts on his own account. Han- sen, ieweler, Cohn, merchant tailor, W. Frazer, cashier of the Tacoma National back, T. D. Yarnngton and others gave him coutrtcts, as be took them at lower prices than other builders. Upon plau.-i-bl- e excuses he obtained advances beyond the work accomplished, and by getting in debt to material men, was enabled to escape, upon a pretense of receiving a telegram Irom a sick witcin New lork state, with between $0000 and fUUOO. When last heard from he was at Portland. THE CRONIN TRIAL. Chicago, Oct. 28. At the opening of the Croma trial this morning, Napier Morcland, employed iu Dinans livery stable, testified to the facts of the hiring of the white horse, as testified to by Di-n- an on Saturday.. He said thut when the horse came hack, at 9:30, he was putiing and gaye evidence of having been hard driven. ' Tbe buggy was covered with sand aud mail., Mrs. Coaklin, at whose boose Dr. Cro nin last lived, was tbe next wituess. She told at great length and with minuteness the story of how Dr. Cronin was called for by a man, who ostensibly wanted him to go to attend one of P. O'Sullivan's ice men who had been hurt. This was on the evening of the murder.. She identi- fied tbe horse and buggy in which be was taken away as the white horse and top buggy Uken from Dinan's livery stable on an order from Detective Dan Cough-lio- , one of the prisoners. She also de- scribed (he interview that she had with P. O'Sullivan on the following day in tbe presence of a Pinkerton man. O'Sulli van, she said, confessed that appearances were against him, but declared that be knew nothing about the matter, and thut he did not send for Cronin. THE WICKED WAVES. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 27. The schooner George T. Simmons, ot Camden, N, J , was wrecked off False cape in a storm last Wednesday night. When the vessel was first seen sunk in the breakers by the crew Thursday morning five men were lashed in the rigging. One by one the doomed men bad been swept away in the sea. Last night two were left and at sunset this evening only one remained, and undoubtedly he will share the fate of his ship-mate- s before morn ing. The life saving ciews watched an opportunity to go to the rescue, but the surf has run too high for the boat to make an attempt at relief. A large three-maste- d schooner, flying a flag ot distress, is ashore three miles outside of Oregon inlet. Assistance will be sent from here. Tho schooner Lizzie Iloynesi, lumber laden, from Savannah to Baltimore, has been wrecked on Bodie's island. The captain and steward were saved. Five men were drowned. Mrs. Couklin's brought out tbe fact that within a few days after the disappearance of Cronin Police Captain Sbanck brought Dinan's white horse and buggy to her house for identification, and that she had failed to identify the animal. On the 25th of May, when the animal was brought by a reporter, she identified it. Mrs. Conklin accounted for this by saying that the cir- cumstances of weather and light were different at these times The reporter presented the animal under similar con- ditions as when tbe doctor was driven away. The cross examination lasted un- til late in the afternoon. Charles Beck, the reporter who drove the horse to Conklin's house when Mrs. Conklin identified it, merely testified to this effect. Sarah McNeary, who was in Dr, Cro- nin's reception room when the mysterious man came for him, gave a description of the individual tallying closely with that given by Mrs. Conklin. Dr. Cronin's brother from Arkansas, tes- tified briefly to having identified the Lake-vie- corpse as that of his brother. Then Conklin, the saloonkeeper with whom Cronin resided, was recalled, and testified to starting out the first morn- ing of Cronin's absence to search for the doctor. At P. O'Sullivan's house the ice man was seen, and denied having rent for him, or that any of his men had been hurt. SURE HE IS TASCOTT. Philadelphia, Oct. 23. The police are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of the picture ot tbe supposed Tascott in Chicago. It is expected to reach there to-ni- From further examination of the scars they are convinced he is Tas cott. A msn who knew Tascott when a boy says the prisoner looks very much like him. ADMITS THAT HE KNEW TASCOTT. Chicago, Oct. 28; A dispatch was te- - ceived by the police late from tho Philadelphia authorities, saying that the prisoner now under arrest on suspic- ion of beiDg Tascott has admitted to the police that he knew Tascott and played billiards with him in Chicago. This is taken by tbe Chicago police as fending t) confirm the belief that the real Tascott has at last been captuied. The photo graphs of tbe suspect, sent from Phila- delphia, have not yet arrived. AT JOHNSTOWN. Johnstown, Oct. 28. Bevond the washing away of the piers of the Cambria Iron Company's railroad bridge, no dam- age lias yet been done by tbe flood. The only public bridge across the Conn-e- matigh is m a very bad condition, and it is to be feared that it will go if the river continues to rise. Woodvale is consider ably flooded, but no serious damage has yet been reported. It has been raining steadily all day. THE Bit OTHER AOOD OF FIREMEN. Denver, Oct. 28. One hundred r.nd fifty delegates to the special meeting of the International Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen met here yesterday attcr-noo- u, for the purpose of discussing the proposed labor federation question now agitating the Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engineers. John J. Hannahan, vice grand master, with headquarters at Chi cago, presided. He with the other sdyo-cat- es of the federation, indorsed the arti- cles presented at Omaha with but slight modifications. In other words, the indi- vidual labor organizstions will, under the proposed plan, occupy the same relation to the whole body of organized labor that the respective states bear to the Federal Uuion. After considerable dis cussion the convention voted unanimous ly in favor of the question, and appoin ted a committee to notify the Brother- hood of Engineers of the result of the meeting. The majority of the delegates present were from Colorado, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California. MONTANA'S MANDAMUS CASE. Helena, Mont., Oct. 28. The man damus ease was opened to day at Butte. Judge Knowles, of counsel lor the Re publicans, scored tbe first poinl in the legal battle. The writ of mandamus was brought in the name of the people of Montana to which Campbell objected, makmg the point that it should be in the name of the territory. Judge 'DeWolfe sustained the objection. The opposition counsel moved to amend the writ. Know les objected, and tbe court adjourned till 3 o'clock. Judge DeWolfe decided, at the after- noon session, that the law provided leave to amend tbe writ of mandaaius. ' Camp bell moved to quash the writ. The court decided to entertain Mr. Campbell's mo- tion and adjourn until 10 o'clock when tho argument upon tbe case will be commenced. . CRUISER CONTRACTS AWARDED. Washington, October, 28. Secretary Tracy, this afternoon awarded the con- tract lor building two of the 2000-to- n cruisers to the Columbia Iron Works of Baltimore for the sum of $1,225,000 The contract for the third one will be awarded either to Harrison & Loring, of Boston, or N. F, Palmer & Co.. of New Yoik, each of whom bid $(574,000. FOUL PLAY BC8PECTF.D. Colfas, Wn., Oct. 28. The disappear- ance of E. Frank, who left here to attend the races at Spokane Falls, is still sliroud ed in mystery. The sheriff has possession ot the store. His assets are far in excess of Ins lia bilities. He also has $1000 to his credit at the bank. His friends apprehend foul play. THE DAKOTA SUFFERERS. Washington, Oct. 28 Representative Hautthrought North Dakota's new con- gressman, called upon Secretary Proctor to-d- ay in the iuteret of the residents of Ramsy county in that sUte. Crops have been bad for ibe past two years aod they are in a destitute condition, as winter is approaching and they arc not able to purchase fuel. Uansbn-g- has asked Secretary Proctor to permit the settlers to cut firewood from tbe timber tract on the Devil's Lake reservation, Fort Totten. The secretary not being certain of bis authority in tbe premises, promised Haosbrough an answer to- - morrow. He feels inclined to grant the request. Elegant Blew Ulnlne Cars Will ran daily, commencing Ang. 22, over tbe Oregon Railway & Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Ry., between' Portland and Missouri River. The cuisine and service are unexcelled. ITEMS IX BltlF.F, From Saturday Daily. Hon. W. H. H. Dufur, of Dufnr, is in the city. Hon. J. C. Luckey, agent at the Warm Springs reservation, is iu the city. To-da- y is the twenty-firs- t anniversary of the institution of the A. O. U. W. There are auction sales every day at Cros-sen- 's auction rooms on Washington street. Nine carloads of sheep were shipped from the stockyards yesterday for the Sound by Butler & Anderson. The west-boun- d passeneer train is three- - hours late, caused by a slight accident on the mountain division. The Dalles has spent more in improve- ments this summer than any city in the iulaiid empire except Spokane Falls. We understand the rain has been more bountiful in the country than in the city, and the ground is in fair condition for plow- ing. Rev. G. G. Ferguson, of Goldnndale will fill the pulpit of the M. E. church in this city Sunday moruinsr and evening. At the warehouse of Mr. Moody in this city is a ferret and Guinea pig. The former Mr. Moody will use to kill the rats in and about the warehouse. A family of three, out of six, of the Johnstown sufferers, has located at Salem. the statesman says their tale of suffering during the great flood is horifying to all who listen. The call for seed wheat at Moody's warehouse every day is astonishing. Mr. Moody is supplying the demands as rapidly as possible; but wheat cannot be received last enough to supply nil. The east-boun- d passeneer train was "stalled" night before last near Mosier, but a freight train being near, tbe locomotive was used, aud by means of the double-heade- r the train was hauled into the city. Port Townscnd, Seattle, Tacoma. and in fact nearly everv town on Puget Sound are infested with murderers and vaga bonds that are too lazy to work. A vigi- lance committee would cure this evil in very quick tiine- - East Oregonian: Pendleton, perhaps. contains the oldest soldier in Oregon. His name is John Morrow, and he catered the regular army service in 1 842. shoul dering a musket for fifteen years and par ticipating in tne Mexican war. The fair to be given by the ladies of St. Paul's guild will take place Tuesday and veanesuay, ucc. na ana aa. several elegant articles will be disposed of on this occasion, and it will undoubtedly re ceive a good degree of popular patronage. The tr:iin dispatcher's office on the east ern division will be removed from Colfax toTekoa, the latter being a junction and a more central point. J. 11. Guilds, tho railway telegraph superintendent, went up the branch this morning to officiate at the removal, accompanied by Lineman Whittle. The city was pretty thoroughly worked yeslerday by two tramps. One was a boy aoout lo or lu years, and claimed charily because one hand was missing. Last night the elder and more muscular found his way into the city jail, and the one-arme- d subject of charity was playing pool in one oi tne saloons. This woman believed in keeping up appearances: In Hamilton, Ohio, a man died a few days ago, who had $5000 in morjcy laid up, and a payment of $150 was due to saye his home. His widow took the money to buy a fine casket, an expensive lot in the cemetery, and to hire twenty-fiv- e hacks for the procession, and thus used every dollar and let her home go by default. The Spokane Falls and Northern was completed to Colville last Saturday at noon. Regular trains wiil begin running from Spokane to Colville next Thursday. The road is not only completed to that place, but the erade is finished almost to Marcos, on the Columbia river, and surveyors are reported in the field surveying a line up Kettle river to the Kettle river falls in British Colombia, Thursday afternoon, at Walla Walla, Dr. J. E. Bingham, assisted by Dr. N. G. Bla-loc- amputated the leg of James Jones, of Riparia, below the knee. The doctors dis- covered after the amputation had been made that owing to ossification of the arte- ries, the leg would have to be amputated again, higher np, which waa done. The patient is suffering from dry gangrene, and is in a serioos condition. While holding court in Coos county last week Judge Bean presided over the case of John Oilman, an old gray-haire- d man accused of murdering a Mrs. Easton-hove- r and her little boy. The jury was out but twenty minutes and brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree and he was sentenced to be bung on the 13th of December. His crime, says the Eugene Register, was one of the most d murders ever committed. Oregon City Enterprise: S. D. Coleman was in town on Tuesday. He says that he has no doubt but what the negro mur- derer Gibbs went through Sandy and over the Barlow toll road a few days .after he shot his victims. He got a meal in Wan-noc- k settlement on Tuesday or Wednes- day, and the following day called lor his breakfast at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the toll gate. A son of Mr. Sievcrs re- ported a negro as passing the summit, aud said he was traveling day and night. A remarkable slate of affairs is reported from the United States custom house at Osboyoos lake on the British Columbia border No collector is stationed there and Indians have taken possession of the log structure formerly occupied by repre- sentatives of this government. Just across the line, her majesty's government, has a line custom house conducted with all the precision usually found in British out- posts. Chinamen and opium are con- stantly crossing the line without the least restraint. Transcript: It may he interesting to know that the first steamboat that was ever on the Columbia, steamed down from Vancouver in 1830. Her name was Beav- er. She came from England as a sailing vessel with all her machinery aboard and was fitted up at Vancouver. Her first trip was to the Sandwich islands with a cargo of wheat and salt salmon. It seems that the feelings of the natives when they saw the vessel going against wind and tide, could be better imagined than de- scribed. The Beaver belonged to the Hudson Bay company, who used her for a number of years aud then sold her- -. She is now a pensioner, and lying at anchor at Victoria, B. C. as a relic of early days. Astoria Transcript: This morning three German girls arrived in this city direct from the old country. They have a sister living at Hoquiiu and they are expecting her lo meet ihem here. This afternoon Ihcy stalled out to make some small pur- chases, but being ouabie to talk English tbey soon fouud themselves in tow of a man who took them to a saloon in swill-tow- n and commenced to fill them up on beer. Several vags soon gathered around them and tried lo induce ihem to go to a house ot prostitution Councilmen Berg- man and Cleveland and Constable W elch were notified and went to the saloon and had them sent back 10 the Asior house. It'su"h actions are repealed again in this citv, Judge Lynch will We called upon and a ueck-u- e party given to a few low scrubs who are allowed the liberties of this city. Aitoria Transcript: Work on the Astoria & South Coast railroad la progressing. About 130 white men and 60 Ctiiuamen are employed. TLe company aJe negotiating tor 500 Chinamen, aa they find it impossi- ble to procure white labor. ' Stockton & Welch had 20 applicants for wotk by men, all of whom refused to work on tbe rail- road. Poles are being erected along the line of the railroad, and telegraphic commu- nication with Tillamook will be established as soon as possible. Junction City is the name of the new town being started just this side of the Gearhart woods. The grade is completed to the Necanicnm and O'Hana creeks and the work of building the bridges will be commenced at ooce. Engineer Habersham proposes to posh the road through, and says if be had been in charge of the road when first organized he would have had it completed to Seaside by last July. m From Mont'ay'ii Daily. Tho sere, the yellow leaf. A light frost this morning. Mr. Hollis Johnson is in the city. Sidewalks covered with fallen leayes. Canyon City desires a roller flour mill. o Crook county wants six or seven school teacuers. The wagon road over the Cascades is re ported in a fearful condition. Rain has been very plentiful in Crook county during the past week. Baker City is to have a street railway. tne nrst ot any town in iastern Uregon. Hons. A. S. Bennett and F. P. Mays, of The Dalles, are attending court at Prine- - vine. Grass isrowing nicely, and it is expect- ed stock will be in good condition for winter. Every one Is preparing for a severe win- ter; but this can be determined better next ilareh. A new ferry boat is soon to be placed in operation between Hood River anil White Salmon. There are five prisoners in the Grant county jail one under sentence of being nangeu. The ground in Crook county is in good condition, aud tarmcrs are busy putting ,in iau crops. Miss Nettie Michell returned on the noon train yesterday from a short visit to tne exposition at rortland. The total liabilities of Grant county are . . . . CTO O A T'J. I Am n i - r Vi.jt.joj wim resources, iivwu oot showing an indebtedness of 01,923 15. The Ellensburgh Daily Slate Register has increased its issue to seven columns. This is indisputable evidence ot the prosperity of the city. The Grant County Netcs says Chas. Bey- er, of Canyon City, is employing bauds to dig "frog cellars" on Frank McBjan's ranch. A new industry in the northwest. The Spokane Falls and Northern was completed to Colville last Saturday at noon. Regular trains will begin ruumnrf from Spokane Falls to Colville next Thursday. A colored man was arrested in Fossil on Friday of last week ou suspicion of being Gibbs, the murderer. After being ex- amined he was released as not beir g the right man. The funeral services of the late Mrs. E. J. Hollister will be held at the family, resi- dence in this city (Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock. The remains will be taken east for burial. Mr. J. D. Gibson, of Wasco, is in the city. He reports plentiful rains in Sher man county, and that the ground is iu ex- cellent condition fur plowing aud a large acreage is being sown in grain. Miss Price, a voomt lady at Castle Rock. about twenty miles east of Arlington, was seriously iujured yesterday by the discharge of a pistol in the bands of a boy. I he young lady will likely recover. Information comes from the Greenhorn district that the lucky prospector, Mitchell, who made the recent rich strike near worked ten hours with a mortar not long ago, and pounded out $7000 worth of gold. Baker City Democrat: Last Tuesday over on Lower Burnt river, near Express, Hugh Glenn, the sixteen year old son of rrancis (jleun was killed instantly by being kicked in the side by a horse. The scene cf the accident was on Sutton creek. Miss Annie McHaley, daughter of George V. McUaley, of Prairie City, was badly scalded one day last week by the explosion of a pan of hot lard and there are some doubts as to her recovery. Her arm, face and one side of her body was horribly cooked. Mr. David Pardun, the engineer who tell from the Pacigc Navigation Co.'s steamer Stale of Wasltington off Alki Point and was drowned, was well known in this city. For many years he was engineer on the boat running between this city and the Cas cades. Miss Mollis and Kate, daughters of Cant. H. C. Coe, of Hood River, who have been attending school in this city during tbe past few months, paid a visit to their home on Monday of last week. In company with their parents last Tueiday tbey visited the exposition in Portland. J. W. Jennings, John Bingham and E. May three yonng fellows wanted iu Pendle- ton on warrants issued by the Pilot Rock justice and sworn out by L. S. Kearney, charging them with horse-stealin- were captured at a logging camp on the MoKen-zi- e river, a short distance aboye Eugene City. Mr. Walter A. Whiting, who left this city yesterday to join Liberatti's band on the Sonnd, was arrested laat uight in Portland at the N. P. depot, charged with the larceny of a silver cornet valued at $25. It is claimed that the cornet waa loaned to Whiting four or five months ago, since which time he has not paid for it or re- turned it to the owner. He now languis- hed in the city jail at the metropolis. Dr. Barrett, of Hood River, received a telegram Sunday announcing the death of his brother Rev. A, J Barrett, D. D. of Rochester, New York. It seems but a few weeks ago since Mr. Barrett was at Hood River, strong and vigorous, and favored the people with a sermon at the Methodist church. Though his visit was brief, he im- pressed all who met him as a man of marked ability and they will learn with regret of his sudden death. Fossil Journal: Last Wednesday while Isaac Leabo was returning from the mount- ains with the sheep of Leighton Bros, he camped in the mountains on Kahler creek, and turned bis pack horses and saddle horse out hobbled and belled, and the next morn- ing he could find nothing of the horses, and could not after hunting three days. He came on to Fossil where he was acquainted, got two new horses and started back, taking Jap Leabo along with him to assist in mov- ing the sheep to the winter range while he made a diligent search for the lost horses. The editor of the Fossil Journal goes into ecstacies over tbe recent rains, as follows: "The warm rains of this week are a bless- ing to everyone. Tbe farmer is smiling as he sees his fall sown wheat and ry spring from the earth and tinge the plowed field with a greenish hoe. The sheep man glories that the new green grass is already long enough to satisfy his hungry herds, and the cattle and horse men know that in a feW days it will he good feed for their stock also. The new-come- and other farmers are taking advantage of th time for aod breaking and other plowing, and aU is "merry as a marriage bell." Baker Democrat: The mysterious disap- pearance of Henry Barnholz, a peddler wnll known hereabouts, has been the topic of conversation for several days post by num bers ot people who were acquainted with him and considerable interest displayed concerning his whereabouts ome fearing fonl play. He has not been seen since the night of October 7th, when he drove his wagon into tbe stable of James York and came np town and we are told he was last seen in company with a notorious hard character. Barnholz is said by those who knew him best to be aa honest man, indus- trious and the possessor of solhe money. Why he should have disappeared so ty is unacconntabla, and his frieuds would be much relieved by hearing from him. Albany Democrat: Wednesday evening John Farrer, known here for years aa Jack Cook, was found in the corral, at Mr. A. Hackleman's, in the eastern suburb of the city, lying on tbe ground, with a frightful gasb in Ins bead and his brains oozing out. He had been breaking a yonng horse in the corral and the indications were that he was trying to tie the horse np when kicked; bnt no one was present and tbe unfortunate man never spoke after found. Drs. Hill and Maston were called, bat it was too late to do anything. He died at 9:45 o'clock. The deceased bad lived in Oregon for about twenty years, and had worked for Mr. Hackleman elevn years, most of the time on his Crook county ranch, breaking horses. He was about thirty-fiv- e years of age and was a steady, reliable hand. He waa buried in the city cemetery. That attorney at Prineville who related the charge to the jory of a justice of the as original, must have possessed a farce amount of gall: "Gentlemen of the jury, charging a jury is new basinets to me, as this is my first case.. Yon have beard all tbe evidence in tbe case as well as my Children Cry for .0 self; you have also beard what the learned counsel have said. If yon believe what the learned counsel for the plaintiff has told you, your yerdict will be for the plaintiff; but it on the other hanJ, you believe wbat the defendant's counsel has told yon, then you will give a verdict for the defend- ant. But if you are like me, and don't be- lieve what either of them said, then I'll be blessed if I know what you will do. Con- stable, take charge of the jury." This item appeared in the about six months ago, and since that time has been published in every patent-outsid-e in the couutry. THE I)llJLV nsJTOfi. Dr. Carter Shot Dead at Farmla'ton by William Soasell. Special to the Walla Walla, Wn., Oct 20. A telegram has been received announc- ing that William Russell, the son of Charles Russell, a prominent horse man here, shot Dr. Curtcr dead at Farmington last night. There was great danger of mob violence. His father left this after- noon for the scene of the trouble. E. Five Mile f terns. Frva Mile, Oct 22, 1889. Editor "The melancholy days have come tho saddest" ever known to the farmer whose crop has been burned up by tho drouth. Only light showers have yet fallen, but they have put the soil in such condition that those who could procure seed aro busily sowing it The farmers meet occa sionally to devise ways and means to tide themselves over this terrible year. Broth- er farmers, our paper teems with useful suggestions by the editor for the amelior- ation of the condition of the people. Wo have line upon line showing the unparallcd importance of opening up the Columbia. The necessity for more railroads diverg ing from The Dalles has been noticed. The great benefit to city and country that would accrue from utilizing the immense water power adjacent to the city, has been pointed out; and in due time be will doubtless again refer to the importance of having tho railroad lands revert to the government it would be well it farmers would dis cuss measures calculated to advance their interests. Would not silos pay well in order that more stock could be led. axd less hauling of produce be done? Since suear is heavilv taxed and likelv tn hn and since sorghum is a certain crop on our highlands, should it not receive great attention T Especially since vast improve- ments have been made in the manufacture of this valuable product Our long sea- sons are just the thing for working it up. I T nn I7iva f ilA rtvt nlavnlarl lanrla vegetation has not yet been killed and may not oe ior a month. Here seems to be tho home ot the peach, prune and other fruits. On section thirty peaches have failed but once in many vears. A rjroflt of $150 to $300 an acre on prunes is worth looking after. tn this our day of adversity let us aid each other by word and deed, aud let us make a note of the merchants and profes- sional men that deal kindly and consider- ately. On tho other hand if any of our brethern are maltreated let us make a note of that also. Beware of shytters, shy-lock- s, sharks and sharpers. Give the firm of Catchem & Cheatem a wide berth. Agricola. Hnlclde Near Prineville. Ochoco Review. Last Monday morning Henry Stevens came to town after the coroner, stating that . his brother, Emor, had shot and he supposed had killed himself at the residence of his father who lives at tbe foot of Grizzley Butte, aboot 15 miles from Prineville. Dr. Belknap, coroner of Crook county, went to the scene of tbe tragedy and found young Stevens yet alive, though in an unconscious condition. He learned the following partic- ulars of the tragedy: Emor got np just be- fore daylight and stated that be had not slept any during the night, and that he be- lieved be would shoot a dog that had been barking. At the same time he was noticed writing on a slate. Ho stepped out of the house and presently a pistol snot was heard. Other members ot the family who had got up by this time went to the door ami saw him lying about ten feet from tho house. Ho bad placed the pistol to the right tem- ple and tired, the ball passing through the front part of the brain, lodging nnder tbe skin on the left side of the head. Examining the slate on which ho had been writing just before leaving the house, the following note was found: "lam of no nse to anybody here, and I rm too wretched to live any longer, so I will end it with my own hands. Goodbye. Don't fret about one who is not worth it." The unfortunate young man lingered un- til Wednesday afternoon, when life de parted and the death which he had courted at his own hands came. He was almost 21 years of age, and waa of rather more than ordinary ability, waa a constant reader and well informed on general topics, but for a nnmber of years had been of a morose dis- position, avoided society and seemed averse to strangers. He uever bad any trouble. and had shown no signs of a deranged mind, so the cause of his self detraction is a mystery. Fighting Fire la the mountains. While the great and destructive fires were raging and roaring in the mountain, Harry Wintler and W. N. Jorgensen at Ike Klopp's miner's cabin in Grant county, Or., were right in the midst of it Tbey say it was a grand, yet awful sight, to see the angry flames leap from tree to tree, run op like lightning, dovonring every branch and making a fearful noise. Harry gazed at the strange panarama for some time. Fi- nally, remembering bis partner's cabin little farther down, he said to his compan- ion: "Jorgensen, let's, go down and save Ike's blacksmith's and mining tools, while it is yet time." They went, and fonnd the cabin surrounded by fire and destruction. After putting all the tools in a cart and running it into a tunnel, they returned to save the cabin, and while Harry stood straddle oyer a little brook, getting water as best he could, a limb of a tfcjp came down, hit him on the head, cracking tbe skull, and the blood rushing from the wound, run over his face and blinded him. ' He called for his partner, who was cut off by tire, and bare-foote- yet he rushed through the heap of burning coals, fire and smoke, burning bis feet dreadfully. Harry waa helplses, although still conscious, and it kept Ike busy fighting tire and save both from a horrible death. They finally reach ed the other cabin in safety, but the next morning Mr. Jorgensen's eyes were swollen shut, aud bis feet full of blisters. Mr. Wintler was also a rore sight to beholj, and h there they were, alone in the world, hid away in the mountains, with no one to help them or cook for them a bite to eat; yet they managed to reach the valley and both are all right again by this time, but their adyenture in the mountains on that awful day, will remain a green leaf in memory's varigated wreath, aa long as they live. Arnlea Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, nicer, salt rheum, feve, sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For' sile by Snipes & Kinersley. Mhortneaa f Breath. Dr. Flint's Remedy should be taken at once when slight exertion or a hearty meal ' produces shortness of breath or a pain in the region of tbe heart. Send for treatise. free. Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Pitcher's Castorlaf

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Page 1: The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.). (The Dalles, Or.) … › lccn › sn93051669 › 1889-11... · 2012-12-19 · rn " MOCSTAISEEE, Volame XXX VIII CONSOLIDATED 1882

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John Mickell, Editor auo Proprietor.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.Single copy, one yearBiugle copy six months 1

strictly in aavanre

Entered at the Pmtoffiee at The Dalles, Or., at SeajndClast Matter for Uamuiuuiun Uiraujh the mailt.


Governor ....S. Pennoverof dtate G.W. McBrideSecretary " " "

Geo. W. WebbTreasurerSuperintendent oi V'iihiiciiiii'uQclion..K.P.:McElroy

J J. N. DolphSenators i.U. liitcnell

B. HermannBUteCongressman

frinter '.".'. ."..'. . .".V Frank Buker

Sheriff Geo. nerbcrtClerk .". i. H. ThompsonTreasurer Geo. Kuch

i George A. YoungCommissioners 1 n. A. Leuveaa

Assessor H. GourlaySurveyor E. F. SharpSuperintendent of Public Scliooi .... A. C. Connelly

Coroner William Michall

Professiona Ca tU.

R. J. G. BOYD.

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.i he Dalles, Oregon.

Offico Booms S and 6, over Moody & McLeod'sstore, corner 2d and Washing ton su.

Residence North side Fourth St., near Lincoln.Calls in city or country answered at all hours.


Attorneys at Law.Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court

House, The Dalles, Or.


'Attorney and Counselor at Law,Omen Next door to U. S. Land Offlce.

Will practice in all Courts, and in the U. S. landOffice. Collections promptly attended to.

SlDDALL D. D. S.DKitrous Oxide or

Laughing Gas Given

For rainless extraction of Teeth. Rooms, sign of

tie Golden Tooth, Second Street.

B. H. LOGAN.DOfficii:

Rooms 2 and 8 in Land Office Building.

C. HOLL1STER,0,Phvsipiiin anil Snrsfton.

Rooms over Dalles National Bank.

Office hours-- 10 A.M. to It M., and from 2 to 4 P.M.Residence West end of Third street.

D. DOASE, M. D.,o.Physician and Surgeon,

TheDalle3, Oregon.Okfick r French & Co.'s Bank. ,

Remdksck Over McFariand & French's.

R. S. B. WALTER.DPhysician and Surgeon.

Diseases of Children a speciality. ErskinsvilleBheiman Co., Oregon.


Dr University. Canada, office room, 4 oyerMoody's store. Oitice hours 8 to 10:39 A. M.; 2 to 4

P. M. Couutr) calls prcmptly attenJcd.


AYS & HUNTINGTON,MAttorneys at Law,

Office In French's Building, Second St, betweenWashinirtoii and Federal.


B . over Postofflce, The Dalles. apSdaw




Attorneys-at-taw- .NOTARY PUBLIC.

Rooms over Moody St McLeod's store, next door toFistafc Bardon's, Washington St.


Attorneys at Law,Office in Schanno's building,

The Dalles ... Oregon.


TORY & BRADSHAW,sAttorneys at Law.

The Dalles, Oregon.

G. KOONTZ,JIleal Estate,

Insurance andLoan A. cent.

Agents for the Scottish Union and National In-

surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, CapitalS 0,000,000.

Valuabio Farms near the City to sell on easy

terms.Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or.

cCOY b MoCOY, BARUER3, Second Street,next door to MacEarcliern & MacLeod's. The

cleanest shave, the nobbies hair-cu- t nd moat health-fu- lbaths. ipM&w

L. WATERS, M. D., '

Ui"menTatuic Physician t nd Snrseon.Graluate of the nJinemsn 1'e lical College of

Philadelphia.Cniee in Max Vogt & Co. s block, npstairs.


ALL KINDS OF GUNS,Revolvers. Ammunition.

FUhin Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc., etc.Repairing and New Work done to Order.


ladies, Attention!A Xhv Invention for Dress CuttUne.

A. Self-Instruct- or

That can be used by a man or woman, and whichgives a perfect fit. Price of scale, includins

a key of full instructions, 83 SO.

Can be had by calling on or addressing

au3-S- MRS. C. L. I HILL1PS The Dalles, Or,


A. KELLER, Prop'r,Washington street, next door llow Ceo. Ruch's.

Dalles, Oregon.n.vrin; the Bakery formerly owned by Ceo. Rnch,

I am preiarcd to furnish families, hotels andwith the choicest Bread. Cakes and Pics.

Denny, Rice & Co.

Wool & CommisslGn fvlsrclisnts

610 Atlantic Ave., Boston.ryCtfh advance made on eonsiirnment.


MERCHANT TAILORSuitings of all kinds, imported and domestic on


FIT VARRANTED.Nona but the best of labor employed and satis

ction guaranteed

Jerome Liner, '

Proprietor of the

Will always keep on sale

Puget Sound Fish,Chickens, Turkeys,

Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobaccoand Cieara.

Leave your orders, as they will receive prompttenuon. ... . .


WANTED!lly old friends and the public, one and all to come

and see me in the

if8w Goiiimpia Hotel

UNION AND RAILROAD STS,Where one can tret all the comforts of Home. My

rooms are furnished iVith Spring Beds, and theTables second to none in the city. Price same usbefore. Meals 25 cents; Lodging 25 cents.

T. T. NICHOLAS, Prop'r,

Mm Mm d U Eois,

110 Front Street,THE DALLES. - - - OREGON


1ST None but the most Hkillful artists em'ployed.

Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfoit ofpatrons.

At the old stand of E. Lusher.



Rogers Bros'. Platedware,IXL PocEet Cutlery,

J. Russell & Co's Table Cutlery,Keen Kutter Shears aud Scissors,

ggTEvery One Warranted.,!CIGARS AND TOBACCO,

SMOKERS' ARTICLES,Fancy Goods and Notions,

Iron Wlioel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Canjes; Agents forthe New Home, White and Royal St.John Sew- --

iug Machines, Needles and Attachmentsfor every Machine, picture Frames

in stock or made to order.

Larson & Hkmk,AT THE


HidiestCasli Price forHay and Grain.



The Dalles LumberingCOMPANY,

Successors to TDOS. JOHNS & CO.

MINT BUILDING GROUND.Tee Dalles, - - - Oeeqon.



Lumber and Builder's Material.

Shingles, Fence PostsLime and Hair.



Orders from abroad receive prompt attention.

Trees! Trees! Trees!FRUIT TREES I

Ornamental Trees,Shade Trees and

Timber Culture Trees. Ornamental SHrobliery,

Roses! Itoses!Greenhonso Plants,

We hive on hand at this date a few hundred Italianand Pettc Primes, which wo offer at reasonableprices by the hundred.


23 Z 3xEWe offer ib cents each.

Don't be hnmbngged by pavincr HI for them, for wewarrant ours to be Kcuuiue M akiaji a.

Also. CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in largesupply. Send for Catalogue and prices.



C IU. Bayard,EealEstateJnsnrance

Collection Agency.Ko. 113 Third St,,la Masonic UuUdinK.

Agent for the

Northwest Fire aud Marine InsuraEccCo.,

Best Ilome Company on the Coast.

Also Agent forAetna Life and Pacific Surety, Accident

Insurance .Companies.

Having been appointed correspondent lor he

Lombard Investment Co.I am prepared to make Loans on good Eca EstateSecurity in ivasco anu l.uiiam iuuuues, uau lu

WashinL-to- Territory. Ii you

WANT MONEYCall on or address C. E. BAYARD,

The Dalles, Qtcu.

Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Wash-urto- n


J. P. JOMSON,Saccost or to Eenfert Bros.,

Proprietor of

liiiisanjlite!3ZCOND STREET,

And dealer In

Fish, Fruits, Vegetables, Prcvisiens, Etc

fynighest Price paid f ir Country Produce.



The Golnmbia Candy Factory104 Second Street.

Cram & Corson, Props.


The Dalles National Bank,OF DALLES CITY, OR.

President, ...Z. F. Moody,

Gasnier, ...M. A. Moody

General Banking Business Transacted.

Sight Exchanges sold o


PORTLAND, OR.aC5T Collections made on favorable terms at all a

esiltle points.

Prencli& Co., Bankers.THB DALLES, OREGON.

Transact a General Banldng Business.

Collections Made at all Pointson Favorable Terms.

Letters or Credit issued, available inall parts of the United States.

farsight Exchange and TolcKinphic Transfers soldon New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Kan Fiancisco,Portland, Seattle and Walla Walla, W. T., and va-rious points in Uicjron and Washington Territory.

D. P. THOMPSON', J. S.SCUENCK,President.

II. SI. BEALL, Cashier,


tJF TUB DALIiS(Successor to)





Directors ID P THoiirso.v, T W Spakks,J S ScusHCK, Ckorgk A Lie be,

ii M Bkall.fehj



AND JEWELERNext to 1st Nat. Bank


Alwavs on band the latent Btyles of jewelry,clocks, watches, etc., at the lowest prices. If youwane something lasting and handbome. give Beckthe leweler a call. menzi



Boot - and - ShoeTrade.




and the W. L. DOUGLASS CelebratedS3. 00 Shoe.


e0TTQtar Goods sold Cheaper than ever. Call and

xainine the fine stick ou hand.

J. Freiman,tiehanno'H Uric It. Hecontl street

We Are Here

And to StayAT OUR


With a Large Stock of


Bams, etc., etc.

-- ALSO-

Tiinotiiy, Wheat and Wild Baj

OATS, BARLEY,Bran, Rolled Barley, etc.


J quantity, widen wo are pleased to offer you atvery low prices iur casn or counuy prouuee.

Call and see for yourselves. Wc mean what we sayauu you will not be sarry.



Tacoma, Oct. 25. The jury in theDavid Latten case, for the murder or UG. Grant, brought in a verdict of guilty,and Laltm received a sentence of twentyyears in the penitentiary. After the sen-

tence Lattin turned to his counsel andwhispered that it was as cold-bloode- d amurder asjwas ever committed. He after-

wards gave the details. He met Grantat Pasco. There Grant showed a $100bill. At Tacoma he made up his mindto rob him. lie bought a bottle ofwhisky, drugged it and gave it to Grant,who did Dot drink it but set it on thedresser, He also procured chloroform, abilly and a large revolver. After Grantbad been asleep an hour, fatten aroseand struck him a heavy blow with thebilly, expecting to knock him insensible..Lattin also hart chlorform ready to Rsephim quicf.inteudingto take all the moneyof Grant and tell the landlady he wasnot feeling well, and not to wake him inthe morning. This would have given themurderer time to get out oi the country.

The billy broke and Grant awakenedand sprang out of bed. Lattin had alarge revolver in his hand and in thestruggle for the possession of it Lattinshot at Giant and missed him, then gotaway and ran out of the room. Grantfollowed to the door, when Lattin shotthrough the door, and killed him.


The trial of P. E. Clark for the murderof Flomuce Dicksrn is in progress. Theevidence is the same as the preliminarybeanpg.


The Morning Globe closed its sale today to a Republican syndicate, withCharli's IT. Boynton as business manager.Colonel Will vischer remains editor inchief and is one of the new company.Bovijton is now in Chicago ana will(ptnd $25,000 for a perfecting press andmaterial to make it one of the leadingnewpipem in the state. The price paidfor the paper is not known, but is sup-pns- erf

to be ?30,000. Boynton takes con-trol November 1. The Globe was alreadya phenomenal success and the transferiusuica even greater.


London, Oct. 25. The Daily Newprints a aispatch from its Madrid corres-pondent, stating that the Spanish govern-ment has been assured by Chili aud theArgentine Republic that those countriesare not at all disposed to agree to anyproposal on the part of the United Statesror a zollverein. According to these rep-resentations, the governments of the tworepublics named are satisfied that theirpeople can obtain more substantial, ef-

fective and advantageous support fromEuropean tiade and capital than they arelikely to obtain by becoming the meresatellites of the gnat northern republic

KO ONE CLAIMED HER.San Francisco, Oct. 25. Liliie Kilsby

a old child, arrived here on theoverland train to-d- ay lroru New York,having made the journey alone anddepending upon charitable passengersior her meals. She carried a letter fromthe general Eastern passangcr agent ofthe New York Central & Hudson Riverrailroad, commending her to the care ofthe conductors along the route. No onemet her here, and she was taken in chargeby Police Sergeant Kavanaugh, whofound her wandering about the ferry.


Chicago, Oct. 25. The taking of evi-dence on the identification was resumedin the Cronm case this morning. Theidentification is vey perfect and verypositive.

The next matter taken up was the find-

ing of the body in the catch basin by twosewer-cleaner- who notified the poiice ofthe fact. The policemen who were sentout and assisted in removing the body,were sworn as to this point, and describedthe proceedings. Lawyer Forrest, for thedefense, made the n onthis head very searching and rigid.

They were followed by Dr. Lewis, thedentist, who made a set of false teeth forCronin. He identified the plate takenfrom Cronin's mouth as the one he hadmade. He said that a cast for anotherset exactly fitted the dead man's mouth.A recess was then taken.

At the afternoon session. Dr. Egbertstated the facts revealed by the autopsy,describing the wounds at great length,and giving it as his opinion that deathhad resulted from them. All of thewounds were on the head, but the skullwas not broken, except that a small pieceof bone was chipped off at the corner ofthe left eye. The stomach and some ofits contents were exhibited, and Dr. Eg-bert said that Cronin was killed withinthree hours after having eaten. The

of Dr. Egbert devel-oped the iact that none of the woundswere such as would necessarily causedeath. It was Impossible, he admitted,to say whether the wonnds were inflictedbefore or after death. If death bad re-

sulted from the skull wound it would, inaU probability, have been caused by con-

cussion of the brain. The question wasput to the doctor: "Is it not scientificallytiue that the physicians found no evidence in that body that were certain andconclusive of the cause pf death?" Dr.Egbert replied: "That is true." He wasof the opinion that death had occurredthrough excessive loss ot blood, but therewas no certainty of it, he said.

Dr. Ferkms, who assisted in the postmortem, thought that death resulted fromconcussion of the brain. That organ,however, was too much decomposed toafford any iu formation.


Chicago, Oct. 25 It is announced thisevening that important papers are miss-io- g

from the state's attorney's office, uponwhich the county was larjrely dependentto combat the old "boodie" claims, ag-

gregating $250,000. The decuments aresupposed to have been stolen. They areneeded chiefly to light the bills of con-tract ot Varnell,

Frey and the American Stone andBrick Preserving Company. The lastnamed claimant is now represented byLawyer Frothmann, who was assistancstate's attorney when the papers wereturned over to the present incumbent ofthe state s attorney 8 oliice. Mr. Long-neck-

has no clue as to bow the papersdisappeared. It is said that if the miss-ing documents are not recovered it mayresult in the loss of many thousands ofaol.ars to the county.


LocisviLLK, Oct. 25 A dispatch fromPineville says: The iorce of Wilson How-ard, the outlaw, worked a neat flankmovement on the forces f CountyJudge Lewis jet.terday. The latterparty left the court house early to makean assault on Howard's camp. How-ard's forces moved around to the flank,got into the town, took possession of thecourt houe, and are holding the to.Judge Lewis's psrly are camped outside,and it is expected that they will make aueffort to recapture the town, when abloody battle is expected.

Later, The report to-ni-ght says thatthe outlays did not capture the court-house and that Judge Lewis is gainingrecruits.


Washington, Oct. 27. A letter wasmade public y from Secretary Nobleto Coionel J. E. Smith, until a few daysago chief of the certificate division of thepension office, from which it would teemnot improbable that those employes ofthe pension office who were arestated 'to lose their places. The lettersays in pait: ' I deem it to the best in

terest of the service that men who wered in the bureau should not con-

tinue there to exercise an influence inthat direction either by their presence orcouncil, aud that the new commissionershould have a better opportunity to cor-

rect the evils which I consider of thegrossest character."


Dubuque, la., Oct. 26. A iued oftwenty vears' standing culuminated in abattle j'esierday near Newhampton, thecounty seat of Chickasaw county, twomen bemg killed and several otherswounded'. Thomas Doud, his two sons,Peter McKeuna, and a number of otherfarmers Ussembled at the farm of AlbertSmith to assist in a barn-raisin- g. A feudhas existed twenty years between theDoud and McKenna families over theownership of land. A quarrel took placeyesterday afternoon when, without warnins, Thomas Doud shot and killed McKeuna. A friend of the murdered manthen killed Doud after which the battlebecame general. How many others werewounded has not been learned. A posseof officers was sent out from Newhampton and Doud's two sons and Mulvihil!,who shot Thomas Doud, have beenbrought to town and locked up.


Washington, Oct. 27. Postmaiter- -General Wanamaker in his forthcomingannual report will recommend that postoffices be established on the principalsteamers that ply between the poits ofthe United States and Europe, simuar tothe postal service on the railway trains.This would greatly facilitate delivery onboth sides of the Atlantic, as the packages could be all arranged for distnbution with the rapidity of the steamer'sarrival iu port.


OMAnA, Oct. 27. In an interview hereVice President Holcomb, of the UnionPacific, again makes the statement thatthe combination between his road andthe Northwestern is limited to ten years.He says that under the new arrangementthe Union Paiitic will furnish 50 percut of the rolling stock required in the

through service, and no contract withthe palace car company will be affected.The Union Pacific will continue to runPullman cars, and the Northwestern willcontinue its Wagner cars.

When asked it the Kansas divssion, orUnion Pacific, was not included in thecombination, flolcouib said that theKansas division wa3 eliminated from " theagreement owing to a deal that is pend-ing with the Chicago & Alton. He stated, however, that nothing definite in tinsdirection had been accomplished.

it is reported on good authority thatSuperintendent Swobe, of the hotel de-

partment of the Union Pacific, is to beretired iu a few days, and that GeneralPurchasing Agent McKiblan, who hasjurisdiction over that department, wiilreorganize tne force. W. I). .Bennett,who has been local superintendent of thehotel department, will be relieved onMonday, and be succeeded by W. W.Burner, a youDg man now connectedwith the supply department. It is statedthat Superintendent Swobe will be re-

lieved on or before November 1.ED JOHNSTOWN.

JonNSTOWN, Pa., Oct. 27. The prospects of Johnstown being again underwater are good. Rain has been, frillingalmost continually for the past 3G hoursand a great many of the streets arc al-

most impassable to pedestrians.FIVE MEN SENTENCED TO RE HANGED.

Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 27. The statesupreme court has affirmed the verdict ofthe lower court in finding John Anderson,John Barnard, H. Barnard, Elisha Barnard and C. Barnard guilty of the murderof Henry Sutton last January. They willbe hanged November 23. Tbe killingwas the outcome of a feud in Hancockcounty, which has long been noted forDIoody Efijirs. It is believed that thisderision will have a reforming effect onthe county.


Seattle, Oct. 27. The body of DavidPardun, a well-know- n steamboat manwho so mysteriously disappeared fromthe steamboat Slate of Wat7iinglon ofwhich be was chief engineer, on the tripbetween Seattle and Tacoma last Sundaynight, was found on the beach at AlkiPoint early this morning. The discoverywas made by O. A. Johnson ol the AlkiPoint Brick and Stone Company. Thebody was partly decomposed, althoughthe features were perfectly recognized.It is supposed that Pardun fell from thesteamer opposite the point where thebody lloated ashore, and that he wasstruck by the paddle, olhcrwiso being anexcellent swimmer he might have reachedthe shore. Pardim's sou Harry, living iuPortland, was to-d- notified of the dis-


Colfax, Wn , Oct. 27. A. Eisley, ofWhitman county, is supposed to havemet with foul play at Sprague as be wasenroule to the mountains on a recreatingtour. At Sprngue,jon tbe 24th instant,his pocketbook, an account book withthe Second National back of Colfax anda note drawn in his favor for ?C41 werefound near by the town in the brush.Hearing no tidings of him bis relativesare becoming alarmed. Sheriff McLeandispatched a messenger to his brother,who lives near Almota. He will go toSprague at once.


Dan Candy, who was shot in saloonat Farming ton by Youug Knsscll, theson of Charles Rusell, of Walla Walla,died


Tacoma, Oct. 27. A number of theprominent business men of tbe city havebeen victimized by a clever swindlerknown as Lucius Reynolds, who disap-peared during the past week. He ar-

rived iu Tacoma last spring in an "utterlybroke" condition, and sought employ-ment as a carpenter of a contractor notedfor his sympathetic disposition and de-

sire to give the needy assistance. Tbenewcomer soon evinced enterprise by tak-ing contracts on his own account. Han-sen, ieweler, Cohn, merchant tailor, W.Frazer, cashier of the Tacoma Nationalback, T. D. Yarnngton and others gavehim coutrtcts, as be took them at lowerprices than other builders. Upon plau.-i-bl- e

excuses he obtained advances beyondthe work accomplished, and by gettingin debt to material men, was enabled toescape, upon a pretense of receiving atelegram Irom a sick witcin New lorkstate, with between $0000 and fUUOO.

When last heard from he was at Portland.THE CRONIN TRIAL.

Chicago, Oct. 28. At the opening ofthe Croma trial this morning, NapierMorcland, employed iu Dinans liverystable, testified to the facts of the hiringof the white horse, as testified to by Di-n- an

on Saturday.. He said thut when thehorse came hack, at 9:30, he was putiingand gaye evidence of having been harddriven. ' Tbe buggy was covered withsand aud mail.,

Mrs. Coaklin, at whose boose Dr. Cronin last lived, was tbe next wituess. Shetold at great length and with minutenessthe story of how Dr. Cronin was calledfor by a man, who ostensibly wanted himto go to attend one of P. O'Sullivan's icemen who had been hurt. This was onthe evening of the murder.. She identi-fied tbe horse and buggy in which be wastaken away as the white horse and topbuggy Uken from Dinan's livery stableon an order from Detective Dan Cough-lio- ,

one of the prisoners. She also de-

scribed (he interview that she had withP. O'Sullivan on the following day in tbepresence of a Pinkerton man. O'Sulli

van, she said, confessed that appearanceswere against him, but declared that beknew nothing about the matter, and thuthe did not send for Cronin.


Norfolk, Va., Oct. 27. The schoonerGeorge T. Simmons, ot Camden, N, J , waswrecked off False cape in a storm lastWednesday night. When the vessel wasfirst seen sunk in the breakers by the

crew Thursday morning fivemen were lashed in the rigging. One byone the doomed men bad been sweptaway in the sea. Last night two wereleft and at sunset this evening only oneremained, and undoubtedly he will sharethe fate of his ship-mate- s before morning. The life saving ciews watched anopportunity to go to the rescue, but thesurf has run too high for the boat tomake an attempt at relief.

A large three-maste- d schooner, flyinga flag ot distress, is ashore three milesoutside of Oregon inlet. Assistance willbe sent from here.

Tho schooner Lizzie Iloynesi, lumberladen, from Savannah to Baltimore, hasbeen wrecked on Bodie's island. Thecaptain and steward were saved. Fivemen were drowned.

Mrs. Couklin'sbrought out tbe fact that within a fewdays after the disappearance of CroninPolice Captain Sbanck brought Dinan'swhite horse and buggy to her house foridentification, and that she had failed toidentify the animal. On the 25th ofMay, when the animal was brought by areporter, she identified it. Mrs. Conklinaccounted for this by saying that the cir-cumstances of weather and light weredifferent at these times The reporterpresented the animal under similar con-ditions as when tbe doctor was drivenaway. The cross examination lasted un-

til late in the afternoon.Charles Beck, the reporter who drove

the horse to Conklin's house when Mrs.Conklin identified it, merely testified tothis effect.

Sarah McNeary, who was in Dr, Cro-

nin's reception room when the mysteriousman came for him, gave a description ofthe individual tallying closely with thatgiven by Mrs. Conklin.

Dr. Cronin's brother from Arkansas, tes-

tified briefly to having identified the Lake-vie-

corpse as that of his brother.Then Conklin, the saloonkeeper with

whom Cronin resided, was recalled, andtestified to starting out the first morn-ing of Cronin's absence to search for thedoctor. At P. O'Sullivan's house the iceman was seen, and denied having rentfor him, or that any of his men had beenhurt.


Philadelphia, Oct. 23. The policeare still anxiously awaiting the arrival ofthe picture ot tbe supposed Tascott inChicago. It is expected to reach thereto-ni- From further examination ofthe scars they are convinced he is Tascott. A msn who knew Tascott when aboy says the prisoner looks very muchlike him.


Chicago, Oct. 28; A dispatch was te--ceived by the police late fromtho Philadelphia authorities, saying thatthe prisoner now under arrest on suspic-ion of beiDg Tascott has admitted to thepolice that he knew Tascott and playedbilliards with him in Chicago. This istaken by tbe Chicago police as fendingt) confirm the belief that the real Tascotthas at last been captuied. The photographs of tbe suspect, sent from Phila-delphia, have not yet arrived.


Johnstown, Oct. 28. Bevond thewashing away of the piers of the CambriaIron Company's railroad bridge, no dam-age lias yet been done by tbe flood. Theonly public bridge across the Conn-e-

matigh is m a very bad condition, and itis to be feared that it will go if the rivercontinues to rise. Woodvale is considerably flooded, but no serious damage hasyet been reported. It has been rainingsteadily all day.


Denver, Oct. 28. One hundred r.ndfifty delegates to the special meeting ofthe International Brotherhood of Loco-motive Firemen met here yesterday attcr-noo- u,

for the purpose of discussing theproposed labor federation question nowagitating the Brotherhood ot LocomotiveEngineers. John J. Hannahan, vicegrand master, with headquarters at Chicago, presided. He with the other sdyo-cat- es

of the federation, indorsed the arti-cles presented at Omaha with but slightmodifications. In other words, the indi-vidual labor organizstions will, under theproposed plan, occupy the same relationto the whole body of organized laborthat the respective states bear to theFederal Uuion. After considerable discussion the convention voted unanimously in favor of the question, and appointed a committee to notify the Brother-hood of Engineers of the result of themeeting. The majority of the delegatespresent were from Colorado, New York,Pennsylvania, Illinois and California.


Helena, Mont., Oct. 28. The mandamus ease was opened to day at Butte.Judge Knowles, of counsel lor the Republicans, scored tbe first poinl in thelegal battle. The writ of mandamus wasbrought in the name of the people ofMontana to which Campbell objected,makmg the point that it should be in thename of the territory. Judge 'DeWolfesustained the objection. The oppositioncounsel moved to amend the writ. Knowles objected, and tbe court adjourned till3 o'clock.

Judge DeWolfe decided, at the after-noon session, that the law provided leaveto amend tbe writ of mandaaius. ' Campbell moved to quash the writ. The courtdecided to entertain Mr. Campbell's mo-

tion and adjourn until 10 o'clockwhen tho argument upon tbe case

will be commenced. .


Washington, October, 28. SecretaryTracy, this afternoon awarded the con-

tract lor building two of the 2000-to- n

cruisers to the Columbia Iron Works ofBaltimore for the sum of $1,225,000The contract for the third one will beawarded either to Harrison & Loring, ofBoston, or N. F, Palmer & Co.. of NewYoik, each of whom bid $(574,000.


Colfas, Wn., Oct. 28. The disappear-ance of E. Frank, who left here to attendthe races at Spokane Falls, is still slirouded in mystery. The sheriff has possessionot the store.

His assets are far in excess of Ins liabilities. He also has $1000 to his creditat the bank. His friends apprehend foulplay.


Washington, Oct. 28 RepresentativeHautthrought North Dakota's new con-

gressman, called upon Secretary Proctorto-d- ay in the iuteret of the residents ofRamsy county in that sUte. Crops havebeen bad for ibe past two years aod theyare in a destitute condition, as winter isapproaching and they arc not able topurchase fuel. Uansbn-g- has askedSecretary Proctor to permit the settlersto cut firewood from tbe timber tract onthe Devil's Lake reservation, Fort Totten.The secretary not being certain of bisauthority in tbe premises, promisedHaosbrough an answer to-- morrow. Hefeels inclined to grant the request.

Elegant Blew Ulnlne CarsWill ran daily, commencing Ang. 22,

over tbe Oregon Railway & Navigation Co.,Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific Ry.,between' Portland and Missouri River.The cuisine and service are unexcelled.

ITEMS IX BltlF.F,From Saturday Daily.

Hon. W. H. H. Dufur, of Dufnr, is inthe city.

Hon. J. C. Luckey, agent at the WarmSprings reservation, is iu the city.

To-da- y is the twenty-firs- t anniversary ofthe institution of the A. O. U. W.

There are auction sales every day at Cros-sen- 's

auction rooms on Washington street.Nine carloads of sheep were shipped from

the stockyards yesterday for the Sound byButler & Anderson.

The west-boun- d passeneer train is three- -hours late, caused by a slight accident onthe mountain division.

The Dalles has spent more in improve-ments this summer than any city in theiulaiid empire except Spokane Falls.

We understand the rain has been morebountiful in the country than in the city,and the ground is in fair condition for plow-ing.

Rev. G. G. Ferguson, of Goldnndalewill fill the pulpit of the M. E. church inthis city Sunday moruinsrand evening.

At the warehouse of Mr. Moody in thiscity is a ferret and Guinea pig. The formerMr. Moody will use to kill the rats in andabout the warehouse.

A family of three, out of six, of theJohnstown sufferers, has located at Salem.the statesman says their tale of sufferingduring the great flood is horifying to all wholisten.

The call for seed wheat at Moody'swarehouse every day is astonishing.Mr. Moody is supplying the demands asrapidly as possible; but wheat cannot bereceived last enough to supply nil.

The east-boun- d passeneer train was"stalled" night before last near Mosier, buta freight train being near, tbe locomotivewas used, aud by means of the double-heade- r

the train was hauled into the city.

Port Townscnd, Seattle, Tacoma. and infact nearly everv town on Puget Soundare infested with murderers and vagabonds that are too lazy to work. A vigi-lance committee would cure this evil invery quick tiine- -

East Oregonian: Pendleton, perhaps.contains the oldest soldier in Oregon.His name is John Morrow, and he cateredthe regular army service in 1 842. shouldering a musket for fifteen years and participating in tne Mexican war.

The fair to be given by the ladies of St.Paul's guild will take place Tuesday andveanesuay, ucc. na ana aa. severalelegant articles will be disposed of onthis occasion, and it will undoubtedly receive a good degree of popular patronage.

The tr:iin dispatcher's office on the eastern division will be removed from ColfaxtoTekoa, the latter being a junction anda more central point. J. 11. Guilds, thorailway telegraph superintendent, wentup the branch this morning to officiate atthe removal, accompanied by LinemanWhittle.

The city was pretty thoroughly workedyeslerday by two tramps. One was a boyaoout lo or lu years, and claimed charilybecause one hand was missing. Lastnight the elder and more muscular foundhis way into the city jail, and the one-arme- d

subject of charity was playing poolin one oi tne saloons.

This woman believed in keeping upappearances: In Hamilton, Ohio, a mandied a few days ago, who had $5000 inmorjcy laid up, and a payment of $150was due to saye his home. His widowtook the money to buy a fine casket, anexpensive lot in the cemetery, and to hiretwenty-fiv- e hacks for the procession, andthus used every dollar and let her homego by default.

The Spokane Falls and Northern wascompleted to Colville last Saturday at noon.Regular trains wiil begin running fromSpokane to Colville next Thursday. Theroad is not only completed to that place,but the erade is finished almost to Marcos,on the Columbia river, and surveyors arereported in the field surveying a line upKettle river to the Kettle river falls inBritish Colombia,

Thursday afternoon, at Walla Walla, Dr.J. E. Bingham, assisted by Dr. N. G. Bla-loc-

amputated the leg of James Jones, ofRiparia, below the knee. The doctors dis-

covered after the amputation had beenmade that owing to ossification of the arte-ries, the leg would have to be amputatedagain, higher np, which waa done. Thepatient is suffering from dry gangrene, andis in a serioos condition.

While holding court in Coos countylast week Judge Bean presided over thecase of John Oilman, an old gray-haire- d

man accused of murdering a Mrs. Easton-hove- rand her little boy. The jury was

out but twenty minutes and brought in averdict of murder in the first degree andhe was sentenced to be bung on the 13th ofDecember. His crime, says the EugeneRegister, was one of the most d

murders ever committed.Oregon City Enterprise: S. D. Coleman

was in town on Tuesday. He says thathe has no doubt but what the negro mur-derer Gibbs went through Sandy and overthe Barlow toll road a few days .after heshot his victims. He got a meal in Wan-noc- k

settlement on Tuesday or Wednes-day, and the following day called lor hisbreakfast at 3 o'clock in the afternoon atthe toll gate. A son of Mr. Sievcrs re-

ported a negro as passing the summit, audsaid he was traveling day and night.

A remarkable slate of affairs is reportedfrom the United States custom house atOsboyoos lake on the British Columbiaborder No collector is stationed thereand Indians have taken possession of thelog structure formerly occupied by repre-sentatives of this government. Just acrossthe line, her majesty's government, hasa line custom house conducted with allthe precision usually found in British out-posts. Chinamen and opium are con-

stantly crossing the line without the leastrestraint.

Transcript: It may he interesting toknow that the first steamboat that wasever on the Columbia, steamed down fromVancouver in 1830. Her name was Beav-er. She came from England as a sailingvessel with all her machinery aboard andwas fitted up at Vancouver. Her firsttrip was to the Sandwich islands with acargo of wheat and salt salmon. It seemsthat the feelings of the natives when theysaw the vessel going against wind andtide, could be better imagined than de-

scribed. The Beaver belonged to theHudson Bay company, who used her fora number of years aud then sold her- -. Sheis now a pensioner, and lying at anchorat Victoria, B. C. as a relic of early days.

Astoria Transcript: This morning threeGerman girls arrived in this city directfrom the old country. They have a sisterliving at Hoquiiu and they are expectingher lo meet ihem here. This afternoonIhcy stalled out to make some small pur-chases, but being ouabie to talk Englishtbey soon fouud themselves in tow of aman who took them to a saloon in swill-tow- n

and commenced to fill them up onbeer. Several vags soon gathered aroundthem and tried lo induce ihem to go to ahouse ot prostitution Councilmen Berg-man and Cleveland and Constable W elchwere notified and went to the saloon andhad them sent back 10 the Asior house.It'su"h actions are repealed again in thiscitv, Judge Lynch will We called uponand a ueck-u- e party given to a few lowscrubs who are allowed the liberties ofthis city.

Aitoria Transcript: Work on the Astoria& South Coast railroad la progressing.About 130 white men and 60 Ctiiuamen areemployed. TLe company aJe negotiatingtor 500 Chinamen, aa they find it impossi-ble to procure white labor. ' Stockton &

Welch had 20 applicants for wotk by men,all of whom refused to work on tbe rail-

road. Poles are being erected along theline of the railroad, and telegraphic commu-nication with Tillamook will be establishedas soon as possible. Junction City is thename of the new town being started justthis side of the Gearhart woods. The gradeis completed to the Necanicnm and O'Hanacreeks and the work of building the bridgeswill be commenced at ooce. EngineerHabersham proposes to posh the roadthrough, and says if be had been in chargeof the road when first organized he wouldhave had it completed to Seaside by lastJuly. m

From Mont'ay'ii Daily.

Tho sere, the yellow leaf.A light frost this morning.Mr. Hollis Johnson is in the city.Sidewalks covered with fallen leayes.Canyon City desires a roller flour mill.


Crook county wants six or seven schoolteacuers.

The wagon road over the Cascades is reported in a fearful condition.

Rain has been very plentiful in Crookcounty during the past week.

Baker City is to have a street railway.tne nrst ot any town in iastern Uregon.

Hons. A. S. Bennett and F. P. Mays, ofThe Dalles, are attending court at Prine- -

vine.Grass isrowing nicely, and it is expect-

ed stock will be in good condition forwinter.

Every one Is preparing for a severe win-ter; but this can be determined better nextilareh.

A new ferry boat is soon to be placed inoperation between Hood River anil WhiteSalmon.

There are five prisoners in the Grantcounty jail one under sentence of beingnangeu.

The ground in Crook county is in goodcondition, aud tarmcrs are busy putting ,iniau crops.

Miss Nettie Michell returned on thenoon train yesterday from a short visit totne exposition at rortland.

The total liabilities of Grant county are. . . .CTO O A T'J. I Am n i - rVi.jt.joj wim resources, iivwu ootshowing an indebtedness of 01,923 15.

The Ellensburgh Daily Slate Register hasincreased its issue to seven columns. Thisis indisputable evidence ot the prosperity ofthe city.

The Grant County Netcs says Chas. Bey-er, of Canyon City, is employing bauds todig "frog cellars" on Frank McBjan's ranch.A new industry in the northwest.

The Spokane Falls and Northern wascompleted to Colville last Saturday at noon.Regular trains will begin ruumnrf fromSpokane Falls to Colville next Thursday.

A colored man was arrested in Fossil onFriday of last week ou suspicion of beingGibbs, the murderer. After being ex-

amined he was released as not beir g theright man.

The funeral services of the late Mrs. E. J.Hollister will be held at the family, resi-dence in this city (Tuesday)morning at 10 o'clock. The remains willbe taken east for burial.

Mr. J. D. Gibson, of Wasco, is in thecity. He reports plentiful rains in Sherman county, and that the ground is iu ex-

cellent condition fur plowing aud a largeacreage is being sown in grain.

Miss Price, a voomt lady at Castle Rock.about twenty miles east of Arlington, wasseriously iujured yesterday by the dischargeof a pistol in the bands of aboy. I he young lady will likely recover.

Information comes from the Greenhorndistrict that the lucky prospector, Mitchell,who made the recent rich strike near

worked ten hours with a mortarnot long ago, and pounded out $7000 worthof gold.

Baker City Democrat: Last Tuesdayover on Lower Burnt river, near Express,Hugh Glenn, the sixteen year old son ofrrancis (jleun was killed instantly by beingkicked in the side by a horse. The scenecf the accident was on Sutton creek.

Miss Annie McHaley, daughter of GeorgeV. McUaley, of Prairie City, was badlyscalded one day last week by the explosionof a pan of hot lard and there are somedoubts as to her recovery. Her arm, faceand one side of her body was horriblycooked.

Mr. David Pardun, the engineer who tellfrom the Pacigc Navigation Co.'s steamerStale of Wasltington off Alki Point and wasdrowned, was well known in this city. Formany years he was engineer on the boatrunning between this city and the Cascades.

Miss Mollis and Kate, daughters of Cant.H. C. Coe, of Hood River, who have beenattending school in this city during tbe pastfew months, paid a visit to their home onMonday of last week. In company withtheir parents last Tueiday tbey visited theexposition in Portland.

J. W. Jennings, John Bingham and E.May three yonng fellows wanted iu Pendle-ton on warrants issued by the Pilot Rockjustice and sworn out by L. S. Kearney,charging them with horse-stealin- werecaptured at a logging camp on the MoKen-zi- e

river, a short distance aboye EugeneCity.

Mr. Walter A. Whiting, who left thiscity yesterday to join Liberatti's band onthe Sonnd, was arrested laat uight inPortland at the N. P. depot, charged withthe larceny of a silver cornet valued at $25.It is claimed that the cornet waa loaned toWhiting four or five months ago, sincewhich time he has not paid for it or re-

turned it to the owner. He now languis-hed in the city jail at the metropolis.

Dr. Barrett, of Hood River, received atelegram Sunday announcing the death ofhis brother Rev. A, J Barrett, D. D. ofRochester, New York. It seems but a fewweeks ago since Mr. Barrett was at HoodRiver, strong and vigorous, and favored thepeople with a sermon at the Methodistchurch. Though his visit was brief, he im-pressed all who met him as a man ofmarked ability and they will learn withregret of his sudden death.

Fossil Journal: Last Wednesday whileIsaac Leabo was returning from the mount-ains with the sheep of Leighton Bros, hecamped in the mountains on Kahler creek,and turned bis pack horses and saddle horseout hobbled and belled, and the next morn-ing he could find nothing of the horses,and could not after hunting three days. Hecame on to Fossil where he was acquainted,got two new horses and started back, takingJap Leabo along with him to assist in mov-ing the sheep to the winter range while hemade a diligent search for the lost horses.

The editor of the Fossil Journal goes intoecstacies over tbe recent rains, as follows:"The warm rains of this week are a bless-

ing to everyone. Tbe farmer is smiling ashe sees his fall sown wheat and ry springfrom the earth and tinge the plowed fieldwith a greenish hoe. The sheep man gloriesthat the new green grass is already longenough to satisfy his hungry herds, and thecattle and horse men know that in a feWdays it will he good feed for their stockalso. The new-come- and other farmersare taking advantage of th time for aodbreaking and other plowing, and aU is"merry as a marriage bell."

Baker Democrat: The mysterious disap-pearance of Henry Barnholz, a peddler wnllknown hereabouts, has been the topic ofconversation for several days post by numbers ot people who were acquainted withhim and considerable interest displayedconcerning his whereabouts ome fearingfonl play. He has not been seen since thenight of October 7th, when he drove hiswagon into tbe stable of James York andcame np town and we are told he was lastseen in company with a notorious hardcharacter. Barnholz is said by those whoknew him best to be aa honest man, indus-trious and the possessor of solhe money.Why he should have disappeared so ty

is unacconntabla, and his frieudswould be much relieved by hearing fromhim.

Albany Democrat: Wednesday eveningJohn Farrer, known here for years aa JackCook, was found in the corral, at Mr. A.Hackleman's, in the eastern suburb of thecity, lying on tbe ground, with a frightfulgasb in Ins bead and his brains oozing out.He had been breaking a yonng horse in thecorral and the indications were that he wastrying to tie the horse np when kicked; bntno one was present and tbe unfortunateman never spoke after found. Drs. Hilland Maston were called, bat it was too lateto do anything. He died at 9:45 o'clock.The deceased bad lived in Oregon for abouttwenty years, and had worked for Mr.Hackleman elevn years, most of the timeon his Crook county ranch, breaking horses.He was about thirty-fiv- e years of age andwas a steady, reliable hand. He waa buriedin the city cemetery.

That attorney at Prineville who relatedthe charge to the jory of a justice of the

as original, must have possessed afarce amount of gall: "Gentlemen of thejury, charging a jury is new basinets to me,as this is my first case.. Yon have beardall tbe evidence in tbe case as well as my

Children Cry for


self; you have also beard what the learnedcounsel have said. If yon believe what thelearned counsel for the plaintiff has toldyou, your yerdict will be for the plaintiff;but it on the other hanJ, you believe wbatthe defendant's counsel has told yon,then you will give a verdict for the defend-ant. But if you are like me, and don't be-lieve what either of them said, then I'll beblessed if I know what you will do. Con-stable, take charge of the jury." Thisitem appeared in theabout six months ago, and since that timehas been published in every patent-outsid-e

in the couutry.

THE I)llJLV nsJTOfi.Dr. Carter Shot Dead at Farmla'ton

by William Soasell.Special to the

Walla Walla, Wn., Oct 20.A telegram has been received announc-

ing that William Russell, the son ofCharles Russell, a prominent horse manhere, shot Dr. Curtcr dead at Farmingtonlast night. There was great danger ofmob violence. His father left this after-noon for the scene of the trouble. E.

Five Mile f terns.Frva Mile, Oct 22, 1889.

Editor"The melancholy days have come tho

saddest" ever known to the farmer whosecrop has been burned up by tho drouth.Only light showers have yet fallen, butthey have put the soil in such conditionthat those who could procure seed arobusily sowing it The farmers meet occasionally to devise ways and means to tidethemselves over this terrible year. Broth-er farmers, our paper teems with usefulsuggestions by the editor for the amelior-ation of the condition of the people. Wohave line upon line showing the unparallcdimportance of opening up the Columbia.The necessity for more railroads diverging from The Dalles has been noticed.The great benefit to city and country thatwould accrue from utilizing the immensewater power adjacent to the city, has beenpointed out; and in due time be willdoubtless again refer to the importance ofhaving tho railroad lands revert to thegovernment

it would be well it farmers would discuss measures calculated to advance theirinterests. Would not silos pay well inorder that more stock could be led. axdless hauling of produce be done? Sincesuear is heavilv taxed and likelv tn hnand since sorghum is a certain crop onour highlands, should it not receive greatattention T Especially since vast improve-ments have been made in the manufactureof this valuable product Our long sea-sons are just the thing for working it up.

I T nn I7iva f ilA rtvt nlavnlarl lanrlavegetation has not yet been killed andmay not oe ior a month. Here seems tobe tho home ot the peach, prune and otherfruits. On section thirty peaches havefailed but once in many vears. A rjrofltof $150 to $300 an acre on prunes is worthlooking after.

tn this our day of adversity let us aideach other by word and deed, aud let usmake a note of the merchants and profes-sional men that deal kindly and consider-ately. On tho other hand if any of ourbrethern are maltreated let us make a noteof that also. Beware of shytters, shy-lock- s,

sharks and sharpers. Give thefirm of Catchem & Cheatem a wide berth.


Hnlclde Near Prineville.Ochoco Review.

Last Monday morning Henry Stevenscame to town after the coroner, stating that .

his brother, Emor, had shot and he supposedhad killed himself at the residence of hisfather who lives at tbe foot of GrizzleyButte, aboot 15 miles from Prineville. Dr.Belknap, coroner of Crook county, went tothe scene of tbe tragedy and found youngStevens yet alive, though in an unconsciouscondition. He learned the following partic-

ulars of the tragedy: Emor got np just be-

fore daylight and stated that be had notslept any during the night, and that he be-

lieved be would shoot a dog that had beenbarking. At the same time he was noticedwriting on a slate. Ho stepped out of thehouse and presently a pistol snot was heard.Other members ot the family who had gotup by this time went to the door ami sawhim lying about ten feet from tho house.Ho bad placed the pistol to the right tem-ple and tired, the ball passing through thefront part of the brain, lodging nnder tbeskin on the left side of the head. Examiningthe slate on which ho had been writing justbefore leaving the house, the following notewas found: "lam of no nse to anybodyhere, and I rm too wretched to live anylonger, so I will end it with my own hands.Goodbye. Don't fret about one who is notworth it."

The unfortunate young man lingered un-til Wednesday afternoon, when life departed and the death which he had courtedat his own hands came. He was almost 21years of age, and waa of rather more thanordinary ability, waa a constant reader andwell informed on general topics, but for annmber of years had been of a morose dis-

position, avoided society and seemed averseto strangers. He uever bad any trouble.and had shown no signs of a derangedmind, so the cause of his self detraction isa mystery.

Fighting Fire la the mountains.While the great and destructive fires were

raging and roaring in the mountain, HarryWintler and W. N. Jorgensen at IkeKlopp's miner's cabin in Grant county, Or.,were right in the midst of it Tbey say itwas a grand, yet awful sight, to see theangry flames leap from tree to tree, run oplike lightning, dovonring every branch andmaking a fearful noise. Harry gazed atthe strange panarama for some time. Fi-

nally, remembering bis partner's cabinlittle farther down, he said to his compan-

ion: "Jorgensen, let's, go down and saveIke's blacksmith's and mining tools, whileit is yet time." They went, and fonnd thecabin surrounded by fire and destruction.After putting all the tools in a cart andrunning it into a tunnel, they returned tosave the cabin, and while Harry stoodstraddle oyer a little brook, getting wateras best he could, a limb of a tfcjp camedown, hit him on the head, cracking tbeskull, and the blood rushing from thewound, run over his face and blinded him. 'He called for his partner, who was cut offby tire, and bare-foote- yet he rushedthrough the heap of burning coals, fire andsmoke, burning bis feet dreadfully. Harrywaa helplses, although still conscious, andit kept Ike busy fighting tire and save bothfrom a horrible death. They finally reached the other cabin in safety, but the nextmorning Mr. Jorgensen's eyes were swollenshut, aud bis feet full of blisters. Mr.Wintler was also a rore sight to beholj, and hthere they were, alone in the world, hidaway in the mountains, with no one to helpthem or cook for them a bite to eat; yetthey managed to reach the valley and bothare all right again by this time, but theiradyenture in the mountains on that awfulday, will remain a green leaf in memory'svarigated wreath, aa long as they live. Arnlea Halve.The best salve in the world for cuts

bruises, sores, nicer, salt rheum, feve,sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblainscorns, and all skin eruptions, and positivelycures piles, or no pay required. It is guar-anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moneyrefunded. Price 25 cent per box. For'sile by Snipes & Kinersley.

Mhortneaa f Breath.Dr. Flint's Remedy should be taken at

once when slight exertion or a hearty meal '

produces shortness of breath or a pain inthe region of tbe heart. Send for Mack Drug Co., N. Y.

Pitcher's Castorlaf