the daily yellowstone...

THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE JOURNAL. VOLUME II. No. 303 MILES CITY. MONTANA. SUNDAY. AUGUST 31, iM4. PRICE FIVE CENTS. l Nl lH i l ll i H lll l l H N l l l THEDAIIY JOURNAL I1.. fIIe i.ul "*I ' MeV ()•Wn W. Every Morning Except Monday. .palati of Mile City, - - 3000. Terms of Subcription: a 1 MA.IL--I] AbVANCE-PON•TAiE PAID. . aIy Editieo , pe year................. ............. /1"t.* .: l EUdities. a ... ts................. ..... 7. '0I 4 al E4ltiel, t se Ith............... ......... .. TO CITY MUD~nIINB'IK!. ky , merkr. Kw-ry erling, at 3a e. par w•wk. WEEKLY EDITION. 0 e Year............. ............. ........ 4. 99 S ea ... ................ . ......... ....................... . Tr.•e a ths .... ......... .... ................. I Advertstine Rates. , r -Ill T 1 - i J,. .6. . 3' L4 4.00 30.00 10.00 14.00 70.00 1 lisp......100 400 40 a1 11.0 12.00 11.00 29.0 1'.i'***." 4.00 9.00) 4.001*10 21.00 (0.0 * meek. .. .. U . 010.14.00 IMS 24.0 319. 4 Weeks. ... : .00 10.0 12.00.0 *44. 7L00 41.00 Weeks.. .. 0.0012.0014. 01* 7.00 70 40.00 1 ... 10.1 14.0014.07.005701.0 4.0 00.4 11 1mba . ... 144JL40 16* .0 74.00 42.0 31.00 00.00 1.UlhL.. _ Ito 00 76.0042.001.0 4.00100.08 ?e ~4ki h... URJ.S.I 40.00 0.0 :4.0 143.08100.41 L"cal 8~t.4se-Ta Cems per am for each I ... Wri nh up. 4n e Cee p~r 11m. A.ddress VE 11TU JSUUU AL. r"11114,01 waW I By. E`r c C~ eIUVN- rrrt, I `abkee L, n MII aa. m4 ; N 1. U. All at. ewurlaly Inrif to aisnd. halrr wrrtlig artey 1hurl.d7. J. W. ftt'XTI.. Pa~tur. B trTlrT f'Mt'UCll. Haer of his jnd ' -th Mrl.r~wir a itA. r. ad SW IL tit -uida!. hu4y MbSt 141 A. B. Chimesa Rte. 1. . IrwU. Pau a. EP31 oPAL iN cHYPF:I-alaeir at". "F* l d d pluir aorfrI fIy. eo oi uearday, oi U.J a r.. :: IV P. w. mrIld udy of a c w..nt I I MI. rnd r w.. MM f k~ya Sr.- i~uada *ul :t i. r. Uss a e.'r.I 0567 AAI. 1 t"Lu flt.E 1 UsIlTH. f bagaIm. tC. -. A. P .. h"SYTKIktAN i'l'lINC. Csr,,e of 34ala .uri and llMoele Awrr. .MUM os mli. W. p. w. d ~o" o. Na.w. Prayer ' .l4. rdy toalr M 7:2 claeh. All .w iumiaehd. . Y. LIuIIUL. ,Pamlr. A. 61 . jti" 4,11, eadg .. 1 H., reet Irsi Slid third wedw.i . of ea."h mnith ai S.W P. O., t 04d FIeI Hell. Viii.'-0 K ights 5In eidisi l i.teW. M. I Tow'.I. Isite. 1. r. NIii4 4 hN. fraWUr. 11w Nle. .117 eed of Trade matt .ser T*.dge. (hddlrese. Spl M s e'chle p. w. s IkhSho IN tars w1 rtgdiOy laiwi. WO. VAX UASKICX. mruurre. " %1 'iIr lox. flwfilU. A. .1. A. .. 1*ttrur I' dI 14. A. A. N., regular iqIMA gad Nthrd Uurr1dmrl) s~isch meatt; SY i.S 1ist r Ied eds s Ied I. m L t'. . Grans'. ). K. N 1. O. U .t. 4'u.a r U S.I O 1 .0 . r.. Mmbed t tro Wl. 3MI Ir. MV. lr.uea. 1 . S?. Nr. S. . . O. e. avowal frauprter. No, h, ut JIM ai cal-PMM LWS M. 7t of C.--YrM bfd . T~rwrr Me 1 1 reIb III - S CIIY .IrOrtwi.A, U. ti. C. F. A. Tixuw, r. 11.1 A*i~ NME V. 5ImI.Ke(aN "~ te.IN wI1 Nr. "" MD.1 y.M. r ,f_1T.I, *~VLYE 11V441S.~ l. J' rA .. iruaL pfd 3m,, Viahk. . M KVL.S. 1. U. 'ARIA3LO Md 7Il. Niles eg/.N eat..... Phi My "e (.~mtt1 egiutd. ('y W toeid hor he1 Prubate (.ui r~ue Is Ib t'Jiaw,' L !1. ,,* StDI& JIKKK. U /. Ir la 1 uatw Am '~my purveyor. (NLV with %~Iiuism X ATLAW AllbRE LSATW. e ,ao n buJ.4 Hi. erv orywr ow. care Yonk "wuse.. ljnS~S ATT*W) ATOitf LAW.AW wrIg.. e ngt o( Th 'llb . In $lIst@- 99u". NoIwcity, It. T. a CONTUACTOM. agi alraUIs a 3UOTUKR. F *NTaIJRdI a DI'ILDKR111. L ft'. 21. T. FVia-4 sad sgwil elMfW 6A .t VeIoNo . lot PEtdgIANS J.JAY wooD NAX AV,),bIj IIO SWyrT Dul all .?, c a WRMY DIO l T tot.All work MW. W. aO Mai. Vked REDUCTION SALE. For the next thirty days we will offer speci- al inducements in Gents' oloth- ing and Furn- ishing Goods in order to make room for new goods. I. Orschel & Bro. WILLIAMOUIVRTZNAY, JA-ml I.Laud Aapl I tr Olw %Solrhim PacLIe Rail. ,.ad I wi,.eiit Agsici for the {Meat Ih.lur. rn.u.e .. HinrFurd, luogil, the I.enitula i.s, Jn~suran~t Ca., lb. New VTrk l' rwrlters Aqsmc. NN York. N. '. R KF'KR! NI'ES : Flr"u \%atglr.,l Bank : 4l.lI,.. Neuud t l'e., Hkllkr*.. MLC ('I(f. M. T. \I..\1\ '. I..\'II "N FIar~iu1 A" "E. I ITV. .crrll AnF Frus aA Ranchus FOR 'AI.K I, .In tciyage. silk em., Imenu. .d J.mmIIm. Live Stock a Specialty. Partly .. eI.irieeto IwcsI Sra rum.g will .daalm ull ary nft1aU. iamrmatlwt. Htl~'' Ye)O NIEXT AND COLI.tTTIOS MADE A .wmbutaba ma mmadhl a dwIlhag arnIa far as Ma hsruha. 1W4 rrmS.UdSuS.UlkWid 1l T. B. BURLEHN, NWnda. wl* tad HriU D M-ir IN HARDWARE Crockery, BAME WASOWS, JI0D DEERB PUS. Mowing Machines, FENCE WIRES tNIM mOMK MIlU. I nT.,* imn O e ith he a h in a irUt-Uiae, I1',m~lrnn luii *llin It'hr •tlr Ihm il FIl nil-'ltM , T1i Shop. and Ih4 IR'k Prics will tp gie all fl.r aro ah. KI pretlfully. T. B. BURLEIGH. MONEY SAVED 'I 711R WA'I'"RW 7 P()1?v( ryVjY7) /M) no') 711. CLOTHING, Rei mdI ma Nate mmd~r~ Cin. Week. heed. D~r0-00nB almainb . WN. WhI"na. mmd ~~ htn skid se at~ I .kI ,.Cr pe yeurecn pr~h f Lt A eaw plst. vcsel af stale ad busy aioncu a Provwsions, oft pri that def~ y o tltlns.. call adj MAe you will Idw I M~nyti~ "Ic lvW:111impm WAR WHOOP. Danger of Conflict With Starv- ing Piegans in North- west Montana. Buffalo Route, Its exact Course Burnt Range -Separating Sheep and Cattle. Montana Scenery Local Poli- tics Railroad Accidents Home Happenings. The Iavalag ewrgeae. A 4ilwMtL4l (ImHI Helena of the .14th saysw: 'Govsrnmor I ioflhy 4ates that the slweelal agent spit Ily 1amma to enquirel as to the iwNtlltlsn of the Pigau Iudlians has just returnedl and fisujd that thmere Indlani. of whom a tlssre art- als ut .411, are flyinmg trot., tme Alisc n( gradual narration at the rate i (inle a slay. Trte agsrumisriatlonsm ror tIs f*ar oslly Iser)iLlt tIhe agenit to bwrie tws psitmsi ) .r of Iw.t zal three IsilisIw' os lad flour Ier week. which is emstireln Iutiasicuate I'. wsqspport well ilssile. Tihe govermmoc r re*urtw an smnmastural amnd nhmanlmmi state ir thhihmstsiistlng. stiff Palls ume the' 9'.errary ot the I uterlor to s~asus the rcsponsmlihly i r Ioulmr full tilons Instll 4 sngremws meets' In Ikeenmiser. A Thvreeag.d irulea. Yesterday private Informmtlon rsb.h- el town that an outrealk was feared at ally naonsmlet asoleg the Indiansl at' Poplar River. At that point thbre are utne l,00m of the dusky araves, who have for the lent year wen livring op les, than half rations and now having coneumed all their dotus and killed ln- mnusmerade calve. for the. stuknewn are i monmentarily expeeted to turn them- .mlves Ime imn d Irinug the (finat Father at Washington to time amid Imore grubb hy going on the war path, thereby expeltlng to be boughtl offand s*ie ra.tion them ummal liased to them. MdIor W. r. Maria, swmmandant at PoIdar River, has called fr tr-opn. and anticipates mleh trouble and perhaps an extensive Indian war In northbeatern Metaima. sa•wr IUse to Dem•s, Wre. The read viewer appunlmd by thw ooe•wr eommlseloee to hly oeeL he u-::iblo rent returned bher last night, having been out seveetee days and made a thorough examleation of the lie. whiLb they fund very eieble ad easy to travel ver. The vlewern •ere A. H. 4anborn, i'ham. Dalley. Mr. Mllker sad (ounty 1urveyor W. B. (law. The exactourbthey trayv el is kesribed as follow.: The rued begins at Melway's lower ranch :m Pumapkin creek, thence up the val- ley of esid creek to its head thence In a southerly dimretion alng the ireat divide between the Powder and Tengue rivers, (nad piraotklly us the .me line that was travell by the eltlaeps' enamitteell abntautmotha go) to ConS•tnk's Butte, lAftee miles south of the of Pumpkin creek, thrlce down acrees the tributarile of RBkmn creek four mille on the east wIke of the ridge, this dlgreeion from the. divide rIwhg taken for the purpnesr oshorten- Ing the read and maklig it nearer to a Bend water supply. Here the rkige is agapnl reaehed and bliowed to the head if Taylor creek. a tributary of 'Otter erek. Aanotmer digresek is here made to the west ide of the malt ridge and ar nrms the tributarlie of Tavlor, Lion and westl Iranch of Indian rerek. to the iead. of Indlaan *reek piropr, thence down -aid creek three lmiles to (at creek and uu ('at Sreek and over EIk ridge to the head of (Iras creek, then down (rass creek to a point on Otter reek seven miles mouth of Capt. Howes' ranch. Next up Otter creek a few mile* to the ridle Intervening Ihetween the' went and east fork of the Otter, thenoe tuii the tongue shaped ridge .of slat rock, or IPoe lRock, a promilnent laud- mnark noted hy the citizens' committee and practllally on the Imain divide. Thenee Msutherly along the mnuli dl- vide t tthe northern limit of the rTpee 'ut ot. They rode three nillne t hrough thi cut off anJ reachbed tlle divide palin. Then they went on down the divide to the Wyoming line, pa•lini near tite Uprin wihere ilol. Canmntock, of lie tlllenm' emm- naltlee, lost his valuable Knlght STemplars' rinl. Fr grade, allgnment, wood, water and Ien, this rad will Ie re ted by the vlewenm a being the very best Ir he Msme extent of any road that mary be 6ome 0nder their observa- Ute within the terrtory of Moetana. 1d mIthe mud Wr be traveled at olodlary vehicles, but to put , * :it n o 'wrkI,, *"nm 'Iiti4Ia for freight w"14t'N1 it wi~lll,(l l 04-1 H -mll " Xiludt guitg'i Ill (I IIIIIIINK tli-I rwaad have ula'tud" lud~aei tripd e.%v'r uiid i-t~twtjII here atmew IBaifialo. Wyo. Tinto Meatua, 10i-wgw.. Iwo lagnut-urnaIn0ant trout tatio's I:I 7.1inl*. SepaerM neos. a... The ~sto~k Asn.iatlionI at FI"rt N.1 .Leol at their re.•eat meetling tuook a r.ouws regardhig a .,lvm:titlo of er lseel fronti cattle that is a'lnlII tl ronaWeraIjle argunesnt. The t iar.•te ways on the Iaatter: "Itegarllng thle intrikduction of shleel. to the aeittle rangKes., thIe .4..'. elatloul gayve Ia ullcertaminl veW, I etlllionl will ie sent to Ith gove.runlllll asking that wheeg.p Ie inot allowed south ofe a etrtain I'houndary. lThe Auo'.l*. tiol lha Mactedl proletatly nila1 wisely. The .coultry Ilortlh of thIe Il•llllalary Inentioned in aur report is an excellent one forr sharclW. •o in this, for ' that matterl. But us c'attle requIre much nInor rooml than l(heep, lanl as this Irn ,io-ellinently a alttle ,ounltry. there *eill*. Ilttle etewelty fr amilxing the twIo interest's, whlch valll ,nver be made to hLrmolaise. North ofd llthe tliundary suggeleted there I ruon fo'r snillkoen of sheep and the idea ao keel. ing the tattle and sheep ditrlets se~i- rate, w hk'h we haave rnatml to think,. has h•ewn ,acelv.l bliy the govern- melnt, i aip extrelely gul• one. IIt mnight lie well Ito re•.eind the goversn. meat, hIowever, that 1e th1ere usettIng aside of these districtl. or their re;•ve use, is their innller conneilrcu Ilem, or even l sl llallatlonl , ils not enoughl. The intlieatilon of huiman nature is to bie prverne, and to do those tihinlgs which it sholulual ol ido. nleau the governmetit follow up their detenrlnatollO by promltllction, it will avail nothing. Sheep whould Inot he allowed to grase oL the open prairie under any ol eideration south of that tbouedlry IIne. The tevernmeant ca only ecaompnlsh thi~, irst I.y a pro-le to that e)Wt*t, published in the western Ipaper, and seconly, by lamting an iltelillget agenat here Iodirlet all mhen where they may gIo. If ehaae allowed a folt-hold here, sheep will uoon Ildool the country, and result dlh nmc',re dlsastrously to the cattlei lterest thba any immedIalte danger deeratek•lya with rlttie. Thn.eaM enlr be aertld by the Immtedilae amlion (a the gov- ernseat." There are today hundreds oC tour lIts and plemre wekaen from thei states itjolylg a ramping seasae amog the pletusmque m.untains uo Montasa, Indulglng in the ilvlgerat- lag sporls of hunting. Ihbing and Ierry•lg. And cvr in the hMs try of the territory sine vllationu hIas thwwm Itb proteeting ar areuad these beaultil vlley and grand ld e mountains, ham It ween snore Inviting. The msll fruit is abundant. and plemmre seekers ay fe•d upon berries aon nedy every mountain aide. Vih., iag isa alneselkent, and when tied of berrylng the lest trea may bet taken hfatn every mountain •r•ean. Hunting l good: ehickens,. gouse. sage hens, fio he•s, elk, deer. utelope' or If the Nln~m d should be anibitloeu htr adventlur, he can take bout with i bruin any tlne hw wishes: aed fAer uad wilder still, may, If he wishes, bhunt the king of heasts, the Ilrky M ountauin lion. There I ln Iract an, endlea variety of lunrts. Then the lover of the beautifl Ands untlanued enjoyment in threading forests, climb lag peaks, 'emp and dlilh in heights of eternal snow, or Isn stolliag by eul : m ountaln brookl, and gatherlng t endless variety of wild owers. There are hundred of beati lllUttle dells and vales along our mnatal• saletm . even the ettled valleys, that are unfwequented. Here the tourist, tired of the buode and hurnm of the .grea eitllm, eoas pih his tent In quilt, wereonly the nm laSIg of the wind through the pines will break the soil- tIle. The Iaw Ihundreds whom•regpln lag new IIk it hen ~ col retreat.--a y luam of nature-at but the avt•anc guard of the countle thousands that are destinedar to aonew it the near' Ature. And 11w lwoln whoo r"ide Shere peranesntly hboukl fee•tl laed that their lives are east Is a land of sreh nmaalAllhae.-Huaaandoan,. j TIM I3alkbtemw < cirmlm., IPursuat to the call, thei rmtdewt nlilemr of thl Itellub)llcn centrl commlttle laeit .veterday aftlrnloo at the court Ioums. The committe lap pointed two years ao pconsmted of thirteen members, but owlng to thi creatiki of Yellowstone county d*iu that tnouof a portion of C(O',r t)e comniitte+wst ive members, and c•Bnge of reMldesee of thbS within the county redun d the mebership to six, of whom rim enly wen, pm. ent. A Igodly I.NuLAs at qUt RO- I pu'if j, however, were In nute'm'l aite annd were iuviteii to take Imurt in tne. djehibwratfoimw. 4 o1. II. . mould, .nairnmann, Imnewioi.4I. itld S. (i;rwdom was tie weerrtary. It teimu-ig i1eimerd advlisab.e. uwing to tin I e gr Ihewrrtne ot wettlnnllrunt in 111e eotnty .inni' tie apixgutointemnn of tihe comhmnittee twto yPurw ago, to ninwan* tihe 'numniwsr 'at unegarr,. to twennty*.h.."n. a ieoltiona to thnat ffleet Irrevai lemI. ain't) ImIiniflti('iI m~ade to imn.!reah tihe nnemmbmr. whigs to that umnunier. Tine nnaint 'If tine mew en~nmnttee nuppeaur in thne call i'ul~lirdnedl tin umorning tiir a unetning o the ornnmitter onn Thnurwlua, u tember 411h. The ).r .c.Unngn' were' inarmnninnoue' ain' gave lmikre~nn off *hioIper to '.hn'mtner work Inn thne 'ainn* Iiaignn tinal ""aynant but result tin a sIc "1.1 Ce vi.'torv fire tine party tint.' rli. A Wreck. \ rusk P-Ix4 fet fell uga tla track nt Hartuia, t ftt..ln ualihv w . t of ulit re ye.. terlay imioruliuwc whacin the NoErthern Pacfic we twur.l trair Nwa withlin thirty feet et it. The egniteer mand frenrauujuaaaleel. thes engines crarIaed Into the allele and thle tender wax jami- mined Ihak onue third of thle way Into hwe auil var. TIhe pa.wesaerw were greatly alarmaed, lut maet feerte1atly, nlo one War injiured. Burned bir by i* *e.a iho.rtly Iefor the firew CUIIIIIe'in(ed on the range at tlhe head ,of Taylor ereek. a large Ibald of renlegale C'ley- Slulells frElall tlh Pine Itidge agen,'y weres .etI l iIs hat vicinlty anlld lnear (1ttr c-reek. ,everal artle.. rvlmpwt Shalvil llotiel them ,. land it ietmlas re- n;arkable that they got away .nw quickly after the tire starteil. The ilRamn swept es* thwardt thirty lmile.- to the Te•e.e ,ut off on the new Btf- falo rmeIl. The fire was enmAned to,, I the high lanlds of tile ridge Imetweena Powdler river and ('lear trerk and: Tongue Itiver. The flre was thme or •our wil• il: width on the tributarie- of the Powder, and the mUas width on the tributaries of PIowder saud 'ear creek. The district burned was the-re. kore about right miles wide and thirty mulks long. The lmain ranges are not detroyel. The 4,ow imen worked bard wipug out the tire and by tie greatest ehrtm uavted the winter ranges on tile tributaries of Otter creek.mndi' tter ,reek valley, e•e pting the East alnd West Fork, near the divide. The fire reahed down lndian reek to a point sithin evee miles of ('aIpt. Howe's reach. The only rmange that weens to be dim-'r aged br the winter is that of barter & Fi ewe, where tlr Maloeton Fres•'. ieuther is interstaed iu raising mules. The setler are determined to pre- vent the Indianl f he frtbher destruce Stlon ofthe ranges Iy r If it e•s Ihe stppged. It Ik a penal l~aer ftor a white man aed surely the Indian should sllt*r if he destroys the muain.h i ay ,4 ti, mu.e wi moew astl feed mon the R |ilApal. * Nea . a lew C.eek. Nansy have uppamed that Hei••n ad all thie oulvenlenes o tihe day but the Adllowlag iell of the Herald Iladlctes that there it one thinri lark- leg: "Wanted, a town c.*ok! And who will lie the e nterprhag, goarlsed easn to put eie up in a sulitable kil*- Ity" It .houkl not bee wtup l an ult- of-way place, Sist the jusut lrwoinent place ilt the elty should ibe seleted for It, where its ic! can Lie wet Iby all who Ibuk, anid the striking bell wshuld be large enough lto seanl forth a sound that eould be heard at the depot. is additJoa to bewag a greet ouvenalcence I gidving a unllbrnu systes of tlllne, it would have a teadeueiy to make souse mena who have "important tissnee nagigernelts down town" to hurry bose and relieve the wailting asle anxkSus wlfe of fears that her dear hashena has teen waylaid Sby a igh- waynan. The town cdlck woukl lie a reminder to bhis that torulaY was dawins anld he mnuslt speed it Itse- ward." Aw F l aate Mets maOl. Wmumt. An Immenwsea evie am1ar~ed Friday nilght and assuher to.4hY n what is kanown as the (' (ramfl3u.cer lath, bewvvn tilit city and te Marim.. ThleC Vt was marly a hair shlr Ina length and the givat nma corvarth (WI I inlo t(. emsevtl liver. Ihljslig that stom half way aertm. It talame doewswigboUhvlthm, It Imaald. so to mese bef it a easmml linad Li the rivaa bat ditaste. The ramd yer thbbis Wb (blcb Isablatebsek) to Ow Madlsm Insis and It will b1w a diS mit naitt to eamulnat amuuthee.- Usel. Indepeadsm Uoem r Hate, of Wyemig, re. urales very III at Mamnuth Hot spril., the guest of Mjor Co.pgr. uMperitea4dret of the Park. He ha take svera hot sulpbur baths, and s greatly weakened by thir efet though his diteae yteMk oMuewlat to the tretlatment. He will remkaIIu there %everal weeks. He Ihuaw irm'ludsl to order the coit rta'tioaa Or of jail at Mlauaiaothg Hot Sprhamgu, uand ill ulr- 1IIIIt Juudflial a aar l uaat1al-:I.*riol e'hrw to "iuforce thie luP* ot Wyonilng it, the Park audejIuait*)h oltaaderm. Thiti iw a prowl~wrt that( will he hulled withl piea ure I3y all wild, 'I.'dr. to we the Park reusuala ordlerly, aund that it Iw prottcctr l frout vadtobi. luiidhaerw mand dir.'nrlatow oit all kind-i. Flatte Inter- muli uIs(. MWN I''. I u Hfln LawIe"' humps. 0I1eoLui9t Maisonap. at PouwIerviIlt, wap stored a keg or ;.owdIer, whia rfoeir o(f thle tre- 4Ieflntearo that Ietality maldt a targety oft out Frielay last saamd p'iitittede in Il1oiP. tg it u11. It i.Ir-wia wat' nott of thme piarty awil with itt a.r- ttiftreul frontr ther tire that f'llwwl. Th huildim. wai lIlowtiwi , Iieetw. '['ll. .'es otI two t the It itla wert very Ipadli" Iiurearatd 1,it of I haeia raatJ to itr ljhhuaili-iI li thae ti 1iliii4luai Tlini hall.. wihortly aftet their Ot lilstng Int' lieu l tfa*,aaw houte amd "- naintting the olep~rruhata~aaa hea 'haar.r.t agalnst thewia. 36ev MeItUS I. Drrw"lrl k Jim. Iauv. rritrrqi siad utirwl )1 ie a u rleiiioi ut tIIU uktt I*.r lm keg., whlaicuh fle u a Ge erg,. thIay will INVin Iustiiag for Io,-. l.waI tradle. Thi1w G! at naw ulrpiertur... lut olno' whia'ih I, I,1I)ilIlt Ii, Al .ui * ,4ful oui*. tirwaJrl k Bru.. ly the way, art extiendinmg theIr ltriinr.u and their trade very rapidly thrungh this eoum. try. Yentcniay they cent out three heav.ay wagon klod. to White Sulpbur Sparing., and thai I. hut a .anaple of thae whnolesale trail they ar* icking 'natiitiniwhly.- KnterpcrIa.e eo Ioeblmsl u plt B, Ilhe uudermasneld lhaving kI•d the likle I'lty tteen Laundry Ilarg to impress upon the public that ckl•ull- neat I est t• I t gllinesm and that witU the improvedl applianc. A•r lamundr wolrk under hi. elntrd hl e is pmrepred to tUrN out the loit work eLrC dnam in the city. Prnm'ntlsg to the public the fr.t that Iw u*se no el.tlusis, call. for and deliverm . Nbh proe tly and dioe. it at les rates. hew rrpethlly Ssks the patronaRe of all who fee It a aorel duty to rensloaslly or RnAser indule In cleuan lines. H. (G. PolrmN. lo t'hkago on August Sth.Judg Knilkerbocker, of the sarnlie enrl, ppolnted Austin L. Patter.w, huld- o as. manager of the TI es, as e•rner- vator of the estate of Wilbur F. laory. Ofrogm cirrue r wan dhrom rd eta Are ne Frlday near WIindsr, us the creefiry. '.1 Lake t Push! R. R. of sxlty in the ear. prnhmal4 halt were turned to death. >< ,v u4~e a a sweet.q m.a.m~ IIM. 1.1uisP A-IMICt i There iI m . Nmt.rosplirnmllsa d A~Ueteom ihus I 141ve r. tu Mar Em1 admitr. we1 hale fcowl wouai rive mmd charts Ia them I. a-uarny Ak1c aiap to threur fear Iuur uo of %ZuesmIi have mat d ri ad.rndSb, I e rat r% the air o IkeliNSbrswonl sad u I gorra Ac'rwdikg to a Ner reImmilte to tkruh kicrwura nt wumani) ugunt.. sa itis smwrtiet has In lme url. gaspil Ikmurn tee meek for lire teaily iftor. mat is she hual rmal fwur of mum~vlr r ertb. ' wrwlk hsta Is intot a w.rr sne be wuti have to be Imagd frna Imena/t p.Ilb~bl m ~Ltcrpnaltlo of Mr. G,4iks lt 1 Mld that IM luM a lictk prstlhw bre lawn-ts the in Ihrv would be urrulm d ley blre o -prks from the ehbibag .r'o'ld. MaNI thea IN Wr was on faoot.If the Lanli ttaea liewl da a hrI her who IMlri orusaa'.arn iin the hous %1.e~ mus amss.. IArkem'a T uwbr.1 t i nualelrv. luedism n s " he 6h;.f uid.*iml relikS. Mir beueg' a n b" I. d1.Mw4is akammw. , tips. ir*lgeriw i -u lo sme n vs' Sk'ho . 1'1' did W MIhS atmamo ini eSIA 05. IShure Io a sm 11M1 two+." .,. "iii1 Ike Sher Sm tisLrim o poswrwku dea mes 'cSilhrr nrb. lame paith,. .AI'*a Ill ru1 " .e als Aaa mt*. Th.. ngssih. wrallg N . eonw,. swil" bhrkl's irk. whor a farmie bay we.. .Malt. whllI h4 WOW hp leers dJ W. TTr "iutk. cadr So lorl u lu On Slgael. wasl Ihrorwig lMsh Ian. ft bgpl le roll vow S. b to n l rsidlll *mM ( L.11rr ukrs Ohs h rabrwrm wis hb bp, . Swrld hh b uu 1- mesS raltI R womM ~dhw. Tis suubjue 71tA.c v is wbu Iw OWa ow .. ' m u l toweli a @A s fesw aWAtoP*# y.I m."lMpm*m hof owb = bomyw*4 yum bmum Is 1r6r bp 0". IN* k -gmM I hi II On Film mlltoyrw ~II

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Page 1: THE DAILY YELLOWSTONE · the daily yellowstone journal. volume ii. no. 303 miles city. montana. sunday


l Nl lH i l ll i H lll l l H N l l l

THEDAIIY JOURNALI1.. fIIe i.ul "*I ' MeV ()•Wn W.

Every Morning Except Monday.

.palati of Mile City, - - 3000.

Terms of Subcription:a 1 MA.IL--I] AbVANCE-PON•TAiE PAID..aIy Editieo , pe year................. ............. /1"t.*.: l EUdities. a ...ts................. ..... 7. '0I

4 al E4ltiel, t se Ith............... ......... ..TO CITY MUD~nIINB'IK!.

ky , merkr. Kw-ry erling, at 3a e. par w•wk.

WEEKLY EDITION.0 e Year............. ............. ........ 4. 99

S ea ... ................ . ......... ....................... .Tr.•e a ths .... ......... .... ................. I

Advertstine Rates.

, r -Ill T 1 - i

J,. .6. . 3' L4 4.00 30.00 10.00 14.00 70.001 lisp......100 400 40 a1 11.0 12.00 11.00 29.0

1'.i'***." 4.00 9.00) 4.001*10 21.00 (0.0* meek. .. .. U . 010.14.00 IMS 24.0 319.4 Weeks. ... : .00 10.0 12.00.0 *44. 7L00 41.00

Weeks.. .. 0.0012.0014. 01* 7.00 70 40.001 ... 10.1 14.0014.07.005701.0 4.0 00.4

11 1mba.... 144JL40 16* .0 74.00 42.0 31.00 00.001.UlhL.. _ Ito 00 76.0042.001.0 4.00100.08?e ~4ki h... URJ.S.I 40.00 0.0 :4.0 143.08100.41

L"cal 8~t.4se-Ta Cems per am for each SI.erI ... Wri nh up. 4n e Cee p~r 11m. A.ddress


r"11114,01 waW I By.

E`r c C~ eIUVN- rrrt, I `abkee L, n MIIaa. m4 ; N 1. U. All at. ewurlaly Inrif

to aisnd. halrr wrrtlig artey 1hurl.d7.J. W. ftt'XTI.. Pa~tur.

B trTlrT f'Mt'UCll. Haer of his jnd' -th Mrl.r~wir a itA. r. ad SW IL

tit -uida!. hu4y MbSt 141 A. B. Chimesa

Rte. 1. . IrwU. Pau a.

EP31 oPAL iN cHYPF:I-alaeir at". "F* l d

d pluir aorfrI fIy. eo oi uearday, oi U.J

a r.. :: IV P. w. mrIld udy of a c w..nt I IMI. rnd r w.. MM f k~ya Sr.- i~uada

*ul :t i. r. Uss a

e.'r.I 0567 AAI. 1 t"Lu

flt.E 1 UsIlTH.f bagaIm. tC. -. A.

P ..h"SYTKIktAN i'l'lINC. Csr,,e of 34ala.uri and llMoele Awrr. .MUM os mli. W. p. w. d ~o" o. Na.w. Prayer' .l4. rdy toalr M 7:2 claeh. All

.w iumiaehd. . Y. LIuIIUL. ,Pamlr.

A. 61 .

jti" 4,11, eadg .. 1 H., reet Irsi Slid thirdwedw.i . of ea."h mnith ai S.W P. O., t 04dFIeI Hell. Viii.'-0 K ights 5In eidisi l

i.teW. M. I Tow'.I. Isite.1. r. NIii4 4 hN. fraWUr.

11w Nle. .117 eed of Trade matt .serT*.dge. (hddlrese. Spl M s e'chle p. w.s IkhSho IN tars w1 rtgdiOy laiwi.

WO. VAX UASKICX. mruurre." %1 'iIr lox. flwfilU.

A. .1. A. ..

1*ttrur I' dI 14. A. A. N., regulariqIMA gad Nthrd Uurr1dmrl) s~isch meatt;SY i.S 1ist r Ied eds s Ied I. m

L t'. .Grans'. ). K. N

1. O. U .t.4'u.a r U S.I O 1 .0 . r.. Mmbed t tro

Wl. 3MI Ir.

MV. lr.uea. 1 . S?. Nr.

S. . .O. e.avowal frauprter. No, h, ut JIM ai

cal-PMM LWS M. 7t of C.--YrMbfd .T~rwrr Me 1 1 reIb III

- S CIIY .IrOrtwi.A, U. ti.C. F. A. Tixuw, r. 11.1

A*i~ NME V. 5ImI.Ke(aN"~ te.IN wI1 Nr. "" MD.1 y.M. r

,f_1T.I, *~VLYE 11V441S.~ l.J' rA .. iruaL pfd 3m,, Viahk.. M KVL.S. 1. U. 'ARIA3LO

Md 7Il. Niles eg/.N eat.....

Phi My "e (.~mtt1 egiutd. ('y W toeidhor he1 Prubate (.ui r~ue Is

Ib t'Jiaw,'

L !1. ,,* StDI& JIKKK.U /. Ir la 1 uatw

Am '~my purveyor. (NLV with %~Iiuism

X ATLAW AllbRE LSATW.e ,ao n buJ.4 Hi. erv orywr ow. care

Yonk "wuse..


wrIg.. e ngt o( Th 'llb . In $lIst@- l.an99u". NoIwcity, It. T.


agi alraUIs a 3UOTUKR.F *NTaIJRdI a DI'ILDKR111.L ft'. 21. T. FVia-4 sad sgwil

elMfW 6A .t VeIoNo . lot


J.JAY wooD NAX AV,),bIj IIOSWyrT Dul all .?,

c a WRMY DIO l T tot.All work

MW. W. aO Mai. Vked


For the nextthirty days wewill offer speci-al inducementsin Gents' oloth-ing and Furn-ishing Goodsin order tomake room fornew goods.I. Orschel & Bro.WILLIAMOUIVRTZNAY,

JA-ml I.Laud Aapl I tr Olw %Solrhim PacLIe Rail.,.ad I wi,.eiit Agsici for the {Meat Ih.lur.

rn.u.e .. HinrFurd, luogil, the I.enitulai.s, Jn~suran~t Ca., lb. New

VTrk l' rwrlters Aqsmc.NN York. N. '.


Flr"u \%atglr.,l Bank : 4l.lI,.. Neuud t l'e.,Hkllkr*.. MLC ('I(f. M. T.

\I..\1\ '. I..\'II "N FIar~iu1 A" "E. I ITV.


AnF Frus aA RanchusFOR 'AI.K

I, .In tciyage. silk em., Imenu. .d J.mmIIm.

Live Stock a Specialty.Partly .. eI.irieeto IwcsI Sra rum.g will .daalm

ull ary nft1aU. iamrmatlwt.


A .wmbutaba ma mmadhl a dwIlhagarnIa far as Ma hsruha.

1W4 rrmS.UdSuS.UlkWid 1l

T. B. BURLEHN,NWnda. wl* tad HriU D M-ir IN



JI0D DEERB PUS.Mowing Machines,


I nT.,* imn O e ith he a h in a irUt-Uiae,I1',m~lrnn luii *llin It'hr •tlr Ihm il FIl nil-'ltM ,T1i Shop. and Ih4 IR'k Prics will tp

gie all fl.r aro ah. KI pretlfully.


'I 711R WA'I'"RW 7

P()1?v( ryVjY7) /M) no') 711.

CLOTHING,Rei mdI ma Nate mmd~r~ Cin. Week. heed.

D~r0-00nBalmainb . WN. WhI"na.mmd ~~ htn skid se at~ I .kI ,.Cr

pe yeurecn pr~h f Lt

A eaw plst. vcsel af stale ad busy

aioncu a Provwsions,oft pri that def~ y o tltlns..

call adj MAe you will I M~nyti~

"Ic lvW:111impm


Danger of Conflict With Starv-

ing Piegans in North-

west Montana.

Buffalo Route, Its exact Course

Burnt Range -Separating

Sheep and Cattle.

Montana Scenery Local Poli-

tics Railroad AccidentsHome Happenings.

The Iavalag ewrgeae.

A 4ilwMtL4l (ImHI Helena of the .14thsaysw: 'Govsrnmor I ioflhy 4ates thatthe slweelal agent spit Ily 1amma toenquirel as to the iwNtlltlsn of thePigau Iudlians has just returnedl andfisujd that thmere Indlani. of whom atlssre art- als ut .411, are flyinmg trot.,tme Alisc n( gradual narration at therate i (inle a slay. Trte agsrumisriatlonsmror tIs f*ar oslly Iser)iLlt tIhe agenit tobwrie tws psitmsi ) .r of Iw.t zal threeIsilisIw' os lad flour Ier week. whichis emstireln Iutiasicuate I'. wsqspport wellilssile. Tihe govermmoc r re*urtw ansmnmastural amnd nhmanlmmi state irthhihmstsiistlng. stiff Palls ume the'9'.errary ot the I uterlor to s~asus thercsponsmlihly i r Ioulmr full tilonsInstll 4 sngremws meets' In Ikeenmiser.

A Thvreeag.d irulea.

Yesterday private Informmtlon rsb.h-el town that an outrealk was fearedat ally naonsmlet asoleg the Indiansl at'Poplar River. At that point thbre areutne l,00m of the dusky araves, who

have for the lent year wen livring oples, than half rations and now havingconeumed all their dotus and killed ln-mnusmerade calve. for the. stuknewn are imonmentarily expeeted to turn them-.mlves Ime imn d Irinug the (finatFather at Washington to time amidImore grubb hy going on the war path,thereby expeltlng to be boughtl offand

s*ie ra.tion them ummal liased to them.MdIor W. r. Maria, swmmandantat PoIdar River, has called fr tr-opn.and anticipates mleh trouble andperhaps an extensive Indian war Innorthbeatern Metaima.

sa•wr IUse to Dem•s, Wre.The read viewer appunlmd by thw

ooe•wr eommlseloee to hly oeeL heu-::iblo rent returned bher last night,

having been out seveetee days andmade a thorough examleation of thelie. whiLb they fund very eieblead easy to travel ver. The vlewern•ere A. H. 4anborn, i'ham. Dalley.Mr. Mllker sad (ounty 1urveyor W.B. (law. The exactourbthey trayvel is kesribed as follow.: Therued begins at Melway's lower ranch:m Pumapkin creek, thence up the val-ley of esid creek to its head thence Ina southerly dimretion alng the ireatdivide between the Powder andTengue rivers, (nad piraotklly us line that was travell by theeltlaeps' enamitteell abntautmotha go)to ConS•tnk's Butte, lAftee milessouth of the of Pumpkin creek, thrlcedown acrees the tributarile of RBkmncreek four mille on the east wIke of theridge, this dlgreeion from the. divide

rIwhg taken for the purpnesr oshorten-Ing the read and maklig it nearer toa Bend water supply. Here the rkige

is agapnl reaehed and bliowed to thehead if Taylor creek. a tributary of'Otter erek. Aanotmer digresek ishere made to the west ide of themalt ridge and ar nrms the tributarlieof Tavlor, Lion and westl Iranch ofIndian rerek. to the iead. of Indlaan*reek piropr, thence down -aid creekthree lmiles to (at creek and uu ('atSreek and over EIk ridge to the headof (Iras creek, then down (rass creekto a point on Otter reek seven milesmouth of Capt. Howes' ranch. Nextup Otter creek a few mile* tothe ridle Intervening Ihetween the'went and east fork of the Otter, thenoetuii the tongue shaped ridge .of slatrock, or IPoe lRock, a promilnent laud-mnark noted hy the citizens' committeeand practllally on the Imain divide.Thenee Msutherly along the mnuli dl-vide t tthe northern limit of therTpee 'ut ot. They rode three nillnet hrough thi cut off anJ reachbed tlledivide palin. Then they went ondown the divide to the Wyomingline, pa•lini near tite Uprin wihereilol. Canmntock, of lie tlllenm' emm-naltlee, lost his valuable KnlghtSTemplars' rinl.

Fr grade, allgnment, wood, waterand Ien, this rad will Ie re tedby the vlewenm a being the very bestIr he Msme extent of any road thatmary be 6ome 0nder their observa-Ute within the terrtory of Moetana.1d mIthe mud Wr be traveled at

olodlary vehicles, but to put

, *

:it n o 'wrkI,, *"nm 'Iiti4Ia for freight

w"14t'N1 it wi~lll,(l l 04-1 H -mll " Xiludt

guitg'i Ill (I IIIIIIINK tli-I rwaad haveula'tud" lud~aei tripd e.%v'r uiid i-t~twtjII

here atmew IBaifialo. Wyo. Tinto Meatua,10i-wgw.. Iwo lagnut-urnaIn0ant trout

tatio's I:I 7.1inl*.

SepaerM neos. a...

The ~sto~k Asn.iatlionI at FI"rt N.1.Leol at their re.•eat meetling tuook a

r.ouws regardhig a .,lvm:titlo of er lseelfronti cattle that is a'lnlII tl ronaWeraIjleargunesnt. The t iar.•te ways on theIaatter: "Itegarllng thle intrikductionof shleel. to the aeittle rangKes., thIe .4..'.elatloul gayve Ia ullcertaminl veW, I

etlllionl will ie sent to Ith gove.runlllllasking that wheeg.p Ie inot allowed southofe a etrtain I'houndary. lThe Auo'.l*.tiol lha Mactedl proletatly nila1 wisely.

The .coultry Ilortlh of thIe Il•llllalaryInentioned in aur report is anexcellent one forr sharclW. •o in this, for 'that matterl. But us c'attle requIremuch nInor rooml than l(heep, lanl as

this Irn ,io-ellinently a alttle ,ounltry.there *eill*. Ilttle etewelty fr amilxingthe twIo interest's, whlch valll ,nver bemade to hLrmolaise. North ofd llthetliundary suggeleted there I ruon fo'rsnillkoen of sheep and the idea ao the tattle and sheep ditrlets se~i-rate, w hk'h we haave rnatml to think,.has h•ewn ,acelv.l bliy the govern-melnt, i aip extrelely gul• one. IItmnight lie well Ito re•.eind the goversn.meat, hIowever, that 1e th1ere usettIngaside of these districtl. or their re;•ve use, is their innller conneilrcuIlem, or even l sl llallatlonl , ils notenoughl. The intlieatilon of huimannature is to bie prverne, and to dothose tihinlgs which it sholulual ol ido.

nleau the governmetit follow up theirdetenrlnatollO by promltllction, it willavail nothing. Sheep whould Inot heallowed to grase oL the open prairieunder any ol eideration south of thattbouedlry IIne. The tevernmeant caonly ecaompnlsh thi~, irst I.y a pro-leto that e)Wt*t, published in the western

Ipaper, and seconly, by lamting aniltelillget agenat here Iodirlet all mhenwhere they may gIo. If ehaae alloweda folt-hold here, sheep will uoon Ildool

the country, and result dlh nmc',redlsastrously to the cattlei lterest thbaany immedIalte danger deeratek•lyawith rlttie. Thn.eaM enlr be aertldby the Immtedilae amlion (a the gov-ernseat."

There are today hundreds oC tourlIts and plemre wekaen from theistates itjolylg a ramping seasaeamog the pletusmque m.untains uoMontasa, Indulglng in the ilvlgerat-lag sporls of hunting. Ihbing andIerry•lg. And cvr in the hMs tryof the territory sine vllationu hIasthwwm Itb proteeting ar areuadthese beaultil vlley and grand ld emountains, ham It ween snore Inviting.The msll fruit is abundant. andplemmre seekers ay fe•d upon berriesaon nedy every mountain aide. Vih.,iag isa alneselkent, and when tiedof berrylng the lest trea may bettaken hfatn every mountain •r•ean.Hunting • l good: ehickens,. gouse.sage hens, fio he•s, elk, deer. utelope'or If the Nln~m d should be anibitloeuhtr adventlur, he can take bout with i

bruin any tlne hw wishes: aed fAeruad wilder still, may, If he wishes,bhunt the king of heasts, the IlrkyM ountauin lion. There I ln Iract an,endlea variety of lunrts. Then thelover of the beautifl Ands untlanuedenjoyment in threading forests, climblag peaks, 'emp and dlilh in heightsof eternal snow, or Isn stolliag by eul :m ountaln brookl, and gatherlng tendless variety of wild owers. Thereare hundred of beati lllUttle dellsand vales along our mnatal• saletm .even the ettled valleys, that areunfwequented. Here the tourist,tired of the buode and hurnm of the.grea eitllm, eoas pih his tent In quilt,wereonly the nm laSIg of the windthrough the pines will break the soil-tIle. The Iaw Ihundreds whom•regplnlag new IIk it hen ~ col retreat.--a yluam of nature-at but the avt•ancguard of the countle thousands thatare destinedar to aonew it the near'Ature. And 11w lwoln whoo r"ide

Shere peranesntly hboukl fee•tl laedthat their lives are east Is a land ofsreh nmaalAllhae.-Huaaandoan,.

j TIM I3alkbtemw < cirmlm.,IPursuat to the call, thei rmtdewt

nlilemr of thl Itellub)llcn centrlcommlttle laeit .veterday aftlrnloo atthe court Ioums. The committe lappointed two years ao pconsmted ofthirteen members, but owlng to thicreatiki of Yellowstone county d*iuthat tnouof a portion of C(O',rt)e comniitte+wst ive members, andc•Bnge of reMldesee of thbS withinthe county redun d the mebershipto six, of whom rim enly wen, pm.ent. A Igodly I.NuLAs at qUt RO-

I pu'if j, however, were In nute'm'l

aite annd were iuviteii to take Imurt intne. djehibwratfoimw. 4 o1. II. . mould,.nairnmann, Imnewioi.4I. itld S. (i;rwdomwas tie weerrtary. It teimu-ig i1eimerdadvlisab.e. uwing to tin I e gr Ihewrrtneot wettlnnllrunt in 111e eotnty .inni' tieapixgutointemnn of tihe comhmnittee twtoyPurw ago, to ninwan* tihe 'numniwsr 'atunegarr,. to twennty*.h.."n. a ieoltiona to

thnat ffleet Irrevai lemI. ain't) ImIiniflti(' m~ade to imn.!reah tihe nnemmbmr.whigs to that umnunier. Tine nnaint 'Iftine mew en~nmnttee nuppeaur in thne calli'ul~lirdnedl tin umorning tiir a unetningo the ornnmitter onn Thnurwlua, utember 411h. The ).r .c.Unngn' were'inarmnninnoue' ain' gave lmikre~nn off*hioIper to '.hn'mtner work Inn thne 'ainn*Iiaignn tinal ""aynant but result tin a sIc"1.1 Ce vi.'torv fire tine party tint.' rli.

A Wreck.

\ rusk P-Ix4 fet fell uga tla track nt

Hartuia, t ftt..ln ualihv w . t of ulit re ye..terlay imioruliuwc whacin the NoErthernPacfic we twur.l trair Nwa withlinthirty feet et it. The egniteer mandfrenrauujuaaaleel. thes engines crarIaedInto the allele and thle tender wax jami-mined Ihak onue third of thle way Into

hwe auil var. TIhe pa.wesaerw were

greatly alarmaed, lut maet feerte1atly,nlo one War injiured.

Burned bir by i* *e.a

iho.rtly Iefor the firew CUIIIIIe'in(ed

on the range at tlhe head ,of Taylorereek. a large Ibald of renlegale C'ley-

Slulells frElall tlh Pine Itidge agen,'y

weres .etI l iIs hat vicinlty anlld lnear(1ttr c-reek. ,everal artle.. rvlmpwt

Shalvil llotiel them ,. land it ietmlas re-n;arkable that they got away .nwquickly after the tire starteil. TheilRamn swept es* thwardt thirty lmile.-to the Te•e.e ,ut off on the new Btf-falo rmeIl. The fire was enmAned to,,

I the high lanlds of tile ridge ImetweenaPowdler river and ('lear trerk and:Tongue Itiver. The flre was thme or•our wil• il: width on the tributarie-of the Powder, and the mUas width onthe tributaries of PIowder saud 'earcreek. The district burned was the-re.kore about right miles wide andthirty mulks long. The lmain rangesare not detroyel. The 4,ow imenworked bard wipug out the tireand by tie greatest ehrtm uavted thewinter ranges on tile tributaries ofOtter creek.mndi' tter ,reek valley,e•e pting the East alnd West Fork,near the divide. The fire reaheddown lndian reek to a point sithinevee miles of ('aIpt. Howe's reach.

The only rmange that weens to be dim-'raged br the winter is that of barter &

Fi ewe, where tlr Maloeton Fres•'.ieuther is interstaed iu raising mules.The setler are determined to pre-vent the Indianl f he frtbher destruceStlon ofthe ranges Iy r If it e•s Ihestppged. It Ik a penal l~aer ftor awhite man aed surely the Indianshould sllt*r if he destroys the muain.hi ay ,4 ti, mu.e wi moew astl feed mon the

R |ilApal.

* Nea .a lew C.eek.

Nansy have uppamed that Hei••nad all thie oulvenlenes o tihe day

but the Adllowlag iell of the HeraldIladlctes that there it one thinri lark-leg: "Wanted, a town c.*ok! Andwho will lie the e nterprhag, goarlsedeasn to put eie up in a sulitable kil*-

Ity" It .houkl not bee wtup l an ult-of-way place, Sist the jusut lrwoinent

place ilt the elty should ibe seleted forIt, where its ic! can Lie wet Iby allwho Ibuk, anid the striking bell wshuldbe large enough lto seanl forth a soundthat eould be heard at the depot. isadditJoa to bewag a greet ouvenalcenceI gidving a unllbrnu systes of tlllne, itwould have a teadeueiy to make sousemena who have "important tissneenagigernelts down town" to hurrybose and relieve the wailting asleanxkSus wlfe of fears that her dearhashena has teen waylaid Sby a igh-waynan. The town cdlck woukl lie a

reminder to bhis that torulaY wasdawins anld he mnuslt speed it Itse-ward."

Aw F l aate Mets maOl. Wmumt.

An Immenwsea evie am1ar~ed Friday

nilght and assuher to.4hY n what iskanown as the (' (ramfl3u.cer lath,bewvvn tilit city and te Marim..ThleC Vt was marly a hair shlr Ina

length and the givat nma corvarth (WII inlo t(. emsevtl liver. Ihljslig that

stom half way aertm. It talamedoewswigboUhvlthm, It Imaald. so tomese bef it a easmml linad Li therivaa bat ditaste. The ramd yerthbbis Wb (blcb Isablatebsek) to OwMadlsm Insis and It will b1w a diSmit naitt to eamulnat amuuthee.-Usel. Indepeadsm

Uoem r Hate, of Wyemig, re.urales very III at Mamnuth Hot

spril., the guest of Mjor Co.pgr.uMperitea4dret of the Park. He ha

take svera hot sulpbur baths, and

s greatly weakened by thir efetthough his diteae yteMk oMuewlat to

the tretlatment. He will remkaIIu there%everal weeks. He Ihuaw irm'ludsl toorder the coit rta'tioaa Or of jail atMlauaiaothg Hot Sprhamgu, uand ill ulr-1IIIIt Juudflial a aar l uaat1al-:I.*riol e'hrwto "iuforce thie luP* ot Wyonilng it,the Park audejIuait*)h oltaaderm. Thitiiw a prowl~wrt that( will he hulled withlpiea ure I3y all wild, 'I.'dr. to we thePark reusuala ordlerly, aund that it Iwprottcctr l frout vadtobi. luiidhaerw manddir.'nrlatow oit all kind-i. Flatte Inter-

muli uIs(.

MWN I''.

I u Hfln LawIe"' humps. 0I1eoLui9t

Maisonap. at PouwIerviIlt, wap stored akeg or ;.owdIer, whia rfoeir o(f thle tre-

4Ieflntearo that Ietality maldt a targetyoft out Frielay last saamd p'iitittede inIl1oiP. tg it u11. It i.Ir-wia wat' nott

of thme piarty awil with itt a.r- ttiftreulfrontr ther tire that f'llwwl. Thhuildim. wai lIlowtiwi , Iieetw. '['ll..'es otI two t the It itla wert very

Ipadli" Iiurearatd 1,it of I haeia raatJ to itrljhhuaili-iI li thae ti 1iliii4luai Tlini wihortly aftet their Ot lilstng Int'lieu l tfa*,aaw houte amd "- nainttingthe olep~rruhata~aaa hea 'haar.r.t agalnstthewia.

36ev MeItUSI. Drrw"lrl k Jim. Iauv. rritrrqi siad

utirwl )1 ie a u rleiiioi ut tIIU ukttI*.r lm keg., whlaicuh fle u a Ge erg,.

thIay will INVin Iustiiag for Io,-. l.waItradle. Thi1w G! at naw ulrpiertur... lutolno' whia'ih I, I,1I)ilIlt Ii, Al .ui * ,4fuloui*. tirwaJrl k Bru.. ly the way, artextiendinmg theIr ltriinr.u and theirtrade very rapidly thrungh this eoum.try. Yentcniay they cent out threeheav.ay wagon klod. to White SulpburSparing., and thai I. hut a .anaple ofthae whnolesale trail they ar* icking'natiitiniwhly.- KnterpcrIa.e

eo Ioeblmsl u plt B,

Ilhe uudermasneld lhaving kI•d thelikle I'lty tteen Laundry Ilarg to

impress upon the public that ckl•ull-neat I est t• I t gllinesm and that witUthe improvedl applianc. A•r lamundrwolrk under hi. elntrd hl e is pmrepredto tUrN out the loit work eLrC dnam inthe city. Prnm'ntlsg to the public thefr.t that Iw u*se no el.tlusis, call.for and deliverm . Nbh proe tly anddioe. it at les rates. hew rrpethllySsks the patronaRe of all who fee It aaorel duty to rensloaslly or RnAserindule In cleuan lines. H. (G. PolrmN.

lo t'hkago on August Sth.JudgKnilkerbocker, of the sarnlie enrl,ppolnted Austin L. Patter.w, huld-o as. manager of the TI es, as e•rner-vator of the estate of Wilbur F. laory.

Ofrogm cirrue r wan dhrom rd etaAre ne Frlday near WIindsr, us thecreefiry. '.1 Lake t Push! R. R.of sxlty in the ear. prnhmal4 halt were

turned to death.>< ,v u4~e a a sweet.q m.a.m~

IIM. 1.1uisP A-IMICt iThere iI m . Nmt.rosplirnmllsa d

A~Ueteom ihus I 141ve r. tu Mar Em1admitr. we1 hale fcowl wouai rivemmd charts Ia them I. a-uarny Ak1c aiapto threur fear Iuur uo of %ZuesmIihave mat d ri ad.rnd Sb, I e rat r%the air o IkeliNSbrswonl sad u

I gorra Ac'rwdikg to a Ner reImmilte

to tkruh kicrwura nt wumani) ugunt.. saitis smwrtiet has In lme url. gaspil Ikmurntee meek for lire teaily iftor. mat is shehual rmal fwur of mum~vlr r ertb. '

wrwlk hsta Is intot a w.rr sne bewuti have to be Imagd frna Imena/tp.Ilb~bl m ~Ltcrpnaltlo of Mr. G,4ikslt 1 Mld that IM luM a lictk prstlhw brelawn-ts the in Ihrv would be urrulm d

ley blre o -prks from the ehbibag.r'o'ld. MaNI thea IN Wr was on faoot.If the

Lanli ttaea liewl da a hrI her who IMlri

orusaa'.arn iin the hous

%1.e~ mus amss..IArkem'a T uwbr.1

t i nualelrv. luedism n s " he 6h;.fuid.*iml relikS. Mir beueg' a n

b" I. d1.Mw4is akammw. ,tips. ir*lgeriw i -u lo sme n vs'Sk'ho . 1'1' did W MIhS atmamo inieSIA 05. IShure Io a sm 11M1 two+.".,. "iii1 Ike Sher Sm tisLrim o poswrwkudea mes 'cSilhrr nrb. lame paith,. .AI'*aIll ru1 " .e als Aaa mt*.

Th.. ngssih. wrallg N . eonw,. swil"bhrkl's irk. whor a farmie bay we...Malt. whllI h4 WOW hp leers dJ W.TTr "iutk. cadr So lorl u lu On Slgael. wasl Ihrorwig lMsh Ian.ft bgpl le roll vow S. bto n l rsidlll *mM ( L.11rr

ukrs Ohs h

rabrwrm wis hbbp, . Swrld hh b uu 1-mesS raltI R

womM ~dhw. Tis suubjue 71tA.c v iswbu Iw OWa ow

.. ' m u l toweli a@A s fesw aWAtoP*#

y.I m."lMpm*m hof owb

= bomyw*4 yum bmum Is

1r6r bp 0". IN* k

-gmM I hi II

OnFilmmlltoyrw ~II