the daily nashville true whig. (nashville, tenn.) 1855-07 ...€¦ · will bo taken at actual...

RAILROADS & STAGES CHANGE OF TIME ! ISW SUMMER ARRAKGEMENT. - 1855 LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD, YIA COLCMBU8. Fonr Daily Eastern Traini, at 6 A- - ST. 9 A. HL, 10:20 A. M. and 6 P. tt. The Quickest, Shorted and Most Direct Jtoule. LAID WITH HEAVY T IRON. Wheeling Paaaenger Pine at Zanesvllle. Filuburgb Passenger Dine at Creitline. Dunkirk and Buffalo Passenger Dine at Cleveland. X Quick and Direct Route from Cincinnati to the East, tiont are certain. Faenger are not sulj ct to delay, and H O .UU IUI H mtB " IIIVU - - - - in 4 children. Tbe LitUe Miami via Colurobua, being a short ana quick mate, floe not require anonymous twrrc-iu"-de- or false map to recommend it to the traveling public. Each and every train by the Little Miami rout rum iotw the depot of tbe Lake Shore Road at Cleveland. TIME Via MTTLE MIAMI ROUTE. From CIuclunMti t COLUMBUS In $( Hour; CLEVELAND in -- H Hours; DUNKIRK in Hours; BL'FfALO fa 1 Hoore; ALBANY in Honrr, HEW YORK in 81 Hours; BOSTON In S5 Hmn; CRFSTLIN R in 6 Hoorr, PITTSBURG in 14 Hour, PHILADELPHIA in Bltf neart, WHEELING in 10X Honra. BALTIMORE in Hours, WASHINGTON in 29 Houre, 8TECBENVILLE in 12 Hour, Baggage checked from Cincinnati to Wheeling. PitUburg, Cleveland, Dunkird and Buffalo. Paaaeneri by the o'clock, A. M., Train, Little Miami Rail- road, breakfat at Cincinnati and dine the following day In Hew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore or Wahingtnn City. The Little Miami ia the Eastern Depot at Cincinnati. FIVE DAILY TRACTS. TTR8T TRAIN Cleveland, Pituborg, Steubenvtlle and Wheeling Lightning Express, leave Cincinnati at 6 A. M., for Columbus, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, New Tork and Boston; Crestline, PitUburg, Baltimore, Philadel- phia and New York; Zanesville, Wheeling, Baltimore, H City, Philadelphia and New York, Ac,; Steubenville, Banduiky and Detroit; Xenia, Yellow Spring and Spring- field. Thie Train top between Cincinnati and Columbu at Loveland, Morrow, Xeui and London only. Paasengers by Uiia train for Lake ateamere have Ove honra and a ha f at Cleveland. C0ND TRAIN Cleveland and Pittaburg Express, leave wat at 9 A. M., for Coiumbua, Cleveland, Dunkirk, auualo,Kew York and Boston; Crestline and Pittaburg-- , and Lancaster; Blancheer, Chillicothe and This Tram .tops at all inU between Cincinnati and Columbus, except Llowood and Branch Hill Also, connecting at Cleveland direct with Lake steamers QLtEN OF THK WEST and CRESCENT CITY, and connecting at Buffalo with the early morning trains lor New York, Boston, Albany, Niagara fall. Ac. TUIKl) TKAIN Wheeling Express, leave CincinnaU at 10 20 A. M., for Columbus, Zanesville, Wheeling, Baltimore, Washington City, Philartal hia and New York. This Train atop at all point between Cinmnnatl and roURTU TRAIN Accommodation, leave Cincinnati at 4 p M- -, for Xenia, Yellow Springs and Springfield; Circle-Wil- le and Lancaster, Blanchester and Chilicothe; Hillsboro . Th Train atop at all poini between CincinnaU and Vl'rrn TRAIN Cleveland, Pitta'mrg and Wheeling Night Express, leaves Cincinnati at P. M., for Columbus, Cleve-an- d. Dunkirk, BuBalo, New York and Boston; Crestl ne, Pittsburg. Philadelphia and New York, Z.nesvil e, W heeling, Baltimore, Washington City. Philadelphia and New York. This Train stops at all points between Cincinnati and Columbus, except Linwood ar.d Branch Hill. One Train on Sunday at S.8u o'clock P. M., for Columbus. Traina run by Coiumbua Time 7 Minute faster than Cin- cinnaU. THROUGH TICKETS, And all Information can be obtained at the new office No. 9 Burnet Huie Building, W. L. O'BKIEN, Ticket Ag-n- t; No 177, front office, Gibson Home Building, ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Ticket Agnt; or at the old office, Southeast corner ol Broadway and Front street, opposite 8M-nce-r House, cr at the Eastern (Utile Miami) Depot, East Front "W"et OMoe hour from 4X A. IT. until i X P. 31. P. W. gTUADEU, Orin 1 Ag t. THK OMNIBUS LINK Call for Passengers at all the principal Hotel, for ech and very trsin. By leaving directions at either of the above Sees, will call forpasaeugera in all part of the cltv, with- out fail. "choose your route.- - CUSS G'S Cw!If3 ts.".. v hKLw L EWESTIlAlLHOADAItItAMiEJ10T, FEOM LOTJISTILIJE, KT., Bl THE JEFFERSOS VILLE R. R.t Xlm. CincLnnatlt IT THX C3Z0 AND MietiSSIPPI i Or V Ia41aHpIlK, To ladoair7. Culaal, 5iAjax, Pia- - Vxrg, SAliawr, 'WaaniitaTi City, Plil- - "DOTH Roates a - eiiL'ta, atJ tiroof h txi to any of XJ the above poinu uut First Clans PasMDrer Trains Uav the JeSsrsoe vine R. K. Depot daily (Sundays cxcettlj t ma sore connections with Ui roads beyond. tLi;iAJTI.V riTTEDI P OMSintSES Are carrying passengers from tl tTotela, or any part of Louisville, to and from the Railroad rotation. Further particulars can be obtained by inquiring at the efficea of the Hotel, or at the Jeffcrsr.n villa R. R. Offlo- -, Bear the Gait House, Louisville, where throuch tickeU to all tbe principal citiea can be procured. JOHN ZULACF, Prea't, A. P. OSB0RNS, Pupt. J. W. Hall, Ticket Agent In Louisville. Jsn?0 tf Tlcksburg Whig, Natchei Courier, New Orleans Picayune and Delta, Kagle A Enquirer in Memphis, ideas copy for til ret months, and charge IL R. Office. SOUTHERN EOUTE. lat-t- f C KATES Iti:il CED. tbe 15th Instant, to th 1st of Jon tha ratea of FROM from Charleston and Savannah to Nashvilla will be as foliows: FI1IKT CLASH, Books and B'atlonery, Hoots, Bboe and Hata, Bottled LI-n- and Oila. Carnitine and flplrlu Turpentine, In caak and barrel-Carpeting- . China, Olas and Glaa Ware, Cigar In case, Cloeka. Confectionery, cutlery ia boxes and case, Dry Goods IB boxes and bale. Drnea, Fruit Trees and Phnibbevy, Fura, Garden Bewla. Looking Ulassea and Lookiug Gia Platea, at owner a risk " Oyster In eanaaad Jars, Saddiary, Tla Ware, Tea and Kykca, V 100 R.a. l Kr.COXD f LASJi. Hardware, "axcept Cutly. Heavy CaaUors and Ma- - clilnery. Foreign I.iquora In barrela or plpe Oordage, Tobaceo In Voxm, Csrrlae Pprlnv an Axles, Leather In rolls and box. a, Oilatn barrels or eak. Crockery and Qneenswr, in erates and caaka. Ric, Zinc, WUlUug, Plaster of Taris, Ac t.7, SPECIAL BATES. Fovea, Furniture. PUna Fortea, Carriages, boxed and other Uirhl articles, aot ennnwraud. Also, Carboys of Acids will bo taken at actual weight, but charged double, 1st clans ratea y loO fca. l 80 All articlea not enumerated, to b charged at rUa of articlsa. From 1st Jun U lat of Daoaabar, thry win be changed $ uaiotrs, ll Loss a ahors, pr 100 lb .11 W MM. . 1 HO Special rates . I 40 Merehanu shipping from tht Eastern el ties will And this thacWprat, a well as tb most expediUous route. Freights tromNew York and Pb ladalphia to Charleston and ftavaa-Ba- h; ranee from 6 to 12 cenia per cubic foot, according to las and character of vessels. - As the Railroad Companiee at Charleston and Savannah havs discotittnucd the Reoeiviag and Forwarding uf Mer- chandise, It will be necessary to erisfn to CommlsaiM Wer-cha- au at tnase points. Shippers ma tel upoa a strict ad here see to tb above rate. It. 1. ANDfcKf.ON.Bupt Janll- -tf N. A C. JC R. rrcii. notice. Ko shipment, entitled to the above rale unless each and very package has the name of th Depot of delivery, and be Initial N . C. K. B plainly marked Open It. H. I. A. TRZIGHT ON rRODUCE TO CHAULTSTOX LSTO 8ATA1TNAK. j tVS and after ;h!s date, the Article as ennmerated below. J will be seal through to Charleston and (Savannah at tbe pnee affixed to earh article: Tobaoen, hhd., l'Hl ftw. fV Pork In bbl., lm ft Bajijiug and Rope, y IvG I 1 M IL I. ANDKRWJN, rpt Jy7 tf N. A C. Railroad. KASIIVILLE A0 (IIATTAMOOGA KAII.ItUAlt. DEPARTURE OF PAWENGER TRAINS. EXTRESa Mar) Praia leave daily for Chat taaoeg a at 1 1 P. M. AeeosuasadaUom Traia leaves) daily (eaodayg asroaptod) fc-- Kblbyvill at o'clock P. M. Thieugh Twkeia to avannah, lit. 11 M mm WuiBinto,N. C HI M M M Mouirewery, Ala... U a Tab Lad at U. ticket vffie rn ugsr Dcvmh. . a. I. ANOrJUtON, snarl tf lup'l Tranprtau3. WHEAT WASTED. , FTT THOriSAKD BUailt U Wlff.AT WANTED, tur A wbick thabirUaat wrtoe ta CAH itl be paid. BIYMOLR, FAMNINU A CO., , sl Caraef Maiaetattd CLarck CINCINNATI TRADE. f . JL O. MoCOMAB D. C. BMITE M"cC0MAS, SMITH & CO. FOSWAZCIKQ ASD COJUOSSIOjr STEAFiBQAT AGEfiTS, 5o. 3 Broadwell'i Building', Sycamore Street, . aeptlS CINCINNATI, OHIO. GREAT WESTERN TRUNK STORE No. 23 Ilroadway, CINCINNATI, OHIO. IIISE V WILI.HMS of all kindnof MANUFACTURERS Trunks, Valises. La- - . OSS uies Doauci uun, v iii "- - Ac. All orders from abroad promptly attnd-- cd to. We are determined our work shall not be surpassed ia the Union. 2F Our friends in th South will final our terms aa favor- able as any other similar honse East or West, and our fab-ric- nnsurpaased for excellentworkmanship. durability and cheapness. We solicit a trktW- - febl7 tf LEONARD E. FORSYTH, GEO. W. OLIPHANT c Whetting, 'a. qf 7ennnsee. E. E. FORSYTH & CO. FORWARDING AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 7 Public Landing, Cincinnati O. established a House in CincinnaU for the HAYING of a Forwarding and Commission Business, we respectfully solicit the patronage of the Merchants of Nash- ville and surrounding country. Being tbe authorized agent for Transportation lines, to and from the Eastern Cities, we are enabled to offer to our friends and the public generally, superior adrantagesin the Transportation of their MER- CHANDISE and PRODUCE. Through receipts given at rpeciBci time and rates. Special attention will be given: filling order. Hark package "Care L. E. F. A Co., Cincinnati." I ac5 LJjl5 ly L. E. FORSYTH A CO. S. M. BABIIETT. 1CAN now offer better inducement to Wholesale Dealer, following article than any other House In th West or South: ZINC WASn BOARDS Buck ts. Tubs, names. Cotton Rope, Cotton Plow Lines, Hemp and Manilla CorOare, Twines, Wicking, Batting, Brvshes, Matches, Cedar Ware, Wrapping Paper, Beives, Band Boxe, Willow Ware, Brooms, Fancy baskets, Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Oak Buckets, Well buckets, Horse Collars, Mule Collars, Measures, Blacking. Ac, Ac. Sale rooms corner of Walnut and Front streets, CI nc ln nati, O. feb2Stjyl2 S. M. BARRETT. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. CRS. DUNCAN & CAMERON, DENTISTS, No. 156 West Sixth street, between Race and Elm Street , Cincinnati, Oliio. rpmS OFFICE UNDER THE MANAGE- - A went of it present proprietor, ha been Increasing in reputation for upenor opera- tions in the Artificial Department of Dentis try for the last ten years, and no expense or effort shall he wanting to give satisfaction to aU who may favor it with their patronage. The subscriber would call attention to the fotlowingeasen-tla- l point pertaining to Artificial Teeth, viz: Beauty and naturalnes of appearance, quality and strength of the ma- terials, comfort to the wearer, end usefulness In restoring the natural appearance of the speech, and ability to masti- cate: in all of which they are warranted in saying they are exceeded by none, and equaled by few. TEETH Inserted from one to a full set, with Artificial Gum. Full and Half Sets Invariably inserted by cuction. All operations in Dentistry performed in tha molt thor- ough manner. TERMS. Considering the superior character of the work and the guarantee given, they are the most reasonable in tha West. TWO TEETH OR MORE ON GOLD PLATE, 3 FEK TOOTH. TWO TEETn OR MORE ON SILVER PLATE, 2 PEIC TOOTH. The money refunded if the Teeth do not prove satisfactory. fvT For the information of those living at a distance, we would state that our facilitief are such, Uiat we can tnuke In the finest style, a full set of TELTU in from 24 to 49 hours, and small pieces in proportion, so that no detention need beapprehended. PenUsta. No. ISO West Sixth street between Race and Elm, "ecl9 ly CINCINNATI, OHIO. OHIO SCAEE WORKS, a, EI0D0N, KYLAND & CO., fTV No. 6 Columbia St, ft Between Main and Walnut, Ik Cincinnati, O. I ' TV V mrm rtnm V,nif,nrlr. tt ATT. FOAI), DEPOT. HAY. STOCK OR COAL. FLOOR AND PLATFORM SCALES of an lac. Also, DRUGGIST AND BANK BCALM, BRASS AND IRON BEAMS, COUNTER SCALES, Ac, Ac, which we warrant of superior workmanship and materials. We wnnM call particular attention to oar IRON LEVER HAY AND STOCK. SCALES. All communication promptly at tended to. octll Hy . CARPENTER'S PATENT REVERTING FLUES FOR SAVING FUEL IB TH BETTING OF STEAM B0ILEBS. TIIO.TIAS II. WIN ft, Proprietor T Harrison, Eaton A Co.' Spice Mill, 101 Walnut treet, A Cincinnati, Ohio. BL Lou Office, at Uoodin A Tooker, 123 Third street. II. S. LANniXL, A pent. CHAS. SEAGER,Agent,attheNatches Foundry, Natchez, Miss. jjl ly EMPORIUM OF LIGHT. No. 62 West Foui Hi street, Cincinnati, O. IIAKER & VON PHIL, MANUFACTURERS and Importers of Gas Fixtures, of every varttty and style, Girandoles, Candelabra, Vases, Bronses, Tea Trays, Plated Ware and Fancy Articlea; alao, Manufacturer' Western Agent for the al of Wrought Iron, Sieara and Gas Pipe, Boiler flue and Ga M titers, at Philadelphia list price, wholesale and retail. CAS FITTERS, Pipe Tongs, hooks, cement, Fittings and tool of every de- scription constantly on hand. BAKER A VONPHUL. Je-ll- y - N. RHODES, M. T. HA TEN, W. R. CASON LuiU o Term, ImU AanhcilU. IaiU qf Columbia. RHODES, HAGEN & CO., FOEWAECING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 84 Sycamore it, East side, below Second, CINCINNATI, Ohio, WILL give special attention to Forwarding Goods, Ac; also, to th purchase and ! of all kinds of Produce, and article of Cincinnati and Pittsburg Manu- factures. JAMES COLLINS A CO.. Pittsbur;, For'd'g Agent. tWKefer to NASHVILLE MERCHANTS generally. JeS dtrwawlf ECONOMY A NO COMFORT. DR. C. W. CR0ZIER-- S Camphor Wash Mixture, Patented July 11, 1854, and which received tha Premium at the Kaihville Fair in October last- - Warranted to contain nothing In tha least injurious to Clothes; also a Great rain Killer. TPTE nndeMgned, having repeatedly been solicited lo consignment of tli Patent Camphor Wash Mix- ture, ha concluded to sell no more county right in this Fute, but will in future have th Improved Camphor Wah Mixture put op and distributed throughout this Mate (ex- cept In the counties where the rights bar been deposed of) and In th Slate of Alabama. And that he may be enabled more effectually to make this arrangement, b propose to divide the patrol for Tennessee and Altbama into ),0i snare, one fourth t be retained, and th renialud.r 750 ahare will be offered for sale. A prison remitting ten dollar will have on share in tbe Talent, to run fourteen year from July 11. ISM, and U1 be at th lam boa in- vesting also Ova dvllar lo he used In the purchase of the Ingredient, advertising and the nerewary expenditure of Its mean to prrptr and utsmoaw wie mixture ror sa . Consignments will b made to shareholder, (wha nay re- quest It,) and to no other persons, to th amount of their r.mitUuo. And they wlu b. allowed a commission of U per cent on their alea, and also their proportion of th proBu at large. Annual exhibit of tales will be made, and dividends of tha profit, rewitud to each shareholder. No debts will be ooa true ted, avr will th Company t responsible for any, a th bu.lueta will b conducted upon th cash system. Any of the who hav porchased patent for rountWs in tM. Mate, eaa have the privilege of exchanging their ngh'S f r shar at the price, they have paid. This txciang will be ma le at the cost of the Patentee. It It dealrabl U have at least on of more active thara. holders la each counts In the 8' ate named. Subscription artiare wtU be rloM-- by th 1st September next. And consignment of lb Mixture will be mad very soon there- after. Cert te issued te shareholder, who will request b Agency, If they dedr It. Tb ander.tgned will act Agent antlj th ihareholder feet th'e. dirertnrt to aerv on yar, who wilt hav th SHtnajretaetit wnul their uceewr shall b elected. ateiim ta Mobile, Montgomery, Tnscaioo, Bunt-wlU- Tailadega aad Tusrumhia, thai wi I puba.h thl twice and other drumeuM to the amount of let dullar, and wad oua copy, will reoeiv one share. Addrewi, C. W. CUOHKR, fstente, je Knoxviilc, Tcun. QCNimr O ltm brt-- i, IVlm. Punt-- , Nt Le and Crashed Sugar. INI bMs Meiaawss: tft W bbl. do; tlS bags prim Italttmor Ooffcs eiS keg, Nuia, ail alasa: tie Whisk; M 4 Cowimoa Brandy; 15 bwar To6aer)e, all grades: M , Pearl t.erh . 1 do rVttledaaa acbapp,; m Lenrworth", tkHnf Catawba Whta; e. In, da 0 (mh Catawba Brearfy. pure artlcl; aitln s rVwaM-tae.K-ie M Smf.iT raw; - aJt,msu Rreatia Cigars, ai! rrda- - 8. H. LOOM! A CO . ) lia.44 PuUtKitat. ST. LOUIS ADVERTISEMENTS, From tb Newspaper Advertising Agency of W.S. SWY MER, No. 14 Second Street, ST. LOUL4, Mo. P. A. HUNT, J. E. HUNT. Late of Hubbell A Hunt. F. A. HUNT 5t CO., FROOCCE, . Commission and Forwarding ; J MERCHANTS, l o. 19 Levee Street, St Louis, Mo. J adhere atrictly to a Commission Business, ar.d w aoucit consignmenu or fttuuLCt, siz.ui;iiA.aiii Ae. Having ample facflitiei for doing business, which are on- - surpassed by any houre in the Western country, particular attention will be paid to filling orders f r any of merchandise; alao, to RECEIVING AND FORWARDING GOODS. Liberal advanoes will b made when required. F. A. Hem refer to ih numerous Iriends and patron of the late firm of Hubbell A Hunt, of which he was a member. th rixn Burns to, Lucas A Simonds, EL Louis, I Doaii, King A Co., St, Louis, Page A Bacon, " I Hon. A. A. Lawrence, Boston Woods, Christy A Co. Clafiin, Mellen A Co., N. York. mar81 6m law F. A. HUNT A CO. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTORY. FR. WALTER. H. G. B0HN. WALTER V BOHN, WHOLESALE COAFECTIOAERS, Nos. 31 & S3 Market Street, between Kaia & 2d, ST. LOUIS, MO. lONSTANTLT on hand a Inrge and fresh assortment of W all kinai or rA.NUY uamiiib, wntcn, tor uncopness, Quality and Variety, cancot be surpassed by any other es tablishment in the West. mar81 dawly ST. LOTUS STEAM PLANING HULL, Lumber Yard, and Saab, Door, Blind. Plouldinsr and Box Factory, Comer of CFallon and IZth Street, Office North Side of Olive, No. 117, Between 4th and Ctb 8treets, Saint Louis, Mo. WE have always on hand the following article, war- ranted of the beit material and workmanship, thoroughly seasoned by Steam, and as low as aimilar work can be furnished In the West : Panel Dxirs, Pine and Pop'ar Weather- - Window Sash, Boarding, Rolling Blinds, White and fellow Pinr Stationary Blinds, flooring, Mantel, Shelving, Door and Window Frame, Shingle and Laths, Boxes of every description made to order. mar2T 6m WILLIAM WADE k CO. Hill Furnishinfj. ESTABLISHED IN 1835. 3l pli G. & C. TODD & CO., (Succettor to Ira Todd & Sons,) No. 212 ITIAIN STREET, cor. of Morgan, SAINT LOUIS, MO., Importers and manufacturers of FRENCH BTJER MILL STOKES, Dutch Anchor IIoltinr Clotlta, PORTABLE GRAIN MILLS, PLASTER OF PARI3, MILL PICKS, LEATHER BELTING, MILL SPINOLES, RUHBER BELTING, MILL 8CKKW3, RUBBER HOSK, REGULATING SCREWS, HEMP PACKING, DAMHAL IRONS; RUBBER PACKING, COPPER R1VITS, IRON PROOF STAFFS, ETC., ETC. Our assortment of Mill Material ia the largest In th United Stolen. At present we have on hand 250 pairs o MILL STONES. Order promptly filled and all articlea war-ajntc- mar21 ly U. A C. TODD A CO. EMPIRE SAAV WORKS. W. L. F. GAGE & CO. Warcroom No. 3T Main Street, ST. EOC1S, MO. MANUFACTURERS of every description of extra Cart J'it, Medley, Crrm Cut, FoUoe. ITund and I'unel Sam; Sito Mandrels, 1'iixeis and Cola Chittls, Trunk Springs, Knives, Jietiptr Si.tte, Springs, c, ta. V&0A Saw repaired and made a good as new, at small expense. The undersigned have made uch Improvements, and ar rived at such perfection in the tempering and grinding de partment of their Works, ar d take such pains to procure the best quality of Steel, that they can assert, without fear of contradiction, that their Mock or iaw on band ana now being manufactured, are and ill be, not only rqnul but superior lo any made in or brought to thi market. Every Saw sold under their guarantee will be made good to the purchaser, U not lonna to be so on trial, marls d2iawly W. L. F. GAGE A CO. SAWS! SAWS!! SAWS!!! WELCH aTgEIFFITH'S EXTRA fine Cast Steel Circular Ssws of every site, Incln saw for the portable saw Mills, from 41 to 84 in- clusive, in diameter, together with aags, Muley, Mill, Cross Cut, Pitt, and all other kind.. These celebrated Saws have been In extensive nse at the North West, the last twenty-fiv- e years, and are considered by competent judges the best made. Manufactured by them, and for saleby their agent, II. Bakewell, 21S Main street, St. Louis. Also, for sale at Messrs. Clark, Renlrow A Co.', and King& A Ferguson's, St. Louis. WM. JESS0P ft SON'S CELEBRATED STEEL, Of all kinds. In store or imported to order, on a good terms as can be obtained from any other house engaged tn the manufacture uf th article. U. BAKEWELL, Agent, Sheffield Steel Warehouse, t No. S18 Main street, feblS 6m St. I.ouia, ."tlo. 18fi5.. SPRING IMPOST ATI0KS. 1853. WM, H. CRUTCKER, NO. 6T COLLEGE STREET, NaahTllle, Tenn. now received a complete stock of HAS Staple and Fancy Ory Goods, Which have been sel.cted with extra care In th Eastern Cities, and feel assured that as to variety and tyle, will compare with any in thi markrt. mar81 WII. II. CRCTCIIER, No. ST Collrsre Street, Naabville, invite th attention of his frianUa anl RESPECTFULLY EXTENSIVE STOCK - . or SPRING AND ICJinElt GOOD5. PrlnU, French Chlnta, Ciiugham, Bleached Domestics, Cotionadr, Brown Domastics, IMald Cotton, Nankins, Serran KliUdi, Prilling. Bleached Sheetings, Irish Linens, Brown bhaeling. Brown Uneaa. IIOSIERV. Cemplet aloek of Hose and Half Ho, Silk. Lisle ThreiA, Cotton, Acn In great variety cheaper than ever belora offered. FOR GENTLE7IEN. Black and eolored Cloths, Cravats, fancy Caiwlraere, Stocks, Vesting great variety, Fe.atirul White Crsvats, I loan U rills, (or pants, Kid. and Silk Glove. Col'd Linens In great variety, Half U se. Embroi.iered wbita and fancy Oaus Merino Tests, Vest Shape lor wedding Cotton and Silk - o, aad parlies. for (tents' nnder wear. Lines Shirt and Collar. tnarftl WM. H. CRUTCHER, E.lIIIIODFItIF, Ribbons, ' Barege and Tissue, Barege D Lalnea, French Organdie, Uro De Rhine, Whit Good, Printed Jaconets, French Chlnta, Paris Alma De Bonkt, Alt kind of Dress Good tn rrest variety. aaarSl WM. U. CRUTCHER . IRISH EI EN Ol Direr t Importation from Ireland. JUST received, Richardson, Son A Owden' Linan, put up order, fr lamliy use rpr, by U per oaul, than ever before offered in this market. - ALSO, Table Pa mask, linen Sheeting. Clolts, Pillow Case Linena, Damask Toweling, Deoiaak Napktna, Hushbash do Kuula Diaper, Scorch Crash, As cheap a any la thi suaikrt. WM. n. CRUTCHIR, mat 81 'a N. 5T Colleg itrwetj " NaahvlU. ' . DAN. TRIGO, - A IT C TI o n i: E R AND GEN TRAL AGENT, . , No. 63 Cttnrj Street, NatiTille, TeniL, attend t th Sal of Dry Good, Oroctrt.s, Real WILL and Personal Property. A ass. will attend Ua Retit( cr eolleoting of Rent ef Bmm, aad Uir of Negiw, Ac H-T- ba aolt eg of Clama, or th aCJate-e- t of tfi same, p'cd In hi band will bs attended to wlta pewaipt ts and de.patch. JI tf a ctitn. recent deal roc r ion of the Building. Machinery, Fur. THE Material of tnw South Naahviil Furaitor Maaufactnnng Cin, saakea It aeewsaary la cl op th sMtainM of said Company. It U, therec, amUy dastrvd aa4 rvejtd that ad persons Indebted to tb safcl Oeasaay IU cow nrwan! and sett) th tame; and aU rWmiM having la.aacausta4 Otrstmay will p!.a pro Mut tiat iu iUMaa. R H. GKOOMKA, Pr't, ' WM. L. NANCE, e'y. IVWskav o Farnltar) band, wtk-S- wtii wll at war a! prhwa, and wua la so as suoa as pacthvaU. J.5-- ia I1ERR1F0RD, SLUICHTEIt & CO., BANKERS, And Exchange Brokers, Cedar Street, opposite tbe Post Office, NASH VI LEE, TENN. Dealers in Exchange, Gold, Silver, and all kinds of Bank Notes. Particular attention Paid to Collection in all parts of Ken- tucky, Tennessee and North Alabama. RxntRracis Messrs. Hobso A Wssxras, Bank of Nash-vlll- e; Messrs. Ewin Bothus, Wholesale Druggist; Messrs. Fall A CricrxaiiAM, Hardware Merchants; Messrs. W. B. BhaFsiw A Co, Bankers: Hxskt T. YxsTsusr, Ejq., Whole-Sal- e Grocer; 8. M. Scott, Eeq., Proprietor of City HoteL my2i tf NEW MANTEES AND SCARFS M. H. CRUTCHER ha receive- d- w Beautiful Embroidered hite Mantles, U M SillC Lace, Scarfs, Points, Ac. Embroidered Muslin Basques, new article. Applique Mantles. marol TEETH. Dentist will please take the nndersiimed is our only agent in the city of Nashville, and those' wi'hirur our renuine make of tef th. will please make their purchases direct of him. He baa Just received another aupply of Teeth, which, with hia former atock, makes it large and complete. He has also on hand a few fine Den- tal cases of Instruments, aU complete. Also, Files, Forceps. Pluggers, Excavators, Burra, Drills, Bench Vices, Corrun-drn- Files, Wheels, Ac. For sale by A. STRETCH, (formerly 8tretch A Orr) Wholesale and Retail Druggists, febS Corner College and Union streets, Nashville. GEO. W. COWAN, ATTORNEY AT EAW, General Agent for the Purchase, Sale and Rent of Real Estate, and the Collection of Claims, No. 43 Cherry Street, NASHVILLE, TENN. PROMPT attention will be given to all business entrusted and special attention to the collection of Eastern claims throughout Middle Tennessee. RkriRkNCia. A. C. A A. B. Beech, Evana, Porter A Co. B. Fite A Co., Tho. T. Smiley, Ex-Go- Neill S Brown Josiah Ferris. Nashville, Tenn.; Gen. J. A. Battle, David-ao- Co., Tenn.: Ex-Go- W. B. Campbell, Lebanon, Tenn.; Hon. John P. Caruthera, Memphis, Tenn.; W. D. Laveuder New York City. oct3 tf WEEEER & COOPER, SHEET-IRO- N AND TIN-PLAT- E WORKERS, No. 35 ?Iarkct Street, (At the well known stand of Ben. S. Weller.) NASHVILLE, TENN., KEEP constantly on hand a fine assortment of TINWARE, will be mad with particular reference to the re- tail trade; together with every variety of work usually found in our business. Bathing Tubs, Coffee Mill, Counter Scales, Cr.affing Dishes, . Tea Kettles. Coffee Urns, Cotton Cans a superior article, Ice Cream Freeiers Japanned Tin Ware, Stew Pans, Ac. tffParticular attention will be paid to Job Work, which we will do In none but good, workman-lik- manner. We trust our friend will tender us at least a portion of their patronage. apr!2 6m NOTICE. SH. LO0MI3 A CO., mv sole Agent for Nashville, will the people of Tennessee with all the ditlerent kinds of WINE made by me, at my Cincinnati wholesale prices. Also, the Catawba Grap Cutting for planting. Call and aee them. N. LoNGWoKTH, mar2S Cinc nnati, Ohio. FINE HOCKAWAY FOR SALE. I HAVE for atoaflne R0CKAWAV, suitable for one or two horses, with a PORTABLE PARTITION has been used about six months. Also, an excellent FURNITURE CAR. Cheap for cash. Apply to L. MOSES, No. 19 College street, mv8 tf Opposite the Sewanee House. Steam Boat Disasters on the Western Waters, AND STEAM BOAT DIRECTORY. THE undersigned have now In course of preparation, a steam Hont Directory, which will be Issued in October next. It will be one of the most interest- ing books ever published, and will be u book that will be interesting to all classes of people. The STEAM BOAT DIRECTORY will contain a complete list and description of all the Steam Boats now aaoat in tne western and South- ern Waters. The length, model, speed, power, and tonnage of each boat, where and by whom built, the name of the boat, with the trade she ia in. Also, the oamei of Captains and officers, her age, Ac, Ac. The Directory will contain a History of riteam Boats and Steam Boating on the Western Waters, since the invention of a earn; also, a sketch of the first bo-i- t built for the Ohio river, with the name of the builder, rorarnHnder and owner. The River Directory will contain a list and description of all the Meam liout Ditiaatersi that have occurred on the Western and Southern Waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list ol all those who have perished by their burning, sinking and exploding, on the Western and Southern Waters since Idol. Th Directory will contain Mnps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red Oua- chita, Yso. and other rivers, with the Towns and Cities laid down, with correct distances; also, many other River and Commercial items of interest to the people at hirpe. The book will contain the cards of the various U.S. Mail Boats, with the trade they are in, Ac, Ac The Directory will also contain a comple list of all the Steam Boa; Licens- ed Officers, their places of residence, Ac; the new Steam Boat Law, its requirements, and all the important U. S. Supreme Court Steam Boat Decisions up to date, the Rates and important Commercial rrivileces, Bills of Ladirg im- portant Decisions of the various U. 8. Court in regtrd to Freights Lost and Damaged, Ac, with many other things of interest. The Directory will be illustrated in the best tyle and printed in the best manner. The author has for six years been gathering together ail the facts and items in regar.1 to the numerous steamboat disaster on the Western and Southern Waters, and now intends publishing them in bock form. The price of the work will be put at tbe low sum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be lsued for the boatmen; and other desirous of subscribing will have to do so at once, as pone will be printed unless ordered in ad- vance By remitting one dollar to J. T. LLOYD A CO., you will receive a of the above work. The work will be issued in October. Agent ac New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, Louisville, Pittsburg, Wheeling and Cincinnati, will wait upon tbe steam boat commanders. All letter should be addressed to JAS. T. LLOYD A CO., JeS tf Cincinnati. Ohio. PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SA E A 71 A N D E R SAFE S. to stand 10 per cent more fire WARRANTED aafes in use, and cold at sRpi the same price. Also, Iron feuutters, Saali I KB .by and Doora for I tank Vault and asst." Taw Store. Also, Patent Mate Lined lCelrir eratora, all warranted aa gonad and cheap as any in the coui.lry, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 2 8outh 4th treet, Philade'phia, Pa. Hal 'a Patent Powder Proof Lucks, and all the celebrated Locks furnished when required, W. C. LILLARD la authorised to recier order, and make sides of the above. my5 ly ATS AND POTATOES. 50 tacks Oat and 21 0 sack Potatoes, Just received and for sale hv D. I). PICKET, mar1l No. II Colleee street. CARTER'S SPANISH M IX I I RE. The Great Purifier of the Elood ! NOT A PARTICLX OF MERCURY IN IT. Let Vie JJUcted Bead and Fund. An Infallible Ressedy for Scrofula, line' Evd, Rheumst li Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimple or Postulcs on the Face, Blotche, Boll, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, ceeld Head, Pnlargement ar.d Tail' of th Bone and JoinU, Stubborn Ulcers, Prphllltic Disorders, Lumbavo, Spinal Complaint, and all Nreases arising from an Injudicious Use of Mercury, Imprudence In Life, or Impurity of the Blood. great alterative medicine and orlfler of the Blood THIS ed by thousands of grateful Iro-- all twrt of th United State., who t.tif da ly to the remark- able cure performed by the greatest f all medlelnee, "CAR- TER'S SHAN It II MIXTURE." Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruption on th Skla, Liver Diseases. Fevers, CI rem. Did SorM, Affcotioasol ih Kidaey. Utsense of the Throat. Female Complaint, Pain and Aching of the Bone nd Joints, are all speedily put to fi.gUt by aaing that great and Inestimable remedy. For all disease of tbe Blood, nothing has vet been found tn compare with it. It cleanse the system of all imparities, act gently and efficiently on th Liver and Kidney. Itrengthen th Digestion, give ton to the Stomach, make the tkm clear and healthy, and restore the Constitution, enfeebled by disease nr broken down by tha exc.uei of . youth, to It pristine vigor and strength, - For th Ladies, it is Incomparably better than all Ih en, meticaever used. AsVwdosesnf CaT' fit-- n Mixti will remove al. llowne of complexion, bring the rose mantling to the cheek, give elasticity ta th step, and im- prove the general health in a remaikebi degree, beyond all the meJicine vr heard of. Th large nnmber of eertificat which we hav received from penont from all part, of th United State, U the be.t evidence that there is no Humbug abaut H. The pre, hotel keepers, magistrate, phyuctana, and public mn. w. I known to the community, all add their testimony to the wonderful effect of thi GREAT II LOO D PURIFIER. CaJ on the Aobmt and get a Circular and Aim ante, and rad tb woaderfal eura this traly greatest of all medicine has performed. - None genuine unle !gned BENNETT A BKERS, Propri- etor, No. I Peart street, Richmond. Va ; to whom al order for .upplie and agerteie mnmt be ddrcd. And for sab) bv W. F. GRAY and E. W DANDRIDGE, Nashville, and by Dealers la Medicine generally, marlir dtnw.wly WORTH' CATAWRA WINE LONfi boxes Sparkling Catawba; T3 do Ihy do Jo Catawba Brandy; ' ' t 000 gallons Dry Catawba, th cheapest and belt din- ner Win now in use. Just received and f ir saia by ; S. H. LOOMI3 A C '., Sol As. nt., snjrlt 1 Public S.juar, Nashvi.l. MATTINUW W. A. A J. O. have just lot f best India lallucr, w hich they are aaUiag weiy low Ibr c h eye , . , HAHIIF.EIZED IRON 7IANTEES. r!I3 magnificent styW of Mantel I fast taking th p'aca all other deso-lptiu- both oa aceouut ul iia supe- rior beauty, rkhnMS, durability, and parUeul.ny it cheap-ea- a. Whti their cost i only about half that of Unreal warble, they Indeed etewed th faeaier ia beaaiv, bar a wiperior iaatra. sr. leaa liable to uil. r mexh easier 1 pt cieaa. and tar sea' marble ia darabillty, and are, at ib aM flat, im Uabi ta r..k. Tb smderaifSMd are arenu lor the aaanafaetarer, Wi- - K, Utbgow A Oa, Lmfcrvill, J- -, aod wril furnish Item j is their pateoca, aad tb pub'le g.aeraUr, with grates, ia-- j ier suns, and avwrv thlaf oHr; anl wri! N rper. ilcad thetr patting ap. WTIH ART A OWk, j btov bealer aA Tiawar Manufturer, : aaarat'.dAwt , - Na. SI Mkl atwt. WHOLESALE HOUSES. EVANS, PORTER & CO., Ko. SI Market Street WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, c2C TTri have now in atore our entire Stock of VV SPRING AND STJaLHER DRY GOODS, HATS, ROOTS SHOES AND BONNETS. The stock comprises greater variety and a larger amount than we have ever before offered. The attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, wiih the assurance that we can and will sell as low as they can be purchased elsewhere. We also keep a general assortment of Eeather and Saddler' Trimmings. DUF0UR A C0'3 ANCHOR BRAND BOLTING CLOTHS CARPETS, Ac. Ae. mar1 EVANS, PORTER A CO. New Sprinu Goods for 1855. A. J- - DUNCAN St CO. , No. 90 Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN., HAVE now in store a large proportion of their extensive of Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Irish and French Linens, Silks, Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac. Ac--, which they offer on the most favorable terms. The trade and dealers are requesied to favor them with an early cll. They will also be receiving throughout the season, regular shipments of every novelty in Dress Goods, Embroideries, Ac, Ac A. J. DUNCAN A CO., tvbi2 No. 70 Public Square. "PUREE HUNDRED Bales Brown Muslin and A Drilling of Southern Manufactu e; for which we are agents. feb22 A. J. D. A CO. GARDNER, SHEPHERD & CO., "WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SHOES, HATS & STRAW GOODS, No. 50 Public Square, NASHVILLE. lebT PHILADELPHIA. CONRAD BARD & SON, MANUFACTURING SILVERSMITHS, No. 116 ARCH STREET, Four doors below Sixth, Philada (ESTABLISHED THIRTY-OD- YEARS.) SILVER TEA SETTS, PITCIU RS, CUPS, FORKS. SPOONS, the newest and most admired patterns. Al.o, Importers of Sheffield and Birmin(,'ham PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, PLATED (on Alhnta Metal) FORKS. SPOONS, Ac, suitable for Steamers, Hotels and Families. Keep con- stantly on hand a arge stock of London, Liverpool and Ge- neva WATCHES, together with a Inrue stock of FINE GOLD JEWELRY. All orders l y mail promptly atten Jed to, and Silver war- ranted Sterling. febli trwCm SO EE AGENCV FOR mfP- -r - BOARDMAN & GRAY'S Celebrated Dolce Carr.pan Attachment PIANO FORTES. 386 Chestnut St, Opposite TJ. S. Hint, I'llll.ADl-EPIIIA- . ERANCH-1- 17 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, Del. Jan27-trw6- ra JOHN MARS!!. DOCTOR VOI ItSI Ll. THE POCKET JLSCULAPITJSi OR EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. THE FIFTIETH Erlition, with One Hundred Kneravinps,showing Diseases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which Is aMed a Treat- ise on the IMscases of Females, be- ing of the hiphest Importance to marrie people, or those content-plati'.- g P :"ri fifcj is) marriage. By ILIJAM YOUNG, M. D- - Let no father be ashamed to pre- sent a copy of the to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter Into the se- cret obligations of married life without reading the POCKET JESCLLAPIU3. Let no one suffering a hacknied Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelinirs, and the whole train of Dyseptic sensa- tions, and givn up by their phjsician, be another moment without consulting the OiSCULAPIL'S. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this tru- ly useful book , as it has been the means of s iving thous'jids of utifoitunate creatures from the Jaws of death. tW Any person sending TWENTY-FIV- CKNTS enclos- ed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, or five copies wi'l be sent lor t ne Dollar. Address, poM paid, DR. WM. ToUNO, oct8 -- ly No. 132 Spruce street, Philada. ' ' 3 .SO.HETIIIMfi NEW. ALAR1E supply of Horse Powers and Threshera, Screw 1 to 4 inches in diameter. Fire Brick, Pift.hurxh Coke, Locomotive screws. Bench Screw, Clamps, Post-hol- e Augeis, Ac, Just received snd tor sale by D. D. DICK KY, apr23 No. 5 College tre t, Nashville. ICE CREAM. tVTEhave this div opened our Ice Cream saloon, and v V prouiie nothing but the pure article. WK.-S.t- L A THOMPSON, myl 42 Union street. CI EASS WAR i: 20 boxes quart Flasks; 100 do )i pint do; in store and for sale by jj21 W. U. GORDON A CO. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED crmttit Bitters, DR. C. M. JACKSON, Philad'a. Pa., WILL rrrECTCALLT Cl'RK LITER COmAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JirXDICE, CAronie or A'ereou Debility, Dueuses of the Kidney; and all diseases arising from a die. ordered Liver or Stomack. Fuch a Constipation, Inward files, Knll-dc- of B ood to the Head, Acidity of the Stom-c- h, Nausea, Hartburn, Dlsgnst for Ko-nt-, f ullness or weight in th Stomach, Sour Eructation, linking, or F'utt. ltig at the Pit of the Momai h,?wira-m- il g of th ll'.J, Hurried and difficult brralh-In- f. I'lutiering at the llrert.Chnnking or Suffocating Sen-Htio- n when In a lying Dimness of Vision, Dot of Webs o. foe "the fight. Fever mi Va' Pain in the Head, D llcii-nc- of Penpiration, of ih and r.res, I'nm In th tide, B'ck, Chest, Limbs, 4c. Cud-de- Fluhesof Heat, Bur. Ing in the C'en.'aut Im- - agiuinits of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. TV Proprietor, In calling the attention of the public to thi. preparation, does so aitii a feeln g of the utmost confl dence in It vuturs and adaptation to Hie disease for which lis rrcommeiHleil. It is no new and untried article, bat ene that ha stood the tet of a ten years' trial before the Amerl.-a- people, and its rriutatin anl sale ate unrivalled by any similar preparations tiUnt. lb lo Its favor given by the nv st prominent nd well known Physlrtati and in all part of the cnuniry, t Immense. The follow- ing from yur own State, is respectfully snhmit'ed, refe'rlng any wrij may (till doubt, to mv "Memorahih.," or Prartic.l B'eipt book, for Farmers and Familira, to be h.d frails, of alt the A cents for th German Hitter.. Piinctp tl orhiw and Manufuctory, 1 Arch street, I'hlla-delplii- 1'a. Teitimony from Tennesaee. " Dr. II. B Scarborough, Dover. Tenn., Aug 23, 1SS8, say ; "I have sol 1 a'l the German Bl.ter you have lent me, and if th preparation continues t do a much good as It Las done, it will be the beet medicine ever ckl L. Soodjrraw, Sparta, Tenn. Aogust 1' IS.M, savs : "I am pleaMxl to state th.t your l.erm.n Hitters ha. given aatia-Uct'o- in evrry In lane, where it has been U. T. llollins, HillslHroii, h, Tenn., August , ay, : "I am please I u sta'e that tha German itillcr hav given general aati faction Dr. P. F.tio A Bro., Knoitiirie, Tenn., I'h April, 1SS1, .aid: "Your inter. a now leUing Very fast, and every perswa that ha used it, so far a w have been abi to learn, ha ' ren neni-nied.- J. W. Frsnkila A Co., OaH.tln, Tenn., December M, IV'), (aid: "The new firm will want mora of your Hitter soon, a on of tne partners tlnn it I a gr.l swirnn." R. S. Haidy, Bolivar, September Id. ISii. said : "Ther ts great drmanJ tor your B(lter here; p ease send another lot anon." t They ar .srriasXT vaorraLa, fre from all Injuriotu In- - cre-tien- alway trenthcn th system, and never pro- - j Hill IL. S .U in Naihv.lle by BFRRY DEMOVILLR, If. Q. SCO-r- ri rvriu mr.j w , ester, m lemui. soj etort sepcr vi twaia. tr.Iir'O 1c.wtriwly EADII.V MIOES. f ADITS' Italian CV.ih Caitera, (alain to,) 4 do beat Caiaoa Kid Gai'er; da do it d W,lt ttootr. do do d do Pump Boot do 111. Kid Pub p Buskins; d'i i.) d e P.ruTies; Whita Kid Mippara, ChtMren' im Buuta; - Jut recri.ed by aUUAGE A CHURCH. e t3 i Call, f atrM. A .IIICI I.TI II A E inPLEnrTs-f- w . X ra.ln,Srw Cutiar, CirMiibLrta Mils. raaawg HUia, GnoalatoB loKwt, Ural Mar-s- , DM" Power. taswt.Fampa, Meat Colter atyi Urtaiawfw, iUaMtw Wa't , . t.,ea hand and &r a.1 by D. D. Dlt'KKT. jat4 Cuilvri aUwet, NaMifaiw. HARDWARE. REMOVAL. FALL A CUNNINGHAM have removed their, A. stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY and GUNS, r, A to No. 47 North Side Public Square, opposite lower end of the Market House, beinr the old and weil known stand of MORGAN, GARDNER A CO., where they are now offering at Vltolesale, a well se- lected assortment of all articles in their line of business. Merchants visiting Nashville, are requested to call and examine their stock and price. jan4 trwawflm FALL & CUNNINGHAM. Wholesale dealers and Importers of IX J. I"L X7"j2LDE1.33, CCTI.ERY AND GENS, No. 47 North Side Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN., HATE now :n store a full nd complete assortment of in all its varieties, together with an Iaeob stock of CUTLERY and GUNS, to all of which they invite the attention of Dealer visiting this mar ket. Their stock has been made up by direct purchase Irom the Manufacturers, both in Americt and Furope, and they feel confident that those who may give them a call will find it advantageous to deal with them. tSf Cash and prompt time buyers will find the price of tbe roods suited to the time. f7 Feathers received at the highest price. mar6 w JAMES B. CRAIGHEAD, DEALER IN fjl American, English A German g-- y HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, WIST SIDI PUBLIC iQPs , Jar.5 ly NASHVILLE, TENN. SPIKITI AL TEEEGRAI'H, '"MITE organ of mod.-r- SpirituVisai, Fourth Volume eora-- mences in May. It con Wins the lul'est record extant of Current Facts an t Opinions on Spiritual Intercourse. Pub- lished wi eklv st 2 ix.r annum ls, all spiritual books lor tale bv P..KI RIDiiK A BttlTTAN, 3U Broadway, N. Y. P. S A Catalogue of Spiritual Bjoks sent on application. a;r21 Sm H A . 15 bales Timothy Hav, in store and for, ale by mar!3 W. II. GORDON GO. I 7ISII. 15 birrels Lake Fish, 16 hu t Luis. do. do.. In store and for s!:by msrl8 W. II. UOKOO CO. IS CA N DEEM 400 whole boxes Proctor A STA Star Candles in store and for sale by je-2- t W. II. GORDON A CO. CO I" I 0 V A It V--5 hi bags 500, 6 0, Too and 4. ) Karns from ths d'fftfreiit Factories, in store ar i for sale by , je2o V. il. GORDON A CO. AND l,lSCYfc JEANS Richland Mauuf icturing Company' Jeans; f do do do do Liner, for pegroes, in store and for tale by je-- 3 W. II. GORDON A CO. '0 b'xes nd X P't Pittsburgh X 'l unibiers, a good article, foi rale bv JeC3 W. H. GORDON A CO. ONNAIlCltGN 20 bales J, Tricn Factory, Georgia, article, ui;ahle for wheat bairs for shipment Noith, for sale by W. 11. GORDON A CO. 200 boxes No. 1 Bar Soap in store and for sale SOAP iea ! W. it. G0KDON A CO. TIIIKY 250 Ibis Dean's Aurora Whisky insto and for sale by W. il. GORDON A CO. rl A I.EO CANDLES 0 boxe J. Doyle A Co's A h .rd pressed Summer Tallow Candles in store and tor sale by je2-- W. H. GORDON A CO. 17INr. ItAG" 1'I.OI'H-J.- VI bags Fine Family Flour day received, and Lr sale low lor cash 10 clo.e con signni. S. II LOOM IS A CO., aoi-1- Opposite Planters' Bank, Nashville, Tenn. "HOOKS THAT Alt I'. HOOKS." SEVEN Volume of Putnam l ibrary off ItcadiliK, in Paper oin.linir, I will sell lea than the cost. CHARLES W. SMllH. tprlS ecu AYER'S PIIIS. FOR ALL THE PTTRPOSES OP A FAMILY PHYSIC. There has Ion? existed a public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on aa aure and perfectly safe in its operation. Thia haa beenprepared to meet that demand, and an exten-aiv- e trial of its virtues has coacluiively shown with wbat success it accomplishes the purpose designed-I- t is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all ptlU one which should have none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other, "this has been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been nnfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to tha bow- els. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain and rcAilsion in the system aa to mote than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc- tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taVen judiciously. Minute directions for their nse in the several diseases to which they axe ap- plicable are given on the box. Among the com- plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forma of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap- petite, Iistlessness, Irriability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever. Fever and Ague, Fain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the of diseased action in the liter. As an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in ss. Piles, Colic, lvsentery. Humors, Scrof- ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body. Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in ahort, any and every caw where a purgative is required. They have also produced some singularly auc-cess- ful cures in KhuuiuatUni, Uont, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Paine in the Back, Moroach, and Side. They ahould be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates tbe stomach and bowls into healthy action, and restores the appe- tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by theii timulant action on the circulatory system, reno- vate the atrength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exist ; but un- necessary dosing should never be carried too far, a every purgative medicine reduce the atrength, when taken U excels. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed thia pill wiu answer a be tter purpose than any thing which haa hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtue) are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic, medicine. Being ugar-wrapp- they ar pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, ne harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. rCErAKED BY JAMES C. AYER, r radical and Analytical Chemist. LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Ce&u per Box. Jive Eoxea for SL AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rpll Cr corens colds uoabsexess, BROATniTIS, WHOOPWC-CptC- H, CROIP. ASTU.1I.I. A.D 0.St.MPTI0T. ' This remedy haa won for itself euch Botoriety from it cure of every variety of pulmonary oseaae, nnnecewaary to recount the evi- dence that it is entirely of it virtues in any community where it h brn employed. So wide la the field of ite uw-fuln- e. and so numerous the er of it enrea, that almost every section of the conn try abound in u pubjjy known, who hav been re to red mii aWaiiit aad even deaperau dxaeaaea of tha lungs by t w. Yhm one tnrd Us supeTiority w every other medicine of it kind ia too appav. rent to escape ohaervarion, and where its virtue arc known, th public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ foe U.e dtreaainj and dangeroua aiTeo tto of the pulmonary oran which ar incident to our climau. An act only In fnrmidable at- tacks upon the lungs, but (ur tha milder varied of Coll, CoioHa, HaaaaxxBaa, In.) aad for Cbildu it a tha pleaucaaleat and aafeat aaadk-m- o that east ba obtainadL As it haa long been in errattant n thronghout thb section, we need sot do more than eaeuie tha pecr'.a tta quality I kept .? to tha be.t that it s,rt$ ka been, and t&at tk geauuie article ia sold by - ataxat I , vk4ent. Svftle. aJ laUby kftOwM A UHt'UUS, N.bviisr; and J4 by 1 aVaksv a sMv.k-.o- e ia ...i ua ut Isw Jj Uailu.t sw Tj'OR SAEE- -I ha for ! a GRIST MILL, with aO "tu, necesary for the same. The Mill ta pro- pelled by a Tread Wheel, and persons wishing a Mill for their own nse would do well to call and see it. as It will be to d cheap. Apply to R. A. BALLOWE, le GenT Agt., No 17 Deaderkk t. FOR SAEE. I OFFER for tale a Honse and Lot on the rornr r of Ben aod Spring ttreets, in E.!;eneld. the lot fronts on Spring street sevent, f. et. and runs back on Bell street two hundred feet to a twelve foot alley. Tne hooe is two storie high, with a porch above and below,. nd contains four room besHie dining room, bath room, servants' room, kltch-- o Uble and carriage house, with a good extern and cellar. ' ALSO; Two Lots immediately back of the above, fronting fifty feet each on Bell street, and running back one hundred and ninety four feet, all end-- , sed. Aud one lot in West Nash--v lle, frontin BJty feet on Locu't street, and rnnnirg hack: one hundred and seventy five feet to a fifteen foot al.ey. The above property can be bought on good terms, and th vacant lots are desirable building lota. Fur further partic- ular and terms, apply to K. A. BALLOWE, GenTAgt. mj30 No. 1 J Deadeiitk street. Ir'OII SALE. OR EXCHANGR FOR TOWN PROP. NEGROES, Ac I oSer for ss e a FARM.r" containing 270 acres, situated on the Murfrtesboro'Y Turnpike, 11 miles from Nashville, and known as the Ham- ilton Place. Improvements tolerable good; good cedar fenc- ing; water and orchard, Ac Any person desirous of msking an exchange wiih the above property, now haa an opportunity o trading for one or the most convenient stock farms in the county, it havine a creek of never-failin- g water running through it. For particu'ars apply to R. A. BALLOWK, Geni AgX "M a No. 17 Deaderick st. C'OR SA I. F Between eishteea and nineteen L hundred acre, of lan.l h ing in the countv of Tra- - TT vis, Texas, 8 miles west of Austin. The above tract of land, or a portion of it will be exchanged fir Dry Goods or Gio-cerie- s. Also, a lot in the county of Liberty, and town of Smithfield, on the same terms as the ahove. For farther In- - lormation apply to R. A. B ALLOW E, GenT Ae't. febi No. 17 Deaderick st. 18 ENT I have for rent a splendid stand tor a A- - Blacksmith, on the Murfret sboro' Pike, li) mile, from Nashville. Improvements, gJ shop,, family residenea, and all necessary out houes, 15 or 2D acres of cleared land, plenty of fir wood, Ac Termsea.v. Aprly to . - A. BALLOWR. GenT Agt, "nl No. 17 Deaderick street. JOR R I :N T Three Rooms on Denderiek street, la building, suitable for a sm.,11 family R. A. BALLOWE, lanlS a s General Atrnt, No. IT st. FOR MALE. A nOUFE AND LOT In the Southern porMcn ef XX. the city. The lot ii situated between l.rket and Maple streets, a continuation of Front (tre-1- ; ' and fronts on Carroll treet 66Ieet. runin back l.'O feet, to n at'ey the llou-- e contains four rooms, with is eigiit foot Hall. Portico in front, and Porch rpht feet wid-- , anl back Brick buil 'ings. Any peson wi.-hi- to buy a nest and comfortable home, shoold exiroine the aiave house and lot, aa 1 will tell it cheap ami opn reasonable terms. K, A. BALLuWF i;enerl Agent, j15 No. 17 Deaderick street. FOR NAI.E OH It i:T-- 1 hav a drsira- - house on Lower Market street for sale or rent, the house containing lour rooms In the main MijL buildiLg, with cellar, dining-room- , kirrhrn and a1! necessa- ry out build ngs. Any one wishing a 0 niior.-h- ie resilience a."d one convenient to thebusinea part of tha city, uM B.1- .- immediaie apilicai ion in R, A. BALLOWF. fient Agt., JanJ tf No. II Deaderick street. 170R U r.Vr A Farmeontaioinr AS acres, with 40 A1 acre cicav land s. -- J House, 3 rooms, cellar, servants' eairen, .moke-hous- bngy boo.., water Ac - 61 n s lronl Nashville, and near Spring Flaca on the' Lebanon 1 W V,.Wl0W1C. lanlS Central Agent, No. 17 leilerick st. Lltl'IT t'AiS self-s- e licg Fruit Cna r'i. half ealloa and qii.rt- s- in quant'ti. s to suit parchafe. . for ' t.J W. II. HoKl ON A Ci. '. . C'OrTOS YAK'S. Jt VM day advaced the price of f Tarns, and era VV t ning at II. 10, 9 and s cents, for n trahers I and fjo 5 . , c.ntrffon abov 10 kagi, and time reeii'au i - by quantity, J nereiui " w. h. c.onnos A CO. THE EIGHi"" MACHINE INVENTED AT LAST. h seen at A Co '.. 4C mZ."- - P street. Ih J best STRAW aoo i U K ever 111 -- .e '"Sr re pronounced ky all w .o have tried Ihem a,,l0 Oiai . verv superior ..lauug . . .er anvtliing of tbf v-- . ever been produced. Call n. s examine for warrant perfect saiifaclir a l. in p f" Z tr , em.Km ap4 tf nu.Ntj A CO, Aifenis. HA v S -- I cask extra Sugar cured Hams, l.r sale ty aprl'l WrfsKf. M THOVP-mV- . f I.Ol'IC 2.".0 Hbls.''y Flour; V fxl bbls. extra SVlol W heat " On hand and for saleby W. II. GORfiOV A CO S. 11. E OO. HIS A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARD Dfu AN3 COMMISSION MERCHA5TS, And s"le aifents for the sale of Hazard's Kentucky Rifle and Blasting Powder, BACON A BliO.'i SAFETY 1 CSK, AND l.ongwonh1. Spa rk Ii hit t v bit. Winee. 41 Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN. B. SI. ESTE3. W. P. WIL'7xr E.STI'.S A WII.SOV, Attorneys at I. tt it , Jlemphii, Tinnetee, Prompt attention will be given to the collection of claim, m j5 8m ix.ivokim: ex th aits. X CJiract Ko-- e, I Extract Oraoire. " Lemon, I ' Pme Apple, " Vanilla, " Prach, Nuttrngs, I t'mnam.n. Received and for s.l In quantlti to suit at STRETCH'S U rug store, corner College and Cmon sis. my Is 1 .IIE TOILET WAIT RS. ltell lavender, Mill- - Fleur Water, Amber at Verbena do Day Kum, Col-- go do Ambrosi il Vinegar, Ros d' Florida Water, Orange Flower Wafer. ror sale in assortel 11 botths, at Mhlli'U'd Draf Etore, Cornea" College and Union . myia ?tyv soaps. AnHTOaial Sharing Cream, Nymph Peap, nose du 1I1 Italian Mr.11. ated So.p, Almond. 11. do uortor Honey do Minley's Fine Toilet Foap, Soap, 'IJ Brown Windsor do Omnibus o p. White do do Baiber ' : S, Together with the ro-- favorite kinds, received and ftor sale low at STUETCU'd Drug Store, corner ol College and I n ion sts. n y'S A f OI.ASSFS SC9 ch ice Plantation Milan s. landing from steamer. Ameria and Iroriuois. I r sal by W. il. C.OKUON A OO. in:i SODA WATER. ryilE FOfNT of thi undroigned being now regu'ar'y supplied with ice, he can recomiurad It to all as b'ing equal to any, and lar superior to nine-tent- h of that made any .here. Hi syrups are made by a new and nperior process, which gives to tl.ein a rich odor and deJ-Cio- ua taste. 11 also keep a fine ariicl of Menl. AAU)N STRETCH. Prug.'lst, atrlJ Corner College and Union st. F RI'SH Fit FITS A supply cf Straw berrie and and Uasph.rrles received Il ls dav by -- s apt II WKS.-.K- A THPW P?Q. R HOOFS' FEVER AND AGUE CURE OR. NATURE'S I5fALLLBLE SrEClTIC, the Prevention and Cur. of IsTisMtTTirr and Ra 4 mnin Far", rra and Acrs t'Bitx and ttrtu. Di m Aors, tiaaaasL DiouiT. Nicar muts, and all other forms vf diteae which haw a common origin in M.Lasta or Miasm. This subtle airmssphane poiwo which al cer- tain seasons I una""lhly inhaled at every breath, i tha lame in character wh.rver It exist. Norm, South, Eaet r West and will everv where JfielJ to this, newly ducuverd antidote, which I. claimed to a th cssaltfT wacovtar Of asi'itiss art naps. TUi seioe w s harmless that tt may be taken by per-ta- of every age, s or cniiii.n, an l it will DM tabstl-t- ut for on iIik. otiiers still worse, a is too oft.n th re-M-ilt in the trra'ment hy tiiinine, M.rvury, Areaic, and other poisonous r rtelrterkm. ugs, no a parucle uf aay 0 which I. a"imiul Intj tin. preparuo. 'j The proprietor d.stm-rt.'- y claim. ih estraoedinary rs-u- lu front th smoI this .NATl'RAL ANT1UOIK TO MA- - . It wiJ entire'y proUet any reaiJeat or traveler ven ra the mo.tsa.-el- y or .wampy localities, from any Ague or IU- - luaaa dnraae, jr any iiuary froas eonataally tnhai- - log Malaria or It will instantly check th Ague In persona wha hav suf fereti for any iei gih ef time, from one day totwents year, so thai thry i.reU never hsv another cui I, by COQUCutDg It os. accord. n t" duections. Il will imniTvliate'y rrMevvi all di.tresstng resn't of BiU iotifor Ague d-- , sncb as gei eral d n:ght sweats, Ae. Tie patient at ence he n to recover appetite and auength, and centmue until a per oianent and raJ cai eux i eeci4. Finally, It at wiTl bani.ih Fever nd Ajfie from faml'le and all eiasar Farmer and all laboring m.n. by adapting II a a preventive, wi.l b free from Ague or Bilious attack ta UstsMn of Ih year whl. h, while it ia th must aa.x.r. Is the most valuable oa. la them. On or two bottle wuT tststr tut ordinary eaaca, soma : require more. IHrertMu priste-- l In German, French and Jpaniah, ao company aaeb buiile Pr.ce Oua UoLar. Liberal discounts made th trd. Trad cmiai forwardVl oa ayplioaAon, n4 Ihw wruelo will be on .l-i- ed on l.berai Ursa to re.pun.ibi pru ia very aeCUuA of U caontrv. J AA A- - WOOFS. Proassor. Ptoti.I.oo. a, AGENTS S. Tork C T. C'ekr A Caw. aaat C aL ttn, f. W. lyoH A Aim! tvt by oVak r 1 1 4l n a tot rEoriii.i au-riin-- nTTaalu . wiih a large of CLOTHS, CASSLSERES AS3 TiSTLXCS, Z,H AaaTT- - toof l.a'. rwrauhing fcll.aajTalreaiuWllv.ewrtqty. SaanAlfinr bu i mix. IB a asxl laacy oowa. .w c u rro "rf7- - rvo.f S WATER Afcw grnsw en h.r-,al- o :1

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Page 1: The Daily Nashville true Whig. (Nashville, Tenn.) 1855-07 ...€¦ · will bo taken at actual weight, but charged double, 1st clans ratea y loO fca. l 80 All articlea not enumerated,





Fonr Daily Eastern Traini, at 6 A- - ST. 9 A. HL,

10:20 A. M. and 6 P. tt.The Quickest, Shorted and Most Direct Jtoule.


Wheeling Paaaenger Pine at Zanesvllle.Filuburgb Passenger Dine at Creitline.Dunkirk and Buffalo Passenger Dine at Cleveland.

X Quick and Direct Route from Cincinnati to the East,

tiont are certain. Faenger are not sulj ct to delay, andH O .UU IUI H mtB " IIIVU - - - -

in 4 children. Tbe LitUe Miami via Colurobua, being a shortana quick mate, floe not require anonymous twrrc-iu"-de-

or false map to recommend it to the traveling public.Each and every train by the Little Miami rout rum iotw

the depot of tbe Lake Shore Road at Cleveland.


COLUMBUS In $( Hour;CLEVELAND in -- H Hours;

DUNKIRK in Hours;BL'FfALO fa 1 Hoore;

ALBANY in Honrr,HEW YORK in 81 Hours;

BOSTON In S5 Hmn;CRFSTLIN R in 6 Hoorr,

PITTSBURG in 14 Hour,PHILADELPHIA in Bltf neart,

WHEELING in 10X Honra.BALTIMORE in Hours,

WASHINGTON in 29 Houre,8TECBENVILLE in 12 Hour,

Baggage checked from Cincinnati to Wheeling. PitUburg,Cleveland, Dunkird and Buffalo.

Paaaeneri by the o'clock, A. M., Train, Little Miami Rail-

road, breakfat at Cincinnati and dine the following day In

Hew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore or Wahingtnn City.The Little Miami ia the Eastern Depot at Cincinnati.

FIVE DAILY TRACTS.TTR8T TRAIN Cleveland, Pituborg, Steubenvtlle and

Wheeling Lightning Express, leave Cincinnati at 6 A. M.,

for Columbus, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, New

Tork and Boston; Crestline, PitUburg, Baltimore, Philadel-

phia and New York; Zanesville, Wheeling, Baltimore, H

City, Philadelphia and New York, Ac,; Steubenville,Banduiky and Detroit; Xenia, Yellow Spring and Spring-

field. Thie Train top between Cincinnati and Columbuat Loveland, Morrow, Xeui and London only.

Paasengers by Uiia train for Lake ateamere have Ove honraand a ha f at Cleveland.

C0ND TRAIN Cleveland and Pittaburg Express, leave

wat at 9 A. M., for Coiumbua, Cleveland, Dunkirk,auualo,Kew York and Boston; Crestline and Pittaburg-- ,

and Lancaster; Blancheer, Chillicothe andThis Tram .tops at all inU between Cincinnati

and Columbus, except Llowood and Branch Hill Also,

connecting at Cleveland direct with Lake steamers QLtEN

OF THK WEST and CRESCENT CITY, and connecting atBuffalo with the early morning trains lor New York, Boston,Albany, Niagara fall. Ac.

TUIKl) TKAIN Wheeling Express, leave CincinnaU at10 20 A. M., for Columbus, Zanesville, Wheeling, Baltimore,Washington City, Philartal hia and New York.

This Train atop at all point between Cinmnnatl and

roURTU TRAIN Accommodation, leave Cincinnati at4 p M- -, for Xenia, Yellow Springs and Springfield; Circle-Wil- le

and Lancaster, Blanchester and Chilicothe; Hillsboro .

Th Train atop at all poini between CincinnaU and

Vl'rrn TRAIN Cleveland, Pitta'mrg and Wheeling NightExpress, leaves Cincinnati at P. M., for Columbus, Cleve-an- d.

Dunkirk, BuBalo, New York and Boston; Crestl ne,Pittsburg. Philadelphia and New York, Z.nesvil e, W heeling,Baltimore, Washington City. Philadelphia and New York.

This Train stops at all points between Cincinnati andColumbus, except Linwood ar.d Branch Hill.

One Train on Sunday at S.8u o'clock P. M., for Columbus.

Traina run by Coiumbua Time 7 Minute faster than Cin-


And all Information can be obtained at the new office No.

9 Burnet Huie Building, W. L. O'BKIEN, Ticket Ag-n- t;

No 177, front office, Gibson Home Building, ALEXANDER

HAMILTON. Ticket Agnt; or at the old office, Southeastcorner ol Broadway and Front street, opposite 8M-nce-r

House, cr at the Eastern (Utile Miami) Depot, East Front"W"et

OMoe hour from 4X A. IT. until i X P. 31.P. W. gTUADEU, Orin 1 Ag t.


Call for Passengers at all the principal Hotel, for ech andvery trsin. By leaving directions at either of the aboveSees, will call forpasaeugera in all part of the cltv, with-

out fail.

"choose your route.--

CUSS G'S Cw!If3 ts.".. v hKLw L



Xlm. CincLnnatltIT THX C3Z0 AND MietiSSIPPI i

Or V Ia41aHpIlK,

To ladoair7. Culaal, 5iAjax, Pia- -

Vxrg, SAliawr, 'WaaniitaTi City, Plil- -

"DOTH Roates a - eiiL'ta, atJ tiroofh txi to any ofXJ the above poinu uut

First Clans PasMDrer Trains Uav the JeSsrsoe vine R. K.Depot daily (Sundays cxcettlj t ma sore connectionswith Ui roads beyond.

tLi;iAJTI.V riTTEDI P OMSintSESAre carrying passengers from tl tTotela, or any part of

Louisville, to and from the Railroad rotation.Further particulars can be obtained by inquiring at the

efficea of the Hotel, or at the Jeffcrsr.n villa R. R. Offlo- -,

Bear the Gait House, Louisville, where throuch tickeU to alltbe principal citiea can be procured.

JOHN ZULACF, Prea't,A. P. OSB0RNS, Pupt.J. W. Hall, Ticket Agent In Louisville. Jsn?0 tfTlcksburg Whig, Natchei Courier, New Orleans Picayune

and Delta, Kagle A Enquirer in Memphis, ideas copy fortil ret months, and charge IL R. Office.


lat-t- f C

KATES Iti:il CED.tbe 15th Instant, to th 1st of Jon tha ratea of

FROM from Charleston and Savannah to Nashvilla will

be as foliows:FI1IKT CLASH,

Books and B'atlonery, Hoots, Bboe and Hata, Bottled LI-n-

and Oila.Carnitine and flplrlu Turpentine, In caak and barrel-Carpeting- .

China, Olas and Glaa Ware, Cigar In case, Cloeka.Confectionery, cutlery ia boxes and case, Dry Goods IB

boxes and bale.Drnea, Fruit Trees and Phnibbevy, Fura, Garden Bewla.Looking Ulassea and Lookiug Gia Platea, at owner a

risk "Oyster In eanaaad Jars, Saddiary, Tla Ware, Tea and

Kykca, V 100 R.a. lKr.COXD fLASJi.

Hardware, "axcept Cutly. Heavy CaaUors and Ma--

clilnery.Foreign I.iquora In barrela or plpe Oordage, Tobaceo In

Voxm, Csrrlae Pprlnv an Axles, Leather In rolls and box.a, Oilatn barrels or eak. Crockery and Qneenswr, in

erates and caaka. Ric, Zinc, WUlUug, Plaster of Taris, Ac

t.7, SPECIAL BATES.Fovea, Furniture. PUna Fortea, Carriages, boxed and

other Uirhl articles, aot ennnwraud. Also, Carboys of Acids

will bo taken at actual weight, but charged double, 1st clans

ratea y loO fca. l 80All articlea not enumerated, to b charged at rUa of

articlsa.From 1st Jun U lat of Daoaabar, thry win be changed

$ uaiotrs,

ll Loss a ahors, pr 100 lb .11W MM. . 1 HO

Special rates . I 40

Merehanu shipping from tht Eastern el ties will And thisthacWprat, a well as tb most expediUous route. FreightstromNew York and Pb ladalphia to Charleston and ftavaa-Ba- h;

ranee from 6 to 12 cenia per cubic foot, according tolas and character of vessels. -

As the Railroad Companiee at Charleston and Savannahhavs discotittnucd the Reoeiviag and Forwarding uf Mer-

chandise, It will be necessary to erisfn to CommlsaiM Wer-cha- au

at tnase points.Shippers ma tel upoa a strict adhere see to tb above

rate. It. 1. ANDfcKf.ON.BuptJanll- -tf N. A C. JC R.

rrcii. notice.Ko shipment, entitled to the above rale unless each andvery package has the name of th Depot of delivery, andbe Initial N . C. K. B plainly marked Open It.

H. I. A.



tVS and after ;h!s date, the Article as ennmerated below.J will be seal through to Charleston and (Savannah at tbepnee affixed to earh article:

Tobaoen, hhd., l'Hl ftw. fVPork In bbl., lm ftBajijiug and Rope, y IvG I 1 M

IL I. ANDKRWJN, rptJy7 tf N. A C. Railroad.



EXTRESa Mar) Praia leave daily for Chat taaoeg a at 1 1

P. M.AeeosuasadaUom Traia leaves) daily (eaodayg asroaptod)

fc-- Kblbyvill at o'clock P. M.Thieugh Twkeia to avannah, lit. 11 Mmm WuiBinto,N. C HI M

M M Mouirewery, Ala... U aTab Lad at U. ticket vffie rn ugsr Dcvmh.

. a. I. ANOrJUtON,snarl tf lup'l Tranprtau3.


A wbick thabirUaat wrtoe ta CAH itl be paid.BIYMOLR, FAMNINU A CO., ,

sl Caraef Maiaetattd CLarck




STEAFiBQAT AGEfiTS,5o. 3 Broadwell'i Building', Sycamore Street,




of all kindnofMANUFACTURERS Trunks, Valises. La- -

. OSSuies Doauci uun, v iii "- -Ac. All orders from abroad promptly attnd--cd to. We are determined our work shall not be surpassedia the Union.

2F Our friends in th South will final our terms aa favor-able as any other similar honse East or West, and our fab-ric-

nnsurpaased for excellentworkmanship. durabilityand cheapness. We solicit a trktW- - febl7 tf

LEONARD E. FORSYTH, GEO. W. OLIPHANTc Whetting, 'a. qf 7ennnsee.


AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,No. 7 Public Landing, Cincinnati O.

established a House in CincinnaU for theHAYING of a Forwarding and Commission Business, werespectfully solicit the patronage of the Merchants of Nash-ville and surrounding country. Being tbe authorized agentfor Transportation lines, to and from the Eastern Cities, weare enabled to offer to our friends and the public generally,superior adrantagesin the Transportation of their MER-CHANDISE and PRODUCE. Through receipts given atrpeciBci time and rates. Special attention will be given:filling order.

Hark package "Care L. E. F. A Co., Cincinnati."I ac5 LJjl5 ly L. E. FORSYTH A CO.

S. M. BABIIETT.1CAN now offer better inducement to Wholesale Dealer,

following article than any other House In thWest or South:

ZINC WASn BOARDSBuck ts. Tubs, names. Cotton Rope, Cotton Plow Lines,

Hemp and Manilla CorOare, Twines, Wicking, Batting,Brvshes, Matches, Cedar Ware, Wrapping Paper, Beives,Band Boxe, Willow Ware, Brooms, Fancy baskets, MarketBaskets, Clothes Baskets, Oak Buckets, Well buckets, HorseCollars, Mule Collars, Measures, Blacking. Ac, Ac.

Sale rooms corner of Walnut and Front streets, CI nc lnnati, O. feb2Stjyl2 S. M. BARRETT.


DENTISTS,No. 156 West Sixth street, between Race and Elm Street ,

Cincinnati, Oliio.rpmS OFFICE UNDER THE MANAGE- -

A went of it present proprietor, ha beenIncreasing in reputation for upenor opera-tions in the Artificial Department of Dentistry for the last ten years, and no expense or effort shall hewanting to give satisfaction to aU who may favor it withtheir patronage.

The subscriber would call attention to the fotlowingeasen-tla- l

point pertaining to Artificial Teeth, viz: Beauty andnaturalnes of appearance, quality and strength of the ma-

terials, comfort to the wearer, end usefulness In restoringthe natural appearance of the speech, and ability to masti-cate: in all of which they are warranted in saying they areexceeded by none, and equaled by few.

TEETHInserted from one to a full set, with Artificial Gum.

Full and Half Sets Invariably inserted by cuction.All operations in Dentistry performed in tha molt thor-

ough manner.TERMS. Considering the superior character of the work

and the guarantee given, they are the most reasonable intha West.



The money refunded if the Teeth do not prove satisfactory.fvT For the information of those living at a distance, we

would state that our facilitief are such, Uiat we can tnuke Inthe finest style, a full set of TELTU in from 24 to 49 hours,and small pieces in proportion, so that no detention needbeapprehended. PenUsta.

No. ISO West Sixth street between Race and Elm,"ecl9 ly CINCINNATI, OHIO.


fTV No. 6 Columbia St,ft Between Main and Walnut,Ik Cincinnati, O.I ' TV V mrm rtnm V,nif,nrlr. tt ATT.


an lac. Also, DRUGGIST AND BANK BCALM, BRASSAND IRON BEAMS, COUNTER SCALES, Ac, Ac, whichwe warrant of superior workmanship and materials. WewnnM call particular attention to oar IRON LEVER HAYAND STOCK. SCALES. All communication promptly attended to. octll Hy




T Harrison, Eaton A Co.' Spice Mill, 101 Walnut treet,A Cincinnati, Ohio.BL Lou Office, at Uoodin A Tooker, 123 Third street. II.

S. LANniXL, A pent.CHAS. SEAGER,Agent,attheNatches Foundry, Natchez,

Miss. jjl ly

EMPORIUM OF LIGHT.No. 62 West Foui Hi street, Cincinnati, O.

IIAKER & VON PHIL,MANUFACTURERS and Importers of Gas Fixtures,

of every varttty and style,Girandoles, Candelabra, Vases, Bronses, Tea Trays, PlatedWare and Fancy Articlea; alao, Manufacturer' WesternAgent for the al of Wrought Iron, Sieara and Gas Pipe,Boiler flue and Ga M titers, at Philadelphia list price,wholesale and retail.

CAS FITTERS,Pipe Tongs, hooks, cement, Fittings and tool of every de-

scription constantly on hand. BAKER A VONPHUL.Je-ll- y -

N. RHODES, M. T. HA TEN, W. R. CASONLuiU o Term, ImU AanhcilU. IaiU qf Columbia.


No. 84 Sycamore it, East side, below Second,CINCINNATI, Ohio,

WILL give special attention to Forwarding Goods,Ac; also, to th purchase and ! of all kinds

of Produce, and article of Cincinnati and Pittsburg Manu-factures.

JAMES COLLINS A CO.. Pittsbur;, For'd'g Agent.tWKefer to NASHVILLE MERCHANTS generally.JeS dtrwawlf


Camphor Wash Mixture,Patented July 11, 1854, and which received tha

Premium at the Kaihville Fair in Octoberlast- - Warranted to contain nothing In

tha least injurious to Clothes; alsoa Great rain Killer.

TPTE nndeMgned, having repeatedly been solicited loconsignment of tli Patent Camphor Wash Mix-

ture, ha concluded to sell no more county right in thisFute, but will in future have th Improved Camphor WahMixture put op and distributed throughout this Mate (ex-cept In the counties where the rights bar been deposed of)and In th Slate of Alabama. And that he may be enabledmore effectually to make this arrangement, b propose todivide the patrol for Tennessee and Altbama into ),0isnare, one fourth t be retained, and th renialud.r 750ahare will be offered for sale. A prison remitting tendollar will have on share in tbe Talent, to run fourteenyear from July 11. ISM, and U1 be at th lam boa in-

vesting also Ova dvllar lo he used In the purchase of theIngredient, advertising and the nerewary expenditure ofIts mean to prrptr and utsmoaw wie mixture ror sa .

Consignments will b made to shareholder, (wha nay re-

quest It,) and to no other persons, to th amount of theirr.mitUuo. And they wlu b. allowed a commission of Uper cent on their alea, and also their proportion of thproBu at large.

Annual exhibit of tales will be made, and dividends of thaprofit, rewitud to each shareholder. No debts will be ooatrue ted, avr will th Company t responsible for any, a thbu.lueta will b conducted upon th cash system.

Any of the who hav porchased patent for rountWs intM. Mate, eaa have the privilege of exchanging their ngh'Sf r shar at the price, they have paid. This txciang willbe ma le at the cost of the Patentee.

It It dealrabl U have at least on of more active thara.holders la each counts In the 8' ate named. Subscriptionartiare wtU be rloM-- by th 1st September next. Andconsignment of lb Mixture will be mad very soon there-after. Cert te issued te shareholder, who will requestb Agency, If they dedr It.

Tb ander.tgned will act Agent antlj th ihareholderfeet th'e. dirertnrt to aerv on yar, who wilt hav thSHtnajretaetit wnul their uceewr shall b elected.ateiim ta Mobile, Montgomery, Tnscaioo, Bunt-wlU-

Tailadega aad Tusrumhia, thai wi I puba.h thl twiceand other drumeuM to the amount of let dullar, andwad oua copy, will reoeiv one share. Addrewi,

C. W. CUOHKR, fstente,je Knoxviilc, Tcun.

QCNimrO ltm brt-- i, IVlm. Punt-- ,Nt Le and Crashed Sugar.

INI bMs Meiaawss:tft W bbl. do;

tlS bags prim Italttmor OoffcseiS keg, Nuia, ail alasa:tie Whisk;M 4 Cowimoa Brandy;15 bwar To6aer)e, all grades:M , Pearl t.erh .

1 do rVttledaaa acbapp,;m Lenrworth", tkHnf Catawba Whta;e. In, da

0 (mh Catawba Brearfy. pure artlcl;aitln s rVwaM-tae.K-ie

M Smf.iT raw; -aJt,msu Rreatia Cigars, ai! rrda- -

8. H. LOOM! A CO .) lia.44 PuUtKitat.


From tb Newspaper Advertising Agency of W.S. SWYMER, No. 14 Second Street, ST. LOUL4, Mo.

P. A. HUNT, J. E. HUNT.Late of Hubbell A Hunt.


Commission and Forwarding; J MERCHANTS,l o. 19 Levee Street, St Louis, Mo.

J adhere atrictly to a Commission Business, ar.d waoucit consignmenu or fttuuLCt, siz.ui;iiA.aiii

Ae.Having ample facflitiei for doing business, which are on- -

surpassed by any houre in the Western country, particularattention will be paid to filling orders f r any ofmerchandise; alao, to RECEIVING AND FORWARDINGGOODS. Liberal advanoes will b made when required.

F. A. Hem refer to ih numerous Iriends and patron ofthe late firm of Hubbell A Hunt, of which he was a member.

th rixn Burns to,Lucas A Simonds, EL Louis, I Doaii, King A Co., St, Louis,Page A Bacon, " I Hon. A. A. Lawrence, BostonWoods, Christy A Co. Clafiin, Mellen A Co., N. York.

mar81 6m law F. A. HUNT A CO.




Nos. 31 & S3 Market Street, between Kaia & 2d,ST. LOUIS, MO.

lONSTANTLT on hand a Inrge and fresh assortment ofW all kinai or rA.NUY uamiiib, wntcn, tor uncopness,Quality and Variety, cancot be surpassed by any other establishment in the West. mar81 dawly

ST. LOTUS STEAM PLANING HULL,Lumber Yard, and Saab, Door, Blind.

Plouldinsr and Box Factory,Comer of CFallon and IZth Street,

Office North Side of Olive, No. 117, Between 4th and Ctb8treets, Saint Louis, Mo.

WE have always on hand the following article, war-ranted of the beit material and workmanship,

thoroughly seasoned by Steam, and as low as aimilar workcan be furnished In the West :

Panel Dxirs, Pine and Pop'ar Weather- -

Window Sash, Boarding,Rolling Blinds, White and fellow PinrStationary Blinds, flooring,Mantel, Shelving,Door and Window Frame, Shingle and Laths,Boxes of every description made to order.mar2T 6m WILLIAM WADE k CO.

Hill Furnishinfj.ESTABLISHED IN 1835.



G. & C. TODD & CO.,(Succettor to Ira Todd & Sons,)

No. 212 ITIAIN STREET, cor. of Morgan,SAINT LOUIS, MO.,

Importers and manufacturers of

FRENCH BTJER MILL STOKES,Dutch Anchor IIoltinr Clotlta,


United Stolen. At present we have on hand 250 pairs oMILL STONES. Order promptly filled and all articlea war-ajntc-

mar21 ly U. A C. TODD A CO.


Warcroom No. 3T Main Street,ST. EOC1S, MO.

MANUFACTURERS of every description of extra CartJ'it, Medley, Crrm Cut, FoUoe.

ITund and I'unel Sam; Sito Mandrels, 1'iixeis and ColaChittls, Trunk Springs, Knives, Jietiptr Si.tte, Springs,

c, ta.V&0A Saw repaired and made a good as new, at small

expense.The undersigned have made uch Improvements, and ar

rived at such perfection in the tempering and grinding department of their Works, ar d take such pains to procure thebest quality of Steel, that they can assert, without fear ofcontradiction, that their Mock or iaw on band ana nowbeing manufactured, are and ill be, not only rqnulbut superior lo any made in or broughtto thi market.

Every Saw sold under their guarantee will be made goodto the purchaser, U not lonna to be so on trial,

marls d2iawly W. L. F. GAGE A CO.


EXTRA fine Cast Steel Circular Ssws of every site, Inclnsaw for the portable saw Mills, from 41 to 84 in-

clusive, in diameter, together with aags, Muley, Mill,Cross Cut, Pitt, and all other kind.. These celebrated Sawshave been In extensive nse at the North West, the lasttwenty-fiv- e years, and are considered by competent judgesthe best made. Manufactured by them, and for saleby theiragent, II. Bakewell, 21S Main street, St. Louis. Also, forsale at Messrs. Clark, Renlrow A Co.', and King& A

Ferguson's, St. Louis.WM. JESS0P ft SON'S CELEBRATED STEEL,Of all kinds. In store or imported to order, on a good terms

as can be obtained from any other house engaged tn themanufacture uf th article.

U. BAKEWELL, Agent,Sheffield Steel Warehouse,

t No. S18 Main street,feblS 6m St. I.ouia, ."tlo.

18fi5.. SPRING IMPOST ATI0KS. 1853.


NaahTllle, received a complete stock ofHAS Staple and Fancy Ory Goods,

Which have been sel.cted with extra care In th EasternCities, and feel assured that as to variety and tyle, willcompare with any in thi markrt. mar81

WII. II. CRCTCIIER,No. ST Collrsre Street, Naabville,

invite th attention of his frianUa anlRESPECTFULLY


SPRING AND ICJinElt GOOD5.PrlnU, French Chlnta,Ciiugham, Bleached Domestics,Cotionadr, Brown Domastics,IMald Cotton, Nankins,Serran KliUdi, Prilling.Bleached Sheetings, Irish Linens,Brown bhaeling. Brown Uneaa.

IIOSIERV.Cemplet aloek of Hose and Half Ho, Silk. Lisle ThreiA,

Cotton, Acn In great variety cheaper than ever beloraoffered.

FOR GENTLE7IEN.Black and eolored Cloths, Cravats,

fancy Caiwlraere, Stocks,Vesting great variety, Fe.atirul White Crsvats,I loan U rills, (or pants, Kid. and Silk Glove.Col'd Linens In great variety, Half U se.Embroi.iered wbita and fancy Oaus Merino Tests,

Vest Shape lor wedding Cotton and Silk - o,aad parlies. for (tents' nnder wear.

Lines Shirt and Collar.tnarftl WM. H. CRUTCHER,

E.lIIIIODFItIF, Ribbons,'

Barege and Tissue, Barege D Lalnea,French Organdie, Uro De Rhine,

Whit Good, Printed Jaconets,French Chlnta, Paris Alma De Bonkt,

Alt kind of Dress Good tn rrest variety.aaarSl WM. U. CRUTCHER .

IRISH EI ENOl Direr t Importation from Ireland.

JUST received, Richardson, Son A Owden' Linan, put uporder, fr lamliy use rpr, by U per oaul, than

ever before offered in this market.- ALSO,

Table Pamask, linen Sheeting.Clolts, Pillow Case Linena,

Damask Toweling, Deoiaak Napktna,Hushbash do Kuula Diaper,

Scorch Crash,As cheap a any la thi suaikrt.

WM. n. CRUTCHIR,mat 81 'a N. 5T Colleg itrwetj "


. DAN. TRIGO,- A IT C T I o n i: E R


No. 63 Cttnrj Street, NatiTille, TeniL,attend t th Sal of Dry Good, Oroctrt.s, RealWILL and Personal Property.

A ass. will attend Ua Retit( cr eolleoting of Rent efBmm, aad Uir of Negiw, Ac

H-T- ba aolt eg of Clama, or th aCJate-e- t of tfisame, p'cd In hi band will bs attended to wlta pewaiptts and de.patch. JI tf

a ctitn.recent deal roc r ion of the Building. Machinery, Fur.THE Material of tnw South Naahviil Furaitor

Maaufactnnng Cin, saakea It aeewsaary la cl opth sMtainM of said Company. It U, therec, amUydastrvd aa4 rvejtd that ad persons Indebted to tb safclOeasaay IU cow nrwan! and sett) th tame; and aU

rWmiM having la.aacausta4 Otrstmay will p!.a proMut tiat iu iUMaa. R H. GKOOMKA, Pr't, '

WM. L. NANCE, e'y.IVWskav o Farnltar) band, wtk-S-

wtii wll at war a! prhwa, and wua la so as suoa aspacthvaU. J.5-- ia


BANKERS,And Exchange Brokers,

Cedar Street, opposite tbe Post Office,NASH VI LEE, TENN.

Dealers in Exchange, Gold, Silver, and all kindsof Bank Notes.

Particular attention Paid to Collection in all parts of Ken-

tucky, Tennessee and North Alabama.RxntRracis Messrs. Hobso A Wssxras, Bank of Nash-vlll- e;

Messrs. Ewin Bothus, Wholesale Druggist; Messrs.Fall A CricrxaiiAM, Hardware Merchants; Messrs. W. B.

BhaFsiw A Co, Bankers: Hxskt T. YxsTsusr, Ejq., Whole-Sal- e

Grocer; 8. M. Scott, Eeq., Proprietor of City HoteLmy2i tf

NEW MANTEES AND SCARFSM. H. CRUTCHER ha receive- d-w Beautiful Embroidered hite Mantles,

U M SillCLace, Scarfs, Points, Ac.Embroidered Muslin Basques, new article.Applique Mantles. marol

TEETH. Dentist will please takethe nndersiimed is our only

agent in the city of Nashville, and those'wi'hirur our renuine make of tef th. will pleasemake their purchases direct of him. He baa Just receivedanother aupply of Teeth, which, with hia former atock, makesit large and complete. He has also on hand a few fine Den-tal cases of Instruments, aU complete. Also, Files, Forceps.Pluggers, Excavators, Burra, Drills, Bench Vices, Corrun-drn-

Files, Wheels, Ac. For sale byA. STRETCH, (formerly 8tretch A Orr)

Wholesale and Retail Druggists,febS Corner College and Union streets, Nashville.


General Agent for the Purchase, Saleand Rent of Real Estate, and the

Collection of Claims,No. 43 Cherry Street,

NASHVILLE, TENN.PROMPT attention will be given to all business entrusted

and special attention to the collection of Easternclaims throughout Middle Tennessee.

RkriRkNCia. A. C. A A. B. Beech, Evana, Porter A Co.B. Fite A Co., Tho. T. Smiley, Ex-Go- Neill S Brown

Josiah Ferris. Nashville, Tenn.; Gen. J. A. Battle, David-ao-

Co., Tenn.: Ex-Go- W. B. Campbell, Lebanon, Tenn.;Hon. John P. Caruthera, Memphis, Tenn.; W. D. LaveuderNew York City. oct3 tf


No. 35 ?Iarkct Street,(At the well known stand of Ben. S. Weller.)


KEEP constantly on hand a fine assortment of TINWARE,will be mad with particular reference to the re-

tail trade; together with every variety of work usually foundin our business.

Bathing Tubs, Coffee Mill,Counter Scales, Cr.affing Dishes, .

Tea Kettles. Coffee Urns,Cotton Cans a superior article,Ice Cream Freeiers Japanned Tin Ware,Stew Pans, Ac.

tffParticular attention will be paid to Job Work, whichwe will do In none but good, workman-lik- manner. Wetrust our friend will tender us at least a portion of theirpatronage. apr!2 6m

NOTICE.SH. LO0MI3 A CO., mv sole Agent for Nashville, will

the people of Tennessee with all the ditlerentkinds of WINE made by me, at my Cincinnati wholesaleprices. Also, the Catawba Grap Cutting for planting.Call and aee them. N. LoNGWoKTH,

mar2S Cinc nnati, Ohio.

FINE HOCKAWAY FOR SALE.I HAVE for atoaflne R0CKAWAV, suitable for one or

two horses, with a PORTABLE PARTITION has beenused about six months. Also, an excellent FURNITURECAR. Cheap for cash. Apply to L. MOSES,

No. 19 College street,mv8 tf Opposite the Sewanee House.

Steam Boat Disasters on theWestern Waters,

AND STEAM BOAT DIRECTORY.THE undersigned have now In course of preparation, a

steam Hont Directory, which will beIssued in October next. It will be one of the most interest-ing books ever published, and will be u book that will beinteresting to all classes of people. The STEAM BOATDIRECTORY will contain a complete list and description ofall the Steam Boats now aaoat in tne western and South-ern Waters. The length, model, speed, power, and tonnageof each boat, where and by whom built, the name of theboat, with the trade she ia in. Also, the oamei of Captainsand officers, her age, Ac, Ac. The Directory will contain aHistory of riteam Boats and Steam Boating on the WesternWaters, since the invention of a earn; also, a sketch of thefirst bo-i- t built for the Ohio river, with the name of thebuilder, rorarnHnder and owner.

The River Directory will contain a list and description ofall the Meam liout Ditiaatersi that have occurredon the Western and Southern Waters, beautifully illustrated,with a list ol all those who have perished by their burning,sinking and exploding, on the Western and Southern Waterssince Idol. Th Directory will contain Mnps of the Ohio,Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red Oua-chita, Yso. and other rivers, with the Towns and Citieslaid down, with correct distances; also, many other Riverand Commercial items of interest to the people at hirpe.The book will contain the cards of the various U.S. MailBoats, with the trade they are in, Ac, Ac The Directorywill also contain a comple list of all the Steam Boa; Licens-ed Officers, their places of residence, Ac; the new SteamBoat Law, its requirements, and all the important U. S.Supreme Court Steam Boat Decisions up to date, the Ratesand important Commercial rrivileces, Bills of Ladirg im-

portant Decisions of the various U. 8. Court in regtrd toFreights Lost and Damaged, Ac, with many other thingsof interest.

The Directory will be illustrated in the best tyle andprinted in the best manner. The author has for six yearsbeen gathering together ail the facts and items in regar.1 tothe numerous steamboat disaster on the Western andSouthern Waters, and now intends publishing them in bockform. The price of the work will be put at tbe low sum ofOne Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be lsued for theboatmen; and other desirous of subscribing will have to doso at once, as pone will be printed unless ordered in ad-

vance By remitting one dollar to J. T. LLOYD A CO., youwill receive a of the above work. The work will beissued in October. Agent ac New Orleans, Memphis, St.Louis, Louisville, Pittsburg, Wheeling and Cincinnati, willwait upon tbe steam boat commanders.

All letter should be addressed toJAS. T. LLOYD A CO.,

JeS tf Cincinnati. Ohio.


to stand 10 per cent more fireWARRANTED aafes in use, and cold at sRpithe same price. Also, Iron feuutters, Saali I KB .byand Doora for I tank Vault and asst." Taw

Store. Also, Patent Mate Lined lCelrireratora, all warranted aa gonad and cheap as any in thecoui.lry, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 2 8outh 4th treet,Philade'phia, Pa. Hal 'a Patent Powder Proof Lucks, andall the celebrated Locks furnished when required, W. C.LILLARD la authorised to recier order, and make sides ofthe above. my5 ly

ATS AND POTATOES. 50 tacks Oat and 210 sack Potatoes, Just received and for sale hvD. I). PICKET,

mar1l No. II Colleee street.

CARTER'S SPANISH M IX I I RE.The Great Purifier of the Elood !


Let Vie JJUcted Bead and Fund.An Infallible Ressedy for Scrofula, line' Evd, Rheumst li

Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimple or Postulcs onthe Face, Blotche, Boll, Ague and Fever, Chronic SoreEyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, ceeld Head, Pnlargement ar.dTail' of th Bone and JoinU, Stubborn Ulcers, PrphlllticDisorders, Lumbavo, Spinal Complaint, and all Nreasesarising from an Injudicious Use of Mercury, ImprudenceIn Life, or Impurity of the Blood.

great alterative medicine and orlfler of the BloodTHIS ed by thousands of grateful Iro-- alltwrt of th United State., who t.tif da ly to the remark-able cure performed by the greatest f all medlelnee, "CAR-TER'S SHAN It II MIXTURE." Neuralgia. Rheumatism,Scrofula, Eruption on th Skla, Liver Diseases. Fevers, CIrem. Did SorM, Affcotioasol ih Kidaey. Utsense of theThroat. Female Complaint, Pain and Aching of the Bone

nd Joints, are all speedily put to fi.gUt by aaing that greatand Inestimable remedy.

For all disease of tbe Blood, nothing has vet been foundtn compare with it. It cleanse the system of all imparities,act gently and efficiently on th Liver and Kidney.Itrengthen th Digestion, give ton to the Stomach, makethe tkm clear and healthy, and restore the Constitution,enfeebled by disease nr broken down by tha exc.uei of

. youth, to It pristine vigor and strength, -

For th Ladies, it is Incomparably better than all Ih en,meticaever used. AsVwdosesnf CaT' fit-- n Mixtiwill remove al. llowne of complexion, bring the rosemantling to the cheek, give elasticity ta th step, and im-

prove the general health in a remaikebi degree, beyond allthe meJicine vr heard of.

Th large nnmber of eertificat which we hav receivedfrom penont from all part, of th United State, U the be.tevidence that there is no Humbug abaut H. The pre, hotelkeepers, magistrate, phyuctana, and public mn. w. I knownto the community, all add their testimony to the wonderfuleffect of thi GREAT II LOO D PURIFIER.

CaJ on the Aobmt and get a Circular and Aim ante, andrad tb woaderfal eura this traly greatest of all medicinehas performed. -

None genuine unle !gned BENNETT A BKERS, Propri-etor, No. I Peart street, Richmond. Va ; to whom al orderfor .upplie and agerteie mnmt be ddrcd.

And for sab) bv W. F. GRAY and E. W DANDRIDGE,Nashville, and by Dealers la Medicine generally,

marlir dtnw.wly

WORTH' CATAWRA WINELONfi boxes Sparkling Catawba;T3 do Ihy do

Jo Catawba Brandy; ' 't 000 gallons Dry Catawba, th cheapest and belt din-

ner Win now in use. Just received and f ir saia by; S. H. LOOMI3 A C '., Sol As. nt.,

snjrlt 1 Public S.juar, Nashvi.l.

MATTINUW W. A. A J. O. have justlot f best India lallucr,

w hich they are aaUiag weiy low Ibr c h eye, . ,

HAHIIF.EIZED IRON 7IANTEES.r!I3 magnificent styW of Mantel I fast taking th p'aca

all other deso-lptiu- both oa aceouut ul iia supe-

rior beauty, rkhnMS, durability, and parUeul.ny it cheap-ea- a.

Whti their cost i only about half that of Unrealwarble, they Indeed etewed th faeaier ia beaaiv, bar awiperior iaatra. sr. leaa liable to uil. r mexh easier1 pt cieaa. and tar sea' marble ia darabillty, and are, atib aM flat, im Uabi ta r..k.

Tb smderaifSMd are arenu lor the aaanafaetarer, Wi- -

K, Utbgow A Oa, Lmfcrvill, J- -, aod wril furnish Itemj is their pateoca, aad tb pub'le g.aeraUr, with grates, ia--j

ier suns, and avwrv thlaf oHr; anl wri! N rper.ilcad thetr patting ap. WTIH ART A OWk,

j btov bealer aA Tiawar Manufturer,: aaarat'.dAwt , - Na. SI Mkl atwt.




SHOES, c2CTTri have now in atore our entire Stock ofV V SPRING AND STJaLHER DRY GOODS,

HATS, ROOTS SHOES AND BONNETS.The stock comprises greater variety and a larger amount

than we have ever before offered. The attention of dealersis respectfully solicited, wiih the assurance that we can andwill sell as low as they can be purchased elsewhere.

We also keep a general assortment of

Eeather and Saddler' Trimmings.DUF0UR A C0'3 ANCHOR BRAND BOLTING CLOTHS


New Sprinu Goods for 1855.

A. J- - DUNCAN St CO. ,

No. 90 Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN.,

HAVE now in store a large proportion of their extensiveof Foreign and Domestic Staple and Fancy

DRY GOODS,Embroideries, Laces, White Goods, Irish and French

Linens, Silks, Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac. Ac--,

which they offer on the most favorable terms.The trade and dealers are requesied to favor them with

an early cll. They will also be receiving throughout theseason, regular shipments of every novelty in Dress Goods,Embroideries, Ac, Ac A. J. DUNCAN A CO.,

tvbi2 No. 70 Public Square.

"PUREE HUNDRED Bales Brown Muslin andA Drilling of Southern Manufactu e; for which we are

agents. feb22 A. J. D. A CO.


SHOES, HATS & STRAW GOODS,No. 50 Public Square,




Four doors below Sixth, Philada(ESTABLISHED THIRTY-OD- YEARS.)

SILVER TEA SETTS, PITCIU RS, CUPS, FORKS. SPOONS,the newest and most admired patterns. Al.o,

Importers of Sheffield and Birmin(,'ham PLATED WARE,CUTLERY, PLATED (on Alhnta Metal) FORKS. SPOONS,Ac, suitable for Steamers, Hotels and Families. Keep con-stantly on hand a arge stock of London, Liverpool and Ge-neva WATCHES, together with a Inrue stock of

FINE GOLD JEWELRY.All orders l y mail promptly atten Jed to, and Silver war-

ranted Sterling. febli trwCm


BOARDMAN & GRAY'SCelebrated Dolce Carr.pan Attachment

PIANO FORTES.386 Chestnut St, Opposite TJ. S. Hint,


ERANCH-1- 17 MARKET STREET,Wilmington, Del.

Jan27-trw6- ra JOHN MARS!!.



One Hundred Kneravinps,showingDiseases and Malformations of theHuman System in every shape andform. To which Is aMed a Treat-ise on the IMscases of Females, be-

ing of the hiphest Importance tomarrie people, or those content-plati'.- g

P :"ri fifcj is) marriage. By


Let no father be ashamed to pre-

sent a copy of theto his child. It may save him froman early grave. Let no youngman or woman enter Into the se-

cret obligations of married lifewithout reading the POCKET JESCLLAPIU3. Let no onesuffering a hacknied Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights,nervous feelinirs, and the whole train of Dyseptic sensa-tions, and givn up by their phjsician, be another momentwithout consulting the OiSCULAPIL'S. Have the married,or those about to be married any impediment, read this tru-ly useful book , as it has been the means of s iving thous'jidsof utifoitunate creatures from the Jaws of death.

tW Any person sending TWENTY-FIV- CKNTS enclos-ed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, orfive copies wi'l be sent lor t ne Dollar. Address, poM paid,

DR. WM. ToUNO,oct8 -- ly No. 132 Spruce street, Philada.


ALAR1E supply of Horse Powers and Threshera,Screw 1 to 4 inches in diameter. Fire

Brick, Pift.hurxh Coke, Locomotive screws. Bench Screw,Clamps, Post-hol- e Augeis, Ac, Just received snd tor sale by

D. D. DICK KY,apr23 No. 5 College tre t, Nashville.

ICE CREAM.tVTEhave this div opened our Ice Cream saloon, and

v V prouiie nothing but the pure article.WK.-S.t- L A THOMPSON,

myl 42 Union street.

CI EASS WAR i: 20 boxes quart Flasks;100 do )i pint do; in store and

for sale by jj21 W. U. GORDON A CO.


crmttit Bitters,DR. C. M. JACKSON, Philad'a. Pa.,


CAronie or A'ereou Debility, Dueuses of theKidney; and all diseases arising from a die.ordered Liver or Stomack.

Fuch aConstipation,

Inward files, Knll-dc-

of B ood to theHead, Acidity of the Stom-c- h,

Nausea, Hartburn, Dlsgnstfor Ko-nt-, f ullness or weight in th

Stomach, Sour Eructation, linking, orF'utt. ltig at the Pit of the Momai h,?wira-m- il

g of th ll'.J, Hurried and difficult brralh-In- f.

I'lutiering at the llrert.Chnnking or SuffocatingSen-Htio- n when In a lying Dimness of Vision,

Dot of Webs o. foe "the fight. Fever mi Va' Painin the Head, D llcii-nc- of Penpiration,

of ih and r.res, I'nm In thtide, B'ck, Chest, Limbs, 4c. Cud-de-

Fluhesof Heat, Bur. Ingin the C'en.'aut Im- -

agiuinits of Evil, andgreat Depression

of Spirits.TV Proprietor, In calling the attention of the public to

thi. preparation, does so aitii a feeln g of the utmost confldence in It vuturs and adaptation to Hie disease for whichlis rrcommeiHleil.It is no new and untried article, bat ene that ha stood

the tet of a ten years' trial before the Amerl.-a- people,and its rriutatin anl sale ate unrivalled by any similarpreparations tiUnt. lb lo Its favor given bythe nv st prominent nd well known Physlrtati and

in all part of the cnuniry, t Immense. The follow-ing from yur own State, is respectfully snhmit'ed, refe'rlngany wrij may (till doubt, to mv "Memorahih.," or Prartic.lB'eipt book, for Farmers and Familira, to be h.d frails, ofalt the A cents for th German Hitter..

Piinctp tl orhiw and Manufuctory, 1 Arch street, I'hlla-delplii-

1'a.Teitimony from Tennesaee. "

Dr. II. B Scarborough, Dover. Tenn., Aug 23, 1SS8, say ;

"I have sol 1 a'l the German Bl.ter you have lent me, andif th preparation continues t do a much good as It Lasdone, it will be the beet medicine ever ckl

L. Soodjrraw, Sparta, Tenn. Aogust 1' IS.M, savs : "I ampleaMxl to state th.t your l.erm.n Hitters ha. given aatia-Uct'o-

in evrry In lane, where it has beenU. T. llollins, HillslHroii, h, Tenn., August , ay, :

"I am please I u sta'e that tha German itillcr hav givengeneral aati faction

Dr. P. F.tio A Bro., Knoitiirie, Tenn., I'h April, 1SS1,.aid: "Your inter. a now leUing Very fast, and everyperswa that ha used it, so far a w have been abi to learn,ha ' ren neni-nied.-

J. W. Frsnkila A Co., OaH.tln, Tenn., December M, IV'),(aid: "The new firm will want mora of your Hitter soon,a on of tne partners tlnn it I a gr.l swirnn."

R. S. Haidy, Bolivar, September Id. ISii. said :

"Ther ts great drmanJ tor your B(lter here; p ease sendanother lot anon." t

They ar .srriasXT vaorraLa, fre from all Injuriotu In- -cre-tien- alway trenthcn th system, and never pro- - j

Hill IL.

S .U in Naihv.lle by BFRRY DEMOVILLR, If. Q. SCO-r- ri

rvriu mr.j w ,

ester, m lemui. soj etort sepcr vi'O 1c.wtriwly

EADII.V MIOES.f ADITS' Italian CV.ih Caitera, (alain to,)

4 do beat Caiaoa Kid Gai'er;da do it d W,lt do d do Pump Bootdo 111. Kid Pub p Buskins;d'i i.) d e P.ruTies;

Whita Kid Mippara,ChtMren' im Buuta; -

Jut recri.ed by aUUAGE A CHURCH.e t3 i Call, f atrM.

A .IIICI I.TI II A E inPLEnrTs-f-w. X ra.ln,Srw Cutiar, CirMiibLrta Mils.raaawg HUia, GnoalatoB loKwt, Ural Mar-s-, DM"Power. taswt.Fampa, Meat Colter atyi Urtaiawfw, iUaMtw

Wa't , . t.,ea hand and &r a.1 byD. D. Dlt'KKT.

jat4 Cuilvri aUwet, NaMifaiw.


FALL A CUNNINGHAM have removed their,A.stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY and GUNS,r, A to No. 47 North Side Public Square, opposite

lower end of the Market House, beinr theold and weil known stand of MORGAN, GARDNER A CO.,where they are now offering at Vltolesale, a well se-

lected assortment of all articles in their line of business.Merchants visiting Nashville, are requested to call and

examine their stock and price. jan4 trwawflm

FALL & CUNNINGHAM.Wholesale dealers and Importers of


No. 47 North Side Public Square,NASHVILLE, TENN.,

HATE now :n store a full nd complete assortment ofin all its varieties, together with an

Iaeob stock of CUTLERY and GUNS, to all ofwhich they invite the attention of Dealer visiting this market. Their stock has been made up by direct purchaseIrom the Manufacturers, both in Americt and Furope, andthey feel confident that those who may give them a call willfind it advantageous to deal with them.

tSf Cash and prompt time buyers will find the price oftbe roods suited to the time.

f7 Feathers received at the highest price.mar6 w


fjl American, English A German g-- y



SPIKITI AL TEEEGRAI'H,'"MITE organ of mod.-r- SpirituVisai, Fourth Volume eora--

mences in May. It con Wins the lul'est record extant ofCurrent Facts an t Opinions on Spiritual Intercourse. Pub-

lished wi eklv st 2 ix.r annum ls, all spiritual books lortale bv P..KI RIDiiK A BttlTTAN, 3U Broadway, N. Y.

P. S A Catalogue of Spiritual Bjoks sent on application.a;r21 Sm

H A . 15 bales Timothy Hav, in store and for, ale bymar!3 W. II. GORDON GO.

I7ISII. 15 birrels Lake Fish,16 hu t Luis. do. do.. In store and for s!:by

msrl8 W. II. UOKOO CO.

IS CA N DEEM 400 whole boxes Proctor ASTA Star Candles in store and for sale byje-2- t W. II. GORDON A CO.

CO I" I 0 V A It V--5 hi bags 500, 6 0, Too and 4. )Karns from ths d'fftfreiit Factories, in store ar i

for sale by , je2o V. il. GORDON A CO.

AND l,lSCYfcJEANS Richland Mauuf icturing Company' Jeans;f do do do do Liner, for

pegroes, in store and for tale byje-- 3 W. II. GORDON A CO.

'0 b'xes nd X P't PittsburghX 'l unibiers, a good article, foi rale bvJeC3 W. H. GORDON A CO.

ONNAIlCltGN 20 bales J, Tricn Factory, Georgia,article, ui;ahle for wheat bairs for

shipment Noith, for sale by W. 11. GORDON A CO.

200 boxes No. 1 Bar Soap in store and for saleSOAP iea ! W. it. G0KDON A CO.

TIIIKY 250 Ibis Dean's Aurora Whisky instoand for sale by W. il. GORDON A CO.

rl A I.EO CANDLES 0 boxe J. Doyle A Co'sA h .rd pressed Summer Tallow Candles in store and tor

sale by je2-- W. H. GORDON A CO.

17INr. ItAG" 1'I.OI'H-J.- VI bags Fine Family Flourday received, and Lr sale low lor cash 10 clo.e con

signni. S. II LOOM IS A CO.,aoi-1- Opposite Planters' Bank, Nashville, Tenn.

"HOOKS THAT Alt I'. HOOKS."SEVEN Volume of Putnam l ibrary off

ItcadiliK, in Paper oin.linir, I will sell leathan the cost. CHARLES W. SMllH.

tprlS ecu



FAMILY PHYSIC.There has Ion? existed a public demand for an

effective purgative pill which could be relied on aaaure and perfectly safe in its operation. Thia haabeenprepared to meet that demand, and an exten-aiv- e

trial of its virtues has coacluiively shown withwbat success it accomplishes the purpose designed-I-t

is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy tomake the best of all ptlU one which should havenone of the objections, but all the advantages, ofevery other, "this has been attempted here, andwith what success we would respectfully submit tothe public decision. It has been nnfortunate forthe patient hitherto that almost every purgativemedicine is acrimonious and irritating to tha bow-

els. This is not. Many of them produce so muchgriping pain and rcAilsion in the system aa to motethan counterbalance the good to be derived fromthem. These pills produce no irritation or pain,unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc-tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purelyvegetable, no harm can arise from their use in anyquantity ; but it is better that any medicine shouldbe taVen judiciously. Minute directions for theirnse in the several diseases to which they axe ap-

plicable are given on the box. Among the com-

plaints which have been speedily cured by them, wemay mention Liver Complaint, in its various formaof Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap-

petite, Iistlessness, Irriability, Bilious Headache,Bilious Fever. Fever and Ague, Fain in the Sideand Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the

of diseased action in the liter. As anaperient they afford prompt and sure relief in ss.

Piles, Colic, lvsentery. Humors, Scrof-ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body.Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in ahort, anyand every caw where a purgative is required.

They have also produced some singularly auc-cess- ful

cures in KhuuiuatUni, Uont, Dropsy, Gravel,Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Paine in theBack, Moroach, and Side. They ahould be freelytaken in the spring of the year, to purify the bloodand prepare the system for the change of seasons.An occasional dose stimulates tbe stomach andbowls into healthy action, and restores the appe-

tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by theiitimulant action on the circulatory system, reno-

vate the atrength of the body, and restore thewasted or diseased energies of the whole organism.Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, eventhough no serious derangement exist ; but un-necessary dosing should never be carried too far,a every purgative medicine reduce the atrength,when taken U excels. The thousand cases in whicha physic is required cannot be enumerated here, butthey suggest themselves to the reason of everybody ; and it is confidently believed thia pill wiuanswer a be tter purpose than any thing which haahitherto been available to mankind. When theirvirtue) are once known, the public will no longerdoubt what remedy to employ when in need of acathartic, medicine. Being ugar-wrapp- they arpleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, neharm can arise from their use in any quantity.

For minute directions see wrapper on the Box.


JAMES C. AYER,rradical and Analytical Chemist.

LOWELL, MASS.Price 25 Ce&u per Box. Jive Eoxea for SL


For the rpll Crcorens colds uoabsexess,



' This remedy haa won for itself euch Botoriety

from it cure of every variety of pulmonary oseaae,nnnecewaary to recount the evi-

dencethat it is entirely

of it virtues in any community where ith brn employed. So wide la the field of ite uw-fuln- e.

and so numerous the er of it enrea,

that almost every section of the conntry aboundin u pubjjy known, who hav been re to redmii aWaiiit aad even deaperau dxaeaaea of tha

lungs by t w. Yhm one tnrd Us supeTiorityw every other medicine of it kind ia too appav.

rent to escape ohaervarion, and where its virtue arcknown, th public no longer hesitate what antidoteto employ foe U.e dtreaainj and dangeroua aiTeo

tto of the pulmonary oran which ar incidentto our climau. An act only In fnrmidable at-

tacks upon the lungs, but (ur tha milder variedof Coll, CoioHa, HaaaaxxBaa, In.) aad forCbildu it a tha pleaucaaleat and aafeat aaadk-m- o

that east ba obtainadLAs it haa long been in errattant n thronghout

thb section, we need sot do more than eaeuie thapecr'.a tta quality I kept .? to tha be.t that it s,rt$ka been, and t&at tk geauuie article ia sold by -

ataxat I , vk4ent. Svftle. aJlaUby kftOwM A UHt'UUS, N.bviisr; and J4 by 1

aVaksv a sMv.k-.o- e ia ...i ua ut IswJj Uailu.t sw

Tj'OR SAEE- -I ha for ! a GRIST MILL, with aO"tu, necesary for the same. The Mill ta pro-pelled by a Tread Wheel, and persons wishing a Mill fortheir own nse would do well to call and see it. as It will beto d cheap. Apply to R. A. BALLOWE,le GenT Agt., No 17 Deaderkk t.

FOR SAEE.I OFFER for tale a Honse and Lot on the rornr r of Benaod Spring ttreets, in E.!;eneld. the lot fronts onSpring street sevent, f. et. and runs back on Bell street twohundred feet to a twelve foot alley. Tne hooe is two storiehigh, with a porch above and below,. nd contains four roombesHie dining room, bath room, servants' room, kltch-- oUble and carriage house, with a good extern and cellar. '

ALSO;Two Lots immediately back of the above, fronting fifty

feet each on Bell street, and running back one hundred andninety four feet, all end-- , sed. Aud one lot in West Nash--vlle, frontin BJty feet on Locu't street, and rnnnirg hack:

one hundred and seventy five feet to a fifteen foot al.ey.The above property can be bought on good terms, and th

vacant lots are desirable building lota. Fur further partic-ular and terms, apply to

K. A. BALLOWE, GenTAgt.mj30 No. 1 J Deadeiitk street.


containing 270 acres, situated on the Murfrtesboro'YTurnpike, 11 miles from Nashville, and known as the Ham-ilton Place. Improvements tolerable good; good cedar fenc-ing; water and orchard, Ac Any person desirousof msking an exchange wiih the above property, now haaan opportunity o trading for one or the most convenientstock farms in the county, it havine a creek of never-failin- g

water running through it. For particu'ars apply toR. A. BALLOWK, Geni AgX

"M a No. 17 Deaderick st.

C'OR SA I. F Between eishteea and nineteenL hundred acre, of lan.l h ing in the countv of Tra- - TTvis, Texas, 8 miles west of Austin. The above tract of land,or a portion of it will be exchanged fir Dry Goods or Gio-cerie- s.

Also, a lot in the county of Liberty, and town ofSmithfield, on the same terms as the ahove. For farther In- -lormation apply to R. A. B ALLOW E, GenT Ae't.

febi No. 17 Deaderick st.18 ENT I have for rent a splendid stand tor a

A- - Blacksmith, on the Murfret sboro' Pike, li) mile, fromNashville. Improvements, gJ shop,, family residenea,and all necessary out houes, 15 or 2D acres of cleared land,plenty of fir wood, Ac Termsea.v. Aprly to. - A. BALLOWR. GenT Agt,"nl No. 17 Deaderick street.

JOR R I :N T Three Rooms on Denderiek street, labuilding, suitable for a sm.,11 family

R. A. BALLOWE,lanlS a s General Atrnt, No. IT st.

FOR MALE.A nOUFE AND LOT In the Southern porMcn ef

XX. the city. The lot ii situated between l.rketand Maple streets, a continuation of Front (tre-1- ; 'and fronts on Carroll treet 66Ieet. runin back l.'Ofeet, to n at'ey the llou-- e contains four rooms, with iseigiit foot Hall. Portico in front, and Porch rpht feet wid-- ,

anl back Brick buil 'ings. Any peson wi.-hi- to buy anest and comfortable home, shoold exiroine the aiave houseand lot, aa 1 will tell it cheap ami opn reasonable terms.

K, A. BALLuWF i;enerl Agent,j15 No. 17 Deaderick street.

FOR NAI.E OH It i:T--1 hav a drsira- -house on Lower Market street for sale or

rent, the house containing lour rooms In the main MijLbuildiLg, with cellar, dining-room- , kirrhrn and a1! necessa-ry out build ngs. Any one wishing a 0 niior.-h- ie resilience

a."d one convenient to thebusinea part of tha city, uMB.1- .- immediaie apilicai ion in

R, A. BALLOWF. fient Agt.,JanJ tf No. II Deaderick street.

170R U r.Vr A Farmeontaioinr AS acres, with 40A1 acre cicav land s. -- J House, 3 rooms,cellar, servants' eairen, .moke-hous- bngy boo..,water Ac - 61 n s lronl Nashville, and near Spring Flacaon the' Lebanon 1 WV,.Wl0W1C.

lanlS Central Agent, No. 17 leilerick st.

Lltl'IT t'AiS self-s- e licg Fruit Cnar'i. half ealloa and qii.rt- s- in quant'ti. s to suit

parchafe. . for ' t.J W. II. HoKl ON A Ci.

'.. C'OrTOS YAK'S.

Jt VM day advaced the price of f Tarns, and eraVV t ning at II. 10, 9 and s cents, for n trahers I and

fjo 5 . , c.ntrffon abov 10 kagi, and timereeii'au i - by quantity, J nereiui "w. h. c.onnos A CO.


h seen at A Co '.. 4C mZ."- - P street. Ih

J best STRAW aoo i U K ever 111 --.e '"Srre pronounced ky all w .o have tried Ihem a,,l0 Oiai .

verv superior ..lauug . . .er anvtliing of tbf v-- .

ever been produced. Call n. s examine for

warrant perfect saiifaclir a l. in p f" Z tr , em.Kmap4 tf nu.Ntj A CO, Aifenis.

HA v S -- I cask extra Sugar cured Hams, l.r sale tyaprl'l WrfsKf. M THOVP-mV- .

f I.Ol'IC 2.".0 Hbls.''y Flour;V fxl bbls. extra SVlol W heat "

On hand and for saleby W. II. GORfiOV A CO


FORWARDDfu AN3 COMMISSION MERCHA5TS,And s"le aifents for the sale of

Hazard's Kentucky Rifle and Blasting Powder,BACON A BliO.'i SAFETY 1 CSK, AND

l.ongwonh1. Spa rk I i hit t v bit. Winee.41 Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN.


Attorneys at I. tt it ,Jlemphii, Tinnetee,

Prompt attention will be given to the collection of claim,m j5 8m

ix.ivokim: ex th aits.X CJiract Ko-- e, I Extract Oraoire." Lemon, I ' Pme Apple," Vanilla, " Prach,

Nuttrngs, I t'mnam.n.Received and for s.l In quantlti to suit at STRETCH'S

U rug store, corner College and Cmon sis. my Is

1 .IIE TOILET WAIT RS.ltell lavender, Mill- - Fleur Water,Amber at Verbena doDay Kum, Col-- go doAmbrosi il Vinegar, Ros d'Florida Water, Orange Flower Wafer.

ror sale in assortel 11 botths, at Mhlli'U'd DrafEtore, Cornea" College and Union . myia

?tyv soaps.AnHTOaial Sharing Cream, Nymph Peap,nose du 1I1 Italian Mr.11. ated So.p,Almond. 11. do uortor Honey doMinley's Fine Toilet Foap, Soap,'IJ Brown Windsor do Omnibus o p.

White do do Baiber ' : S,Together with the ro-- favorite kinds, received and ftor

sale low at STUETCU'd Drug Store, corner ol College andI n ion sts. n y'SA f OI.ASSFS SC9 ch ice Plantation Milan s.

landing from steamer. Ameria and Iroriuois. I r salby W. il. C.OKUON A OO.

in:i SODA WATER.ryilE FOfNT of thi undroigned being now regu'ar'y

supplied with ice, he can recomiurad Itto all as b'ing equal to any, and lar superior to nine-tent- h

of that made any .here. Hi syrups are made by a new andnperior process, which gives to tl.ein a rich odor and deJ-Cio- ua

taste.11 also keep a fine ariicl of Menl.

AAU)N STRETCH. Prug.'lst,atrlJ Corner College and Union st.

FRI'SH Fit FITS A supply cf Straw berrie andand Uasph.rrles received Il ls dav by

-- s

apt II WKS.-.K- A THPW P?Q.



the Prevention and Cur. of IsTisMtTTirr and Ra4

mnin Far", rra and Acrs t'Bitx and ttrtu.Di m Aors, tiaaaasL DiouiT. Nicar muts, and all otherforms vf diteae which haw a common origin in M.Lastaor Miasm. This subtle airmssphane poiwo which al cer-

tain seasons I una""lhly inhaled at every breath, i thalame in character wh.rver It exist. Norm, South, Eaet rWest and will everv where JfielJ to this, newly ducuverdantidote, which I. claimed to a th cssaltfT wacovtar Of

asi'itiss art naps.TUi seioe w s harmless that tt may be taken by per-ta-

of every age, s or cniiii.n, an l it will DM tabstl-t- ut

for on iIik. otiiers still worse, a is too oft.n th re-M-ilt

in the trra'ment hy tiiinine, M.rvury, Areaic, andother poisonous r rtelrterkm. ugs, no a parucle uf aay 0

which I. a"imiul Intj tin. preparuo. 'jThe proprietor d.stm-rt.'- y claim. ih estraoedinary rs-u- lu

front th smoI this .NATl'RAL ANT1UOIK TO MA- -


It wiJ entire'y proUet any reaiJeat or traveler ven rathe mo.tsa.-el- y or .wampy localities, from any Ague or IU- -

luaaa dnraae, jr any iiuary froas eonataally tnhai- -log Malaria or

It will instantly check th Ague In persona wha hav suffereti for any iei gih ef time, from one day totwents year,so thai thry i.reU never hsv another cui I, by COQUCutDgIt os. accord. n t" duections.

Il will imniTvliate'y rrMevvi all di.tresstng resn't of BiUiotifor Ague d-- , sncb as gei eral d n:ght sweats,Ae. Tie patient at ence he n to recover appetite andauength, and centmue until a per oianent and raJ cai euxi eeci4.

Finally, It at wiTl bani.ih Fever nd Ajfie from faml'leand all eiasar Farmer and all laboring m.n. by adaptingII a a preventive, wi.l b free from Ague or Bilious attackta UstsMn of Ih year whl. h, while it ia th must aa.x.r.Is the most valuable oa. la them.

On or two bottle wuT tststr tut ordinary eaaca, soma: require more.IHrertMu priste--l In German, French and Jpaniah, ao

company aaeb buiilePr.ce Oua UoLar. Liberal discounts made th trd.Trad cmiai forwardVl oa ayplioaAon, n4 Ihw wruelo

will be on .l-i- ed on l.berai Ursa to re.pun.ibi pru iavery aeCUuA of U caontrv.

J AA A-- WOOFS. Proassor.Ptoti.I.oo. a,

AGENTS S. Tork C T. C'ekr A Caw. aaat C aL

ttn, f. W. lyoH A

Aim! tvt by oVak r1 1 4l n a tot

rEoriii.i au-riin--

nTTaalu . wiih a large of


Z,H AaaTT- - toof l.a'. rwrauhingfcll.aajTalreaiuWllv.ewrtqty. SaanAlfinrbu i mix. IB a asxl laacy oowa.

.w cu rro "rf7- -

rvo.f S WATER Afcw grnsw en h.r-,al- o
