the daily e. maclean hnjtar add...

aJready the AUNDRY at once. last 1011 ger better if we you. A I*, of the rr.t THOMAS , lour and our specialty· made. Ice all shapes parties All . r . THE DAILY IOWA.N PUBLI8HBiD BY THE STUDENTS OF THE STA.T. UNIVma81TT O. IOWA. OL X IOWA CITY, IOWA, TUESDA Y MORNING, MARCH 21,1911. NUMBER 116 Pay 25 cent and see the First Intercollegiate Match West of Mississippi IOWA WRESTLERS MEET NEBRASKA Three Fast and Furiou Bout 1 Bet een E pert 011 g Grapple OMMlfTU CHoStN BY SfNIOR PRfSIDtNT I 'aUounl Gun .. d mcn 'Iulble til OF 1911 PREPARING FOR END OF YEAR. VI) Witll 10\\'3 <lets. lowa's crack riflem en conti nu e to At Armory Tonight 7:30 WRfSJLlN6 TOURNfY AT AHMORY iONIGHT IOWA AXD 2'.lmIL<\. KA MAT ' XTEST •. WHlTK ' J. E1"rEB 00 GR Jo'ISClIElt .'K. \\ ·ubJ(,(·t lit .\,llu'O",,1 by nl 1'II1tJ' U('ltl'. Alb n PROVISIONS Sf(URtD fOR LAYSAN PROJtCl UP \\.\ II 1.1. US 1ltE \\OltK. mal{e high scar s In theIr tourna- th A. o('latlon ot tudent ' uulIg Mllkes elections Before Dc· parting fOl' LIl)'san Jslllnd Hllwkeye 'l'ell ln In 1'001' Shlill nue to ment tor the National Gallery champ- College or Applied S I o('e, ). Lack of ' 11111 fill' J'r e[llll'fltioll Jonshlp . . With three of the five ('u r\\ln, \111,( lit /I. lItlllnl IIt'putt' , T Ikt· ;\'nc· With 1,;" ' I 'It,,· '. -x b.·/\ kiln Hel·e. matches out of the way and the Pr Id Ilt au In J'l·gatd to til rec II engln r (·elebratlon. The I !'t. Ilawkeyes at the top In ach one. the President Horace Young performed tille looks cllnched. Th e "rapId oe of his last services for the Ub- fire" and "sklrmlsb shooting" ar th Repre entatlvl's or Iowa and ter probably r pre ntl tbe I nU- bra 'klt llleet at the armory tonight In ment of th whol unlv nlty. mt'mb r& ot ral arts senior class yesterday when e named the committees of the class have charge of commencement ents and aJralrs marking the close ! year. Clifford Crowe of Clar- two remaining. and If the men keep up to the marks establlllh d In their practice work this w ek, th rapid fire score Is gOing to b a record breal{er. "'l1he men lire doing even th most pr tentlous wr atllng match ever taged w Kt ot the MlssJsslppi. Thr e bouts are on the cards, Intro- ducing co nte stants In the IIgh ;., mld- .:lle, and heavy weight classes. The 20, ;\J>, dear FJ ell r: L t JIll', through fOn"ty your association nl) p rflOnlll n() of- ficial appr lotion or th contrll)\!- t on got the business managership of first bout, b tw en illan of Iowa b tter <than I expected," said Capt. lion, mat rial Bn d so I I. lCl the l1nl- ' he senior play ' and Ka!,1 Laos Is to nd the :\ebrasko li ght wl'lght champ- the chairman of the invitation Mumma yester:lay, "and If they shoot '. Patrick' Uay c I - lon, wl11 start at 7: 30, and 8tfUg- this way Saturday, the othel'8 w\l1 mmlttee for comnlencement time. g il' Idll be ta t and until the have to do some wondertul wCl'k (omplete list of the appointments beat us." final tnIl at the Inst nlll h. ollowa: Iowa wrestiers or In PO Ol' con- Hop Clmmittee: P. A. Walters. Should , the Hawkeyes win th title dltlon tor th fray. " braska failed cha irman; Frances Varga, Chester Ip the NatJonal Gallery tournament, to nollty th 10 al rlub ot Its accept- Baxter, Albert Kass, Wilson Corn· It wlIl be the greatert honor yet WOD s'lce until lut Thursday. I avlng the all. Floyd TholllaB, Sumner Quartan, by a colege rifle team. Iowa's Iowa grapp'el's with only thr days obn A. Campbell, Goo. K. Thompson, team Is the only student organization to prl;!pare. All three had broken and the s )Mndld IIlu trat\oll or Unl- ver Ity plril In my opinion llut th entlr In tltutlon and people ot Iowa 81 0 latlon. You ha" t an he ary prorlsl II antI hut· them aboard tll t ran port. The to b xtrem', ar to b obtain d at co t. ThIll (t>at,,!, (lOupl- d th fa t that th xp diU n Ia not burd n d with tb dlftl uIty of pie worthy to be followed by 'V ry p rlOnally prevldlne t r thalli, I, . F. Clough. entered, the total of thirty-three training atter the first po st ponement by Prof I' college In the Unlverllty. with var- Iblehly appr lat Invitation Committee: Karl Loos, teams In the conte8ts being made up of the tourney, and conaequently are lationl b fitting the characteristic or C. Nutting, who II condu Une n eu- balrman; Katherine FOWler, Amy plainly of Na:tlonal Guard squads. In no shap for a pard cODle&t. In These team. are composed or men addition W bb, middle weight cbamp- C1m play Com: Clifford Crowe. with many' years experience In Ihoot· lon, baa a bad swelling on hie ar ralrman; Katherine Berryhill, Han- lng, wblle this Is the first time that which both era hIm greatly, and It I, I Uh Phelps, Deborah F. 111. the Hawkeye marksllJen have ever not likely that he will be able to do 1eDowe11. attempted range work. The St. Peter hlmseIt Justice. O'Conner has had Cla88 Day Exercises: Wilma Nlch- Minn., militia squad Is the on ly team a bad cold, and alto&ether the local II, chairman; Hazel Arnd, Jessie that Is at all pre Sing the Iowa men, team Is 10 Its poore shape Of the I Sli'ygard, Paul S. Collier. T. H. Tap- being 77 points behlod at the end of season. Ilog. last week's shooting, but they will Miller, tbe former Hawkey who Class Breakfast: Bertha ReIchert, probably go still farther In the rear will r pr B nt th Corn huskers In balrman; Venta Godown, Eda Louis, w, hen th e result& of the 1000 yards the mlddl weight division, arrlveU In Negus, Pearl matches are In. Iowa Ity yesterday morning. The each college. UatioDl from thl8 end. Y l rday J hope 80m day a. Unlver Ity uo- afternoon ProtestOr Nuttln& llated to lon, conslfrtlng of del gat of luch a repr lentatlv of The Dally Iowan alloelatlons may knit th that the D partment of War II bardly more closely togetber In the nthusla tic thin h. With It ot the entire Unlver Ity. b hind th project to, lh r with tbe SlDcerely Your8, George E. MacLean hnJtar aDd }> ' z E It'Cts. be n lhe most Important Innu nee In making th xpedltlon POll8lbl& at thl8 tim , 801ld backIng II unqu - clmltar and Fez, the s nlor hon- tlon bly as&ur d. r ry socl ty, yesterday lect d th Fual preparations ar now und r (ollowlng men to memb rshlp from way tor the d parture of the men IOwa made the excellent tota l of rest of the Nebraska team will ar- the prelent junior claa: C. composing the proj t. In fact, but Lydia Potratz, Mary nnett. PI COR Lath chal an' rive some tim this forenoon. Ali at o om: .. am, rm, 5:i0 In this contest, considered an ex- Schmidt, Dysart; A. C. Torg 80n, fwd tails y t r main. and I now 4gnes Beach, Helen Letsen. cellent scor . Ai'll son and shepard the vi Itor are in the best wndltlon, Bere ford, S. D.;Oonger R ynolds, certain, un) th un fora n Caps and Gowns: Macy Campbell . were tl d tor Or t pia e with almos IhaVlng just finished their home tourn- Dexter; Wm. Anle , Waverly; R. I •. pops UP, the final "good by .. will b ament. t airman; Alice McGowan, Francis perfect totals of 49 out of a possible Ala on, Walhlngton; J. A. Alhton, be sald. to Iowa City and tb unl ' 1'- llelmer bas ent word that h will .ao TuyI. 50. Bruin pressed the le a:!ers close Iewa City; O. K. Patton, Iowa City, slty on March 31. For a time It look- with 48, whJle all the men shot aboI'(; be unable to act as referee h cau Music, Laura Young. chairman; JessIca Strawbridge, Hazel Reddick, Reed, Lucy Sunler, E. C. bluter, E. P. Bradsbaw. the 40 mark. The summarized score follow ot enga ements on the road, Jacobs, who Officiated In the home tourn y, wlllllrobably decjje the faIl A 49 tonight. Class Day Frolic: lyde Waters, rn eson ..... .. ...... . .... . . ebalrman; H. E. Anderson, H. L. Shepsrd ..................... 49 lJawklns, R. H. Liggett, Joe Scannell, Bruins ....... .... .. ..... . ... 4 Lnln'r Itf /lllIoer. Richard :\lltchell. Fort Dodg ; M. D. ed as though th rec nt quabble In Roll 1', English; H. F. Full r, .fexlco might d la y th d parlur , . J. \\ Ish r, Iowa City; but, In re poo to a 1 I gram nt to ,\1'1 0 Wil. n. Iowa Ity; H. R. Y UOIP;, the Department of ar, Prot. sor Winfield; Frank Warner, . \I go no; Nutting was Inform d that · thing F rdlnand Dugan, Valley Junction; In the way ot hlodran ha y t haa. Gu tatson, loux Rapl:!; I\t- velop d or Is IIke)y to do o. S. C. Klmm, Louise Adams, Beulah Campbeli . ................... 46 Tbe prcsldeot or cia s In the ford Hak , hulton; J..eon Pow rs, A chang of nsld rabl import- Rayden. L. R. Leeper ............... " 46 unlver Ity Is to b asked to work up Emmet bure; Richard Vawter, 8u11l- ance ha b en mad In th perbOnn I Class Memorial: D. B. Davidson, Hansell .......... .. ......... 46 the Unlver Ity dinner among hi cia s van, Ind. In t ad d CharI Brookhart ................... 46 mat s. In thl way It Ls hoped that tbalrman; H. Rlstlne. Williams ....... . ........ . ... 46 a thoroughlr I' presenta Ive attend- J. . L ep r ............ .... .. 45 aoce will be pre nt at the annual Loos .... .. .................. 45 t nctlon . Plates ar to be laid tor Tholllu In H.o pltal. lies ............... .... .. ... 43 Rush Thomas, L. A. '14, t has been Ellio tt In the University hospital for about banqueter and It 41 I practi ally a ure:.l that thl num- b I' will be there. The I week. wltb an attack of pneulUOO- He Is getting along very nicely. It WB8 only a tew weeks ago that bJ9 rolher George was !tIed up the same ha vi ng und ergo ne nn oper- ation. He Is attending a business Improvem ent League I to serve the . Total .......... . .. .. ..... 330 dinner. thus urlog a goed menu for th The regular prlc P II'('e to l)(' :\Ioln('. Dr. Paul S. Peirce. of th pollUcal ecllege In )flnn., at the acl nce department ot the un Ivers- emphatically that everyone Is gOing fAll\" Baseba ll Tenlll. II candldat tor the Law the civil war are to be given a . Jack y accompanying It a a or- Iginally plann :l, I "'a found that he would be unable to 0 at hi tme, so Charle Corwi n. of Chi ago, has ur d to fill the pIa e. It Is authority that the for the form r at a11, that art! t In In th e lin cf "",ork n ded on th Laysan trip. ne has The truck gard ners of Louisiana been prominently Id ntlfied with b lal recogaltlon In the commence- xerclses In June. are proph . ylng that 1,500 laborer excep lona1l), fin ,.'>cenlc ark done present time. Mrs. Thoma s, mother Hy, was In Des Friday even- or George and Ru sh , Is here from Ing serving In the capacity of a judge be annOunced wilib e needed In tbe next thlrt daYI 8 Mills takIng care of the latter. In a debate at Drake Unlver Ity. later. to barvest the elr.wberry crop.

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Page 1: THE DAILY E. MacLean hnJtar aDd }>' z E It'Cts. be n lhe most Important Innu nee In making th xpedltlon POll8lbl& at thl8

aJready the AUNDRY

at once. last 1011 ger

better if we you. A I*, of the rr.t


lour and

our specialty· made. Ice

all shapes parties


. r



Pay 25 cent and see the First Intercollegiate Match

West of Mississippi IOWA WRESTLERS MEET NEBRASKA Three Fast and Furiou Bout 1

Bet een E pert 011 g Grapple

OMMlfTU CHoStN BY IHAW:~:e~ :T~':;.:;;';100~On. SfNIOR PRfSIDtNT I 'aUounl Gun .. d mcn ' Iulble til )(l~ "



VI) Witll 10\\'3 <lets.

lowa's crack riflemen continue to

At Armory Tonight 7:30


IOWA AXD 2'.lmIL<\. KA


pnESIJ)}-:'~'l' WHlTK ' J. E1"rEB

00 GR TUL.'1TIM~ Jo'ISClIElt

.'K.\\ ·ubJ(,(·t lit .\,llu'O",,1

by nl 1'II1tJ' U('ltl'.

Alb n


UP \\.\ II 1.1. US

1ltE \\OltK.

mal{e high scar s In theIr tourna- th A. o('latlon ot tudent 'uulIg Mllkes elections Before Dc·

parting fOl' LIl)'san Jslllnd

Hllwkeye 'l'ell ln In 1'001' Shlill nue to ment tor the National Gallery champ- College or Applied S I o('e, ).

Lack of '11111 fill' J're[lll l'fltioll Jonshlp . . With three of the five

( 'ur\\ln, ~·t·"h \111,( lit /I.

lItlllnl IIt'putt', T Ikt· ;\'nc· With E~tion.

1,;" ' I 'It,,· '. -x b.·/\ kiln Hel·e.

matches out of the way and the Pr Id Ilt ~lucL au In J'l·gatd to til

rec II engln r (·elebratlon. The I !'t. Ilawkeyes at the top In ach one. the President Horace Young performed

tille looks cllnched. Th e "rapId oe of his last services for the Ub-

fire" and "sklrmlsb shooting" ar th

Repre entatlvl's or Iowa and ~e-ter probably r pre ntl tbe I nU­

bra 'klt llleet at the armory tonight In ment of th whol unlv nlty.

mt'mb r& ot

ral arts senior class yesterday when

e named the committees of the class

have charge of commencement

ents and aJralrs marking the close

! th~ year. Clifford Crowe of Clar-

two remaining. and If the men keep

up to the marks establlllh d In their

practice work this w ek, th rapid

fire score Is gOing to b a record

breal{er. "'l1he men lire doing even

th most pr tentlous wr atllng match

ever taged w Kt ot the MlssJsslppi.

Thr e bouts are on the cards, Intro-

ducing contestants In the IIgh;., mld-

.:lle, and heavy weight classes. The

~Ian'h 20,

;\J>, dear ~'I·. FJ ell r:

L t JIll', through ~ou, fOn"ty

your association nl) p rflOnlll n() of­

ficial appr lotion or th contrll)\!-

ton got the business managership of first bout, b tw en ~'cM illan of Iowa

b tter <than I expected," said Capt. lion, mat rial Bnd so I I. lCl the l1nl- ' he senior play ' and Ka!,1 Laos Is to nd the :\ebrasko light wl'lght champ-

the chairman of the invitation Mumma yester:lay, "and If they shoot '. Patrick' Uay c I -

lon, wl11 start at 7: 30, and th~ 8tfUg-this way Saturday, the othel'8 w\l1

mmlttee for comnlencement time. g il' Idll be ta t and turlou~ until the have to do some wondertul wCl'k ~i,)

(omplete list of the appointments beat us."

final tnIl at the Inst nlll h.

ollowa: Iowa wrestiers or In POOl' con­

Hop Clmmittee: P. A. Walters. Should ,the Hawkeyes win th title dltlon tor th fray. " braska failed

chairman; Frances Varga, Chester Ip the NatJonal Gallery tournament, to nollty th 10 al rlub ot Its accept­

Baxter, Albert Kass, Wilson Corn· It wlIl be the greatert honor yet WOD s'lce until lut Thursday. I avlng the

all. Floyd TholllaB, Sumner Quartan, by a colege rifle team. Iowa's Iowa grapp'el's with only thr days

obn A. Campbell, Goo. K. Thompson, team Is the only student organization to prl;!pare. All three had broken

and the s )Mndld IIlu trat\oll or Unl-

ver Ity plril In my opinion llut th

entlr In tltutlon and

people ot Iowa

81 0 latlon. You ha" t an


ary prorlsl II antI hut· them

• aboard tll t ran port. The

to b

xtrem', ar to b

obtain d at co t. ThIll (t>at,,!, (lOupl-•

d WI~h th fa t that th xp diU n

Ia not burd n d with tb dlftl uIty of

pie worthy to be followed by 'V ry p rlOnally prevldlne t r thalli, I, . F. Clough. entered, the total of thirty-three training atter the first postponement

by Prof I' college In the Unlverllty. with var- Iblehly appr lat Invitation Committee: Karl Loos, teams In the conte8ts being made up of the tourney, and conaequently are

lationl b fitting the characteristic or C. Nutting, who II condu Une n eu­balrman; Katherine FOWler, Amy plainly of Na:tlonal Guard squads. In no shap for a pard cODle&t. In

These team. are composed or men addition W bb , middle weight cbamp-

C1m play Com: Clifford Crowe. with many' years experience In Ihoot· lon, baa a bad swelling on hie ar

ralrman; Katherine Berryhill, Han- lng, wblle this Is the first time that which both era hIm greatly, and It I,

IUh Phelps, Deborah WII~y, F. 111. the Hawkeye marksllJen have ever not likely that he will be able to do

1eDowe11. attempted range work. The St. Peter hlmseIt Justice. O'Conner has had

Cla88 Day Exercises: Wilma Nlch- Minn., militia squad Is the only team a bad cold, and alto&ether the local

II, chairman; Hazel Arnd, Jessie that Is at all pre Sing the Iowa men, team Is 10 Its poore shape Of the

ISli'ygard, Paul S. Collier. T. H. Tap- being 77 points behlod at the end of season.

Ilog. last week's shooting, but they will Miller, tbe former Hawkey who

Class Breakfast: Bertha ReIchert, probably go still farther In the rear will r pr B nt th Corn huskers In

balrman; Venta Godown, Eda Louis, w,hen th e result& of the 1000 yards the mlddl weight division, arrlveU In

Negus, Pearl matches are In. Iowa Ity yesterday morning. The

each college. UatioDl from thl8 end. Y l rday

J hope 80m day a. Unlver Ity uo- afternoon ProtestOr Nuttln& llated to

lon, conslfrtlng of del gat of luch a repr lentatlv of The Dally Iowan

alloelatlons may knit th that the D partment of War II bardly

more closely togetber In the nthusla tic thin h. With It

ot the entire Unlver Ity. b hind th project to, lh r with tbe

SlDcerely Your8,

George E. MacLean

hnJtar aDd }>' z E It'Cts.

be n lhe most Important Innu nee In

making th xpedltlon POll8lbl& at

thl8 tim , 801ld backIng II unqu -

clmltar and Fez, the s nlor hon- tlon bly as&ur d.

r ry socl ty, yesterday lect d th Fual preparations ar now und r

(ollowlng men to memb rshlp from way tor the d parture of the men

IOwa made the excellent total of rest of the Nebraska team will ar- the prelent junior claa: C. composing the proj t. In fact, but

Lydia Potratz, Mary


PI COR Lath chal an' rive some tim this forenoon. Ali at o om: .. am, rm, 5:i0 In this contest, considered an ex- Schmidt, Dysart; A. C. Torg 80n, fwd tails y t r main. and I now

4gnes Beach, Helen Letsen. cellent scor . Ai'll son and shepard the vi Itor are in the best wndltlon, Bere ford, S. D.;Oonger R ynolds, certain, un) th un fora n

Caps and Gowns: Macy Campbell . were tl d tor Or t pia e with almos IhaVlng just finished their home tourn- Dexter; Wm. Anle , Waverly; R . I •. pops UP, the final "good by .. will

b ament. t airman; Alice McGowan, Francis perfect totals of 49 out of a possible Ala on, Walhlngton; J. A. Alhton, be sald. to Iowa City and tb unl ' 1'-• llelmer bas ent word that h will .ao TuyI. 50. Bruin pressed the lea:!ers close Iewa City; O. K. Patton, Iowa City, slty on March 31. For a time It look-

with 48, whJle all the men shot aboI'(; be unable to act as referee h cau Music, Laura Young. chairman;

JessIca Strawbridge, Hazel Reddick,

~arollne Reed, Lucy Sunler, E. C.

bluter, E. P. Bradsbaw.

the 40 mark.

The summarized score follow

ot enga ements on the road,

Jacobs, who Officiated In the home

tourn y, wlllllrobably decjje the faIl

A 49 tonight. Class Day Frolic: lyde Waters, rneson ..... .. ...... . .... . .

ebalrman; H. E. Anderson, H. L. Shepsrd ..................... 49

lJawklns, R. H. Liggett, Joe Scannell, Bruins ....... .... .. ..... . ... 4 Lnln'r Itf /lllIoer.

Richard :\lltchell. Fort Dodg ; M. D. ed as though th rec nt quabble In

Roll 1', ~or(h English; H. F. Full r, .fexlco might d lay th d parlur ,

. J. \\ Ish r, Iowa City; but, In re poo to a 1 I gram nt to

,\1'1 0 Wil. n. Iowa Ity; H. R. Y UOIP;, the Department of ~ ar, Prot. sor

Winfield; Frank Warner, .\Igono; Nutting was Inform d that · thing

F rdlnand Dugan, Valley Junction; In the way ot hlodran ha y t d~

haa. Gu tatson, loux Rapl:!; I\t- velop d or Is IIke)y to do o. S. C. Klmm, Louise Adams, Beulah Campbeli . ................... 46 Tbe prcsldeot or e\'er~ cia s In the ford Hak , hulton; J..eon Pow rs, A chang of nsld rabl import-

Rayden. L. R. Leeper ............... " 46 unlver Ity Is to b asked to work up Emmet bure; Richard Vawter, 8u11l- ance ha b en mad In th perbOnn I

Class Memorial: D. B. Davidson, Hansell .......... .. ......... 46 the Unlver Ity dinner among hi cia s van, Ind. In t ad d CharI

Brookhart ................... 46 mat s. In thl way It Ls hoped that tbalrman; H. Rlstlne.

Williams ....... . ........ . ... 46 a thoroughlr I' presenta Ive attend-

J. . L ep r ............ .... .. 45 aoce will be pre nt at the annual

Loos .... . . .................. 45 t nctlon . Plates ar to be laid tor Tholllu In H.o pltal.

lies ............... .... .. ... 43

Rush Thomas, L. A. '14, thas been Elliott

In the University hospital for about

banqueter and It

41 I practi ally a ure:.l that thl num­

b I' will be there. The

I week. wltb an attack of pneulUOO-

~. He Is getting along very nicely.

It WB8 only a tew weeks ago that bJ9

rolher George was !tIed up the same

~ospltal. having undergone nn oper­

ation. He Is attending a business

Improvem ent League I to serve the . Total .......... . .. .. ..... 330 dinner. thus a~ urlog a goed menu

for th The regular prlc

P II'('e to l)(' :\Ioln('.

Dr. Paul S. Peirce. of th pollUcal

ecllege In ~I\nneapolls, )flnn., at the acl nce department ot the un Ivers- emphatically that everyone Is gOing

fAll\" Baseba ll Tenlll.

II candldat tor the Law

the civil war are to be given a

. Jack y accompanying It a a or­

Iginally plann :l, I "'a found that he

would be unable to 0 at hi tme,

so Charle Corwin. of Chi ago, has

ur d to fill the pIa e. It Is

authority that the

for the

form r at a11,


art! t In

In the lin cf "",ork

n ded on th Laysan trip. ne has

The truck gard ners of Louisiana been prominently Id ntlfied with b

lal recogaltlon In the commence-

xerclses In June.

are proph . ylng that 1,500 laborer excep lona1l), fin ,.'>cenlc ark done

present time. Mrs. Thomas, mother Hy, was In Des ~!olnes Friday even­

or George and Rush , Is here from Ing serving In the capacity of a judge be annOunced wilib e needed In tbe next thlrt daYI 8 Mills takIng care of the latter. In a debate at Drake Unlver Ity. later. to barvest the elr.wberry crop.

Page 2: THE DAILY E. MacLean hnJtar aDd }>' z E It'Cts. be n lhe most Important Innu nee In making th xpedltlon POll8lbl& at thl8


E ll •.

DAILY IOWAN . '0 116

ery morning except utuldays londays. Of the Vldet~\-Report­e forty-second year anJ ot the

I 1. Quill the nlneteentb year.

Editor-In-Chief ARTHUR C. GORDON

THE STAFF: J) k Editors

1\( , I. I\J G. K. Thompson TI, . lay \\ " mesday Tit Iraday Sll rda,

Conger Reynolds Frank Baldwln T. H. Tapping

V. R. Seeburger

J. C. Miller

Reliable K ·th & M Ch Varsit)l JflWe/ers el C esney Jewel ,.s

CLASS pins, club pins, medals, or anything you need in that line you will always be safe in buy­

ing here. We can assure you quality, we can assure you of prompt and satisfactory service and our

Prices Are Always Right


~;';{ewARROW ~olcJ, COLLARS

Ik .. U or2la. Cluelt, Peabod1 & Co •• Mate ..

=--____ .... __ ... _____ ..... IIIIIiiI_ +++++++.r"r"JooI-r.+++++++ Dr; lIl atie Editor SPill IS Editor G. K. Thompson +++++++++++++++++++

BOWMAN DfSCRIB~D professors and citizens bave made up =

As oelate EdJtors. India Goodman Henry Bell E. P. Korab Reginald Smith

Reporters F . R. Blythe Paul J . Pierce 1. 1I. Pierce Ralph McGinnis

"Of all that Is good. Iowa affordl the best."

L nhelr minds to accept the situation FIR E SALE BY IOWA ALUMNUS and give John Gabbart Bowman, aged



33, a full and fair chance to succeed.

All these events give strong perU-

nenee to the Inquiry that may ,be

heard everywhere in Iowa, "What

manner IQf man is this?" and "What

•.. OF •••

DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHING CO .. .. ~. G. 8eclmulD. in Sunday Register has he done to justify the state Publisher (Incorporated.)

Cigars , Pipes( and Tobaccos

OWEN F. MEREDITH, Buslneu M,r and ~der. Gives Intereflting board's great faith in him?"

Entered as seoond-elaaa tlJa11 mat­ter, November 12, 1903, a t the POit. olll\!e at Iowa City, Iowa. under the ,lCt of Congress of March 8, 187i.

Iharacter sketch. If you were to meet John Gabbart

Bowman today you would be struck

An extremely weH written, and first by his youthfulness, but the seri- Corne in and look over carefully edited character sketch of ous, thoughtful youthfulness of a this stock.

HENRY G. WALKER, Law)'er and Notary PubUc Office over Golden Eagl.


DRS. DEAN & BOn&B Practice LimIted to DIaeateI of ~

E ye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phone 1190.

W. R. WWte1a P. 8. .. ' PHYSIOIAN8 & SUBGIilOX. I

21 * S. Dubuque 8t. I Roan 8-12, 106, 701.

PboDe 214-R.

DR. FRANK L. LOVB E ye. Ear, Nose and Tbroat

Omce over Novak'i Drul SID", Telephone

OHARLES 8. GR&NT. If. Do Omce 17 * 8. Dubaqll8 It. Over Stach's Shoe Store

RealdeDCe 229 Summltt II&. OtIlce Pholle 88OR •. .ReIldeDcet a


Dlaea8eI 01 EJe, Ear, Noae and tbIOI&

No. 8 N. O1lIltoa 8t.

Per year, paid before Nov. 16, U.n Per year, paid atter Nov. '.6, U.76 Per semeBler ............................... 1 ..

the newly elected presIdent ()f Iowa young man with an cld wise head on

university, John G. Bowman, appear- his shoulders. You would see in him

ed in the Sunday issue of the Regls- an agreeable person, trlend~, you

ter and Leader. It was written by

DR. W. H. DONOVAX PlqlldAll aDd 8urpoa

O H FINK omce 117% S. Dubuque St.,o", •• WUklnlon'l Grocery.

R.ldence Cor. Colege and Iq.j +++++++oJ-'H"t"S'+++++++ mit. Phonel, omce 106; ~

Per lingle ooPY .................. ..... .CNS Per month ................................ .85

Office-23 East Wasblngton Street, F. W. Beckman, an alumnus ot Iowa Both Phones

'U'lder Name of Iowa City Citizen ) university , who graduated a few

Announcements and notlcp.s sho uld be In the Iowan office by r. c'clock to insure publication.

Cople. f(lr sale anli subscripllonll laken at the I "~~n office, Wlj!utlke's Arcad& Book Store.


years berore Professor Bowman.

A few excerpts from the article

fo llow:

Th re seemed likely to be a rally­

Ing of dissatisfied alumni with that

cry of "too young" until · the state I

beard made it clear ~l\d positive In

With th Inauguaratlon d lhe in- Its answer to the Fort Dodge letter

ter-departm ent baseball s aso n comes

the old agitation in regard t o more

Playi n$' ground. It is Lhe cry that has I

gone up every time an athletic sea-

son starts In this league ever since

that protests would not avail and that

t'l~ young man s'hou ld have /hIs

cbs nee t<> make good In spite ()f ob­

jections. The board declared It had

not acted hastily, that it had faltJh

its inception a couple of years ago. In Mr. Bowman's ability and that be

This I ~ck i()f space for the teams to should have a fair tria\. "Why should

(Cuu i.i llueQ on page 3) +++++++·t"H"S·oJ-+++++++


The artistic floral ability of Aldouo is well known. No matter whether you Jesire a modest tribute of respect, or a more elabor­ate tabJe decoration, consult Aldous and the results will be satisfactory.

Greenhouses-Church and Dodge. Store-IS S, Clinton Street.

practice, and to play also, is one ot you attempt to make It mere dlffi- ~=====================~=~~ the most Important .reasons that t his cu lt for Ihlm and to impair his use-

league ~as never been the succe.. fu lness in the beginning by merely

that it should. There have been pi nning the 'roses of youth' upon

games , to be sure, but only at odd him 1" it asked .

Iowa City Academy ... Pct-pares Students tor State University. Fine

Opportunity to made up deficiencies W. A. WILLIS, Prlncipa

Makea a Specialty of)

Students 5upp:ies Tex' Boob for.11 Colleaee. Laboratory Suppliell, Fountain PeDe. Largest Stock

201. ,


Plqu claD aDd 8urpc&

Omce, 15 S. Dubuquil St., (lormlfll

occupied by Dr. Bh,rring). WI dence 715 Iowa Ave. Houri, 10·11

a . m. : 2-4 p. m. Tp.lephonea:

( , FI<' ICK (17M . RE8. eu.


22* So. Clinton St. Iowa Ohr,.


DRS. WASHBURN & WASBB1lII B. E. Washburn, D. O.

Evelyn S. Wuhburn, D. O. Om('e aDd Reefdence J 01 8. ua .. ,

Iowa Ofty, Iowa. . PbGI.,. '&ppolDmeot. 0a1J


JOHN Vo.liI8, D. D. 8. The Students· Dentllt

tIS * South Dubuque lit. Pboae UN. Iowa Of",


:ity residences, vacant Iota, ud ,.,. Also ltocks of mercbancHJe.

O. M. RENO. 110 ~' Washington Rt.

bours. and between teams that have Then, quite spontaneously, the

perhaps never practiced. With this thought sprang up over the state,

handicap It Is no wonder that the ra- that it was no crime to be young

suIts that should come from this as some one expressed it, and that

phase of college athletics have not the president-elect of the university

been shown at Iowa. Despite that was entitled to a fair chance at least.

old policy ot "athletics for all" that Quite as suddenly as the storm began

has E>~ cfien been advanced as the It subsided, and generall y, alumni,

Book Store Loweet Prlcell. MUSICAL STUDIOS

JOHN T. RIES, 26 Clinton St. --------1 best syst m, but slight consideration ============~~=====~=======~==========~ Is given t his on advance toward such

an end here at Iowa. It Is small

wonder that nothing is accmpllshed.

Without a doubt, were suitable fac­

ilities furnished the teams, a far

greater number of men would turn

(J ut, and the training ground for var­

sity materia l wou ld be en larged. It

Is to the b st Interests of Iowa ath­

letics that some encouragement be

given tJhe inter-department atblete&,

and It is up to the Board in Control

of Athletics to act. I

For tbe first time in the history of

foo t ball sprin g practice has begun In

February at Princeton. About twen­

t y-live men repo rted at the gymnasi­

um In answer to Captain Ha rt's call

and a few simple formati cns were

run through. Heretofore spring toot­

ball prac tice has a mounted to prac­

tically nothing and never began bo­

fore April .



It means liettlnll your measure In a couple of dozen places rlllht down to quarters of an Inch.

It means bulldlnd up heM and there to Improve your filiure- aJaety men In a handred need this.

It meaDS sfaylnli and atrenllthenlna your liar­ments so that they keep their shape.

It means the bl,best priced IInlnas and trim­I-lis, and the hlliheat class work all around.

We 'Ive these thlDds to all buyers of our suits. We would like to ~Ive them to you.

JOSEPH SLA V ATA 107 S. Clinton St. TAILOR Iowa City, Iowa

ANNA DILLER STARBUCK Music Studio 21 N. Dubuqlf

PapUs Received b Piano and Harmou1 II



Pupil of Cbae. W. Clark ud Mamlln, CJncerts, ReCitals, vocal structlon. StudiO, 114 South Cllal St. P hone 152R. St. Phone 1077.

Hoof-! r"H"!-·r 'S"H"I"r I I 11-++ oJ- Send In your spring elel.1II oJ- now. You will be pleuadr + + surpr1Bed If you IeIId JOII' + ... l olled JrIlMnenta to tbe ~ oJ- VARSITY WARDROlti. f l' 1-1111 1'.1"1111":"1_1. JIIIIIIIIIIIIII+I'

First N ationa) BaJik Capital Stock 5100.101 Surplus 100.

Students Accounts Solicittd We do a general Banking BusiDeSl

VlTlZBNS' SA. VlNG8 TRl'8T ro .B.lNlDi:R8

c.ptW A general banklDr bUilD ..

acted. Aocount. solicIted. Oorner CnU* & Dab ..... lit.




No fully

Page 3: THE DAILY E. MacLean hnJtar aDd }>' z E It'Cts. be n lhe most Important Innu nee In making th xpedltlon POll8lbl& at thl8


Nose and Tbroat Novak'i Drul Sto ...


8. GRANT. H, D, 17 ~ 8. DobaqDe lit.

's Shoe Store 229 81U11l111lt 8&.

SSOR. _Relideace,


W. H. DONOVAX and Sarpcla

% S. Dubuque St., Groc&ry.

Cor. Colele ~!.:/ Olllce 106;


~H1Il'Oll~ "' WMIBBUUI Washburn, D. O.

S. Wuhburn, D. O. ~lldeDce 102 S. !bilL

PboI.ft fppolnm'enta ODIJ

vo.qs. D. D. 8. Students' Dentlat South Dubaque lie.

Iowa OltJ.

bankfDr bU'/D_ lo/fctted.

()JU. "' Dab .......



Notice Juniors BY lOW.\ .\L{. L",\ •

(Contlnu d Crom page 2)

would l)l"Obably say, yet ratber l' tir-

• Q)IO(EBCLlL EDVOATJO. ' I ot «reat nJu. to 10" .No.ut-ter bal Jour ocaUOIl ma b It will pay you Ul l)lYlD :1 '.

'12-PI Catalor Fr . C dar Rapid. Bu In CLlI

Ced r Rapid., Iowa Do you know what $1 will do for your Hawkeye pidure? .. If not call at

Ing; yea almo t sby; you would find - ________________________ .

ttxt Books and SupplitS FOR ALL COLLEGES

p, ices .Alwav.f Right



Crawford'i RESIDENCE


y un If making tb first advanc to­

ward acquaintance, In all probability.

But soon you would discover his per-

onallty a. rtlng itself-qui tly,

g nlly, but none the I s forc fully­

and lh n th Impr slou wou ld come

un p tedly that thi Quiet, r tiring

young mnn Is somebody unusual after

!-. __ ~~.-..,; ___ ....;. __ .......... all. wIth 8tr ugth, fin e char t 1', un-

"Spring Oxfordsl) For Ladies and Gentlemen

In I\ll Leather

Mueller Bros., I CljlJl (~~ ~tre t


u ual intelligence and, above II, ------------~-----------. common sense.

======= Marshall-O'Brien-Worthen Co. UOn't Strain .. Y E 116 Iowa Avenue

our yes 0 lSI· ... enta upp les .... --{!)-

"He' fine, " entnuslasllcally re­

marked tb long-experlenc d report r

who wall assigned to get from Mr.

Bowman hIs first Interview after hll

e\ ctlon to th presld ncy. "He't!

fine," he added. "You can't h Ip but

feel tbnt he's got somethln big In

But use Gas or = = = =====-== = == Ihlm b hind his quiet and r I rv d

mann r."

Electric Light The Iowa stat board of education

for studying... got Its first favorab .le Impr 810n of

SENIORS Make Engagements For Commencement Photos

NOW AT To-w.nsends' Studio, A good light is this young man many month. ago.

Its 8el ctlon came as a surllrlseto the -------------!--------11111111 .... -.. necessary-Why state at large, but tbe matter had

use a poor one... been In the minds of some of th ==~==;;=============::::===~~= .------------. members ol th board lor a long --------•••• -----------.... ~-­


Iowa City Gas and Electric Co.



Mr. Bowman's recent election real­

ly was promp~d on the oCCRslon of a

'visit of some of the 01 rob r of th

on bU81ness connected wIth th er -

t10n of a phYlllcs bu ilding at the stat

university. W. R. Boyd. pr sldent of

the ftnanoe commIttee of tbe board,

tells the Incld~n t as follows:


fry's Port follax Wattr 10 bottl .. aad Jup. Sblpped 001,. b, IJ. C. FrJ' at Co. from ,he

orl~loa' Fry Mlnera' Sprlnp located at Colfax, Iowa. HENRY LE ~ IS drlll, •• t, IIlI J. W . MILL&R BO rl'LlN' . WOR . ..... te lot lo w. Cit" bue the .... ter frllb from tbe prlol' al ... a, . 00 bud aDd _.u flU aU orden promptl,.

No matter how care .. fully or expensively ODe clresses-t h e 6.o.t Ire ~beme Is pe,,~pUbly .h.ttered laY.D1ft.fUtin" cou.-

We are fixed to ac­commodate F 1FT Y STUDENTS with table board at S3.S0 per week. We h .a ve a clean, up·to .. date hotel and soltclt your pat .. ronaae. Try u.s for a week aDd you'll Dever leave. Just a cros s stre'et from Interurban depot.

"A year a,o Jut tal ~ SeD. Thomas ~===~===~===~=~=~===~~~~ Lambert of the finance committee,

The perflet fAt so nec­essary (JaDnot be bad In coil .. with buttonholes

. tllat qD~ekly stretch and rip out.

E . P. Scboentgen of t he board, Mr. ~~-----------~~~--~!'"'!"!'~---~

Manhattan Hotel H. A. DUNLAP, Prop.

Proudfoot, Mr. Stewart of ~he de­

part.m li t . at phYIIIC$ •. a)ld .ll;).!lel! made

a t ri p through tbe eaat looking

tb!ough physics buildings. We spent

r,-""",,!,-~~---~~~-,,; Saturday and Sunday In New Yorj[ I

======;::::::===== Oily. I Invited Mr. Bowman to lunch with us on Satul1day, and he spent the

afternoon and evening with us. Most

of the time was spent In discussing

YOU BET! Keep your linea wearinr a neat shine. Yo. can always have clean 'collars and sWrta or shirt waists if you will regularly

various educational problems, and he Call The C. 0. D. Wagon The largest grocery store Impre ed a ll of us, first, with the ; I .

Geo. D. Barth

in Iowa City ~nd the larKest powerful grasp he bad cf educational '-________ ~-~ ..... ---.. ~_._,_~~---J

stock to select from. subjects and hll Intimate knowledge of educational Institutions in tbls

My facilities for supply- country; second, wltb the uncommon

') @··h· amollntofcommon senseWhlchhe I . tn ou wIt rocerles are " C II r,! g y g.. possessed . When we went home that

, 0 ara unexcelled. A trial will night, Mr. Schoentgen said to me: 'If •• , ..... . .. "l'I1't . ..

~:,;,.:.~. -- : Have LI.4 'J CORIJ convince you. we ev l' make a change In the presl-r I H.,N[!OLES - ea.n.r.,o-bu". dency at Iowa Cll" why Isn't this - 'o(,' '.". tt~ QYL ••

Geo. D. Barth the man to In8tall there? ' ~rr. Lam­

bert and I agreed with him."


oI+H-+++ J J JuI"I'++++H-+++H--H-+'l J II J oJ-H-i tit I Luscombe fOF: Y Qur I J ANNUAL PHOTOS 1 ++++·1+1"'1'1'11-1'-1+1-11'11111"1' ........... -1"1 I 1'++++Ho+

Stetson Hats 1 .~_lt/8IJI/S-' For College Men or ~

Certainly Faculty Men

Stetson is in the world of hats what

Winchester is in the world of firearms.

You know a well-dressed man usually

demands a Stetson. We feature them at

their best in our department now. You

ought to have yours within 24 hours

and the safe thinl to do is to come to

our hatman.

StetJon Hat.f $2 to $6

• s. U. 1. Neckwear

That's what we call the new

ties we are showing in the pop­

ular shades of the season. Also

lightweight underwear and

This i.Y the time to buy

Spring Clothes

We have an exceptionally large offering of the

strictly 1911 styles iD •• its to show you. They com­

prise the models that young men favor. They are

guaranteed in those points of fabric ad tailoring aDd in

making your purchase of us you are always spared the

risks of the ordinary kind because we guarantee satis-shirts to make it seem more like faction.

. .. Spring... Suits at $15 to '30

Page 4: THE DAILY E. MacLean hnJtar aDd }>' z E It'Cts. be n lhe most Important Innu nee In making th xpedltlon POll8lbl& at thl8

MASONIO NOTICE. . • • I ... - , :-------..;.....;...-;...-

O\\U tJ Lodge No. ~. A. F. It A.)L I N~TICE! NOTICE!! J . L. Records, W. M. YETTER'S GRAND MILLINERY OPENING will take place Bruce Moore, Sec. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday aDd Saturday, March 14.

kegular meeting, 3d Mondl} of 15 16 17 and 18 . .. arh month. ".

SPECIAL :-Monday we place on !'ale 300 Ladies' New Street

-r~H.+ ++++'l"l"l"l"H' ++* and Tailored Hats at a positive Saving of from 2S per cent to 50 -.1- + per cent-Come and see these pretty new hats.

+ PEIlSONAL AND SOOIAL + REMEMBER-The first of the season is the most favorable

~. + time to select yonr Dew Spring Suit, Coat, Waist and Dress,

-++++ ++'I"I"I"l-olnl"loolo ++++ YETTER'S Reauy-to-wear department is fairly brimming with

:\[lss l\lIrlam illcCrae spent the wek large selections-new apperal-Come In Now-Don't Wait.

~nd at her home In Waterloo.

.1. lss Lelia O'Neil spent Sunday at

htl' ~. me In Waterloo.

EJ Griffi th, Eng. 'to, of Iowa Falls,

"tlte.! In the city over Sunday.

H sperla entertains Zetagatblans

t a dance F.r1day evening In Com­

]lauy 1 hall .

u:~ -·~-· ..:r ""TOM

• for an Francisco, there Ul eting the I Before you deolde on that WUl­

other members of the party on April mencement gift, take a look at the

5. beautiful leather goods made by the

R. T. Lee Art Co. On sale at ?!Iur-

A beautiful line ot "Iowa" leather ElUott at Assembly. phy's Furniture Store. 3-26

]llllow tops to select from. :\1ade by 1\11'. Harrison S. Elliott, one of the

b R. T. Lee Alt o. ~lurphy's greatest lecturers In Amerloa today, YeIVlIlIlD.

i)'urnlture Store. 3-26 w!l1 speak at a s mbly tomorrow, Mr.

Gay Lewis .& Co.

Fresh and Salt Meats Fish, Game

and Poultry 216 E. College St.

Telephone 61 ,

ATTENrrION If you are not already a patron of the PEOPLES LAUNDRY become one at once.

Regular buslneSB meeting Tues-ProfeSlor W. C. Wilcox gave alec- EllIolt, besides having proven ihls a- ==::;:::::=.======:;==

day, March 21, 8 o'clock, K. C. hall.

Your clothes will last lonpr Iud look look better if we launder them for you. A fdlt will convince you of the I1IIIIt of our work. re on " The Present Crisis In Amer- bllity as a speaker, Is mal<lng good


Program. Tnltlation. ~n History" In Waterloo last ven- In other lines of work. He is a m 111-


ber of tbe Beta Theta PI fraternity, :-___________ •

'Clarence Talbot, of. Morning Sun, and Is one ot the lecturers that the

-.lilting his sIster and brother, stu- New York Board ot Education has

- ents In the unIversity. selected. He hll3 traveled extensively

W now hav the xcluslve sale of making two trips around the world,

the R. T. Lee at Co mpany's Hne of being correspondent of the Associated

Fancy leather goods. Murphy's Fur- Press w,blle at Shanghai, China. Up­

nlture Store. 3-26 on hla return ho did editorial wQrk



I • (Continued froru page 1) -

on the Christian' Advocate, and was

at one time editor ot the Ohio Wes­

layan Tranaerillt. Since returning to

Am rica he has devoted' most of his . time to glvlng llJustrated lectures,

missionary addresses, and talks upon Ja the Field Columbian Museum at

China and the Far East. He is a Chlca«o. In short, thl! type of art

ls his forte. ProtesBOr Nutting Is

blghly elated over tbe change and

believes t hat the expedItion will

pleasing speaker "and always draws

a large audience wihere his worth as

a lecturer Is knowp.

proBt exceedingly by It. Horace Younl, of the OoHere of Commencement time will soon be

Track Men Get Set! Get right up to the mark of Grand· rath Grocery quality and don't let anybody crowd you out of your place. You can't ex­pect to win your events unless your landlady serves you wholesome, nourishing food. Tell her to supply her table from


Graqdrath's GROCERY

129 S. Dub! $I. -:.p".,. 89

LilleyUniforms Are made of

~he best qual- JOHN R. THOMAS tty of cloths P f

' Dealer In an kinds of er ect Mili-

tary fitting. Coal, Coke, Hats. Ca ps, Ch e vron s,

Shoulder Knots. swords etc.

Wood, Flour and F·eed ... Coal lards aDd Feed Mill Con. Wub

IUPOD and VAIl BUreD Su. Iowa ~elephoDe 452-R.

TERMS. OASH. For L ill e y Goods Call on ~============



COAST & SONS Palmetto Chocolates our specialty­AU Candies Home·made. Ice

~Iberal Arts, who 1& goIng to make here. Buy an "Io~a" leather plllow

the trip, leaves within the course 01 top f.or the gradu&t:e. Very approprl­

tbe next day or two tor his home In ate. Murphy's Furniture Store. 3-26 ... _________ ~ =======:::::=:::::=== Cream made in all shapes

and fu~ished for paqies "aflO, Nol"th Dakota, from W'hleh .. __ ~ ___________________ ..

place be will depart after a short stay


V arsity Boys! WE extend to

you a special invi­tation to inspect our new Day Light Clothing store, and to judge for your­selves the values .. , we are gIVIng In the different de­partments--Re­member this--not an old article in the house-you take no chances--our ' entire stock is new.


EPPEL 24 ·26 S. Dubuque St.


PHARMACY Has Moved to

114 College Street

Weare still the sole agents for all Rexall Goods, Kodaks and supplies

Let us do your ' , Developing and Finishing

Professors - Instructors -Students GOT ANY OLD BOILERS?

For the next 15 days we will pay $1.00 for Old Copper Boilers, or 50c for Old Tin Boilers regardless of condition toward the purchase of the ~ Famous $3.75 EXTRA HEAVY COPPER BOILER··The Boiler That Wears A Lifetime.

SMITH & CILEK Hardware and Boilers

GIRARD 2Mla.wP J~u.."",

ARROW COLLARS They fit and sit right ,

Ix., U.,2Sc. a-.• .....,.ac. .......


March 20-21-22

"Mercedes" La Pianist De Mysterie


German Comedians


Juvenilp. Act


The human 'Mocking Bird

School Children's Souvenir

Matinee Saturday

and receptions. All LATEST 'DRINKS.

BASE BALL TIME. ibe .ummer &eaIOIl brlDga the bale baU fever aDd with it tile new things you will have to have to make your work tWa year a successful one. Our New Balle Ball Good!! are

Here. New Mittll, New Gloves, New Unilorms, New l\(aaks, New Balla the HAWKEYE OUR SPEOIAJ, GU~.RANTEED BALL. Will you want anything in our Hne this season. We are in fine shape right now to taJre .care of you In botib 81ze and .tyle.

Order Early. HOPKINS BROS. 00. 818-620 Walnut St • •

Des Moines, 10. Largest 8por1:.iJ1e Goods House

In the West.





"ebb l'uta up

Hiller of 001


Xebraska wre

Jeep of the ~

tournament last

tbree matches I

e vilitors hab

ent tbroughou

The COru'buill

an tbe locals,

"'ar being outW!

ty Elliott of NE

'0 this the I(Jwa

ndltion becaus

I~ebraska manaB I

~ time to allolV

log. and the vlsl

1)' demand as

For Instance, hI

Umlt for the IIi

Insisted upon by

01 !\ebraska WOI

However, th e 11

mto 140 at tl

ltors, and Ruby 1

advantage over

Ioc. k the mat. 1

Ite weapon of til

tUled out also ir

IIshes of the v

As the match

lever bad a ct

'eight class O'C

Ind speed, bu t

Irelght was too

(Vercome, and

\attle. The fir

~e minutes as

,Nelson and bo(

ot just after 0

IIIs800 a fall wi

feJg'bt told soo

Ind be took th,

tlth the same 1

~[acMl11an n

lehlnd In hie II

!bowed great S1

ing for 'hIs ho'

Issora on th E

~u8ker'8 favorll

IDd MacMillan

Told the hold.

IDcceeded In 1

kept after bin

In the lame WI

'tel and lbe

The Nebraska!

Webb and ~

'II tbe best exl

1'be bout was

"edd lending

, lIat In less t1

tolled over q\

On had taken

lead lock anc

Webb claImed

lacobs missed
