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Page 1: THE DAILY · TTik ija u v dispatch. ~JAS-A COWARPIN, Proprietor. JU'UH h.Ti.t-.AfWi'S, Editor. CASH TKHY-

VOL. 2?MO, 139.

TTi k ija u v dispatch.~JAS- A COWARPIN, Proprietor.


. i ictcrtioi f-0 30 I 1 square, 1 month 00, ? £ insertion!'o 75 j 1 do 2 mon'hs 700, 3 co ! (XI 1 do 8 do 10 00

; week 175} 1 do 6 do 16 00i <j,, 3w.vk# 2 75(1 dp 1 yesr :» 00py o,>riim»»iieat:or.» »re charged at the same

j-f»i (>,- or *)<!*? a /quart; longer ad-r-.-rnts ir. exaet proportion, and payable in ad-

AdvertiM Inserted onoea week,twice» iiv k. or three Cmfi * will be «h«rge<j SO

:» j, r the tirst insertion, and cents lor eachc rb Man ace notices lr.«erted for 25 cent*; Fu-n«'f ; tu-' 1:- 25 c- nl> . Deaths, without obituary orfan «\u25a0 rat invitation, 12: fonts

The "Daily Dispatch" i« served to subscribersat tu and a, qii&rtt- wis per trttk. payable to theey-rier weekly. Price for mailing,64 a year in ad-T*tce.

THE WKKtiI.V DISPATCHI. published every Friday morning, and mailedforoxK doilar avkar. To Cu'bsl for 85 sixco-pies , for #10 thirteen copies; for #15 twenty co-p .-« for ?20 twenty-seven coping.

exchange bowlingsaloonfix|l K MIiSCHIKER. at -

r r> at cost, ha.*fitted1 up thi? establishment in an entirely new style.It is brilliantlyilluminated with

GAS LIGHTS.Hie old alleysare taken up and new ones sub?titu-

teo. atui the whole presents an appearance trulymaiiiiticent.

Two d.<ys in the week wili be set apart entirely fothe benefit of

THE LADIES;none of whom, however, will be admitted unless accompanied by a gentleman.

Til'* public are requested to call to-day and seewith their own eyes. A SMITH,

fe 3?ts Proprietor.fIKDAR TAR, MANUFACTURED BY MR-t B B. NOHKIrr. BALTIMORE?Which is decidedly the best article ever yet introduced for thecure of Bronchitis. Consumption of the Lungs.Dyspepsia, Asthma, Kidney and Scrofulous Affections, Piles, &c. Price Si per bottle, which last*from six to eight weeks.

Recommendations.Baltimore, March 17, 1851,

Mrs. B. B. Norris: Dear Madam?lt gives megreat p easure in recommending to public favoryour valuable medicine (Cedar Tar) as an excelient preventative or curative in the first signs ofbronchial affections, or diseases of the lungs, andul-o as a very valuable touic.

Yours, very respectfully,T. H. WRIGHT, M. D.

Home Testimony.Dr. William C Crump, Dentist, of this city, ha*

been sufferingfrom Consumptionof the Lungsforthe Ihs;five ors'x years, and hastried almost everyarti .e-oinmended in case, without any re&ibenefit. When the Cedar Tar was advertised forsale in this city,he purchased a bottle, and immea at' lyderivedbenefit from itshealing and strengthening properties. At the time ae commenced taking it, he was very iow, inasmuch that he wasobliged to give up his offi -e for practice. He itBows'j much relieved, that he is able to attend tchis patients, and, by continuing the medicine, heconfidently hopes to be fully restored. Dr. C. volunteered that his case should be madepublic, that others mightbe benefitted. There areothers who are taking the Cedar Tar with decidedbenefit, who can be referred to, besides a numberof Physicians- in Baltimore, who are administeringit in their daily practiee.

For sale in Richmond byP.HORTON REACH,SI Main street.

General Agent for Eastern Virginia.Call and see certificates of cure. ja 5

/ <OKE. WOOD AND COAL..?The subscriV hers aiv now prepared to furnish their friendsand the public generally, with any quantity ofCoke or Coal < n as reasonable terms a? can bebought in the city. They have the best Oak andPine Wood thatcomes to this market, and can sellt cheaper than any other Yard in the place. Or-ders cf.n be left at Mr L. P. ELLIS' Grocery, onBroad st, Shockoe Hill, or at their Office, on Pear)street, opposite theAiham bra Hotel. Thoseor ler-ing. may rely upon getting their orders promptlyfii d. THOMAS FOSTEii,

mh i?dt2oA J. A FOSTERBargains: BAKUAIMB!-JUHN A.

SNELL &. CO., No. 29 Main Street, respect-ful y invite their customers and the public gene-rally to call and examine their large and desirableassortment of Barrage Delaines, which they areprepared to sell at prices lower than ever beforeoffered in this city. Also, Bleached and BrownDomestics, Cotton Hosiery, Silk Mitts, and a gene-re! assortment of Staple andFancy Dry Goods, &c.

mh 39?tf

PRIVATE PRACTICE Dr FLUME aCO. may be consulted, confidentially, for the

treatment of the following diseases: Eruptions,Sore Legs, Ulcers. Glandular Swellings, or en-largements, Syphi'is, and all morbid discharges,whether recent or chronic. Also, all those com-plaints termed female diseases. The advertisersinvite attention to their chemical extract of WildFlowers, which may be regarded as the very bestarticle known, to give tone and vigor to certainabused aud debilitated organs, as well as torenovatea system shattered bydissipation or other cause.

Medicines securely put up, with full directions,and sent to order. Post paid letters promptly at-tended to. Office on Franklin street, below Ex-change Hotel, and first door be'ow Trinitychurch,Richmond. Vireicin fe 9

LOOK HERE!MERCHANTS and others who are dealing in

iiis line would do well to call (,n the subscri-ber, and examine his laree stock of Plaiu and Ja-panned Tin Ware, Stoves, Pumps and FluidLamps, with a great variety ot Fancy andIlouse.keeping Goods,at his large Wholesa'eaud Retail Stove and Tin Ware Depot, No. 6, Mainstreet, 3 ioors above the old Market.Richmond, Va.Tin Roofing and Conductors done at the shortestnotice, and es cheap and good as any other establish-ment in the State. WM. SEARS VVOOD,

mh 4?lm A Practical Workman.(VEW GOOD>. ? li.e subscriber has now in1' Store and will be receiving per every arrivalhis Spring supply of new and desirable DryGood*, embracirg every article kept in the bestretail establishments, lie would invite the attentiori of the public, his friends and the customers offiie late concern of Warren, Fariss &. Brown, tohis .-tock now exhibiting at the store of the lateconcern, among which will be found

Embroideries ot eve. y kind ki large assortments.Ladies' Dress Goods.House FurnishingGoods.Irish Linnens and Sheetings.Cloths, CassirrK res,

end in fact, acomplete aud general assortment.WM. E WARREN,

mh 20?3rn 141 Eagle Square.

Y| Fi l/risß h RS. ?

J" Just receivi <i a very superior lot of Mediter-ranean Water FUterers, imported direct to thismarket Hotel keepers, families, and others whohave used them, a!' unite in pronouncing them thebest article ever tried fir rendering our turbid wa-ter perfectly transparent.

CHRISTIAN <fc LATHROP,trih 25 * 99 Main street.

Large stock of dry goqds andHARDWARE AT- COST?The subscriber,

intending to discontinue the snle of Hardware, andwishing to have necessary alterations and repairsmade in the Store, preparatory to confining them?wives exclusively t / the s tie of Dry Goods,willsell at eost, or cash, or approved negotiable notes,at four months, their large and desirable stock ofboth Dry Goodsand Hardware.

Merchants, planters, and o'hers, will find it totheir interest to examine this excelh nt stock ofGoods, which will be sold at either wholesale orretail

'IT!OMAR Si CHARLES E'.LiS&CO.,<e 23?ts Main street.\ UNA FlGs.?lsodrum*superior SmyrnaM Figs, just rcci-ived, tor sale I<t

JUAN PIZZINI,mh 29 Next door to the Exchange Bank.

RTi AUT'H lont. powdered,while aud yellowW hUGARg, for Bale by


IUCHMQND. THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL l i«^Tn>TIKK NKW STOCK OF SPRINGEi and sitmmkr READY-MADE CI/..thing,i I). GOODMAN isnow reeeiving at his new storeroom. No 134 Main street, one door above his oldst*nd, a large and wet! selected stock of springandsummer ready made Clmlrnn, to which h» cordially invites the attention of the trade Flatteringhim*eh'that he is now able to pltwse all who mayfavor him with a rail in tit*, quaiitiea mid prieeH.Hi? stock comprises every article in the Clottingline. a), of which will tie sold at the very lowestcs-.-h prices. Being under very small expense, witha large stock, the greatest laci'ities a-c offered tothe purchaser. J. D. GOODMAN,

No. i:t4 Main street, opposite Eng'eSquare,N. B?l have on hand. al»o, u large lot of

Trunks. Carpet Valise*. &c., of all sizes, andof good qutiity and finish. which will be sjld at asmall advance on cost. Call and exumine beforeyou make your purchase. J. D. 22pIl'V DISPENSARY.?WM. ftl. DADE,V/ DisrENSOR, No. 11, Main street, nearly oppo-site the Old Market,Richmond. Va.?The subscriberintrnds devoting himself particuUrly to the businessof pnpariogPhysician's Prescriptions and <*i!luse for that purpose none oth>-r than the purestand most reliabl» medicines. All new and unusualpreparations will be obtained as soon as broughtout He will always be in place, both night andday. to put up Prescriptions with his ownhands, andthe greatest care. His charges will be moderate,atid Medicines furnished free of cost to objects ofcharity, when eo designated by the attending phy-sician.

He hopes, from his knowledge and experienceboth in the theory and practice of the art, to re-ceive the public patronage Physicians may be as-sured that he docs not violate professional ethics.WILLIAM M. DADE,

mh 29 Chemist and Apothecary./tOME A RUNNING ?1)O N>T STOP\J TILL OU GET TO LEVY'S?Levy hasjustreturned from the North where he has purchasedlarge lots of cheap Goods. Handsome Barege De-laines at IS$. 20, and 25 cts., weli worth double themoney ; Lawns at 10. 12J, and higher price; Gins-hams at 124 ; Worked Collars at b'i, 12}, and high-er price, worth double the money; thecheapest lotof Worked Sleevesever offered, also Chemisette,l'ully 23 p>>r cent, cheaper than the same article canbe purchased for in other stores; and lots of othercheap Goods, too numerous to mention at thistime. ABRAHAM LEVY, Jb?

201 Broad street.Will open to-day 2,0; 0 pair ofLadies' Shoes, at

50, 624 and 75 cts., and Gaiters at $1,12 i and $1, 29

Bit K EDEN FOX have just[received10 4.11-4. and 12-4 Linen Sheetings8 4and 10-4 Table DamaskBird's-eye and Scotch DiapersNapkins and Doiieis| and 4-4 Irish Linen9-Y and 5-4 Pillow LinenFrench and Irish DrillingsBrown and Bleached Cottonswith a full stock of servant's arid children's wear,

which they are offering very cheap to thsir city audcountry Lien is.

mh V9?dtw2w 217 Broad street.

Razors.? a few dozen of those unrivalledAmerican Razors, just opened. We are au-thorized bythe manufacturer to give an unquali-fied warranty in every instance, and the tn >neywill be refunded when the purchaser is notperfectly satisfied. For sale only by

C. J. SIN TON &. CO.,Sole agent for this City, Sign of the Circular Saw,

71 Main Street mh 27?rs

SPRINO AND SUJHJIKR DRY UOODc,-We have now received ournew and comylete

assortment of Spring and Summer Dry Goods, suchas rich figured and plain Silks, white, blue, and le-mon colored Water Silks, rich figured D'LainRobes, plaid, plain and figured Bareges, togetherwith a large supplyof other Dress Goods, too numerousto mention. Also, in store, a rich and hand-some supp y oi French Embroideries, to which weinvite theattention of customers and the public nen-eraiiy, at CHAS. HARTWKLL & CO.'S,"

mil £7 107 Broad street.

DRY CHEAP KOIt CASH.W- BOOTVVRIGHT has received his supplyof Diy G .ods for the spring trade, to which he in-vites the - '.tetition of his customers, and ail in wantof rich Paris Bareges, Barege de Laines, Mouslaines,Kid Gloves, white and colored; sup. twisted SilkMitts, Prints, of all descriptions ; Domestic Goodsof all kinds; together with a lull assortment ofhouse-keeping Goods of every description, all otwhich will be sold at the lowest prices tor cash.

VV. BOOTW RIGHT, No. 285,mh 25?1 m Cor. Broad and Ist streets.


ner of Governor and Franklin streets, arenow receiving their Spring stock ol French andAmerican Paper Hangings, Borders, FireScreen* and Cttrtain Papers, making thelargest end most completeassortment we have everhad the pleasure to offer. A large portion of thefiner qualities have justbeen received from the bestfactories inFrance, and are of the richest and mootbeautiful styles that are made. We have also onhand a general assortment of Upholstering Materials, Curtain Goods, Floor Oil Cloths, India andCoco Matting, Window Blinds and Shades, bestcurled hair and shuck Mattresses, Sc.c , all of whichwill be sold at a small profit; and all work in ourlineattended to punctually, and faithfully executed,

mh 2ft?d2m*

Trimmings,fancy ami varietyGOODS.?HIRSH &. BOTTCHER, Broad

street, 179, beg to inform the public that they havejustreceived from their recent purchases iu NewYork, selected by themselves with care, and suita-ble to the Richmond market, a largesupplyof newTrimmings, of every style and description, for la-dies', gentlemen's, and children's wear, to whichwill be added in the courseof the season, whatevernew and fashionable appears in the North.

Our stock of Toys, Fancy and Variety Goodshave also been increased ; and among the numerousarticles we have now for sale, we mention: Bas-kets, of French, Germnn and English make, plain,paintad and embroidered; Combs, of all kinds andpatterns; Brushes, Scissors, Fans in unexampledvariety and cheap prices ; Porte Monaies, Purses,Suspenders, French and American Perfumeries,Looking Glasses, small and large sfz-s; Buttons,Edging Laces, all of which we can sell at very lowpr ces In embroideries and embroidering materials,such as ZephyrWorsted, Silks, Linen. Crochet Cot-tc n, white ard colored, Canvass, Needles, Patterns,Purse Silks Trimmings. &c . <fcc , we are well as-sorted. Embroidery, Knitting and Crotchet workdone to order.

As an establishment of this kind has been l ingwantingin tnis place, and as we will useevery effortto please aid accommodate those who may favorus with their custom, we trust that the public, andthe ladies particularly, will patronize our enter-prize. Remember the firm.

mil23?2w* HIRSH & BOTTCHER.

JOSEPH IC. KEININGHA.H is prepared toexecute jrders in every department of Book

Binding and Blank Book mnnu'«c?uring. His pa-pers and bindingmaterials are of the best quality ;

and he datters'himself that bis long experienceinhis busings* entitle? lira to speak with some confi-dence as to the good character of his work. Mer-chants, Clerks of Courts, and others can be suppliedwith books of any pattern ai.d style, at short notice,and on strictly moderate terms. Order? may beleft at his store, or at the Bhdery of Brown <fcKeiningham over the Prntiug Office ol Colin Sc.Co, opposite the American Hotel

mh26?ts JOSEPU,R.KKININGHAW.226 Broad st'eet

F. st" <\u25a0>vices to the cltixei's of J hw 861Astrology Physioenomv ..UTo iu \u25bcfciaky.incorrect, Jnd s«tief«^torv'inf *nc' ?ivM !ru"-predictima to J?*1""downfall in Moscow ran 'hi ' pr*?ovt to hl»te»of Love, MwrTa.e and Sf^, CTulled lo ra#t-UW. Mr. 8. has [S evrnts ofof the world, during the l?.t Wti' B BreMer P ,rtthU time has end«.vored to enJßrtrp^iU 6^^by all things he ever h4d or nw* HeuT. n

8'sure to assure the publiche is wilH.g to gl'^wscan.7 iUf ° rm&UoU l° aU who lavor him wUh

Tkkms?Ladies 25cents v for ren<ti..» n,-50

ladisa and gentlemen are also invited toNativities calculated according to Geomancy; forladies §2. in full 83; Gentlemen #3, i 0 t ttn ( ggHis office is on 18th street, between Main'andCary streets, secoud house from Main street. Of-fice hours from 9 o'clock in the morningtill 9 o'clockiu the evening. mh 27?2 m*

DEMt'wTI»KI) f>,>lOKl NCi TOBAC-CO.?Great Deaideratuia fop Smok-ers.?The undersigned offer to the consumers of

Smoking Tobacco, an article which has been pro-nounced byall who have tested it, supetior to anypreparation of the weed for smoking purposes,which has yetbeen offered to the public. The pe-culiar advantage of the article which they offer, isthis : in alt tobacco there is a concrete oil, Nicotine,one of its active principles, and which is eminentlypoisonous The effects of this principleare disa-greeably felt, more or less, upon the nerves and>tomach, by all smokers. The Tobacco offered bythe undersigned has been entirely deprived of itsprisonous properties, whilst, at the same time, itretains all i:s fragrant and aromatic qualities. Soinild and pleasant has it been rendered that personsol weak nerves can use it without inconvenience ?

It has the additional advantage that it does notleave'hat strong and pungent odor so perceptible andoffensive iu closc rooms.CHARLES SCHUMANN & CO.

OP* The above article can be found in anv quan-tity at BENNETT & BEERS, Druggist, 125 Mainst., agents for the 27?3 md

NJiW IMPORTATIONS FOR THiiSl'lllNG TRADE.?The subscriber begs tocall the attention of Hotel keepers, House keepers,

and those about going to House keeping,tohisstockot Ivoryhandle Table Knives and Forks, Carvers,&c. These goods are of rect nt importation, directfrom the manufactory of 'Joseph Rogers &. Sons,"and from the well known American manufactoryot "Pratt, Ropes &. Webb. The above are made tomy own order, and are made especially for my re-tailtrade; thereby, havinga superior finish as wellas a better quality of steel than those usually keptby wholesale houses. They will be sold as follows :?ln sets of 29 pieces to those who want Silver or Phited Forks, infrets of 51 p ; eces, includingIvory handle Forks; Ivory handleknives sold with-out Forks, Ivory handle Forks without Knives,Carvers in pairs or separate, Steels, See. Ebonyhandle Slicers, with or without Foiks, with 10, It',14, and 16 inch blades. Ivory handle BreadKnives, &c? &.c., to be had at the House Furnish-ing Stoie of L GINTER,mh 30?3t 137 Main street

MAGNIFiCINT DIiISSS GOODS ATVEKY LOW PRICES.?HEADQUARTERSFOR BARG .INS No. 193BROAD STREET.?Werespectlully call the attention of the ladies to ourlarge and handsome assortment ol Drees Goods,

»Ribbons. Collars, Parasols, and which through pe-culiar advantages inpurchaeing,we will sell cheap-er (no matter how cheap the same are selling else-where) than any goods of s milar quality are soldin the city. In Linen Hdk's., Ribbons, Kid Gloves,Hosiery, and in fact in every thing else, our pricesare to low, that every body who have seen andbought of the same are astonished, and pleased atthe same time, to have found out the cheapest DryGoods store inRichmmd.

MILLUISER & BROTHER,mh 30 193 Broad street.


to sell those three handsome Frick Dwellings onthe West tide of 12th street, opposite t > the Carlton House, now in the occupancy of Mr Wm. S.Donnan,Drß. A. Carrington and Mr J C. Shafer.These tenements are nearlynew, are well built, anamost conveniently located for the merchant orman of business, beingwithin live minutes walk ofthe principal places ol business.

Also, the Lot at the corner of 12th and Marshal!streets, having thereon several small buildings,yieldinga fair annualrent. Apply to

mh 12 W. GODDIN.

# MUSIC! MUSIC!:?P. H. TAY-LOR lias justreceived the following favo-rite pieces with a large lot of Music :

Wait for the Wag nI would not die in Winter1 woulrf not die in SpringtimeI would not die in SummerI would not dieat allBen BoltBe kind to the loved ones at homeRoll on Silver MoonAgatha,or the Swallow's homeward flyNapolitane, I am dreaming of theeNelly was a LadyI saw thee but an hour

At his Music arid Piano Forte Store,mh 29 160 !Mnin street.

NiSXV JIUMC.?Just received oy HARROLD<fc MURRAY,Broad street,

Willie, my Brave, song by Foster?2scDown Below, Ethiopian, song by Hewitt -25cI've a Home in the Valley, song t>y S. Glorer?

25cThe Forest Burial, Poetry byDyer- 25cFarewell, my Lilly Dear, (very pretty,) S. C. F.

?25cWait for Wagon, (20th supply.)KnawtF? 25cDreams of the Heart, byLin'ey?2scPeasant Girls' Waltzes, by O'Albert?socVirginia Goriitza, (10th supply,) by Dollinger?

38cStudents' Polka, by Hewitt?2scBuds and Blossoms, (sacred melodies) by Grobe

?38cMelodies of the People, (new variations on old

tunes) by Charles urobe?'(BcNew Music received weekly. fe26

Nash & woodholxk have recentlypurchased a large assortment of Bibles, of va-

rious editions and styles of binding. Some of themare the richest and most elegant ever seen in thismarket; others plain and neat at unprecedentedlow prices. Mb 29UICK E.Nft' SKW STOKV.?TUfc bLi AK

HOUSE.?Those who wish to read this newstory by Dickens as it appears, should subscribe toHarper's Wag zine, or purcha-e the numbers asthey are issued. The April number commencesthe story. Subscriptionsreceived or single num-bers sold by NaSH &. WOODHOI'SE,

mh 1 Eagle Square.'PHE PICTURE OF THE CENGUAI.1- ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA, covering nearlyten square tret of silver, will be drawn lor on Wed-netdtty. March 31st, 1852. at 5 o'clock, P. M. Theticket holders are requested to be present at theSky-Light Virginia (iallery, No. 145,Maui street, under the gothic window.

Will those who have not sat tavor us with a call,so as to be 'ncludef in the picture, and therebymuch oblige their obedient servant,

WILLIAM A. PRATT.Five minut"Stime is sufficient. Hours from 8, A.

M., to 5, P M. rnh 26BAKIiAIM* IN >fcW M'itlMi. GOuDd.We invite our custom-rs ani th" public toc«ll

and < xamine rur new styles of LADIES DRESSGOODS .which we sre selling at one half the usualprice. Good qualityBarege de Laioe 12> cents; firequalityrich Uj.t * 20 to 2-'< cents , extra line for31 icent#, M cent*, and $' ; Sheeting Cotton, 40 incheawide, ei ut*; fine bleached Cotton 6$pence ; 3 000 French worked Collars 12J cents ; \u25a0

laree assortment of Lace Sleeves ; Parasols at haltprice. We are receiving daily new Good-, whichwe *re determined to sell at great bargains. If youwant to bay your good* cheap, cnll at

JACOB A. LEVY'S,mh;29 15 and 59, Main street.

MFOtt ItKM', an excellent ttrica DwellingHouse on 7th street, nearly oppositethe phM*

e of Con way Robinson, Esq , «nd at presentoccupied by Hi J N IVinde xter. Possession willbe given the &iM oI April.

TOLER & COOK,mh 17 Genera] AgetiU.


J. CO. are still receiving additional supplies ofFrock and DreMg ('outs, beautiful styles ofBusinenM t'oaia, Cashmere Pnnta, Silk ardMarseilles Vests?to which they wouldagaininvitethe attention ol the public. There cannot be founda greater diversity of styles or pwtt-TCB. mh 24

A NO. 63 .MAI N STREET.?The abovevery det irable store is lor rent, (nest door to

Alex. No't Co's) at present occupied by Mr ?J< oJ.Sumner as a Furniture Wareruom Possessiongivenou Ist ApriL The present tenant would yieldft sooner, if desired. Apply to

rnh 9-eors JAMES THOMA3.J«.



Commonwealthvs. Wormley.It will be remembered by our reader* thatthe trial of John S. Wormley and James Reid,indicted at 'the Chesterfield Circuit Court forthe murder of A. T. Robiou on the ICth July,1851, was continued over from the fall term in

October last until this, the spring term, be-cause of the sickness of a material witness.Mr. Rmd, Sr. Desiring, for the benefit of ourreaders, to continue the full account of theproceedings in this momentous trial, we dis-patched one of our reporters to the CourtHouse on Tuesday, and have received fromhim the following details of the trial as far asit has progressed. At the full term the accusedsevered their pleadings, and the Common-wealth elected to try John S. Wormley first.We give the proceedings in regular order fromthe commencement of this term of the Couit.Monday, March 22d? First Day.

S. Bassett French, Attorney for the Com-monwealth resigned his office, and HoldenRhodes was appointed und qualified in hisstead.John S Wormley. indicted for murder wasset to the bar iu the custody of the jailor. Heappeared composed, though pule and sickly,

as if he hud suflered much from his confine-ment.

On motion of the Attorney for the Common-wealth rules weie awarded against Alex. lieid,Sr., Emily W. llobiou, and Wiliiuin H. John-son, absent witnesses, nnd an attachmentagainst Dr. Johnson.

March k 23d?Second Day,Holder) Rhodes, Attorney for the Common-wealth, resigned his office and B. W. Finney,

was appointed and qualified in his stead.John S. VVorinley, again brought into court,

and Funny Jewett having been recognized andfutling to appear, an attachment was awardedaguiust her, to be executed in any part of theState.

Attachments awarded against Fanny Jewett.Maria Patterson, Mary Patterson, and Alex.R?id, Senior, to 24th inst., which the Sheriffswas directed to execute in any part of theState.

March 24th? Third Day.John S. Wortnley again brought into court,

and the attachment against Win. Henry John-son, witness fur Commonwealth, being returned executed, and the witness appearing, theattachment was discharged; and Johnson andWin. B. Wooldridge were recognized as wit-nesses for the Commonwealth.

Fuunv Jewett, and Mary Pattersou, in behalfof herself and daughter, Mai in Putierson, wererecognized as witnesses for the prisoner, andthe attachments were then discharged.

The sheriff having returned the venire faciasexecuted, nnd this being called, thirteen werechallenged for cause, three were absent, andeight selected, viz: Jumes Galloway, Geo.Trayler, Thomas Kershaw, Arch'd. Dunn,Wm. T. Radcliffe, Wm. Mann, Jas. Adkins,Geo. W. Fravser. Venire facias awarded andcontinued until to-morrow.

March 25?Fourth. Day.John S. Woruiley again broughtinto Court,

and the jurors elected on yesterduy beingbrought into court, the sheriff'returned the ve-nire facias awarded on yesterday, with thenames of thirtv-thiee persons whom he hadsummoned in pursuance thereof. The prison-er moved the Court to quuah I lie return uponttie ground that the writ had not been suffi-ciently extcuted, the whole number orderednot being summoned ; which motion the Courtoverruled. Of the jurors summoned, Thos. D.Eanes, Colin C. Stringer, Charles Robertson,Re. Kr-gs, Win. Robinett, JosephTotty, AlbertMurphy and Henry Eanes were laketi.

March 26th?Fifth Day.John S. Wormley again brought into Court,

and the jurors heretofore elected also broughtin, and the sheriff returned the venire faciasawarded yesterday, with the names of thirty-one jurors. Prisoner moved to quash the writand return, because the number ordered hadnot been summoned; which motion was over-ruled by the Court, and prisoner exceptedthereto. Four rejected for cause; two absent.

J tirors called, and Wood lief Tucker. Rich-ard S. Jones, Anderson Tucker, Butler VV.Nunnally, Thos. Philips, VV B Ellington, C.Taliey,Edm. D. Philips, were tried and foundcompetent. And the panel being complete,the prisoner challenged Archd. Dunn, us notbeing a freeholder, which wus overruled, andexceptions fileed. Eight were struck there-from by the prisotier, viz: Jumes Galloway,Thomas Kershaw, Archd.Dunn, Win. T. Rad-clifte, Jauies Adkins, Geo. W. Frayser, Edmd.L>. Pnilips, Thos. Philips; and four others ex-cused by lot, viz : Win. Mann.Colin C. Strin-ger, Chas. Robertson,'Albert Murphy ; and theremaining twelve, viz: George Trayler, Tho-mas D. Eanes, Robert Kegs, Win. Robinett,Joseph Totty, Henry Eanes, Woodlitf Tuck-er, Richd. S. Jones, Anderson Tucker, BakerW. Nunnally, Win. B. Ellington, ChamberlainTally, were elected as the jury.

Rule against Ellington discharged. Ruleagainst Robert W. Mann, and rule gainst T.J. Bottom, discharged ; and attachment againstFannv Jewett and Alex. Reid and Joseph Cot-ton, witnesses for prisoner.

Attachment against Saml. H. Royal!, Win.B. Ball, Dr. William H. Johnson, Haley Cole,Edwiu Cunlifl', for Commonwealth; A. W.Trabue. witness lor prisoner; A. T. Hopper,for Commonwealth, and Geo. Jewett, for pri-soner.

March 'Hth?Sixth Day.John 3. Wormley ugaiti brought into Court,

and the jurors elected on yesterduy sworn andchained. Witutsaeaßworn.and trial coutiuueduntil Monday.

March 29th?Seventh. Day.John S. Wotniley brought into Court, and

jury 8»orn on Suturduyappeared.The following witnesses were this day ex-

amined for tlte Commonwealth, whose testimo-ny has riot heretolore been published atuiiylime. The testimony of T. Cosby,in particular, was strong agaiit6i ihe prisoner.

Wm. That. Cosby deposed : Last Spring, ayear ago, soon alter the Danville cars com-menced running, went upon theut. 1 wasasked by a man where 1 got off. I told him alRobiou's; and then he said that Kobioti washis son-in-law, and that he had treated hisdaughter very unkindly,but liod always treat-ed him in a gentlemanly manner, and that hehad invited him to his house, and told him tomake it his home ; that he hud intended to killRobiou, but Robiou had treated biinso kindlythat lie had thought he would not do so,but he had now made up his mind and was deleimined to kill hiiu at all events.

Crott Examined? Wormley was sober ;atleast, be was not drunk ; he spoke rationally.Witness never saw him before, and hud notseen him aince until now. Wormley ond hi*family were strangers lo him. Knew Hobiouslightly. Saw him once afterwards, and *pok«to hitu, hul never told him what Wormleysaid ; told Ilia father. This conversation oc-curred at the start at Richmoud, comuMwriagbefore the curs started. Wonuley said hisdaughter had parted from Robiou, and wm

[to BE CoNTtNI'ED.]

I*ooo!*.?Ju t opened a largeand3 fashionable ss-i rtmei.t ofSpring < lathing;a'sq, a largeassoitmeiitof new tjlr- Clotks,i lis-

?lnerea, Ve*iin#ii, *c, something really ue»and rich. Cail aud examine,at No I2ttmbaS E. B. SPEMCE.

THE DAILY DISPATCHtRXZtAS* RM " areaocct K u < did uot say in what

recolWt .'wf J"18 »b?u, a suit.-this conversing y "j"" week on wf »ichn whinT. .. ? purred. Witness whs aSmith WR B ?m!n 10 R?hmnnA wilh «. M.that time. Oct^o,B^^he heard ot Robiou's dean mentioned to Cren-shaw w hat he beard Wormley say.Dr. Ball : Saw Robiou's body atthe inquest held at Robiou's house. Therewere three wounds, showing externally?oneon the right si Je, near the nipple, one "on theleft side, near the short ribs, and a third ontheright arm. near the shoulder. The wound inthe left side was circular, and much contused,such as would be produced by a ball enteringthat s:de ; edges somewhat inverted. The se-cond wound had circular edges, somewhat in-verted. On the arm, the skin was a littletorn near the body ; a circular hole throughthe skin. The probe inserted on the leftsidepointed towards the arm on the right, and thewound on the arm corresponded. Robiou musthave been ly ing nearly on his back, with hisleft arin slightly elevated, or else the bodymust have been considerably elevated abovethe weapon that inflicted the wound. Thewound on the left side was near the middle ofthe side near the spine. Introduced the probealso on the right side, and in each case it indi-cated a direct course.Dr. Johnson was next sworn.?Hi» testimo-ny corroborated Dr. Ball's as to the characterot the wound. Began the examination beforeUr. Ball came, and suggested that Dr. Ball besubstituted in my stead, he being a practisingphysician, whilst 1 was not. This was done,and 1 only remained as a spectator. In theloop-hole which was cut through the arm, theshot was driven through, and this wasremovedbefore Dr. Ball came. Saw on the right sideo the bony, and within the sbirt, considerableportions of liver. 1 think there were unmis-takable evidences that the ball entered the leftside, and pursued a direct course. The probeused was a common knittine needle; and haveno reason to doabt its sufficiency. The woundsmust have produced death instantly. Thebail no doubt passed throughthe stomach, liverand lungs. The body might have been in al-most any position. If erect, the ball must haveentered Iroiu below. If on the back, it musthave entered from the side at un angle with thebody of about forty-five degrees?nearly onthe same level. I saw no injurv on the ribbs.It the weapon which caused Robiou's deathwas on the same level with the bodv, the bodymust have been inclined a little to the right.?Supposing the ball to hove pursued a directline by striking the spine, it might have beenturned.

John Williams next took the stand for theCommonwealth. We have given his testimo-ny before, but in order that our readers mayhave their memories refreshed we will give itagain :

On the 5 6th ofJuly, the evening that Robiouwas killed, I went, with my wagon and blackboy, to the woods for timber. As I proceededto the woods, passed John S. Wormley'shouse. I saw James Reid there, and thefamily. Mrs. Robiou was in the yard. Sawno gun?had no communication with the fami-ly, und did not see Robiou from the time 1 leftCole's store until I saw him dead. Got myload, and on my return saw the same personsin Wormley's House. Had no communica-tion with the family. This was a little beforedusk. After I had passed on, I suppose I musthave gotten half way between Wormley'shouse and my home, when I heard the reportof a gun. My driverremarked to me, "MasterJohn, that is a loud gun, und it is too late tobe shooting squiirels." 1 replied in the affir-mative. It crossed my mind then that Worm-ley had shot Robiou, but I did not say any-thing,and continued on. 1 had not proceededtar before Robiou's driver came up tome, undtold me Wormlev had shot his master. 1 wentimmediately to Robiou's house, got the boys,and went back to Wormley's. I found Robioulying in his vaeon, dead. Reid then came outof the house, and pulled the door to after him.He came to the wagon and said to me, Robiouis dead. I replied that he was, and orderedthe wagon to be driven home. Did not seeWormley at all, after Robiou was shot, thatevening. I found R. lying on his buck, in thewagon, opposite W.'s house. His heau was ly-ing on the hindpartof the wagon, in a directionup the road. There was a good deal of bloodon the leftside, next to Wormley'shouse. Ro-biou had no arms about him?nothing morethan a small knife in his pocket. He was notin the habit of currying arms. When he wascarried home, his pistol was found on his side-board.

Cross-Examined.? 1 passed Wormley'shouse on myway for the timber, about 4 or 5o'clock. Robiou was just behind trie, in hiswagon, going to the mill after plank. SawReid, as I passed Wormley's, sitting in thehouse. Also Saw Wormley and the childrenin the house. On my return, Robiou's wagonwas behind mine, on its wayj>uck from themill. 1 saw Reid at Wormley's, coming back,sitting in the house, and Wormley silting inthe front part of the house. Never knew Robiou to interrupt Wormley or his family. Iknew, however, that there were ill feelings onthe part of Wormley towards Robiou. Wormley struck Robiou twice last Fall on the daythat Robiou was taking depositions to procurea diverge font his wife. Robiou told him notto strike him again, aud Robiou then pickedup a chuir and struck Wormley in return.?

Wormley followed Robiou to his House, andabused hitn greatly.

The case was here continued unit! to-inor-

row, at 9 o'clock, and the jury were committedto A. Perdie, Deputy Sheriff.

The examinations and cross-examinationshave been very minute, thorough and protract-ed.

BANNANA DROPS.?I have just receivedanother lot of ihot-e excellent candied drops,

which are pronounced by all tj taste as the realBanuanasof the Indies. They aieperfectly harm-legs, 'the ingredients consist of nothing but sugarand the essence of bannana Come end t»y themyourselves,at ANTuNIO PIZZINI'S,

n4i 30 Under City Hotel.

PILOT'S AUO.HATIC C'HEK-| KY BITTERS.?These Bitters are a moat ex-

cellent remedy tor Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nerr-ous Headache Loss of appetite, \ud all diseasesaruing from derargemeutot the Sornacb and Li-ver. TUey improve the appetite, strengthen thestomach, and act a* a general eoriecrive of thesystem Price, 6i ctt a paper, sufficient to make aquartof bitters. For sale by

E J. PICOT,mh 30 Corner opposite the Old Marset.

~1~~ NOTICE.?TO THE LADli.n.?La-\u25a0\u25a0lndies in want of Boots-nd Shoes ol that can be called for, and «t the lowestprices, can be furnished by 'tailingon thesulwcnber.

ALEXANDER HILL,mh 30 No. 137 Main street,Bi<-hm»n'f, Va-

'HO Tllh A IUIi a»svr«t"»r"» oll superior Sewing Needles, imparled oy oar-

se >es >rtiin the celebrated house of Kiroy. Beardat Co., London. Those in want ot something reallygood, canbe suppiicdinany^uaamy

siirn of theCircular flaw,mh 30 71 M,Un


«ire of COUGHS. COLD& HOAR9ENEB6,BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, CEOOF,ASTHMA, nod CONSUMPTION.Manyyear* of trial, instead of imtwirincr pab-lic confidence in this medicine, baa woo for it M>appreciationand notorietyby fer exceeding the most?anguine expectation* of its friend*. Nothing outits intrinsic virtues and the unmistakable benefitconferred on thousands of sufferers, couH originateaDd maintain the reputation it enjoy?. While manyinferior remedies threat upon the community, tarefailed and been discarded, this has gained friendsbyevery trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted theynever can forget. and produced cures too numerousand too remarkable to be forgotten.While it is a fraud on the public to pretend thatany one medicine will infalliblycure?rtill there isabundant proof that the Cmkmt Pectomi, doe*no. only as a general thine, but almost invariably,cure the maladies for which it is employed.As tune makes these facts wider find bettertmZ? 1 ? medicine bas graduallybecome the bertreliance of the afflicted, from the lo«-cabin of theAmerican peasant, to the pel,ceo of theEuropeano,'^ B ft*? entire country, in everyState, city, and indeed almost every hamlet ittains, Chekbt Pwjtoeal is known as the best rem.edy extant for diseases ofthe Throat and Lurtsm. adin many foreigni countries, it is coming tosiv«=ly used by their most Intelligent Physicians InGreat Bntein. France and Germany, where themedical sciences havereached their highest perfec-tion, CherryPectoral is introduced, and in constantuse in the Armies, Hospitals, Alms Houses, PublicInstitutions, and in domestic practice, as the surestrem<dy their attending Physicians cap employ forthe more dangerous affections ofthe lungs. Also inmilder cases, and for childienitis safe, pleasant, andeffectual to cure. In fact, some of the most flatter-ingtestimonials we receive have been from parentswho have found it efficacious in cases particularlyincidental to childhood.

The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a prac-tical Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own.eye, with invariable accuracy and care. Itis sealedand protected by law from counterfeits, conse-quently canbe relied on as genuine without adulter-ation.We have endeavored here to furnish the commu-nity with a medicine of such intrinsic superiorityand worth as should commend itself lo their confi-dence?a remedyat once safe, speedyand effectual,which this has byrepeated and countless trials prov-

ed itself tobe ; and trust by great care in preparingitwith chemical accuracy, of uniform ftrength, to af-ford Physicians anew agent on which they"can relyfor thebest results, and the afflicted with a remedythat will do for them all that medicine can do.Prepared and sold by

JAMES C. AIERPractical and Analvticr.l Chemist,Loteell, Matt.

Sold by PURCELL, LADD & CO., and PEY-TON JOHNSON, Richmond, and by Druggistseverywhere. f© 12


table CompoDnd.?For the cure ol Consump-tion, under its variety of characters, such as Tu-!>ercular or Scrofulous, Bronchial or ChronicBronchitis, Pleuretic Consumption, or ChroniePleurisy, and Throat Consumption, or Ulcerationof the Wind-Pipe,and all diseases of toeLungs andChest.

In offering to the afflicted this valuable Medicine,we do so at theearnestsolicitation of many whohave experienced its great <yarative powers. Itianot our desire to tamper with the lives, constitu-tion, or health of the afflicted for mercenary moti»es, but to lay before them an effectual remtfor the above diseases. Parents will find this Cor- ? an efficacious remedy for Whoouihg Cough,Croup, and Catarrh; being very palatable, Chil-dren take itfreely. Ministers and public speakerswill find this valuable Medicine of great service, asit will remove the unpleasant feeling and hoarse-ness occasioned bylong and loud speaking.

Philadelphia, Nov. 21st, 1851.Mr. E. Stokes McElroyDear Sir?Hearingyou are about offering your valuable Medicine foraale, I <\|cm it my duty to you, ae well as to theafflicted, tc offer my testimony iff its favor, and otthe extraordinarycure it made of me. It is knownby many that I bad for a long time a distressingCough, accompanied by a very acute pain in myside, back and breast, with high teveri and lom ofappetite, and when my coughing would come on,I was so much prostrated tfiat I could not stand,and I would raise a very large amount of matter,in pieces almost as large as my finger, having theappearance of my lungs I finally got so weakthat I gave np all hopes of evergetting well. Aboutthat time I commenced taking your Pecteral Cor-dial, more to please my friends tnan from any ex-pectation of obtainingrelief; but strange to say,Bix Bottles made an entire cvuk or me ; and iam fully convinced if I had not taken your medi-cine. I could not have recovered.

Yon may use this certificate id any way that youchoose, and refer persons to me if you think pro-per, and I will give them any information in regardto my case thatthey may desire.

WM. MeCORMICK,No 17, North Eighth street.

From thePhiladelphiaMercantile Register.We would recommend to the notice of our read-ers, particularly those who are afflicted with pul-

monarydiseases, McElroy's Pectoral Cordial, apa-pular medicine that has been used for years withgreat success, and is now offered to the public.?We have had an opportunityof testing its efficacyn our family and can speak with assurance.

For sale in this city by PURCEL,L, LADD h.CO., E. J. Picot, Bennett Sc. Beers, and Thomas liMcCarthy.

Prepared by E. Stokes McElroy, Philadelphia.Price $ I per bottle, or >ix bottles for 85. da 15jty| tCHAMUS' VMO* AaSOCIA-1M TION.?CASH AND GUARANTEE CAPI-

TAL 850,000.?Office to Exchange building, nextdoor to the Post Office, Richmond. M B. DEAN,President Finance Committee: William Patten,Q. C. Wood, H. B. Judkins.

This is au Association of Working Men andothers for the mutual assistance of esen other in ??ase of sickness or accident.

By the paymentof the following annual deposits,you will become a life member, and will beecritledto a weekly benefit during life, if you should bedisabled by sickness or accident from attending toyour ordinary business or oeruDation.YEARLY DEPOSIT OF MEMBERS UNDER 50

YEARS OF AGE.Table of Bates, No. 1.

Those drawing for the first week's sickness, bysickne>«

82pr yr.draw$2prw'k. 87 pr yr. draw 8~ pr.w'k3"«'3" 8 " " 8 "

4 ?. .< 4 u 9 « - 9 "

5 " " 5 " 10 - - 10 *

§"" 6 "

Table of Rat**, Vq. 3.Those not drawing for the first week's atckseas,

bypaying8- pr yr draw 83pr. w'k I (spr yr drß7 30pr w'k

3 r .f «4 50 " 6 ?' " 875 "

4 « «600 " |T " 10 00 " ,Those over fifty years of age wilj be charged 25

psr cent extra. One dollar and fifty cents ad miss'on fee will be charged, in addition to the above,the first year, and must be paid a. the time of ap-plication,tnd the first year's deposit within thirtydays. »

Rctehrncfs.?Ex-Governer Jared W. Wil-Hams, Lancaster, N. H; Hon. A. P.Stephen*, Eock-land, N. Y ; Dwier k. Barber, Western Hotel, N%wYork City; Bobbins k. Brothers, Draper, lift ABacon, New York City; His Excellency John Hab-bard, Augusta, Maine ; Pratt * Reath, Witbam kNewman, Philadelphia; Phiio F Wileox, Fiuai-dent Chicopee Bank, Springfield. Mass; AlbertMorgan, President Agawam Bank, Sringtai,Has#.

Ail communications should toA. WILSvRf

Actuary and GeneralAgent, Richmond, Vs.BTAIew A? f wanted- Apply

Rich iriuUKitDreceived our new and bandsoaw supply «?

Rich figured Brocage S3 ks?

Rich watered <*°> sJI colorsRich black figured doRich India doBlack Satin De Chen*Black Silks, all width*, WT«f*Black and Cold CtmMCnp**Rleh plain and W which

With a large varietyof <*h«r ?

w^c".-UcfttS HABTWSLLA OJj^