the da 10-09-2013

“Little good is accomplished without controversy, and no civic evil is ever defeated without publicity.” THE DAILY ATHENAEUM WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9, 2013 VOLUME 126, ISSUE 38 It’s that stresful time again: midterms. Be sure to manage the stress in healthy ways. OPINION PAGE 4 67° / 49° PARTLY CLOUDY INSIDE News: 1, 2 Opinion: 4 A&E: 3, 6 Sports: 7, 8, 10 Campus Connection: 5 Puzzles: 5 Classifieds: 9 CONTACT US Newsroom 304-293-5092 or [email protected] Advertising 304-293-4141 or [email protected] Classifieds 304-293-4141 or DA-Classifi[email protected] Fax 304-293-6857 The WVU volleyball team will take on Baylor tonight at the Coliseum. SPORTS PAGE 10 BEAR HUNTING MIDTERM MANIA “The Pride of West Virginia”, The Mountaineer Marching Band has a deep history at WVU. A&E PAGE 6 MEET THE PRIDE Olivia Kinney Tyler Elvin ‘What can marijuana do for your country?’ Public policy forum talks marijuana legalization BY EVELYN MERITHEW STAFF WRITER @DAILYATHENAEUM The legalization of mar- ijuana is an issue that spans the United States. However, Tuesday eve- ning a group of West Vir- ginia University graduate students hosted a public policy forum about the le- galization of the drug in the state of West Virginia. The forum allowed an open discussion and the opportunity for at- tendees to learn more about marijuana and how it would positively affect West Virginia if legalized. “I started an organiza- tion called Mountaineers for Medical Marijuana, and our objective is to educate our representa- tives and the public and reform marijuana laws in West Virginia,” said Aaron Moses, founding mem- ber of the Dockside Co- op, a nonprofit medical marijuana cooperative in Seattle. Moses has also lobbied on Capitol Hill for the re- classification of medical marijuana on the national level. The discussion was put together by a group of WVU second-year grad- uate students enrolled in public policy and collec- tive actions, a class taught by Karen Kunz, professor of public administration. “The theme around the course is to learn a deeper understanding of how ad- vocacy groups, lawmak- ers and administrators work together to change public p o l i c y ,” Kunz said. In just a few short weeks, Kunz and the stu- dents organized the forum by bringing in speakers and advertising the event. As for the legalization of medical marijuana in West Virginia, Mike Manypenny, a third-term member of the West Vir- ginia House of Delegates representing the 49th district, said he has been contacted to legalize mar- ijuana since his very first term in office. After he be- gan digging to find out if there are medical benefits, he found much positive feedback. “I came across docu- mentaries and articles, and I thought, ‘This is a no-brainer. We need to have some type of com- passionate law to give pa- tients safe access to mari- juana,’” Manypenny said. After being elected to the House for his third term, Manypenny now has 10 sponsors on board for his proposed bill HB 4498, which would le- galize the use of medical marijuana. The five panelists agreed after conducting medical marijuana re- search and viewing docu- mentaries like Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s “Why I Changed My Mind on Weed,” Spotlight: 2013 WVU Homecoming Court Christian Help offers clothing, aid to those in need BY SUMMER RATCLIFF CITY EDITOR @SUMMERRATCLIFF Olivia Kinney is a senior phar- macy student from Bridgeport, W.Va. Growing up in the state, Kinney said she always knew she would attend West Virginia University. “My mother and father each have two degrees from WVU, and they have been success- ful as a direct result of their time spent here,” she said. “I also knew I wanted to pursue a degree in pharmacy.” Kinney said representing the state of West Virginia in a positive and classy manner is what being a Mountaineer means to her. “When we have fans from oppos- ing teams in Morgantown, they are watching our behavior and how we treat those around us,” she said. “We must rise above any stereotype of the WVU students and prove them wrong by showing our love and pride for West Virginia.” During her time at WVU, Kinney said her favorite memory was when her class took part in the White Coat Ceremony. “e donning of a white coat sig- nifies a professional commitment to empathy, compassion and the ap- plication of knowledge in service to others, she said. “It was a prof ound moment for me when I realized that I can make a difference with my ed- ucation through WVU.” In addition to being a Mountain- eer and a pharmacy student, Kinney said her passions in life are helping others and dancing. “rough my love for dance I can support the arts after graduating from WVU,” she said. “e values I have learned through dance have made me the person I am today and will help me to become a successful pharmacist.” Kinney said she applied for home- coming court to help shine light on the School of eatre & Dance’s new ac- ademic dance program and to invite other dancers on campus to join the movement. “I personify the spirit of a Moun- taineer as I blend my passions of pharmacy, dance and West Virginia pride,” Kinney said. “I represent the health sciences and the arts by prov- ing you can live your dream and fol- low your passion at WVU.” When asked what one word best describes her, Kinney said, “driven.” Tyler Elvin, from Delmont, Pa., is a senior sports management student with minors in personal training, Spanish and business administration. Although Elvin originally had no intention of attending WVU, he said the first time he stepped on campus while visiting with his best friend, he instantly felt at home and knew then he would be a see HOMECOMING on PAGE 2 BY PAIGE LITTLE CORRESPONDENT @DAILYATHENAEUM Many people in the downtown Morgantown area walk by Christian Help’s gated entrance each day, giving no thought to the building or what hap- pens inside its walls. Christian Help, Inc., lo- cated on Walnut Street, is filled with caring, devoted individuals who donate their time to help others in need. Every day from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., CHI offers a free store for anyone in need. The store consists of clothes, shoes, pajamas and knick-knacks that are donated daily from indi- viduals around the area. “It’s amazing to see all the great things people bring in on a daily basis; it’s truly a blessing,” said Lynda Robinette,a volun- teer and sorting room co- ordinator at CHI. Recently, CHI had one of their busiest days since the onset of fall; two sep- arate individuals donated a total of 16 totes and 12 large trash bags full of clothes and shoes, along with lamps, a television set, hats and more. “The people who donate make this place what it is,” said Lynn Keener, the vol- unteer coordinator. “They give away items that oth- ers are very lucky to find here. It’s our job to give back to those in need.” CHI is an agency of the local United Way and is a nondenominational, non- profit organization that values the ICARE way of life: integrity in all en- deavors, compassion for all community members, accountability to those they serve, responsibility to their customers and ef- fectiveness and efficiency in their response to cus- tomer needs. In addition to the free items, Christian Help fills the needs of many with their career closets, food pantry and Emergency Financial Assistance program. The two career closets, one each for men women, provide proper clothing for interviews and day-to- day professional work. The food pantry, avail- able at 8:30 a.m. every Wednesday, allows any- one to come and receive canned goods for them- selves and their family. With the Emergency Fi- nancial Assistance pro- gram, CHI helps anyone who comes in with issues involving utility termina- tion, eviction, medicine prescriptions or the costs incurred by starting a new job. see HELP on PAGE 2 e DA will continue to feature two Homecoming candidates each day this week. LGBT advocate, author talks anti- bullying on campus BY SAM BOSSERMAN CORRESPONDENT @DAILYATHENAEUM Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. Walter Meyer, an anti- bullying advocate and au- thor, encouraged the West Virginia University com- munity to stand up for what is right when it comes to is- sues concerning bullying, Tuesday during on-cam- pus lecture. e lecture, part of West Virginia University’s obser- vance of LGBT History and National Bullying Preven- tion Month, was filled with stories from Meyer’s own life as well as empirical data supporting his assertions. Meyer began his talk by pointing out hate is of- ten rooted in the fear of the unknown. “It is fear that drives peo- ple to cause others’ suffer- ing, because they don’t know what they’re dealing with,” he said. roughout the lecture, he presented many pieces of empirical evidence, in- cluding several studies ex- plaining the root causes and prevalence of bullying. Meyer said bullies often make others suffer because they do not know how to handle their own issues. He also said many times bullies are struggling with many of the same identity questions their victims are experiencing. “In certain areas, there is mandatory counseling for bullies, and many times, counselors will say they actually feel (bad) for the bullies because of the is- sues they are dealing with,” he said. Meyer stressed the fact people need to realize ev- eryone is dealing with their own struggles, and a little MILES OF SMILES School of Dentistry expands to new clinic facillity CORY DOBSON/THE DAILY ATHENAEUM The WVU Dental Care Clinic in the Suncrest Towne Centre opens its doors for regular dental checkups. BY SUMMER RATCLIFF CITY EDITOR @SUMMERRATCLIFF The West Virginia University School of Dentistry is expand- ing its ability to provide state-of-the-art smiles with the opening of its new state-of-the-art sat- ellite clinic. The new facility, lo- cated in the Suncrest Towne Centre, marks the first major expansion of the School of Dentistry since its opening in 1957. The approximately $3 million clinic houses 30 graduate residents and 24 full-time dental school faculty members, including 15 specialty providers. This makes the clinic the largest group practice of dental specialists in the state of West Virginia. see CLINIC on PAGE 2 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER Follow @dailyathenaeum on Twitter for news, sports, A&E and opinion updates from the DA staff. see LEGALIZE on PAGE 2 see BULLYING on PAGE 2

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The October 9 edition of the Daily Athenaeum


Page 1: The DA 10-09-2013

“Little good is accomplished without controversy, and no civic evil is ever defeated without publicity.”THE DAILY ATHENAEUM

Wednesday OctOber 9, 2013 VOlume 126, Issue

It’s that stresful time again: midterms. Be sure to manage the stress in healthy ways. OPINION PAGE 4


INSIDENews: 1, 2Opinion: 4A&E: 3, 6Sports: 7, 8, 10

Campus Connection: 5Puzzles: 5Classifieds: 9

CONTACT USNewsroom 304-293-5092 or [email protected] 304-293-4141 or [email protected] 304-293-4141 or [email protected] Fax 304-293-6857

The WVU volleyball team will take on Baylor tonight at the Coliseum. SPORTS PAGE 10



“The Pride of West Virginia”, The Mountaineer Marching Band has a deep history at WVU. A&E PAGE 6


Olivia KinneyTyler Elvin

‘What can marijuana do for your country?’Public policy forum talks marijuana legalization

by evelyn merithewstaff writer


The legalization of mar-ijuana is an issue that

spans the United States. However, Tuesday eve-ning a group of West Vir-ginia University graduate students hosted a public policy forum about the le-galization of the drug in the state of West Virginia.

The forum allowed an open discussion and the opportunity for at-tendees to learn more about marijuana and how it would positively affect West Virginia if legalized.

“I started an organiza-tion called Mountaineers for Medical Marijuana,

and our objective is to educate our representa-tives and the public and reform marijuana laws in West Virginia,” said Aaron Moses, founding mem-ber of the Dockside Co-op, a nonprofit medical marijuana cooperative in Seattle.

Moses has also lobbied on Capitol Hill for the re-classification of medical marijuana on the national level.

The discussion was put together by a group of WVU second-year grad-uate students enrolled in

public policy and collec-tive actions, a class taught by Karen Kunz, professor of public administration.

“The theme around the course is to learn a deeper understanding of how ad-vocacy groups, lawmak-ers and administrators work together to change public polic y,” Kunz said.

In just a few short weeks, Kunz and the stu-dents organized the forum by bringing in speakers and advertising the event.

As for the legalization of medical marijuana

in West Virginia, Mike Manypenny, a third-term member of the West Vir-ginia House of Delegates representing the 49th district, said he has been contacted to legalize mar-ijuana since his very first term in office. After he be-gan digging to find out if there are medical benefits, he found much positive feedback.

“I came across docu-mentaries and articles, and I thought, ‘This is a no-brainer. We need to have some type of com-passionate law to give pa-

tients safe access to mari-juana,’” Manypenny said.

After being elected to the House for his third term, Manypenny now has 10 sponsors on board for his proposed bill HB 4498, which would le-galize the use of medical marijuana.

The f ive panelists agreed after conducting medical marijuana re-search and viewing docu-mentaries like Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s “Why I Changed My Mind on Weed,”

Spotlight: 2013 WVU Homecoming Court

Christian help offers clothing, aid to those in need

by Summer ratCliffCity editor


Olivia Kinney is a senior phar-macy student from Bridgeport, W.Va.

Growing up in the state, Kinney said she always knew she would attend West Virginia University.

“My mother and father each have two degrees from WVU, and they have been success-ful as a direct result of their time spent here,” she said. “I also knew I wanted to pursue a degree in pharmacy.”

Kinney said representing the state of West Virginia in a positive and classy manner is what being a Mountaineer means to her.

“When we have fans from oppos-ing teams in Morgantown, they are watching our behavior and how we treat those around us,” she said. “We must rise above any stereotype of the WVU students and prove them wrong by showing our love and pride for West Virginia.”

During her time at WVU, Kinney said her favorite memory was when her class took part in the White Coat Ceremony.

“The donning of a white coat sig-nifies a professional commitment to empathy, compassion and the ap-plication of knowledge in service to others, she said. “It was a prof ound moment for me when I realized that

I can make a difference with my ed-ucation through WVU.”

In addition to being a Mountain-eer and a pharmacy student, Kinney said her passions in life are helping others and dancing.

“Through my love for dance I can support the arts after graduating from WVU,” she said. “The values I have learned through dance have made me the person I am today and will help me to become a successful pharmacist.”

Kinney said she applied for home-coming court to help shine light on the School of Theatre & Dance’s new ac-ademic dance program and to invite other dancers on campus to join the movement.

“I personify the spirit of a Moun-taineer as I blend my passions of

pharmacy, dance and West Virginia pride,” Kinney said. “I represent the health sciences and the arts by prov-ing you can live your dream and fol-low your passion at WVU.”

When asked what one word best describes her, Kinney said, “driven.”

Tyler Elvin, from Delmont, Pa., is a senior sports management student with minors in personal training, Spanish and business administration.

Although Elvin originally had no intention of attending WVU, he said the first time he stepped on campus while visiting with his best friend, he instantly felt at home and knew then he would be a


by Paige littleCorrespondent


Many people in the downtown Morgantown area walk by Christian Help’s gated entrance each day, giving no thought to the building or what hap-pens inside its walls.

Christian Help, Inc., lo-cated on Walnut Street, is filled with caring, devoted individuals who donate their time to help others in need.

Every day from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., CHI offers a free store for anyone in need. The store consists of clothes, shoes, pajamas and knick-knacks that are donated daily from indi-viduals around the area.

“It’s amazing to see all the great things people bring in on a daily basis; it’s truly a blessing,” said Lynda Robinette,a volun-teer and sorting room co-ordinator at CHI.

Recently, CHI had one of their busiest days since the onset of fall; two sep-arate individuals donated a total of 16 totes and 12 large trash bags full of clothes and shoes, along with lamps, a television set, hats and more.

“The people who donate make this place what it is,” said Lynn Keener, the vol-unteer coordinator. “They give away items that oth-

ers are very lucky to find here. It’s our job to give back to those in need.”

CHI is an agency of the local United Way and is a nondenominational, non-profit organization that values the ICARE way of life: integrity in all en-deavors, compassion for all community members, accountability to those they serve, responsibility to their customers and ef-fectiveness and efficiency in their response to cus-tomer needs.

In addition to the free items, Christian Help fills the needs of many with their career closets, food pantry and Emergency Fi na n c i a l A ss i st a n c e program.

The two career closets, one each for men women, provide proper clothing for interviews and day-to-day professional work.

The food pantry, avail-able at 8:30 a.m. every Wednesday, allows any-one to come and receive canned goods for them-selves and their family.

With the Emergency Fi-nancial Assistance pro-gram, CHI helps anyone who comes in with issues involving utility termina-tion, eviction, medicine prescriptions or the costs incurred by starting a new job.

see HELP on PAGE 2 The DA will continue to feature two Homecoming candidates

each day this week.LGBT advocate, author talks anti-bullying on campus

by Sam boSSermanCorrespondent


Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.

Walter Meyer, an anti-bullying advocate and au-thor, encouraged the West Virginia University com-munity to stand up for what is right when it comes to is-sues concerning bullying, Tuesday during on-cam-pus lecture.

The lecture, part of West Virginia University’s obser-vance of LGBT History and National Bullying Preven-tion Month, was filled with stories from Meyer’s own life as well as empirical data supporting his assertions.

Meyer began his talk by pointing out hate is of-ten rooted in the fear of the unknown.

“It is fear that drives peo-ple to cause others’ suffer-ing, because they don’t

know what they’re dealing with,” he said.

Throughout the lecture, he presented many pieces of empirical evidence, in-cluding several studies ex-plaining the root causes and prevalence of bullying.

Meyer said bullies often make others suffer because they do not know how to handle their own issues. He also said many times bullies are struggling with many of the same identity questions their victims are experiencing.

“In certain areas, there is mandatory counseling for bullies, and many times, counselors will say they actually feel (bad) for the bullies because of the is-sues they are dealing with,” he said.

Meyer stressed the fact people need to realize ev-eryone is dealing with their own struggles, and a little

mileS of SmileS

School of Dentistry expands to new clinic facillity

cOry DObsOn/tHe DAIly AtHenAeumThe WVU Dental Care Clinic in the Suncrest Towne Centre opens its doors for regular dental checkups.

by Summer ratCliffCity editor


The West Virginia University School of Dentistry is expand-ing its ability to provide

state-of-the-art smiles with the opening of its new state-of-the-art sat-ellite clinic.

The new facility, lo-cated in the Suncrest Towne Centre, marks the first major expansion of

the School of Dentistry since its opening in 1957.

The approximately $3 million clinic houses 30 graduate residents and 24 full-time dental school faculty members,

including 15 specialty providers. This makes the clinic the largest group practice of dental specialists in the state of West Virginia.

see CLINIC on PAGE 2

FOLLOW US ON TWITTERFollow @dailyathenaeum on Twitter for news, sports, A&E and opinion updates from the DA staff.



Page 2: The DA 10-09-2013


Mountaineer. “Being a Mountaineer

to me means exemplifying the qualities of leadership, honesty and integrity,” he said.

“I feel it’s about chal-lenging yourself ; get-ting involved on cam-pus and maintaining ethical practices when making tough deci-sions while being honest with everyone, including yourself.”

During Elvin’s time at WVU he said his favor-ite memory was when WVU played LSU in 2011.

“The entire city was ab-solutely electric for the game and hosting College Gameday just added an-other aspect to the already intriguing matchup,” he said.

“When we cut the score to just one touchdown,

the stadium was rocking with Seven Nation Army; that was an unforgettable moment.”

In addition to his stud-ies in sports management, Elvin said his passions in life are working out, golf-ing, hunting and fishing, playing sports and spend-ing time with his friends and family.

Elvin said he applied to be homecoming king be-cause he believes he best represents what being a true Mountaineer means and to keep the crown in his fraternity, Sigma Nu.

“Having already been named Greek Man of the Year, I feel that I have al-ready proved myself as a well-rounded person,” he said. “I can represent my-self in a respectful manner as homecoming king, as well.”

When asked what one word best de-scribes him, Elvin said, “ambitious.”

[email protected]

homeComing Continued from PAGE 1

Clients receive the fi-nancial help they need and CHI provides contacts for those who need assis-tance in other areas, as well.

CHI can assist with security deposits, first month’s rent, home or auto repair, transportation and other costs when ob-taining photo identifica-tion. It is the only agency in Monongalia County that helps its clients in this way.

Volunteer staff is always in high demand; each in-dividual who works at CHI donates his or her time for the benefit of others.

For more information about Christian Help, visit

[email protected]

helPContinued from PAGE 1

Randal Christopher, di-rector of accounting and finance for the WVU Den-tal School, said there are two groups of dental pro-viders located in the new clinic. One group con-sists of students working in specialty areas and the other part of the practice is where faculty members see their patients.

“This is simply an ex-pansion of our existing

clinics,” Christopher said. “Students, faculty and staff can still be seen at the Health Science Center if they are seeing a dental student, and the HSC will also still run our urgent care program for dental emergencies.

“We are still seeing all of the same patients at the HSC; all we’ve done is transfer our faculty prac-tice and our four graduate training programs to the new site, so patients can now also be seen there.”

In addition updated dental equipment, new

teleconferencing capabil-ities are available to allow faculty and students to collaborate with referring dentists.

By expanding its facili-ties, the dental school will free up 33 chairs for pre-doctoral dental and den-tal hygiene students, low-ering the student to chair ratio and giving the stu-dents more opportunity for hands-on patient care.

“(Previously) every half day, (some) students were either assisting, doing lab work or doing something other than treating a pa-

tient,” said David Felton, dean of the WVU School of Dentistry. “By mov-ing here, that lowers (the) chair ratio.”

The 27,000-square-foot facility houses graduate clinics in orthodontics, endodontics, periodon-tology and prosthodontics.

Bryan Hill, a third year WVU undergraduate den-tal student, said he and his classmates will have an increased number of opportunities to work in a hands-on environment because of the dental school’s expansion.

“While the majority of our time is still spent at the Health Science Center, the new clinic provides us with more room for when we go over to do rotations,” Hill said. “(At times) we will be on rotations for the dif-ferent specialties like end-odontics and orthodontics at the new location. It will give (us) more experience and exposure in dentistry.”

Hill said he believes the expansion will provide many opportunities for growth, both for individual dental students and for the dental school as a whole.

“It will hopefully pro-vide a very good source of income for the school, which will allow the school to expand,” Hill said. “Ultimately, this will help establish the new dental school build-ing that will be built by 2018.”

The WVU School of Dentistry is currently of-fering a $150 credit to new patients on their first visit through December 2013.

To schedule an appoint-ment, call 304-293-5831.

[email protected]

cOry DObsOn/tHe DAIly AtHenAeumThe WVU Dental Care Clinic in Suncrest Towne Centre opened its doors earlier this month.

CliniCContinued from PAGE 1

m a r i j u a n a h a s e n d l e s s p o s i t i v e benefits.

“Unfortunately, my w ife has develope d multiple sclerosis, and it took me about 10 min-utes of research to learn that medical marijuana works well for MS. I was sent over to Delegate Mike, and I’ve been on ever since,” said Don Smith, the owner and founder of Greenview Group Ltd.

Smith also said al-though weed may not be legalized in the United States, it is here to stay.

“ M a n h a s u s e d cannabis for tens of thou-

sands of years, and there’s no doubt man will use cannabis for tens of thou-sands of years into the fu-ture,” Smith said.

A p p r o x i m a t e l y 7 0 s t u d e n t s, p ro f e s s o r s and community mem-bers turned out for the presentation, a turn-out that was much more than anticipated by the class.

Moses said as an activ-ist, it is important to be properly informed about marijuana, and he en-courages those interested to join Mountaineers for Marijuana.

“Ask not what your country can do for mar-ijuana, but what mari-juana can do for you and your country,” Moses said.

[email protected]

legaliZe Continued from PAGE 1

bit of kindness can make someone’s day.

“Would knowing that the ‘strange’ person in class had a brother dying of can-cer change the way you act toward them?” Meyer said. “There is no way to know what others are go-ing through privately and being kind to everybody can go a long way, espe-cially with those people who really are having a bad day.”

Additionally, Meyer said the single most important factor in stopping the bul-lying issue is for good peo-ple to stand up for what is right.

“All it takes is for one person to stand up, and

that’s it,” he said. “The bully is looking for rein-forcement, and if he or she doesn’t get that, it ends because it’s no longer cool.”

Rachel Cole, freshman athletic training student, said the lecture’s message was an important one and wished more people would stop and really think about how their actions affect others.

“I think the lecture has a message for everybody, be-cause it teaches that peo-ple should look at a per-son and not judge them on their appearance,” Cole said.

“I completely agree that people should remind themselves that they don’t know what’s going on in another person’s life and that they should always be kind.”

Brian Powell, a doctoral computer science student, said he thought the lec-ture really framed the is-sues surrounding bullying well, and he thought Meyer did a great job presenting evidence to support his claims.

“It was really interesting to hear his story, his own personal experiences,” Powell said. “When you see some of these numbers and facts he presented, it’s pretty startling.”

Meyer concluded his lecture by encouraging all those in attendance to not be afraid to speak up and seek help with any issues they may be struggling with.

To find out more about Meyer and his work, visit

[email protected]

bullyingContinued from PAGE 1


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Page 3: The DA 10-09-2013


Zombie PromSaturday,October 12th

9:00-11:00 pmImmediately After 2013 Morgantown Zombie Walk!

At Bent Willey’s!471 Chestnut Street

Tickets: $6Free Snacks & Soda

Under 18a parent must

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2013 Morgantown

Reed Street Entrance

Benny Skyn fills Gluck Theatre with upbeat country musicBy stephanie messinger

A&E writEr @dAilyAthEnAEum

The Gluck Theatre boomed with good tunes Monday night as solo artist Benny Skyn made his way onto Morgantown Sound, Morgantown’s only local live radio performance, with U92 (WWVU-FM).

Before the performance, Skyn said he anticipated a good show.

“I’m feeling good and ready to get to work,” he said.

His original music was refreshing, as students are all trying to wind down from the stress of midterms.

Skyn’s performance was something audience mem-bers won’t forget, with his fancy finger work, en-ergetic music and good sense of humor.

The genre varied by the minute, and Skyn spiced things up with his crazy moves. Skyn said he wasn’t

sure which songs he was going to play, but he had a good list of options ready to go.

“I really just feed off the audience and their reac-tions,” he said. “A group of bikers could walk in here, and I would try to change things up.”

His easygoing person-ality was up and ready for anything. Skyn was a performer just trying to have fun and please his audience.

After warming up, the first song Skyn played was about fighting the system. The song choice worked well with today’s societal issues, especially with the government shutdown.

Before each of his songs, Skyn would give the audience a little in-sight about how the idea sparked.

His second song was written on his way back from Knoxville, Tenn., and the room filled with

upbeat rhythms about ex-periencing a rodeo. Skyn wrote the song “Liberty and Justice” after his old apartment building in Knoxville.

The audience was anx-ious as Skyn mentioned a song he wrote about play-ing a show in a federal women’s prison. “Room Full of Women” was a hit, and you couldn’t help but tap your feet because of the catchy beat.

Skyn had the audience laughing as he introduced a song as an ode to his ex-wife and that she liked the song until he told her what it was about.

“His comical personal-ity is what made the per-formance so entertain-ing,” said Courtney Gatto, a freshman public rela-tions student. “His music was really good, but I loved how funny he was and his original inspirations.”

Skyn stayed strong and consistent throughout the entire performance and

kept the energy high at all times.

During breaks, Skyn in-teracted with the audience to get them involved.

Though some of his mu-sic was inspired by artists,

such as Jimmy Buffet and John Prine, Skyn’s orig-inality beamed through his lyrics. Each song had a sense of Skyn’s experi-ences of love, life and even his ex-wife.

Audience members thought Skyn was a joy to listen to and thor-oughly enjoyed the performance.

daa&[email protected]

‘Art Up Close!’ lecture series features John SloanBy CarOL FOX

A&E writEr @dAilyAthEnAEum

Students and commu-nity members were enter-tained and enlightened Tuesday evening at the Museum Education Center by the latest installment of the West Virginia Univer-sity Art Museum and the Friends of the Museum’s “Art Up Close!” series.

This time, the focus was on John Sloan’s “Anschutz on Anatomy,” and the lec-turer was Bernard Schultz. Schultz is the former dean of the College of Creative Arts, current director of Education and External Af-fairs for the Art Museum and a professor of art his-tory in the School of Art & Design.

Schultz’s personal re-search focuses on art and how it relates to medical study throughout history, which led him to lecture at Tuesday’s installment of the series.

Sloan was a member of the Ashcan School, a group of artists who Schultz said were concerned with painting the commonplace American life in the 20th century. Because these artists were interested in the everyday lives of mid-

dle-class Americans, they paid a great deal of atten-tion to anatomy, learning how to draw and paint hu-man figures using actual human bodies as the basis for their art.

Sloan’s “Anschutz on Anatomy” depicts artist Thomas Anschutz teach-ing a class on anatomy. An-schutz was the co-founder of the Darby School, leader at the Pennsylvania Acad-emy of Fine Arts and Sloan’s own teacher.

According to Schultz, the print is remarkable, be-cause it portrays a “mixed audience” of male and fe-male students in the same class, which is something that only began to occur at the beginning of the 20th century, when Sloan’s print was made.

In addition to that ex-ceptional quality, Schultz also explained Sloan’s print was part of a long tradition of art mingling with anatomy and medi-cal exploration – dating all the way back to Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelan-gelo – which is something Schultz said he believes all appreciators of art can enjoy.

“Art is a living experi-ence,” Schultz said. “And it’s up to all of us, as art-

ists and lovers of art, to communicate and share that with people, because all art expresses the inten-sity of what it means to be human.”

Jessica Poole, a fine arts and art history student, said she came to the lec-ture because Sloan’s print is something to which she has previous exposure and something from which she hopes to learn much more.

“In one of my classes I’m studying this exact print,” Poole said. “I wanted to see what else I could learn, and it helped me in terms of writing my fi-nal research paper for that class.

“I think it’s very inter-esting to see how the artist learns these things, such as how to draw human anat-omy. Learning the figure is very important, and I think other artists should come to these lectures.”

Schultz ended his lec-ture with a final note about Paul and Laura Mesaros, the couple for whom the galleries at the Creative Arts Center were named.

Because the Mesaros are no longer with us, Schultz said he wanted everyone to realize how much of a boon their contributions to WVU’s art collection

have been. S c h u l t z e x p l a i n e d

though they were both physicians from Steuben-ville, Ohio, they were pas-sionate art collectors, and the Sloan print is just one of many WVU received from the Mesaros.

“They wound up with one of the most impres-sive collections of Amer-ican prints, especially from the ‘20s and ‘30s,” Schultz said. “They did a tremendous endowment in the hope that one day we would have an art mu-seum. They loved the arts, even though as surgeons they weren’t directly in-volved in them, and their estate came to the benefit of the students and faculty here at WVU.”

“Art Up Close!” is a re-curring series of lectures and art viewing presented throughout the school year to allow students and com-munity members a chance to engage with a piece of art from the Universi-ty’s collection before the much-anticipated WVU Art Museum is built.

For more information, check out the Art Muse-um’s website at

daa&[email protected]

Drake’s ‘Nothing Was the Same’ tops charts

Doyle Maurer/THe DaIly aTHeNaeuMBenny Skyn performs on stage in the Gluck Theatre Monday night.

What’s spinning at WWVU-FM?

Top 20 Albums in Rotation1. Arctic Monkeys - “AM” (Domino)

2. King Khan and the Shrines - “Idle No More” (Merge) 3. MGMT - “MGMT” (Columbia)

4. Obits - “Bed and Bugs” (Sub Pop)

5. Pixies - “EP-1” (Self-Released)

6. Crocodiles - “Crimes Of Passion” (Frenchkiss)

7. CHVRCHES - “The Bones Of What You Believe” (Glassnote)

8. Surf City - “We Knew It Was Not Going To Be Like This” (Fire)

9. Rich Hands - “Dreamers” (Fountain-Burger)

10. Elvis Costello and the Roots - “Wise Up Ghost” (Blue Note)

11. Blouse - “Imperium” (Captured Tracks)

12. Royal Bangs - “Brass” (Modern Art)

13. Them Swoops - “Glimmers” (+1 Records)

14. Deer Tick - “Negativity” (Partisan)

15. Mazzy Star - “Seasons Of Your Day” (InGrooves)

16. Franz Ferdinand - “Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action” (Domino) 17. Jonathan Rado - “Law And Order” (Woodsist)

18. Dr. Dog - “B-Room” (Anti)

19. Neko Case - “The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You” (Anti)

20. Brightener - “Make Real Friends” (Self-Released)

Five years ago, many knew Aubrey Graham as a character on the TeenNick show, “Degrassi: The Next Generation.” Since the re-lease of his EP in 2009, “So Far Gone,” Aubrey Drake Graham has morphed into one of rap and hip-hop’s biggest acts, popularly known as Drake.

Drake released his third studio album, “Nothing Was the Same,” Sept. 24. In the spring many people were listening to the sin-gle “Started From the Bot-tom,” which hit the No. 6 spot on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart and No. 2 on the U.S. Billboard Rap charts for 2013.

The release of “Nothing Was the Same” was highly anticipated, as Drake had told GQ in January that this album would have a different sound than his most recent, “Take Care.”

Drake wrote almost all the songs on the re-

cord, and he collaborated with Jay-Z, Big Sean and 2 Chainz, among others, to finish it. Songs like “Hold On, We’re Going Home” and “Furthest Thing” are typical of Drake’s emo-tional tracks, aimed to-ward a girl he still has feel-ings for and can’t get over. Lyrics like “I can’t get over you/you left your mark on me,” and “girl, don’t treat me like a stranger/girl, you know I’ve seen you naked,” come from the Drake who pulls at your emotions.

In his interview with MTV before the release of the album, he said he was never going to do a “straight rap” album, which meant he wants to make his R&B music, be-cause that’s how he came into the music industry.

Faithful fans of his rap tunes can appreciate the tracks “The Language,” “Pound Cake,” featuring Jay-Z, and “Too Much,” fea-turing Sampha. “Nothing Was The Same” has a good mix of chill hip-hop songs and Drake’s signature rap

style. In comparison to his first

two studio albums, I would put it second to “Thank Me Later,” but before “Take Care.” The Canadian rap

star can only go up from here, and he is surely mak-ing a point nothing is the same.

daa&[email protected]

niCOLe CurtainA&E writEr @dAilyAthEnAEum


NEW YORK (AP) — Tay-lor Swift has set a re-cord with the Nashville Songwriters Association International.

The organization an-nounced Tuesday that it would name Swift as its songwriter/artist of the year. This is her sixth win, beating out five-time win-ners Vince Gill and Alan Jackson.

The award recognizes Nashville acts that have

achieved Top 30 singles. Swift has released 14 Top 30 songs from July 2012 through June 2013. She’s also the youngest artist to win the honor.

Her six awards will be displayed at the Taylor Swift Education Center, which opens Saturday at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville. The 23-year-old singer donated $4 million to the center. wIkIa.coM

Taylor Swift receives sixth songwriting award

Page 4: The DA 10-09-2013

OPINION4CONTACT US 304-293-5092 ext. 4 | [email protected] OctOber 9, 2013


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THE DA IS HIRING WRITERSInquire about paid positions at The Daily Athenaeum at [email protected] or pick up an application at our office at 284 Prospect St.


National parks an unexpected fatality of government shutdown

Beating the mid-semester slump

The U.S government is in the middle of a shut-down the likes of which the American people have not seen in 17 years.

There are many effects it leaves on the country, but one that has many tourists and families outraged is the closing of our national parks.

I believe these parks have to remain open for the American people and international tour-ists, who cherish these parks and monuments for what they truly are. Gov-ernment problems are al-ways coming and going, but these parks are a des-tination for many families who might only get to visit them once in their life-time. Every year, 282 mil-lion Americans and inter-national tourists visit the beautiful national parks and monuments, and now they are being sent home at the gates with no photos or refunds.

The job and responsi-bility of our president and congressmen is compli-cated and difficult for the average citizen to com-pletely understand. But when their inability to agree on a certain bill or plan translates into our lives, we have the right to be outraged.

All 401 national parks, monuments and cultural sites operated by the Na-tional Park Service are closing indefinitely be-cause Congress failed to pass a spending plan in time to prevent the shut-down of our federal pro-grams and services. Amer-ican landmarks that are temporarily closing in-clude Joshua Tree, Yosem-ite National Park, Alcatraz in the San Francisco Bay, the Statue of Liberty, Yel-lowstone Park and Mount Rushmore.

These monuments and parks are the cornerstone of this country, and some of them even define what we live for as Americans. Being government parks, the employees of these parks were sent home

with no pay throughout the shutdown. There needs to be a way to keep these parks open and employ-ees working so these fami-lies and tourists can enjoy their trips.

Issues that arise from the government shutdown can be tolerable until the consequences hit the wal-lets and hearts of our hard-working citizens. A group of river runners have been waiting since 1995 to get their permit to raft through the Grand Canyon. The couple spent $40,000 to-tal and when they showed up this past Tuesday for their dream trip they were met by a reality no tourist wants to face.

How can the govern-ment let their problems trickle into the everyday lives of the American peo-ple? The opportunity for these river runners to win a permit to raft through the Grand Canyon is less than one percent; to say these runners are outraged is an understatement.

One of the real problems that arise is the timing of the shutdown. These parks

have seen drastic bud-get cuts over the last three years, and now they have been shut down in their busiest month of the year.

When tourists come from all over the world to visit the parks, it’s like hitting the game-winning homerun in the World Se-ries. An average of 715,000 visitors come to the Na-tional Park Service’s site in the month of October alone. Joshua Tree, which is two hours east of Los An-geles, is perfect this time of the year for visitors to beat the summer heat and avoid the cooler winter approaching.

This country has never been and will never be per-fect, but the government has to keep its problems internal and avoid affect-ing the lives of the Amer-ican people. I believe all of the tourists who have dealt with the burdens of the government this week and beyond should be re-funded for every dollar they worked to spend on their trip.

[email protected]

ryaN vaNbureNguest columnist

david schlakecolumnist


NEWS.NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC.COMA U.S. Park Police officer watches as a National Park Service employee posts a sign on a barricade closing access to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Academic, social life negatively affected

by stress

How do you deal with midterm stress? Like us and comment onFacebook

With midterms roll-ing around, the familiar stress for upperclassmen as well as the newly dis-covered stress for fresh-men is setting in.

For many students, midterms can be a re-freshing confidence boost, reassuring them they are on the right track academically. But for many other students, midterms can be a rude awakening. This can cause stress and anxiety among many more peo-ple than you realize.

I can think of several instances where the stress of general academic fail-ure changed how a per-son acted on a daily ba-sis. The first time I really watched a serious case of college stress was during my freshman year. One of the first people I grew close to while living in the dorms was also the first person I saw completely collapse.

He moved into Arnold during the fall of 2011. My roommate freshman year knew him from high school and we hit it off right away. He was plan-ning on graduating with a degree in business and seemed like a very intel-ligent guy.

However, after a cou-ple weeks of school, he started getting behind and missing classes. I was surprised when he never really picked up the slack to get on board with his grades, but instead con-tinued the same routine he had fallen into. What started as missing a cou-ple classes a week led to missing most of his classes every week, and eventually he just gave up on going to his classes altogether. Aspects of his mood and personality be-gan to change drastically, and by the time the end of September came around he was a completely dif-ferent person.

At first, I had no sym-pathy for him because I thought I was doing ev-erything right in college. I thought since I was go-ing to class and study-ing I would be success-ful, so he had no one to blame but himself. Later I found out he was actu-

ally spending most of his time studying for the first part of the semester but couldn’t keep up with the work load. He eventually

just gave up on himself. I watched him day

in and day out sit in his room, depressed and lacking any and all mo-tivation to do anything. I asked him, “What are you going to do when your grades come back and you fail everything?” He said, “At this point it doesn’t matter, does it?”

I guess he had a point to a certain extent ; there was no fixing any-thing at that point. He went through that phase for a while, but he still asked me to spend time with him. After a while, though, he stopped talk-ing to me all together.

Finally I texted him to see if he wanted to go get food and when he didn’t answer, I went up to see where he was. I found him looking over the roof, painting a fairly clear pic-ture of what he was think-ing about doing. I got him to go back to the dorm and tried to sit down and talk to him, but I don’t think he was even pro-cessing the conversation, because he was mentally on a different planet. He ended up withdraw-ing from school, and he moved out the next day.

I’ve talked to him since he dropped out, and he’s actually doing well for himself.

College is a stress-ful time for everyone. If you’re ever thinking you’re not cut out for it because you’re strug-gling, you aren’t the only one. We all have had that moment of doubt more than once. And we all have the same struggles in common, meaning we are all in this together.

No student should ever feel like his or her life is insignificant because he or she is struggling to suc-ceed in school. We have the Carruth Center where you can get help, as well as plenty of faculty and fellow students who want to help you succeed.

College is an opportu-nity, not a requirement. Other opportunities will come along even if col-lege isn’t the path that works for you.

[email protected]

With just over nine reg-ular weeks left in the se-mester and midterms in full swing, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. By this time in the school year, students have gotten into the thick of their classes, extracur-ricular activities and work schedules.

But now it is more impor-tant than ever to take what-ever steps are necessary to prevent that mid-semester slump. It’s very easy to feel like you aren’t cut out for college or you’ve taken on too much and you’ll never catch up. You aren’t alone; even the seniors who’ve seen it all before can feel a little in over their heads.

First of all, take a step back from everything, up-date your planner, and look at what you need to do. Then prioritize. What is the most urgent? What can wait until later? As you’ve all heard, completing almost any task is easier when you break it down into smaller, more achievable steps.

After you’ve gotten your life in order, go sit down. Re-ally. Go take a break, go for a run, go watch TV, go read a book – whatever you do that helps you de-stress. A stressed mind is a stagnant mind, and that won’t do you any good if you’re trying to study for that last midterm or writing a paper.

And take frequent breaks. Numerous studies have proven the brain is un-able to focus or perform well when it is in constant use. So, yes, look over a few chapters and then peruse Tumblr, Pinterest, or play a silly Internet game for 10 minutes until you’re back into the groove. Just be sure to time yourself and don’t let yourself get too distracted.

Another helpful hint is to find a study buddy or form a study group, if you haven’t already. There are some subjects that are al-most impossible to study for alone and other points of view might be just what

you need to crack a difficult math formula.

As you’ve seen time and again, now is the time to schedule an appointment with your professors if you aren’t keeping up in class. They can help you with things you missed or don’t understand better than any-one else, and if you aren’t getting it now, you’re going to struggle for the rest of the semester.

It may also be wise to consider dropping some-thing, whether it be a class you aren’t doing well in, an extra shift at work you picked up, or a club you joined. It’s okay to admit defeat in these cases. You

don’t owe anyone anything, and your number one pri-ority right now needs to be you and your health. But be sure you do it responsibly.

Finally, evaluate whether or not this college is right for you. If you feel constantly behind or you are misera-ble being here, it’s not un-reasonable to want a break or consider transferring to a new school. West Virginia University is a wonderful school with a multitude of opportunities, but some students find the campus too large and the fields of study not focused enough.

The most important thing here is you. You are the rea-son you are here, and you

choose how to further your education. So, you need to do what is best for you. Just remember you are never alone, and there are many people who have come be-fore you who have experi-enced the same feelings and the number of your peers who are feeling the same way might just sur-prise you.

This weekend marks the first ever WVU fall break, so make the most of it. Go out to the bars and have a good time or stay at home and recover. This is the time of your life – keep it a posi-tive one.

[email protected]

Page 5: The DA 10-09-2013


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ACROSS1 Aphid’s meal4 Marsh bird9 Neil Simon’s “__ Suite”14 Communication at Gallaudet U.15 Concert venue16 Bona fide17 *Role in the films “Wichita” and

“Tombstone”19 Opposite of apr s20 Place for un chapeau21 Miracle-__22 Get-up-and-go23 Opera featuring Iago25 Lint collector27 It may be set or set off29 Glowing, perhaps30 Cleaning closet item33 Nautical pole35 Spry37 Will Smith title role38 French noble39 Trail behind40 Grape-growing spot42 Back when43 Put to shame45 Mutineer46 Neither mate47 Noisy quarrel48 “Hotel Rwanda” tribe50 Compote ingredient52 Fired on55 __ of Gibraltar58 Source of lean red meat60 Pertaining to planes61 Pope after Sergius II62 Rip to pieces, and a hint to what’s hid-

den in the answers to this puzzle’s starred clues

64 Lexus competitor65 Malady with swelling66 “Norma __”67 Potter’s apparatus68 “Count me out”69 Part of DOS: Abbr.

DOWN1 Managed2 So far3 *Protection for jousters4 “Mangia!”5 Genetics pioneer Mendel6 Derri re

7 2001 bankruptcy filer8 Brew source9 *2000s documentary whose first epi-

sode was “From Pole to Pole”10 Video game stage11 Ice cream thickener12 Criticize with barbs13 DOJ employee18 “We want to hear the story”22 Devil’s work24 *One who was held up, most likely26 Land28 Mozambique neighbor30 *Indoor antenna31 Lotion addition32 Gibson __33 Diagnostic test34 Comic strip possum36 Beetle juice?41 Lather again44 Flu fighter’s episode49 Seizes unlawfully50 Renaissance __

51 Start a hole53 Variety54 Big name in raingear55 Picnic side56 One helping after a crash57 Cad59 Cass’s title62 “Spare me the details,” in brief63 Backpacked beast








BORN TODAY This year a partner or close loved one can be very un-predictable. At first you might be an-noyed, but later you could find these unexpected episodes to be exciting and even instrumental in preventing boredom. If you are single, you might not be able to stabilize a relationship in the way you would like to, as this element of surprise also affects your bonds this year. If you are attached, once you get used to your sweetie embracing more spontaneity, you could find your relationship to be quite fun. Be open to change.

ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) HHHH Make it a point to draw from nontraditional sources when

brainstorming with others or when launching a new project. You will be amazed by the difference it makes and by what occurs when you tap into your imagination. Tonight: Go along with someone’s offbeat plans.

TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20) HHHH Deal with others on an individual level, even if you are uncomfortable with the end results. Honor a change from within, and recognize when you need to back off and allow oth-ers to have more say. You know what is workable for you. Tonight: Share news with a favorite person.

G E M I N I ( M AY 21- J U N E 20) HHHHH You’ll want to move on and head in a new direction, but you could be slammed by incoming calls, questions and people showing up at your door. Handle priorities first. Re-lax, and don’t push so hard to follow

through on what you want. Tonight: Where the action is.

CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22) HHHH You might wonder what it’s best to do under the present circumstances. You could feel as if a key person has been deceptive or unstable because of his or her switching directions out of the blue. Keep your feelings to your-self. Tonight: Get some extra R and R.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22) HHHH You could be unusually energized and delighted by a suggestion that trig-gers your mind to come up with even more ideas. Someone you consider to be a trustworthy expert might be acting a bit flaky. Say little and ob-serve more in the next few months. Tonight: Time for midweek fun.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) HHHH Others often expect a lot from you,

regardless of whether you are will-ing to give them what they want. You will step up to the plate because you know you can make a difference. Loved ones will support you in a ven-ture. Tonight: Don’t worry so much about your finances.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22) HHHHH Realize what is happening between you and a relative or neighbor, as a new sense of compatibility seems to emerge. You will laugh, go with the moment and finally seem to work well together. Tonight: Get out and about, and take an overdue break from the workweek.

SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) HHH Being concerned about your funds makes sense, especially since you have little control over a work situa-tion. Be smart, and avoid taking any unnecessary risks; your instincts will

guide you. Listen to them, and you will be just fine. Tonight: Fun does not need to break the bank.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) HHHHH A surprise from a child or new friend will encourage you to put on your thinking cap in order to make the right decisions. Trust your sixth sense, and you will know which di-rection to head in. Open up and share more of your feelings. Tonight: What-ever knocks your socks off.

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) HHHH Remain sensitive to what is taking place in the moment, and you will un-derstand what needs to happen. In or-der to accomplish what you want, pri-oritize your to-do list. It might be best to ignore other seemingly trivial mat-ters. Tonight: Get some extra zzz’s


You might want to take off ASAP. If you can, make arrangements to do that -- you need a break! Ask a friend or loved one to join you. You are likely to find that getting away from your daily rou-tine will restore your energy. Tonight: Only where you want to be.

PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) HHH You could be pushing yourself too hard. Understand what needs to happen with a boss or someone you look up to, but know that it might be nearly impossible to change his or her mind. Take your time with a sit-uation, rather than jump right into it. Tonight: A force to be dealt with.

BORN TODAY Musician John

Lennon (1940), actor Steve Burns (1973), former U.S. Sen. Trent Lott (1941)

Join the discussion. Follow us on Twitter at


Page 6: The DA 10-09-2013

A&E6CONTACT US 304-293-5092 ext. 3 | DAA&[email protected] OctOber 9, 2013

‘The Pride of West Virginia’Mel Moraes/THe DaIlY aTHeNaeUM

‘The Pride of West Virginia’ takes the field during the Georgia State game.

Mel Moraes/THe DaIlY aTHeNaeUMA feature twirler displays her skill.

Mel Moraes/THe DaIlY aTHeNaeUMThe marching band partakes in the ‘Boomstache’ theme of the Georgia State game.

The WVU marching band continues a great tradition while making 2013 a year of their own.By Noelle Harris

A&E WritEr @DAilyAthEnAEum

Seven songs, 15 min-utes, 370 people and 60,000 screaming fans – this is what “The Pride of West Virginia,” the Mountaineer Marching Band, is used to as they take the field dur-ing football games.

Fans are greeted at ev-ery football game by “The Pride” and that has made the band one of the big-gest traditions at the foot-ball games.

The WVU marching band was formed in 1901 as an all-male ROTC band of eight members. That group began marching at the football games. Eleven non-ROTC males were al-lowed to join the band in 1925.

Since these men were not granted the same mon-etary benefits as the ROTC members, they decided to join their own marching band. The group quickly pledged a Greek fraternity and formed what is now the Omicron Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi; the two groups merged years later to form one band.

The band’s biggest pe-riod of growth and devel-opment occurred during the 1970s when Don Wil-cox became the director. He inherited a band that included 88 male mem-bers, and in 1972 he en-couraged women to join. A few short years later, Wilcox helped to bring the band’s numbers up to 280 members.

This period of time brought a change in atti-tude in the band and to-ward the band. It was at the 1975 Peach Bowl when an

announcer called the band “The Pride of West Vir-ginia.” That is now the most commonly used phrase to describe the band.

What was possibly the biggest moment for “The Pride” was in 1997 when it received the prestigious John Philip Sousa Founda-tion’s “Sudler Trophy.” The award recognized the tra-dition of dedication, com-mitment and pride dem-onstrated by the marching band.

“The Pride” is a haven of tradition, and the thing the band is most known for – the famed pregame show – is the biggest tradition the band has. It is one of the most energetic college pre-game shows in the nation, and fans know the routine by heart.

The show combines University fight songs with other widely known songs, which are paired with dif-ficult marching drills that vary from year to year. However, the most popu-lar points in the show al-ways remain the same.

The band begins the pregame show by march-ing down the field to “Fight Mountaineers.” What starts out as moving sets of two “WVUs” transforms into spokes and circles before the crowd erupts as the band expands the circles during “Simple Gifts.”

The drill for “Hail West Virginia” is an actual show-case of the state. “The Pride” always forms the state outline during “Coun-try Roads” and then in-verts it during “Hail West Virginia.”

In addition to the pre-game show, the band also performs different ener-getic selections at halftime.

So far this year, the band has performed pieces by Blood, Sweat, & Tears; The Ides of March; and Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. The band will celebrate homecoming festivities next week with the music of jazz-fusion group Chase.

The band performs around the nation as am-bassadors of WVU and the state of West Virginia.

This weekend the band will perform in the Fort Li-gonier Days Festival Pa-rade in Ligonier, Pa., and the Oakton Classic March-ing Band Competition in Oakton, Va. They also per-formed in Norman, Okla., when the Mountaineers took on the Sooners of Oklahoma University.

Members of “The Pride” are a part of almost every college in the University. Some members go on and come back to their roots as members of the marching band’s staff. That is true for Christopher Nichter, the assistant marching band director.

Nichter is also an assis-tant to the directors of the West Virginia University Bands and assistant direc-tor of Athletic Bands.

Nichter was a member of the marching band from 1999-2002 and served as a tuba assistant rank leader, tuba rank leader, tuba as-sistant section leader and tuba section leader, when he earned Outstanding Section leader in 2002.

For him, being able to lead the band now is spe-cial because he was a member as a student.

“It is an honor to serve West Virginia University’s marching band as Assis-tant Director,” Nichter said. “Because I am an alumnus

of the program, my role is especially meaningful.”

Nichter has the opportu-nity to watch students grow over the course of their col-lege career, but he said one of the best parts of the job is seeing how fans react when they see the band perform.

“Every time I see the band emotionally move someone through our per-formances, I am deeply touched and reminded about the power of music,” Nichter said.

The connection the band has to the state of West Virginia is truly spe-cial to him. “The Pride” has truly earned its name.

For more information on “The Pride of West Vir-ginia,” visit

daa&[email protected]

By jake jarvis CorrEsponDEnt


West Virginia Public The-atre, will be putting on “The Wizard of Oz” this December as their holiday show. Audi-tions will be held Saturday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. at the AW Dance Studio, which is lo-cated at 256 Greenbag Rd.

Those wishing to audi-tion should schedule an au-dition slot by emailing [email protected]. Appointments will be made by email only.

To come fully prepared, those wishing to audition should have a 32-bar musical selection that demonstrates vocal ability and range.

Those auditioning may be asked to dance and should dress appropriately in clothes that are easy to move around.

Michael Licata, the cast-ing director, said being fully prepared is a big thing he looks for.

“I think it is extremely im-portant that the performer be properly prepared for the audition,” Licata said.

When coming into an au-dition, much like coming in for a job interview, confi-dence is key.

“An actor should be con-fident when they walk in to audition,” said Ka-tie Boothby, a West Vi r g i n i a U n i v e r s i t y acting student. “They don’t stutter, they demand atten-tion. You can just tell who’s worked hard.”

Lacata said she shares Boothby’s attitude about the audition process.

“If I see that light in their eyes when they’re up on stage, they are the people with whom we want to work,” Lacata said.

In past productions with West Virginia Public Theatre, audiences have been enter-tained by a variety of per-formers. With “The Wizard of Oz,” there is the possibility of

following a growing trend of using puppets on stage.

“At this point we’re very seriously exploring the use of puppets in this production,” Lacata said. “This is contin-gent on finding a sponsor be-cause it’s very expensive. If we do this, our actors will run the puppets.”

The WVU Theatre depart-ment has a puppetry major in which students acquire a great set of skills that are highly marketable in the en-tertainment industry.

“I’ve never worked with a puppet before, but it’s an ex-perience I’d love to try,” said Wilhelmina McWhorter, a WVU acting student.

Anyone who is interested in being a part of the produc-tion is welcome to schedule an appointment to audition.

Performers often come from multiple states, some-times even traveling across the country. If this is the case, there is housing available for the actors.

“We want to work with peo-ple who genuinely have love for performing, whether they are six years old or eighty-six years old,” Lacata said.

If anyone is interested in auditioning, they should keep in mind the demanding re-hearsal schedule.

Cast members must be available for rehears-als 2 p.m.-10 p.m. every day during the rehearsal period. They will also be required to attend dress rehearsals 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday through Friday, Dec. 6-21 for the mati-nee performances.

This is a major commit-ment for the actors, but has a major pay off, as well.

“It is most important that the performer is comfortable and is able to show us not only what they do, but who they are,” Lacata said.

For more information about “The Wizard of Oz,” visit

daa&[email protected]

‘Wizard of oz’ auditions to be held saturday

Page 7: The DA 10-09-2013

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SPORTS7CONTACT US 304-293-5092 ext. 2 | [email protected] OCTOBER 9, 2013

Smith maturing into NFL

quarterbackThe former West Virginia

star and current starting quarterback for the New York Jets, Geno Smith, has cer-tainly had his share of grow-ing pains – and he’d be the first to tell you that – but after committing four turnovers in an ugly Week 4 loss, the rookie signal caller bounced back in a big way Monday night, on the road and dur-ing primetime.

Smith became just the sec-ond rookie quarterback in the 44-year history of Mon-day Night Football to win a game on the road.

And according to CBS’s Will Brinson, Smith is the first quarterback to complete more than 75 percent of his passes, throw three touch-downs and win a game on the road since Carson Palmer did it in 2003.

Even more importantly, Smith cultivated his third game-winning drive in the fourth quarter or overtime (first in the NFL) in only five games total as an NFL quarterback.

After playing solidly all game, Smith and the Jets of-fense somehow found them-selves down a point with less than two minutes to go in the fourth quarter, but Smith re-mained as cool and confident as his days rewriting the of-fensive record books at West Virginia.

Smith went on to complete three consecutive passes, scramble for eight yards and a first down and then com-plete another pass to set up Nick Folk for the game-win-ning 43-yard field goal in an impressive display of the two-minute drill.

As soon as the ball cleared the uprights, a still calm and collected Smith met oppos-ing quarterback Matt Ryan at midfield for a respect-ful handshake, and then an-swered reporters’ questions like he has hundreds of times before.

Smith is certainly still very green, and his stat lines might illustrate that better than any-thing. The rookie has already tossed eight picks and lost three fumbles through just five starts.

But some adversity is al-ways expected when you’re dealing with a rookie quar-terback who’s still learning on the job.

Smith has deftly managed this adversity though, and taken the blame and the re-sponsibility when things have gone sour (always the sign of a leader), while remain-ing humble when he’s been successful.

Smith’s quarterback rating of 147.7 was the best in the entire league this week, better than Peyton Manning (129.6) or Tony Romo (140.0), but he was still as grounded as ever in Monday’s post game.

That’s one of the biggest reasons Smith will one day have a chance to be an elite quarterback in the NFL.

Some might see that as a big stretch considering we’re only five games into his ca-reer, and he clearly still has a lot to learn about playing at the highest level. But in many ways, this season has already panned out better for Smith than he probably could have ever imagined, even as confi-dent as he is in his abilities as a football player..

Even when the Jets de-cided to take Smith early in the second round of last year’s NFL draft, most peo-ple expected he would likely spend the majority of his first professional season playing as a backup to Mark Sanchez, learning the ropes outside of the spotlight.

Instead, Smith has already engineered three wins in five starts via three game-win-ning drives.

If he can remain mentally tough throughout the rest of this year (definitely eas-ier said than done), Smith will continue to develop the physical skills he already pos-sesses and mature into a very capable NFL quarterback.

[email protected]


KYLE MONROE/THE DAILY ATHENAEUMQuarterback Clint Trickett attempts a pass in West Virginia’s loss to Baylor.

Bye week ‘comes at a good time’ for head coach Dana Holgorsen, West Virginia by GreG mADiAMULTIMEDIA EDITOR


The West Virginia foot-ball team is a little banged up; there are injuries all across head coach Dana Holgorsen’s two-deep ros-ter. After playing six con-secutive weeks to begin the season, Holgorsen said he understands the impor-tance of the off week.

“It comes at a good time for a number of reasons,” Holgorsen said during his weekly press conference. “Rest and recovery is ex-tremely important; we have a beat up football team.”

WVU was outplayed in every facet of the game against Baylor Saturday. The Bears’ offense rolled up more than 800 yards in ad-

dition to scoring 73 points against the Mountaineers’ very tired program.

“Heading into the week of Baylor, we tried to con-vince (our players) that we had enough in our tank to be able to play against a good football team,” Hol-gorsen said. “Now looking back on it, I don’t know if we did.”

Baylor was much fresher, much more energetic and it showed as WVU fell 73-42.

For the Mountaineers, this week marks a time to get healthy.

For the West Virginia of-fense, there is no more po-sition of concern than the quarterback. Both red-shirt junior Clint Trick-ett and redshirt freshman Ford Childress have been nursing injuries for the

past three weeks. Trickett hurt his shoulder against Oklahoma State but played through the injury against Baylor, while Childress’ pectoral injury sidelined him against Oklahoma State and Baylor.

“We’ll rest Clint Trick-ett this week. With that shoulder, we’ll give him the whole week to rehab it and strengthen it to where he should be 100 percent,” Holgorsen said.

Childress, who practiced last week, didn’t practice enough to play in the game Saturday night, so Hol-gorsen will rest him to have him back at full strength as well.

And right now with both Trickett and Childress working back from injury, Holgorsen wouldn’t name

a starting quarterback. The realization is that it could be either of them or even ju-nior Paul Millard.

“The reality is that we’ve played six games and we’ve had three quarterbacks start two games each,” Holgorsen said. “They’re all guys who haven’t played very much and for whatever reasons – injuries, how they’ve prac-ticed or how they’ve played in a game –we have to keep evaluating them.”

For Holgorsen, not being able to develop both Trick-ett and Childress has been frustrating, because of their injuries holding them out of practice.

“It’s unfortunate that they’re both dealing with injuries, but they have to continue to improve. I have all the confidence in the

world that they will con-tinue to improve,” he said.

Elsewhere, junior run-ning back Dustin Garri-son, who is suffering from a hamstring injury, will try to get on the practice field in time to play against Texas Tech. Starting offensive guard Quinton Spain has a concussion, but Holgorsen believes he will be cleared to practice by the end of the week.

On the other side of the ball, Ricky Rumph injured his foot during the Baylor game. Linebacker Nick Kwi-atkoski should be ready to practice this week and line-backer Wes Tonkery, out with a broken thumb, will not participate in practice this week.

[email protected]

West Virginia wins second straight, defeats Stony brookby jOe mitchin


The West Virginia men’s soccer team turned one streak into another Tues-day night at Dick Dlesk Soccer Stadium. The Mountaineers, who had been on a four-match los-ing streak before winning Saturday, won their sec-ond straight contest in a 3-1 rout of Stony Brook.

Goals from Majed Os-man and Andy Bevin, along with a Stony Brook own goal, secured the win. Osman scored the first goal of the evening in the 38th minute when he re-ceived a ball from the top of the box from defender Craig Stephens. Stephens’ terrific individual effort gave Osman his fifth goal of the season but his first since Sept. 21. West Vir-ginia would add a sec-ond goal just two minutes

later thanks to an own goal from the Stony Brook defense. WVU led 2-0 at halftime.

The Seawolves came out in the second frame much more offense-minded. The team saw several near-chances at the beginning of the half and scored in the 70th minute to draw within one goal of the Mountaineers. A ball shot by Stony Brook midfielder Keith McKenna defected off West Virginia defender Jack Elliott and into the back of the net for an own goal. WVU goal-keeper Lee Johnston was caught off balance and couldn’t make the save.

Moments later, in the 77th minute, Mountaineer defender Alex Ochoa was fouled inside the box as he received a hard shoul-der from a Stony Brook de-fender. Bevin cashed in on a penalty kick to give West Virginia a 3-1 lead.

“We played pretty well tonight,” said WVU head coach Marlon LeBlanc. “We were buzzing, flying around. We missed some chances, but the impor-tant thing was we created them. We found a way to score three goals when we weren’t firing on all cylin-ders today.”

WVU outshot Stony Brook 20-4 Tuesday night, including a 13-0 advantage in the first half. Altogether, West Virginia notched five shots on goal to Stony Brook’s one. The Moun-taineers haven’t given up a goal to an opponent in the last two matches and could have earned their second straight shutout if not for the own goal.

It appears the Moun-taineers have put their four-match losing streak behind them. The team looked much better in the past two matches to end their home stand. Overall,

the team went 2-3 during their stay in Morgantown and are now 3-3-1 overall this season at Dick Dlesk Soccer Stadium. The team is back to 5-5-1 on the sea-son, the first time they’ve been all square since mid-September.

“It’s always a better feel-ing winning than losing,” Craig Stephens said. “It’s good that we are sort of getting on a run and hope-fully we can continue this on Friday at Hartwick.”

West Virginia will travel Friday night to Hartwick and re-enter Mid-Amer-ican Conference play. Hartwick was picked to finish last in the league in the preseason and are just 3-5-2 on the season. How-ever, the Hawks went on the road to defeat Akron 2-0 Oct. 5 in one of the big-gest upsets in MAC soccer history. Still, LeBlanc and the Mountaineers are fo-cused on themselves.

“We’re starting to find a little bit of a rhythm,” LeBlanc said. “The de-fense has been much im-proved, we haven’t con-ceded very many shots on goal in the last few games, and we’re still able to at-tack with a lot of fury. I’m very pleased on how we’ve responded over the last couple of games. Now the goal is to keep it going one game at a time.”

West Virginia and Hart-wick will kickoff Friday in Oneonta, N.Y., at 7 p.m.

[email protected]

MIcK pOsEY/THE DAILY ATHENAEUM Sophomore forward Jamie Merriam delivers a header in Tuesday night’s win over Stony Brook.

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Page 8: The DA 10-09-2013

THE DAILY ATHENAEUM Wednesday OctOber 9, 20138 | SPORTS

Silva putting her name in West Virginia record books

WYTHE WOODS/THE DAILY ATHENAEUMSenior forward Frances Silva chases down the ball during West Virginia’s 2-1 win over Texas Friday.

by meghan carrsports writer


The No. 9 West Virginia University women’s soccer team has the top scoring offense in the Big 12 Con-ference (33 goals) and it’s partly due to senior for-ward Frances Silva.

The Overland Park, Kan., native ranks No. 1 in the Big 12 and No. 14 na-tionally with 26 points (8 goals, 10 assists). Silva’s assist total and assists per game average (0.77) ranks her No. 3 nationally and No. 1 in the Big 12. She has tallied at least one goal in every game except one.

The Mountaineer star’s 31 career goals tie her

with Laura Kane (2001-04) for No. 6 in the Moun-taineer record book, while her 81 career points are good enough for No. 7. In 2010, Silva tied Rena Lippa (1996-98) for No. 7 in ca-reer goals.

“Those are some great goal scorers. Those are some great scorers she moved past. She’s just brought back some good memories for me and put herself among a good bunch,” said West Vir-ginia head coach Nikki Izzo-Brown.

Silva has started most of the games in her career at WVU.

In her freshman year she recorded more min-utes than any other fresh-

man, was named to the Big East All-Rookie Team and netted the game-winning goal against Providence.

Silva once again netted the game-winner against Providence in her sopho-more year. She was named to the Big East Champi-onship All-Tournament Team and All-Big East Second Team; she totaled 20 points (eight goals and four assists) that season. Silva started every match in 2011.

Last season, Si lva started all 20 matches. In her junior season, Silva scored 11 goals and re-corded two assists to give the Kansas native 24 to-tal points. She was the first Mountaineer to score

multiple goals in three consecutive games (Tow-son, High Point, Texas Tech). Silva was named Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week after the Moun-taineers’ game against Oklahoma State. She fin-ished the season named to the 2012 All-Big 12 Second Team.

Silva came to Izzo-Brown as a midfielder but was immediately switched to a front posi-tion, and Silva immedi-ately flourished.

“I’m so smart, I’m so smart. I made her a for-ward and now look at her. She owes me, she owes me big,” Izzo-Brown joked.

Although Silva is a great goal scorer and has made

many improbable shots when her team needed her, it’s the missed goals that she thinks about after the games.

“A s h l e y L a w r e n c e played a good ball on a cross that I missed against Texas. Another Ashley Lawrence ball to the mid-dle that I missed and I know I’m going to get a nice talking to during film. The ones you miss defi-nitely stay in your head after the game, because those could have been four goals total instead of two, which would have been amazing,” Silva said.

Silva said although she does think about the missed shots, she can’t let herself think about them

during the game, because a forward is going to miss shots. It’s just a matter of how they rebound.

“You’ve got to be able to forget things during a game as a forward. Af-ter scoring the first goal, I missed two shots and then I eventually scored another goal so you just got to keep going at it,” she said.

Silva was named Big 12 Offensive Player of the Week after tallying two goals against Texas Friday night.

The Mountaineers have five games remaining this season. They remain un-beaten in the Big 12.

[email protected]

WVU defense leads to win against Stony brook Tuesday by keVin hooker

sports writer @dailyathenaeum

The West Virginia men’s soccer team ended their five-game homestand on a high note, defeating Stony Brook 3-1 to win its second consecutive game.

The victory improves West Virginia’s home re-cord to 4-3-1.

The Mountaineers’ de-fense was the key to suc-cess, only allowing four shots by the Sea Wolves, which all came in the sec-

ond half. West Virginia had 20 shots, including five shots on-goal.

“The defense was ex-cellent tonight,” said head coach Marlon LeBlanc. “Haydon Bennett and Jack Elliott were excellent in the backfield. It wasn’t just the (defensive group), it was just a really good team ef-fort from our entire squad.”

Junior goalkeeper Lee Johnston improved his re-cord to 5-3-1 and regis-tered no saves in the game.

Stony Brook’s lone goal came in the 70th minute,

but was committed by the WVU defense. Midfielder Keith McKenna took a shot that was deflected by El-liott and into the goal.

“We had a little lull in the second half and let them back in the game,” LeBlanc said. “But I’m really proud of the way we finished it and got the game back un-der control.”

Andy Bevin gave West Virginia a 3-1 lead on a penalty kick in the 78th minute to seal the victory.

The Mountaineer de-fense has allowed just two

goals in its last three games and allowed 16 goals all season, which ranks No. 5 in the Mid-American Conference.

“I didn’t make many (defensive) changes be-cause we were flowing so well on both sides of the ball,” LeBlanc said. “We just did a really good job of shutting (their offense) down. There was about a 20-minute period where we lost ourselves a little bit, but for the most part I thought we were pretty good.”

The Mountaineer de-fense allowed a combined 12 shots in their last two games, which perhaps ex-plained their recent suc-cess. Despite a recent four- game losing streak, West Virginia is now 5-5-1 on the season.

Bevin, Craig Stephens and Majed Osman each scored a goal for the Mountainers. Osman took a game-high four shots and now has five goals on the season.

“I was playing through a little bit of a drought, and

it was nice to finally get a goal,” Osman said. “We’re definitely working better as a team and hopefully the wins keep coming.”

The Mountaineers will return to conference play Friday for a road game against Hartwick before returning home for two games.

“It’s good that we’re get-ting on a little run,” Ste-phens said. “Hopefully we continue this on through Friday.”

[email protected]

MIck pOSEY/THE DAILY ATHENAEUMJunior forward Andy Bevin controls the ball in a home match against Stony Brook Tuesday night.

MIck pOSEY/THE DAILY ATHENAEUMCraig Stephens prepares to take a shot in Tuesday night’s home match against Stony Brook.

Page 9: The DA 10-09-2013


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Page 10: The DA 10-09-2013

THE DAILY ATHENAEUM Wednesday OctOber 9, 201310 | SPORTS


Join the Daily Athenaeum as we increase awareness and share local stories of hope, courage and support.Every Monday in October the front page of the DA will be going PINK! Join us as we discuss personal stories, incorporate medical interviews and reach out to readers via our Twitter and Facebook accounts. This inspirational month is very meaningful to us as we work to keep everyone connected and informed.

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West Virginia looking to avenge 2012 losses to Baylor

KYLE MONROE/THE DAILY ATHENAEUMMiddle blockers Evyn McCoy and Hannah Sackett attempt to block a shot during West Virginia’s win over UMBC.

By jon fehrenssports writer


The West Virginia Uni-versity volleyball team will return home after a six-day road trip to host Bay-lor (8-11, 0-3) tonight in the WVU Coliseum.

“After spending last week on the road we are really excited to (be) back in Morgantown. I was re-ally impressed with how well our team traveled last week,” said head coach Jill Kramer. “Their hard work throughout the spring and summer is really pay-ing off. They are in great shape, which really be-comes evident in how well they recover from match

to match and bounce back after road trips.”

WVU (15-2, 2-1) enters the match following a win against Texas Tech Satur-day. The win was the first Big 12 road victory in WVU volleyball history, and also featured the return of talented freshman outside hitter Jordan Anderson.

Despite Anderson play-ing in a splint in her first game back, she recorded a match-high 18 kills and chipped in 11 digs to re-cord her seventh double-double of the season.

Anderson and her fel-low freshmen teammates weren’t there when the Mountaineers lost both matches to Baylor last sea-son. The Bears won each

of the matches in consecu-tive sets and junior middle blocker Evyn McCoy said she remembers the out-come well.

“I remember them be-ing very scrappy on de-fense and offensively, they had some really good out-side hitters,” McCoy said. “But as long as we keep our pace and play our game, I think it will be a good match.”

Baylor will come into the Coliseum winless in the Big 12. Despite their losing record, the Bears feature some explosive of-fensive power. Senior Zoe Adom, a Euless, Texas, native leads the offensive charge for her team. Adom is the current leader in

kills on the team and will be the second member of the preseason All-Big 12 team whom the Mountain-eers have faced this sea-son. The senior served as a team captain last season and averaged 3.37 kills per set, which ranked No. 5 in the Big 12 in that category.

With Adom off to an-other great start, Kramer said she will rely on her middle blockers to answer the call.

“With what (Evyn) and Caleah are doing in the middle really helps us out defensively. When you set up well on the block, you can make good reads around that, and we’ll need to continue to do that,” she said.

Kramer said West Vir-ginia has been working to improve both offense and defense in preparation for Baylor.

“We are continuing to fine-tune some things, both offensively and de-fensively, this week, while staying very disciplined in practice,” she said. “The effort is there, (and) the practice intensity is there. We need to play point for point when match time comes.”

Wednesday’s match will not only serve as a way for the Mountaineers to con-tinue their winning streak at home but will also sup-port breast cancer aware-ness. The match against Baylor has been deemed

Dig Pink Night, and all fans attending the event are encouraged to wear pink. The match is at 6:30 p.m.

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Dodgers close out Braves, move on to NLCS to face Pirates or Cardinals

LOS ANGELES (AP) — As the celebration raged around them, Sandy Kou-fax sought out Clayton Ker-shaw in the hazy mist of the clubhouse for a hug.

Koufax, whose blazing fastball dominated base-ball in the mid-1960s, re-moved the protective gog-gles from his eyes and rested his arms on Ker-shaw’s broad shoulders.

From the franchise’s old left-handed ace to its cur-rent young southpaw, a smiling Koufax looked Ker-shaw in the eyes and be-stowed his congratulations. The Dodgers had advanced to their 10th National League championship se-ries with a 4-3 victory over the Atlanta Braves on Mon-day night.

“To get a hug and get a ‘good job’ from a guy like that, from a guy that’s been there, from a guy that’s done this before and was the best at it for a long time is pretty special,” Kershaw said. “He genuinely cares about not only this team but kind of our well-being. He cares about us. That’s awesome.”

The NL West champions open the next round Friday against St. Louis or Pitts-burgh. The Cardinals host the wild-card Pirates in a winner-take-all Game 5 on Wednesday.

“We’ve moved one step closer,” said Don Mattingly, managing in the playoffs for the first time.

Juan Uribe hit a go-ahead, two-run homer in the eighth inning after Kershaw started on short rest for the Dodgers, who reached the NLCS for the first time since 2009.

“It was a special night to get to do it here in L.A.,” said Kershaw, his hair slick from the spray of beer and champagne. “We haven’t won anything yet, but it def-initely feels good to get to

celebrate. You never want to pass those moments up.”

Carl Crawford homered his first two times up and the Dodgers won the best-of-five playoff 3-1.

“This does not get old. I love the champagne. I love the burning sensation in my eyes,” center fielder Skip Schumaker said. “A lot of these guys have never experienced the moving on to the next round and I’m happy for them.”

Yasiel Puig doubled down the right-field line leading off the eighth against losing pitcher David Carpenter.

The rookie charged into second base and pumped his right fist in the air.

Fans were on their feet chanting “Let’s go Dodg-ers!” when Uribe fouled off two bunt attempts. Then he sent a hanging 2-2 breaking ball into the Dodgers’ bull-pen in left field to put them in front for the second time.

Uribe knew it was gone as soon as he connected. He dropped his bat and threw both arms in the air at home plate.

“This moment today I’ll never forget,” he said. “I think a lot of people feel like that.”

Meanwhile, it was the lat-est October flop for Atlanta, which hasn’t won a post-season series since 2001.

During that stretch, the Braves have lost seven straight playoff series and the 2012 NL wild-card game.

“To end the way it did to-night, it’s going to hurt. It’s going to be a long way back,” Braves manager Fredi Gon-zalez said. “But tip your hat to the Dodgers and congrat-ulate Donnie and his staff. The sad thing is there are no more games, you know?”

Brian Wilson pitched a scoreless eighth to get the victory. Kenley Jansen struck out all three batters in the ninth for a save, fan-

ning Justin Upton to end it.That set off a raucous cel-

ebration on the field by the Dodgers, who rushed to-ward the mound in a mob. They tore jerseys off each other in unbridled excite-ment and doused Uribe with a bright-colored sports drink.

“This team has a lot of fun. We don’t think about being the team to beat and all that stuff. We just go out there and play and try to have fun,” Crawford said.

Jansen and catcher A.J. Ellis leaped into each oth-er’s arms, and a burst of fireworks lit the sky in cen-ter field as blue and silver streamers cascaded from an upper level of the stadium.

The Dodgers lined up exchanging hugs in the in-field, and co-owners Mark Walter and Magic Johnson grinned watching the rev-elry among the team they purchased last year.

Kershaw, Puig, Wilson and other players jogged around the warning track exchanging high-fives and hand slaps with delirious fans.

“They were loud,” Ker-shaw said. “They want it just as much as we do.”

The Dodgers were criti-cized for jumping into the ballpark pool in Arizona when they clinched the NL West crown last month. This time, they got to party at home.

The Braves took a 3-2 lead in the seventh on pinch-hitter Jose Constan-za’s RBI single off reliever Ronald Belisario.

Needing a win to avoid elimination, Gonzalez never got the ball to lights-out closer Craig Kimbrel.

“You don’t want it to ever end the way we ended to-day. But we had the right guy out there. Carp has been good for us,” Gonza-lez said. “There is nothing to be ashamed of.”