the crucible final project - american...

The Crucible Final Project You will complete two parts to this final project. Part A will be a “creative” project that will test your ability to synthesize themes and character knowledge of “The Crucible.” It is worth 50 points. Part B will be a literary analysis essay. It is worth 100 points. A total grade of 150 points for this project. PART A is DUE BY: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2016 PART B is DUE BY: FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2017 You must incorporate or at least consider ALL FOUR ACTS of “The Crucible.” Do not think that you can do these projects just after reading one or two acts. You may choose ONE of the three options: Create 3 Propaganda Posters. Poster should be 11”x17” (see Mrs. Josephson if you need paper). Two of the posters should be related to the events and hysteria surrounding Salem. The third may be your take on a modern propaganda poster (or meme) about another time in American history where a similar “witch hunt” has taken place. Can be hand- drawn or computer generated. Must be neat and professional in appearance. Must be done in color. See Mrs. Josephson about printing out computer generated posters. Do not use already created posters or artwork. These should be 100% original. Act out a Monologue. The monologues must be 2 minutes in length. Suggested monologues from the play are at the back of this packet. If you’d like to choose something else, please have Mrs. Josephson pre- approve it. Lines must be memorized. Costumes and props are encouraged. I’m expecting your best acting skills – do not just sit in front of the camera and read the lines. No, you may not work with a partner. Have someone from Mr. Chico’s film classes record your performance before school, at lunch, or after school. Soundtrack/CD Cover- Create a soundtrack for the play. Pick 10 pieces of music, which fit this play (or even a specific character of the play). Only restriction on the music is that it is school appropriate – otherwise it can be modern or old school, have lyrics or just be

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Page 1: The Crucible Final Project - American…  · Web view23/12/2016  · You will complete two parts to this

The Crucible Final ProjectYou will complete two parts to this final project. Part A will be a “creative” project that will test your ability to synthesize themes and character knowledge of “The Crucible.” It is worth 50 points.Part B will be a literary analysis essay. It is worth 100 points. A total grade of 150 points for this project.PART A is DUE BY: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2016PART B is DUE BY: FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2017You must incorporate or at least consider ALL FOUR ACTS of “The Crucible.” Do not think that you can do these projects just after reading one or two acts. You may choose ONE of the three options:

Create 3 Propaganda Posters. Poster should be 11”x17” (see Mrs. Josephson if you need paper). Two of the posters should be related to the events and hysteria surrounding Salem. The third may be your take on a modern propaganda poster (or meme) about another time in American history where a similar “witch hunt” has taken place. Can be hand-drawn or computer generated. Must be neat and professional in appearance. Must be done in color. See Mrs. Josephson about printing out computer generated posters. Do not use already created posters or artwork. These should be 100% original. Act out a Monologue. The monologues must be 2 minutes in length. Suggested monologues from the play are at the back of this packet. If you’d like to choose something else, please have Mrs. Josephson pre-approve it. Lines must be memorized. Costumes and props are encouraged. I’m expecting your best acting skills – do not just sit in front of the camera and read the lines. No, you may not work with a partner. Have someone from Mr. Chico’s film classes record your performance before school, at lunch, or after school. Soundtrack/CD Cover- Create a soundtrack for the play. Pick 10 pieces of music, which fit this play (or even a specific character of the play). Only restriction on the music is that it is school appropriate – otherwise it can be modern or old school, have lyrics or just be instrumental, etc. Create a CD Booklet. On each page print the lyrics and a solid paragraph which explains WHY that particular song fits whichever part of the play, or character you chose. You need to include evidence from the play to justify your song choices. Create an artistic cover for the CD that represents the play. Do not use already created artwork.

Samples and Rubrics for each of these projects can be found at the back of this packet.

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Note that EACH of these options will require some forethought and preparation. The posters will require that you come and get paper from me or schedule time on a computer. The monologue will require that you get someone to record your performance. The soundtrack will require you to think through your choices and make sure your formatting for the CD booklet is correct.

Part B: You will be writing a literary analysis essay on one of the topics below. PLEASE NOTE:

Your essay must be 3-5 pages long. It must be in correct MLA format. It must contain a thesis statement at the end of the introduction. It must include references to the play with specific page numbers You will need to do additional research for Essay #2 and provide a Works Cited page.

Choose one of the following essay options: 1. Compare and contrast the characters of Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor. Explain how their differences contribute to the decisions John Proctor makes throughout the play. What is the motivation of the two characters? How does that affect their decisions?2. Write a paper that draws a connection between the mind set, hysteria, and negative effects that occurred in The Crucible to another actual event where groups of people were persecuted based on their race, religion, gender, or beliefs. Throughout your paper you must repeatedly provide evidence with page numbers (MLA citation) that the occurrence you picked is similar to the hysteria in The Crucible.Note: Some topics to compare the hysteria in The Crucible to are:

Americans’ view toward Japanese after the bombing of Pearl Harbor; Americans’ view toward people of Middle-Eastern descent after the attacks of September 11; Americans’ view toward Native Americans during Westward Expansion across the North American Continent; Americans’ view toward Communists and Communism during the Cold War, especially in the time of Senator Joe McCarthy

3. Arthur Miller often creates characters who must choose between their own self-interests and their commitment to the larger community. Write an essay in which you discuss the theme of “individual vs. society” with specific references to the various characters inThe Crucible. For example, consider whether the main

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characters such as John Proctor, Abigail Williams, Reverend Parris, and Reverend Hale are motivated by individual concerns or by the concerns of the society.A rubric for the literary analysis essay can be found at the back of this packet. Note that you are turning in a FINAL DRAFT on Friday, January 13.

You may email a rough draft to Mrs. Josephson at any time for comments and edits Email your essay to: [email protected] this is the only email address I will check.

Examples of Propaganda Posters You need 3 posters

o 2 that relate to the events and hysteria in the Crucible o 1 that relates to a similar current event and hysteria

Your Posters need to be 11”x17” (if you need paper, see Mrs. Josephson) Your posters may be hand-drawn or computer generated

o These should be 100% original. Do NOT use already created posters or artwork. Your posters need to look clean, neat, and professional.

o They must be in color. If you choose to do a computer generated poster set, see Mrs. Josephson about getting them printed out.

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Monologues from The Crucible You must complete a character analysis for your character. The monologue must be 2 minutes in length. Lines must be memorized. Costumes and Props are encouraged. Monologue needs to show that you have an understanding of the character and the character’s motivation as it relates to the other characters and events in The Crucible. You will receive zero points if you just sit and read a piece of paper in front of a camera.

o I’m expecting your best efforts and your best acting skills. Monologue needs to be recorded.

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o Ask someone from Chico’s class nicely if you don’t want to just record it on your phone. Suggested Monologues from The Crucible: Abigail speaking to John Proctor:I cannot bear lewd looks no more, John. My spirit's changed entirely. I ought to be given Godly looks when I suffer for them as I do. Look at my leg. I'm holes all over from their damned needles and pins. The jab your wife gave me's not healed yet, y'know. And George Jacobs comes again and again and raps me with his stick - the same spot every night all this week. Looks at the lump I have. Oh John, the world's so full of hypocrites! They pray in jail, I'm told they pray in jail! And torture me in my bed while sacred words are coming from their mouths! It will need God Himself to cleanse this town properly. If I live, if I am not murdered, I will surely cry out others until the last hypocrite is dead! But John, you taught me goodness, therefore you are good. It were a fire you walked me through and all my ignorance was burned away. It were a fire, John, we lay in fire. And from that night no woman called me wicked any more but I knew my answer. I used to weep for my sins when the wind lifted up my skirts; and blushed for shame because some old Rebecca called me loose. And then you burned my ignorance away. As bare as some December tree I saw them all – walking like saints to church, running to feed the sick, and hypocrites in their hearts! And God gave me strength to call them liars and God made men listen to me, and by God I will scrub the world clean for the love of Him! John, I will make you such a wife when the world is white again! You will be amazed to see me every day, a light of heaven in your house!

Mary Warren speaking to the Court:I never knew it before. I never knew anything before. When she come into the court I say to myself, I must not accuse this woman, for she sleeps in ditches, and so

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very old and poor. But then- then she sit there, denying and denying, and I feel a misty coldness climbin' up my back, and the skin on my skull begin to creep, and I feel a clamp around my neck and I cannot breathe air; and then I hear a voice, a screamin' voice, and it were my voice- and all at once I remembered everything she done to me! So many times, Mr. Proctor, she come to this very door, beggin' bread and a cup of cider-and mark this: whenever I turned her away empty, she mumbled. But what does she mumble? You must remember, Goody Proctor. Last month-a Monday, I think--she walked away, and I thought my guts would burst for two days after. Do you remember it? And so I told that to Judge Hawthorne, and he asks her so. "Sarah Good," says he, "what curse do you mumble that this girl must fall sick after turning you away?" And then she replies "Why, your excellence, no curse at all. I only say my commandments; I hope I may say my commandments," says she! Then Judge Hawthorne say, "Recite for us your commandments!" And of all the ten she could not say a single one. She never knew no commandments, and they had her in a flat lie! I will not stand whippin’ anymore. The Devil is loose in Salem and we must discover where he is hiding.

John Proctor to the Court:You have all witnessed it—it is enough. You have all witnessed it; what more is needed? No—no I have signed it. You have seen me. It is done! You have no need for this. Damn the village! I confess to God and God has seen my name on this! It is enough! You came to save my soul, did you not? Here—I have confessed myself, it is enough! I have confessed myself! Is there no good penitence but it be public? God does not need my name nailed upon the church! God sees my name, God knows how black my sins are! It is enough. You will not use me! I am no Sarah Good or Tituba, I am John Proctor! You will not use me! I have three children—how may I teach them to walk like men in the world and I sold my friends? I blacken all of them when this is nailed to the church the very day they hang for silence! You are the high court, your word is good enough! Tell them I confessed myself, say Proctor broke his knees and wept like a woman, say what you will, but my name cannot… I mean to deny nothing. Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life. Because I lie and sign myself to

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lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul, leave me my name!Reverend Hale to Elizabeth Proctor:Goody Proctor, your husband is marked to hang this morning. You know, do you not, hat I have no connection with the court? I come of my own, Goody Proctor. I would save your husband’s life, for if he is taken I count myself his murderer. Do you understand me? Goody Proctor, I have gone this three month like our Lord into the wilderness. I have sought a Christian way, for damnation’s doubled on a minister who counsels men to lie. Let you not mistake your duty as I mistook my own. I came into this village like a bridegroom to his beloved, bearing gifts of high religion; the very crowns of holy law I brought, and what I touched with my bright confidence, it died; and where I turned the eye of my great faith, blood flowed up. Beware, Goody Proctor – cleave to no faith when faith brings blood. It is mistaken law that leads you to sacrifice. Life, woman, life is God’s most precious gift: no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it. I beg you, woman, prevail upon your husband to confess. Let him give his lie. Quail not before God’s judgement in this, for it may well be God damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride. Will you plead with him? I cannot think he will listen to another.

Elizabeth Proctor to John Proctor:John, it come to naught that I should forgive you, if you'll not forgive yourself. It is not my soul, John, it is yours. (it is difficult to say, and she is on the verge of tears) Only be sure of this, for I know it now: Whatever you will do, it is a good man does it. I have read my heart this three month, John. (Pause) I have sins of my own to count. It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery. (Now pouring out her heart) Better you should know me! You take my sins upon you, John. John, I counted myself so plain, so poorly made, no honest love could come to me! Suspicion kissed you when I did; I never knew how I should say my love. It were a cold house I kept! Do what you will. I cannot judge you, John, I cannot! I am not your judge, I cannot be. Do as you will, do as you will! But let

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none be your judge. There be no higher judge under Heaven than Proctor is! Forgive me, forgive me, John – I never knew such goodness in the world!

**Acting note** When a character repeats themselves as Elizabeth does in the monologue above, you as an actor need to find a different meaning each time you say it. Frequently that means, usually, the second time some word or idea is emphasized, or perhaps it trails off like someone lost in thought. Either way, when something is repeated on stage, a reason for the repetition needs to be apparent to the audience.

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Character WorksheetTo develop a character, it is important to think through some details and “background” of the person you are playing. YOU NEED TO GIVE THOROUGH AND DETAILED ANSWERS! Do not just put down simple or one-word answers. You will not receive credit if you do so.

Your Name:______________________________

Character’s Name:___________________________

Type your answers to these questions. Use complete sentences. Talk as if you are the character – in other words – “How old are you?” is really asking, “How old is your character?”

How old are you?

Where do you live?

How would you describe yourself? (i.e. moody, temperamental, calm, passive, quiet, etc.)

How intelligent are you, and how much education do you have?

What is your social status? Are you popular, a loner, easygoing? Wealthy or poor?

How would you describe your family?

What do you do for a living?

Are you an emotionally expressive person? In what ways do you express your emotions?

What is your best trait? Your worst trait?

What is your relationship to other characters in the play? How do you treat them?

Where are you in this scene?

What has happened leading up to this moment?

What do you want form the other character in this moment?

What do you want ultimately from your relationship with this person, or out of life in general?

What is your character afraid of happening during this scene?

What happens after this scene?

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CD/CD Booklet Rubric50 points total


Min. EffectiveC


Highly EffectiveA

Music 10 pts

Was music (a CD) included with the project?Does the music fit the scene?

Music has been included as either a CD but most of the songs do not fit with their intended scene OR there are 6 or less songs on the CD – or not songs not placed on a CD.

Music has been included as a CD but some songs do not fit with their intended scene. OR there are less than 10 songs on the CD.

Music has been included as a CD and each song matches the scene it is meant to go with. There are 10 songs on the CD.

Music has been included as a CD and each song obviously matches the scene it is meant to go with. There are 10 songs that have been thoughtfully chosen.

Content of CD Booklet25 pts

Is there an explanation as to why the song was chosen that relates back to a specific section of the text?

Songs are not listed on their own pageSong lyrics are not included There is little to no explanation as to why the song was chosen

Each song has its own page in the CD bookletSong lyrics are not included or are not school appropriateThere is a minimal explanation as to why the song was chosen

Each song has its own page in the CD bookletThe song lyrics are typed and are school appropriate. There is an explanation as to why the song was chosen

Each song has its own page.The song lyrics are typed and are school appropriate. There is a thorough and detailed explanation as to why the song was chosen and it references the play

Format10 pts

Is the CD Booklet typed and formatted to look like a CD Booklet?

CD booklet is not in booklet form, is not typed, clean or professional looking

CD booklet is not in booklet form, but is typed, clean and well-designed

CD booklet is in "booklet" format, is typed, clean, well-designed and professional looking

CD Booklet is in actual CD booklet format and fits inside the CD case. It is typed, clean, well designed and professional looking

Cover Art5 pts

Was cover art for their CD booklet included?

Cover art is pencil drawn on lined sheet of paper and hastily done and/or does not relate to the book or the music

Cover art is hastily done and only somewhat relates to the book or the music

Cover art is colorful and matches the theme/tone of the book and the music

Cover art is colorful, well chosen, matches the theme/tone of the book and the music

Propaganda PosterRubric50 points total


Min. EffectiveC


Highly EffectiveA

Poster 1 Content12 pts

Does the poster illustrate an aspect of the hysteria found in Salem? Does it demonstrate an understanding of the themes of the play?

Message of the poster is completely unclear. Poster images and text convey no understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Message of the poster is not very clear. Poster images and text convey a weak understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Message of the poster is mostly clear. Poster images and text convey a basic understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Message of the poster is crystal clear. Poster images and text convey a deep understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Poster 2 Content12 pts

Does the poster illustrate an aspect of the hysteria found in Salem? Does it demonstrate an understanding of the themes of the play?

Message of the poster is completely unclear. Poster images and text convey no understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Message of the poster is not very clear. Poster images and text convey a weak understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Message of the poster is mostly clear. Poster images and text convey a basic understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Message of the poster is crystal clear. Poster images and text convey a deep understanding of the events and themes of The Crucible and the characters in Salem.

Poster 3 Content12 pts

Does the poster illustrate and understanding of current events relative to The Crucible?Does it demonstrate an understanding of the themes of the play?

Message of the poster is completely unclear. Poster images and text convey a no understanding of how the themes of The Crucible extend into modern trends and current events.

Message of the poster is not very clear. Poster images and text convey a weak understanding of how the themes of The Crucible extend into modern trends and current events.

Message of the poster is mostly clear. Poster images and text convey a basic understanding of how the themes of The Crucible extend into modern trends and current events.

Message of the poster is crystal clear. Poster images and text convey a deep understanding of how the themes of The Crucible extend into modern trends and current events.

Format/Style14 pts

Are the posters neat, professional, and in color?

Posters are messy and the design is unorganized on one or more of the posters. They look rushed or unfinished, not in color or just in pencil.

Posters are slightly messy and not well thought out. Most of the posters look done, but might be lacking detail or some colors.

Posters are neat and demonstrate some thoughtfulness in design.They are in color. There are minor imperfections in the artwork.

Posters are neat and professional looking. They have been well-designed, are in color, and are aesthetically appealing.

Monologue Ineffective Min. Effective Effective Highly Effective

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Rubric50 points total


Character Analysis15 ptsHas the student completed a character analysis of the character they are portraying? Have they analyzed the Given Circumstances of the scene? Do they show an in-depth understanding of the character?

Student does not do any kind of in-depth analysis of the character or only gives one-word or simple responses to writing prompts. Responses are not typed or in complete sentences.

Student does minimal analysis of character. Only basic facts are presented in response to writing prompts.

Student analyzes the character and the scene with some thoughtfulness. Responses hit at mostly surface level analysis of the situation and character.

Student analyzes the character and the scene with depth and detail. Responses go deep into the subtext of the lines and show a complex understanding of the character and text.

Monologue Performance25 pts

Is the monologue memorized? Is the student putting for a best effort to capture the emotion of the scene? Is there evidence of rehearsal? Does their performance show an understanding of the scene and character?

Lines are not memorized, student is simply reading lines. There is no apparent effort being made to act out the scene. There is no evidence of rehearsal. Performance does not show any evidence that the student understands the character or scene.

Lines are somewhat memorized. There is evidence of minimal rehearsal and minimal effort to get into character and act out the scene is demonstrated. Performance shows the the student has a basic understanding of the character and scene.

Lines are mostly memorized. There is evidence of time spent rehearsing the monologue and attempting to get into character. Analysis of the scene has aided in the performance.

Lines are completely memorized. There is evidence that the student is well-rehearsed and is putting forth their best effort to be in character. They have used their analysis to understand their character better.

Format/Style10 pts

Is the scene recorded by someone else? Art they articulating their lines and projecting loud enough to be heard? Are costumes and props involved?

Video recording is poorly done. Lines are mumbled, or not loud enough. No attempt to add to the scene through costumes or props.

Video recording is shaky, but watchable. Lines are mostly clear and audible. Some small attempt at the use of costumes or props.

Video recording is solid and is clear. Lines and movements are distinguishable and clear. An attempt to use costumes or props was made successfully

Video recording is well done and looks professional. The sound is clear. Movements are crisp. Costumes and props are used to compliment the actors performance.