the crown prince of buyouts

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  • 8/8/2019 The Crown Prince of Buyouts



    Bloomberg Markets36 J u n e 2006

    In July 2004, U.K. private equity giant Permira Holdings Ltd. teamed

    up with CVC Capital Partners Ltd. to buy the Automobile Association

    Ltd., a for-profit company that 15 million British motorists rely on for

    roadside help when their cars break down. The price was 1.75 billion

    pounds ($3 billion), 1.3 billion of which was borrowed and secured

    against the AAs revenues. Permira and CVC installed new management

    and, within two years, had slashed a third of the AAs 10,500-strong

    workforce, including at least 500 of its roadside mechanics, whose yel-

    low vans and jackets are instantly recognizable to British drivers.Buyouts like the AA sale are booming from New York to London, to

    Madrid. In 2005, private equity firms racked up an unprecedented $255

    billion of announced takeovers worldwide, 34 percent more than in

    2004, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The center of the pri-

    vate equity universe these days is Europe, and Permira, which is seeking

    to raise as much as 10 billion euros ($12.3 billion) for Europes biggest

    buyout fund, is in the thick of it. Its partners are getting rich buying and

    selling companies, and its deals are attracting controversy. The AA take-

    over is a prime example. The U.K.s GMB union, which represents

    596,000 workers, including 2,000 AA employees, reacted to the job cuts

    The U.K.s Permira

    is raking in profits

    as LBOs boom.

    Managing Partner

    Damon Buffinis bigchallenges are fending

    off political attacks

    and an invasion of

    Europe by U.S. firms.



    By Simon Clark and Edward Evans



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    Bl oom b e rg M arke t sM on t h 2006 TK

    Buffini out on the townin London. Permirasmanaging director shuns

    most publicity.

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    Bloomberg Markets38 J u n e 2006



    with an unusually intense public campaign. In March, the

    union picketed AA offices in five cities. Its asset stripping of

    the worst kind, says Gwyn Prosser, a Labour member of Parlia-

    ment who also belongs to the GMB. You could describe it as

    theft masquerading as financial engineering, he says, referring

    to the traditional buyout method of paying for takeover loans

    with the targets revenue. Prosser says he will sponsor a petition

    in Parliament slamming Permira and CVCs cost cutting at the

    AA. He expects about 65 of the 646 MPs to support him. What

    Prosser, 63, and others want is a parliamentary review of how

    buyout firms operate, with more disclosure of their plans for

    the businesses they buy, a review of tax rules that benefit them

    and more reporting on their investors and profits.

    The political storm may only increase as buyout firms

    raise record funds to target bigger and better-known com-

    panies. A dozen buyout partnerships are raising new,

    multibillion-dollar funds and may go toe-to-toe with Permira

    when it attempts an acquisition. Among Permiras fiercest

    competitors are U.S. firms trying to widen their European

    footprint, including Blackstone Group LP, Carlyle Group and

    Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

    Meanwhile, the aging founders of the private equity in-

    dustry are giving way to a younger generation of leaders. The

    biggest names from the first buyout boom in the 1980s are

    now in their 60smen like Ted Forstmann, Thomas Hicks,

    Henry Kravis and Thomas Lee. Theyre being supplanted by

    people in their 40s who

    have moved up the lad-

    der and are hungry to

    take charge.

    In Europe, the leader

    of that new generation is

    Permira Managing Partner Damon Buffini. He shuns most

    publicity, and he declined to be interviewed for this article. Yet

    greater scrutiny is an inevitable consequence of Buffinis own

    success and the new prominence of buyout firms.

    Buffini, 44, is the Cambridge- and Harvard-educated son

    of an American soldier and a British gas company clerk. Busi-

    ness partners say he rose to the top through a combination of

    charm, grit and financial savvy. Damon Buffini and his part-

    ners are taking Permira from being a leading European pri-

    vate equity firm to a world leader, says Peter Bacon, the

    former head of Credit Suisse Groups private equity advisory

    team in Europe. Bacon, 44, this year became head of Euro-

    pean operations for New Yorkbased investment firm GSO

    Capital Partners LP.

    After proving his mettle in dozens of deals, Buffini has at-

    tracted a long chain of admirers. Hes your original self-

    made man, says Leon Allen, 67, a friend who was chairman

    of Tetley Group Plc, the U.K.s leading tea bag maker, when it

    was owned by Permira in the 1990s. Damon is the prime

    minister at Permira.

    Permira Holdings is registered in Guernsey, one of the

    Channel Islands. The firms headquarters is in London, one of

    a total of eight Permira offices, including one each in New York

    and Tokyo. Permira has been a leader in European private equi-

    ty from the time it was founded in 1985 as a group of European

    venture capital funds by U.K. money manager Schroders Plc.

    It has arranged 280 deals worth more than 60 billion. Per-

    mira says it backed 14 European takeovers worth 1 billion or

    more from 2000 to 05, making it the top firm by that mea-

    sure. Its closest rivals were Apax Partners Worldwide LLP and

    Cinven Ltd., with a dozen deals apiece, and KKR, with nine,

    according to a March report prepared for Permiras investors.

    The 5.1 billion fund Permira

    raised in 2003 set a European

    record at the time and was

    among the biggest in the world.

    Theres no sign the European

    deal well is about to run dry. By

    value, half of last years an-

    nounced $255 billion in acqui-

    sitions were in Europe, where

    companies in industries from

    telecommunications to health

    care are undergoing an intense

    period of restructuring and

    where many family-owned

    The AA at work: The GMB union says service has declined.

    You could describe it as theft masquerading as financialengineering, a U.K. MP says of private equity.

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    Bl oom b e rg M arke t sJ u n e 2006 39



    companies are selling out as founders retire. In the first quar-

    ter of 2006, $28 billion of European buyouts were an-

    nounced, up slightly from the same period a year earlier. The

    biggest was a 7.5 billion bid for Dutch media company VNU

    NV by a group of five U.S. buyout firms including KKR, and

    Amsterdam-based AlpInvest Partners NV.

    In November, Permira and four other firms offered $15.3

    billion for TDC A/S, Denmarks former telephone monopoly.

    When the deal closed in January, it was the largest leveraged

    buyout since KKR led the $31.4 billion takeover of RJR

    Nabisco Inc. in 1989. In Europe, national businesses are be-

    coming European businesses, says Joseph Bower, a professor

    at Harvard Business School who served as an adviser to Per-

    mira in the 1990s. To help that happen, you need a lot of

    capital. Private equity firms can play a very constructive role

    in doing this.

    Permira partner Charles Sherwood says the process of re-

    making a company shouldnt be judged by whether jobs are

    lost. I just cant accept that, he says. The correct question is,

    When they come out of the period of ownership by Permira,

    are they stronger, more-efficient businesses? Parliaments

    Prosser and the U.K.s Consumers Association argue that in

    the case of the AA, the answer is no. In the 12 months ended

    on Feb. 28, it dropped to third place from first among road ser-

    vice organizations in terms of how promptly it responded to

    customers calls, according to Which?, the Consumers

    Associations magazine. Sherwood, whos an AA board

    member, says Permira and CVC have made the road

    service company stronger and more efficient.

    The dust-up in Britain is just one example of the

    suspicion that many Europeans have of loosely regu-

    lated buyout firms and their cousins, hedge funds,

    which are investment pools designed for investors

    with at least $1 million to bet on falling as well as ris-

    ing securities. In early April, Werner Seifert, former

    CEO of Frankfurt-based stock exchange Deutsche

    Brse AG, published a book, Invasion of the Locusts

    (Econ Verlag), whose title makes clear his view of Eu-

    ropes new financial elite. Seifert mostly targets hedge

    fund firms, one of which, London-based TCI Fund

    Management, helped force his ouster from Deutsche

    Brse. The epithet locustwas used last year by Ger-

    man Labor Minister Franz Mntefering to describe

    the buyout firms that bought $27 billion worth of

    German companies in 2004 and 05.

    Nigel Doughty, co-founder of U.K. buyout firm

    Doughty Hanson & Co., considers the attacks on pri-

    vate equity misguided. We can help them, but they

    dont realize it, he says. They think were locusts. We

    can promote economic growth, and we do create jobs.

    From 2000 to 04, companies backed by buyout firms

    have added a net 420,000 jobs in Britain and on the

    Continent, according to the Brussels-based European

    Private Equity and Venture Capital Association

    (EVCA). Permiras Sherwood says private equity

    boosts long-term employment and economic growth by mak-

    ing businesses stronger.

    Money is pouring into buyout funds even though stock

    markets in the U.S., the U.K. and France are hitting five-year

    highs. One reason is that top private equity outfits like Per-

    mira have consistently beaten the markets, even after they

    deduct high management and performance fees from the

    profits. In 2005, European private equity firms returned an

    average 24 percent, according to EVCA, beating the 20 per-

    cent rise in Europes benchmark Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50

    Index. Private equity and hedge funds have performed well

    over the past 10 years when compared with public markets,

    which still bear the scars of the downturn after 2000, says

    Bill Barnard, an analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein

    in London.

    Managers looking to restructure companies often

    choose private equity to avoid answering to public

    shareholders. A decision taken in a day in a pri-

    vate equity context can easily take many, many months in a

    publicly traded company, Sherwood, 46, says. Hes worked

    at Permira and its predecessor firm, Schroder Ventures, since

    1985. Like Buffini, he was educated at Cambridge and Har-

    vard. Both started out as management consultants.

    The deals are getting bigger and bigger, as buyout firms

    Permira partner Sherwood says the era of big deals is here to stay.

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    team up to buy giant companies like Denmarks

    TDC. This dynamic of larger transactions is here to

    stay, says Sherwood, speaking in Permiras London

    office, located above an open-air market in the Cov-

    ent Garden district, just down the street from the

    Royal Opera House. Theres no sign of it abating.

    You have public companies seeking to benefit from a

    period in private ownership, conglomerates selling

    marginal businesses to focus on their strengths and

    family-owned businesses selling control to manage

    succession issues or to help expand outside their

    national market.

    In addition, European interest rates, which are

    near a 50-year low, have made it easier for firms to

    leverage huge amounts in takeover loans. Permira

    and its partners arranged more than $12 billion in

    loans to buy TDC, helping push European, Middle

    Eastern and African takeover loans to $97 billion for

    the first three months of 2006, up 60 percent from

    the previous year, according to Bloomberg data. In

    April, TDC declared a $7 billion dividend, $6.3 bil-

    lion of which will go to Nordic Telephone Co., the

    holding company that took control when Permira

    and its partners bought TDC.

    Permira is taking advantage of the clamor by in-

    vestors for more private

    equity to raise its new

    fund, which may rank sec-

    ond in the world to a $13.5

    billion pool that New Yorkbased

    Blackstone Group is raising.

    Wanching Ang, co-head of private

    equity at Munich-based Allianz

    AG, Europes largest insurer, ex-

    pects firms like Permira to easily

    reach their fund-raising targets.

    Theres more demand than there

    is supply, Ang says. These days,

    she adds, its hard work to get the

    private equity managers to take her

    money. I have to flatter, beg, get

    drunk with them, Ang jokes.

    A glance at Permiras returns

    explains why the firm is popular

    among investors. Permira and

    Schroder Ventures, which was the

    firms name until 2001, earned an

    average of 31 percent annually

    from 1990 through 2005 com-

    pared with 7 percent for a basket of

    European stock indexes, according to the March report pre-

    pared for Permiras investors. The firm has given back 6 bil-

    lion in cash to investors since 2000. Permira currently owns

    30 companies with more than 200,000 employees and com-

    bined annual sales of45 billion, ranging from U.K. budget

    motel chain Travelodge Hotels Ltd. to Luxembourg-based

    SBS Broadcasting Sarl, Europes second-largest television

    company, to Grandi Navi Veloci SpA, an Italian high-speed

    ferry company.

    Under Buffini, Permira has run up one of the best track

    records in European private equity. Permiras last three funds

    all rank in the top 10 percent in Europe in terms of returns.

    Its 1997 fund had returned 84 percent as of Dec. 31, 2005; its

    2000 fund, 15 percent; and its 2003 fund, 40 percent. It has

    revamped companies such as Tetley and turned around Ger-

    man pay-television broadcaster Premiere AG. And it has

    backed expanding businesses like U.K. casino operator Gala

    Group Ltd.

    One of Permiras most successful investments was U.K.

    home improvement retailer Homebase Ltd. Permira

    reaped 858 million, or six times its original invest-

    ment, when it sold Homebase to U.K. retailer GUS Plc in

    2002, according to a report that was sent to investors in Per-

    miras last fund and obtained by Bloomberg News. Another

    winner was Italian luxury yacht maker Ferretti SpA, which

    earned Permira 222 million, or more than 50 times its 1998

    investment of4.3 million. Permira sold its stake after Ferretti

    was listed on the Milan stock exchange in 2000. Two years

    later, it made the unusual decision to buy Ferretti back, invest-

    ing a sum equal to the amount it earned from the first sale.

    Ferguson was a founder of the business that would become Permira.

    Bloomberg Markets40 J u n e 2006



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    Its easier to expand as a private company, says Gabriele

    Del Torchio, 55, Ferrettis chief executive officer. Permira has

    given us guidance, scrutinized our acquisitions and helped

    supply financing sources. Ferrettis payroll has grown to 2,500

    from 200 in 1998, thanks to 10 acquisitions. Sales at the yacht

    builder, which plans to sell shares in Milan again at some

    point, rose 14 percent to 636 million in the 12 months ended

    on Aug. 31.

    Buffinis determination to make his mark on global private

    equity pits him against some of the industrys icons. At KKR,

    cousins George Roberts, 62, and Henry Kravis, 62, remain in

    charge of the 30-year-old buyout firm. Yet for the most part,

    Buffini, who was elected to succeed Peter Smitham, 64, as Per-

    miras managing partner in 2000, will be competing with a

    new generation of deal makers. In March, billionaire Thomas

    Lee, 62, who founded buyout firm Thomas H. Lee Partners LP

    32 years ago, stepped down and left his firm in the control of

    its younger partners, including Anthony DiNovi, 43.

    Like other Europe-based buyout firms, Permira faces a

    growing army of U.S. competitors, led by KKR, that are en-

    croaching on its turf. In 2005, U.S. private equity partnerships

    backed more than $48 billion of European takeovers, up from

    about $9 billion in 2001, according to Bloomberg data. In

    November 2004, Permira lost out to New Yorkbased Clayton,

    Dubilier & Rice Inc. in a 2.6 billion auction for Rexel SA, a

    French electrical equipment supplier. The following year, Per-

    mira retreated from Paris after failing to buy a single French

    company in six years. It now does French deals from London.

    It just wasnt working, Sherwood says of the French effort.

    The only Permira fund that ever lost investors money was a

    98 million French fund raised in 1989, according to the re-

    port sent to prospective investors in Permiras last fund.

    In the U.K., Permira hasnt had everything its way either.

    In March, the firm walked away from an 845 million bid for

    retailer HMV Group Plc, after the publicly traded owner of

    HMV music stores and Waterstones bookshops rejected the

    buyout firms second approach. In 2004, Permira halted its

    pursuit of W.H. Smith Plc, the U.K.s biggest seller of statio-

    nery and magazines, after it reviewed the companys books

    and decided its pension fund deficit was too large. In 2003,

    Permira lost U.K. department store chain Debenhams Plc to

    U.S. rival Texas Pacific Group and CVC. Sherwood declined

    to comment on the unsuccessful deals.

    As American firms push further into Permiras European

    sphere, Permira is looking east. The company opened a Tokyo

    office in 2005, with plans to invest as much as $1.3 billion in

    Japan by the end of 2008. Sherwood, whose

    business card has his contact information

    in Japanese on the back, says Japan may

    now offer the same kind of opportunities

    Germany and Italy did in the past 10 years.

    Theres a crying need for industrial re-

    structuring, he says. At the large-deal end,

    there are very few competitors.

    Permira is also expanding in the U.S.

    Last year, it hired Thomas Lister, 42, a for-

    mer lieutenant of U.S. buyout pioneer

    Forstmann, to run its New York office,

    which opened in 2002. It faces intense

    competition in the worlds most-established

    buyout market. Sherwood says the New

    York office looks for companies whose busi-

    nesses span Europe and North America.

    There is a significant opportunity to bridge

    the Atlantic, he says. Were not interested

    in the Alabama supermarket. In February,

    Permira bought Indianapolis-based safety-

    goggle maker Aearo Technologies Inc. for

    $765 million. The company made about

    C O V ER ST O RY: PERM IRA S PRIN C E O F L BO sBl oom b e rg M arke t sJ u n e 2006 41

    In Europe, Permira faces a growing army of U.S.competitors, led by Blackstone, Carlyle and KKR.

  • 8/8/2019 The Crown Prince of Buyouts


    C O V ER ST O RY: PERM IRA S PRIN C E O F L BO s Bloomberg Markets42 J u n e 2006

    one-fifth of its fiscal 2005 sales in five

    European countries.

    Buffini, the man in charge of Permi-

    ras strategy, was born in the central Eng-

    lish city of Leicester in 1962 and raised

    by his mother, Maureen Buffini, who

    worked for the state gas board. His fa-

    ther, a U.K.-based American military

    man named Jonathan Taylor, was never

    part of the family, acquaintances of Buf-

    fini say. At Gateway College, a local pub-

    lic secondary school, Buffini thrived on

    the soccer pitch and in economics class,

    says Steve Martin, his teacher and for-

    mer coach. He was always the one pre-

    pared to challenge conventional ideas,

    Martin, 52, says. We were just moving into the era of

    Thatcher, and Damon was challenging traditional Keynesian

    ideas. Margaret Thatcher, U.K. prime minister from 1979 to

    90, clashed with Britains labor unions as she sold off state

    assets. In the process, Maureen Buffinis former employer be-

    came publicly traded British Gas Plc in 1986.

    In 1981, Buffini entered Cambridge Universitys 495-year-

    old St. Johns College to study law. He was a passionate foot-

    baller, part of the soccer crowd, recalls Toby Wyles, a fellow

    Cambridge student who went on to become head of U.K. buy-

    outs at Apax Partners. Buffini graduated and moved to Lon-

    don, where he took a job at LEK Consulting LLP, a management

    consulting firm run out of a basement office on Londons St.

    Jamess Square that had been co-founded a year earlier by Iain

    Evans, a former partner at Boston-based Bain & Co. We were

    looking for intellectual horsepower, energy and ambition

    people who wanted to make a mark on the world, Evans, 55,

    says. Damon had all those qualities. We taught them that the

    world is driven by marketsby demand and consumers and

    competitors. At LEK, Buffini got an early lesson in hostile

    takeovers, helping defend U.K. conglomerate Imperial Group

    Plc from British corporate raider James Hanson. We lost by a

    small margin, Evans says. Hanson Trust Plc bought Imperial

    Group for 2.5 billion in 1986.

    That same year, Buffini enrolled in Harvard Business Schools

    MBA program; LEK helped pay his tuition. In October 1987,

    Nick Ferguson came calling. Then a manager for Schroders,

    he was in the process of building up a chain of private equity

    funds around the world, and he was looking for talent at

    Harvard. Ferguson landed in New York on Oct. 19Black

    Monday, when the Dow Jones Industrial

    Average fell more than 20 percent. Its

    the only time in my life I heard the pilot

    announce the wind speed, the tempera-

    ture and the level of the Dow as we land-

    ed, he says. Ferguson had hired a house

    in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to inter-

    view candidates. When he arrived,

    Damon was standing in front of the

    door, Ferguson, 57, recalls. He said,

    You cant come in until you hire me.

    Buffini joined Schroder Ventures U.K.

    team the following year.

    Buffini seldom talks one-on-one to

    the press. He designated Sherwood, a se-

    nior partner, as the firms spokesman for

    this article. Unlike some of the firms in this industry, we

    really do want to avoid a personality cult, Sherwood says.

    That hasnt prevented Buffini from basking in the admiration

    of his peers. On April 4, he attended a lunch with 250 rivals

    at Londons Merchant Taylors Hall, where Financial News

    gave him its personality of the year award.Financial News is

    a weekly newspaper for Londons banking industry, with a

    circulation of 19,000.

    Damons first boss, Evans, has an explanation for Buffinis

    allergy to media coverage: Hes a black guy whos done incred-

    ibly well from a working-class background, and hes very wary

    of the press. You see people built up by the press and then

    pulled down. He is possibly more vulnerable than others.

    Colleagues say that from the start of his career in private

    equity, Buffini showed a strong aptitude for the process of eval-

    uating and remaking companies thats crucial to the success of

    any buyout firm. Colleagues point, for instance, to his perfor-

    mance in helping manage the 1992 acquisition of Linton &

    Hirst Ltd., a maker of components for transformers for home

    appliances that Schroder Ventures bought for 1.2 million.

    Veteran corporate manager Jim Ryan was hired as CEO to

    turn the business around, and he worked with Buffini. Hes

    inhumanly intelligent, Ryan, 59, says. In meetings, he lets

    people have their say and tries to get to a point where people

    feel the decisions reached were their own ideas. Ryan and

    Buffini agreed to focus on boosting Linton & Hirsts margins.

    Once the business was acquired, Ryan says, he got sidelined

    into controlling costs by selling off land. Hed gently but con-

    stantly remind you about the business plan, developing very

    subtle boundary limits within which you can work, he says.

    We were looking for intellectual horsepower, energyand ambition, Evans says. Damon had all those qualities.

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    C O V ER ST O RY: PERM IRA S PRIN C E O F L BO s Bloomberg Markets44 J u n e 2006

    Buffini was a risk taker at Schroder Ventures. By 1994, Lin-

    ton & Hirst had reached Schroders targeted value of 12 mil-

    lionat which point it normally would have been sold, Ryan

    says. Ryan saw potential in the business of making transform-

    ers for computer modems, so he asked Buffini for more time.

    A lot of venture capitalists would have pulled out then, Ryan

    says. Damon rolled the dice again. The business was sold in

    1995 for about 23 million, including debt. Schroder Ventures

    made 12.9 million, or 10 times its investment.

    In 1996, Schroder Ventures teams in the U.K., France,

    Italy and Germany decided to unite as Schroder

    Ventures Europe. The U.S. and Japanese units con-

    tinued as separate funds. In 1997, the European partners

    launched a pan-European fund for the first time. The bet

    paid off: The 890 million pool raised in 1997 earned in-

    vestors 2.2 times their money, according to one of the inves-

    tors, the California Public Employees Retirement System,

    or Calpers.

    As late as 2000, Schroder Ventures European national

    teams were still semiautonomous, even though they invested

    from one fund. Volatile talks started to form a unified com-

    pany. The crucial point turned out to be compensation, says

    Armin Timmerman, a former partner at McKinsey & Co. who

    advised on the negotiations. Partners had to be convinced to

    give up their existing compensation contracts and take a

    smaller share of a larger pie. This was the most difficult issue:

    Whos got to give? he says.

    Timmerman says the tension was eased when the firm

    raised a 3.5 billion fund in October 2000. There was three

    times as much money to be distributed, he says. That same

    year, the principals elected Buffini managing partner.

    Given Permira/Schroder Ventures 31 percent average re-

    turns, its no surprise that investors today have great faith in

    Buffini & Co. Theyre darn good, says Ferguson, now chair-

    man of London-based SVG Capital Plc, a publicly traded in-

    vestment trust that was spun off from Schroders. SVG has

    pledged 2.8 billion to Permiras new fund. Shares of SVG,

    which has 75 percent of its assets in Permiras funds and is

    considered a proxy for the private equity firm, rose 34 per-

    cent in the 12 months ended on April 7, while the U.K.s FTSE

    All-Share Index rose 23 percent. Permiras management

    owns 5 percent of SVG Capital.

    Other big investors in Permiras funds include Calpers, the

    biggest U.S. pension fund, and AlpInvest, which invests on

    behalf of 4.3 million Dutch workers. Calpers has sunk at least

    $270 million into Permiras funds

    since 1991, according to its Web

    site. Permira has a strong per-

    formance track record of invest-

    ing in Europe and has a good

    business sense of the local econo-

    mies, says Brad Pacheco, a

    spokesman for Calpers. We are

    in four of their funds, and each

    has performed well for us.

    Buffini and his partners are

    well paid for taking care of their

    clients investments. While the

    partners individual compensa-

    tion has never been made public,

    documents at Companies House,

    the Cardiff, Walesbased regis-

    trar for U.K. companies, reveal

    that the top, unnamed earner at

    Permira Partners LLP in 2004

    made 4.74 million. Permira

    takes an annual fee amounting to

    1.5 percent of each fund. On that

    Permira and other top buyout firms have beaten themarkets even after deducting high management fees.



    Permira helped Ferretti expand through acquisitions, CEO Gabriele DelTorchio says.

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    C O V ER ST O RY: PERM IRA S PRIN C E O F L BO s Bloomberg Markets46 J u n e 2006

    basis, the new, 10 billion fund would contribute 150 mil-

    lion a year in fees for Permiras 92-member staff. The firm

    also keeps 20 percent of profits from any sale or stock market

    listing. And it charges fees to the companies it buys and sells;

    the AA agreed to pay Permira and CVC 25 million when it

    was acquired. By contrast, managers of stock investments

    for pension funds charge an average fee of 0.3 percent, ac-

    cording to Arlington, Virginiabased pension consulting firm

    Watson Wyatt Worldwide Inc. And stock fund managers

    dont get to keep any of their gains.

    Permira executives defend their lucrative compensation

    program. Private equity is undoubtedly an expensive way of

    financing a business, Sherwood says. Its typically only a

    logical way of financing for a transitionary period and only

    for a period when there is tremendous upside to be achieved

    through radical change.

    Under Buffini, Permira sometimes seeks to work with the

    sellers of companies it takes over. When Permira bought

    Homebase from J Sainsbury Plc in 2001, Sainsbury kept an

    18 percent stake. At a Bloomberg-sponsored private equity

    seminar in London in February 2004, Buffini told his audi-

    ence of fellow takeover artists: I think we have to think about

    different ways in which we can work together with the exist-

    ing shareholders. We could both be winners.

    For now, critics are keeping the private equity community

    in a defensive mode. In November 2005, 131 members of

    Parliament signed a resolution calling for stronger labor

    rights after Gate Gourmet, a caterer for British Airways Plc

    owned by Texas Pacific Group, fired 670 workers. The firings

    sparked a strike that shut down Europes third-largest airline

    at its Heathrow Airport hub for two days.

    At the AA, Permira and CVC aggravated the situation in

    February, when they arranged additional loans to fund a

    500 million dividend from the company to themselves. Per-

    mira and CVC declined to comment on the payment.

    The political battle presents a new challenge for Permira

    and its rivals. The limits to the growth of the industry now

    include politics, says John Barber, a managing director at

    London-based Helix Associates Ltd., which advises buyout

    firms on fund raising. Permira and other high-profile play-

    ers have a choice. They can lead or be led in dealing with the

    wider public. The consequences of doing nothing could be re-

    strictive legislation.

    One area in which Permira and other private equity firms

    are vulnerable is in their tax accounting. You could destroy

    the economics of this industry in one day by denying all the

    tax deductions on loans used for acquisitions, says John

    Moulton, founder of U.K. buyout firm Alchemy Partners LLP

    and a former head of U.K. buyouts at Schroder Ventures.

    Under British law, companies can deduct interest costs on

    loans from their tax bills.

    Critics of private equity single out its penchant for se-

    crecy. Every day, the public is dealing indirectly with

    private equity firms that they know very little about,

    says Prem Sikka, a professor of accounting at the University

    of Essex and an expert on tax havens. People have a right to

    know why a factory is being closed or jobs are being cut, Sikka

    says. Who is behind the takeover of the store where they buy

    their clothes? Who owns their electricity provider? And where

    and how is their pension being invested? Permiras privacy

    is assured because its registered in the offshore tax haven of

    Guernsey, Sikka says.

    In March, Arthur Levitt, former chairman of the U.S.

    Securities and Exchange Commission, urged an audience of

    private equity investors in Geneva to open up. While private

    equity will remain technically private, its actions will become

    the publics concern, Levitt said in his speech. Levitt noted

    that he had met with a group of U.K. lawmakers three weeks

    earlier. The areas they were most concerned about were pri-

    vate equity firms and hedge funds, he said. (Levitt is a board

    member of Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News,

    and a senior adviser to Washington-based Carlyle Group.)

    Jonny Maxwell, head of private equity at Edinburgh-based

    Standard Life Investments Ltd., doesnt expect much to

    People have a right to know why a factory is being

    closed or jobs are being cut, Prem Sikka says.

  • 8/8/2019 The Crown Prince of Buyouts


    Bloomberg Markets48 J u n e 2006 C O V ER ST O RY: PERM IRA S PRIN C E O F L BO s

    Tracking Permiras Deals

    You can use the Bloomberg M&A Analysis (MA) function to

    track Permiras acquisitions and sales of companies. Type

    MA , and click on Mergers and Acquisitions Search.

    Tab in to the ENTER COMPANY NAME field, enter PERMIRA and

    press . Click on Permira Advisers Ltd. to select the pri-

    vate equity firm. In the list of results, as shown below, click on

    Aearo Technologies Inc. under the Target Name heading to

    see details of Permiras acquisition of the Indianapolis-based

    maker of earplugs and other safety equipment. Permira an-

    nounced on Feb. 1 that it had agreed to pay $765 million to

    acquire the company from Bear Stearns Merchant Banking,

    the private equity arm of Bear Stearns Cos. The offer came

    just over two months after

    Aearo had filed to sell shares

    in an initial public offering.

    The largest private equity

    deal in 2005, the $15.3 bil-

    lion acquisition of Danish

    phone company TDC A/S by

    a consortium of five buyout

    firms including Permira, is

    listed on MA under the name

    of the groups acquisition ve-

    hicle, Nordic Telephone Co.

    Press Menu twice to return

    to the M&A Search screen, tab in to the ENTER COMPANY

    NAME field and enter NORDIC TELEPHONE. Press and

    click on Nordic Telephone Co ApS for details of the deal.

    Permiras performance is reflected in that of SVG Capi-

    tal Plc, a fund of funds that invests in private equity and

    shares with Permira a heritage in Schroders Plc, a London

    investment manager. SVG has about 75 percent of its as-

    sets invested in funds run by Permira. To see the percent-

    age gain in SVG shares during the previous 12 months,

    type SVI LN < Equity> GPCT . For headlines of news

    stories on buyouts and private equity, type NI LBO .



    For a list of the major holders of SVG Capital, type SVI LN PHDC .

    change. Maxwell, 43, says the big challenge to Permira comes

    from across the Atlantic. Just six years ago, there was a ques-

    tion mark over whether U.S. firms like KKR could make it in

    Europe, he says. Now, we know they are here to stay. In Oc-

    tober, KKR raised 4.5 billion for its second European fund.

    Blackstone plans to raise, and spend, billions in Europe, too.

    Buyout firms are competing for talented managers as well

    as for acquisitions. When Buffini lost the bidding war for

    Debenhams to Texas Pacifics David Bonderman in 2003, the

    U.S. firm hired British entrepreneurs John Lovering and Rob-

    ert Templeman to manage its bid. They had previously led the

    turnaround at Homebase for Permira. Every deal is treated on

    its own merits, says Templeman, now Debenhamss CEO. Id

    never rule out working with Permira again.

    When Buffini sets out to recruit investors and managers

    for Permiras acquisitions, he does it in style. In June 2005, to

    celebrate the firms 20th anniversary, he sailed 400 guests

    down the River Thames from the Houses of Parliament for

    dinner at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich.

    Jim Ryan recalls another memorable soiree in early 1996,

    months after hed sold Linton & Hirst. Permira invited the

    entrepreneur, who was looking for his next challenge, to an

    overnight party at stately Brocket Hall north of London. I

    was a bit puzzled why I was invited, he recalls. After dinner,

    I returned to my room and found a brown envelope with my

    name on it on the bed. Inside were the financials for Strand

    Lighting Ltd., a U.K. maker of theatrical lighting equipment.

    They got me at my weakest point, Ryan says of the offer to

    take over the lighting company. I was hooked. Ryan took

    and still holdsthe job of managing director of Strand Light-

    ing, which remains owned by Permira.

    SVGs Ferguson says that as the private equity industrys

    size and power increase, buyout firms would do well to devote

    some time to communicating better with the wider public. The

    pension fund of the GMB, the union leading the protests over

    the AA, has a deficit. Until last year, most of the unions assets

    were in funds that track stock market indexes. Now almost

    half of the fund is in bonds. Ferguson has some advice for the

    union: Try investing in private equity. I would focus on the

    best performers, Ferguson says. Permira is one of those. Such

    an investment might teach the union to love private equity a

    bit moreor at least hate it a bit less.

    SIMON CLARK is a senior writer at Bloomberg News in London. EDWARD EVANScovers private equity in London. With additional reporting by LAURIE MEISLER inNew York and HUI-YONG YU in [email protected]