the crooked forest of ,long ago in...

The crooked forest of doom By April

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Post on 02-Feb-2021




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  • The crooked forest of doom

    By April

  • Long ,long ago in the big ,scary forest of doom a witch named April ruled the land. No one dared go in. The Great witch had died from a battle with a great warlock called Harry. It was a dreadful sight.

  • But one day a great posse of friends entered the forest.Dun dun dun! They set up camp and the next day they set out on a long journey.

  • Then suddenly they were lost! I bumped my head and a raggedy looking house was right infront of us,It was the witch April’s house .

  • Firstly my frog didn’t want to go in but I did not want to go in either. We all went in paw, claw and foot. Then boom, I was gone! The quick as a flash I was right next to the evil witch April. She was already boiling up her caldron.

  • The witch snatched my wand and all my magic had gone. In the caldron everything boiled, screaming, scratching and squeaking. Then she hypnotised me and with her wand lifted me into her caldron. Luckily my friends switched my caldron with hers. I was saved by my lucky sidekick friends. We all lived happily ever after.