the crisis of reconstruction, 1865-1877 chapter 16

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The Crisis of Reconstruction, 1865-1877 Chapter 16 Slide 2 Results of the Civil War: 1.Over 620,000 men died 2.The Souths economy was destroyed 3.What about status of 3.5 million former slaves? Slide 3 Reconstruction: The process of putting the nation back together after the Civil War (1865-1877) The re-building of the Union (and the South in particular) Slide 4 13 th Amendment (1865) Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Prohibited slavery. Slide 5 Reconstruction (1865-1877) ReconstructionWhen the North won the Civil War in 1865, the era of Reconstruction began How should the North bring the South back into the Union? How should the North rebuild the South after its destruction during the war? How should the North integrate and protect newly-emancipated black freedmen? What branch of government is in charge of Reconstruction? Quickly, to show Americans that they are willing to forgive? Slowly, to make sure the South doesnt try to secede again? Old South based on cotton farming with blacks as workers? New South with textile factories & railroads with paid labor? Should freed blacks be given the right to vote? How do you protect blacks against racists whites in the South? Should the president, as commander-in-chief, be in charge? Should Congress be in charge because the Constitution gives it power to let territories in as states? Slide 6 Lincolns Plan (1863) VERY lenient 1.10% of Confederate voters in southern states must: a)Accept emancipation b)Swear loyalty to the Union 2.High ranking Confederate officials could not vote or hold office unless pardoned by the President Once these conditions were met, a state could return to the Union Congress rejected Lincolns plan: Radical Republicans wanted black male suffrage added & feared that Confederate leaders would take charge in the South Slide 7 Opposition to Lincolns Plan Wade-Davis Bill: In 1864, Congress wrote its own plan: 50% of state populations had to swear an oath of loyalty Confederate leaders were not eligible to vote or participate in state governments Did not require black suffrage but did enforce emancipation Lincoln killed the bill using a pocket veto (it passed in the last 10 days of the legislative session) By the end of the Civil War, the U.S. government had no plan for Reconstruction in place This problem was compounded in 1865 when Lincoln was assassinated Slide 8 Lincolns Assassination April 14, 1865 by John Wilkes Booth Watching the play, Our American Cousin, at Fords Theater in Washington, DC Slide 9 After Lincolns Death, 3 Men: Thaddeus Stevens Charles Sumner Andrew Johnson Radical Republicans Stevens Sumner Slide 10 Radical Republicans: 1.Members of the Republican Party who wanted to: Punish the south for causing the Civil War Fought to protect the rights of former slaves Slide 11 Thaddeus Stevens (Radical Republican) Member of the House of Reps Goal: economic opportunity for former slaves Slide 12 Charles Sumner (Radical Republican) Member of US Senate Goal: citizenship/political rights for former slaves Slide 13 Charles Sumner vs. Preston Brooks (1857) Slide 14 Andrew Johnson Former Senator from TN, became Lincolns VP A Democrat; Reconstruction plan similar to Lincolns Issued 13,000 pardons Unconcerned with rights of former slaves Impeached in 1868 Slide 15 Reconstruction Plan Johnsons Reconstruction PlanReconstruction Plan Johnsons Reconstruction Plan: 1.Appointed provisional state governors to lead state constitutional conventions 2.States must declare secession illegal & ratify the 13th Amendt Black CodesSouthern conventions reluctantly obeyed Johnsons Reconstruction policy but passed Black Codes Slide 16 The Freedmans Bureau Freedmans BureauThe Freedmans Bureau was established in 1865 to offer assistance to former slaves & protect their new citizenship: Provided emergency food, housing, medical supplies Promised 40 acres & a mule Supervised labor contracts Created new schools Slide 17 Plenty to eat & nothing to do Freedmens Bureau Seen Through Southern Eyes Slide 18 Freedmens Bureau School Many former abolitionists moved South to help freedmen, called carpetbaggers by Southern Democrats Slide 19 Congressional Reconstruction Following Johnsons impeachment, Congress controlled reconstruction. Congress passed the Reconstruction Acts (1867-68): 1.The former Confederate States were militarily occupied by US troops 2.States could re-enter the Union once they ratified the 14 th Amendment Slide 20 Map 16.1 : The Reconstruction of the South Slide 21 The 14 th Amendment In 1866, Congress voted to extend the Freedmens Bureau & passed a Civil Rights Bill to protect against Black Codes Johnson vetoed both bills, arguing that they violated states rights Congress overrode both vetoes (for the 1 st time in U.S. history!) Slide 22 The 14 th Amendment 14 th AmendmentCongress feared Johnson would allow violations of civil rights so it passed the 14 th Amendment: Federal govt must protect the civil rights of all Americans Defined the meaning of citizenship for Americans Clearly defined punishments for Southern states who violated the civil rights of African-Americans Slide 23 14 th Amendment (1868) 1.All persons born the US are citizens of the US 2.All citizens are guaranteed equal treatment under the law 3.Punished states that denied adult males the right to vote Slide 24 Johnsons Swing Around the Circle In the 1866 mid-term elections, Johnson toured the South trying to convince voters to elect Congressmen who would reject the 14 th Amendment The plan back-fired & Republicans won a 3-1 majority in both houses of Congress & gained control of every northern state Slide 25 Radical Reconstruction Radical Reconstruction planCongress, led by Thaddeus Stevens, trumped Johnson by passing it its own Radical Reconstruction plan in 1867: Congress could confiscate & redistribute Southern plantations Allowed quick re-entry for states that supported black suffrage Ex-Confederates couldnt vote Thaddeus Stevens the most influential of the radical Republicans; He opposed the Crittenden Compromise, led the impeachment charges against Johnson, & drafted the Radical Reconstruction plan used from 1867 to 1877 Slide 26 Created 5 military districts to enforce acts But, Radical Reconstruction was so dependent on massive & sustained federal aid that it was not adequate to enforce equality in the South and Johnson obstructed Republicans plans by removing sympathetic cabinet members & generals Slide 27 The Impeachment Crisis In Feb 1868, the House voted 126-47 to impeach Johnson, but the Senate fell 1 vote short of conviction & removal from office Johnson argued that removal could only occur due to high crimes & misdemeanors but no crime had been committed Some Republicans refused to establish the precedent of removing a president ButJohnson did promise to enforce Reconstruction for the remainder of his term& he did! For violating the Tenure of Office Act when he tried to fire Sec of War Edwin Stanton Slide 28 Impeachment and Removal of a President 1.Impeachment: to bring formal charges against the President (Majority vote in the House of Reps) 2.Trial/Removal: The President stands trial (the Senate acts as jury; 2/3 majority vote is needed for removal) Slide 29 Johnson and Impeachment Johnson was impeached, but not removed from office; he was ineffective following impeachment Slide 30 The Johnson Impeachment & Senate Trial Slide 31 Reconstructing Southern Society How did Reconstruction impact the South? Southern whites wanted to keep newly-freed blacks inferior Freed blacks sought equality, property, education, & the vote Many Northerners moved South to make money or to "civilize" the region after the Civil War Slide 32 Sharecropping: A New Slavery? The Civil War destroyed Southern land, economy, & transportation Recovering meant finding a new labor system to replace slavery: The South tried a contract-labor system but it was ineffective Sharecropping Sharecropping solved the problem; black farmers worked on white planters land, but had to pay or of their crops Slide 33 Sharecropping Problem: families accumulated debt to the landowner before their crop was sold; This cyclical process led to mortgages on future crops (crop lien system) By the end of 1865, most freedmen had returned to work on the same plantations on which they were previously enslaved Slide 34 Slide 35 Black Codes: A New Slavery? Violence & discrimination against freedmen by whites was common: Southerners used black codes to keep former slaves from voting, getting jobs, buying land 1,000s of blacks were murdered U.S. army did not have enough troops to keep order in the South Slide 36 Slide 37 Republican Rule in the South In 1867, a Southern Republican Party was formed by: carpetbaggers Northern carpetbaggers scalawags Southern scalawags interested in making money in the South Small, white farmers who wanted protection from creditors Blacks who wanted civil rights Many Southern blacks were elected to state & national govt Southern Republicans were only in power for 1-9 years but improved public education, welfare, & transportation Slide 38 Slide 39 Black & White Political Participation Black House & Senate Delegates Colored Rule in a Reconstructed South Black Republicans were accused of corruption & lack of civility Slide 40 Civil War & Reconstruction Review Examine the major political & military events listed on the Key Events of the Civil War timeline; Complete the missing sections Examine Reconstruction Plans & identify the major components of each section of the chart; Be prepared to discuss your answers to the discussion questions. Slide 41 Gaining Rights for Blacks 15 th AmendmentIn 1870, the 15 th Amendment gave all men the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude Freedmen fought for civil rights: Legalized marriage Used courts to assert claims against whites & other blacks Saw education as their 1 st opportunity to become literate Womens rights groups were furious that they were not granted the vote! Slide 42 Reconstruction in the Grant Administration (1869-1877) Slide 43 The Election of 1868 New SouthIn 1867, Thaddeus Stevens Radical Reconstruction plan was in place & a southern Republican party hoped to build a New South By 1868, 8 of the 11 former Confederate states were accepted back into the Union after creating state constitutions & ratifying the 14 th Amendment Tennessee Alabama Arkansas Louisiana South Carolina North CarolinaFlorida Georgia Slide 44 Re-Admission of the South Slide 45 The Election of 1868 But, the U.S. had lots of problems: greenbacks Excessive printing of greenbacks during the Civil War led to high inflation which hurt both the Northern & Southern economies Redeemers Southern Redeemers & secret societies tried to undermine Congressional attempts to reconstruct the South Slide 46 The 1868 Presidential Election who voted for the 1 st time Republicans nominated Civil War hero Ulysses S. Grant who had the support of Republicans in the North & South as well as Southern freedmen who voted for the 1 st time Democrats refused to re-nominate Johnson & chose NY governor Horatio Seymour Slide 47 In the election of 1868, both parties waved the bloody shirt to remind voters why the Civil War was fought Southern Republican Strategy Southern Democratic Strategy Keeping freed blacks inferior was the most important goal of Southern Democrats Republican goal: Keep ex-Confederate leaders from restoring the Old South Slide 48 Grants National Reconstruction Plan When Grant was elected, he supported: Shifting back to gold (sound or hard money) to deflate American currency Using a limited number of U.S. soldiers in the South to enforce Reconstruction efforts Civil rights for freed blacks Deflations hurt indebted farmers the most In 1876, the Greenback Party was formed to support keeping soft money Enough troops should be sent to work with state militias to protect blacks rights, reduce violence, & support Republican leaders in Southern state governments but not enough to encourage widespread resentment among the Southern population Slide 49 Grants National Reconstruction Plan 15th AmendmentRepublicans sought equal protection for blacks; ratified the 15th Amendment in 1870: Prohibited any state from denying men the right to vote due to race Butthe amendment said nothing about literacy tests, poll taxes, & property qualifications Slide 50 A Reign of Terror Against Blacks From 1868 to 1872, southern Republicans were threatened by secret societies like Ku Klux Klan Hoped to restore the Old South Sought to restrict black voting Oppose Republican state govts The KKK was successful in its terror campaigns, helping turn GA, NC, & TN to the Democratic Party Slide 51 The Invisible Empire of the South Of course he wants to vote for the Democratic ticket Slide 52 The Failure of Federal Enforcement Slide 53 A Reign of Terror Against Blacks Force ActsIn 1870, Congress passed the Force Acts (the KKK Acts): Made interference in elections a federal crime Gave the president the military power to protect polling places Allowed for high black turnout & Republicans victories in 1872 Redeemer Democrats openly appealed to white supremacy & laissez-faire government Slide 54 A Reign of Terror Against Blacks The KKK responded by becoming more open with its terror tactics: Northerners grew impatient with federal Reconstruction efforts & corrupt Southern state govts Grant began to refuse to use military force against KKK terrorist attacks By 1876, only SC, FL, & LA were controlled by Republicans Slide 55 The 1875 Civil Rights Act Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875 to protect freedmen: Outlawed racial discrimination in public places & in jury selection But the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional & weakened the 14 th & 15 th Amendments, leaving southern blacks defenseless against discrimination In the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873), the court ruled that the 14 th Amendment protects only national citizenship rights & does not protect citizens from discrimination by the states In U.S. v Reese (1876) & U.S. v Cruikshank (1876), the court weakened the KKK Act by stating that the 14 th Amendment does not protect against actions by individuals Slide 56 Corruption in Grants Administration Slide 57 The Republicans experienced rampant corruption during Grants 1 st term as president: Grants Secretary of War was impeached & Attorney General resigned due to corruption Crdit Mobilier Grants VP & others were ruined by the Crdit Mobilier scandal involving railroad stock in exchange for political favors These scandals distracted Americans from Reconstruction efforts Slide 58 The Election of 1872 Corruption scandals & the failure of Reconstruction in the South led to a split among Republicans: Liberal Republicans Liberal Republicans were tired of the Grant scandals & believed in reconciling with the South, not military intervention In 1872, Liberal Republicans ran Horace Greeley against Grant Slide 59 1872 Presidential Election Republicans suppressed the KKK in time for the election; Southern blacks enjoyed a voting freedom they would not see again for a century Grant was the only consecutive, 2-term president from Jackson to Teddy Roosevelt, but is commonly regarded as a failure Slide 60 Grants Second Term Grant s 2 nd term was plagued by economic depression & corruption Panic of 1873 Panic of 1873 was the longest depression (until 1929); many blamed large corporations & begged Grant to create jobs Whiskey Ring Whiskey RingGrants personal secretary was caught embezzling whiskey taxes the nations RRs defaultedOver 100 banks collapsed 18,000 businesses closed Unemployment reached 15% The Grant administration did not see job creation or relief for the poor as its duties Slide 61 Essential QuestionEssential Question: What events from 1868 to 1876 led to the abandonment of federal reconstruction attempts in the South by 1877? Reading Quiz 17B (p 585-598)Reading Quiz 17B (p 585-598) Slide 62 The New South & the Rise of Jim Crow Rutherford B. Hayes VideoRise of Jim Crow Slide 63 1876 Election The winner is? Two candidates: Samuel Tilden: Democrat; political reformer from NY Rutherford B. Hayes: Republican; former OH Governor Slide 64 The Compromise of 1877 In 1876, Republicans ran Rutherford B. Hayes against Democrat reformer Samuel Tilden Election results were disputed in three Southern states A special commission gave the disputed votes to Hayes, but Democrats in Congress blocked this decision by filibuster A filibuster is an attempt to extend debate upon a proposal in order to delay or prevent a vote on its passage Slide 65 Slide 66 1876 Presidential Election Slide 67 1876 Election A commission was established to determine winner: Compromise of 1877: 1.Hayes became President 2.Military occupation of the South ended 1.The rights of former slaves were not protected Slide 68 A Political Crisis: The Compromise of 1877 A Political Crisis: The Compromise of 1877 President Rutherfraud B. Hayes The Second Corrupt Bargain Slide 69 The Rise of Jim Crow Jim Crow LawsFrom 1877 to 1910, Redeemer Democrats imposed restrictions called Jim Crow Laws to limit the civil rights of African Americans 187 blacks were lynched yearly A convict-lease system & prison farms resembled slavery Segregation laws led to separate railroads, streetcars, & public facilities Jim Crow laws were passed after Reconstruction ended to obstruct rights given to black Americans in the 14 th & 15 th Amendments Black codes were laws passed from 1865 to 1877 to keep freed slaves from gaining rights & voting Slide 70 Slide 71 Conclusion: The Unfinished Revolution Slide 72 The Unfinished Revolution Reconstruction lasted only 12 years from 1865 to 1877: Reconciliation between the North & South occurred only after Reconstruction ended By the late 1880s, reunion was becoming a reality but at the expense of the blacks rights Reconstruction remained an unfinished revolution Slide 73 1.How did the federal govt bring the South back into the Union? 2. Was the South transformed into a New South? 3. How were newly- emancipated black freedmen protected? 4. What branch of govt took control of Reconstruction? How effective was the U.S. in addressing these Reconstruction questions? Slide 74 How should the North bring the South back into the Union? How should the North rebuild the South after its destruction during the war? How should the North integrate and protect newly-emancipated black freedmen? What branch of government is in charge of Reconstruction? Quickly, to show Americans that they are willing to forgive? Slowly, to make sure the South doesnt try to secede again? Old South based on cotton farming with blacks as workers? New South with textile factories & railroads with paid labor? Should freed blacks be given the right to vote? How do you protect blacks against racists whites in the South? Should the president, as commander-in-chief, be in charge? Should Congress be in charge because the Constitution gives it power to let territories in as states? Slide 75 Limits to Reconstruction The Civil War Amendments were a success H/e, there was no redistribution of land and most African Americans lived as sharecroppers and faced little economic opportunity Slide 76 Reconstruction: EVALUATION Some argue it was a success because slavery was abolished and African Americans were guaranteed equal treatment Others say it was a failure because after 1877 those rights were only in place on paper; not in reality. Your opinion: Was it a success or failure? Slide 77 Up From Slavery The African-American Struggle for Equality in the Post-Civil War Era Slide 78 The Hard Reality of Emancipation After the Civil War ended and the 13 th Amendment abolished slavery (1865), freedmen found themselves without significant resources to start a new life The Freedmens Bureau (est. 1865) provided direct relief, education, jobs, and medical care in an effort to give freed slaves an opportunity to adjust to their new lives Despite such efforts, many blacks ended up as tenant farmers who engaged in sharecropping which involved pledging a share of their harvest as repayment to landowners who leased the land; debt peonage often resulted as black farmers went into debt as a result of not being able to cover costs and debt owed to creditors Slide 79 The Failure of Radical Reconstruction The Radical Republican attempt to re-engineer Southern society and politics (1865-77) failed due to: 1.terrorism - as practiced by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups; violence and intimidation kept reformers from carrying out Radical policies 2.redemption Southern Democrats regained control of their state governments as a result of the Compromise of 1877, which (after the disputed election of 1876) gave Republican candidate Hayes the White House in exchange for a Republican pledge to withdraw the last federal troops from the South and end Reconstruction 3.Jim Crow laws created institutionalized segregation through such measures as poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses effectively disenfranchised blacks despite rights provided in the 14 th and 15 th Amendments Slide 80 Thomas Nasts View of the Post- War South Slide 81 The Supreme Court Limits Rights Ex parte Milligan (1866) the Court ruled that military courts could not try civilians where civil courts were functioning limited ability of the federal government to prosecute Southern whites who violated the law Slaughterhouse cases (1873) the Court created the concept of dual citizenship the idea that the 14 th Amendment only guaranteed national civil rights, not state civil rights; effectively limited the scope of 14 th Amendment due process protections Civil Rights cases (1883) the Court further weakened the 14 th Amendment by declaring that it protected only against government infringement of rights, not private infringement (i.e., private businesses could still discriminate against blacks) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) ruled segregation legal as long as facilities were separate but equal not overturned until Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 Slide 82 Two Views of Progress Booker T. Washington, a former slave and the founder of Tuskegee Institute, argued that blacks would only gain acceptance by white society through education and hard work; patterned after his own life experienceBooker T. Washington, Equality must first come on socio-economic terms and political equality would follow; a popular approach with white Americans W.E.B. DuBois, a northern intellectual, argued that blacks must achieve political equality first before socio-economic equality would be fully achievedW.E.B. DuBois, His approach was widely adopted by civil rights leaders in the 1950s/1960s DuBois helped to lead the Niagara movement and founded the NAACPNAACP