the creativepreneur

Creativepreneur The Volume 1, Issue 3 November/December 2012 Copyright © 2012 by Blue Sun Studio, Inc. ...because business is messy Holiday Double Issue! How Does Your Business Give Back? Featured Guests: Elaine Bailey Melissa Klein Monique Lusse Your Holiday Checklist What you need to do before you close up shop.

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Vol. 1 Issue 3 Special Double Holiday Issue


  • CreativepreneurTheVolume 1, Issue 3 November/December 2012

    Copyright 2012 by Blue Sun Studio, Inc.

    ...because business is messy

    Holiday Double Issue!

    How Does Your Business Give Back?Featured Guests:Elaine BaileyMelissa KleinMonique Lusse

    Your Holiday ChecklistWhat you need to do before you close up shop.

  • The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    The Creativepreneur Studio

    Volume 1, Issue 3

    November/December, 2012

    The Creativepreneur is published on the third Friday of every month.

    Send submissions or contact us at: [email protected]

    Blue Sun Studio, Inc. 4695 Marnell Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89121

    Find us on the Web at:

    Copyright 2012 by Blue Sun Studio, Inc.

    ...I can NOT wait for the second book in the trilogy.

    watch out Stephenie Meyers, Anne Rice and even

    Nora have competition in Deborah

    Dorchak and Wendi Kelly!

    - Lynda Starbuck: Brewster, NY

    Order Your Copy Today!

    (click here to read more reviews)

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude

    In This Issue:

    Elaine Bailey: Racing or Pacing? Which one are you?

    Melissa Klein: Discover your own mythology and symbolism.

    Monique Lusse: Clean out financial clutter.

    12 16 22

    From the Editors ........................................................................... 4

    A Prayer In The Wake of Sandy ..................................................... 6

    Built to Last ................................................................................... 8

    Can Free Consultations Save You Money? .................................... 10

    Are You Trying to Race Or Pace Your Way to Success? ................. 12

    Giving Back ................................................................................... 14

    5 Easy Ways to Show Your Love .................................................... 15

    Your Personal Mythology and Symbol System ............................. 16

    Word Grenades ............................................................................ 18

    Get Your Financial House in Order for 2013 ................................. 22

    Five Tips for Winterizing Your Business ........................................ 24

    Words of Wisdom: Gratitude ....................................................... 27

    As a Man Thinketh ........................................................................ 30

  • 4 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    From the Editors

    Its hard to believe that another holiday season is upon us. It seems like only yester-day we were choosing our words for 2012,

    Unstoppable for Wendi, and Risk for Deb. The

    words paired together well for our partner-

    ship, and together we said yes to new exciting

    challenges, stepped boldly into new areas of

    growth with magazines and new services for

    our clients and some housecleaning behind

    the scenes to streamline our systems and

    bring us even greater efficiency.

    The result? Even more time to spend with

    our awesome and wonderful clients! And...

    time to keep our own creative juices hum-

    ming along writing our fiction series in our

    free time.

    In business, the months of November and

    December are often filled with reflective

    activities, looking back on the year to see

    what worked well, what can be improved,

    what we should learn from and what needs

    to be forgiven and forgotten. It is also a time

    of looking forward. A time of planning and

    dreaming, setting the course for the new year

    ahead, developing the goals and strategies

    that will take you where you want to go (p.s.

    If you would like help with your start of the

    year planning, we have a short term coaching

    option for that, to help you get clear on your

    2013 vision, but dont wait too long, those

    spots book up fast).

    This time of the year is also a time of count-

    ing our blessings. And this year especially, as

    the upper east coast continues to heal from

    the storm, Sandy, we have much to be grate-

    ful for. Families and health, and also running

    water and electricity, homes to live in and

    communities that pull together, and volun-

    teers that open their hearts from all over the

    world to do what they can to heal a broken

    area and a broken world.

    For us, a turkey on the cover just wasnt

    going to do it this year. We wanted a symbol

    of healing, a promise of a brighter future, of

    good times to come, and the hope and belief

    in the spirit of us.

    When we pull together, with love, charity

    and gratitude, we can conquer anything.

    God Bless us all, everyone.

    Wendi & Deb

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 5

    Be A Part of The Creativepreneur!

    Give us your feedback AND your submissions for next months issue! If you like it (and

    we know you will!) be sure to share this magazine with anyone you know would enjoy it.

    See our submission guidelines here: Magazine Submission Guidelines. The deadline

    for the next issue is January 11th.

    Wendi KellyWendi Kelly is the International business coach behind Cre-

    ative Clarity Coaching, a division of Blue Sun Studio. Wendi is

    devoted to coaching creative entrepreneurs who are ready to

    take the leap into clarity, happiness and success in business

    and life.

    Deb DorchakDeborah Dorchak has been a graphic designer for more

    than 28 years and an artist since she could hold a crayon. Deb

    got her start in Illustration, and her passion for telling stories

    through images hasnt wavered yet. She is the designing force

    behind Blue Suns graphics department.

    Meet the Team

  • 6 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    A Prayer in the Wake of SandyDisasters work like alarm clocks to the world, hence God

    allows them. They are shouting, Wake up! Love! Pray!~Criss Jami

    An interesting quote. Not because it opens

    the door to the ageless argument over why

    God Allows Bad things to happen to good

    people, ( A subject for another day) but rather

    because of the meaning behind the second

    part of the quote.

    When bad things do happen, it is like an

    alarm clock, waking us up to the truth. Re-

    minding us of the important things: Life, love,

    familyprayer. Health and safety.

    We reach out to others, doing what we can

    to help our fellow man. We WAKE UP. We

    PITCH IN. We remember how much we care.

    One of the many images I saw on the media

    coverage was the flooding of Ground Zero.

    Water pouring into that sacred space, adding

    insult to an already painful wound.

    But it was a reminder to me of another time,

    when the Towers fell, and we all stopped,

    held hands and sent up a collective prayer of

    healing and love. We stood as one. We would

    not be destroyed by violence.

    Nor will we now.

    We will wake up, love.pray. Together.

    The sand will be swept away, the ships

    and boats returned to the ocean. The fallen

    trees chopped and hauled away. The damage

    cleared, the homes and buildings restored

    and the boardwalk rebuilt and celebrated.

    Strangers will work together. Politicians from

    opposite sides of the table will get along.

    And then we will forget.

    Until the next time.

    So here is my prayer for all of us, in the wake

    of Sandy, the disaster du jour.

    I pray that not only will we wake up, love,

    and pray, but that we will remember.

    That when the sand settles, we will still pray

    for each other, for our safety, for our health

    and well being.

    I pray for a time when it will not take a disas-

    ter for us to get along.

    That there will not have to be destruction

    before we build a future together and put

    aside our differences.

    I pray for a time when Nature doesnt need

    to unleash her heavy hand before we are join-

    ing ours together.

    I pray for a day when Hate does not need to

    start a war before we remember that we are

    Wendi Kelly

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 7

    one, and that we are united in love.

    I pray that when the land is dry, we will re-

    member why we cared in the first place. We

    will remember what is important.

    What we are grateful for. Our families. Our

    health. Our simple rituals. Those day to day

    moments that we take for granted and forget

    to even notice.

    I pray that we wont need natures alarm

    clock to live Awake, in Love, in Prayer

    and in Gratitude.


    Photo: Wendi Kelly

  • 8 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Built to Last?

    Television programming is chock full of Armageddon-type shows with every-thing from how the planet will be destroyed

    from forces in the universe to mega natural

    disasters lurking right in our back yards (and

    zombies, dont forget the zombies). Its fas-

    cinating stuff and poses a lot of questions.

    These shows make you think how fleeting

    our existence is on this planet and it makes

    you wonder if anything were doing today will

    really matter at all a few hundred or a couple

    thousand years down the road.

    Discovery Channel used to have a show

    called Life After People. The premise was sim-

    ple: What would happen on earth if people

    just disappeared? They dont say how every-

    one disappeared. Could have been a plague,

    Built to Last?

    Deb Dorchak

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 9

    or it could have been zombies (at least thats

    what Alan, my friends 4 year old son seemed

    to think). Could have been anything. The fact

    of the matter is the human race is completely


    Nothing Lasts Forever Or Does It?

    What I found most interesting about this

    whole concept is the way nature eventually

    reclaimed everything. Global warming, pollu-

    tion, being Green and all that in the end didnt

    matter. Nature (according to the theories)

    would eventually clean out everything and

    life would go on.

    Very few of our modern marvels seemed

    unable to withstand the tests of time and ele-

    ments. Without humans around to maintain

    our national monuments, bridges and cities,

    all of them will eventually fall into disrepair

    and disappear.

    This led me to another thought. Think about

    how much were pushing to put everything

    online and go paperless. Is that really such

    a good idea? As humans we have this need

    to leave behind some kind of legacy. Our an-

    cestors did it. They carved stories into stone,

    built huge temples and other monuments just

    to say We were here!

    After several thousand and sometimes even

    millions of years, were still finding these bits

    of history. But what about our history?

    Virtual Legacy

    Everything we do these days is on our com-

    puters. We write our stories, create our art,

    send letters and keep journals all in the virtual

    world. What if there was no more electricity

    to run computers? A CD or DVD would be

    nothing more than a pretty shiny disc with no

    way for future explorers to view whats on it.

    All the empires weve built from our websites

    and blogs gone. With digital cameras there

    wont be any film or photos left either, unless

    people still bother to print them out and put

    them in actual photo albums.

    It wont be like today where we might find

    an antique stash of correspondences of love

    letters between a Victorian couple in an attic

    to give us a glimpse into the everyday life at

    the turn of the 20th century. There wouldnt

    be any stone tablets to decipher or treasure

    filled tombs to unearth.

    All our information will be locked away be-

    hind lifeless monitors and dead keyboards.

    Dont Wanna Miss a Thing

    Earlier this year I spoke about the trends for

    2010. In that post I said that business would

    be moving out from behind the monitor and

    back into the real world.

    Now, take this a step further. The internet

    is not the whole world. Its a tool to connect

    you to the world. How can you use it to create

    Built to Last cont. on 29

  • 10 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Can Free ConsultationsSave You Money?

    Attracting new clients often means giving away free stuff. People want to know what theyre getting, if its quality and if it

    meshes with their vision. Giving away things

    like small ebooks, trial workshops and pro-

    grams and every kind of swag you can imagine

    is a sure way to get attention.

    Free is a bit of a misnomer on this, since the

    production of the give-away items is anything

    but free for the business owner. Each year,

    businesses spend hundreds or thousands of

    dollars on the materials and services to create


    Even if a business decides to create the

    freebie in house, it still costs them the time

    to do it.

    Deb Dorchak

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 11

    Consultations cont. from p.29

    With that in mind, lets take a look at one of

    the most common freebies: the Consultation.

    Who Is A Free Consult Really For?

    If you were asked who the free consultation

    is for, what would you say? On the surface,

    the easy answer is For the client. and youd

    be right. But youd also be right if you said it

    was for you, the business owner, too.

    A free consultation is a chance for you to get

    to know a potential client as much as it is for

    the client to get to know you. Both parties are

    meeting to see if the other is a good match.

    Not many business owners look at the consul-

    tation in that light. The moment you do, youll

    realize youre under no obligation to take the

    client on if you dont mesh with them. You

    can say no, and so can they.

    Why In The World Would You Say No?

    Glad you asked. Nobody wants to turn away

    business. After all, you wanted to attract new

    clients, didnt you? Now you have one sitting

    across the desk from you.

    Butsomething doesnt feel quite right.

    Youre seeing red flags popping up right

    and left. Maybe youve run into this type of

    problem client before and dread working with

    another one. They say they want your highest

    level package, the whole enchilada and the

    prospect of a big sale has your mouth water-

    ing. Still, a part of you is cringing because you

    A free consultation is a chance for you to get to know a potential client as much as it is for the client

    to get to know you.

    know the whole thing is going to be a total


    Newsflash: You dont have to agree to

    work with anyone you dont feel right about.

    Chances are, if your instincts are telling you

    this client isnt one of your people, youre

    probably right.

    How You Save Money

    No matter what your personal financial

    situation may be, never take on a client out of

    desperation. So many start-ups are so afraid

    they wont have enough money at the end

    of the month to pay the bills. Its very scary,

    I know. Been there done that. But you know

    what happens when you do that? You start

    to do ANYTHING just to get even the tiniest

    amount of money it. You end up stepping

    over dollars to pick up dimes.

    The client has you right where they want

    you. They will smell the desperation and bar-

    gain you down to almost nothing. Youll give

    them a cut rate well below what you want

  • 12 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Are You Trying to Race Or Pace Your Way to Success?

    Life-lessons happen when you least expect itEven when youre on holiday!I was blessed to spend a whole week hiking

    in Grindelwald, Switzerland. My chalet over-

    looked a stunning valley that led your eye

    directly up to the north face of the Eiger.

    Bernard, our mountain hiking guru, knew

    a lot about this mountain. Hes is a very

    experienced hiker in the Alps (Swiss born

    and bred!). He told us of how climbers had

    perished here in their quest to conquer the

    north face. Many had been caught out by the

    sudden change in weather some had frozen

    to death overnight or had slipped and fallen;

    others were the victims of rock falls.

    Then he led us on the Eiger Trail. This was a

    10-hour hike beginning with a 3-hour assent

    up to the base of the Eiger.

    It was hard work and I learned so much ob-

    serving how people approached this assent.

    Some raced ahead to get her done! Not

    knowing the length of the climb they were

    soon out of breath, feeling tired and the af-

    fects of the thinner air. They werent prepared.

    One woman in another group had to turn

    back because shed started too quickly, be-

    came overwhelmed and panicked. She was

    both mentally and physically affected by this


    Its easy to get swept up in the enthusiasm

    and race ahead.

    In our group, Bernard told us that his wife,

    Anita was a slow walker but she could walk

    for miles and miles. I watched and learned

    from her as we made our assent.

    She was always at the end of the line, last

    to arrive BUT she focused on her own pace

    and enjoyed every step of the way. She was

    never out of breath or uncomfortable. She

    set her own pace and refused to be distracted

    by inwardly comparing herself to others who

    were pushing ahead and moving faster. She

    focused on her own goal and worked consis-

    tency to achieve it.

    This got me thinking

    How many of us set an intention or goal and

    race off with enthusiasm and energy at the

    beginning? Were all fired up and excited

    Then, into the journey, we get exhausted

    or distracted perhaps because we havent

    Elaine Bailey

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 13

    Elaine Bailey cont. on 25

    thought things through properly or were too

    busy doing to notice that weve deviated off

    the right path? We use all our energy at the

    beginning and theres little left to keep us go-

    ing for the whole journey.

    Continuing with our mountain metaphor

    In our haste to get to the summit were not

    interested in the tedium of doing the work

    one foot after the other. We just want the end

    result NOW! And we race to end as quickly as

    possible just to get it done.

    So we set the wrong pace, lack the discipline

    and persistence to keep placing one foot in

    front of the other, we become impatient and

    Photo: Elaine Bailey

  • 14 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Giving Back

    I believe strongly in paying it forward, personally and as a busi-ness woman. There are so many worthy causes out there, but when it was time for Silver & Grace to start paying-it-forward I

    found one that truly resonates with me. I purchase trees as carbon

    credits through The Carbon Farmer.

    The Carbon Farmers story could have been my own. Brad Rabiey,

    along with his wife Rebecca, plant trees on his third generation

    family farm. I grew up on a third generation family farm that the

    first two generations reforested from an over farmed wasteland of blowing sand. I spent count-

    less glorious hours among those trees, simply being me.

    The cool thing is that Brad gave me my very own online Silver & Grace Forest. Each time I pur-

    chase a tree to thank a client, or celebrate a business milestone, I get to see my forest expand.

    Of course the super cool thing is, I know that another tree has been planted for real.

    Happy wildlife + happy air + happy planet = one very happy Eliza.Eliza Fayle

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 15

    Easy Ways to Show Your Love5

    Make a donation in your businesss name. It doesnt have to be money. Clothes, food and time go a long way.

    Give a service or product away to a client who could use a leg up.

    Give Blood



  • 16 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Your Personal

    Melissa Klein

    Mythologyand Symbol System

    Why do we need my-

    thology in a modern


    A Story.... Imagine a

    rider on an elephant.

    Our logical brain, the

    thinker is the rider. The

    emotions are the elephant. If rider tries

    to direct the elephant to a place where the

    elephant doesnt want to go, the rider will

    quickly tire from the effort and give up. We

    have had that experience, where in spite

    of all of the best intentions and the logical

    reasons to do (or not do something) we fail

    in some endeavor - whether it is weight loss,

    saving money etc. The elephant overpowers

    the rider and grabs the cupcake! Or buys the

    shoes! The key is to get the elephant and the

    rider to work together where the powerful

    emotions are in alignment with the logisti-

    cal talents of the rider. (paraphrased from

    Switch - How to Change When Change is

    Hard by Chip & Dan Heath)


    Mythology and symbols can access the sub-

    conscious brain in deep ways that can words

    simply cannot! The linguistic area of our brains

    is located in the frontal lobes, mostly on the

    Melissa Klein; Spirit Runner

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 17

    left hemisphere, but the emotions which

    drive our behavior is in the deep, primitive

    areas of the brain - in the area of the amyg-

    dala. Visual images and symbols have a direct

    access to our emotions. We have emotional

    responses to color and symbols can encapsu-

    late whole idea systems - for example, con-

    sider these symbols: a cross, a Star of David,

    a swastika. They all evoke powerful emotions,

    and have moved people to great lengths - for

    good and bad.

    But.... What if you are not a part of an or-

    ganized religion or your religion doesnt use

    your symbol system?

    I believe that people already know what is

    special to them. Many people have certain

    symbols that have had special meaning for

    them throughout their whole lives - its of-

    ten an animal, but it can be other things - a

    ladybug, a pair of shoes, a mermaid etc. We

    develop these symbols and attach strong

    Mythology cont. on p.20

    Melissa Klein; Making Wavesr

  • 18 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Word GrenadesIf you are a coach, boss, spouse, friend, fam-

    ily member or human, there has been a time

    or two when you have been in the position

    to give feedback, criticism or commentary to

    someone. No matter how much you would

    like to mind your own business and stay out

    of it, your opinion is going to be asked for. You

    cant get away from it.

    Lets get really honest here. Shall we?

    Sometimes, you dont mind your own busi-

    ness and you give your opinion when its not

    asked for.

    After all, isnt that mostly what Facebook,

    Twitter and the rest of social media is all

    about? People plopping their opinions all

    over the internet in a free-fall of helpful and

    not-so-helpful feedback? Think about it, if

    people stopped sharing their thoughts and

    feedback on Social Media, the concept would

    be as deserted as a school hallway on winter


    The concept of Mind Your Own Business

    in Social Media is null and void. Simply by

    putting ourselves out there and commenting,

    we have given unstated permission for people

    to start commenting and giving their point of

    view. Thats the game. That is what it is all


    How is Social Media Different than Aunt Bessies Thanksgiving Dinner Table?

    What happens when we step off the pages

    of social media? Are these behaviors being

    carried out in our real lives too? Do we come

    armed to the holiday gatherings with our ar-

    senal full of sentences that stars with If you

    ask meI think you should I always say

    Or the bully versionIf you had any sense at

    all you would

    Wendi Kelly

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 19

    What has happened to our boundaries?

    How about our manners?

    Ill admit, my social media friends and in-

    person relationships are filled to the brim

    with respectful, supportive, kind and funny

    people who I enjoy spending time with. Thats

    the way I like it and those who arent in the

    above categories are quietly ushered off to

    the sidelines with a smile and wish of good

    will. I simply dont have the time, desire or

    inclination to fill my life with well-meaning


    Yet I hear complaints from friends and

    clients about how So-and-So said this, and

    that, and really hurt their feelings or made

    them second guess their own thoughts, path

    or dreams. Some carelessly tossed comment

    landed like a grenade and has set them spiral-

    ing backward. The recent Presidential Election

    had some people ducking for cover in both

    their social media lives and their in person


    Is this happening to you?

    Or worse, could you be the one tossing the

    word grenades without even a clue?

    Could I?

    Sadly, we probably are and dont even know

    it. I know I have tossed my fair share of them

    in the past. I have a reputation for being blunt

    and it has been a lifetime learning experience

    to temper my Bluntness with Grace. Ive taken

    many an elbow to the ribs from my adult kids

    and best friends when I forget too. ( They have

    permission to remind me.) On this lesson of

    word grenades, I speak from experience.

    The last thing I ever want to do is cause pain

    with words. As a writer, I know full well the

    power words have to heal or hurt. I have a

    mission in my life to use my words to heal.

    But as a human, sadly, I fail at that mission


    Sometimes life gives us powerful reminders,

    like elections and upcoming holidays, to help

    Grenades cont. on p.28

    To read more from Wendi or contact her for your own personal

    creative coaching, visit us today at Creative Clarity Coaching.

  • 20 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    emotions to them - and go to great lengths

    to find them. And when we do - we light up.

    Like, finally! I have found what I need! We

    are starved for those images. But sometimes

    its hard to find just the right illustration of

    what is your symbols, and the right combina-

    tion - that works with your environment and

    personal style.

    I strongly identify with horses, but many of

    the images of horses are well, kind of cheesy.

    I still like them, but my tastes have evolved

    from being a kid, and in my 40s those horse

    posters just dont look good anymore in my

    Mythology cont. from p.17

    Left: Melissa Klein; HarvestAbove: Melissa Klein; Breakfast with Friendsr

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 21

    living room (although the plastic figurines are

    still kinda cool!).

    There is a need for something with more

    depth that reaches beyond the beauty of the

    animals to what they mean - the freedom,

    strength, courage and wisdom that I have

    learned from them. Luckily because Im an

    artist - I can create the painting that I want to

    see, and often it feels like I am making the im-

    age that I need to see. These images help me

    navigate through my day and help reassure

    me during difficult times. Many times Ive had

    someone buy a card or print of a horse and

    she will say I dont even know why Im have

    to have this! Im afraid of horses and dont

    ride. When I point out that the for many

    people horses symbolize freedom - seeing her

    face light up with an Aha! Thats what it is.

    is just magic.

    About Melissa

    My paintings are moving meditations that inspire people to look beyond the ordinary. They

    depict spiritual, dream images that emerge from the trance-like state I experience when

    painting. Many times I have been told that these images help their new keepers navigate

    major transitions in their lives. Visit me at Melissa Klein Art

    Melissa Klein; Dream Catcherr

  • 22 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Monique Lusse

    Get Your Financial House In Order For 2013

    If you put just these five things in place by December 31st, 2012 youll hit the ground running with confidence and peace of mind

    come January 2nd, 2013.

    Get QuickBooks and use it!

    If you started your business in 2012, this

    will be the first year that youre filing your

    business taxes. Congratulations!

    While you have until April 15, 2013 to file

    your tax returns, there are a few good reasons

    why getting your books up-to-date before the

    year-end is a really good idea.

    I know how easy it is when youre just start-

    ing out to throw your receipts in a drawer or

    to keep track of your income and expenses on

    an Excel spreadsheet. Getting setup on Quick-

    Books may seem like overkill to you right now,

    especially if youre spending more than your

    bringing in. Youre going to get busy, youre

    going to get clients, youre going to need it

    next year. As a client of mine once said, Its

    better to have it and not need it, than to need

    it and not have it.

    Youre going to have to set up your books

    eventually. Sooner is better than later; its

    much easier for you to get the hang of using

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 23

    it now when things are a bit slower and you

    have the time. Take advantage of that.

    Open a separate business checking account.

    Dont commingle funds. Keep your business

    finances separate from your personal ones.

    There are a few reasons for this.

    1. It makes reconciling your bank and credit

    card accounts a snap.

    2. Reconciling your accounts insures that

    you have accounted for each and every

    transaction accurately and completely.

    3. It allows you to accept payments in the

    name of your business.

    Get a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).

    This is equivalent to a social security number

    for businesses. And you dont have to be an

    employer to get one. It doesnt cost anything

    and you can apply and get one online in just

    a few minutes. There are two main reasons

    why this is beneficial to you.

    1. You need an FEIN in order to open a busi-

    ness checking account.

    2. You keep your social security number

    private, thereby limiting the number of

    people who see it, thereby reducing the

    risk of identity theft.

    Set up and fund an Individual Retire-ment Account (IRA).

    Not only is this a strategy for your future, it

    also helps you in the present. You can shel-

    ter (not pay taxes on) up to $5,000 per year

    ($6,000 if youre over 50). All contributions

    must come from income earned in 2012. You

    have until April 15, 2013 to both open and

    fund your IRA for 2012.

    Get clear and conscious about what your intentions are for 2013.

    Create a financial vision board, also

    known as a budget, for next year. Dream

    a little. First, imagine how much youd like

    to make in income. Stretch yourself, get a

    little uncomfortable. Second, estimate what

    your expenses are going to be, including what

    you need to spend in order to support the

    income you want. This may mean that you

    attend some conferences, or tradeshows, or

    networking events. Travel and coaching may

    be involved, so think about what youre will-

    ing to invest in yourself and your business in

    order to reach your income goals.

    About Monique

    Monique Lusse is a Financial Midwife

    who guides and supports business owners

    with their financial operations. To sched-

    ule a complimentary Financial Clarity

    Call, go to

  • 24 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Five Tips for Winterizing Your Business

    Wrap up any existing projects, include a cut off date for new ones and schedule them for when you get back

    Write and schedule your posts/newsletters

    Notify your clients youll be on break

    Plan your first few Back to Work projects so you will be focused and ready to go when you get back!

    DONT tell your social networks! Check out the site Please Rob Me to see how easily your over sharing can get you in trouble.

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 25

    Its easy to get swept up in the enthusiasm and race ahead.

    Elaine Bailey cont. from p.13

    Elaine Bailey cont. on p.26

    Your Designers for Life

    See how our unique approach to design will help your business. Visit us today:

    frustrated because we havent got there yet.

    We burn out, give up or become distracted

    by something else We never reach the sum-

    mit and instead well allow the excuses to take

    over: its too hard or its not for me or I

    didnt really try.

    Are you setting yourself up for success and

    committing for the entire duration of the

    journey or are you looking for any quick way

    to get it all done?!

    This mountain metaphor can be transferred

    to your own life or work goals

    Heres what Anita taught me on the Eiger


    1 Being successful involves discipline and persistence You have to show up and do the work EVERY single day. Hiking up a

    mountain involves taking every single step

    along the way one after the other. Creating

    a business or building a career is very similar.

    You have to be in it for the duration not just

    when you feel like it.

    2 You can only enjoy it fully if you set the right pace for YOU. Listen to your body and be guided by your own intuition. Stretch

    and challenge yourself YES! Kill yourself

    NO! Set your pace for success and commit to

  • 26 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    Elaine Bailey cont. from p.25

    it. Its not about racing, its about pacing!

    3 Dont get distracted by comparing your-self to others. YOU are YOU Youre not someone else so stop trying to contort your-

    self. Be 100% pure YOU! Start from where you

    are today and do it your way! Be the leader in

    your life by setting your own pace. Its NOT a

    race Its just you and the mountain! (its just

    you and your goal).

    4 Enjoy the journey. There is much to see (and learn) along the way take it in FULLY experience what is happening and what

    is around you. Many people walk through

    Where to Find Elaine

    Elaine Bailey is the founder and CEO of Elaine Bailey International Ltd a learning organization

    committed to growth and empowerment of inspired business owners and busy corporate

    leaders. She coaches them to become the best they possibly can be by taking a whole new

    approach to personal development, self-leadership, productivity, business and lifestyle.

    Elaine is an exceptional international business coach, combining both an intense focus on

    individual lifestyle, and a deeper commitment to business leadership and transformation.

    Her online magazine WorkBrilliant has an international readership, sharing weekly articles,

    practical tips and advice. It has been reprinted on several world-renowned websites. She is

    a published author.

    She has privately coached people in professional fields ranging from nursing, therapy, tele-

    communications, veterinary practice, law, banking to scientific research. Her unique ability is

    helping people who are ready to take the leading role in their life and make things happen,

    whether it is in their own business or in corporate.Heres how to contact Elaine:


    Mail: [email protected]



    life unconsciously and become de-sensitized

    because were just too busy getting things

    done. Some hikers were focused on getting

    to the top and didnt even stop to take in the

    breath-taking views and beauty around them.

    5 We are all human beings no one is bet-ter than the other Racing to the top of the mountain (or your end goal) doesnt make

    you BIGGER, better or more important than

    anyone else. You need to take action and do

    the work one step at a time. Get there on

    your terms NOT on your egos terms!

    Its NOT about racing its about pacing!

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 27

    Blocked? Unleash your creative power!

    No predictions or premonitions. Practical intuitive guidance.

    Click Below for Eliza Fayles Email Intuitive Tarot Reading

    Words of Wisdom: Gratitude

    Just an observation: it is impossible to be both grateful and depressed. Those with a

    grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock

    them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up.

    ~ Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

    Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life.

    ~ Sanaya Roman, Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation

    Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy,

    and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

    ~ William Arthur Ward

    Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.

    ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

  • 28 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    us pay extra attention to the word grenades

    we are holding in our hands. We need to be

    even more careful to look at our words from

    someone elses perspective and not our own

    before flinging those hurtful grenades with-

    out a care.

    Some of the roles in our lives make it easy to

    be critical or thoughtless.

    Parenting is a difficult job, (I think the hard-

    est) and our words have the power to scar for

    life and yet, its the easiest place to let loose

    lips fly. This is my most challenging area. And

    I have learned from personal experience, that

    self-care is my best defense. I am never at

    my best when I am overtired, overworked or


    Being a boss, we forget that our criticism

    and harsh commentary shapes an employees

    job satisfaction, their self esteem and ability

    to move forward. We can say we are offering

    constructive criticism, but is it always that

    constructive? Or is it really more destructive?

    As coaches and mentors, its our place to

    offer constructive insights, helpful tips and

    feedback. However, do they leave their time

    with us feeling energized or beaten down?

    How about as friends? Spouses? Family

    members? Are we as careful as we could be

    to be sure our words are helpful? Do we take

    the time to think about if our words are help-

    ing or hurting the people we love most?

    Words matter. Our opinions matter, our con-

    structive comments, feedback and insights

    can change a life. But carelessly tossed, they

    can also harm one too.

    This holiday season, take an extra moment

    to stop and remember that your words can be

    a grenade or a healing balm. Which one will

    you pack when you leave the house?

    Grenades cont. from p.19

    A new Indie Film Production

    Company needs your help!

    head on over to:

    Click on wedgie! and please

    donateget your friends to do

    the same for karmic rewards!

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 29

    Built to Last cont. from p.9

    Consultation cont. from p.11

    Inspiring peace and joy Offering beautiful wares.

    Spiritually mentoring dear souls.

    Creating a soulful newsletter. Leading journaling workshops

    Come along!

    something solid, something that will stand up

    over time? If youre making art, do you make

    prints? If you write, will you publish your work

    in an actual book? Or will it all just float for

    eternity in the ether?

    The beauty of everything we do online is it

    started out as a physical product. Somewhere

    along the line, in a relatively short period of

    time, that balance shifted. Use the internet

    as a tool to create reality, not the other way


    Take a look at what you do online, whether

    its for fun or for a living. How can you build

    something to last?

    and in turn, that client will want even more as

    the project gets underway. Before you know

    it, youre putting in far more time and effort

    to please this individual and keep them. The

    scope and budget for the project is way out of

    whack and you end up losing money on the


    Stay true to your ideal client no matter what.

    You have an ideal client in mind for a reason:

    You like working with that kind of person. They

    get you and you get them. It works. Its

    effortless. Its a pleasure. You look forward to

    getting up in the morning to work with them.

    The project comes to life without a hitch and

    may even get done ahead of schedule. Youre

    having fun, your ideal client is having fun and

    chances are, youre both probably planning

    out the next project!

  • 30 The Creativepreneur, November/December 2012

    You will be what you will to be;Let failure find its false contentIn that poor word environment,But spirit scorns it, and is free.

    It masters time, it conquers space,It cows that boastful trickster, Chance,And bids the tyrant Circumstance

    Uncrown, and take a servants place.

    The human Will, that force unseen,The offspring of a deathless Soul,Can hew a way to any goal,

    Though walls of granite intervene.

    Be not impatient in delay,But wait as one who understands;When spirit rises and commands,

    The gods are ready to obey.

    ~ James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

  • Creativity Blossoms In Gratitude 31

    Photo: Wendi Kelly