the courious insident elvira rahmane s

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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This is a ibook or a presentation that has the sotry of the book the courious insident of the dog in the night time.


Page 1: The courious insident ELVIRA RAHMANE S

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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Aspergers Vs. Autism

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Page 3: The courious insident ELVIRA RAHMANE S

What is?• AUTISM? Autism is a spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders having deficits in social interaction and communication with many people.

1. Autism Is a 'Spectrum' Disorder.2. Asperger Syndrome is a High Functioning Form of Autism.3. People With Autism Are Different from One Another.4. There Are Many Theories on the Cause of Autism, But No Consensus.5. There Are Dozens of Treatments for Autism - But No 'Cure'.6. People Don't Grow Out of Autism .7. Families Coping with Autism Need Help and Support.8. There's No 'Best School' for a Child with Autism.9. Autistic People Have Many Strengths and Abilities.10. There Are Many Unfounded Myths About Autism.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Page 4: The courious insident ELVIRA RAHMANE S

What is?

ASPERGER’S? Is an autistic disorder most notable for having discrepancy between the intellectual and social abilities, also is a syndrome of developmental disorder that is characterized by an inability to understand how to interact socially, is a genetic and familiar generation that passes threw generation to generation, they are perfectionist.

1.Marked incapacity to successfully involve themselves in social activities.2.Resist change by preferring sameness.3.Repetitive behavior patterns and routines.4.Withdrawn, prefer to be alone.5.Inability to comprehend non-verbal cues.6.Unexplained dislike for specific foods, objects, texture, or even sounds.7.Lack of reciprocity for particular interaction.8.Flat hands.9.They are so intelligent people.10.They have many ability’s.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Page 5: The courious insident ELVIRA RAHMANE S

• How do the two differences?

1. People with aspergers have much more skills .2. People with autism is more dificult to socialite.3. People with aspergers have flat hands.4. People with autism more disorders.5. Peole with aspergers are much more organized.6. Asperger is a illnes of herdic generations.7. Autism is only random síndrome.

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How do they Differ?

They differ in the way that they have neearly and they feel good with each other because they understand each other so they have a fluence communication and they

differ better than with other people.

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• What are common synthoms of each disorder?

1. developmental disorders.2. Both have to be organized.3. Special schools to go.4. Medical tratamient.5. Want to be alone.6. Being difficult to socialize.7. Are very intelligent people.8. They use the 10 part of the brain.*COMON PERSON USES THE 4 PART OF BRAIN,A GENIUS USE THE SAME LIKE A PEOPLE WOTH THIS ILLNES.

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• How does autism affect communication?

Autism affect communication in a way that they have dificulties to communicate with people because they are people that dont have communication with people htey dont know and they do not have the facility to have communication,and one thing is that they have many skills and they communicate with most peole that have their skills.•+How+does+autism+affect+communication%3F&cd=9&hl=es-419&ct=clnk&gl=mx&client=safari

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• Créate a presentation to compare & contrast both illnes,ilustrate by adding pictures and embedding at least 2 videos from youtube.



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IMAGES ASPERGER.•%09How+does+autism+affect+communication%3F&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=es&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=XrhJT568KuHIsQLyoo3rCA&biw=1105&bih=599&sei=YLhJT_2sBKvMsQKFtu3qCA#um=1&hl=es&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=LrlJT7qGLrOPsALJrfHqCA&ved=0CDgQvwUoAQ&q=asperger+brain&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=5393705e874ae538&biw=1105&bih=599

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IMAGES AUTISM..•%09How+does+autism+affect+communication%3F&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=es&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=XrhJT568KuHIsQLyoo3rCA&biw=1105&bih=599&sei=YLhJT_2sBKvMsQKFtu3qCA#um=1&hl=es&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=autism&pbx=1&oq=autism&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=5652l12142l0l12355l56l50l1l9l0l31l350l6451l0.34.2.2l40l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=5393705e874ae538&biw=1105&bih=599

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What isPECS?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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Literal and figurative Meaning.Is a distinction in traditional systems for analyzing language. Literal language refers to words that do not deviate from their defined meaning. Figurative language refers to words, and groups of words, that exaggerate or alter the usual meanings of the component words.

Metaphor.Is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea.

Simile.Is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words "like" or "as".


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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Picture Exchange Communication System,that is used to autism or

aspergers childs, it is an alternative option to make childeren with

difficulties in life learn and memorize things with pictures, also to have a

better communication but with pictures instead of words.

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Also they exchange pictures,to food so that is a good thing so they can have an advance it is 6 phase steps

that each one is different than other.Phase One: The communication partner makes a list of the child’s favorite

items (usually beginning with foods). • Phase Two: The communication partner moves slightly away from the

child so that the child has to move towards the partner to place the picture card in his/her hand.

• Phase Three: The child is given more than one picture card. Now the child must choose which one represents a desired object, and then give this card to the partenr At this point, the child may be using to hold the cards.

• Phase Four: The child is given a card with the phrase "I want ____" on it. • Phase Five: In this phase, the communication partener asks the child a

direct question, and waits for the child to hand him/her a picture card. • Phase Six: Once the child can use PECS he uses it with the

communication partner.

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My system is a different one it is called ASPERGERS & AUTISTM HELP FOR CHILD, this system is a different

one it is about having a system in which is in the computer via internet a mundial children hour they are going to get connected in internet so they can interact each other via

internet, but is with childerns at all ages that have the same ages with the same problem so they can interact each other and have better communication so they can

feel saftly, also this program is having the same idea of the PECS but with this idea i gave alrready so they can interact

each other with many childerns of the world with the PECS system.

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Movie Analysis.

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How is this evident to the viewer? Sam could be insightful than other characters in the movie because he is an adult that his life is difficult because the mother of his daughter go to other place and he has downmind and Asperger’s and he is a very good and sensible adult because he is a very lovely adult that love his daughter, this is evident to the viewer because is important to people to know about the life and difficulties life has also how are the people with this problem of Asperger’s and downmind.

¥ How does Rita’s life parallel Sam’s life? If her life parallels Sam’s, does this make her a dual protagonist? Rita parallel with Sam-s life because Sam has a problem and some of Ritas family has the same problem like Sam has it, so that is the way their life’s parallel, it donsent have to make her dual protagonist because there is nothing about they can make a dual protagonist, the problem is of Sam and Rita is helping him to go in life and continued good.

¥ How do Sam and Rita change? Sam change in the way that he have to have more responsibilities because he had a daughter and he has a problem in his life, also because he was on a court until he demonstrate he can take care of his daughter, Rita change in the way that he has to be more patient and know how to treat people with this problems and know how to help them and take care more of her work and her stuff.

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Premises --¥ A premise, much like a summary, explains what

a movie is about. Write the premise for this movie in one to two sentences.The movie is about how a adult or a father take care of his daughter having Autism and being downmind, and he work in Starbucks making coffee, and one day is the of his daughter they take a court because the lawyer doesn’t know if Sam have the responsibilities to take care of his daughter, then Rita the lawyer make Inna cry in the court because she make her remind how was his past so that why Sam take her daughter to home after this court and the problems they have, and he change in life so he can get it home.

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¥  Create a collage using images to convey a mood or a theme. Present your mood or theme and your image choices to the class.

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¥ Throughout the movie, the viewer becomes privy to only a slight amount of information about Annie, Sam, or Lucy’s mother. Plan and write a background story for Sam, Lucy’s mother, or Annie. What happened to them when they were younger to make them react as they did in the movie? Submit the story in writing or create a film of one to three scenes with a group of classmates explaining the background story for these characters.Lucy’s mother in her past might have problems with her family or also it could be also she live Lucy and Sam alone because she don’t want to be any more longer the wife of Sam maybe because he had down thinking or because his Autism, also it can be because her mother in the past also live them or I the good part she think was good to live them was because they don’t have any money to have the responsibility to take care of 2 girls, and she think it was good because he want to se how Sam go on in his life and how he resolve problems, and at last because she was a bad mother she doesn’t want to have that daughter Lucy.


Throughout the movie, notice the predominant use of color. There are scenes full of blue, of yellow, and of red. In art, these are known as primary colors. What do these primary colorssymbolize throughout the course of the movie? Which color is Sam? (If Sam is different and you read a book about accepting differences and learning to try something new, which color is Sam? Think of his work place aprons and how they also change color.)

The predominant color was blue because it represent peace and tranquility also it represent calm,also yellow represent brightness and happiest and intelgency, the red color represent warnings or danger, and I think Sam is all this colors because he had all the qualities of this colors.

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My PECS Virtual System.

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My PECS system.

My PECS system is about having a chart in the computer with plenty of images giving the children

with Autism or Asperger’s having a better communication and have the facility to choose what they want with images instead of having problems to say orally the things they want to have, and they can communicate with children or people with this same


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I Need

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I am

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This signals

are for film, ask, go home, information, sound

or voice of things, forward slide, next slide.

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With this charts that are going to be in the computer and virtual, the children’s would click on it and click then on the button of PRESS so they can process the information, and then it would be a button of PRINT or SEND IT and if they choose print it would be a good choice and if they choose send it they can send it by email or by photo to the people they want to ask for this things.

NEXT !"#"$"%"&"


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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So this system function to the people that have problems to communicate or have autism or Asperger’s, it is more functionary to children’s that start this system at the age of 3-7, because they have less develop the mind and with this their mind is develop much better, so this is another way to have a solution of the people that have Asperger’s or Autism.

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Christopher John Francis Bhor.

Who is Chrsitopher?Does he have Autism or Asperger’s?

How old is he?What does he do?

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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How does Christopher write and how does i write my problems or my important things...

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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My crisis event in my life is when the thing’s didn’t work like I want it, also is because when they are 2 different kinds of problems are much more difficult to effort them some of them are: Social problems, Family problems.

Also some crisis event is that I question me some things like:Why the things doesn’t work like I like them?How can I do to make things result the way I like them to result?

When I have an answer for those things I make a chart of the things probably I have to question so I can prevent problems.THINGS TO CORRECT, CONTINUE BEING LIKE THIS, CHANGE SOME THINGS OF ME.


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Elvira Rahmane S, Rossie Penhos M.10b

‘Wild Ones’DREAM.

[Sia - Hook]Hey I heard you dream something like a wild dream Oooh….

I want the dream come true the dreamwas perfect uuu…. you heard you were at the dream…

[Flo Rida]I like crazy, dreams, stupid

viruses going wild killing people, I might to lose them at the roof, that was perfect, people were the same like me iiiii….There was no jumping doubts

people want I Ooohh…They might check one too

Shut some computers of virus’s uuuuuu…. They go down in the club while the computer kills them uuuu…

[Sia - Hook]Hey I heard you were a wild one

OoohIf I took you homeIt’d be a home run

Show me how you’ll doWhat happens to that body was a private show

people stays their whileI appear at my father house uuuu…

We don’t have any painthey tell them this, bodies up the dream was over uuuuuu….

Coming people like me was different right nowwwwww…Ooohh…I want to shut down the dream with my father, Hey I it was a wild one

Oooh….I am a wild one

Break my dream me up and let’s beginI am a wild one

nowRunning with autism MMM…

And I’m on the different…. Oooh…

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Letters to Sihoban...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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Elvira Rahmane S.10b

Hey, Hilton

How are you? First of all I would like to talk to you and tell you how is my work with Christopher, Christopher is a teenager of 16 years that he suffers Asperger’s and I work with him at school I teach him a lot of things and a lot of tips so he can communicate easy with people.

I was starting to help him knowing the tips of words he can use frequently so he can repeat it until he pronounces well the sentence or the word he like to say so he can have a good communication and a good fluency with people, I am preparing him so he can go after he feel safe and prepared he can connive with other people, instead they get fun of him.

Then I am going to talk to him and show him how is the outside of the life so he can improve better and better so he can get a fantastic result to get a faculty to communicate with people, then I am going to show him how to realize things so he can be prepared to effort problems than in the real outside world for him.

In one hand he is an important person and a boy with many entususm to show the people he is intelligent and have a lot of knowledge, and with many goals to have a result of them.

Also when Christopher is in my class I feel so save trying to improve him, also I feel very good and comfortable with him because he have a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of dreams, also he is a very nice and carious boy that like to do many things like when we start working in Math he has his own form of make the things, and he is very intelligent. Another thing I want to talk to you is about how is your work in Mexico working with the same people that have this problem, i would like if you send me an email back of how is your work.


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How can we help people like

Christopher join to the society?

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I  can  help  Christopher  to  Fit  in  the  society  like  talking  with  people  making  them  love  and  want  to  meet  Christopher  so  people  know  about  him  and  try  to  make  them  Fit  to  the  society,  also  talking  with  Christopher  and  showing  or  demonstrate  him  how  is  the  society  and  how  do  they  treat  the  people  also  showing  the  main  ideas  of  communication  the  society  have,  also  how  does  the  people  work  so  when  Christopher  is  ready  after  all  this  preparation  and  until  he  feel  safety  and  prepared  to  go  out  and  communicate  with  all  the  people,  know  how  to  work  and  how  to  think  about  the    problems  and  know  how  to  solve  them,  so  Christopher  can  go  out  and  taste  new  things,  and  those  things  can  change  his  life  so  he  can  Fit  better  in  the  society  without  the  people  make  them  fun  of  him,  also  I  think  it  could  be  good  if  Christopher  is  in  a  society  with  people  like  him.I  can  help  him  develop  his  language  in  such  a  way  that  other  people  may  understand  what  he  tries  to  express  in  a  from  of  making  talk  him  whiteout  the  program  or  programs,  so  he  can  develop  better  the  universal  language  of  the  outside  society,  and  when  he  go  out  to  the  society  he  don’t  pretend  to  look  like  a  dump  boy,  and  when  he  is  prepared  and  have  a  language  Fluency  he  can  go  out  and  improve  himself  little  by  little.  At  last  I  think  Christopher  is  a  special  boy  so  he  can  First  gather  or  talk  with  people  with  their  same  problems  and  then  hang  out  to  the  society  until  he  is  prepared  and  he  can  improve  better  each  time  and  enjoy  life  and  try’s  to  look  for  new  and  different  alternatives.

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Reflective’s Jouranls...

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ReFlective  Journal.2

I  learned  while  I  was  creating  the  cards  of  the  system  is  that  is  good  to  look  for  a  new  form  off  learning  the  people  or  children’s  that  have  Asperger’s  or  autism,  also  that  is  a  good  way  to  make  those  people  how  to  communicate  much  easy  and  also  because  this  system  is  a  original  way  to  make  people  know  new  things  and  start  helping  those  people  with  this  problems,  in  my  system  I  create  is  a  much  better  way  because  my  system  is  on  internet  and  you  can  use  this  system  online  with  other  children’s  or  adults  of  each  part  of  the  world,  and  at  last  I  think  that  the  system  itself  is  a  good  way  to  help  people  and  also  having  fun  and  make  them  having  much  more  communication  and  looking  for  new  ways  to  make  them  having  a  better  Fluency  communication  and  having  this  system  is  a  good  way  to  make  them  feel  like  a  normal  person  that  doesn’t  have  this  problem.

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Reflective Journal 3.

Write what you have learned from the way Christopher managed conflict events give a sample of how you solve conflicts. (150 words.)

I have learned from the way Christopher managed conflict events is a special way to solve it because he is a guy with problems so it’s much more difficult to communicate and solve problems, so he docent’s solve them fast like us, so his way to solve problems that was a different way that we use to solve problems that he imagine people were cows, also he make a red line along the floor so his head can follow the line and try to solve problems, also he questing constantly the thing go the causes, also some things he uses metaphors to solve the problems.

My way to solve conflicts is a different way of Christopher because instead I draw a red line and see it to so I can realize my problems, and instead of imagine people are cows and all those things I just talk to people or I explode, this are my top 2 ways I use to solve problems, but I preferred to talk to people instead of explode because is a better way to solve them.

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Reflective Journal 5.

How important is it to have a personal and unique style of writing, speaking, walking, being, etc. and how it might affect the way relate with other people. (150 words.)

It is important to have a personal and unique style of writing, speaking, walking, being, etc. because it’s a way to show people how I am and they are my characteristics that I have and the things that characterize me and my qualities also is important to know how are some people and does things show us how are does people and how they act, sometimes the way that you walk or the way you style or how do they use the clothes describes us how is the way they want and how do they look and the things they want and they love to do also is a good and important because you identification with people and with those characteristics people has is a way to know about them and make fined because it could be a way to know if they like to make the things you like to do.

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Terestia Soto A.......For helping me and teach me all this of my project.Caroline B.........Helping me in some language things.Ramon Guzman...... For show me how ti use keynote and save it liek PDF.

Thank’S for helping me so i hope you can enjoy this book i made for you like for grateful and thank you.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012