the courier, august 2015

The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The C Courier Vol. 65, No. 8 Bellingham First Christian Church August 2015 The C r r T Save the Date! Let’s Celebrate Lois’s Birthday! Sunday, August 30 2:00 p.m. You are invited to attend a Birthday Party/ Family Reunion with the Oswalt Family in the social hall. They will be honoring two 85th birthdays this year. What a remarkable family! That’s right! She’s 85 Sunday Fun Day August 23 9:30 a.m. Bring your favorite hammer. Nails, boards, yarn and patterns will be supplied. We’ll be making nail art, but not on our finger or toenails. (We know some of you will be relieved with that news.) You’ll have your choice of patterns, such as doves, crosses, candles, and stars. Make one or more than one. Give them as gifts or decorate your home or office. Please note that we’ll need big people to help the smaller people and folks with hammer and nail experience to help those without. Everyone welcome: artsy-craftsy folks, novices, 1 year olds and 91 year olds. Y’all come.

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Monthly newsletter of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Bellingham, WA


Page 1: The Courier, August 2015

The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The C

CourierVol. 65, No. 8 Bellingham First Christian Church August 2015

TheC r rT

Save the Date!

Let’s Celebrate Lois’s Birthday! Sunday, August 30

2:00 p.m.

You are invited to attend a Birthday Party/Family Reunion with the Oswalt Family in the social hall. They will be honoring two 85th birthdays this year. What a remarkable family!

That’s right! She’s


Sunday Fun DayAugust 239:30 a.m.

Bring your favorite hammer. Nails, boards, yarn and patterns will be supplied. We’ll be making nail art, but not on our finger or toenails. (We know some of you will be relieved with that news.) You’ll have your choice of patterns, such as doves, crosses, candles, and stars. Make one or more than one. Give them as gifts or decorate your home or office. Please note that we’ll need big people to help the smaller people and folks with hammer and nail experience to help those without.Everyone welcome: artsy-craftsy folks, novices, 1 year olds and 91 year olds. Y’all come.

Page 2: The Courier, August 2015

495 East Bakerview Road Bellingham, WA 98226

360.734.6820 [email protected]

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God welcomed us.

All of Us Ministers

Rev. Gary Shoemaker Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Tamalyn Kralman Director of Ed. & Community Outreach Courier Editor [email protected]

Michele Fode Finance Administrator [email protected]

Amelia Nye Accompanist

TBD Childcare Provider

Rev. Sandy Messick Regional Minister

Rev. Sharon Watkins General Minister and President

Summer Sunday Schedule 10:20 a.m. Gathering Time 10:3 a.m. Worship 11:45 a.m. Fellowship Time 12:00 p.m. Out-to-Lunch Bunch (4th Sunday) 2 p.m. Someone Cares! Community Meal (2nd Sunday)

Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - noon Our staff are in and out of the office throughout the week. Please feel free to stop by during their office hours or make an appointment that fits your schedule. Officers Don Hoffman, Chair Megan Shoemaker, Secretary Cheryl Perry, Treasurer

News from the Pews

2 August 2015

First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ)

Eleven Years and CountingOn Sunday, July 12, several members of First Christian Church ventured downtown to participate in Bellingham Pride. We realized that we first hosted a table at Pride 2005, which makes this our eleventh year. We are so thankful to Bob Fisher for taking the initiative in getting us involved in this wonderful event and keeping us there, year after year. We are also thankful to the many volunteers who have walked in the parade, over the years, and helped to host our table, helping to share God’s love with the many people who have come asking, “Are you a CHURCH?” Why, yes. We are. And we want you to know that God loves EVERYONE! How cool is that?!

Tamalyn Kralman and her little car travel the parade route. Happily, the cheers are louder than the jeers!

Bob Fisher, Angel H e r r e r a , a n d Nicole Herrera are the day’s early t a b l e h o s t s . Shar ing candy, bracelets, & God’s l o v e w i t h o u r guests.

B ob wa s l a t e r joined by Charles Schmidling, Linda Heyne, Makena Schmidling, and Tamalyn Kralman. The grace and love continued, e v e n a s t h e bracelets ran out!

Page 3: The Courier, August 2015

Trans - fats : This Fat Must Go!

The US Food and D rug Administration has announced that manufacturers must stop using partially hydrogenated o i l s w i th in th ree yea rs . Artificial trans fats are simply n o t s a f e f o r h u m a n


In chemical terms fatty acids are characterized as either saturated or unsaturated based on its chemical structure. Hydrogenation of an unsaturated fatty acid refers to the addition of hydrogen atoms to the acid. Full hydrogenation results in a molecule containing the maximum amount of hydrogen, meaning, it is fully saturated. Partial hydrogenation means there are less than maximum amount of hydrogen atoms, which, when made commercially, result in fats that remain solid at room temperature but melt when baked or consumed. Trans-unsaturated fatty acids are uncommon in nature. Starting in the 1950's they were produced commercially in margarine, snack foods, packaged baked goods and fast foods. In 2013 the FDA determined that these fats are not recognized as safe for human consumption and now in 2015 have set a three year limit for its removal from all processed foods.

Partial hydrogenation have been part of the human diet for about 100 years. Wilhelm Normann patented the first hydrogenation of liquid oils in 1902. Over time research has shown these fats are deleterious to human health. The main health risk is coronary heart disease that causes a buildup of plague in the blood vessels and increases "bad" or LDL cholesterol resulting in heart attacks and strokes. A Harvard School of Public Health study in the mid-1990s estimated that trans fat caused 50,000 heart attack deaths annually. Other possible health risks include obesity, diabetes, liver dysfunction, depression and diminished memory.

To ensure a healthy diet check the nutrition labels for the amount of trans fat in food products. Even with a zero listing the food could still contain some partially hydrogenated oils, so look for these oils on the label. Other helpful resources include the Environmental Working Group Food Scores database which identifies the presence of trans fat in certain food brands and the Center for Science in the Public Interest's Pinterest board which is focused on identifying products that use artificial trans fat.

By June 18, 2018 manufacturers must rid their food products of this dangerous substance. In order to receive FDA approval the food makers must demonstrate that their products will cause no harm to consumers. May it be so.

Meditation: Let us be thankful for the health agencies and research centers that provide consumers with information that will help ensure a healthy diet and lifestyle. Let us

Nurse’s Notes

Joys and Concerns of Our Congregation

Please submit written requests to update this list. New to Our List:

Janet Franks, in the loss of her husband Bill

Ethan Powers, great-grandson of Marian Crim, still struggling with health issues

Bill & Melissa Thomas, nephew of Sue Campbell Cross, moving to Melbourne, FL for housing & jobs

Arlene Peightal, recovering from open heart surgery

Cheryl Perry, recovering from blood clot complications

Chuck Page, recovering from a medical procedure


Mary Lee Wiser, health concerns

Terry Buchanan, friend of Cyndy Koehn, dealing with breast cancer

Dale Whitney, recovering at home

Helen Blaney, as she recovers from a broken femur

Joanne Harrell, health concerns

Donna Fairchild, health concerns

Disciples House Residents, past, present and future

Iglesia de Dios, as together we share God’s love from this space

Raices Culturales and the children in their gardening program in our field

Kristine Tissinger, missionary partner in Ghana

Rev. Sandy Messick, Regional Minister

Rev. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President

Our General Church ministries

Yakama Christian Mission

Victims of injustice, violence, poverty, and disease worldwide

All troops involved in world conflict

Peacemakers worldwide

Nurse’s Notes

be thankful for the health agencies and research centers that provide consumers with information that will help ensure a healthy diet and lifestyle. Let us honor our Creator by being proactive in pursuit of our own personal health. Amen Jane Kletka,RN, FCN Health Ministries Network St Joseph Medical Center

August 2015 3

Page 4: The Courier, August 2015

� August 20154

It’s a Girl!We are pleased to announce that Briella Rose Stanbro arrived in this world on June 10, 2015. Weighing 9 lb., 7 oz and measuring 21 inches long, Briella is the daughter of Derek and Tristin, the sister of proud big brother Mason, and the granddaughter of Joe and Lynn Plancich.May God bless you mightily, Briella. And welcome!

All-Church Bazaar coming in November!It’s not too early to be thinking about how you might be a participant in this fun and rewarding event which raises monies for outreach locally and around the world. All efforts are welcome and much appreciated!

It’s That Time AgainWith abundant fruit available, it’s time to get ready for jam and jelly making. In order to keep costs affordable, we reuse half-pint jars and lids. If you have any, please leave them in the church kitchen soon. Thanks for saving them!

Just so you know....This message is from our Stewardship Ministry: We continue to experience a negative cash flow situation. With expenses exceeding our income, our

financial outlook is troubling. This is not unusual during the summer months when attendance is lower, but seems to be more worrisome this year. It appears the only way to rectify the situation is to significant ly decrease our spending, correspondingly increase our giving, or a combination of both. Currently there is a vacancy on the Stewardship Ministry team. If you would consider joining us, or if you have questions or comments to share, please contact the church office. Your support is vital to the future of this congregation and its ministry in our community.

Baby Shower for

Melissa & Paul Henderson Sunday, August 16

2 p.m. Please note: Melissa is registered at Target.

And stay tuned for scheduling of Makena Schmidling’s baby shower, coming early fall.

Page 5: The Courier, August 2015

August 2015 5

We Just Keep Feeding People!Jesus said that when we have done it unto the least of these, we have done it unto him. He also said we should feed his sheep. We take that quite seriously here at First Christian Church.

Our Sunday School children, along with teachers Linda Heyne and Leslie Pinkston, have been working in Abraham’s Garden to grow vegetables for the Bellingham Food Bank. On Monday, June 22, eight pounds of carrots and peas were delivered to the Bellingham Food Bank. The Food Bank feeds over 2,300 families every week here in Whatcom County. We are happy to know that our carrots and peas are helping fill a bit of that enormous need. We are even happier to know that more produce is growing in our garden and more Food Bank deliveries will be made.

On Sunday, July 12, our Someone Cares! Community Meal took to the outdoors. With outdoor seating in the courtyard, more than 50 people were served barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs.

Many thanks go to the faithful folks who make this all possible. From those who donate the cash and the food items, to those who chop produce and cook the meals, from those who serve the meals to those who clean up afterwards. The Community Meal is a massive and a massively wonderful project that could not be done without all of you. You are a blessing to many.

Thank you for supporting CAST Dear Friends at First Christian,

Interfaith Coalition’s mission is to fill gaps in essential human services and to meet the needs of our marginalized neighbors. When the CAST food outreach needed a new partner, we responded with enthusiasm for the opportunity to help. We welcomed CAST as one of Interfaith’s transformative programs. With your generous contribution of $638.25, you, too, have responded to the urgent needs of the hungry in Whatcom County.

Your donation to CAST is deposited into a dedicated fund used for food and other supplies. CAST (coffee and sandwiches on Tuesday) began over a decade ago, and has faithfully delivered simple meals of soup, sandwiches and hot drinks four evenings a week, prepared and served by committed volunteers – many from First Christian Church. Many of the guests --- often more than 50 each night --- appreciate the simple fellowship as well as the meal. Like you, we are grateful that CAST will continue to reach out to our community’s most vulnerable people.

Thank you for your gift to CAST. We look forward to sharing with you more information about the program in the months ahead. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like more information about this special food outreach program, and how we are making a difference in the lives of impoverished men, women and children in our community.

With gratitude, Laura Harker Executive Director

Please note: If you need more information about making a regular donation to CAST, please talk to Mary Ann O’Hara or Tamalyn Kralman. Donations may be made through First Christian Church or directly through the Interfaith Coalition.

Thank You!

Children pumping water from a village well in Zimbabwe: technology can help track drilling for water. Photograph: Neil Cooper/Alamy

Thanks to all who are filling their jars with coins to help dig a well in Zimbabwe. Each coin represented our concern for Zimbabwe women and children especially who have to walk long miles to get walk to drink, cook and bathe with and to use at school.

The coins we collect will be added to next January's month-long financial push for water. To date, we have given $2521 for the well which will cost approximately $6680. We have a way to go, so keep killing those jars!

Outreach Ministry

Page 6: The Courier, August 2015

Who’s on First?!

� August 20156

Be the Hands of God (nurture the world)

Find Weekly Lectionary Readings

Be a Part of A Small Group (nurture your soul) • Women's Spiritual Growth Groups - Please contact

the church office if you would like to be a part of a group. • Out-to-Lunch Bunch, 12:30 p.m., 4th Sundays - This

informal gathering, visits locally owned and run restaurants.

• Book Group, 7 p.m., 4th Sundays - This group explores books to expand their minds and their hearts.

• Esther Group, 11:30 a.m., 3rd Mondays - this group meets for lunch and fellowship in a local restaurant.

• Bible Study, Noon, Tuesdays - Meeting in the church library, this group explores the weekly lectionary scriptures.

• Wild Goose Worship, 6:30 p.m., 1st & 3rd Tuesdays - An alternative worship experience for young(ish) adults.

• Pub Theology, 6:30 p.m., 3rd Thursdays - Beer, conversation, and God! (Or any beverage of your choice.)

• Checking in Group, 5 p.m., 4th Thursdays -supportive group of people who share life's journey together.

• Community Meal • Joseph’s Closet • Disciples House • CAST • Socks on the Street

• Collecting food for the Food Bank

• Care Package • Bolenge Hospital • Community Garden

For more info on how to assist in any of these projects, please contact us at [email protected].

Happy Birthday Kim Naidu 4 Marian Overcash 16 Diana Linayao 18 David Fairchild 25 Lillian Moir 25

Happy Anniversary Margaret & Lee Brown 8 Megan & Zach Shoemaker 10 Brenda & John Riseland 18

AugustSunday, August 2

Elders: Lillian Moir (O), Joe Plancich (C) Lock-Up: Melody Hoffman In Home Communion: Brenda Riseland, Joe Plancich Deacons: Jane Kletka, Lynn Plancich, Alexis Pinkston Reader: Charles Schmidling Greeters: Connie Page Flowers: TBD Fellowship Time: TBD This week’s mower: Leslie Pinkston

Sunday, August 9 Elders: John Riseland (O), Lillian Moir (C) Deacons: Marian Overcash, Linda Heyne, Max Perry Reader: James Becker Greeter: Jane Kletka Flowers: TBD Fellowship Time: TBD This week’s mower: Gary Shoemaker

Sunday, August 16 Elders: Brenda Riseland (O), Melody Hoffman (C) Deacons: Lois Oswalt, Pat Whitney, Connie Page Reader: Don Hoffman Greeters: Charles Schmidling Flowers: TBD Fellowship Time: TBD This week’s mower: Gregg Heyne

Sunday, August 23 Elders: Gregg Heyne (O), Don Hoffman (C) Deacons: Kathy Wheeler, Ardythe Hannah Reader: Melody Hoffman Greeter: Lois Oswalt Flowers & Fellowship Time: Esther Group This week’s mower: Leslie Pinkston

Sunday, August 30 Elders: Margaret Brown (O), John Riseland (C) Deacons: Jane Kletka, Lynn Plancich, Alexis Pinkston Reader: Gregg Heyne Greeters: Kathy Wheeler & Alisha Sanchez Flowers: TBD Fellowship Time: TBD This week’s mower: Gary Shoemaker

Page 7: The Courier, August 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

17:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s

210:20a Gathering Time10:30a Worship11:45p Fellowship Time

3 4

Noon Bible Study



6 7 8

7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s

910:20a Gathering Time10:30a Worship11:45p Fellowship Time2p Someone Cares Community Meal


6:30 pStewardshipMeeting


Noon Bible Study


13 14 15Courier


7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s

1610:20a Gathering Time10:30a Worship11:45p Fellowship Time2 p.m. Baby Shower for Melissa (Thompson) & Paul Henderson


11:30a Esther Group meets for lunch, location TBD

18Noon Bible Study

5:30 p.m .Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East, United Church, Ferndale



6:30 p.m.Pub Theology, Hops ’N Headz

21 22

7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s

239:30a Sun. Fun Day10:20a Gathering Time10:30a Worship11:45p Fellowship TimeNoon Out-to-Lunch Bunch7p Book Group

24 25

Noon Bible Study


6p Bell Choir Rehearsal7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal


5p Checking in Group

28 29

7:30a Men’s Breakfast, Denny’s

3010:20a Gathering Time10:30a Worship11:45p Fellowship Time2 p.m. Lois Oswalt birthday party



August 2015 7

August 2015Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Page 8: The Courier, August 2015

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First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) A church of grace and welcome for all! 495 East Bakerview Road Bellingham, WA 98226-9168


Bellingham, WA 98226-9168

USPS 0589-870

Contact Us Office [email protected] 360.734.6820

Find us on Facebook First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Bellingham, WA

Follow us on Twitter FCC Bellingham

Submissions for the Next Courier are Due August 15

To go paperless: Subscribe to the e-Courier at [email protected].

To unsubscribe: Contact 360.734.6820, 495 East Bakerview Road, Bellingham, WA 98226, or [email protected].

Save the Dates Sept. 13, 10:50 a.m.

Back to the Pack Sunday Come back to the fold for Sunday School Kick-off Bible presentations, and Blessing of the Backpacks

Oct. 4, 10:50 a.m. Global Ministries Sunday 2 p.m., Blessing of the Animals

October 18, 10:50 a.m. Health Ministries Sunday Potluck & Program

A bit of trivia The 4th com


ent is to remem

ber the sabbath and keep it holy. D

o you know

why m

ost Christians worship on the 1st

day of the week, rather than the 7th day?