the corvallis gazette. (corvallis, or.). (corvallis, or.) 1878-10-11 [p … · 2015. 7. 29. ·...

'2., Sheriff's Sale, SPM1 last for ten days; land a large number of members express themselves, and frankly WEEKLY C9RMHS GAZETTE. Y VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION ISSUED CORVALLK B Corvallis, Oct U, 1878. A Splendid Family Medicine. rpHE DRUGGISTS OF CORVALLIS ARE NOW i supplied with a large stock of our new Oregon Remedy THE OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER LIV- ER and KIDNEY INVIGORATOR This great medi- cine is made from our native (Oregon) Roots and Herbs, and is found to be the best Liver and Kidney Remedy ever offered to the people. It is no Eastern Nostrum put up to sell but made by the old Oregon House of Wm. Pf under & Co.,' Portland. It cures all Scrofulous diseases, thoroughly purging the Blood, removing all Pimples, Sores, etc. , etc. To Ladies in Pregnancy it relieves vomiting and nausea. Give it to your children. Take it yourself. Sept. 20, 1878. 15:38ml. Frank Sj PORTI AGRK say that they are going to attend the State Fair any way, and lay that if the members should all do so for the ten days of Fair, the State would be better off at the end of the session. The lobby here representing the Columbia River fisheries have compromised and agreed upon a bill. One gentleman remarked that a salmon had no more show among the nu- merous fishing nets than an honest man had among the Oregon legislators. Stock arrives daily upon the Fair grounds, and the booths are all being repaired for business. To-nig- a high-tone- d ball is given to the members of the Legislature at the Chemek-et- a Hotel. A grand time is anticipated. Well, I will close go and take a look in I care nothing for the ball but I like music, and a multitude of fashionably dress- ed ladies is facinating. J. F. M. Quite a heavy frost visited this city on last Friday morning. Bev. W. C. Kantner will preach at Kings Valley on next Sunday at 11 a. m. The Medallion Range the newest and best at Woodcock & Baldwin's. B. W. Wilson was taken quite sick while at Salem, last week, but is now better Woodcock & Baldwin have the farmer's Bayliss wheel Harrows the best in use. The skating rink at the City Hall has commenced again, for the winter. County Court is in session this week. Look out for proceedings next week. Services at the M. E. church in this city on next Sabbath at 11 a. m. , also in the ev- ening. Oliver Chilled, Champion, Moline, Scotch Clippef and Garden City Plows, all sizes and.stylea, at Woodcock Baldwin's. Prof. Ladru Royal will preach in the Evangelical church in this city on next Sun- day at 11 A. m. , also in the evening. "Old Honesty"' has just opened out a new and complete stock of gent's furnishing goods at his old stand. Paul Wi' Sodaville.J was in town Wed hough Linn county ag J j ft ' TELEGEAPHIC. COMPILED FROM THE DAILY OREGON! A!f. The Republican majority in Colorado will probably be about 3,000. The last wires of the Brooklyn bridge were put in position on the 5th inst. Yellow fever has made its appearance at Madrid, twenty cases having been reported. Total deaths from yellow fever at New Orleans, to Oct. 7th, is 2,212; cases, 10,600. Very rich discoveries of gold placers, con- tinue to be made at Cassiar, British Colum- bia. R. V. Pierce has been nominated for Con- gress by the Republicans of the 23d district of Tsew York. The City of Glasco Bank, haying thirty-thre- e branches, has failed. The liabilities are estimated at $50,000,000. The Bank of Commerce at Memphis clos- ed its doors on the 4th inst., on account of sickness and death among the attaches. A large party of counterfeiters, operating in the mountains around Louisville, have been captured, and fourteen are now under arrest. Ten prisoners were captured and one large Still, with mash and whisky, were destroyed in Izard and another in Baxter counties, A rkansas, on the 3d inst. Denny, who had been recently ' tate prison for robbery, recently and in- - urer of the St. ..ience .Society, San Fran-..- . arrested for drawing from ifie uank $1,585 belonging to the So- - ..ety. Indians at Ogallalla, Nebraska, are becom- ing troublesome supposed by many to be a decoy of a small band of Indians to attract the attention of the troops, to better enable the main body of Indians to effect a cross- ing of the U. P. R. R. Chic" Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, to me diiected and delivered, for the sum of ($496 04) four hundred and ninety-si- x and 04-1- dollars and interest, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 16th day of November, 1876, and. the further sum of $14 0 cost and accruing costs and expenses of sule, in favor of P. A. Cbenoweth, and against Gilbert Gaylord, for want of per- sonal property, of which to satisfy the same. I have levied upon and seized tbe following described real property to wit : All tbe right, title and interest of the said Gilbert Gaylord, in and to tbe following described real estate, (being an equal undivided one fifth thereof), i Lots 1 and 2, in block No 22, in the City of Corvallis ; also, lots 7, S, 9 and 10, in block No 12, in tbe City of Corvallis. Also the following : Beginning 9.90 chains South and 1.90 chains West of the NW corner of Section 28, Til, South .range 5 west, of the Willamette meridian ; thence East 60.27 chains ; thence South west 10 chains; tbence West 61.30 chains; thence North 6 Eest 10.15 chains to the place of beginning, containing 61 acres, more or less. Also the following described land to wit : The South i of the South-eas- t i of Sec'.ion 20, the South of the South west J of Section 20, the North J of tbe North $ of the North west i of Section 28, and the North of the North of the North-eas- t i of Section 29, and a frac- tion on tbe South to make up 320 acres of land, all in Township 11 South,. of range 5 West, and being all of the Donation Land cjaim of J. Chatham Roberts, excepting 19 0 acres deeded by said J. Chatham Roberts to Philip Ritz. All of said lands be- ing situated and lying in Benton county, Ore- gon, together with all the tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. And on Wednesday the 23d day of Oct.. A. D. I87S. I will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder,. for cash in hand, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Gilbert Gaylord, in and to the above described real estate to satisfy said execution and costs. Sale will take place at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the. Court House door, in the City of Corvallis, in said Countv of Ben- ton and State of Oregon. SOL. KING, Sheriff of Benton County, State of Oregon. Dated, Sept. 20, 1878. 15:38w5 Coates' The La turn. . Hon. R. . by the " sounu.. ' a protracted visit BROWNE SULKY PLO BLACK HAWK & CLf Mrs. E. A. Knight, miLliner of this city has opeUed her new stock of goods, the va- rious articles of which we cannot now stop to specify; but if you want to see some- thing fancy, just step in. The Banker, Broker. Merchant and Specu- lator, after the stupid dullness of a " Blue Monday," or the intense excitement of a " Black Friday," need some soothing quiet- ing. potion, to calm their nervous system, and bring rest and refreshment to their ex- hausted energies. Such a boon is Frese's Hamburg Tea. A ROW OF PEARLS Glistening through coral lips is certainly a pleasing object; but a row of discolored, teeth in anjWfiuti' at all is a griev- ous drawback; addjkthis that such a set of teeth Is usually sronpainod ' 'by impure breath and ode can scarcely imagine any- thing more objectionable. SOZODONT, the great purifier of the breath and whiten-e- r of the teeth obviates this state of the mouth completely, rescuing its dental occu- pants from destruction, and counteracting the influence upon the enamel of acid se- cretions in the mouth. McSIIEKltY GKAI McSHERRY Bl AND o:;"Ea STOCK CF FARMING INiPuwiENTS. JkTaH Line of Extras kept always on hand for all Machines sold by us. 2Gaprl5:17in'J THE SOUTHERN PLAGUE. Indications are that the worst of the yel- low fever scourge has passed, and that the funds in the hands of the various relief com- mittees will be amply sufficient to meet the present demands. We have just received, through the politeness of L. G. Kline & Co. , agents in this city, a circular and report of Aaron Stein, treasure of Wells, Fargo & Co. relief committee of San Francisco, bearing date of Sept. 21st, from which we learn the following in relation to the receipts and dis- bursements of the funds passing through the hands of that company, all of which have been forwarded free of charge, throughout the Pacific Coast: Total receipts, 836,957.35; amount disbursed, $34,395.10. The various localities relieved are as follows: New Or- leans, $4,750; Memphis, 18,458.50; Vwks-burg- , $4,825; Grenada, $1,700; Port Gibson, $500; Jackson, $250; sundry, $3,911.60; leaving a balance of cash on hand of Since the above report was made, circulars have been sent, bearing date of Sept, 30th, to the various agents of the com- pany, stating that the grand total of receipts amount to $43,500; that the wants of the sufferers are all supplied; that the funds on hand are amply sufficient, and that agents will desist taking further contributions. As indicative of the feelius pervading the heart of the Southern people, we clip the following from the New Orleans Pickayune of September 22d: "The lelief which comes daily to this stricken section from all parts of the country readies further than is com- monly supposed, and further, perhaps than it authors iutend. It relieves the Southern heart of its bitterness and memory of its wrongs. In the nauia of that philanthropy which has overswept all geographical and party lines, we declare that the war is over now, at last and forever. That good we can see the All-wis- e Ruler of nations is working out of this d and desolating pesti- lence. Conflicts there may be, ditfereuces of opinion there always will be; but for the future these things must b settled upon their merits, without appeal to prejudice or passion. " F!RE AT JUNCTION CITY. The heaviest blow ever dealt at the busi- ness interests of Lane county, and one from which the citizen of that county will not soon recover, was the fire which laid in ashes a whole block, excepting Giimore's Hotel, in Junction City on the 7th in3t. The fire, supposed to be the work of vn in- cendiary, was iirst noticed about 1 o'clock by parties wbo were in Craig's saloon, and originated in the back pirt of B. Cohen's store, about seventy feet back from Front street. Before the alarm could be given the fire had passed beyond control, and the flames were shootiag up the side of the building and through the roof as if the walk bad been saturated with coal oil. The city was without fire engines, and every man, woman and child fought bravely to subdue the flames. The total loss is estimated at $55,375, against which there is not to ex-ce- $18,000 insurance. Several persons were arrested for setting fire to B. Cihen's building, but the evidence se;ined to be in- sufficient to fasten the guilt upon any oue. Executor's Sale of Real Prop- erty. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of the Coun- ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the coun- ty of Benton, made on, the 7th day of Septem- ber, A. D., 1878, the same being a day of tbe regular September term of said Court, begun and held at the Court Houae in the city of Cor- vallis in said county and State, on the first Monday the 2nd day of September, 1878, and continuing until after the 7th day of the same month. The undersigned Executors of the last Will and Testitnent of James Kuyes. deceased, were authorized and commanded to sell all the real property belonging to the Estate of said .James Keyes, deceased, situated in Benton county, Oregon, and described us follows : Donationjand claim. No 50, in T No 11 S R, No 6 West of tbe Willamette meradian, containing 320 acres, and being the Donation land claim of Perman Henderson and wife. Also the north half of the land claim donat- ed by the government of the United States to James B. and Cynthia Brumfield, containing 160 acres. All the above described lands sit- uated in Sees. 28 and H3, in T 11, S R 6 W, and Sec. 4, in T 12, S R 6 W, in Benton coun- ty, Oregon, both the above described tracts of land, containing 480 acres., more or less. Also the following : Commencing at the S E corner of claim No 72, Notification No 6282, the land donated to Thomas H. Garrett and wife by the U. S. government; thence north 100 rods to corner ; thence west 164 rods to the west line of said claim ; tbence south 192 rods, to the corner ; thence east to the place of be- ginning, containing 242 acres, more or less. Also the following : Commencing at the S E corner of claim No 73, Notification No 6283, the land donated by the U. S. government to J.. B. B.umfieldand wife; thence north to tbe. middle of said land claim on the east line, to a st ike ; thence west to the center line ot Sec- tion 4, T 12, S R 6 west; thence due sou'h to branch ; thence down said branch with its meanders to its junction with a larger branch ; thence south to the seatb line of said claim east to the place of beginning, contain- ing 60 acres, more or less. Also the following : Commencing at a point 80 rods north of the south-we- st corner of claim No f3, Notification No 6233, the land claim donated to J. B. Brumfield and Cynthia Brumfield his wife, by the U. S. government ; thence north to the center of said claim ; tbence east to the center line of Section 4, T 12, S ft 6 west ; thence due south to branch ; thence down the meanderiners of said branch to a branch coming in from the west ; thence up said branch to tbe place of beginning, con tairing SO acres, more or less, all in T 12, S it 6 W, and lots 4 and 5 of Sec. 33, T 11, S' B 6 west, and lot six of Sec. 4, and N E i of N E i of Sec. 5, T 12, S. R 6 W, containing 157 0 acres (excepting 30 acres of claim No 72, Notification 8283, deeded by Jos. Beeze-le- y to Jesse Wood on the 21st day of Janua- ry, 1874). Also the following : Beginning at the NW corner of claim No 49, in T 11, SR6W; thence south 17. SI chains to the N E corner of claim No 43, in T 11, S R 6 W ; thence west 21 .50 chains to the corner of claim No 71 and 50 in T 11, S R 6 W; thence north 44.44 chains to the N E corner of elaim No 50 ; thence west 14.00 chains ; thence north 30.00 chains ; thence east 9.86 chains ; thence north 14.27 chains : tbence east 35.00 chains : thence SUMMONS. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. ALL SUFFERERS FROM THIS ' DISEASE are saxinus to be cured should try Dr. Kissner's Celebrated Consumptive Powders. These Powders are tbe only preparation known-tha- t will cure Consumption and all diseases q, the Throat and Lungs indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will send to any suf- ferer, by mail, pM paid, a free Trial Box. We don't want your money until you satisfied of their curative powers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay in giv-in- e these Powders a trial, aa they will surely cure you. Price, for large box, $3 CO, sent to any part of tho United States or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, ASH & BOBBINS, 360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N'Y.' ' 22fel5:8yl Quite a number of lem attending the Legis, We tried it awhile our seb, Capt. Wm. Stevens and w Abbey and family, and Henry -- J Newport are stopping in Corvalh .veek. C. W. Pilbean, of Iodinapolis, Indiana, arrived in the city Wednesday, to look after the estate of his father, the late Bej. Pil- bean, of this city. A number of wagons have passed through Corvallis in the last few days, on their way to the State fair. They were provided with the necessary outfit for camping. Thomas Russell, Esq., Lower Alsea, was in town the first of the week. He reports everything in that portion of the county in a state of peace plenty and content. Jesse J. Houck, who returned from the East some time since, Was in the city a few days since, looking quite well. He tells us that there is no place like " Web-foot.- " No man's outfit is complete without s fine white shirt and neck tie, and the best place to get them is at E. Rosenthal's. The best of cigars, tobacco, candies, etc. etc., always on hand. The memorial to Congress in modification of the Burlingame treaty with China, intro- duced by Hon. John Burnett, Senator from this county, has passed both houses of the Oregon Legislature. A Cauthorn & Son have a larger and more complete stock of goods than they have ever kept before, and will sell them for less than the same kind of goods has ever been sold in Corvallis. From a private source we learn that our young friend Eddie, son of Mr. D. G. Clark of Albany, takes his departure on the out- going steamer (Jreaon for Philadelphia, to graduate in dentistry. Mrs. P H. Ricklifs and daughter, Miss Rosa Ricklifs, who have been visiting their daushter and sister. Mrs W. A. Wheeler, They AH Take It. When the system is run down to that extent that you pass sleepless nights, are nervous and irritable, have gloomy forebod- ings, sour stomach, sick headache and coat- ed tongue, do not enroll yourself as high pri- vate, in the rear rank, under General Debil- ity, but cheer up and try White's Prairie Flower, The Great liver Panacea, now for sale in every city anditown on the Continent. No medicine ever compounded is half its equal for the cure of DYSPEPSIA and LIV- ER COMPLAINT. It has a specific power over the liver, and by curing the liver Dys- pepsia and all other diseases arising from it, vanish as if by magic. Sample . bottles are sold at the small pries of 25 cents that will convince you of its merits. Large bottles 75 cents for sale everywhere. PACIFIC COAST. Postmaster General Key was serenaded at the St. Charles Hotel, Portland, on the 3d inst. Major C. Dissosway, who had been TJ. S. Deputy Marshal since 1871, died at Pendle- ton on last Tuesday. Uncle Davie Newsome is confined to his bed most of the time with severe sickness of a complicated character. The late. A. C. McDonald was son-in-la- to Rev. Mr. Nelson, Presiding Elder of the M. E. Church at San Jose, California. Mrs. Kanffman, aged 61 years, living near New Era, was recently kicked by a cow, breaking her leg between the knee and ankle. Tommy, a son of Gold Hub- bard, living near Dallas, has his jawbone broke on Wednesday of last week, by being kicked by a horse. While the steamer Ohio was going down from Dayton on the 4th inst. , and was pass- ing Clackamas rapids, she struck a rock and immediately sunk. The Dallas Itemizer has dispensed with the San Francisco patent "inside," dimin- ished its size and adoited the Portland pat- ent "inside." This may be a wise plan, but we can't see it. From the Portland Bee we leant that Ar- chie Brown, the murderer of young Joseph, h is received a letter from his mother, in which she disowns him, and leaves him to the mercy of outraged law. There is considerable emotion among the Umatilla Indians on account of one of their pamber being killed on Wild Horse creek, and fears are entertained among the whites that the Indians will retaliate. Last Saturday afternoon, says the Salem Statesman, Huge Curran, of Eage Creek, was going home from East Portland in his and when near Millwaukie a large burning tree fell across the wagon, and coin-nlc!- v severed the" vehicle in the center. In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton. R. L. Williamson and A. A. Williamson, Plaintiff. vs. Benjamin Altree, Edward S. Altree, James Altree, Isabelle Clews, Emma Ball, George Altree, Edward S. Altree, Charles Altree, Esthei Altree, Mary Jane Pierpont, Martha Pierpont, Ann A. Wad?t and C. P. Wadst, her husband, James C. Pierpont, Wm. Pierpont, Mary A. Garretson and N. "V. Garrctson, her husband, ad Edward Wafeden, Defendants. BENJAMIN ALTREE, JAMES AL-tre- e, TO Isabelle Clews, Emma Ball, George Altree, Edward S. Altree. ETthcr Altree, Mar- tha Pierpont, Ann A. Wadst and C. P. Wadst, her .husband, James C. Pierpont, Mary Jane Pierpont and Wm. Pierpont. The above named defendants: In the name of tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby euin-mo- and required to appear and answer to the complaint of said plaintiffs, in the above enti- tled suit, now on file in tbe office of ore Clerk of said Court, on or before tbe first day of the next regular term of said Court, to be holden and to begin at the Court House, in the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, on the third Monday Tbe 18th day of November, A. ,, 1878, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer said complaint as herein required, tbe plaintiffs will take the relief demanded in the complaint. This suit is brought to enforce a specific per- formance, requiring the defendants in said suit to execute to the plaintiffs a good and sufficient deed and conveyance to the land mentioned and described in the complaint ;n this suit, and sold and convened to the plaiLtiffs by Ed- ward S. Altree, noiw deceased, and in 'case the WOODCOCK & BALDWIN, (Successors to J. R. Bayley & Co.,) KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE' stand, a large and complete stock of fleay and Shelf Hardware,-IRON- , STEEL, TOOLS, STOVES, EAN GES, Mann fact red aid Homo Made TIJST AND COPPER WARE) Pumps, 3?ipe, etc. A QOOD TINNER constantly on hand, and all Job Work neatly and quickly done. Also Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co., fo the sale ol the best and latest improved L FARM MACHINERY, An Vndcuioble Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactj.ry life in this beauti- ful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you, your un- reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning wil soon show you that Green's Augjst Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or ijpspepsia, with all its misearble effects, such as sick head- ache, palpitation of t' heart, sour stomach, habitual costiveness(zziness o'f the head, nervous prostration, Sir spirits, &c. Its sale now reach every towtjon the Western Con- tinent and not a Druglst but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You c n buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents, 'fhree doses will relieve you.- Bt!fial AeiOTd, Ayer's Oa'th rtic Pi ls are the best of all in our city for several weeks, started for their home in Calitornia, last Monday. For the rainy season just received a large lot of rubber coats, leggins, umbrellas, overshirts, flannel-line- d coats, pants and vests, a fine assortment of undercloth- ing, which will be sold cheap for cash at E. Rosenthal's, next door to Buford's barber shop. Mrs. Royal, her two daughters Aeolia and Carrie, family of Rev. T. F. Royal of the Drowned. From the Salem Becord we learn that on Thursday afternoon of last week, Mr. Shurtz, son-in-la- of James Bruce of Benton county, who lives in East- ern Oregon, was on his road with his wife .and infant child to pay a visit to his wife's people in Benton county, and while foard-ln- g the Santiam near Swest Home, as they reached the middle of the stream oue of the horses balked and refused to go further. south 71.00 chains; thence west 9.20 to place of beginning, containing 304 more or less. Also tbe following : Commencing at E corner of claim No 43, in T 11, S R chains acres, the N 6 W ; thence running south 30 chains ; thence west 26 chains : theuce north 30 chains ; tbence ea?t 26 chainJB the lace of beginning, con- - of all Kinds, together with a full afsortmen i Sileta Ai,-nc- passed through Oorvallis last A orat was brought to taite tne cecnpanti purgative for family jfe6- - They are the pro iuctj.n... laboflte, am wnceessfu defendant1! fail ort neglect to execute a aeed ot AH 1UC IILTJ RAJ. UV. Vf week way home iffy ho" roea but in-- ; parties naviov, tif9i a--. R-Vt- oi ...... tp theisagre. 0 ,.St, 1 fir i j tit-.. 9 .'Hi 5T"; u aol l P;,1V' iijtf i part W- - J. T?T"e oi ir. . otjrL in a 10T ...C by Bisfcnp vocal, iias be u appointed An bv PhVa-icb-i- i iiTWr pca7X7 ancf oy They also l tttBg lrienils anil relatives. . fcl.d til iil.i.'W ri. JklUjtt 1.. i ,1rvi ST. LOUIS CHARTER OAK STOVES tias taeretor, ana iW further and othe drews to the pastorate of the TaylOr-street- , few days m Corvallis on their way down and return, and were the guests of Mr. C. W. Royal, brother of T. F. lief s Di.ajtJiejusrhnd equitable, and (ir costs and disbursements of this suit. Published by order of Hon. J. P. Watson, Judge of the 2nd Judicial District, for the State of Oregon, made, September 12th, A. D., 1878. JAS. A. YANTIS, Attorney for Plaintiffs.. Datd, Sept. 18th, 187S. 15:38w7 Portland, M. E. Church, for the remainder of this conference year. Mr. Acton will still continue in charge of the editorial de- partment of the paper, but has been reliev- ed of the business management. Recently, while the editor of the Rose-bur- g Plaindealer was surveying in the moun- tains west of that city, he found, just below, the falls of Lake creek, an old camp fire, in the ashes of which were a number of human bones. It is supposed the remains were those of a detective by the name of Coyote, the BEST IN THE WORLD. Aim the Nor- man Range, and many other patterns, in alt size and styles. 38 Particular attention pi. id to Farmers' wants, and the supplying extras for Farm ry , and ,a!l information ns to such articles, furnisbed cheerfully., on application. No pains will be Spared to furnish our cus- tomers. with the best goods in mr.iket, in our line, and at lowest prices. Our motto shall be, prompt and fair dealing with nil. Call and examine our stock, before-goin- elsewhere Satisfaction guaranteed. it to npief, drowning SfrafltrtTrfz anT'her infant child. The body of Mr3. Shurtz has been recovered, but that of the child had not at last accounts. Of course.we simerely sympathize with the bereaved husbanc', and suppose he knew where he was froi and where he was going. But upon dilierJt in- quiry, we fail to place Mr. James Brlce in Benton county. We knew a James Bruce, more familiarly known as Major Bruct, who formerly resided in this county, and ow a resident of Washington county; bit was not apprised of his having a son-in-la- A prominent politician suggests that Mr. Jas. Bruce may have come to the county since the election. all civilized nations, jWes them the best and most effectual putative Pill that medi- cal science can devisej, Being purely veget- able no harm can aris-- theu- - use. In intrinsic value and cuyc powers no other Pills can be compared-it- them, and every person, knowing their' irtucs, will employ them, when needed, jhey keep the system in perfect order, and 'ointain in healthy action the whole mac i nery of life. Mild, searching and effectu tbey are specially adapted to the needs the digestive appa- ratus, derangements which tcy prevent and cure, if timely t.en. They are the best and saf a3t physic0 employ for chil- dren and weakened cistitutao8. where a mild, but effectual, chartic is required. tions Ti arid 34;.in' T II, B R 6 JW, i of the Willamette tneri iian, known as Notification No 6262 claim, no 51, containing 3.20 being the donation land claim of Peter Masou and Hannah R. Mason bis wife, (excepting a small block in the south-eas- t corner 95 rods from e ist to west, and 20 rods from north to south). Also excepting all that portion or tract of land lying east of the center "of the channel of Mary's river, belonging to the said James Keyes, deceased, being a part of tbe land (in amount about 5 acres) deeded by Pres- ley Tyler and wife to James Keyes, and beiu? a portion of the donation land claim of Peter Mason, lying adjoining the land of Wm. Wyatt, in Benton county, Oregon. Also the following : Beginning at a point 14.11 chains vest of the N E corner of Sec. 3, T 12, S R 6 W ; thence north 26.77 chains : ihence west 40.08 chains ; tbence south 68.66 chains; tbence east 32.22 chains; thence south 54.32 chains ; thence north 21 3' E 17.00 Consistency. "Do as I say and not as I do," is a trite adage, nevertheless seems to be still in use among those whom we should look to for an example. In our last issue we published the memorial to Congress, in- troduced i l the Senate by Judge Burnett, asking for a modification of the Burlingame Treaty. Should Congress act favorably to- wards this memorial, it would probably in- crease the price of wood-sawin- g in Corvallis. RUPTURE ! ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE EFFECTED ELASTIC TRUSS! who had been employed to apprehend and arrest a man by the name of Green, and , WOODCOCK it BALDWIN. Corvallis, Jan. 2fi, 18 . 14:4tf that Green, becoming, cognizant of the fact, murdered Coyote and attempted to obilter- - For sale by all dealer'. ate all traces by burning the body. Green is now in the penitentiary for life for mur- dering a man in California. W. C. CRAWFORD, Consnmptn Cared chains ; thence north 0 43' E, 55,31 chains ; CALIFORNIA COM-Pan- t, W. J. Horne, Proprie- tor. Dear Sir: I feel that 1 owe it to you and to humanity to write the fact that I have been SUBSTANTIALLY CUR- ED of a bad ca e oi rupture of , . . DEALER IN 1 1 - A. thence north 22.73 chains to ginning, containing 308 50 f the pface of acres, excepting An old ph -- acian reeu ironi active prac- - Passed the Senate. -- The Senate bill, introduced by Mr. Palmer, of this county, extending the time for the completion of the W. V. & C. R. R. passed the Senate last Tuesday. This bill provides for extend- ing the time for completing the Yaqnina railroad for six years from tne time the bill becomes a law. Under the charter, as it now stands, the company would have to complete the road to tide water on the a Bay, within one year from this month. lad placWm his hands by tice, having an East Indian missionai fthe formula of a sim dlSlL FrtOM THE CAPITAL Thursday, Oct. 3, 1878. Editor Gazette: In the Senate, the fore-- . WATCHES,: that portion of said premise 13 re wnson on the 7th day i and also excepting from ti strrp of land Hing west of : ingJiifase Wood's lands, c. ' W ner of W.-T-- lit.: teeded to Julius May, A. D. 1859 ; ;.; conveyance, a i road, and join- - aencin at the N i, in tbe middle of t N W to tbe in :!ie Beezely tr.ict noon was occiipied in the reading of bills first time, and receiving of reports of com- mittees. The afternoon was consumed in JLWELRY, SFIXTACLiCS, S1VLR WARE, ETC. the Mb&wm 'rfg thence littwBfh of tbe road w ith oi' land. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, &C. ttST Repairins done at the most reasonable rates. Accidental Shot. One day last veek, a young lady in this city was cleaning up her pistol. A asked the question. "What are you doing with that pistol, you can't shoot?" At this the young; vould-b- e sportswoman leveled her pistol in tie direc- tion of a window and pulled the trigger, and to her astonishment (?) the pistol was discharged, the ball passing thumgh the window and into the door of a China house in fclose proximity, but luckily the Chinaman that might have b.-e- accidentally standing in range of the postol was somewiiere else. The fortunate Chinaman, on hearing the report of the pistol, poked his head out of the door and asked the yung ladr, "What for you shot?" to which the younj lady re- plied, "Me shoot em cats, you no telle Ray-bur- " Such care'ess use of fireanns in the bands of inexperienced females, especially when they have not sufficient knowledge to tell whether the weapon is loaded or empty, Should be made reprehensible in tie extreme, as no person's life is sucure. We have omit- ted names hoping that a lesson may be learn- ed from this narrow escape of biting a thirty year's standing, by one of jour incomparable Ttusj3s, vhicii 1 purcha-ic- from vou three months ago. 1 cannot I'.eicribe the 8uifcnii', both physically r.nd mentally, that I have nndenrfoni during tnat pe- riod; no.; I tccl lise a new bjing. I oavc w orn all kinMa nf Triei;lotli Steal and 1.1 jti;, and nev- er received any permanent relief util-- i tried .,ura, Its simplicity oi construction, and facility with which it can be adjusted, and the ease and perfect freedom to the motions of the body with which ft enn be worn without causing any irritation, are its chief merits, and it is a perfect supporter. I have not had any sign of a return of a Kupture since the Srst day I put it on, and feel that I am PeiRFkXTLY CURED. It is invaluable, and the faot should be. known to the world. Yoi; can refer any one to me on the subject of their merits. I am yours truiy, ALFRED J. BURKE, Chief Mail Clerk 8. F. Daily Evening Post. San Francisco, July 20, 1378. discussing Watt's bill on Insane Asylum, over which ther was a lively and animated ple vegetable remedy f the speedy and per- manent cure of Conniption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, anU Throat and Lung affections, also a posiive and radical cure for General Debility all nervous com- plaints, after having'proughly tested its wonderful curative ij ers in thousands of cases, feels it his SM to make it known to his suffering felloj The receipe will be sent free of charge, f wh0 desira it, with full directions for prrltf ng and successfully using. Address wii atamp, naming this paper Dr. J. O. StAe, 44 North Ninth Street, Pniladelpha, IW a. KOS YII. ' MATHIEIT. and all work warranted. Corvallis, Dec. 13. 1S77. 14:S0tf feeling rather unfavorable to the bill. In the House, the forenoon session was occupied mainly in amending and discussing the Pilot and Harbor bill. The lobby at the An Unexpected Wedding. Yesterday morning, Oct. 10, 1878, at 9 o'clock, Mr. E. E. Cooper, of Tacoma, W. T., and Miss Fannie B. Hamilton, of this city, were united in marriage by Rev. H. P. Dunning. This was an unexpected event even to the most intimate friends of the parties. Miss Hamilton had long been one of the. favorites of Corvallis society, and we note the fact of her marriage with some regret, from the fact that she left the city the same morning for her future home in Tacoma. However, all our selfish feelings give way to the hope that her life may be oue of unclouded Also the following : All thit portion of the land claim No 49, T 11, S R6 W, lying west of the center of the channel of Mary's river. Also all that porting of claim No til, in the same Township and Range, included in the following bondary : Commencing at the S E corner of said claim. No 61 j theuce west 95 rods ; tbence north 30 rods ; thence east 95 rods ; thence south 30. rods to the plce of be- ginning. Ail that portion of land included in tbe above boundaries lying west of the center of tbe Channel of Mary's river is hereby con- veyed and a!) that portion lying east of Said channel is reserved, the whole amount of land conveyed is suppossd to be about 150 acres. Capitol is increasing, and a great pressure is E. HOLCATE, ATTORNEY AT UW. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS WILL the State. Having bad four years experience as County brought to bear upon important measures, for and against. The business of the ses sion will necessarily be hurried through for want of time, and the members will go to the Fair. Judge, and given clofe attention tc Probate This eminent Frenc; Physician and Sur- geon, and inventor ofie Paris Spirometer, which has given reliel p thousands of snf-fere- r. in Eunroe and United States, has matters, I i.m well prepared to attend to all business in that line ; also contested Road Matters. I will give strict and proir;jt atten more or less, lyingand being situated in Ben- - treated successfully fa) hundred c&aefiA. Friday, Oc1L- -. The members from Benton county, Messrs. tion to collti-tioas- , and as heretofore will do a Burnett, Palmer, Green, Hughes and Carter, REAL ESTATE, f toiPtfimniy, uregoi. AnuVjn pursuance of said order, we will on SaturdaV thpfdkr Ort., A, I)., 1878, at the CoJJvyjuse door m the City of Corval- lis, Bentoh-bount- , State of Oregon, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. t; At 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. Oregon, the most ren MUi&ilfitfch was that of Mr. J. C, paralysis six years standing. Perently cured. Also Mrs. Adkins of nasafatarrh. Dr. Mathieu has permanently loca at the corner of Third and Morrison'Veet8, Portland, Ore and General Business Agency. are oiirgeni ana active; ana ui poini oi util- ity, are second to no county delegation in the State. Benton can well feel proud of Local Ajrent of her representatives in the Legislature. Judge Burnett has presented quite a number Home Mutual Insurance Co.- - gon, ki 14A7yi se ' public Auction, to tbe higai, bidder. ot bills to am; ad and dissect the present code of lows, anil woro li nui a 1, I jrt.ok band on above described. T&r.?i?t(f&' of -l- e. ore ,f d ch in Modal for the best to j daB sale, tbe reiuai.r.jt tfo tu.rds and Democrat, I should accuse him of aiding the Bradley & Rulofson for to be 43 united Slater, and tne business success of the State Printer. tqiddle room, iih Jndfc Burnet", r.itranco as rear end of Mttdias o Mouroe fc. -. Rev! A B. Arnold. We see by the pro- gramme of religious exercises to be held at the fair grounds during the Fair, that on next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, a dis- course on the subject of "Relations of Men- tal and Moral Cultnra to Agriculture" will be delivered by Rev. A B. Arnold, president of the State Agricultural College, or substi- tute. We suppose "substitute" will have to de'iver the discourse, as "Rev. A. B. Ar- nold" does not happen to be president of the State Agricultural College. We have a B. L. Arnold who is recognized as presi- dent, but been apprised that he af- fixes the title of "Rev." to his name. We presume that President B. L. Arnold is the person to whom referrence is marie, and that the subject will be ably discussed, is a fore- gone conclusion. tne world. Francisco 429 Montgomery Strcej Judge Haines, df Baker, also appears to have some animosity against the code. If That Democratic Resolution. Two weeks ago a correspondent to the Benton fiemacrat noticed the fact that the Oregon Legislature had ordered the saloon removed from the capitol, and then proceeded to con- tend that the whisky was removed, !.... as file Legislature was Democrntie ; that had the political' complexion of that body been different, the action would have b en differ- ent.- Well, it may be the case, at all events, we hope so, for the credit of the Republi- cans, for the Democrats have made a terri- ble botch of it. When the resolution pass- ed, the press praised the action. Temper- ance people thought that at least our law- makers had taken a step in the right direc- tion. The proper officers were ordered to remove the saloon from' the building, and xlrith a flourish of trumoits, the world is informed that it has been done ; but still the Democratic members of the Legislature procure their whisky streight at the same place for 10 cents a drink. There is still a saloon in " full blast" in Oregon's Capitol building, "Sbamerwbereare-Ui- y blushea?? Canyafrsing Agent. two equel annual payments, one two yenis from date, secured by mortgage on property sold, and to be ir interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum. DAVID G. CLARK, DAVID L. KEYES, Executors of the last will and testament of James Keyes, deceased. Dated, Sept. 20, 1878. 15:3 8 w5 House (VToving. ENDORSED BY THE MEDICAL PROFES- SION. San Francisco, July 9, 1878. Calitornia Elastic Trass Co: After practicing medicine many years in this city, during which time 1 have had au extensive experience in the application of all kinds of Trusses, I can and do recommend yours as tbe best in every respect, tor it is as near perfection as modem science can make it. It has many advant-ige- over the torturing steel-hoo- p Trusses, which inflict great injury, on the hips and spine, bringing on other distressing ailments, such as lumbago, morbid affections oi the kidneys and numb-nes- s in the lower lioibs, alt of which ai'e avoided by wearing the California fcl&stic Truss. It is not only a perfect retainer, combining case and comfort, but tbe pressure ,n be changed to any decree. H dw in ii proiier Tpce at Ml tiroes, regardless of the motions of the boily.'and H wcrn niR-h- and day with perfect ease. It is superior to any of the Elastic Trusses now in the market, while it combines the merits of all. 1st -- It is easily adjusted on and off with maps doing away" with straps and buckles. 2d The universal spring between the plate and pad prevents all irritation, which is a god-sen- d to the suf- ferer. 3d. The pad is adjusted on and off in an in- stant, and can be changed for any other 6ize and form most suitable to the case. In fact it combines every quality essential to comfort and durability, and is unequaled in lightness, elasticity, natural action, and artistic finish. Many of my patients who are afflicted with hernia are wearing tnem, and all shall in the future, for I think the great ease by which these purely scientific appliances are made erncacious. is truly remarkable. You can refer any parties to me on the subject of their merits. 1 remain yours truly, L. DEXTER LYFOKD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, 609 Sacramento street, San Francisco. It is constructed on scientific principles and sells on its own merits. If you want the best truss ever man- ufactured, don't forget the name and number. Trusset forwarded to all parts of the United States at our expense, on receipt of price. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. Giving full information and rules for Measuring. California Elastic Truss Co. 615 Sacramento St., S. F. 15:3fiyl. one-hal- f of the bills now pending before the two houses to amend the code shonld pass, we will be without any laws, comparatively, until the State wdl be again forced to ap- point another Code Commission, at the ex- pense of the State. It is not advisable, ev- ery two years, to amend and cut up our MR. E. WABSWORTHy SUPPLIED ifj ROLLERS, BEING etc., 1 1 prepare 1 to Raise, Move, put undrew SiUs and Level Up your Dwelling- - Barns, and Buildings of any kind, . hort notice. Terms, reasonable. D- - . put of! your AGENT FOR laws in such a manner as to make many acts Notice to Creditors. work till after harvest, v JACK ALLPHIX. Corvallis, Mry 1, 1878.1 i 16:18tf unintelligible and void, and increase the liti- gation. I do not design any reflection or disrespect to any member for the number of REMOVED. Mr. T. H'Pallady, the fashionable Boot- maker, who has been occupying the small FKSS. RIEGEL. The Pictorial Bible, Bunyan's Complete Works Cyclopedia, or Tilings Worth Knowing, History of United States, ekr ions s. baker, EMPI building opposite the Gazette office, has moved to the' building opposite L. G. Kline IARKET & Co. s, Main street, where he will be pleas- - PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES ALL to the undersigned are notified that all notes and accounts must be settled by the 1st of January, 1870. Some notes and accounts have been due for a long time, and in order to save cost, must be settled at once, as we are compelled to meet our obligations and must have the money. J. E. HENKLE St CO. Philomath, Or., Sep. 27, 1878. 15:3tfw4. rel, Propr.'s, ee to receive orders in his line. Repiring Baker & CORVAUIS, OREGON. neatly tone and promptly attended to.' Corvallis, Sep. 27, 1878. 15,39w4. bills heor theypresent; but 1 think, too much legislation is disadvantageous to the inter- ests of the State. The Senate and House were both in ses- sion to-da- y until a late hour acting on re- ports, on. which there were lively discussions a few creditable speeches, and humorous hits made. The House had under consider- ation a report of the committee on Univer- sity, common school, swamp and overflowed lands, etc. The committee asked for fur- ther time, and for leave to send' for persons and papers, and a shorthand reporter. That consumed nearly the entire afternoon, and resulted in the committee being allowed un- til within three days of tho close ot the ses-sio- There are a large number' of bills TTAVING BOUGI IE ABOVE MARKET JUL and fixtures, ui WEATHER RECORD eraanently located iu CorvallU. I will ke onstantiy on hand the CANVASS THIS COLTY WILL I have a gTeat variety of Standard Works, and Lithographs, known as "Oilographs," in ciuVged form. Terms reasonable. Address E. WADSWORTH. Monroe, Benton County, Oregon. June 7th, 1878. 15:23tf Kept at the State Agricultural College, for W. V. & C. E. & Co. Notice. choicest cots of BEEF. PORK, rTON, and VEAL. the week ending Oct. 8, 1878 : ........ Thermometer. Especial attent making extra B0- - LOGNA SAUSA4 Oct. 2 Clear . W. B. Carter returneilhomeonTnvurs MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS A of the Willamette Valley A Coast Rail Road Company will be held at tbe office of tbe Company in tbe City of Corvallis on (third) Saturday, Oct. 19, 1878, at 1 p. m iMr. JOHN BURNETT Corvallis JJff with large expe'rt- - R. S. STRAHAN, Albany. Being a praetiea ence in the busine: ter myselt that Lean give satisfaction to! HI On EST. LOWSET 56 46 54 40 58 38 68 44 61 45 60 46 60 46 rs. Please call and CUR A RIEGEL. R. H. WARREN, HOUSE, SION AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, PROMPTLY ATTEND TO BUSINESS MILL line" either at Corvallis or Philomath. Al' work executed in the very latest aud best style Graining a Specialty in Laurel, Walnut. Oak and Slaple. Paper Hanging neatly done. Give me a fair trial. :8. " 3 Clear " 4 Clear " 6 Clear s " 6 Clear...., " 7 Clear " 8 LtRain... at which meeting the Directors for the ensuing drawn and in readiness to be presented as soon as that order of business is reached. Time will not permit the business already before the Assembly to be half considered cky of last week in very feeble health, hav- ing taken cold on his way down on the Mon- day previous. He was able, however, to rAturn to Salem on last Monday morning. The State fair commenced yesterday at give me a irai. i Sept. 13th. 1873, 15-7- STRAHAN & BURNETT, ATTORNEYS at LAW. Will practice in all the Courts in Oregcn 26mat4:Zlmo. Tear wul be elected. W. B. HAMILTON, President, B. W. WiL30K, Secretary. . Corvallis, Or., Sep. 37, 1878. 14:39wi. and acted upon diligently and intelligentlv ILL HEADS, HEADS. MONTHLY B Rainfall, 18-10- 0 of an inch csawm. The State Fair is drawing nigh which will statements n i attma office.

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Page 1: The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.). (Corvallis, Or.) 1878-10-11 [p … · 2015. 7. 29. · House of Wm. Pfunder & Co.,'Portland. It cures all Scrofulous diseases, thoroughly


Sheriff's Sale, SPM1last for ten days; land a large number ofmembers express themselves, and franklyWEEKLY C9RMHS GAZETTE.


A Splendid Family Medicine.

rpHE DRUGGISTS OF CORVALLIS ARE NOWi supplied with a large stock of our new OregonRemedy THE OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER LIV-ER and KIDNEY INVIGORATOR This great medi-cine is made from our native (Oregon) Roots andHerbs, and is found to be the best Liver and KidneyRemedy ever offered to the people. It is no EasternNostrum put up to sell but made by the old OregonHouse of Wm. Pfunder & Co.,' Portland. It cures allScrofulous diseases, thoroughly purging the Blood,removing all Pimples, Sores, etc. , etc.

To Ladies in Pregnancy it relieves vomiting andnausea.

Give it to your children. Take it yourself.Sept. 20, 1878. 15:38ml.



say that they are going to attend the StateFair any way, and lay that if the membersshould all do so for the ten days of Fair,the State would be better off at the end ofthe session.

The lobby here representing the ColumbiaRiver fisheries have compromised and agreedupon a bill. One gentleman remarked thata salmon had no more show among the nu-merous fishing nets than an honest man hadamong the Oregon legislators.

Stock arrives daily upon the Fair grounds,and the booths are all being repaired forbusiness.

To-nig- a high-tone- d ball is given to themembers of the Legislature at the Chemek-et- a

Hotel. A grand time is anticipated.Well, I will close go and take a look inI care nothing for the ball but I like

music, and a multitude of fashionably dress-ed ladies is facinating. J. F. M.

Quite a heavy frost visited this city onlast Friday morning.

Bev. W. C. Kantner will preach at KingsValley on next Sunday at 11 a. m.

The Medallion Range the newest andbest at Woodcock & Baldwin's.

B. W. Wilson was taken quite sick whileat Salem, last week, but is now better

Woodcock & Baldwin have the farmer'sBayliss wheel Harrows the best in use.

The skating rink at the City Hall hascommenced again, for the winter.

County Court is in session this week.Look out for proceedings next week.

Services at the M. E. church in this cityon next Sabbath at 11 a. m. , also in the ev-

ening.Oliver Chilled, Champion, Moline, Scotch

Clippef and Garden City Plows, all sizes

and.stylea, at Woodcock Baldwin's.Prof. Ladru Royal will preach in the

Evangelical church in this city on next Sun-

day at 11 A. m. , also in the evening."Old Honesty"' has just opened out a new

and complete stock of gent's furnishinggoods at his old stand.

Paul Wi' Sodaville.J was in townWed hough Linn countyag

J j ft'


The Republican majority in Colorado willprobably be about 3,000.

The last wires of the Brooklyn bridgewere put in position on the 5th inst.

Yellow fever has made its appearance atMadrid, twenty cases having been reported.

Total deaths from yellow fever at NewOrleans, to Oct. 7th, is 2,212; cases, 10,600.

Very rich discoveries of gold placers, con-tinue to be made at Cassiar, British Colum-bia.

R. V. Pierce has been nominated for Con-

gress by the Republicans of the 23d districtof Tsew York.

The City of Glasco Bank, haying thirty-thre- e

branches, has failed. The liabilitiesare estimated at $50,000,000.

The Bank of Commerce at Memphis clos-ed its doors on the 4th inst., on account ofsickness and death among the attaches.

A large party of counterfeiters, operatingin the mountains around Louisville, havebeen captured, and fourteen are now underarrest.

Ten prisoners were captured and one largeStill, with mash and whisky, were destroyedin Izard and another in Baxter counties,A rkansas, on the 3d inst.

Denny, who had been recently' tate prison for robbery,recently and in- -

urer of the St...ience .Society, San Fran-..- .

arrested for drawing from ifieuank $1,585 belonging to the So- -

..ety.Indians at Ogallalla, Nebraska, are becom-

ing troublesome supposed by many to be adecoy of a small band of Indians to attractthe attention of the troops, to better enablethe main body of Indians to effect a cross-

ing of the U. P. R. R.


Court, of the State of Oregon, for the Countyof Multnomah, to me diiected and delivered,for the sum of ($496 04) four hundred andninety-si- x and 04-1- dollars and interest, atthe rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the16th day of November, 1876, and. the furthersum of $14 0 cost and accruing costs andexpenses of sule, in favor of P. A. Cbenoweth,and against Gilbert Gaylord, for want of per-sonal property, of which to satisfy the same.I have levied upon and seized tbe followingdescribed real property to wit : All tbe right,title and interest of the said Gilbert Gaylord,in and to tbe following described real estate,(being an equal undivided one fifth thereof),

i Lots 1 and 2, in block No 22, in the City ofCorvallis ; also, lots 7, S, 9 and 10, in blockNo 12, in tbe City of Corvallis.

Also the following : Beginning 9.90 chainsSouth and 1.90 chains West of the N W cornerof Section 28, Til, South .range 5 west, ofthe Willamette meridian ; thence East 60.27chains ; thence South west 10 chains; tbenceWest 61.30 chains; thence North 6 Eest 10.15chains to the place of beginning, containing61 acres, more or less.

Also the following described land to wit :

The South i of the South-eas- t i of Sec'.ion 20,the South of the South west J of Section 20,the North J of tbe North $ of the North west iof Section 28, and the North of the Northof the North-eas- t i of Section 29, and a frac-tion on tbe South to make up 320 acres ofland, all in Township 11 South,. of range 5West, and being all of the Donation Landcjaim of J. Chatham Roberts, excepting19 0 acres deeded by said J. ChathamRoberts to Philip Ritz. All of said lands be-

ing situated and lying in Benton county, Ore-

gon, together with all the tenements, heredita-ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging.And on

Wednesday the 23d day of Oct.. A. D. I87S.I will sell at Public Auction, to the highestbidder,. for cash in hand, all the right, title,interest and estate of the said Gilbert Gaylord,in and to the above described real estate tosatisfy said execution and costs.

Sale will take place at the hour of 1 o'clockp. m. of said day at the. Court House door, inthe City of Corvallis, in said Countv of Ben-ton and State of Oregon. SOL. KING,Sheriff of Benton County, State of Oregon.

Dated, Sept. 20, 1878. 15:38w5


The Laturn. .

Hon. R. .

by the " sounu.. '

a protracted visitBROWNE SULKY PLO


Mrs. E. A. Knight, miLliner of this cityhas opeUed her new stock of goods, the va-

rious articles of which we cannot now stopto specify; but if you want to see some-

thing fancy, just step in.

The Banker, Broker. Merchant and Specu-lator, after the stupid dullness of a " BlueMonday," or the intense excitement of a" Black Friday," need some soothing quiet-ing. potion, to calm their nervous system,and bring rest and refreshment to their ex-

hausted energies. Such a boon is Frese'sHamburg Tea.


Glistening through coral lips is certainly apleasing object; but a row of discolored,

teeth in anjWfiuti' at all is a griev-ous drawback; addjkthis that such a set ofteeth Is usually sronpainod ' 'by impurebreath and ode can scarcely imagine any-thing more objectionable. SOZODONT,the great purifier of the breath and whiten-e- r

of the teeth obviates this state of themouth completely, rescuing its dental occu-

pants from destruction, and counteractingthe influence upon the enamel of acid se-

cretions in the mouth.



STOCK CF FARMING INiPuwiENTS.JkTaH Line of Extras kept always on

hand for all Machines sold by us.2Gaprl5:17in'J


Indications are that the worst of the yel-

low fever scourge has passed, and that thefunds in the hands of the various relief com-

mittees will be amply sufficient to meet thepresent demands. We have just received,through the politeness of L. G. Kline & Co. ,

agents in this city, a circular and report ofAaron Stein, treasure of Wells, Fargo & Co.relief committee of San Francisco, bearingdate of Sept. 21st, from which we learn thefollowing in relation to the receipts and dis-

bursements of the funds passing through thehands of that company, all of which havebeen forwarded free of charge, throughoutthe Pacific Coast: Total receipts, 836,957.35;amount disbursed, $34,395.10. The variouslocalities relieved are as follows: New Or-

leans, $4,750; Memphis, 18,458.50; Vwks-burg- ,

$4,825; Grenada, $1,700; Port Gibson,$500; Jackson, $250; sundry, $3,911.60;leaving a balance of cash on hand of

Since the above report was made,circulars have been sent, bearing date of

Sept, 30th, to the various agents of the com-

pany, stating that the grand total of receiptsamount to $43,500; that the wants of thesufferers are all supplied; that the funds onhand are amply sufficient, and that agentswill desist taking further contributions.

As indicative of the feelius pervading theheart of the Southern people, we clip thefollowing from the New Orleans Pickayuneof September 22d: "The lelief which comes

daily to this stricken section from all partsof the country readies further than is com-

monly supposed, and further, perhaps thanit authors iutend. It relieves the Southernheart of its bitterness and memory of itswrongs. In the nauia of that philanthropywhich has overswept all geographical andparty lines, we declare that the war is overnow, at last and forever. That good we cansee the All-wis- e Ruler of nations is workingout of this d and desolating pesti-lence. Conflicts there may be, ditfereucesof opinion there always will be; but for thefuture these things must b settled upontheir merits, without appeal to prejudice orpassion. "


The heaviest blow ever dealt at the busi-

ness interests of Lane county, and one

from which the citizen of that county will

not soon recover, was the fire which laid inashes a whole block, excepting Giimore'sHotel, in Junction City on the 7th in3t.The fire, supposed to be the work of vn in-

cendiary, was iirst noticed about 1 o'clockby parties wbo were in Craig's saloon, andoriginated in the back pirt of B. Cohen'sstore, about seventy feet back from Frontstreet. Before the alarm could be given thefire had passed beyond control, and theflames were shootiag up the side of thebuilding and through the roof as if the walkbad been saturated with coal oil. The citywas without fire engines, and every man,woman and child fought bravely to subduethe flames. The total loss is estimated at$55,375, against which there is not to ex-ce-

$18,000 insurance. Several personswere arrested for setting fire to B. Cihen'sbuilding, but the evidence se;ined to be in-

sufficient to fasten the guilt upon any oue.

Executor's Sale of Real Prop-erty.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATby virtue of an order of the Coun-

ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the coun-ty of Benton, made on, the 7th day of Septem-ber, A. D., 1878, the same being a day of tberegular September term of said Court, begunand held at the Court Houae in the city of Cor-vallis in said county and State, on the firstMonday the 2nd day of September, 1878, andcontinuing until after the 7th day of thesame month.

The undersigned Executors of the last Willand Testitnent of James Kuyes. deceased, wereauthorized and commanded to sell all the realproperty belonging to the Estate of said .JamesKeyes, deceased, situated in Benton county,Oregon, and described us follows :

Donationjand claim. No 50, in T No 11 SR, No 6 West of tbe Willamette meradian,containing 320 acres, and being the Donationland claim of Perman Henderson and wife.

Also the north half of the land claim donat-ed by the government of the United States toJames B. and Cynthia Brumfield, containing160 acres. All the above described lands sit-uated in Sees. 28 and H3, in T 11, S R 6 W,and Sec. 4, in T 12, S R 6 W, in Benton coun-

ty, Oregon, both the above described tracts ofland, containing 480 acres., more or less.

Also the following : Commencing at the S Ecorner of claim No 72, Notification No 6282,the land donated to Thomas H. Garrett andwife by the U. S. government; thence north100 rods to corner ; thence west 164 rods to thewest line of said claim ; tbence south 192 rods,to the corner ; thence east to the place of be-

ginning, containing 242 acres, more or less.Also the following : Commencing at the S

E corner of claim No 73, Notification No 6283,the land donated by the U. S. government to J..B. B.umfieldand wife; thence north to tbe.middle of said land claim on the east line, to ast ike ; thence west to the center line ot Sec-tion 4, T 12, S R 6 west; thence due sou'h tobranch ; thence down said branch with itsmeanders to its junction with a larger branch ;

thence south to the seatb line of said claimeast to the place of beginning, contain-

ing 60 acres, more or less.Also the following : Commencing at a point

80 rods north of the south-we- st corner ofclaim No f3, Notification No 6233, the landclaim donated to J. B. Brumfield and CynthiaBrumfield his wife, by the U. S. government ;

thence north to the center of said claim ;

tbence east to the center line of Section 4, T12, S ft 6 west ; thence due south to branch ;thence down the meanderiners of said branchto a branch coming in from the west ; thenceup said branch to tbe place of beginning, con

tairing SO acres, more or less, all in T 12, Sit 6 W, and lots 4 and 5 of Sec. 33, T 11, S' B6 west, and lot six of Sec. 4, and N E i of NE i of Sec. 5, T 12, S. R 6 W, containing157 0 acres (excepting 30 acres of claimNo 72, Notification 8283, deeded by Jos. Beeze-le- y

to Jesse Wood on the 21st day of Janua-ry, 1874).

Also the following : Beginning at the N Wcorner of claim No 49, in T 11, SR6W;thence south 17. SI chains to the N E corner ofclaim No 43, in T 11, S R 6 W ; thence west21 .50 chains to the corner of claim No 71 and50 in T 11, S R 6 W; thence north 44.44chains to the N E corner of elaim No 50 ;

thence west 14.00 chains ; thence north 30.00chains ; thence east 9.86 chains ; thence north14.27 chains : tbence east 35.00 chains : thence




are saxinus to be cured should try Dr.Kissner's Celebrated Consumptive Powders.These Powders are tbe only preparation known-tha- t

will cure Consumption and all diseases q,the Throat and Lungs indeed, so strong is ourfaith in them, and also to convince you thatthey are no humbug, we will send to any suf-ferer, by mail, pM paid, a free Trial Box.

We don't want your money until yousatisfied of their curative powers. If

your life is worth saving, don't delay in giv-in- ethese Powders a trial, aa they will surelycure you.

Price, for large box, $3 CO, sent to any partof tho United States or Canada, by mail, onreceipt of price. Address,

ASH & BOBBINS,360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N'Y.' '


Quite a number oflem attending the Legis,We tried it awhile our seb,

Capt. Wm. Stevens and wAbbey and family, and Henry --JNewport are stopping in Corvalh .veek.

C. W. Pilbean, of Iodinapolis, Indiana,arrived in the city Wednesday, to look afterthe estate of his father, the late Bej. Pil-

bean, of this city.A number of wagons have passed through

Corvallis in the last few days, on their wayto the State fair. They were providedwith the necessary outfit for camping.

Thomas Russell, Esq., Lower Alsea, wasin town the first of the week. He reportseverything in that portion of the county ina state of peace plenty and content.

Jesse J. Houck, who returned from theEast some time since, Was in the city a fewdays since, looking quite well. He tells usthat there is no place like " Web-foot.- "

No man's outfit is complete without s finewhite shirt and neck tie, and the best placeto get them is at E. Rosenthal's. The bestof cigars, tobacco, candies, etc. etc., alwayson hand.

The memorial to Congress in modificationof the Burlingame treaty with China, intro-duced by Hon. John Burnett, Senator fromthis county, has passed both houses of theOregon Legislature.

A Cauthorn & Son have a larger and morecomplete stock of goods than they have everkept before, and will sell them for less thanthe same kind of goods has ever been soldin Corvallis.

From a private source we learn that ouryoung friend Eddie, son of Mr. D. G. Clarkof Albany, takes his departure on the out-

going steamer (Jreaon for Philadelphia, tograduate in dentistry.

Mrs. P H. Ricklifs and daughter, MissRosa Ricklifs, who have been visiting theirdaushter and sister. Mrs W. A. Wheeler,

They AH Take It.When the system is run down to that

extent that you pass sleepless nights, arenervous and irritable, have gloomy forebod-ings, sour stomach, sick headache and coat-ed tongue, do not enroll yourself as high pri-vate, in the rear rank, under General Debil-

ity, but cheer up and try White's PrairieFlower, The Great liver Panacea, now forsale in every city anditown on the Continent.No medicine ever compounded is half itsequal for the cure of DYSPEPSIA and LIV-ER COMPLAINT. It has a specific powerover the liver, and by curing the liver Dys-

pepsia and all other diseases arising from it,vanish as if by magic. Sample . bottles aresold at the small pries of 25 cents that willconvince you of its merits. Large bottles75 cents for sale everywhere.

PACIFIC COAST.Postmaster General Key was serenaded at

the St. Charles Hotel, Portland, on the 3dinst.

Major C. Dissosway, who had been TJ. S.

Deputy Marshal since 1871, died at Pendle-ton on last Tuesday.

Uncle Davie Newsome is confined to hisbed most of the time with severe sickness ofa complicated character.

The late. A. C. McDonald was son-in-la-

to Rev. Mr. Nelson, Presiding Elder of theM. E. Church at San Jose, California.

Mrs. Kanffman, aged 61 years, living nearNew Era, was recently kicked by a cow,breaking her leg between the knee and ankle.

Tommy, a son of Gold Hub-bard, living near Dallas, has his jawbonebroke on Wednesday of last week, by beingkicked by a horse.

While the steamer Ohio was going downfrom Dayton on the 4th inst. , and was pass-ing Clackamas rapids, she struck a rock andimmediately sunk.

The Dallas Itemizer has dispensed withthe San Francisco patent "inside," dimin-ished its size and adoited the Portland pat-ent "inside." This may be a wise plan, butwe can't see it.

From the Portland Bee we leant that Ar-chie Brown, the murderer of young Joseph,h is received a letter from his mother, inwhich she disowns him, and leaves him tothe mercy of outraged law.

There is considerable emotion among theUmatilla Indians on account of one of theirpamber being killed on Wild Horse creek,and fears are entertained among the whitesthat the Indians will retaliate.

Last Saturday afternoon, says the SalemStatesman, Huge Curran, of Eage Creek,was going home from East Portland in his

and when near Millwaukie a largeburning tree fell across the wagon, and coin-nlc!- v

severed the" vehicle in the center.

In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon,for the county of Benton.

R. L. Williamson and A. A. Williamson,Plaintiff.

vs.Benjamin Altree, Edward S. Altree, James

Altree, Isabelle Clews, Emma Ball, GeorgeAltree, Edward S. Altree, Charles Altree,Esthei Altree, Mary Jane Pierpont, MarthaPierpont, Ann A. Wad?t and C. P. Wadst, herhusband, James C. Pierpont, Wm. Pierpont,Mary A. Garretson and N. "V. Garrctson, herhusband, ad Edward Wafeden, Defendants.

BENJAMIN ALTREE, JAMES AL-tre- e,TO Isabelle Clews, Emma Ball, GeorgeAltree, Edward S. Altree. ETthcr Altree, Mar-tha Pierpont, Ann A. Wadst and C. P. Wadst,her .husband, James C. Pierpont, Mary JanePierpont and Wm. Pierpont.

The above named defendants: In the nameof tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby euin-mo-

and required to appear and answer to thecomplaint of said plaintiffs, in the above enti-tled suit, now on file in tbe office of ore Clerkof said Court, on or before tbe first day of thenext regular term of said Court, to be holdenand to begin at the Court House, in the Cityof Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, on thethird MondayTbe 18th day of November, A. ,, 1878,and you are hereby notified that if you fail toanswer said complaint as herein required, tbeplaintiffs will take the relief demanded in thecomplaint.

This suit is brought to enforce a specific per-formance, requiring the defendants in said suitto execute to the plaintiffs a good and sufficientdeed and conveyance to the land mentionedand described in the complaint ;n this suit,and sold and convened to the plaiLtiffs by Ed-

ward S. Altree, noiw deceased, and in 'case the

WOODCOCK & BALDWIN,(Successors to J. R. Bayley & Co.,)

KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THE'stand, a large and complete stock of

fleay and Shelf Hardware,-IRON-,


EAN GES,Mann fact red aid Homo Made


Pumps, 3?ipe, etc.A QOOD TINNER constantly on hand, and

all Job Work neatly and quickly done.Also Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co., fo

the sale ol the best and latest improved L


An Vndcuioble Truth.You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a

miserable, unsatisfactj.ry life in this beauti-ful world, it is entirely your own fault andthere is only one excuse for you, your un-

reasonable prejudice and skepticism, whichhas killed thousands. Personal knowledgeand common sense reasoning wil soon showyou that Green's Augjst Flower will cureyou of Liver Complaint, or ijpspepsia, withall its misearble effects, such as sick head-ache, palpitation of t' heart, sour stomach,habitual costiveness(zziness o'f the head,nervous prostration, Sir spirits, &c. Its salenow reach every towtjon the Western Con-tinent and not a Druglst but will tell you ofits wonderful cures. You c n buy a SampleBottle for 10 cents, 'fhree doses will relieveyou.-

Bt!fial AeiOTd,Ayer's Oa'th rtic Pi ls are the best of all

in our city for several weeks, started fortheir home in Calitornia, last Monday.

For the rainy season just received a largelot of rubber coats, leggins, umbrellas,

overshirts, flannel-line- d coats, pantsand vests, a fine assortment of undercloth-ing, which will be sold cheap for cash at E.Rosenthal's, next door to Buford's barbershop.

Mrs. Royal, her two daughters Aeolia andCarrie, family of Rev. T. F. Royal of the

Drowned. From the Salem Becord welearn that on Thursday afternoon of lastweek, Mr. Shurtz, son-in-la- of JamesBruce of Benton county, who lives in East-ern Oregon, was on his road with his wife.and infant child to pay a visit to his wife'speople in Benton county, and while foard-ln- g

the Santiam near Swest Home, as theyreached the middle of the stream oue of thehorses balked and refused to go further.

south 71.00 chains; thence west 9.20to place of beginning, containing 304more or less.

Also tbe following : Commencing atE corner of claim No 43, in T 11, S R


the N6 W ;

thence running south 30 chains ; thence west26 chains : theuce north 30 chains ; tbenceea?t 26 chainJB the lace of beginning, con- - of all Kinds, together with a full afsortmeni Sileta Ai,-nc- passed through Oorvallis lastA orat was brought to taite tne cecnpanti purgative for family jfe6- - They are the

pro iuctj.n... laboflte, am wnceessfu defendant1! fail ort neglect to execute a aeed ot AH 1UC IILTJ RAJ. UV. Vfweek way home iffy ho" roeabut in-- ; parties naviov, tif9i theisagre.

0 ,.St, 1 fir i j tit-.. 9.'Hi 5T"; u aol l P;,1V' iijtf i part W--J.T?T"e oi ir. . otjrL in a 10T ...Cby Bisfcnpvocal, iias be u appointed An bv PhVa-icb-i- i iiTWr pca7X7 ancf oyThey also ltttBg lrienils anil relatives.. fcl.d til iil.i.'W ri. JklUjtt 1.. i ,1rvi ST. LOUIS CHARTER OAK STOVEStias taeretor, ana iW further and othedrews to the pastorate of the TaylOr-street- ,few days m Corvallis on their way downand return, and were the guests of Mr. C.W. Royal, brother of T. F.

lief s Di.ajtJiejusrhnd equitable, and (ir costsand disbursements of this suit.

Published by order of Hon. J. P. Watson,Judge of the 2nd Judicial District, for theState of Oregon, made, September 12th, A.D., 1878. JAS. A. YANTIS,

Attorney for Plaintiffs..Datd, Sept. 18th, 187S. 15:38w7

Portland, M. E. Church, for the remainderof this conference year. Mr. Acton willstill continue in charge of the editorial de-

partment of the paper, but has been reliev-ed of the business management.

Recently, while the editor of the Rose-bur- g

Plaindealer was surveying in the moun-tains west of that city, he found, just below,the falls of Lake creek, an old camp fire, inthe ashes of which were a number of humanbones. It is supposed the remains werethose of a detective by the name of Coyote,

the BEST IN THE WORLD. Aim the Nor-man Range, and many other patterns, in altsize and styles.

38 Particular attention pi. id to Farmers'wants, and the supplying extras for Farm ry

, and ,a!l information ns to such articles,furnisbed cheerfully., on application.

No pains will be Spared to furnish our cus-tomers. with the best goods in mr.iket, in ourline, and at lowest prices.

Our motto shall be, prompt and fair dealingwith nil. Call and examine our stock, before-goin-

elsewhere Satisfaction guaranteed.

it to npief, drowning SfrafltrtTrfz anT'herinfant child. The body of Mr3. Shurtz hasbeen recovered, but that of the child hadnot at last accounts. Of course.we simerelysympathize with the bereaved husbanc', andsuppose he knew where he was froi andwhere he was going. But upon dilierJt in-

quiry, we fail to place Mr. James Brlce inBenton county. We knew a James Bruce,more familiarly known as Major Bruct, whoformerly resided in this county, and ow aresident of Washington county; bit wasnot apprised of his having a son-in-la- Aprominent politician suggests that Mr. Jas.Bruce may have come to the county sincethe election.

all civilized nations, jWes them the bestand most effectual putative Pill that medi-

cal science can devisej, Being purely veget-able no harm can aris-- theu- - use. Inintrinsic value and cuyc powers no otherPills can be compared-it- them, and everyperson, knowing their' irtucs, will employthem, when needed, jhey keep the systemin perfect order, and 'ointain in healthyaction the whole mac i nery of life. Mild,searching and effectu tbey are speciallyadapted to the needs the digestive appa-ratus, derangements which tcy preventand cure, if timely t.en. They are thebest and saf a3t physic0 employ for chil-

dren and weakened cistitutao8. where amild, but effectual, chartic is required.

tions Ti arid 34;.in' T II, B R 6 JW, i of theWillamette tneri iian, known as NotificationNo 6262 claim, no 51, containing 3.20being the donation land claim of Peter Masouand Hannah R. Mason bis wife, (excepting asmall block in the south-eas- t corner 95 rodsfrom e ist to west, and 20 rods from north tosouth). Also excepting all that portion ortract of land lying east of the center "of thechannel of Mary's river, belonging to the saidJames Keyes, deceased, being a part of tbeland (in amount about 5 acres) deeded by Pres-ley Tyler and wife to James Keyes, and beiu?a portion of the donation land claim of PeterMason, lying adjoining the land of Wm.Wyatt, in Benton county, Oregon.

Also the following : Beginning at a point14.11 chains vest of the N E corner of Sec. 3,T 12, S R 6 W ; thence north 26.77 chains :

ihence west 40.08 chains ; tbence south 68.66chains; tbence east 32.22 chains; thence south54.32 chains ; thence north 21 3' E 17.00

Consistency. "Do as I say and not as Ido," is a trite adage, nevertheless seems tobe still in use among those whom we shouldlook to for an example. In our last issuewe published the memorial to Congress, in-

troduced i l the Senate by Judge Burnett,asking for a modification of the BurlingameTreaty. Should Congress act favorably to-

wards this memorial, it would probably in-

crease the price of wood-sawin- g in Corvallis.



ELASTIC TRUSS!who had been employed to apprehend andarrest a man by the name of Green, and , WOODCOCK it BALDWIN.

Corvallis, Jan. 2fi, 18 . 14:4tfthat Green, becoming, cognizant of the fact,murdered Coyote and attempted to obilter- -

For sale by all dealer'.ate all traces by burning the body. Greenis now in the penitentiary for life for mur-

dering a man in California. W. C. CRAWFORD,Consnmptn Cared chains ; thence north 0 43' E, 55,31 chains ;


W. J. Horne, Proprie-tor. Dear Sir: I feel that 1

owe it to you and to humanityto write the fact that I havebeen SUBSTANTIALLY CUR-ED of a bad ca e oi rupture of

, . . DEALER IN1 1 - A.thence north 22.73 chains toginning, containing 308 50 f

the pface ofacres, exceptingAn old ph --acian reeu ironi active prac- -

Passed the Senate. -- The Senate bill,introduced by Mr. Palmer, of this county,extending the time for the completion ofthe W. V. & C. R. R. passed the Senatelast Tuesday. This bill provides for extend-

ing the time for completing the Yaqninarailroad for six years from tne time the billbecomes a law. Under the charter, as itnow stands, the company would have tocomplete the road to tide water on the a

Bay, within one year from this month.

lad placWm his hands bytice, having anEast Indian missionai fthe formula of a sim dlSlL


Thursday, Oct. 3, 1878.

Editor Gazette: In the Senate, the fore-- .WATCHES,:

that portion of said premise13 re wnson on the 7th day i

and also excepting from tistrrp of land Hing west of :

ingJiifase Wood's lands, c.'

W ner of W.-T-- lit.:

teeded to JuliusMay, A. D. 1859 ;

;.; conveyance, ai road, and join- -

aencin at the N

i, in tbe middle oft N W to tbe in

:!ie Beezely tr.ict

noon was occiipied in the reading of billsfirst time, and receiving of reports of com-

mittees. The afternoon was consumed inJLWELRY, SFIXTACLiCS, S1VLR WARE, ETC.the Mb&wm 'rfg thence

littwBfh of tbe road w ithoi' land. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, &C.

ttST Repairins done at the most reasonable rates.

Accidental Shot. One day last veek, ayoung lady in this city was cleaning up herpistol. A asked the question."What are you doing with that pistol, youcan't shoot?" At this the young; vould-b- e

sportswoman leveled her pistol in tie direc-tion of a window and pulled the trigger,and to her astonishment (?) the pistol wasdischarged, the ball passing thumgh thewindow and into the door of a China house infclose proximity, but luckily the Chinamanthat might have b.-e- accidentally standingin range of the postol was somewiiere else.The fortunate Chinaman, on hearing thereport of the pistol, poked his head out ofthe door and asked the yung ladr, "Whatfor you shot?" to which the younj lady re-

plied, "Me shoot em cats, you no telle Ray-bur-" Such care'ess use of fireanns in the

bands of inexperienced females, especiallywhen they have not sufficient knowledge totell whether the weapon is loaded or empty,Should be made reprehensible in tie extreme,as no person's life is sucure. We have omit-ted names hoping that a lesson may be learn-ed from this narrow escape of biting a

thirty year's standing, by one of jour incomparableTtusj3s, vhicii 1 purcha-ic- from vou three monthsago. 1 cannot I'.eicribe the 8uifcnii', both physicallyr.nd mentally, that I have nndenrfoni during tnat pe-

riod; no.; I tccl lise a new bjing. I oavc w ornall kinMa nf Triei;lotli Steal and 1.1 jti;, and nev-er received any permanent relief util-- i tried .,ura,Its simplicity oi construction, and facility with whichit can be adjusted, and the ease and perfect freedomto the motions of the body with which ft enn be wornwithout causing any irritation, are its chief merits,and it is a perfect supporter. I have not had anysign of a return of a Kupture since the Srst day I putit on, and feel that I am PeiRFkXTLY CURED. It isinvaluable, and the faot should be. known to theworld. Yoi; can refer any one to me on the subjectof their merits. I am yours truiy,

ALFRED J. BURKE,Chief Mail Clerk 8. F. Daily Evening Post.

San Francisco, July 20, 1378.

discussing Watt's bill on Insane Asylum,over which ther was a lively and animated

ple vegetable remedy f the speedy and per-manent cure of Conniption, Bronchitis,Catarrh, Asthma, anU Throat and Lungaffections, also a posiive and radical curefor General Debility all nervous com-

plaints, after having'proughly tested itswonderful curative ij ers in thousands ofcases, feels it his SM to make it knownto his suffering felloj The receipe will besent free of charge, f wh0 desira it, withfull directions for prrltf ng and successfullyusing. Address wii atamp, naming thispaper Dr. J. O. StAe, 44 North NinthStreet, Pniladelpha, IW


and all work warranted.Corvallis, Dec. 13. 1S77. 14:S0tf

feeling rather unfavorable to the bill.In the House, the forenoon session was

occupied mainly in amending and discussingthe Pilot and Harbor bill. The lobby at the

An Unexpected Wedding. Yesterdaymorning, Oct. 10, 1878, at 9 o'clock, Mr. E.E. Cooper, of Tacoma, W. T., and MissFannie B. Hamilton, of this city, wereunited in marriage by Rev. H. P. Dunning.This was an unexpected event even to themost intimate friends of the parties. MissHamilton had long been one of the. favoritesof Corvallis society, and we note the fact ofher marriage with some regret, from thefact that she left the city the same morningfor her future home in Tacoma. However,all our selfish feelings give way to the hopethat her life may be oue of unclouded

Also the following : All thit portion of theland claim No 49, T 11, S R 6 W, lying westof the center of the channel of Mary's river.Also all that porting of claim No til, in thesame Township and Range, included in thefollowing bondary : Commencing at the S Ecorner of said claim. No 61 j theuce west 95rods ; tbence north 30 rods ; thence east 95rods ; thence south 30. rods to the plce of be-

ginning. Ail that portion of land included intbe above boundaries lying west of the centerof tbe Channel of Mary's river is hereby con-

veyed and a!) that portion lying east of Saidchannel is reserved, the whole amount of landconveyed is suppossd to be about 150 acres.

Capitol is increasing, and a great pressure is


PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTSWILL the State.Having bad four years experience as County

brought to bear upon important measures,for and against. The business of the session will necessarily be hurried through forwant of time, and the members will go tothe Fair. Judge, and given clofe attention tc Probate

This eminent Frenc; Physician and Sur-

geon, and inventor ofie Paris Spirometer,which has given reliel p thousands of snf-fere- r.

in Eunroe and United States, hasmatters, I i.m well prepared to attend to allbusiness in that line ; also contested RoadMatters. I will give strict and proir;jt attenmore or less, lyingand being situated in Ben- -

treated successfully fa) hundred c&aefiA.Friday, Oc1L- -.

The members from Benton county, Messrs. tion to collti-tioas- , and as heretofore will do aBurnett, Palmer, Green, Hughes and Carter, REAL ESTATE, f

toiPtfimniy, uregoi.AnuVjn pursuance of said order, we will on

SaturdaV thpfdkr Ort., A, I)., 1878,at the CoJJvyjuse door m the City of Corval-

lis, Bentoh-bount- , State of Oregon, betweenthe hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. t; At 1 o'clock p. m. of said day.

Oregon, the most ren MUi&ilfitfch wasthat of Mr. J. C, paralysis sixyears standing. Perently cured. AlsoMrs. Adkins of nasafatarrh. Dr. Mathieuhas permanently loca at the corner ofThird and Morrison'Veet8, Portland, Ore

and General Business Agency.are oiirgeni ana active; ana ui poini oi util-ity, are second to no county delegation inthe State. Benton can well feel proud of

Local Ajrent ofher representatives in the Legislature.Judge Burnett has presented quite a number Home Mutual Insurance Co.- -gon, ki 14A7yi se ' public Auction, to tbe higai, bidder.ot bills to am; ad and dissect the presentcode of lows, anil woro li nui a 1, I jrt.ok band on

above described.

T&r.?i?t(f&' of -l-e. ore ,fd ch inModal for the best to j daB sale, tbe reiuai.r.jt tfo tu.rds

andDemocrat, I should accuse him of aiding the Bradley & Rulofson for

to be 43united Slater, and tnebusiness success of the State Printer. tqiddle room, iih Jndfc Burnet", r.itrancoas rear end of Mttdias o Mouroe fc. -.

Rev! A B. Arnold. We see by the pro-

gramme of religious exercises to be held atthe fair grounds during the Fair, that onnext Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, a dis-course on the subject of "Relations of Men-tal and Moral Cultnra to Agriculture" willbe delivered by Rev. A B. Arnold, presidentof the State Agricultural College, or substi-tute. We suppose "substitute" will haveto de'iver the discourse, as "Rev. A. B. Ar-nold" does not happen to be president ofthe State Agricultural College. We havea B. L. Arnold who is recognized as presi-dent, but been apprised that he af-

fixes the title of "Rev." to his name. Wepresume that President B. L. Arnold is theperson to whom referrence is marie, and thatthe subject will be ably discussed, is a fore-

gone conclusion.

tne world.Francisco429 Montgomery StrcejJudge Haines, df Baker, also appears to

have some animosity against the code. If

That Democratic Resolution. Twoweeks ago a correspondent to the Bentonfiemacrat noticed the fact that the OregonLegislature had ordered the saloon removedfrom the capitol, and then proceeded to con-tend that the whisky was removed, !.... asfile Legislature was Democrntie ; that hadthe political' complexion of that body beendifferent, the action would have b en differ-ent.- Well, it may be the case, at all events,we hope so, for the credit of the Republi-cans, for the Democrats have made a terri-ble botch of it. When the resolution pass-ed, the press praised the action. Temper-ance people thought that at least our law-makers had taken a step in the right direc-tion. The proper officers were ordered toremove the saloon from' the building, andxlrith a flourish of trumoits, the world isinformed that it has been done ; but stillthe Democratic members of the Legislatureprocure their whisky streight at the sameplace for 10 cents a drink. There is stilla saloon in " full blast" in Oregon's Capitolbuilding, "Sbamerwbereare-Ui- y blushea??

Canyafrsing Agent.

two equel annual payments, one two yenisfrom date, secured by mortgage on propertysold, and to be ir interest at the rate of 10 percent, per annum.


Executors of the last will and testament ofJames Keyes, deceased.

Dated, Sept. 20, 1878. 15:3 8 w5

House (VToving.



San Francisco, July 9, 1878.Calitornia Elastic Trass Co:

After practicing medicine many years in this city,during which time 1 have had au extensive experiencein the application of all kinds of Trusses, I can anddo recommend yours as tbe best in every respect, torit is as near perfection as modem science can make it.It has many advant-ige- over the torturing steel-hoo- p

Trusses, which inflict great injury, on the hips andspine, bringing on other distressing ailments, such aslumbago, morbid affections oi the kidneys and numb-nes- s

in the lower lioibs, alt of which ai'e avoided bywearing the California fcl&stic Truss. It is not only aperfect retainer, combining case and comfort, but tbepressure ,n be changed to any decree. H dw

in ii proiier Tpce at Ml tiroes, regardless of themotions of the boily.'and H wcrn niR-h- and day withperfect ease. It is superior to any of the ElasticTrusses now in the market, while it combines themerits of all. 1st --It is easily adjusted on and off

with maps doing away" with straps and buckles.2d The universal spring between the plate and padprevents all irritation, which is a god-sen- d to the suf-ferer. 3d. The pad is adjusted on and off in an in-

stant, and can be changed for any other 6ize and formmost suitable to the case. In fact it combines everyquality essential to comfort and durability, and isunequaled in lightness, elasticity, natural action, andartistic finish. Many of my patients who are afflictedwith hernia are wearing tnem, and all shall in thefuture, for I think the great ease by which thesepurely scientific appliances are made erncacious. istruly remarkable. You can refer any parties to meon the subject of their merits. 1 remain yours truly,

L. DEXTER LYFOKD, M. D.Physician and Surgeon,

609 Sacramento street, San Francisco.It is constructed on scientific principles and sells on

its own merits. If you want the best truss ever man-

ufactured, don't forget the name and number.

Trusset forwarded to all parts of the UnitedStates at our expense, on receipt of price.Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price

List.Giving full information and rules for Measuring.

California Elastic Truss Co.615 Sacramento St., S. F.


one-hal- f of the bills now pending before thetwo houses to amend the code shonld pass,we will be without any laws, comparatively,until the State wdl be again forced to ap-

point another Code Commission, at the ex-

pense of the State. It is not advisable, ev-

ery two years, to amend and cut up our

MR. E. WABSWORTHySUPPLIED ifj ROLLERS,BEING etc., 1 1 prepare 1 to

Raise, Move, put undrew SiUs andLevel Up your Dwelling- - Barns, andBuildings of any kind, . hort notice.Terms, reasonable. D- - . put of! your


laws in such a manner as to make many actsNotice to till after harvest, v JACK ALLPHIX.

Corvallis, Mry 1, 1878.1 i 16:18tfunintelligible and void, and increase the liti-

gation. I do not design any reflection ordisrespect to any member for the number of


Mr. T. H'Pallady, the fashionable Boot-

maker, who has been occupying the small FKSS. RIEGEL.

The Pictorial Bible,Bunyan's Complete Works

Cyclopedia, or

Tilings Worth Knowing,

History of United States, ekr

ions s. baker,

EMPIbuilding opposite the Gazette office, hasmoved to the' building opposite L. G. Kline IARKET& Co. s, Main street, where he will be pleas- -

PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVESALL to the undersigned are notifiedthat all notes and accounts must be settled bythe 1st of January, 1870.

Some notes and accounts have been due for along time, and in order to save cost, must besettled at once, as we are compelled to meetour obligations and must have the money.

J. E. HENKLE St CO.Philomath, Or., Sep. 27, 1878. 15:3tfw4.

rel, Propr.'s,ee to receive orders in his line. Repiring Baker &

CORVAUIS, OREGON.neatly tone and promptly attended to.'Corvallis, Sep. 27, 1878. 15,39w4.

bills heor theypresent; but 1 think, too muchlegislation is disadvantageous to the inter-ests of the State.

The Senate and House were both in ses-

sion to-da- y until a late hour acting on re-

ports, on. which there were lively discussionsa few creditable speeches, and humorous

hits made. The House had under consider-ation a report of the committee on Univer-sity, common school, swamp and overflowedlands, etc. The committee asked for fur-ther time, and for leave to send' for personsand papers, and a shorthand reporter. Thatconsumed nearly the entire afternoon, andresulted in the committee being allowed un-til within three days of tho close ot the ses-sio-

There are a large number' of bills

TTAVING BOUGI IE ABOVE MARKETJUL and fixtures, uiWEATHER RECORD eraanently located iuCorvallU. I will ke onstantiy on hand the

CANVASS THIS COLTYWILL I have a gTeat variety of Standard Works,and Lithographs, known as "Oilographs," in ciuVgedform. Terms reasonable.Address E. WADSWORTH.

Monroe, Benton County, Oregon.June 7th, 1878. 15:23tf

Kept at the State Agricultural College, for W. V. & C. E. & Co. Notice.choicest cots ofBEEF. PORK, rTON, and VEAL.the week ending Oct. 8, 1878 :

........ Thermometer. Especial attent making extra B0- -LOGNA SAUSA4

Oct. 2 Clear .W. B. Carter returneilhomeonTnvurs

MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERSA of the Willamette Valley A Coast RailRoad Company will be held at tbe office of tbeCompany in tbe City of Corvallis on (third)

Saturday, Oct. 19, 1878, at 1 p. m

iMr. JOHN BURNETTCorvallisJJff with large expe'rt- - R. S. STRAHAN,

Albany.Being a praetiea

ence in the busine: ter myselt that Leangive satisfaction to!

HI On EST. LOWSET56 4654 4058 3868 4461 4560 4660 46

rs. Please call andCUR A RIEGEL.


PROMPTLY ATTEND TO BUSINESSMILL line" either at Corvallis or Philomath.Al' work executed in the very latest aud best styleGraining a Specialty in Laurel, Walnut. Oak andSlaple. Paper Hanging neatly done. Give me a fairtrial. :8.

" 3 Clear" 4 Clear" 6 Clear s

" 6 Clear....," 7 Clear" 8 LtRain...

at which meeting the Directors for the ensuing

drawn and in readiness to be presented assoon as that order of business is reached.Time will not permit the business alreadybefore the Assembly to be half considered

cky of last week in very feeble health, hav-ing taken cold on his way down on the Mon-

day previous. He was able, however, torAturn to Salem on last Monday morning.

The State fair commenced yesterday at

give me a irai. i

Sept. 13th. 1873, 15-7-


ATTORNEYS at LAW.Will practice in all the Courts in Oregcn


Tear wul be elected.W. B. HAMILTON, President,

B. W. WiL30K, Secretary. .

Corvallis, Or., Sep. 37, 1878. 14:39wi.and acted upon diligently and intelligentlv ILL HEADS, HEADS. MONTHLYBRainfall, 18-10- 0 of an inchcsawm. The State Fair is drawing nigh which will statements n i attma office.