the correlation between the use of lcd projector …


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Presented to

The State Institute for Islamic Studies of Ponorogo

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For the Degree of Sarjana in English Education Department



NIM: 210913030









Rahmawati, Irma 2017. The correlation between the use of LCD projector media and

the students writing achievement at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in

Academic Year 2016/2017. Thesis, English Education Department,

Education Faculty, Institute for Islamic Studies of Ponorogo, Advisor

Drs. Harjali, M. Pd.

Key Words: LCD Projector, writing skill Writing skill is complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery

not only gramatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgmental

elements. The varied skills are necessary to produce a good writing Media is tools

which are used by teachers during teaching and learning process to help teachers in

presenting the materials. Media can facilitate teaching process. Thus, media has an

important role in teaching and learning process to build students‟ interest to the material.

The problem statement of this research is as follows: Is there any correlation

between the use of LCD projector media and the students writing achievement at

seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017. The purpose of this

research is to identity the correlation between the use of LCD projector media and the

students writing achievement at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year


This research applied quantitative approach and used the correlational

research. The population was taken from the seventh grade students of SMPN 2

Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017. The numbers of the sample was 32 students.

The instruments of collecting data use test and questionnaire. The test consist of

objective test. And the questionnaire consists of 25 questions with the answer use

likert scale. The technique of the data collection was test and questionnaire. To

analyze the data, it used product moment.

The result showed that the value of to between the use of LCD projector media

and writing skill is 0.6525. The result of computation based on t-test formula of

significant level 5% was 0.349 and at significant level 1% was 0.449. The to was

higher than tt. So, Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected.

From the calculation above it can be concluded that there is a significant

correlation between LCD Projector media and students writing skill at SMPN 2

Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017. It becomes important for the teacher to use an

media in teaching English especially in teaching writing.




A. Background of the Study

English is one of the international languages. As an international

language, English has become an important subject taught at every level of

education. To provide students with all language skills, English teaching has to

give them an opportunity to achieve listening, speaking, reading and writing skill.

As we know that learning English is more difficult than learning a national

language or a mother tongue. Because of English has completely different aspects

and system which should be understood by students or learner such as

pronunciation, spelling, cultural background of language, etc. English is a world

language, with more than 60 countries where English is now the dominant or

official language.1

As one kind of language skills, writing can be defined as a hard skill at which

to excel for many our learners.2 It influences by many aspects or factors. They are

punctuation, spelling structural, structure or vocabulary.3 From those can be

concluded that writing is can not separate its factors. Writing lesson in junior high

school is focused on developing the students‟ competence in written language.

1 Peter Lucantoni, Professional Development for Teachers Teaching and Assessing Skills as a

Second Language (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 3 2 Caroline woods, Teaching and Assessing Skill in Foreign Language, (UK: Cambridge

University Press, 2005), 72 3 Robert lado, Language Testing, (London: Longman, 1961), 250


The students are expected to be able to use English and communicate with it in

daily life.

Writing is one of four skills should be mastered by students, as Bryne

states that “writing is one of the language skills, which is use for medium of

communication, especially in direct communication”. Likewise, Richard defines

that “writing is written communication that work much on ability to generate

expression in particular purpose”. Those experts above put down the perception

of writing based on the real activity which prefers conveying the ideas,

information, thought, and even argument through the written language.4

By knowing about the writing ability of students‟ seventh grade at SMPN 2

Ponorogo have problems in English writing. First, the students have low ability in

generating, organizing, and elaborating ideas, for they did not understand how to

specify this. Second, the students are confused in using correct grammar. Third, the

students have limited vocabulary (diction). The last, the students are poor in using

mechanical convention in their composition. As the result, they were not able to

construct the writing well.

Perrin states that “writing is either hard or easy, as a person makes it. For

most people who have not written very much, the chief difficulty is uncertainty as to

4Anas Yasin, Improving Students’ Writing Skill By Using Graphic Organizer At The Second

Year Students English Education Department Faculty Of Education And Teachers Training Lancang

Kuning University Pekanbaru, Language Education Program, State University of Padang, Journal

English Language Teaching (ELT) Volume 2 Nomor 2, Juli 2014


what they should do”.5 However, learning how to write well is very important for

the students. Although writing is complex, this skill is very important especially

to measure the students‟ literature. Students can develop their ability to put their

ideas or opinions in a composition by writing. Moreover, they may accomplish or

learn from errors which they make in their writings especially the faults in

grammar, word choices, coherence, etc. The teacher should apply interesting

techniques to engage their interest.

Teaching English at Junior High School is not easy task. Teacher usually

still use traditional ways in English lesson especially writing. When the students

find new difficult words to write the teacher only gives the example to the how to

write good English words. It may take a long time for the students to create the

good words. It can make the students bored and tired. Therefore, the teachers of

Junior High School should teach the English lesson especially writing through

enjoyable activities. By using media students hoped fell more interested and pay

more attention to the teacher.

Robert states that ”media can serve many roles in learning. The instruction

may be dependent on the presence of a teacher. Even in this situation, media may

be heavily used by the teacher”.6 So that using teaching media is very important

to help the students be more interest.

5 Porter G Perrin, Writer’s Guide And Index To English, (New York: Scott foreman and

company), 288 6 Robert heinich et al, Instructional Media And Technologies For Learning 7

th Edition, (New

York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1982), 11


Arsyad states that “Media is very important in teaching and learning

process. There are three kinds of media. They are audio, visual, and audio visual

media. By using audio visual, media that use sense of vision and hearing, students

can get more than students learn by using media that only use one sense either

vision or hearing.7

In this case, the researcher will take audio visual media for

running the research. It is LCD projector media.

The use LCD projector can be an alternative media of teenager students to

improve and enrich their mastery of English lesson especially writing. The

teacher can show the material to improve the writing skill with the power point,

videos, animation the writing material and example of the good writing.

Utilizing the appropriate instructional media is required because of several

benefits. One of the benefits is to enhance students‟ motivation. By using

instructional media e.g. showing pictures and having the students heard music, the

students give more attention to the teachers, moreover, their curiosity is

increasing towards the subject. Other benefits are stated by Ruis, (1) solving lack

of experiences problem for the students, (2) reaching everything out of the class,

(3) creating direct interaction between the students and environment, also (4)

integrating experience from the concrete to the abstract information.8

7 Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003),9

8 Wildan Nurul Aini Instructional Media in Teaching English to Young Learners: A Case

Study in Elementary Schools in Kuningan, English Education Study Program of Indonesia University

of Education, Journal of English and Education 2013, 1(1), 196-205


Based on background above, it is necessary the researcher to write the

research with the entitled “the correlation between LCD projector media and

students‟ writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year


B. Limitation of the Study

In this research the researcher wants to focus his study only the use LCD

projector media as learning media on English lesson especially in writing skill of

seventh grade students of Junior High School.

The researcher want to get maximum result of the study and it will

contribute advantage in English teaching and learning.

C. Statements of the Problem

Based on the background and limitation the research, the problem of this

research as follows:

Is there any correlation between the use of LCD projector media and the

students‟ writing achievement at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic

year 2016/2017?


D. Objectives the Study

Based on the problem statement above, the aim of this research is to identity the

correlation between LCD projector media and students‟ writing skill at seventh grade

SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017.

E. Significance of the Study

In the end of this research, the researcher hoped that this research would

give a significant contribution for English teacher, students, or the readers in

learning English better than before. Based on the formulation above, the

significance of this research were:

1. Theoretical Significance

The results of the research can identity the LCD projector as media

learning in English lesson especially in writing skill for the students.

2. Empirical Significance

a. For the English teacher

This research hopefully gives a new alternative about how to teach

writing in interesting way. Use the media as media learning can improve

the quality the students in English lesson especially in writing skill.

b. For the students

It would be an effort to improve their writing skills and also their

learning motivation. The use of LCD projector as media learning in


teaching writing is expected to be the best way to improve and develop

their writing skills.

c. For the reader

This research is expected to give contribution to readers,

particularly the students of English Department of IAIN Ponorogo, in

enriching references concerned with the use of LCD projector as media

learning to improve the students‟ writing skill.

F. Organization of the Thesis

This chapter consist five chapters. Every chapter has different description. This

description will be explained in the organization of the thesis as follow:

CHAPTER I : Introduction

This chapter gives the explanation about the design of the

research. It consist of background of study, limitation of the

study, statements of the problem, objectives of the study,

significance of the study, and organization of the thesis.

CHAPTER II : Review of Related Literature

This chapter gives explanation about the theories to analyze

the problem of the research. Thus theories are theoretical

analysis and theoretical framework. Theoretical analysis

consists of media and writing skill. Explanation about media

such as the definition of media, the importance of media as


learning, definition of LCD projector, the advantages and

disadvantages of LCD projector, the importance of LCD

projector as media learning. Explanation about writing skill

such as the definition of writing, the characteristic of writing,

the stages of writing, the aspect of writing, and the scoring of

writing, the correlation between LCD projector media and

writing skill. And the last, the explanation about theoretical

framework and hypothesis.

CHAPTER III : Research Methodology

This chapter gives the explanation about technique use to

make research. It consists of research design, population, and

sample, instrument of data collection, technique of data

collection, and technique of data analysis.

CHAPTER IV : Research Result

This chapter gives explanation about the research location,

data description, data analysis and discussion

CHAPTER V : Conclusion

This chapter consists of the conclusion of the first until fourth

chapter and about the recommendation.




This chapter presents review of literature, previous study, theoretical

framework and hypothesis. Review of literature discusses the theories related to the

topic. In the previous study, the researcher presents about the studies that are relevant

to this research. In the theoretical framework, the researcher discusses the link

between theories and study of the research.

A. Review of Literature

1. Media

a. Definition media

A medium is a channel of communication. Derived from the latin

word meaning “between” the term refers to anything that carries

information between a source and a receiver. Examples of media are film,

television diagrams, printed materials, computers and instructors. These

are considered instructional media when the carry messages with an

instructional purpose. The purpose of media is to facilitate


Many provide limitations on the media. Association of Education

and Communication Technology (AECT) in the United States limits the

9 Robert Heinich et al, Instructional Media And The New Technologies Of Instruction 4


Edition, (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985), 4


media as all forms and channels that can be used by people to deliver

messages or information. Gagne states that media are various kinds of

component in the environment that can stimulate students to learn.

Meanwhile, Briggs argues that media are all the physical tools that can

present messages and stimulate students to learn by themselves.10

According to National Education Association (NEA), media are

the forms of communication either printed or audivisual.11

Since the turn

of the century, teachers have used various types audio and visual aids to

help them teach. The teacher is no longer limited to the confines of the


From the definition above, the writer can conclude that media is

tool which are used by teachers during teaching and learning process to

help teachers in presenting the materials. Media can facilitate teaching

process. Thus, media has an important role in teaching and learning

process to build students‟ interest to the material. Besides that, media can

help students in acquiring lessons that was being taught by teachers. So

that, students can understands more the material that is presented.


Arif S Sadiman dkk, Media Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada), 2009, 6 11

Nuhung Ruhis, et all, Instructinal Media , (Jakarta: Ministery of national Educatin, 2009), 2 12

Robert heinich et al, Instructional Media And Technologies For Learning 7th

Edition, (New

York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1982), 10


b. Kinds of Media

There are so many instructional media are used in teaching that

starting from the simplest or cheapest ones to the most complex ones,

without the need of the electricity, up to the most expensive ones which

needed the electricity.

Vernon states that there are six kinds of media;13

1) Drawing or teacher mode drawings

This media can be constructed and supported the topic which is

being taught. The teacher can prepare it at home and apply it easily in

the class to achieve the goals of the teaching and learning process.

2) Still pictures

This media can be shown into the real objects or the events of

outside the class. A still picture is a record or a copy of a real object or

event which may be longer or smaller than the real object or events, for

examples: photograph, bulletin board material, brochure, etc.

3) Audio recording

Recording is a mode of magnetic, on disc, or on motion picture

soundtracks. This is the reproduction of actual event of sound effects.

Sound is presented in the sequence in which they actually happen

unless the recording is edited. Audio recording may be used

individually or displayed directly to the audience.


Nuhung Ruhis, Instructional Media , 4


4) Motion picture and TV

A motion picture or video tape recording is a moving image on

color or black and white produced from live action or from graphic

presentation. Objects or events may be in normal motion and edited for

abbreviating or high lighting. It can be silent or having sound. All

types of audio-video electronic system can be appeared on a cathode

ray tube or TV monitor.

5) Real object, simulation and models

This category includes people, events, objects and

demonstration. Real objects as contrasted with other media are not

substituted by the artificial objects or events. They are, in fact, life,

often in its natural setting. There are the immediate community. As

long as they are readily and economically available, use countless real

objects in them. Simulation is the replication of real situation which

has been designed to be as near actual events or process as possible. A

model is a replica or reality. It is often in scale and may be in

miniature, exact side or an enlargement.

6) Programmed and computer-assisted instruction

Programs The example of a computer-assisted instruction. are

sequences of information which are designed to elicit predetermined

response. The most common examples are programmed text books or

instructional programs prepared for computers.


Mulyana, Kim classifies the instructional media for teaching

language into:14

1. Games and simulation, for example: Simon says, Scrabble, Bingo,


2. Puzzle. Some examples of simulation: role playing, socio drama,

psycho drama, puppet show.

3. Visual media, for example : a black board, flannel board, magnetic

board, wall chart, flash card, reading box, reading machine,

module, picture card, slide,film, OHP.

4. Audio Media, for example: radio, recordings, record player.

5. Audio-visual media, for example: voiced slide, film, TV, Video

Tape Recorder.

There are also visual media that can be effectively used by

teachers in the classroom. Those media are as follows :

a) Pictures

b) Realia or real objects.

c) Drawings or teacher-mode drawings

d) Chart, poster and cartoon

e) Black board or white board

f) Audio media

g) Over Head Projector (OHP)


Ibid, 6


h) LCD Projector

c. The Role and Function of Media in Learning

Media can serve many roles in learning. The instruction may be

dependent on the presence of a teacher. Even this situation, media may be

heavily used by the teacher. On the other hand, the instruction may not

require a teacher. Such student directed instruction is often called “self

instruction” even though it is in fact guided by whoever designed the


The purpose of media is to facilitate communication. However, it

can give visual experience for students motivation in teaching, to make

easier complicated complicated concept and to make the abstract to be

concrete. Besides it all, media will make more interesting in learning

process, positive attitude about material able to help students active and

direct learners.

One of the main functions of the media is teaching as a tool `to

help teach that also influence the climate, conditions and the learning

environment is created and styled by the teacher.

d. Advantages of Media in Teaching

There are some advantages of using instructional media in a

classroom teaching, namely:

1) Instructional media is increased the learners‟ experiences.

15 Robert heinich et al, Instructional Media And Technologies For Learning 7

th Edition, 11


2) Instructional media is reached everything out of the class, such as:

markets, stations, harbors, bacteria, virus, etc.

3) Instructional media is created the possible direct interaction

between learners and their environment.

4) Media is produced some observation done by the learners to

achieve the teachers‟ aims.

5) Media is kept the basic, concrete and real concepts of the teaching.

6) Media is aroused the learners‟ motivation to learn.

7) Media is integrated the experience from the concrete things to the

abstract ones.

8) Media is avoided the learners bored.

9) Media make the learners easily to understand the instructional


10) Media is reinforced the students‟ comprehension.

11) Media is made the teaching-learning process more systematic16

Azhar Arsyad states that there are many advantages of media in

teaching and learning, they are;

1) Learning media can clarify the presentation of messages and

information that can facilitate and improve the process of teaching

learning activities.


Nuhung Ruhis, Instructional Media , 17


2) The media can enhance students‟ attention so that media can lead

some motivations of learning. The more direct interaction between

students and their environment, the more possible students learn

independently in accordance with the abilities and interests.6

3) Teaching media can overcome the limitations of the senses, space and


a) Objects that are too large to be displayed directly in classroom can

be replaced with images, photographs, slides, reality, film, radio,

or a model.

b) Objects or images that are too small can be presented with the aid

of a microscope, movies, or pictures.

c) A rare occurrence that happened in the past or happened once in

decades can be displayed through video, films, photographs, or


d) Object that has very complicated process such as blood circulation

can be displayed in a concrete way through the movie, pictures,

slides, or computer simulations.

e) Dangerous experiments can be simulated with media such as

computer, movie, or video.

f) Occurrence of natural events such as volcanic eruptions or process

that in reality the process takes a long time like a cocoon becomes


a butterfly can be presented with the techniques of time-lapse

recording of film, video, slides, or computer simulations.

4) The teaching media can provide a common experience of teaching the

students about the events of their environment, and allow direct

interaction with teachers, community, and environment for example

through study tours, visits to museums or zoos.17

According to Sudjana and Rivai relating to the benefits of teaching

media in teaching and learning of students include:

a) Teaching and learning process will be more so attractive that it can get

more attention from students. Because of it, media can cultivate

students‟ motivation to learn.

b) Teaching materials will be more obviously the meaning so it can be

more understood by students and students to master the purpose of

learning process more.

c) Teaching methods will be more varied, so students do not get bored

and the teacher does not run out of steam, especially if the teacher

teaches for every hour lesson.

d) Students learn to be more active, because not only listen to teachers‟

explanations but also other activities such as observing, performing,

and others demonstrating.18


Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003),27 18

Nana Sudjana dan Ahmad Rivai, Media Pengajaran, (Bandung: Sinar Baru, 1997),2


From the explanation above, the writer concludes that media are

very important in teaching and learning process. Media can give many

advantages in teaching learning process. Media can make students easy to

understand the material because they are interested in teaching learning

process. Media can provide the material that can‟t be provided when

teachers explain the material without media. By using media, students will

also be more active in giving response to the teachers‟ explanations.

2. LCD Projector

a. Definition LCD Projector

Digital and analog images can be shown to individuals using a

computer monitor. For showing these images to a group, you can use a

large television monitor, an LCD panel on an overhead projector, or a data

projector. Designed for use with presentation graphics software, Liquid

crystal display (LCD) projection panels project computer images onto a

screen the electronic equivalent of an overhead transparency.19


panel is plugged into a computer and placed onto the stage of high

intensity overhead projector (but not the table top reflective type. The

overhead projector light shines through the LCD panel, projecting the

image on screen.20


Robert heinich et al, Instructional Media And Technologies For Learning 7th

Edition, (New

York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1982), 164 20

Robert Heinich et al, Instructional Media And The New Technologies Of Instruction 4th

Edition, (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985), 137


LCD projectors are also available as separate, fee standing units

data projectors that do not require an overhead projector as their light

source. The light source is built into the data projector. LCD projectors

have audio capabilities in addition to the visual output. With a LCD

projector, images can be projected from a computer, a video player (video

tape, videodisc or DVD), or a television signal. The advantage the

projector brings is the ability to show full motion video signals in addition

to the still images of a traditional presentation software package. 21

b. LCD Projector as Media Learning.

Harmer said that this instructional media has two vital

components. They are hardware and software. The hardware needed for

this instructional media are computer and LCD projector. This

instructional media combine both audio and visual material. Utilizing the

appropriate instructional media is required because of several benefits.

One of the benefits is to enhance students „motivation.22

The media used during teaching and learning process in the classroom.

It indicated that the teacher did not only use the books, maker, and

whiteboard as the media, but also the teacher used LDC projector, laptop,


Robert heinich et al, Instructional Media And Technologies For Learning 7th


164,165 22

Wildan Nurul Aini, Instructional Media in Teaching English to Young Learners: A Case

Study in Elementary Schools in Kuningan, Journal of English and Education 2013, 1(1), 196-205


and handout to support teaching and learning process especially in

teaching writing.23

Based on the data gotten from observation checklist, field notes,

and interview showed that by using the LCD projector, laptop, and

handout made the students enjoyed and interested in learning writing. It

also helped the teacher in teaching and learning process because media

guided the teacher to achieve the purpose of the classroom. In short, media

could help the teacher to handle the material and help the students to

increase their motivation while teaching and learning process.24

It was

supported by Sanaky states that media is a tool of communication in

teaching and learning process which can be used by the teacher in

transferring information to the teacher25


Technology not only facilitates the teachers‟ tasks and saves their

time and effort but also gives immediate, accurate and individual feedback

which interests students and benefits students who are not confident doing

their tasks in front of the class. Applying LCD Projector, the students

motivated in teaching and learning activity. Students can acquire their

lessons better and more interestedly than other ways. The main focus of

using of LCD Projector in the classroom was not only to help students to


Jurnal English Language Teaching (ELT) Volume 2 Nomor 2, Juli 2014 24

Jurnal English Language Teaching (ELT) Volume 2 Nomor 2, Juli 2014 25



learn more effectively but also to have fun. And also applying LCD

Projector can help teacher in explaining material easily.

c. Advantages of LCD Projector

1) Images choices. The great advantages of digital image projection is that

it enables you to project anything that appears on your computer

monitor text, data, or visual onto a large screen

2) Vast capacity. The computer can store a nearly infinite number of

visuals, which you may summon by pressing a key.

3) Interactivity. You can change the display just before or even during a

showing, so digital image projection is ideal for “what if” displays of

spreadsheet data or graphs. This becomes an interactive medium when

viewers‟ decisions or ideas are fed into the program and the outcome is

displayed on the screen.26

d. The Disadvantages of LCD Projector Media

1) Lack of brightens. The room must be darkened more than LCD panels

and data projections.

2) Legibility. Low resolution makes LCD presentations best suited to

small or medium size groups (up to about 50 people) in which no one

is seated more than four screen widths from the screen.


Robert heinich et al, Instructional Media And Technologies For Learning 7th

Edition, (New

York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1982), 166


3) Expense. LCD projector still have a higher price tag than do LCD

panels, however, this is changing. 27

3. Writing

a. Definitin of Writing

Writing is either hard or easy, as a person makes it. For most people

who have not written very much, the chief difficulty is uncertainly as to

what they should do. 28

The development of writing was one of the great

human inventions. It is difficult for many people to imagine language

without writing; the spoken word seems intricately tied to the written word.

But children speak before they learn to write. And millions of people in the

world speak languages with no written form.29

For writing a paper is work,

and it should be gone about in a workmanlike manner. There is no mystery

about it (unless you find yourself doing very much better than you expect

to do. An, as in all jobs, there is a definite series of steps. Each step has its

characteristic problems and makes its characteristic contribution to the

finished paper30

Written text has a number of conventions which separate it out from

speaking. Apart from differences grammar and vocabulary, there are issues


Ibid, 166 28

Porter G Perrin, Writer’s Guide And Index To English, (New York: scott foreman and

company), 288 29

Holt Rinehart and Winston, An Introduction To Language Third Edition, (New York: The

Dryden press), 141 30

Porter G Perrin, Writer’s Guide And Index To English, (New York: scott foreman and

company), 288


of letter, word, and text formation, manifested by handwriting, spelling and

layout punctuation.

The ther definition of writing is a Robert lado defines:

“writing a foreign language as the ability to user the language

and its graphic representatin prductively in rdinary writing

situatins, especially speaking, writing a foreign language means

the ability to use the structure, lexical items, and their cnventinal

presentation in rdinary mother-offact writing”

Two major elements are identified: the language elements and

graphic prsentation of the language.

From definitions above, it can be stated that writing is the result of

employing strategies to manage the compsing process, which is one of

gradually developing a text. It involves a number of activites: setting goals,

ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making a

draft, reading, and reviewing it, then revising and editing.

b. Writing Skill

Based on John Brian Heaton, writing skill are complex and

sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only gramatical and

rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgmental elements. The

varied skills are necessary a produce a good writing. The skills are grouped

into five general component, they are:

1) Language use: the ability to write correct and appropriates sentences.


2) Mechanical skills: the ability to use correctly those conventions

peculiar to the written language (e.g. punctuation, spelling)

3) Treatment of content: the ability to think creatively and develop

thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information.

4) Stylistic skills: the ability to manipulate sentences and pragraph, and

the use of language effectively.

5) Judgement skills: the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a

particular prpse with a particular audience in mind, together with an

ability to select, organized and order relevant information.31

L.G. Alexander also points that writing skill can be best being

developed through carrefully controlled and graded comprehension or

precise exercise. Precis writing is not a sterile academic exercise useful

only for examination purpose. It can be used effectively to develop a

students‟ writing ability.32

According to Ann Hogue good writing is more than just using

correct grammar, it is als thinking, planning, checking and revising.33

c. The Process of Writing

The basic process of academic writing according to LAS La Trobe

University can be divided into the following five steps:


J.B.Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (New York: Longman INC, 1989), 135


L.G.Alexander, Practice and Progress, (Yogyakarta: Kanisus, 1975), ix 33

Ann Hogue, First Step in Academic Writing, (New York: Longman, 1996), 6


1) Question analysis: identifying key instruction words, the topic and

specific aspects to be written.

2) Topic study, find sources supporting our opinion

3) Essay planning: organize keys ideas and related themes that will be


4) Writing process: writing our ideas into the key elements of an essay.

5) Include references of sourced used.

Other opinion as proposed by, the process of

academic writing follows the steps bellow:

1) Prewriting: This step includes: finding an idea, building the idea, and

planning and structure.34

2) Writing: the process of real writing where we write down what we

done in the first step.

3) Revising: these steps may include adding, rearranging, removing and

replacing. We add some words, phrases or even sentences to meet the

required word count.

4) Editing: Editing is different with revising in terms of detailed changes.

In editing we need to go through line by line and make sure that each

sentences, phrases and words is as strong as possible to express our



Jonathan Sarwono and Yudhy Purwanto, English For Academic Purpose, (Yogyakarta:CV.



5) Publishing: the last step is optional. If we write for the class

assignment, we need not to publish our writing. Nevertheless, we can

publish our writing if we want it to be read by the public.35

d. The Aspect of Writing

1) Punctuation

Gower points that the conventions of English capital letters and

punctuation are not universal and might have to be taught. Bram also

states using correct punctuation is indispensable to careful writing.

2) Spelling

Parkinson also states as new students learn new words. They

should also learn to spell them. Many of us who are learners of English

might agree that the most English words are spelled strangely. We find

the spellings difficult to remember, to spell well, however, is

something that cannot be ignored.

To help make things clear, we should get out students to focus on

a particular variety of English (British or American English, for

example as a spelling model for them to aspire to. But we should also

make them aware of other spelling varieties, drawing their attention to

dictionary entries which show such differences.36


Ibid, 62 36

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice Of English Language Teaching, (longman: third edition), 256


3) Structure

The head of phrase has the same structural function as the total

phrase in a particular structure.

4) Vocabulary

It is defined as all the words known and used by a particular


e. The Characteristic of Writing

According to Mary K. Ruetten, there are three characteristics of a

well-written. They are unity, cherence, and cohesion.the clearly

explanation as follow:

1) Unity

If a sentence or idea in paagraph does not relate to the main idea,

the paragraph lacks unity. The sentences that do not relate to main idea

should be taken out of the paragraph and perhaps developed in another


2) Coherence

In a coherent paragraph, the ideas are arranged logically. The

ideas and sentences are in an order that makes sense of the reader. If

the ideas are logically arranged, the reader can easily follow the

progession of idea.


3) Cohesion

The reader will be able to follow a paragraph easily if the

paragraph flows smoothly. This means that one sentence leads easily

into the next sentence, the sentence are well connected. There are

number of ways to increase the smooth flow of paragraph. The

methods of cohession are: repletion of ideas, pronoun cobsistency, and

connecting word.37

4. Teaching writing

a. Definition of Teaching Writing

Accrording Douglas Brown that “teaching is guiding and

facilitating learning enabling to the learner to learn, setting condition for


The teacher shuld be a facilitator to give opportunity for the

students to learn. Writing teachers were mostly concerned with the final

product of writing. Compositins were supposed to: 1) meet certain

standards of prescribed English rhetorical style, 2) reflect accurate

grammar, 3) be organized in conformity with what the audience would

consider to be conventional.39


Jack C. Ricard, Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching, (Cambridge:

University Press, 2002), 315 38

Douglas Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching (Precentice Hall Regent:

Englewood Cliffs, 1987), 7 39

Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles in Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,

(San Fransisco: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001), 335


b. The Important of Teaching Writing

Jeremy Harmer said that there are four reasns four teaching writing

to students of English as a foreign language:

1) Reinforcement

Some students acquire languages in a purely oral or aural way,

but most of us benefit greatly from seeing the langugae written dvwn.

Students often find it useful to write sentence using new language

shortly after they have studied it.

2) Language Development

The actual process of language helps learners to learn as they go

along. The mental activity we have to go through in order to construct

proper written texts is all part of the ongoing learning experience.

3) Learning Style

Writing is appropriate for learners who take little longer time at

picking up language just by looking and listening. It can also be quiet

reflective activity instead of the rush and brother of interpersonal face

to face communication.

4) Writing Skill

Teaching writing is a basic language skill just as important as

speaking, listening and reading. Students need to know to write letters,

how to reply advertisement etc. They also need to know some of


writing‟s special conventins such as punctuation, paragraph

construction etc.40

Because of the importance of teaching writing, the teacher

should teach writing skills as part of an integrated skil approach of

language learning. In classroom, an appropiate teaching method is

very important too for helping students to become better writers.

5. The scoring of writing test

The following rating scale is the result of considerable and careful

reserach conducted in the scoring of compotitions in the United states, only a

summary of the scale is shown here an according to Heaton, there are scale

orders in rating scale. The rating scale is as follow:

Table 2.1 the scoring of writing test


30-27 excellent to very good: knowladgeable_substantive_etc

26-22 good to average: some knowladge of subject-adequate range-etc

21-17 fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject-little substance-etc

16-13 very poor: does not show knowledge of subject-nn substantive-etc

B. Previous Study

The researcher has some relevant researches that support this research.

They are:


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (England: Longman, 1998), 79 80


1) Fathorrahman the students of English Education Department Faculty of FKIP

Unisma University with the title Improving Students‟ English Achievement

through Lcd Projector as Media of Teaching.

The result the conclusions are made on the basis of the research

findings and discussions as explained in the previous part. After LCD

Projector is implemented, it can be concluded that the English achievement

of second year students of SMP ISLAM Banyuglugur Situbondo is improved.

It is proved by the improvement of the average of English score in cycle I to

cycle II, the average of English score in cycle I is 64.7%, and in cycle II

improve to 70.3%. Besides, the students have interactive in teaching and

learning process. In brain storming step, while the researcher showing up a

picture or giving the questions, the students are active to answer the leading

question, the students are happy and enthusiastic in doing the activity while

the learning. It is also proved by the result of field notes and observation

check list.

The following are the activities of LCD Projector that is implemented:

(1) brainstorming to the students by giving some questions and showing a

picture that is related with the topic, (2) giving the students material in

applying flash dictionary and flash game (3) repeating the words that shown

by flash dictionary, (4) asking the difficult word (5) discuss what the LCD

Projector shows.


2) Sofyan Arifiansyah Education of machine technique University State

Surabaya with the title the Implementation of LCD Projector-Based Module

to Improve Competence Safety and Health in X TKR 1 SMK 01 YPK 17


The study is categorized in Classroom Action Research (CAR). The

subject of the study is students of X TKR 1 SMK 01 YP 17 Lumajang. The

data collection do through observation and evaluation test. The research uses

class‟ observation sheet and assessment to measure students‟ learning

outcome. The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive quantitative


The result of the study is the implementation of LCD projector-based

module in X TKR 1 SMK 01 YPK 17 Lumajang to improve both students‟

competence in safety and health and students‟ score in related subject. The

data analysis shows that students‟ participation in Cycle I (62,83%) and

Cycle II (76,29%) are categorized as „Good‟, shown students‟ rising

participation. The participation also highly correlates with students‟ score in

final test. It is proved by the increase of students‟ score during Cycle I

(78,12%) and Cycle II (87,05%), which categorized as „Excellent‟. Classical

learning score accomplishment have been attained in Cycle II, since the

percentage is beyond the criteria (≥85%).


C. Theoretical framework

As stated earlier, Writing is either hard or easy, as a person makes it. For

most people who have not written very much, the chief difficulty is uncertainly as

to what they should do. During the process of writing in the classroom the

students should be stimulated and motivated by the use of appropriate media. The

use of LCD Projector media in students writing skill is helpful to stimulate and

motivate them for how to write English words. The media used during teaching

and learning process in the classroom. It indicated that the teacher did not only

use the books, maker, and whiteboard as the media, but also the teacher used LDC

projector, laptop, and handout to support teaching and learning process especially

in teaching writing.

So if the teacher can apply the media can improve the students understand

especially in writing skill for the students. Writing skill is a hard skill, so the

teacher must be the ways to give the clearly when explain the material especially

about writing.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the literature review, previous studies and conceptual above, the

hypothesis of this study can be formulated as follow:

1) Alternative Hypothesis

There is a correlation between the use of LCD projector media and students‟

writing achievement at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year



2) Null Hypothesis

There is no correlation between the use of LCD projector media and students

writing achievement at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year





A. Research design

In this research, the researcher used quantitative research method.

Quantitative research is a means of testing objective theories by examining the

relationship among variable. These variables in turn can be measured typically on

instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures.41

The method is the way, which uses to reach the aim of the result.

This research applies a correlative research. This research has goal of the

study that is to know correlation between LCD projector media and students‟

writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017. A

correlation is the measurement of the correlation between two or more variables

using correlation statistics.42

Product moment is one technique to find the

correlation between two or more variables which used very often.43

The hypothesis offers two variables, those variable are LCD projector

media (X) as independent and students‟ writing skill (Y) as dependent. The

researcher tries to express phenomenon by collecting data from LCD projector

media is using questioner and students‟ writing skill took from documentation of

41 John W. Creswell, Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative and mixed method

approaches (United State of America), 4 42

Muhammad Adnan Latief, Research Methods on Language Learning, (Malang: UM

PRESS, 2012), 112 43

Retno Widyaningrum, Statustika Pendidikan Variabel Bivariat, (Yogyakarta: Puataka

Felicha, 2007), 112


test. The result of test is use to know whether there is a significant correlation

between LCD projector media and students‟ writing skill at seventh grade SMPN

2 Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is all cases, situations or individuals who share one or more


According to Sugiyono, population is generalization that

composed of the subject / objects that has certain qualities and characteristics

of the applied researcher to learn and be concluded.45

According to Donald

Ary, population is defined as all members of any well defined class of people,

events or subject.46

From the statements above the writer can make conclusion that

population is the entire subject that will be conducted. Based on the definition

above the population of the research are the seventh grade students of SMPN

2 Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017. That have 10 classes and each class

is about 32 students.


David Nunan, Research Methods In Language Learning, (Cambridge ; Cambridge

university press, 1992), 231 45

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung : Alfabeta, 2008),

11 46

Donald Ary, Introduction To Research In Education, (United State of America; library of

congress cataloging in publication data, 1979), 129


Table 3.1 the population at SMPN 2 Ponorogo

Class Total of the students

VII A 32 Students

VII B 32 Students

VII C 32 Students

VII D 32 Students

VII E 32 Students

VII F 32 Students

VII G 32 Students

VII H 32 Students

VII I 32 Students

VII J 32 Students

2. Sample

Sample is a subset of individuals from a given population.47


to James H. McMillan “The sample is the group of elements, or a single

element, from which Sample: Group of subjects from data is obtained.48

According to Nanang Martono “The sample is part of the population that has

certain characteristics or circumstances to be studied. Or the sample can be

defined as a member of the selected population using a specific procedure so

that it is expected to have a population”.49


David Nunan, Research Methods In Language Learning, 27 48

James H. McMillan, Educational Research Fundamentals for the Consumer, (New York: R.

R. Donnelly & Sons Company1986), 86. 49

Nanang Martono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitative, ( Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada,

2010), 74


Sampling technique is a method or procedure or process of taking a

representative sample of the population. Sampling technique can basically be

dividing into two groups:

a. Probably sampling include: of simple random sampling, proportionate

random sampling, disproportionate stratified random sampling, and cluster


b. No probability sampling include of systematic sampling, purposive

sampling, quota sampling, boring sampling, accidental sampling, and

snowball sampling.50

And from here the researcher used simple random

sampling to examine school of SMPN 2 Ponorogo.

Simple random sampling is a basic type of sampling, since it can be a

component of other more complex sampling methods. The principle of

simple random sampling is that every object has the same probability of

being chosen.

In this research, the researcher will take class from VII E of SMPN 2

Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017 as a sample.

a. Instrument data collection

Instrument is used to get data. In this research researcher uses a

questionnaire and documentation. Then, the researcher also uses


James H. McMillan, Educational Research Fundamentals for the Consumer, (New York: R.

R. Donnelly & Sons Company1986), 86-93.


documentation method to get some data about students‟ writing skill. Thus

design describe as follows:

Title Variables Indicator Instrument of

data collection

No. item of




between LCD


media and

students‟ writing skill

at seventh

grade SMPN

2 Ponorogo

in academic










writing skill

a. Efficiency uses

the lesson of

writing process.

b. Give support the

lesson of writing


c. Give

understanding the

lesson of writing


d. Give variation of

lesson the writing.

e. Give optimized

the students when

the lesson of

writing process.

a. Students are able

to use spelling.

b. Students are able

to use


c. Students are able

to use structure.

d. Students are able

to use vocabulary.



1, 2, 3, 4, 5

6, 7, 8, 10,


16,17, 18,19,


21, 22, 23, 25


6, 7, 8, 9, 10

11, 12, 13, 14

16, 17, 19, 20


e. Students are able

to use style.

f. Students are able

to use content.

21, 22, 23,24

26, 28, 29, 3

In the quantitative research, the instrument of data collection must be valid

and reliable. Reliability and validity are the two most important characteristics of

a test. Reliability and validity is a statistical technique for determining these

qualities in the test.51

Suharsimi Arikunto said that the good test instrument as the

measure tool must full. A test is valid if the test or instrument you are using

actually measures what you need to have measured.52

Validity always refers to

the degree to which that evidence supports the inferences that are made from the

score. Validity must consider to the tests content and method, how test takers


Not only validity is used to integrity of the instrument, but also reliability

more important. The test is reliable or can be trusted if it can give the constant

result if the test is tested in many times.53

The instrument in this research is questionnaire and test. The questionnaire

includes 20 statements with 4 answer options for each question. The writing test

include 30 with multiple choice A, B, C, or D. Data from questionnaire and test

is used to measure the validity and the reliability of it.


Sharon A. Shrock and William C. Coscarelli, Criterion Referenced Test Development:

Technical and Legal Guidelines for Corporate Training “3rd Edition”, (US: Pfiffer, 2007), 18.

52 Salkind, Eploring Research “Eight Edition”, 123.

53 Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, 60.


In this research, the researcher conducts validity test in order to know

whether the instrument of the use of LCD projector media as media learning and

writing skill. The correlation is positive, when rxy > 0.349, so the question item is

valid, and if rxy < 0.349, so the question item is invalid54

. After getting data from

the score of the use LCD projector media as media learning and writing skill the

researcher counting the validity uses the formulation of product moment. Finally

the result of the questionnaire and test validity as follows:

Table 3.2 the result of Questionnaire LCD projector media as media learning

No of rt Total/rxy Criteria


1 0.349 0.800 Valid

2 0.349 0.837 Valid

3 0.349 0.716 Valid

4 0.349 0.887 Valid

5 0.349 0.735 Valid

6 0.349 0.640 Valid

7 0.349 0.399 Valid

8 0.349 0.449 Valid

9 0.349 0.252 Invalid

10 0.349 0.830 Valid

11 0.349 0.307 Invalid

12 0.349 0.700 Valid

13 0.349 0.348 Invalid

14 0.349 0.328 Invalid

15 0.349 0.689 Valid

16 0.349 0.503 Valid

17 0.349 0.787 Valid

18 0.349 0.510 Valid


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D,

(Bandung: 2006, Alfabeta), 178.


No of rt Total/rxy Criteria


19 0.349 0.689 Valid

20 0.349 0.786 Valid

21 0.349 0.893 Valid

22 0.349 0.853 Valid

23 0.349 0.510 Valid

24 0.349 0.311 Invalid

25 0.349 0.749 Valid

From table above, there are 25 questions with the index of correlation >

0.349. And from 25 questions there are 20 valid questions, namely question

number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, ,15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 so

can be used as instrument to collect data.

Table 3.3 the result of writing skill of validity

No of rt total/rxy criteria


1 0.349 0.102 Invalid

2 0.349 0.030 Invalid

3 0.349 0.644 Valid

4 0.349 0.185 Invalid

5 0.349 0.145 Invalid

6 0.349 0.734 Valid

7 0.349 0.538 Valid

8 0.349 0.363 Valid

9 0.349 0.390 Valid

10 0.349 0.945 Valid

11 0.349 0. 945 Valid

12 0.349 0.130 Invalid

13 0.349 0.636 Valid

14 0.349 0.557 Valid

15 0.349 0.130 Invalid


No of rt total/rxy criteria


16 0.349 0.357 Valid

17 0.349 0. 499 Valid

18 0.349 0. 061 Invalid

19 0.349 0. 548 Valid

20 0.349 0.183 Invalid

21 0.349 0.445 Valid

22 0.349 0.785 Valid

23 0.349 0.732 Valid

24 0.349 0. 419 Valid

25 0.349 0.202 Invalid

26 0.349 0.355 Valid

27 0.349 0. 067 Invalid

28 0.349 0.811 Valid

29 0.349 0.538 Valid

30 0.349 0.356 valid

From table above, there are 30 questions with the index of correlation >

0.349. And from 30 questions there are 20 valid questions, namely question

number 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28,

29, 30so can be used as instrument to collect data.

Reliability is constancy or carefulness of instrument evaluation. In

quantitative research, reliability is an essentially a synonym for dependability,

consistency, and reliability over time, over instrument and over groups of


To measure reliability used rank method of correlation

(spearman method). The formulation is below;


Louis Cohen et al., Research Method in Education, (New York: Madison Avanue, 2007),



ri = 2.rb

1 + rb

ri = the total of test

rb = split half56

Table 3.4 the result of reliability the questionnaire of the use LCD

projector and the test of writing skill.

Variable Rt Rxy/total criteria

Variable X 0.349 0. 922 reliable

Variable Y 0.349 0. 853 reliable

b. Technique data collection

The researcher will carry out two instruments to collect data

containing questionnaire and writing test. They are:

1) Questionnaire

Questionnaire is written instrument consistency of a question to

be answered or statement to be responded by respondent.57


questionnaire is a data collection of the list of written questions to

obtain information from a number of respondents.58

“The questionnaire is a number of written questions that are used to

obtain information from respondents in the sense of reports about his


Sukardi, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, , (Jakarta: Pt Bumi Aksara, 2003), 131 57

Mohammad Adnan Latief, Research Method On Language Learning, (Malang: UM

PRESS, 2014), 193 58

Nanang Martono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitative, 54.


personality or things he knows”.59It means that questionnaire a

represents a containing list of question that must answered or done by

people which are wished to be investigated.

In this research, to find out questionnaire score, the writer in

this study used closed questionnaire. To know use the LCD projector

media in English lesson especially in writing skill in SMPN 2

Ponorogo used questionnaire which consist of 25 numbers and prepare

4 answers in each question that count as follow:

(1) If the answer is Always (SL), the score is 4

(2) If the answer is Often (SR), the score is 3

(3) If the answer is Sometimes (KD), the score is 2

(4) If the answer is Never (TP), the score is 1

2) Writing test

In teaching activity, test has been considered as important

instrument. It is used to measure the students‟ achievement and to

know whether the teaching is success or not. Test may be constructed

primarily as devices to reinforce learning and motivate the student of

primarily as a means of assessing the student performance in the



Ibid, 124 60

J.B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (New York: Longman Group UK Limited,

1989), 5.


According Suharsimi Arikunto in research procedure, “Tests

are a series of questions or exercises or tools to measure the skills,

knowledge, intelligence, abilities or talents of an individual or

group”.61 Thus know that test is rank of question or exercises or other

instrument which use do measure of skill, knowledge, intelligence,

ability, or aptitude which possession by individual or group, and used

in this research is to assess students reading ability.

In this research, test is to measure writing `skill at the seventh

grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic years 2016/2017.

3) Documentation

Documentation provides the researcher with information that is

used to support available data. Documentation is way of getting

information or data through notes, transcript, book, newspaper,

magazine, agenda etc.62

According to Basrowi, “Documentation is a

means of collecting data that produces important records related to

the problem under study, so that will be obtained complete data, valid

and not based on estimation.”63 It means Documentation is a way of

collecting data that produce important records relating to an issue

under study, so that it will obtain complete data, legitimate and not

based on estimates.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, 198. 62

Ibid, 231 63

Ibid, 158


In this research, documentation is used to get the historical

data, organization structure, vision, mission, and goal, number of

students and teachers of SMPN 2 Ponorogo. Besides that, photos about

process of teaching English using team assisted individually.

c. Technique data analysis

The data have been collected by using research instrument to be

analyzed. Dealing research construction, it correlates between two

variables and two data that were obtained are interval. This to know

whether or not there is significant correlation between use LCD projector

media and students‟ writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in

academic year 2016/2017. In the research, there is some quality that used

to measure a test: a compatibility, efficiency, and consistency.64

The technique used to analyzed data is correlation product moment

as the formula. The product moment formula is as follow:

Rxy = n (∑xy) - (∑x) (∑y)

√ (n (∑x2) – (∑x)2

) (n∑y2 – (∑y)2



Rxy = the correlation coefficient between X variable and Y



Ngalim Purwanto, Prinsip-prinsip Dan Teknik: Evaluasi Pengajaran, (Bandung, Remaja

Rosdakarya, 2009), 137


∑x = the total number of score multiplication of X variable and

Y variable

∑y = the total number of scores of Y variable

∑x2 = the total number of square score X variable

∑y2 = the total number of square score Y variable

The steps of the data analysis applied in this research are:

a) Determining ∑x, ∑y, ∑xy, ∑x2, ∑y2

b) Computing by applying the formula of product moment correlation

c) Determining of significant standard 5% and 1%

d) Determining the correlation criteria by applying the indexes of

correlation as follow:65

Scale Interpretation

0,800 – 1,00 High correlation

0,600 – 0,800 Sufficient correlation

0,400 – 0,600 Fair correlation

0,200 – 0,400 Low correlation

0, 00 – 0,200 Very low correlation

e) Making conclusion by comparing the second, third and fourth step.


Suharsimi Arkunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Yogyakarta: Rineka

Cipta, 2002), 276




This chapter describe about general description of research location, data

description, data analysis and discussions.

A. General research findings

1. The history of SMPN 2 Ponorogo

The researcher conducted the research at SMPN 2 Ponorogo in

academic year 2016/2017. SMPN 2 Ponorogo stood on 1960. It is one of

favorite school in Ponorogo with the good vision and mission for the students.

In august 1960 write the junior high school the second in Ponorogo

that called SMPN 2 Ponorogo. With the birth of SMPN 2 Ponorogo the

community of ponorogo fell proud and give the big wish for the next future

especially in education world. The reason of be founded junior high school in

ponorogo is government ponorogo regency apply UUD 1945 pasal 31 ayat

1and 2. Beside that government ponorogo regency see the quality of education

in ponorogo still minimum.

2. Visi (the point of view) and misi (ideological role) of SMPN 2 Ponorogo

a. The point of view SMPN 2 Ponorogo

1) Develop the appreciation and practice of religious teachings adopted.

2) Familiarize polite with all citizen in Scholl

3) Cultivate a sense of love and proud nation of Indonesia‟s land


4) Make the conducive atmosphere when study

5) Improve the system of education

6) Develop the curriculum based environment

7) Have the knowledge environment clean and healthy

b. The ideological role of SMPN 2 Ponorogo

Create the smart students, ingenious, independent, cultured and pious.

3. Geographical location of SMPN 2 Ponorogo

SMPN 2 Ponorogo is located Jenderal Basuki Rachmad Street, number

44, Surodikraman villge Ponorogo districts Ponorogo regency. It is a located

besides with Kodim 0802 Ponorogo. The profile of SMPN 2 is follows:

Name of school : SMP Negeri 2 Ponorogo

Number of statistical : 201051117002

Type of school : A/A1/A2/B/B1/B2/C/C1/C2

adress : Jend. Basuki Rachmad street number 44


: (districts) Ponorogo

: (regency) Ponorogo

: (provinces) Jawa Timur

Telephone : (0352) 481258

Status of school : Negeri/Swasta

Acreditas of school : A score = 94

Land area : 5777 m2


total of room at floor 1 : 25

total of room at floor 2 : 16

total of rombles : 28

SMP Negeri 2 Ponorogo is located at Surodikraman village Ponorogo

districts Ponorogo regency. The limitation of SMPN 2 Ponorogo areas is :

north : Kodim 0802 Ponorogo

sourth : Sembodro street

east : Jenderal Basuki Rachmad street

west : The home of residents

adress : Jenderal Basuki Rachmad street number 44 Surodikraman

village Ponorogo district Ponorogo regency

4. The equipments of SMPN 2 Ponorogo

SMPN 2 Ponorogo has many buildings and other means. They are very

support the teaching and learning process. They are

a) The room of school

Table 4.1 the room of school


Total and size Total of room that use as room of


Total all of room

size 7x9 m

2 (a)

size > 63m

2 (b)

size < 63 m

2 (c)

total (d) =(a+b+c)

good 25 - - 25

3 rooms, they are : Art dance room Art music room lab. IPA room



b) Data the other room of school

Table 4.2 the other room of school


of room total


(pxl) condition


of room total


(pxl) condition

1. library 1 15 x 8 good 5.Lab. Bahasa 1 8 x 15 good

2. laboratory


2 15 x 8 good 6.Lab.Komputer 1 8x15 good

3. Multimedia 1 7 x 9 good 7. aula 1 12,5



4. art - - - 8. ……………

c) Data room of office

Table 4.3 room of office

Kinds of room total(buah) size (pxl) condition

1. head master 1 12x6 good

2. head master assistant - - -

3. teacher 1 12x7 good

4. administration 1 15x8 good

5. guest - - -

The other……

d) Data the other room

Table 4.4 the other room

Kinds of


total size


condition Kinds of room total size conditi


1. warehouse 3 3x3 good 9. pray of room 1 7x7 good

2. kitchen 1 3x4 good 1. koperasi 1 6x4 good

3. bathroom/

teacher 6

1,5 x

1,5 good 11. Hall/lobi - - -

4. bathroom/

students 26

1,5 x

1,5 good 12. canteen 5 4x3 good


5. BK 1 7x3 good

6. UKS 1 4x3 good


uka 1 4x3 good

8. OSIS 1 4x3 good

5. The condition of teacher SMPN 2 Ponorogo

SMPN 2 Ponorogo is supported by many professional teachers and

other expert staff that have competence in their subject matters. They also

have good skill, so that they can birth the excellent students for the future

generation in global era. They are:

a. Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan

1. Head master

Table 4.5 head master room





Kerja L P

1. Head master Dra. Asih setyowati,

M.Pd. √ S.2 32 Th

2. Head master


Sri Purwaningsih,

S.Pd. √ S.1 30 Th

3. Head master


Ninik Ernamawati,

S.Pd. √ S.1 26 Th

4. Head master


Jajun Dwi Arina,

S.Pd. √ S.1 26 Th


2. The teacher that teach related with the background of teaching

Table 4.6 data of teacher

No. teacher

Jumlah guru dengan latar

belakang pendidikan

sesuai dengan tugas


Jumlah guru dengan latar

belakang pendidikan yang

TIDAK sesuai dengan

tugas mengajar Total

D1/D2 D3/

Sarmud S1/D4 S2/S3 D1/D2


Sarmud S1/D4 S2/S3

1. IPA - - 2 3 - - 1 - 6

2. Matematika - - 6 - - - - - 6

3. Bahasa Indonesia - - 5 - - - - - 5

4. Bahasa Inggris - - 6 1 - - - - 7

5. Pendidikan Agama - - 3 1 - - - - 4

6. IPS - 1 2 3 - - - - 6

7. Penjasorkes - - 4 - - - - - 4

8. Seni Budaya 1 - 1 - - - 1 1 4

9. PKn - - 4 - - - - - 4

10. TIK/Keterampilan - - - - 1 - 1 - 2

11. BK - - 4 - - - - - 4

12. Lainnya : Bhs.

Jawa - - - 1 - - 1 - 2

13. Prakarya - - - - - - 2 - 2

Total 1 1 37 9 1 6 1 56

6. The condition` of students SMPN 2 Ponorogo

SMPN 2 Ponorogo has many students that separated into three classes.

They are seventh grade ten classes, eighth grade ten classes and ninth grade

ten classes.66

They are:


Adapted From data in smpn 2 scholl


Table 4.7 data the students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo

no grade class total of


1 seventh Class A 32 students

Class B 32 students

Class C 32 students

Class C 32 students

Class D 32 students

Class E 32 students

Class F 32 students

Class G 32 students

Class H 32 students

Class I 32 students

Class J 32 students

2 eighth Class A 30 students

Class B 30 students

Class C 30 students

Class D 30 students

Class E 30 students

Class F 30 students

Class G 30 students

Class H 30 students

Class I 30 students

Class J 30 students

3 ninth Class A 30 students

Class B 30 students

Class C 30 students

Class D 30 students

Class E 30 students

Class F 30 students

Class G 30 students

Class H 30 students

Class I 30 students

Class J 30 students


B. Data description

1. Data about the use of LCD projector media as the writing of learning.

This data is means to determine how high students of SMPN 2

Ponorogo do to the seventh grade. This data are gotten from the questionnaire

about the use of LCD projector media as writing of learning.

The score questionnaire answer is a number that is interpreted to make it

easier to understand. The questionnaire is preparing four answers are each

question, can be shown as the table: The scale which used in this

questionnaire was likert scale. The likert scale is used to measure attitude,

argument and also people perception about scale phenomena.67

In this research, to find out questionnaire score, the writer in this study

used closed questionnaire. To know use the LCD projector media in English

lesson especially in writing skill in SMPN 2 Ponorogo used questionnaire

which consist of 20 numbers and prepare 4 answers in each question that

count as follow:

(5) If the answer is Always (SL), the score is 4

(6) If the answer is Often (SR), the score is 3

(7) If the answer is Sometimes (KD), the score is 2

(8) If the answer is Never (TP), the score is 1


Ibid, 93


Table 4.8 the score of questionnaire the use LCD projector media as writing of


RSPDN Score of quistionaire

LCD media

1 54

2 60

3 64

4 67

5 73

6 70

7 59

8 67

9 69

10 63

11 59

12 75

13 61

14 59

15 75

16 57

17 75

18 75

19 73

20 66

21 70

22 61

23 69

24 66

25 69

26 68

27 65

28 66

29 41

30 38

31 39

32 35


2. Data about the writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo

This data is means to determine how high the seventh grade students

of SMPN 2 Ponorogo master of writing skill. This data are gotten from the

test of writing ability.

The test consists of 20 questions with the multiple choice kinds. The

test measures the students in master the spelling, punctuation, structure,

vocabulary, style and content. The score every item that the right answer is 5

point. So the total of score is 100.From the test can be gotten the score of

English writing skill test as follow:

Table 4.9 the result of score writing test of seventh grade students SMPN 2


RSPDN Score of writing


1 80

2 70

3 75

4 85

5 85

6 75

7 85

8 80

9 75

10 80

11 80

12 80

13 80

14 75

15 75

16 75

17 80


RSPDN Score of writing


18 85

19 75

20 85

21 80

22 85

23 80

24 50

25 85

26 55

27 75

28 80

29 75

30 40

31 35

32 40

3. Data analysis

a. The correlation between LCD Projector media and writing skill at seventh

grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo.

After collecting data the data analysis conducted by applying the

steps are follow:

1) Determining ∑x, ∑y, ∑xy, ∑x2, ∑y2

From the research the researcher get the result about the score of

LCD Projector media and writing skill at seventh grade students of

SMPN 2 Ponorogo. That can count how high the correlation of them.

The tabulate data in table contain six columns. They are:


Column 1 : series number

Column 2 : score of X variable (LCD projector media)

Column 3 : score of Y variable (writing skill)

Column 4 : score multiplication of X variable (LCD projector

media) and Y variable(writing skill)

Column 5 : square score of X variable (LCD projector media)

Column 6 : square score of Y variable (writing skill)

Table 4.10 the correlation of LCD projector media and writing skill at

seventh grade students of SMPN 2 Ponorogo.

Number X Y XY X2 Y


1 54 80 4320 2916 6400

2 60 70 4200 3600 4900

3 64 75 4800 4096 5625

4 67 85 5695 4489 7225

5 73 85 6205 5329 7225

6 70 75 5250 4900 5625

7 59 85 5015 3481 7225

8 67 80 5360 4489 6400

9 69 75 5175 4761 5625

10 63 80 5040 3969 6400

11 59 80 4720 3481 6400

12 75 80 6000 5625 6400

13 61 80 4880 3721 6400

14 59 75 4425 3481 5625

15 75 75 5625 5625 5625

16 57 75 4275 3249 5625

17 75 80 6000 5625 6400

18 75 85 6375 5625 7225

19 73 75 5475 5329 5625


Number X Y XY X2 Y


20 66 85 5610 4356 7225

21 70 80 5600 4900 6400

22 61 85 5185 3721 7225

23 69 80 5520 4761 6400

24 66 50 3300 4356 2500

25 69 85 5865 4761 7225

26 68 55 3740 4624 3025

27 65 75 4875 4225 5625

28 66 80 5280 4356 6400

29 41 75 3075 1681 5625

30 38 40 1520 1444 1600

31 39 35 1365 1521 1225

32 35 40 1400 1225 1600

Total ∑

∑X =


∑Y =


∑XY =


∑X2 =


∑Y2 =


2) Computing by applying the formula product moment correlation

To analyze the correlation between LCD Projector media and writing

skill at seventh grade of SMPN 2 Ponorogo use the product moment

formula. The rude numeral is:

Rxy = n (∑xy) - (∑x) (∑y)

√ (n (∑x2) – (∑x)2

) (n∑y2 – (∑y)2


= 32. 151170 - 2008. 2360

√ 32. 129722 – (2008)2

. 32. 180050 – (2360)2

= 4837440 – 4738880

√4151104 – 4032064 . 5761600 – 5569600

= 98560

√119040 . 192000


= 98560


= 98560


= 0.6519339853 = 0.652

3) Giving interpretation

4) Making conclusion by classify with indexes of correlation and connect

with the table of product moment. The conclusion is explained in next

discussion section.

4. Discussion / testing hypothesis and interpretation

From the calculated about the correlation between LCD Projector

media and students writing skill of the seventh grade students of SMPN 2

Ponorogo can be gotten the result of the research is 0.652 while value of rtable

at the significant standard 5% with db = N – nr = 32 – 2 = 30 found number

0.349 and with significant `1% `found 0.449. So it can be conclude rxy>rtable. The

writer takes the summary.

a. testing hypothesis

Alternative hypothesis

There is correlation between LCD projector media and students‟

writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year



b. Interpretation

Interpretation about correlation coefficients connected with the

table of product moment

3) Alternative Hypothesis

There is correlation between LCD projector media and students‟

writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year


4) Null Hypothesis

There is no correlation between LCD projector media and

students‟ writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic

year 2016/2017.

Then the writer analyzed from two hyphothesis above by using

value of rxy > rtabel with the product moment


If rxy > rtabel, so Ha is accepted

If rtabley > rxy, so Ho is rejected

From the table:

a. The significant standard 5%

Rtable : df = n – nr = 32 – 2 = 30

By checking the rtable of product moment, it can be found at the

significant standard 5% get rtable = 0.349


b. The significant standard 1%

By checking the rtable of product moment, it can be found at

the significant standard 1% `get rtable = 0.449.

From the accumulated data above, it can be found that between

LCD projector media and students writing skill at seventh grade students

of SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 2016/2017.has the positive

value or direction correlation high correlation and the correlation

coefficients rxy > rtabel.




A. Conclusion

After getting the data which has been analyzed on the previous research,

the researcher concludes about correlation between LCD projector media and

students writing skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in Academic Year of


From the last chapter, the researcher provides the conclusion:

There is correlation between LCD projector media and students writing

skill at seventh grade SMPN 2 Ponorogo in academic year 216/217. It gets from

the result of multiplication by using pattern of product moment. The correlation

value is 0.652. it is a positive correlation.

It can be proved with the result of r of product moment coefficient value

that has been gotten (rxy=0.652) is higher than r of table coefficient value either

5% table coefficient value (rt=0.349) or 1% table coefficient value (rt=0.449).

B. Sugestion

1. For Teachers

a. Teachers have to be selective on choosing a suitable method in teaching

and learning process. Teachers have to know what students need in


teaching and learning process, so that it makes students feel comfort

during teaching and learning process.

b. The use of media cannot be separated from teaching and learning process.

The use of movie is very helpful for teachers during teaching and learning

process because it can make students more interested to the material and

make students learn happily.

c. The writer hopes that teachers may create an interactive teaching and

learning process in order to make students more active in giving respond

to the material.

2. For students

a. The writer hopes that Students study more and respond in teaching and

learning process.

b. The writer hopes that Students more interested in English lesson.

c. The writer hopes that Students can improve their English ability